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C4d: Dictionary 11
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25 января 2022 в 00:32 (текущая версия от 25 января 2022 в 00:37)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 *
2 ^
3 a) Thin covering better do with 'Plane'
4 - it's useful with cloner as well
5 b) Color > Texture > Surfaces -- prepared samples
6 - Starfield
7 `Helpful for Space
8 `We can add only stars without black, changing in Mix Mode from 'Normal' to 'Add'
9 ^ Generator 'Instance' -- it's like hyperlink or label on your working table of windows 10
10 a) it's a generator that references to another object and takes its properties
11 b) Object > Reference Object -- just choose necessary another object for referencing
12 c) It's useful when we use lots of the same objects
13 - so, for quick changing the same objects we change original
14 d) Often scheme, lots of Instances into one Cloner (object)
15 - Every Instance references to one object
16 - So the Cloner generates lots of different objects
17 - The cloner > object chooses necessary object (plane) for disposition
18 e) Instance often does with Cloner
19 ^ Always do Cloner > Object > Surface with 'Plane', not 'Cube', otherwise Cloners will be perpendicularly to all 6 sides
20 a) Don't forget about 'Seed' for changing chaotic disposition
21 *
22 ^ When in Russian, commands don't work
23 a) Remember it
24 ^
25 a) My hotkey 'Show Tracks' (~ + T)
26 ^ Assigning hotkeys
27 a) Customize commands (Shift + F12)
28 b) Type necessary command in 'Name Filter'
29 c) Choose hotkey, then 'Assign'
30 ^ Timeline (where Curves, Tracks, etc.)
31 a) We can see tracks in the most left sign 'Dope Sheet'
32 b) 'F-Curves' is next to 'Dope Sheet' (to the right)
33 ^ Show Tracks (~ + T)
34 a) A filled yellow rectangle on the diagramme shows a key frame against to 'Position', 'Scale', or 'Rotation'
35 b) We can select several rectangles just holding LBM and covering on necessary ones
36 - We can delete selected key frames (click Delete)
37 c) Selecting several or all key frames, we can stretch or squeeze animation
38 - holding for edges of above horizontal stripe
39 - we can also change start of acting key frames
40 - RBM we can see additional commands
41 d) Under 'Dope Sheet', below 'Summary' where an Object with daughters Position X, Position Y, Position Z, etc.
42 - Clicking on arrow of, as an example, Position X, we'll see graphic of the Position X.
43 *
44 ^
45 a) Tag > Rigging > Protection
46 - Allows to block an object like lock
47 - We can choose separately P, S or R
48 b) An object rotates around local axis
49 c) Workplane
50 - My created hotkey for switching on/off visibility (`+ W)
51 в) Render Settings (Ctrl + B) > Effect > Cel Renderer -- Allows to render with outlines
52 - Tick Color, Outline, Edges
53 d) Chamfer
54 - My created hotkey for Chamfer (` + C)
55 ^ We can make necessary cutout on an object
56 a) Via another object into Boole
57 b) Use A add B
58 c) Convert, Connect + Delete
59 *
60 ^ We can make explode via
61 a) MoGraph > PolyFx
62 - Make it a daughter of an necessary object
63 b) MoGraph > Effector > Random
64 - It's a separate independent effector
65 *
66 ^ Material > Color > Texture > Gradient > Gradient
67 a) keep Shift + LKM -- expand highlighting
68 b) for edging of highlighting field of Gradient we can change size c) turbulence
69 d) frequency
70 e) seed
71 f) angle
72 ^ Material > Color > Texture > Gradient > Fresnel
73 a) fresnel depends on camera's angle
74 b) fresnel's useful, because it can be like color (1 knot) or easy light-shader gradient (difference only in brightness between 2 knots)
75 ^ Material > Color > Texture > Gradient > Noise
76 a) for generating noise on object
77 ^ Material > Editor > Animate Preview
78 a) unticked (default) -- there's no animation in Preview
79 b) Animation Speed works with ticked Animate Preview
80 ^ Material > Color > Texture > Noise
81 a) Color 1
82 b) Color 2
83 c) Seed
84 d) Noise -- type of Noise
85 e) Global Scale
86 f) Relative Scale -- we can change the size one of 3 axis
87 g) Animation Speed -- works with ticked
88 ^ Editor > Animated Preview
89 a) Loop Period -- lets cycle animation (numbers in seconds)
90 b) Low clip -- increasing concentration of Color 1
91 c) High clip -- increasing concentration of Color 2
92 ^ Material > Color > Texture > Noise > Noise
93 a) press on triangle (right). it shows with images types of Noise
94 b) Luka -- for Rust and old cloth
95 c) Stupl -- it's similar to Luka
96 d) Displaced Voronoi -- generates more rounded forms
97 e) FBM
98 f) Electric

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