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teacherIgor 22 октября 2021
Вот этот текст идет в словаре два раза подряд:
Stem - the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.
Переборыч 18 февраля 2016
"speaer" на "speaker"
HaskellGuru 18 февраля 2016
Исправьте пожалуйста ошибку в 5 тексте: "speaer" на "speaker".
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simple description english words)
25 ноября 2012 в 00:56 (текущая версия от 18 февраля 2016 в 16:59)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 Tumor – an abnormal (dangerous) mass of tissue growing on or in the body: a brain tumor; The surgeon removed a tumor from her bladder.
2 Tissue – substance of which the organs of the body are made: nervous tissue; the tissues of the body.
3 Stem - the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.
4 Poppy, poppies – a type of plant with large usually red flowers.
5 Hairy – covered in hair or having a lot of hair: a hairy chest (adjective).
6 Benign – kind, well-wishing: a benign smile (adjective).
7 Malignant (of people, their actions etc) intending, or intended, to do harm: a malignant remark.
8 Intend – to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something): Do you still intend to go?; Do you intend them to go?; Do you intend that they should go too?
9 Remark – a comment; something said: The chairman made a few remarks, then introduced the speaker.
10 Inoperable – not suitable for a surgical operation: inoperable cancer.
11 Surgical – of, or by means of, surgery: surgical instruments; She is in need of surgical treatment.
12 Vaporize – to (cause to) change into a gas-like state.
13 Margin – the blank edge round a page of writing or print: Please write your comments in the margin.
14 Beam – a long straight piece of wood, often used in ceilings.
15 Cord – (a piece of) thin rope of thick string: the burglars tied up the night watchman with thick cord.
16 Rope – (a) thick cord, made by twisting together lengths of hemp, nylon etc: she tie it with a (piece of) rope; a skipping rope.
17 Twisted – bent out of shape: a twisted branch; a twisted report.
18 Hemp – (a plant from which is obtained) a coarse fiber used to make rope, bags, sails etc and the drug cannabis (hashish or marijuana).
19 Obtain – to get; to become the possessor of: She obtained a large sum of money by buying and selling houses.
20 Coarse – rough in texture or to touch; not fine: this coat is made of coarse material.
21 Sail – a sheet of strong cloth spread to catch the wind, by which a ship is driven forward.
22 Permission – a written, spoken agreement that someone may do something: She gave me permission to leave.
23 Gall bladder – an organ of the body attached to the liver, in which gall is stored.
24 Liver – a large organ in the body which purifies the blood.
25 Purify, purification, purify see pure.
26 Removal – the act of removing of the state of being removed, especially the moving of furniture etc to a new home: After his removal from power, the dictator was sent into exile; Our removal is to take place on Monday; (also adjective) a removal van.
27 Invade (of an enemy) to enter (a country etc) with an army: Britain was invaded twice by the Romans.
28 Full-scale adjective (of a drawing etc) of the same size as the subject: a full-scale drawing of a flower.

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