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my book bible
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Книга - "Моя книга библейских рассказов" - издана Свидетелями Иеговы
1 мая 2016 в 14:01
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619 отрывков, 283994 символа
1 xy C H A P T E R 1 vw
man lived in heaven before being born on earth. In heaven Jesus
had been a good Son, one who listened to his Father. Jesus was
therefore able to teach people what he had learned from God.
By listening to your father and mother, you can copy Jesus.
Another reason why Jesus was a Great Teacher is that he
loved people. He wanted to help people learn about God.
2 Jesus
loved grown-ups, but he loved children too. And children liked
to be with Jesus because he would talk to them and listen
to them.
One day some
parents brought their
young children to Jesus.
But his friends thought
that the Great Teacher was too
busy to speak with little children.
So they told them to go away. But what did Jesus say?—
Jesus said: "Let the young children come to me; do not try
to stop them." Yes, Jesus wanted the young children to come to
3 So even though he was a very wise and important man,
Jesus took time to teach little children.—Mark 10:13, 14.
Why did children
like to be with Jesus?
Do you know why Jesus taught children and listened to
them? One reason is that he wanted to make them happy by
telling them things about God, his heavenly Father. How can
you make people happy?— By telling them things that you have
learned about God.
4 One time, Jesus used a little child to teach His friends an
important lesson. He took the child and stood him in the middle
of His disciples, who were His followers. Then Jesus said
that these grown men must change their ways and become like
this little one.
What did Jesus mean when he said that? Do you know how
a grown man, or even a little older child, should become like
a small child?— Well, a small child does not know as much as
an older person and is willing to learn.
5 So Jesus was saying that
his disciples need to be humble, as small children are. Yes, we
can all learn many things from other people. And we should all
realize that the teachings of Jesus are more important
than our own ideas.—Matthew 18:1-5.
Another reason why Jesus was such a
Great Teacher is that he knew how to
make things interesting to people. He
explained things in a simple, clear way.
He spoke about birds and flowers and
other ordinary things to help people
understand about God.
6 What lesson can older children and
grown-ups learn from a small child?
One day when Jesus was on a mountainside, many people
came to him. Jesus sat down and gave a talk, or sermon, to them,
as you can see here. This talk is called the Sermon on the
Mount. He said: Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant
seed. They do not store food in houses. But God in heaven feeds
7 Are you not worth more than they are?'
Jesus also said: Take a lesson from the lilies of the field. They
grow without working. And see how beautiful they are! Even
rich King Solomon was not dressed more beautifully than the
lilies of the field. So if God takes care of the flowers that grow,
will he not also take care of you?'—Matthew 6:25-33.
Do you understand the lesson Jesus was teaching?— He did
not want us to worry about where we would get food to eat or
clothes to put on.
8 God knows that we need all those things.
What lesson was Jesus teaching
when he spoke of birds and flowers?
Jesus did not say that we should not work for food and clothing.
But he said that we should put God first. If we do that, God will
see to it that we have food to eat and clothing to wear. Do you
believe that?—
When Jesus finished talking, what did the people think?—
The Bible says that they were amazed at his way of teaching.
9 It was very interesting to listen to him. What he said helped
people to do what is right.—Matthew 7:28.
"This is my Son . . .
Listen to him"
So it is very important that we learn from Jesus. Do you know
how we can do that?— Well, we have his sayings written in
a book. Do you know what that book is?— It is the Holy Bible.
This means we can listen to Jesus by paying attention to the
things that we read in the Bible.
10 In fact, the Bible has an exciting
story about how God himself told us to listen to Jesus.
Let's see what happened.
One day Jesus took three of his friends high up into a mountain.
Their names were James, John, and Peter. We will learn
a lot more about these men later on, since all three of them were
close friends of Jesus. But on this special occasion, Jesus' face
began to shine brightly. And his clothes became as brilliant
as light, as you can see here.

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