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А.Альбов Письмо.
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А.Альбов "Письмо зарубежному партнёру". Словарь обязателен для изучения менеджерами ВЭД. Объем для 1 года работы: 300 текстов на средней скорости 150. Для 2 года работы: 1000 текстов на средней скорости 220.
29 марта 2011 в 20:58 (текущая версия от 19 апреля 2011 в 13:06)
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
1 В ответ на ваше письмо от дата.
In response to your letter of date.
In response to your letter of date.
In response to your letter of date.
2 В отношении вашего письма, датированного.
With reference to your letter dated.
With reference to your letter dated.
With reference to your letter dated.
3 В отношении последнего абзаца вашего письма.
With regard to the last paragraph of your letter.
With regard to the last paragraph of your letter.
4 Как утверждается в вашем письме от дата.
As your letter of date stated.
As your letter of date stated.
As your letter of date stated.
5 В продолжение моего письма от дата.
Following upon to letter of date.
Following upon to letter of date.
Following upon to letter of date.
6 В дополнение к нашему письму, датированному. мы рады сообщить, что.
Further to our letter dated. we are pleased to advice that.
Further to our letter dated. we are pleased to advice that.
Further to our letter dated. we are pleased to advice that.
7 Прошу вернуться к Вашему письму от дата и моему от дата.
Please refer to your letter of date and mine of date.
Please refer to your letter of date and mine of date.
Please refer to your letter of date and mine of date.
8 Ссылаясь на нашу переписку в отношении и в особенности на наше последнее письмо от дата.
May I refer to our exchange of correspondence regarding smb, and particularly to our last letter of date.
May I refer to our exchange of correspondence regarding smb, and particularly to our last letter of date.
9 Спасибо за письмо от дата, касающееся.
Thank you for your letter of date, regarding.
Thank you for your letter of date, regarding.
Thank you for your letter of date, regarding.
10 Большое спасибо за Ваше любезное и теплое письмо от дата, которое я получил дата.
Many thanks for your kind and warm letter of date, which I received date.
Many thanks for your kind and warm letter of date, which I received date.
11 Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего письма от дата.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your date letter.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your date letter.
12 Для нас было большим удовольствием получить Ваше письмо от дата.
It was a great pleasure for us to receive your letter of date.
It was a great pleasure for us to receive your letter of date.
13 Ваше письмо от дата было для нас приятным сюрпризом.
It was indeed a very pleasant surprise to receive your letter of date.
It was indeed a very pleasant surprise to receive your letter of date.
14 Мы только что получили Ваше любезное письмо от дата, касающееся.
We just recently received your gracious letter of date regarding.
We just recently received your gracious letter of date regarding.
15 Было приятно получить Ваше письмо от дата, которое, увы, пришло к нам только сейчас.
It was pleased to receive your letter of date which has, in fact, only just arrived.
It was pleased to receive your letter of date which has, in fact, only just arrived.
16 Спасибо за письмо от дата, которое по каким-то неизвестным причинам дошло до нас только дата.
Thank you for your letter of date, which for some unknown reason, did not reach us until date.
Thank you for your letter of date, which for some unknown reason, did not reach us until date.
17 Извините меня пожалуйста за то, что не ответил раньше на Ваше любезное письмо от дата.
Please forgive me for net replying sooner to your kind letter of date.
Please forgive me for net replying sooner to your kind letter of date.
18 Прошу прощения за задержку ответа на Ваше письмо от дата.
I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter of date.
I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter of date.
I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter of date.
19 Извиняюсь за то, что поздно отвечаю на Ваше письмо от дата, но.
I do apologize for the lateness in replying to your letter of date, but.
I do apologize for the lateness in replying to your letter of date, but.
I do apologize for the lateness in replying to your letter of date, but.
20 Я полагаю, что мое письмо, высланное дата, дошло до Вас благополучно.
I trust that the letter sent date reached you safely.
I trust that the letter sent date reached you safely.
I trust that the letter sent date reached you safely.
21 Я надеюсь Вы получили мое письмо от дата, касающееся нашего предполагаемого сотрудничества в.
I hope you have now received my letter of date regarding our proposed cooperation on.
I hope you have now received my letter of date regarding our proposed cooperation on.
22 Мы писали Вам дата в отношении - может быть письмо не дошло до вас? Прилагаю копию, если это так.
We wrote you on the date concerning - perhaps the letter has not reached you? I enclose another copy if this be fact
We wrote you on the date concerning - perhaps the letter has not reached you? I enclose another copy if this be fact.
23 Я не получил ответ на свое письмо, датированное. Очень хотел бы знать.
I have not received a reply from my letter dated. I am now anxious to know.
I have not received a reply from my letter dated. I am now anxious to know.
24 Мы ссылаемся на наше письмо от дата, на которое не получили ответ.
We refer to our letter of date, to which we do not appear to have received a reply.
We refer to our letter of date, to which we do not appear to have received a reply.
25 Я надеюсь получить ответ на мое письмо от дата.
I hope to hear from you in response to my letter of date.
I hope to hear from you in response to my letter of date.
I hope to hear from you in response to my letter of date.
26 К сожалению, мы не смогли обнаружить никаких следов Вашего письма от дата.
I am afraid we cannot find any trace of your letter of date.
I am afraid we cannot find any trace of your letter of date.
I am afraid we cannot find any trace of your letter of date.
27 Мы не получили Вашего письма от дата, и в этом причина задержки.
We did not received your letter of date, and that is the reason for the present delay.
We did not received your letter of date, and that is the reason for the present delay.
We did not received your letter of date, and that is the reason for the present delay.
28 Мы были бы благодарны за присылку копии Вашего предыдущего письма, поскольку по нашим записям обнаружить его не удалось.
We would be very grateful if you could kindly send us a copy of your previous letter as far as in our records we cannot trace it
We would be very grateful if you could kindly send us a copy of your previous letter as far as in our records we cannot trace it.
29 Благодарю за письмо от дата, из которого я с сожалением понял, что вы так и не получили нашего письма от дата, касающегося.
Thank you for your letter of date from which I was sorry to see that you had not received ours of date regarding.
Thank you for your letter of date from which I was sorry to see that you had not received ours of date regarding.
30 В отношении Вашей телеграммы от дата. Отвечая на Вашу телеграмму относительно.
With reference to your cable of date. Replying to your telegram relative to.
With reference to your cable of date. Replying to your telegram relative to.
With reference to your cable of date. Replying to your telegram relative to.
31 В дополнение к нашему телексу от дата я пишу, чтобы сообщить Вам.
Further to our telex dated. I am writing to inform you that.
Further to our telex dated. I am writing to inform you that.
Further to our telex dated. I am writing to inform you that.
32 Мы ссылаемся на наш телефонный разговор дата.
We refer to our telephone conversation of date.
We refer to our telephone conversation of date.
We refer to our telephone conversation of date.
33 Учреждение, которое было недавно создано под названием таким-то, ставит своей целью поставлять научно-технической общественности всех стран мира информацию в привлекательной и доступной форме о состоянии науки и техники в стране.
Foundation, which was recently established under the name of smth, aims to avail engineering community in all countries of the world of attractive and accessible information on the state of the science and technology in the country.
34 Название фирмы представляет собой исследовательскую и консультативную организацию с широким представительством по всему миру.
The firm's name is a research and consultancy organization with a worldwide membership.
The firm's name is a research and consultancy organization with a worldwide membership.
35 Компания была учреждена для удовлетворения нужд своих членов в современной и высококачественной информации по.
The Company was established to satisfy its member needs in up-to-date high quality information on.
The Company was established to satisfy its member needs in up-to-date high quality information on.
36 Как вы возможно знаете, мы - одна из крупнейших в стране фирм, производящих это, так же как и не это.
As you may know, we are one of the largest firms in the country, producing as well as smth.
As you may know, we are one of the largest firms in the country, producing as well as smth.
37 Наша компания является ветвью дочерним предприятием, филиалом название фирмы.
Our Company is a branch of the firm's name.
Our Company is a branch of the firm's name.
Our Company is a branch of the firm's name.
38 Мы гордимся тем, что обеспечиваем всех своих клиентов высочайшего качества продукцией и частным обслуживанием.
We pride ourselves on providing all our customers with the highest quality production and personalized service.
We pride ourselves on providing all our customers with the highest quality production and personalized service.
39 Для того, чтобы Вы смогли узнать немного больше о нашей компании, я беру на себя смелость вложить в конверт буклет, дающий представление об истории, структуре и планах нашей компании.
So that you may know a little more about our Company, I am taking the liberty of enclosing a booklet which we have recently published, giving the history, organization and plans of our Company.
40 Если Вам необходима дополнительная информация о нашей деятельности, не стесняйтесь пожалуйста обратиться ко мне.
If you need any further information about our activities, please, do not hesitate to contact me.
If you need any further information about our activities, please, do not hesitate to contact me.
41 Мы весьма заинтересованы в том, чтобы представить свою фирму и узнать подробнее о Вашей компании.
It is very interesting for us to introduce our firm and to learn about your Company.
It is very interesting for us to introduce our firm and to learn about your Company.
42 Для нас было бы очень полезно узнать, в каких именно областях деятельности Вы заинтересованы и желаете ли вы получать регулярно информацию о нашей деятельности.
It would be most helpful to know in which fields you are particularly interested and whether you would like to receive regular information about our activity.
It would be most helpful to know in which fields you are particularly interested and whether you would like to receive regular information about our activity.
43 Дайте мне пожалуйста знать, какая информация представляет интерес для Вашей компании и хотите ли Вы получать какие-либо наши каталоги.
Please let me know what information would be of interest to your Company and whether you would like to receive any of our catalogues.
Please let me know what information would be of interest to your Company and whether you would like to receive any of our catalogues.
44 Мы рассматриваем эту деятельность как чрезвычайно важную не только в плане передачи технологий, но и в деле дальнейшего развития взаимопонимания и сотрудничества между нашими странами.
We consider this activity as one of extreme importance, not only to provide technology transfer, but to further under-standing and cooperation between our countries.
We consider this activity as one of extreme importance, not only to provide technology transfer, but to further under-standing and cooperation between our countries.
45 Мы рассчитываем на начало диалога и, затем, на постепенное расширение наших взаимовыгодных связей.
We look forward to beginning the dialogue and then to expanding our increasingly beneficial relations.
We look forward to beginning the dialogue and then to expanding our increasingly beneficial relations.
46 Я надеюсь, что в будущем мы установим более тесное сотрудничество.
We hope that the future will bring us closer collaboration.
We hope that the future will bring us closer collaboration.
We hope that the future will bring us closer collaboration.
47 Прилагаю описание. Прилагаю некоторую информацию о.
I enclose the description of. I am attaching some information about.
I enclose the description of. I am attaching some information about.
48 Прилагаю подшивку с информацией о наших наиболее важных новых.
I am enclosing a folder with information on our most important new.
I am enclosing a folder with information on our most important new.
I am enclosing a folder with information on our most important new.
49 Хотелось бы обратить Ваше внимание на прилагаемый пресс-релиз, которым мы извещаем о нашей продукции и услугах в области чего-то.
We would like to draw your attention to the attached press release announcing our launch of products and services.
We would like to draw your attention to the attached press release announcing our launch of products and services.
50 Наш новый перечень товаров через неделю будет готов, и мы вышлем Вам экземпляр, как только он выйдет из печати.
Our new trade list will be available in a week and we are making a note to send you one as soon as it comes off the press.
Our new trade list will be available in a week and we are making a note to send you one as soon as it comes off the press.
51 Наш новый каталог скоро будет издан, и я вышлю Вам экземпляр, как только он появится.
Our new catalogue will be published soon, and I shall send you a copy when it appears.
Our new catalogue will be published soon, and I shall send you a copy when it appears.
52 Мы получили из печати наш новый каталог, и я с удовольствием прилагаю экземпляр для просмотра его Вами.
We have received copies of our new catalogue, which I am now pleased to enclose for your review.
We have received copies of our new catalogue, which I am now pleased to enclose for your review.
53 По Вашей просьбе прилагаем экземпляр нашего последнего каталога.
As you requested, we are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue.
As you requested, we are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue.
As you requested, we are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue.
54 Я только что выслал Вам отдельным пакетом наш свежий каталог на этот год.
I have just sent you, by separate mail, our recent catalogue for this year.
I have just sent you, by separate mail, our recent catalogue for this year.
55 Прилагаю те из наших каталогов, которые в наибольшей степени соответствуют Вашей торговой производственной и т.д. программе.
Enclose herewith our catalogues which are most appropriate to your trade production etc programs.
Enclose herewith our catalogues which are most appropriate to your trade production etc programs.
56 Прилагаю некоторые из наших самых последних каталогов, которые, я надеюсь, будут интересны Вам.
I attach some of our most recent catalogues which I hope will be of interest to you.
I attach some of our most recent catalogues which I hope will be of interest to you.
57 Этот наиболее интересный для Вас описан на странице прилагаемого каталога.
This most interesting for you is described on page of the enclosed catalogue.
This most interesting for you is described on page of the enclosed catalogue.
58 Я надеюсь, что некоторые из наших новых заинтересуют Вас.
I hope that some of our new will be of interest to you.
I hope that some of our new will be of interest to you.
I hope that some of our new will be of interest to you.
59 Ознакомьтесь пожалуйста с этими перечнями и определите, не подходят ли некоторые из Вашим торговым планам.
Please review these lists to see if any of the appropriate to your trade list
Please review these lists to see if any of the appropriate to your trade list.
60 Я буду счастлив обсудить с Вами любые что-то, которые, по вашему мнению могут представить ценность для вашей фирмы.
I should be very happy to discuss with you any which you feel may be of value to you firm.
I should be very happy to discuss with you any which you feel may be of value to you firm.
61 Прошу Вас заглянуть в этот каталог и дать мне знать, не заинтересуют ли вас отмеченные на полях позиции.
May I ask you to look into this catalogue for me and let me know whether the marked items are of interest to you.
May I ask you to look into this catalogue for me and let me know whether the marked items are of interest to you.
62 Если вас заинтересовали некоторые из чего-то, я буду рад выслать Вам дополнительную информацию о них.
If you are interested in any smth, would be delighted to send you further information about them.
If you are interested in any smth, would be delighted to send you further information about them.
63 Сообщите, пожалуйста, какого рода Вас заинтересовали, и мы вышлем Вам экземпляр для ознакомления.
Please let me know of what kinds of you would be interested in and we will send you review copies.
Please let me know of what kinds of you would be interested in and we will send you review copies.
64 Поставьте, пожалуйста контрольные пометки против тех позиций, по которым Вы хотите получить образцы для подробного изучения.
Please place a check mark next to those items you wish to receive for examination.
Please place a check mark next to those items you wish to receive for examination.
65 Если какой-либо из привлек Ваше внимание, я, разумеется, вышлю Вам экземпляр для детального изучения.
If any catches your eye, I will of course send you an examination copy.
If any catches your eye, I will of course send you an examination copy.
66 Я буду рад выслать Вам контрольный экземпляр, если Вы пожелаете изучить его.
I shall be pleased to send you an examination copy if you would like to consider it
I shall be pleased to send you an examination copy if you would like to consider it.
67 Пришлите, пожалуйста, два экземпляра Вашего каталога и иную информацию по.
Please send us two copies of your current catalogue and other information material on.
Please send us two copies of your current catalogue and other information material on.
68 Мы бы хотели получать Ваши интересные каталоги периодически.
We would like to receive your interesting catalogues periodically.
We would like to receive your interesting catalogues periodically.
69 Наша работа была бы облегчена, если бы Вы могли выслать нам аннотированный план выпуска вашей фирмы на следующий год и, после отбора потенциально интересных для нас нашим персоналом, прислать контрольные экземпляры.
Our work would be facilitated if you could send us annotated plans of your firm for coming year and, after selection potentially interesting by our staff, send us examination copies.
70 Благодарю за присылку Вашего последнего каталога листовок, который содержит ряд интересных позиций.
Thank you for sending me your latest catalogue leaflets which contains a number of interesting items.
Thank you for sending me your latest catalogue leaflets which contains a number of interesting items.
71 Благодарю за то, что предоставили мне литературу о ваших планах на будущее, она будет изучена нашим персоналом.
Thank you for providing me with literature about your future activities, which will be studied by our staff.
Thank you for providing me with literature about your future activities, which will be studied by our staff.
72 Я заинтересован в покупке и что-то. Прошу выслать информацию об имеющихся у Вас.
I am interested in buying and smth. Please send me information on available from your firm.
I am interested in buying and smth. Please send me information on available from your firm.
73 Мы займемся Вашим заказом немедленно. Мы уделим Вашему заказу максимум внимания.
We shall attend to your order immediately. Your order will have our best attention.
We shall attend to your order immediately. Your order will have our best attention.
We shall attend to your order immediately. Your order will have our best attention.
74 Ожидаем Ваших дальнейших заказов. Ждем Вашего счета за работу по чему-то.
Awaiting your further commands. We await receipt of your invoice for work.
Awaiting your further commands. We await receipt of your invoice for work.
Awaiting your further commands. We await receipt of your invoice for work.
75 Я бы очень хотел получить для более детального рассмотрения.
I would very much like to receive for a more detailed reviewing process.
I would very much like to receive for a more detailed reviewing process.
76 После изучения кратких аннотаций, которые Вы любезно отобрали для меня, я бы хотел подчеркнуть наш интерес в получении следующих.
After studying the brief annotations you kindly preselected for me I would like to express our interest in receiving the following.
After studying the brief annotations you kindly preselected for me I would like to express our interest in receiving the following.
77 Подтвердите, пожалуйста, полный адрес, по которому должен быть выслан пакет.
Please confirm full address to which package is to be sent
Please confirm full address to which package is to be sent
Please confirm full address to which package is to be sent.
78 Я подготовил к отправке Вам в ближайшее же время.
I have arranged for a to be sent to you in the near future.
I have arranged for a to be sent to you in the near future.
I have arranged for a to be sent to you in the near future.
79 Мы скоро будем готовы к отправке чего-то, которые Вы просили для ознакомления.
We will soon be able to dispatch the smth you require for the examination.
We will soon be able to dispatch the smth you require for the examination.
80 Мы высылаем Вам, как было обещано, авиапочтой для ознакомления.
As promised, we are sending you a for review by air mail
As promised, we are sending you a for review by air mail
As promised, we are sending you a for review by air mail.
81 Как я обещал в письме от дата, мы высылаем согласно Вашей просьбе отдельным пакетом что-то, которые вы хотели посмотреть.
As promised in the letter of date, we are sending you the requested you wish to see under separate cover.
As promised in the letter of date, we are sending you the requested you wish to see under separate cover.
82 Вам высылается отдельным пакетом для изучения.
Being sent to you under separate cover is a for your inspection.
Being sent to you under separate cover is a for your inspection.
Being sent to you under separate cover is a for your inspection.
83 Высылаю Вам контрольный образец авиабандеролью.
I am sending you an examination copy via separate air mail
I am sending you an examination copy via separate air mail
I am sending you an examination copy via separate air mail.
84 Было бы желательно знать Ваше решение к дата.
It would be wonderful to know your decision by date.
It would be wonderful to know your decision by date.
It would be wonderful to know your decision by date.
85 Этот в настоящее время проходит экспертизу в название фирмы. Я надеюсь получить их отзыв в пределах двух недель.
This is at present under consideration in firm's name. I hope to have their report within the next fortnight
This is at present under consideration in firm's name. I hope to have their report within the next fortnight.
86 Эта вещь отослана нами эксперту в области чего-то, и я надеюсь все обсудить с ним очень скоро.
This has been sent to an expert on field and I look forward to discussing it with him very shortly.
This has been sent to an expert on field and I look forward to discussing it with him very shortly.
87 Я надеюсь, что смогу сообщить о некотором позитивном прогрессе в течение недель.
I expect to be able to report some positive progress within weeks.
I expect to be able to report some positive progress within weeks.
I expect to be able to report some positive progress within weeks.
88 Я надеюсь, что смогу сообщить Вам наше решение довольно скоро.
I hope to be able to let you know our decision before too long.
I hope to be able to let you know our decision before too long.
I hope to be able to let you know our decision before too long.
89 С гордостью и удовлетворением имеем честь пригласить Вас присоединиться к этому престижному проекту.
With pride and pleasure, we have to honor of inviting you to join this prestigious project.
With pride and pleasure, we have to honor of inviting you to join this prestigious project.
90 Если мы возьмемся за эту работу, то конечно закрепим это договором с вами о денежных отчислениях.
If we undertake this work, we would, of course, enter into a royalty agreement with you.
If we undertake this work, we would, of course, enter into a royalty agreement with you.
91 Мы очень рады, что вы согласились на компромисс о вышеупомянутом и увеличиваете сумму выплаты за до рублей.
We are delighted that you can agree to a compromise about the above and that you will now increase the total sum for to rubles.
We are delighted that you can agree to a compromise about the above and that you will now increase the total sum for to rubles.
92 Не будет ли проще, если мы пошлем вам один из своих контрактов на продажу, заполненный в соответствии с договоренной суммой?
Would it perhaps be simpler if we sent you one of our Sale Contracts, incorporated with the agreed sum?
Would it perhaps be simpler if we sent you one of our Sale Contracts, incorporated with the agreed sum?.
93 Прошу составить акт протокол об этом случае.
Please draw up a statement protocol of accident
Please draw up a statement protocol of accident
Please draw up a statement protocol of accident.
94 Необходимо, чтобы Вы приняли участие в составлении акта.
It is necessary you should take part in drawing up the statement
It is necessary you should take part in drawing up the statement
It is necessary you should take part in drawing up the statement.
95 Я требую возмещения убытков за повреждения потерю, ремонт.
I demand compensation for the damage loss, repair.
I demand compensation for the damage loss, repair.
I demand compensation for the damage loss, repair.
96 Я был бы благодарен, если бы Вы забронировали для меня одноместный номер с ванной, если можно с дата по дата включительно. Прошу подтвердить бронирование и сообщить мне стоимость.
I should be most grateful if you would reserve me a single room with a bathroom, if possible from date to date inclusive. Please confirm the booking and tell me the terms.
97 В программу визита входят чтение лекций, проведение семинаров, помощь в исследовательской работе и т.п.
The work program includes lecturing, taking seminars, helping with research etc.
The work program includes lecturing, taking seminars, helping with research etc.
98 Административного плана приготовления могут быть изменены по вашему желанию. Вы не будете нести никаких формальных обязанностей здесь и сможете свободно заниматься Вашими делами.
The administrative arrangements can be varied to suit your convenience. You would not have any formal obligations here but would be free to carry out your own business.
99 Хлопоты по переездам в ходе этого визита берет на себя наша контора.
The travel arrangements for this visit will be made by our office.
The travel arrangements for this visit will be made by our office.
The travel arrangements for this visit will be made by our office.
100 Я пишу в надежде условиться о встрече и очень рассчитываю увидеться с Вами. Если встреча не состоялась по вашей вине, необходимо извиниться.
I write you in the hope of arranging a firm appointment and I will very much look forward to meeting you.
I write you in the hope of arranging a firm appointment and I will very much look forward to meeting you.
101 Хотелось бы выразить еще раз сердечную благодарность за гостеприимство, предоставленное моим коллегам и мне.
I should like to express once more the heartiest thanks for the kind hospitality offered to my colleagues and myself.
I should like to express once more the heartiest thanks for the kind hospitality offered to my colleagues and myself.
102 Я чрезвычайно рад передать Вам от имени г-на имя и от себя лично наши самые теплые поздравления с чем-то.
I have great pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of Mr. name and myself our warmest congratulation on smth.
I have great pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of Mr. name and myself our warmest congratulation on smth.
103 Мои самые теплые сердечные, искренние поздравления с повышением по службе.
My warmest heartiest, sincerest congratulations on your promotion.
My warmest heartiest, sincerest congratulations on your promotion.
My warmest heartiest, sincerest congratulations on your promotion.
104 Наилучшие пожелания от всех нас по поводу Вашего нового назначения.
Best wishes from all of us on your new appointment.
Best wishes from all of us on your new appointment.
Best wishes from all of us on your new appointment.
105 Поздравляю и желаю от всей души веселого рождества и счастья в Новом Году.
Greeting you with best wishes for a merry Christmas and happiness in the New Year.
Greeting you with best wishes for a merry Christmas and happiness in the New Year.
106 Множество добрых пожеланий к пасхе и еще больше на остальной год.
Lots of good wishes for Easter and many more for the rest of the year.
Lots of good wishes for Easter and many more for the rest of the year.
107 С сердечным приветом и наилучшими пожеланиями Вам и Вашим сотрудникам к праздникам и Новому Году.
With kind regards and best wishes to yourself and staff for the festive season and New Year.
With kind regards and best wishes to yourself and staff for the festive season and New Year.
108 Весьма признателен за Ваши искренние поздравления.
I am much obliged to you for your sincere congratulations.
I am much obliged to you for your sincere congratulations.
I am much obliged to you for your sincere congratulations.
109 Он находится за границей в настоящее время и не может ответить вам сам.
He is abroad at present and so cannot answer you himself.
He is abroad at present and so cannot answer you himself.
He is abroad at present and so cannot answer you himself.
110 Он перешел на другую должность в компании и теперь я выполняю его обязанности.
He has moved to another position inside the company and I am now dealing with his duties.
He has moved to another position inside the company and I am now dealing with his duties.
111 Он оставил компанию и я заменил его в той же должности.
He is no longer with the company and I have taken over his position.
He is no longer with the company and I have taken over his position.
He is no longer with the company and I have taken over his position.
112 Не будете ли Вы так любезны сообщить мне обычным порядком, что. Могу я надеяться на?
Would you be good enough to let me know in due course what. May I hope for?
Would you be good enough to let me know in due course what. May I hope for?.
113 Мы весьма заинтересованы узнать Ваши комментарии по поводу этого проекта, и намерены ли вы начать его осуществление.
We would be interested to hear your further comments on this project and whether you intend to go ahead with it.
We would be interested to hear your further comments on this project and whether you intend to go ahead with it.
114 Я был бы признателен, если бы Вы сообщили нам ответным письмом, рассматриваете ли вы все еще или мы можем предложить его другой фирме.
Shall be grateful if you will let us know by return whether you are still considering or whether we can offer it to another firm.
Shall be grateful if you will let us know by return whether you are still considering or whether we can offer it to another firm.
115 Мы намереваемся. Мы хотим сообщить. We intend to.
We would advise. We intend to.
We would advise. We intend to.
We would advise. We intend to.
116 С благодарностью за Ваш интерес к этому делу, остаюсь.
With many thanks for your interest in this matter, I remain.
With many thanks for your interest in this matter, I remain.
With many thanks for your interest in this matter, I remain.
117 С сердечным приветом и благодарностью за Ваше терпение в этом деле.
With kind regards and thanks for your patience in this matter.
With kind regards and thanks for your patience in this matter.
With kind regards and thanks for your patience in this matter.
118 Большое спасибо за ваше доброе содействие.
With many thanks for your good cooperation.
With many thanks for your good cooperation.
With many thanks for your good cooperation.
119 Ваше содействие в этом деле будет по достоинству оценено.
Your cooperation in this matter will be most appreciated
Your cooperation in this matter will be most appreciated
Your cooperation in this matter will be most appreciated.
120 если возможно, если имеется, по прибытии, прошу подготовить, прошу подтвердить, прошу пригласить.
if possible, if available, on arrival, please arrange, please confirm, please invite.
if possible, if available, on arrival, please arrange, please confirm, please invite.
if possible, if available, on arrival, please arrange, please confirm, please invite.
121 прошу телеграфировать, прошу назначить, прошу снабдить, прошу сообщить, прошу инструкций.
please wire, please nominate, please supply, please inform, request instructions.
please wire, please nominate, please supply, please inform, request instructions.
please wire, please nominate, please supply, please inform, request instructions.

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