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Stephen King - The Stand
(21)       Используют 167 человек


Сударушка 24 сентября 2018
Написания тире приведено к общему знаменателю, подчищены некоторые мелкие, единообразные опечатки,
устранены замеченные некорректные разрывы предложений.
kageneko 16 января 2016
Тем не менее, в 5-м отрывке, например, есть пробел только с одной стороны:
MMMAAANNN 16 января 2016
Тире, не отбитые пробелами - особенности английской пунктуации, там так делают действительно.
Сонь 16 января 2016
Очень во многих местах тире не отделены пробелами, что превращает их в совершенно ненужные дефисы. Например, в отрывках 1, 2, 3, 5 и так далее.
LADA220876 20 августа 2014
Написать тут
«Противостояние» (англ. The Stand, 1978) — постапокалиптический роман Кинга, повествующий о пандемии, убивающей практически все население мира, и о противостоянии немногих выживших. Написан по мотивам его же раннего рассказа «Ночной прибой». Считается одним из лучших романов писателя.
31 мая 2013 в 23:20 (текущая версия от 23 декабря 2021 в 12:21)
Тип словаря:
Последовательные отрывки из загруженного файла.
«Противостояние» (англ. The Stand, 1978) — постапокалиптический роман Стивена Кинга, повествующий о пандемии, убивающей практически все население мира, и о противостоянии немногих выживших после её окончания. Написан по мотивам его же раннего рассказа «Ночной прибой», опубликованного в сборнике «Ночная смена». Получил высокую оценку критиков, считается одним из лучших романов писателя.

В 1990 году роман был переиздан в отредактированном и дополненном виде под названием The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition («Противостояние: издание полное и без сокращений»). Кинг восстановил в нем некоторые фрагменты текста, изначально попавшие под сокращение, пересмотрел порядок глав, сместил действие романа с 1980 на 1990 год, соответственно исправив ряд культурных отсылок. Иллюстратором этого издания стал известный художник комиксов Берни Райтсон.

В 1994 году по мотивам романа был снят минисериал, который собрал в основном хорошие отзывы.

В марте 2008 года Стивен Кинг в интервью каналу NPR сообщил, что Marvel Comics в ближайшем будущем начнет публиковать серию комиксов «Противостояние», созданных по мотивам его романа.
5525 отрывков, 2547730 символов
1 The Stand
Stephen King
The Stand is a work of fiction, as its subject matter makes perfectly clear. Many of the events occur in real places—such as Ogunquit, Maine; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Boulder, Colorado—and with these places I have taken the liberty of changing them to whatever degree best suited the course of my fiction. I hope that those readers who live in these and the other real places that are mentioned in this novel will not be too upset by my "monstrous impertinence," to quote Dorothy Sayers, who indulged freely in the same sort of thing.
2 Other places, such as Arnette, Texas, and Shoyo, Arkansas, are as fictional as the plot itself.
Special thanks are due to Russell Dorr (P. A.) and Dr. Richard Herman, both of the Bridgton Family Medical Center, who answered my questions about the nature of the flu, and its peculiar way of mutating every two years or so, and to Susan Artz Manning of Castine, who proofed the original manuscript.
Most thanks of all to Bill Thompson and Betty Prashker, who made this book happen in the best way.
S. K.
There are a couple of things you need to know about this version of The Stand right away, even before you leave the bookstore. For that reason I hope I've caught you early—hopefully standing there by the K section of new fiction, with your other purchases tucked under your arm and the book open in front of you. In other words, I hope I've caught you while your wallet is still safely in your pocket.
4 Ready? Okay; thanks. I promise to be brief.
First, this is not a new novel. If you hold misapprehensions on that score, let them be dispelled right here and right now, while you are still a safe distance from the cash register which will take money out of your pocket and put it in mine. The Stand was originally published over ten years ago.
Second, this is not a brand-new, entirely different version of The Stand.
5 You will not discover old characters behaving in new ways, nor will the course of the tale branch off at some point from the old narrative, taking you, Constant Reader, in an entirely different direction.
This version of The Stand is an expansion of the original novel. As I've said, you won't find old characters behaving in strange new ways, but you will discover that almost all of the characters were, in the book's original form, doing more things, and if I didn't think some of those things were interesting—perhaps even enlightening—I would never have agreed to this project.
6 If this is not what you want, don't buy this book. If you have bought it already, I hope you saved your sales receipt. The bookshop where you made your purchase will want it before granting you credit or a cash refund.
If this expansion is something you want, I invite you to come along with me just a little farther. I have lots to tell you, and I think we can talk better around the corner.
In the dark.
This is not so much a Preface, actually, as it is an explanation of why this new version of The Stand exists at all. It was a long novel to begin with, and this expanded version will be regarded by some—perhaps many—as an act of indulgence by an author whose works have been successful enough to allow it. I hope not, but I'd have to be pretty stupid not to realize that such criticism is in the offing.
8 After all, many critics of the novel regarded it bloated and overlong to begin with.
Whether the book was too long to begin with, or has become so in this edition, is a matter I leave to the individual reader. I only wanted to take this little space to say that I am republishing The Stand as it was originally written not to serve myself or any individual reader, but to serve a body of readers who have asked to have it.
9 I would not offer it if I myself didn't think those portions which were dropped from the original manuscript made the story a richer one, and I'd be a liar if I didn't admit I am curious as to what its reception will be.
I'll spare you the story of how The Stand came to be written—the chain of thought which produces a novel rarely interests anyone but aspiring novelists. They tend to believe there is a "secret formula" to writing a commercially successful novel, but there isn't.
10 You get an idea; at some point another idea kicks in; you make a connection or a series of them between ideas; a few characters (usually little more than shadows at first) suggest themselves; a possible ending occurs to the writer's mind (although when the ending comes, it's rarely much like the one the writer envisioned); and at some point, the novelist sits down with a paper and pen, a typewriter, or a word cruncher.

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