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Common English
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English #2
14 октября 2019 в 14:51 (текущая версия от 29 ноября 2019 в 04:47)
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
usual, common
1 A few years ago I had a roommate who was a French guy. He was learning English and occasionally asked me to clarify some differences. One question he asked me was the difference between "common" and "usual". I was stumped, and it has bugged me ever since.
2 To be simple, we would use 'common' to refer to something that is numerous, while 'usual' would refer to something that is regular. Therefore, "He usually goes to Church on Sundays.", "Commonly, people go to Church on Sundays." In the first, we are discussing this man's routine. In the second we are discussing the number of people that partake in the activity.
3 The wagons are drawn by yokes of oxen, some of two and others of three, and all without horns, for they have no horns, owing to the cold. In these wagons the women live, but the men are carried about on horses, and the sheep, oxen, and horses accompany them.
4 In Ukraine, the ongoing process of land reform will pose the greatest challenge for nature conservation as for most new land owners short-term exploitation of their natural resources is of greater interest rather than their long-term sustainable use and conservation.

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