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Python setup.py
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12 ноября 2011 в 14:57 (текущая версия от 12 ноября 2011 в 15:02)
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
1 def add_dir_to_list(dirlist, dir):
"""Add the directory 'dir' to the list 'dirlist' (at the front) if
1) 'dir' is not already in 'dirlist'
2) 'dir' actually exists, and is a directory."""
if dir is not None and os.path.isdir(dir) and dir not in dirlist:
dirlist.insert(0, dir)
2 def macosx_sdk_root():
Return the directory of the current OSX SDK,
or '/' if no SDK was specified.
cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS')
m = re.search(r'-isysroot\s+(\S+)', cflags)
if m is None:
sysroot = '/'
sysroot = m.group(1)
return sysroot
3 def is_macosx_sdk_path(path):
Returns True if 'path' can be located in an OSX SDK
return (path.startswith('/usr/') and not path.startswith('/usr/local')) or path.startswith('/System/')
4 def find_file(filename, std_dirs, paths):
"""Searches for the directory where a given file is located,
and returns a possibly-empty list of additional directories, or None
if the file couldn't be found at all.
5 'filename' is the name of a file, such as readline.h or libcrypto.a.
'std_dirs' is the list of standard system directories; if the
file is found in one of them, no additional directives are needed.
'paths' is a list of additional locations to check; if the file is
found in one of them, the resulting list will contain the directory.
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Honor the MacOSX SDK setting when one was specified.
# An SDK is a directory with the same structure as a real
# system, but with only header files and libraries.
sysroot = macosx_sdk_root()
# Check the standard locations
for dir in std_dirs:
f = os.path.join(dir, filename)
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and is_macosx_sdk_path(dir):
f = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], filename)
if os.path.exists(f): return []
# Check the additional directories
for dir in paths:
f = os.path.join(dir, filename)
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and is_macosx_sdk_path(dir):
f = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], filename)
if os.path.exists(f):
return [dir]
# Not found anywhere
return None
6 def find_library_file(compiler, libname, std_dirs, paths):
result = compiler.find_library_file(std_dirs + paths, libname)
if result is None:
return None
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
sysroot = macosx_sdk_root()
# Check whether the found file is in one of the standard directories
dirname = os.path.dirname(result)
for p in std_dirs:
# Ensure path doesn't end with path separator
p = p.rstrip(os.sep)
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and is_macosx_sdk_path(p):
if os.path.join(sysroot, p[1:]) == dirname:
return [ ]
if p == dirname:
return [ ]
# Otherwise, it must have been in one of the additional directories,
# so we have to figure out which one.
for p in paths:
# Ensure path doesn't end with path separator
p = p.rstrip(os.sep)
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and is_macosx_sdk_path(p):
if os.path.join(sysroot, p[1:]) == dirname:
return [ p ]
if p == dirname:
return [p]
assert False, "Internal error: Path not found in std_dirs or paths"
7 def module_enabled(extlist, modname):
"""Returns whether the module 'modname' is present in the list
of extensions 'extlist'."""
extlist = [ext for ext in extlist if ext.name == modname]
return len(extlist)
8 def find_module_file(module, dirlist):
"""Find a module in a set of possible folders. If it is not found
return the unadorned filename"""
list = find_file(module, [], dirlist)
if not list:
return module
if len(list) > 1:
log.info("WARNING: multiple copies of %s found"%module)
return os.path.join(list[0], module)

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