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Программирование (полный)
(1)       Использует 101 человек


ZhenyaZERO 7 сентября 2015
mivulf 9 марта 2011
Словарь находится в стадии разработки :)
Если хотите добавить слово - напишите тут, какое.
Если хотите исправить ошибку, которую заметили - тоже пишите тут.

Написать тут
Самый расширенный вариант :) Все слова, которые только могут быть.
9 марта 2011 в 21:25 (текущая версия от 11 марта 2011 в 08:27)
Тип словаря:
Текст для игры будет составляться из слов, перемешанных в случайном порядке.
namespace const struct int void double using typedef class inline force public virtual protected friend array delete cstddef limits climits cfloat cstdlib new typeinfo exception cstdarg csetjmp ctime csignal cstdlib stdexcept cassert cerrno utility functional memory ctime string string cctype cwctype cstring cwchar cstdlib locale clocale deque list queue stack vector map set bitset iterator algorithm cstdlib complexvalarray numeric cmath cstdlib iosfwd iostream ios streambuf istream ostream iomanip sstream cstdlib fstream cstdio cwchar printf return main export borland builder cout cin java print true false from import help except try else if finally raise xrange staticmethod def pass case lambda python java pascal perl php py ruby scala pypy cpython ironpython haskell fac tail mod div type date do while deriving where webbits hxt git gitit haxml tex latex pugs language local global object extended signed usigned hello world program end begin shortint longint vim vivim msvc boolean string char byte bool var function repeat until else reset reboot set man ls cd unit interface implementation initialization finalization procedure delphi pas property myobj midletpascal application microsoft windows linux ubuntu user manual iso txt code turbo cpp c values sub use regexp abc perl test system open write kill unlink do it wait sleep exit crypt select die pspad jedit geany ide notepad php sybase odbc msql cookies map lamp gui echo body html title head float null resource closure callback obj globals server env get put post files cookie request session private public hiphop ripp pear drupal habr framework oak card static dynamic foo foobar math match sin land io rmi jdk ee cdk marf jdom end puts gets index include count group raise rescue ensure irb komodo eclipse visual studio xcode binding data dir log method module numeric thread proc time unbound symbol doc sketch rpg maker solver solve rus eng create alter drop select insert update delete grant revoke deny commit rollback savepoint sql entry full lite intermediate transitional oracle apple iphone ibm option code push call eax offset dd lib model casemap none stdcall flat matplotlib putchar getchar strlen memset memcpy matlab database toolbox fuzzy logic twitter gnu freebsd instance color implementation job evaluation name age objc msg send setpos list ptr debug advanced fun power basic fortran dec dos real dimension allocate parser navigation sections vowels rectangles screenshot logo forth erlang action script javascript js prolog function ls ls -al cd pwd mkdir rm su rm -r cp cp -r mv ifconfig mount ln -s touch cat > ps top kill bg fg chmod locate find date cal uptime w whoami uname -a man df du free ping whois wget wget -c configure make make install dpkg -i rpm -uvh chown grep awk echo evn file lshw lspci ipcs reboot shutdown passwd sudo tty fsck if else while end foreach for close open file function class protected public private hello world gcc create destroy construct destruct free alloc malloc local global struct enum const static declare include after before push pop goto get lor bash set find this query mysql lib time round math floor save cache strlen strpos string array new object void int short long long long uint double float bool char string vector map list queue const volatile extern static if else switch for return do while break main include sizeof ifdef ifndef undef typedef enum throw catch using namespace mutable public private new delete operator assert efine iostream iterator ctype stack stdlib stdio stdexcept at case this goto list long not or and protected public class friend private queue set try stream gentoo ololo dvd dnd away afk sdk devkit gamedev development developer software hardware ddk theme directx opera firefox chrome android adobe flex bada source device api driver net dot com slackware warez physics engine yandex google windows os macos mac org lj gmail email mailru web site powershell ps gps gprs navigate popup menu table break case char continue default define double exit float int long return sizeof typedef union unsigned void def let lambda var mov lea cmp cmov* j* test ptr action accept add addftinfo addr addressexpr admin aj alias all allow apropos apt arch archive args ascii at atime aug av awk az backup badblocks bak banner basename bash bin blank bs bunzip bz bzcat bzip cache cal captoinfo cat cd cdrecord cdrecorder cdrom cf chage changelog chattr checkchecksig chgrp new newgrp nice nl nmblookup nodeeps nohup nologin now nr nslookup null od of open output outputfile package pacman page paranoia parents pass passwd password paste pathchk perm pfbtops pgawk pic pid ping pinky pop port post postrouting pr pre prefix prerouting print printenv printf proc process promisc ps pstree ptx pubkey public puf putclip pwck pwd qa qc qf qg qi ql qp query rar rambler readlink readshortcut realpath reboot rebuild recode recover redhat refer regtool remove reset restore rev rf rl rltest rlversion rm rmdir rn rogpav route rpm rpmbuild rpms rr rsync rwx scan scanbus scripts sda sdiff search sed semstat semtool seq setfacl sh sha share shells shmtool show shred shutdown size sk sleep smartctl smb smbclient smbfs smbget soelim sort split src ssh ssp stat strace string stty sum sun swapon swaps sync sys system tac tack tail tar target tbl tcp tcpdump tee telinit telnet test testdbm testgdbm testndbm texindex tf tfmtodit tic tmp to toe toencoding tool top touch tput tr tree troff true tset tsort tt tty tup tupl tv txt type ugo umount uname unexpand uniq unix unlink unrar unzip update upgrade upper uptime usbdisk user useradd userdel usermod username users usr va var vdir version vfat vp watch wc wget whatis whatprovides whatrequires whereis which who whoami whois winclient http https word www xargs xdev xf xvf xvfj xvfz yes yum zcat zip chmod chown chroot infokey infotocap init input inputfile install installed interrupts ip ipcrm ipcs iptables ipv iso ivh iwconfig iwlist join jpg key keyword kill km last ldd leading less lessecho lesskey lh link linux list lkbib ln lnk loadgdbm local localinstall locate log login logname logout lookbib loop lower lpr ls lsattr lsmod lsof lspc lsr lstree lsusb make makeinfo man manpath masquerade maxdepth mcookie md media meminfo messages mii mkbootdisk mkdir mke mkfifo mkfs kgroup mkisofs mknod mkpasswd mkshortcut mkswap mktemp mnt moon more mount mounts msdos msgtool mtime mv name namei nat nbtscan net netmask netstat 54 chsh cksum clean clearn clock cmp col colcrt colrm column columns com comm conf contents conv convert count cp cpio cpuinfo csplit cut cv cvf cvfj cvfz cygcheck cygpath cygstart daemons date dc dd ddate deb del delete destination dev device df dhclient diff dir dircolors directories directory dirname dmesg dmidecode dnat dos dosfsck dots dpkg dport drop du dump dumper dumpgdbm eafw echo editrights eject env environment eqn etc eth ethtool exampe example exec expand ext extract factor false fast fd fdformat file filedos fileman files fileunix filter find floppy fmt fold force forest forward free from fromencoding fs fsck ftp fuser gateway gawk get getclip getfacl getopt go gpg gracetime grep grn grodvi groff grohtml grolbp grolj grops grotty group groupadd groupdel groupmod grpck gunzip gw gz gzip halt hda hdb hdc hdparm head headers hh history home host hostid hostname hpftodit html http httpd iconv id if ifconfig ifdown ifup import indxbib info infocmp

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