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2 августа 2023 в 21:37 (текущая версия от 2 августа 2023 в 21:39)
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1 Last year she was twenty two, so she is twenty three now. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it was very cold. I am hungry. Can I have something to eat? I feel fine this morning, but I was very tired last night. Where were you at eleven o'clock last Friday morning? Don't buy those shoes. They are very expensive. I like your new jacket. Was it expensive? This time last year I was in Paris. Where are Sam and Joe? I don't know. They were here a few minutes ago. We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room was very small and it wasn't clean. Mark wasn't at work last week because he was ill. He's better now. Yesterday was a public holiday, so the banks were closed. They're open today. Were Kate and Ben at the party? Kate was there, but Ben wasn't. Where are my keys? They were on the table, but they're not there now. You weren't at home last night. Where were you? Why were you late this morning? The traffic was bad. Was you exam difficult? No, it was easy. Where were Sue and Chris last week? They were on holiday. How much was you new camera? A hundred pounds. Why were you angry yesterday? Because you were late. Was the weather nice last week? Yes, it was beautiful.

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