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Добрый день. Хочу поиграться с заменами клавиш на клавиатуре. Например Ч заменить на Ж и т.д. Но с программой AutoHotKey не до конца разобрался. Вот вырезка из скрипта Переборыча:
sc035::Send {sc01B}; ё -> ъ sc01B::Send {sc035}; ъ -> ё
Так, вот.. где мне взять таблицу для всех знаков? ... чтобы узнать как означают все буквы русского алфавита. Благодарю за содействие ))
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тоже самое ищу, пока нашел только вот это скрытый текст… [extend] ; These keys are modified/transposed by holding down the 'extend key' (CapsLock by default): ;+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ ;|Esc + |F1 <> |F2 << |F3 >> |F4 <> |F5 <> |F6 << |F7 >> |F8 <> |F9 <> |F10<> |F11<> |F12<> | ;| Caps | Play | Prev | Next | Stop | Mute | Vol- | Vol+ | Media| BrHom| Mail | App1 | App2 | ;+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ ;|` ¤¤¤ |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |0 |- |= | ;| Del | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | ;+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ ;|Tab |Q <<> |W +++ |F <>> |P *** |G *** |J ### |L ### |U ### |Y ### |; ¤¤¤ |[ ¤¤¤ |] ¤¤¤ | ;| | BrBck| Win | BrFwd| *WhUp| *Btn1| PgUp | Home | Up | End | Del | Esc | Ins | ;+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ ;|Caps+ |A +++ |R +++ |S +++ |T *** |D *** |H ### |N ### |E ### |I ### |O ¤¤¤ |' ¤¤¤ |\ ><> | ;| ++++ | Alt | Ctrl | Shift| *WhDn| *Up17| PgDn | Left | Down | Right| Back | Apps | BrFav| ;+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ ;|Z ¤¤¤ |X === |C === |V === |B *** |_ *** |K *** |M *** |, *** |. *** |/ *** |Spc ¤ |Entr¤ | ;| Esc | Cut | Copy | Paste| *Le17| *Dn17| *Ri17| *Btn3| *WhLe| *WhRi| *Btn2| Enter| Break| ;+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+ ;Legend: # Movement; + Modifiers; = GUI edit; * Mouse; <> MultiMedia; ¤ Various commands.
; NOTES: ; - This map shows a 'comfort' Colemak with VK_102 in the middle (the '_' key). See below. ; - The actual remaps are by scan codes though, so the positions are layout independent! ; - Multiple extending modifiers would've been nice; this setup is a general/basic one. ; - For instance, extended virtual mousing, NumPad/maths, mirror layout, coder's toolbox... ; - If your layout doesn't define the key, 'extend' won't work with it! ; * Workaround: Put, e.g., 'SC039 = SPACE VirtualKey' in your layout .ini file. ; * This will be necessary for Escape/Space/Return/Back and F1-F12 for full functionality. ; - The Tab key is currently a poor candidate for remapping because of problems with AltTab. ; * It might be useable as another extensor/modifier though? ; - Unfortunately, the WARS (WASD) modifier block only works partially! A bug? ; * The S=Shift and A=Alt work fairly well, but the R=CtRL is dodgy. ; - Are the "Wheel left/right" keys actual keys or AHK code?
; TIPS: ; - These mappings enable you to do many things without leaving the typing home position. ; * Mappings are based on ease of reach vs. usefulness, and some left-hand-only use. ; - This could take some getting used to for the left pinky, but then it gets really cool!!! ; - The Caps key plus Esc turns the CapsLock state on and off now. ; - It's handy to control your browser back/forward with the left hand only while browsing. ; - Similarly, the wheel up/down keys are favorites. ; - Caps+Space for Enter is also nice; can be worked with left-hand-only as well. ; * To press dialogue buttons for instance, use Tab to move and Space/Q to select/abort. ; * A+Space (=Alt+Enter) when a file/disk is selected, brings up the object's Properties. ; - Use the \ (or *Btn2) for context menus; arrows, 'mousing' or shortcuts select items. ; - An Esc mapped to '[' (Telnet/Vim/etc compliant) is nice, but a left-hand one even better. ; - The left-hand Del key is also convenient; the right-hand one is best when editing. ; - Cut/Copy/Paste are Windows 'keypress' versions - should work mostly anywhere. ; * I wished to have an Undo key on 'z', but that doesn't exist!?! ; - In theory, using WARS with the UNEI/LY/O' keys you can jump words, jump/select, etc. ; * Not all these are currently working though, so you may have to use 'real' modifiers. ; - The number keys are mapped to function keys. They are reachable with the left hand! ; * A4 closes apps; W3 GUI-searches; 1(Help)/2(Rename)/3(Find)/5(Refresh) are useful too. ; - The function keys are mapped to multimedia keys like the ones on multimedia keyboards. ; * Browser_Stop/Refresh/Search are usually covered by hotkeys (e.g., Esc/F5/^F). ; * Browser_Favorites usually needs a menu choice, so that's an inclusion candidate. ; - The App1/2 keys are defined in the registry, in a ShellExecute (REG_SZ) value under (?): ; * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AppKey\17 ; * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AppKey\18 ; - Wheel Up/Dn are nice for scrolling window bars; Wheel Left/Right for horizontal scroll. ; - The 'virtual mousing' is rudimentary; a 'last resort' when arrows/Tab aren't enough. ; * A mousing resolution of 17 pixels roughly fits *most* context and similiar menus. ; * A full mouse layout would have multi-resolution, diagonals, sticky Btn1 and Btn4/Btn5. ; * The keyboard's auto-repeat makes virtual mousing odd/'laggy' when a key is held down. ; * In particular, beware of holding down the *Btn key(s) for a 'rapid-click' effect.
; *** 'ESC'/'SPACE' SC001 = CapsLock SC039 = Enter
; *** 'F1'-'F12' ;The F key block holds multimedia keys, Logitech/Mac-style (F1-F4 are easiest to reach) SC03b = Media_Play_Pause SC03c = Media_Prev SC03d = Media_Next SC03e = Media_Stop SC03f = Volume_Mute SC040 = Volume_Down SC041 = Volume_Up SC042 = Launch_Media SC043 = Browser_Home SC044 = Launch_Mail SC057 = Launch_App1 SC058 = Launch_App2
; *** Row 1 (numbers/symbols) SC029 = Del SC002 = F1 SC003 = F2 SC004 = F3 SC005 = F4 SC006 = F5 SC007 = F6 SC008 = F7 SC009 = F8 SC00a = F9 SC00b = F10 SC00c = F11 SC00d = F12 SC00e = Sleep
; *** Row 2 (upper letter row) SC00f = Tab SC010 = Browser_Back SC011 = Win SC012 = Browser_Forward SC013 = WheelUp SC014 = LButton SC015 = PgUp SC016 = Home SC017 = Up SC018 = End SC019 = Del SC01a = Esc SC01b = Ins
; *** Row 3 (home row) ;SC03a = CapsLock SC01e = Alt SC01f = Ctrl SC020 = Shift SC021 = WheelDown SC022 = Click Rel 0,-17,0 SC023 = PgDn SC024 = Left SC025 = Down SC026 = Right SC027 = BackSpace SC028 = AppsKey SC02b = Browser_Favorites SC01c = CtrlBreak
; *** Row 4 (lower letter row) ;SC02a = LShift ; ***** SEE THE [EXTRA] SECTION FOR OPTIONAL 'COMFORT' REGISTRY REMAPPING ***** ; Non-registry-mapped 'comfort' layout - VK_102 in the lower left corner is used as 'Z'. SC056 = Esc SC02c = Cut SC02d = Copy SC02e = Paste SC02f = Click Rel -17,0,0 SC030 = Click Rel 0,17,0 SC031 = Click Rel 17,0,0 SC032 = MButton ; ***** END OF 'COMFORT'/'NON-COMFORT' PART (PASTE BETWEEN THESE LINES) ******* SC033 = WheelLeft SC034 = WheelRight SC035 = RButton ;SC036 = RShift
[extra] ; This section is not read by the program, but contains snippets for other sections.
; Mappings for scan code mapped versus unmapped 'comfort' layout (ZXCVB+VK_102 keys) ; (These keys may already be mapped on a lower level than PKL, by registry) ; Copy the appropriate set into your pkl.ini -> [extend] section, row 4.
; Non-registry-mapped 'comfort' layout - VK_102 in the lower left corner is used as 'Z'. SC056 = Esc SC02c = Cut SC02d = Copy SC02e = Paste SC02f = Click Rel -17,0,0 SC030 = Click Rel 0,17,0 SC031 = Click Rel 17,0,0 SC032 = MButton
; Non-registry-mapped 'non-comfort' layout - if you have no VK_102 key (or WANT pain?!). SC02c = Esc SC02d = Cut SC02e = Copy SC02f = Paste SC030 = Click Rel 0,17,0 SC031 = Click Rel -17,0,0 SC032 = Click Rel 17,0,0 ; Instead of a mouse 'cross', there's now up/down and left/right pairs. ; If you want the middle button, you may replace the left-hand Esc (but I wouldn't).
; Scancode/registry mapped 'comfort' layout - VK_102 now sits in the old 'B' position. SC02c = Esc SC02d = Cut SC02e = Copy SC02f = Paste SC030 = Click Rel -17,0,0 SC056 = Click Rel 0,17,0 SC031 = Click Rel 17,0,0 SC032 = MButton
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Возможно, подойдёт такой вариант? AutoHotKey — View — Key history and scripts info Но лично я это использую для функций, которыми обладает только AHK. А для изменения же раскладки я изменяю именно раскладку, дабы не изменялись горячие клавиши... и кроме как со скан-кодом что-то назначить в AHK перестаёт предоставляться возможным. Последний раз отредактировано 22 февраля 2011 в 14:20 пользователем Arkaine
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Знаю, что тема старая, но тоже эта информация интересует.
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я лишь некоторые оставил, остальные по дефу как и есть, а после отключение и все как прежде, а то мешают. и таблица вроде последняя не та совсем Последний раз отредактировано 10 июня 2011 в 20:14 пользователем vezderegit
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А как по твоему заменить Ctrl+A на, например, Caps Lock?
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cybertech писал(а): А как по твоему заменить Ctrl+A на, например, Caps Lock? а это так уж нужно? ладно, это я не учитывал