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5 октября 2016 в 05:40
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 align-content: flex-start center flex-end space-between space-around stretch
2 align-content: flex-start center flex-end space-between
3 space-around stretch
4 align-self: auto flex-start flex-end center baseline stretch
5 all: initial inherit unset
6 animation
7 animation-delay: time
8 animation-direction: normal alternate reverse alternate-reverse
9 animation-duration: time
10 animation-iteration-count: infinite number
11 animation-fill-mode: none forwards backwards both
12 animation-name: none name @keyframes name { from { ... } to { ... }
13 animation-play-state: running paused
14 animation-timing-function: ease ease-in ease-out ease-in-out step-start step-end steps cubic-bezier
15 background
16 background-attachment: fixed scroll local
17 background-clip: padding-box border-box content-box
18 background-color: color transparent
19 background-visibility: visible hidden
20 background-origin: padding-box border-box content-box
21 background-size: size percentage auto cover contain
22 background-image: url none
23 background-position: left center right and top center bottom
24 background-repeat: no-repeat repeat repeat-x repeat-z space round
25 border
26 border-bottom
27 border-left
28 border-right
29 border-top
30 border-color: color transparent
31 border-img: none url number percentage width stretch repeat round
32 border-radius: number percentage
33 border-style: none hidden dotted dashed solid double groove ridge
34 border-width
35 border-collapse: collapse separate inherit
36 border-spacing
37 box-shadow: none inset h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color
38 box-sizing: content-box border-box
39 bottom
40 caption-side: top bottom
41 clear: none left right both
42 clip: rect outo
43 column-count: number outo
44 column-fill: auto balance balance-all
45 column-gap: size normal
46 column-rule: width style color
47 column-rule-color: color
48 column-rule-style: none hidden dotted dashed double groove ridge inset outset
49 column-rule-width: size thin medium thick
50 column-span: none all
51 column-width: size auto
52 columns: column-width column-count
53 color: tomato skyblue gold
54 color: tomato skyblue gold
55 color: tomato skyblue gold
56 color: tomato skyblue gold
57 color: tomato skyblue gold
58 color: tomato skyblue gold
59 content
60 counter-increment
61 counter-reset
62 cursor: pointer
63 direction: rtl
64 display: block inline inline-block inline-table inline-flex flex list-item none ...
65 flex: flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis
66 flex-basis: auto width
67 flex-direction: row row-reverse column column-reverse
68 flex-flow: flex-direction flex-wrap
69 flex-grow: number
70 flex-shrink: number
71 flex-wrap: nowrap wrap wrap-reverse
72 empty-cells: show hidden
73 float: left right none
74 font-family: arial
75 font-kerning: auto normal none
76 font-stretch
77 font-size
78 font-style: italic normal oblique
79 font-variant: small-caps
80 font-weight: bold
81 height
82 hyphens: none manual auto
83 image-rendering: auto crisp-edges pixelated
84 justify-content: flex-start flex-end center space-between space-around
85 letter-spacing: size normal
86 left
87 letter-spacing
88 line-height: size normal
89 list-style: none
90 list-style-image: url
91 list-style-position: inside
92 list-style-type: decimal circle disc square armenian
93 margin
94 margin-bottom
95 margin-left
96 margin-right
97 margin-top
98 marks: crop cross none
99 max-height
100 max-width
101 object-fit: fill contain cover none
102 opacity
103 order
104 orphans: 3
105 outline
106 outline-color
107 outline-style
108 outline-width
109 overflow: auto hidden scroll visible
110 overflow-x
111 overflow-y
112 padding
113 padding-top
114 padding-right
115 padding-bottom
116 padding-left
117 perspective: none size
118 perspective-origin: percentage size left center top bottom and again
119 pointer-events: auto none
120 position: absolute fixed relative static sticky
122 resize: none both horizontal vertical
123 tab-size: number
124 table-layout: auto fixed
125 text-align: center justify felt right start end
126 text-align: start end left right center justify
127 text-decoration: text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-decoration-color
128 text-decoration-color
129 text-decoration-line: line-through overline underline none
130 text-decoration-style: solid double dotted dashed wavy
131 text-indent
132 text-overflow: clip ellipsis
133 text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur-radius color none inherit initial
134 text-transform: capitalize lowercase uppercase none
135 transform: rotate(deg) scale translate perspective
136 transform-origin
137 transform-style: flat preserve-3d
138 transition: transition-property transition-duration transition-timing-function transition-delay
139 transition-delay: time
140 transition-duration: time
141 transition-property: none all name
142 transition-timing-function: ease ease-in ease-out ease-it-out step-start step-end cubic-bezier
143 unicode-bidi: normal embed bidi-override
144 user-select: auto none text all contain
145 vertical-align: baseline bottom middle sub super text-bottom text-top top
146 visibility: visible hidden collapse
147 white-space: normal nowrap pre pre-line pre-wrap
148 widows
149 word-break: normal break-all keep-all
150 word-spacing
151 word-wrap
152 writing-mode: horizontal-tb vertical-rl vertical-lr sideways-rl sideways-lr
153 z-index
154 zoom

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