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текст англ кафедра
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текст англ кафедра
8 сентября 2022 в 17:46
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
1 The training of mathematicians at ISU began in 1919, first at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The Mathematical Department within the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded in 1947. In 1959, the Computing Center of Irkutsk University was opened, which at that time was the only computer center in the entire space from Sverdlovsk to Vladivostok, and from the same year, the department began training mathematicians-computers. In 1965, the Department of Mathematics was transformed into the Faculty of Mathematics, the founder and first dean of which was Professor V.V. Vasiliev Training was carried out in one specialty: mathematics, which trained 100 people. In 1971, taking into account the needs of the state in highly qualified specialists capable of solving real applied problems, the faculty opened the specialty of applied mathematics, as well as a special faculty for applied mathematics and automated control systems for specialists with higher education. Then a major role in the formation and development of the faculty was played by: Head of the Department of Differential and Integral Equations Professor V. V. Vasiliev, Head of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Professor M. L. Platonov, Head of the Department of Algebra, Logic and Cybernetics Professor A. I. Kokorin. The Department of Mathematics received a new impetus in its development with the arrival in 1971 of the post of dean of Professor O. V. Vasiliev, who warmly supported and implemented the idea of transforming the Faculty in 1999 into the Institute of Mathematics and Economics of ISU. Since 2001, the institute has been training in the specialty: mathematical software and administration of information systems. On April 29, 2005, the Institute of Mathematics and Economics (IME IGU) was renamed into the Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Informatics (IMEI ISU). In 2008, Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, was elected director of the institute. Yu. D. Korolkov. In 2009, the Institute celebrated its anniversary - 10 years from the date of transformation of the faculty into an institute.

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