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English prepositions. Verb + preposition. 4
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4 декабря 2019 в 01:00 (текущая версия от 6 августа 2021 в 00:04)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
Источник: Test your prepositions (Watcyn-Jones & Allsop, 1990, 2001)
1 The Hotel's fire regulations have been translated into eighteen languages. To translate into.
2 As it was getting late, we decided to book into the nearest hotel. To book into.
3 "My coffee tastes of garlic!" "You're lucky, mine has no taste at all." To taste of.
4 I was accused of cheating in the examination, just because I had made a few notes on the back of my hand. To accuse of.
5 If there are any personnel problems in the factory, the boss always asks her deputy to deal with them. To deal with.
6 The English grumble about the weather, but secretly they don't mind their climate because they love complaining. To grumble about.
7 I am surrounded by idiots. To be surrounded by.
8 The teacher insists on calling me "Ghengis", even though my real name is "Attila". To insist on.
9 Michael trained as a psychiatrist, and he now specializes in mental disorders of the very rich. To specialize in.
10 Sylvia is always ready to help people: you can count on her to help out in a crisis. To count on.
11 Scientists are unable to account for the hole in the ozone layer, although some people believe that aerosols are to blame. To account for.
12 Passengers are kindly requested to refrain from smoking. To refrain from.
13 David's a bit odd, isn't he? He actually prefers rain to sunshine. To prefer something to something.
14 A "hide away" is a place where you go so that nobody will find you. To hide away.
15 We travelled to France on the ferry. To travel to a place.
16 Stop yelling at me! I'm not deaf, you know. To yell at somebody.
17 She shared her birthday cake among her friends. To share something among somebody.
18 I don't like being in a crowded theatre, so I always try to sit near an exit. To sit near something.
19 The driver lost control of his car and crashed into a lamppost. To crash into something.
20 Both the candidates were so well qualified that it was very difficult to choose between them. To choose between somebody or between something.
21 If you don't agree with the verdict of the court you can always appeal against it. To appeal against something.
22 The next train for Stansted airport will depart from platform one. To depart from a place.
23 What do you get if you multiply two by two? Four. To multiply a number by a number.
24 Let me just make a note of your e-mail address and I'll send you an e-mail as soon as I get home. To make a note of some information.
25 My job is very international. I work with people from all over the world. To work with somebody.
26 We went under the bridge to shelter from the rain. To shelter from something.
27 Don't cry for me, I'll be back home at the end of the semester. To cry for something.
28 If it's too small you can always go back to the shop and exchange it for a larger one. To exchange something for something else.
29 I have a poor memory so I have to write everything down in this little book. To write something down.
30 Everybody complains about the service in this restaurant. To complain about something.
31 Very few prisoners ever managed to escape from Devil's Island. To escape from something.
32 Milk will soon go off in hot weather. To go off.
33 Switch the light off: it's more fun in the dark. To switch off.
34 I ran over a cat when I was driving to work this morning. I felt really bad about it. To run over.
35 Tell me about your date with Dave. I want to hear ALL the details. To tell about.
36 After a long dry spell, everybody longs for a really heavy shower of rain. To long for something.
37 Has Michael invited you to his party on Saturday? To invite somebody to an event.
38 You remind me of my father: he has big ears just like yours! To remind of somebody.
39 Don't try to blame me for the accident! I wasn't even here when it happened. To blame for something.
40 He was very shy and didn't like mixing with people, especially strangers. To mix with somebody.
41 Would you like one of these cakes? They're left over from yesterday's birthday party. To leave over.
42 Does the River Thames flow into the North Sea or the English Channel? To flow into a body water.
43 The judge sentenced him to six months' imprisonment. To sentence somebody to a particular legal penalty.
44 Don't leave your bike out in the rain: it will get rusty. To leave something out.
45 Hold on tight, the bus is about to move. To hold on.

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