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1 февраля 2022 в 14:48 (текущая версия от 26 ноября 2022 в 15:54)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 * Making Difficult Objects (Perhaps in Architecture)
2 ^ Making for getting Camera Distortions (for approximate Loop/Path Cut in different parts of an object)
3 a) If we have sizes of reference, we create a usual 'Cube' with fitting sizes, likely in Front view (F4)
4 - After that, we create a Camera in Perspective with the same sizes as in an image of BG
5 `Sizes of the Camera we do in Render Settings (Ctrl + B)
6 `For learning size of an image: RBM on the image > properties > in detail > dimension
7 - A Created 'Cube' we switch visibility in X-Ray for matching the Cube to the image of BG
8 b) in Perspective we create Floor > Background
9 - Create material where the necessary image load in canal Color
10 - After that, we use material on Background
11 - Size of Background is the same as in Render Settings (Ctrl + B)
12 c) Create Camera and use on it tag "Rigging Tags" > "Protection"
13 d) Convert the Cube and make Loop/Path Cut (K~L) in some parts of the object
14 e) If we need more objects, make copies of the optimized cube
15 а) When we want to watch from other foreshortening, we just switch off the camera
16 ^
17 a) We can take other samples, for instance, chair legs with Lathe
18 *
19 ^ In Lathe, when we want change common diameter, we switch Enable Axis (L) and moving
20 ^ Loft
21 a) Mesh Subdivision U -- this gives the number of subdivisions in the U direction, i.e., along the circumference of the cross-section
22 b) Mesh Subdivision V -- defines the number of subdivisions in the V direction, i.e., along the length of the loft
23 c) Isoparm subdivision U -- defines the number of isoparm used to display the loft object when the isoparm display mode is active
24 ^ Making a groove on architectural objects
25 a) For example, we made a chair leg via Lathe
26 b) We choose on Spline > Object: for making a simpler grid
27 - Intermediate points (default Adaptive is good)
28 - If we increase Angle, there's a simpler grid
29 - After we've done, convert it
30 c) If we need to make several grooves around the leg, we select the opposite short planes
31 - Inner (I), then shift them
32 `Positive numbers shift inside, or else outside
33 - Scaling them via one axis plane, perhaps XZ
34 d) Putting the object into Subdivision
35 e) If the top and the bottom is too stretched, make Loop/Path Cut (K~L) in Edge next to them
36 ^ In F2, F3, F4 sometimes better to go from Display > Lines (N~G) into Display > Hidden Line (N~F)
37 a) The less lines the better visibility
38 ^ Right using references in different Views
39 a) Size X, Size Y must be the same
40 b) References must be inside the Cube
41 ^ Generator Subdivision works with one object, so use grouping
42 a) Try to use Subdivision in the top hierarchy, i.e. once.
43 ^ Window > Timeline (Dope Sheet) (Shift + F3)
44 ^ Window > Timeline (F-Curve) (Shift + Alt +F3)
45 a) Show Position F-Curve (Shift + Alt + E)
46 b) Show Rotation F-Curve (Shift + Alt + R)
47 c) Show Scale F-Curve (Shift + Alt + T)
48 ^ Preferences (Ctrl + E) > Units > Animation Unit (default Frames)
49 a) We can change into Seconds or SMPTE
50 b) SMPTE like in After Effects
51 ^ Viewport > Cameras
52 a) Default Camera
53 ^ Camera
54 a) Object > Projection (Default Perspective)
55 - Parallel: useful for isometric projections
56 `Zoom: very useful, allows to zoom in or out scene without Position
57 ^ Change time of a day
58 a) Physical Sky > Time and Location > Time
59 - Just animate Time where it will be changing directions of shades
60 ^ Viewport > Display > Isoparms (N~I)
61 a) Default Wireframes (N~H)
62 ^ When we make animation of an object via tag 'Align to Spline' and primitive 'Circle' we can change direction
63 a) Just tick in Circle 'Reverse'
64 b) In Helix is Reverse as well
65 * Baking Animation
66 ^
67 a) After making and combining animation clips, we need to bake them
68 b) On the '0' frame make a key frame
69 - It needs for imaging the object in the Timeline (F-Curves)
70 c) On the Timeline (F-Curves) we go to Functions > Bake Objects
71 - Just untick 'Create copy', other leave the same
72 `Sometimes we need to create a copy of the object
73 - After clicking 'Ok' we'll see key frames
74 d) We have to simplify key frames, make them less (like in Adobe Illustrator)
75 e) Select all key frames (Ctrl + A)
76 - Functions > Delete unused tracks
77 f) F-Curves > untick Show all tracks
78 g) After that, we can work with every trak separately
79 ^ Baking Animation (part 2)
80 a) F-Curve > Create Snapshot 1
81 b) F-Curve > View Snapshot 1
82 c) Functions > Key Reducer
83 - Use 'Reduction Infection' just moving percent of influence
84 - Perhaps, it's useful 'Reduction Fourier'
85 d) Make left key frames according to Snapshot 1
86 - We can remove unnecessary key frame
87 - We can add key frames, just using F9 (but don't forget the key frame will be created in every track)
88 e) Do it with every track where unnecessary frames and unchanged tracks we remove
89 ^ If we want to curve a part of another object, try to use deform
90 ^ Primitives -- it's simple 3d objects (doubt)
91 a) Primitives consists of segments
92 ^ Sometimes, it's better to make color via simple source of light instead of material
93 a) Two basic properties: Shadow and Light
94 b) If it's a city with one source of light (the sun), we choose a Raytraced (hard) type of shadow
95 c) If several sources of light, we choose 'Shadow maps' (soft) or 'Area' (more quality and more resources)
96 ^ Don't forget about limitless 'Floor' and limitless 'Sky'
97 a) On both 'Floor' and 'Sky' we can put a material
98 *
99 ^ Deformer > Camera -- allows deform kinda the view of objects, but we deform only camera
100 a) Camera (need to be chosen a necessary object)
101 b) Strength
102 c) Grid X
103 d) Grid Y
104 e) Save Frame (Default tick)
105 f) Draw Grid (default Active)
106 - Always
107 - Hierarchy
108 g) We can deform everything via Magnet (M ~ I)
109 h) It's a pretty cool deformer because it can be returned to a norman condition just moving it
110 ^ Deformer > Camera (part 2)
111 a) First, we have to create a usual Camera
112 b) Then, we can create a Camera Deformer (The main camera should be selected), that must be in an object
113 c) We can even changing position of the main camera, so we'll notice changes on objects
114 ^ Magnet (M ~ I)
115 *
116 ^ A wheel we make via Disc
117 ^ Mode 'Polygons' (My Created hotkey: Ctrl + P)
118 ^ Mode 'Edges' (My Created hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + E)
119 ^ Mode 'Points' (My Created hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + P)
120 ^ Mode 'Model' (My Created hotkey: Ctrl + M)
121 ^ Polygon Pen (M ~ E) welds points on spot
122 ^ Set Point Value (M ~ U)
123 a) A necessary axis is from 'Leave' to 'Set'
124 b) Coordinate system is from 'Object' to 'World'
125 c) Apply
126 d) We can make it with simple coordinates
127 - But Set Point Value (M ~ U) is much better, when we want to return to zero several points
128 ^ Polygon Pen (M ~ E)
129 a) Always better tick 'Auto Weld'
130 ^ Split (U ~ P) -- allows to split details, but remember about the next removing
131 ^ Sometimes Cloner 'Radial' is better radius on '0'
132 ^ If we a Symmetry generator make editable, we get a symmetry welded object
133 ^ Close Polygon Hole (M ~ D)
134 ^ Weld (M ~ Q) -- allows to weld points
135 a) Usually holding Shift
136 b) or select necessary points then Weld (M ~ Q)
137 ^ Sometimes, it's better to make a neutral colour for Cloner
138 ^ If we want to find a necessary object in tab 'Objects'
139 a) Select the necessary one
140 b) Objects > View > Scroll to the first Active
141 ^ Making the same level
142 a) Hold down Ctrl + an object
143 - Remember holding down Shift is a lower level
144 - Holding down Alt is a higher level
145 ^ Traffic lights
146 a) Hold down Ctrl + click on one of two traffic lights will do the same with children
147 b) We can also paint down to other objects when holding down Ctrl
148 ^ Moving without child
149 a) Hold down '7' and PSR a parent object
150 ^ Moving along one axis
151 a) Default method (keeping for axis)
152 b) Holding down shift
153 - Sometimes helpful
154 ^ Slide Tool (M ~ O) -- works in the Point and Edge Mode
155 a) In Point mode we can move a point along an edge
156 - We can also weld the point to another one, just moving on that one or just holding down Ctrl + showing direction
157 b) Better in an Edge Mode where we can move along an edge path
158 - If we tick 'Preserve Curvature', it allows us shifting a line along curvature path
159 - Holding down Ctrl we can duplicate an edge
160 ^ Lasso (8)
161 ^ Render Settings > Presets (default 1280x720)
162 a) Screen
163 b) Film/Video
164 c) Mobile Devices
165 d) Print (Portrait)
166 e) Print (Landscape)
167 ^ Render > Interactive Render Region (Alt + R)
168 ^ Settings of Material where RBM on an Icon of one
169 a) Views of Size
170 - Default (the same as Large)
171 - Small
172 - Medium
173 - Large (the same as Default)
174 - Huge
175 b) Views of Geometric Shapes
176 - Default (the same as Sphere)
177 - Flat (2D) (non-activated): didn't understand
178 - Sphere (the same as default)
179 - Cube
180 - Rounded Cube
181 - Plane
182 - Plane Backlight
183 - Cylinder
184 - Torus
185 - Double Torus
186 - Knot
187 - Multiple Objects
188 - Candle
189 - Cloth
190 - Gem
191 - Object (Anim)
192 - Object
193 c) Anim -- I think it allows to make animation
194 d) Open Window -- understandable
195 e) Reset Rotation -- didn't understand
196 f) Project Settings -- allows to change default scale, color and so on
197 * Santus
198 ^ For making 3d-personage
199 a) We have to have reference with 2 perpendicular projections
200 - A Front view
201 - A Profile view
202 - The third back view can be additional
203 b) Searching references in the Internet
204 - Just in browser type "model sheets" in the tab images
205 - Better choose a filter in size "Big"
206 c) We have to check references in Photoshop where all views must be on the same level
207 - Guides help here
208 d) We can also make references ourselves in Photoshop
209 ^ Checking References in Photoshop
210 a) Take a guide of eyebrows
211 b) Eyes (perhaps + nose)
212 c) Mouth
213 d) Chin
214 e) Shoulders (perhaps + female breasts)
215 f) Belt
216 g) knees
217 h) Sometimes as more as you can
218 ^ Loading References into C4d
219 a) in C4d Mode > View Settings (Shift + V)
220 b) in Front view F4 we try to put a reference via image of that front view
221 c) in Right view F3 put the reference of that right view
222 d) Try to put references in the centre via axis X
223 e) Author does so that the lower part was on the floor via Y
224 ^ Settings of Interface for 3d Personage
225 a) Better go into layout Model
226 - into model we insert some tools from layout Sculpting
227 b) from layout Sculpting we type names of tools in a notebook
228 c) Go into to layout Model, then on the low part (where tools) RBM > Customize Palettes
229 - Here we choose necessary tools from Sculpting
230 ^ Necessary tools into Model from Sculpting
231 a) Pull (just shift into the low row of tools)
232 b) grab
233 c) smooth
234 d) wax
235 e) knife
236 f) pinch
237 ^ Necessary tools into Model from Sculpting (part 2)
238 a) flatten
239 b) inflate
240 c) amplify
241 d) fill
242 e) repeat
243 f) scrape
244 g) erase
245 ^ Necessary tools into Model from Sculpting (part 3)
246 a) Don't forget to save palettes for loading in future
247 b) Removing Palettes and change there queue
248 - RBM on the low panel of tools > customize palettes (we have to see a selected sector
249 - for removing just twice click LBM
250 - for changing position one of these tools, just holding LBM and shift it
251 ^ Saving set layout
252 a) Window > Customization > Save layout as..
253 - Give a remembered name
254 b) After that, we can see a new our layout in Layout
255 **
256 * Creating a Personage (Fox)
257 ^ Sphere with 48 segments
258 a) Type change into Hexahedron
259 - Here we can see quadrangles which help us make right polygons
260 b) Sphere will be a sample for future head
261 - So like attaching the sphere to the head
262 - Convert for deeper work
263 c) Use tools from sculpting
264 ^ Tool 'Grab' helps to shift parts of an object
265 a) Grab > Symmetry
266 - Here we can tick axis of symmetry (helpful)
267 b) Grab > Settings > Size
268 - The more the better
269 - Pull out a part for nose
270 c) Making scaling and rotation for similarity
271 ^ Tool 'Brush' (M ~ C) -- here we do more accurate similarity of the sphere to the head
272 a) Type 'Smear'
273 b) Radius 25
274 c) Strength 100%
275 d) Mode 'Points'
276 e) on forehead we smears more points
277 f) if necessary we decrease radius
278 ^ Tool 'Brush' (M ~ C) (Part 2)
279 a) Making similarity via 2 views: Front and Right
280 b) We can cling for a point (it's getting highlighted) (very useful)
281 ^ Basically, we can or even should match only one side of front view, because we'll use a generator 'Symmetry'
282 a) Go into mode 'Polygon'
283 b) Choose a selection Rectangle (0)
284 c) Remove one vertical side via Rectangle
285 d) Unremoved the other part make a daughter of generator 'Symmetry'
286 - The generator 'Symmetry' does a mistake with anchor point
287 e) Central points make position to 0
288 - Flatten with scale
289 - put a number to 0
290 - another method with a tool 'Set point Value' (M ~ U) which I know
291 ^ Making Mouth
292 a) Remove in Polygons a place of mouth
293 b) Make similarity with points next to the line, but not too near
294 c) Select an edge of removed polygons and make 'Extrusion' into depth
295 - Make additional cuts for more flexibility
296 d) Making smoothing via 'Smooth Brush' (M ~ C)
297 ^ Making Smoothing
298 a) Brush (M ~ C) where choose type 'Smooth'
299 - Often better to decrease strength
300 - Also choose and change radius of brush where the more radius the more influence
301 b) Tool 'Slide (M ~ O) allows to shift point or edges along with an edge or a polygon (very useful)
302 - So we can fix for smoothing
303 ^ Making thicker net
304 a) Main rule is to make the best shape with a minimal number of polygons
305 b) But try not do too big polygons
306 - Effect method is Loop/Path Cut (K ~ L)
307 ^ If we work with generator 'Symmetry', there's no need to switch symmetry in settings of sculpting
308 ^ Tool "Pull"
309 a) Allows to make, for instance, eyebrows
310 b) With Pull we can make bulge
311 c) If we hold Ctrl + LBM, we get concavity
312 ^ For smoothing there's a sculpting tool 'Smooth'
313 ^ Bevel (M ~ S)
314 a) We can quickly make eyebrows
315 - For smoothing we can take brush (M ~ C) or a sculpting 'Smooth'
316 ^ For Finished operation often use Subdivision Surface
317 a) It's for finished smoothing
318 ^ Tool 'Smooth'
319 a) very useful in the finished operation for getting rid of defects
320 ^ My Hotkeys
321 a) Mode (Ctrl + Alt + Q)
322 b) Points (Ctrl + Alt + A)
323 c) Texture ( Ctrl + Alt + T)
324 d) Edge (Ctrl + Alt + E)
325 e) Polygons (Ctrl + Alt + R)
326 ^ Making ears
327 a) We add one ear to the existence shape of head
328 b) Select several polygons around an ear of reference in front and right views
329 - Not dangerous if we take a little more
330 c) In perspective view make an extrusion of these polygons
331 - then in front view make similarity according to a tip of ear
332 - then in right view the same
333 d) After that, we make cuts with Loop/Path Cut (K ~ L) where we can quickly put a 'Number of Cuts'
334 - We make more cuts if we want to animate a personage
335 e) Take a Smooth Brush (M ~ C) in mode Points (Ctrl + Alt + A) in Front view
336 - Not always to take a Smooth Brush first (depends on circumstances)
337 - Sometimes better a Smear Brush
338 - For making a finished shape we use a Smear Brush (M ~ C) with intensity 100%
339 ' Sometimes it's better to increase a radius for shifting near point
340 f) For concavity we use 'Pinch'
341 - We can work it even with mode 'Polygon'
342 g) Pay attention to Reverse Normals (U ~ R)
343 ^ Try to get rid of big polygons
344 ^ Can't find a tool 'Pull' for making eyes
345 a) Use 'Inflate' -- useful
346 ^ Making a nose
347 a) Just do with one half, because it's into symmetry
348 b) Select 2 or 4 polygons and make an extrusion (hold ctrl)
349 - Be careful about appeared new polygons in a center which must be removed
350 c) Then a Smooth Brush (M ~ C)
351 d) For Nostril we select low 2-4 polygons
352 - Inset (I) we pull deeper with better object coordinates
353 - Sometimes do better n-angle via Slide (M ~ O)
354 - Here's 8-gons
355 ^ For removing only edges on polygons we can use
356 a) Melt (U ~ Z)
357 ^ Making an eye
358 a) Create Sphere
359 b) Rotate for 90 degrees around X axis
360 c) Double vith making more volume for Eyelid
361 - Just via Ctrl + Scaling (a little bigger)
362 - Type change into Hexahedron
363 - Convert and Remove a lower half
364 - Eyelid make thicker where Ctrl + A for all selecting and via Extrusion (D)
365 d) Temporarily add some colors for
366 - eyelids
367 - cornea
368 - eyeball (black)
369 - eye (basic white)
370 e) Add some eyelashes
371 - Make a loop/path cut (K ~ L) next to the border of an eyelid
372 - Select the end in Polygons with Loop Selection (U ~ L) and Extrusion (D)
373 - On a created plan make 3 cuts (K ~ L) where from the nearest edges we making down for circling
374 - if we don't want to do the same with the low eyelid, we just copy and turn over where set 'Enable Axis' (L)
375 f) The second eye for symmetrical position we put minus in X axis
376 ^ Making a neutral PSR of objects
377 a) Activate 'Enable Axis' (L)
378 b) Go into layout 'Model'
379 c) In the very low-right we put 0
380 d) Better method is click on a sign 'Coordinate Manager' (Shift + F7)
381 ^ For tab 'Material Manager' (Shift + F2) we should activate in the up-right corner, next to a sign 'Null'
382 ^ For duplicating a part of an object we can use 'Split' (U ~ P)
383 a) After it's been created a new object with a necessary part
384 b) We should return to a previous object and delete an unnecessary one
385 ^ Enable Axis (L) in views, except perspective, we don't need to try to click on angle or arrows
386 a) Just click everywhere and shift
387 - Axis will be shifted only with a plane
388 - If we want to move only with one Axis, holding Shift
389 ^ Making a jaw
390 a) Select all deep polygons
391 - Split (U ~ P) and work only with this detail
392 - We can temporarily make invisible all other objects
393 'Sometimes via 'Viewport Solo' (My Created Shift + Alt + S)
394 b) Remove side polygons
395 c) Select high jaw
396 - Split (U ~ P)
397 - Unnecessary delete for getting 2 independent jaws
398 - Centering of Axis
399 d) First, work with a high jaw
400 - select polygons after one
401 - Extrude them
402 - Make Loop/path Cuts (K ~ L) of these polygons with 2 sides
403 - Select created center points then slightly move them up for making a usual tooth
404 ' Sometimes we need to select edge points and move them down
405 e) Making a tooth cutter
406 - Select a polygon (nearest to the center)
407 - Move down it, then move down the center edge.
408 f) Making a fang tooth
409 - Select inner polygons
410 - Extrude them
411 ' just Scale and decrease up to 0 in all sides
412 - or Scale not up to 0
413 ' Select points, then a tool 'Weld' (M ~ Q) in the center
414 - Add some cuts for changing position of some edges
415 ' we can get half circle
416 g) Insert into Symmetry and Subdivision surface
417 - Then convert it
418 ^
419 a) Making a low jaw we do the same as a high jaw
420 - We can always use a Smooth Brush (M ~ C) for smoothing teeth
421 - Don't forget about removing inside polygons that are adjacent
422 Dissolve (M ~ N) -- allows to remove unnecessary edges. Useful.
423 ^ Mouth (part 2)
424 a) Sometimes we should make deeper a mouth
425 b) Select the deepest edge and pool it deeper
426 c) Make several Loop/path Cut
427 d) Do the last things
428 ^ Making a Torso
429 a) Select polygons according to a reference neck
430 - we can choose 3 rows of polygons
431 - then remove those polygons
432 b) Select Edge of the removed polygons
433 - Extrude them lower, then equal with axis Z
434 - Lower up to neck
435 - making a similarity according to collar
436 - Do it with Smear Brush, usual shifting, don't forget about smoothing in the end
437 c) Lower up to groin
438 - According to a logical line
439 - First, making scalable, with rotation
440 d) Loop/Path Cut (K ~ L) in the middle between the groin and the neck
441 - We can a parallel to axis X via Scalable for Y up to 0
442 - Making a similarity with position and scale
443 e) Do the same between neck and chest; chest and groin
444 - Sometimes we help with a Smear brush (M ~ C)
445 f) If we see that points are too up or down we can equal them with one side of scaling
446 g) The more Loop/Path cut the better and more accurate
447 - Just do where not similarity
448 ^ The rule is there mustn't be contrast transition in big space of polygons and little space of ones
449 ^ Get rid of sharp angle
450 a) Smooth Brush (M ~ C)
451 b) Smear Brush (M ~ C)
452 - Untick 'Visual Only'
453 ^ Pat attention to equal net of polygons
454 ^ Big Radius of a Smooth Brush (M ~ C) allows to smooth very well
455 ^ A tool 'Inflation' works very well
456 - Holding Ctrl + LBM gives delation
457 ^ A Sculpting tool 'Knife' Makes deepening
458 - With Ctrl otherwise effect
459 ^ For deepening we can also shift selected points
460 ^ From Skew of Edges helps a Smooth Brush
461 ^ Making a Hip
462 a) Select an edge of low polygon, Extrude
463 b) + Select an opposite polygon
464 - Stitch and sew (M ~ P)
465 c) On a new polygon we Loop/Path Cut (K ~ L) make 4 equal sectors
466 - Appeared the 3 edges in the center we make lower
467 d) Select a close path, then make lower according to a knee
468 - Equal relating to axis Z
469 - A Smooth Brush in the lowest edge of the knee
470 e) We should decrease a number of points on the horizontal edges of a knee
471 - Start from the middle 1/3 of a knee and the middle 1/3 of a shin
472 - Ideally a getting a cylinder with 8 points in the end
473 f) Decreasing of points
474 - Select 3 lower points, then Stitch and Sew (M ~ P)
475 - Do the same through every one point
476 - There will be new triangles that must be converted into polygons
477 - Just select them in mode 'Polygons' and delete
478 - After that we apply 'Close polygon' where we'll see quadrangles
479 ^ Making a hip (Part 2)
480 a) Decreasing a number of points we make in the middle of a knee
481 - Then between top and middle of a shin
482 ^ With Stitch and Sew (M ~ P) have to be careful, because a programme will stop working.
483 ^ Making a knee and a shin
484 a) Make additional Loop/path cut (K ~ L)
485 b) Some modellers advise to skew the higher and the lower cycle edges
486 - The higher one anticlockwise
487 - The lower one clockwise
488 с) Select 6 polygons for making a kneecap
489 - Hide them (Select > Hide Selected)
490 - For showing all we return in the same mode (Polygons)
491 d) Make similar to a circle with around points
492 - Select the cycle edge
493 - With Scale make an extrusion via all 3 axis
494 e) in Perspective slightly skew, then close polygon (D)
495 f) Created polygon (more than quadrangle) we have to convert into several quadrangles
496 - One horizontal line in the middle
497 - Two vertical lines
498 g) Add edge cycles for more soften deformation
499 h) Make the same as before till ankle
500 ^ Making a boot
501 a) Relating to reference
502 b) Create a usual cube with 4 segments in every axis
503 c) Make a similarity, then convert it
504 d) With a Smooth Brush and a Smear Brush we do more accurate
505 e) A heel we can make just selecting 6 polygons then extrusion
506 g) Use a Sculpting tool Grab
507 ^ Sometimes it's better to select several points on spot then shift them
508 ^ We can make a rim of a boot with
509 a) Cycle selecting of polygons
510 b) Inset (I)
511 c) Scaling
512 ^ Making a chamfer
513 a) Select necessary polygons
514 b) Inset (I)
515 - We can add subdivisions
516 c) Scaling -- allows not to save equal directions in all axis
517 ^ Making a decorated part on a boot (for a little hiding of defect)
518 a) Select a top cycle edge
519 b) Extrude higher
520 c) Scaling bigger
521 d) Down with scaling smaller
522 ^ With a Sculpting Knife we can make a deformation of some things (useful)
523 ^ Modeling an arm
524 a) Select several Polygons according to a reference of an arm
525 - Perhaps 9 or more ones
526 b) Delete them, then smoothing
527 - We can extrude this part, as i want
528 c) Count a number of points
529 d) Create a separate cylinder with the same a number of segments
530 - Convert then make some things of similarities
531 e) A created done arm we attache to a T-Shape
532 - For future right rigging and animation
533 - The sample of the arm must be like in a person (elbows watch ahead)
534 f) Combine a part of body and an arm with 'Connect objects + Delete'
535 g) Stitching (M ~ P) with selected cycle points of the nearest two parts of objects
536 ^ Skinning -- a setting of bones
537 ^ Modeling an arm (part 2)
538 a) Add some loop/path cuts (K ~ L) next to mobile parts (elbow)
539 - The nearest cuts we rotate like with a kneecap
540 'The nearest to the shoulder to this one rotation
541 'The nearest to the hand to this one rotation
542 - Can add even more cuts that are next to elbow
543 '2 additional cuts for every side
544 b) Making an elbow joint
545 - Select several polygons around the elbow joint
546 - Delete, smoothing
547 - Extrude inner with Scaling and shifting it
548 - Close polygon (D)
549 - Like cut (K ~ K) for making quadrangles
550 - Smoothing
551 c) Author selected 12 polygons for doing 2 horizontal cuts
552 ^ Modeling a hand
553 a) Author use a method like a boot
554 b) Create a new file with a reference of a hand
555 - Start with F2
556 c) Author models from Sphere
557 - Segments 9
558 - Hehahedron
559 d) Convert Sphere, then delete a half
560 - The lowest side equals with scaling
561 - Extrude up to all size
562 e) Make additional cuts next to phalanxes
563 - Author firstly moving up edges for making falanxes
564 ^ Several methods of convexity of sth
565 a) Select several polygons
566 - Extrude them, Scale
567 b) Select Several polygons
568 - Delete them, smoothing points
569 - Scale with ctrl
570 - Close polygon
571 - add some cuts for quadrangles
572 ^ Modeling a hand (part 2)
573 a) Sometimes, it's better not to make lots of paths for one finger
574 - We copy the finger for others
575 b) Select and copy from the index finger to the middle one
576 - We make a similarity
577 - We should increase a distance between fingers, unlike reference, for skinning
578 - The length of other fingers we can change just with scaling of one axis in mode 'Model' (Ctrl + Alt + Q)
579 c) Fingers should be like on the same part of an imaginary ring
580 - Thumb must be turned like in a real life
581 d) We should slightly make higher a middle and a ring fingers
582 - Pinky finger lower
583 d) Select all fingers, then 'Connect objects + Delete'
584 e) Between fingers we select near edges
585 - Stitch and Sew (holding Shift for creating a polygon between them)
586 'If hold Ctrl, edges are in the centre without creating an additional polygon
587 'If don't hold anything, the first edges will be stitched to the second ones
588 f) Additional cuts better do in the first finger before copying
589 - For author the optimal limit of polygons is 30 000
590 g) Select the hugest cycle edge, then extrude according to the reference
591 - on F2 easier and more comfortable
592 - on F1 Smoothing points till circle or oval
593 'Useful on 100 Strength a Smooth Brush
594 ^ Modeling a hand (part 3)
595 a) Insert a prepared hand into the main project
596 b) According to the reference we scale (make a similarity)
597 - Better in Vertical position of the hand
598 с) After that we attache the hand to the end of elbow
599 - Here we can use smooth, smear
600 - Scale up to 0 in the main axis for equaling side
601 d) Extrude the edge of the hand
602 - So we get a glove
603 e) To make sure that the glove completely arounds the elbow
604 - We can put different materials on the glove and the elbow
605 ^ In most accidents a personage should be the whole object
606 a) Not from separate pieces
607 b) But there are some pluses
608 - Separate pieces can be replaced
609 c) Sometimes, better not to remove inside ending parts that are hidden into a separate part
610 d) The end edge we Scale (holding Ctrl)
611 - Shift toward the glove
612 - Scale down
613 - It's similar to collar
614 ^ Sometimes it's useful a tool 'Iron the mesh' (M ~ G)
615 - Globally influences
616 - For smoothing or strengthing
617 ^ 2 Main things of modeling
618 a) Smoothness of lines
619 b) Equality of polygons
620 ^ Modeling a hand (part 4)
621 a) On the glove we make a triangle cut
622 - Some new points (next to or on the lines) we should stitch (M ~ P)
623 - There are some new triangles which are acceptable, because no future animation in that part
624 - Make Extrusion of lines, then smoothing
625 b) Make knuckles via Grab or better Inflate
626 c) Make finger pads via Grab or better Inflate
627 - Do else with palm
628 ^ Fine-tuning for all body
629 a) First, watch equality and smoothness of polygons
630 - But not always
631 b) Adding Collarbones via a 'Inflate'
632 ^ The last operation after modeling a body
633 a) Watch and try to equal some polygons, not all
634 b) Make collarbone
635 c) Add some muscles such as
636 - Deltoid muscle
637 - Biceps
638 - Triceps
639 d) Add shoulder blades
640 e) Add some buttocks
641 f) Add something on back part of knees
642 ^ The last operation after modeling a body (part 2)
643 a) Via a sculpting knife we can make fine borders between parts of a body
644 b) A Grab is very useful when we want to move some part
645 - It's useful with concavity or convexity
646 ' Waist and so on.
647 c) Add a little belly
648 d) Add via a knife a line under the chest
649 e) Add via a knife a line in the groin
650 - A knife better with a small radius, otherwise too big influence
651 ^ Making a tail + Stitching with body
652 a) Make a hemisphere via hexahedron
653 - 6 segments, because there will be 8 points on the middle for stitching
654 b) Extrude with rotate, sclale, position according to a reference
655 - Here for accurate we can use a Smear Brush
656 - Don't forget about watching perspective
657 c) add some polygons
658 d) After making the tail we convert the symmetry body into a single object
659 - Before converting we should save a project for future using of other aims
660 e) After that we connect the body and the tail
661 - At the place of stitching on the body we delete 4 polygons
662 - Circling points
663 - Select them and select points of the tail
664 - Stitch and sew them with holding ctrl
665 f) Add some cuts, because it's a dynamic part
666 g) Common smoothing
667 ^ The most final par of modeling
668 a) Choose an 'Iron' where slightly making smoothing of all body
669 - Effective method, because after that we don't have to work with subdivision surface, which takes lots of power of CPU
670 - Do the same with other parts (gloves, boots) of an object
671 b) Better to combine body and gloves and boots
672 - Easier to do rigging
673 c) Try to get rid of Subdivision Surface
674 - Much better for your mainframe
675 d) After making a single combined object we have to correct coordinates
676 - X and Z must be 0, Y -- 0 or in the middle
677 ^ Similarity of height -- we make it for similarity to a real life
678 a) It will be helpful to work in other programs
679 - Motion Builder
680 - Endorphin
681 - Marvellous
682 b) Make sure that our object in centimetres
683 - Edit > Project Settings (Ctrl + D)
684 c) All objects we make into the main group
685 d) Choose command 'Measure and Constraction'
686 - Tool > Guide > Measure and Construction
687 - Tool > Commander (Shift + C) > type 'Measure and Construction'
688 e) in Attribute of Measure and Construction
689 - Point 1 > Position -- everywhere 0
690 - Point 2 > Position Y -- 173 cm
691 f) Making similarity of the main group up to the rule
692 - After that we can delete the main group without children
693 'My created hotkey (Shift + Alt + D)
694 - Delete measure in Attributes
695 'We can create a lot of Measure and constructions, then choose among them
696 ^ My created hotkey (Shift + Alt + D) is for 'Delete without children'
697 ^ Making a cloth
698 a) There are 3 variants of making a cloth
699 b) The first variant
700 - Form-fitting cloth
701 ' There is no need to model a cloth, just paint on a body
702 ' It's a creating a texture or material on the surface of a body
703 ' We can also choose any image and insert into a texture material (really helpful)
704 - The simplest method of creating a cloth
705 - In Layout 'UVEdit' we can paint sth in photoshop, creating a paint on a model
706 ' Here we have to know how to create UV Grid
707 c) The second variant -- when a cloth models with a personage
708 - A cloth is modeled from geometry of a personage
709 d) The third variant -- it's a creating of a dynamic cloth
710 ^ The third variant
711 a) Make some converted object with lots of segments
712 b) Inset Tags > Simulation > Cloth on this object
713 c) Inset Tags > Simulation > Cloth belt
714 d) Choose another object
715 - Tags > Simulation > Collider on it
716 e) We can put the first object (Tags Cloth and Cloth belt) into Cloth Surface
717 - Cloth Surface is in a group of Subdivision Surface
718 f) Select the first object
719 - Front view F4
720 - Select 2 up rows of points
721 - Go into Tag 'Cloth Belt'
722 - Put the second object into Tag 'Cloth Belt' > Belt on
723 - Click 'Set'
724 - In the tag 'Cloth' we can change some parameters for comfortable animation
725 g) Animation's been prepared
726 - If we animate position of the second object, the first one goes after that
727 h) There are more comfortable other variants of creating cloth
728 - A program 'Marvellous'
729 - A program 'Claw 3d Enterprise'
730 *
731 ^ Creating UV-mapping
732 a) Allows to make a texture on a 3d-object
733 b) Go into a layout 'UV-edit'
734 - The program automatically will create an uncomfortable 3d-mapping
735 c) We have to create by ourselves
736 d) There are several methods of creating of uv-mapping
737 ^ The first method of creating of uv-mapping -- Manual cutting
738 a) in UV-edit, Edges mode, take cycle selection (U ~ L)
739 b) Select in a boundary between
740 - Head and Neck
741 - In Shoulder
742 - Hand and Elbow (in both sides, lower the same)
743 - Leg and Groin
744 - In Anckle
745 c) Make selecting in those places where it's a minimal view for viewers
746 - On the back parts of legs
747 - on the low parts of arms
748 d) For stitching we make additional selecting, such as
749 - Vertical selecting in from head up to the groin
750 e) Go into mode 'Texture' (Ctrl + Alt + T)
751 - The objects must stayed selected
752 - UV Manager > Projection > click on 'Flat'
753 - UV Manage > Projection > click on 'Relax UV'
754 ' Tick "Cut Selected Edges"
755 ' Click "Apply"
756 f) Couldn't find optimal projection
757 ^ The second method of creating of uv-mapping
758 a) Example on a head
759 - Select half of head in polygons
760 - go into mode 'Texture' (Ctrl + Alt + T)
761 - Projection > Flat
762 - Relax UV > untick 'Cut Selected Edges'
763 - Apply
764 - Via Move (E) we change made part into another part of the place
765 - Do everything the same on the other half of the head
766 b) Example on a head (part 2)
767 - The second part of the head move nearer to the first one
768 - Select some polygons
769 - Command UV > Connect UV (didn't find)
770 - Select all got head > Relax UV > Apply
771 - After that we get a symmetrical razvertka (don't know a word) of the head
772 ^ Creating UV-mapping (part 2)
773 a) We have to make right cuts
774 b) Star with cycle selection (U ~ L)
775 - Between Neck and Body
776 - In bottom of Ears
777 - In bottom of arms
778 - in bottom of gloves
779 - in sole of boots
780 - in bottom of boots
781 - in bottom of legs
782 - in bottom of tail
783 - in bottom of mouth
784 c) Continue with longitudinal section
785 - Choose a tool 'Path Selection'
786 - it's making for cutting of cylinders, because all parts are similar to cylinder or sometimes conus (ears)
787 - Select in a back part of ears from bottom of the cycle to the top
788 - Select in the centre of a head up to tail
789 - Select the tail
790 - Select under the tail up to the groin
791 - Select mouth
792 - Select in back part of hands
793 - Select in the gloves in 2 places
794 ' from thumbnail up to cut
795 ' additionally, from thumbnail up to pinky
796 ' where decorating
797 - Ideally, selecting better make without bending (path selection)
798 - Select in boots
799 d) After making all cycle and path selections
800 - Go into UV Manager > Projection > Flat
801 - UV Manager > Relax UV
802 ' Tick "Cut Selection Edges"
803 ' Change from LSCM into ABF
804 ' Apply
805 - Mistake (There seem to be some degenerate polygons)
806 **
807 * Face modeling (a lesson from 3D PASSION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP0hMbTCk5o)
808 ^ Face modeling (part 1)
809 a) Look for an appropriate reference
810 - Steps the same in Front and Right Views references in Tab Back
811 b) Create a Disc: for eyelids
812 - Disc Object has these characteristics
813 ' Inner Radius (default 0)
814 ' Outer Radius (default 100 cm)
815 ' Disc Segments (default 1; circumference length)
816 ' Rotation Segments (default 16)
817 ' Orientation (default +Y)
818 c) In Disc we put 8 Rotation Segments
819 - Inner radius do nearer to the Outer Radius
820 d) After making this task, we put eyelids into a symmetry
821 - Symmetry with (L) make position up to 0
822 e) Very useful to use all views F5
823 f) The most left part we attach to 0 position, then add some settings for the bridge of the nose
824 **
825 *
826 ^ Preferences > Input Devices
827 a) Graphics Tablet -- should be switched
828 *
829 ^ Viewport > View
830 a) Film Move
831 b) Film Magnify
832 c) Film Zoom
833 - Can't understand the difference among a), b) and c)
834 d) 3d Connexion -- used for 3d mouse
835 e) Undo View (Ctrl + Shift + Z) -- for return to a previous step of a camera view
836 - So-so
837 f) Redo View (Ctrl + Shift + Y) -- go ahead to a step which was rejected of a camera view
838 - So-so
839 ^ Viewport > View (part 2)
840 a) Save > Send to picture viewer -- it's similar to a render frame (Shift + R), but unlike, it includes everything
841 - A picture can be saved in lots of formats
842 b) Save > Send to magic bullet looks -- an interesting function, where we can colorize of our picture
843 c) Configure > Configure (Shift + V)
844 d) Configure > Configure Similar (Shift + Alt + V)
845 e) Configure > COnfigure All (Alt + V)
846 f) Redraw (A) -- for updating viewports
847 - Sometimes C4d can't update viewport because of lots of tasks. This function helps very well
848 *
849 ^ Cameras > Navigation
850 a) Cursor Mode (Default)
851 - We can set a default mode in Prefences > Navigation
852 - Allows to scale, rotate around cursor
853 b) Center Mode
854 - Allows rotate around center of the viewport
855 c) Object Mode
856 - Allows rotate around a selected object
857 d) Camera Mode
858 - The editor camera rotates itself
859 e) Camera 2D Mode
860 - Allows
861 ^ Viewport > Cameras
862 a) Use Camera > Selected Object as Camera: very useful
863 - We can set any object, for example, Null as Camera
864 - The camera watches along axis Z
865 - We can change position the selected object-camera to any position
866 - It's used for checking which objects a light source can see
867 - For switching to the editor camera Cameras > Default Camera
868 b) Default Camera (Default) -- activates the editor camera
869 c) Parallel -- the vanishing point is infinitely distant
870 - All lines are parallel
871 d) Projection > Gentleman -- it's an ideal view for architecture
872 - X:Y:Z -- 1:1:0.5
873 e) Projection > Isometric -- a popular choice for technical subjects
874 - X:Y:Z -- 1:1:1
875 f) Projection > Diametric -- it's a similar to Isometric projection, but
876 - X:Y:Z -- 1:1:0.5
877 **
878 *
879 ^ Display -- here we can choose among several modes
880 ^ Display > Shading Modes -- we can define the settings separately for each view using the viewport settings
881 a) Gouraud Shading (N ~ A) -- A standard shading mode
882 b) Gouraud Shading Lines (N ~ B) -- Another standard shading mode
883 c) Quick Shading (N ~ C)
884 - Similar to Gouraud Shading (N ~ A)
885 - The auto light is used instead of the scene's lights to calculate the shading
886 d) Quick Shading Lines (N ~ D)
887 - Similar to Gouraud Shading Lines (N ~ B)
888 - The auto light is used instead of the scene's lights to calculate the shading
889 e) Constant Shading (N ~ E) -- it allows one color image without shades
890 f) Constant Shading Lines -- color with lines without shades
891 f) Hidden Lines (N ~ F) -- objects are hidden, but we can see outer lines
892 - it's useful
893 g) Lines (N ~ G) -- objects are hidden, but we can see all lines
894 ^ Display > Shading Modes (part 2) -- can be combined with 'Wire'
895 a) Wire > Wireframe (N ~ H) -- Default
896 - Shows lines of polygons
897 b) Wire > Isoparms (N ~ I)
898 - Shows lines of generators
899 c) Wire > Box (N ~ K) -- some objects are seen like cubes
900 - it's the second fastest display mode
901 - For extreme scenes
902 - Each box has the same dimensions as the object it represents.
903 d) Wire > Skeleton
904 - Didn't fine it
905 - This is the fastest display mode of all
906 - It is only suitable for hierarchical structures
907 - Each object origin is shown as a small dot and the dots are connected according to the hierarchy
908 - This mode can be useful for character animation
909 - It also removes non-critical lines to expose the skeleton
910 ^ Try to reduce the size of the viewport for better speed of you CPU and GPU
911 * Viewport > Options
912 ^ Options > Level of Detail -- Defines the LOD (level of detail), i.e. how detailed certain objects will be displayed in the viewports
913 - Not all objects support LOD
914 - The lower the setting, the faster the display
915 a) Low -- 25%
916 b) Medium -- 50%
917 c) High (default)
918 d) Use Render LOD for Editor Rendering
919 - Here we can define for each view if the LOD defined in the respective settings (e.g. Subdivision Surfaces) should be used for rendering
920 ^ Options > Stereoscopic -- (default switched off) allows to switch a stereoscopic display in the viewport.
921 a) A stereoscopic depictions is only possible in the Parallel and Perspective views
922 ^ Options > Safe Frames -- this function can be used to hide or show the dark bands for safe frames at the viewport edges
923 a) Didn't find it
924 ^ Options > Linear Workflow Shading (default tick) -- The display of colors, shaders, etc. in the viewport can be turned off, in consideration of linear workflow
925 ^ Options > Effects -- allows to show effects in the current viewport
926 a) Effects
927 - The complex the scene the slower the refresh rate will be
928 - Note that you can also define at material level which channel should be displayed (Viewport channel)
929 b) Transparency
930 - Use this setting to define whether or not transparency should be displayed in high quality
931 - Note that antialiasing doesn't work in the viewport in this mode
932 с) Shadows
933 - Use this setting to define whether or not transparency should be displayed in high quality
934 d) Post Effects
935 - Use this setting to define whether or not transparency should be displayed in high quality
936 - Note that there is only limited support for C4d post effects
937 ' The cartoon Renderer post effect
938 ' Enabled color
939 ' Lighting
940 ' Step options
941 - This option is primarily designed for plug-ins that use post effects.
942 e) Magic Bullet Looks
943 - Enable this option if you want Magic Bullet Looks to be applied directly in the Viewport.
944 - The Magic Bullet Looks post effect must also be enabled in the Render Settings Menu
945 f) HQ Noises
946 - This is where you can enable the display of the Noise Shader for higher quality
947 ^ Options > Effects (Part 2)
948 a) Reflections
949 - Defines whether or not reflections should be displayed
950 b) SSAO
951 - Defines whether or not an Ambient Occlusion approximation should be Rendered in the Viewport
952 с) Tessellation
953 - Defines whether or not tesselation should be displayed for respective objects in the Viewport.
954 d) Depth of Field
955 - Defines if a simulated depth of field should be displayed
956 e) Shadow Hinting
957 - For selected objects, including child objects, Shadow Hinting casts a shadow downwards.
958 - This effects helps you 'read' the scene with regard to depth.
959 - You can better approximate the height and distance of objects from one another
960 - The effect is similar to shadows generated by an infinite light source
961 - Shadow Hinting can, of course, not complete with a real shadow, which means that, for example, an object will not receive shadows
962 f) Backface culling (N ~ P) -- Use this option to toggle backface culling on or off when in Lines mode (N ~ G).
963 - Backface culling (N ~ P) can speed up the display and make the scene easier to understand and edit
964 - With Backface culling (N ~ P) all concealed surfaces are hidden
965 - A backface is a surface that points away from the camera
966 - Cinema 4d knows the direction of a surface by looking at its surface normal
967 - If the surface normal points towards the camera, the surface is a front face
968 - If the surface normal points away from the camera, the surface is a backface and it's not drawn when Backface Culling is enabled
969 - Figure 1 demonstrates the backface principle
970 - By convention, the Normals should point outwards from their surfaces, as in Figure 1
971 - Objects with Normals that point inwards may cause display errors
972 - To remedy, reverse the Normals, as illustrated in figure 2, using the Reverse Normals (U ~ R) command (Function menu)
973 ^ Options > Isoline Editing (Alt + A)
974 a) If enabled (default enabled), all Subdivision Surfaces cage object elements (points, edges, polygons) will be projected onto the smoothed Subdivision Surfaces object so that these elements can be selected directly on the smoothed object
975 b) Note: even if it looks like you are editing the elements on the smoothed object you are actually only scaling, extruding, cutting, et. the cage object's elements
976 ^ Options > Layer Color
977 a) Objects assigned to a layer can be displayed in the editor view in the color of that respective layer
978 b) This lets you quickly see which objects have been assigned to which layer
979 ^ Options > Polygon Normals
980 a) When in Polygon Mode, the display of polygon normals can be turned of or off here
981 b) Default disabled
982 ^ Options > Vertex Normals
983 a) When in Use Point, Use Edge or Use Polygon mode, this option can be used to enable or disable Vertex Normals
984 b) I can see only in Polygon Mode
985 ^ Options > Tags (N ~ O)
986 a) If this option is enabled, the objects will use the display mode defined in their Display tags (if present)
987 b) Objects without a Display tag will continue to use the viewport's shading mode
988 c) Default Enabled
989 ^ Options > Materials (N ~ Q)
990 a) Default Enabled
991 b) This option can be used to enable or disable the display of textures (bitmaps/shader) in the Viewport
992 c) This option can also be used to turn the material display on or off
993 d) The material display can be turned on or off for each object individually
994 e) To do so, create a Display tag in the Object Manager
995 - Object Manager > Render Tags > Display Tags
996 ^ Options > X-Ray (N ~ R)
997 a) Default disabled
998 b) To acitvate the X-Ray effect enable this option
999 c) If the acitve object is an object (applies to all that are made up of polygons or generate polygons), it will become semi-transparent so that you can see its concealed points and edges.
1000 d) This is particularly helpful with polygon-based modeling since it enables you to see concealed components in the Gouraud shading and quick shading modes.
1001 ^ Options > Volume Vectors -- for volume vectors, you can define here how they should be displayed in the viewport
1002 a) Direction -- The vectors will be colored according to their direction
1003 b) Length -- The vector length will be used as a visual measure for the vector value (strength)
1004 - Black for smaller
1005 - White for greater strength
1006 c) In the image above you see the distribution of velocity of the gasses move primarily upwards along the Y axis
1007 d) In Length mode, the vectors are colored white near the flames
1008 - Here especially high velocities take place
1009 e) The type of display can also be defined at object level in the Display tag
1010 * Views and Viewports > Filter
1011 **
1012 * Creating Animated Book
1013 ^
1014 a) Cube with sizes 210x1x297
1015 b) Insert Deform "Spline Wrap"
1016 c) Cube into Generator MoSpline
1017 d) MoSpline > Simple -- has lots of interesting features
1018 - Angle P
1019 - Curve
1020 - Bend
1021 - Twist
1022 * Making curtains
1023 ^ 1 Method
1024 a) Create plane with more polygons (40x40)
1025 - Width and Hight: 400 x 800
1026 - Convert
1027 b) Insert a Tags > Simulation tags > Cloth
1028 - Here we can change some settings
1029 - Even include some forces
1030 - Effect is visible only with animation
1031 c) Select several points (all high) > Dresser > Fix Points: Set
1032 - Color of selected points must change
1033 d) For deforming necessary part
1034 - Create an object as a limiter
1035 - Put onto the object Tags > Simulation Tags > Collider
1036 - Make animation of position because we can see the result only with animation
1037 - We can copy several limiters
1038 e) After a good frame we select the main curtain > Current state to object
1039 - Other we can remove
1040 - For more thickness and smoothness we can use generator "Cloth Surface" or "Subdivision Surface"
1041 **
1042 * Making an Ornament (Pieces of Advice)
1043 ^
1044 a) Extrude (D) make on the outer polygons
1045 b) A center part of an ornament we dissolve (M ~ N)
1046 c) To Start with a converted plane 1x1 where we make similarity to a reference
1047 d) Highligting X, Y or Z works as a blocker -- Convenient
1048 e) On F2, F3, or F4 useful polygon pen (M ~ E), because a quick change of position only on 2 axis

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