a = int(input()) |
from math import * |
if a != 0: |
for i in range(n): |
for x in a: |
while a != 0: |
print(a, b, sep="") |
a, b = map(int, input().split()) |
f = True |
f = False |
if a % 2 == 0: |
if a == 0 and b == 0: |
elif a == 0 or b == 0: |
while i * i <= n: |
if a ** 2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2: |
print(sqrt(a)) |
assert a != 0 |
def add(u, v): |
return |
while r - l > 1: |
def less(a, b): |
false |
true |
none |
and |
with |
as |
assert |
break |
class |
continue |
def |
del |
elif |
else |
except |
finally |
for |
from |
global |
if |
import |
in |
is |
lambda |
nonlocal |
not |
or |
pass |
raise |
return |
try |
while |
yield |
and |
break |
do |
else |
elseif |
end |
false |
for |
function |
if |
in |
local |
nil |
no |
or |
repeat |
return |
then |
true |
until |
while |
alignas |
alignof |
and |
and_eq |
asm |
auto |
bitand |
bitor |
bool |
break |
case |
catch |
char |
class |
compl |
const |
const_cast |
continue |
default |
delete |
do |
double |
else |
enum |
explicit |
export |
extern |
false |
float |
for |
friend |
goto |
if |
inline |
int |
long |
mutable |
namespace |
new |
not |
not_eq |
nullptr |
operator |
or |
or_eq |
private |
protected |
public |
register |
return |
short |
signed |
sizeof |
static |
static_cast |
struct |
switch |
template |
this |
throw |
true |
try |
typedef |
typeid |
typename |
union |
unsigned |
using |
virtual |
void |
wchar_t |
while |
xor |
xor_eq |
sys |
os |
remove |
path |
join |
normpath |
isfile |
isdir |
glob |
shutil |
rmtree |
color |
style |
list |
values |
clear |
isinstance |
normpath |
join |
remove |
isdir |
len |
argv |
clear |
format |
startfile |
subprocess |
call |
shutil |
execute |
print |
switch |
split |
template |
config |
self |
input |
target |
result |
loads |
read |
template |
sublime |
file |
rename |
dist |
splitext |
content |
ignore |
abs |
delattr |
hash |
memoryview |
set |
all |
dict |
help |
min |
setattr |
any |
dir |
hex |
next |
slice |
ascii |
divmod |
id |
object |
sorted |
bin |
enumerate |
input |
oct |
staticmethod |
bool |
eval |
int |
open |
str |
breakpoint |
exec |
isinstance |
ord |
sum |
bytearray |
filter |
issubclass |
pow |
super |
bytes |
float |
iter |
print |
tuple |
callable |
format |
len |
property |
type |
chr |
frozenset |
list |
range |
vars |
classmethod |
getattr |
locals |
repr |
zip |
compile |
globals |
map |
reversed |
__import__ |
complex |
hasattr |
max |
round |
abs |
divmod |
input |
open |
staticmethod |
all |
enumerate |
int |
ord |
str |
any |
eval |
isinstance |
pow |
sum |
basestring |
execfile |
issubclass |
print |
super |
bin |
file |
iter |
property |
tuple |
bool |
filter |
len |
range |
type |
bytearray |
float |
list |
raw_input |
unichr |
callable |
format |
locals |
reduce |
unicode |
chr |
frozenset |
long |
reload |
vars |
classmethod |
getattr |
map |
repr |
xrange |
cmp |
globals |
max |
reversed |
zip |
compile |
hasattr |
memoryview |
round |
__import__ |
complex |
hash |
min |
set |
delattr |
help |
next |
setattr |
dict |
hex |
object |
slice |
dir |
id |
oct |
sorted |
str |
unicode |
list |
tuple |
bytearray |
buffer |
xrange |
dir(obj) |
from imp import reload; reload(script) |
import math; math.sqrt(100) |
import random; random.choise((1, 2, 3, 4)) |
import random; random.random() |
import re; re.match().group(1) |
len(obj) |
str.capitalize() |
str.casefold() |
str.center(10) |
str.count('a') |
str.encode('cp1251') |
str.encode('utf8') |
str.endswith('a') |
str.expandtabs() |
str.find('a') |
str.format() |
str.index('a') |
str.isalnum() |
str.isalpha() |
str.isdecimal() |
str.isdigit() |
str.islower() |
str.isnumeric() |
str.istitle() |
str.isupper() |
str.join('asdf') |
str.ljust(20) |
str.lower() |
str.lstrip('a') |
str.replace('a', 'b') |
str.rfind('a') |
str.rindex('a') |
str.rjust(10) |
str.rsplit('a') |
str.rstrip('a') |
str.startswith('a') |
str.strip('a') |
str.swapcase() |
str.title() |
str.upper() |
str.zfill(10) |
{123} |
$ |
^ |
[] |
[1,2,3] |
[[ |
]] |
def class () |
(self) |
{} |
[1:2:3] |
split |
splice |
string |
type |
tuple |
dict |
coroutine |
generator |
@ |
comments |
{} |
yield |
break |
<> |
__init__ |
for x in range(1, 2, 3) |
#### |
__str__ |
__lt__(self, other) |
__cmp__(self, other) |
import from |
@@@ |
@@ |
### |
%% |
^^ |
&& |
*** |
- |
-= |
+= |
:! |
// |
\r |
/\ |
\t |
\s |
\d |
\[ |
\] |
\( |
\) |
\ |
+ |
- |
++ |
-- |