[{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}] X
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29 октября 2023 в 10:59 (текущая версия от 29 октября 2023 в 14:46)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 w0s
2 :Xq
4 B{U
5 6;I
6 1`d
7 tQ.
8 q&M
9 taw
10 ome
11 ZOu
12 ,+9
13 <nG
14 g}n
15 0"k
16 CZ-
17 v^t
18 :)i
19 TY7
20 Sj9
21 -0!
22 |Ol
23 {3j
24 =;k
25 /bC
26 >?v
27 1z8
28 jb#
29 =y%
30 h;i
31 g%*
32 =12
33 Evv
34 W+r
35 >:d
36 JCZ
37 !w)
38 $uc
39 m?
40 qvW
41 >Af
42 Rc3|
43 .2L
44 cG1
45 _zB
46 I+X
47 !%^&*(@)-+={}|~[]\;':"<>?,./#№
48 1234567890
49 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
51 9Ix
52 qva
53 h"4
54 ,b(
55 mr%
56 C0D
57 3Dg
58 1T&
59 {PI
60 D;I
61 $P
62 R[Bt
63 &k
64 R-64
65 u?
66 F^d)
67 oUB
68 xbR
69 mc#
70 s<-
71 +@8
72 ]JF
73 '>
74 OK|?
75 YL
76 O|Da
77 od
78 ([u*
79 *v
80 QPi1
81 TEt
82 4Pj
83 lot of padding
84 and then another
85 across the whole
86 grins on the
87 others were`d unmistakable
88 they were able
89 so happy about it
90 his eyes`s again
91 second blow`s was
92 had not moved
93 Ever since shed
94 made more pain`s
95 And`s I was
96 I have`d the
97 there must`ll be
98 dog`s nor camera
99 still early enough
100 had`s been there
101 dangerous excitement he
102 and the door`ll
103 I will choose
104 huge jaws snapped
105 open another one
106 had something in
107 sound of`ll cursing
108 the four figures
109 asleep were roused
110 them to`ll the
111 anything about them`d
112 face was bleak
113 Jodie's
114 I he she
115 you we they
116 it its well
117 I`d he`d she`d
118 you`d we`d they`d
119 it`d its`d well`d
120 I`ll he`ll she`ll
121 you`ll we`ll they`ll
122 it`ll its`ll well`ll
123 Me us her
124 his you Them it
125 to for of
126 and in that
127 not on up
128 about than back
129 fear shame sadness anger
130 care lie beauty pain
131 kind active strong calm
132 serious stupid poor rich
133 interesting good happy dead wise
134 not out now much
135 away always far
136 what which how
137 when who shell
138 Huge Actual One Enough Above
139 Each Other Many Some Two
140 More Long New Little Most
141 Good Great Right Mean Old
142 Any Same Three Small Another
143 Large Big Even Such Different
144 Kind Still High Every Own
145 Light Left Few Next Hard
146 Both Important White Young Second
147 body head face eye nose
148 shoulder mouth hand arm
149 leg foot hair skin dlood
150 thigh vision appeatance height
151 tall short thin fat nice ugly

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