[{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}] X
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Dvorak: Right Hand + o
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Тренировка правой руки в раскладке Dvorak
25 мая 2015 в 21:09
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 blob
2 blobs
3 bloc
4 blocs
5 blond
6 blonds
7 blood
8 bloods
9 bloodshot
10 bloodworm
11 bloom
12 blooms
13 blossom
14 blossoms
15 blot
16 blotch
17 blots
18 blow
19 blown
20 blows
21 blowtorch
22 bob
23 bobs
24 bog
25 bogs
26 bold
27 bolt
28 bolts
29 bomb
30 bombs
31 bonbon
32 bonbons
33 bond
34 bonds
35 bong
36 bongs
37 bonn
38 bonobo
39 boo
40 booboo
41 boohoo
42 boom
43 booms
44 boon
45 boons
46 boor
47 boors
48 boos
49 boost
50 boosts
51 boot
52 booth
53 booths
54 boots
55 born
56 boron
57 borrow
58 borrows
59 bosom
60 bosoms
61 boson
62 bosons
63 boss
64 boston
65 botch
66 both
67 bottom
68 bottommost
69 bottoms
70 bow
71 bowl
72 bowls
73 bows
74 bronco
75 brooch
76 brood
77 broods
78 broom
79 brooms
80 broth
81 broths
82 brow
83 brown
84 browns
85 brows
86 chloroform
87 chord
88 chords
89 chow
90 clod
91 clods
92 clog
93 clogs
94 clot
95 cloth
96 cloths
97 clots
98 clown
99 clowns
100 cob
101 cobs
102 cocoon
103 cocoons
104 cod
105 cods
106 cog
107 cogs
108 cohort
109 cohorts
110 col
111 cold
112 colds
113 colon
114 colons
115 cols
116 colt
117 colts
118 comb
119 combs
120 comfort
121 comforts
122 common
123 commons
124 con
125 concoct
126 concocts
127 concord
128 concords
129 condor
130 condors
131 conform
132 conforms
133 confront
134 confronts
135 congo
136 cons
137 consort
138 consorts
139 contort
140 contorts
141 control
142 controls
143 coo
144 cool
145 cools
146 coon
147 coons
148 coos
149 cor
150 cord
151 cordon
152 cordons
153 cords
154 corn
155 corns
156 cosmos
157 cost
158 costs
159 cot
160 cots
161 cotton
162 cottons
163 cow
164 cowl
165 cows
166 croft
167 crofts
168 croon
169 croons
170 cross
171 crossbow
172 crossbows
173 crossword
174 crosswords
175 crotch
176 crow
177 crowd
178 crowds
179 crown
180 crowns
181 crows
182 dhow
183 do
184 doc
185 docs
186 doctor
187 doctors
188 dodo
189 dog
190 dogood
191 dogs
192 doh
193 dohs
194 doll
195 dolls
196 dolt
197 don
198 dong
199 donor
200 donors
201 dons
202 dont
203 doom
204 dooms
205 door
206 doors
207 dor
208 dot
209 dots
210 down
211 downs
212 dr
213 droll
214 drool
215 drools
216 dross
217 drown
218 drowns
219 flog
220 flogs
221 flood
222 floods
223 floor
224 floors
225 floss
226 flow
227 flown
228 flows
229 fob
230 fobs
231 fog
232 foghorn
233 foghorns
234 fogs
235 fold
236 folds
237 follow
238 follows
239 fond
240 font
241 fonts
242 food
243 foods
244 fool
245 fools
246 foot
247 foothold
248 footholds
249 foots
250 footstool
251 footstools
252 for
253 ford
254 fords
255 forgo
256 forgot
257 forlorn
258 form
259 forms
260 forsworn
261 fort
262 forth
263 forts
264 fowl
265 fowls
266 fro
267 frog
268 frogs
269 from
270 frond
271 fronds
272 front
273 fronts
274 frost
275 frosts
276 froth
277 froths
278 frown
279 frowns
280 ghost
281 ghosts
282 glob
283 gloom
284 glooms
285 gloss
286 glow
287 glows
288 glowworm
289 glowworms
290 go
291 god
292 gods
293 godson
294 godsons
295 gold
296 golds
297 golf
298 gong
299 gongs
300 goo
301 good
302 goods
303 goof
304 goofs
305 goon
306 goons
307 gorgon
308 gorgons
309 gosh
310 goslow
311 goslows
312 got
313 goth
314 goths
315 gown
316 gowns
317 grog
318 groom
319 grooms
320 gross
321 grotto
322 grow
323 growl
324 growls
325 grown
326 grows
327 growth
328 growths
329 hmm
330 ho
331 hob
332 hobo
333 hobs
334 hod
335 hog
336 hogg
337 hoggs
338 hogs
339 hold
340 holds
341 hollow
342 hollows
343 honors
344 hood
345 hoods
346 hoof
347 hoofs
348 hoot
349 hoots
350 horn
351 horns
352 horror
353 horrors
354 host
355 hosts
356 hot
357 hotdog
358 hotdogs
359 hotrod
360 how
361 howl
362 howls
363 lls
364 lob
365 lobs
366 loch
367 lochs
368 loco
369 loft
370 lofts
371 log
372 logo
373 logoff
374 logos
375 logs
376 loll
377 london
378 long
379 longlost
380 longs
381 loo
382 loom
383 looms
384 loon
385 loot
386 loots
387 lord
388 lords
389 loss
390 lost
391 lot
392 loth
393 lots
394 lotto
395 low
396 lows
397 mob
398 mobs
399 mod
400 mold
401 molds
402 molts
403 mom
404 moms
405 mongol
406 mongols
407 mono
408 monsoon
409 monsoons
410 month
411 months
412 moo
413 mood
414 moods
415 moon
416 moons
417 moonshot
418 moonshots
419 moor
420 moors
421 moos
422 moot
423 mormon
424 mormons
425 morn
426 morns
427 morocco
428 moron
429 morons
430 morrow
431 mort
432 moscow
433 moss
434 most
435 moth
436 moths
437 motocross
438 motor
439 motors
440 motto
441 mow
442 mown
443 mows
444 mr
445 mrs
446 ms
447 no
448 nod
449 nods
450 nohow
451 non
452 noon
453 noons
454 nor
455 norm
456 norms
457 north
458 not
459 notch
460 now
461 oblong
462 oblongs
463 odd
464 odds
465 of
466 off
467 offshoot
468 oft
469 oh
470 ohm
471 ohms
472 old
473 olm
474 olms
475 on
476 onto
477 ooh
478 or
479 orb
480 orbs
481 oslo
482 ow
483 owl
484 owls
485 own
486 owns
487 rho
488 rob
489 robot
490 robots
491 robs
492 roc
493 rococo
494 rocs
495 rod
496 rods
497 roll
498 rolls
499 rom
500 roo
501 roof
502 roofs
503 room
504 rooms
505 roost
506 roosts
507 root
508 roots
509 rot
510 rotor
511 rotors
512 rots
513 row
514 rows
515 school
516 schoolroom
517 schools
518 scoff
519 scold
520 scolds
521 scoot
522 scoots
523 scorch
524 scorn
525 scorns
526 scot
527 scotch
528 scots
529 scowl
530 scowls
531 scroll
532 scrolls
533 shod
534 shoo
535 shoot
536 shoots
537 shorn
538 short
539 shorts
540 shot
541 shots
542 show
543 showdown
544 shown
545 showoff
546 showroom
547 showrooms
548 shows
549 slob
550 slobs
551 slog
552 slogs
553 slosh
554 slot
555 sloth
556 sloths
557 slots
558 slow
559 slowdown
560 slows
561 smog
562 smogs
563 smooch
564 smooth
565 smooths
566 snob
567 snobs
568 snort
569 snorts
570 snow
571 snows
572 snowstorm
573 snowstorms
574 so
575 sob
576 sobs
577 sod
578 sodom
579 sods
580 soft
581 softwood
582 soh
583 sold
584 solo
585 son
586 song
587 songs
588 sons
589 soon
590 soot
591 soots
592 sorrow
593 sorrows
594 sort
595 sorts
596 sos
597 soso
598 sot
599 sotho
600 sow
601 sown
602 sows
603 stood
604 stool
605 stools
606 storm
607 storms
608 stow
609 stows
610 stroll
611 strolls
612 strong
613 stronghold
614 strongholds
615 strongroom
616 swoon
617 swoons
618 sword
619 swords
620 sworn
621 swot
622 swots
623 thong
624 thongs
625 thor
626 thorn
627 thorns
628 throb
629 throbs
630 throng
631 throngs
632 throw
633 thrown
634 throws
635 to
636 tog
637 togo
638 togs
639 tolbooth
640 told
641 toll
642 tolls
643 tomb
644 tombs
645 tomorrow
646 tomorrows
647 tomtom
648 ton
649 tongs
650 tons
651 too
652 tool
653 tools
654 toot
655 tooth
656 torch
657 torn
658 toronto
659 torso
660 torts
661 toss
662 tot
663 tots
664 tow
665 town
666 towns
667 tows
668 trod
669 troll
670 trolls
671 trot
672 trots
673 two
674 twofold
675 volt
676 volts
677 voodoo
678 vow
679 vows
680 who
681 whom
682 whoosh
683 whorls
684 wold
685 wolds
686 wolf
687 womb
688 wombs
689 won
690 wont
691 woo
692 wood
693 woods
694 woodworm
695 woof
696 wool
697 wools
698 woos
699 word
700 words
701 world
702 worlds
703 worm
704 worms
705 worn
706 worst
707 worth
708 wow
709 wows
710 wrong
711 wrongs
712 zoo
713 zoom
714 zooms
715 zoos

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