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the end of programming
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the end of programming
26 января 2024 в 19:07 (текущая версия от 26 января 2024 в 19:07)
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the end of programming
50 отрывков, 25212 символов
1 the end of programming is within sight I wish this were hyperbole when I first started doing the research for this video I had a very different idea of what the outcome was going to be but after thinking through this so much doing a bunch of research I have come to the conclusion that programming as we know it is going to die and I'm going to explain how I arrived at that reasoning and I'm going to show you exactly why I think that way so let's go through it if you want to find the slides in this.
2 video I'll drop them in the description below and if you disagree with with anything in the slides please let me know in the comments first I want to give a shout out to Matt Welsh who did an incredible talk called large language models and the end of programming and if you haven't seen it I'll link it in the description below I definitely recommend checking it out I was very inspired by it I want to start with three things that I know to be true first coding is by far the best skill set that I ever.
3 learned now I started my programming career back when I was in high school and I was always obsessed with video games and and computers and I wanted to know how they worked and the idea that I could build my own video game blew my mind and so I did everything I could to learn how to code myself and when I got a little bit older right out of college coding allowed me to take my ideas and build whatever I wanted and I didn't have to rely on anybody else and this was really key I was always thinking.
4 of new ideas and wanted to build something and having to rely on somebody else to build my vision just did not work for me and I could really build as quickly as my passion drove me to do so and that led me after multiple failed startups to one that was actually successful my previous company called sonar I started sonar by myself wrote all of the initial code got the first customers and then of course I brought on an incredible team to help me build it into what it became but it all started with.
5 a conversation with a friend of mine who had this problem and I told them hey let me try to solve that for you using software and that led to the next 10 years of my life building out that company but the key is I was able to just have a conversation and then in the same day I was building the second thing I know for sure coding is very hard even after 20 plus years of doing it it is extremely difficult for me I mean python package management continues to be the bane of my existence and it seems.
6 to be hard for most people for those who can get over the fear of even starting to learn it there's a huge learning CR nerve coding requires you to think through every possible permutation of a problem for in some cases extremely complex systems and then you have to write down all of these instructions in a language that is very foreign and doesn't come naturally and of course bugs are really hard to see when you're actually in the code and number three because of everything I mentioned humans are.
7 just really bad at coding at least most are the human brain isn't really wired to keep every single edge case every every single permutation of a complex system that's why we write code in little batches and then try to put all of these different batches together and if you think coding was hard today you have no idea how hard coding was back in the day look at these two pictures on the left we have computers that basically took up entire rooms and then on the right software had to be actually physically.
8 punched into these cards and then it got a little easier of course we started with brittle unforgiving syntax manual memory management and thinking about every single bite but it got easier we have now expressive languages Dynamic languages metaprogramming automatic memory management and a wide range of very powerful tools to help us because we are so bad at coding look at what we started with on the left we have assembly code and it is not friendly to humans then we got basic and it became a little.
9 bit easier you can start to see it looks a little bit like natural language then we had C and Java JavaScript and things became easier and we had more libraries and we were able to have objectoriented programming and we started to craft programming in a way that made it easier for humans to understand and now we have more modern programming languages like Python and go which if you look at them they look pretty similar to natural language obviously not perfect and if you miss a character here and.
10 there the software is still not going to work but it is definitely a lot better than it used to be we've even had enormous advancements en coding tools so we have better idees and Engineers can have every customization that they could possibly think of we have linters we have Cloud editors so you can collaborate with other people anywhere in the world versioning so we can keep track of where we are in our progress we can also revert changes if we make a mistake we have automation we have tests we.

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