[{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}] X
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Python programming
(1)       Использует 41 человек


Ни одного комментария.
Написать тут
This dictionary contains words from Python, Django, Git, Bash.
29 февраля 2024 в 13:31 (текущая версия от 6 декабря 2024 в 01:08)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
This dictionary contains words that are used for Python programming, such as keywords, built-in functions, and data type methods.
Also dictionary contains keywords from related technologies like Git, Bash, Django.
1 python
2 python3
3 py
4 py3
5 and
6 as
7 assert
8 break
9 class
10 continue
11 def
12 elif
13 else
14 except
15 False
16 finally
17 for
18 from
19 global
20 if
21 import
22 is
23 in
24 lambda
25 None
26 nonlocal
27 not
28 or
29 pass
30 raise
31 return
32 True
33 try
34 while
35 with
36 yield
37 abs
38 aiter
39 all
40 anext
41 any
42 ascii
43 bin
44 bool
45 breakpoint
46 bytearray
47 bytes
48 callable
49 chr
50 classmethod
51 compile
52 complex
53 delattr
54 dict
55 dir
56 divmod
57 enumerate
58 eval
59 exec
60 filter
61 float
62 format
63 frozenset
64 getattr
65 globals
66 hasattr
67 hash
68 help
69 hex
70 id
71 input
72 int
73 isinstance
74 issubclass
75 iter
76 len
77 list
78 locals
79 map
80 max
81 memoryview
82 min
83 next
84 object
85 oct
86 open
87 ord
88 pow
89 print
90 properly
91 range
92 repr
93 reversed
94 round
95 set
96 setattr
97 slice
98 sorted
99 staticmethod
100 str
101 sum
102 super
103 tuple
104 type
105 vars
106 zip
107 append
108 clear
109 copy
110 count
111 extend
112 index
113 insert
114 pop
115 remove
116 reverse
117 sort
118 clear
119 copy
120 fromkeys
121 get
122 items
123 keys
124 pop
125 popitem
126 setdefault
127 update
128 values
129 add
130 clear
131 copy
132 difference
133 discard
134 intersection
135 isdisjoint
136 issubset
137 issuperset
138 pop
139 remove
140 symmetric
141 union
142 update
143 count
144 index
145 git
146 status
147 log
148 commit
149 clone
150 push
151 merge
152 rebase
153 reset
154 revert
155 hard
156 soft
157 mixed
158 oneline
159 graph
160 decorate
161 -m
162 -n
163 -i
164 HEAD
165 bash
166 shell
167 ls
168 -la
169 rm
170 -rf
171 code
172 exit
173 sudo
174 apt
175 dpkg
176 django
177 projects
178 localhost
179 .com
180 gmail
181 google
182 manage.py
183 django-admin
184 createsuperuser
185 changepassword
186 remove_stale_contenttypes
187 check
188 compilemessages
189 createcachetable
190 dbshell
191 diffsettings
192 dumpdata
193 flush
194 inspectdb
195 loaddata
196 makemessages
197 makemigrations
198 migrate
199 optimizemigration
200 sendtestemail
201 shell
202 showmigrations
203 sqlflush
204 sqlmigrate
205 sqlsequencereset
206 squashmigrations
207 startapp
208 startproject
209 test
210 testserver
211 clearsessions
212 collectstatic
213 findstatic
214 runserver
215 makefile
216 make
217 docker
218 dockerignore
219 compose
220 include
221 path
222 re_path

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