Язык C# + Entity Framework (For WorldSkills) |
abstract |
as |
base |
bool |
break |
byte |
case |
catch |
char |
checked |
class |
const |
continue |
decimal |
default |
delegate |
do |
double |
else |
enum |
event |
explicit |
extern |
false |
finally |
fixed |
float |
for |
foreach |
goto |
if |
implicit |
in |
int |
interface |
internal |
is |
lock |
long |
namespace |
new |
null |
object |
operator |
out |
override |
params |
private |
protected |
public |
readonly |
ref |
return |
sbyte |
sealed |
short |
sizeof |
stackalloc |
static |
string |
struct |
switch |
this |
throw |
true |
try |
typeof |
uint |
ulong |
unchecked |
unsafe |
ushort |
using |
virtual |
void |
volatile |
while |
add |
and |
alias |
ascending |
async |
await |
by |
descending |
dynamic |
equals |
from |
get |
global |
group |
init |
into |
join |
let |
managed |
nameof |
nint |
not |
notnull |
nuint |
on |
or |
orderby |
partial |
record |
remove |
select |
set |
unmanaged |
value |
var |
when |
where |
with |
yield |
.First(); |
.FirstOrDefault(); |
.Single(); |
.SingleOrDefault(); |
.ToList(); |
.Count(); |
.Min(); |
.Max(); |
.Last(); |
.LastOrDefault(); |
.Average(); |
.SelectedIndex |
.Text |
.Length |
foreach (var agent in Agents) |
.GetContext() |
.ItemsSource |
.SelectedItem |
Agent |
p |
p.Title |
.Contains() |
Manager.MainFrame.Navigate( |
) |
string.IsNullOrEmpty |
false |
true |
== |
!= |
! |
.GoBack( |
MessageBox |
.Show( |
.SaveChanges(); |