[{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}] X
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English Practice: 2-4 centre-2
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17 января 2023 в 15:14
Тип словаря:
Текст для игры будет составляться из слов, перемешанных в случайном порядке.
acid acne acre act ad age aged ago aid aim air am an and ant any Arab arc arch are area arm army art at ate atom auto Avon aye babe baby bad bag ban band bang bar bare barn bat bath bay be beam bean bear beat bed bend bet beta bid big bin bind bird bit bite boat body bomb bond bone born both boy bug burn but buy by bye byte cab cad cafe cage came can cant car card care cart cat cave cent Chad chat chef cite city coat cod code coin come con cord core corn cove cry Cuba cube cure cut cute dad dam dame damn dare data date day dead deaf dean dear debt def demo den deny dice did die died diet dig dim dirt dive do doe dog dome done dot drag drug drum dry dude due dumb duo duty each ear earn eat echo edge edit egg eh end era euro even ever eye eyed face fact fair fame fan far fare farm fat fate fear feat fig Fiji fin find fine fire firm fit five foam fog font for ford form fort foto four frog from fun fund fur gain game gang gate gave gay gear gem gen gene get gift gig give gnu go goat god gone gore got grab gray grey grid gun guru guy gym had hair ham hand hang hard harm hart hat hate have hay he head hear heat her herb here hero hey hi hide high him hint hire hit ho home horn hot hour hub huge hung hunt hurt ice icon idea if in inch info inn into Iran iron it item jade jam jar jean jet job join joy judy June jury mad made main man many mar mart mat mate math matt may me mean meat mega memo men menu mere met meta mice midi mime mind mine mint mod mode more move much mud mug myth name navy near neon net nice nine no node none nor norm not note nova nut of off Ohio Oman on once one onto or our out oven over race rage raid rain ran rare rat rate ray read rear red rent rice rich rid ride ring road rob rod Rome ruby rug run ruth tab tag tan tar tea team tear tech ten tend tent term Thai than that the them then they thin tide tie tied tier time tin tiny tion tire toe ton tone tour toy tray trim trio true try tub tube tune turn undo unit urge van vary vat very via vice void vote yang yard yarn year yen yet yoga you your bead neat aunt gram dye gum fry cone tome vent chin tomb crib noun crab bore verb rant rude vine fade torn gag curb cane fury hut

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