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1000 frequent words
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Тысяча слов из частотного словаря английского языка. Взято из http://klavogonki.ru/vocs/699/ с модификацией слов с апострофами и еще некоторыми коррекциями, плюс переделано на американский вариант (labor, color, behavior)
16 августа 2010 в 18:50 (текущая версия от 16 августа 2010 в 19:13)
Тип словаря:
Текст для игры будет составляться из слов, перемешанных в случайном порядке.
the of and a in to it is to was I for that you he be with on by at have are not this John's but had they his from she that which or we let's an didn't haven't were as do been their has would there what will all if can her said who one so up as them some when could him into its then two out time my about did your now me no other only just more these also people know any first see very new may well should her like than how get way one our made got after think between many years I've you've those go being because down you're we're yeah three good back make such on there through year over I'll we'll you'll they'll must still even take too more here own come last does oh say no going I'm work where us government same man might day yes however put world over another in want as life most against again never under old much something Mr. why each while house part number out of found off different went really thought came used children always four where without give few within about system local place great during although small before look next when case end things social most find group quite mean five party every company women says important took much men information 1 per cent both national often seen given school fact money told away high point night state business second British need taken done right having thing looked London area perhaps head water right family long hand like already possible nothing yet large left side asked set whether days mm home called John development week such as use country power later almost young council himself of course far both use room together tell little political before able become six general service eyes members since times problem anything market towards court public others face full doing war car felt police keep held problems road probably help interest available law best form looking early making today mother saw knew education work actually policy ever so at least office am research feel big body door let Britain name person services months report question using health turned lot million main though words enough child less book period until several sure father for example level control known society major seemed around began itself themselves minister economic wanted upon areas after therefore woman England city community only including centre gave job among position effect likely real clear staff black kind read provide particular became line moment international action special difficult certain particularly either open management taking across idea further whole age process act around evidence view better off mind sense rather seems believe morning third else half white death sometimes thus brought getting church ten shall try behind heard God table change support back sort Mrs. whose industry ago free care so that order century range European gone yesterday training working ask street home word groups history central all study usually remember trade hundred program food committee air hours experience rate hands indeed sir language land result course someone everything certainly based team section leave trying coming similar once minutes authority human changes little cases common role data datum true Europe necessary nature class reason long saying town show subject voice companies since because of simply especially department single short personal as well as pay value member started run patients paper private seven UK eight systems herself practice wife price type seem figure former rather than lost right need matter decision bank countries until makes union terms financial needed south university club president friend parents quality building north stage meeting foreign soon strong situation comes late bed recent date low US concerned girl hard American David according to as if twenty higher tax used production various understand led bring schools ground conditions secretary weeks clearly bad art start up to include poor hospital friends decided shown music month English tried game May anyone wrong ways chapter followed cost play present love issue at all goes described more than award Mr. king royal results workers April expected amount students despite knowledge June moved news light March approach lord p. cut basis hair required further paid series better before field allowed easy kept questions natural live future rest project greater feet meet simple died for happened added manager computer security near met evening means round carried hear bit heart forward sent above attention labor story structure move agreed nine letter individual force studies movement account per call board success French following considered current everyone fire agreement please boy capital stood analysis whatever population modern theory books stop in order legal Scotland material son received model chance environment finally performance sea rights growth authorities provided nice whom produced relationship talk turn built final east talking fine worked west parties size record red close property myself example space giving normal nor reached buy serious quickly Peter along plan behavior France recently term previous couple included pounds anyway cup treatment energy total thank director prime levels significant issues sat income top choice away from costs design pressure scheme July change a bit list suddenly continue technology hall takes ones details happy consider won defense following parts loss industrial activities throughout spent outside teachers generally opened floor round activity hope points association nearly United allow rates sun army sorry wall hotel forces contract dead Paul stay reported as well hour difference meant summer county specific numbers wide appropriate husband top played relations Dr. figures chairman set lower product color ideas George St. look arms obviously unless produce changed season developed unit appear investment Soviet test basic write village reasons military original successful garden effects each other aware yourself exactly help suppose showed style employment passed appeared de page hold suggested Germany continued October offered products popular science New window expect hon. beyond resources rules professional announced economy picture okay needs doctor maybe events a little direct gives advice running circumstances sales risk interests September dark event thousand involved written park returned ensure America fish wish opportunity commission won't can't

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