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27 февраля 2023 в 01:00
Тип словаря:
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36 отрывков, 16175 символов
Abstract - class or method modifier that indicates that some or all behavior must be implemented in a subclass.
Applet - a Java program that must be embedded within an HTML page and executed within a browser.
Assert - java keyword that causes an AssertionError to be generated if the specified boolean condition is false.
Bean - java architecture for writing reusable components in Java.
2 Bitwise and - this operator (&) returns true when comparing two bits if both are true; otherwise, returns false.
Bitwise exclusive or - this operator (^) returns true when comparing two bits if one bit is true and the other is false; otherwise, returns false.
Bitwise not - this operator (!) returns the compliment of the bit being compared.
Bitwise operators - operators used on the byte data type to modify bit values.
3 These include the bitwise and (&), or (), not (!), exclusive or (^), shift left (<<), shift right (>>), and shift and rotate (<<<) operators.
Bitwise or - this operator ( ) returns true when comparing two bits if both are true, or if one is true and one is false; otherwise, returns false.
Boolean - primitive data type indicating either true or false.
Break - statement used to cause program execution to branch out of the current block of code enclosed by braces.
4 Byte - primitive data type representing eight bits of data.
Bytecode - platform-independent machine instruction code executed by the Java virtual machine. Java . class files, the product of compilation, are composed of bytecode instructions.
Case - statement that lists a condition for executing code within a switch statement.
Catch - used in conjunction with the try statement, indicates an exception and the block of code that will handle the exception.
5 Cast - in Java, indicated by parens enclosing a class name. Causes the virtual machine to treat the object being cast as an instance of the class within the parens.
Char - primitive data type representing one Unicode character, or two bytes.
Class - this is the basic component from which Java applications are built. Classes specify the types of state information (class and instance variables) and the behavior (methods) that instances of the class will exhibit.
6 Class loader - a Java object that dynamically loads other classes into the Java virtual machine.
Class variable - a variable that is shared among all instances of a class. Class variables are indicated by the use of the static keyword. If an instance of a class updates a class variable, it is updated for all instances of that class.
Collections - the Java framework for handling data structures, such as lists and hashmaps.
7 Const - this keyword is reserved in Java, but provides no programmatic function. Constants should be implemented in Java by declaring static final class variables.
Constructor - a special method that creates a new object of the type of its enclosing class.
Continue - returns execution of a loop back to the beginning of the block that contains the continue statement, skipping any statements after the continue to the close of the block.
8 CORBA - common Object Request Broker Architecture. Used to wrap legacy code so that it can be invoked by a Java program.
Default - statement used as part of a switch statement to indicate the fallback execution path if none of the cases within the switch apply.
Do - the beginning statement of a do... while loop. All code after the do statement and prior to the conditional check on the while statement is executed at least one time.
9 Double - primitive data type representing a double-precision, signed 64-bit number.
EJB - enterprise Java Bean. A framework for building distributed database applications.
Else - indicates the alternate branch of an if statement. This statement can be either unconditional, or may contain an additional condition in another if clause.
Error - indicates an unpredictable, and usually fatal, problem within the virtual machine.
10 OutOfMemoryError.
Exception - often used to indicate an error condition, but may also be used to indicate a predictable condition occurring within an application.
Extends - keyword indicating that a class inherits from another class.
Final - keyword modifier for variable, method, or class declarations. In the case of a variable, it indicates that the variable cannot be re-initialized after the original declaration.

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