Ruby |
1 | sh 'cspell lint --no-progress "**/*"' |
2 | puts "--- Running #{gem} specs" |
3 | sh("bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3") |
4 | do |t| |
5 | t.rspec_opts = %w{--profile} |
6 | t.pattern = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] |
7 | do |t| |
8 | do |t| |
9 | t.rspec_opts = %w{--format specdoc --dry-run --profile} |
10 | puts "--- Running chef #{sub} specs" |
11 | t.rspec_opts = %w{--profile --format doc} |
12 | t.pattern = FileList["spec/#{sub}/**/*_spec.rb"] |
13 | STDERR.puts " *** RSpec not available. (sudo) gem install rspec to run unit tests. *** " |
14 | $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "lib"))) |
15 | return nil if default.nil? || default == "" || default == "lazy default" |
16 | return default.inspect unless default[0] == ":" || default.end_with?(".") |
17 | text = "" |
18 | text << "#{resource_name} 'name' do " |
19 | text << friendly_types_list(p["is"]) |
20 | text << " # default value: 'name' unless specified" if p["name_property"] |
21 | text << " " |
22 | text << "end" |
23 | properties.max_by { |x| x["name"].size }["name"].size |
24 | prop_list = [ |
25 | ] |
26 | props = { |x| "`#{x["name"]}`" } |
27 | props[-1] = "and #{props[-1]}" |
28 | text = props.size == 2 ? props.join(" ") : props.join(", ") |
29 | text << ( props.size > 1 ? " are the properties" : " is the property" ) |
30 | fixed_arr = Array(arr).map do |x| |
31 | fixed_arr.compact.join(", ") |
32 | return nil if property["default"].nil? || property["default"] == "" |
33 | actions = actions.to_h { |k, v| [k.to_sym, { "markdown" => k == default_action.first ? "#{v} (default)" : v } ] } |
34 | values = {} |
35 | values["allowed_values"] = property["equal_to"].join(", ") unless property["equal_to"].empty? |
36 | properties = {} |
37 | return [{ "markdown" => nil }] if text.nil? |
38 | description_pattern = /(Note:|Warning:)?((?:(?!Note:|Warning:).)*)/m |
39 | description = [] |
40 | element = { "markdown" => body } |
41 | when "Note:" |
42 | description << { "note" => element } |
43 | description << { "warning" => element } |
44 | raise "Unexpected thing happened! preface: '#{preface}', body: '#{body}'" |
45 | properties = data["properties"].reject { |v| %w{name sensitive}.include?(v["name"]) || v["deprecated"] }.sort_by! { |v| v["name"] } |
46 | r = {} |
47 | r["resource"] = name |
48 | r["actions_list"] = action_list(data["actions"], data["default_action"] ) |
49 | r["examples"] = data["examples"] |
50 | puts "==========" |
51 |"docs_site/#{resource}.yaml", "w") { |f| f.write(YAML.dump(resource_data)) } |
52 | task update: %w{ |
53 | } |
54 | rm_f "#{dir}/Gemfile.lock" |
55 | ) |
56 | let(:value1) { { name: "one", type: :string, data: "1" } } |
57 | let(:value1_upcase_name) { { name: "ONE", type: :string, data: "1" } } |
58 | let(:key) { "Software\\OpscodeNumbers" } |
59 | let(:key_parent) { "Software" } |
60 | let(:key_to_delete) { "OpscodeNumbers" } |
61 | let(:sub_key) { "OpscodePrimes" } |
62 | let(:missing_key_path) { "HKCU\\Software" } |
63 | let(:reg_mock) { double("reg") } |
64 | expect(reg_mock).to receive(:write).with("one", 1, "1") |
65 | expect(reg_mock).to receive(:each).with(no_args).and_yield("one", 1, "1") |
66 | expect(reg_mock).to receive(:each).with(no_args).and_yield("one", 1, "2") |
67 | described_class.symlink("a", "b") |
68 | let(:input) { "1.2.3" } |
69 | it { eq "1.2.3" } |
70 | it { eql "1.2.3" } |
71 | it { be == "1.2.3" } |
72 | it { be < "abc" } |
73 | it { be > "0" } |
74 | it { eq"1.2.3") } |
75 | it { be =="1.2.3") } |
76 | context "with !=" do |
77 | subject { described_object != "1.2.4" } |
78 | it { be true } |
79 | context "with +" do |
80 | it { eq "1.2.3asdf" } |
81 | context "with *" do |
82 | it { eq "" } |
83 | subject {"1.02.3") } |
84 | it { be > "1.2.2" } |
85 | it { be > "1.2.3a" } |
86 | it { be < "1.2.4" } |
87 | subject { described_object =~ /^1/ } |
88 | it { eq 0 } |
89 | subject { described_object =~ Gem::Requirement.create("~> 1.0") } |
90 | subject { described_object =~ "~> 1.0" } |
91 | subject { /^2/ =~ described_object } |
92 | it { be nil } |
93 | subject { "~> 1.0" =~ described_object } |
94 | bad_version = [">= 1.2.z", "> 1.2.3 < 5.0", "> 1.2.3, < 5.0"] |
95 | bad_op = ["> >", ">$ 1.2.3", "! 3.4"] |
96 | it "should raise #{v_error} when given #{s}" do |
97 | bad_op.each do |s| |
98 | it "should raise #{o_error} when given #{s}" do |
99 | expect(vc.to_s).to eq("= 1.2.3") |
100 | it "should default to >= 0.0.0" do |
101 | expect(vc.to_s).to eq(">= 0.0.0") |
102 | expect( eq(">= 0.0.0") |
103 | expect(">=1.2.3")).to eql(">= 1.2.3")) |
104 | expect("<=1.2.3")).to eql("<= 1.2.3")) |
105 | @vc = "> 1.2.3" |
106 | expect(@vc).to include "1.4" |
107 | cv ="alice", "/tmp/blah.txt") |
108 | cv.version = "1.4" |
109 | vc = "< 1.2.3" |
110 | expect(vc).not_to include "1.3.0" |
111 | expect(vc).not_to include "1.2.3" |
112 | expect(vc).to include "1.2.2" |
113 | vc = "> 1.2.3" |
114 | expect(vc).to include "1.3.0" |
115 | expect(vc).not_to include "1.2.2" |
116 | vc = "<= 1.2.3" |
117 | expect(vc).to include "1.2.3" |
118 | vc = ">= 1.2.3" |
119 | it "equal to" do |
120 | vc = "= 1.2.3" |
121 | expect(vc).not_to include "0.3.0" |
122 | it "pessimistic ~> x.y.z" do |
123 | vc = "~> 1.2.3" |
124 | expect(vc).to include "1.2.4" |
125 | expect(vc).not_to include "2.0.0" |
126 | it "pessimistic ~> x.y" do |
127 | vc = "~> 1.2" |
128 | expect(vc).to include "1.3.3" |
129 | vc = "~> 1.2.0" |
130 | expect(vc.to_s).to eq("~> 1.2.0") |
131 | expect(vc.to_s).to eq("~> 1.2") |
132 | expect(vc.inspect).to eq("(~> 1.2.0)") |
133 | expect(vc.inspect).to eq("(~> 1.2)") |
134 | it "pessimistic ~> x" do |
135 | @v0 = "0.0.0" |
136 | @v123 = "1.2.3" |
137 | expect(@v0.to_s).to eq("0.0.0") |
138 | expect(@v123.to_s).to eq("1.2.3") |
139 | a = |
140 | expect(a).to eq(@v123) |
141 | expect("1.2").to_s).to eq("1.2.0") |
142 | a = "01.002.0003" |
143 | good_versions = %w{1.2 1.2.3 1000.80.50000 0.300.25 001.02.00003} |
144 | it "should accept '#{v}'" do |
145 | bad_versions = ["", "1.2.a4", "1", "a", "1.2 3", "1.2 a", |
146 | it "should raise #{the_error} when given '#{v}'" do |
147 | describe "<=>" do |
148 | expect("1.2")).to eq("1.2.0")) |
149 | expect("1.04")).to eq("1.4")) |
150 | expect("2.0")).to be <"11.0") |
151 | examples = [ |
152 | ["1.0", "2.0"], |
153 | ["1.2.3", "1.2.4"], |
154 | ["1.2.3", "1.3.0"], |
155 | ["1.2.3", "1.3"], |
156 | ["1.2.3", "2.1.1"], |
157 | ["1.2.3", "2.1"], |
158 | ["1.2", "1.2.4"], |
159 | ["1.2", "1.3.0"], |
160 | ["1.2", "1.3"], |
161 | ["1.2", "2.1.1"], |
162 | ["1.2", "2.1"], |
163 | expect(sm).to be < lg |
164 | expect(lg).to be > sm |
165 | a = %w{0.0.0 0.0.1 0.1.0 0.1.1 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.1}.map do |s| |
166 | got = |
167 | expect(got).to eq(%w{0.0.0 0.0.1 0.1.0 0.1.1 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.1}) |
168 | a = %w{9.8.7 1.0.0 1.2.3 4.4.6 4.5.6 0.8.6 4.5.5 5.9.8 3.5.7}.map do |s| |
169 | expect(got).to eq(%w{0.8.6 1.0.0 1.2.3 3.5.7 4.4.6 4.5.5 4.5.6 5.9.8 9.8.7}) |
170 | [ |
171 | [ "0.0.0", :>, "0.0.0", false ], |
172 | [ "0.0.0", :>=, "0.0.0", true ], |
173 | [ "0.0.0", :==, "0.0.0", true ], |
174 | [ "0.0.0", :<=, "0.0.0", true ], |
175 | [ "0.0.0", :<, "0.0.0", false ], |
176 | [ "0.0.0", :>, "0.0.1", false ], |
177 | [ "0.0.0", :>=, "0.0.1", false ], |
178 | [ "0.0.0", :==, "0.0.1", false ], |
179 | [ "0.0.0", :<=, "0.0.1", true ], |
180 | [ "0.0.0", :<, "0.0.1", true ], |
181 | [ "0.0.1", :>, "0.0.1", false ], |
182 | [ "0.0.1", :>=, "0.0.1", true ], |
183 | [ "0.0.1", :==, "0.0.1", true ], |
184 | [ "0.0.1", :<=, "0.0.1", true ], |
185 | [ "0.0.1", :<, "0.0.1", false ], |
186 | [ "0.1.0", :>, "0.1.0", false ], |
187 | [ "0.1.0", :>=, "0.1.0", true ], |
188 | [ "0.1.0", :==, "0.1.0", true ], |
189 | [ "0.1.0", :<=, "0.1.0", true ], |
190 | [ "0.1.0", :<, "0.1.0", false ], |
191 | [ "0.1.1", :>, "0.1.1", false ], |
192 | [ "0.1.1", :>=, "0.1.1", true ], |
193 | [ "0.1.1", :==, "0.1.1", true ], |
194 | [ "0.1.1", :<=, "0.1.1", true ], |
195 | [ "0.1.1", :<, "0.1.1", false ], |
196 | [ "1.0.0", :>, "1.0.0", false ], |
197 | [ "1.0.0", :>=, "1.0.0", true ], |
198 | [ "1.0.0", :==, "1.0.0", true ], |
199 | [ "1.0.0", :<=, "1.0.0", true ], |
200 | [ "1.0.0", :<, "1.0.0", false ], |
201 | [ "1.0.0", :>, "0.0.1", true ], |
202 | [ "1.0.0", :>=, "1.9.2", false ], |
203 | [ "1.0.0", :==, "9.7.2", false ], |
204 | [ "1.0.0", :<=, "1.9.1", true ], |
205 | [ "1.0.0", :<, "1.9.0", true ], |
206 | [ "1.2.2", :>, "1.2.1", true ], |
207 | [ "1.2.2", :>=, "1.2.1", true ], |
208 | [ "1.2.2", :==, "1.2.1", false ], |
209 | [ "1.2.2", :<=, "1.2.1", false ], |
210 | [ "1.2.2", :<, "1.2.1", false ], |
211 | ].each do |spec| |
212 | it "(#{spec.first(3).join(" ")}) should be #{spec[3]}" do |
213 | got =[0]).send(spec[1], |
214 | expect(got).to eq(spec[3]) |
215 | v ="1.1") |
216 | expect("1").to_s).to eq("1.0.0") |
217 | bad_versions = ["", "1.2.a4", "a", "1.2 3", "1.2 a", |
218 | expect("1")).to eq("1.0.0")) |
219 | let(:session_user) { nil } |
220 | let(:session_domain) { nil } |
221 | let(:password) { nil } |
222 | let(:password) { "ponies" } |
223 | let(:session_domain) { "fairyland" } |
224 | let(:session_user) { "chalena" } |
225 | 5.times { queue << job } |
226 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("PATHEXT").and_return(nil) |
227 | expected_paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) + %w{/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin} |
228 | let(:path) { "/path/to/awesome directory" } |
229 | let(:username) { "foo" } |
230 | let(:hosts_content) { "" } |
231 | expect(editor.lines).to be == IO.readlines(__FILE__) |
232 | array = [] |
233 | let(:input_lines) { %w{one two two three} } |
234 | subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_after("two", "new") } |
235 | expect(editor.append_line_after(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 |
236 | expect(editor.append_line_after(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 |
237 | it "adds a line to the end" do |
238 | subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_if_missing("one", "new") } |
239 | expect(editor.append_line_if_missing(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 0 |
240 | expect(editor.append_line_if_missing(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 1 |
241 | expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one three} |
242 | expect(editor.remove_lines(/^ee/)).to be == 0 |
243 | expect(editor.remove_lines(/ee$/)).to be == 1 |
244 | subject(:execute) { editor.replace("missing", "new") } |
245 | subject(:execute) { editor.replace("two", "new") } |
246 | expect(editor.replace(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 |
247 | expect(editor.replace(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 |
248 | subject(:execute) { editor.replace_lines("missing", "new") } |
249 | subject(:execute) { editor.replace_lines("two", "new") } |
250 | expect(editor.replace_lines(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 |
251 | expect(editor.replace_lines(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 |
252 | expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one two two new} |
253 | { |
254 | expect(resource_store.find("foo")).to eql([]) |
255 | let(:lcm_errors) { [] } |
256 | let(:lcm_command_ps4) { ps4_base_command + " -whatif; if (! $?) { exit 1 }" } |
257 | let(:lcm_result) { "" } |
258 | let(:lcm_errors) { [no_whatif_lcm_output] } |
259 | let(:lcm_result) { "some output" } |
260 | let(:lcm_errors) { ["Abort, Retry, Fail?"] } |
261 | expect(resources[0].name).to eq("[name]") |
262 | expect(resources[0].change_log).to match_array(["[name]", "[message]", "[name]"]) |
263 | expect(resources[0].name).to eql("[name]") |
264 | expect(resources[1].name).to eql("[name2]") |
265 | %w{! @ # $ % ^ & * & * ( ) - = + \{ \} . ? < > \\ /}.each do |sym| |
266 | %w{` " # '}.each do |c| |
267 | it "escapes #{c}" do |
268 | expect(conf_man.send(:escape_parameter_value, "stuff #{c}")).to eql("stuff `#{c}") |
269 | conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { "foo" => "bar" }) |
270 | conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo!: "bar" }) |
271 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: false })).to eql("") |
272 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: "bar" })).to eql("-foo 'bar'") |
273 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: "" })).to eql("-foo ''") |
274 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: 1 })).to eql("-foo 1") |
275 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: 1.0 })).to eql("-foo 1.0") |
276 | expect(conf_man.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: true })).to eql("-foo") |
277 | merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "flag" => "a" }, "hello") |
278 | expect(merged[:flag]).to eql("a") |
279 | conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "outputpath" => "a" }, "hello") |
280 | conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "OutputPath" => "a" }, "hello") |
281 | merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { "FLAG" => "a" }, "hello") |
282 | merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { flag: "a" }, "hello") |
283 | merged = conf_man.send(:get_merged_configuration_flags!, { FLAG: "a" }, "hello") |
284 | let(:file_like_object) { double("file like object") } |
285 | allow(File).to receive(:join) do |a, b| |
286 | [a, b].join("++") |
287 | allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with("tmp++hello") { ["f1", "f2", "hello.mof", "f3"] } |
288 | allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with("tmp++hello") { %w{f1 f2 f3} } |
289 | dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", {}) |
290 | dsc.split(";").each do |command| |
291 | if /\s*configuration\s+'hello'\s*\{\s*node\s+'localhost'\s*\{\s*archive\s*\{\s*\}\s*\}\s*\}\s*/.match?(command.downcase) |
292 | dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => [] }) |
293 | dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => ["FooResource", "*", "BarResource"] }) |
294 | dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => %w{FooResource BarResource} }) |
295 | dsc = conf_man.send(:configuration_code, "archive{}", "hello", { "FooModule" => %w{FooResource BarResource}, "BazModule" => [] }) |
296 | let!(:old_tempfile) {"chef-util diff-spec") } |
297 | let!(:new_tempfile) {"chef-util diff-spec") } |
298 | let!(:old_tempfile) {"chef-util-diff-spec") } |
299 | let!(:new_tempfile) {"chef-util-diff-spec") } |
300 | expect(differ.for_output).to eql(["(no diff)"]) |
301 | old_tempfile.write("#{0x01.chr}#{0xFF.chr}") |
302 | new_tempfile.write("#{0x01.chr}#{0xFF.chr}") |
303 | expect(differ.for_output.join("\ ")).to match(/\A--- .*\ \+\+\+ .*\ @@/m) |
304 | expect(differ.for_reporting).to match(/\A--- .*\ \+\+\+ .*\ @@/m) |
305 | let!(:old_file) { old_tempfile.path } |
306 | let!(:new_file) { new_tempfile.path } |
307 | let(:utf_8) { "testing utf-8 unicode... on a new line: \xE2\x80\x93 " } # unicode em-dash |
308 | let(:latin_1) { "It is more metal. if you have an #{0xFD.chr}mlaut. " } # NB: changed to y-with-diaresis, but i'm American so I don't know the difference |
309 | let(:shift_jis) { "I have no idea what this character is: #{0x83.chr}#{0x80.chr}. " } # seriously, no clue, but \x80 is nice and illegal in other encodings |
310 | expect(@backup).to receive(:path).and_return("/a/b/c.txt") |
311 | expect(@backup.send(:backup_filename)).to match(%r|^/a/b/c.txt.chef-\d{14}.\d{6}$|) |
312 | expect(@backup).to receive(:path).and_return('c:\a\b\c.txt') |
313 | expect(@backup.send(:backup_filename)).to match(/^\\a\\b\\c.txt.chef-\d{14}.\d{6}$/) |
314 | expect(@backup).to receive(:path).and_return("c:/a/b/c.txt") |
315 | expect(@backup.send(:backup_path)).to match(%r|^/a/b/c.txt.chef-\d{14}.\d{6}$|) |
316 | expect(@backup.send(:backup_path)).to match(%r|^/backupdir[\\/]+a/b/c.txt.chef-\d{14}.\d{6}$|) |
317 | expect(@backup).to receive(:path).and_return("c:\\a\\b\\c.txt") |
318 | expect(@backup.send(:backup_path)).to match(%r|^c:\\backupdir[\\/]+a\\b\\c.txt.chef-\d{14}.\d{6}$|) |
319 | let(:method) { :create_key } |
320 | let(:method) { :public_key } |
321 | let(:method) { :private_key } |
322 | let(:method) { :display_name } |
323 | let(:method) { :first_name } |
324 | let(:method) { :middle_name } |
325 | let(:method) { :last_name } |
326 | let(:method) { :email } |
327 | let(:method) { :password } |
328 | @json = @user.to_json |
329 | expect(@json).to match(/^\{.+\}$/) |
330 | expect(@json).to include(%q{"username":"black"}) |
331 | expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"first_name":"char"}) |
332 | expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"middle_name":"man"}) |
333 | @user.last_name("der") |
334 | expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"last_name":"der"}) |
335 | expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"public_key":"crowes"}) |
336 | let(:jsonable) { @user } |
337 | user = { |
338 | expect(@user.last_name).to eq("der") |
339 | let(:response_406) { "406") } |
340 | email: "some_email", |
341 | let(:response_400) { "400") } |
342 | let(:response_body_400) { '{"error":["Since Server API v1, all keys must be updated via the keys endpoint. "]}' } |
343 | let(:response_body_400) { '{"error":["Some other error. "]}' } |
344 | let(:http_verb) { :put } |
345 | let(:rest_v0) { @user.chef_root_rest_v0 } |
346 | let(:rest_v1) { @user.chef_root_rest_v1 } |
347 | expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:post).with("users", payload.merge({ middle_name: "some_middle_name" })).and_return({}) |
348 | let(:http_verb) { :post } |
349 | expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:post).with("users", payload.merge({ middle_name: "some_middle_name" })).and_return({}) |
350 | expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:put).with("users/#{@user.username}", payload.merge({ "private_key" => true })).and_return({}) |
351 | @osc_response = { "admin" => "" } |
352 | @ohc_response = [ { "user" => { "username" => "admin" } } ] |
353 | @osc_inflated_response = { "admin" => @user } |
354 | expect(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("users/foobar").and_return({ "username" => "foobar", "admin" => true, "public_key" => "pubkey" }) |
355 | @user = |
356 | it "should be a Chef::User" do |
357 | expect("ops_master")).to eq("ops_master") |
358 |"black") |
359 | expect(@json).to include(%q{"name":"black"}) |
360 | expect(@json).to include(%{"public_key":"crowes"}) |
361 | expect(@json).to include(%q{"admin":false}) |
362 | user = { "name" => "mr_spinks", |
363 | expect(@http_client).to receive(:post).with("users", { name: "foobar", admin: false, password: "password" }).and_return({}) |
364 | expect(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("users/foobar").and_return({ "name" => "foobar", "admin" => true, "public_key" => "pubkey" }) |
365 | user = Chef::User.load("foobar") |
366 | expect(@http_client).to receive(:put).with("users/foobar", { name: "foobar", admin: false }).and_return({}) |
367 | let(:good_credentials) { { "" => { "user" => "cisco", "password" => "cisco", "enable_password" => "secret" } } } |
368 | allow(transport).to receive(:parse_credentials_file).and_return({ "foo" => { "example" => { "org" => {} } } }) |
369 | expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/as a Hash/) |
370 | @conf = new_conf |
371 | Shell.irb_conf = {} |
372 | it "has a prompt like ``chef > '' in the default context" do |
373 | expect(conf.return_format).to eq(" => %s ") |
374 | it "has a prompt like ``chef:recipe > '' in recipe context" do |
375 | conf.main =, nil,, {}, events)) |
376 |"baz", "foo2the Bar")]) |
377 | expect(@chef_object.help_banner).to match(/^\|\ Command\s+\|\ Description\s*$/) |
378 | expect(@chef_object.help_banner).to match(/^\|\ rspec_method\s+\|\ rspecin\'\s*$/) |
379 | let(:json_attribs) { { "a" => "b" } } |
380 | let(:chef_rest) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
381 | let(:node) {"foo") } |
382 | sync_cookbooks: {}) |
383 | let(:node) { } |
384 | let(:recipe) {, nil, run_context) } |
385 | session.node_attributes = { "besnard_lakes" => "are_the_dark_horse" } |
386 | = [[:thread, irb_session]] |
387 | = [] |
388 | node = double("node", attribute: { foo: :bar }) |
389 | expect(@root_context).to receive(:pp).with({ foo: :bar }) |
390 | it "says if echo is on or off" do |
391 | entries = %w{. .. someFile} |
392 | "/tmp" |
393 | @run_context =, {}, @events) |
394 | expect(@recipe_object).to receive(:pp).with(["file[foo]"]) |
395 | @model = "Chef::Node") |
396 | @node_1 = |
397 |"sammich") |
398 | @node_2 = |
399 |"yummy") |
400 | @server_response = { node_1: @node_1, node_2: @node_2 } |
401 | @searcher = double("Chef::Search::Query #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}") |
402 | expect(@wrapper.find(:all)).to include(@node_1, @node_2) |
403 | expect(@searcher).to receive(:search).with(:node, "name:app*").and_yield(@node_1).and_yield(@node_2) |
404 | expect(@wrapper.find("name:app*")).to include(@node_1, @node_2) |
405 | expect(@wrapper.find(:name => "app*", "name" => "app*")).to include(@node_1, @node_2) |
406 | Chef::ServerAPIVersions.instance.set_versions({ "min_version" => 0, "max_version" => 2 }) |
407 | let(:url) { "" } |
408 | let(:key_path) { "/tmp/foo" } |
409 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = "silent-bob" |
410 | post_body = { bar: "baz" } |
411 | stub_request(:post, "").with(body: post_body.to_json, headers: headers).to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) |
412 | put_body = { bar: "baz" } |
413 | stub_request(:put, "").with(body: put_body.to_json, headers: headers).to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) |
414 | stub_request(:get, "").with(headers: headers).to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) |
415 | stub_request(:get, "").with(headers: { "X-Ops-Server-Api-Version" => "2" }).to_return(status: [406, "Not Acceptable"], body: body_406 ) |
416 | stub_request(:get, "").with(headers: { "X-Ops-Server-Api-Version" => "0" }).to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) |
417 | let(:fetcher_impl) {{}, nil) } |
418 | let(:fetcher) { |
419 | Chef::SecretFetcher.for_service(:example, { "key1" => "value1" }, nil) |
420 | fetcher.fetch("key1", "v1") |
421 | require_relative "../../spec_helper" |
422 | let(:node) { {} } |
423 | let(:run_context) { double("run_context", node: node) } |
424 | token: "t.1234abcd", |
425 | data: { |
426 | }, |
427 | lease_id: "", |
428 | })) |
429 | let(:config) { { vault: "my-vault" } } |
430 | let(:secrets_response_body) { '{ "value" : "my secret value" }' } |
431 | rm ="1.0", "400", "OK") |
432 | let(:http_mock) { instance_double("Net::HTTP", :use_ssl= => nil) } |
433 | let(:vault_name) { "my-vault" } |
434 | let(:secret_name) { "my-secret" } |
435 | let(:vault_secret_uri) { URI.parse("https://#{vault_name}{secret_name}/?api-version=7.2") } |
436 | let(:token_response_mock) {"1.0", "400", "Bad Request") } |
437 | let(:config) { { vault: "my-vault", object_id: object_id } } |
438 | let(:config) { { vault: "my-vault", client_id: client_id } } |
439 | let(:config) { { vault: "my-vault", mi_res_id: mi_res_id } } |
440 | expect(token_uri.query).to match(/mi_res_id=#{mi_res_id}/) |
441 | let(:config) { {} } |
442 | let(:secrets_response_body) { '{ "error" : { "code" : 404, "message" : "secret not found" } }' } |
443 | let(:aws_global_config) { {} } |
444 | let(:fetcher_config) { {} } |
445 | let(:fetcher_config) { { region: "region-from-caller" } } |
446 | let(:node) { { "ec2" => { "region" => "region-from-ohai-data" } } } |
447 | let(:rest) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
448 | let(:query) { } |
449 | let(:default_rows) { 1000 } |
450 | let(:args) { { filter_key => filter_hash } } |
451 | { "url" => "#{server_url}/my-name-is-node", |
452 | { "url" => "#{server_url}/my-name-is-jonas", |
453 | { "url" => "#{server_url}/my-name-is-flipper", |
454 | { "url" => "#{server_url}/my-name-is-butters", |
455 | ], |
456 | { "env" => "elysium", "ruby_plat" => "nudibranch" }, |
457 | { "env" => "hades", "ruby_plat" => "i386-mingw32" }, |
458 | { "env" => "elysium", "ruby_plat" => "centos" }, |
459 | { "env" => "moon", "ruby_plat" => "solaris2" }, |
460 | { "name" => "my-name-is-node", |
461 | { "name" => "my-name-is-jonas", |
462 | { "name" => "my-name-is-flipper", |
463 | { "name" => "my-name-is-butters", |
464 | r["start"] = 4 |
465 | r["total"] = 8 |
466 | expect {, "platform:rhel", total: 10) } |
467 | @call_me = double("blocky") |
468 | response["rows"].each { |r| expect(@call_me).to receive(:do).with(Chef::Node.from_hash(r)) } |
469 | { |r| } |
470 |, "*:*", start: 0, rows: 4) { |r| } |
471 |, "platform:rhel") do |r| |
472 |, "platform:rhel", rows: 4) do |r| |
473 |"node", "free.messi", fuzz: true) |
474 | let(:filter_key) { :filter_result } |
475 | start =, "platform:rhel", args)[1] |
476 | total =, "platform:rhel", args)[2] |
477 | @real_file = "/tmp/foo/bar/real/file" |
478 | f.owner("root") |
479 |"root") |
480 | f.mode("0755") |
481 | @stat = double("File::Stat for #{@new_resource.path}", uid: 0, gid: 0, mode: 00100644) |
482 | @root_passwd = double("Struct::Passwd for uid 0", name: "root") |
483 | @group_entry = double("Struct::Group for wheel", name: "wheel") |
484 | @all_actions_called ||= [] |
485 | @action = :fail |
486 | let(:node) do |
487 | let(:runner) { } |
488 | rescue => e |
489 | expected_message = <<~E |
490 | @node = |
491 | @run_context =, {}, @events) |
492 | @end_time = @start_time + 23 |
493 | default_cache_path = windows? ? 'C:\chef' : "/var/chef" |
494 | let(:lockfile) { "/tmp/" } |
495 | @timeout = 0.1 |
496 | describe "<<" do |
497 | @run_list << "recipe[needy]" |
498 | @run_list << "role[woot]" |
499 | @run_list << "needy" |
500 | @run_list << "recipe[needy@0.2.0]" |
501 | @run_list << "recipe[needy@0.1.0]" |
502 | describe "==" do |
503 | @run_list << "foo" |
504 | r << "foo" |
505 | expect(@run_list).to eq(r) |
506 | @run_list << "baz" |
507 | expect(@run_list).to eq(%w{foo baz}) |
508 | @run_list << "chromeo" |
509 | describe "[]" do |
510 | @run_list << "recipe[loulou]" |
511 | expect(@run_list[0]).to eq("recipe[loulou]") |
512 | describe "[]=" do |
513 | @run_list[0] = "recipe[loulou]" |
514 | @run_list[0] = "loulou" |
515 | @run_list << "bar" |
516 | seen = [] |
517 | @run_list.each { |r| seen << r } |
518 | to_add = [ "recipe[foo]", "recipe[bar]", "recipe[baz]" ] |
519 | to_add.each { |i| @run_list << i } |
520 | @run_list.each_index { |i| expect(@run_list[i]).to eq(to_add[i]) } |
521 | @run_list.include?("foo") |
522 | list.each { |i| expect(@run_list).to be_include(i) } |
523 | @role = |
524 | @role.run_list "one", "two" |
525 | @role.env_run_list["production"] = "one", "two", "five") |
526 | @rest = double("Chef::ServerAPI", { get: @role.to_hash, url: "/" }) |
527 | @run_list << "role[stubby]" |
528 | @run_list << "kitty" |
529 | @run_list.expand("_default", "disk") |
530 | expansion = @run_list.expand("_default", "server") |
531 | @role.env_run_list["production"] << "role[prod-base]" |
532 | dog = |
533 | @role.run_list << "role[dog]" |
534 | expansion = @run_list.expand("_default", "disk") |
535 | dog.run_list "role[dog]", "three" |
536 | @run_list << "recipe[nagios::client]" << "role[production]" << "recipe[apache2]" |
537 | expect(@run_list.to_a).to eq(["recipe[nagios::client]", "role[production]", "recipe[apache2]"]) |
538 | let(:jsonable) { @run_list } |
539 | expect(l).to eq([]) |
540 | let(:versioned_recipes) { [] } |
541 | let(:recipes) { [] } |
542 | recipes.each { |r| list << r } |
543 | versioned_recipes.each { |r| list.add_recipe r[:name], r[:version] } |
544 | let(:recipes) { %w{ apt god apache2 } } |
545 | list.add_recipe "rails", "1.0.0" |
546 | expect(list.with_versions).to include({ name: "rails", version: "1.0.0" }) |
547 | list.add_recipe "apt", "1.2.3" |
548 | expect(list.with_versions).to include({ name: "apt", version: "1.2.3" }) |
549 | { name: "apt", version: "1.0.0" }, |
550 | { name: "god", version: nil }, |
551 | { name: "apache2", version: "0.0.1" }, |
552 | { name: "apt", version: "~> 1.2.0" }, |
553 | let(:recipes) { %w{ apache2 } } |
554 | expect(fq_names).to eq( %w{ apache2::default } ) |
555 | let(:recipes) { %w{ mysql::server } } |
556 | expect(fq_names).to eq( %w{ mysql::server } ) |
557 | expect(fq_names).to eq([ "apt::default@~> 1.2.0" ]) |
558 | expect(list).to eq( [ "apt" ] ) |
559 | { name: "apt::cacher", version: "~> 1.2.0" }, |
560 | expect(fq_names).to eq([ "apt::cacher@~> 1.2.0" ]) |
561 | expect(list).to eq( [ "apt::cacher" ] ) |
562 | let(:recipes) { %w{ foo bar::default } } |
563 | item = "fuuu", name: "uuuu") |
564 | expect(item.to_s).to eq("fuuu[uuuu]") |
565 | expect(item.to_s).to eq("recipe[rage]") |
566 | expect(item.to_s).to eq("recipe[rage@0.1.0]") |
567 | expect(item.version).to eq("0.1.0") |
568 | expect(item.to_s).to eq("role[fist]") |
569 | @run_list << "recipe[lobster::mastercookbook@0.1.0]" << "role[rage]" << "recipe[fist@0.1]" |
570 | @rage_role = do |r| |
571 |"rage") |
572 | r.env_run_lists("_default" => [], "prod" => ["recipe[prod-only]"]) |
573 | @first_role.default_attributes({ "foo" => "bar" }) |
574 | @first_role.override_attributes({ "baz" => "qux" }) |
575 | @second_role.default_attributes({ "foo" => "boo" }) |
576 | @second_role.override_attributes({ "baz" => "bux" }) |
577 | @json = '{"id":"_default","run_list":[{"type":"recipe","name":"lobster::mastercookbook","version":"0.1.0",' |
578 | expect(@expansion.default_attrs).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" }) |
579 | expect(@expansion.override_attrs).to eq({ "baz" => "qux" }) |
580 | node.run_list << "test" << "test::one" << "test::two" |
581 | it "has a node" do |
582 | let(:declared_type) { :alpaca } |
583 | let(:recipe) { "dependency1::default" } |
584 | f ="hi", child) |
585 | src ="hi", child) |
586 | dest ="argh", child) |
587 | it "has a name" do |
588 | expect("ops_master")).to eq("ops_master") |
589 | @role.run_list(%w{ nginx recipe[ree] role[base]}) |
590 | expect(@role.run_list).to eq(%w{ nginx recipe[ree] role[base]}) |
591 |"base") |
592 | @role.env_run_list["prod"] =*(@role.run_list.to_a << "recipe[prod-base]")) |
593 | expect(@role.run_list_for("_default")).to eq(@role.run_list) |
594 | expect(@role.run_list_for("prod")).to eq("recipe[nagios::client]", "recipe[tims-acl::bork]", "recipe[prod-base]")) |
595 | expect(@role.run_list_for("qa")).to eq(@role.run_list) |
596 | expect({one two})).to eq(%w{one two}) |
597 |{one two}) |
598 | expect( eq(%w{one two}) |
599 | @role.run_list([ "one", "role[two]"]) |
600 | expect( eq([ "recipe[one]", "role[two]" ]) |
601 | expect(@role.default_attributes({ one: "two" })).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
602 | @role.default_attributes({ one: "two" }) |
603 | expect(@role.default_attributes).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
604 | expect(@role.override_attributes({ one: "two" })).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
605 | @role.override_attributes({ one: "two" }) |
606 | expect(@role.override_attributes).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
607 | @role.run_list("one", "two", "role[a]") |
608 | @example.run_list("alpha", "bravo", "role[alpha]") |
609 | expect(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@role)).to match(/^\{.+\}$/) |
610 | expect(@serialized_role).to match(/"run_list":\["recipe\[one\]","recipe\[two\]","role\[a\]"\]/) |
611 | expect(@serialized_role["env_run_lists"]["production"]).to eq(["role[monitoring]", "role[auditing]", "role[apache]"]) |
612 | expect(@serialized_role["env_run_lists"]["dev"]).to eq(["role[nginx]"]) |
613 | let(:jsonable) { @role } |
614 | @role.default_attributes({ "el_groupo" => "nuevo" }) |
615 | %w{ |
616 | }.each do |t| |
617 | expect(@deserial.send(t.to_sym)).to eq(@role.send(t.to_sym)) |
618 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.json"]) |
619 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(file_path).and_return('{"name": "ceiling_cat", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }') |
620 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.rb"]) |
621 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.json", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.rb"]) |
622 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(js_path).and_return('{"name": "ceiling_cat", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }') |
623 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/meme.rb"]) |
624 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.rb", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/lolcat.rb"]) |
625 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/memes/lolcat.rb", "#{Chef::Config[:role_path]}/super_lolcat.rb"]) |
626 | Chef::Config[:role_path] = ["/path1", "/path1/path2"] |
627 | let(:root) { windows? ? "C:/path1" : "/path1" } |
628 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join(root, "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return(["#{root}/lolcat.json"]) |
629 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with("#{root}/lolcat.json").and_return('{"name": "ceiling_cat", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }') |
630 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join(root, "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return([]) |
631 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join("#{root}/path2", "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return(["#{root}/path2/lolcat.json"]) |
632 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with("#{root}/path2/lolcat.json").and_return('{"name": "ceiling_cat", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }') |
633 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join(root, "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return(["#{root}/lolcat.rb"]) |
634 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join("#{root}/path2", "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return(["#{root}/path2/lolcat.rb"]) |
635 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join("#{root}/path2", "**", "**")).exactly(1).times.and_return([]) |
636 | let(:resource_sans_id) {"my-name") } |
637 | expect( %w{a b}).to eql("a, b") |
638 | expect(resource.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| == "coffee, tea" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil |
639 | expect(zr.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| == "funk" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil |
640 | r ="hi") |
641 | r.declared_type = :d |
642 | let(:resource_class) { { property :a, default: 1 } } |
643 | expect(hash.keys - expected_keys).to eq([]) |
644 | expect(expected_keys - hash.keys).to eq([]) |
645 | expect(hash[:name]).to eql("funk") |
646 | resource.only_if { snitch_var1 = 1 } |
647 | resource.only_if { snitch_var2 = 2 } |
648 | resource.only_if("true", cwd: "/tmp") |
649 | expect(resource.only_if.first.command_opts).to eq({ cwd: "/tmp" }) |
650 | resource.not_if { puts "foo" } |
651 | resource.not_if("pwd" , cwd: "/tmp") |
652 | expect(resource.not_if.first.command_opts).to eq({ cwd: "/tmp" }) |
653 | resource1.not_if { snitch_var1 = 2 } |
654 | resource1.not_if { snitch_var2 = 2 } |
655 | let(:klz) { } |
656 | :dinobot, Chef::Resource::Klz, { platform: ["autobots"] } |
657 | it "adds mappings for all platforms", ruby: "< 2.7" do |
658 | :tape_deck, Chef::Resource::Klz, {} |
659 | it "adds mappings for all platforms", ruby: ">= 2.7" do |
660 | let(:klz1) { } |
661 | let(:klz2) { } |
662 | let(:klz3) { } |
663 | let(:action) { :create } |
664 | let(:resource) {"test", nil) } |
665 | it { eq [:nothing] } |
666 | it { eq [:one] } |
667 | before { resource.action("two") } |
668 | it { eq [:two] } |
669 | before { resource.action(%i{two one}) } |
670 | it { eq %i{two one} } |
671 | before { resource.action = :one } |
672 | before { resource.action = %i{two one} } |
673 | let(:default_action) {} |
674 | let(:default_action) { :one } |
675 | let(:default_action) { "one" } |
676 | let(:default_action) { %i{two one} } |
677 | let(:klass) { } |
678 | it "can be set to true" do |
679 |"hjk", "test", run_context) |
680 | let!(:original_umask) { ::File.umask } |
681 | it "is a no-op on Windows" do |
682 | actual_value = block_value.to_s(8).rjust(4, "0") |
683 | it "#resolve" do |
684 | it "#list" do |
685 | let(:rest_client) { double("Chef::ServerAPI (mock)") } |
686 | let(:new_resource) {"/tmp/a-file.txt") } |
687 | let(:current_resource) {"/tmp/a-file.txt") } |
688 | let(:run_context) {, {}, events) } |
689 | let(:start_time) { } |
690 | let(:end_time) { + 20 } |
691 | let(:run_list) { } |
692 | let(:run_id) { run_status.run_id } |
693 | let(:cookbook_name) { "monkey" } |
694 | let(:cookbook_version) { double("Cookbook::Version", version: "1.2.3") } |
695 | run_list << "recipe[lobster]" << "role[rage]" << "recipe[fist]" |
696 | allow(rest_client).to receive(:raw_request).and_return({ "result" => "ok" }) |
697 | allow(rest_client).to receive(:post).and_return({ "uri" => "{@run_id}" }) |
698 | allow(@bad_resource).to receive(:name).and_return({ foo: :bar }) |
699 | allow(@bad_resource).to receive(:path).and_return({ foo: :bar }) |
700 | expect(@report["total_res_count"]).to eq("1") |
701 | expect(@report["data"]).to eq({}) |
702 | resource.values([ { name: "rick", type: :binary, data: 255.chr * 1 } ]) |
703 | @backtrace = ["foo.rb:1 in `foo!'", "bar.rb:2 in `bar!", "'baz.rb:3 in `baz!'"] |
704 | expect(@report["data"]["exception"]).to have_key("class") |
705 | expect(@report["data"]["exception"]).to have_key("message") |
706 | expect(@report["data"]["exception"]["message"]).to eq("Object not found") |
707 | @bad_resource ="/tmp/a-file.txt") |
708 | it "sets before to {} instead of nil" do |
709 | expect(@first_update_report["before"]).to eq({}) |
710 | it "sets after to {} instead of 'Running'" do |
711 | expect(@first_update_report["after"]).to eq({}) |
712 | @response ="a response body", "404", "Not Found") |
713 | .with("reports/nodes/spitfire/runs", { action: :start, run_id: @run_id, |
714 | start_time: start_time.to_s }, |
715 | .with("reports/nodes/spitfire/runs", { action: :start, run_id: @run_id, start_time: start_time.to_s }, |
716 | response = { "uri" => "" } |
717 | response = { "result" => "ok" } |
718 | expect(headers).to eq({ "Content-Encoding" => "gzip", |
719 | }) |
720 | dummy_no_desc: nil }) |
721 | expect(subject[:properties].map { |n| n[:name] }).to include(:name, :first, :sensitive) |
722 | defn.define(:smoke, cigar: "cuban", cigarette: "marlboro") {} |
723 | expect(defn.params[:mind]).to eql("to fly") |
724 | defn.define :monkey, [] do |
725 | expect(defn.to_s).to eql("woot") |
726 | expect { rc[0] = resource }.not_to raise_error |
727 | rc[0] = resource |
728 | expect(rc[1]).to eql(zmr) |
729 | expect(rc[0]).to eql(zmr) |
730 | results = [] |
731 | rc.each do |r| |
732 | expect(results[i]).to eql("dog") |
733 | expect(results[i]).to eql("cat") |
734 | rc.each_index do |i| |
735 | results << rc[i].name |
736 | rc << zmr |
737 | rc[0] = zmr |
738 | it "should find a resource by symbol and array of names (:zen_master => [a,b])" do |
739 | check_by_names(results, "monkey", "dog") |
740 | it "should find resources of multiple kinds (:zen_master => a, :file => b)" do |
741 | res ="foo", nil) |
742 | let(:jsonable) { rc } |
743 | let(:parent_run_context) {, {}, nil) } |
744 | a.content("foo") |
745 | b.content("bar") |
746 | expect(results.detect { |res| == res_name }).not_to eql(nil) |
747 | %w{dog cat monkey}.each do |n| |
748 | rc <<"something") |
749 | @simple_collection = [1, 2, 3, 4] |
750 | sum = 0 |
751 | sum += int |
752 | collected_by_index = [] |
753 | collected = {} |
754 | expect(collected).to eq({ 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4 }) |
755 | @collection = [] |
756 | @collection << lambda { @snitch_var = 23 } |
757 | @collection << lambda { @snitch_var = 42 } |
758 | @collection.insert(2, lambda { @snitch_var = 815 }) |
759 | let(:zen_master_name) { "Neo" } |
760 | let(:zen_master2_name) { "Morpheus" } |
761 | let(:zen_follower_name) { "Squid" } |
762 | let(:zen_array) { [ zen_master_name, zen_master2_name ]) } |
763 | it "should find resources of multiple kinds (:zen_master => a, :zen_follower => b)" do |
764 | check_by_names(collection.find(zzz: %w{name1 name2}, yyy: ["name3"]), |
765 | let(:zen_master_name) { "" } |
766 | expect(results.detect { |r| == name }).to_not eq(nil) |
767 | it "should be able to insert with []=" do |
768 | current += 1 |
769 | node.automatic[:os] = "linux" |
770 | os: "linux", |
771 | node.default["foo"] = %w{one two three} |
772 | expect { @resource.version[0] = "four" }.not_to raise_error |
773 | expect { @resource.arch[0] = "four" }.not_to raise_error |
774 | flush_hash = { before: false, after: false } |
775 | flush_hash = { before: true, after: true } |
776 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
777 | it "supports :add, :set, :clear, :remove actions" do |
778 | expect { resource.send(:validate_start_time, "2:30", :once) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "`start_time` property must be in the HH:mm format (e.g. 6:20pm -> 18:20).") |
779 | expect(resource.send(:sec_to_dur, 0)).to eql("PT0S") |
780 | expect(resource.send(:sec_to_dur, 1)).to eql("PT1S") |
781 | expect(resource.path).to eql("C:\\chef") |
782 | resource.path("C:\\chef") |
783 | { 2 => :automatic, 3 => :manual, 4 => :disabled }.each_pair do |k, v| |
784 | it "it coerces startup_type property #{type} to :#{type}" do |
785 | resource.send("#{prop}=", "some value") |
786 | resource.send("#{prop}=", 1) |
787 | resource.send("#{prop}=", true) |
788 | os: "windows", |
789 | [ "600", 600 ].each do |val| |
790 | [ "42", 42, [47, 48, 49] ].each do |val| |
791 | expect { resource.version ["1.2.3", ""] }.not_to raise_error |
792 | let(:resource_source) { "" } |
793 | resource.remote_address(["", ""]) |
794 | resource.remoteip([""]) |
795 | it "sets a group" do |
796 | resource.remote_address([""]) |
797 | resource.remote_address([""]) |
798 | it "sets #{prop} to nil" do |
799 | it "sets #{prop} to false" do |
800 | %w{uid gid}.each do |attrib| |
801 | let(:resource) {"root") } |
802 | expect(state[:uid]).to eq(123) |
803 | expect(state[:gid]).to eq(456) |
804 | expect(state[:home]).to eq("/usr/local/root/") |
805 | double("shell_out", stdout: "UTC ", exitstatus: 0, error?: false) |
806 | double("shell_out", exitstatus: 0, error?: false, stdout: <<-OUTPUT) |
807 | double("shell_out!", stdout: "Time Zone: UTC", exitstatus: 0, error?: false) |
808 | expect(state[:owner]).to eq("root") |
809 | expect(state[:group]).to eq("wheel") |
810 | expect(state[:mode]).to eq("0644") |
811 | expect(state[:checksum]).to eq("1" * 64) |
812 | resource.helper(:example_1) { "example_1" } |
813 | resource.helper(:example_2) { "example_2" } |
814 | modules.each { |m| o.extend(m) } |
815 | expect(o.shout("shout")).to eq("SHOUT") |
816 | resource.value [1, 2, 3] |
817 | it "coerces filename property values . & ~ to __" do |
818 | ["%foo"] |
819 | expect(resource.groups).to eql(["%foo"]) |
820 | expect(resource.groups).to eql(["%group1", "%group2", "%group3", "%group4"]) |
821 | resource.groups ["foo", "%bar"] |
822 | expect(resource.groups).to eql(["%foo", "%bar"]) |
823 | os: "solaris2", |
824 | os: "linux" |
825 | let(:resource) {"chef") } |
826 | it "supports :disable, :enable, :mask, :reload, :restart, :start, :stop, :unmask actions" do |
827 | resource.pattern(/.*/) |
828 | param_hash = { something: nil } |
829 | resource.options ["-r", "-s"] |
830 | expect(resource.options).to eql(["-r", "-s"]) |
831 | expect(resource.options).to eql(["-r"]) |
832 | support_hash = { status: nil, restart: nil, reload: nil } |
833 | support_hash = { status: true, restart: true } |
834 | let(:semanage_list) { double("shellout", stdout: "") } |
835 | expect(resource.roles).to eq(%w{a b c}) |
836 | expect(provider.semanage_user_args).to eq(" -L s0 -r s0 -R 'staff_r sysadm_r'") |
837 | expect(provider.semanage_user_args).to eq(" -L s0 -R 'staff_r sysadm_r'") |
838 | expect(provider.semanage_user_args).to eq(" -r s0 -R 'staff_r sysadm_r'") |
839 | file_type = "te" |
840 | it "checks 'a', 'f', 'd', 'c', 'b', 's', 'l', 'p' as valid file_type property values" do |
841 | let(:selinux_state) { double("shellout!", stdout: "permissive") } |
842 | let(:resource_name) { :script } |
843 | it "supports :checkout, :diff, :export, :log, :sync actions" do |
844 | let(:ten_seconds) { 10 } |
845 | expect(state[:revision]).to eq("1.2.3") |
846 | let(:test_environment) { { "CHEF_ENV" => "/tmp" } } |
847 | name: :git, |
848 | let(:resource) {"fakey_fakerton") } |
849 | eql("foo") |
850 | %w{linux aix}.each do |os| |
851 | os: os |
852 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
853 | let(:resource) {"") } |
854 | let(:run_context) {, {}, event_dispatch) } |
855 | let(:cmd) { double("cmd") } |
856 | let(:serials) { { "pool1" => "serial1", "pool2" => "serial2" } } |
857 | let(:with_katello) { double("shell_out", stdout: <<~RPM) } |
858 | let(:without_katello) { double("shell_out", stdout: "") } |
859 | let(:satellite_host) { "sat-host" } |
860 | let(:train) { |
861 | resource.address = "" |
862 | response = "{ data: nil }" |
863 | address: "", |
864 | name: "set_address", |
865 | expect(provider.rest_identity_values).to eq({ "ip" => "" }) |
866 | let(:addresses_exists) { JSON.generate([{ "address": "" }]) } |
867 | let(:addresses_other) { JSON.generate([{ "address": "" }]) } |
868 | let(:address_exists) { JSON.generate({ "address": "", "prefix": 24, "gateway": "" }) } |
869 | let(:prefix_wrong) { JSON.generate({ "address": "", "prefix": 25, "gateway": "" }) } |
870 | .to_return(status: 200, body: address_exists, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) |
871 | .to_return(status: 200, body: prefix_wrong, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) |
872 | .with( |
873 | body: "{\"address\":\"\",\"prefix\":25}", |
874 | headers: { |
875 | .to_return(status: 200, body: "[]", headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) |
876 | body: "{\"address\":\"\",\"prefix\":24,\"ip\":\"\"}" |
877 | .to_return(status: 404, body: "", headers: {}) |
878 | .to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) |
879 | expect(provider.rest_identity_values).to eq({ "address" => "" }) |
880 | @long_cat ="long_cat") |
881 | @cheez_cat ="cheez_cat") |
882 | expect(resource.source).to eql([ "" ]) |
883 | expect(resource.source).to eql([ "\\\\fakey\\fakerton\\fake.txt" ]) |
884 | resource.source("file:///C:/foo bar") |
885 | expect(resource.source).to eql(["file:///C:/foo bar"]) |
886 | resource.source([ "", "" ]) |
887 | expect(resource.source).to eql([ "", "" ]) |
888 | resource.source { [ "", "" ] } |
889 | resource.source(["", { "" }]) |
890 | expect(state[:rights]).to eq([{ permissions: :read, principals: "Everyone" }]) |
891 | expect(state[:mode]).to eq("0664") |
892 | expect(state[:checksum]).to eq("1" * 26) |
893 | expect(state[:files_mode]).to eq("0664") |
894 | resource.values( { name: "poosh", type: :string, data: "carmen" } ) |
895 | expect(resource.values).to eql([ { name: "poosh", type: :string, data: "carmen" } ]) |
896 | resource.values [ { name: "poosh", type: :string, data: "carmen" } ] |
897 | resource.values( { name: "poosh", type: :binary, data: 255.chr * 1 }) |
898 | expect { resource.values [ { type: :string, data: "carmen" } ] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
899 | expect { resource.values [ { name: "poosh", type: :string, data: "carmen", screwdriver: "sonic" } ] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
900 | expect { resource.values([ { name: 123, type: :string, data: "carmen" } ]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
901 | expect { resource.values([ { name: "123", type: :string, data: "carmen" } ]) }.to_not raise_error |
902 | expect { resource.values([ { name: "123", data: "carmen" } ]) }.to_not raise_error |
903 | expect { resource.values([ { name: "123", type: "string", data: "carmen" } ]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
904 | expect { resource.values([ { "name" => "123", "type" => :string, "data" => "carmen" } ]) }.to_not raise_error |
905 | it "allows #{arch} as a symbol" do |
906 | key_values = [ { name: "poosh", type: :binary, data: 255.chr * 1 } ] |
907 | resource.values([ { name: "poosh", type: :binary, data: 255.chr * 1 } ]) |
908 | let(:resource) {"reboot me!") } |
909 | node.default["kernel"] = {} |
910 | node.default["kernel"][:machine] = :x86_64.to_s |
911 | expect(resource.version).to eql(["1.2.3"]) |
912 | resource.version(["1.2.3", "4.5.6"]) |
913 | expect(resource.version).to eql(["1.2.3", "4.5.6"]) |
914 | it "provider_name accepts 'Programs', 'msi', 'NuGet', 'msu', 'PowerShellGet', 'psl', 'chocolatey', 'winget'" do |
915 | expect(resource.plistbuddy_command(:print, "Foo Bar Baz", "path/to/file.plist")).to eq "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :\"Foo Bar Baz\"' \"path/to/file.plist\"" |
916 | expect(resource.plistbuddy_command(:add, "Foo Bar Baz", "path/to/file.plist", true)).to eq "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Add :\"Foo Bar Baz\" bool' \"path/to/file.plist\"" |
917 | let(:resource) {"emacs") } |
918 | resource.options "-a -b 'arg with spaces' -b \"and quotes\"" |
919 | expect(resource.options).to eql(["-a", "-b", "arg with spaces", "-b", "and quotes"]) |
920 | expect(state[:version]).to eq("10.9.8") |
921 | expect(state[:options]).to eq(["-al"]) |
922 | resource.options [ "-a", "-l" ] |
923 | expect(resource.options).to eq(["-a", "-l" ]) |
924 | test_profile = { "profile" => false } |
925 | { "_computerlevel" => [{ "ProfileDisplayName" => "Finder Settings", |
926 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
927 | <plist version="1.0"> |
928 | <dict> |
929 | </dict> |
930 | </array> |
931 | </plist> |
932 | {} |
933 | { "_computerlevel" => [{ "ProfileDisplayName" => "ScreenSaver Settings", |
934 | it "has a default key_type of 'ec'" do |
935 | it "has a default key_type of 'rsa'" do |
936 | it "has a default mode of '0640'" do |
937 | it "has a default mode of '0600'" do |
938 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = @fqdn |
939 | mock_ohai = { |
940 | fqdn: @fqdn, |
941 | data2: { |
942 | expect(resource.mount_point).to eql("") |
943 | it "sets fsck_device to '-' by default" do |
944 | support_hash = { remount: false } |
945 | support_array = [ :remount ] |
946 | support_hash = { remount: true } |
947 | resource.devices ["/dev/sda", "/dev/sdb"] |
948 | expect(resource.devices).to eql(["/dev/sda", "/dev/sdb"]) |
949 | expect(state[:level]).to eq(1) |
950 | os: "mac_os_x" |
951 | let(:test_value) { "fakest_key_value" } |
952 | let(:test_key) { "fakest_key" } |
953 | let(:resource) { |
954 | let(:log_str) { "this is my string to log" } |
955 | let(:resource) { } |
956 | it "has a name of log" do |
957 | let(:resource) {"ery day I'm loggin-in") } |
958 | it "is non empty" do |
959 | expect { resource.lc_env({ "LC_TIME" => "" }) }.to raise_error(validation) |
960 | expect { resource.lc_env({ "LC_TIME" => " XX" }) }.to raise_error(validation) |
961 | expect { resource.lc_env({ "LC_TIMES" => " XX" }) }.to raise_error(validation) |
962 | expect { resource.lc_env({ "Lc_Time" => " XX" }) }.to raise_error(validation) |
963 | expect(provider.new_content.split(" ").map { |x| x.split("=") }.collect(&:first)).to eq(%w{LANG LC_MESSAGES LC_TIME}) |
964 | expect(provider.new_content[-1]).to eq(" ") |
965 | expect(state[:to]).to eq("/to/dir/file.tar") |
966 | expect(state[:group]).to eq("0664") |
967 | let(:resource) {"fakey_fakerton") } |
968 |, {}, events).tap do |rc| |
969 | { "ssh-01": { |
970 | } } |
971 | [ssh-01] |
972 | { "ssh-01" => { |
973 | "acme_comp.*::ssh.*" |
974 | "evil_comp.*::etcd.*" |
975 | it "loads a Hash" do |
976 | { "ssh_custom_path": "/whatever2" } |
977 | { ssh_custom_path: "/whatever2" } |
978 | expect(state[:inet_addr]).to eq("434.2343.23") |
979 | expect(state[:mask]).to eq("255.255.545") |
980 | @node.automatic_attrs[:os] = "linux" |
981 | it "supports :delete, :get, :head, :options, :patch, :post, :put actions" do |
982 | resource.headers({ "head" => "tail" }) |
983 | let(:brew_update_cmd) { %w{homebrew update} } |
984 | let(:user) { "Captain Picard" } |
985 | let(:user) { 1001 } |
986 | it "(#{method}) allows an Array" do |
987 | it "(#{method}) does not allow a Hash" do |
988 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
989 | expect(state[:rights]).to eq([ { permissions: :read, principals: "Everyone" }, |
990 | { permissions: :full_control, principals: "DOMAIN\User" } ]) |
991 | let(:t_block) { { true } } |
992 | let(:f_block) { { false } } |
993 | let(:path_block) { { |path| path } } |
994 | let(:temp_path) { "/tmp/foobar" } |
995 | let(:parent_resource) {"llama") } |
996 | v =, nil, {}) {} |
997 | expect { v.verify("/foo/bar") }.to_not raise_error |
998 | expect { v.verify("/foo/bar", { future: true }) }.to_not raise_error |
999 | expect(v.to_s).to eq("<Proc>") |
1000 | it "raises an error when \%{file} is used" do |
1001 | expect(v.to_s).to eq("some command --here") |
1002 | @valid_yaml = "valid-#{}.yaml" |
1003 | f =, "w") |
1004 | @invalid_yaml = "invalid-#{}.yaml" |
1005 | f =, "w") |
1006 | @empty_yaml = "empty-#{}.yaml" |
1007 |, "w").close |
1008 | let(:command) { "#{systemd_analyze_path} verify %{path}" } |
1009 | let(:opts) { { future: true } } |
1010 | let(:systemd_dir) { "/etc/systemd/system" } |
1011 | let(:temp_path) { "/tmp" } |
1012 | let(:unit_name) { "sysstat-collect.timer" } |
1013 | let(:unit_path) { "#{systemd_dir}/#{unit_name}" } |
1014 | let(:unit_temp_path) { "#{systemd_dir}/.chef-#{unit_name}" } |
1015 | let(:unit_test_path) { "#{temp_path}/#{unit_name}" } |
1016 | .with("chef-systemd-unit") { |&b| temp_path } |
1017 | .and_return("foo") |
1018 | @valid_json = "valid-#{}.json" |
1019 | f =, "w") |
1020 | f.write('{ |
1021 | }') |
1022 | @invalid_json = "invalid-#{}.json" |
1023 | f =, "w") |
1024 | f.write("{ |
1025 | }") |
1026 | @empty_json = "empty-#{}.json" |
1027 |, "w").close |
1028 | let(:password) { "password" } |
1029 | let(:domain) { nil } |
1030 | let(:username) { "user@domain" } |
1031 | let(:username) { "domain\\user" } |
1032 | let(:username) { 499 } |
1033 | let(:username) { nil } |
1034 | let(:username) { "starchild" } |
1035 | let(:elevated) { false } |
1036 | let(:domain) { "mothership" } |
1037 | let(:password) { "we.funk!" } |
1038 | let(:username) { "user@domain@domain" } |
1039 | let(:domain) { "some_domain" } |
1040 | let(:elevated) { true } |
1041 | let(:username) { "user" } |
1042 | let(:resource_name) { "DSCTest" } |
1043 | let(:configuration_data) { '@{AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = "localhost"; PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true })}' } |
1044 | expect(module_imports).to eq(["*"]) |
1045 | let(:dsc_test_resource_name) { "DSCTest" } |
1046 | let(:dsc_test_resource_module_version) { "2.7.2" } |
1047 | let(:dsc_test_timeout) { 101 } |
1048 | it "has a default action of `:run`" do |
1049 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
1050 | resource.path("/tmp/foo/bar/") |
1051 | let(:resource) {"fakey_fakerton") } |
1052 | let(:resource) {"cronify") } |
1053 | expect(resource.send(x, "*")).to eql("*") |
1054 | expect(resource.send(x, "1-2,5")).to eql("1-2,5") |
1055 | expect(resource.send(x)).to eql("*") |
1056 | expect(state[:minute]).to eq("1") |
1057 | expect(state[:hour]).to eq("2") |
1058 | expect(state[:day]).to eq("3") |
1059 | expect(state[:month]).to eq("4") |
1060 | expect(state[:weekday]).to eq("5") |
1061 | expect(state[:user]).to eq("root") |
1062 | node.automatic_attrs[:os] = "aix" |
1063 | let(:resource) {"bob") } |
1064 | it "has a default action of [:deny]" do |
1065 | @status.send(:"success?=", false) |
1066 | expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with("only_if block for [] returned \"some command\", did you mean to run a command? If so use 'only_if \"some command\"' in your code.") |
1067 | expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with("not_if block for [] returned \"some command\", did you mean to run a command? If so use 'not_if \"some command\"' in your code.") |
1068 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
1069 | </config> |
1070 | </sources> |
1071 | <apiKeys /> |
1072 | [ 0, [0, 48, 49] ].each do |val| |
1073 | let(:resource) {"30") } |
1074 | name: :chef_gem, |
1075 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
1076 |, {}, nil) |
1077 | let(:root_path) { windows? ? "C:\\chef/client.rb" : "/etc/chef/client.rb" } |
1078 | resource.daemon_options ["--foo 1", "--bar 2"] |
1079 | expect(provider.chef_client_cmd).to eql("/opt/chef/bin/chef-client --foo 1 --bar 2 -c #{root_path}") |
1080 | resource.environment({ "foo" => "bar" }) |
1081 | expect(provider.service_content["Service"]["Environment"]).to eq(["\"foo=bar\""]) |
1082 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("COMSPEC").and_return("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe") |
1083 | it "set splay to 0" do |
1084 | expect(provider.splay_sleep_time(300)).to satisfy { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 300 } |
1085 | expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/foo/bar/chef-client -L /etc/chef/log/client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb") | eql("C:/foo/bar/chef-client -L C:\\chef/log/client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb") |
1086 | expect(provider.format_handler([{ "class" => "Foo", "arguments" => ["'one'", "two", "three"] }])).to eql(["'one',two,three)"]) |
1087 | expect( match(/breakpoint_spec\.rb\:\d{2}\:in \`new\'$/) |
1088 | let(:resource_name) { :batch } |
1089 | let(:interpreter_file_name) { "cmd.exe" } |
1090 | let(:path) { File.expand_path("/tmp/") } |
1091 | let(:entry_time) {, 5, 25, 2, 2, 0, "-05:00") } |
1092 | let(:older_time) { entry_time - 100 } |
1093 | let(:newer_time) { entry_time + 100 } |
1094 | expect(FileUtils).to receive(:chown).with("root", "root", "#{destination}/folder-1/") |
1095 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
1096 | cookbook_repo = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "data", "cookbooks")) |
1097 | %w{monkey dog cat}.each do |name| |
1098 | expect(node.tags).to eql([]) |
1099 | recipe.tag "foo", "bar" |
1100 | expect(node.tags).to eql([ "foo" ]) |
1101 | expect(recipe.tag).to eql([ "foo" ]) |
1102 | recipe.untag "bar", "foo" |
1103 | --- |
1104 | - one |
1105 | - type: "execute" |
1106 | expect(recipe).to receive(:from_hash).with({ "resources" => [{ "command" => "whoami", "type" => "execute" }] }) |
1107 | resources = { "resources" => [ |
1108 | { "name" => "running some commands", "type" => "execute", "command" => "whoami" }, |
1109 | { "name" => "preparing the bits", "type" => "service", "action" => "start", "service_name" => "bit_launcher" }, |
1110 | ] } |
1111 | let(:app) { } |
1112 | Chef::Config[:why_run] = true |
1113 | Chef::Config[:why_run] = false |
1114 | pub:-:2048:1:ABF5BD827BD9BF62:1313747554:1718374819::-:::scSC::::::23::0: |
1115 | gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.20 |
1116 | let(:logger) { double("Mixlib::Log::Child").as_null_object } |
1117 | let(:gpg_20) do |
1118 | let(:gpg_22) do |
1119 | let(:gpg_ver) do |
1120 | result = { |
1121 | start_day: 2, |
1122 | end_month: 0, |
1123 | end_day: 0, |
1124 | end_year: 0, |
1125 | type: { once: nil }, |
1126 | expect(result).to eq({ once: nil }) |
1127 | expect(result).to eq({ days_interval: 2 }) |
1128 | expect(result).to eq({ weeks_interval: 2, days_of_week: 4 }) |
1129 | expect(result).to eq({ months: 4095, days: 1 }) |
1130 | expect(result).to eq({ months: 4095, days_of_week: 4, weeks_of_month: 7 }) |
1131 | it "returns the binary value 127 if day is set as 'Mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun'" do |
1132 | "Mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun" |
1133 | it "returns the binary value 4095 if day is set as 'jan, Feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec'" do |
1134 | new_resource.months "jan, Feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec" |
1135 | expect(provider.send(:get_day, "01/02/2018")).to eq("TUE") |
1136 | @new_resource.user("<System>") |
1137 | @new_resource.delim ";" |
1138 | @new_resource.value("C:/baz/bin") |
1139 | @new_resource.value("C:/foo/bin") |
1140 | @new_resource.value("C:/foo/bin;C:/bar/bin") |
1141 | @new_resource.value("C:/bar") |
1142 | @new_resource.delim(";") |
1143 | @current_resource.value("C:/bar;C:/foo;C:/baz") |
1144 | @current_resource.value("C:/biz;C:/foo/bin;C:/baz") |
1145 | @new_resource.value("C:/biz;C:/baz") |
1146 | @new_resource.value("C:/biz;C:/baz;C:/bin") |
1147 | @current_resource.value("C:/baz;C:/foo/bin;C:/biz") |
1148 | new_value = "C:/bar/bin" |
1149 | @new_resource.value("C:/foo;C:/bar;C:/baz") |
1150 | @current_resource.value("C:/bar;C:/baz;C:/foo/bar") |
1151 | expect(@new_resource.value).to eq("C:/foo;C:/bar;C:/baz;C:/foo/bar") |
1152 | @current_resource.value("C:/foo/bar;C:/baz;C:/bar") |
1153 | let(:system_root) { "%SystemRoot%" } |
1154 | let(:system_root_value) { "D:\\Windows" } |
1155 | stub_const("ENV", { "PATH" => "" }) |
1156 | EtcPwnamIsh =, :passwd, :uid, :gid, :gecos, :dir, :shell, :change, :uclass, :expire) |
1157 | EtcGrnamIsh =, :passwd, :gid, :mem) |
1158 | @pw_user.gid = 1000 |
1159 | @pw_user.uid = 1000 |
1160 | = "/usr/bin/zsh" |
1161 | @pw_user.passwd = "*" |
1162 | user_attrib_map = { |
1163 | uid: :uid, |
1164 | gid: :gid, |
1165 | home: :dir, |
1166 | user = @pw_user.dup |
1167 | = "root" |
1168 | user.passwd = "x" |
1169 | sp_warn: 7, sp_inact: -1, sp_expire: -1, sp_flag: -1) |
1170 | %w{uid gid}.each do |property| |
1171 | @group ="wheel", "*", 999, []) |
1172 | @net_user = double("Chef::Util::Windows::NetUser") |
1173 | it "should not pass -r" do |
1174 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with( "useradd", "-m", "adam") |
1175 | let(:user_lock) { "adam:FOO:::::::" } |
1176 | user1:LK::::::: |
1177 | user2:NP::::::: |
1178 | let(:user_lock) { "other_user:FOO:::::::" } |
1179 | ].each do |shadow| |
1180 | context "for user 'adam' with entry '#{shadow}'" do |
1181 | let(:user_lock) { shadow } |
1182 | shell_return ="", "", 0) |
1183 | field_list = { |
1184 | match_array = [ "adam" ] |
1185 | field_list.sort_by { |a| a[0] }.each do |property, option| |
1186 | match_array << "hola" |
1187 | match_array << "-m" |
1188 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with( "pw", "useradd", "adam", "-m").and_return(true) |
1189 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with( "pw", "usermod", "adam", "-m").and_return(true) |
1190 | let(:new_resource) {"jane") } |
1191 | expect( provider.useradd_options ).to eql(["-M"]) |
1192 | expect( provider.useradd_options ).to eql(["-m"]) |
1193 | expect( provider.universal_options ).to eql(["-e", "1982-04-16"]) |
1194 | expect( provider.universal_options ).to eql(["-f", 90]) |
1195 | cr.home "/home/adam" |
1196 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("useradd", "-g", "system", "adam") |
1197 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", "-d", "/home/adam", "adam") |
1198 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", "-d", "/mnt/home/adam", "adam") |
1199 | expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mv).with("/home/adam", "/mnt/home/adam") |
1200 | it "should not pass -m" do |
1201 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", "-d", "/home/adam", "adam") |
1202 | variables: {}, |
1203 | helper_modules: []) |
1204 | name: "helpers.erb", |
1205 | let(:unit_name) { "sysstat-collect\\x2d.timer" } |
1206 | let(:user_name) { "joe" } |
1207 | user: "joe", |
1208 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "daemon-reload", **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1209 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "preset", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1210 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "revert", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1211 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "preset", unit_name) |
1212 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "revert", unit_name) |
1213 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "reenable", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1214 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "enable", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1215 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "disable", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1216 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "reenable", unit_name) |
1217 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "enable", unit_name) |
1218 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "disable", unit_name) |
1219 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "mask", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1220 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "unmask", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts) |
1221 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "mask", unit_name) |
1222 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "unmask", unit_name) |
1223 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "start", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1224 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "stop", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1225 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "start", unit_name, default_env: false) |
1226 | .with(systemctl_path, "--system", "stop", unit_name, default_env: false) |
1227 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "restart", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1228 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "reload", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1229 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "try-restart", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1230 | .with(systemctl_path, "--user", "reload-or-restart", unit_name, **user_cmd_opts, default_env: false) |
1231 | systemctl_show = [systemctl_path, instance, "show", "-p", "UnitFileState", "-p", "ActiveState", unit_name] |
1232 | nil_and_inactive_h = { |
1233 | systemctl_show = [systemctl_path, "--system", "show", "-p", "UnitFileState", "-p", "ActiveState", "foo@.service"] |
1234 | expect(@provider.run_options).to eq({ user: "deployninja", environment: { "HOME" => "/home/deployninja" } }) |
1235 | @stdout = double("stdout") |
1236 | @stderr = double("stderr") |
1237 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.svn").and_return(false) |
1238 | example_svn_info = "Path: . " + |
1239 | expected_command = ["svn info", { cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", returns: [0, 1] }] |
1240 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.svn").and_return(true) |
1241 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.svn").and_return(false) |
1242 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir").and_return(true) |
1243 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:entries).with("/my/deploy/dir").and_return([".", "..", "foo", "bar"]) |
1244 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(expected_cmd, { user: "whois", group: "thisis", environment: { "HOME" => "/home/whois" } }) |
1245 | let(:http_proxy_uri) { "http://somehost:1" } |
1246 | let(:http_no_proxy) { "" } |
1247 | let(:repository_url) { "" } |
1248 | let(:repository_url) { "" } |
1249 | ENV["http_proxy"] = nil |
1250 | ENV["no_proxy"] = http_no_proxy |
1251 | let(:chef_service_name) { "chef-client" } |
1252 | load_order_group: "", |
1253 | tag_id: 0, |
1254 | wait_hint: 0, |
1255 | pid: 0, |
1256 | it "does not set #{prop}" do |
1257 | provider.new_resource.send("#{attr}=", "new value") |
1258 | provider.new_resource.send("#{attr}=", 2) |
1259 | let(:start_command) { "sc start #{chef_service_name}" } |
1260 | let(:username) { "unit_test_user" } |
1261 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "ps -ax" } |
1262 | @status = double("Status", exitstatus: 0, stdout: "", stderr: "") |
1263 | @new_resource.parameters({ "OSD_ID" => "2" }) |
1264 | let(:service_name) { "rsyslog\\x2d.service" } |
1265 | let(:service_name_escaped) { "rsyslog\\\\x2d.service" } |
1266 | double("shell_out", exitstatus: 0, error?: false, stdout: "") |
1267 | double("shell_out", exitstatus: 1, error?: true, stdout: "") |
1268 | systemctl_show = [systemctl_path, "--system", "show", "-p", "UnitFileState", "-p", "ActiveState", service_name] |
1269 | systemctl_isenabled = [systemctl_path, "--system", "is-enabled", service_name, "--quiet"] |
1270 | ].join(" ") |
1271 | @enabled_svc_status = double("Status", exitstatus: 0, stdout: enabled_svc_stdout, stdin: "", stderr: "") |
1272 | @disabled_svc_status = double("Status", exitstatus: 0, stdout: disabled_svc_stdout, stdin: "", stderr: "") |
1273 | @no_svc_status = double("Status", exitstatus: 1, stdout: "", stdin: "", stderr: "svcs: Pattern 'chef' doesn't match any instances ") |
1274 | @success = double("clear", exitstatus: 0, stdout: "", stdin: "", stderr: "") |
1275 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@enabled_svc_status) |
1276 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).twice.with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@enabled_svc_status) |
1277 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).twice.with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@maintenance_svc_status) |
1278 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-s", "-r", @current_resource.service_name).and_return(@success) |
1279 | @new_resource.options(["-r", "-t"]) |
1280 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-s", "-r", "-t", @current_resource.service_name).and_return(@success) |
1281 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@disabled_svc_status) |
1282 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/sbin/svcadm", "disable", "-s", "chef").and_return(@success) |
1283 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/sbin/svcadm", "disable", "-s", "-t", "chef").and_return(@success) |
1284 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@enabled_svc_status) |
1285 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/sbin/svcadm", "refresh", "chef") |
1286 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("/bin/svcs", "-l", "chef", { returns: [0, 1] }).and_return(@no_svc_status) |
1287 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "ps -ef" } |
1288 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: nil } |
1289 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "" } |
1290 | status = double("Status", exitstatus: 0, stdout: "" , stderr: "") |
1291 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "foo" } |
1292 | @new_resource.supports( { status: false } ) |
1293 | @new_resource.run_levels([1, 2]) |
1294 | @new_resource.run_levels([ 2 ]) |
1295 | @new_resource.send("#{action}_command", "/etc/init.d/chef #{action}") |
1296 | node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "ps -ax" } |
1297 | let(:supports) { { status: false } } |
1298 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return("") |
1299 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/rc.conf.local").and_return("") |
1300 | let(:status) { double(stdout: "", exitstatus: 0) } |
1301 | let(:supports) { { status: true } } |
1302 | expect(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}") |
1303 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="#{setting}"} ] } |
1304 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{thing_#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_enable="YES"} ] } |
1305 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_thing_enable="YES"} ] } |
1306 | let(:lines) { [] } |
1307 | let(:supports) { { restart: true } } |
1308 | expect(::File).to receive(:write).with("/etc/rc.conf.local", /^(?!#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name})$/) |
1309 | provider.rc_conf = "" |
1310 | expect(::File).to receive(:write).with("/etc/rc.conf.local", " pkg_scripts=\"#{new_resource.service_name}\" ") |
1311 | expect(::File).to receive(:write).with("/etc/rc.conf.local", /^(?!#{new_resource.service_name})$/) |
1312 | let(:plutil_stdout) { <<~XML } |
1313 | <key>Label</key> |
1314 | let(:session) { } |
1315 | if service_type == "Agent" |
1316 | let(:session) { "-S Aqua " } |
1317 | let(:su_cmd) { "su -l igor -c" } |
1318 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([plist], []) |
1319 | @stat = double("File::Stat", { uid: 501 }) |
1320 | @getpwuid = double("Etc::Passwd", { name: "mikedodge04" }) |
1321 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with("platform_version").and_return("10.11.1") |
1322 | .with(/(#{su_cmd} '#{cmd}'|#{cmd})/, default_env: false) |
1323 | allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_return([true], []) |
1324 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([]) |
1325 | .with(/plutil -convert xml1 -o/) |
1326 | ); |
1327 | }; |
1328 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([(plist).to_s], []) |
1329 | cmd = "/bin/launchctl load -w " + session + plist |
1330 | .with(/(#{su_cmd} .#{cmd}.|#{cmd})/, default_env: false) |
1331 | cmd = "/bin/launchctl unload -w " + plist |
1332 | @stdout =<<~PS) |
1333 | @status = double("Process::Status mock", exitstatus: 0, stdout: "") |
1334 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/etc/rc*/**/S*initgrediant").and_return([]) |
1335 | node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "" } |
1336 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return(false) |
1337 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return(true) |
1338 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{new_resource.service_name}_enable="#{setting}"} ] } |
1339 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{new_resource.service_name}_enable="alskdjflasdkjflakdfj"} ] } |
1340 | %Q{#{new_resource.service_name}_enable="NO"}, |
1341 | %Q{#{new_resource.service_name}_enable="YES"}, |
1342 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{thing_#{new_resource.service_name}_enable="YES"} ] } |
1343 | let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{new_resource.service_name}_thing_enable="YES"} ] } |
1344 | rcvar_stdout = <<~EOF |
1345 | expect(provider).to receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\"", "bar" ]) |
1346 | expect(provider).to receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "bar", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\""]) |
1347 | expect(provider).to receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "thing_#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\"", "bar" ]) |
1348 | expect(provider).to receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "thing_#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\"", "bar", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\""]) |
1349 | expect(provider).to receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "bar", "\# #{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\"", "\# #{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\""]) |
1350 | expect(provider).to receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\"", "bar" ]) |
1351 | expect(provider).to receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "bar", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\""]) |
1352 | expect(provider).to receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "thing_#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\"", "bar" ]) |
1353 | expect(provider).to receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "thing_#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\"", "bar", "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\""]) |
1354 | @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = { ps: "fuuuu" } |
1355 | @pid, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr = nil, nil, nil, nil |
1356 | [0, 1, 6].each do |stop| |
1357 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/etc/rc#{stop}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]chef").and_return(["/etc/rc#{stop}.d/K20chef"]) |
1358 | [2, 3, 4, 5].each do |start| |
1359 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/etc/rc#{start}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]chef").and_return(["/etc/rc#{start}.d/S20chef"]) |
1360 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/etc/rc#{stop}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]chef").and_return([]) |
1361 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/etc/rc#{start}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]chef").and_return([]) |
1362 | ]) |
1363 | @new_resource.priority(2 => [:start, 20], 3 => [:stop, 55]) |
1364 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.d/chef").and_return(false) |
1365 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return(true) |
1366 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return(false) |
1367 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return("DAEMONS=(network !apache ssh)") |
1368 | expect(@provider.daemons).to eq(["network", "!apache", "ssh"]) |
1369 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return("DAEMONS=(network)") |
1370 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return("DAEMONS=(network chef)") |
1371 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK]#{@new_resource.service_name}"]).and_return([]) |
1372 | expect(@provider).to receive(:create_symlink).with(2, "S", "") |
1373 | priority = { 2 => [:start, 20], 3 => [:stop, 10] } |
1374 | expect(@provider).to receive(:create_symlink).with(2, "K", "") |
1375 | @priority = { 2 => [:start, 20], 3 => [:stop, 10] } |
1376 | files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S20apache"] |
1377 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK]chef"]).and_return(files) |
1378 | files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K20apache"] |
1379 | @priority = { 2 => [:stop, 20] } |
1380 | @files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S20apache", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K80apache"] |
1381 | @priority = { 2 => [:stop, 80] } |
1382 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK]chef"]).and_return(@files) |
1383 | files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Sapache"] |
1384 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK]#{@new_resource.service_name}"]).and_return(files) |
1385 | files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Kapache"] |
1386 | @priority = { 2 => [:stop, ""] } |
1387 | files = ["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Sapache", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Kapache"] |
1388 | new_resource.code "$| = 1; print 'i like beans'" |
1389 | expect(provider.command).to eq(%q{"perl" -f}) |
1390 | opts = { |
1391 | input: "$| = 1; print 'i like beans'", |
1392 | it "accepts `create' as an alias for `run'" do |
1393 | @new_resource ="") |
1394 | resource ="") |
1395 | @resource_add =" via") |
1396 | expect(route_file.string).to match(%r{^192\.168\.1\.0/24 via 192\.168\.0\.1$}) |
1397 | expect(@provider.generate_command(:add).join(" ")).to match(%r{/\d{1,2}}) |
1398 | expect(@provider.generate_command(:add).join(" ")).not_to match(%r{/\d{1,2}}) |
1399 | expect(@default_provider.generate_command(:add).join(" ")).to match(/ |
1400 | expect(@provider.generate_command(:delete).join(" ")).to match(%r{/\d{1,2}}) |
1401 | expect(@provider.generate_command(:delete).join(" ")).not_to match(%r{/\d{1,2}}) |
1402 | expect(@provider.config_file_contents(:add, target: match(%r{/\d{1,2}.* $}) |
1403 | "" |
1404 | r.gateway "" |
1405 | expect(route_file.string).to match(%r{^192\.168\.2\.0/24 via 192\.168\.0\.1$}) |
1406 | expect(route_file.string).to match(%r{^192\.168\.3\.0/24 via 192\.168\.0\.1$}) |
1407 | expect(route_file.string).to match(%r{^192\.168\.4\.0/24 via 192\.168\.0\.1$}) |
1408 | let(:sftp) do |
1409 | sftp = double(Net::SFTP, {}) |
1410 | uri.userinfo = "conan:" |
1411 | uri.user = "conan" |
1412 | uri.path = "" |
1413 | uri.path = "/" |
1414 | uri.path = "/the/whole/path/" |
1415 | let(:source) { "\\\\foohost\\fooshare\\Foo.tar.gz" } |
1416 | let(:tempfile) { double("Tempfile", path: "/tmp/foo/bar/Foo.tar.gz", close: nil) } |
1417 | let(:source_file) { double("::File", read: nil) } |
1418 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("file:///nyan_cat.png") } |
1419 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("file:///z:/windows/path/file.txt") } |
1420 | let(:uri) { URI.parse(Addressable::URI.encode("file:///z:/windows/path/foo & bar.txt")) } |
1421 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("file:////server/share/windows/path/file.txt") } |
1422 | let(:uri) { URI.parse(Addressable::URI.encode("file:////server/share/windows/path/foo & bar.txt")) } |
1423 | let(:tempfile) { double("Tempfile", path: "/tmp/foo/bar/nyan.png", close: nil) } |
1424 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1425 | expect(fetcher.headers).to eq({ "x-myapp-header" => "custom-header-value" }) |
1426 | let(:etag) { "\"a-strong-unique-identifier\"" } |
1427 | let(:mtime) { "Tue, 21 May 2013 19:19:23 GMT" } |
1428 | let(:expected_http_opts) { {} } |
1429 | let(:last_response) { {} } |
1430 | let(:rest) do |
1431 | let(:last_response) { { "etag" => nil } } |
1432 | let(:last_response) { { "etag" => "abc123" } } |
1433 | let(:last_response) { { "date" => nil, "last_modified" => nil } } |
1434 | { "date" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 23:23:23 GMT", "last_modified" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 11:11:11 GMT" } |
1435 | { "date" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 23:23:23 GMT", "last_modified" => nil } |
1436 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1437 | let(:expected_http_opts) { { disable_gzip: true } } |
1438 | let(:ftp) do |
1439 | ftp = double(Net::FTP, {}) |
1440 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1441 | uri.typecode = "d" |
1442 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1443 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1444 | stub_const("ENV", "ftp_proxy" => "socks5://") |
1445 | let(:new_resource) { double("new resource") } |
1446 | let(:source) { "\\\\\\fooshare\\Foo.tar.gz" } |
1447 | let(:uri) { double("uri", scheme: "http" ) } |
1448 | let(:uri) { double("uri", scheme: "https" ) } |
1449 | let(:uri) { double("uri", scheme: "ftp" ) } |
1450 | let(:uri) { double("uri", scheme: "file" ) } |
1451 | let(:uri) { double("uri", scheme: "xyzzy" ) } |
1452 | let(:source) { [ "" ] } |
1453 | let(:run_context) { double("Chef::RunContext") } |
1454 | @uri = double("URI") |
1455 | let(:mtime) { } |
1456 | let(:tempfile) { double("Tempfile") } |
1457 |"message", { "something" => 1 }) |
1458 | let(:source) { [ "", "" ] } |
1459 | @uri0 = double("URI0") |
1460 | @uri1 = double("URI1") |
1461 | 1 + |
1462 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1463 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
1464 | let(:etag) { "\"a-strong-identifier\"" } |
1465 | cache = {} |
1466 | cache["etag"] = etag |
1467 | cache["mtime"] = mtime |
1468 | let(:cache_json_data) { '{"foo",,"bar" []}' } |
1469 | let(:cache_json_data) { "" } |
1470 | data = {} |
1471 | data["etag"] = etag |
1472 | data["mtime"] = mtime |
1473 | let(:uri) { URI.parse(long_remote_path) } |
1474 | + "/remote_dir_file1.txt", "a") { |f| f.puts "blah blah blah" } |
1475 | + "/remotesubdir/remote_subdir_file1.txt", "a") { |f| f.puts "blah blah blah" } |
1476 | expect(::File.exist?(@destination_dir + "/a/foo.txt")).to be_falsey |
1477 | + "/remote_dir_file1.txt", "a") { |f| f.puts "blah blah blah" } |
1478 | + "/remotesubdir/remote_subdir_file1.txt", "a") { |f| f.puts "blah blah blah" } |
1479 | let(:keyname) { "HKLM\\Software\\Opscode\\Testing\\Safe" } |
1480 | let(:testval1) { { name: "one", type: :string, data: "1" } } |
1481 | let(:testval1_wrong_type) { { name: "one", type: :multi_string, data: "1" } } |
1482 | let(:testval1_wrong_data) { { name: "one", type: :string, data: "2" } } |
1483 | let(:testval2) { { name: "two", type: :string, data: "2" } } |
1484 | let(:testval1) { { name: "one", type: :binary, data: 255.chr * 1 } } |
1485 | let(:testval1_wrong_type) { { name: "one", type: :string, data: 255.chr * 1 } } |
1486 | let(:testval1_wrong_data) { { name: "one", type: :binary, data: 254.chr * 1 } } |
1487 | let(:testval2) { { name: "two", type: :binary, data: 0.chr * 1 } } |
1488 | let(:keyname) { "hklm\\software\\opscode\\testing\\dword" } |
1489 | let(:dword_passed_as_integer) { { name: "one", type: :dword, data: 12345 } } |
1490 | let(:testval1) { { name: "one", type: :dword, data: "12345" } } |
1491 | { name: "one", type: :string, data: "initial value" }, |
1492 | { name: "two", type: :dword, data: 9001 }, |
1493 | let(:testval1) { { name: "one", type: :string, data: "first_value" } } |
1494 | let(:testval1) { { name: "two", type: :dword, data: 12345 } } |
1495 | let(:events) { double("Chef::Events").as_null_object } |
1496 | [ { name: "input1_value1", type: :string, data: "my_value1" }, |
1497 | { name: "input1_value2", type: :string, data: "my_value2" }, |
1498 | [ { name: "input2_value1", data: "my_value1" }, |
1499 | { name: "input2_value2", data: "my_value2" }, |
1500 | [ { name: "input3_value1", data: "my_value1" }, |
1501 | { name: "input3_value2", type: :string, data: "my_value2" }, |
1502 | [ { name: "input4_value1", type: :string }, |
1503 | { name: "input4_value2", type: :string }, |
1504 | [ { name: "input5_value1", type: :string, data: "my_value1" }, |
1505 | { name: "input5_value2", type: :string }, |
1506 | [ { name: "input6_value1" }, |
1507 | { name: "input6_value2" }, |
1508 | let(:run_context) {, {}, events) } |
1509 | expected = <<~CMD.strip |
1510 | let(:candidate_version) { "1.0" } |
1511 | provider.candidate_version = [ "1.0" ] |
1512 | [ "vim" ], |
1513 | [ "1.0" ] |
1514 | [ nil ] |
1515 | let(:new_resource) {{emacs vi}) } |
1516 | let(:candidate_version) { [ "1.0", "6.2" ] } |
1517 | %w{emacs vi}, |
1518 | ["1.0", "6.2"] |
1519 | [ "vi" ], |
1520 | [ "6.2" ] |
1521 | current_resource.version(["1.0", "6.1"]) |
1522 | new_resource.version(["1.0", "6.2"]) |
1523 | current_resource.version(["1.0", "6.2"]) |
1524 | current_resource.version(["1.1", "6.2"]) |
1525 | new_resource.version(["1.0", "6.1"]) |
1526 | new_resource.version ["1.0", "6.2"] |
1527 | provider.candidate_version = ["1.0", "6.2"] |
1528 | current_resource.version ["0.9", "6.1"] |
1529 | current_resource.version ["1.0", "6.1"] |
1530 | ["vi"], |
1531 | ["6.2"] |
1532 | current_resource.version ["1.0", "6.2"] |
1533 | expect(provider).to receive(:remove_package).with(%w{emacs vi}, ["1.0", "6.2"]) |
1534 | new_resource.version ["0.5", "6.2"] |
1535 | expect(provider).to receive(:remove_package).with(%w{emacs vi}, ["0.5", "6.2"]) |
1536 | new_resource.version ["0.5", "6.0"] |
1537 | expect(provider).to receive(:purge_package).with(%w{emacs vi}, ["1.0", "6.2"]) |
1538 | expect(provider).to receive(:purge_package).with(%w{emacs vi}, ["0.5", "6.2"]) |
1539 | expect(provider.version_compare("1.3", "1.3")).to eql(0) |
1540 | expect(provider.version_compare("1.2", "1.3")).to eql(-1) |
1541 | expect(provider.version_compare("1.5", "1.3")).to eql(1) |
1542 | expect(provider.version_compare("1.10", "1.2")).to eql(1) |
1543 | expect(provider.version_compare("1.3_3", "1.3")).to eql(0) |
1544 | let(:status) { double(stdout: " ", exitstatus: 0) } |
1545 | let(:source) { "/tmp/wget_1.11.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.rpm" } |
1546 | allow(provider).to receive(:`).and_return("2.0") |
1547 | options[:timeout] ||= 900 |
1548 | provider.install_package(["emacs"], ["1.0"]) |
1549 | provider.upgrade_package(["emacs"], ["1.0"]) |
1550 | provider.remove_package(["emacs"], ["1.0"]) |
1551 | provider.purge_package(["emacs"], ["1.0"]) |
1552 | Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: "1 | somethingelse | package | (any)" |
1553 | )) |
1554 | Mixlib::ShellOut, stdout: "1 | cups | package | (any)" |
1555 | provider.lock_package(["emacs"], [nil]) |
1556 | allow(provider).to receive(:`).and_return("0.11.6") |
1557 | provider.install_package(%w{emacs vim}, ["1.0", "2.0"]) |
1558 | provider.remove_package(%w{emacs vim}, ["1.0", "2.0"]) |
1559 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", arch: nil).and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1560 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", version: "1.2.3", arch: nil).and_return( yum_version("foo", nil, nil) ) |
1561 | expect( yum_cache.version_available?("foo", "1.2.3") ).to be false |
1562 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", version: "1.2.3", arch: nil).and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1563 | expect( yum_cache.version_available?("foo", "1.2.3") ).to be true |
1564 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", version: "1.2.3", arch: "x86_64").and_return( yum_version("foo", nil, nil) ) |
1565 | expect( yum_cache.version_available?("foo", "1.2.3", "x86_64") ).to be false |
1566 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", version: "1.2.3", arch: "x86_64").and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1567 | expect( yum_cache.version_available?("foo", "1.2.3", "x86_64") ).to be true |
1568 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatinstalled, "foo", arch: nil).and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1569 | expect( yum_cache.installed_version("foo") ).to eql("1.2.3-1.x86_64") |
1570 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatinstalled, "foo", arch: "x86_64").and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1571 | expect( yum_cache.installed_version("foo", "x86_64") ).to eql("1.2.3-1.x86_64") |
1572 | expect( yum_cache.available_version("foo") ).to eql("1.2.3-1.x86_64") |
1573 | expect( python_helper ).to receive(:package_query).with(:whatavailable, "foo", arch: "x86_64").and_return( yum_version("foo", "1.2.3-1", "x86_64") ) |
1574 | expect( yum_cache.available_version("foo", "x86_64") ).to eql("1.2.3-1.x86_64") |
1575 | let(:resource_name) { "calculator" } |
1576 | let(:installer_type) { nil } |
1577 | let(:cache_path) { "c:\\cache\\" } |
1578 | installed_version: "1.0", package_version: "2.0")) |
1579 | [{ |
1580 | }] |
1581 | let(:uninstall_key) { "blah" } |
1582 | entries = [] |
1583 | let(:uninstall_key) { "blah_is1" } |
1584 | let(:resource_source) { "setup.exe" } |
1585 | let(:resource_name) { "blah" } |
1586 | let(:resource_source) { "blah.exe" } |
1587 | let(:installer_type) { :inno } |
1588 | let(:resource_source) { nil } |
1589 | let(:installer_type) { :msi } |
1590 | before { new_resource.version("5.5.5") } |
1591 | allow(provider).to receive(:current_version_array).and_return([ ["5.5.5", "4.3.0", "1.1.1"] ]) |
1592 | allow(provider).to receive(:current_version_array).and_return([ ["5.5.0", "4.3.0", "1.1.1"] ]) |
1593 | let(:resource_source) { "C:/a_missing_file.exe" } |
1594 | let(:hkey) { :hkey } # mock all the methods |
1595 | let(:key) { :key } |
1596 | let(:package_name) { nil } |
1597 | let(:package_name) { " " } |
1598 | let(:package_name) { "hive" } |
1599 | let(:package_name) { "Chef" } |
1600 | let(:package_name) { "Chef Client" } |
1601 | let(:display_name) { "Chef Client" } |
1602 | let(:node) { double("Chef::Node") } |
1603 | let(:run_context) { double("Chef::RunContext", node: node, events: events) } |
1604 | let(:package_name) { "calculator" } |
1605 | let(:resource_version) { nil } |
1606 | expect(provider.expand_options("--train nope --town no_way")).to eql(" --train nope --town no_way") |
1607 | it "calls msiexec /qn /i" do |
1608 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /qn /i \"#{Regexp.quote(new_resource.source)}\"}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1609 | it "calls msiexec /qn /x" do |
1610 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /qn /x \"#{Regexp.quote(new_resource.source)}\"}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1611 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /x {guid} /q}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1612 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /x {guid2} /q}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1613 | before { new_resource.options("/Q") } |
1614 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /x {guid} /Q}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1615 | before { new_resource.options("/qn") } |
1616 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{msiexec /x {guid} /qn}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1617 | let(:uninstall_hash) { [] } |
1618 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{start \"\" /wait \"uninst_dir/uninst_file\" /S /NCRC & exit %%%%ERRORLEVEL%%%%}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1619 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{start \"\" /wait \"uninst_dir2/uninst_file2\" /S /NCRC & exit %%%%ERRORLEVEL%%%%}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1620 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(%r{start \"\" /wait \"uninst_dir1/uninst_file1\" /S /NCRC & exit %%%%ERRORLEVEL%%%%}, kind_of(Hash)) |
1621 | @status = double("Status", stdout: "", exitstatus: 0) |
1622 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted).with("pkginfo", "-l", "-d", "/tmp/bash.pkg", "SUNWbash", { timeout: 900 }).and_return(status) |
1623 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted).with("pkginfo", "-l", "SUNWbash", { timeout: 900 }).and_return(@status) |
1624 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted).with("pkginfo", "-l", "-d", "/tmp/bash.pkg", "SUNWbash", { timeout: 900 }).and_return(@status) |
1625 | status = double(stdout: "", exitstatus: -1) |
1626 | status = double(stdout: "", exitstatus: 0) |
1627 | status = double(stdout: "", exitstatus: 1) |
1628 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkgadd", "-n", "-d", "/tmp/bash.pkg", "all", { timeout: 900 }) |
1629 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkgadd", "-n", "-a", "/tmp/myadmin", "-d", "/tmp/bash.pkg", "all", { timeout: 900 }) |
1630 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkgrm", "-n", "SUNWbash", { timeout: 900 }) |
1631 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkgrm", "-n", "-a", "/tmp/myadmin", "SUNWbash", { timeout: 900 }) |
1632 | let(:package) { "hello" } |
1633 | let(:source) { "/tmp/hello_20.snap" } |
1634 | version: 2.10 - |
1635 | --foo |
1636 | options = {} |
1637 | let(:source) { nil } |
1638 | snap_names = ["hello"] |
1639 | expect(actual).to eq("action" => "install", "snaps" => ["hello"], "channel" => "stable") |
1640 | @stdout = "varnish-2.1.5nb2 " |
1641 | @pid = 10 |
1642 | @shell_out = double("shell_out!", stdout: search) |
1643 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("/opt/local/bin/pkgin", "se", "varnish", env: nil, returns: [0, 1], timeout: 900).and_return(@shell_out) |
1644 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("/opt/local/sbin/pkg_info", "-E", "varnish*", { env: nil, returns: [0, 1], timeout: 900 }).and_return(@shell_out) |
1645 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("/opt/local/bin/pkgin", "-y", "install", "varnish-2.1.5nb2", { env: nil, timeout: 900 }).and_return(out) |
1646 | { |s| = name; s.version = version } |
1647 |! { |stub| == "rspec-core" &&"rspec-core", ">= 0").requirement.satisfied_by?(stub.version) } |
1648 | gems = [gemspec("rspec-core","1.2.9")), gemspec("rspec-core","1.3.0"))] |
1649 | if >="2.7") |
1650 | dep ="sexp_processor", ">= 0") |
1651 | dep ="nonexistent_gem", ">= 0") |
1652 | dep ="lksdjflksdjflsdkfj", ">= 0") |
1653 | @gem_env.install("rspec", ">= 0"), install_dir: "/foo/bar", sources: [""]) |
1654 | @gem_env.uninstall("rspec", "1.2.3") |
1655 | gem_env_output = ["/path/to/gems", "/another/path/to/gems"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) |
1656 | expect(@gem_env.gem_paths).to eq(["/path/to/gems", "/another/path/to/gems"]) |
1657 | expected = ["/path/to/gems", "/another/path/to/gems"] |
1658 | allow(@gem_env).to receive(:gem_paths).and_return(["/path/to/gems", "/another/path/to/gems"]) |
1659 | gems = [gemspec("rspec","1.2.9")), gemspec("rspec","1.3.0"))] |
1660 | actual = gem_env.installed_versions("rspec-core", nil)).map { |s| [, s.version] } |
1661 | - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-05-12 patchlevel 249) [java] |
1662 | - ruby |
1663 | - /Users/you/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.5.0 |
1664 | - :update_sources => true |
1665 | - :verbose => true |
1666 | - :benchmark => false |
1667 | - :backtrace => false |
1668 | - :bulk_threshold => 1000 |
1669 | - "install" => "--env-shebang" |
1670 | - "update" => "--env-shebang" |
1671 | - "gem" => "--no-rdoc --no-ri" |
1672 | - :sources => ["", ""] |
1673 | - |
1674 | - |
1675 | expected = ["ruby","universal-java-1.6")] |
1676 | @gem_env.with_gem_platforms(["ruby","sparc64-java-1.7")]) do |
1677 | let(:target_version) { nil } |
1678 | let(:gem_name) { "rspec-core" } |
1679 | let(:gem_binary) { nil } |
1680 | let(:bindir) { "/usr/bin" } |
1681 | let(:options) { nil } |
1682 | let(:current_resource) { nil } |
1683 | _ = provider |
1684 | let(:gem_binary) { "/usr/weird/bin/gem" } |
1685 | let(:options) { { fail: :burger } } |
1686 | let(:bindir) { "/opt/opscode/embedded/bin" } |
1687 | let(:bindir) { "/opt/chef/embedded/bin" } |
1688 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("PATH").and_return("/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/chef/embedded/bin") |
1689 | let(:bindir) { "d:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin" } |
1690 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("PATH").and_return('C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\Ruby186\bin') |
1691 | let(:target_version) { "~> 9000.0.2" } |
1692 | let(:target_version) { "9000.0.2" } |
1693 | let(:gem_name) { "no-such-gem-should-exist-with-this-name" } |
1694 | let(:target_version) { ">= 0" } |
1695 | .and_return("9000.0.2")) |
1696 | Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] = "https://mirror1/" |
1697 | .with(gem_dep, "https://mirror1/") |
1698 | let(:source) { "" } |
1699 | let(:source) { [ "https://mirror1", "https://mirror2" ] } |
1700 | .with(gem_dep, *source) |
1701 | let(:gem_name) { "chef-integration-test" } |
1702 | let(:source) { CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/gems/chef-integration-test-0.1.0.gem" } |
1703 | let(:current_version) { nil } |
1704 | let(:candidate_version) { "9000.0.2" } |
1705 | let(:source) { "" } |
1706 | let(:gem_name) { CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/gems/chef-integration-test-0.1.0.gem" } |
1707 | let(:options) { "-i /alt/install/location" } |
1708 | expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source= #{options}" |
1709 | expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source= #{options}" |
1710 | let(:gem_binary) { "/foo/bar" } |
1711 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=https://mirror1" |
1712 | let(:source) { "" } |
1713 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=#{source}" |
1714 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=#{source} --source=" |
1715 | let(:source) { [ "https://mirror1" , "https://mirror2" ] } |
1716 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2" |
1717 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --clear-sources --source=https://mirror1 --source=https://mirror2 --source=" |
1718 | expected = "#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=#{source}" |
1719 | expected = "gem install rspec-core -q --no-document -v \"#{candidate_version}\" --source= #{options}" |
1720 | let(:options) { { install_dir: "/alt/install/location" } } |
1721 | let(:target_version) { ">=2.3.0" } |
1722 | let(:current_version) { "2.3.3" } |
1723 | let(:target_version) { "~>2.3.0" } |
1724 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install rspec-core -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v \"#{target_version}\" --source=", env: nil, timeout: 900) |
1725 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{source} -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900) |
1726 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("#{gem_binary} install #{gem_name} -q --no-document -v \"#{target_version}\"", env: nil, timeout: 900) |
1727 | let(:gem_name) { "rspec" } |
1728 | let(:current_version) { "1.2.3" } |
1729 | let(:target_version) { "1.2.3" } |
1730 | let(:package_source) { "/tmp/ImageMagick-c++-" } |
1731 | let(:package_name) { "ImageMagick-c++" } |
1732 | let(:package_source) { "foobar://" } |
1733 | .with("rpm", "-qp", "--queryformat", "%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} ", package_source, timeout: 900) |
1734 | .with("rpm", "-q", "--queryformat", "%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} ", package_name, timeout: 900) |
1735 | let(:rpm_qp_stdout) { "ImageMagick-c++" } |
1736 | let(:rpm_q_stdout) { "" } |
1737 | let(:rpm_qp_exitstatus) { 0 } |
1738 | let(:rpm_q_exitstatus) { -1 } |
1739 | let(:rpm_q_stdout) { "ImageMagick-c++" } |
1740 | let(:rpm_q_exitstatus) { 0 } |
1741 | let(:action) { :install } |
1742 | expect(provider).to_not receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "-i", "/tmp/imagemagick-c++-", timeout: 900) |
1743 | let(:rpm_q_stdout) { "imagemagick-c++" } |
1744 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "-U", "--oldpackage", "/tmp/ImageMagick-c++-", timeout: 900) |
1745 | let(:rpm_q_stdout) { "imagemagick-c++ 21.4-19.el6_5" } |
1746 | let(:action) { :upgrade } |
1747 | let(:action) { :remove } |
1748 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "-e", "ImageMagick-c++-", timeout: 900) |
1749 | let(:package_name) { "supermarket" } |
1750 | let(:package_source) { "/tmp/supermarket-1.10.1~alpha.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" } |
1751 | let(:rpm_qp_stdout) { "supermarket 1.10.1~alpha.0-1.el5" } |
1752 | let(:rpm_q_stdout) { "supermarket 1.10.1~alpha.0-1.el5" } |
1753 | let(:package_name) { "chef-server-core" } |
1754 | let(:package_source) { "#{scheme}://" } |
1755 | let(:package_name) { "openssh-askpass" } |
1756 | let(:package_source) { "/tmp/openssh-askpass-1.2.3-4.el6_5.x86_64.rpm" } |
1757 | let(:rpm_qp_stdout) { "openssh-askpass 1.2.3-4.el6_5" } |
1758 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "--dbpath", "/var/lib/rpm", "-i", package_source, timeout: 900) |
1759 | expect(provider).to_not receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "-e", "ImageMagick-c++-", timeout: 900) |
1760 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("rpm", "-i", "/tmp/ImageMagick-c++-", timeout: 900) |
1761 | provider.install_package("/tmp/ImageMagick-c++-", "") |
1762 | provider.upgrade_package("/tmp/ImageMagick-c++-", "") |
1763 | let(:timeout) { 900 } |
1764 | double("powershell_exec", result: "\r ") |
1765 | double("powershell_exec", result: "\r ") |
1766 | double("powershell_exec", result: "\r ") |
1767 | double("powershell_exec", result: "\r ") |
1768 | double("powershell_exec", result: "16.02\r ") |
1769 | new_resource.package_name(["7-Zip 16.02 (x64)"]) |
1770 | new_resource.version([""]) |
1771 | expect(provider.candidate_version).to eql(["", ""]) |
1772 | let(:timeout) { 3600 } |
1773 | new_resource.version([""]) |
1774 | new_resource.version([nil, ""]) |
1775 | new_resource.version(["", nil]) |
1776 | new_resource.version([""]) |
1777 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0"]) |
1778 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-foobar-0.9", "/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0"]) |
1779 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0-r1"]) |
1780 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0d"]) |
1781 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/notgit-1.0.0"]) |
1782 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/*/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-foobar-0.9", "/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0"]) |
1783 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/*/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/notgit-1.0.0"]) |
1784 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/*/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0", "/var/db/pkg/funny-words/git-1.0.0"]) |
1785 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0", "/var/db/pkg/funny-words/git-1.0.0"]) |
1786 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/var/db/pkg/*/git-*").and_return(["/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.0", "/var/db/pkg/dev-util/git-1.0.1"]) |
1787 | status = double(stdout: "", stderr: "", exitstatus: 1) |
1788 | status = double(stdout: "dev-vcs/git-2.16.2", exitstatus: 0) |
1789 | stderr_output = <<~EOF |
1790 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("emerge", "-g", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", "=dev-util/git-1.0.0", timeout: 3600) |
1791 | @provider.install_package("dev-util/git", "1.0.0") |
1792 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("emerge", "-g", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", "~dev-util/git-1.0.0", timeout: 3600) |
1793 | @provider.install_package("dev-util/git", "~1.0.0") |
1794 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("emerge", "--unmerge", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", "dev-util/git", timeout: 3600) |
1795 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("emerge", "--unmerge", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", "=dev-util/git-1.0.0", timeout: 3600) |
1796 | @provider.remove_package("dev-util/git", "1.0.0") |
1797 | @pid = 12345 |
1798 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("cave", "-L", "warning", "resolve", "-x", "=net/ntp-4.2.6_p5-r2", { timeout: @new_resource.timeout || 900 }) |
1799 | @provider.install_package("net/ntp", "4.2.6_p5-r2") |
1800 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("cave", "-L", "warning", "resolve", "-x", "=sys-process/lsof-4.87", { timeout: @new_resource.timeout || 900 }) |
1801 | @provider.upgrade_package("net/ntp", "4.2.6_p5-r2") |
1802 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("cave", "-L", "warning", "uninstall", "-x", "=net/ntp-4.2.6_p5-r2", timeout: 900) |
1803 | @provider.remove_package("net/ntp", "4.2.6_p5-r2") |
1804 | [core] |
1805 | include_examples "current_resource", ["sed"], ["3.234-1"], ["3.234-2"] |
1806 | include_examples "current_resource", ["emacs"], ["0.12.0-1"], ["0.12.0-1"] |
1807 | include_examples "current_resource", ["nano"], [nil], ["3.450-1"] |
1808 | include_examples "current_resource", %w{nano sed}, [nil, "3.234-1"], ["3.450-1", "3.234-2"] |
1809 | node.default["kernel"] = { "name" => "OpenBSD", "release" => "5.5", "machine" => "amd64" } |
1810 | let(:name) { "ihavetoes" } |
1811 | let(:version) { "0.0" } |
1812 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg_info", "-e", "#{name}->0", anything).and_return(instance_double("shellout", stdout: "")) |
1813 | instance_double("shellout", stdout: "#{name}-#{version} ") |
1814 | { env: { "PKG_PATH" => "" }, timeout: 900 } |
1815 | ) { status: true } |
1816 | let(:flavor_a) { "flavora" } |
1817 | let(:flavor_b) { "flavorb" } |
1818 | instance_double("shellout", stdout: "#{name}-#{version}-#{flavor_a} #{name}-#{version}-#{flavor_b} ") |
1819 | let(:flavor) { "flavora" } |
1820 | let(:package_name) { "ihavetoes" } |
1821 | let(:name) { "#{package_name}--#{flavor}" } |
1822 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg_info", "-e", "#{package_name}->0", anything).and_return(instance_double("shellout", stdout: "")) |
1823 | instance_double("shellout", stdout: "#{name}-#{version}-#{flavor} ") |
1824 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg_info", "-I", "#{name}-#{version}-#{flavor_b}", anything).and_return( |
1825 | instance_double("shellout", stdout: "#{name}-#{version}-#{flavor_a} ") |
1826 | new_resource.version("#{version}-#{flavor_b}") |
1827 | @name = "ihavetoes" |
1828 | let(:timeout) {} |
1829 | cab_file = "c:\\temp\\" |
1830 | expect(path).to be == "C:\\chef\\abc\\package\\Test6.1-KB2664825-v3-x64.msu" |
1831 | stdout = <<~EOF |
1832 | openssl @0.9.8k_0 (active) |
1833 | status = double(stdout: "version: 4.2.7 ", exitstatus: 0) |
1834 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "install", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1835 | @provider.install_package("zsh", "4.2.7") |
1836 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "-f", "install", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1837 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "uninstall", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1838 | @provider.purge_package("zsh", "4.2.7") |
1839 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "-f", "uninstall", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1840 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "deactivate", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1841 | @provider.remove_package("zsh", "4.2.7") |
1842 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "-f", "deactivate", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1843 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "upgrade", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1844 | @provider.upgrade_package("zsh", "4.2.7") |
1845 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("port", "-f", "upgrade", "zsh", "@4.2.7", timeout: 900) |
1846 | stdout = "" |
1847 | Version: (1.8.4p1) |
1848 | stderr = "" |
1849 | Branch: |
1850 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "install", "-q", "crypto/gnupg@2.0.17", timeout: 900) |
1851 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "--no-refresh", "install", "-q", "crypto/gnupg@2.0.17", timeout: 900) |
1852 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "install", "-q", "--accept", "crypto/gnupg@2.0.17", timeout: 900).and_return(local_output) |
1853 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "uninstall", "-q", "crypto/gnupg@2.0.17", timeout: 900) |
1854 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "--no-refresh", "uninstall", "-q", "crypto/gnupg@2.0.17", timeout: 900) |
1855 | let(:homebrew_uid) { 1001 } |
1856 | { "openssl@1.1" => |
1857 | { "name" => "openssl@1.1", |
1858 | { "stable" => |
1859 | { "rebuild" => 0, |
1860 | { "name" => "kubernetes-cli", |
1861 | { "name" => "vim", |
1862 | [{ "version" => "8.2.0550", |
1863 | [{ "full_name" => "gettext", "version" => "0.20.1" }, |
1864 | { "full_name" => "lua", "version" => "5.3.5" }, |
1865 | { "full_name" => "perl", "version" => "5.30.2" }, |
1866 | { "full_name" => "gdbm", "version" => "1.18.1" }, |
1867 | { "full_name" => "openssl@1.1", "version" => "1.1.1f" }, |
1868 | { "full_name" => "readline", "version" => "8.0.4" }, |
1869 | { "full_name" => "sqlite", "version" => "3.31.1" }, |
1870 | { "full_name" => "xz", "version" => "5.2.5" }, |
1871 | { "full_name" => "python", "version" => "3.7.7" }, |
1872 | { "full_name" => "libyaml", "version" => "0.2.2" }, |
1873 | { "full_name" => "ruby", "version" => "2.7.1" }], |
1874 | { "name" => "curl", |
1875 | expect(provider.candidate_version).to eql(["1.0", "1.0"]) |
1876 | expect(provider.brew_info).to eq("bogus" => {}) |
1877 | let(:new_resource) {"emacs") } |
1878 | expect(provider).to receive(:brew_cmd_output).with("install", ["--cocoa"], ["curl"]) |
1879 | expect(provider).to receive(:brew_cmd_output).with("upgrade", [ "--cocoa" ], ["openssl"]) |
1880 | @pkg_info = "zsh-3.1.7 ") |
1881 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "info", "zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 70], timeout: 900).and_return(@pkg_info) |
1882 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("make", "-V", "PORTVERSION", cwd: "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 1], timeout: 900) |
1883 | .with("make", "-DBATCH", "install", "clean", timeout: 1800, cwd: "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", env: nil) |
1884 | @provider.install_package("zsh", "5.0.5") |
1885 | .with("make", "deinstall", timeout: 300, cwd: "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", env: nil) |
1886 | @provider.remove_package("zsh", "5.0.5") |
1887 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "info", "zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 1, 70], timeout: 900).and_return(@pkg_info) |
1888 | pkg_query = "5.0.5 ", exitstatus: 0) |
1889 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "rquery", "%v", "zsh", env: nil, timeout: 900).and_return(pkg_query) |
1890 | pkg_query = "5.0.3 ", exitstatus: 0) |
1891 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pkg", "rquery", "-r", "LocalMirror", "%v", "zsh", env: nil, timeout: 900).and_return(pkg_query) |
1892 | .with("pkg", "add", "/nas/pkg/repo/zsh-5.0.1.txz", env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }, timeout: 900) |
1893 | @provider.install_package("zsh", "5.0.1") |
1894 | .with("pkg", "add", "", env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }, timeout: 900) |
1895 | .with("pkg", "install", "-y", "zsh", env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }, timeout: 900).and_return(@install_result) |
1896 | .with("pkg", "install", "-y", "-r", "LocalMirror", "zsh", env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }, timeout: 900).and_return(@install_result) |
1897 | .with("pkg", "delete", "-y", "zsh-5.0.1", env: nil, timeout: 900).and_return(@install_result) |
1898 | @provider.remove_package("zsh", "5.0.1") |
1899 | let(:package) { "wget" } |
1900 | let(:source) { "/tmp/wget_1.11.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb" } |
1901 | let(:dpkg_deb_version) { "1.11.4" } |
1902 | let(:dpkg_deb_status) { status = double(stdout: "#{package}\t#{dpkg_deb_version}", exitstatus: 0) } |
1903 | let(:dpkg_s_version) { "1.11.4-1ubuntu1" } |
1904 | Depends: libc6 (>= 2.8~20080505), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8f-5) |
1905 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("dpkg", "-s", package, timeout: 900, returns: [0, 1]).and_return(double(stdout: "", exitstatus: 1)) |
1906 | check_version("1.11.4") |
1907 | check_version("1:1.8.3-2") |
1908 | describe "when the package name has `-', `+' or `.' characters" do |
1909 | let(:package) { "f.o.o-pkg++2" } |
1910 | describe "when the package version has `~', `-', `+' or `.' characters" do |
1911 | let(:package) { "b.a.r-pkg++1" } |
1912 | let(:dpkg_s_version) { "1.2.3+3141592-1ubuntu1~lucid" } |
1913 | exitstatus: 1, stdout: "", stderr: <<~EOF |
1914 | exitstatus: 0, stderr: "", stdout: <<~EOF |
1915 | provider.upgrade_package(["wget"], ["1.11.4-1ubuntu1"]) |
1916 | provider.remove_package(["wget"], ["1.11.4-1ubuntu1"]) |
1917 | provider.purge_package(["wget"], ["1.11.4-1ubuntu1"]) |
1918 | let(:path) { "preseed/wget" } |
1919 | let(:tmp_path) { "/tmp/preseed/wget" } |
1920 | let(:package_name) { "wget" } |
1921 | let(:package_version) { "1.11.4" } |
1922 | let(:response) { "wget.response" } |
1923 | let(:tmp_preseed_path) { "/tmp/preseed/wget/wget-1.11.4.seed" } |
1924 | let(:preseed_path) { "/preseed--wget--wget-1.11.4.seed" } |
1925 | exclude_test = !(%w{rhel fedora amazon}.include?(ohai[:platform_family]) && File.exist?("/usr/bin/dnf")) |
1926 | expect(helper.compare_versions("0:1.8.29-6.el8.x86_64", "0:1.8.29-6.el8_3.1.x86_64")).to eql(-1) |
1927 | let(:choco_exe) { "#{choco_install_path}\\bin\\choco.exe" } |
1928 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "list", "-l", "-r", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(local_list_obj) |
1929 | Git|2.6.1 |
1930 | Git|2.6.2 |
1931 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "list", "-r", pkg, *args, { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(remote_list_obj) |
1932 | allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "list", "-r", pkg, { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(remote_list_obj) |
1933 | allow_remote_list(["git"]) |
1934 | allow_remote_list(["vim"]) |
1935 | expect(provider.candidate_version).to eql(["", ""]) |
1936 | { "chocolatey" => "", "conemu" => "" } |
1937 | { "chocolatey" => "", "conemu" => "", "git" => "2.6.2", "munin-node" => "" } |
1938 | expect(provider.current_resource.version).to eql(["", ""]) |
1939 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "install", "-y", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1940 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "install", "-y", "--version", "", "conemu", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1941 | new_resource.version([nil, ""]) |
1942 | new_resource.version(["", nil]) |
1943 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "install", "-y", "git", "munin-node", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1944 | allow_remote_list(["git"], ["-source", "localpackages"]) |
1945 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "install", "-y", "-source", "localpackages", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1946 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "install", "-y", "-force", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1947 | allow_remote_list(["git"], ["-source", "auth_source", "--user", "ubuntu", "--password", "ubuntu@123"]) |
1948 | allow_remote_list(["package-invalid-auth"], ["-source", "auth_source", "--user", "ubuntu", "--password", "ubuntu@123"]) |
1949 | allow_remote_list(["git"], ["-source", "auth_source", "--user", "ubuntu", "--password", "ubuntu@123", "--local-only"]) |
1950 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "upgrade", "-y", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1951 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "upgrade", "-y", "conemu", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1952 | expect(provider).not_to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "upgrade", "-y", "chocolatey", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }) |
1953 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "upgrade", "-y", "--version", "2.6.2", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }) |
1954 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "upgrade", "-y", "conemu", "git", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1955 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "uninstall", "-y", "ConEmu", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1956 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with(choco_exe, "uninstall", "-y", "conemu", { returns: [0, 2], timeout: timeout }).and_return(double) |
1957 | new_resource.source = File.join((ENV["TEMP"]).to_s, "") |
1958 | expect(path).to be == File.join((ENV["TEMP"]).to_s, "\\", "") |
1959 | expect(path).to be == File.join((ENV["TEMP"]).to_s, "") |
1960 | expect(path).to be == File.join((ENV["TEMP"].downcase).to_s, "\\", "") |
1961 | expect(path).to be == File.join((ENV["TEMP"]).to_s, "") |
1962 | @empty_status = double("Status", stdout: "", exitstatus: 0) |
1963 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted).with("installp", "-L", "-d", "/tmp/samba.base", timeout: 900).and_return(status) |
1964 | status = double("Status", stdout: "", exitstatus: 1, format_for_exception: "") |
1965 | status = double(stdout: "", exitstatus: -1, format_for_exception: "") |
1966 | @status = double(stdout: "", exitstatus: 1, format_for_exception: "") |
1967 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("installp", "-aYF", "-d", "/tmp/samba.base", "samba.base", timeout: 900) |
1968 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("installp", "-aYF", "-d", "/tmp/samba.base", "/tmp/samba.base", timeout: 900) |
1969 | @provider.install_package("/tmp/samba.base", "") |
1970 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("installp", "-aYF", "-e/tmp/installp.log", "-d", "/tmp/samba.base", "samba.base", timeout: 900) |
1971 | @provider.remove_package("samba.base", "") |
1972 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("installp", "-u", "-e/tmp/installp.log", "samba.base", timeout: 900) |
1973 | @run_context =, {}, events) |
1974 | @stderr = "" |
1975 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("dpkg", "--compare-versions", "1.6~beta1", "gt", "1.1.0").and_return(so2) |
1976 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("dpkg", "--compare-versions", "1.0.1ubuntu2", "gt", "1.1.0").and_return(so2) |
1977 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("dpkg", "--compare-versions", "1.0.1ubuntu2", "eq", "1.1.0").and_return(so2) |
1978 | candidate_version: "0.8.12-7", |
1979 | @provider.install_package(["irssi"], ["0.8.12-7"]) |
1980 | @new_resource.options('--force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"') |
1981 | expect(@provider).to receive(:install_package).with(["irssi"], ["0.8.12-7"]) |
1982 | @provider.upgrade_package(["irssi"], ["0.8.12-7"]) |
1983 | @provider.remove_package(["irssi"], ["0.8.12-7"]) |
1984 | @provider.purge_package(["irssi"], ["0.8.12-7"]) |
1985 | let(:path) { "preseed/irssi" } |
1986 | let(:tmp_path) { "/tmp/preseed/irssi" } |
1987 | let(:package_name) { "irssi" } |
1988 | let(:package_version) { "1.0.5-1" } |
1989 | let(:response) { "irssi.response" } |
1990 | let(:tmp_preseed_path) { "/tmp/preseed/irssi/irssi-1.0.5-1.seed" } |
1991 | let(:preseed_path) { "/preseed--irssi--irssi-1.0.5-1.seed" } |
1992 | file = "/tmp/irssi-0.8.12-7.seed" |
1993 | file = @provider.get_preseed_file("irssi", "0.8.12-7") |
1994 | @provider.lock_package("irssi", "0.8.12-7") |
1995 | @provider.unlock_package("irssi", "0.8.12-7") |
1996 | GUID = "\\\\?\\Volume{578e72b5-6e70-11df-b5c5-000c29d4a7d9}\\".freeze |
1997 | REMOTE = "\\\\server-name\\path".freeze |
1998 | @new_resource ="X:") |
1999 | @net_use = double("Chef::Util::Windows::NetUse") |
2000 | @vol = double("Chef::Util::Windows::Volume") |
2001 | let(:device_type) { :device } |
2002 | let(:fstype) { "ufs" } |
2003 | let(:device) { "/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7" } |
2004 | let(:fsck_device) { "/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s7" } |
2005 | let(:mountpoint) { "/mnt/foo" } |
2006 | let(:fstype) { ft } |
2007 | let(:fsck_device) { "-" } |
2008 | let(:device) { "something_that_is_not_a_file" } |
2009 | let(:fstype) { "nfs" } |
2010 | let(:device) { "cartman:/share2" } |
2011 | let(:mountpoint) { "/cartman" } |
2012 | let(:target) { "/dev/mapper/target" } |
2013 | let(:target) { "foo" } |
2014 | expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("mount", "-F", fstype, "-o", "rw", device, mountpoint) |
2015 | let(:this_mount) { "/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7\t/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s7\t/mnt/foo\tufs\t2\tyes\t- " } |
2016 | let(:vfstab_file_contents) { [other_mount].join(" ") } |
2017 | let(:this_mount) { "/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7\t/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s7\t/mnt/foo\tufs\t2\tno\t- " } |
2018 | let(:options) { "noauto" } |
2019 | let(:vfstab_file_contents) { [existing_mount].join(" ") } |
2020 | let(:options) { "-" } |
2021 | let(:options) { "-,noauto" } |
2022 | let(:vfstab_file_contents) { [other_mount, this_mount].join(" ") } |
2023 | let(:vfstab_file_contents) { [other_mount, this_mount, comment].join(" ") } |
2024 | let(:vfstab_file_contents) { [this_mount, other_mount, this_mount].join(" ") } |
2025 | expect( eql( "#{this_mount} #{other_mount} " ) |
2026 | @new_resource ="/tmp/foo") |
2027 | allow(::File).to receive(:realpath).with("/dev/sdz1").and_return "/dev/sdz1" |
2028 | allow(::File).to receive(:realpath).with("/tmp/foo").and_return "/tmp/foo" |
2029 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/fstab").and_return(true) |
2030 | allow(::File).to receive(:foreach).with("/etc/fstab") |
2031 | @status = double(stdout: "/dev/sdz1 ", exitstatus: 1) |
2032 | @stdout_findfs = double("STDOUT", first: "/dev/sdz1") |
2033 | { "nfs" => "nfsserver:/vol/path", |
2034 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).and_return( "#{fs_spec}/ on /tmp/foo type #{type} (rw) ")) |
2035 | expect(::File).to receive(:exists?).with("").and_return(false) |
2036 | target = "xsdz1" |
2037 | mount = "/dev/sdy1 on #{@new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2038 | mount << "#{@new_resource.device} on #{@new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2039 | mount = "#{@new_resource.device} on #{@new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2040 | mount << "/dev/sdy1 on #{@new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2041 | fstab = "#{@new_resource.device} #{@new_resource.mount_point} #{@new_resource.fstype} #{options} 1 2 " |
2042 | fstab = "#{target} #{@new_resource.mount_point} #{@new_resource.fstype} #{options} 1 2 " |
2043 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("mount", "-t", "ext3", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/sdz1", "/tmp/foo") |
2044 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("mount", "-t", "ext3", "-o", "rw,noexec,noauto", "/dev/sdz1", "/tmp/foo") |
2045 | status = double(stdout: "/dev/sdz1 ", exitstatus: 1) |
2046 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("umount", "/tmp/foo") |
2047 | @provider.node.override[:os] = "aix" |
2048 | allow(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/fstab", "a").and_yield(@fstab) |
2049 | expect(@fstab.string).to match(%r{^/dev/sdz1\s+/tmp/foo\s+ext3\s+defaults\s+0\s+2\s*$}) |
2050 | expect(::File).not_to receive(:open).with("/etc/fstab", "a") |
2051 | expect(::File).to receive(:open).once.with("/etc/fstab", "w").and_yield(@fstab) |
2052 | allow(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/fstab", "w").and_yield(fstab_write) |
2053 | allow(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/fstab", "w").and_yield(@fstab_write) |
2054 | allow(::File).to receive(:readlines).with("/etc/fstab").and_return([]) |
2055 | @new_resource ="/tmp/bar") |
2056 | allow(::File).to receive(:realpath).with("/tmp/bar").and_return "/tmp/foo" |
2057 | expect(@fstab.string).to match(%r{^cephserver:6789:/\s+/tmp/bar\s+cephfs\s+defaults\s+0\s+2\s*$}) |
2058 | allow(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/fstab", "a").and_yield(fstab_write) |
2059 | mount = "#{new_resource.mount_point} /dev/sdy1 type ext3 (rw) " |
2060 | mount << "#{new_resource.mount_point} #{new_resource.device} type ext3 (rw) " |
2061 | mount = "#{new_resource.device} on #{new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2062 | mount << "/dev/sdy1 on #{new_resource.mount_point} type ext3 (rw) " |
2063 | mount = "/tmp/foo //[/backup] cifs rw " |
2064 | losetup = "/dev/loop16 0 0 1 1 /dev/sdz1 " |
2065 | @mounted_output = <<~MOUNT |
2066 | @test_wrong_output = <<~WRONG |
2067 | /tmp/abc: |
2068 | expect(filesystems.string).to match(%r{^ /tmp/foo: \tdev\t\t= /dev/sdz1 \tvfs\t\t= jfs2 \tmount\t\t= false \toptions\t\t= nodev,rw $}) |
2069 | /tmp/foo: |
2070 | expect(filesystems.string).to match(%r{^/tmp/abc:\s+dev\s+= /dev/sdz2\s+vfs\s+= jfs2\s+mount\s+= true\s+options\s+= rw $}) |
2071 | @new_resource.devices ["/dev/sdz1", "/dev/sdz2", "/dev/sdz3"] |
2072 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("mdadm", "--detail", "--test", "/dev/md1", returns: [0, 4]).and_return( 0)) |
2073 | allow(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("mdadm", "--detail", "--test", "/dev/md1", returns: [0, 4]).and_return( 4)) |
2074 | expected_command = "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level 5 --chunk=16 --metadata=0.90 --raid-devices 3 /dev/sdz1 /dev/sdz2 /dev/sdz3" |
2075 | expected_command = "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level 5 --chunk=16 --metadata=0.90 --bitmap=grow --raid-devices 3 /dev/sdz1 /dev/sdz2 /dev/sdz3" |
2076 | expected_command = "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level 5 --chunk=16 --metadata=0.90 --layout=rs --raid-devices 3 /dev/sdz1 /dev/sdz2 /dev/sdz3" |
2077 | expected_command = "yes | mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level 1 --metadata=0.90 --raid-devices 3 /dev/sdz1 /dev/sdz2 /dev/sdz3" |
2078 | expected_mdadm_cmd = "yes | mdadm --stop /dev/md1" |
2079 | let(:log_str) { "this is my test string to log" } |
2080 | run_context =, {}, @events) |
2081 | ?"/", "\\") : path |
2082 | lstat = double("stats", ino: 5) |
2083 | stat = double("stats", ino: 5) |
2084 | stat = double("stats", ino: 6) |
2085 | let(:label) { "" } |
2086 | let(:test_plist) { <<~XML } |
2087 | \t<key>Label</key> |
2088 | \t<key>Program</key> |
2089 | \t<dict> |
2090 | \t\t<key>Hour</key> |
2091 | \t\t<key>Weekday</key> |
2092 | \t</dict> |
2093 | \t<key>TimeOut</key> |
2094 | \t<array> |
2095 | \t\t<dict> |
2096 | \t\t\t<key>Hour</key> |
2097 | \t\t\t<key>Weekday</key> |
2098 | \t\t\t<integer>1</integer> |
2099 | \t\t</dict> |
2100 | \t\t\t<integer>2</integer> |
2101 | \t</array> |
2102 | allowed = (1..2).collect do |num| |
2103 | allowed = { |
2104 | raise_error(/Invalid value.*\(1-2\)/) |
2105 | @new_resource ="", @run_context) |
2106 | let(:net_tools_version) { <<~EOS } |
2107 | let(:net_tools_version2) { <<~EOS } |
2108 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*DEVICE=eth0\s*$/) |
2109 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*IPADDR=10\.0\.0\.1\s*$/) |
2110 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*NETMASK=255\.255\.254\.0\s*$/) |
2111 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*ETHTOOL_OPTS="-A eth0 autoneg off"\s*$/) |
2112 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*MASTER=bond0\s*$/) |
2113 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*SLAVE=yes\s*$/) |
2114 | expect(arg).to match(/^\s*VLAN=yes\s*$/) |
2115 | let(:current_resource) {"", run_context) } |
2116 | expect( match(/^\s+address 10\.0\.0\.1\s*$/) |
2117 | expect( match(/^\s+netmask 255\.255\.254\.0\s*$/) |
2118 | expect(config_file_ifcfg.string).not_to match(/^\s+address 10\.0\.0\.1\s*$/) |
2119 | expect(config_file_ifcfg.string).not_to match(/^\s+netmask 255\.255\.254\.0\s*$/) |
2120 | inet6 ::1%1/0 |
2121 | command = "chdev -l #{@new_resource.device} -a netaddr=#{}" |
2122 | command = "chdev -l #{@new_resource.device} -a state=down" |
2123 | let(:http) do |
2124 | expect(http).to receive(:get).with("", {}) |
2125 | expect(http).to receive(:put).with("", "return", {}) |
2126 | expect(http).to receive(:post).with("", "return", {}) |
2127 | expect(http).to receive(:delete).with("", {}) |
2128 | expect(http).to receive(:head).with("", {}).and_return(nil) |
2129 | expect(http).to receive(:head).with("", {}).and_return("") |
2130 | expect(http).to receive(:head).with("", { "If-Modified-Since" => if_modified_since }).and_return(false) |
2131 | @pw_group = double("Struct::Group", |
2132 | name: "wheel", |
2133 | gid: 20, |
2134 | mem: %w{root aj}) |
2135 | expect(@provider.change_desc).to eq([ "change gid #{@current_resource.gid} to #{@new_resource.gid}" ]) |
2136 | expect(@provider.change_desc).to eq([ ]) |
2137 | @new_resource.members([ "us" ]) |
2138 | platforms = { |
2139 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("groupmod", "-U", "all,your,base", "wheel") |
2140 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "+wheel", "all") |
2141 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "+wheel", "your") |
2142 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "+wheel", "base") |
2143 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "-wheel", "are") |
2144 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "-wheel", "to") |
2145 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("usermod", *flags, "-wheel", "us") |
2146 | expect(@provider.set_options).to eql(["wheel", "-g", 42]) |
2147 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pw", "groupadd", "wheel", "-g", "23", "-M", "root,aj").and_return(true) |
2148 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pw", "groupmod", "wheel", "-g", "42", "-m", "someone").and_return(true) |
2149 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("pw", "groupmod", "wheel", "-g", "42", "-d", "root,aj").and_return(true) |
2150 | expect(@provider.set_members_options).to eql([ ["-d", "all,your,base"] ]) |
2151 | expect(@provider.set_members_options).to eql([[ "-m", "all,your,base" ]]) |
2152 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("group", "mod", "-n", "wheel_bak", "wheel") |
2153 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("group", "add", "-g", "123", "-o", "wheel") |
2154 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("user", "mod", "-G", "wheel", "lobster") |
2155 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("group", "add", "-g", "123", "wheel") |
2156 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("user", "mod", "-G", "wheel", "rage") |
2157 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("user", "mod", "-G", "wheel", "fist") |
2158 |"aj").tap do |r| |
2159 | gid: "-g", |
2160 | match_array = [] |
2161 | match_array << "aj" |
2162 | before { node.automatic["platform"] = "solaris2" } |
2163 | expect { provider.send(m, [ ]) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Group, "you must override #{m} in #{provider}") |
2164 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("gpasswd", "-M", "", "wheel") |
2165 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("gpasswd", "-M", "lobster,rage,fist", "wheel") |
2166 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("gpasswd", "-a", "lobster", "wheel") |
2167 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("gpasswd", "-a", "rage", "wheel") |
2168 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted!).with("gpasswd", "-a", "fist", "wheel") |
2169 | @status = double(stdout: " ", stderr: "", exitstatus: 0) |
2170 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out_compacted).with("dscl", ".", "-cmd", "/Path", "arg1", "arg2") |
2171 | @provider.dscl("cmd", "/Path", "arg1", "arg2") |
2172 | expect(dscl_retval).to eq(["dscl . -cmd /Path args", @status, " ", ""]) |
2173 | allow(@provider).to receive(:dscl).and_return(["cmd", @status, "stdout", "stderr"]) |
2174 | expect(@provider).to receive(:dscl).with(*"cmd /Path args".split(" ")) |
2175 | @provider.safe_dscl(*"cmd /Path args".split(" ")) |
2176 | safe_dscl_retval = @provider.safe_dscl(*"delete /Path args".split(" ")) |
2177 | allow(@provider).to receive(:dscl).and_return(["cmd", @status, "No such key: ", "stderr"]) |
2178 | safe_dscl_retval = @provider.safe_dscl(*"cmd /Path args".split(" ")) |
2179 | expect(@provider).to receive(:safe_dscl).with(*"list /Groups gid".split(" ")) |
2180 | expect(@provider).to receive(:safe_dscl).with("create", "/Groups/aj", "GroupMembers", "").and_return(true) |
2181 | expect(@provider).to receive(:safe_dscl).with(*"create /Groups/aj Password *".split(" ")) |
2182 | expect(@provider).to receive(:safe_dscl).with(*"create /Groups/aj".split(" ")) |
2183 | @output = <<~EOF |
2184 | allow(@provider).to receive(:safe_dscl).with(*"read /Groups/aj".split(" ")).and_return(@output) |
2185 | Chef::Log.level = :info |
2186 | @resource ="web2.0 app") |
2187 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.git").and_return(false) |
2188 | expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.git").and_return(true) |
2189 | @stdout = "" |
2190 | .with("git --version", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2191 | @git_ls_remote = "git ls-remote \"git://\" " |
2192 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(@git_ls_remote + "\"v1.0*\"", { log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]" }).and_return(double("ShellOut result", stdout: @stdout)) |
2193 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(@git_ls_remote + "\"refs/pulls/v1.0*\"", { log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]" }).and_return(double("ShellOut result", stdout: @stdout)) |
2194 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(@git_ls_remote + "\"refs/heads/v1.0*\"", { log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]" }).and_return(double("ShellOut result", stdout: @stdout)) |
2195 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(@git_ls_remote + "\"0.8-alpha*\"", { log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]" }).and_return(double("ShellOut result", stdout: @stdout)) |
2196 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(@git_ls_remote + "\"HEAD\"", { log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]" }).and_return(double("ShellOut result", stdout: @stdout)) |
2197 | let(:expected_cmd) { 'git clone "git://" "/my/deploy/dir"' } |
2198 | environment: { "GIT_SSH" => wrapper, "HOME" => "/home/deployNinja" }, |
2199 | log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]", |
2200 | let(:seconds) { 10 } |
2201 | { "HOME" => "/home/masterNinja" } |
2202 | environment: { "GIT_SSH" => wrapper, "HOME" => "/home/masterNinja" }, |
2203 | user: 123, |
2204 | environment: { "HOME" => "/home/deployNinja" }, |
2205 | environment: { "HOME" => "/home/masterNinja" }, |
2206 | environment: { "HOME" => "/home/deployNinja", |
2207 | expected_cmd = "git clone --depth 5 \"git://\" \"/my/deploy/dir\"" |
2208 | expected_cmd = "git clone --depth 5 --no-single-branch \"git://\" \"/my/deploy/dir\"" |
2209 | expected_cmd = "git clone -o opscode \"git://\" \"/my/deploy/dir\"" |
2210 | log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]").ordered |
2211 | log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2212 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(expected_cmd, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2213 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(expected_cmd1, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2214 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(expected_cmd2, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2215 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(expected_cmd3, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2216 | user: "whois", group: "thisis", |
2217 | environment: { "HOME" => "/home/whois" }) |
2218 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(fetch_command1, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2219 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(fetch_command2, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2220 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(fetch_command3, cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", log_tag: "git[web2.0 app]") |
2221 | cwd: "/my/deploy/dir", |
2222 | user: "whois", |
2223 | group: "thisis", |
2224 | environment: { "HOME" => "/home/whois" }, |
2225 | it "adds a new remote " do |
2226 | allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/my/deploy/dir/.git").and_return(false) |
2227 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:entries).with("/my/deploy/dir").and_return([".", ".."]) |
2228 | allow(::Dir).to receive(:entries).with("/my/deploy/dir").and_return(["..", "."]) |
2229 | expect(@provider).not_to receive(:shell_out!).with("huzzah!", cwd: "/my/deploy/dir") |
2230 | allow(new_resource).to receive(:content).and_return("Do do do do, do do do do, do do do do, do do do do") |
2231 | let(:opts) do |
2232 | Chef::Log.level = :warn |
2233 | ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0"].each do |version| |
2234 | let(:resource_result) { double("PowerShell", result: { "InDesiredState" => true }, verbose: ["description"]) } |
2235 | let(:resource_records) { [] } |
2236 | .and_return(double(result: { "RebootRequired" => true })) |
2237 | .and_return(double(stdout: "", result: {})) |
2238 | let(:resource_records) { [{}] } |
2239 | let(:resource_records) { [{ "Module" => { "Name" => "ModuleName" } }] } |
2240 | { "Module" => { "Name" => "ModuleName1", "Version" => "" } }, |
2241 | { "Module" => { "Name" => "ModuleName1", "Version" => "" } }, |
2242 | [:run].each do |action| |
2243 | expect(response).to be == "@{ModuleName='my_module';ModuleVersion='1.3.1'}" |
2244 | let(:tmp_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } |
2245 | let(:dir_stat) { } |
2246 | let(:expected_uid) { dir_stat.uid } |
2247 | let(:expected_gid) { dir_stat.gid } |
2248 | let(:expected_mode) { "0%o" % ( dir_stat.mode & 007777 ) } |
2249 | before { Chef::Config[:why_run] = true } |
2250 | after { Chef::Config[:why_run] = false } |
2251 | expect(File.exist?("#{tmp_dir}/foobar")).to be true |
2252 | allow(Dir).to receive(:mkdir).and_return([true], []) |
2253 | 0 2 * * * /some/other/command |
2254 | 2 * 1 * * /bin/false |
2255 | expect(cron.path).to eq("/bin:/foo") |
2256 | expect(cron.home).to eq("/home/foo") |
2257 | expect(cron.environment).to eq({ "TEST" => "lol", "FLAG" => "1" }) |
2258 | 21 */4 * * * some_prog 1234567 |
2259 | expect(cron.minute).to eq("*") |
2260 | expect(cron.hour).to eq("5") |
2261 | expect( eq("*") |
2262 | expect(cron.month).to eq("1") |
2263 | expect(cron.weekday).to eq("*") |
2264 | expect(cron.hour).to eq("*") |
2265 | expect(cron.month).to eq("*") |
2266 | 30 * * * * /bin/true |
2267 | 30 * * 3 * /bin/true |
2268 | 1 1 1 1 1 /bin/true |
2269 | @new_resource.hour("1") |
2270 |"1") |
2271 | @new_resource.environment = { "SHELL" => "/bash", "ENV" => "environment" } |
2272 | @new_resource.environment = { "ENV" => "environment" } |
2273 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("crontab -l -u #{@new_resource.user}", returns: [0, 1]).and_return(@status) |
2274 | @status = double("Status", exitstatus: 1, stdout: "") |
2275 | expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("crontab -u #{@new_resource.user} -", input: "Foo").and_return(@status) |
2276 | let(:mailto) { "" } |
2277 | expect(@provider.send(:duration_str)).to eq("1 * * * *") |
2278 | expect(@provider.send(:duration_str)).to eq("1 2 3 4 5") |
2279 | let(:time_out_str_val) { " timeout 10;" } |
2280 | @new_resource.time_out "duration" => "10" |
2281 | @new_resource.time_out "duration" => "10", "foreground" => "true", "signal" => "FOO" |
2282 | expect(@provider.send(:cmd_str)[-1]).to eq(" ") |
2283 | expect(@provider.send(:cmd_str)).to eq(" bin/true ") |
2284 | expect(@provider.send(:cmd_str)).to eq(" ") |
2285 | let(:username) { "root" } |
2286 | let(:exitstatus) { 0 } |
2287 | let(:stderr) { "" } |
2288 | let(:exitstatus) { 1 } |
2289 | let(:exitstatus) { 2 } |
2290 | let(:stdout) { "" } |
2291 | let(:tempfile) { double("foo", path: "/tmp/foo", close: true) } |
2292 | expect(tempfile).to have_received(:<<).with("Foo # wibble wah!!") |
2293 | let(:basepath) { "C:\\Windows\\system32\\" } |
2294 | let(:interpreter) { File.join(basepath, "cmd.exe") } |
2295 | expect(command).to eq(%Q{"#{interpreter}" /f /c "#{script_file_path}"}) |
2296 | let(:config_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir("apt_update_apt_conf_d") } |
2297 | let(:apt_update_cmd) { %w{apt-get -q update} } |
2298 | expect( match(/^APT::Update.*#{stamp_dir}/) |
2299 | describe "#is_key_id?" do |
2300 | let(:file) { "/tmp/remote-gpg-keyfile" } |
2301 | .with("gpg", "--with-fingerprint", "--with-colons", file) |
2302 | expect(provider.keyserver_install_cmd("ABC", "")).to eq("apt-key adv --no-tty --recv --keyserver hkp:// ABC") |
2303 | expect(provider.keyserver_install_cmd("ABC", "hkp://")).to eq("apt-key adv --no-tty --recv --keyserver hkp:// ABC") |
2304 | let(:url) { "" } |
2305 | it "gets a key" do |
2306 | allow(simples).to receive(:get).and_return("\"#{key}\"") |
2307 | expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) |
2308 | expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", nil, "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) |
2309 | expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", false, nil, true)).to eql(target) |
2310 | expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", true, nil)).to eql(target) |
2311 | let(:pref_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir("apt_pref_d") } |
2312 | = "1.0.1" |
2313 | @i = 0 |
2314 | @current_index += 1 |
2315 | return "<nothing>" if values.size == 0 |
2316 | tags_index = properties.find_index { |p| !p.is_a?(String) } |
2317 | tags = [] |
2318 | resource_class.class_eval("property #{property_str}", __FILE__, __LINE__) |
2319 | it "can be set" do |
2320 | it "nil does a set" do |
2321 | it "can be set with =" do |
2322 | it "can be set to nil with =" do |
2323 | it "can be updated with =" do |
2324 | it "y is there" do |
2325 | expect(subresource.x = "20").to eq "20" |
2326 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { 10 }" do |
2327 | it "when x is set, property_is_set?(:x) is true" do |
2328 | it "when x is set with =, property_is_set?(:x) is true" do |
2329 | it "when x is set to a lazy value, property_is_set?(:x) is true" do |
2330 | resource.x lazy { 10 } |
2331 | it "when x is not set, it returns 10" do |
2332 | resource.instance_eval { @x = nil } |
2333 | with_property ":x, default: 1, identity: true", ":y, default: 2, identity: true" do |
2334 | with_property ":x, default: ''" do |
2335 | it "when x is not set, it returns ''" do |
2336 | resource.x << "foo" |
2337 | expect("other").x).to eq "" |
2338 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { '' }" do |
2339 | with_property ":x, default: {}" do |
2340 | it "when x is not set, it returns {}" do |
2341 | expect(resource.x).to eq({}) |
2342 | resource.x["plants"] = "zombies" |
2343 | expect(resource.x).to eq({ "plants" => "zombies" }) |
2344 | expect("other").x).to eq({}) |
2345 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { {} }" do |
2346 | expect(value).to eq({}) |
2347 | with_property ":x, default: [{foo: 'bar'}]" do |
2348 | it "when x is not set, it returns [{foo: 'bar'}]" do |
2349 | expect(resource.x).to eq([{ foo: "bar" }]) |
2350 | resource.x[0][:foo] << "baz" |
2351 | expect(resource.x).to eq([{ foo: "barbaz" }]) |
2352 | expect("other").x).to eq([{ foo: "bar" }]) |
2353 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { blah }" do |
2354 | with_property ':x, default: lazy { |x| "#{blah}#{x.blah}" }' do |
2355 | expect(resource.x "hi").to eq "hi" |
2356 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { Namer.next_index.to_s }, is: proc { |v| Namer.next_index; true }" do |
2357 | with_property ":x, default: lazy { Namer.next_index.to_s.freeze }, is: proc { |v| Namer.next_index; true }" do |
2358 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: 10' do |
2359 | expect(resource.x "hi").to eq "hi1" |
2360 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}".freeze }, default: 10' do |
2361 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: lazy { 10 }' do |
2362 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}".freeze }, default: lazy { "10" }' do |
2363 | with_property ':x, proc { |v| Namer.next_index; true }, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: lazy { 10 }' do |
2364 | with_property ':x, String, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: 10' do |
2365 | with_property ':x, Integer, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: 10' do |
2366 | with_property ':x, String, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: lazy { 10 }' do |
2367 | with_property ':x, Integer, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{next_index}" }, default: lazy { 10 }' do |
2368 | l = lazy { Namer.next_index } |
2369 | it 'retrieving lazy { |x| "#{blah}#{x.blah}" } gets the example and instance variables' do |
2370 | resource.x lazy { |x| "#{blah}#{x.blah}" } |
2371 | l = lazy { |x| "#{blah}#{x.blah}" } |
2372 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{Namer.next_index}" }' do |
2373 | with_property ":x, is: proc { |v| Namer.next_index; true }" do |
2374 | with_property ':x, Integer, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{Namer.next_index}" }' do |
2375 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{Namer.next_index}" }, is: proc { |v| Namer.next_index; true }' do |
2376 | with_property ':x, String, coerce: proc { |v| "#{v}#{Namer.next_index}" }' do |
2377 | with_property ":x, coerce: proc { |x| x }" do |
2378 | with_property ':x, coerce: proc { |x| Namer.next_index; raise "hi" if x == 10; x }, is: proc { |x| Namer.next_index; x != 10 }' do |
2379 | with_property ":x, is: proc { |v| Namer.next_index; v.is_a?(Integer) }" do |
2380 | with_property ":x, #{name}: true" do |
2381 | with_property ":x, #{name}: false" do |
2382 | with_property ":x, #{name}: nil" do |
2383 | it "emits an error for property :x, default: 10, #{name}: true" do |
2384 | it "emits an error for property :x, default: nil, #{name}: true" do |
2385 | it "emits an error for property :x, #{name}: true, default: 10" do |
2386 | it "emits an error for property :x, #{name}: true, default: nil" do |
2387 | property_type(is: %i{a b}, default: :c) |
2388 | property_type(is: %i{a b}, default: :b) |
2389 | context "With property_type ABType (is: [:a, :b]) and CDType (is: [:c, :d])" do |
2390 | ABType = property_type(is: %i{a b}) |
2391 | CDType = property_type(is: %i{c d}) |
2392 | expect(resource.x :a).to eq(:a) |
2393 | expect(resource.x :c).to eq(:c) |
2394 | resource_class.class_eval(property_str, __FILE__, __LINE__) |
2395 | with_property ":x, #{validation}", *tags do |
2396 | it "value #{v.inspect} is valid" do |
2397 | resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } |
2398 | with_property ":x, #{validation}, default: nil" do |
2399 | expect { resource_class.class_eval("property :x, #{validation}, default: nil", __FILE__, __LINE__) }.not_to raise_error |
2400 | expect(resource.x "str").to eq "str" |
2401 | it "set to nil does a set" do |
2402 | with_property ":x, [ String, nil ]" do |
2403 | it "set(nil) does a set" do |
2404 | [ "hi" ], |
2405 | [ 10 ] |
2406 | [ :a ], |
2407 | [ :b ] |
2408 | validation_test ":a, is: :b", |
2409 | %i{a b}, |
2410 | [ :c ] |
2411 | validation_test ":a, is: [ :b, :c ]", |
2412 | %i{a b c}, |
2413 | [ :d ] |
2414 | validation_test "[ :a, :b ], is: :c", |
2415 | validation_test "[ :a, :b ], is: [ :c, :d ]", |
2416 | %i{a b c d}, |
2417 | [ :e ] |
2418 | [ ], |
2419 | validation_test "[ nil ]", |
2420 | validation_test "[]", |
2421 | [], |
2422 | [ :a ] |
2423 | validation_test "[ String, nil ], nillable: true", |
2424 | [ nil, "thing" ], |
2425 | [ :nope, false ], |
2426 | [ "a", "" ], |
2427 | [ :a, 1 ] |
2428 | validation_test "is: :a", |
2429 | validation_test "is: [ :a, :b ]", |
2430 | [ %i{a b} ] |
2431 | validation_test "is: [ [ :a, :b ] ]", |
2432 | [ %i{a b} ], |
2433 | %i{a b} |
2434 | validation_test "is: /abc/", |
2435 | [ "", "abac" ] |
2436 | validation_test "is: :a)", |
2437 | [ 10 ], |
2438 | [ 1 ] |
2439 | validation_test "is: proc { |x| x }", |
2440 | [ true, 1 ], |
2441 | [ false ], |
2442 | validation_test "is: proc { |x| x > blah }", |
2443 | [ -1 ], |
2444 | [ "a" ], |
2445 | validation_test "is: [ String, nil ]", |
2446 | [ :b ], |
2447 | validation_test "is: []", |
2448 | validation_test 'kind_of: String, equal_to: "a"', |
2449 | [ "b" ], |
2450 | validation_test "equal_to: [ :a, :b ]", |
2451 | validation_test "equal_to: [ [ :a, :b ] ]", |
2452 | validation_test 'equal_to: [ "a", nil ]', |
2453 | validation_test 'equal_to: [ nil, "a" ]', |
2454 | validation_test "equal_to: []", |
2455 | validation_test "kind_of: [ String, Symbol ]", |
2456 | [ "a", :b ], |
2457 | [ 1 ], |
2458 | validation_test "kind_of: [ Symbol, String ]", |
2459 | validation_test "kind_of: []", |
2460 | [ "xabcy" ], |
2461 | [ "gbh", 123 ], |
2462 | validation_test "regex: [ /abc/, /z/ ]", |
2463 | %w{xabcy aza}, |
2464 | validation_test "regex: [ /z/, /abc/ ]", |
2465 | validation_test "regex: [ [ /z/, /abc/ ], [ /n/ ] ]", |
2466 | %w{xabcy aza ana}, |
2467 | validation_test "regex: []", |
2468 | validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x > 10 }, "b" => proc { |x| x%2 == 0 } }', |
2469 | [ 12 ], |
2470 | [ 11, 4 ], |
2471 | validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x%2 == 0 }, "b" => proc { |x| x > 10 } }', |
2472 | validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x.nil? } }', |
2473 | validation_test "respond_to: [ :split, :to_s ]", |
2474 | validation_test "respond_to: [ :to_s, :split ]", |
2475 | validation_test "respond_to: []", |
2476 | [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], |
2477 | [ [] ], |
2478 | validation_test "cannot_be: [ :empty, :nil ]", |
2479 | validation_test 'cannot_be: [ "empty", "nil" ]', |
2480 | validation_test "cannot_be: [ :nil, :empty ]", |
2481 | validation_test "cannot_be: [ :empty, :nil, :blahblah ]", |
2482 | validation_test "cannot_be: []", |
2483 | with_property ":x, required: %i{doit}" do |
2484 | it "value '1' is valid" do |
2485 | expect(resource.x "1").to eq "1" |
2486 | with_property ":x, [String, nil], required: true" do |
2487 | it "value '2' is valid" do |
2488 | expect(resource.x "2").to eq "2" |
2489 | with_property ":x, String, default: '1'" do |
2490 | with_property ":x, [ String, nil ] , default: '1'" do |
2491 | if _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key) != value |
2492 | it "value '1' is invalid" do |
2493 | expect(resource.x "woo").to eq "woo" |
2494 | expect(subresource.identity).to eq(x: "foo", y: "bar") |
2495 | it "y is part of state" do |
2496 | @blarghle ? @blarghle * 3 : nil |
2497 | @blarghle = x * 2 |
2498 | with_property ":x, identity: true, default: 'xxx'", |
2499 | expect(resource.identity).to eq(x: "foo", y: "bar", z: "baz") |
2500 | expect(resource.identity).to eq(x: "xxx", y: "yyy", z: "zzz") |
2501 | with_property ":x", ":y", ":z" do |
2502 | with_property ":x", ":y, desired_state: false", ":z, desired_state: true" do |
2503 | with_property ":x, default: 1" do |
2504 | @blah * 3 |
2505 | def x=(value) |
2506 | @blah = value * 2 |
2507 | let(:node_name) { "joe_node" } |
2508 | let(:ohai_data) { { "platform" => "ubuntu", "platform_version" => "13.04", "fqdn" => "" } } |
2509 | let(:json_attribs) { { "custom_attr" => "custom_attr_value" } } |
2510 | let(:override_runlist) { nil } |
2511 | major = sha1_id[0...14] |
2512 | minor = sha1_id[14...28] |
2513 | patch = sha1_id[28..40] |
2514 | decimal_integers = [major, minor, patch].map { |hex| hex.to_i(16) } |
2515 | before { Chef::Config[:solo_legacy_mode] = true } |
2516 | let(:override_runlist) { "recipe[foo],recipe[bar]" } |
2517 | before { Chef::Config[:environment] = "blurch" } |
2518 | let(:api_service) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
2519 | let(:primary_runlist) { nil } |
2520 | let(:original_default_attrs) { { "default_key" => "default_value" } } |
2521 | let(:original_override_attrs) { { "override_key" => "override_value" } } |
2522 | expected = [ |
2523 | parsed_policyfile_json["run_list"] = ["role[foo]"] |
2524 | parsed_policyfile_json["run_list"] = ["recipe[foo]"] |
2525 | ["recipe[test::default]", |
2526 | id: "_policy_node", |
2527 | run_list: [ |
2528 | { type: "recipe", name: "test::default", skipped: false, version: nil }, |
2529 | { type: "recipe", name: "test::other", skipped: false, version: nil }, |
2530 | let(:extra_chef_config) { {} } |
2531 | p["named_run_lists"] = { |
2532 | expect(node[:roles]).to eq( [] ) |
2533 | expect(node[:recipes]).to eq( ["example1::default"] ) |
2534 | let(:override_runlist) { [ "recipe[example2::server]" ] } |
2535 | expect( node["top_level_attr"] ).to eql("hat") |
2536 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["one"] ).to eql(1) |
2537 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["two"] ).to eql(2) |
2538 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["three"] ).to eql(333) |
2539 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["four"] ).to eql([4]) |
2540 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["five"] ).to eql([5]) |
2541 | expect( node["top_level_attr"] ).to eql("cat") |
2542 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["one"]).to eql(111) |
2543 | expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["four"] ).to eql([444]) |
2544 | let(:json_attribs) { { "run_list" => [ "recipe[something::default]" ] } } |
2545 | let(:json_attribs) { { "run_list" => [] } } |
2546 | let(:override_runlist) { "recipe[foo::default]" } |
2547 | let(:node) { { |n| } } |
2548 | it "has a node_name" do |
2549 | node.run_list(["recipe[a::default]", "recipe[b::server]"]) |
2550 | let(:json_attribs) { nil } |
2551 | let(:primary_runlist) { ["recipe[primary::default]"] } |
2552 | expect(node["fqdn"]).to eq(ohai_data["fqdn"]) |
2553 | let(:primary_runlist) { ["role[some_role]"] } |
2554 | let(:json_attribs) { { "run_list" => ["recipe[json_attribs::default]"], "json_attribs_key" => "json_attribs_value" } } |
2555 | environment = { |e|"prod") } |
2556 | let(:chef_http) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
2557 | let(:cookbook_resolve_post_data) { { run_list: ["first::default", "second::default"] } } |
2558 | let(:node) { base_node } |
2559 | let(:json_attribs) { {} } |
2560 | let(:json_attribs) { { "foo" => "bar" } } |
2561 | let(:json_attribs) { { "policy_name" => "example-policy", "policy_group" => "testing" } } |
2562 | ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0.10017.9"].each do |version| |
2563 | let(:node) { instance_double("Chef::Node") } |
2564 | let(:org) {"an_org") } |
2565 | it "is a Chef::Org" do |
2566 | expect( eq("sg1") |
2567 | let(:json) do |
2568 | expect(json).to match(/^\{.+\}$/) |
2569 | expect(json).to include(%q{"name":"black"}) |
2570 | let(:org) do |
2571 | o = { "name" => "turtle", |
2572 | r = double("rest") |
2573 | o ="foobar") |
2574 | let(:response) { { "foobar" => "" } } |
2575 | let(:inflated_response) { { "foobar" => org } } |
2576 | expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("organizations", { name: "foobar", full_name: "foo bar bat" }).and_return({}) |
2577 | expect(rest).to receive(:get).with("organizations/foobar").and_return({ "name" => "foobar", "full_name" => "foo bar bat", "private_key" => "private" }) |
2578 | org = Chef::Org.load("foobar") |
2579 | expect(rest).to receive(:put).with("organizations/foobar", { name: "foobar", full_name: "foo bar bat" }).and_return({}) |
2580 | let(:org) {"myorg") } |
2581 | @rest = double("rest") |
2582 | .and_return({ anything: "goes" }) |
2583 | node ="solo-node") |
2584 | n1 ="alpha") |
2585 | n2 ="beta") |
2586 | n3 ="omega") |
2587 | expect([n3, n1, n2].sort).to eq([n1, n2, n3]) |
2588 | n1 ="foo") |
2589 | n2 ="foo") |
2590 | n3 ="bar") |
2591 | expect(n1).to eq(n2) |
2592 | n = |
2593 | it "should not accept name doesn't match /^[\-[:alnum:]_:.]+$/" do |
2594 | node.normal["battles"]["people"]["wonkey"] = true |
2595 | expect(node["battles"]["people"].attribute?("wonkey")).to eq(true) |
2596 | node.default["h4sh"] = { foo: "bar" } |
2597 | node.default["array"] = [] |
2598 | node.default["h4sh"] = {} |
2599 | node.normal[:snoopy][:is_a_puppy] = true |
2600 | expect(node[:snoopy][:is_a_puppy]).to eq(true) |
2601 | node.attributes.normal = { snoopy: { is_a_puppy: nil } } |
2602 | node.normal[:snoopy][:is_a_puppy] = "what" |
2603 | node.normal["tags"] = %w{one two} |
2604 | node.tag("three", "four") |
2605 | expect(node["tags"]).to eq(%w{one two three four}) |
2606 | node.normal["a"]["r1"] = nil |
2607 | node.consume_attributes({ "a" => { "r2" => nil } }) |
2608 | expect(node["a"]["r1"]).to be_nil |
2609 | expect(node["a"]["r2"]).to be_nil |
2610 | node.default[:snoopy][:is_a_puppy] = "what" |
2611 | node.env_default["a"]["r1"]["g"]["u"] = "u1" |
2612 | node.default_unless["a"]["r1"]["g"]["r"] = "r" |
2613 | expect(node["a"]["r1"]["g"]["u"]).to eql("u1") |
2614 | node.default_unless["foo"]["bar"] = "NK-19V" |
2615 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"]).to eql("NK-19V") |
2616 | node.default_unless["foo"]["baz"] = "NK-33" |
2617 | expect(node["foo"]["baz"]).to eql("NK-33") |
2618 | node.normal_unless["foo"]["bar"] = "NK-19V" |
2619 | node.normal_unless["foo"]["baz"] = "NK-33" |
2620 | node.override_unless["foo"]["bar"] = "NK-19V" |
2621 | node.override_unless["foo"]["baz"] = "NK-33" |
2622 | node.role_default["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 1234 |
2623 | node.normal["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 2345 |
2624 | node.override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 3456 |
2625 | expect( node.rm("mysql", "server", "port") ).to eql(3456) |
2626 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to be_nil |
2627 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"] ).to eql({}) |
2628 | node.default["mysql"]["client"]["client_setting"] = "foo" |
2629 | expect( node.rm("mysql", "server") ).to eql( { "port" => 3456 } ) |
2630 | expect( node["mysql"] ).to eql( { "client" => { "client_setting" => "foo" } } ) |
2631 | expect( node.rm("no", "such", "thing") ).to be_nil |
2632 | expect( node.rm("mysql") ).to eql({ "server" => { "port" => 3456 } }) |
2633 | expect( node.rm("mysql", "server", "port") ).to eql(nil) |
2634 | expect( node.rm("mysql", "server") ).to eql(nil) |
2635 | expect( node.rm("mysql") ).to eql(true) |
2636 | node.role_default["mysql"]["server"][0]["port"] = 1234 |
2637 | node.normal["mysql"]["server"][0]["port"] = 2345 |
2638 | node.override["mysql"]["server"][0]["port"] = 3456 |
2639 | node.override["mysql"]["server"][1]["port"] = 3456 |
2640 | expect( node.rm("mysql", "server", 0, "port") ).to eql(3456) |
2641 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"][0]["port"] ).to be_nil |
2642 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"][1]["port"] ).to eql(3456) |
2643 | node.role_default["mysql"]["server"] = [ { |
2644 | } ] |
2645 | node.normal["mysql"]["server"] = [ { |
2646 | node.override["mysql"]["server"] = [ { |
2647 | node.rm("mysql", "server", "port") |
2648 | expect(node["mysql"]["server"][0]["port"]).to eql(3456) |
2649 | node.default["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 2345 |
2650 | node.force_default["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 3456 |
2651 | expect( node.rm_default("mysql", "server", "port") ).to eql(3456) |
2652 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql(nil) |
2653 | expect( node.default_attrs["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql({}) |
2654 | expect( node.rm_default("mysql", "server", "port") ).to eql(nil) |
2655 | expect( node.rm_default("mysql", "server") ).to eql(nil) |
2656 | node.override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 9999 |
2657 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql(9999) |
2658 | node.role_override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 9876 |
2659 | node.force_override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 6669 |
2660 | expect( node.rm_override("mysql", "server", "port") ).to eql(6669) |
2661 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql(2345) |
2662 | expect( node.override_attrs["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql({}) |
2663 | expect( node.rm_default("no", "such", "thing") ).to be_nil |
2664 | expect( node.rm_normal("no", "such", "thing") ).to be_nil |
2665 | expect( node.rm_override("no", "such", "thing") ).to be_nil |
2666 | node.default!["mysql"]["server"] = { "data_dir" => "/my_raid_volume/lib/mysql" } |
2667 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"] ).to eql({ "data_dir" => "/my_raid_volume/lib/mysql" }) |
2668 | node.default["mysql"]["server"]["service_name"] = "fancypants-sql" |
2669 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["port"] ).to eql(3456) |
2670 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["service_name"] ).to be_nil |
2671 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"]["data_dir"] ).to eql("/my_raid_volume/lib/mysql") |
2672 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"] ).to eql({ "port" => 3456, "data_dir" => "/my_raid_volume/lib/mysql" }) |
2673 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"] ).to eql({ "service_name" => "fancypants-sql", "port" => 3456, "data_dir" => "/my_raid_volume/lib/mysql" }) |
2674 | node.force_default["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 2345 |
2675 | node.force_default!["mysql"]["server"] = { |
2676 | expect( node["mysql"]["server"] ).to eql({ |
2677 | node.role_override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 1234 |
2678 | node.override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 2345 |
2679 | node.force_override["mysql"]["server"]["port"] = 3456 |
2680 | node.force_override!["mysql"]["server"] = { |
2681 | node.default["chef_attribute_hell"]["attr2"] = "#{node[:chef_attribute_hell][:attr1]}/attr2" |
2682 | expect { node.default["chef_attribute_hell"]["attr3"] = "#{node[:chef_attribute_hell][:attr2]}/attr3" }.not_to raise_error |
2683 | node.force_default[:solr][:version] = "4.10.2" |
2684 | node.force_default[:solr][:data_dir] = "/opt/solr-#{node["solr"][:version]}/example/solr" |
2685 | node.force_default[:solr][:xms] = "512M" |
2686 | expect(node[:solr][:xms]).to eql("512M") |
2687 | expect(node["solr"][:xms]).to eql("512M") |
2688 | node.default["passenger"]["root_path_2"] = "passenger-#{node[:passenger]["version"]}" |
2689 | expect(node["passenger"]["root_path_2"]).to eql("passenger-4.0.57") |
2690 | expect(node[:passenger]["root_path_2"]).to eql("passenger-4.0.57") |
2691 | node.default["canada"] = "is a nice place" |
2692 | seen_attributes = {} |
2693 | node.default["foo"]["bar"] = "baz" |
2694 | expect(node.exist?("foo", "bar")).to be true |
2695 | expect(node.exist?("bar", "foo")).to be false |
2696 | node.override["foo"]["bar"] = "baz" |
2697 | expect("foo", "bar")).to eql("baz") |
2698 | expect("bar", "foo")).to eql(nil) |
2699 | expect(!("foo", "bar")).to eql("baz") |
2700 | node.write(:default, "foo", "bar", "baz") |
2701 | expect(node.default["foo"]["bar"]).to eql("baz") |
2702 | node.write!(:default, "foo", "bar", "baz") |
2703 | node.default["bar"] = true |
2704 | expect(node.unlink(:default, "foo", "bar")).to eql("baz") |
2705 | expect(node.unlink(:default, "bar", "foo")).to eql(nil) |
2706 | expect(node.unlink!(:default, "foo", "bar")).to eql("baz") |
2707 | @ohai_data = { platform: "foo", platform_version: "bar" } |
2708 | attrs = { "run_list" => [ "role[base]", "recipe[chef::server]" ], "foo" => "bar" } |
2709 | expect(node.consume_run_list(attrs)).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" }) |
2710 | expect(node.run_list).to eq([ "role[base]", "recipe[chef::server]" ]) |
2711 | attrs = { "chef_environment" => "foo_environment", "bar" => "baz" } |
2712 | expect(node.consume_chef_environment(attrs)).to eq({ "bar" => "baz" }) |
2713 | node.consume_run_list "recipes" => %w{one two} |
2714 | node.consume_run_list "recipes" => [ "three" ] |
2715 | expect(node.run_list).to eq([ "three" ]) |
2716 | node.run_list << "one" |
2717 | node.run_list << "role[database]" |
2718 | node.consume_run_list "foo" => "bar" |
2719 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, { "one" => "two", "three" => "four" }) |
2720 | expect(node["one"]).to eql("two") |
2721 | expect(node["three"]).to eql("four") |
2722 | expect(node.tags).to eql([ "radiohead" ]) |
2723 | node.attributes.normal = { "tags" => nil } |
2724 | node.normal[:tags] = "string" |
2725 | expect(node.tags).to eql(["string"]) |
2726 | node.normal[:tags] = {} |
2727 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) |
2728 | expect(node["one"].to_hash).to eq({ "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) |
2729 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, "one" => { "abc" => "123" }) |
2730 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, "one" => { "two" => { "foo" => "bar" } }) |
2731 | expect(node["one"].to_hash).to eq({ "two" => { "three" => "four", "foo" => "bar" }, "abc" => "123" }) |
2732 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "forty-two" } }) |
2733 | expect(node["one"].to_hash).to eq({ "two" => { "three" => "forty-two" } }) |
2734 | node.consume_ohai_data({ "platform_version" => "6.3" }) |
2735 | expect(node["platform_version"] =~ "~> 6.1").to be true |
2736 | @ohai_data = { platform: "foobuntu", platform_version: "23.42" } |
2737 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, { "run_list" => ["recipe[unicorn]"] }) |
2738 | node.consume_external_attrs(@ohai_data, { "foo" => "bar" }) |
2739 | expect(node.normal_attrs).to eq({ "foo" => "bar", "tags" => [] }) |
2740 | expect(node[:platform_version] =~ "~> 23.6").to be true |
2741 |"rspec_env") |
2742 | << "recipe[chef::client]" << "recipe[nginx::default]" |
2743 | @expansion.instance_variable_set(:@applied_roles, { "arf" => nil, "countersnark" => nil }) |
2744 | node.automatic_attrs[:recipes] = [ "nginx::module" ] |
2745 | node.run_list << "recipe[nginx::module]" |
2746 | node.run_list << "role[base]" |
2747 | node.default[:foo] = "default" |
2748 | node.normal[:foo] = "normal" |
2749 | expect(node[:foo]).to eq("normal") |
2750 | @environment.default_attributes = { default: "from env", d_env: "env only" } |
2751 | expect(node[:d_role]).to eq("role only") |
2752 | expect(node[:o_role]).to eq("role only") |
2753 | expect(node[:o_env]).to eq("env only") |
2754 | node.automatic["roles"] = %w{one two} |
2755 | expect(node.role?("one")).to eql(true) |
2756 | expect(node.role?("two")).to eql(true) |
2757 | expect(node.run_list?("recipe[baz]")).to eql(true) |
2758 | node.run_list "recipe[baz]", "role[foo]" |
2759 | expect(node.run_list?("role[foo]")).to eql(true) |
2760 | expect(node["sunshine"]).to eql("in") |
2761 | expect(node["something"]).to eql("else") |
2762 | node.default_attrs = { "one" => { "two" => "three", "four" => "five", "eight" => "nine" } } |
2763 | node.override_attrs = { "one" => { "two" => "three", "four" => "six" } } |
2764 | node.normal_attrs = { "one" => { "two" => "seven" } } |
2765 | node.run_list << "role[marxist]" |
2766 | node.run_list << "role[leninist]" |
2767 | @example.default_attrs = { "alpha" => { "bravo" => "charlie", "delta" => "echo" } } |
2768 | @example.override_attrs = { "alpha" => { "bravo" => "foxtrot", "delta" => "golf" } } |
2769 | @example.normal_attrs = { "alpha" => { "bravo" => "hotel" } } |
2770 | @example.run_list << "role[comedy]" |
2771 | @example.run_list << "role[drama]" |
2772 | h = node.to_hash |
2773 | expect(h["one"]["two"]).to eq("three") |
2774 | expect(h["one"]["four"]).to eq("six") |
2775 | expect(h["one"]["eight"]).to eq("nine") |
2776 | expect(h["role"]).to be_include("marxist") |
2777 | expect(h["role"]).to be_include("leninist") |
2778 | expect(h["run_list"]).to be_include("role[marxist]") |
2779 | expect(h["run_list"]).to be_include("role[leninist]") |
2780 | expect(h["chef_environment"]).to eq("dev") |
2781 | expect(node.to_hash["run_list"]).to eq([]) |
2782 | node.run_list << { "type" => "role", "name" => "Cthulu" } |
2783 | node.run_list << { "type" => "role", "name" => "Hastur" } |
2784 | expect(json).to match(/\"run_list\":\[\"role\[Cthulu\]\",\"role\[Hastur\]\"\]/) |
2785 | expect(json).to match(/\"run_list\":\[\"role\[marxist\]\",\"role\[leninist\]\"\]/) |
2786 | @rest = double("Chef::ServerAPI") |
2787 | @query = double("Chef::Search::Query") |
2788 | n1 = double("Chef::Node", name: "one") |
2789 | allow(n1).to receive(:is_a?).with(Chef::Node) { true } |
2790 | r = Chef::Node.list(true) |
2791 | expect(r["one"]).to eq(n1) |
2792 | expect(@rest).to receive(:get).and_return({ "one" => "http://foo" }) |
2793 | r = Chef::Node.list |
2794 | expect(r["one"]).to eq("http://foo") |
2795 | expect(@rest).to receive(:put).with("nodes/monkey", {}).and_return("foo") |
2796 | exception = double("404 error", code: "404") |
2797 | expect(@rest).to receive(:post).with("nodes", {}) |
2798 | ["filesystem", "/dev/disk0s2"], |
2799 | node.default = { |
2800 | node.automatic = {} |
2801 | node.normal = {} |
2802 | node.override = {} |
2803 | let(:response_body) { %q[{"error":["Invalid key policy_name in request body"]}] } |
2804 | Net::HTTPResponse.send(:response_class, "400").new("1.0", "400", "Bad Request").tap do |r| |
2805 | node.default["foo"] = "bar" |
2806 | node.default["foo"] = { "bar" => { "baz" => "qux" } } |
2807 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"].__path__).to eql(%w{foo bar}) |
2808 | expect(node.default["foo"]["bar"].__path__).to eql(%w{foo bar}) |
2809 | node.default["foo"] = [ { "bar" => { "baz" => "qux" } } ] |
2810 | expect(node["foo"][0].__path__).to eql(["foo", 0]) |
2811 | expect(node["foo"][0]["bar"].__path__).to eql(["foo", 0, "bar"]) |
2812 | expect(node.default["foo"][0].__path__).to eql(["foo", 0]) |
2813 | expect(node.default["foo"][0]["bar"].__path__).to eql(["foo", 0, "bar"]) |
2814 | a = node.default["foo"] |
2815 | node.default["fizz"] = a |
2816 | expect(node["fizz"]["bar"].__path__).to eql(%w{fizz bar}) |
2817 | a["duptest"] = true |
2818 | expect(node["fizz"]["duptest"]).to be true |
2819 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2820 | expect(node.default["foo"]["bar"].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2821 | expect(node["foo"][0].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2822 | expect(node["foo"][0]["bar"].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2823 | expect(node.default["foo"][0].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2824 | expect(node.default["foo"][0]["bar"].__root__).to eql(node.attributes) |
2825 | node.default["v1"] = 1 |
2826 | expect(node["a"]).to eql(nil) |
2827 | node.default["a"] = node["v1"] |
2828 | expect(node["a"]).to eql(1) |
2829 | a = node.default["a"] |
2830 | expect(node["a"]).to eql({}) |
2831 | node.default["b"] = 0 |
2832 | a["key"] = 1 |
2833 | expect(node["a"]["key"]).to eql(1) |
2834 | node.default["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] = "fizz" |
2835 | node.env_default["foo"]["bar"]["quux"] = "buzz" |
2836 | node.default["foo"]["bar"].tap do |bar| |
2837 | bar["test"] = "wrong" |
2838 | node["foo"]["bar"]["test"] |
2839 | bar["test"] = "right" |
2840 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"]["test"]).to eql("right") |
2841 | node.env_default["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] = "fizz" |
2842 | node.default["foo"]["bar"]["quux"] = "buzz" |
2843 | node.env_default["foo"]["bar"].tap do |bar| |
2844 | default["foo"]["bar"] = lazy { node["fizz"]["buzz"] } |
2845 | default["fizz"]["buzz"] = "works" |
2846 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"]).to eql("works") |
2847 | node.default["fizz"]["buzz"] = "still works" |
2848 | expect(node["foo"]["bar"]).to eql("still works") |
2849 | default["cool"]["beans"] = lazy { node["foo"]["bar"] } |
2850 | expect(node["cool"]["beans"]).to eql("works") |
2851 | expect(node["cool"]["beans"]).to eql("still works") |
2852 | default["cool"] = lazy { node["foo"] } |
2853 | default["foo"] = lazy { node["fizz"] } |
2854 | default["fizz"] = "works" |
2855 | expect(node["cool"]).to eql("works") |
2856 | node.default["fizz"] = "still works" |
2857 | expect(node["cool"]).to eql("still works") |
2858 | override["bar"]["cool"] = lazy { node["bar"]["foo"] } |
2859 | override["bar"]["foo"] = lazy { node["bar"]["fizz"] } |
2860 | override["bar"]["fizz"] = "works" |
2861 | expect(node["bar"]["cool"]).to eql("works") |
2862 | node.override["bar"]["fizz"] = "still works" |
2863 | expect(node["bar"]["cool"]).to eql("still works") |
2864 | role_override["bar"] = { "cool" => "bad", "foo" => "bad", "fizz" => "bad" } |
2865 | force_override["bar"]["cool"] = lazy { node["bar"]["foo"] } |
2866 | force_override["bar"]["foo"] = lazy { node["bar"]["fizz"] } |
2867 | force_override["bar"]["fizz"] = "works" |
2868 | node.force_override["bar"]["fizz"] = "still works" |
2869 | default["bar"] = { "cool" => "bad", "foo" => "bad", "fizz" => "bad" } |
2870 | let(:node_map) { } |
2871 | node_map.set(:thing, :foo) |
2872 | node_map.set(:thing, :foo, os: ["windows"]) |
2873 | node_map.set(:thing, :bar, os: "linux") |
2874 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with(:os).and_return("windows") |
2875 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with(:os).and_return("linux") |
2876 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with(:os).and_return("freebsd") |
2877 | node_map.set(:thing, :foo, os: "!windows") |
2878 | node_map.set(:thing, :bar, os: "linux", platform_family: "rhel") |
2879 | node.automatic["os"] = "linux" |
2880 | node_map.set(:thing, :foo, platform_family: "rhel", platform_version: ">= 7") |
2881 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with(:platform_version).and_return("") |
2882 | allow(node).to receive(:[]).with(:platform_version).and_return("") |
2883 | expect( node_map.delete_class(Bar) ).to include({ thing: [{ klass: Bar, target_mode: nil }] }) |
2884 | expect( node_map.get(node, :thing) ).to eql(nil) |
2885 | expect( node_map.delete_class(Bar) ).to eql({ thing: [{ klass: Bar, target_mode: nil }] }) |
2886 | expect( node_map.get(node, :thing) ).to eql(Foo) |
2887 | expect( node_map.delete_class(Bar) ).to eql({ thing1: [{ klass: Bar, target_mode: nil }], thing2: [{ klass: Bar, target_mode: nil }] }) |
2888 | expect( node_map.get(node, :thing1) ).to eql(nil) |
2889 | expect( node_map.get(node, :thing2) ).to eql(Foo) |
2890 | node_map.set(:thing, :foo, platform_family: "rhel") do |node| |
2891 | node[:platform_version].to_i >= 7 |
2892 | { "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }, |
2893 | { "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil } |
2894 | expect(vivid["one"]["two"].__root__).to eql(vivid) |
2895 | vivid["one"]["foo"] = "bar" |
2896 | context "#[]" do |
2897 | expect(vivid["array"][1, 2]).to eql([1, 2]) |
2898 | context "#[]=" do |
2899 | vivid["array"][3, 2] = [ 3, 4 ] |
2900 | expect(vivid["array"]).to eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) |
2901 | vivid["foo"] = [ { bar: true } ] |
2902 | expect(vivid["foo"][0]["bar"]).to be true |
2903 | vivid["foo"] = [ [ { bar: true } ] ] |
2904 | expect(vivid["foo"][0][0].class).to eql(Chef::Node::VividMash) |
2905 | expect(vivid["foo"][0][0]["bar"]).to be true |
2906 | vivid["foo"] = { baz: { bar: true } } |
2907 | expect(vivid["foo"]["baz"]["bar"]).to be true |
2908 | expect("one", "two", "three")).to eql("four") |
2909 | expect("one", "five", "six")).to eql(nil) |
2910 | expect("array", 5, "one")).to eql(nil) |
2911 | expect("array", "one", "two")).to eql(nil) |
2912 | expect("nil", "one", "two")).to eql(nil) |
2913 | context "#exist?" do |
2914 | expect(vivid.exist?("one", "two", "three")).to be true |
2915 | expect(vivid.exist?("array", 1)).to be true |
2916 | expect(vivid.exist?("one", "five", "six")).to be false |
2917 | expect(vivid.exist?("one", "two", "three", "four")).to be false |
2918 | expect(vivid.exist?("nil", "foo", "bar")).to be false |
2919 | context "#read!" do |
2920 | expect(!("one", "two", "three")).to eql("four") |
2921 | expect(!("array", 1)).to eql(1) |
2922 | expect {!("one", "five", "six") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute, "one.five.six") |
2923 | expect {!("one", "two", "three", "four") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchAttribute, "one.two.three.four") |
2924 | vivid.write("one", "five", "six") |
2925 | expect(vivid["one"]["five"]).to eql("six") |
2926 | vivid.write("one", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten") |
2927 | expect(vivid["one"]["five"]["six"]["seven"]["eight"]["nine"]).to eql("ten") |
2928 | vivid.write("array", "five", "six") |
2929 | vivid.write("array", "five", "six", "seven") |
2930 | vivid.write("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") |
2931 | vivid.write("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six") |
2932 | vivid.write("nil", "one", "two") |
2933 | vivid.write("nil", "one", "two", "three") |
2934 | vivid.write("one", "five") { "six" } |
2935 | context "#write!" do |
2936 | vivid.write!("one", "five", "six") |
2937 | vivid.write!("one", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten") |
2938 | expect { vivid.write!("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) |
2939 | expect { vivid.write!("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::AttributeTypeMismatch) |
2940 | vivid.write!("one", "five") { "six" } |
2941 | expect(vivid.unlink("five", "six", "seven", "eight")).to eql(nil) |
2942 | expect( vivid.unlink("one") ).to eql({ "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) |
2943 | expect(vivid).to eql({ "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ], "nil" => nil }) |
2944 | expect(vivid.unlink("array", 2)).to eql(2) |
2945 | expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1 ], "nil" => nil }) |
2946 | expect(vivid).to eql({ "one" => { "two" => { "three" => "four" } }, "array" => [ 0, 1, 2 ] }) |
2947 | expect(vivid.unlink("nil", "foo")).to eql(nil) |
2948 | expect( vivid.unlink!("one") ).to eql({ "two" => { "three" => "four" } }) |
2949 | expect(vivid.unlink!("array", 2)).to eql(2) |
2950 | expect(vivid.unlink!("nil")).to eql(nil) |
2951 | %w{zero one two}, |
2952 | context "#<<" do |
2953 | array << { "three" => "four" } |
2954 | array << [ { "three" => [ 0, 1] } ] |
2955 | array[0] = { "zero" => "zero2" } |
2956 | array.push({ "three" => "four" }) |
2957 | array.unshift({ "zero" => "zero2" }) |
2958 | array.insert(1, { "zero" => "zero2" }) |
2959 | array.collect! { |x| { "zero" => "zero2" } } |
2960 | context "#map!" do |
2961 |! { |x| { "zero" => "zero2" } } |
2962 | [ nil, { "one" => "two" }, nil ], |
2963 | array.fill({ "one" => "two" }) |
2964 | [ [ { "one" => "two" } ], [ { "one" => "two" } ] ], |
2965 | array.replace([ { "foo" => "bar" } ]) |
2966 | let(:copy) { @immutable_mash.send(param) } |
2967 | expect(copy["top_level_4"]["level2"]).to be_is_a(Hash) |
2968 | expect { copy["m"] = "m" }.not_to raise_error |
2969 | expect(copy[2]).to be_is_a(Hash) |
2970 | expect { copy << "m" }.not_to raise_error |
2971 | @data_in = { "top" => { "second_level" => "some value" }, |
2972 | @mash ={ test: "foo", "test2" => "bar" }) |
2973 | expect(@mash[:test]).to eql("foo") |
2974 | expect(@mash["test2"]).to eql("bar") |
2975 | let(:copy) { @immutable_mash.to_yaml } |
2976 | %i{ |
2977 | []= |
2978 | }.each do |mutator| |
2979 | mutable[:new_key] = :value |
2980 | @immutable_array ={foo bar baz} + Array(1..3) + [nil, true, false, [ "el", 0, nil ] ]) |
2981 | immutable_mash ={ "m" => "m" }) |
2982 | << |
2983 | mutable[0] = :value |
2984 | describe "#[]" do |
2985 | expect(@immutable_array[1, 2]).to eql(%w{bar baz}) |
2986 | { "dmi" => {}, |
2987 | @default_hash = { |
2988 | @override_hash = { |
2989 | @automatic_hash = { "week" => "friday" } |
2990 | expect {{}, {}, {}, {}) }.not_to raise_error |
2991 | it "should set #{accessor}" do |
2992 | na ={ normal: true }, { default: true }, { override: true }, { automatic: true }) |
2993 | expect(na.send(accessor)).to eq({ accessor.to_s => true }) |
2994 | @attributes.default[:foo][:bar] = "default" |
2995 | @attributes.normal[:foo][:bar] = "normal" |
2996 | @attributes.default["foo"] = [ { "bar" => "baz" } ] |
2997 | ["default", { "bar" => "baz" }], |
2998 | ["env_default", :not_present], |
2999 | ["role_default", :not_present], |
3000 | ["force_default", :not_present], |
3001 | ["normal", :not_present], |
3002 | ["override", :not_present], |
3003 | ["role_override", :not_present], |
3004 | ["env_override", :not_present], |
3005 | ["force_override", :not_present], |
3006 | ["automatic", :not_present], |
3007 | @attributes.env_default["array"] = %w{env} |
3008 | expect(@attributes["array"]).to eq(%w{env role}) |
3009 | @attributes.env_override["array"] = %w{env} |
3010 | expect(@attributes["array"]).to eq(%w{role env}) |
3011 | @attributes.normal["array"] = %w{normal} |
3012 | expect(@attributes["array"]).to eq(%w{normal}) |
3013 | expect(@attributes["array"]).to eq(%w{role}) |
3014 | @attributes ={}, {}, {}, {}) |
3015 | @attributes.env_default = { "a" => { "b" => { "default" => "default" } } } |
3016 | @attributes.normal = { "a" => { "b" => { "normal" => "normal" } } } |
3017 | @attributes.override = { "a" => { "override" => "role" } } |
3018 | @attributes.automatic = { "a" => { "automatic" => "auto" } } |
3019 | expect(@attributes["a"]).to eq({ "b" => { "default" => "default", "normal" => "normal" }, |
3020 | expect(@attributes["macaddress"]).to eq("00:00:00:00:00:00") |
3021 | expect(@attributes["platform"]).to eq("mac_os_x") |
3022 | expect(@attributes["command"]["ps"]).to eq("ps -ef") |
3023 | expect(@attributes["music"]["mastodon"]).to eq("rocks") |
3024 | expect(@attributes["music"]["mars_volta"]).to eq("cicatriz") |
3025 | expect(@attributes["music"]["jimmy_eat_world"]).to eq("nice") |
3026 | expect(@attributes["hot"]["day"]).to eq("sunday") |
3027 | @attributes.normal["the_ghost"] = {} |
3028 | @attributes.normal["the_ghost"] = { "exterminate" => "the future" } |
3029 | @attributes.normal["deftones"]["hunters"]["nap"] = "surfing" |
3030 | expect(@attributes.normal["deftones"]["hunters"]["nap"]).to eq("surfing") |
3031 | expect { @attributes["foo"]["bar"] = :baz }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) |
3032 | @attributes.normal["foo"]["bar"] = :baz |
3033 | expect(@attributes.normal["foo"]["bar"]).to eq(:baz) |
3034 | @attributes.normal["foo"]["bar"] ||= "stop the world" |
3035 | expect(@attributes.normal["foo"]["bar"]).to eq({}) |
3036 | hash = @attributes["hot"].to_hash |
3037 | expect(hash["day"]).to eq("sunday") |
3038 | @attributes.default["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] = "fizz" |
3039 | hash = @attributes["foo"].to_hash |
3040 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => { "baz" => "fizz" } }) |
3041 | hash["bar"]["baz"] = "buzz" |
3042 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => { "baz" => "buzz" } }) |
3043 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]).to eql({ "bar" => { "baz" => "fizz" } }) |
3044 | @attributes.default["foo"]["bar"] = ["fizz"] |
3045 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => [ "fizz" ] }) |
3046 | hash["bar"].push("buzz") |
3047 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => %w{fizz buzz} }) |
3048 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]).to eql({ "bar" => [ "fizz" ] }) |
3049 | hash["bar"]["baz"] << "buzz" |
3050 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => { "baz" => "fizzbuzz" } }) |
3051 | @attributes.default["foo"]["bar"] = [ "fizz" ] |
3052 | hash["bar"][0] << "buzz" |
3053 | expect(hash).to eql({ "bar" => [ "fizzbuzz" ] }) |
3054 | @attributes.default[:foo] = %w{foo bar baz} + Array(1..3) + [nil, true, false, [ "el", 0, nil ] ] |
3055 | hash = @attributes["foo"].dup |
3056 | expect(@attributes["music"].key?("apophis")).to eq(true) |
3057 | expect(@attributes["music"]["this"]["apparatus"]).not_to have_key("this") |
3058 | expect(@attributes["music"]["this"]).not_to have_key("must") |
3059 | %i{include? key? member?}.each do |method| |
3060 | collect = [] |
3061 | collect << k |
3062 | @attributes["one"].each_key do |k| |
3063 | expect { @attributes["place"].keys { |k| } }.not_to raise_error |
3064 | collect = {} |
3065 | @attributes.each do |k, v| |
3066 | collect[k] = v |
3067 | expect(collect["one"]).to eq("six") |
3068 | expect(collect["hut"]).to eq("three") |
3069 | expect(collect["snakes"]).to eq("on a plane") |
3070 | collect << v |
3071 | @empty ={}, {}, {}, {}) |
3072 | }.each do |k, v| |
3073 | expect(@attributes.fetch("lol", "blah")).to eq("blah") |
3074 | expect(@attributes.fetch("lol") { |x| "#{x}, blah" }).to eq("lol, blah") |
3075 | describe "index", ruby: "< 3.0.0" do |
3076 | expect(@attributes.index("six")).to eq("one") |
3077 | expect( { nil }).to eq({}.select { nil }) |
3078 | %w{hut three}, |
3079 | %w{one six}, |
3080 | ["snakes", "on a plane"], |
3081 | expect(attributes.to_s).to eq("{}") |
3082 | default_hash = { |
3083 | expect(attributes.to_s).to eq('{"a"=>1, "b"=>3, "c"=>4}') |
3084 | expect(@attributes.inspect).to match(/@automatic=\{.*\}/) |
3085 | expect(@attributes.inspect).to match(/@normal=\{.*\}/) |
3086 | @attributes.default[:foo].dup[:bar] = "set on dup" |
3087 | @attributes.default["foo"] = "bar" |
3088 | @attributes.normal = {} |
3089 | @attributes.normal["foo"] = "bar" |
3090 | @attributes.override["foo"] = "bar" |
3091 | @attributes.automatic["foo"] = "bar" |
3092 | @attributes.default = { "arglebargle" => { "foo" => "bar" } } |
3093 | @attributes.override = { "arglebargle" => { "fizz" => "buzz" } } |
3094 | expect(@attributes.merged_attributes[:arglebargle]).to eq({ "foo" => "bar", "fizz" => "buzz" }) |
3095 | expect(@attributes.default[:arglebargle]).to eq({ "foo" => "bar" }) |
3096 | expect(@attributes.override[:arglebargle]).to eq({ "fizz" => "buzz" }) |
3097 | @attributes.default = { "arglebargle" => [ 1, 2, 3 ] } |
3098 | @attributes.override = { "arglebargle" => [ 4, 5, 6 ] } |
3099 | expect(@attributes.default[:arglebargle]).to eq([ 1, 2, 3 ]) |
3100 | expect(@attributes.override[:arglebargle]).to eq([ 4, 5, 6 ]) |
3101 | @attributes.role_default = { "arglebargle" => { "fizz" => "buzz" } } |
3102 | expect(@attributes.role_default[:arglebargle]).to eq({ "fizz" => "buzz" }) |
3103 | @attributes.role_default = { "arglebargle" => [ 4, 5, 6 ] } |
3104 | expect(@attributes.merged_attributes[:arglebargle]).to eq([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]) |
3105 | expect(@attributes.role_default[:arglebargle]).to eq([ 4, 5, 6 ]) |
3106 | it "raises an error when using []=" do |
3107 | @attributes.default[:foo] = [ { bar: true } ] |
3108 | expect(@attributes["foo"][0]["bar"]).to be true |
3109 | @attributes.default[:foo] = [ [ { bar: true } ] ] |
3110 | expect(@attributes["foo"][0][0]["bar"]).to be true |
3111 | @attributes.default[:foo] = { baz: { bar: true } } |
3112 | expect(@attributes["foo"]["baz"]["bar"]).to be true |
3113 | it "sets __root__ correctly" do |
3114 | @attributes.default["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] = "quux" |
3115 | expect(@attributes["foo"].__root__).to eql(@attributes) |
3116 | expect(@attributes["foo"]["bar"].__root__).to eql(@attributes) |
3117 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]["bar"].__root__).to eql(@attributes) |
3118 | it "sets __node__ correctly" do |
3119 | expect(@attributes["foo"].__node__).to eql(node) |
3120 | expect(@attributes["foo"]["bar"].__node__).to eql(node) |
3121 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"].__node__).to eql(node) |
3122 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]["bar"].__node__).to eql(node) |
3123 | it "sets __path__ correctly" do |
3124 | expect(@attributes["foo"].__path__).to eql(["foo"]) |
3125 | expect(@attributes["foo"]["bar"].__path__).to eql(%w{foo bar}) |
3126 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"].__path__).to eql(["foo"]) |
3127 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]["bar"].__path__).to eql(%w{foo bar}) |
3128 | expect(@attributes["foo"]["bar"].__precedence__).to eql(:merged) |
3129 | expect(@attributes.default["foo"]["bar"].__precedence__).to eql(:default) |
3130 | expect(events).to receive(:attribute_changed).with(:default, ["foo"], {}) |
3131 | expect { @attributes["foo"]["bar"]["baz"] << "buzz" }.to raise_error(FrozenError, /can't modify frozen String/) |
3132 | expect { @attributes["foo"]["bar"][0] << "buzz" }.to raise_error(FrozenError, /can't modify frozen String/) |
3133 | expect(@attributes["foo"]).to eql("bar") |
3134 | json = @attributes["hot"].to_json |
3135 | expect(@attributes["hot"].to_json).to eq("{\"day\":\"sunday\"}") |
3136 | json = @attributes["hot"].to_yaml |
3137 | expect(@attributes["hot"].to_yaml).to eq("--- day: sunday ") |
3138 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape("&")).to eq("&") |
3139 | it "escapes angle brackets to < or >" do |
3140 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape("<")).to eq("<") |
3141 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape(">")).to eq(">") |
3142 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape("foobarbaz!@\#$%^*()")).to eq("foobarbaz!@\#$%^*()") |
3143 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape("\x00")).to eq("*") |
3144 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape("\xC2\xA9")).to eq("©") |
3145 | expect(@escaper.xml_escape((0x80.chr).to_s)).to eq("€") |
3146 | @invalid_architectures = [ "i386", "x86_64", :x64, :x86, :arm ] |
3147 | @node_x86_64 = |
3148 | new_node.default["kernel"] = {} |
3149 | a.assertion { raise "boom1" } |
3150 | a.failure_message("#{raise "boom2"}") |
3151 | a.whyrun("#{raise "boom3"}") |
3152 | let(:test) { } |
3153 | expect(test).to receive(:env_path).and_return(["/dir1", "/dir2" ].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) |
3154 | ["/dir1", "/dir2", "/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin" ].each do |dir| |
3155 | test_which("finds `foo1` in #{dir} when it is stubbed", "foo1", finds: "#{dir}/foo1") |
3156 | test_which("finds the first arg", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir2/foo1") |
3157 | test_which("finds the second arg", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir2/foo2") |
3158 | test_which("finds the first arg when there's both", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir2/foo1", others: [ "/dir1/foo2" ]) |
3159 | test_which("and the directory order can be reversed", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir1/foo1", others: [ "/dir2/foo2" ]) |
3160 | test_which("or be the same", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir1/foo1", others: [ "/dir1/foo2" ]) |
3161 | test_which("doesnt find it if its false", "foo1", others: [ "/dir1/foo1" ]) do |f| |
3162 | test_which("finds it if its true", "foo1", finds: "/dir1/foo1") do |f| |
3163 | test_which("passes in the filename as the arg", "foo1", finds: "/dir1/foo1") do |f| |
3164 | raise "bad arg to block" unless f == "/dir1/foo1" |
3165 | test_which("arrays with blocks", "foo1", "foo2", finds: "/dir2/foo1", others: [ "/dir1/foo2" ]) do |f| |
3166 | raise "bad arg to block" unless ["/dir2/foo1", "/dir1/foo2"].include?(f) |
3167 | def self.test_where(description, *args, finds: [], others: [], &block) |
3168 | test_where("finds `foo1` in #{dir} when it is stubbed", "foo1", finds: [ "#{dir}/foo1" ]) |
3169 | test_where("finds `foo1` in all directories", "foo1", finds: [ "/dir1/foo1", "/dir2/foo1" ]) |
3170 | test_where("finds the first arg", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir2/foo1" ]) |
3171 | test_where("finds the second arg", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir2/foo2" ]) |
3172 | test_where("finds foo1 before foo2", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir2/foo1", "/dir1/foo2" ]) |
3173 | test_where("finds foo1 before foo2 if the dirs are reversed", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir1/foo1", "/dir2/foo2" ]) |
3174 | test_where("finds them both in the same directory", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir1/foo1", "/dir1/foo2" ]) |
3175 | test_where("finds foo2 first if they're reversed", "foo2", "foo1", finds: [ "/dir1/foo2", "/dir1/foo1" ]) |
3176 | test_where("finds foo1 and foo2 if they exist and the block is true", "foo1", "foo2", finds: [ "/dir1/foo2", "/dir2/foo2" ]) do |
3177 | test_where("does not finds foo1 and foo2 if they exist and the block is false", "foo1", "foo2", others: [ "/dir1/foo2", "/dir2/foo2" ]) do |
3178 | let(:uris) { } |
3179 | it "matches 'scheme://'" do |
3180 | expect(uris.uri_scheme?("scheme://")).to eq(true) |
3181 | it "does not match 'c:/'" do |
3182 | expect(uris.uri_scheme?("c:/")).to eq(false) |
3183 | it "does not match '/usr/bin/'" do |
3184 | it "does not match 'c:/'" do |
3185 | expect(uris.uri_scheme?("c:/")).to eq(false) |
3186 | expect { uris.as_uri("file:///c:/foo bar.txt") }.not_to raise_exception |
3187 | expect( uris.as_uri("file:///c:/foo bar.txt") ).to be_a(URI) |
3188 | let(:message) { "Test Message" } |
3189 | unformatter.write("[time] foo: #{message}") |
3190 | unformatter.write("[time] FOO: #{message}") |
3191 | let(:sep) { ? "\r " : " " } |
3192 | @context[:foo] = "bar" |
3193 | output = @context.render_template_from_string("<%= @foo %>") |
3194 | template_contents = [ "Fancy\r Template\r \r ", |
3195 | expect(line).to end_with("\r ") |
3196 | expect(line).to end_with(" ") |
3197 | @context[:node] = "tehShizzle" |
3198 | output = @context.render_template_from_string("<%= @node %>") |
3199 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render '#{tf.path}', :local => true %>} after") |
3200 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render('test.erb', :cookbook => 'openldap').strip %>} after") |
3201 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render 'something', :local => true, :source => '#{tf.path}' %>} after") |
3202 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render 'nested_openldap_partials.erb', :variables => {:hello => 'Hello World!' } %>} after") |
3203 | output == "before {Hello World!} after" |
3204 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render 'openldap_variable_stuff.conf.erb', :variables => {:secret => 'two' } %>} after <%= @secret %>") |
3205 | output = @template_context.render_template_from_string("before {<%= render('#{path}', :local => true).strip %>} after") |
3206 | expect { @context.render_template_from_string("<%= node %>") { |r| r } }.to raise_error(Chef::Mixin::Template::TemplateError) |
3207 | let(:shell_out_class) { { include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut } } |
3208 | let(:retobj) { instance_double(Mixlib::ShellOut, "error!" => false) } |
3209 | let(:cmd) { "echo '#{rand(1000)}'" } |
3210 | describe "##{method}" do |
3211 | options = { environment: { "LC_ALL" => nil, "LANGUAGE" => nil, "LANG" => nil, env_path => nil } } |
3212 | options = { environment: { "HOME" => "/Users/morty" } } |
3213 | options = { env: { "LC_ALL" => nil, "LANG" => nil, "LANGUAGE" => nil, env_path => nil } } |
3214 | options = { env: { "HOME" => "/Users/morty" } } |
3215 | env: { |
3216 | expect(options[:env].key?("LC_ALL")).to be false |
3217 | options = { user: "morty" } |
3218 | user: "morty", |
3219 | options = { environment: { "LC_ALL" => nil } } |
3220 | options = { environment: { "LC_ALL" => "en_US.UTF-8" } } |
3221 | options = { env: { "LC_ALL" => nil } } |
3222 | provider.send(method, "foo", timeout: 1, env: nil) |
3223 | let(:new_resource) {"foo") } |
3224 | load File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..", "lib", "chef", "mixin", "securable.rb") |
3225 | it "should not accept group/owner names starting with '-', '+', or '~'" do |
3226 | expect { @securable.rights :read, ["The Dude", "Donny"] }.not_to raise_error |
3227 | let(:host) { "host" } |
3228 | let(:port) { 7979 } |
3229 | let(:http_uri) { "http://somehost:1" } |
3230 | let(:https_uri) { "https://somehost:1" } |
3231 | let(:no_proxy_spec) { nil } |
3232 | ENV["https_proxy"] = nil |
3233 | ENV["https_proxy"] = https_uri |
3234 | ENV["http_proxy"] = http_uri |
3235 | let(:proxy_uri) { https_uri } |
3236 | ENV["no_proxy"] = no_proxy_spec |
3237 | let(:proxy_uri) { http_uri } |
3238 | property :a, "a", default: "a" |
3239 | property :ab, %w{a b}, default: "a" |
3240 | property :ac, %w{a c}, default: "a" |
3241 | property :d, "d", description: "The d property", introduced: "14.0" |
3242 | property :b, "b", default: "b" |
3243 | property :ab, default: "b" |
3244 | property :bc, %w{b c}, default: "c" |
3245 | class C < A |
3246 | property :c, "c", default: "c" |
3247 | property :ac, default: "c" |
3248 | property :bc, default: "c" |
3249 | it " has a, ab, and ac with types 'a', ['a', 'b'], and ['b', 'c']" do |
3250 | it " has b, ab, and bc with types 'b', nil and ['b', 'c']" do |
3251 | expect( eq %i{a ab ac d b bc c} |
3252 | let(:c) { } |
3253 | expect(c.ab).to eq("b") |
3254 | expect( eq("c") |
3255 | expect(c.bc).to eq("c") |
3256 | expect(test_class.translate_type("foo")).to eq("'foo'") |
3257 | ["'", '"', "#", "`"].each do |c| |
3258 | expect(test_class.translate_type({ "a" => 1, "b" => 1.2, "c" => false, "d" => true |
3259 | })).to eq("@{a=1;b=1.2;c=$false;d=$true}") |
3260 | expect(test_class.translate_type([true, false])).to eq("@($true,$false)") |
3261 | node.default[:test] = { "a" => 1, "b" => 1.2, "c" => false, "d" => true } |
3262 | expect(test_class.translate_type(node[:test])).to eq("@{a=1;b=1.2;c=$false;d=$true}") |
3263 | node.default[:test] = [ true, false ] |
3264 | expect(test_class.translate_type(node[:test])).to eq("@($true,$false)") |
3265 | expect(result.stderr).to be == "" |
3266 | expect { @vo.validate({ one: "two" }, {}) }.not_to raise_error |
3267 | expect { @vo.validate({ one: "two" }, { one: true }) }.not_to raise_error |
3268 | expect { @vo.validate({ one: "two" }, { "one" => true }) }.not_to raise_error |
3269 | expect { @vo.validate({ one: "two" }, { {} => true }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
3270 | expect { @vo.validate({}, { one: false }) }.not_to raise_error |
3271 | { one: "string" }, |
3272 | one: { |
3273 | { two: "string" }, |
3274 | { one: @vo }, |
3275 | arguments = {} |
3276 | { one: "is good" }, |
3277 | regex: /^is good$/, |
3278 | regex: /^is bad$/, |
3279 | a == "is good" |
3280 | { one: "is bad" }, |
3281 | args = { one: "is good", two: "is bad" } |
3282 | respond_to: %i{to_s upcase}, |
3283 | regex: /^is good/, |
3284 | two: { |
3285 | three: { default: "neato mosquito" }, |
3286 | { one: "two" }, |
3287 | busted: "check", |
3288 | @vo.validate({ "one" => "two" }, { one: { regex: /^two$/ } }) |
3289 | kind_of: [ String, Array ], |
3290 | { one: ["string"] }, |
3291 | { one: {} }, |
3292 | @vo.validate({ not_blank: "should pass" }, |
3293 | { not_blank: { cannot_be: %i{nil empty} } }) |
3294 | @vo.validate({ not_blank: "" }, |
3295 | { not_blank: { cannot_be: %i{nil empty}, validation_message: "my validation message" } }) |
3296 | value = "meow" |
3297 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, value, {}).object_id).to eq(value.object_id) |
3298 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {}).object_id).to eq(value.object_id) |
3299 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {}).object_id).not_to eq(value.object_id) |
3300 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {})).to eql(value) |
3301 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, { required: true }) |
3302 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, { required: false }) |
3303 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:name, value, {}).object_id).to eq(value.object_id) |
3304 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, value, { kind_of: Numeric }) |
3305 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, { kind_of: Numeric }) |
3306 | @vo.set_or_return(:delayed, @vo.lazy { "test" }, {}) |
3307 | value = "fubar" |
3308 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, @vo.lazy { value }, {}) |
3309 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {})).to eq("fubar") |
3310 | value = "foobar" |
3311 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {})).to eq("foobar") |
3312 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {})).to eq("fauxbar") |
3313 | value = lambda { "test" } |
3314 | @vo.set_or_return(:test, value, {}) |
3315 | expect(@vo.set_or_return(:test, nil, {})).to be_a(Proc) |
3316 | @dhparam_file.puts("I_am_not_a_key_I_am_a_free_man") |
3317 | cipher ="des3") |
3318 | @keyfile.write("I_am_not_a_key_I_am_a_free_man") |
3319 | @crlfile.write("I_am_not_a_crl_I_am_a_free_man") |
3320 | instance.encrypt_rsa_key("abcd", "efgh", "des3") |
3321 | instance.encrypt_ec_key("abcd", "efgh", "des3") |
3322 | @encrypted_key = instance.encrypt_ec_key(@ec_key, "oink", "des3") |
3323 | instance.gen_x509_extensions("pouet" => { "values" => [ "keyCertSign" ], "wrong_key" => true }) |
3324 | instance.gen_x509_extensions("keyUsage" => { "values" => "keyCertSign", "critical" => true }) |
3325 | instance.gen_x509_extensions("keyUsage" => { "values" => [ "keyCertSign" ], "critical" => "yes" }) |
3326 | @x509_extension = instance.gen_x509_extensions("keyUsage" => { "values" => [ "keyCertSign" ], "critical" => true }) |
3327 | @ec_request = @instance.gen_x509_request([%w{CN ECCert}]), @ec_key) |
3328 | @x509_extension = @instance.gen_x509_extensions("keyUsage" => { "values" => [ "keyCertSign" ], "critical" => true }) |
3329 | @ca_cert.version = 2 |
3330 | @ca_cert.serial = 1 |
3331 | @ca_cert.subject = [%w{CN TestCA}] |
3332 | @ca_cert.not_after = @ca_cert.not_before + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 |
3333 | @ca_cert.sign(@ca_key,"SHA256")) |
3334 | @info_with_issuer = { "validity" => 365, "issuer" => @ca_cert } |
3335 | @info_without_issuer = { "validity" => 365 } |
3336 | it "Get 5" do |
3337 | expect(@next_crl == 5).to be_truthy |
3338 | it "get true" do |
3339 | @info = { "validity" => 8, "issuer" => @ca_cert } |
3340 | instance.gen_x509_crl(@ca_key, "abc" => "def", "validity" => 8) |
3341 | instance.gen_x509_crl(@ca_key, "issuer" => "abc", "validity" => 8) |
3342 | instance.gen_x509_crl(@ca_key, "issuer" => @ca_cert, "validity" => "abc") |
3343 | @x509_crl = instance.gen_x509_crl(@ca_key, @info) |
3344 | @crl = @instance.gen_x509_crl(@ca_key, @info) |
3345 | instance.renew_x509_crl("abc", @ca_key, @info) |
3346 | instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, "abc", @info) |
3347 | instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, @ca_key, "abc") |
3348 | instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, @ca_key, "abc" => "def", "validity" => 8) |
3349 | instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, @ca_key, "issuer" => "abc", "validity" => 8) |
3350 | instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, @ca_key, "issuer" => @ca_cert, "validity" => "abc") |
3351 | @renewed_crl = instance.renew_x509_crl(@crl, @ca_key, @info) |
3352 | @revoke_info = { "serial" => 1, "reason" => 0 } |
3353 | instance.revoke_x509_crl("abc", @crl, @ca_key, @info) |
3354 | instance.revoke_x509_crl(@revoke_info, @crl, @ca_key, "abc") |
3355 | instance.revoke_x509_crl({ "abc" => "def", "ghi" => "jkl" }, @crl, @ca_key, @info) |
3356 | instance.revoke_x509_crl({ "serial" => [], "reason" => 0 }, @crl, @ca_key, @info) |
3357 | instance.revoke_x509_crl({ "serial" => 1, "reason" => "abc" }, @crl, @ca_key, @info) |
3358 | instance.revoke_x509_crl(@revoke_info, @crl, @ca_key, "abc" => "def", "validity" => 8) |
3359 | instance.revoke_x509_crl(@revoke_info, @crl, @ca_key, "issuer" => "abc", "validity" => 8) |
3360 | instance.revoke_x509_crl(@revoke_info, @crl, @ca_key, "issuer" => @ca_cert, "validity" => "abc") |
3361 | @certfile.write("I_am_not_a_cert_I_am_a_free_man") |
3362 | let(:uid) { 1001 } |
3363 | let(:user) { "foo" } |
3364 | let(:user) { nil } |
3365 | let(:brew_owner) { 2001 } |
3366 | let(:default_brew_path) { "/usr/local/bin/brew" } |
3367 | d = double |
3368 | let(:brew_owner) { 0 } |
3369 | @resource ="#{@tmpdir}/madeup.txt") |
3370 | uid: 0, gid: 0, dir: "/root", |
3371 | shell: "/bin/bash") |
3372 | group_struct = "root", passwd: "x", gid: 0) |
3373 | Chef::Log.init(@log_io) |
3374 | @ruby_bindir = "/some/ruby/bin" |
3375 | @gem_bindir = "/some/gem/bin" |
3376 | env = {} |
3377 | expect(env["PATH"]).to eq("#{@gem_bindir}:#{@ruby_bindir}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin") |
3378 | env = { "PATH" => "" } |
3379 | env = { "PATH" => "/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" } |
3380 | expect(env["PATH"]).to eq("#{@gem_bindir}:#{@ruby_bindir}:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin") |
3381 | env = { "PATH" => "/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/b#{0x81.chr}t".force_encoding("ISO-8859-1") } |
3382 | expect(env["PATH"].encoding.to_s).to eq("UTF-8") |
3383 | ruby_bindir = "/usr/bin" |
3384 | gem_bindir = "/yo/gabba/gabba" |
3385 | env = { "PATH" => gem_bindir } |
3386 | expect(env["PATH"]).to eq("/usr/bin:/yo/gabba/gabba:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin") |
3387 | ruby_bindir = 'C:\ruby\bin' |
3388 | gem_bindir = 'C:\gems\bin' |
3389 | env = { "PATH" => "C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\mr\\softie" } |
3390 | expect(env["PATH"]).to eq("#{gem_bindir};#{ruby_bindir};C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\mr\\softie") |
3391 | @field_ko_prefix = "!merge" |
3392 | hash_src = { "id" => "2" } |
3393 | hash_dst = {} |
3394 | hash_src = { "region" => { "id" => %w{227 2} } } |
3395 | hash_src = {} |
3396 | hash_dst = { "property" => %w{2 4} } |
3397 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => %w{2 4} }) |
3398 | hash_src = { "property" => %w{2 4} } |
3399 | hash_src = { "name" => "value" } |
3400 | hash_dst = { "name" => "value1" } |
3401 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "name" => "value" }) |
3402 | hash_src = { "property" => %w{1 3} } |
3403 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => %w{2 4 1 3} }) |
3404 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => %w{1 2}, "bathroom_count" => ["1", "4+"] } } |
3405 | hash_dst = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => %w{3 2}, "bathroom_count" => ["2"] } } |
3406 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => { "bedroom_count" => %w{3 2 1}, "bathroom_count" => ["2", "1", "4+"] } }) |
3407 | hash_dst = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => "3", "bathroom_count" => ["2"] } } |
3408 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => { "bedroom_count" => %w{1 2}, "bathroom_count" => ["2", "1", "4+"] } }) |
3409 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => "3", "bathroom_count" => ["1", "4+"] } } |
3410 | hash_dst = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => %w{1 2}, "bathroom_count" => ["2"] } } |
3411 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => { "bedroom_count" => "3", "bathroom_count" => ["2", "1", "4+"] } }) |
3412 | hash_dst = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { "king_bed" => 2, "queen_bed" => 4 }, "bathroom_count" => ["2"] } } |
3413 | hash_src = { "property" => "1" } |
3414 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => "1" }) |
3415 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { "king_bed" => [3], "queen_bed" => [1] }, "bathroom_count" => "1" } } |
3416 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { "king_bed" => 3, "queen_bed" => [1] }, "bathroom_count" => ["1"] } } |
3417 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { "king_bed" => [3] }, "bathroom_count" => ["1"] } } |
3418 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { 2 => 3, "king_bed" => [3] }, "bathroom_count" => ["1"] } } |
3419 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => { "bedroom_count" => { 2 => 3, "king_bed" => [3] }, "bathroom_count" => ["1"] } }) |
3420 | hash_src = { %w{1 2 3} => %w{1 2} } |
3421 | hash_dst = { %w{4 5} => ["3"] } |
3422 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ %w{1 2 3} => %w{1 2}, %w{4 5} => ["3"] }) |
3423 | hash_src = { "property" => { "bedroom_count" => ["1", "2,3"] } } |
3424 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => { "bedroom_count" => ["1", "2,3"] } }) |
3425 | hash_src = { "action" => "browse", "controller" => "results" } |
3426 | hash_src = { "amenity" => { "id" => ["26,27"] } } |
3427 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "amenity" => { "id" => ["26,27"] } }) |
3428 | hash_src = { "item" => [{ "1" => "3" }, { "2" => "4" }] } |
3429 | hash_dst = { "item" => [{ "3" => "5" }] } |
3430 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "item" => [{ "3" => "5" }, { "1" => "3" }, { "2" => "4" }] }) |
3431 | hash_src = { "valid" => false } |
3432 | hash_dst = { "valid" => true } |
3433 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "valid" => false }) |
3434 | hash_src = { "valid" => true } |
3435 | hash_dst = { "valid" => false } |
3436 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "valid" => true }) |
3437 | hash_src = { "item" => " " } |
3438 | hash_dst = { "item" => "orange" } |
3439 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "item" => " " }) |
3440 | hash_src = { "item" => "orange" } |
3441 | hash_dst = { "item" => " " } |
3442 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "item" => "orange" }) |
3443 | hash_src = { "item" => nil } |
3444 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "item" => nil }) |
3445 | expect(@dm.merge(hash_dst, hash_src)).to eq({ "name" => "value" }) |
3446 | expect(@dm.merge(hash_dst, hash_src)).to eq({ "property" => %w{2 4 1 3} }) |
3447 | hash_dst = { "property" => { "values" => { "are" => "falling", "can" => "change" } } } |
3448 | hash_src = { "property" => { "values" => { "are" => "stable", "may" => "rise" } } } |
3449 | hash_dst = { "property" => %w{1 2 3} } |
3450 | hash_src = { "property" => %w{4 5 6} } |
3451 | ret = @dm.merge(hash_dst, hash_src) |
3452 | expect(hash_dst).to eq({ "property" => %w{1 2 3} }) |
3453 | expect(hash_src).to eq({ "property" => %w{4 5 6} }) |
3454 | expect(ret).to eq({ "property" => %w{1 2 3 4 5 6} }) |
3455 | @dm.deep_merge(nil, 4) |
3456 | expect(merged_result["top_level_a"]["1_deep_a"]).to eq("1-a-merge-ee") |
3457 | expect(merged_result["top_level_a"]["1_deep_b"]).to eq("1-deep-b-merged-onto") |
3458 | expect(merged_result["top_level_a"]["1_deep_c"]).to eq("1-deep-c-merged-onto") |
3459 | expect(merged_result["top_level_a"]["1_deep_b"]).to eq(%w{B B B}) |
3460 | merge_ee_hash = { "top_level_a" => "top-level-a-mergee", "top_level_b" => "top-level-b-merge-ee" } |
3461 | expect(merged_result["top_level_a"]["1_deep_a"]).to be_nil |
3462 | merge_with_hash = { "top_level_a" => { "1_deep_a" => { "2_deep_a" => { "3_deep_b" => "bar" } } } } |
3463 | expect(merge_ee_hash).to eq({ "top_level_a" => { "1_deep_a" => { "2_deep_a" => { "3_deep_a" => "foo" } } } }) |
3464 | expect(merge_with_hash).to eq({ "top_level_a" => { "1_deep_a" => { "2_deep_a" => { "3_deep_b" => "bar" } } } }) |
3465 | merge_ee_hash = { "top_level_a" => 1, "top_level_b" => false } |
3466 | merge_with_hash = { "top_level_a" => 2, "top_level_b" => true } |
3467 | expect(merged_result).to eq({ "item" => nil }) |
3468 | @stat = double("File::Stat", { mtime: }) |
3469 | let(:object) { } |
3470 | let(:default_supported_client_versions) { [0, 1, 2] } |
3471 | let(:response) { "405") } |
3472 | .to be_nil |
3473 | let(:response) { "406") } |
3474 | let(:min_server_version) { 2 } |
3475 | let(:max_server_version) { 4 } |
3476 | .to be_a_kind_of(Array) |
3477 | .to eq(0) |
3478 | let(:supported_client_versions) { [5, 6, 7] } |
3479 | let(:supported_client_versions) { [0, 1] } |
3480 | let(:supported_client_versions) { [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } |
3481 | .to eq([2, 3, 4]) |
3482 | let(:supported_client_versions) { [0, 1, 2] } |
3483 | .to eq([2]) |
3484 | let(:supported_client_versions) { [4, 5, 6] } |
3485 | .to eq([4]) |
3486 | Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.class_eval { @loaded_lwrps = {} } |
3487 | run_context =, {}, nil) |
3488 | raise "hi" |
3489 | @lwrp_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "foo.rb") |
3490 | content ="../data/lwrp/resources/foo.rb", __dir__)) |
3491 | content ="../data/lwrp_override/resources/foo.rb", __dir__)) |
3492 | Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "data", "lwrp", "resources", "*"))].each do |file| |
3493 | expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").to_s).to eq "lwrp_foo[blah]" |
3494 | expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").action).to eq([:pass_buck]) |
3495 | Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "data", "lwrp", "resources_with_default_attributes", "*"))].each do |file| |
3496 | attribute :drink, default: lazy { |r| "Drink after #{}!" } |
3497 | let(:instance) {"kitchen") } |
3498 | let(:lwrp) do |
3499 | do |n| |
3500 | let(:lwrp_cookbook_name) { "lwrp" } |
3501 | Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.class_eval { @loaded_lwrps = {} } |
3502 | Dir[File.expand_path(File.expand_path("../data/lwrp/resources/*", __dir__))].each do |file| |
3503 | Dir[File.expand_path(File.expand_path("../data/lwrp/providers/*", __dir__))].each do |file| |
3504 | let(:lwrp_cookbook_name) { "l_w_r_p" } |
3505 | let(:lwrp_cookbook_name) { "l-w-r-p" } |
3506 | let(:test_lwrp_class) { @test_lwrp_class } |
3507 | @tmpdir = File.join(@tmpparent, "lwrp") |
3508 | lwrp = get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new("hi") |
3509 | expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once) === lwrp).to be_truthy |
3510 | lwrp ="hi") |
3511 | expect(lwrp.class === get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)) |
3512 | it "get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new is *not* a subclass" do |
3513 | let(:winevt) { } |
3514 | data: ["*** Chef ***"] |
3515 |"*** Chef ***") |
3516 | let(:syslog) { } |
3517 | expect(syslog).to receive(:add).with(1, "*** Chef ***", nil) |
3518 | let(:key) {"original_actor", "user") } |
3519 | it "should be a Chef::Key" do |
3520 | let(:field) { :actor } |
3521 | let(:valid_input) { "new_field_value" } |
3522 | let(:field) { :name } |
3523 | let(:field) { :private_key } |
3524 | let(:field) { :public_key } |
3525 | let(:valid_input) { "2020-12-24T21:00:00Z" } |
3526 | let(:valid_input) { "infinity" } |
3527 | let(:new_key) {"original_actor", "user") } |
3528 | let(:new_key) {"original_actor", "client") } |
3529 | let(:key) do |
3530 | o = { "user" => "turtle", |
3531 | o = { "client" => "turtle", |
3532 | o ="foobar", "user") |
3533 | o ="foobar", "client") |
3534 | let(:response) { [{ "uri" => "", "name" => "foobar", "expired" => false }] } |
3535 | let(:inflated_response) { { "foobar" => user_key } } |
3536 | let(:inflated_response) { { "foobar" => client_key } } |
3537 | { "name" => "12:3e:33:73:0b:f4:ec:72:dc:f0:4c:51:62:27:08:76:96:24:f4:4a", |
3538 | { "name" =>, |
3539 | $expected_output = { |
3540 | actor_type => "foobar", |
3541 | $expected_input = { |
3542 | allow(rest).to receive(:post).with(url, $expected_input).and_return({ "private_key" => "this_private_key" }) |
3543 | let(:url) { "users/#{}/keys" } |
3544 | let(:key) { user_key } |
3545 | let(:actor_type) { "user" } |
3546 | let(:url) { "clients/#{}/keys" } |
3547 | let(:key) { client_key } |
3548 | let(:actor_type) { "client" } |
3549 | let(:url) { "users/#{}/keys/#{}" } |
3550 | let(:update_name_url) { "users/#{}/keys/old_name" } |
3551 | let(:url) { "clients/#{}/keys/#{}" } |
3552 | let(:update_name_url) { "clients/#{}/keys/old_name" } |
3553 | expect(rest).to receive(:get).with(url).and_return({ "user" => "foobar", "name" => "test_key_name", "public_key" => public_key_string, "expiration_date" => "infinity" }) |
3554 | key = Chef::Key.send(load_method, "foobar", "test_key_name") |
3555 | let(:load_method) { :load_by_user } |
3556 | let(:url) { "users/foobar/keys/test_key_name" } |
3557 | let(:load_method) { :load_by_client } |
3558 | let(:url) { "clients/foobar/keys/test_key_name" } |
3559 | end # load |
3560 | let(:json) { %Q{{ /* comment */ // comment 2 "json_class": "Chef::Role"}} } |
3561 | def to_json(*a) |
3562 | Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ "foo" => 1234, "bar" => { "baz" => 5678 } }, *a) |
3563 | f = |
3564 | let(:jsonable) { } |
3565 | v = 252.times.inject(hash) do |memo, _| |
3566 | memo["key"] |
3567 | expect(v).to eq("test") |
3568 | let(:uri) { URI("chefzero://localhost:1") } |
3569 | subject(:http) { } |
3570 | http = |
3571 | http =, { nethttp: { "continue_timeout" => 5 } }) |
3572 | http ="") |
3573 | http ="") |
3574 | expect { http.create_url("HTTP://") }.not_to raise_error |
3575 | expect(http.create_url("HTTP://")).to eql(URI.parse("")) |
3576 | http ="") |
3577 | expect(http.head("")).to eql(nil) |
3578 | resp ="1.1", 304, "Not Modified") |
3579 | end # head |
3580 | let!(:low_level_client) { http.http_client(URI(uri)) } |
3581 | allow(r).to receive(:read_body).and_return("") |
3582 | http.get("/") |
3583 | expect { http.get("/") }.to raise_error(exception.class) |
3584 | let(:method) { "GET" } |
3585 | let(:url) { "" } |
3586 | let(:headers) { {} } |
3587 | let(:data) { false } |
3588 | let(:request) {} |
3589 | let(:return_value) { "200" } |
3590 | let(:request_type) { :streaming } |
3591 | let(:content_length_value) { 23 } |
3592 | let(:streaming_length) { 23 } |
3593 | let(:response_body) { "Thanks for checking in." } |
3594 | allow(m).to receive(:[]) do |key| |
3595 | chunk_size = data_length > 10 ? 10 : data_length |
3596 | let(:request_type) { :direct } |
3597 | let(:response_headers) { {} } |
3598 | let(:request_type) { req_type.to_sym } |
3599 | let(:content_length_value) { "-1" } |
3600 | let(:content_length_value) { 25 } |
3601 | let(:streaming_length) { 12 } |
3602 | Chef::Config[:ssl_ca_path] = "/dev/null/nothing_here" |
3603 | Chef::Config[:ssl_ca_file] = "/dev/null/nothing_here" |
3604 | Chef::Config[:ssl_client_cert] = __FILE__ |
3605 | File.write(bad_cert_file, |
3606 | let(:relative_url) { "" } |
3607 | let(:uri_str) { "chefzero://localhost:1/#{relative_url}" } |
3608 | let(:uri) { URI(uri_str) } |
3609 | it "has a host" do |
3610 | it "has a port" do |
3611 | let(:method) { :GET } |
3612 | let(:relative_url) { "clients" } |
3613 | let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "application/json" } } |
3614 | let(:body) { false } |
3615 | let(:expected_body_str) { "" } |
3616 | let(:rack_req) { zero_client.req_to_rack(method, uri, body, headers) } |
3617 | let(:method) { :PUT } |
3618 | let(:relative_url) { "clients/foo" } |
3619 | let(:body) { "bunch o' JSON" } |
3620 | let(:expected_body_str) { "bunch o' JSON" } |
3621 | let(:code) { 200 } |
3622 | let(:headers) { { "Content-Type" => "Application/JSON" } } |
3623 | let(:body) { [ "bunch o' JSON" ] } |
3624 | expect(net_http_response.read_body { |chunk| chunk }).to eq("bunch o' JSON") |
3625 | let(:code) { 404 } |
3626 | let(:body) { [ "nope" ] } |
3627 | let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "application/json", "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "2" } } |
3628 | let(:response_code) { 200 } |
3629 | let(:response_headers) { { "Content-Type" => "Application/JSON" } } |
3630 | let(:response_body) { [ "bunch o' JSON" ] } |
3631 | let(:url) { URI.parse("") } |
3632 | let(:http_method) { :get } |
3633 | let(:data) { nil } |
3634 | let(:http_method) { :put } |
3635 | let(:data) { { foo: "bar" } } |
3636 | let(:expected_data) { %q[{"foo":"bar"}] } |
3637 | let(:data) { "some arbitrary bytes" } |
3638 | expect(headers).to eq({ "content-type" => "application/x-binary" }) |
3639 | expect(headers).to eq({ "Content-Type" => "application/x-binary" }) |
3640 | request =, URI(""), "", { "Host" => "" }) |
3641 | uri = URI("") |
3642 | expect(uri).to eql(URI("")) |
3643 | request =, URI(""), "", { "Host" => "" }) |
3644 | let(:uri) { URI("") } |
3645 | net_http_mock = instance_double(Net::HTTP, proxy_address: nil, "proxy_port=" => nil, "read_timeout=" => nil, "open_timeout=" => nil) |
3646 | require_relative "../../../lib/chef/win32/registry" |
3647 | let(:data) { "" } |
3648 | let(:node_name) { "test" } |
3649 | cert_name = "chef-#{node_name}" |
3650 | d = |
3651 | end_date = + (3600 * 24 * 90) |
3652 | raw_data = { |x| x[:data] } |
3653 | vector = raw_data[2] |
3654 | values = { name: "PfxPass", type: :string, data: encrypted_pass } |
3655 | ::Chef::Config[:node_name] = "foo" |
3656 | .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "2" }) |
3657 | let(:class_instance) {{ api_version: "-10" }) } |
3658 | .to include({ "X-Ops-Server-API-Version" => "-10" }) |
3659 | ).and_return({}) |
3660 | let(:public_key) { <<~EOH } |
3661 | let(:url) { "http://localhost:60123" } |
3662 | let(:return_value) { "406" } |
3663 | Chef::ServerAPIVersions.instance.set_versions({ "min_version" => 1, "max_version" => 3 }) |
3664 | @all_resources = ["lolz"),"tzu")] |
3665 | @end_time = @start_time + 4.2 |
3666 | @all_resources = ["foo"),"moo")] |
3667 | class << self |
3668 | expect(reported_data["end_time"]).to eq((@expected_time + 5).to_s) |
3669 | let(:resource) {"foo") } |
3670 | let(:run_context) {, nil, nil) } |
3671 | expect(args[0]).to match(/^"ruby"/) |
3672 | @node = do |n| |
3673 | n.run_list("role[base]") |
3674 | @response ="1.1", "403", "(response) forbidden") |
3675 | not_if("/bin/false") |
3676 | @trace = [ |
3677 | @context[:chef] = "cool" |
3678 | @resource = template("/tmp/foo.txt") do |
3679 | source_file = [ "if true", "var = non_existent", "end" ] |
3680 | expect(@inspector.recipe_snippet).to match(/^# In C:\\Windows\\Temp\\packer\\/) |
3681 | @resource.source_line = "(irb#1):1:in `irb_binding'" |
3682 | source_line = "#{angry_bash_recipe}:1:in `<main>'" |
3683 | @response ="1.1", "502", "(response) bad gateway") |
3684 | @response_body = %q({"error": [{"message": "gtfo"}]) |
3685 | @response_body = "{\"error\":[{\"non_existent_cookbooks\":[],\"cookbooks_with_no_versions\":[],\"message\":\"unable to solve dependencies in allotted time.\"}]}" |
3686 | let(:node_name) { "" } |
3687 | let(:stdout) { } |
3688 | recipe_lines = BAD_RECIPE.split(" ").map { |l| l << " " } |
3689 | let(:path_to_failed_file) { nil } |
3690 | let(:full_path_to_failed_file) { "C:/opscode/chef#{path_to_failed_file}" } |
3691 | { |line| line.gsub(/^C:/, "c:") } |
3692 | let(:full_path_to_failed_file) { "c:/opscode/chef#{path_to_failed_file}" } |
3693 | let(:response) { double("response") } |
3694 | let(:min_version) { "2" } |
3695 | let(:max_version) { "5" } |
3696 | let(:request_version) { "30" } |
3697 | let(:title) { "test title" } |
3698 | let(:section_heading) { "test heading" } |
3699 | let(:section_text) { "test text" } |
3700 | allow(subject).to receive(:caller) { Kernel.caller + ["/test/bin/chef-client:1:in `<main>'"] } |
3701 | ------------ |
3702 | Chef.set_node({ "platform" => "openvms", "platform_version" => "8.4-2L1" }) |
3703 | let(:out) { } |
3704 | let(:err) { } |
3705 | cookbook_version = double(name: "apache2", version: "1.2.3") |
3706 | expect(out.string).to include("- apache2 (1.2.3") |
3707 | @now = |
3708 | allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(@now, @now + 10.0) |
3709 | allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(@now, @now + 610.0) |
3710 | allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(@now, @now + 36610.0) |
3711 | expect(out.string).to eq("") |
3712 | expect(out.string).to include(" - Progress: 70%") |
3713 | expect(out.string).to include(" - Progress: 80%") |
3714 | let(:formatter) {, err) } |
3715 | let(:tempname) { windows? ? "chef-new_file" : ".chef-new_file" } |
3716 | let(:target_file_path) { "/etc/my_app.conf" } |
3717 | let(:original_target_file_dacl) { [] } |
3718 | let(:original_target_file_sacl) { [] } |
3719 | let(:empty_dacl) { double("Windows ACL with no dacl ACEs") } |
3720 | let(:empty_sacl) { double("Windows ACL with no sacl ACEs") } |
3721 | .with([]) |
3722 | let(:dacl_inherits?) { false } |
3723 | let(:sacl_inherits?) { false } |
3724 | let(:dacl_inherits?) { true } |
3725 | let(:sacl_inherits?) { true } |
3726 | let(:target_file_mode) { 0644 } |
3727 | let(:target_file_uid) { 1001 } |
3728 | let(:target_file_gid) { 1001 } |
3729 | let(:target_file_uid) { 0 } |
3730 | let(:target_file_gid) { 20 } |
3731 | expect(File).to receive(:open).with(File.join(@file_cache_path, "whiz", "bang"), "w", 416).and_yield(@io) |
3732 |, "whiz", "bang"), "w") { |f| f.print("borkborkbork") } |
3733 | expect(File).not_to exist(File.join(@file_cache_path, "whiz", "bang")) |
3734 | expect(Chef::FileCache.find("snappy/**/*")).to eq(%w{snappy/patter}) |
3735 | load File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "lib", "chef", "file_access_control.rb") |
3736 | @resource ="/tmp/a_file.txt") |
3737 | expect(@fac.target_uid).to eq(-2) |
3738 | let(:num_errors) { 0 } |
3739 | let(:backtrace) { [] } |
3740 | let(:num_errors) { 1 } |
3741 | let(:num_errors) { 2 } |
3742 | subject.on(:foo_bar) {} |
3743 | subject.on(:run_failed) { "testhook" } |
3744 | calls = [] |
3745 | @ivar = [1] |
3746 | @ivar << 2 |
3747 | run_status ={}, {}) |
3748 | @sequence ||= [] |
3749 | Accumulator.sequence << [ :sink_1_event_1, arg ] |
3750 | Accumulator.sequence << [ :sink_1_event_2, arg ] |
3751 | Accumulator.sequence << [ :sink_2_event_1, arg ] |
3752 | Accumulator.sequence << [ :sink_2_event_2, arg ] |
3753 | [:sink_1_event_1, "two"], # the call to enqueue the event happens here |
3754 | [:sink_2_event_1, "two"], # event 1 fully finishes |
3755 | [:sink_1_event_2, "two"], |
3756 | [:sink_2_event_2, "two"], # then event 2 runs and finishes |
3757 | expect(@environment.default_attributes({ one: "two" })).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
3758 | expect(@environment.override_attributes({ one: "two" })).to eq({ one: "two" }) |
3759 | @environment.cookbook("apt", "~> 1.2.3") |
3760 | expect(@environment.cookbook_versions["apt"]).to eq("~> 1.2.3") |
3761 | @environment.cookbook("apt", ">= 1.2.3") |
3762 | @environment.cookbook_versions({ "apt" => "= 1.2.3" }) |
3763 | @example.cookbook_versions({ "apt" => "= 2.3.4" }) |
3764 | @environment.cookbook_versions({ apt: "= 1.2.3" }) |
3765 | it "should include '#{t}'" do |
3766 | expect(@json).to match(/"#{t}":#{Regexp.escape(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@environment.send(t.to_sym)))}/) |
3767 | @data = { |
3768 | it "should match '#{t}'" do |
3769 | expect(@environment.update_from_params(name: "@$%^&*()")).to be_falsey |
3770 | expect(@environment.invalid_fields[:name]).to eq(%q{Property name's value @$%^&*() does not match regular expression /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/}) |
3771 | params = { name: "superbowl", cookbook_version: { "0" => "apache2 ~> 1.0.0", "1" => "nginx < 2.0.0" } } |
3772 | expect(@environment.cookbook_versions).to eq({ "apache2" => "~> 1.0.0", "nginx" => "< 2.0.0" }) |
3773 | params = { cookbook_version: { "0" => "apache2 >>> 1.0.0" } } |
3774 | expect(@environment.default_attributes).to eq({ "fuuu" => "RAGE" }) |
3775 | e1 = double("Chef::Environment", name: "one") |
3776 | expect(r["one"]).to eq(e1) |
3777 | role_dsl = "name \"foo\" description \"desc\" " |
3778 | let(:plaintext_data) { { "foo" => "bar" } } |
3779 | let(:key) { "passwd" } |
3780 | let(:plaintext_data) { 5 } |
3781 | let(:encryption_key) { "passwd" } |
3782 | let(:json_wrapped_data) { Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ "json_wrapper" => plaintext_data }) } |
3783 | let(:bogus_auth_tag) { "bogus_auth_tag" } |
3784 | let(:decryption_key) { "wrong-passwd" } |
3785 | ev["cipher"] = "aes-256-foo" |
3786 | let(:secret) { "abc123SECRET" } |
3787 | it "doesn't encrypt the 'id' key" do |
3788 | iv = encoded_data["greeting"]["iv"] |
3789 | iv = encoded_data["nested"]["iv"] |
3790 | it "doesn't try to decrypt 'id'" do |
3791 | let(:secret) { "opensesame" } |
3792 | expect(tester.encrypted?({ id: "foo" })).to eq(false) |
3793 | let(:item_name) { "item_name" } |
3794 | let(:version) { 1 } |
3795 | let(:version) { 2 } |
3796 | let(:version) { 3 } |
3797 | }.each do |m| |
3798 | it "responds to ##{m}" do |
3799 | let(:service) { :hashi_vault } |
3800 | let(:config) { { my_key: "value" } } |
3801 | dsl.secret(name: "key1", service: :example, config: {}) |
3802 | secret_value = dsl.secret(name: "test1", service: :example, config: { "test1" => "secret value" }) |
3803 | let(:run_context) { |
3804 | peace secret(name: "test1", service: :example, config: { "test1" => true }) |
3805 | config = { my_config: "value" } |
3806 | let(:declared_resources) { [] } |
3807 | r << [dsl_name, name] |
3808 | it { eq [[:test_resource, "test_name"]] } |
3809 | it { eq [[:test_resource, nil]] } |
3810 | hash = { |
3811 | echo = "foxtrot" |
3812 | golf = "hotel" |
3813 | kilo = ["lima", "mike"] |
3814 | bravo = 10 |
3815 | juliett = "blue" |
3816 | - lima |
3817 | - mike |
3818 | let(:cookbook_name) { "example_cb" } |
3819 | let(:recipe_name) { "example_recipe" } |
3820 | recipe =, nil,, {}, nil)) |
3821 | @node = node |
3822 | :openbsd => { default: "free, functional, secure" }, |
3823 | %i{redhat centos fedora scientific} => { default: '"stable"' }, |
3824 | :ubuntu => { "10.04" => "using upstart more", :default => "using init more" }, |
3825 | :default => "bork da bork", |
3826 | node = { platform: "ubuntu", platform_version: "10.04" } |
3827 | node = { platform: "ubuntu", platform_version: "9.10" } |
3828 | bad_hash = { ubuntu: :foo } # should be :ubuntu => {:default => 'foo'} |
3829 | [:rhel, "fedora"] => "redhatty value", |
3830 | :gentoo => "gentoo value", |
3831 | :default => "default value", |
3832 | cookbook_repo = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "data", "cookbooks")) |
3833 | ).to be nil |
3834 | .with("bag_name") |
3835 | .and_return("item_1" => "http://url_for/item_1", "item_2" => "http://url_for/item_2") |
3836 | expect( language.data_bag("bag_name").sort ).to eql %w{item_1 item_2} |
3837 | let(:bag_name) { "bag_name" } |
3838 | let(:item) do |
3839 | let(:method_name) { :data_bag_item } |
3840 | str.split("::").inject(Object) do |mod, class_name| |
3841 | @a = @r = @w = 1 |
3842 | deprecated_attr :a, "a" |
3843 | test.a = 10 |
3844 | test.w = 10 |
3845 | expect(test.instance_eval { @w }).to eq 10 |
3846 | let(:message) { "A test message" } |
3847 | let(:location) { "the location" } |
3848 | id_map = {} |
3849 | (id_map[cls.deprecation_id] ||= []) << cls |
3850 | collisions = { |k, v| v.size != 1 } |
3851 | raise "Found deprecation ID collisions: #{ { |k, v| "* #{k} #{", ")}" }.join(" ")}" |
3852 | it "#is_a?(#{klass}) is true" do |
3853 | it "#is_a?(Chef::Decorator) is true" do |
3854 | it "#kind_of?(#{klass}) is true" do |
3855 | it "#kind_of?(Chef::Decorator) is true" do |
3856 | it "#instance_of?(#{klass}) is false" do |
3857 | let(:obj) {} |
3858 | it "#nil? is false" do |
3859 | it "!! is true" do |
3860 | let(:obj) { nil } |
3861 | it "#nil? is true" do |
3862 | it "!! is false" do |
3863 | let(:obj) { {} } |
3864 | expect(FFI_Yajl::Encoder.encode(decorator, pretty: true)).to eql("{ } ") |
3865 | let(:obj) { { foo: "bar", baz: "qux" } } |
3866 | decorator.dup[:baz] << "qux" |
3867 | decorator.__setobj__([]) |
3868 | @a = 0 |
3869 | { @a += 1 } |
3870 | expect(@a).to eql(0) |
3871 | @foo ||= 1 |
3872 | @bar ||= 2 |
3873 | { [ foo, bar ] } |
3874 | decorator.each { |i| } |
3875 | let(:run_list) { node.run_list } |
3876 | let(:cookbooks) { node.fetch("cookbooks", {}) } |
3877 | let(:recipe_name) { "atlas" } |
3878 | let(:node_name) { "spitfire" } |
3879 | let(:resource_record) { [] } |
3880 | let(:exception) { nil } |
3881 | let(:expected_node) { node } |
3882 | keys ||= { |
3883 | { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } |
3884 | keys["message_version"] = "1.1.0" |
3885 | it "has a end_time" do |
3886 | it "has a run_id" do |
3887 | it "has a run_list" do |
3888 | it "has a source" do |
3889 | it "has a status" do |
3890 | let(:total_resource_count) { 0 } |
3891 | let(:status) { "failure" } |
3892 | let(:expected_node) { {} } # no node because that failed |
3893 | let(:expected_run_list) { [] } # no run_list without a node |
3894 | let(:resource_record) { [] } # and no resources |
3895 | let(:resource_record) { [ ] } |
3896 | let(:status) { "success" } |
3897 | let(:total_resource_count) { 1 } |
3898 | let(:cookbook_name) { "@recipe_files" } |
3899 | let(:cookbook_version) { nil } |
3900 | let(:total_resource_count) { 2 } |
3901 | rec["conditional"] = "not_if { #code block }" # FIXME: "#code block" is poor, is there some way to fix this? |
3902 | [ rec ] |
3903 | rec["conditional"] = 'not_if "true"' |
3904 | rec["error"] = { |
3905 | rec = resource_record_for(new_resource, nil, nil, :create, "failed", "1234") |
3906 | rec["before"] = {} |
3907 | rec1["error"] = { |
3908 | [ rec1, rec2 ] |
3909 | expect(hash["node"]["default"]).to eq({ "secret" => {}, "publicinfo" => { "num_flower_pots" => 18 } }) |
3910 | expect(hash["node"]["default"]).to eq({ "public" => { "entrance" => "is the drawbridge" } }) |
3911 | let(:shift_jis) { "I have no idea what this character is: #{0x83.chr}#{0x80.chr}. " } |
3912 | let(:message) { "message" } |
3913 | let(:err) do |
3914 | response = double("Net::HTTP response", code: "404") |
3915 | Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] = { files: [ "/always/be/counting/down" ] } |
3916 | Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] = { urls: [ "https://esa.local/ariane5" ] } |
3917 | Chef::Config[:data_collector][:token] = "MTA" |
3918 | Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] = { files: ["https://www.esa.local/ariane5"] } |
3919 | let(:file_path) { "/tmp/client-runs.txt" } |
3920 | Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] = { files: [file_path] } |
3921 | expect("clowns")).to eq("clowns") |
3922 | [ ".", "-", "_", "1"].each do |char| |
3923 | expect("clown#{char}clown")).to eq("clown#{char}clown") |
3924 | let(:jsonable) { @data_bag } |
3925 | exception = double("409 error", code: "409") |
3926 | expect(@rest).to receive(:post).with("data", @data_bag) |
3927 | expect(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("data/foo").and_return({ "bar" => "" }) |
3928 | data_bag = Chef::DataBag.load("foo") |
3929 | expect(data_bag).to eq({ "bar" => "" }) |
3930 | def dir_glob_stub(path, returns = []) |
3931 | if path == @paths.first |
3932 | dir_glob_stub(path, [File.join(path, "foo/bar.json"), File.join(path, "foo/baz.json")]) |
3933 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.join(@paths.first, "foo/bar.json")).and_return('{"id": "bar", "name": "Bob Bar" }') |
3934 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.join(@paths.first, "foo/baz.json")).and_return('{"id": "baz", "name": "John Baz" }') |
3935 | item_with_different_content = "{\"id\": \"bar\", \"name\": \"Bob Bar\", \"path\": \"#{path}\"}" |
3936 | item_2_with_different_content = '{"id": "bar", "name": "John Baz"}' |
3937 | dir_glob_stub(path, [File.join(path, "foo/bar.json")]) |
3938 | item_with_same_content = '{"id": "bar", "name": "Bob Bar"}' |
3939 | test_data_bag = { "bar" => { "id" => "bar", "name" => "Bob Bar" } } |
3940 | test_item_with_same_content = '{"id": "bar", "name": "Bob Bar"}' |
3941 | test_uniq_item = "{\"id\": \"baz_#{index}\", \"name\": \"John Baz\", \"path\": \"#{path}\"}" |
3942 | test_data_bag["baz_#{index}"] = { "id" => "baz_#{index}", "name" => "John Baz", "path" => path } |
3943 | expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([File.join(path, "foo"), File.join(path, "bar")]) |
3944 | expect(data_bag_list).to eq({ "bar" => "bar", "foo" => "foo" }) |
3945 | msg = "Data bag path '#{windows? ? "C:/var/chef" : "/var/chef"}/data_bags' not found. Please create this directory." |
3946 | it_should_behave_like "data bag in solo mode", "#{windows? ? "C:/var/chef" : "/var/chef"}/data_bags" |
3947 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "octahedron" } }.not_to raise_error |
3948 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { id: "octahedron" } }.not_to raise_error |
3949 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data ={ "id" => "octahedron" }) }.not_to raise_error |
3950 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "monkey" => "pants" } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
3951 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "h1-_" } }.not_to raise_error |
3952 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "" } }.not_to raise_error |
3953 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => ".bozo" } }.not_to raise_error |
3954 | expect { data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "!@#" } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
3955 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "highway_of_emptiness" } |
3956 | expect(data_bag_item.raw_data).to eq({ "id" => "highway_of_emptiness" }) |
3957 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "the_beatdown" } |
3958 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "the_beatdown", "name" => "Bruce" } |
3959 | expect(data_bag_item["name"]).to eq("Bruce") |
3960 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "journey", "trials" => "been through" } |
3961 | expect(data_bag_item["id"]).to eq("journey") |
3962 | Chef::DataBagItem.from_hash({ "raw_data" => { "id" => "whoa", "name" => "Bruce", "i_know" => "kung_fu" } }) |
3963 | expect(data_bag_item["id"]).to eq("whoa") |
3964 | Chef::DataBagItem.from_hash({ "id" => "whoa", "name" => "Bruce", "i_know" => "kung_fu" }) |
3965 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "whoa", "name" => "Bruce", "i_know" => "kung_fu" } |
3966 | let(:to_hash) { data_bag_item.to_hash } |
3967 | expect(to_hash["id"]).to eq("whoa") |
3968 | expect(to_hash["name"]).to eq("Bruce") |
3969 | expect(to_hash["i_know"]).to eq("kung_fu") |
3970 | expect(to_hash["chef_type"]).to eq("data_bag_item") |
3971 | expect(to_hash["data_bag"]).to eq("still_lost") |
3972 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "octahedron", "name" => "Bruce", "snooze" => { "finally" => :world_will } } |
3973 | expect(deserial["name"]).to eq("Bruce") |
3974 | expect(deserial["snooze"]).to eq({ "finally" => "world_will" }) |
3975 | let(:jsonable) { data_bag_item } |
3976 | data_bag_item["id"] = "heart of darkness" |
3977 | raw_data = { "id" => "heart_of_darkness", "author" => "Conrad" } |
3978 | expect(data_bag_item.inspect).to eq("data_bag_item[\"books\", \"heart_of_darkness\", #{raw_data.inspect}]") |
3979 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "heart_of_darkness", "author" => "Conrad" } |
3980 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "some_id" } |
3981 | data_bag_item.raw_data = { "id" => "charlie", "shell" => "zsh", "ssh_keys" => %w{key1 key2} } |
3982 | let(:http_client) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
3983 | expect(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:load).with("users").and_return({ "charlie" => data_bag_item.to_hash }) |
3984 | mock_struct = #, nil, 111, 111) |
3985 | expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).with("/").and_return(0) |
3986 | @pw_user = double("Struct::Passwd", uid: 501) |
3987 | @pw_group = double("Struct::Group", gid: 20) |
3988 | let(:cookbook_version) {"mycb", "/tmp/mycb") } |
3989 | let(:root_files) { [{ name: "root_files/recipe.#{extension}", full_path: "/home/user/repo/cookbooks/test/recipe.#{extension}" } ] } |
3990 | MD5 = /[0-9a-f]{32}/.freeze |
3991 | all_files: Dir[File.join(cookbook_root, "**", "**")], |
3992 | n.normal[:platform] = "ubuntu" |
3993 | sm ="foo", "/tmp/blah") |
3994 | lg ="foo", "/tmp/blah") |
3995 | a ="foo", "/tmp/blah") |
3996 | b ="foo", "/tmp/blah") |
3997 | a.version = "1.2" |
3998 | b.version = "1.2.0" |
3999 | expect(a).to eq(b) |
4000 | apt = "apt", "/tmp/blah" |
4001 | apt.version = "1.0" |
4002 | god = "god", "/tmp/blah" |
4003 | god.version = "2.0" |
4004 | good_versions = %w{1.2 1.2.3 1000.80.50000 0.300.25} |
4005 | name: "files/afile.rb", |
4006 | name: "files/bfile.rb", |
4007 | path: "files/fakeos-2.0.rc.1/bfile.rb", |
4008 | set[cksum] = nil |
4009 | let(:policy_mode) { false } |
4010 | cksum_map[cksum] = { "needs_upload" => true, "url" => url_for(cksum) } |
4011 | { "checksums" => sandbox_checksums, "uri" => sandbox_commit_uri } |
4012 | let(:cksums_not_on_remote) { [] } |
4013 | let(:policy_mode) { true } |
4014 | COOKBOOK_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "data", "cookbooks", "openldap")) |
4015 | @cookbook_repo = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "data", "cookbooks")) |
4016 | let(:version) { "1.2.3" } |
4017 | let(:cookbook_root) { "/tmp/blah" } |
4018 | let(:all_files) { Dir[File.join(cookbook_root, "**", "**")].reject { |f| f } } |
4019 | let(:match_md5) { /[0-9a-f]{32}/ } |
4020 | parts = relative_path.split("/") |
4021 | name = if %w{templates files}.include?(parts[0]) && parts.length == 3 |
4022 | File.join(parts[0], parts[2]) |
4023 | }.tap do |fp| |
4024 | fp["full_path"] = path |
4025 | files = map_to_file_specs(all_files, full: true).reject { |f| seg = f["name"].split("/")[0]; %w{ files templates }.include?(seg) } |
4026 | cookbook_loader[cb].files_for(part).inject([]) { |memo, f| memo << f[:full_path]; memo } |
4027 | cookbook_paths = [] |
4028 | cookbook_paths |= Dir[File.join(repo_path, "*")] |
4029 | seen = {} |
4030 | end).not_to eql(nil) |
4031 | f =~ /\.dotfile$/ |
4032 | end).to match(/\.dotfile$/) |
4033 | f =~ %r{\.ssh/id_rsa$} |
4034 | end).to match(%r{\.ssh/id_rsa$}) |
4035 | search_str = "\"openldap\":\"" |
4036 | expect(key_idx).to be > 0 |
4037 | dup_idx = raw[(key_idx + 1)..-1].index(search_str) |
4038 | spec/spec_helper.rb }.map { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, f) } |
4039 | @attr_files = %w{default.rb smokey.rb}.map { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, "attributes", f) } |
4040 | @libr_files = %w{openldap.rb openldap/version.rb}.map { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, "libraries", f) } |
4041 | @defn_files = %w{client.rb server.rb}.map { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, "definitions", f) } |
4042 | @recipes = %w{default.rb gigantor.rb one.rb return.rb}.map { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, "recipes", f) } |
4043 | @spec_files = [ File.join(cookbook_path, "spec", "spec_helper.rb") ] |
4044 | @ruby_files = @attr_files + @libr_files + @defn_files + @recipes + @spec_files + [File.join(cookbook_path, "metadata.rb")] |
4045 | @template_files = { |f| File.join(cookbook_path, "templates", "default", f) } |
4046 | let(:cache_path) { Dir.mktmpdir } |
4047 | let(:no_lazy_load) { true } |
4048 | Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] = "/file-cache" |
4049 | { "valid1" => {}, "valid2" => {} } |
4050 | expect(synchronizer).to receive(:cookbook_segment).with("valid1", "recipes").at_least(:once).and_return([ { "path" => "recipes/default.rb" }]) |
4051 | let(:root) { windows? ? "C:/file-cache/cookbooks/cookbook_a" : "/file-cache/cookbooks/cookbook_a" } |
4052 | .with("#{root}/recipes/default.rb") |
4053 | let(:server_api) { double("Chef::ServerAPI (mock)") } |
4054 | let(:file_cache) { double("Chef::FileCache (mock)") } |
4055 | let(:no_lazy_load) { false } |
4056 | let(:skip_cookbook_sync) { true } |
4057 | setter = "#{field}=" |
4058 | duck_type.send("#{field_to_change}=".to_sym, :epic_fail) |
4059 | it "has no name" do |
4060 | it "is not valid" do |
4061 | it "is valid" do |
4062 | metadata.supports("ubuntu", ">= 8.04") |
4063 | expect(metadata.platforms["ubuntu"]).to eq(">= 8.04") |
4064 | params = { |
4065 | license: "Apache v2.0", |
4066 | version: "0.6.0", |
4067 | source_url: "", |
4068 | it "should be set-able via #{field}" do |
4069 | it "should be get-able via #{field}" do |
4070 | it "should transform an '0.6' version to '0.6.0'" do |
4071 | expect(metadata.send(:version, "0.6")).to eql("0.6.0") |
4072 | it "should spit out '0.6.0' after transforming '0.6'" do |
4073 | metadata.send(:version, "0.6") |
4074 | dep_types = { |
4075 | depends: [ :dependencies, "foo::bar", "> 0.2" ], |
4076 | provides: [ :providing, "foo::bar", "<= 0.2" ], |
4077 | dep_types.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |dep, dep_args| |
4078 | it "should be set-able via #{dep}" do |
4079 | expect(metadata.send(check_with)).to eq({ dep_args[0] => dep_args[1] }) |
4080 | depends: [ :dependencies, "foo::bar", ">0.2", "> 0.2" ], |
4081 | provides: [ :providing, "foo::bar", "<=0.2", "<= 0.2" ], |
4082 | depends: [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], |
4083 | provides: [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], |
4084 | depends: [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], |
4085 | provides: [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], |
4086 | it "can be set to a string" do |
4087 | it "can be set to an array" do |
4088 | metadata.send(:eager_load_libraries, [ "default.rb", "foo/*/**.rb" ]) |
4089 | expect(metadata.send(:eager_load_libraries)).to eql([ "default.rb", "foo/*/**.rb" ]) |
4090 | ret = [] |
4091 | ret <<"chef", *arg) |
4092 | expect_chef_version_works(["~> 12"]) |
4093 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 12.0.1", "< 12.5.1"]) |
4094 | expect_chef_version_works(["~> 12.5.1"], ["~> 11.18.10"]) |
4095 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 11.14.2", "< 11.18.10"], [">= 12.2.1", "< 12.5.1"]) |
4096 | expect_chef_version_works(["~> 999.0"]) |
4097 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"]) |
4098 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) |
4099 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], [">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) |
4100 | expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], ["= #{Chef::VERSION}"]) |
4101 | ret <<"ohai", *arg) |
4102 | expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 12"]) |
4103 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 12.0.1", "< 12.5.1"]) |
4104 | expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 12.5.1"], ["~> 11.18.10"]) |
4105 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 11.14.2", "< 11.18.10"], [">= 12.2.1", "< 12.5.1"]) |
4106 | expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 999.0"]) |
4107 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"]) |
4108 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) |
4109 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], [">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) |
4110 | expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], ["= #{Ohai::VERSION}"]) |
4111 | ret << arg |
4112 | expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"]) |
4113 | expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"], ["bar", "~> 2.0"]) |
4114 | expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"], ["bar", ">= 2.4", "< 4.0"]) |
4115 | c.manifest = { all_files: [ |
4116 | { name: "recipes/default.rb", path: "recipes/default.rb", checksum: "my_only_friend" }, |
4117 | expect(["test_cookbook"]).to eq("It, um... tests stuff?") |
4118 | metadata.depends "bobo", "= 1.0" |
4119 | metadata.depends "bubu", "=1.0" |
4120 | metadata.gem "foo", "~> 1.2" |
4121 | metadata.gem "bar", ">= 2.2", "< 4.0" |
4122 | metadata.chef_version "< 11.18.10", ">= 11.14.2" |
4123 | metadata.chef_version "< 12.5.1", ">= 12.2.1" |
4124 | metadata.ohai_version "< 7.5.0", ">= 7.1.0" |
4125 | metadata.ohai_version "< 8.6.0", ">= 8.0.1" |
4126 | metadata.eager_load_libraries [ "default.rb", "foo/*/**.rb" ] |
4127 | @hash[:dependencies.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [ ">= 1.0", "<= 5.2" ] |
4128 | expect(deserial.send(:dependencies)["foo::bar"]).to eq([]) |
4129 | @hash[:dependencies.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [] |
4130 | @hash[:dependencies.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [ ">= 2.0" ] |
4131 | expect(deserial.send(:dependencies)["foo::bar"]).to eq(">= 2.0") |
4132 | json = %q{{ "some_spiffy_new_metadata_field": "stuff its set to" }} |
4133 | expect(result["version"]).to eq "1.2.3" |
4134 | source_hash["frozen?"] = true |
4135 | it "with #{segment}" do |
4136 | gems: [["httpclient"], ["nokogiri"]] |
4137 | ), |
4138 | gems: [["httpclient", ">= 2.0"]] |
4139 | gems: [["httpclient", ">= 1.0", { "git" => "" }]] |
4140 | gems: [["httpclient", { "path" => "./gems/httpclient" }]] |
4141 | double(:shell_out, stdout: "") |
4142 | b = |
4143 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).and_return("") |
4144 | Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] = [ "" ] |
4145 | expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:info).and_return("") |
4146 | expect(gem_installer).to receive(:shell_out!).with(["bundle", "install", "--local"], any_args).and_return(shell_out) |
4147 | let(:http) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
4148 | let(:chefignore) { nil } |
4149 | loaded_cookbook.files_for(part).inject([]) { |memo, f| memo << f[:full_path]; memo } |
4150 | .with(/Ohai::Config\[:#{option}\] is deprecated/) |
4151 | let(:option) { :log_level } |
4152 | let(:value) { :debug } |
4153 | let(:option) { :log_location } |
4154 | let(:value) { "path/to/log" } |
4155 | let(:valid_json) { Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ a: "b" }) } |
4156 | let(:invalid_json) { %q[{"syntax-error": "missing quote}] } |
4157 | let(:http) { double("Chef::HTTP::Simple") } |
4158 | let(:config_location) { "/etc/chef/client.rb" } |
4159 | let(:config_content) { "# The client.rb content" } |
4160 | let(:config_location) { "client.rb" } |
4161 | let(:config_location) { "/etc/chef/first-boot.json" } |
4162 | expect(fetcher.fetch_json).to eq({ "a" => "b" }) |
4163 | let(:config_location) { "" } |
4164 | .with("").and_return(valid_json) |
4165 | let(:config_location) { nil } |
4166 | let(:data) { { "ssh-01" => { "expiration_date" => Date.jd(2463810), "justification" => "waived, yo", "run" => false } } } |
4167 | it "has a path" do |
4168 | string = <<~EOH |
4169 | let(:node) { logger) } |
4170 | r.node = node |
4171 | r.run_id = "my_run_id" |
4172 | node.normal["audit"]["profiles"]["ssh"] = { 'compliance': "base/ssh" } |
4173 | node.normal["audit"]["profiles"] = {} |
4174 | node.normal["audit"]["profiles"]["linux-baseline"] = { |
4175 | node.normal["audit"]["profiles"]["ssh"] = { |
4176 | version: "2.1.0", |
4177 | name: "ssh", |
4178 | node.normal["audit"]["profiles"] = [ |
4179 | node.normal["audit"]["owner"] = "my_org" |
4180 | node.normal["audit"]["inspec_version"] = "90210" |
4181 | node.normal["audit"]["reporter"] = [ "invalid" ] |
4182 | node.normal["audit"]["fetcher"] = "invalid" |
4183 | node.normal["audit"]["attributes"] = { |
4184 | node.normal["audit"]["inputs"] = { |
4185 | node.normal["audit"]["reporter"] = [ "chef-automate" ] |
4186 | expect(inputs["tacos"]).to eq("lunch") |
4187 | expect(inputs["chef_node"]["audit"]["reporter"]).to eq(nil) |
4188 | expect(runner.node["audit"]["interval"]["time"]).to be 1440 |
4189 | node.normal["audit"]["interval"]["enabled"] = true |
4190 | node.normal["audit"]["interval"]["time"] = 9 |
4191 | report = { |
4192 | { "id": "c1", "results": [{ "status": "passed" }] }, |
4193 | { "id": "c2", "results": [{ "status": "passed" }] }, |
4194 | report = { "profiles": [{ "name": "empty" }] } |
4195 | report = { "profiles": [{ "controls": [{ "id": "empty" }] }] } |
4196 | { "id": "c2", "results": [{ "status": "failed" }] }, |
4197 | Chef::Config[:client_key] = File.expand_path("../../../data/ssl/private_key.pem", __dir__) |
4198 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = "spec-node" |
4199 | node_info: { |
4200 | chef_tags: ["mylinux", "my.tag", "some=tag"], |
4201 | [{ "name": "tmp_compliance_profile", |
4202 | [{ "title": "A /tmp directory must exist", |
4203 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory", "run_time": 0.002312, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, |
4204 | { "title": "/tmp directory is owned by the root user", |
4205 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, |
4206 | { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, |
4207 | require "json" # For .to_json |
4208 | run_time_limit: 1.1, |
4209 | let(:token) { "fake_token" } |
4210 | ).to_return( |
4211 | body: { |
4212 | { "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "controls": ["tmp-1.0", "tmp-1.1"], "id": "controls/tmp.rb" }, |
4213 | { "name": "syslog_pkg", "options": { "default": "rsyslog", "description": "syslog package..." } }, |
4214 | body: '{"missing_sha256": []}' |
4215 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory" }, |
4216 | Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: "not_nil", server_url: nil } |
4217 | Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: nil, server_url: "not_nil" } |
4218 | Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: "not_nil", server_url: "not_nil" } |
4219 | [{ "id": "tmp-2.0", |
4220 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /etc should be directory", "run_time": 0.002314, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:45 -0400" }, |
4221 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /opt should be directory", "run_time": 0.002315, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:46 -0400" }, |
4222 | { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002316, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, |
4223 | { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002317, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, |
4224 | { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002318, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, |
4225 | { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/passwd should be directory", "run_time": 0.002313, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400" }, |
4226 | { "id": "tmp-2.1", |
4227 | { "status": "passed", "code_desc": 'File /etc should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.238845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, |
4228 | statuses = truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:results].map { |r| r[:status] } |
4229 | statuses = truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][1][:results].map { |r| r[:status] } |
4230 | expected = { |
4231 | other_checks: [], |
4232 | name: "syslog_pkg", |
4233 | options: { |
4234 | id: "tmp-1.0", |
4235 | results: [ |
4236 | id: "tmp-1.1", |
4237 | code_desc: 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', |
4238 | start_time: "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", |
4239 | version: "0.1.1", |
4240 | version: "1.2.1", |
4241 | name: ssh-baseline#{" "} |
4242 | title: DevSec SSH Baseline#{" "} |
4243 | copyright_email:{" "} |
4244 | license: Apache-2.0#{" "} |
4245 | version: 2.6.4#{" "} |
4246 | n.default["audit"] = {} |
4247 | node.default["audit"]["fetcher"] = "chef-server" |
4248 | version: "1.2.3" |
4249 | Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { |
4250 | version: "1.2.3", |
4251 | hash_including("token" => nil) |
4252 | allow(ohai).to receive(:[]) do |k| |
4253 | let(:client_opts) { {} } |
4254 | Chef::Config[:event_loggers] = [] |
4255 | c.node = node |
4256 | let(:logger) { instance_double("Mixlib::Log::Child", trace: nil, debug: nil, warn: nil, info: nil, error: nil, fatal: nil) } |
4257 | let(:stderr) { } |
4258 | let(:api_client_exists?) { false } |
4259 | let(:runner) { instance_double("Chef::Runner") } |
4260 | .with("environments/_default/cookbook_versions", { run_list: [] }) |
4261 | .and_return({}) |
4262 | response ="1.1", "404", "Not Found") |
4263 | Chef::Config[:cache_path] = windows? ? 'C:\chef' : "/var/chef" |
4264 | err.set_backtrace([ "/path/recipe.rb:15", "/path/recipe.rb:12" ]) |
4265 | let(:hostname) { "test" } |
4266 | let(:my_client) { } |
4267 | let(:cert_name) { "chef-#{hostname}" } |
4268 | let(:node_name) { "#{hostname}" } |
4269 | if d.month == 10 || d.month == 11 || d.month == 12 |
4270 | end_date = + 1, d.month - 9,, d.hour, d.min, d.sec).utc.iso8601 |
4271 | end_date =, d.month + 3,, d.hour, d.min, d.sec).utc.iso8601 |
4272 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = "test" |
4273 | Chef::Config[:auth_key_registry_type] == "user" ? store = "CurrentUser" : store = "LocalMachine" |
4274 | it "fails" do |
4275 | allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 5, 1, 5)) |
4276 | it "defaults to 1.1" do |
4277 | Chef::Config[:fips] = true |
4278 | it "defaults to 1.3" do |
4279 | let(:api_client_exists?) { true } |
4280 |, override_runlist: "role[a], role[b]") |
4281 | let(:client_opts) { { override_runlist: "recipe[override_recipe]" } } |
4282 | let(:new_runlist) { "recipe[new_run_list_recipe]" } |
4283 | let(:client_opts) { { runlist: new_runlist } } |
4284 | let(:run_errors) { [converge_error] } |
4285 | @run_lock = double("Chef::RunLock", acquire: true) |
4286 | Chef::Config[:environment] = "A" |
4287 | test_env = { "name" => "A" } |
4288 | let(:http_response) {"1.1", "404", "Not Found") } |
4289 | let(:fqdn) { nil } |
4290 | let(:machinename) { nil } |
4291 | let(:hostname) { nil } |
4292 | expect(Chef::VERSION).to match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) |
4293 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.join("a", "b", "c")).to eq("a/b/c") |
4294 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.join("a/", "/b", "/c/")).to eq("a/b/c") |
4295 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.join("a/", "/b", "///c/")).to eq("a/b/c") |
4296 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.join("/a/", "/b", "c/")).to eq("/a/b/c") |
4297 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.join("///a/", "/b", "c/")).to eq("/a/b/c") |
4298 | let(:good_path) { __dir__ } |
4299 | it "handles paths with .. and ." do |
4300 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.realest_path(good_path + "/*/foo")).to eq(File.expand_path(good_path + "/*/foo")) |
4301 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.realest_path("C:/")).to eq("C:/") |
4302 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.realest_path("/")).to eq("/") |
4303 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.descendant_path("C:/ab/b/c", "C:/AB/B")).to eq("c") |
4304 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.descendant_path("C:/ab/b/c", "c:/ab/B")).to eq("c") |
4305 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.descendant_path("/D/E/F", "/A/B/C")).to be_nil |
4306 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.descendant_path("/A/B/D", "/A/B/C")).to be_nil |
4307 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils.descendant_path("/A/B/D", "/A/B/D")).to eq("") |
4308 | describe Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem, ruby: ">= 3.0" do |
4309 | let(:fs) { memory_fs("", {}) } |
4310 | it "/" do |
4311 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/", "/") |
4312 | it "/a" do |
4313 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a", "/a") |
4314 | it "/a/b" do |
4315 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a/b", "/a/b") |
4316 | it "/*" do |
4317 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/*", "/") |
4318 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/").path).to eq("/") |
4319 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/a").path).to eq("/a") |
4320 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/a/b").path).to eq("/a/b") |
4321 | let(:fs) do |
4322 | memory_fs("", { |
4323 | a: { |
4324 | aa: { |
4325 | c: "", |
4326 | zz: "", |
4327 | ab: { |
4328 | x: "", |
4329 | y: {}, |
4330 | it "/**" do |
4331 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/*", "/", "/a", "/x", "/y") |
4332 | it "/*/*" do |
4333 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/*/*", "/a/aa", "/a/ab") |
4334 | it "/*/*/*" do |
4335 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/*/*/*", "/a/aa/c", "/a/aa/zz", "/a/ab/c") |
4336 | it "/*/*/?" do |
4337 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/*/*/?", "/a/aa/c", "/a/ab/c") |
4338 | it "/a/*/c" do |
4339 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a/*/c", "/a/aa/c", "/a/ab/c") |
4340 | it "/**b/c" do |
4341 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/**b/c", "/a/ab/c") |
4342 | it "/a/ab/c" do |
4343 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a/ab/c", "/a/ab/c") |
4344 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a/ab/blah", "/a/ab/blah") |
4345 | list_should_yield_paths(fs, "/a/ab/blah/bjork", "/a/ab/blah/bjork") |
4346 | it "resolves /" do |
4347 | it "resolves /x" do |
4348 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/x").path).to eq("/x") |
4349 | it "resolves /a" do |
4350 | it "resolves /a/aa" do |
4351 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/a/aa").path).to eq("/a/aa") |
4352 | it "resolves /a/aa/zz" do |
4353 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/a/aa/zz").path).to eq("/a/aa/zz") |
4354 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(fs, "/q/x/w").path).to eq("/q/x/w") |
4355 | it "is not empty /" do |
4356 | it "is empty /y" do |
4357 | !is_dir && File.extname(name) == ".json" |
4358 | let(:root) do |
4359 | context "#empty?" do |
4360 | dir =".test", root, tmp_dir) |
4361 | let(:file) do |
4362 | let(:content) { '"name": "canteloup"' } |
4363 | let(:file_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "test_file.json") } |
4364 | let(:error_message) { 'HTTP error writing: 400 "Bad Request"' } |
4365 | response_body = '{"error":["Invalid key test in request body"]}' |
4366 | def p(str) |
4367 | let(:pattern) {"") } |
4368 | it "match?" do |
4369 | expect(pattern.match?("/")).to be_falsey |
4370 | let(:pattern) {"/") } |
4371 | expect(pattern.match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4372 | let(:pattern) {"abc") } |
4373 | let(:pattern) {"/abc") } |
4374 | expect(pattern.exact_child_name_under("/")).to eq("abc") |
4375 | let(:pattern) {"abc/def/ghi") } |
4376 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/def/ghi") } |
4377 | let(:pattern) {'a\*\b') } |
4378 | context 'with star pattern "/abc/*/ghi"' do |
4379 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/*/ghi") } |
4380 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/d*f/ghi") } |
4381 | context 'with star pattern "/abc/d??f/ghi"' do |
4382 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/d??f/ghi") } |
4383 | context 'with star pattern "/abc/d[a-z][0-9]f/ghi"', skip: ( do |
4384 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/d[a-z][0-9]f/ghi") } |
4385 | context 'with star pattern "/abc/**/ghi"' do |
4386 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/**/ghi") } |
4387 | expect(pattern.match?("/abc/d/e/f/ghi")).to be_truthy |
4388 | context 'with star pattern "/abc**/ghi"' do |
4389 | let(:pattern) {"/abc**/ghi") } |
4390 | context 'with star pattern "/abc/**ghi"' do |
4391 | let(:pattern) {"/abc/**ghi") } |
4392 | context 'with star pattern "a**b**c"' do |
4393 | let(:pattern) {"a**b**c") } |
4394 | expect(pattern.match?("a/x/y/b/z/w/c")).to be_truthy |
4395 | expect(p("abc/").normalized_pattern).to eq("abc") |
4396 | expect(p("abc/").exact_path).to eq("abc") |
4397 | expect(p("abc/").match?("abc")).to be_truthy |
4398 | expect(p("//").normalized_pattern).to eq("/") |
4399 | expect(p("//").exact_path).to eq("/") |
4400 | expect(p("//").match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4401 | expect(p("/./").normalized_pattern).to eq("/") |
4402 | expect(p("/./").exact_path).to eq("/") |
4403 | expect(p("/./").match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4404 | expect(p("abc//def").exact_path).to eq("abc/def") |
4405 | expect(p("abc//def").match?("abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4406 | expect(p("abc//").normalized_pattern).to eq("abc") |
4407 | expect(p("abc//").exact_path).to eq("abc") |
4408 | expect(p("abc//").match?("abc")).to be_truthy |
4409 | expect(p("abc/./def").normalized_pattern).to eq("abc/def") |
4410 | expect(p("abc/./def").exact_path).to eq("abc/def") |
4411 | expect(p("abc/./def").match?("abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4412 | expect(p("./abc/def").normalized_pattern).to eq("abc/def") |
4413 | expect(p("./abc/def").exact_path).to eq("abc/def") |
4414 | expect(p("./abc/def").match?("abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4415 | expect(p("/.").normalized_pattern).to eq("/") |
4416 | expect(p("/.").exact_path).to eq("/") |
4417 | expect(p("/.").match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4418 | expect(p("abc/../def").normalized_pattern).to eq("def") |
4419 | expect(p("abc/../def").exact_path).to eq("def") |
4420 | expect(p("abc/../def").match?("def")).to be_truthy |
4421 | expect(p("abc/def/../..").normalized_pattern).to eq("") |
4422 | expect(p("abc/def/../..").exact_path).to eq("") |
4423 | expect(p("abc/def/../..").match?("")).to be_truthy |
4424 | expect(p("/*/../def").normalized_pattern).to eq("/def") |
4425 | expect(p("/*/../def").exact_path).to eq("/def") |
4426 | expect(p("/*/../def").match?("/def")).to be_truthy |
4427 | expect(p("/*/*/../def").normalized_pattern).to eq("/*/def") |
4428 | expect(p("/*/*/../def").exact_path).to be_nil |
4429 | expect(p("/*/*/../def").match?("/abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4430 | expect(p("/abc/def/../..").normalized_pattern).to eq("/") |
4431 | expect(p("/abc/def/../..").exact_path).to eq("/") |
4432 | expect(p("/abc/def/../..").match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4433 | expect(p("abc/../../def").normalized_pattern).to eq("../def") |
4434 | expect(p("abc/../../def").exact_path).to eq("../def") |
4435 | expect(p("abc/../../def").match?("../def")).to be_truthy |
4436 | expect(p("abc**/def/../ghi").exact_path).to be_nil |
4437 | expect(p("abc**/def/../ghi").match?("abc/ghi")).to be_truthy |
4438 | expect(p("abc**/def/../ghi").match?("abc/x/y/z/ghi")).to be_truthy |
4439 | expect(p("abc**/def/../ghi").match?("ghi")).to be_falsey |
4440 | expect {"abc/**/abc/../../def").exact_path }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) |
4441 | expect(p("../abc/def").exact_path).to eq("../abc/def") |
4442 | expect(p("../abc/def").match?("../abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4443 | expect(p("/../abc/def").exact_path).to eq("/abc/def") |
4444 | expect(p("/../abc/def").match?("/abc/def")).to be_truthy |
4445 | expect(p("..").exact_path).to eq("..") |
4446 | expect(p("..").match?("..")).to be_truthy |
4447 | expect(p("/..").exact_path).to eq("/") |
4448 | expect(p("/..").match?("/")).to be_truthy |
4449 | describe "diff", uses_diff: true, ruby: ">= 3.0" do |
4450 | diff = diff.gsub(/([+-]{3}.*)\t.*/, '\1 DATE') |
4451 | let(:a) do |
4452 | memory_fs("a", { |
4453 | both_dirs: { |
4454 | sub_both_dirs: { subsub: nil }, |
4455 | sub_both_dirs_empty: {}, |
4456 | sub_dirs_empty_in_a_filled_in_b: {}, |
4457 | sub_dirs_empty_in_b_filled_in_a: { subsub: nil }, |
4458 | sub_a_only_dir: { subsub: nil }, |
4459 | sub_dir_in_a_file_in_b: {}, |
4460 | sub_file_in_a_dir_in_b: nil, |
4461 | both_dirs_empty: {}, |
4462 | dirs_empty_in_a_filled_in_b: {}, |
4463 | dirs_empty_in_b_filled_in_a: { subsub: nil }, |
4464 | dirs_in_a_cannot_be_in_b: {}, |
4465 | file_in_a_cannot_be_in_b: nil, |
4466 | a_only_dir: { subsub: nil }, |
4467 | dir_in_a_file_in_b: {}, |
4468 | file_in_a_dir_in_b: nil, |
4469 | }, /cannot_be_in_a/) |
4470 | let(:b) do |
4471 | memory_fs("b", { |
4472 | sub_dirs_empty_in_a_filled_in_b: { subsub: nil }, |
4473 | sub_dirs_empty_in_b_filled_in_a: {}, |
4474 | sub_b_only_dir: { subsub: nil }, |
4475 | sub_dir_in_a_file_in_b: nil, |
4476 | sub_file_in_a_dir_in_b: {}, |
4477 | dirs_empty_in_a_filled_in_b: { subsub: nil }, |
4478 | dirs_empty_in_b_filled_in_a: {}, |
4479 | dirs_in_b_cannot_be_in_a: {}, |
4480 | file_in_b_cannot_be_in_a: nil, |
4481 | b_only_dir: { subsub: nil }, |
4482 | dir_in_a_file_in_b: nil, |
4483 | file_in_a_dir_in_b: {}, |
4484 | }, /cannot_be_in_b/) |
4485 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/"), a, b, nil, nil) do |diff| |
4486 | -a |
4487 | +b |
4488 | --- a/both_dirs/sub_a_only_file DATE |
4489 | +++ b/both_dirs/sub_b_only_file DATE |
4490 | --- a/a_only_file DATE |
4491 | +++ b/b_only_file DATE |
4492 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/both_dirs"), a, b, nil, nil) do |diff| |
4493 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/"), a, b, 1, nil) do |diff| |
4494 | it "Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(/*_*) with depth 0" do |
4495 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/*_*"), a, b, 0, nil) do |diff| |
4496 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/"), a, b, nil, :name_only) do |diff| |
4497 | Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern("/"), a, b, nil, :name_status) do |diff| |
4498 | @name = name |
4499 | @org = org |
4500 | { "name" => "worker_bees", |
4501 | { "actors" => |
4502 | { "users" => %w{fizz buzz}, |
4503 | { "name" => "grizzly", |
4504 | { "family" => "ursidae", |
4505 | @name = bag_name |
4506 | @name = "#{item_name}.json" |
4507 | let(:entry) {"luggage", "bag") } |
4508 | { "raw_data" => { "id" => "duffel" } } |
4509 | { "raw_data" => { "id" => "bag" } } |
4510 | let(:entry) {, "bag") } |
4511 | it "allows the data bag name '#{bag_name}'" do |
4512 | base_config = {} |
4513 | ui = double("ui") |
4514 |, Dir.pwd, {}, ui) |
4515 | base_config[:chef_server_url] = "" |
4516 |{ |
4517 | node_path: "/base_path/nodes", |
4518 | role_path: "/base_path/roles", |
4519 | user_path: "/base_path/users", |
4520 | chef_repo_path: "/base_path", |
4521 | chef_repo_path: %w{ /base_path /second_base_path }, |
4522 | expect(cfg.server_path("/base_path/cookbooks")).to eq("/") |
4523 | let(:cwd) { "/base_path/cookbooks" } |
4524 | expect(cfg.server_path("../roles/blah")).to eql("/roles/blah") |
4525 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils).to receive(:realest_path).with("../../readme.txt", cwd).and_return("/readme.txt") |
4526 | expect(cfg.server_path("../../readme.txt")).to be_nil |
4527 | expect(Chef::ChefFS::PathUtils).to receive(:realest_path).with("*/*ab*", cwd).and_return("/base_path/cookbooks/*/*ab*") |
4528 | expect(cfg.server_path("*/*ab*")).to eql("/cookbooks/*/*ab*") |
4529 | let(:path) { "/roles/foo.json" } |
4530 | let(:entry) { } |
4531 | expect(cfg.format_path(entry)).to eq(".") |
4532 | cfg =, "/base_path") |
4533 | expect(cfg).to receive(:base_path).and_return("/").at_least(:once) |
4534 | let(:platform) { "debian" } |
4535 | x = 1 |
4536 | x = 2 |
4537 | expect(x).to eq(2) |
4538 | Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = [__LINE__ + 4] |
4539 | Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["chef_class_spec.rb:#{__LINE__ + 4}"] |
4540 | Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["exit_code", "chef_class_spec.rb:#{__LINE__ + 6}"] |
4541 | expect { Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") }.to raise_error(/I'm a little teapot./) |
4542 | let(:config_content) { "rspec_ran('true')" } |
4543 | let(:config_location) { "/etc/chef/default.rb" } |
4544 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :auto |
4545 | expect { app.run_chef_client([]) }.not_to raise_error |
4546 | let(:tempfile) {"default.rb").path } |
4547 | let(:fatal) { false } |
4548 | allow(app).to receive(:cli_arguments).and_return(["", "test"]) |
4549 | let(:app) { } |
4550 | Chef::Config[:solo] = true |
4551 | Chef::Config[:splay] = nil |
4552 | let(:json_source) { "" } |
4553 | expect(archive).to receive(:extract).with("#{Dir.tmpdir}/chef-solo", { perms: false, ignore: /^\.$/ }) |
4554 | json_attribs = { "a" => "b" } |
4555 | Chef::Config[:json_attribs] = "" |
4556 | let(:dot_d_config_name) { :solo_d_dir } |
4557 | let(:root_path) { windows? ? "C:/var/chef" : "/var/chef" } |
4558 | it "deletes --ez" do |
4559 | expect(ARGV.include?("--ez")).to be_falsey |
4560 | run_count = 0 |
4561 | run_count += 1 |
4562 | if run_count > 3 |
4563 | let(:app) do |
4564 | a.cli_arguments = [] |
4565 | cli_arguments ||= "" |
4566 | describe "--[no]-fork" do |
4567 | chef_server_url: "http://example", policy_name: "web" |
4568 | ARGV.replace(["--config-option", ""]) |
4569 | ARGV.replace(["--config-option", "asdf"]) |
4570 | let(:archive) { double } |
4571 | let(:config_exists) { false } |
4572 | ARGV.replace(["--recipe-url=test_url"]) |
4573 | ARGV.replace(["--local-mode", "--recipe-url=test_url"]) |
4574 | ARGV.replace(["--local-mode", "--recipe-url=test_url", "--delete-entire-chef-repo"]) |
4575 | .with("the_path_to_the_repo", secure: true) |
4576 | it "sets { recipe_url: 'test_url' }" do |
4577 | .with("the_path_to_the_repo") |
4578 | .with("test_url", File.join("the_path_to_the_repo", "recipes.tgz")) |
4579 | .with(File.join("the_path_to_the_repo", "recipes.tgz")) |
4580 | .with("the_path_to_the_repo", perms: false, ignore: /^\.$/) |
4581 | let(:config_exists) { true } |
4582 | File.join("the_path_to_the_repo", ".chef/config.rb") |
4583 | Chef::Config[:once] = true |
4584 | let(:daemonize) { true } |
4585 | let(:wait_secs) { 1 } |
4586 | let(:daemonize) { wait_secs } |
4587 | pid = fork do |
4588 | Chef::Config[:splay] = 60 |
4589 | Chef::Config[:pid_file] = "/path/to/file" |
4590 | Chef::Config[:lockfile] = "/path/to/file" |
4591 | let(:dot_d_config_name) { :client_d_dir } |
4592 | let(:app) { } |
4593 | @pipe = IO.pipe |
4594 | @pipe[1].puts "started" |
4595 | expect(@pipe[0].gets).to eq("started ") |
4596 | expect([@pipe[0]], nil, nil, 15)).not_to be_nil |
4597 | expect(@pipe[0].gets).to eq("finished ") |
4598 | expect([@pipe[0]], nil, nil, 0)).not_to be_nil |
4599 | Chef::Config[:splay] = 10 |
4600 | let(:validation_path) { "" } |
4601 | @recipe_file_name = "foo.rb" |
4602 | @recipe_file = double("Tempfile (mock)", read: @recipe_text) |
4603 | expect { }.to raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).to eq(1) } |
4604 | @json = @client.to_json |
4605 | let(:jsonable) { @client } |
4606 | client = { |
4607 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = nil |
4608 |[:client_key], "r") { |f| } |
4609 | name: "some_name", |
4610 | let(:rest_v0) { @client.chef_rest_v0 } |
4611 | let(:rest_v1) { @client.chef_rest_v1 } |
4612 | expect(rest). to receive(:put).with("clients/some_name", { name: "some_name" }).and_return({ name: "some_name" }) |
4613 | let(:rest) { @client.chef_rest_v1 } |
4614 | let(:rest) { @client.chef_rest_v0 } |
4615 | expect(@client.chef_rest_v0).to receive(:put).with("clients/#{}", payload.merge({ private_key: true })).and_return({}) |
4616 | @api_client_with_key = { "name" => "lost-my-key", "private_key" => "the new private key" } |
4617 | let(:client_name) { "silent-bob" } |
4618 |[:validation_key], "r") { |f| } |
4619 | let(:http_mock) { double("Chef::ServerAPI mock") } |
4620 | let(:response_409) {"1.1", "409", "Conflict") } |
4621 | { "name" => client_name, |
4622 | { name: client_name, admin: false } |
4623 | expect( eq("--begin rsa key etc--") |
4624 | @server = nil |
4625 | def get(path, response_code, data = nil, headers = nil, &block) |
4626 | def put(path, response_code, data = nil, headers = nil, &block) |
4627 | debug_info = { message: "no data matches the request for #{env["REQUEST_URI"]}", |
4628 | [404, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, [ Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(debug_info) ]] |
4629 | @path_spec === uri |
4630 | HEADERS = { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }.freeze |
4631 | @block = block_given? ? block : nil |
4632 | data = @data || |
4633 | expect(rest_v1).to receive(:post).with(url, payload.merge({ public_key: "some_public_key" })).and_return({}) |
4634 | expect(rest_v1).to receive(:post).with(url, payload.merge({ create_key: true })).and_return({}) |
4635 | expect(rest_v0).to receive(:post).with(url, payload.merge({ public_key: "some_public_key" })).and_return({}) |
4636 | non_unique: false }) |
4637 | combined_opts = [] |
4638 | combined_opts << option << "hola" |
4639 | expect(provider.useradd_options).to eq([ "-r", "-m" ]) |
4640 | it "should set -m -d /homedir" do |
4641 | command = ["useradd", |
4642 | command.concat([ "-s", "/usr/bin/zsh", |
4643 | command = ["usermod", |
4644 | command.concat([ { returns: [0, 12] } ]) |
4645 | @stdout = "root P 09/02/2008 0 99999 7 -1" |
4646 | .with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, { returns: [0, 1] }) |
4647 | @stdout = "root N" |
4648 | @stdout = "root L" |
4649 | ].each do |home_check| |
4650 | windows? ?"\\", "/") : normalized_path |
4651 | slug = "#{basename}-#{rand(1 << 128)}" |
4652 | stat_struct = double("::File.stat", mode: 0600, uid: 0, gid: 0, mtime: 10000) |
4653 | let(:tempfile_name) { "foo-bar-baz" } |
4654 | t = double("Tempfile", path: "/tmp/#{tempfile_name}", closed?: true) |
4655 | Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] = "/tmp" |
4656 | tempfile = double("Tempfile", path: "/tmp/foo-bar-baz") |
4657 | let(:tempfile_path) { "/tmp/foo-bar-baz" } |
4658 | let(:diff_for_reporting) { "+++ --- +foo -bar " } |
4659 | diff = double("Diff", for_output: ["+++", "---", "+foo", "-bar"], |
4660 | @platform_hash = {} |
4661 | @platform_hash[x] = { |
4662 | @platform_hash["debian"] = { %w{5 6} => "debian-5/6", "default" => "debian" } |
4663 | @platform_hash["exact_match"] = { "1.2.3" => "exact", ">= 1.0" => "not exact" } |
4664 | @platform_hash["multiple_matches"] = { "~> 2.3.4" => "matched ~> 2.3.4", ">= 2.3" => "matched >=2.3" } |
4665 | @platform_hash["invalid_cookbook_version"] = { ">= 21" => "Matches a single number" } |
4666 | @platform_hash["successful_matches"] = { "< 3.0" => "matched < 3.0", ">= 3.0" => "matched >= 3.0" } |
4667 | %i{rhel fedora} => "redhatty value", |
4668 | node = {} |
4669 | it "should not require .0 to match >= 21.0" do |
4670 | @platform_hash = { |
4671 | @properties = { |
4672 | stdout: "", |
4673 | stderr: "", |
4674 | it "exits 1" do |
4675 | def memory_fs_value(value, name = "", parent = nil) |
4676 | if value.is_a?(Hash) |
4677 | result_paths = [] |
4678 | test_hash = { one: :two } |
4679 | @resource.cwd("/tmp/") |
4680 | @resource.environment({ one: :two }) |
4681 | let(:client_d_dir) { nil } |
4682 | File.join(__dir__, "../../../data/client.d_00") |
4683 | File.join(__dir__, "../../data/client.d_01") |
4684 | File.join(__dir__, "../../data/client.d_02") |
4685 | @config = { |
4686 | @response ="1.1", "400", "(response) bad request") |
4687 | @response ="1.1", "404", "(response) not found") |
4688 | expected = if windows? && ENV[varname].nil? |
4689 | actual && actual == exp_code |
4690 | (actual.nil? ? " not called" : "(#{actual}) was called") |
4691 | if args.length == 1 |
4692 | args = args[0].split(/\s+/) |
4693 | puts "knife: #{args.join(" ")}" if DEBUG |
4694 | Chef::Config[:verbosity] = ( DEBUG ? 2 : 0 ) |
4695 | logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity}: #{msg} " } |
4696 | Chef::Log.level = ( DEBUG ? :debug : :warn ) |
4697 | exit_code = 0 |
4698 | expected = {} |
4699 | if arg.is_a?(Hash) |
4700 | expected[:stdout] = expected[:stdout].is_a?(String) ? expected[:stdout].gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") : expected[:stdout] |
4701 | expected[:stderr] = expected[:stderr].is_a?(String) ? expected[:stderr].gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") : expected[:stderr] |
4702 | stderr_actual = stderr_actual.gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") |
4703 | stdout_actual = stdout_actual.gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") |
4704 | stderr_actual = stderr_actual.gsub("\r ", " ") |
4705 | stdout_actual = stdout_actual.gsub("\r ", " ") |
4706 | context("when the chef repo #{desc}", *tags) do |
4707 | FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless dir == "." |
4708 |, "w") do |file| |
4709 | @old_cwd = Dir.pwd |
4710 | expected_architecture == :i386 ? "X86" : "AMD64" |
4711 | let(:guard_architecture) { :x86_64 } |
4712 | let(:read_access_denied_command) { "'#{script_file_path}')" } |
4713 | let(:modify_access_denied_command) { "::File.write('#{script_file_path}', 'stuff')" } |
4714 | let(:delete_access_denied_command) { "::File.delete('#{script_file_path}')" } |
4715 | let(:command_template) { "set BUNDLE_GEMFILE=&#{ruby_interpreter_path} -e \"#{ruby_command_template}\"" } |
4716 | resource.code("chcp > \"#{script_output_path}\"") |
4717 |"#{script_output_path}#{suffix}") |
4718 | if ohai[:platform] == "aix" |
4719 | let(:expected_user_name) { "guest" } |
4720 | let(:expected_user_name) { "nobody" } |
4721 | let(:desired_gid) { 1337 } |
4722 | let(:expected_gid) { 1337 } |
4723 | let(:set_mode) { "0740" } |
4724 | let(:expected_mode) { "0740" } |
4725 | let(:set_mode) { 00740 } |
4726 | expect(current_resource.mode).to eq("0#{(0666 & ~File.umask).to_s(8)}") |
4727 | let(:default_create_mode) { 0666 & ~File.umask } |
4728 | let(:expected_mode) { "0#{default_create_mode.to_s(8)}" } |
4729 | let(:set_mode) { 0666 & ~File.umask } |
4730 | let(:expected_mode) { "0#{set_mode.to_s(8)}" } |
4731 | let(:expected_user_name) { "Guest" } |
4732 | let(:expected_user_name) { 'domain\user' } |
4733 | now = |
4734 | File.utime(now - 9000, now - 9000, path) |
4735 | File.chown(0, 0, path) |
4736 | hashes = [] |
4737 | hashes << { mask: ace.mask, type: ace.type, flags: ace.flags } |
4738 | let(:write_flag) { 3 } |
4739 | ace.mask == mask && |
4740 | ace.type == type && |
4741 | @mode_string = "776" |
4742 | it ":read rights" do |
4743 | @warn = [] |
4744 | allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn) { |msg| @warn << msg } |
4745 | @api.get("/nyan_cat.png", 200) do |
4746 | @api.get("/nyan_cat.png.gz", 200, nil, { "Content-Type" => "application/gzip", "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" } ) do |
4747 | @api.get("/nyan_cat_compressed.png", 200, nil, { "Content-Type" => "application/gzip", "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" } ) do |
4748 | @api.get("/nyan_cat_content_length.png", 200, nil, |
4749 | }) do |
4750 | @api.get("/nyan_cat_truncated.png", 200, nil, |
4751 | @api.get("/forbidden", 403, "Forbidden", |
4752 |"/posty", 200, "Hi!") |
4753 | @api.get("/bad_request", 400, '{ "error": [ "Your request is just terrible." ] }') |
4754 |"/bad_request", 400, '{ "error": [ "Your request is just terrible." ] }') |
4755 | @server = @api = nil |
4756 | let(:source) { "http://localhost:9000/nyan_cat.png" } |
4757 | let(:source) { "http://localhost:9000/nyan_cat.png.gz" } |
4758 | let(:source) { "http://localhost:9000/forbidden" } |
4759 | let(:path) do |
4760 | !symlink?(file_path) && File.file?(file_path) |
4761 | let(:backup_glob) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_BACKUP_PATH, test_file_dir.sub(/^([A-Za-z]:)/, ""), "#{file_base}*") } |
4762 | let(:expect_updated?) { true } |
4763 | restorecon_test_command = "#{@restorecon_path} -n -v #{path}" |
4764 |, "wb") { |f| f.print "This is so wrong!!!" } |
4765 | let(:link1_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-link2") } |
4766 | let(:link2_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-link1") } |
4767 | let(:link_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-nothing") } |
4768 | let(:not_existent_source) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "i-am-not-here") } |
4769 | let(:not_a_file_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "dir-at-end-of-symlink") } |
4770 | let(:link_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-real-file") } |
4771 |, "wb") { |f| f.write(expected_content) } |
4772 |, "wb") { |f| f.write(wrong_content) } |
4773 | let(:expect_updated?) { false } |
4774 | let(:link_to_file_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-real-file") } |
4775 | let(:link_to_link_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "points-to-next-link") } |
4776 | result = shell_out!("mknod #{path} b 1 2") |
4777 | result = shell_out!("mknod #{path} c 1 2") |
4778 | result = shell_out!("mkfifo #{path}") |
4779 | let(:test_socket_dir) { File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "sockets") } |
4780 |, "wb") { |f| f.print "This is so wrong!!!" } |
4781 |, "wb") { |f| f.print expected_content } |
4782 | let(:temp_profile_path) { "#{ENV["USERPROFILE"]}\\..\\cheftesttempuser" } |
4783 | shell_out!("net.exe user /delete #{windows_nonadmin_user}", returns: [0, 2]) |
4784 | let(:windows_alternate_user) { "chef%02d%02d%02d" % [ % 100,,] } |
4785 | shell_out!("icacls \"#{"/", "\\")}\" /grant \"authenticated users:(F)\"") |
4786 | let(:powershell_equal_to_alternate_user) { "-eq" } |
4787 | win32 = Object.send(:const_get, "Win32") |
4788 | libarchive_paths = Dir.glob("{#{Gem.dir},C:/hab}/**/libarchive.dll").map { |f| File.expand_path(f) } |
4789 | $stderr.puts <<~EOL |
4790 | !!!! |
4791 | $stderr.puts " Found the following libarchive paths: #{ { |f| "- #{f} " }.join} " |
4792 | @node ||= do |n| |
4793 | @run_context ||=, {}, event_dispatch).tap do |rc| |
4794 | @test_service_file = "#{ENV["TMP"]}/spec_service_file" |
4795 |, "wb") do |f| |
4796 | ::GC.start |
4797 | end.tap { |l| l.present = present } |
4798 | (win32_os_version && win32_os_version.start_with?("6.3")) |
4799 | supports_dsc = !! lcm |
4800 | windows? && !windows64? |
4801 | macos? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i >= 11) |
4802 | RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("freebsd") && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_f >= 12.3) |
4803 | !!(ohai[:kernel][:machine] == "x86_64") |
4804 | !!(ohai[:platform_family] == "rhel") |
4805 | rhel? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i == 6) |
4806 | suse? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i >= 15) |
4807 | rhel? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i == 7) |
4808 | rhel? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i == 8) |
4809 | rhel? && !!(ohai[:platform_version].to_i >= 8) |
4810 | !!(ohai[:platform_family] == "debian") |
4811 | !((ohai[:virtualization] || {})[:wpar_no].nil?) |
4812 | !!(ohai[:platform_family] == "suse") |
4813 | raise "#{__method__}: unrecognized platform '#{platform}', expected one of ':unix' or ':windows'" |
4814 | def initialize(opts = {}) |
4815 | @warmup = opts[:warmup] || 5 |
4816 | @variance = opts[:variance] || 5000 |
4817 | require File.join(__dir__, "..", "platforms", "prof", "win32") |
4818 | require File.join(__dir__, "..", "prof", "gc") |
4819 | @load_order ||= [] |
4820 | @peace = tf |
4821 | @master = arg |
4822 | @i_can_count = tf |
4823 | if [true, false].include?(arg) |
4824 | @action = "sell" |
4825 | c =[]) |
4826 | let(:params) { [] } |
4827 | let(:params) { ["charmander"] } |
4828 | suffix = "" |
4829 | t ="%Y%m%d") |
4830 | path = "#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}" |
4831 | path << "-#{n}" if n |
4832 | windows? ?"/", "\\") : path |
4833 |, "w") do |file| |
4834 | file.write("hi") |
4835 | @path = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "data", "old_home_dir", "my-dot-emacs")) |
4836 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("..", __dir__) |
4837 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../chef-config/lib", __dir__) |
4838 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../chef-utils/lib", __dir__) |
4839 | Dir["spec/support/**/*.rb"] |
4840 | .grep_v(%r{^spec/support/pedant}) |
4841 | .map { |f| f.gsub(/.rb$/, "") } |
4842 | .map { |f| f.gsub(%r{spec/}, "") } |
4843 | .each { |f| require f } |
4844 | test_node.automatic["os"] = (OHAI_SYSTEM["os"] || "unknown_os").dup.freeze |
4845 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :fatal |
4846 | if Process.euid == 0 && Process.uid == 0 |
4847 | if Process.uid != 0 |
4848 | RSpec.configure { |c| c.fail_fast = true } |
4849 | if Process.euid != 0 |
4850 | let(:chef_dir) { File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..") } |
4851 | let(:cookbook_x_100_metadata_rb) { cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") } |
4852 | let(:cookbook_ancient_100_metadata_rb) { cb_metadata("ancient", "1.0.0") } |
4853 | let(:nodes_dir) { File.join(@repository_dir, "nodes") } |
4854 | let(:node_file) { Dir[File.join(nodes_dir, "*.json")][0] } |
4855 | file "config/solo.rb", <<~EOM |
4856 | result = shell_out("bundle exec #{ChefUtils::Dist::Solo::EXEC} --minimal-ohai --always-dump-stacktrace -c \"#{path_to("config/solo.rb")}\" -l debug", cwd: chef_dir) |
4857 | expect(File.stat(nodes_dir).mode.to_s(8)[-3..-1]).to eq("700") |
4858 | expect(File.stat(node_file).mode.to_s(8)[-4..-1]).to eq("0600") |
4859 | cookbook_path "#{path_to("cookbooks")}" |
4860 | file_cache_path "#{path_to("config/cache")}" |
4861 | result = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/solo.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' -l debug", cwd: chef_dir) |
4862 | file "config/node.json", <<~E |
4863 | {"run_list":["x::default"]} |
4864 | result = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/solo.rb")}\" -j '#{path_to("config/node.json")}' -l debug", cwd: chef_dir) |
4865 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", " chef_version '~> 999.0'") |
4866 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", " ohai_version '~> 999.0'") |
4867 | file "logs/runs.log", "" |
4868 | while[:log_location][0]) !~ /.* is running, will wait for it to finish and then run./ |
4869 | raise "we ran out of retries" if ( retries -= 1 ) <= 0 |
4870 | chef_dir = File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..") |
4871 | threads = [] |
4872 | s1 = Process.spawn("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/solo.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' -l debug -L #{path_to("logs/runs.log")}", chdir: chef_dir) |
4873 | s2 = Process.spawn("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/solo.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' -l debug -L #{path_to("logs/runs.log")}", chdir: chef_dir) |
4874 | run_log ="logs/runs.log")) |
4875 | expect(run_log.lines.reject { |l| !l.include? "Run complete in" }.length).to eq(2) |
4876 | let(:chef_dir) { File.expand_path("../../..", __dir__) } |
4877 | file "resources/thing.rb", <<-EOM |
4878 | file "recipes/default.rb", <<~EOM |
4879 | file "config/client.rb", <<-EOM |
4880 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" --no-color -F doc -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
4881 | var = "foo" |
4882 | puts " first: \#\{var\}" |
4883 | var = "bar" |
4884 | puts " second: \#\{var\}" |
4885 | var = "baz" |
4886 | file "recipes/default.rb", <<-EOM |
4887 | file "config/client.rb", <<~EOM |
4888 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" --no-color -F doc -o 'x::default' -l debug", cwd: chef_dir) |
4889 | puts " notified: \#\{var\}" |
4890 | puts " notifying: \#\{var\}" |
4891 | edit_resource(:log, "name") do |
4892 | find_resource(:log, "name") do |
4893 | before(:all) { Namer.current_index = 1 } |
4894 | before { Namer.current_index += 1 } |
4895 | .select { |name, p| p.is_set?(self) } |
4896 | .map { |name, p| "#{name}=#{p.get(self)}" } |
4897 | .join(", ")})" |
4898 | e = self |
4899 | r = nil |
4900 | r = public_send(e.resource_name, "blah") do |
4901 | def index; @index ||= 1; end |
4902 | let(:converge_recipe) { "#{resource_name} 'blah'" } |
4903 | def foo(value = nil) |
4904 | foo "foo!" |
4905 | ActionJackson.succeeded += " #{bar}" if respond_to?(:bar) |
4906 | @foo = "#{value}alope" if value |
4907 | def bar(value = nil) |
4908 | @bar = "#{value}alope" if value |
4909 | ActionJackalope.succeeded = "#{foo} #{blarghle} #{bar}" |
4910 | bar "bar!" |
4911 | set_or_return(:group, value, {}) |
4912 | new_resource.x = a + c |
4913 | expect(r.x).to eq(4) |
4914 | expect(r.x).to eq(8) |
4915 | let(:chef_dir) { File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..", "bin") } |
4916 | file "aaa", "" |
4917 | file "zzz/file", "" |
4918 | file "aaa/file", "" |
4919 | file "zzz", "" |
4920 | let!(:dest_dir) { path_to("dest_dir") } |
4921 | shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'test::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
4922 | path = path_to(path) |
4923 | (stat.mode & 0777).to_s(8) |
4924 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub1")).to eq "754" |
4925 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub1/aaa")).to eq "777" |
4926 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub1/zzz")).to eq "754" |
4927 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub1/zzz/file")).to eq "777" |
4928 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub2")).to eq "754" |
4929 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub2/aaa")).to eq "754" |
4930 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub2/aaa/file")).to eq "777" |
4931 | expect(mode_of("dest_dir/sub2/zzz")).to eq "777" |
4932 | base_thingy("blah") {} |
4933 | base_thingy { ; } |
4934 | bar_thingy("blah") {} |
4935 | no_name_thingy("blah") {} |
4936 | another_no_name_thingy("blah") {} |
4937 | another_thingy_name("blah") {} |
4938 | another_no_name_thingy_7("blah") {} |
4939 | my_supplier("blah") {} |
4940 | hemlock("blah") {} |
4941 | thingy3("blah") {} |
4942 | thingy4("blah") {} |
4943 | thingy5("blah") {} |
4944 | thingy6("blah") {} |
4945 | thingy5_2("blah") {} |
4946 | thingy7("blah") {} |
4947 | thingy8("blah") {} |
4948 | thingy12("blah") {} |
4949 | twizzle("blah") {} |
4950 | twizzle2("blah") {} |
4951 | my_super_thingy("blah") {} |
4952 | context "and a priority array [ Z, B ]" do |
4953 | context "and priority arrays [ B ] and [ Z ]" do |
4954 | context "with a priority array [ Z, B ]" do |
4955 | context "with priority arrays [ B ] and [ Z ]" do |
4956 | instance_eval("#{temp_two_classes_one_dsl} 'blah' do; end") |
4957 | let(:my_resource) { :"my_resource#{Namer.current_index}" } |
4958 | instance_eval("#{dsl_name} 'foo'") |
4959 | instance_eval("#{temp_my_resource} 'foo'") |
4960 | before(:all) { Namer.current_index = 0 } |
4961 | provider_thingy("blah") {} |
4962 | file "resources/nb_test.rb", <<-EOM |
4963 | log "bar" do |
4964 | log "baz" do |
4965 | log "quux" |
4966 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* notify_group\[foo\] action run\s+\* log\[quux\] action write\s+\* log\[bar\] action write\s+\* log\[baz\] action write/) |
4967 | log "foo" do |
4968 | log "baz" |
4969 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* notify_group\[bar\] action run\s+\* log\[baz\] action write\s+\* log\[foo\] action write/) |
4970 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* notify_group\[bar\] action run\s+\* notify_group\[baz\] action run\s+\* log\[foo\] action write/) |
4971 | expect(result.stdout).not_to match(/\* log\[foo\] action write.*\* log\[foo\] action write/) |
4972 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* notify_group\[bar\] action run\s+\* log\[foo\] action write\s+\* log\[baz\] action write/) |
4973 | log [ "a", "b" ] do |
4974 | notifies :write, "log[a, b]" |
4975 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* log\[a, b\] action write/) |
4976 | file "resources/foo.rb", <<~EOM |
4977 | file "providers/foo.rb", <<~EOM |
4978 | l_w_r_p_foo "me" |
4979 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" --no-color -F doc -o 'l-w-r-p::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
4980 | expect(result.stdout).to match(/\* l_w_r_p_foo\[me\] action create \(up to date\)/) |
4981 | block { r.ran_a "ran a" } |
4982 | have_updated("ruby_block[run a]", :run) |
4983 | expect(r.ran_a).to eq "ran a" |
4984 | ran_a = r.ran_a |
4985 | block { r.ran_b "ran b: ran_a value was #{ran_a.inspect}" } |
4986 | .and have_updated("ruby_block[run a]", :run) |
4987 | .and have_updated("ruby_block[run b]", :run) |
4988 | expect(r.ran_b).to eq "ran b: ran_a value was \"ran a\"" |
4989 | x_do_nothing 'a' |
4990 | x_do_nothing 'b' |
4991 | actual =" ") |
4992 | expected = <<EOM |
4993 | (up to date) |
4994 | expected =" ") |
4995 | path = t.path |
4996 | variables[:aliases] ||= {} |
4997 | recipients [ "out1a", "out1b" ] |
4998 | recipients [ "out2a", "out2b" ] |
4999 | recipients [ "out3a", "out3b" ] |
5000 | file "templates/aliases.erb", <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/, "") |
5001 | <%= pp @aliases %> |
5002 | variables[:aliases] = {} |
5003 | r.variables[:aliases][new_resource.address] ||= [] |
5004 | let(:ohai) { "bundle exec ohai" } |
5005 | shell_out!("#{ohai} hostname") |
5006 | expect(delta).to be < 4 |
5007 | let(:report_file) { path_to("report_file.json") } |
5008 | file "inspec.yml", <<~FILE |
5009 | file "my_control.rb", <<~FILE |
5010 | result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} --local-mode --json-attributes #{path_to("attributes.json")}", cwd: chef_dir) |
5011 | expect(profile["name"]).to eq("my-profile") |
5012 | expect(control["id"]).to eq("my control") |
5013 | expect(result["status"]).to eq("passed") |
5014 | default['audit']['reporter'] = "json-file" |
5015 | default['audit']['json_file'] = { |
5016 | include_profile ".*::.*" |
5017 | result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -r 'recipe[x]'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5018 | let(:chef_zero_opts) { { host: "::1" } } |
5019 | chef_server_url "http://[::1]:8900" |
5020 | cache_path '#{cache_path}' |
5021 | let(:chef_client_cmd) { %Q{bundle exec #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::CLIENT} --minimal-ohai -c "#{path_to("config/client.rb")}" -lwarn --always-dump-stacktrace} } |
5022 | cookbook "noop", "1.0.0", {}, "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "#raise 'foo'" } |
5023 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client_cmd} -o 'noop::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5024 | Chef::Log.error("!" * 80) |
5025 | data_bag("expect_bag", { "expect_item" => { "expect_key" => "expect_value" } }) |
5026 | cookbook "api-smoke-test", "1.0.0", {}, "recipes" => { "default.rb" => recipe } |
5027 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client_cmd} -o 'api-smoke-test::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5028 | shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", |
5029 | @api.get("/recipes.tgz", 200) do |
5030 | else { |
5031 | Try { |
5032 | if ($response) {return $true} |
5033 | let(:client_name) { "chef-973334" } |
5034 | let(:hostname) { "973334" } |
5035 | shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -K #{@path} ", cwd: chef_dir) |
5036 | shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" ", cwd: chef_dir) |
5037 | before { file "cookbooks/x/recipes/default.rb", "" } |
5038 | shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5039 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} --no-listen -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5040 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -r 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to("")) |
5041 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to("")) |
5042 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: path_to("cookbooks/x")) |
5043 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default' --disable-config", cwd: File.expand_path("..", path_to(""))) |
5044 | before { file ".chef/knife.rb", "" } |
5045 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -z -o 'x::default'", cwd: path_to(""), env: { "PWD" => nil }) |
5046 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5047 | file "mykey.pem", <<~EOM |
5048 | file "arbitrary.rb", <<~EOM |
5049 | file "arbitrary2.rb", <<~EOM |
5050 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" #{path_to("arbitrary.rb")} #{path_to("arbitrary2.rb")}", cwd: chef_dir) |
5051 | expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("1") |
5052 | expect("tempfile2.txt"))).to eq("2") |
5053 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" arbitrary.rb", cwd: path_to("")) |
5054 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o x::constant_definition arbitrary.rb", cwd: path_to("")) |
5055 | file "config/dna.json", <<~EOM |
5056 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -j \"#{path_to("config/dna.json")}\" arbitrary.rb", cwd: path_to("")) |
5057 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: chef_dir) |
5058 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --local-mode", cwd: chef_dir) |
5059 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -r 'x::default' -z -l info", cwd: chef_dir) |
5060 | name 'x' |
5061 | version '0.0.1' |
5062 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5063 | expect(result.stdout).to include('COOKBOOKS: {"x"=>{"version"=>"0.0.1"}}') |
5064 | chef_version '~> 999.99' |
5065 | command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5066 | result = [] |
5067 | pos = 0 |
5068 | pos = match.end(0) + 1 |
5069 | result = shell_out!("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5070 | [true, false].each do |lazy| |
5071 | no_lazy_load #{lazy} |
5072 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -l debug -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5073 | english[:version] = "2014" |
5074 | expect("tempfile.txt"))).to eq("2014") |
5075 | let(:tmp_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir("recipe-url") } |
5076 | chef_repo_path "#{tmp_dir}" |
5077 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" --recipe-url=http://localhost:9000/recipes.tgz -o 'x::default' -z", cwd: tmp_dir) |
5078 | result = shell_out("#{chef_client} --recipe-url=#{broken_path}", cwd: tmp_dir) |
5079 | command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5080 | command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork | tee #{path_to("chefrun.out")}", cwd: chef_dir) |
5081 | command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --no-fork | tee #{path_to("chefrun.out")}", cwd: chef_dir) |
5082 | command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5083 | command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default'", cwd: chef_dir) |
5084 | command = shell_out("#{chef_client} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5085 | command = shell_out("#{chef_solo} -c \"#{path_to("config/client.rb")}\" -o 'x::default' --fork", cwd: chef_dir) |
5086 | eager_load_libraries [ "default.rb", "loadme/**/*.rb" ] |
5087 | method_name_pattern = /[a-z]+([a-z]|[0-9]|_)*\?{0,1}/ |
5088 | is_win2k8 = os_version_components[0] == "6" && os_version_components[1] == "0" |
5089 | let(:file_path) { ENV["ComSpec"] } |
5090 | let(:user) { "security_user" } |
5091 | let(:password) { "Security@123" } |
5092 | add_user ="net user #{user} #{password} /ADD") |
5093 | let(:user_right) { "SeTest" } |
5094 | reg["RootType1", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "fibrous" |
5095 | reg.write("Roots", Win32::Registry::REG_MULTI_SZ, ["strong roots", "healthy tree"]) |
5096 | reg["Strong", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "bird nest" |
5097 | @run_context =, {}, events) |
5098 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals" })).to eq(true) |
5099 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "petals" })).to eq(true) |
5100 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "FOOBAR" })).to eq(false) |
5101 | expect(@registry.value_exists!("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals" })).to eq(true) |
5102 | expect(@registry.value_exists!("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "petals" })).to eq(true) |
5103 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Pink Delicate} })).to eq(true) |
5104 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "petals", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Pink Delicate} })).to eq(true) |
5105 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "slateP", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Pink Delicate} })).to eq(false) |
5106 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :string, data: "Pink" })).to eq(false) |
5107 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Mauve Delicate} })).to eq(false) |
5108 | expect(@registry.data_exists!("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Pink Delicate} })).to eq(true) |
5109 | expect(@registry.data_exists!("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "petals", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Pink Delicate} })).to eq(true) |
5110 | expect(values).to eq([{ name: "RootType1", type: :string, data: "fibrous" }, |
5111 | { name: "Roots", type: :multi_string, data: ["strong roots", "healthy tree"] }]) |
5112 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(true) |
5113 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(true) |
5114 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :string, data: "Yellow" })).to eq(true) |
5115 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :string, data: "Yellow" })).to eq(true) |
5116 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Petals", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(false) |
5117 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Stamen", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(true) |
5118 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Stamen", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(true) |
5119 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "Stamen", type: :multi_string, data: ["Yellow", "Changed Color"] })).to eq(false) |
5120 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBe32767", type: :dword, data: "32767" })).to eq(true) |
5121 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBe32767", type: :dword, data: 32767 })).to eq(true) |
5122 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBeZero", type: :dword, data: 0 })).to eq(true) |
5123 | expect(@registry.set_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBePainful", type: :string, data: %w{one two} })).to eq(true) |
5124 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBePainful", type: :string, data: '["one", "two"]' })).to eq(true) |
5125 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Branch\\Flower", { name: "ShouldBe65535", type: :string, data: "65535" })).to eq(true) |
5126 | reg["Peter", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "Tiny" |
5127 | expect(@registry.delete_value("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Trunk\\Peck\\Woodpecker", { name: "Peter", type: :string, data: "Tiny" })).to eq(true) |
5128 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root\\Trunk\\Peck\\Woodpecker", { name: "Peter", type: :string, data: "Tiny" })).to eq(false) |
5129 | reg_subkeys = [] |
5130 | reg.each_key { |name| reg_subkeys << name } |
5131 | @r =, :i386) |
5132 | @r =, :x86_64) |
5133 | reg["Alert", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "Universal" |
5134 | reg["Status", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "Lost" |
5135 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKLM\\Software\\Root\\Poosh", { name: "Status" })).to eq(true) |
5136 | expect(@registry.value_exists?("HKLM\\Software\\Root\\Mauve", { name: "Alert" })).to eq(true) |
5137 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKLM\\Software\\Root\\Poosh", { name: "Status", type: :string, data: "Lost" })).to eq(true) |
5138 | expect(@registry.data_exists?("HKLM\\Software\\Root\\Mauve", { name: "Alert", type: :string, data: "Universal" })).to eq(true) |
5139 | let(:plaintext) { "p@assword" } |
5140 | if ($plaintext -ne '#{plaintext}') { |
5141 | let(:chef_dir) { File.join(__dir__, "..", "..") } |
5142 | expect(shell_out!("bundle exec #{binary} -v", cwd: chef_dir).stdout.chomp).to match(/.*: #{Chef::VERSION}/) |
5143 | Dir.mktmpdir("\\silly[dir]") do |dir| |
5144 | files = ["some.rb", "file.txt", "names.csv"] |
5145 |, file), "w").close |
5146 | @api.get("/blargh", 200, "blargh") |
5147 | @api.get("/foo/bar", 200, "hello foobar") |
5148 | expect(response).to eq([200, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, [ "hello foobar" ]]) |
5149 | @api.get("/bar/baz", 200) { block_called = true; "hello barbaz" } |
5150 | expect(response).to eq([200, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, [ "hello barbaz" ]]) |
5151 | expect(response[1]).to eq({ "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) |
5152 | expect(response_obj["available_routes"]).to eq({ "GET" => [], "PUT" => [], "POST" => [], "DELETE" => [] }) |
5153 | TinyServer::API.instance.get("/index", 200, "[\"hello\"]") |
5154 | rest ="http://localhost:9000") |
5155 | expect(rest.get("index")).to eq("[\"hello\"]") |
5156 | buffer = "" |
5157 | if - start > 5 |
5158 | reader, writer, pid = PTY.spawn("bundle exec #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHELL} --no-multiline --no-singleline --no-colorize -c #{config} #{options}") |
5159 | read_until(reader, "chef (#{Chef::VERSION})>") |
5160 | writer.puts('"done"') |
5161 | output = read_until(reader, '=> "done"') |
5162 | show_log_level_code = %q[puts "===#{Chef::Log.level}==="] |
5163 | expect(output).to include("===fatal===") |
5164 | simple_api_get = "api.get('data')" |
5165 | expect(output).to include("{}") |
5166 | show_recipes_code = %q[puts "#{node["recipes"].inspect}"] |
5167 | expect(output).to include(%q{["override::foo", "override::bar"]}) |
5168 | def log_event(message, time ="%H:%M:%S.%L")) |
5169 | events << [ message, time ] |
5170 | @events ||= [] |
5171 | let!(:p1) {, "p1") } |
5172 | let!(:p2) {, "p2") } |
5173 | events.each_with_index.sort_by { |(message, time), index| [ time, index ] }.each do |(message, time), index| |
5174 | print "#{time} #{message} " |
5175 | before { p1.run_to("created lock") } |
5176 | expect( eq("") |
5177 | before { p2.run_to("acquired lock") } |
5178 | before { p2.run_to("created lock") } |
5179 | before { p1.run_to("acquired lock") } |
5180 | before { p1.run_to("saved pid") } |
5181 | p1 = fork do |
5182 | p2 = fork do |
5183 | event, time = line.split("@") |
5184 | example.log_event("#{name}.last_event got #{event}") |
5185 | example.log_event("[#{name}] #{event}", time.strip) |
5186 | example.log_event("#{name}.run_to(#{to_event.inspect})") |
5187 | until @last_event == "after #{to_event}" |
5188 | example.log_event("#{name}.last_event got #{got_event}") |
5189 | example.log_event("[#{name}] #{got_event}", time.strip) |
5190 | example.log_event("#{name}.wait_for_exit (pid #{pid})") |
5191 | example.log_event("#{name}.wait_for_exit finished (pid #{pid})") |
5192 | example.log_event("#{name}.stop (pid #{pid})") |
5193 | example.log_event("#{name}.stop finished (stopped pid #{pid})") |
5194 | example.log_event("#{name}.stop finished (pid #{pid} wasn't running)") |
5195 | write_to_tests.print("after #{event}@#{"%H:%M:%S.%L")} ") |
5196 | if !@run_to_event || event == @run_to_event |
5197 | write_to_tests.print("waiting for instructions after #{event}@#{"%H:%M:%S.%L")} ") |
5198 | write_to_tests.print("told to run to #{@run_to_event} after #{event}@#{"%H:%M:%S.%L")} ") |
5199 | write_to_tests.print("continuing until #{@run_to_event} after #{event}@#{"%H:%M:%S.%L")} ") |
5200 | @pid = fork do |
5201 | exit!(0) |
5202 | fire_event($!.message.lines.join(" // ")) |
5203 | example.log_event("#{name}.start forked (pid #{pid})") |
5204 | buffer << fd.read_nonblock(1) while buffer[-1] != " " |
5205 | unless buffer == "" |
5206 | node.automatic[:recipes] = [] |
5207 | expect(node["aliased"]["attr"]).to eq "value" |
5208 | node.run_list << "simple" |
5209 | node.run_list << "dup_attr" |
5210 | node.run_list << "dup_recipe" |
5211 |"/etc/zypp/repos.d/chef-zypp-localtesting.repo", "w+") do |f| |
5212 | let(:package_name) { "chef_rpm" } |
5213 | expect(shell_out("rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} ' chef_rpm").stdout.chomp).to match("^chef_rpm-1.10-1.#{pkg_arch}$") |
5214 | preinstall("chef_rpm-1.10-1.#{pkg_arch}.rpm") |
5215 | preinstall("chef_rpm-1.2-1.#{pkg_arch}.rpm") |
5216 | expect(shell_out("rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} ' chef_rpm").stdout.chomp).to match("^chef_rpm-1.2-1.#{pkg_arch}$") |
5217 | zypper_package.version(["1.2", "1.10"]) |
5218 | expect(shell_out("rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} ' chef_rpm").stdout.chomp).to match("^package chef_rpm is not installed$") |
5219 | it "locks an rpm" do |
5220 | exclude_test = !(%w{rhel fedora amazon}.include?(OHAI_SYSTEM[:platform_family]) && !File.exist?("/usr/bin/dnf")) |
5221 | expect(shell_out("rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} ' chef_rpm").stdout.chomp).to match(version) |
5222 |"/etc/yum.repos.d/chef-yum-localtesting.repo", "w+") do |f| |
5223 | shell_out!("rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} ' | grep chef_rpm | xargs -r rpm -e") |
5224 | %w{1.10 1* 1.10-1 1*-1 1.10-* 1*-* 0:1* *:1.10-* *:1*-* 0:1.10 0:1.10-1}.each do |vstring| |
5225 | %w{1.2 1* 1.2-1 1*-1 1.2-* 1*-* 0:1* *:1.2-* *:1*-* 0:1.2 0:1.2-1}.each do |vstring| |
5226 | %w{1.2 1.2-1 1.2-* *:1.2-* 0:1.2-1}.each do |vstring| |
5227 | %w{1* 1*-1 1*-* 0:1* *:1*-*}.each do |vstring| |
5228 | yum_package "chef_rpm-0:1.2-1.#{pkg_arch}" do |
5229 | yum_package "chef_rp*-1*" do |
5230 | version "1*" |
5231 | version "1.10-1" |
5232 | version "0:1.10-1" |
5233 | version "1.10-1*" |
5234 | version "0:1.10-1*" |
5235 | version "1.2-1" |
5236 | yum_package "chef_rpm >= 1.2" do |
5237 | yum_package "chef_rpm > 1.2" do |
5238 | yum_package "chef_rpm = 1.10" do |
5239 | yum_package "chef_rpm = 1.2" do |
5240 | yum_package "chef_rpm > 2.0" |
5241 | yum_package "chef_rpm < 1.10" do |
5242 | version ">= 1.10" |
5243 | yum_package [ "chef_rpm.#{pkg_arch}", "chef_rpm.i686" ] do |
5244 | preinstall("chef_rpm-1.10-1.#{pkg_arch}.rpm", "chef_rpm-1.10-1.i686.rpm") |
5245 | arch [pkg_arch, "i686"] |
5246 | yum_package "chef_rpm-1.10-1.#{pkg_arch}" do |
5247 | version "1.2" |
5248 | expect(shell_out("rpm -q chef_rpm").stdout.chomp).to match("^chef_rpm-1.2-1.#{pkg_arch}") |
5249 | version("1.2") |
5250 | let(:principal) { nil } |
5251 | let(:privilege) { nil } |
5252 | let(:users) { nil } |
5253 | let(:sensitive) { true } |
5254 | node.automatic["os"] = "windows" |
5255 | let(:principal) { "user_privilege" } |
5256 | let(:users) { ["Administrators", "#{domain}\\security_user"] } |
5257 | subject.command "#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::CLIENT} -W -L 'C:\\chef\\chef-ad-join.log'" |
5258 | "1, 2, 3" |
5259 | it "creates a scheduled task to run monthly on 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 20, 21, 15, 28, 31 day of the month" do |
5260 | "1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 20, 21, 15, 28, 31" |
5261 | "1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 20, 21, 30" |
5262 | subject.months "Jan, Feb, May, Sep, Dec" |
5263 | "1, 2" |
5264 | context "when wild card (*) set as day" do |
5265 | "*" |
5266 | "1,2,3" |
5267 | context "when wild card (*) is set as day" do |
5268 | it "creates task to activate on '09/10/2018' at '15:00' when start_day = '09/10/2018' and start_time = '15:00' provided" do |
5269 | let(:task_name) { "\\foo\\chef-client-functional-test" } |
5270 | let(:task_name) { "\\foo\\bar\\chef-client-functional-test" } |
5271 | let(:share_name) { "fake_share" } |
5272 | let(:path) { ENV["temp"] } |
5273 | let(:concurrent_user_limit) { 7 } |
5274 | expect(share["Path"]).to eq(path) |
5275 | expect(get_installed_share_access["AccountName"]).to eq("#{ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]}\\#{full_users[0]}") |
5276 | let(:secvalue) { "30" } |
5277 | let(:path) { "test_path" } |
5278 | before { add_path } |
5279 | let(:c_path) { "c:\\" } |
5280 | let(:e_path) { "e:\pagefile.sys" } |
5281 | let(:pkg_name) { nil } |
5282 | let(:pkg_path) { nil } |
5283 | let(:pkg_checksum) { nil } |
5284 | let(:pkg_version) { nil } |
5285 | let(:pkg_type) { nil } |
5286 | let(:pkg_options) { nil } |
5287 | let(:pkg_type) { :custom } |
5288 | let(:pkg_options) { "/Q" } |
5289 | let(:pkg_version) { "8.0.59193" } |
5290 | before { subject.version("8.0.59193") } |
5291 | let(:pkg_name) { "Ultra Defragmenter" } |
5292 | let(:pkg_name) { "Mercurial 3.6.1 (64-bit)" } |
5293 | let(:pkg_path) { ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "package", "Mercurial-3.6.1-x64.exe") } |
5294 | let(:pkg_name) { "7zip" } |
5295 | let(:pkg_path) { "" } |
5296 | path: ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "7zip.msi"), |
5297 | let(:new_hostname) { "New-Hostname" } |
5298 | let(:local_domain_user) { "'mydomain\\Groucho'" } |
5299 | let(:local_domain_password) { "'P@ssw0rd'" } |
5300 | let(:hostname) { "Cucumber" } |
5301 | let(:hostname) { "Gherkin" } |
5302 | let(:resource_name) { "Playmaker.ttf" } |
5303 | node.default[:os] = ohai[:os] |
5304 | let(:rule_name) { "fake_rule" } |
5305 | let(:remote_port) { "5555" } |
5306 | let(:enabled) { false } |
5307 | let(:chef_env_with_delim) { "chef_env_with_delim" } |
5308 | let(:chef_env_delim) { ";" } |
5309 | let(:chef_env_test_delim) { "#{value1};#{value2}" } |
5310 | let(:env_dne_key) { "env_dne_key" } |
5311 | let(:env_value1) { "value1" } |
5312 | let(:env_value2) { "value2" } |
5313 | let(:delim_value) { "#{env_value1};#{env_value2}" } |
5314 | let(:default_env_user) { "<SYSTEM>" } |
5315 | let(:env_obj) do |
5316 | let(:env_value_expandable) { "%SystemRoot%" } |
5317 | node.default["os"] = "windows" |
5318 | node.default["platform_version"] = "6.1" |
5319 | let(:random_name) { } |
5320 | let(:env_val) { "#{env_value_expandable}_#{random_name}" } |
5321 | let!(:env_path_before) { ENV["PATH"] } |
5322 | test_resource.value("#{path_before};#{env_val}") |
5323 | expect(ENV["PATH"]).to include((random_name).to_s) |
5324 | New-Item -Path Cert:\\#{store_location}\\#{store_name} |
5325 | let(:password) { "P@ssw0rd!" } |
5326 | let(:store) { "Chef-Functional-Test" } |
5327 | let(:store_name) { "MY" } |
5328 | let(:cert_output_path) { ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "output.cer") } |
5329 | let(:pfx_output_path) { ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "output.pfx") } |
5330 | let(:key_output_path) { ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], "output.key") } |
5331 | let(:cer_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "windows_certificates", "test.cer") } |
5332 | let(:pem_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "windows_certificates", "test.pem") } |
5333 | let(:p7b_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "windows_certificates", "test.p7b") } |
5334 | let(:pfx_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "windows_certificates", "test.pfx") } |
5335 | .to receive(:_pv_equal_to) |
5336 | .with({ store_name: store }, :store_name, anything) |
5337 | path = File.join(dir, "test.pem") |
5338 | let(:password) { "DummyP2ssw0rd!" } |
5339 | shell_out("net user #{u} /delete") |
5340 | file_content = <<~EOF |
5341 | windows_template_path = temp_security_template.path.gsub("/") { "\\" } |
5342 | metadata = { |
5343 | shell_out!("/usr/bin/dscl . -delete '/Users/#{username}'") |
5344 | expect(shell_out("/usr/bin/dscl . -read /Users/#{username}").error?).to be(false) |
5345 | let(:uid) { nil } |
5346 | let(:gid) { 20 } |
5347 | let(:home) { nil } |
5348 | let(:manage_home) { false } |
5349 | let(:comment) { "Great Chef" } |
5350 | let(:shell) { "/bin/bash" } |
5351 | let(:salt) { nil } |
5352 | let(:iterations) { nil } |
5353 | r.uid(uid) |
5354 | r.gid(gid) |
5355 | let(:iterations) { 25000 } |
5356 | let(:groups) { %w{staff operator} } |
5357 | shell_out!("/usr/bin/dscl . -append '/Groups/#{group}' GroupMembership #{username}") |
5358 | shell_out("/usr/bin/dscl . -delete '/Groups/#{group}' GroupMembership #{username}") |
5359 | shell_out!("/usr/sbin/userdel #{username}") |
5360 | expect(shell_out("grep -q #{username} /etc/passwd").error?).to be(false) |
5361 | expect(shell_out("grep ^#{user}: /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f2 | grep ^#{pass}$").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5362 | let(:gid) do |
5363 | Etc.enum_for(:group).map(&:gid).last |
5364 | let(:timezone) { "GMT Standard Time" } |
5365 | let(:timezone) { nil } |
5366 | let(:file_base) { "template_spec" } |
5367 | node.normal[:nested][:secret] = "value" |
5368 | let(:default_mode) { (0666 & ~File.umask).to_s(8) } |
5369 | %w{all some no}.each do |test_case| |
5370 | expect(line).to end_with( ? "\r " : " ") |
5371 | resource.variables(secret: [{ "key" => { "nutella" } }]) |
5372 | !::File.exist?("/opt/mytest/") |
5373 | @pkg_name = "dummy" |
5374 | @pkg_version = "1-0" |
5375 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/dummy-1-0.aix6.1.noarch.rpm" |
5376 | @pkg_name = "mytest" |
5377 | @pkg_version = "1.0-1" |
5378 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/mytest-1.0-1.noarch.rpm" |
5379 | shell_out("rpm -qa | grep #{@pkg_name}-#{@pkg_version} | xargs rpm -e") |
5380 | shell_out("rpm -i #{@pkg_path}") |
5381 | @pkg_version = "2-0" |
5382 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/dummy-2-0.aix6.1.noarch.rpm" |
5383 | @pkg_version = "2.0-1" |
5384 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/mytest-2.0-1.noarch.rpm" |
5385 | let(:file_base) { "remote_file_spec" } |
5386 | @api.get("/seattle_capo.png", 304, "", { "Etag" => "abcdef" } ) |
5387 | let(:source) { "https://localhost:9000/nyan_cat.png" } |
5388 | let(:smb_file_local_file_name) { "smb_file.txt" } |
5389 | let(:smb_share_name) { "chef_smb_test" } |
5390 | let(:smb_remote_path) { File.join("//#{ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]}", smb_share_name, smb_file_local_file_name).tr("/", "\\") } |
5391 | let(:smb_file_content) { "hellofun" } |
5392 | let(:remote_domain) { nil } |
5393 | let(:remote_user) { nil } |
5394 | let(:remote_password) { nil } |
5395 | shell_out!("net.exe share #{smb_share_name}=\"#{"/", "\\")}\" /grant:\"authenticated users\",read") |
5396 | shell_out!("icacls #{smb_file_local_path} /grant:r \"authenticated users:(W)\" /grant \"#{windows_current_user_qualified}:(R)\" /inheritance:r") |
5397 | let(:invalid_chunk_size) { -1 } |
5398 | shell_out!("icacls #{smb_file_local_path} /grant:r \"authenticated users:(W)\" /deny \"#{windows_current_user_qualified}:(R)\" /inheritance:r") |
5399 | let(:remote_domain) { "." } |
5400 | let(:default_mode) { (0777 & ~File.umask).to_s(8) } |
5401 | File.join(path, "remotesubdir", ".a_dotfile"), |
5402 | File.join(path, ".a_dotdir", ".a_dotfile_in_a_dotdir"), |
5403 |, "a") { |f| f.puts "santa is real" } |
5404 |, "a") { |f| f.puts "so is rudolph" } |
5405 | FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(path, "a", "multiply", "nested", "directory")) |
5406 | @existing1 = File.join(path, "a", "foo.txt") |
5407 | @existing2 = File.join(path, "a", "multiply", "bar.txt") |
5408 | @existing3 = File.join(path, "a", "multiply", "nested", "baz.txt") |
5409 | @existing4 = File.join(path, "a", "multiply", "nested", "directory", "qux.txt") |
5410 | @resource.values([{ name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Orange" }]) |
5411 | let(:parent) { "Opscode" } |
5412 | let(:child) { "Whatever" } |
5413 | let(:key_parent) { "SOFTWARE\\" + parent } |
5414 | let(:key_child) { "SOFTWARE\\" + parent + "\\" + child } |
5415 | let(:reg_parent) { "HKLM\\" + key_parent } |
5416 | let(:reg_child) { "HKLM\\" + key_child } |
5417 | [ 0x0100, 0x0200 ].each do |flag| |
5418 | reg["Color", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "Orange" |
5419 | allow(@rest_client).to receive(:raw_http_request).and_return({ "result" => "ok" }) |
5420 | allow(@rest_client).to receive(:post_rest).and_return({ "uri" => "{@run_id}" }) |
5421 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Orange" }]) |
5422 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Orange" })).to eq(true) |
5423 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "number", type: :dword, data: "12345" }]) |
5424 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { name: "number", type: :dword, data: 12344 })).to eq(true) |
5425 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Mango", type: :string, data: "Yellow" }]) |
5426 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { name: "Mango", type: :string, data: "Yellow" })).to eq(true) |
5427 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!" }]) |
5428 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!" })).to eq(true) |
5429 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Color", type: :multi_string, data: ["Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!"] }]) |
5430 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { name: "Color", type: :multi_string, data: ["Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!"] })).to eq(true) |
5431 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Chef", type: :multi_string, data: %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} }]) |
5432 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + "\\OpscodeTest", { name: "Chef", type: :multi_string, data: %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} })).to eq(true) |
5433 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC", type: :string, data: "MissingData" }]) |
5434 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC", data: "my_data" }]) |
5435 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC", type: :string }]) |
5436 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC" }]) |
5437 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC", type: :string, data: "my_data" }]) |
5438 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\Missing1\Missing2', { name: "OC", type: :string, data: "MissingData" })).to eq(true) |
5439 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Atraxi" ) |
5440 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "OC", type: :string, data: "Data" }]) |
5441 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child + "\\Atraxi", { name: "OC", type: :string, data: "Data" })).to eq(true) |
5442 | expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + "\\Atraxi")).to eq(false) |
5443 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Ood") |
5444 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "ReportingVal1", type: :string, data: "report1" }, { name: "ReportingVal2", type: :string, data: "report2" }]) |
5445 | expect(@report["action"]).to eq("end") |
5446 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["type"]).to eq("registry_key") |
5447 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["name"]).to eq(resource_name) |
5448 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_child + "\\Ood") |
5449 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["after"][:values]).to eq([{ name: "ReportingVal1", type: :string, data: "report1" }, |
5450 | { name: "ReportingVal2", type: :string, data: "report2" }]) |
5451 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["before"][:values]).to eq([]) |
5452 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("create") |
5453 | expect(@report["status"]).to eq("success") |
5454 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "BriskWalk", type: :string, data: "is good for health" }]) |
5455 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Slitheen") |
5456 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "BriskWalk", data: "my_data" }]) |
5457 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "BriskWalk", type: :string }]) |
5458 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "BriskWalk" }]) |
5459 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "BriskWalk", type: :string, data: "my_data" }]) |
5460 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Pyrovile") |
5461 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + "\\Pyrovile", { name: "Chef", type: :multi_string, data: %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} })).to eq(true) |
5462 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + "\\Sontaran\\Sontar", { name: "OC", type: :string, data: "MissingData" })).to eq(true) |
5463 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Adipose") |
5464 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Judoon") |
5465 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "ReportingVal3", type: :string, data: "report3" }]) |
5466 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_child + "\\Judoon") |
5467 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["after"][:values]).to eq([{ name: "ReportingVal3", type: :string, data: "report3" }]) |
5468 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("create_if_missing") |
5469 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Zygons\\Zygor") |
5470 | expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + "\\Zygons")).to eq(false) |
5471 | expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + "\\Zygons\\Zygor")).to eq(false) |
5472 | @new_resource.key(reg_child + "\\Zygons") |
5473 | @new_resource.key(reg_parent + "\\Osirian") |
5474 | expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_parent + "\\Opscode", { name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Orange" })).to eq(true) |
5475 | @new_resource.key(reg_parent + "\\Opscode") |
5476 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Opscode", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Seattle Washington} }, { name: "AKA", type: :string, data: "OC" }]) |
5477 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + "\\Opscode", { name: "AKA", type: :string, data: "OC" })).to eq(false) |
5478 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + "\\Opscode", { name: "Opscode", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Seattle Washington} })).to eq(false) |
5479 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "Color", type: :multi_string, data: %w{Black Orange} }]) |
5480 | expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + "\\Opscode", { name: "Color", type: :string, data: "Orange" })).to eq(false) |
5481 | @new_resource.values([{ name: "ReportVal4", type: :string, data: "report4" }, { name: "ReportVal5", type: :string, data: "report5" }]) |
5482 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_parent + "\\ReportKey") |
5483 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["before"][:values]).to eq([{ name: "ReportVal4", type: :string, data: "report4" }, |
5484 | { name: "ReportVal5", type: :string, data: "report5" }]) |
5485 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("delete") |
5486 | expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("delete_key") |
5487 | let(:output_command) { " | out-file -encoding ASCII " } |
5488 | let(:cmdlet_exit_code_success_content) { "get-item ." } |
5489 | file =["foo", ".ps1"]) |
5490 | resource.code(". \"#{file.path}\"") |
5491 | let(:negative_exit_status) { -27 } |
5492 | let(:unsigned_exit_status) { (-negative_exit_status ^ 65535) + 1 } |
5493 | resource.code("if({)") |
5494 | resource.not_if "cd ." |
5495 | resource.only_if "cd ." |
5496 | custom_cwd = "#{ENV["SystemRoot"]}\\system32\\drivers\\etc" |
5497 | resource.not_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')", cwd: custom_cwd |
5498 | resource.only_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')", cwd: custom_cwd |
5499 | resource.only_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')" |
5500 | resource.not_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')" |
5501 | let(:source_name) { "fake" } |
5502 | let(:source_location) { "" } |
5503 | let(:trusted) { true } |
5504 | let(:provider_name) { "NuGet" } |
5505 | expect(shell_out!("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :\"AppleFirstWeekday\":gregorian' \"#{global_prefs}\"").stdout.to_i).to eq(4) |
5506 | when "aix" |
5507 | device = "/" |
5508 | when "debian", "rhel", "amazon" |
5509 | device = "/dev/ram1" |
5510 | shell_out("mknod -m 660 #{device} b 1 0") |
5511 | shell_out("ls -1 /dev/ram*").stdout.each_line do |d| |
5512 | if shell_out("mount | grep #{d}").exitstatus == "1" |
5513 | device = d |
5514 | fstype = "tmpfs" |
5515 | shell_out!("mkfs -q #{device} 512") |
5516 | device = "swap" |
5517 | validation_cmd = "mount | grep #{mount_point} | grep #{device} " |
5518 | validation_cmd << " | grep #{fstype} " unless fstype.nil? |
5519 | validation_cmd << " | grep #{options.join(",")} " unless options.nil? || options.empty? |
5520 | expect(shell_out("cat #{unix_mount_config_file} | grep \"#{mount_point}:\" ").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5521 | expect(shell_out("cat #{unix_mount_config_file} | grep \"#{mount_point}\" | grep \"#{device}\" ").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5522 | @device = "/" if test.metadata[:skip_before] |
5523 | line.split(" ").each do |section| |
5524 | describe "when device is '/'" do |
5525 | skip_remount = include_flag || (ohai[:platform] == "solaris2") |
5526 | new_resource.options "rw" if ohai[:platform] == "aix" |
5527 | resource.value [ { "User": "/Library/Managed Installs/way_fake.log" } ] |
5528 | resource.lc_env({ "LC_TIME" => "en_IN" }) |
5529 | let(:file_base) { "file_spec" } |
5530 | let(:to) do |
5531 | puts "Could not remove a file: #{$!}" |
5532 | system "rmdir '#{path}'" |
5533 | def link(a, b) |
5534 |, b) |
5535 | let(:test_user) { windows? ? nil : ENV["USER"] } |
5536 | @info = [] |
5537 | allow(logger).to receive(:info) { |msg| @info << msg } |
5538 |, "w") { |file| file.write("wowzers") } |
5539 |, "w") do |file| |
5540 | let(:test_user) { "test-link-user" } |
5541 |, "w") { |file| file.write("eek") } |
5542 |, "w") { |file| file.write("eek") } |
5543 | elsif macos? || solaris? || freebsd? || aix? |
5544 | let(:path) { target_file } |
5545 | }.each do |prefix, desc| |
5546 | let(:to) { "#{prefix}#{File.basename(absolute_to)}" } |
5547 | let(:absolute_to) { File.join(test_file_dir, make_tmpname("to_spec")) } |
5548 |, "w") { |file| file.write("tomfoolery") } |
5549 | resource.owner(windows? ? "Guest" : "nobody") |
5550 | expect(shell_out!("launchctl list io.chef.testing.fake").stdout).to match('"PID" = \d+') |
5551 | !Dir.glob("/etc/rc*/**/S*#{service_name}").empty? |
5552 | Dir.glob("/etc/rc*/**/S*#{service_name}").empty? |
5553 | expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{file_name}")).to be_truthy |
5554 | expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{file_name}")).to be_falsey |
5555 | files = Dir.glob("#{Dir.tmpdir}/init[a-z_]*.txt") |
5556 | FileUtils.cp((File.join(__dir__, "/../assets/inittest")).to_s, "/etc/init.d/inittest") |
5557 | include_flag = !(%w{amazon debian aix}.include?(ohai[:platform_family]) || (ohai[:platform_family] == "rhel" && ohai[:platform_version].to_i < 7)) |
5558 | shell_out("ip link list |grep UP|grep -vi loop|head -1|cut -d':' -f 2 |cut -d'@' -f 1").stdout.strip |
5559 | interface + ":10" |
5560 | expect(shell_out("ifconfig #{@interface} | grep").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5561 | expect(shell_out("ifconfig #{@interface} | grep").exitstatus).to eq(1) |
5562 | expect(shell_out("lsattr -E -l #{@interface} | grep").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5563 | expect(shell_out("lsattr -E -l #{@interface} | grep").exitstatus).to eq(1) |
5564 | expect(current_resource.inet_addr).to match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) |
5565 | exclude_test = ohai[:platform] != "ubuntu" |
5566 | when "mac_os_x" |
5567 | sid = nil |
5568 | sid.nil? ? nil : sid[1].to_s |
5569 | domain, user = user_name.split("\\") |
5570 | if user && domain != "." |
5571 | let(:excluded_members) { [] } |
5572 | high_uid += 1 |
5573 | let(:included_members) { [] } |
5574 | let!(:group_name) do |
5575 | it "should be no-op" do |
5576 | let(:included_members) { [spec_members[0], spec_members[1]] } |
5577 | let(:excluded_members) { [spec_members[2]] } |
5578 | let(:tested_action) { :modify } |
5579 | let(:computer_domain) { ohai[:kernel]["cs_info"]["domain"].split(".")[0] } |
5580 | let(:spec_members) { ["#{computer_domain}\\Domain Admins", "#{computer_domain}\\Domain Users", "#{computer_domain}\\Domain Computers"] } |
5581 | let(:tested_action) { :manage } |
5582 | let(:base_dir_path) { Dir.mktmpdir } |
5583 | let(:origin_repo) { "#{origin_repo_dir}/example" } |
5584 | shell_out!("git", "clone", git_bundle_repo, "example", cwd: origin_repo_dir) |
5585 |"#{origin_repo}/.git/config", "a+") do |f| |
5586 | [user] |
5587 | let(:path_with_spaces) { "#{origin_repo_dir}/path with spaces" } |
5588 | expect_revision_to_be("v1.0.0", v1_tag) |
5589 | shell_out!("git", "reset", "--hard", rev_foo, cwd: deploy_directory) |
5590 | let(:expected_content) { "Don't fear the ruby." } |
5591 | def create_resource(opts = {}) |
5592 |, "w") { |f| f.print expected_content } |
5593 | let(:guard) { "ruby -e 'exit 0'" } |
5594 | let(:guard) { %{ruby -e 'exit 1 unless File.exists?("./nested.json")'} } |
5595 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SAWS_SECRET"] != "supersecret"'} |
5596 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SAWS_SECRET"] == "supersecret"'} |
5597 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SGCE_SECRET"] != "regularsecret"'}, { |
5598 | environment: { "SGCE_SECRET" => "regularsecret" }, |
5599 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SGCE_SECRET"] == "regularsecret"'}, { |
5600 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SAWS_SECRET"] != "regularsecret"'}, { |
5601 | environment: { "SAWS_SECRET" => "regularsecret" }, |
5602 | resource.only_if %{ruby -e 'exit 1 if ENV["SAWS_SECRET"] == "regularsecret"'}, { |
5603 | winrm_code = <<-CODE |
5604 | ::FileUtils.rm_rf(@temp_dir) if ::Dir.exist?(@temp_dir) |
5605 | script_code = data ? code : "Configuration '#{configuration_name}' { \t#{code} } " |
5606 | data_suffix = data ? "_config_data" : "" |
5607 | extension = data ? "psd1" : "ps1" |
5608 |, "wt") do |script| |
5609 | shell_out!("net user #{target_user}") |
5610 | shell_out!("net user #{target_user} /delete") |
5611 | let(:dsc_env_variable) { "chefenvtest" } |
5612 | let(:dsc_env_value1) { "value1" } |
5613 | let(:test_registry_data1) { "LL927" } |
5614 | let(:test_registry_data2) { "LL928" } |
5615 | let(:registry_embedded_parameters) { "$#{reg_key_name_param_name} = '#{test_registry_key}';$#{reg_key_value_param_name} = '#{test_registry_value}'" } |
5616 | Key = $#{reg_key_name_param_name} |
5617 | let(:dsc_code) { dsc_reg_code } |
5618 | let(:dsc_user_prefix) { "dsc" } |
5619 | let(:dsc_user_suffix) { "chefx" } |
5620 | let(:dsc_user) { "#{dsc_user_prefix}_usr_#{dsc_user_suffix}" } |
5621 | let(:dsc_user_prefix_env_var_name) { "dsc_user_env_prefix" } |
5622 | let(:dsc_user_suffix_env_var_name) { "dsc_user_env_suffix" } |
5623 | let(:dsc_user_prefix_env_code) { "$env:#{dsc_user_prefix_env_var_name}" } |
5624 | let(:dsc_user_suffix_env_code) { "$env:#{dsc_user_suffix_env_var_name}" } |
5625 | let(:dsc_user_prefix_param_code) { "$#{dsc_user_prefix_param_name}" } |
5626 | let(:dsc_user_suffix_param_code) { "$#{dsc_user_suffix_param_name}" } |
5627 | let(:dsc_user_env_code) { "\"$(#{dsc_user_prefix_env_code})_usr_$(#{dsc_user_suffix_env_code})\"" } |
5628 | let(:dsc_user_param_code) { "\"$(#{dsc_user_prefix_param_code})_usr_$(#{dsc_user_suffix_param_code})\"" } |
5629 | let(:config_flags) { nil } |
5630 | ( |
5631 | let(:config_param_section) { "" } |
5632 | let(:dsc_user_code) { "'#{dsc_user}'" } |
5633 | $testuser = #{dsc_user_code} |
5634 | @{ |
5635 | AllNodes = @( |
5636 | let(:dsc_environment_env_var_name) { "dsc_test_cwd" } |
5637 | if (($pwd.path -eq '#{dsc_environment_fail_etc_directory}') -and (test-path('#{dsc_environment_fail_etc_directory}'))) |
5638 | Name = '#{dsc_environment_env_var_name}' |
5639 | let(:dsc_code) { dsc_reg_script } |
5640 | let(:dsc_user_code) { dsc_user_param_code } |
5641 | let(:config_flags) { { "#{dsc_user_prefix_param_name}": (dsc_user_prefix).to_s, "#{dsc_user_suffix_param_name}": (dsc_user_suffix).to_s } } |
5642 | let(:dsc_user_code) { dsc_user_env_code } |
5643 | cd c:\\ |
5644 | $cert = ls Cert:\\LocalMachine\\My\\ | |
5645 | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "ChefTest"} | |
5646 | if($cert -eq $null) { |
5647 | $pfxpath = '#{self_signed_cert_path}' |
5648 | $password = '' |
5649 | UserName = '#{dsc_user}' |
5650 | let(:tmp_file_name) { Dir::Tmpname.create("tmpfile") {} } |
5651 | let(:test_text) { "'\"!@#$%^&*)(}{][\u2713~n" } |
5652 | contents =, "rb:bom|UTF-16LE") do |f| |
5653 |"UTF-8") |
5654 | let(:test1_0) { File.join(apt_data, "chef-integration-test_1.0-1_amd64.deb") } |
5655 | let(:test1_1) { File.join(apt_data, "chef-integration-test_1.1-1_amd64.deb") } |
5656 | let(:test2_0) { File.join(apt_data, "chef-integration-test2_1.0-1_amd64.deb") } |
5657 | status = shell_out("dpkg -s #{package}") |
5658 | if action.nil? || action == :purge |
5659 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{test1_0}") |
5660 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{test1_0} #{test2_0}") |
5661 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{test2_0}") |
5662 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{test1_1}") |
5663 | let(:action) { :purge } |
5664 | exclude_test = !(%w{rhel amazon fedora}.include?(OHAI_SYSTEM[:platform_family]) && File.exist?("/usr/bin/dnf")) |
5665 |"/etc/yum.repos.d/chef-dnf-localtesting.repo", "w+") do |f| |
5666 | %w{1.10 1* 1.10-1 1*-1 1.10-* 1*-* 0:1.10 0:1* 0:1.10-1 0:1*-1 *:1.10-* *:1*-*}.each do |vstring| |
5667 | %w{1.2 1* 1.2-1 1*-1 1.2-* 1*-* 0:1.2 0:1* 0:1.2-1 0:1*-1 *:1.2-* *:1*-*}.each do |vstring| |
5668 | %w{1.2 1.2-1 1.2-* 0:1.2 0:1.2-1 *:1.2-*}.each do |vstring| |
5669 | %w{1* 1*-1 1*-* 0:1* 0:1*-1 *:1*-*}.each do |vstring| |
5670 | dnf_package "chef_rpm-0:1.2-1.#{pkg_arch}" do |
5671 | dnf_package "chef_rp*-1*" do |
5672 | it "matches with a vr glob", :rhel_gte_8 do |
5673 | dnf_package "chef_rpm >= 1.2" do |
5674 | dnf_package "chef_rpm > 1.2" do |
5675 | dnf_package "chef_rpm = 1.10" do |
5676 | dnf_package "chef_rpm = 1.2" do |
5677 | dnf_package "chef_rpm > 2.0" |
5678 | dnf_package "chef_rpm < 1.10" do |
5679 | dnf_package [ "chef_rpm.#{pkg_arch}", "chef_rpm.i686" ] do |
5680 | dnf_package "chef_rpm-1.10-1.#{pkg_arch}" do |
5681 | when "aix", "solaris2", "omnios" |
5682 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5683 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(1) |
5684 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{command}\"").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5685 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{command}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(1) |
5686 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5687 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(0) |
5688 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{command}\"").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5689 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{command}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(0) |
5690 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").exitstatus).to eq(1) |
5691 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{new_resource.command}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(0) |
5692 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{cron_name}\"").exitstatus).to eq(1) |
5693 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user} | grep \"#{new_resource.command}\"").stdout.lines.to_a.size).to eq(0) |
5694 | weekdays = { Mon: 1, tuesday: 2, '3': 3, 'thursday': 4, 'Fri': 5, 6 => 6 } |
5695 | expect(shell_out("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user} | grep '#{attribute.upcase}=\"#{value}\"'").exitstatus).to eq(0) |
5696 | %i{ home mailto path shell }.each do |attr| |
5697 | let(:file_base) { "cookbook_file_spec" } |
5698 | let(:source) { "java.response" } |
5699 | let(:cookbook_name) { "java" } |
5700 | let(:package_name) { "test-A" } |
5701 | let(:package_list) { proc { shell_out!("choco list -lo -r #{Array(package_name).join(" ")}").stdout.chomp } } |
5702 | let(:package_name) { %w{test-A test-B} } |
5703 | expect( eq("test-A|2.0\r test-B|1.0") |
5704 | expect(provider.send(:cmd_args)).to eq(["--force", "--confirm"]) |
5705 | subject.options [ "--force", "--confirm" ] |
5706 | ::File.exist?("/usr/PkgA/bin/acommand") |
5707 | !::File.exist?("/usr/PkgA/bin/acommand") |
5708 | @pkg_name = "PkgA.rte" |
5709 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/PkgA." |
5710 | shell_out("installp -u #{@pkg_name}") |
5711 | shell_out("installp -aYF -d #{@pkg_path} #{@pkg_name}") |
5712 | @pkg_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/PkgA." |
5713 | let(:output_command) { " > " } |
5714 | let(:code) { "echo hello" } |
5715 | let(:command) { "wizard racket" } |
5716 | let(:code) { nil } |
5717 | let(:tmp_path) { Dir.mktmpdir } |
5718 | let(:extract_destination) { "#{tmp_path}/extract_here" } |
5719 | expect(Dir.glob("#{extract_destination}/**/*").length).to eq(4) |
5720 | expect(Dir.glob("#{extract_destination}/**/*").length).to eq(3) |
5721 | expect(Dir.glob("#{extract_destination}/**/*").length).to eq(1) |
5722 |"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/chef-integration-test.list", "w+") do |f| |
5723 | shell_out!("apt-get update " + |
5724 | metadata = { unix_only: true, |
5725 | r.options("--force-yes") |
5726 | r.version("2.0") |
5727 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{v_1_1_package}") |
5728 | pkg_check = shell_out!("dpkg -l chef-integration-test", returns: [0, 1]) |
5729 | shell_out!("dpkg -i #{v_1_0_package}") |
5730 | dpkg_l = shell_out!("dpkg -l chef-integration-test", returns: [0]) |
5731 | r.version("1.1-1") |
5732 | directory = [] |
5733 | directory << "/etc/rc.d/rc#{level}.d/#{(o[0] == :start ? "S" : "K")}#{o[1]}#{new_resource.service_name}" |
5734 | directory << "/etc/rc.d/rc#{run_level}.d/#{status}#{priority}#{new_resource.service_name}" |
5735 | files = Dir.glob("#{Dir.tmpdir}/chefinit[a-z_]*.txt") |
5736 | FileUtils.cp((File.join(__dir__, "/../assets/chefinittest")).to_s, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/chefinittest") |
5737 | valid_symlinks(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Schefinittest"], 2, "S") |
5738 | valid_symlinks(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S75chefinittest"], 2, "S", 75) |
5739 | valid_symlinks(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Kchefinittest"], 2, "K") |
5740 | valid_symlinks(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K25chefinittest"], 2, "K", 25) |
5741 | @priority = { 2 => [:stop, 20], 3 => [:start, 10] } |
5742 | valid_symlinks(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K80chefinittest"], 2, "K", 80) |
5743 | expect(shell_out!("lssrc -a | grep #{new_resource.service_name}").stdout.split(" ").last).to eq("active") |
5744 | expect(shell_out!("lssrc -a | grep #{new_resource.service_name}").stdout.split(" ").last).to eq("inoperative") |
5745 | args = shell_out!("lssrc -a | grep #{new_resource.service_name}").stdout.split(" ") |
5746 | if args.length == 3 |
5747 | shell_out("id -u #{ENV["USER"]}").stdout.chomp |
5748 | script_dir = File.join(__dir__, "/../assets/") |
5749 | shell_out!("mkssys -s ctestsys -p #{script_dir}/testchefsubsys -u #{get_user_id} -S -n 15 -f 9 -R -Q") |
5750 | shell_out!("mkssys -s ctestsys -p #{script_dir}/testchefsubsys -u #{get_user_id} -S -n 15 -f 9 -R -Q -G ctestgrp") |
5751 | windows: "#{ENV["SYSTEMROOT"]}/System32/shutdown.exe /r /t 300 /c \"rebooter spec test\"", |
5752 | linux: 'shutdown -r +5 "rebooter spec test" &', |
5753 | solaris: 'shutdown -i6 -g5 -y "rebooter spec test" &', |
5754 | let(:uri) { URI.parse("") } |
5755 | let(:mtime) { "Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:16:32 GMT" } |
5756 | URI.parse("" + ("0" * 1024)) |
5757 | n.override[:os] = "darwin" |
5758 | let(:recipe) {"notif", "test", run_context) } |
5759 | actions = [] |
5760 | actions[-1][:why_run] = Chef::Config[:why_run] if Chef::Config[:why_run] |
5761 | r = recipe |
5762 | t = self |
5763 | if succeeded == 0 || last_error != 0 |
5764 | let(:test_user) { "chefuserctx3" } |
5765 | let(:test_password) { "j823jfxK3;2Xe1" } |
5766 | let(:domain_to_impersonate) { "." } |
5767 | shell_out("echo %LC_ALL%", default_env: false) |
5768 | shell_out("echo %LC_ALL%", environment: { "LC_ALL" => "POSIX" }, default_env: false) |
5769 | shell_out("echo $LC_ALL", environment: { "LC_ALL" => "POSIX" }, default_env: false) |
5770 | def a(a = nil) |
5771 | @a = a if a |
5772 | @a |
5773 | @debug_log = "" |
5774 | allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:trace) { |str| @debug_log << str } |
5775 | let(:source) { "http://localhost:9000" } |
5776 | ( mode_int & 07777).to_s(8) |
5777 |, "w+", 0600) { |f| f.print(staging_file_content) } |
5778 | random.rand(1 << 32).to_s |
5779 | let(:elapsed_time) { rand } |
5780 | let(:mock_exception) { double("Exception", { message: rand, backtrace: [rand, rand] }) } |
5781 | e.source == ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHORT && e.event_id == 10000 && |
5782 | e.source == ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHORT && e.event_id == 10001 && |
5783 | e.source == ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHORT && e.event_id == 10002 && |
5784 | e.string_inserts[0].include?(run_id) && |
5785 | e.source == ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHORT && e.event_id == 10003 && |
5786 | e.string_inserts[0].include?("UNKNOWN") && |
5787 | e.string_inserts[1].include?("UNKNOWN") && |
5788 | expect(values.include?({ name: "RootType1", type: :string, data: "fibrous" })).to eq(true) |
5789 | expect(@resource.registry_value_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root", { name: "RootType1", type: :string, data: "fibrous" })).to eq(true) |
5790 | expect(@resource.registry_data_exists?("HKCU\\Software\\Root", { name: "RootType1", type: :string, data: "fibrous" })).to eq(true) |
5791 | let(:reg_key) { nil } |
5792 | let(:original_set) { false } |
5793 | { name: "PendingFileRenameOperations", type: :multi_string, data: ['\??\C:\foo.txt|\??\C:\bar.txt'] }) |
5794 | Chef::Config[:ftp_proxy] = nil |
5795 | Chef::Config[:no_proxy] = nil |
5796 | so = if windows? |
5797 | shell_out("echo %http_proxy%") |
5798 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "darwin::system_profiler" << "darwin::kernel" << "darwin::ssh_host_key" << "network_listeners" |
5799 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "darwin::uptime" << "darwin::filesystem" << "dmi" << "languages" << "perl" << "python" << "java" |
5800 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "linux::block_device" << "linux::kernel" << "linux::ssh_host_key" << "linux::virtualization" |
5801 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "linux::cpu" << "linux::memory" << "ec2" << "rackspace" << "eucalyptus" << "ip_scopes" |
5802 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "solaris2::cpu" << "solaris2::dmi" << "solaris2::filesystem" << "solaris2::kernel" |
5803 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "c" << "php" << "mono" << "groovy" << "lua" << "erlang" |
5804 | ohai[:disabled_plugins] << "kernel" << "linux::filesystem" << "ruby" |
5805 | chef_repo_path __dir__ |
5806 | run_list "test", "test::one", "test::two" |
5807 | define :new_cat, :is_pretty => true do |
5808 | cat "#{params[:name]}" do |
5809 | define :new_dog, :is_cute => true do |
5810 | dog "#{params[:name]}" do |
5811 | badger "#{params[:name]}" |
5812 | normal_unless[:attr_load_order] = [] |
5813 | @resources ||= [] |
5814 | block { } |
5815 | version "1.0.0" |
5816 | default["aliased"]["attr"] = "value" |
5817 | default["aliased"]["attr"] = "other" |
5818 | version "0.0.1" |
5819 | default[:sunshine] = "in" |
5820 | normal[:sunshine] = "in" |
5821 | a :foo |
5822 | c :bar |
5823 | }.each do |os| |
5824 | @monkey_name = "my monkey's name is '#{new_resource.monkey}'" |
5825 | block {} |
5826 | option :scro, :short => '-s SCRO', :long => '--scro SCRO', :description => 'a configurable setting' |
5827 | @ran = true |
5828 | define :rico_suave, :rich => "smooth" do |
5829 | something "#{params[:rich]}" |
5830 | version '0.1.0' |
5831 | supports 'centos', '>= 6' |
5832 | supports 'freebsd', '> 10.1-fake-p12' |
5833 | chef_env ||= nil |
5834 | (*&(*&(*&(*&(*^%$%^%#^^&(*)(*{}}}}}}}}+++++===)))))) |
5835 | (*&(*&(*&(*&(*^%$%^%#^^&(*)(*{}}}}}}}}+++++===))))) |
5836 | echo "grant all on *.* to root@'$i' identified by 'a_password'; flush privileges;" | mysql -u root -h |
5837 | 1 / 0 |
5838 | Dir["#{gem_home}/bundler/gems/*"].each do |gempath| |
5839 | matches = File.basename(gempath).match(/.*-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}/) |
5840 | gem_name = File.basename(Dir["#{gempath}/*.gemspec"].first, ".gemspec") |
5841 | puts "re-installing #{gem_name}..." |
5842 | (base_dirs.length - 1).downto(0) do |i| |
5843 | candidate_ca_bundle = File.join(base_dirs[0..i] + [ "ssl/certs/cacert.pem" ]) |
5844 | source path: "#{project.files_path}/#{name}" |
5845 | Dir.glob("#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems/*/bin/{console,setup}").each do |f| |
5846 | puts "Deleting #{f}" |
5847 | Dir.glob("#{install_dir}/**/{.gitkeep,.keep}").each do |f| |
5848 | target_dir = "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems".tr("\\", "/") |
5849 | files = %w{ |
5850 | Dir.glob("#{target_dir}/*/{#{files.join(",")}}").each do |f| |
5851 | next if File.basename(File.expand_path("..", f)).start_with?("chef-") |
5852 | next if File.basename(File.expand_path("..", f)).start_with?("ruby-prof-") |
5853 | Dir.glob("#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems/*/VERSION".tr("\\", "/")).each do |f| |
5854 | next if File.basename(File.expand_path("..", f)).start_with?("aws", "jmespath") |
5855 | next if Dir.exist?(File.join(File.dirname(f), "bin")) && !Dir.empty?(File.join(File.dirname(f), "bin")) |
5856 | Dir.glob("#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems/*/spec".tr("\\", "/")).each do |f| |
5857 | }.each do |f| |
5858 | file_path = "#{install_dir}/embedded/bin/#{f}" |
5859 | source path: "#{project.files_path}/../..", |
5860 | options: { exclude: [ "omnibus/vendor" ] } |
5861 | ruby_version = "3.1.2" |
5862 | ruby_version = ruby_version.split(".")[0..1].join(".") |
5863 | ruby_mmv = "#{ruby_version}.0" |
5864 | ruby_dir = "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/#{ruby_mmv}" |
5865 | gem_dir = "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/#{ruby_mmv}" |
5866 | bin_dirs bin_dirs.concat ["#{gem_dir}/gems/*/bin/**"] |
5867 | bundle "install --without #{bundle_excludes.join(" ")}", env: env |
5868 | gem "build #{gemspec_name}", env: env |
5869 | copy "chef*.gem", "pkg" |
5870 | %w{rubyzip}.each do |gem| |
5871 | sync "#{project_dir}", "#{install_dir}" |
5872 | current_file ||= __FILE__ |
5873 | version_file = File.expand_path("../../../../VERSION", current_file) |
5874 | install_dir "#{default_root}/#{name}" |
5875 | current_file = __FILE__ |
5876 | chef_project_contents ="chef.rb", __dir__)) |
5877 | marketing_names = [] |
5878 | (@major_version == v[:major]) && |
5879 | (@minor_version == v[:minor]) && |
5880 | (v[:callable] ? v[:callable].call(@product_type, @suite_mask, @build_number) : true) |
5881 | break mn[0] if send(mn[1]) |
5882 | define_method("#{m}?") do |
5883 | (self.class.const_get(c) == @sku) && |
5884 | (c.to_s =~ /#{m}/i ) |
5885 | windows_10? && build_number >= 15063 |
5886 | os_version.split(".").collect(&:to_i) |
5887 | length = 0 |
5888 | while last_char != "\000\000" |
5889 | length += 1 |
5890 | last_char = get_bytes(0, length * 2)[-2..] |
5891 | wide_to_utf8(get_bytes(0, num_wchars * 2)) |
5892 | offset = 0 |
5893 | offset += 2 while get_bytes(offset, 2) != "\x00\x00" |
5894 | def ==(other) |
5895 | (!domain.nil? && domain.length > 0) ? "#{domain}\\#{name}" : name |
5896 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-0") |
5897 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-0-0") |
5898 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-1") |
5899 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-1-0") |
5900 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-2") |
5901 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-3") |
5902 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-3-0") |
5903 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-3-1") |
5904 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-3-2") |
5905 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-3-3") |
5906 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-4") |
5907 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5") |
5908 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-1") |
5909 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-2") |
5910 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-3") |
5911 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-4") |
5912 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-6") |
5913 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-7") |
5914 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-8") |
5915 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-9") |
5916 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-10") |
5917 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-11") |
5918 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-12") |
5919 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-13") |
5920 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-18") |
5921 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-19") |
5922 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-20") |
5923 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-544") |
5924 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-545") |
5925 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-546") |
5926 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-547") |
5927 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-548") |
5928 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-549") |
5929 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-550") |
5930 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-551") |
5931 | SID.from_string_sid("S-1-5-32-552") |
5932 | if user_info[:usri3_user_id] == 500 && user_info[:usri3_priv] == 2 # USER_PRIV_ADMIN (2) - Administrator |
5933 | @path = path |
5934 | @type = type |
5935 | aces_size = aces.inject(0) { |sum, ace| sum + ace.size } |
5936 | 0.upto(length - 1) do |i| |
5937 | return false if self[i] != other[i] |
5938 | def [](index) |
5939 | 0.upto(length - 1) { |i| yield self[i] } |
5940 | aces.reverse_each { |ace| add_ace(self, ace, index) } |
5941 | (size + 4 - 1) & 0xfffffffc |
5942 | type == other.type && flags == other.flags && mask == other.mask && sid == other.sid |
5943 | struct[:Mask] = val |
5944 | struct[:Mask] = mask |
5945 | privileges = [] |
5946 | accounts = [] |
5947 | if result == 0 |
5948 | account_name = (!domain.nil? && domain.length > 0) ? "#{domain}\\#{name}" : name |
5949 | Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Error.raise!("get_named_security_info(#{path}, #{type}, #{info})", hr) |
5950 | [ present.read_char != 0, acl.null? ? nil :, security_descriptor), defaulted.read_char != 0 ] |
5951 | [ sid, defaulted ] |
5952 | IsValidAcl(acl) != 0 |
5953 | IsValidSid(sid) != 0 |
5954 | use = |
5955 | owner = args[:owner] |
5956 | group = args[:group] |
5957 | dacl = args[:dacl] |
5958 | sacl = args[:sacl] |
5959 | access = 0 |
5960 | if win32_error != 0 |
5961 | { |name, type, data| { name: name, type: get_name_from_type(type), data: data } } |
5962 | data = value[:data] |
5963 | data = data.to_s if value[:type] == :string |
5964 | Chef::Log.trace("Updating value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} with type #{value[:type]} and data #{data}") |
5965 | Chef::Log.trace("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} updated") |
5966 | Chef::Log.trace("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} created") |
5967 | key_parent = key_parts.join("\\") |
5968 | rescue ::Win32::Registry::Error => e |
5969 | reg.each_key { |key| return true } |
5970 | subkeys = [] |
5971 | reg.each_key { |current_key| subkeys << current_key } |
5972 | ( applied_arch == :x86_64 ) ? 0x0100 : 0x0200 |
5973 | val_type == get_type_from_name(value[:type]) && |
5974 | val_data == value[:data] |
5975 | if val_name == value[:name] |
5976 | if val_type == type_new |
5977 | missing_key_arr = key_path.split("\\") |
5978 | key = missing_key_arr.join("\\") |
5979 | ::RbConfig::CONFIG["target_cpu"] == "x64" ? :x86_64 : :i386 |
5980 | reg_path = path.split("\\") |
5981 | key = reg_path.join("\\") |
5982 | hive = { |
5983 | }[hive_name] |
5984 | [hive, key] |
5985 | @_name_type_map ||= _type_name_map.invert |
5986 | }[val_type] |
5987 | existing_key_path = existing_key_path << "\\" << intermediate_key |
5988 | (call_succeeded != 0) && (is_64_bit_process_result.get_int(0) != 0) |
5989 | { usri3_name: nil, |
5990 | }.each do |(k, v)| |
5991 | s.set(k, v) |
5992 | group_members = [] |
5993 | server_name, group_name, 0, buf, -1, |
5994 | args.each do |k, v| |
5995 | buf.set(k, v) |
5996 | info.each do |k, v| |
5997 | ui2_hash.each do |(k, v)| |
5998 | rc = NetUseAdd(server_name, 2, buf, nil) |
5999 | if @handle == 0 |
6000 | }.each do |method| |
6001 | to_hex(trans[:w_lang]) + to_hex(trans[:w_code_page]) |
6002 | integer.to_s(16).rjust(4, "0") |
6003 | raise Errno::ENOENT, "(#{old_name}, #{new_name})" unless ::File.exist?(old_name) || ::File.symlink?(old_name) |
6004 | if ::File.exist?(file_name) || ::File.symlink?(file_name) |
6005 | if /^\\\?\?\\/.match?(link_dest) |
6006 | link_dest = link_dest[4..] |
6007 | if size == 0 |
6008 | result = :char, (size + 1) * 2 |
6009 | def self.format_message(message_id = 0, args = {}) |
6010 | source = args[:source] || 0 |
6011 | language_id = args[:language_id] || 0 |
6012 | varargs = args[:varargs] || [:int, 0] |
6013 | if num_chars == 0 |
6014 | formatted_message << "---- Begin Win32 API output ---- " |
6015 | formatted_message << "---- End Win32 API output ---- " |
6016 | :sz_csd_version, [:BYTE, 256], |
6017 | :w_suite_mask, :WORD, |
6018 | :w_product_type, :BYTE, |
6019 | :Sbzl, :uchar, |
6020 | :Mask, :uint32, |
6021 | ].include?(ace_type) |
6022 | val = if val.is_a? String |
6023 | self[key] = val |
6024 | val = self[key] |
6025 | members.inject({}) do |memo, key| |
6026 | memo[key] = get(key) |
6027 | if !val.nil? && !val.null? |
6028 | ffi_lib "msi" |
6029 | if status != 234 |
6030 | if status != 0 |
6031 | (device_type << 16) | (access << 14) | (function << 2) | method |
6032 | layout :w_lang, :WORD, |
6033 | :n_file_size_high, :DWORD, |
6034 | :n_file_size_low, :DWORD, |
6035 | :c_alternate_file_name, [:BYTE, 14] |
6036 | :Flags, :uint32, |
6037 | path = ::File.expand_path(path) if path.start_with? "/" |
6038 | if success == 0 |
6039 | if file_size == 0 |
6040 | layout :cbData, :DWORD, # Count, in bytes, of data |
6041 | arguments_list = [] |
6042 | offset = offset + argument.length * 2 + 2 |
6043 | ((low & 0xff) | (high & 0xff)) << 8 |
6044 | ((low & 0xffff) | (high & 0xffff)) << 16 |
6045 | l & 0xffff |
6046 | l >> 16 |
6047 | w & 0xff |
6048 | w >> 8 |
6049 | status >> 31 == 1 |
6050 | sev << 31 | fac << 16 | code |
6051 | (hr >> 16) & 0x1fff |
6052 | if x <= 0 |
6053 | (x & 0x0000FFFF) | (7 << 16) | 0x80000000 |
6054 | (hr >> 31) & 0x1 |
6055 | status < 0 |
6056 | status >= 0 |
6057 | low + (high * (2**32)) |
6058 | OPS = %w{< > = <= >= ~>}.freeze |
6059 | PATTERN = /^(#{OPS.join('|')}) *([0-9].*)$/.freeze |
6060 | other.class == self.class && @op == other.op && @version == other.version |
6061 | alias_method :==, :eql? |
6062 | elsif @op == "=" |
6063 | elsif @op == "~>" |
6064 | raise "bad op #{@op}" |
6065 | msg << "['#{constraint_spec.join(", ")}']" |
6066 | if str.index(" ").nil? && str =~ /^[0-9]/ |
6067 | @op = "=" |
6068 | @op = $1 |
6069 | @raw_version = $2 |
6070 | if @raw_version.split(".").size <= 2 |
6071 | def initialize(str = "") |
6072 | def <=>(other) |
6073 | ans = (version <=> other.send(method)) |
6074 | other.is_a?(Version) && self == other |
6075 | def parse(str = "") |
6076 | @major, @minor, @patch = |
6077 | when /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ |
6078 | [ $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i ] |
6079 | when /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ |
6080 | [ $1.to_i, $2.to_i, 0 ] |
6081 | msg = "'#{str}' does not match 'x.y.z' or 'x.y'" |
6082 | when /^(\d+)$/ |
6083 | [ $1.to_i, 0, 0 ] |
6084 | when /^(\d+).(\d+)-[a-z]+\d?(-p(\d+))?$/i # Match FreeBSD |
6085 | [ $1.to_i, $2.to_i, ($4 ? $4.to_i : 0)] |
6086 | msg = "'#{str}' does not match 'x.y.z', 'x.y' or 'x'" |
6087 | require_relative "../../win32/api/file" |
6088 | name += "\\" unless /\\$/.match?(name) # trailing slash required |
6089 | require_relative "../../win32/net" |
6090 | args.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| |
6091 | usri3.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| |
6092 | memo[t[k]] = v |
6093 | if /System Error Code: 1326/.match?(e.to_s) |
6094 | user[:last_logon] = user[:units_per_week] = 0 # ignored as per USER_INFO_3 doc |
6095 | user[:logon_hours] = nil # PBYTE field; \0 == no changes |
6096 | args.each do |key, val| |
6097 | user[key] = val |
6098 | use_info.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| |
6099 | memo["ui2_#{k}".to_sym] = v |
6100 | args = {} |
6101 | args[:local] ||= use_name |
6102 | ui2_hash.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| |
6103 | memo[k.to_s.sub("ui2_", "").to_sym] = v |
6104 | @token = nil |
6105 | def <<(job) |
6106 | @queue << job |
6107 | fn = @queue.pop |
6108 | fn.arity == 1 ? : |
6109 | workers.each { |worker| self << Thread.method(:exit) } |
6110 | restorecon_flags = [ "-R" ] |
6111 | @changes = (editor.replace_lines(regex, newline) > 0) || @changes |
6112 | @changes = (editor.replace(regex, replace) > 0) || @changes |
6113 | @changes = (editor.remove_lines(regex) > 0) || @changes |
6114 | @changes = (editor.append_line_after(regex, newline) > 0) || @changes |
6115 | !!@changes |
6116 | lines = [] |
6117 | lines << line |
6118 | (lines.length - @lines.length).tap { @lines = lines } |
6119 | count = 0 |
6120 | count = 1 |
6121 |! do |line| |
6122 | count += 1 |
6123 | if found.length == 0 |
6124 | r["ResourceType"].casecmp(new_r["ResourceType"]) == 0 |
6125 | if count == 0 |
6126 | rs.each do |r| |
6127 | found = rs.find_all do |r| |
6128 | name_matches = r["Name"].casecmp(name) == 0 |
6129 | module_name.nil? || (r["Module"] && r["Module"]["Name"].casecmp(module_name) == 0) |
6130 | [] |
6131 | [ret_val] |
6132 | @sets = sets |
6133 | @change_log = change_log || [] |
6134 | ps4_base_command + " -whatif; if (! $?) { exit 1 }" |
6135 | !! (dsc_exception_output.gsub(/ +/, "").gsub(/\s+/, " ") =~ /A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Whatif'/i) |
6136 | !! (command_output =~ /\sCimException/ && |
6137 | Chef::Log.warn("Could not parse LCM output: #{e}") |
6138 | require_relative "../../log" |
6139 | lcm_output = String(lcm_output).split(" ") |
6140 | resources = [] |
6141 | op_action , op_value = line.strip.split(":") |
6142 | current_resource[:skipped] = op_value.strip == "True" ? true : false |
6143 | current_resource = { name: info } |
6144 | Chef::Log.trace("Ignoring op_action #{op_action}: Read line #{line}") |
6145 | if match = line.match(/^.*?:.*?:\s*LCM:\s*\[(.*?)\](.*)/) |
6146 | op_action, op_type = operation.strip.split(" ").map { |m| m.downcase.to_sym } |
6147 | op_action = op_type = :info |
6148 | if match = line.match(/^.*?:.*?: \s+(.*)/) |
6149 | [op_action, op_type, info] |
6150 |[:name], !r[:skipped], r[:logs]) |
6151 | Chef::Log.trace("DSC: DSC code: '#{code}'") |
6152 | unless switch_parameter_name.match?(/\A[A-Za-z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*\Z/) |
6153 | parameter_value.gsub(/(`|'|"|#)/, '`\1') |
6154 | switch_argument = "" |
6155 | switch_present ? ["-#{switch_name.to_s.downcase}", switch_argument].join(" ").strip : "" |
6156 | if !!(configuration_name =~ /\A[A-Za-z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*\Z/) == false |
6157 | if resources.length == 0 || resources.include?("*") |
6158 | document_file_name = ::Dir.entries(document_directory).find { |path| path =~ /.*.mof/ } |
6159 | @diff.nil? ? [ @error ] : @diff |
6160 | @diff.join("\ ") |
6161 | @error = do_diff(old_file, new_file) |
6162 | diff_str = "" |
6163 | diff_data = ::Diff::LCS.diff(old_data, new_data) |
6164 | ft = File.stat(old_file).mtime.localtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z") |
6165 | diff_str << "--- #{old_file}\t#{ft} " |
6166 | ft = File.stat(new_file).mtime.localtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z") |
6167 | diff_str << "+++ #{new_file}\t#{ft} " |
6168 | old_hunk = hunk = nil |
6169 | diff_str << old_hunk.diff(:unified) << " " |
6170 | Chef::Log.trace("Running: diff -u #{old_file} #{new_file}") |
6171 | @diff = diff_str.split(" ") |
6172 | buff = "" if buff.nil? |
6173 | return buff !~ /\A[\s[:print:]]*\z/m |
6174 | diff_str.encode!("UTF-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "?") |
6175 | @path = path.nil? ? new_resource.path : path |
6176 | if @new_resource.backup != false && @new_resource.backup > 0 && ::File.exist?(path) |
6177 | nanoseconds = sprintf("%6f", time.to_f).split(".")[1] |
6178 | savetime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S.#{nanoseconds}") |
6179 | backup_filename = "#{path}.chef-#{savetime}" |
6180 | backup_filename = backup_filename.sub(/^([A-Za-z]:)/, "") # strip drive letter on Windows |
6181 | @prefix ||= Chef::Config[:file_backup_path].to_s |
6182 |"#{@new_resource} backed up to #{backup_path}") |
6183 | !!(f =~ /\A#{fn}.chef-[0-9.]*\B/) |
6184 | { |f| ::File.join(::File.dirname(backup_path), f) } |
6185 | unsorted_backup_files.sort.reverse # faster than sort { |a, b| b <=> a } |
6186 | @last_name = nil |
6187 | @email = nil |
6188 | @chef_root_rest_v0 ||=[:chef_server_root], { api_version: "0" }) |
6189 | @chef_root_rest_v1 ||=[:chef_server_root], { api_version: "1" }) |
6190 | regex: /^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/) |
6191 | def email(arg = nil) |
6192 | result["email"] = @email unless @email.nil? |
6193 | payload = { |
6194 | if new_user["chef_key"] |
6195 | if new_user["chef_key"]["private_key"] |
6196 | new_user["private_key"] = new_user["chef_key"]["private_key"] |
6197 | new_user["public_key"] = new_user["chef_key"]["public_key"] |
6198 | if e.response.code == "400" |
6199 | if e.response.code == "409" |
6200 | payload = to_h.merge({ "private_key" => true }) |
6201 | if e.response.code == "406" && e.response["x-ops-server-api-version"] |
6202 | users.inject({}) do |user_map, (name, _url)| |
6203 | new_response = {} |
6204 | name = u["user"]["username"] |
6205 | new_response[name] = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] + "/users/#{name}" |
6206 | @name = "" |
6207 | @chef_rest_v0 ||=[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0" }) |
6208 | def name(arg = nil) |
6209 | def admin(arg = nil) |
6210 | chef_rest_v0.delete("users/#{@name}") |
6211 | payload = { name: name, admin: admin } |
6212 | reregistered_self = chef_rest_v0.put("users/#{name}", { name: name, admin: admin, private_key: true }) |
6213 | response =[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0" }).get("users") |
6214 | response =[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0" }).get("users/#{name}") |
6215 | !!@node_built |
6216 | print "." |
6217 | msg = success ? "done. " : "epic fail! " |
6218 |"Run List is [#{@node.run_list}]") |
6219 |"Run List expands to [#{@expanded_run_list_with_versions.join(", ")}]") |
6220 | puts "#{}: #{e.message}" |
6221 | puts "* " * 40 |
6222 | return all if query.to_s == "all" |
6223 | objects = @model_class.method(:list).arity == 0 ? @model_class.list : @model_class.list(true) |
6224 | { |obj| Array(obj).find { |o| o.is_a?(@model_class) } } |
6225 | { |key, value| "#{key}:#{value}" }.join(" AND ") |
6226 | all_items = [] |
6227 | { |job|[1].context.main) } |
6228 | banner = [] |
6229 | banner << "" |
6230 | banner << "".ljust(80, "=") |
6231 | banner << "| " + "Command".ljust(25) + "| " + "Description" |
6232 | banner << "| " + help_text.cmd.ljust(25) + "| " + help_text.desc |
6233 | banner << " " |
6234 | banner.join(" ") |
6235 | help = all_help_descriptions.find { |h| h.cmd.to_s == method_name.to_s } |
6236 | puts "" |
6237 | puts "Command: #{method_name}" |
6238 | puts "".ljust(80, "=") |
6239 | :on |
6240 | @help_descriptions ||= [] |
6241 | @desc, @explain = nil, nil |
6242 | help_descriptions <<"#{mname}.#{subcommand}", text.to_s, nil) |
6243 | @subcommand_help = {} |
6244 | when "on" |
6245 | when "off" |
6246 | explain(<<~E) |
6247 | puts "echo is #{conf.echo.to_on_off_str}" |
6248 | def ohai(key = nil) |
6249 | filename = "#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::SHELL}-edit-#{}-" |
6250 | edited_data =[filename, ".js"]) do |tempfile| |
6251 | system("#{Shell.editor} #{tempfile.path}") |
6252 | clients.all #=> [<Chef::ApiClient...>, ...] |
6253 |"KEY:VALUE") { |c| } |
6254 | clients.transform("*:*") do |client| |
6255 | if =~ /borat/i |
6256 | nodes.all #=> [<Chef::Node...>, <Chef::Node...>, ...] |
6257 | nodes.find(:name => "app*") #=> [<Chef::Node @name="" ...>, ...] |
6258 | nodes.find(:name => "app#") { |node| node.ec2 } |
6259 | if node.fqdn =~ /.*\\.preprod\\.example\\.com/ |
6260 | show: "load a node by name", |
6261 | show: "load a role by name", |
6262 | show: "load a data bag item by id", |
6263 | @named_databags_wrappers ||= {} |
6264 | ::IRB.setup(nil) |
6265 | Chef::Config[:log_level] ||= :warn |
6266 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :warn if Chef::Config[:log_level] == :auto |
6267 | Chef::Log.level = Chef::Config[:log_level] || :warn |
6268 | @irb_conf || IRB.conf |
6269 | irb_conf[:IRB_RC] = lambda do |conf| |
6270 | m = conf.main |
6271 | env_string = Shell.env ? " (#{Shell.env})" : "" |
6272 | puts "run `help' for help, `exit' or ^D to quit." |
6273 | long: "--[no-]multiline", |
6274 | long: "--[no-]singleline", |
6275 | long: "--[no-]colorize", |
6276 | short: "-h", |
6277 | long: "--help", |
6278 | on: :tail, |
6279 | proc: proc { print_help } |
6280 | short: "-a", |
6281 | long: "--standalone", |
6282 | short: "-s", |
6283 | long: "--solo", |
6284 | proc: proc { Chef::Config[:solo] = true } |
6285 | short: "-z", |
6286 | long: "--client", |
6287 | long: "--solo-legacy-mode", |
6288 | proc: proc { Chef::Config[:solo_legacy_mode] = true } |
6289 | short: "-v", |
6290 | long: "--version", |
6291 | proc: lambda { |items| items.split(",").map { |item| } } |
6292 | long: "--[no-]skip-cookbook-sync", |
6293 | unversioned? ? 0 : nil |
6294 | def initialize(url = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url], options = {}) |
6295 | options[:client_name] ||= Chef::Config[:node_name] |
6296 | def raw_request(method, path, headers = {}, data = false) |
6297 | secret_uri = URI.parse("https://#{vault}{name}/#{version}?api-version=7.2") |
6298 | response = http.get(secret_uri, { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}", |
6299 | raise"#{result["error"]["code"]}: #{result["error"]["message"]}") |
6300 | if name.include?("/") |
6301 | name.split("/", 2) |
6302 | [config[:vault], name] |
6303 | @token_query ||= begin |
6304 | p = {} |
6305 | p["api-version"] = api_version |
6306 | p["client_id"] = client_id if client_id |
6307 | p["mi_res_id"] = mi_res_id if mi_res_id |
6308 | response = http.get(token_uri, { "Metadata" => "true" }) |
6309 | config[:region] = config[:region] || Aws.config[:region] || run_context.node.dig("ec2", "region") |
6310 | config[:token] = "#{config[:access_id]}..#{config[:access_key]}" |
6311 | when nil, "" |
6312 | autoload :URI, "uri" |
6313 | @url = url |
6314 | @rest ||= || @config[:chef_server_url]) |
6315 | def search(type, query = "*:*", *args, &block) |
6316 | if args_h[:fuzz] |
6317 | if type.to_sym == :node |
6318 | args_h = args_h.reject { |k, v| k == :fuzz } |
6319 | args_h[:rows] ||= 1000 |
6320 | response["rows"].each { |row| yield(row) if row } |
6321 | next_start = response["start"] + args_h[:rows] |
6322 | [ response["rows"], response["start"], response["total"] ] |
6323 | if !/:/.match?(query) |
6324 | unless t.is_a?(String) || t.is_a?(Symbol) |
6325 | msg = "Invalid search object type #{t.inspect} (#{t.class}), must be a String or Symbol." + |
6326 | args_h = {} |
6327 | args_h[:start] = args[0] if args[0] |
6328 | args_h[:rows] = args[1] |
6329 | args_h[:filter_result] = args[2] |
6330 | query_param_value = Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY + "\\&\\;" |
6331 | qstr = "search/#{type}?q=#{escape_value(query)}" |
6332 | qstr += "&start=#{escape_value(start)}" if start |
6333 | qstr += "&rows=#{escape_value(rows)}" if rows |
6334 | def call_rest_service(type, query: "*:*", rows: nil, start: 0, filter_result: nil) |
6335 | response["rows"].map! { |row| row["data"] } |
6336 | response["rows"].map! do |row| |
6337 | saved = Chef::Config[:why_run] |
6338 | Chef::Config[:why_run] = saved |
6339 | @end_time = |
6340 | if @start_time && @end_time |
6341 | @end_time - @start_time |
6342 | { node: node, |
6343 | run_id: run_id } |
6344 | @exception && "#{}: #{@exception.message}" |
6345 | @mutex = nil |
6346 | @runpid = nil |
6347 | if time_to_wait > 0.0 |
6348 | @runlock =, "a+") |
6349 | @mutex ="Global\\#{"\\", "/").downcase}") |
6350 | release # Just to be on the safe side... |
6351 | @versions = {} |
6352 | map { |recipe_name| { name: recipe_name, version: @versions[recipe_name] } } |
6353 | [ recipe_name.sub(/::default$/, ""), recipe_name ] |
6354 | elsif recipe_name.include?("::") |
6355 | [ recipe_name, "#{recipe_name}::default" ] |
6356 | @type = (item["type"] || item[:type]).to_sym |
6357 | @name = item["name"] || item[:name] |
6358 | if item.key?("version") || item.key?(:version) |
6359 | @version = item["version"] || item[:version] |
6360 | @type = :recipe |
6361 | @name = match[1] |
6362 | @version = match[3] if match[3] |
6363 | @type = :role |
6364 | name = match[1] |
6365 | raise ArgumentError, "Unable to create #{self.class} from #{item.class}:#{item.inspect}: must be recipe[#{name}] or role[#{name}]" |
6366 | @name = item |
6367 | @type == :role |
6368 | @type == :recipe |
6369 | to_s == other.to_s |
6370 | other.respond_to?(:type) && other.respond_to?(:name) && other.respond_to?(:version) && other.type == @type && == @name && other.version == @version |
6371 | unless (item.key?("type") || item.key?(:type)) && (item.key?("name") || item.key?(:name)) |
6372 | @applied_roles = {} |
6373 | @run_list_trace = { |h, key| h[key] = [] } |
6374 | @better_run_list_trace = { |h, key| h[key] = [] } |
6375 | @all_missing_roles = {} |
6376 | @role_errors = {} |
6377 | seen_items = { recipe: {}, role: {} } |
6378 | { type: "recipe", name:, version: item.version, skipped: !!skipped } |
6379 | { type: :role, name:, children: (missing || error || skipped) ? [] : convert_run_list_trace(item.to_s, seen_items), |
6380 | @rest ||= (source ||[:chef_server_url])) |
6381 | Chef::Role.from_hash(rest.get("roles/#{name}")) |
6382 | if e.message == '404 "Not Found"' |
6383 | @role_errors[name] = e.to_s |
6384 | @run_list_items = { |i| coerce_to_run_list_item(i) } |
6385 | @run_list_items.inject([]) { |memo, run_list_item| memo << if run_list_item.role?; memo } |
6386 | @run_list_items.inject([]) { |memo, run_list_item| memo << if run_list_item.recipe?; memo } |
6387 | def <<(run_list_item) |
6388 | alias :push :<< |
6389 | alias :add :<< |
6390 | @run_list_items.join(", ") |
6391 | |
6392 | @run_list_items.length == 0 ? true : false |
6393 | def [](pos) |
6394 | def []=(pos, item) |
6395 | @run_list_items.each { |i| yield(i) } |
6396 | @run_list_items.each_index { |i| yield(i) } |
6397 | item.each { |r| self << r } |
6398 | self << item |
6399 | @run_list_items.delete_if { |i| i == item } |
6400 | autoload :Set, "set" |
6401 | seen_cookbooks = {} |
6402 | default_file = list_of_attr_files.find { |path| File.basename(path) == "default.rb" } |
6403 | each_file_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :compliance, [ "waivers/**/*.{yml,yaml}" ]) do |filename| |
6404 | each_file_in_cookbook_by_segment(cookbook_name, :compliance, [ "inputs/**/*.{yml,yaml}" ]) do |filename| |
6405 | target = record[:path].delete_prefix("#{segment}/") |
6406 | rc = self |
6407 | @logger = logger || Chef::Log.with_child |
6408 | @definitions = {} |
6409 | @loaded_recipes_hash = {} |
6410 | @reboot_info = {} |
6411 | @before_notification_collection = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
6412 | @immediate_notification_collection = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
6413 | @delayed_notification_collection = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
6414 | @delayed_actions = [] |
6415 | do |n| |
6416 | (n.resource.is_a?(String) && n.resource == resource.declared_key) || |
6417 | result_recipes = [] |
6418 | loaded_recipes_hash.key?("#{cookbook}::#{recipe}") |
6419 | loaded_recipes_hash["#{cookbook}::#{recipe}"] = true |
6420 | }.map(&:to_sym) |
6421 | @description = "" |
6422 | @env_run_lists = { "_default" => } |
6423 | :name, |
6424 | regex: /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/ |
6425 | @env_run_lists["_default"].reset!(args) |
6426 | @env_run_lists["_default"] |
6427 | msg << "(env_run_lists: #{env_run_lists.inspect})" |
6428 | env_run_lists.each { |k, v| @env_run_lists[k] =*Array(v)) } |
6429 | accumulator[k] = |
6430 | role = new |
6431 |["name"]) |
6432 | env_run_list_hash = { "_default" => (o.key?("run_list") ? o["run_list"] : o["recipes"]) } |
6433 | if o["env_run_lists"] |
6434 | response = {} |
6435 | chef_server_rest.put("roles/#{@name}", self) |
6436 | roles_files = Dir.glob(File.join(Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(path), "**", "**")) |
6437 | js_files = { |file| file.match(%r{/#{name}\.json$}) } |
6438 | rb_files = { |file| file.match(%r{/#{name}\.rb$}) } |
6439 | if js_files.count > 1 || rb_files.count > 1 |
6440 | if js_path && File.exist?(js_path) |
6441 | as_hash = {} |
6442 | as_hash["duration"] = ( action_record.elapsed_time * 1000 ).to_i.to_s |
6443 | @status = "success" |
6444 | @expanded_run_list = {} |
6445 | if !e.response || (code != "404" && code != "406") |
6446 | exception = "Exception: #{code} " |
6447 | reason = "Received #{code}. " |
6448 | if code == "406" |
6449 | @status = "failure" |
6450 | run_data = {} |
6451 | run_data["action"] = "end" |
6452 | run_data["status"] = @status |
6453 | run_data["data"] = {} |
6454 | run_data["start_time"] = start_time.to_s |
6455 | run_data["end_time"] = end_time.to_s |
6456 | exception_data = {} |
6457 | Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap( { |gz| gz << data } |
6458 | data[:actions] = {} |
6459 | { |_, k| k.options[:declared_in] == Chef::Resource || k.options[:skip_docs] } |
6460 | { |_, k| k.options[:skip_docs] } |
6461 | data[:properties] = properties.each_with_object([]) do |(n, k), acc| |
6462 | acc << { name: n, description: opts[:description], |
6463 | equal_to: sort_equal_to(opts[:equal_to]) } |
6464 | resources.each_with_object({}) do |r, res| |
6465 | pth = r["full_path"] |
6466 | extract_cookbook(arg, complete).each { |k, v| acc[k] = v } |
6467 | @defines = {} |
6468 | @name = nil |
6469 | @params = {} |
6470 | @recipe = nil |
6471 | @params[symbol] = args.length == 1 ? args[0] : args |
6472 | (name).to_s |
6473 | @position = 0 |
6474 | @position += 1 |
6475 | step while @position < size && !paused? |
6476 | @resources_by_key = {} |
6477 | key = key.to_s |
6478 | msg = "arguments to #{}#find should be of the form :resource => 'name' or 'resource[name]'" |
6479 | rl = o["instance_vars"]["@resources_by_key"] |
6480 | resources = rl.merge(rl) { |k, r| Chef::Resource.from_hash(r) } |
6481 | instance_names = name_list.is_a?(Array) ? name_list : [ name_list ] |
6482 | name = $2 |
6483 | arg =~ /^.+\[(.+)\]$/ |
6484 | name = "" |
6485 | @resources = [] |
6486 | ret = @resources.reject! { |r| r.to_s == key } |
6487 | def []=(index, resource) |
6488 | resources = o["instance_vars"]["@resources"].map { |r| Chef::Resource.from_hash(r) } |
6489 | instance_vars = {} |
6490 | o["instance_vars"].each do |k, v| |
6491 | def insert(resource, opts = {}) |
6492 | if !(resource_type.nil? && instance_name.nil?) |
6493 | Chef::Log.warn("`[]=` is deprecated, use `insert` (which only inserts at the end)") |
6494 | Chef::Log.warn("`push` is deprecated, use `insert`") |
6495 | alias_method :<<, :insert |
6496 | { "@resource_list" => "ResourceList", "@resource_set" => "ResourceSet" }.each_pair do |name, klass| |
6497 | type 'rpm-md' |
6498 | regex: [%r{^[^/]+$}], |
6499 | coerce: proc { |v| Array(v) }, |
6500 | default: [] |
6501 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(String) ? x.shellsplit : x }, |
6502 | default: "/etc/yum.repos.d/", |
6503 | property :cost, String, regex: /^\d+$/, |
6504 | property :metadata_expire, String, regex: [/^\d+$/, /^\d+[mhd]$/, /never/], |
6505 | property :mirror_expire, String, regex: [/^\d+$/, /^\d+[mhd]$/], |
6506 | property :mirrorlist_expire, String, regex: [/^\d+$/, /^\d+[mhd]$/], |
6507 | property :priority, String, regex: /^(\d?[1-9]|[0-9][0-9])$/, |
6508 | property :repositoryid, String, regex: [%r{^[^/]+$}], |
6509 | property :timeout, String, regex: /^\d+$/, |
6510 | yum_package 'netpbm >= 10.35.58-8.el8' |
6511 | yum_package 'netpbm >= 10' |
6512 | or: |
6513 | flush_cache [ :before ] |
6514 | identity: true, coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x.to_a : x } |
6515 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x.to_a : x } |
6516 | property :arch, [ String, Array ], |
6517 | default: { before: false, after: false }, |
6518 | coerce: proc { |v| |
6519 | if v.is_a?(Hash) |
6520 | elsif v.is_a?(Array) |
6521 | v.each_with_object({}) { |arg, obj| obj[arg] = true } |
6522 | elsif v.is_a?(TrueClass) || v.is_a?(FalseClass) |
6523 | { before: v, after: v } |
6524 | elsif v == :before |
6525 | { before: true, after: false } |
6526 | elsif v == :after |
6527 | { after: true, before: false } |
6528 | regex: /^\S*$/, # no spaces |
6529 | coerce: proc { |x| clarify_reboot(x) }, |
6530 | cmd = "" |
6531 | cmd << " -Force" |
6532 | coerce: proc { |v| Array(v) } |
6533 | users = [] |
6534 | (users - accounts).each do |user| |
6535 | notify: 2, |
6536 | p >= 0 && p <= 22 |
6537 | p > 0 && p < 25 |
6538 | values [{ |
6539 | type: :dword, |
6540 | values [{ name: "EnableLUA", type: :dword, data: bool_to_reg(new_resource.enable_uac) }, |
6541 | bool ? 1 : 0 |
6542 | day 'Mon, Thu' |
6543 | day 'Mon, Fri' |
6544 | property :task_name, String, regex: [%r{\A[^/\:\*\?\<\>\|]+\z}], |
6545 | description: "The Months of the year on which the task runs, such as: `JAN, FEB` or `*`. Multiple months should be comma delimited. e.g. `Jan, Feb, Mar, Dec`." |
6546 | default: 7, callbacks: { "should be in range of 0 to 10" => proc { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 10 } } |
6547 | introduced: "14.7", |
6548 | introduced: "17.0", default: 5, |
6549 | if start_day.nil? && day.nil? |
6550 | if (frequency_modifier.to_i.between?(2, 12)) && !(months.nil?) |
6551 | if start_day && frequency == :none |
6552 | raise ArgumentError, "`start_time` property must be in the HH:mm format (e.g. 6:20pm -> 18:20)." unless /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/.match?(start_time) |
6553 | @password_required ||= (!user.nil? && !Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Security::SID.system_user?(user)) |
6554 | if (%i{on_logon onstart on_idle none}.include?(frequency)) && ( frequency_modifier != 1) |
6555 | min = 1 |
6556 | raise ArgumentError, "day wild card (*) is only valid with frequency :weekly" if frequency == :monthly && day == "*" |
6557 | if day.is_a?(String) && day.to_i.to_s != day |
6558 | days = day.split(",") |
6559 |! { |day| day.to_s.strip.downcase } |
6560 | months = months.split(",") |
6561 | if !idle_time.nil? && frequency != :on_idle |
6562 | if idle_time.nil? && frequency == :on_idle |
6563 | unless idle_time.nil? || idle_time > 0 && idle_time <= 999 |
6564 | task =, nil, "\\", false) |
6565 | pathed_task_name = new_resource.task_name.start_with?("\\") ? new_resource.task_name : "\\#{new_resource.task_name}" |
6566 | trigger_hash = { |
6567 | day = day.to_s.split(",") |
6568 |! { |value| value.strip.upcase } |
6569 | flag = ( != new_resource.user || |
6570 | task.principals[:run_level] != run_level || |
6571 | != 0 || |
6572 | ( new_resource.start_day && (current_task_trigger[:start_year].to_i != new_task_trigger[:start_year] || |
6573 | ( new_resource.start_time && ( current_task_trigger[:start_hour].to_i != new_task_trigger[:start_hour] || |
6574 | { once: nil } |
6575 | { months: months_of_year.to_i, days: days_of_month.to_i } |
6576 | weeks_of_month = [] |
6577 |! { |week| week.to_s.strip.upcase } |
6578 | days_of_month = [] |
6579 | days =",") |
6580 |! { |day| day.to_s.strip.upcase } |
6581 | if days - (1..31).to_a |
6582 | days_of_month = days_of_month.size > 1 ? days_of_month.inject(:|) : days_of_month[0] |
6583 | = "mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun" if == "*" && new_resource.frequency == :weekly |
6584 | months_of_year = [] |
6585 | new_resource.months = "jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec" if new_resource.months == "*" && new_resource.frequency == :monthly |
6586 | data = [] |
6587 | data.size > 1 ? data.inject(:|) : data[0] |
6588 | settings = { |
6589 | settings = {} |
6590 | validate = [] |
6591 | cmd = "schtasks /#{task_action} /TN \"#{new_resource.task_name}\" " |
6592 | unless option == "TR" |
6593 | cmd += "/#{option} " |
6594 | cmd += "\"#{options[option].to_s.gsub('"', "\\\"")}\" " unless options[option] == "" |
6595 | if options["TR"] |
6596 | cmd += "/TR \"#{options["TR"]} \" " unless task_action == "DELETE" |
6597 | shell_out!(cmd, returns: [0]) |
6598 | Date.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%a").upcase |
6599 | path 'C:\\foo' |
6600 | coerce: proc { |p|"/", "\\") || p } |
6601 | default: "" |
6602 | default: [], coerce: proc { |u| u.sort } |
6603 | default: "*" |
6604 | f_users = [] |
6605 | c_users = [] |
6606 | r_users = [] |
6607 | when 2 then r_users << stripped_account(perm["AccountName"]) # 2 == read |
6608 | [f_users, c_users, r_users] |
6609 | name.slice!("#{node["hostname"]}\\") |
6610 | grant_command = "Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -AccountName \"#{new_resource.send("#{perm_type}_users").join('","')}\" -Force -AccessRight #{perm_type}" |
6611 | property_name = "#{type}_users" |
6612 | revoke_command = "Revoke-SmbShareAccess -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -AccountName \"#{users.join('","')}\" -Force" |
6613 | bool ? "$true" : "$false" |
6614 | property :display_name, String, regex: /^.{1,256}$/, |
6615 | coerce: proc { |x| |
6616 | if x.is_a?(Integer) |
6617 | introduced: "14.0", |
6618 | default: false, coerce: proc { |x| |
6619 | x == 0 ? false : true |
6620 | coerce: proc { |x| x.downcase } |
6621 | file =["#{security_option}", ".inf"]) |
6622 | policy_line = "#{security_option} = \"#{security_value}\"" |
6623 | file_path ="/", "\\") |
6624 | policy_line = "#{security_option} = #{security_value}" |
6625 | $security_options_data = (Get-Content $env:TEMP\\secopts_export.inf | Select-String -Pattern "^[CEFLMNPR].* =.*$" | Out-String) |
6626 | proc { |v| v.match(Resolv::IPv4::Regex) }, |
6627 | default: lazy { |x| "IP_#{x.ipv4_address}" }, |
6628 | description: "The printer port protocol: 1 (RAW) or 2 (LPR).", |
6629 | default: 1, equal_to: [1, 2] |
6630 | $_.Put() |
6631 | introduced: "17.3", |
6632 | windows_path 'C:\\7-Zip' do |
6633 | env "path" do |
6634 | value"/", "\\") |
6635 | path 'C' |
6636 | path 'E:\' |
6637 | path 'f:\' |
6638 | coerce: proc { |x|"/", "\\") }, |
6639 | when /^[a-zA-Z]/ |
6640 | new_resource.path[0] + ":\\pagefile.sys" |
6641 | when /^[a-zA-Z]:.*.sys/ |
6642 | if ::Dir.exist?(pagefile[0] + ":\\") == false |
6643 | @exists ||= begin |
6644 | $page_file_name = '#{pagefile}'; |
6645 | if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pagefile)) { return $false } else { return $true } |
6646 | $page_file = '#{pagefile}'; |
6647 | $driveLetter = $page_file.split(':')[0]; |
6648 | { return $true } |
6649 | { return $false } |
6650 | $page_file = "#{pagefile}" |
6651 | $driveLetter = $page_file.split(':')[0] |
6652 | converge_by("set #{pagefile} to InitialSize=#{min} & MaximumSize=#{max}") do |
6653 | source 'C:\\7z920.msi' |
6654 | :path => 'C:\\7zip.msi', |
6655 | options '/Q' |
6656 | property :returns, [ String, Integer, Array ], default: [ 0, 3010 ], |
6657 | coerce: (proc do |s| |
6658 | end), |
6659 | desired_state: false, coerce: (proc { |c| c.downcase }), |
6660 | coerce: proc { |x| /^.:.*/.match?(x) ?"\\", "/").gsub("//", "/") : x } |
6661 | fonts_dir = Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(ENV["windir"], "fonts") |
6662 | icmp_type '8' |
6663 | default: lazy { rule_name }, |
6664 | coerce: proc { |d| d.is_a?(String) ? d.split(/\s*,\s*/).sort : Array(d) }, |
6665 | coerce: proc { |d| d.is_a?(String) ? d.downcase.to_sym : d } |
6666 | default: "TCP", |
6667 | default: "Any", |
6668 | coerce: proc { |f| f.is_a?(String) ? f.downcase.to_sym : f } |
6669 | coerce: proc { |p| Array(p).map(&:downcase).map(&:to_sym).sort }, |
6670 | p.all? { |e| %i{public private domain any notapplicable}.include?(e) } |
6671 | coerce: proc { |i| i.is_a?(String) ? i.downcase.to_sym : i } |
6672 | current_profiles = state["profile"].split(", ").map(&:to_sym) |
6673 | cmd << " -Group '#{}'" if && cmdlet_type == "New" |
6674 | cmd << " -LocalPort '#{new_resource.local_port.join("', '")}'" if new_resource.local_port |
6675 | cmd << " -RemoteAddress '#{new_resource.remote_address.join("', '")}'" if new_resource.remote_address |
6676 | cmd << " -RemotePort '#{new_resource.remote_port.join("', '")}'" if new_resource.remote_port |
6677 | cmd << " -IcmpType '#{new_resource.icmp_type}'" |
6678 | cmd << " -Profile '#{new_resource.profile.join("', '")}'" if new_resource.profile |
6679 | cmd << " -Enabled '#{new_resource.enabled}'" |
6680 | new_resource.icmp_type.split(":").all? { |type| (0..255).cover?(type.to_i) } |
6681 | if obj.to_s.downcase == "true" |
6682 | if ($#{profile_name}.Enabled) { |
6683 | } else {return $false} |
6684 | coerce: proc { |x| to_formatted_array(x) }, |
6685 | x = x.split(/\s*,\s*/) if x.is_a?(String) # split multiple forms of a comma separated list |
6686 | converge_by("remove Windows feature#{"s" if features_to_remove.count > 1} #{features_to_remove.join(",")}") do |
6687 | @remove ||= begin |
6688 | raw_list_of_features || [] |
6689 | raise "The Windows feature#{"s" if removed.count > 1} #{removed.join(",")} #{removed.count > 1 ? "are" : "is"} removed from the host and cannot be installed." unless removed.empty? |
6690 | install_command = "dism.exe /online /enable-feature #{ { |f| "/featurename:#{f}" }.join(" ")} /norestart" |
6691 | message = "remove Windows feature#{"s" if features_to_remove.count > 1} #{features_to_remove.join(",")}" |
6692 | shell_out!("dism.exe /online /disable-feature #{ { |f| "/featurename:#{f}" }.join(" ")} /norestart", returns: [0, 42, 127, 3010], timeout: new_resource.timeout) |
6693 | @install ||= begin |
6694 | node.override["dism_features_cache"]["enabled"] = [] |
6695 | node.override["dism_features_cache"]["disabled"] = [] |
6696 | node.override["dism_features_cache"]["removed"] = [] |
6697 | feature_details = feature_string.strip.split(/\s+[|]\s+/).first |
6698 | source 'd:\\sources\\sxs' |
6699 | property :delim, [ String, nil, false ], |
6700 | @key_exists ||= !!env_value(new_resource.key_name) |
6701 | needs_delete = new_values.any? { |v| current_values.include?(v) } |
6702 | obj = env_obj(key_name) |
6703 | @env_obj = nil |
6704 | if ( ENV[new_resource.key_name] || key_exists? ) && !delete_element |
6705 | description: "", |
6706 | only_if "return ((Get-DfsnRoot -Path '\\\\#{ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]}\\#{new_resource.namespace_name}') -ne $null)" |
6707 | if (!($needs_creating)) |
6708 | only_if "return ((Get-DfsnFolder -Path '\\\\#{ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]}\\#{new_resource.namespace_name}\\#{new_resource.folder_path}' ) -ne $null)" |
6709 | paths 'c:\\foo\\bar, d:\\bar\\baz' |
6710 | property :paths, [String, Array], default: [], |
6711 | coerce: proc { |x| to_consistent_path_array(x) }, |
6712 | fixed = x.dup || [] |
6713 | fixed = fixed.split(/\s*,\s*/) if fixed.is_a?(String) |
6714 |! { |v| v.gsub(%r{/}, "\\") } |
6715 | values.transform_values! { |x| Array(x) } |
6716 | cmd << " -#{flag} #{to_add.join(",")}" unless to_add.empty? |
6717 | property :lock_ui, [true, false], |
6718 | cmd << " -UILockdown #{type_coercion(new_resource.lock_ui)}" |
6719 | cmd << " -#{flag} #{type_coercion(!new_resource.send(prop))}" |
6720 | private_key_acl ["acme\\fred", "pc\\jane"] |
6721 | default: lazy { pfx_password ? true : false }, skip_docs: true |
6722 | hash = "\"#{new_resource.source.gsub(/\s/, "")}\"" |
6723 | code_script = "" |
6724 | guard_script = "" |
6725 | if ::File.extname(new_resource.output_path) == ".pfx" |
6726 | if cert_obj != false && cert_obj != "Certificate Not Found" |
6727 | if !!out == out |
6728 | @local_pfx_path = "" |
6729 | pfx_file = file_name + ".pfx" |
6730 | f =, "w") |
6731 | ::File.file?(source) |
6732 | string.match?(/[0-9A-Fa-f]/) && string.length == 40 |
6733 | result == ( "Certificate Not Found" || "Certificate Has Expired" ) ? false : true |
6734 | $cert = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\\#{store_location}\\#{store_name} -Recurse | Where { $_.Thumbprint -eq "#{thumbprint.upcase}" } |
6735 | cert_script << " \"#{file}\"" |
6736 | if ::File.extname(file.downcase) == ".pfx" |
6737 | cert_script << ", \"#{new_resource.pfx_password}\"" |
6738 | cert_script << " " |
6739 | $hash = #{hash} |
6740 | Test-Path "Cert:\\#{ps_cert_location}\\#{new_resource.store_name}\\$hash" |
6741 | set_acl_script = <<-EOH |
6742 | if ($storeCert -eq $null) { throw 'no key exists.' } |
6743 | if ($keyname -eq $null) { throw 'no private key exists.' } |
6744 | set_acl_script << "$uname='#{name}'; icacls $fullpath /grant $uname`:RX " |
6745 | state = uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) && ! ? true : false |
6746 |, "wb") do |file| |
6747 | when ".pfx" |
6748 | when ".p7b" |
6749 | out_file =, "w+") |
6750 | when ".pem" |
6751 | when ".der" |
6752 | when ".cer" |
6753 | when ".crt" |
6754 | temp = result == ( "Certificate Not Found" || "Certificate Has Expired" ) ? false : true |
6755 | if temp == true |
6756 | when ".key" |
6757 |"Supported certificate format .pem, .der, .cer, .crt, and .p7b") |
6758 | coerce: proc { |x|"/", "\\") }, # make sure we have windows paths for the registry |
6759 | data = "\"#{new_resource.path}\"" |
6760 | data << " #{new_resource.args}" if new_resource.args |
6761 | data: "", |
6762 | { machine: "HKLM", user: "HKCU" }[new_resource.root] + \ |
6763 | coerce: proc { |p| Array(p) }, |
6764 | s_val = new_resource.success ? "enable" : "disable" |
6765 | f_val = new_resource.failure ? "enable" : "disable" |
6766 | converge_by "Update Audit Policy for \"#{subcategory}\" to Success:#{s_val} and Failure:#{f_val}" do |
6767 | cmd = "auditpol /set " |
6768 | cmd += "/user:\"#{new_resource.include_user}\" /include " if new_resource.include_user |
6769 | cmd += "/user:\"#{new_resource.exclude_user}\" /exclude " if new_resource.exclude_user |
6770 | cmd += "/subcategory:\"#{subcategory}\" /success:#{s_val} /failure:#{f_val}" |
6771 | if ($auditpol_config | Select-String "#{setting}") { return $true } else { return $false } |
6772 | setting = option_setting ? "Enabled$" : "Disabled$" |
6773 | regex: /.\../, # anything.anything |
6774 | cmd << " -OUPath \"#{new_resource.ou_path}\"" if new_resource.ou_path |
6775 | cmd << " -NewName \"#{new_resource.new_hostname}\"" if new_resource.new_hostname |
6776 | coerce: proc { |m| m.end_with?(".conf") ? m : m + ".conf" }, |
6777 | default: lazy { |r| r.username == "*" ? "00_all_limits.conf" : "#{r.username}_limits.conf" } |
6778 | source ::File.expand_path("support/ulimit.erb", __dir__) |
6779 | coerce: proc { |n| n && Integer(n) rescue n } |
6780 | if salt && password !~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{256}$/ |
6781 | (salt.nil? && password) ? password : nil |
6782 | provides :user, os: "aix" |
6783 | introduced: "18.0", |
6784 | /Time Zone: (.*)/.match(tz_shellout.stdout)[1] |
6785 | tz_shellout = shell_out("tzutil /g") |
6786 | tz_shellout = shell_out(["/usr/bin/timedatectl", "status"]) |
6787 | /Time zone: (.*) \(.*/.match(tz_shellout.stdout)[1] |
6788 | /ZONE="(.*)"/.match("/etc/sysconfig/clock"))[1] |
6789 | when "rhel", "amazon" |
6790 | shell_out!(["tzutil", "/s", new_resource.timezone]) |
6791 | else # linux / macos |
6792 | package suse? ? "timezone" : "tzdata" |
6793 | only_if { ::File.executable?("/usr/sbin/tzdata-update") } |
6794 | not_if { ::File.executable?("/usr/sbin/tzdata-update") } |
6795 | @source = "#{::File.basename(name)}.erb" |
6796 | @inline_helper_blocks = {} |
6797 | @helper_modules = [] |
6798 | kind_of: [ String, Array ] |
6799 | default: {} |
6800 | if block_given? && !module_name.nil? |
6801 | [ helper_mod ] |
6802 | content({ Unit: { |
6803 | Documentation: ['', 'man:etcd(1)'], |
6804 | Service: { |
6805 | Type: 'notify', |
6806 | Install: { |
6807 | } }) |
6808 | [Unit] |
6809 | :mask, :unmask, |
6810 | :start, :stop, |
6811 | doc.section(sect, { option_sep: "=" }) do |section| |
6812 | [val].flatten.each do |v| |
6813 | provides(:sysctl) { true } |
6814 | coerce: proc { |v| coerce_value(v) }, |
6815 | default: [], |
6816 | v.join(" ") |
6817 | v.to_s |
6818 | file "#{new_resource.conf_dir}/99-chef-#{"/", ".")}.conf" do |
6819 | command "sysctl #{"-e " if new_resource.ignore_error}-p" |
6820 | if ::File.exist?("#{new_resource.conf_dir}/99-chef-#{"/", ".")}.conf") |
6821 | converge_by "removing sysctl config at #{new_resource.conf_dir}/99-chef-#{"/", ".")}.conf" do |
6822 | shell_out!("sysctl #{"-e " if new_resource.ignore_error}-w \"#{key}=#{value}\"") |
6823 | sysctl_lines = Array(new_resource.comment).map { |c| "# #{c.strip}" } |
6824 | sysctl_lines << "#{new_resource.key} = #{new_resource.value}" |
6825 | sysctl_lines.join(" ") + " " |
6826 | val = shell_out!("sysctl -n -e #{key}")"\t", " ").strip |
6827 | raise unless ::File.exist?("/etc/sysctl.d/99-chef-#{"/", ".")}.conf") |
6828 | k, v ="/etc/sysctl.d/99-chef-#{"/", ".")}.conf").match(/(.*) = (.*)/).captures |
6829 | provides(:swap_file) { true } |
6830 | shell_out!("mkswap -f #{new_resource.path}") |
6831 | swapfile_regex ="^#{new_resource.path}[\\s\\t\ \\f]+") |
6832 | Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} fallocate size is #{size}") |
6833 | command = "fallocate -l #{size} #{new_resource.path}" |
6834 | command = "dd if=/dev/zero of=#{new_resource.path} bs=#{block_size} count=#{new_resource.size}" |
6835 | Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} dd command is '#{command}'") |
6836 | command = "df -PT #{parent_directory} | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}'" |
6837 | fstab = "/etc/fstab" |
6838 | if contents.any? { |line| line.strip == addition } |
6839 |"#{new_resource} adding entry to #{fstab} for #{new_resource.path}") |
6840 | contents << "#{addition} " |
6841 |, "w") { |f| f.write(contents.join("")) } |
6842 | provides(:sudo) { true } |
6843 | coerce: proc { |x| x.gsub(/[\.~]/, "__") } |
6844 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x : x.split(/\s*,\s*/) } |
6845 | coerce: proc { |x| coerce_groups(x) } |
6846 | default: ["ALL"] |
6847 | groups = x.is_a?(Array) ? x : x.split(/\s*,\s*/) |
6848 | { |g| g[0] == "%" ? g : "%#{g}" } |
6849 | source ::File.expand_path("support/sudoer.erb", __dir__) |
6850 | if ::File.exist?(path) |
6851 | key ' ssh-rsa ...' |
6852 | default: lazy { node["root_group"] }, |
6853 | key = |
6854 | hoststr = (new_resource.port != 22) ? "[#{}]:#{new_resource.port}" : |
6855 | keyscan_cmd = ["ssh-keyscan", "-t#{new_resource.key_type}", "-p #{new_resource.port}"] |
6856 | key.sub!(/^#{}/, "[#{}]:#{new_resource.port}") if new_resource.port != 22 |
6857 | comment = key.split(" ").first || "" |
6858 | keys.any? do |line| |
6859 | type_map = { |
6860 | type_map[key_type] || key_type |
6861 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x.each_with_object({}) { |i, m| m[i] = true } : x } |
6862 | coerce: proc { |x| x.respond_to?(:split) ? x.shellsplit : x } |
6863 | level 's0' |
6864 | range 's0' |
6865 | coerce: proc { |r| Array(r).sort } |
6866 | users = shell_out!("semanage user -l").stdout.split(" ") |
6867 | current_user = users.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.user)}\s+/) do |u| |
6868 | args = "" |
6869 | args += " -L #{new_resource.level}" if new_resource.level |
6870 | args += " -r #{new_resource.range}" if new_resource.range |
6871 | args += " -R '#{new_resource.roles.join(" ")}'" unless new_resource.roles.to_a.empty? |
6872 | source debian? ? ::File.expand_path("selinux/selinux_debian.erb", __dir__) : ::File.expand_path("selinux/selinux_default.erb", __dir__) |
6873 | when "rhel", "fedora", "amazon" |
6874 | regex: /^\d+$/, |
6875 | equal_to: %w{tcp udp}, |
6876 | seinfo --portcon=#{new_resource.port} | grep 'portcon #{new_resource.protocol}' | \ |
6877 | awk -F: '$(NF-1) !~ /reserved_port_t$/ && $(NF-3) !~ /[0-9]*-[0-9]*/ {print $(NF-1)}' |
6878 | shell_out!("semanage port -a -t '#{new_resource.secontext}' -p #{new_resource.protocol} #{new_resource.port}") |
6879 | shell_out!("semanage port -m -t '#{new_resource.secontext}' -p #{new_resource.protocol} #{new_resource.port}") |
6880 | path.concat(".#{type}") if type |
6881 | shell_out!("semodule --list-modules").stdout.split(" ").map { |x| x.split(/\s/).first } |
6882 | %w{fc if pp te}.each do |type| |
6883 | shell_out!("semodule", "--install", selinux_module_filepath("pp")) |
6884 | user 'test_u' |
6885 | logins = shell_out!("semanage login -l").stdout.split(" ") |
6886 | current_login = logins.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.login)}\s+/) do |l| |
6887 | l.match(/^(?<login>[^\s]+)\s+(?<user>[^\s]+)\s+(?<range>[^\s]+)/) |
6888 | args += " -s #{new_resource.user}" if new_resource.user |
6889 | if node["platform"] == "ubuntu" |
6890 | if node["platform_version"].to_f == 18.04 |
6891 | selinux_fcontext '/var/www/moodle(/.*)?' do |
6892 | file_type 'l' |
6893 | default: "a", |
6894 | equal_to: %w{a f d c b s l p}, |
6895 | file_hash = { |
6896 | c.match(/.+ (?<user>.+):(?<role>.+):(?<type>.+):(?<level>.+)$/)[:type] |
6897 | index = spec.size.times { |i| break i if spec[i] != escaped[i] } |
6898 | ::File.dirname spec[0...index] |
6899 | common = "/" if common[0] != "/" |
6900 | value 'on' |
6901 | equal_to: %w{on off}, |
6902 | coerce: proc { |p| selinux_bool(p) }, |
6903 | cmd += " -P" if new_resource.persistent |
6904 | cmd += " #{new_resource.boolean} #{new_resource.value}" |
6905 | if ["on", "true", "1", true, 1].include?(bool) |
6906 | elsif ["off", "false", "0", false, 0].include?(bool) |
6907 | (selinux_disabled? && %i{enforcing permissive}.include?(action)) || ((selinux_enforcing? || selinux_permissive?) && action == :disabled) |
6908 | use "scm" |
6909 | coerce: proc { |v| v == false ? nil : v }, # coerce false to nil |
6910 | default: "--no-auth-cache" |
6911 | require_relative "../../resource" |
6912 | git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" do |
6913 | cwd "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" |
6914 | environment 'PREFIX' => '/usr/local' |
6915 | git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/my_app" do |
6916 | description: "A Hash of environment variables in the form of ({'ENV_VARIABLE' => 'VALUE'}).", |
6917 | examples <<~'DOC' |
6918 | FileUtils.cp "#{node['mysql']['client']['lib_dir']}\\libmysql.dll", |
6919 | node['mysql']['client']['ruby_dir'] |
6920 | not_if { ::File.exist?("#{node['mysql']['client']['ruby_dir']}\\libmysql.dll") } |
6921 | f =['bittorrent']['torrent'],'rb') |
6922 | data = { |
6923 | rc ='/etc/hosts') |
6924 | rc.search_file_replace_line(/^127\.0\.0\.1 localhost$/, |
6925 | ENV['PATH'] = "#{node[:rbenv][:root]}/bin:#{node[:ruby_build][:bin_path]}:#{ENV['PATH']}" |
6926 | cmd ="subscription-manager list --consumed | grep #{subscription}", env: { LANG: "en_US" }) |
6927 | !cmd.stdout.match(/Pool ID:\s+#{subscription}$/).nil? |
6928 | serials = {} |
6929 | pool = nil |
6930 | cmd ="subscription-manager list --consumed", env: { LANG: "en_US" }) |
6931 | key, value = line.split(/:\s+/, 2) |
6932 | next unless ["Pool ID", "Serial"].include?(key) |
6933 | if key == "Pool ID" |
6934 | elsif key == "Serial" |
6935 | provides(:rhsm_repo) { true } |
6936 | cmd ="subscription-manager repos --list-enabled", env: { LANG: "en_US" }) |
6937 | repo == "*" || !cmd.stdout.match(/Repo ID:\s+#{repo}$/).nil? |
6938 | coerce: proc { |x| Array(x) }, |
6939 | [Float, String], |
6940 | node["platform_version"].to_i >= 8 ? :dnf_package : :yum_package |
6941 | coerce: proc { |x| x.downcase }, |
6942 | node["platform_version"].to_i >= 8 ? "dnf" : "yum" |
6943 | nethttp: { |
6944 | @source = [] |
6945 | { callbacks: { |
6946 | elsif args[0].is_a?(Chef::DelayedEvaluator) && args.count == 1 |
6947 | description: <<~'DOCS' |
6948 | headers({ "Cookie" => "user=some_user; pass=p@ssw0rd!" }) |
6949 | headers({ "Referer" => "#{header}" }) |
6950 | headers( "Authorization"=>"Basic #{ Base64.encode64("#{username}:#{password}").gsub(" ", "") }" ) |
6951 | introduced: "16.2", |
6952 | introduced: "13.4", |
6953 | introduced: "17.5", |
6954 | if specified_user && ((specified_user.include? "\\") || (specified_user.include? "@")) && specified_domain |
6955 | domain_and_user = user.split("\\") |
6956 | domain_and_user = user.split("@") |
6957 | if ( password || domain ) && user.nil? |
6958 | { domain: domain, user: user } |
6959 | regex: /^\d{3,4}$/, default: lazy { 0644 unless } |
6960 | :name => "test", |
6961 | :type => :binary, |
6962 | :data => [0, 1, 2].map(&:chr).join |
6963 | values [{name: 'ProxyEnable', type: :reg_dword, data: 1}, |
6964 | {name: 'ProxyServer', data: "#{}:#{proxy.port}"}, |
6965 | {name: 'ProxyOverride', type: :reg_string, data: <local>}, |
6966 | {name: '', type: :string, data: 'test'}, |
6967 | data: '' |
6968 | [ ] |
6969 | v.all? do |value| |
6970 | @unscrubbed_values ||= [] |
6971 | scrubbed = [] |
6972 | command '...' |
6973 | not_if 'test -e ~/data/nodes.bak' |
6974 | introduced: "17.6", |
6975 | if output == "PSRepository" || output == "PackageSource" |
6976 | if output == "PackageSource" || output == "PSRepository" |
6977 | logger.warn("*****************************************") |
6978 | cmd << "#{cmdlet_type}-PSRepository -Name '#{new_resource.source_name}'" |
6979 | cmd << " -InstallationPolicy '#{install_policy}'" |
6980 | cmd << " | Out-Null" |
6981 | cmd << "#{cmdlet_type}-PackageSource -Name '#{new_resource.source_name}'" |
6982 | cmd << " -NewName '#{new_resource.new_name}'" if new_resource.new_name |
6983 | (Get-PSRepository -Name '#{source_name}') | Select @{n='source_name';e={$_.Name}}, @{n='source_location';e={$_.SourceLocation}}, |
6984 | @{n='trusted';e={$_.Trusted}}, @{n='provider_name';e={$_.PackageManagementProvider}}, @{n='publish_location';e={$_.PublishLocation}}, |
6985 | @{n='provider_name';e={$_.ProviderName}}, @{n='trusted';e={$_.IsTrusted}}, @{n='publish_location';e={$_.PublishLocation}} |
6986 | coerce: proc { |x| [x].flatten } |
6987 | file_type_cmd = shell_out "/usr/bin/file", "--brief", "--mime-encoding", "--preserve-date", new_resource.path |
6988 | file_owner_cmd = shell_out("/usr/bin/stat", "-f", "%Su", new_resource.path) |
6989 | file_group_cmd = shell_out("/usr/bin/stat", "-f", "%Sg", new_resource.path) |
6990 | content({}.to_plist) |
6991 | converge_by "add entry \"#{new_resource.entry}\" to #{plist_file_name}" do |
6992 | value.to_i == 1 |
6993 | sep = " " |
6994 | when "add" |
6995 | sep = ":" |
6996 | { |k, v| "#{k} #{type_to_commandline_string(v)}" } |
6997 | when "set" |
6998 | { |k, v| "#{k} #{v}" } |
6999 | entry_with_arg = ["\"#{entry}\"", arg].join(sep).strip |
7000 | plutil_output = shell_out(PLUTIL_EXECUTABLE, "-extract", entry, "xml1", "-o", "-", path).stdout.chomp |
7001 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(String) ? x.shellsplit : x } |
7002 | profile_hash = { |
7003 | property :profile, [ String, Hash ], |
7004 | def path(path = nil) |
7005 | @path ||= path |
7006 | name_or_identifier.end_with?(".mobileconfig") || !/^\w+(?:(\.| )\w+)+$/.match(name_or_identifier) |
7007 | if action == :remove |
7008 | if mac? && node["platform_version"] =~ ">= 11.0" |
7009 | ::File.join( |
7010 | path = ::File.join( get_cache_dir, "#{cookbook_file}.remote") |
7011 | ).to_s |
7012 | cmd = [ "/usr/bin/profiles", "-I", "-F", profile_path ] |
7013 | logger.trace("cmd: #{cmd.join(" ")}") |
7014 | shell_out!(*cmd) |
7015 | cmd = [ "/usr/bin/profiles", "-R", "-p", new_profile_identifier ] |
7016 | so = shell_out( "/usr/bin/profiles", "-P", "-o", "stdout-xml" ) |
7017 | equal_to: %w{rsa ec}, default: "ec", |
7018 | equal_to: [1024, 2048, 4096, 8192], default: 2048, |
7019 | @key_file ||= |
7020 | path + "/" + filename + ".key" |
7021 | crl_info = {} |
7022 | revoke_info = {} |
7023 | org 'Foo Bar' |
7024 | description: "Hash of X509 Extensions entries, in format `{ 'keyUsage' => { 'values' => %w( keyEncipherment digitalSignature), 'critical' => true } }`.", |
7025 | equal_to: %w{rsa ec}, |
7026 | equal_to: [1024, 2048, 4096, 8192], |
7027 | ca_info = {} |
7028 | default: lazy { "des3" }, |
7029 | proc { |v| OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers.include?(v) }, |
7030 | equal_to: [2, 5], |
7031 | provides(:ohai_hint) { true } |
7032 | path << ".json" unless path.end_with?(".json") |
7033 | return "" if content.nil? || content.empty? |
7034 | home '/dev/null' |
7035 | puts node['etc']['passwd']['daemon_user']['uid'] |
7036 | puts node['etc']['passwd']['daemon_user']['gid'] |
7037 | ohai = |
7038 | action [ :enable, :start ] |
7039 | default: lazy { { remount: false } }, |
7040 | coerce: proc { |arg| arg.is_a?(String) ? arg.to_sym : arg }, |
7041 | equal_to: RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/solaris/i) ? %i{ device } : %i{ device label uuid } |
7042 | default: "-" |
7043 | @fstype = nil |
7044 | (options.is_a?(String) ? options.split(",") : options).collect(&:strip) |
7045 | mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=10 /dev/s01.../dev/s10 |
7046 | mdadm '/dev/md0' do |
7047 | devices [ '/dev/s01', ... '/dev/s10' ] |
7048 | (again, where /dev/s01 .. /dev/s10 represents devices /dev/s01, /dev/s02, /dev/s03, and so on). |
7049 | devices [ '/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb' ] |
7050 | action [ :create, :assemble ] |
7051 | mdadm '/dev/sd0' do |
7052 | devices [ '/dev/s1', '/dev/s2', '/dev/s3', '/dev/s4' ] |
7053 | default: "0.90", |
7054 | description: "The RAID5 parity algorithm. Possible values: `left-asymmetric` (or `la`), `left-symmetric` (or ls), `right-asymmetric` (or `ra`), or `right-symmetric` (or `rs`)." |
7055 | mdadm = shell_out!("mdadm", "--detail", "--test", new_resource.raid_device, returns: [0, device_not_found]) |
7056 | exists = (mdadm.status == 0) |
7057 | command << " --chunk=#{new_resource.chunk}" unless new_resource.level == 1 |
7058 | command << " --metadata=#{new_resource.metadata}" |
7059 | command << " --raid-devices #{new_resource.devices.length} #{new_resource.devices.join(" ")}" |
7060 | command = "yes | mdadm --assemble #{new_resource.raid_device} #{new_resource.devices.join(" ")}" |
7061 | command = "yes | mdadm --stop #{new_resource.raid_device}" |
7062 | @loaded_lwrps ||= {} |
7063 | default: {}, |
7064 | coerce: proc { |h| |
7065 | if h.respond_to?(:keys) |
7066 | def lc_all(arg = nil) |
7067 | locale_values = Hash[old_content.split(" ").map { |v| v.split("=") }] |
7068 | a.assertion { which("locale-gen") } |
7069 | shell_out!("locale-gen #{unavailable_locales.join(" ")}", timeout: 1800) |
7070 | available = shell_out!("locale -a").stdout.split(" ") |
7071 | @new_content ||= begin |
7072 | content = {} |
7073 | { |t| t.join("=") }.join(" ") + " " |
7074 | introduced: "12.19", |
7075 | coerce: proc { |type| |
7076 | array = if type.is_a?(Array) |
7077 | [type] |
7078 | failed_keys = entry.keys.reject { |k| allowed_keys.include?(k) }.join(", ") |
7079 | failed_values = entry.values.reject { |val| val.is_a?(Integer) }.join(", ") |
7080 | if array.size == 1 |
7081 | default: "daemon", coerce: proc { |type| |
7082 | type = type ? type.downcase : "daemon" |
7083 | introduced: "12.14", |
7084 | introduced: "15.1", |
7085 | callbacks: { "should be a Integer between -20 and 19" => proc { |v| v >= -20 && v <= 19 } } |
7086 | @interpreter = "ksh" |
7087 | /^#{new_resource.modname}/.match?("/proc/modules")) |
7088 | re ="\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$").freeze |
7089 | if re.match?(e) |
7090 | Date.valid_date?(*e.split("-").map(&:to_i)) |
7091 | e.nil? |
7092 | control_hash = {} |
7093 | if %r{(/|C:\\).*(.yaml|.yml)}i.match?(file_name) |
7094 | if hash == false || hash.nil? || hash == "" |
7095 | inspec_waiver 'openssh::.*' do |
7096 | my_hash = { "ssh-01" => { |
7097 | inspec_input 'openssh::.*' do |
7098 | source( { ssh_custom_path: '/whatever2' }) |
7099 | property :name, [ Hash, String ] |
7100 | property :input, [ Hash, String ], |
7101 | property :source, [ Hash, String ], |
7102 | introduced: "14.4", |
7103 | introduced: "16.7", |
7104 | allowed_actions :get, :patch, :put, :post, :delete, :head, :options |
7105 | property :aliases, [ Array, nil ], |
7106 | text =" ") |
7107 | text.reject! { |s| s =~ regex } |
7108 | text += [ string ] |
7109 | content text.join(" ") + " " |
7110 | not_if {" ").include?(string) } |
7111 | REXML::XPath.each(config, "//Plugin/State[../Name/text() = 'Ec2SetComputerName']") do |element| |
7112 | return "" |
7113 | newline << " #{new_resource.hostname}" |
7114 | newline << " #{new_resource.aliases.join(" ")}" if new_resource.aliases && !new_resource.aliases.empty? |
7115 | newline << " #{new_resource.hostname[/[^\.]*/]}" |
7116 | shortname = new_resource.hostname[/[^\.]*/] |
7117 | when ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/hostnamectl") && !docker? |
7118 | not_if { shell_out!("hostnamectl status", returns: [0, 1]).stdout =~ /Static hostname:\s*#{new_resource.hostname}\s*$/ } |
7119 | when ::File.exist?("/etc/hostname") |
7120 | when ::File.exist?("/etc/conf.d/hostname") |
7121 | when ::File.exist?("/etc/rc.conf") |
7122 | when ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/svccfg") # solaris 5.11 |
7123 | raise "Do not know how to set hostname on os #{node["os"]}, platform #{node["platform"]},"\ |
7124 | regex: %r{^[\w-]+(?:\/[\w-]+)+$}, |
7125 | shell_out!("#{new_resource.homebrew_path} tap #{new_resource.tap_name} #{new_resource.url || ""}", |
7126 | tap_dir = name.gsub("/", "/homebrew-") |
7127 | regex: %r{^[\w/\-@]+$}, |
7128 | return true if spec == "*" |
7129 | return spec >= min && spec <= max |
7130 | spec.split(%r{\/|-|,}).each do |x| |
7131 | next if x == "*" |
7132 | return false unless /^\d+$/.match?(x) |
7133 | x = x.to_i |
7134 | return false unless x >= min && x <= max |
7135 | spec = spec.to_s |
7136 | spec == "*" || |
7137 | validate_numeric(spec, 0, 7) || |
7138 | http: { |
7139 | property :config, Mash, required: true, coerce: proc { |m| m.is_a?(Hash) ? : m }, |
7140 | @wmi = ::WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts://") |
7141 | property :topology, [Symbol, String], equal_to: [:standalone, "standalone", :leader, "leader"], default: :standalone, coerce: proc { |s| s.is_a?(String) ? s.to_sym : s }, |
7142 | property :channel, [Symbol, String], default: :stable, coerce: proc { |s| s.is_a?(String) ? s.to_sym : s }, |
7143 | property :bind, [String, Array], coerce: proc { |b| b.is_a?(String) ? [b] : b }, default: [], |
7144 | property :binding_mode, [Symbol, String], equal_to: [:strict, "strict", :relaxed, "relaxed"], default: :strict, coerce: proc { |s| s.is_a?(String) ? s.to_sym : s }, |
7145 | Chef::Log.debug("service #{service_name} binds: #{bind}") |
7146 | http_uri = "http://#{remote_sup_http}" |
7147 | headers = {} |
7148 | origin, name, _version, _release = svc_name.split("/") |
7149 | svcs.find do |s| |
7150 | s["pkg"]["origin"] == origin && s["pkg"]["name"] == name |
7151 | service_details["process"]["state"] == "up" |
7152 | options << "--force" |
7153 | command "hab svc load #{new_resource.service_name} #{options.join(" ")}" |
7154 | execute "hab svc stop #{new_resource.service_name} #{svc_options.join(" ")}" |
7155 | opts = [] |
7156 | opts.push(* { |b| "--bind #{b}" }) if new_resource.bind |
7157 | opts << "--binding-mode #{new_resource.binding_mode}" |
7158 | opts << "--url #{new_resource.bldr_url}" if new_resource.bldr_url |
7159 | hab_version '1.5.50' |
7160 | if ::File.exist?(hab_path) |
7161 | cmd = shell_out!([hab_path, "--version"].flatten.compact.join(" ")) |
7162 | version = %r{hab (\d*\.\d*\.\d[^\/]*)}.match(cmd.stdout)[1] |
7163 | habfile = "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/#{package_name}.zip" |
7164 | not_if { ::Dir.exist?("c:\\habitat") } |
7165 | user "hab" do |
7166 | gid "hab" |
7167 | }.each_with_object({}) do |(var, property), env| |
7168 | cmd = "bash #{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/" |
7169 | cmd << " -v #{new_resource.hab_version} " if new_resource.hab_version |
7170 | cmd << " -t x86_64-linux-kernel2" if node["kernel"]["release"].to_i < 3 |
7171 | sc = {} |
7172 | opts << ["--user", new_resource.user] if new_resource.user |
7173 | tempfile =["habitat_config", ".toml"]) |
7174 | not_if { ::Win32::Service.exists?("Habitat") } |
7175 | not_if { node["chef_packages"]["chef"]["chef_root"].include?("/pkgs/chef/chef-infra-client") } |
7176 | ExecStop: "/bin/hab sup term", |
7177 | }.compact, |
7178 | listen_http '' |
7179 | sup_version '1.5.50' |
7180 | sup_version '1.5.86' |
7181 | property :peer, [String, Array], coerce: proc { |b| b.is_a?(String) ? [b] : b }, |
7182 | property :health_check_interval, [String, Integer], coerce: proc { |h| h.is_a?(String) ? h : h.to_s }, |
7183 | not_if { ::File.exist?("/bin/hab") } |
7184 | not_if { ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/hab") } |
7185 | not_if { ::File.exist?("c:/habitat/hab.exe") } |
7186 | not_if { ::File.exist?("c:/ProgramData/Habitat/hab.exe") } |
7187 | only_if { ::Dir.exist?("C:/hab") } |
7188 | source ::File.expand_path("../support/sup.toml.erb", __dir__) |
7189 | only_if { ::Dir.exist?("C:/hab/sup/default/config") } |
7190 | only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/hab") } |
7191 | only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/hab/sup/default/config") } |
7192 | peer_list = [] |
7193 | peer_list << if !/.*:.*/.match?(p) |
7194 | p + ":9632" |
7195 | opts << "--org #{}" unless == "default" |
7196 | opts.push(* { |b| "--peer #{b}" }) if new_resource.peer |
7197 | opts << "--ring #{new_resource.ring}" if new_resource.ring |
7198 | opts.join(" ") |
7199 | version '3.2.3' |
7200 | (["hab"] + command).flatten.compact.join(" ") |
7201 | (["hab"] + command) |
7202 | members ['domain\\foo'] |
7203 | property :gid, [ String, Integer ], |
7204 | property :members, [String, Array], default: [], |
7205 | coerce: proc { |arg| arg.is_a?(String) ? arg.split(/\s*,\s*/) : arg }, |
7206 | introduced: "14.9", |
7207 | source '/tmp/loofah-2.7.0.gem' |
7208 | property :source, [ String, Array ], |
7209 | property :options, [ String, Hash, Array, nil ], |
7210 | @provider = if /^ports$/i.match?(source.to_s) |
7211 | def verify(path, opts = {}) |
7212 | require_relative "../../../mixin/which" |
7213 | temp = "#{dir}/#{::File.basename(@parent_resource.path)}" |
7214 | @systemd_analyze_cmd ||= "#{systemd_analyze_path} verify %{path}" |
7215 | c = descendants.find { |d| d.provides?(name) } |
7216 | if c.nil? |
7217 | if @command.include?("%{file}") |
7218 | command = @command % { path: path } |
7219 | property :checksum, [ String, nil ], |
7220 | regex: /^\h{64}$/, |
7221 | coerce: lambda { |s| s.is_a?(String) ? s.downcase : s }, |
7222 | def verify(command = nil, opts = {}, &block) |
7223 | environment ({'HOME' => '/home/my_home'}) |
7224 | the recipe: `execute 'foo'`, `template 'baz'`, `execute [restart_baz]`, |
7225 | command 'echo > /proc/.../ipv4/ip_forward' |
7226 | --source \#{node[:name_of_node][:ipsec][:local][:subnet]} |
7227 | -j test_rule" |
7228 | if (node.attribute?('ec2') && !['mysql']['ec2_path'])) |
7229 | command "mv \#{node['mysql']['data_dir']} \#{node['mysql']['ec2_path']}" |
7230 | not_if {['mysql']['ec2_path']) } |
7231 | [node['mysql']['ec2_path'], node['mysql']['data_dir']].each do |dir| |
7232 | mount node['mysql']['data_dir'] do |
7233 | device node['mysql']['ec2_path'] |
7234 | pip_binary = '/usr/bin/pip' |
7235 | pip_binary = '/usr/local/bin/pip' |
7236 | not_if { ::File.exist?(pip_binary) } |
7237 | \#{node['python']['binary']} \#{::File.dirname(pip_binary)}/easy_install pip |
7238 | </div> |
7239 | search("users", "*:*") do |u| |
7240 | execute "generate-openvpn-\#{u['id']}" do |
7241 | command "./pkitool \#{u['id']}" |
7242 | %w{ conf ovpn }.each do |ext| |
7243 | template "\#{node['openvpn']['key_dir']}/\#{u['id']}.\#{ext}" do |
7244 | variables :username => u['id'] |
7245 | (**bash**, **csh**, **perl**, **python**, or **ruby**). For example: |
7246 | bash 'foo' do |
7247 | environment ({'HOME' => '/home/vagrant', 'USER' => 'vagrant'}) |
7248 | input |
7249 | introduced: "14.2", |
7250 | property :returns, [ Integer, Array ], default: 0, |
7251 | property :user, [ String, Integer ], |
7252 | introduced: "12.21", |
7253 | introduced: "17.0", |
7254 | if specified_user.is_a?(String) && ((specified_user.include? "\\") || (specified_user.include? "@")) && specified_domain |
7255 | :cwd, |
7256 | :user, |
7257 | @imports = {} |
7258 | def code(arg = nil) |
7259 | :code, |
7260 | kind_of: [ String ] |
7261 | if arg && code |
7262 | @imports[module_name] ||= [] |
7263 | if args.length == 0 |
7264 | @imports[module_name] << "*" |
7265 | obj_text = if obj.respond_to?(:to_text) |
7266 | @properties.reduce({}) do |memo, (k, v)| |
7267 | memo[k] = value_of(v) |
7268 | introduced: "12.6", |
7269 | property :source, [ String, Array, nil ], |
7270 | which("dnf") |
7271 | equal_to: %w{app pkg mpkg}, |
7272 | attach_cmd = new_resource.accept_eula ? "yes | " : "" |
7273 | shell_out!(attach_cmd, env: { "PAGER" => "true" }) |
7274 | when "app" |
7275 | when "mpkg", "pkg" |
7276 | @dmg_file ||= if new_resource.file.nil? |
7277 | /image-path.*#{dmg_file}/.match?(shell_out!("/usr/bin/hdiutil info #{passphrase_cmd}").stdout) |
7278 | @interpreter = "csh" |
7279 | variables["users"] ||= [] |
7280 | cron_d 'noop' do |
7281 | hour '5' |
7282 | minute '0' |
7283 | --thread-max'" |
7284 | only_if { ::File.exist?('/home/jboss') } |
7285 | hour '8' |
7286 | hour '20' |
7287 | day '*' |
7288 | month '11' |
7289 | weekday '1-5' |
7290 | file "/etc/cron.d/#{sanitized_name}" do |
7291 |".", "-") |
7292 | new_resource.cron_name =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ |
7293 | source ::File.expand_path("../support/cron.d.erb", __dir__) |
7294 | -v '/usr/local/bin/tomcat-stat --thread-max'" |
7295 | hour '0' |
7296 | }.join(' ') |
7297 | state_attrs :minute, :hour, :day, :month, :weekday, :user |
7298 | sunday: "0", monday: "1", tuesday: "2", wednesday: "3", thursday: "4", friday: "5", saturday: "6", |
7299 | sun: "0", mon: "1", tue: "2", wed: "3", thu: "4", fri: "5", sat: "6" |
7300 | description: "The minute at which the cron entry should run (`0 - 59`).", |
7301 | default: "*", callbacks: { |
7302 | description: "The hour at which the cron entry is to run (`0 - 23`).", |
7303 | description: "The day of month at which the cron entry should run (`1 - 31`).", |
7304 | description: "The month in the year on which a cron entry is to run (`1 - 12`, `jan-dec`, or `*`).", |
7305 | description: "The day of the week on which this entry is to run (`0-7`, `mon-sun`, `monday-sunday`, or `*`), where Sunday is both `0` and `7`.", |
7306 | default: "*", coerce: proc { |day| weekday_in_crontab(day) }, |
7307 | description: "A Hash of timeouts in the form of `({'OPTION' => 'VALUE'})`. Accepted valid options are: |
7308 | - `preserve-status` (BOOL, default: 'false'), |
7309 | - `foreground` (BOOL, default: 'false'), |
7310 | - `kill-after` (in seconds), |
7311 | - `signal` (a name like 'HUP' or a number)", |
7312 | introduced: "15.7", |
7313 | if h.is_a?(Hash) |
7314 | elsif h.is_a?(Integer) || h.is_a?(String) |
7315 | { "duration" => h } |
7316 | default: lazy { ::File.basename(name) } |
7317 | @block = nil |
7318 | Chef::Log.warn "Command '#{@command}' timed out" |
7319 | do |rv| |
7320 | if rv.is_a?(String) && !rv.empty? |
7321 | (@parent_resource.sensitive ? "" : " If so use '#{@positivity} #{sanitized_rv}' in your code.")) |
7322 | cmd_or_block = @command ? "command `#{@command}`" : "ruby block" |
7323 | data = REXML::XPath.first(config_contents, "//sources/source[@id=\"#{id}\"]") |
7324 | shell_out!(choco_cmd("add")) |
7325 | cmd = "#{ENV["ALLUSERSPROFILE"]}\\chocolatey\\bin\\choco source #{action} -n \"#{new_resource.source_name}\"" |
7326 | if action == "add" |
7327 | cmd << " --source=\"#{new_resource.source}\" --priority=#{new_resource.priority}" |
7328 | cmd << " --user=\"#{new_resource.username}\"" if new_resource.username |
7329 | cmd << " --password=\"#{new_resource.password}\"" if new_resource.password |
7330 | cmd << " --cert=\"#{new_resource.cert}\"" if new_resource.cert |
7331 | introduced: "15.3", |
7332 | default: [ 0, 2 ], desired_state: false, |
7333 | data = REXML::XPath.first(contents, "//features/feature[@name=\"#{name}\"]") |
7334 | value 'C:\\temp\\choco' |
7335 | data = REXML::XPath.first(contents, "//config/add[@key=\"#{id}\"]") |
7336 | shell_out!(choco_cmd("set")) |
7337 | shell_out!(choco_cmd("unset")) |
7338 | cmd = "#{ENV["ALLUSERSPROFILE"]}\\chocolatey\\bin\\choco config #{action} --name #{new_resource.config_key}" |
7339 | cmd << " --value #{new_resource.value}" if action == "set" |
7340 | raw_data({ 'auth' => 'baz' }) |
7341 | search '*:*' |
7342 | property :search, String, default: "*:*", desired_state: false, |
7343 | property :raw_data, [Hash, Mash], default: {}, |
7344 | Chef::Log.debug("#{} search query: '#{}'") |
7345 | Chef::Log.debug("#{} clients: '#{new_resource.clients}'") |
7346 | Chef::Log.debug("#{} admins (users): '#{new_resource.admins}'") |
7347 | chef_data_bag_item [, "keys"].join("_") do |
7348 | coerce: proc { |s| Integer(s) }, |
7349 |'Cookbooks and versions run: #{ {|x| + ' ' + x.version }}') |
7350 | irb(main):002:0> require 'json' => true |
7351 | irb(main):003:0> require 'chef' => true |
7352 | irb(main):005:0> r.keys => ['end_time', 'node', 'updated_resources', 'exception', 'all_resources', 'success', 'elapsed_time', 'start_time', 'backtrace'] |
7353 | irb(main):006:0> r['elapsed_time'] => 0.00246 |
7354 | _, klass = get_class(class_name) |
7355 | ancestors = class_full_name.split("::") |
7356 | default: "#{RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"]}/gem", |
7357 | proc { |v| v == "#{RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"]}/gem" }, |
7358 | path << ".pem" unless path.end_with?(".pem") |
7359 | introduced: "16.5", |
7360 | coerce: proc { |x| Integer(x) }, |
7361 | callbacks: { "should be a positive Integer" => proc { |v| v > 0 } } |
7362 | cmd << " -c #{::File.join(new_resource.config_directory, "client.rb")}" |
7363 | unit = { |
7364 | unit["Service"]["Environment"] = new_resource.environment.collect { |k, v| "\"#{k}=#{v}\"" } unless new_resource.environment.empty? |
7365 | callbacks: { "should be a positive number" => proc { |v| v > 0 } }, |
7366 | default: lazy { frequency == "minute" ? 30 : 1 }, |
7367 | regex: [%r{^[0-1][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]\/\d{4}$}] |
7368 | regex: [/^\d{2}:\d{2}$/] |
7369 | callbacks: { "should be a positive number" => proc { |v| v >= 0 } }, |
7370 | default: lazy { |r| "#{r.config_directory}/log" }, |
7371 | seed = node["shard_seed"] || Digest::MD5.hexdigest( |
7372 | cmd << " -L #{::File.join(new_resource.log_directory, new_resource.log_file_name)}" |
7373 | cmd << " #{new_resource.daemon_options.join(" ")}" if new_resource.daemon_options.any? |
7374 | default: "/var/root" |
7375 | callbacks: { "should be an Integer between -20 and 19" => proc { |v| v >= -20 && v <= 19 } } |
7376 | program_arguments ["/bin/bash", "-c", client_command] |
7377 | cmd << "/bin/sleep #{splay_sleep_time(new_resource.splay)};" |
7378 | cmd << " #{new_resource.chef_binary_path}" |
7379 | hour '0,12' |
7380 | description: "The minute at which #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} is to run (0 - 59) or a cron pattern such as '0,30'.", |
7381 | default: "0,30", callbacks: { |
7382 | description: "The hour at which #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} is to run (0 - 23) or a cron pattern such as '0,12'.", |
7383 | description: "The day of month at which #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} is to run (1 - 31) or a cron pattern such as '1,7,14,21,28'.", |
7384 | description: "The month in the year on which #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} is to run (1 - 12, jan-dec, or *).", |
7385 | description: "The day of the week on which #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} is to run (0-7, mon-sun, or *), where Sunday is both 0 and 7.", |
7386 | default: lazy { platform?("mac_os_x") ? "/Library/Logs/#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::DIR_SUFFIX.capitalize}" : "/var/log/#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::DIR_SUFFIX}" }, |
7387 | cmd << "/bin/sleep #{splay_sleep_time(new_resource.splay)}; " |
7388 | cmd << "#{which("nice")} -n #{new_resource.nice} " if new_resource.nice |
7389 | cmd << "#{new_resource.chef_binary_path} " |
7390 | cmd << "-c #{::File.join(new_resource.config_directory, "client.rb")} " |
7391 | cmd << " || echo \"#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} execution failed\"" if new_resource.mailto |
7392 | linux? ? :cron_d : :cron |
7393 | if prop_val.is_a?(String) && prop_val.start_with?(":") |
7394 | prop_val[1..-1].to_sym |
7395 | default_description: "`/etc/chef/` on *nix-like systems and `C:\\chef\\` on Windows" |
7396 | default: lazy { }, |
7397 | coerce: proc { |x| string_to_symbol(x) }, |
7398 | p.is_a?(Symbol) ? %i{win_evt syslog}.include?(p) : true |
7399 | coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x.join(",") : x }, |
7400 | coerce: proc { |x| { |v| string_to_symbol(v).capitalize } }, |
7401 | mode dir_path == ::File.dirname(new_resource.log_location.to_s) ? "0755" : "0750" |
7402 | source ::File.expand_path("support/client.erb", __dir__) |
7403 | handler_data = [] |
7404 | handler_data << "#{handler["class"]}.new(#{handler["arguments"].join(",")})" |
7405 | introduced: "15.5", |
7406 | !shell_out("xcode-select", "-p").error? |
7407 | available_updates.stdout[/^\s*\* (?:Label: )?(Command Line Tools.*)/, 1] |
7408 | yum_key node['yum']['elrepo']['key'] do |
7409 | key node['yum']['elrepo']['key'] |
7410 | mirrorlist node['yum']['elrepo']['url'] |
7411 | exclude node['yum']['elrepo']['exclude'] |
7412 | breakpoint "before yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do |
7413 | yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key'] do |
7414 | breakpoint "after yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do |
7415 | key node['yum']['repo_name']['key'] |
7416 | mirrorlist node['yum']['repo_name']['url'] |
7417 | exclude node['yum']['repo_name']['exclude'] |
7418 | cwd '/tmp' |
7419 | find ./ -name "*.tar.Z" -mtime +180 -exec rm -f {} \\; |
7420 | src_filename = "foo123-nginx-module-v#{node['nginx']['foo123']['version']}.tar.gz" |
7421 | src_filepath = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/#{src_filename}" |
7422 | extract_path = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/nginx_foo123_module/#{node['nginx']['foo123']['checksum']}" |
7423 | source node['nginx']['foo123']['url'] |
7424 | tar xzf #{src_filename} -C #{extract_path} |
7425 | mv #{extract_path}/*/* #{extract_path}/ |
7426 | not_if { ::File.exist?(extract_path) } |
7427 | default['python']['version'] = '2.7.1' |
7428 | if python['install_method'] == 'package' |
7429 | default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr' |
7430 | default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr/local' |
7431 | default['python']['url'] = '' |
7432 | default['python']['checksum'] = '80e387...85fd61' |
7433 | version = node['python']['version'] |
7434 | install_path = "#{node['python']['prefix_dir']}/lib/python#{version.split(/(^\d+\.\d+)/)[1]}" |
7435 | source "#{node['python']['url']}/#{version}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2" |
7436 | not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) } |
7437 | (cd Python-#{version} && ./configure #{configure_options}) |
7438 | (cd Python-#{version} && make && make install) |
7439 | mode '700' |
7440 | coerce: proc { |f| ::File.expand_path(f) }, |
7441 | default: lazy { [:time] } |
7442 | Chef::Log.trace("#{pathname} mtime is #{::File.mtime(pathname)} and archive is #{e.mtime}") |
7443 | def extract(src, dest, options = []) |
7444 | converge_by("extract #{src} to #{dest}") do |
7445 | provides(:apt_update) { true } |
7446 | ::File.exist?("#{STAMP_DIR}/update-success-stamp") && |
7447 | content "APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success {\"touch #{STAMP_DIR}/update-success-stamp 2>/dev/null || true\";}; " |
7448 | command [ "apt-get", "-q", "update" ] |
7449 | default: [], coerce: proc { |x| x ? Array(x) : x } |
7450 | def is_key_id?(id) |
7451 | id = id[2..] if id.start_with?("0x") |
7452 | id =~ /^\h+$/ && [8, 16, 40].include?(id.length) |
7453 | so = shell_out(*cmd) |
7454 | so.stdout.split(/ /).map do |t| |
7455 | if z = t.match(/^fpr:+([0-9A-F]+):/) |
7456 | if t.match(/^pub:/) |
7457 | f = t.split(":") |
7458 | f.slice(0, 6).join(":") |
7459 | valid = shell_out("apt-key", "list").stdout.each_line.none?(%r{^\/#{key}.*\[expired: .*\]$}) |
7460 | logger.debug "key #{key} #{valid ? "is valid" : "is not valid"}" |
7461 | if uri.start_with?("http") |
7462 | key_name = key.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z\-]/, "_") |
7463 | tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir(".gpg") |
7464 | verify "gpg --homedir #{tmp_dir} %{path}" |
7465 | command [ "apt-key", "add", cached_keyfile ] |
7466 | not_if { no_new_keys?(cached_keyfile) } |
7467 | cmd = "apt-key adv --no-tty --recv" |
7468 | cmd << " --keyserver " |
7469 | cmd << if keyserver.start_with?("hkp://") |
7470 | cmd << " #{key}" |
7471 | url = "{owner}/+archive/#{repo}" |
7472 | key_id ="signing_key_fingerprint").delete('"') |
7473 | def is_ppa_url?(url) |
7474 | url.start_with?("ppa:") |
7475 | owner, repo = ppa[4..-1].split("/") |
7476 | repo ||= "ppa" |
7477 | uri = make_ppa_url(uri) if is_ppa_url?(uri) |
7478 | options = [] |
7479 | options << "arch=#{arch}" if arch |
7480 | if is_key_id?(k) && !has_cookbook_file?(k) |
7481 | regex: [/^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|_|-|\.|\*|\+)+$/], |
7482 | required: [:add] |
7483 |".", "_").gsub("*", "wildcard") |
7484 | default: lazy { |n| "/usr/bin/#{n.link_name}" }, |
7485 | coerce: proc { |n| n.to_i }, |
7486 | escaped_path ="#{new_resource.path} - priority ") + "(.*)") |
7487 | match.nil? ? nil : match[1].to_i |
7488 | map = {} |
7489 | send(function, resource_data) || {} |
7490 | function = "#{property}_to_json".to_sym |
7491 | identity_map = {} |
7492 | hsh.each do |_, v| |
7493 | deep_compact!(v) if v.is_a? Hash |
7494 | end.reject! { |_, v| v.nil? || (v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty?) } |
7495 | hsh1.merge!(hsh2) { |_, v1, v2| deep_merge!(v1, v2) } |
7496 | arr = path.split(".") |
7497 | ret = {} |
7498 | if arr.count == 1 |
7499 | partial_path = arr[0..-2].join(".") |
7500 | property :name, String, coerce: proc { |v| v.is_a?(Array) ? v.join(", ") : v.to_s }, desired_state: false, required: true |
7501 | @before = nil |
7502 | @not_if = [] |
7503 | @only_if = [] |
7504 | arg = Array(arg).map(&:to_sym) |
7505 | { action: action }, |
7506 | { action: { kind_of: Symbol, equal_to: allowed_actions } } |
7507 | @action = arg |
7508 | def only_if(command = nil, opts = {}, &block) |
7509 | def not_if(command = nil, opts = {}, &block) |
7510 | state = {} |
7511 | result = {} |
7512 | unless iv == :@source_line || iv == :@action || iv == :@not_if || iv == :@only_if |
7513 |"Processing #{self} action #{action} (#{defined_at})") |
7514 | @elapsed_time = 0 if @elapsed_time < 0 |
7515 | text = "# Declared in #{@source_line} " |
7516 | text << "#{resource_name}(\"#{name}\") do " |
7517 | all_props = {} |
7518 | all_props[] = p.sensitive? ? '"*sensitive value suppressed*"' : value_to_text(p.get(self)) |
7519 | iv = ivar.to_s.sub(/^@/, "") |
7520 | elsif (value = instance_variable_get(ivar)) && !(value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) |
7521 | text << "end " |
7522 | ivars.inject("<#{self}") do |str, ivar| |
7523 | str << " #{ivar}: #{instance_variable_get(ivar).inspect}" |
7524 | end << ">" |
7525 | def as_json(*a) |
7526 | instance_vars[iv.to_s.sub(/^@/, "")] = instance_variable_get(iv) |
7527 | result[] = p.get(self) |
7528 | key = iv.to_s.sub(/^@/, "").to_sym |
7529 | resource = new(o["instance_vars"]["@name"]) |
7530 | resource.instance_variable_set("@#{k}".to_sym, v) |
7531 | klass = if arg.is_a?(String) || arg.is_a?(Symbol) |
7532 | set_or_return(:provider, klass, kind_of: [ Class ]) |
7533 | @updated ||= true_or_false |
7534 | @allowed_actions ||= |
7535 | [ :nothing ] |
7536 | [:nothing] |
7537 | @action_class ||= |
7538 | source_line.match(/(.*):(\d+):?.*$/).to_a[1] |
7539 | source_line.match(/(.*):(\d+):?.*$/).to_a[2] |
7540 | if partial =~ /^core::(.*)/ |
7541 | partial = $1 |
7542 | basename = ::File.basename(partial, ".rb") |
7543 | basename = basename[1..] if basename.start_with?("_") |
7544 | class_eval"resource/#{dirname}/_#{basename}.rb", __dir__)) |
7545 | when /(.+?)::(.+)/ |
7546 | [ $1.to_sym, $2 ] |
7547 | when /^::(.+)/ |
7548 | [ current_cookbook.to_sym, $1 ] |
7549 | [ recipe_name.to_sym, "default" ] |
7550 | unless res.is_a?(Hash) && res.key?("resources") |
7551 | @dll = Pwsh.dll |
7552 | @dll ||= Dir.glob("#{RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"]}/**/Chef.PowerShell.Wrapper.Core.dll").last |
7553 | so = shell_out!("gpg --version") |
7554 | version = /gpg \(GnuPG\)\s*(.*)/.match(so.stdout)[1] |
7555 | so = shell_out("/bin/rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*") |
7556 | logger.trace("GPG key at #{key_path} is known by rpm? #{status ? "true" : "false"}") |
7557 | if gpg_version >="2.2") # SLES 15+ |
7558 | so = shell_out!("gpg --import-options import-show --dry-run --import --with-colons #{key_path}") |
7559 | short_key_id = /fpr:*\h*(\h{8}):/.match(so.stdout)[1].downcase |
7560 | so = shell_out!("gpg --with-fingerprint #{key_path}") |
7561 | short_key_id = %r{pub\s*\S*/(\S*)}.match(so.stdout)[1].downcase |
7562 | logger.trace("GPG short key ID of key at #{key_path} is #{short_key_id}") |
7563 | cached_keyfile = ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], uri.split("/")[-1]) |
7564 | source ::File.expand_path("support/yum_repo.erb", __dir__) |
7565 | only_if "yum repolist all | grep -P '^#{new_resource.repositoryid}([ \t]|$)'" |
7566 | raise Chef::Exceptions::Override, "You must override #{__method__} in #{self}" |
7567 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} does not exist (#{e.message})") |
7568 | @change_desc = [] |
7569 | if !new_val.nil? && new_val != cur_val |
7570 | @change_desc << "change #{user_attrib} from #{cur_val} to #{new_val}" |
7571 | field_list.sort_by { |a| a[0] }.each do |field, option| |
7572 | user =^#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.username)}:([^:]*):/) |
7573 | @locked = user[1].start_with?("*LK*") |
7574 | shell_out!("passwd", "-l", new_resource.username) |
7575 | shell_out!("passwd", "-u", new_resource.username) |
7576 | opts << "-c" << new_resource.comment if should_set?(:comment) |
7577 | opts << "-g" << new_resource.gid if should_set?(:gid) |
7578 | opts << "-s" << if should_set?(:shell) |
7579 | opts << "-u" << new_resource.uid if should_set?(:uid) |
7580 | opts << "-d" << new_resource.home if updating_home? |
7581 | opts << "-o" if new_resource.non_unique |
7582 | opts << "-m" |
7583 | opts += [ "-u", new_resource.uid ] if new_resource.non_unique |
7584 | opts << "-r" if new_resource.manage_home |
7585 | opts << "-f" if new_resource.force |
7586 | opts << "-m" if new_resource.manage_home |
7587 | buffer ="shadow", "/etc") |
7588 | user = entry.split(":").first |
7589 | mode = s.mode & 0o7777 |
7590 | fields = entry.split(":") |
7591 | fields.join(":") |
7592 | ( / 86400).floor |
7593 | shell_out!("pw", "useradd", set_options) |
7594 | shell_out!("pw", "usermod", set_options) |
7595 | command = [ "pw", "userdel", new_resource.username ] |
7596 | require_relative "../../mixin/shell_out" |
7597 | require_relative "../../mixin/which" |
7598 | admin_group_xml = run_dscl("read", "/Groups/admin") |
7599 | user_xml = run_dscl("read", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}") |
7600 | return nil if user_xml.nil? || user_xml == "" |
7601 | shadow_binary_plist = [shadow_hash_hex.delete(" ")].pack("H*") |
7602 | shadow_xml_plist = shell_out("plutil", "-convert", "xml1", "-o", "-", "-", input: shadow_binary_plist).stdout |
7603 | cmd = [-"-addUser", new_resource.username] |
7604 | cmd += ["-fullName", new_resource.comment] if prop_is_set?(:comment) |
7605 | cmd += ["-UID", prop_is_set?(:uid) ? new_resource.uid : get_free_uid] |
7606 | cmd += ["-shell",] |
7607 | cmd += ["-home", new_resource.home] |
7608 | cmd += ["-admin"] if new_resource.admin |
7609 | if prop_is_set?(:gid) |
7610 | desc = "Update #{attr}" |
7611 | desc << " from #{current_resource.send(attr)} to #{new_resource.send(attr)}" |
7612 | @change_desc << desc |
7613 | %i{uid home}.each do |prop| |
7614 | admins << user_plist[:guid][0] |
7615 | admins.reject! { |m| m == user_plist[:guid][0] } |
7616 | cmd << new_resource.manage_home ? "-secure" : "-keepHome" |
7617 | if %i{admin_username admin_password}.all? { |p| prop_is_set?(p) } |
7618 | auth_string = user_plist[:auth_authority].reject! { |tag| tag == ";DisabledUser;" }.join.strip |
7619 | uid = nil |
7620 | users_uids = run_dscl("list", "/Users", "uid") |
7621 | if users_uids&.match?("#{Regexp.escape(next_uid_guess.to_s)} ")) |
7622 | next_uid_guess += 1 |
7623 | [, g.gid.to_s, :modify] |
7624 | [g.username, nil, :create] |
7625 | (current_resource.hidden ? 1 : 0) != hidden_value.to_i |
7626 | if prop_is_set?(:salt) |
7627 | return true if %i{salt iterations}.any? { |prop| diverged?(prop) } |
7628 | ).unpack("H*")[0] != current_resource.password |
7629 | string.unpack("a2" * (string.size / 2)).collect { |i| i.hex.chr }.join |
7630 | shadow_hash = user_plist[:shadow_hash] ? user_plist[:shadow_hash][0] : {} |
7631 | shell_out("plutil", "-convert", "binary1", "-o", "-", "-", |
7632 |, "w+", 0600) do |f| |
7633 | run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "Password", "********") |
7634 | timeout = + 5 |
7635 | result = shell_out("dscl", "-plist", ".", "-#{args[0]}", args[1..]) |
7636 | return "" if ( args.first =~ /^delete/ ) && ( result.exitstatus != 0 ) |
7637 | result = shell_out("plutil", "-#{args[0]}", args[1..]) |
7638 | !v.nil? && v != "" |
7639 | alias_method :[], :get |
7640 | plist_hash[property_map[key]] = [ value ] |
7641 | alias_method :[]=, :set |
7642 | @change_desc ||= [] |
7643 | if !new_val.nil? && new_val.to_s != cur_val.to_s |
7644 | if manage_u.exitstatus == 12 && manage_u.stderr !~ /exists/ |
7645 | shell_out!("usermod", "-L", new_resource.username) |
7646 | shell_out!("usermod", "-U", new_resource.username) |
7647 | opts << "-e" << new_resource.expire_date if prop_is_set?(:expire_date) |
7648 | opts << "-f" << new_resource.inactive if prop_is_set?(:inactive) |
7649 | opts << "-p" << new_resource.password if should_set?(:password) |
7650 | opts << "-r" if new_resource.system |
7651 | passwd_s = shell_out("passwd", "-S", new_resource.username, returns: [ 0, 1 ]) |
7652 | @locked = nil |
7653 | status_line = passwd_s.stdout.split(" ") |
7654 | @locked = false if /^[PN]/.match?(status_line[1]) |
7655 | @locked = true if /^L/.match?(status_line[1]) |
7656 | provides :user, os: "darwin", platform_version: "<= 10.13" |
7657 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/dscl") } |
7658 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/plutil") } |
7659 | if new_resource.password && dscl_get(user_info, :password) == "********" |
7660 | run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}") |
7661 | users_uids = run_dscl("list", "/Users", "uid").split(" ") |
7662 | uid_map = users_uids.each_with_object({}) do |tuid, tmap| |
7663 | tmap[x[1]] = x[0] |
7664 | if uid_map[uid.to_s] |
7665 | elsif !new_resource.gid.to_s.match(/^\d+$/) |
7666 | possible_gid = run_dscl("read", "/Groups/#{new_resource.gid}", "PrimaryGroupID").split(" ").last |
7667 | unless %r{^/}.match?(new_resource.home) |
7668 | shell_out!("/usr/sbin/createhomedir", "-c", "-u", (new_resource.username).to_s) |
7669 | files = ::Dir.glob("#{Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(src)}/*", ::File::FNM_DOTMATCH) - ["#{src}/.", "#{src}/.."] |
7670 | run_dscl("create", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}", "UserShell", "/usr/bin/false") |
7671 | shadow_info = {} |
7672 | salt = nil |
7673 | pbkdf_info = {} |
7674 | run_dscl("list", "/Groups").each_line do |group| |
7675 | run_dscl("delete", "/Users/#{new_resource.username}") |
7676 | diverged?(:password) || diverged?(:salt) || diverged?(:iterations) |
7677 | membership_info = "" |
7678 | membership_info = run_dscl("read", "/Groups/#{group_name}") |
7679 | uid: "uid", |
7680 | gid: "gid", |
7681 | home: "home", |
7682 | shell: "shell", |
7683 | user_plist_info = run_plutil("convert", "xml1", "-o", "-", user_plist_file) |
7684 | result = shell_out("dscl", ".", "-#{args[0]}", args[1..]) |
7685 | result.stdout.encode("utf-8", "binary", undef: :replace, invalid: :replace, replace: "?") |
7686 | shell_out("plutil", "-convert", "xml1", "-o", "-", "-", input: binary_plist_string).stdout |
7687 | !!(string =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{136}$/) |
7688 | !!(string =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{256}$/) |
7689 | opts << "-g" << "system" if new_resource.system |
7690 | lock_info = shell_out!("lsuser", "-a", "account_locked", new_resource.username) |
7691 | status = /\S+\s+account_locked=(\S+)/.match(lock_info.stdout) |
7692 | @locked = |
7693 | if status && status[1] == "true" |
7694 | command = "echo '#{new_resource.username}:#{new_resource.password}' | chpasswd -c -e" |
7695 | if new_resource.gid.is_a?(String) && new_resource.gid.to_i == 0 |
7696 | * 60 * 60 * 24).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
7697 | a.assertion { !supports_ruby_shadow? || @shadow_lib_ok } |
7698 | a.assertion { (!new_resource.expire_date && !new_resource.inactive) || linux? } |
7699 |"#{new_resource} altered, #{change_desc.join(", ")}") |
7700 |"#{new_resource} managed: #{change_desc.join(", ")}") |
7701 |"#{new_resource} modified: #{change_desc.join(", ")}") |
7702 | { |value| } |
7703 | s = shell_out(*systemctl_cmd, "show", "-p", "UnitFileState", "-p", "ActiveState", new_resource.unit_name, **systemctl_opts) |
7704 | status = {} |
7705 | k, v = line.strip.split("=") |
7706 | status[k] = v |
7707 | @systemctl_args ||= new_resource.user ? "--user" : "--system" |
7708 | @systemctl_opts ||= |
7709 | if ::File.exist?(::File.join(new_resource.destination, ".svn")) |
7710 | args = ["--force"] |
7711 | c = scm :export, *args |
7712 | @revision_int ||= if /^\d+$/.match?(new_resource.revision) |
7713 | svn_info = shell_out!(command, **run_options(cwd: cwd, returns: [0, 1])).stdout |
7714 | command = scm(:info) |
7715 | def run_options(run_opts = {}) |
7716 | repo_attrs = svn_info.lines.inject({}) do |attrs, line| |
7717 | property, value = $1, $2 |
7718 | rev = (repo_attrs["Last Changed Rev"] || repo_attrs["Revision"]) |
7719 | result << "--password #{new_resource.svn_password} " |
7720 | binary = "\"#{binary}\"" if /\s/.match?(binary) |
7721 | [binary, *args].compact.join(" ") |
7722 | !::File.exist?(new_resource.destination) || Dir.entries(new_resource.destination).sort == [".", ".."] |
7723 | ( ? "svn.exe" : "svn") |
7724 | require_relative "../../win32/error" |
7725 | new_config = { |
7726 | }.reject { |k, v| v.nil? || v.length == 0 } |
7727 | username.gsub(%r{[/\\. ]+}, "_") |
7728 | username.sub(/^\.?\\+/, "") |
7729 | config = {} |
7730 | when "all" |
7731 | require_relative "../../util/file_edit" |
7732 | @job << " #{key}=#{value}" |
7733 | @upstart_job_dir = "/etc/init" |
7734 | @upstart_conf_suffix = ".conf" |
7735 | if ::File.exist?("#{@upstart_job_dir}/#{@new_resource.service_name}#{@upstart_conf_suffix}") |
7736 |"#{@upstart_job_dir}/#{@new_resource.service_name}#{@upstart_conf_suffix}", "r") do |file| |
7737 | when /^start on/ |
7738 | logger.trace("#{@new_resource} enabled: #{line.chomp}") |
7739 | when /^#start on/ |
7740 | logger.trace("#{@new_resource} disabled: #{line.chomp}") |
7741 | shell_out!("/sbin/start #{@job}", default_env: false) |
7742 | shell_out!("/sbin/stop #{@job}", default_env: false) |
7743 | shell_out!("/sbin/reload #{@job}", default_env: false) |
7744 | conf.search_file_replace(/^#start on/, "start on") |
7745 | conf.search_file_replace(/^start on/, "#start on") |
7746 | command = "/sbin/status #{@job}" |
7747 | s = shell_out!(systemctl_path, args, "show", "-p", "UnitFileState", "-p", "ActiveState", new_resource.service_name, **options) |
7748 | options = { |
7749 | args = "--user" |
7750 | args = "--system" |
7751 | @status_command = "/bin/svcs" |
7752 | cmd = shell_out!(@status_command, "-l", @current_resource.service_name, returns: [0, 1]) |
7753 | key, value = line.strip.split(/\s+/, 2) |
7754 | (!ps_cmd.nil? && !ps_cmd.empty?) |
7755 | @run_context.node[:command] && @run_context.node[:command][:ps] |
7756 | @current_run_levels = [] |
7757 | if ::File.exist?("/sbin/chkconfig") |
7758 | chkconfig.stdout.split(/\s+/)[1..].each do |level| |
7759 | index = level.split(":").first |
7760 | status = level.split(":").last |
7761 | (run_levels.nil? || run_levels.empty?) ? "" : "--level #{run_levels.join("")} " |
7762 | @init_command = ::File.exist?(rcd_script_path) ? rcd_script_path : nil |
7763 | update_rcl rc_conf_local + " " + "#{builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\" " |
7764 | old_services_list = rc_conf_local.match(/^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/) |
7765 | old_services_list = old_services_list ? old_services_list[1].split(" ") : [] |
7766 | if /^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/.match?(rc_conf_local) |
7767 | new_rcl = rc_conf_local.sub(/^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/, "pkg_scripts=\"#{new_services_list.join(" ")}\"") |
7768 | new_rcl = rc_conf_local + " " + "pkg_scripts=\"#{new_services_list.join(" ")}\" " |
7769 | update_rcl rc_conf_local + " " + "#{builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"NO\" " |
7770 | old_list = rc_conf_local.match(/^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/) |
7771 | old_list = old_list ? old_list[1].split(" ") : [] |
7772 | update_rcl rc_conf_local.sub(/^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/, pkg_scripts = (new_list.join(" ")).to_s) |
7773 | @bsevn ||= begin |
7774 | if m =^# \$OpenBSD: (\w+)[(.rc),]?/) |
7775 | result = m[1] + "_flags" |
7776 | if /^#{Regexp.escape(var_name)}=(.*)/.match?(rc_conf) |
7777 | if m = rc_conf.match(/^#{Regexp.escape(var_name)}=(.*)/) |
7778 | unless /"?[Nn][Oo]"?/.match?(m[1]) |
7779 | if m = rc_conf_local.match(/^#{Regexp.escape(var_name)}=(.*)/) |
7780 | unless /"?[Nn][Oo]"?/.match?(m[1]) # e.g. looking for httpd_flags=NO |
7781 | if m = rc_conf_local.match(/^pkg_scripts="(.*)"/) |
7782 | if m[1].include?(var_name) # e.g. looking for 'gdm' in pkg_scripts="gdm unbound" |
7783 | Chef::Util::PathHelper.home("Library", "LaunchAgents") { |p| locations << p } |
7784 | @plist_size = 0 |
7785 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} console_user: '#{@console_user}'") |
7786 | @base_user_cmd = "su -l #{@console_user} -c" |
7787 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} base_user_cmd: '#{@base_user_cmd}'") |
7788 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} Plist: '#{@plist}' service_label: '#{@service_label}'") |
7789 | a.assertion { @plist_size < 2 } |
7790 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?(@plist.to_s) } |
7791 | a.assertion { !@service_label.to_s.empty? } |
7792 | a.assertion { @plist_size > 0 } |
7793 | session = @session_type ? "-S #{@session_type} " : "" |
7794 | cmd = "/bin/launchctl load -w " + session + @plist |
7795 | cmd = "/bin/launchctl unload -w " + @plist |
7796 | shell_out("#{@base_user_cmd} '#{cmd}'", default_env: false) |
7797 | cmd = "/bin/launchctl list #{@service_label}" |
7798 | when /\s+\"pid\"\s+=\s+(\d+).*/ |
7799 | pid = $1 |
7800 | logger.trace("Current PID for #{@service_label} is #{pid}") |
7801 | plist_xml = shell_out!( |
7802 | plists = PLIST_DIRS.inject([]) do |results, dir| |
7803 | edir = ::File.expand_path(dir) |
7804 | if Dir.glob("/etc/rc*/**/S*#{service_name}").empty? |
7805 | shell_out!("/sbin/insserv -r -f #{new_resource.service_name}") |
7806 | shell_out!("/sbin/insserv -d -f #{new_resource.service_name}") |
7807 | @init_command = "/etc/init.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}" |
7808 | logger.trace "#{@new_resource} exists: #{exists}, readable: #{readable}" |
7809 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/sbin/rc-update") } |
7810 | if ::File.exist?("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}") |
7811 | @init_command = "/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}" |
7812 |"/etc/rc.conf", "r", &:readlines) |
7813 |"/etc/rc.conf", "w") do |file| |
7814 | lines.each { |line| file.puts(line) } |
7815 | if line =~ /^name="?(\w+)"?/ |
7816 | return $1 + "_enable" |
7817 | shell_out!("#{init_command} rcvar").stdout[/(\w+_enable)=/, 1] |
7818 | if ::File.exist?("/etc/rc.conf") && var_name |
7819 | when /^#{Regexp.escape(var_name)}="(\w+)"/ |
7820 | if $1.casecmp?("yes") |
7821 | elsif $1.casecmp?("no") || $1.casecmp?("none") |
7822 | lines.delete_if { |line| line =~ /^\#?\s*#{Regexp.escape(service_enable_variable_name)}=/ } |
7823 | lines << "#{service_enable_variable_name}=\"#{value}\"" |
7824 | update_rcd = "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" |
7825 | a.assertion { ::File.exist? update_rcd } |
7826 | a.assertion { @got_priority == true } |
7827 | temp_priorities = { "6" => [:stop, "20"], |
7828 | return [] unless ::File.exist?(path) |
7829 | ::File.readlines(path).each_with_object([]) do |line, acc| |
7830 | if line =~ /Default-(Start|Stop):\s+(\d.*)/ |
7831 | acc << $2.split(" ") |
7832 | priority = {} |
7833 | rc_files = [] |
7834 | rc_files.push Dir.glob("/etc/rc#{level}.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{current_resource.service_name}") |
7835 | priority[$1] = [($2 == "S" ? :start : :stop), $3] |
7836 | if priority[2] && [2..5].all? { |runlevel| priority[runlevel] == priority[2] } |
7837 | disable_or_enable = (action == :start ? "enable" : "disable") |
7838 | @init_command = "/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}" |
7839 | raise Chef::Exceptions::Service, "No DAEMONS found in /etc/rc.conf" unless /DAEMONS=\((.*)\)/m.match?("/etc/rc.conf")) |
7840 | if"/etc/rc.conf") =~ /DAEMONS=\((.*)\)/m |
7841 | entries += $1.gsub(/\\?[\r ]/, " ").gsub(/# *[^ ]+/, " ").split(" ") if $1.length > 0 |
7842 | content ="/etc/rc.conf").gsub(/DAEMONS=\((.*)\)/m, "DAEMONS=(#{entries.join(" ")})") |
7843 |"/etc/rc.conf", "w") do |f| |
7844 | new_daemons = [] |
7845 | if daemon == "!#{new_resource.service_name}" |
7846 | new_daemons << "!#{new_resource.service_name}" |
7847 | @init_command = "/etc/rc.d/init.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}" |
7848 | create_symlink(level, (o[0] == :start ? "S" : "K"), o[1]) |
7849 | create_symlink(2, "S", "") |
7850 | create_symlink(level, "K", 100 - o[1]) if o[0] == :stop |
7851 | create_symlink(2, "K", "") |
7852 | ::File.symlink("/etc/rc.d/init.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc#{run_level}.d/#{status}#{priority}#{@new_resource.service_name}") |
7853 | files = Dir.glob(["/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]#{@new_resource.service_name}", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/[SK]#{@new_resource.service_name}"]) |
7854 | priority[2] = [($1 == "S" ? :start : :stop), ($2.empty? ? "" : $2.to_i)] |
7855 | if $1 == "S" |
7856 | if is_enabled && files.length == 1 |
7857 | if service.split(" ").last == "active" |
7858 | so = shell_out("lssrc -g #{@new_resource.service_name}") |
7859 | method_name = "#{action}_command".to_sym |
7860 | MASK = { "" => "0", |
7861 | hex_ip = hex_data.to_s.downcase.gsub(/[^0-9a-f]/, "") |
7862 | return nil if hex_ip.length != hex_data.length || hex_ip.length != 8 |
7863 | octets = hex_ip.scan(/../).reverse.collect { |octet| [octet].pack("H2").unpack("C").first } |
7864 | ip = octets.join(".") |
7865 | logger.trace("Invalid IP address data: hex=#{hex_ip}, ip=#{ip}") |
7866 | route_file ="/proc/net/route", "r") |
7867 | _, destination, gateway, _, _, _, _, mask = line.split |
7868 | running_ip ="#{destination}/#{mask}") |
7869 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to add route") do |
7870 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to delete route ") do |
7871 | if platform_family?("rhel", "amazon", "fedora") |
7872 | conf = {} |
7873 | dev = resource.device || "eth0" |
7874 | conf[dev] = "" if conf[dev].nil? |
7875 | conf.each_key do |k| |
7876 | network_file =, "w") |
7877 | converge_by("write route route.#{k} #{conf[k]} to #{network_file_name}") do |
7878 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} writing route.#{k} #{conf[k]}") |
7879 | command = [ "ip", "route", "replace", target ] |
7880 | command = [ "ip", "route", "delete", target ] |
7881 | content = "" |
7882 | content << "# #{options[:comment]} " if options[:comment] |
7883 | content << (options[:target]).to_s |
7884 | content << "/#{MASK[options[:netmask].to_s]}" if options[:netmask] |
7885 | content << " via #{options[:gateway]}" if options[:gateway] |
7886 | content << " dev #{options[:device]}" if options[:device] |
7887 | content << " metric #{options[:metric]}" if options[:metric] |
7888 | content << " " |
7889 | attr_accessor :event_data # e.g., a diff. |
7890 | autoload :CGI, "cgi" |
7891 | @uri = uri |
7892 | host = port ? "#{hostname}:#{port}" : hostname |
7893 | @sftp ||= Net::SFTP.start(host, user, password: pass) |
7894 | path = uri.path.sub(%r{\A/}, "%2F") # re-encode the beginning slash because uri library decodes it. |
7895 | directories = path.split(%r{/}, -1) |
7896 | d.gsub!(/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/) { [$1].pack("H2") } |
7897 | if filename.length == 0 || filename.end_with?( "/" ) |
7898 | Chef::Log.trace("#{new_resource} staging #{@source} to #{tempfile.path}") |
7899 |, "rb") do |remote_file| |
7900 | path.gsub(%r{^/([a-zA-Z]:)}, '\1') |
7901 | @source_path ||= begin |
7902 | require_relative "../../http/simple" |
7903 | require_relative "../../digester" |
7904 | opts = {} |
7905 | if /gz$/.match?(uri.to_s) |
7906 | @ftp ||= |
7907 | if typecode && /\A[ai]\z/ !~ typecode |
7908 | ftp.voidcmd("CWD #{cwd}") |
7909 | when "http", "https" |
7910 | when "ftp" |
7911 | !!(/\A\\\\[A-Za-z0-9+\-\.]+/ =~ source) |
7912 | require_relative "../../mixin/uris" |
7913 | logger.warn("#{@new_resource} cannot be downloaded from #{source}: #{e}") |
7914 | require_relative "../../file_cache" |
7915 | require_relative "../../json_compat" |
7916 | uri = uri.dup |
7917 | @uri = uri.to_s |
7918 | @etag, @mtime = nil, nil |
7919 | @etag = previous_cc_data["etag"] |
7920 | uri.gsub(/\W/, "_")[0..63] |
7921 | @managed_files ||= |
7922 | Dir.glob(::File.join(Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(path), "**", "*"), ::File::FNM_DOTMATCH).sort!.reverse!.each do |file| |
7923 | next if [".", ".."].include?( |
7924 | if dir == path |
7925 | @name_hash = Hash[ { |val| [val[:name].downcase, val] }] |
7926 | @name_hash = {} |
7927 | value[:data] = value[:data].to_i if WORD_TYPES.include?(value[:type]) |
7928 | unless current_value[:type] == value[:type] && current_value[:data] == value[:data] |
7929 | %Q{"#{interpreter_path}"}, |
7930 | %Q{-File "#{script_file_path}"}, |
7931 | ].join(" ") |
7932 | %Q{-Command ". '#{user_script_file.path}'"}, |
7933 | $global:lastcmdlet = $? |
7934 | other.version == version && other.arch == arch |
7935 | name == && version == other.version && arch == other.arch |
7936 | alias eql? == |
7937 | resolved_source_array.all? { |s| s && ::File.exist?(s) } |
7938 | { |s| s.nil? || !::File.exist?(s) } |
7939 | shell_out!("rpm -qp --queryformat '%{NAME} %{EPOCH} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} ' #{new_resource.source}").stdout.each_line do |line| |
7940 | when /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ |
7941 | return$1, "#{$2 == "(none)" ? "0" : $2}:#{$3}-#{$4}", $5) |
7942 | status = shell_out!("zypper", "--non-interactive", "info", package_name) |
7943 | when /^Version *: (.+) *$/ |
7944 | when /^Installed *: Yes.*$/ # |
7945 | when /^Status *: out-of-date \(version (.+) installed\) *$/ |
7946 | search_string = new_version.nil? ? package_name : "#{package_name}=#{new_version}" |
7947 | so = shell_out!("zypper", "--non-interactive", "search", "-s", "--provides", "--match-exact", "--type=package", search_string) |
7948 | (status, name, type, version, arch, repo) = [ md[1], md[2], md[3], md[4], md[5], md[6] ] |
7949 | next unless version == new_version || version.start_with?("#{new_version}-") |
7950 | @available_version ||= [] |
7951 | @installed_version ||= [] |
7952 | do |n, v| |
7953 | (v.nil? || v.empty?) ? n : "#{n}=#{v}" |
7954 | @zypper_version ||= |
7955 | shell_out!("zypper", global_options, gpg_checks, command, *options, "-y", names) |
7956 | names.all? { |n| locked_packages.include? n } |
7957 | names.all? { |n| !locked_packages.include? n } |
7958 | @locked_packages ||= |
7959 | locked = shell_out!("zypper", "locks") |
7960 | line.split("|").shift(2).last.strip |
7961 | require_relative "../../package" |
7962 | lead = 0 |
7963 | epoch = $1.to_i |
7964 | lead = $1.length + 1 |
7965 | elsif evr[0].ord == ":".ord |
7966 | epoch = 0 |
7967 | lead = 1 |
7968 | if /:?.*-(.*)$/.match(evr) # rubocop:disable Performance/RedundantMatch |
7969 | release = $1 |
7970 | tail = evr.length - release.length - lead - 1 |
7971 | isalpha(x) || isdigit(x) |
7972 | v = x.ord |
7973 | (v >= 65 && v <= 90) || (v >= 97 && v <= 122) |
7974 | v >= 48 && v <= 57 |
7975 | return 0 if x == y |
7976 | if x.nil? |
7977 | x = "" |
7978 | if y.nil? |
7979 | y = "" |
7980 | y_pos = 0 |
7981 | y_seg_pos = 0 |
7982 | y_pos_max = y.length - 1 |
7983 | y_comp = nil |
7984 | while x_pos <= x_pos_max && y_pos <= y_pos_max |
7985 | while (x_pos <= x_pos_max) && (isalnum(x[x_pos]) == false) |
7986 | x_pos += 1 # +1 over pos_max if end of string |
7987 | y_pos += 1 while (y_pos <= y_pos_max) && (isalnum(y[y_pos]) == false) |
7988 | if (x_pos == x_pos_max + 1) || (y_pos == y_pos_max + 1) |
7989 | x_seg_pos = x_pos |
7990 | y_seg_pos = y_pos |
7991 | x_seg_is_num = true |
7992 | x_seg_pos += 1 |
7993 | x_seg_pos += 1 while (x_seg_pos <= x_pos_max) && isdigit(x[x_seg_pos]) |
7994 | x_comp = x[x_pos, x_seg_pos - x_pos] |
7995 | y_seg_pos += 1 while (y_seg_pos <= y_pos_max) && isdigit(y[y_seg_pos]) |
7996 | y_comp = y[y_pos, y_seg_pos - y_pos] |
7997 | x_seg_is_num = false |
7998 | x_seg_pos += 1 while (x_seg_pos <= x_pos_max) && isalpha(x[x_seg_pos]) |
7999 | y_seg_pos += 1 while (y_seg_pos <= y_pos_max) && isalpha(y[y_seg_pos]) |
8000 | if y_pos == y_seg_pos |
8001 | return x_seg_is_num ? 1 : -1 |
8002 | x_pos += x_comp.length # +1 over pos_max if end of string |
8003 | y_pos += y_comp.length |
8004 | x_comp = x_comp.to_i |
8005 | y_comp = y_comp.to_i |
8006 | if x_comp > y_comp |
8007 | if (x_pos == x_pos_max + 1) && (y_pos == y_pos_max + 1) |
8008 | if (x_pos_max - x_pos) > (y_pos_max - y_pos) |
8009 | -1 |
8010 | end # self |
8011 | if args.size == 1 |
8012 | @e, @v, @r = RPMUtils.version_parse(args[0]) |
8013 | elsif args.size == 3 |
8014 | @e = args[0].to_i |
8015 | @v = args[1] |
8016 | @r = args[2] |
8017 | attr_reader :e, :v, :r |
8018 | new(*args) |
8019 | if @r.nil? |
8020 | @v |
8021 | x = self |
8022 | if (x.e.nil? == false && x.e > 0) && y.e.nil? |
8023 | elsif x.e.nil? && (y.e.nil? == false && y.e > 0) |
8024 | elsif x.e.nil? == false && y.e.nil? == false |
8025 | if x.e < y.e |
8026 | elsif x.e > y.e |
8027 | if partial && (x.v.nil? || y.v.nil?) |
8028 | elsif x.v.nil? == false && y.v.nil? |
8029 | elsif x.v.nil? && y.v.nil? == false |
8030 | elsif x.v.nil? == false && y.v.nil? == false |
8031 | return cmp if cmp != 0 |
8032 | if partial && (x.r.nil? || y.r.nil?) |
8033 | elsif x.r.nil? == false && y.r.nil? |
8034 | elsif x.r.nil? && y.r.nil? == false |
8035 | elsif x.r.nil? == false && y.r.nil? == false |
8036 | if args.size == 4 |
8037 | @n = args[0] |
8038 | @a = args[2] |
8039 | @provides = args[3] |
8040 | elsif args.size == 6 |
8041 | e = args[1].to_i |
8042 | v = args[2] |
8043 | r = args[3] |
8044 | @version =, v, r) |
8045 | @a = args[4] |
8046 | @provides = args[5] |
8047 | @provides = [, @version.evr, :==) ] |
8048 | attr_reader :n, :a, :version, :provides |
8049 | return 0 if x.nevra == y.nevra |
8050 | if x.n.nil? == false && y.n.nil? |
8051 | elsif x.n.nil? && y.n.nil? == false |
8052 | elsif x.n.nil? == false && y.n.nil? == false |
8053 | if x.n < y.n |
8054 | elsif x.n > y.n |
8055 | if x.a.nil? == false && y.a.nil? |
8056 | elsif x.a.nil? && y.a.nil? == false |
8057 | elsif x.a.nil? == false && y.a.nil? == false |
8058 | if x.a < y.a |
8059 | elsif x.a > y.a |
8060 | if args.size == 3 |
8061 | @name = args[0] |
8062 | @flag = args[2] || :== |
8063 | elsif args.size == 5 |
8064 | @flag = args[4] || :== |
8065 | if /^(\S+)\s+(>|>=|=|==|<=|<)\s+(\S+)$/.match(string) # rubocop:disable Performance/RedundantMatch |
8066 | name = $1 |
8067 | flag = if $2 == "=" |
8068 | :== |
8069 | :"#{$2}" |
8070 | version = $3 |
8071 | new(name, nil, nil) |
8072 | if != |
8073 | if (sense < 0) && ((x.flag == :> || x.flag == :>=) || (y.flag == :<= || y.flag == :<)) |
8074 | elsif (sense > 0) && ((x.flag == :< || x.flag == :<=) || (y.flag == :>= || y.flag == :>)) |
8075 | elsif sense == 0 && ( |
8076 | (x.flag == :< && y.flag == :<) || |
8077 | (x.flag == :> && y.flag == :>) |
8078 | @rpms = {} |
8079 | @index = {} |
8080 | @provides = {} |
8081 | def [](package_name) |
8082 | @rpms[new_rpm.n] ||= [] |
8083 | @rpms[new_rpm.n] << new_rpm |
8084 | @provides[] ||= [] |
8085 | def <<(*args) |
8086 | what = [] |
8087 | what << pkg |
8088 | require_relative "../../../mixin/shell_out" |
8089 | YUM_HELPER = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), "")).freeze |
8090 | @yum_command ||= begin |
8091 | cmd = which("platform-python", "python", "python2", "python2.7", extra_path: "/usr/libexec") do |f| |
8092 | shell_out("#{f} -c 'import yum'").exitstatus == 0 |
8093 | @stdin = @stdout = @stderr = @inpipe = @outpipe = @wait_thr = nil |
8094 | query("close_rpmdb", {}) |
8095 | query("versioncompare", { "versions" => [version1, version2] }).to_i |
8096 | query_output = query("installonlypkgs", { "package" => name }) |
8097 | if query_output == "False" |
8098 | options.each_with_object({}) do |opt, h| |
8099 | if opt =~ /--enablerepo=(.+)/ |
8100 | $1.split(",").each do |repo| |
8101 | h["repos"] ||= [] |
8102 | h["repos"].push( { "enable" => repo } ) |
8103 | if opt =~ /--disablerepo=(.+)/ |
8104 | h["repos"].push( { "disable" => repo } ) |
8105 | raise "provides must have an epoch in the version to deconstruct" unless provides =~ /^(\S+)-(\d+):(\S+)/ |
8106 | epoch = $2 |
8107 | other = $3 |
8108 | ret = { "provides" => name, "epoch" => epoch } |
8109 | arch = if is_arch?(maybe_arch) |
8110 | other.delete_suffix!(".#{maybe_arch}") |
8111 | ret.merge!({ "arch" => arch }) if arch |
8112 | (version, _, release) = other.rpartition("-") |
8113 | ret.merge!({ "version" => release }) # yeah, rpartition is just weird |
8114 | ret.merge!({ "version" => version, "release" => release }) |
8115 | version = if !version.nil? && !version.empty? |
8116 | arch = if !arch.nil? && !arch.empty? |
8117 | if version =~ /^[><=]/ |
8118 | return { "provides" => "#{provides}.#{arch} #{version}" } |
8119 | return { "provides" => "#{provides} #{version}" } |
8120 | provides.delete_suffix!(".#{arch}") |
8121 | provides = "#{provides}-#{version}" if version |
8122 | provides = "#{provides}.#{arch}" if arch |
8123 | if provides =~ /-\d+:/ && provides !~ /[\*\?]/ |
8124 | { "provides" => provides } |
8125 | repo_opts = options_params(options || {}) |
8126 | hash = { "action" => action } |
8127 | array = { |x| x == "nil" ? nil : x } |
8128 | array.each_slice(3).map { |x|*x) }.first |
8129 | output = "" |
8130 | fds, =[stderr, stdout, inpipe], nil, nil, 0) |
8131 | fds.each do |fd| |
8132 | output += fd.sysread(4096) rescue "" |
8133 | max_retries ||= 5 |
8134 | ret = nil |
8135 | @current_version = [] |
8136 | methods = [] |
8137 | yum(options, "-y", "remove", resolved_names) |
8138 | yum("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "add", resolved_package_lock_names(names)) |
8139 | yum("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "delete", resolved_package_lock_names(names).map { |n| "*:#{n}-*" }) |
8140 | locked = yum("versionlock", "list") |
8141 | line.sub(/-[^-]*-[^-]*$/, "").split(":").last.strip |
8142 | def version_gt?(v1, v2) |
8143 | return false if v1.nil? || v2.nil? |
8144 | @magical_version ||= [] |
8145 | @current_version ||= [] |
8146 | @yum_binary ||= |
8147 | yum_binary ||= ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/yum-deprecated") ? "yum-deprecated" : "yum" |
8148 | ].each do |hkey| |
8149 | desired = hkey.length > 1 ? hkey[1] : ::Win32::Registry::Constants::KEY_READ |
8150 | reg.each_key do |key, _wtime| |
8151 | logger.trace("Registry error opening key '#{key}' on node #{desired}: #{ex}") |
8152 | logger.trace("Registry error opening hive '#{hkey[0]}' :: #{desired}: #{ex}") |
8153 | @hive = hive |
8154 | @key = key |
8155 | options ? " #{options}" : "" |
8156 | uninstall_string = "msiexec /x #{uninstall_string.match(/{.*}/)}" |
8157 | ].join |
8158 | %{start "" /wait #{uninstall_string} & exit %%%%ERRORLEVEL%%%%} |
8159 | a.assertion { new_resource.source || msi? } |
8160 |, "rb") do |io| |
8161 | if basename == "setup.exe" |
8162 | if v1 == "latest" || v2 == "latest" |
8163 | gem_v1 = |
8164 | gem_v2 = |
8165 | gem_v1 <=> gem_v2 |
8166 | return :inno if entry.key.end_with?("_is1") |
8167 | send(k.to_sym, v) |
8168 | ::File.exist?(new_source) ? new_source : nil |
8169 | ::File.extname(source_location).casecmp(".msi") == 0 |
8170 | status = shell_out("pkginfo", "-l", "-d", new_resource.source, new_resource.package_name) |
8171 | [ "pkgadd", "-n", "-d", new_resource.source, new_resource.package_name ] |
8172 | [ "pkgadd", "-n", "-d", new_resource.source, "all" ] |
8173 | [ "pkgadd", "-n", options, "-d", new_resource.source, new_resource.package_name ] |
8174 | [ "pkgadd", "-n", options, "-d", new_resource.source, "all" ] |
8175 | shell_out!( "pkgrm", "-n", name ) |
8176 | shell_out!( "pkgrm", "-n", options, name ) |
8177 | request = "#{method} #{uri} HTTP/1.0\r " + |
8178 | request.concat("\r ") |
8179 | body = "" |
8180 | body << c |
8181 | next unless ["}", "]"].include?(c) |
8182 | call_snap_api("GET", "/v2/changes/#{id}") |
8183 | if response["type"] == "error" |
8184 | raise "status: #{response["status"]}, kind: #{response["result"]["kind"]}, message: #{response["result"]["message"]}" |
8185 | n = 0 |
8186 | when "Do", "Doing", "Undoing", "Undo" |
8187 | when "Abort", "Hold", "Error" |
8188 | n += 1 |
8189 | shell_out!("snap", *args) |
8190 | body = { |
8191 | }.to_json |
8192 | response = snapctl(["info", path]) |
8193 | stdout.match(/version: (\S+)/)[1] |
8194 | snap_options = do |k, v| |
8195 | --#{snap_name} |
8196 | request = { |
8197 | call_snap_api("POST", "/v2/snaps", json) |
8198 | call_snap_api("POST", "/v2/snaps/#{snap_name}", json) |
8199 | json = call_snap_api("GET", "/v2/find?name=#{name}") |
8200 | if json["status-code"] != 200 |
8201 | unless json["result"][0]["channels"]["latest/#{channel}"] |
8202 | json["result"][0]["channels"]["latest/#{channel}"]["version"] |
8203 | json = call_snap_api("GET", "/v2/snaps") |
8204 | if result["status-code"] == 404 |
8205 | json = call_snap_api("GET", "/v2/snaps/#{name}") |
8206 | json = call_snap_api("GET", "/v2/snaps/#{name}/conf") |
8207 | response = call_snap_api("PUT", "/v2/snaps/#{name}/conf", value) |
8208 | info = shell_out!("/opt/local/sbin/pkg_info", "-E", "#{name}*", env: nil, returns: [0, 1]) |
8209 | version = info.stdout[/^#{new_resource.package_name}-(.+)/, 1] |
8210 | name = nil |
8211 | pkg = shell_out!("/opt/local/bin/pkgin", "se", new_resource.package_name, env: nil, returns: [0, 1]) |
8212 | name, version = line.split(/[; ]/)[0].split(/-([^-]+)$/) |
8213 | package = "#{name}-#{version}" |
8214 | out = shell_out!("/opt/local/bin/pkgin", "-y", "install", package, env: nil) |
8215 | out = shell_out!("/opt/local/bin/pkgin", "-y", "remove", package, env: nil) |
8216 | if rubygems_version >="3.1") |
8217 | if defined?(Gem::Format) && Gem::Package.respond_to?(:open) |
8218 | rs.specs.find { |s| == } |
8219 | source_list = sources.compact.empty? ? "[#{Gem.sources.to_a.join(", ")}]" : "[#{sources.join(", ")}]" |
8220 | def uninstall(gem_name, gem_version = nil, opts = {}) |
8221 | gem_version ? opts[:version] = gem_version : opts[:all] = true |
8222 | JRUBY_PLATFORM = /(:?universal|x86_64|x86)\-java\-[0-9\.]+/.freeze |
8223 | @gempath_cache ||= {} |
8224 | @platform_cache ||= {} |
8225 | @source_index ||= Gem::SourceIndex.from_gems_in(* { |p| p + "/specifications" }) |
8226 | ["ruby",] |
8227 | msg << "in #{new_resource} from #{new_resource.source_line}" |
8228 | msg = [ |
8229 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} using gem '#{gem_location}'") |
8230 | scheme = nil if /^[a-z]$/.match?(scheme) |
8231 | srcs = [ new_resource.source ] |
8232 | src = [] |
8233 | if new_resource.source.is_a?(String) && new_resource.source =~ /\.gem$/i |
8234 | src << "--clear-sources" if clear_sources? |
8235 | src += { |s| "--source=#{s}" } |
8236 | src_str = src.empty? ? "" : " #{src.join(" ")}" |
8237 | if !version.nil? && !version.empty? |
8238 | shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} install #{name} -q #{rdoc_string} -v \"#{version}\"#{src_str}#{opts}", env: nil) |
8239 | shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} install \"#{name}\" -q #{rdoc_string} #{src_str}#{opts}", env: nil) |
8240 | shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} uninstall #{name} -q -x -I -v \"#{version}\"#{opts}", env: nil) |
8241 | shell_out!("#{gem_binary_path} uninstall #{name} -q -x -I -a#{opts}", env: nil) |
8242 | a.assertion { !@rpm_status.nil? && (@rpm_status.exitstatus == 0 || @rpm_status.exitstatus == 1) } |
8243 | shell_out!("rpm", "-qp", "--queryformat", "%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} ", new_resource.source).stdout.each_line do |line| |
8244 | when /^(\S+)\s(\S+)$/ |
8245 | @rpm_status = shell_out("rpm", "-q", "--queryformat", "%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} ", current_resource.package_name) |
8246 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} current version is #{$2}") |
8247 | shell_out!("rpm", options, "-U", "--oldpackage", new_resource.source) |
8248 | shell_out!("rpm", options, "-U", new_resource.source) |
8249 | shell_out!("rpm", options, "-i", new_resource.source) |
8250 | shell_out!("rpm", options, "-e", "#{name}-#{version}") |
8251 | shell_out!("rpm", options, "-e", name) |
8252 | version = "0" |
8253 | versions = [] |
8254 | version_list = [] |
8255 | command.unshift("(") |
8256 | command.join(" ") |
8257 | possibilities = Dir["/var/db/pkg/#{globsafe_category || "*"}/#{globsafe_pkg}-*"].map { |d| d.sub(%r{/var/db/pkg/}, "") } |
8258 | if entry =~ %r{[^/]+/#{Regexp.escape(pkg)}\-(\d[\.\d]*[a-z]?((_(alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)\d*)*)?(-r\d+)?)} |
8259 | [$&, $1] |
8260 | categories = { |v| v.split("/")[0] }.uniq |
8261 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} current version #{$1}") |
8262 | if /-r\d+$/.match?(pkginfo.stdout) |
8263 | @candidate_version = pkginfo.stdout.split(/(?<=-)/).last(2).join |
8264 | pkg = "=#{name}-#{version}" |
8265 | if version =~ /^\~(.+)/ |
8266 | pkg = "~#{name}-#{$1}" |
8267 | shell_out!( "emerge", "-g", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", options, pkg ) |
8268 | shell_out!( "emerge", "--unmerge", "--color", "n", "--nospinner", "--quiet", options, pkg ) |
8269 | re ="(.*)[[:blank:]](.*)[[:blank:]](.*)$") |
8270 | res = re.match(line) |
8271 | shell_out!("cave", "-L", "warning", "resolve", "-x", options, pkg) |
8272 | shell_out!("cave", "-L", "warning", "uninstall", "-x", options, pkg) |
8273 | if ::File.exist?("/etc/pacman.conf") |
8274 | pacman ="/etc/pacman.conf") |
8275 | repos = pacman.scan(/\[(.+)\]/).flatten |
8276 | status = shell_out("pacman", "-Sl") |
8277 | @candidate_version = [] |
8278 | shell_out!("pacman", "--sync", "--noconfirm", "--noprogressbar", options, *name) |
8279 | shell_out!("pacman", "--remove", "--noconfirm", "--noprogressbar", options, *name) |
8280 | if /^(.+?)--(.+)/.match?(new_resource.package_name) |
8281 | if parts = name.match(/^(.+?)--(.+)/) # use double-dash for stems with flavors, see man page for pkg_add |
8282 | name = parts[1] |
8283 | shell_out!("pkg_add", "-r", package_string(name, version), env: { "PKG_PATH" => pkg_path }).status |
8284 | if parts = name.match(/^(.+?)--(.+)/) |
8285 | name = if parts = new_resource.package_name.match(/^(.+?)--(.+)/) |
8286 | pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg_info", "-e", "#{name}->0", env: nil, returns: [0, 1]) |
8287 | result = pkg_info.stdout[/^inst:#{Regexp.escape(name)}-(.+?)\s/, 1] |
8288 | results << if parts = new_resource.package_name.match(/^(.+?)--(.+)/) |
8289 | line[/^#{Regexp.escape(parts[1])}-(.+?)\s/, 1] |
8290 | line[/^#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.package_name)}-(.+?)\s/, 1] |
8291 | ENV["PKG_PATH"] || "{node["kernel"]["name"]}/#{node["kernel"]["release"]}/packages/#{node["kernel"]["machine"]}/" |
8292 | shell_out!("#{ENV["SYSTEMROOT"]}\\system32\\expand.exe -f:* #{msu_file} #{destination}") |
8293 | xml_files = Dir.glob("#{msu_dir}/*.xml") |
8294 | cab_files = [] |
8295 | doc = { |f| f } |
8296 | cab_files << msu_dir + "/" + loc.attribute("location").value.split("\\")[1] |
8297 | command = [ "port", "installed", new_resource.package_name ] |
8298 | match = line.match(/^.+ @([^\s]+) \(active\)$/) |
8299 | command = [ "port", "info", "--version", new_resource.package_name ] |
8300 | match = output.match(/^version: (.+)$/) |
8301 | match ? match[1] : nil |
8302 | command = [ "port", options, "install", name ] |
8303 | command << "@#{version}" if version && !version.empty? |
8304 | command = [ "port", options, "uninstall", name ] |
8305 | command = [ "port", options, "deactivate", name ] |
8306 | shell_out!( "port", options, "upgrade", name, "@#{version}" ) |
8307 | return $1.split[0] if line =~ /^\s+Version: (.*)/ |
8308 | shell_out!("pkg", "info", "-r", new_resource.package_name).stdout.each_line do |line| |
8309 | return $1.split[0] if line =~ /Version: (.*)/ |
8310 | command = [ "pkg", options, "install", "-q" ] |
8311 | command << "#{name}@#{version}" |
8312 | package_name = "#{name}@#{version}" |
8313 | shell_out!( "pkg", options, "uninstall", "-q", package_name ) |
8314 | @brew_info ||= begin |
8315 | command_array = ["info", "--json=v1"].concat package_name_array |
8316 | hsh[package_name] = {} |
8317 | hsh[json["name"]] = json |
8318 | Hash[Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(cmd_output).collect { |pkg| [pkg["name"], pkg] }] |
8319 | return p if p["full_name"] == package_name || p["aliases"].include?(package_name) |
8320 | if p_data["keg_only"] |
8321 | p_data["linked_keg"] |
8322 | p_data["versions"]["stable"] |
8323 | logger.trace "Executing 'brew #{command.join(" ")}' as user '#{}'" |
8324 | shell_out_cmd = options[:allow_failure] ? :shell_out : :shell_out! |
8325 | output = send(shell_out_cmd, "brew", *command, timeout: 1800, user: homebrew_uid, environment: { "HOME" => homebrew_user.dir, "RUBYOPT" => nil, "TMPDIR" => nil }) |
8326 | opts = ["pkg", "install", "--channel",, "--url", new_resource.bldr_url] |
8327 | opts += ["#{strip_version(n)}/#{v}", new_resource.options] |
8328 | opts += ["--binlink"] if new_resource.binlink |
8329 | opts += ["--force"] if new_resource.binlink.eql? :force |
8330 | opts += ["#{strip_version(n).chomp("/")}#{v}", new_resource.options] |
8331 | opts += ["--exclude"] if new_resource.exclude |
8332 | opts += ["--no-deps"] if new_resource.no_deps |
8333 | n = name.squeeze("/").chomp("/").sub(%r{^\/}, "") |
8334 | n = n[0..(n.rindex("/") - 1)] while n.count("/") >= 2 |
8335 | elsif node["kernel"]["release"].to_i < 3 |
8336 | @depot_package ||= {} |
8337 | @depot_package[name] ||= |
8338 | origin, pkg_name = name.split("/") |
8339 | name_version = [pkg_name, version].compact.join("/").squeeze("/").chomp("/").sub(%r{^\/}, "") |
8340 | url = if new_resource.bldr_url.include?("/v1/") |
8341 | url << "/latest" unless name_version.count("/") >= 2 |
8342 | @http ||= |
8343 | hab("pkg", "path", ident).stdout.chomp.split(windows? ? "\\" : "/")[-2..-1].join("/") |
8344 | nv_parts = new_version.squeeze("/").split("/") |
8345 | current_version.squeeze("/").split("/")[0] == new_version.squeeze("/") |
8346 | hab_v1 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("/", "+")) |
8347 | hab_v2 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("/", "+")) |
8348 | hab_v1 <=> hab_v2 |
8349 | shell_out!("make", "-DBATCH", "install", "clean", timeout: 1800, env: nil, cwd: port_dir).status |
8350 | shell_out!("make", "deinstall", timeout: 300, env: nil, cwd: port_dir).status |
8351 | pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg", "info", new_resource.package_name, env: nil, returns: [0, 70]) |
8352 | pkg_info.stdout[/^#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.package_name)}-(.+)/, 1] |
8353 | when %r{^(http|ftp|/)} |
8354 | shell_out!("pkg", "add", options, new_resource.source, env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }).status |
8355 | shell_out!("pkg", "install", "-y", options, name, env: { "LC_ALL" => nil }).status |
8356 | options_dup = options && { |str| str.sub(repo_regex, "") }.reject!(&:empty?) |
8357 | shell_out!("pkg", "delete", "-y", options_dup, "#{name}#{version ? "-" + version : ""}", env: nil).status |
8358 | pkg_info = shell_out!("pkg", "info", new_resource.package_name, env: nil, returns: [0, 1, 70]) |
8359 | pkg_info.stdout[/^Version +: (.+)$/, 1] |
8360 | new_resource.source[/#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.package_name)}-(.+)\.txz/, 1] |
8361 | if options && options.join(" ").match(repo_regex) |
8362 | options = $1.split(" ") |
8363 | pkg_query = shell_out!("pkg", "rquery", options, "%v", new_resource.package_name, env: nil) |
8364 | pkg_query.exitstatus == 0 ? pkg_query.stdout.strip.split(' ').last : nil |
8365 | /(-r\s?\S+)\b/ |
8366 | require_relative "../../../resource/package" |
8367 | ::File.exist?("/usr/ports/Makefile") |
8368 | when %r{^/} |
8369 | when %r{/} |
8370 | whereis = shell_out!("whereis", "-s", port, env: nil) |
8371 | unless path = whereis.stdout[/^#{Regexp.escape(port)}:\s+(.+)$/, 1] |
8372 | options = dir ? { cwd: dir } : {} |
8373 | options[:env] = nil |
8374 | options[:returns] = [0, 1] |
8375 | make_v = shell_out!("make", "-V", variable, **options) |
8376 | sources = { |n| name_sources[n] } |
8377 |"#{new_resource} installing package(s): #{name.join(" ")}") |
8378 | run_noninteractive("dpkg", "-i", *options, *sources) |
8379 |"#{new_resource} removing package(s): #{name.join(" ")}") |
8380 | run_noninteractive("dpkg", "-r", *options, *name) |
8381 |"#{new_resource} purging packages(s): #{name.join(" ")}") |
8382 | run_noninteractive("dpkg", "-P", *options, *name) |
8383 | if !shell_out("dpkg", "--compare-versions", v1.to_s, "gt", v2.to_s).error? |
8384 | elsif !shell_out("dpkg", "--compare-versions", v1.to_s, "eq", v2.to_s).error? |
8385 | status = shell_out!("dpkg", "-s", package_name, returns: [0, 1]) |
8386 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} current version is #{$1}") |
8387 | @name_pkginfo ||= |
8388 | status = shell_out!("dpkg-deb", "-W", src) |
8389 | @name_candidate_version ||= name_pkginfo.transform_values { |v| v ? v.split("\t")[1]&.strip : nil } |
8390 | @name_package_name ||= name_pkginfo.transform_values { |v| v ? v.split("\t")[0] : nil } |
8391 | DNF_HELPER = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), "")).freeze |
8392 | @dnf_command ||= begin |
8393 | cmd = which("platform-python", "python", "python3", "python2", "python2.7", extra_path: "/usr/libexec") do |f| |
8394 | shell_out("#{f} -c 'import dnf'").exitstatus == 0 |
8395 | parameters = { "provides" => provides, "version" => version, "arch" => arch } |
8396 | if version =~ /(\S+):(\S+)/ |
8397 | epoch = $1 |
8398 | version = $2 |
8399 | if version =~ /(\S+)-(\S+)/ |
8400 | version = $1 |
8401 | release = $2 |
8402 | dnf(options, "-y", "install", new_resource.source) |
8403 | dnf(options, "-y", "install", resolved_names) |
8404 | dnf(options, "-y", "remove", resolved_names) |
8405 | dnf("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "add", resolved_package_lock_names(names)) |
8406 | dnf("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "delete", resolved_package_lock_names(names).map { |n| "*:#{n}-*" }) |
8407 | locked = dnf("versionlock", "list") |
8408 | shell_out!("dnf", *args) |
8409 | cache_seed_to = "#{file_cache_dir}/#{name}-#{version}.seed" |
8410 | name_nil_versions = { |n, v| v.nil? } |
8411 | choco_command("install", "-y", "--version", version, cmd_args, name) |
8412 | choco_command("install", "-y", cmd_args, *cmd_names) |
8413 | choco_command("upgrade", "-y", "--version", version, cmd_args, name) |
8414 | choco_command("upgrade", "-y", cmd_args, *cmd_names) |
8415 | @choco_exe ||= begin |
8416 | exe_path = ::File.join(choco_install_path, "bin", "choco.exe") |
8417 | result = "" if result.empty? |
8418 | cmd = [ "list", "-r", pkg ] |
8419 | @installed_packages ||= Hash[*parse_list_output("list", "-l", "-r").flatten] |
8420 | hash = {} |
8421 | name, version = line.split("|") |
8422 | args = [] |
8423 | args.push( [ "--user", new_resource.user ] ) if new_resource.user |
8424 | packages = [] |
8425 | key, value = line.split(":") if line.start_with?("Package Identity") |
8426 | next if key.nil? || value.nil? |
8427 | package = {} |
8428 | package[" ", "_")] = value.strip.chomp |
8429 | package_data = {} |
8430 | errors = [] |
8431 | if line =~ /Error: (.*)/ |
8432 | errors << $1.strip |
8433 | elsif section_headers.any? { |header| line =~ /^(#{header})/ } |
8434 | in_section = $" ", "_") |
8435 | elsif line =~ /(.*) ?: (.*)/ |
8436 | k = $" ", "_") |
8437 | package_data[k] = v |
8438 | data["name"], data["publisher"], data["arch"], data["resource_id"], data["version"] = identity.split("~") |
8439 | @packages ||= begin |
8440 | ret = shell_out("installp", "-L", "-d", new_resource.source) |
8441 | fields = line.split(":") |
8442 | unless ret.exitstatus == 0 || ret.exitstatus == 1 |
8443 | when /\w:#{Regexp.escape(new_resource.package_name)}:(.*)/ |
8444 | shell_out!("installp", "-u", name) |
8445 | shell_out!("installp", "-u", options, name) |
8446 | @package_data ||= do |hash, key| |
8447 | locked = shell_out!("apt-mark", "showhold") |
8448 | package_name = do |n, v| |
8449 | package_data[n][:virtual] ? n : "#{n}=#{v}" |
8450 | package_name = do |n| |
8451 | run_noninteractive("apt-get", "-q", "-y", options, "remove", package_name) |
8452 | run_noninteractive("apt-get", "-q", "-y", options, "purge", package_name) |
8453 | @apt_version ||= shell_out("apt-get --version").stdout.match(/^apt (\S+)/)[1] |
8454 | @supports_allow_downgrade = ( version_compare(apt_version, "1.1.0") >= 0 ) |
8455 | [ "-o", "APT::Default-Release=#{new_resource.default_release}" ] |
8456 | return if Array(options).any? { |opt| opt.include?("--force-conf") } |
8457 | [ "-o", "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew" ] |
8458 | [ "-o", "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef", "-o", "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" ] |
8459 | all_versions = [] |
8460 | when /^\s{2}Installed: (.+)$/ |
8461 | current_version = ( $1 != "(none)" ) ? $1 : nil |
8462 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} installed version for #{pkg} is #{$1}") |
8463 | when /^\s{2}Candidate: (.+)$/ |
8464 | candidate_version = ( $1 != "(none)" ) ? $1 : nil |
8465 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} candidate version for #{pkg} is #{$1}") |
8466 | when /\s+(?:\*\*\* )?(\S+) \d+/ |
8467 | all_versions << $1 |
8468 | return nil if partitions[0] == "" && partitions[1] == "" # not found in output |
8469 | if set.size > 1 |
8470 | f = [] |
8471 | f << (item == current_version_array[index]) |
8472 | f.any? |
8473 | v1 == v2 |
8474 | missing = [] |
8475 | @new_version_array ||= [ new_resource.version ] { |v| v.to_s.empty? ? nil : v } |
8476 | @source_array ||= |
8477 | if use_package_name_for_source? && source.nil? && package_name.match(/#{::File::SEPARATOR}/) && ::File.exist?(package_name) |
8478 | method_sym.to_s.start_with?("action_") || super |
8479 | if /^action_/.match?(method_sym.to_s) |
8480 | /^\\\\\?\\Volume\{[\w-]+\}\\$/.match?(name) ? true : false |
8481 | @mount = nil |
8482 | a.assertion { !device_should_exist? || ::File.exist?(device) } |
8483 | unless fsck_device == "-" |
8484 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?(fsck_device) } |
8485 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?(mount_point) } |
8486 | command = [ "mount", "-F", fstype ] |
8487 | command << "-o" |
8488 | command << actual_options.join(",") |
8489 | command << [ device, mount_point ] |
8490 | mount_options = actual_options.empty? ? "" : ",#{actual_options.join(",")}" |
8491 | shell_out!("mount", "-o", "remount#{mount_options}", mount_point) |
8492 | shell_out!("mount", "-v").stdout.each_line do |line| |
8493 | when /^#{device_regex}\s+on\s+#{Regexp.escape(mount_point)}\s+/ |
8494 | when %r{^([/\w]+)\son\s#{Regexp.escape(mount_point)}\s+} |
8495 | when /^[#\s]/ |
8496 | when %r{^#{device_regex}\s+[-/\w]+\s+#{Regexp.escape(mount_point)}\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)} |
8497 | if Regexp.last_match[3] == "no" |
8498 | options += ",noauto" |
8499 | pass = (Regexp.last_match[2] == "-") ? 0 : Regexp.last_match[2].to_i |
8500 | logger.trace("Found mount #{device} to #{mount_point} in #{VFSTAB}") |
8501 | when %r{^[-/\w]+\s+[-/\w]+\s+#{Regexp.escape(mount_point)}\s+} |
8502 | options.nil? || !options.include?("noauto") |
8503 | f.write(contents.join("")) |
8504 | autostr = mount_at_boot? ? "yes" : "no" |
8505 | passstr = pass == 0 ? "-" : pass |
8506 | optstr = (actual_options.nil? || actual_options.empty?) ? "-" : actual_options.join(",") |
8507 | contents = [] |
8508 | if !found && line =~ /^#{device_regex}\s+\S+\s+#{Regexp.escape(mount_point)}/ |
8509 | ["-"] |
8510 | new_options = [] |
8511 | new_options += temp_options.nil? ? [] : temp_options.dup |
8512 | unless ::File.exist?("/etc/fstab") |
8513 | ::File.foreach("/etc/fstab") do |line| |
8514 | when /^(#{device_fstab_regex})\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ |
8515 | when /^#{device_mount_regex}\s+on\s+#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s/ |
8516 | when %r{^([/\w])+\son\s#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+} |
8517 | logger.trace("Special device #{$~[1]} mounted as #{real_mount_point}") |
8518 | command = [ "mount", "-t", @new_resource.fstype ] |
8519 | command << @new_resource.options.join(",") |
8520 | [ "-L", @new_resource.device ] |
8521 | [ "-U", @new_resource.device ] |
8522 | [ "mount", "-o", "remount,#{@new_resource.options.join(",")}", @new_resource.mount_point ] |
8523 | linux? ? "defaults" : "rw" |
8524 |"/etc/fstab", "a") do |fstab| |
8525 | @new_resource.device.include?(":") || @new_resource.device.include?("//") |
8526 | ( @new_resource.device != "none" ) && |
8527 | ( not network_device? ) && |
8528 | @real_device = "" |
8529 | (@real_device == "/" || @real_device.match?(":/$")) ? @real_device : @real_device.chomp("/") |
8530 | device_mount_regex.gsub(" ", "\\x20") |
8531 | Regexp.escape(device_real) + "/?" |
8532 | if !found && line =~ /^#{device_fstab_regex}\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s/ |
8533 |"/etc/fstab", "w") do |fstab| |
8534 | @loop_mount_points ||= shell_out!("losetup -a").stdout |
8535 | @loop_mount_points = "" |
8536 | when %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+\/dev\/loop+[0-9]+\s} |
8537 | when %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+([/\w])+\s} |
8538 | when %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+([/\w])+\[#{device_mount_regex}\]\s} |
8539 | when /\A#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+#{device_mount_regex}\[/ |
8540 | if @new_resource.fstype == "auto" |
8541 | if regex_arr.size == 2 |
8542 | when /^#\s/ |
8543 | when /^#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}:#{devicename}:(\S+):#{nodename}:(\S+)?:(\S+):(\S+):(\S+):(\S+)/ |
8544 | when /^#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}:#{nodename}:(\S+)::(\S+)?:(\S+):(\S+):(\S+):(\S+)/ |
8545 | when /^#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}:(\S+)?:(\S+):#{devicename}:(\S+)?:(\S+):(\S+):(\S+):(\S+)/ |
8546 | if $3.split("=")[0] == "LABEL" || $1.split("=")[0] == "LABEL" |
8547 | elsif $3.split("=")[0] == "UUID" || $1.split("=")[0] == "UUID" |
8548 | when %r{^[/\w]+\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s+} |
8549 | command = [ "mount", "-v", @new_resource.fstype ] |
8550 | [ "mount", "-o", "remount,#{@new_resource.options.join(",")}", @new_resource.device, @new_resource.mount_point ] |
8551 | [ "mount", "-o", "remount", @new_resource.device, @new_resource.mount_point ] |
8552 |"/etc/filesystems", "a") do |fstab| |
8553 | fstab.puts(" #{@new_resource.mount_point}:") |
8554 | fstab.puts("\tdev\t\t= #{device_details[1]}") |
8555 | fstab.puts("\tnodename\t\t= #{device_details[0]}") |
8556 | fstab.puts("\tdev\t\t= #{device_fstab}") |
8557 | fstab.puts("\tvfs\t\t= #{@new_resource.fstype}") |
8558 | fstab.puts("\tmount\t\t= false") |
8559 | current_resource_options = @current_resource.options.delete_if { |x| x == "rw" } |
8560 |"/etc/filesystems", "r").each_line do |line| |
8561 | when %r{^/.+:\s*$} |
8562 | if /#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}+:/.match?(line) |
8563 |"/etc/filesystems", "w") do |fstab| |
8564 | if (tries -= 1) < 0 |
8565 | if @new_resource.device == "/" || @new_resource.device.match?(":/$") |
8566 | if ::File.exist?( && |
8567 | (current_resource.link_type == :symbolic || != "") |
8568 | types = { |
8569 | if ::File.exists?(path) |
8570 | only_if { manage_agent?(action) } |
8571 | root = console_user == "root" |
8572 | agent = type == "agent" |
8573 | lltstype = "" |
8574 | if root && agent && invalid_action && invalid_type |
8575 | ) do |a| |
8576 | a.assertion { %w{daemon agent}.include?(type.to_s) } |
8577 | }.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), memo| |
8578 | @path ||= new_resource.path || gen_path_from_type |
8579 | @config_template = %{ |
8580 | <% if new_resource.device -%> |
8581 | DEVICE=<%= new_resource.device %> |
8582 | <% end -%> |
8583 | <% if new_resource.onboot == "yes" -%> |
8584 | ONBOOT=<%= new_resource.onboot %> |
8585 | <% if new_resource.bootproto -%> |
8586 | <% if -%> |
8587 | IPADDR=<%= %> |
8588 | <% if new_resource.mask -%> |
8589 | <% if -%> |
8590 | <% if new_resource.bcast -%> |
8591 | <% if new_resource.onparent -%> |
8592 | <% if new_resource.hwaddr -%> |
8593 | HWADDR=<%= new_resource.hwaddr %> |
8594 | <% if new_resource.metric -%> |
8595 | METRIC=<%= new_resource.metric %> |
8596 | <% if new_resource.mtu -%> |
8597 | MTU=<%= new_resource.mtu %> |
8598 | <% if new_resource.ethtool_opts -%> |
8599 | <% if new_resource.bonding_opts -%> |
8600 | <% if new_resource.master -%> |
8601 | MASTER=<%= new_resource.master %> |
8602 | <% if new_resource.slave -%> |
8603 | SLAVE=<%= new_resource.slave %> |
8604 | <% if new_resource.vlan -%> |
8605 | VLAN=<%= new_resource.vlan %> |
8606 | <% if new_resource.gateway -%> |
8607 | <% if new_resource.bridge -%> |
8608 | BRIDGE=<%= new_resource.bridge %> |
8609 | auto <%= new_resource.device %> |
8610 | when "dhcp" -%> |
8611 | iface <%= new_resource.device %> <%= %> dhcp |
8612 | <% when "bootp" -%> |
8613 | iface <%= new_resource.device %> <%= %> bootp |
8614 | <% else -%> |
8615 | iface <%= new_resource.device %> <%= %> static |
8616 | netmask <%= new_resource.mask %> |
8617 | metric <%= new_resource.metric %> |
8618 | mtu <%= new_resource.mtu %> |
8619 | interfaces_dot_d_for_regexp = INTERFACES_DOT_D_DIR.gsub(/\./, "\\.") # escape dots for the regexp |
8620 | regexp = %r{^\s*source\s+#{interfaces_dot_d_for_regexp}/\*\s*$} |
8621 | interface = {} |
8622 | @status = shell_out("ifconfig", "-a") |
8623 | if line =~ /^(\S+):\sflags=(\S+)/ |
8624 | elsif line =~ /^(\S+):\sflags=(\S+)/ |
8625 | current_resource.inet_addr(Regexp.last_match(1)) if line =~ /inet\s(\S+)\s/ |
8626 | command = [ "chdev", "-l", new_resource.device, "-a", "netaddr=#{}" ] |
8627 | command += [ "-a", "netmask=#{new_resource.mask}" ] if new_resource.mask |
8628 | command += [ "-a", "mtu=#{new_resource.mtu}" ] if new_resource.mtu |
8629 | [ "chdev", "-l", new_resource.device, "-a", "state=down" ] |
8630 | dec = netmask[2..3].to_i(16).to_s(10) |
8631 | [4, 6, 8].each { |n| dec = dec + "." + netmask[n..n + 1].to_i(16).to_s(10) } |
8632 | autoload :ERB, "erb" |
8633 | @interfaces = {} |
8634 | @net_tools_version = shell_out("ifconfig", "--version") |
8635 | if /^net-tools (\d+\.\d+)/.match?(line) |
8636 | @ifconfig_version = line.match(/^net-tools (\d+\.\d+)/)[1] |
8637 | if !line[0..9].strip.empty? |
8638 | @int_name = line[0..9].strip |
8639 | @interfaces[@int_name] = { "hwaddr" => (line =~ /(HWaddr)/ ? ($') : "nil").strip.chomp } |
8640 | @interfaces[@int_name]["inet_addr"] = (line =~ /inet addr:(\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if /inet addr:/.match?(line) |
8641 | @interfaces[@int_name]["bcast"] = (line =~ /Bcast:(\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if /Bcast:/.match?(line) |
8642 | @interfaces[@int_name]["mask"] = (line =~ /Mask:(\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if /Mask:/.match?(line) |
8643 | @interfaces[@int_name]["mtu"] = (line =~ /MTU:(\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if /MTU:/.match?(line) |
8644 | @interfaces[@int_name]["metric"] = (line =~ /Metric:(\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if /Metric:/.match?(line) |
8645 | addr_regex = /^((\w|-)+):?(\d*):?\ .+$/ |
8646 | @int_name = "nil" |
8647 | elsif line.match(addr_regex)[3] == "" |
8648 | @interfaces[@int_name] = {} |
8649 | @interfaces[@int_name]["mtu"] = (line =~ /mtu (\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if line.include?("mtu") && @interfaces[@int_name]["mtu"].nil? |
8650 | @int_name = "#{line.match(addr_regex)[1]}:#{line.match(addr_regex)[3]}" |
8651 | @interfaces[@int_name]["bcast"] = (line =~ /broadcast (\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if line.include?("broadcast") && @interfaces[@int_name]["bcast"].nil? |
8652 | @interfaces[@int_name]["mask"] = (line =~ /netmask (\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if line.include?("netmask") && @interfaces[@int_name]["mask"].nil? |
8653 | @interfaces[@int_name]["hwaddr"] = (line =~ /ether (\S+)/ ? Regexp.last_match(1) : "nil") if line.include?("ether") && @interfaces[@int_name]["hwaddr"].nil? |
8654 | a.assertion { @status.exitstatus == 0 } |
8655 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to add #{new_resource}") do |
8656 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to enable #{new_resource}") do |
8657 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to delete #{new_resource}") do |
8658 | converge_by("run #{command.join(" ")} to disable #{new_resource}") do |
8659 | !@config_template.nil? && !@config_path.nil? |
8660 | template =, nil, "-") |
8661 | command += [ "mtu", new_resource.mtu ] if new_resource.mtu |
8662 | [ "ifconfig", new_resource.device, "down" ] |
8663 | @http ||= |
8664 | converge_by("#{new_resource} GET to #{new_resource.url}") do |
8665 | body = http.get( |
8666 | converge_by("#{new_resource} PUT to #{new_resource.url}") do |
8667 | body = http.put( |
8668 | members_to_be_added = [ ] |
8669 | members_to_be_removed = [ ] |
8670 | account_name.include?("\\") ? account_name : "#{ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]}\\#{account_name}" |
8671 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/usermod") } |
8672 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/usermod") && ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/groupmod") } |
8673 | shell_out!("groupmod", "-U", members.join(","), new_resource.group_name) |
8674 | shell_out!("usermod", "-G", "+#{new_resource.group_name}", member) |
8675 | shell_out!("usermod", "-G", "-#{new_resource.group_name}", member) |
8676 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/pw") } |
8677 | command = [ "pw", "groupadd", set_options ] |
8678 | command += [ "-M", new_resource.members.join(",") ] |
8679 | shell_out!("pw", "groupmod", set_options) |
8680 | shell_out!("pw", "groupmod", set_options, option) |
8681 | opts << "-g" |
8682 | opts = [ ] |
8683 | logger.debug("#{new_resource} adding group members: #{members_to_be_added.join(",")}") |
8684 | opts << [ "-m", members_to_be_added.join(",") ] |
8685 | opts << [ "-d", members_to_be_removed.join(",") ] |
8686 | shell_out!("group", "add", set_options) |
8687 | shell_out!("user", "mod", "-G", new_resource.group_name, user) |
8688 | shell_out!("group", "mod", "-n", "#{new_resource.group_name}_bak", new_resource.group_name) |
8689 | shell_out!("group", "add", set_options(overwrite_gid: true)) |
8690 | shell_out!("group", "del", "#{new_resource.group_name}_bak") |
8691 | opts << "-o" |
8692 | [ "/usr/sbin/groupadd", |
8693 | { gid: "-g" }.sort_by { |a| a[0] }.each do |field, option| |
8694 | logger.trace("#{new_resource} set #{field} to #{new_resource.send(field)}") |
8695 | opts << "-r" if new_resource.system && !node.platform?("solaris2") |
8696 | a.assertion { ::File.exist?("/usr/bin/gpasswd") } |
8697 | shell_out!("gpasswd", "-M", "", new_resource.group_name) |
8698 | shell_out!("gpasswd", "-M", members.join(","), new_resource.group_name) |
8699 | shell_out!("gpasswd", "-a", member, new_resource.group_name) |
8700 | shell_out!("gpasswd", "-d", member, new_resource.group_name) |
8701 | shellcmd = [ "dscl", ".", "-#{cmd}", argdup ] |
8702 | stdout_result = "" |
8703 | stderr_result = "" |
8704 | result = dscl(*args) |
8705 | return "" if ( args.first =~ /^delete/ ) && ( result[1].exitstatus != 0 ) |
8706 | raise(Chef::Exceptions::Group, "dscl error: #{result.inspect}") if /No such key: /.match?(result[2]) |
8707 | group_info = safe_dscl("read", "/Groups/#{new_resource.group_name}") |
8708 | key, val = line.split(": ") |
8709 | gid = nil; next_gid_guess = 200 |
8710 | groups_gids = safe_dscl("list", "/Groups", "gid") |
8711 | next_gid_guess += 1 |
8712 | search_gids = safe_dscl("search", "/Groups", "PrimaryGroupID", gid.to_s) |
8713 | !!(search_gids =~ /\b#{gid}\b/) |
8714 | safe_dscl("create", "/Groups/#{new_resource.group_name}", "GroupMembers", "") # clear guid list |
8715 | safe_dscl("create", "/Groups/#{new_resource.group_name}", "GroupMembership", "") # clear user list |
8716 | safe_dscl("create", "/Groups/#{new_resource.group_name}", "Password", "*") |
8717 | [ "/usr/bin/mkgroup", |
8718 | shell_out!("chgrpmem", "-m", "+", member, new_resource.group_name) |
8719 | shell_out!("chgrpmem", "-m", "=", members.join(","), new_resource.group_name) |
8720 | shell_out!("chgrpmem", "-m", "-", member, new_resource.group_name) |
8721 | { gid: "id" }.sort_by { |a| a[0] }.each do |field, option| |
8722 | opts << "#{option}=#{new_resource.send(field)}" |
8723 | @change_desc = [ ] |
8724 | missing_members = [] |
8725 | @change_desc << "add missing member(s): #{missing_members.join(", ")}" |
8726 | members_to_be_removed = [] |
8727 | @change_desc << "remove existing member(s): #{members_to_be_removed.join(", ")}" |
8728 |"#{new_resource} altered: #{change_desc.join(", ")}") |
8729 | a.assertion { !(new_resource.revision =~ %r{^origin/}) } |
8730 | FileUtils.rm_rf(::File.join(cwd, ".git")) |
8731 | @git_has_single_branch_option ||= !git_gem_version.nil? && git_gem_version >="1.7.10") |
8732 | output = git("--version").stdout |
8733 | ::File.exist?(::File.join(cwd, ".git")) |
8734 | !::File.exist?(cwd) || Dir.entries(cwd).sort == [".", ".."] |
8735 | if ::File.exist?(::File.join(cwd, ".git")) |
8736 | result = git("rev-parse", "HEAD", cwd: cwd, returns: [0, 128]).stdout.strip |
8737 | sha_hash?(result) ? result : nil |
8738 | current_branch = git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", cwd: cwd, returns: [0, 128]).stdout.strip |
8739 | converge_by("clone from #{repo_url} into #{cwd}") do |
8740 | clone_cmd = ["clone"] |
8741 | clone_cmd << "-o #{remote}" unless remote == "origin" |
8742 | clone_cmd << "\"#{new_resource.repository}\"" |
8743 | clone_cmd << "\"#{cwd}\"" |
8744 | "#{new_resource} cloning repo #{repo_url} to #{cwd}" |
8745 | git("reset", "--hard", target_revision, cwd: cwd) |
8746 | git("branch", "-u", "#{new_resource.remote}/#{new_resource.revision}", cwd: cwd) |
8747 | git("submodule", "sync", cwd: cwd) |
8748 | git("submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", cwd: cwd) |
8749 | git("fetch", "--prune", new_resource.remote, cwd: cwd) |
8750 | git("fetch", new_resource.remote, "--tags", cwd: cwd) |
8751 | check_remote_command = ["config", "--get", "remote.#{remote_name}.url"] |
8752 | remote_status = git(check_remote_command, cwd: cwd, returns: [0, 1, 2]) |
8753 | when 0, 2 |
8754 | git("config", "--replace-all", "remote.#{remote_name}.url", %{"#{remote_url}"}, cwd: cwd) |
8755 | git("remote", "add", remote_name, remote_url, cwd: cwd) |
8756 | @target_revision ||= |
8757 | refs = @resolved_reference.split(" ").map { |line| line.split("\t") } |
8758 | found = refs_search(refs, "HEAD") |
8759 | found.size == 1 ? found.first[0] : nil |
8760 | @is_tag = true |
8761 | if ["", "HEAD"].include? new_resource.revision |
8762 | git("ls-remote", "\"#{new_resource.repository}\"", "\"#{rev_pattern}\"").stdout |
8763 | refs.find_all { |m| m[1] == pattern } |
8764 | !!@is_branch |
8765 | !!@is_tag |
8766 | def git(*args, **run_opts) |
8767 | git_command = ["git", args].compact.join(" ") |
8768 | string =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ |
8769 | a.assertion { error.nil? } |
8770 | if !l_exist?(path) |
8771 | [nil, nil, nil] |
8772 | @content ||= begin |
8773 | when ::File.pipe?(path) |
8774 | !file_class.symlink?(path) && ::File.file?(path) |
8775 | ::File.exist?(path) || file_class.symlink?(path) |
8776 | @diff ||= |
8777 | if creates && creates_relative? && !cwd |
8778 | if ( || live_stream?) && !sensitive? |
8779 | ( cwd && creates_relative? ) ? ::File.join(cwd, creates) : creates |
8780 | @operations = { |
8781 | end } |
8782 | err = [ |
8783 | cwd = @dsc_resource.cwd || Dir.pwd |
8784 | cleaned_messages = resource.change_log[0..-2].map { |c| c.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(}/, "").strip } |
8785 | !(!@module_name && @module_version) |
8786 | @module_name ||= begin |
8787 | if found[0]["Module"].nil? |
8788 | found[0]["Module"]["Name"] |
8789 | @converge_description << " " |
8790 | @module_version.nil? ? module_name : "@{ModuleName='#{module_name}';ModuleVersion='#{@module_version}'}" |
8791 | switches = "-Method #{method} -Name #{new_resource.resource}"\ |
8792 | ).tap do |r| |
8793 | if ::File.exist?(base_dir) |
8794 | require_relative "../../provider" |
8795 | crontab = shell_out(%w{/usr/bin/crontab -l}, user: @new_resource.user) |
8796 | if status > 1 |
8797 | crontab.stdout.chomp << " " |
8798 | error_message = "" |
8799 | provides :cron, os: "aix" |
8800 | newcron = "# Chef Name: #{} " |
8801 | newcron << "#{@new_resource.minute} #{@new_resource.hour} #{} #{@new_resource.month} #{@new_resource.weekday}" |
8802 | newcron << " #{@new_resource.command} " |
8803 | @new_resource.environment.length > 0 || !@new_resource.mailto.nil? || !@new_resource.path.nil? || ! || !@new_resource.home.nil? |
8804 | provides :cron, os: ["!aix", "!solaris2"] |
8805 | crontab_lines = [] |
8806 | when "# Chef Name: #{}" |
8807 | crontab = "" |
8808 | newcron = "" |
8809 | current_resource.send(attr_name.downcase.to_sym, attr_value.gsub(/^"|"$/, "")) |
8810 | so = shell_out!("crontab -l -u #{new_resource.user}", returns: [0, 1]) |
8811 | so = shell_out!("crontab -u #{new_resource.user} -", input: crontab) |
8812 | str = [] |
8813 | str << "#{v.to_s.upcase}=\"#{new_resource.send(v)}\"" if new_resource.send(v) |
8814 | new_resource.send(name.downcase.to_sym, value.gsub(/^"|"$/, "")) |
8815 | str << "#{name.to_s.upcase}=\"#{value}\"" |
8816 | str << "#{name}=#{value}" |
8817 | str.join(" ") |
8818 | str = " timeout" |
8819 | str << " --preserve-status" if new_resource.time_out["preserve-status"].to_s.casecmp("true") == 0 |
8820 | str << " --foreground" if new_resource.time_out["foreground"].to_s.casecmp("true") == 0 |
8821 | str << " --kill-after #{new_resource.time_out["kill-after"]}" if new_resource.time_out["kill-after"] |
8822 | str << " --signal #{new_resource.time_out["signal"]}" if new_resource.time_out["signal"] |
8823 | str << " #{new_resource.time_out["duration"]};" |
8824 | newcron = [] |
8825 | newcron << "# Chef Name: #{}" |
8826 | newcron.join(" ") |
8827 | @action_descriptions ||= {} |
8828 | send("action_#{@action}") |
8829 | end.join(", ") |
8830 |! do |p| |
8831 | property_size = |
8832 | def self.provides(short_name, opts = {}, &block) |
8833 | { |k| "#{k}=".to_sym } - |
8834 | def #{from}=(value) |
8835 | options = options.inject({}) { |memo, (key, value)| memo[key.to_sym] = value; memo } |
8836 | options = Hash[ { |k, v| k == :name_attribute ? [ :name_property, v ] : [ k, v ] }] |
8837 | obj.each { |value| } |
8838 | :"@#{name}" |
8839 | if !action.nil? && options[:required].is_a?(Array) |
8840 | if !value.frozen? && !value.nil? |
8841 | if !value.nil? || has_default? |
8842 | resource.validate({ name => value }, { name => validation_options }) |
8843 | def #{name}=(value) |
8844 | options.key?(:coerce) || |
8845 | (options.key?(:is) && Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate.send(:_pv_is, { name => nil }, name, options[:is])) |
8846 | obj.each { |k, v| obj[k] = } |
8847 | obj.each_with_index { |v, i| obj[i] = } |
8848 | timeout = -1 if timeout == 0 || timeout.nil? |
8849 | { type: "recipe", name: r, skipped: false, version: nil } |
8850 | to_h.to_json(*opts) |
8851 | @node = nil |
8852 |"Run List is [#{run_list}]") |
8853 |"Run List expands to [#{run_list_with_versions_for_display(run_list).join(", ")}]") |
8854 | node.automatic_attrs[:roles] = [] |
8855 | display = "#{cookbook}::#{recipe}@#{lock_data["version"]} (#{lock_data["identifier"][0...7]})" |
8856 | rmatch = recipe_spec.to_s.match(/recipe\[([^:]+)::([^:]+)\]/) |
8857 | rmatch = recipe_spec.to_s.match(/recipe\[([^:]+)\]/) |
8858 | [rmatch[1], "default"] |
8859 | [rmatch[1], rmatch[2]] |
8860 | (policy["named_run_lists"] || {}).keys |
8861 | rel_url = "cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}/#{xyz_version}" |
8862 | message = "Error loading cookbook #{cookbook_name} at version #{xyz_version} from #{rel_url}: #{e.class} - #{e.message}" |
8863 | Chef::Log.warn "Overridden Run List: [#{node.run_list}]" |
8864 |"Run List is [#{node.run_list}]") |
8865 | node.expand!("disk") |
8866 | cookbook_hash = cookbook_hash.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)| |
8867 | @node = |
8868 | providers = [] |
8869 | configs = [] |
8870 | cmd = case |
8871 | when node["os"] == "solaris2" |
8872 | node[:languages] && node[:languages][:powershell] && |
8873 | node[:languages][:powershell][:version].to_i >= 4 |
8874 | supports_dsc?(node) && |
8875 | platform = node[:os] |
8876 | @full_name = "" |
8877 | @guid = nil |
8878 | def guid(arg = nil) |
8879 | result["guid"] = @guid if @guid |
8880 | payload = { name: name, full_name: full_name } |
8881 | request_body = { user: username } |
8882 | association_id = response["uri"].split("/").last |
8883 | org =["name"]) |
8884 | org.guid org_hash["guid"] if org_hash.key?("guid") |
8885 | orgs.inject({}) do |org_map, (name, _url)| |
8886 | org_map[name] = Chef::Org.load(name) |
8887 | def <<(message); end |
8888 | new_matcher = { klass: klass } |
8889 | new_matcher[:os] = os if os |
8890 | map[key] ||= [] |
8891 | if cmp && cmp <= 0 |
8892 | map[key] << new_matcher |
8893 | return [] unless map.key?(key) |
8894 | { |matcher| matcher[:klass] } |
8895 | deleted = {} |
8896 | if matcher[:klass].to_s == klass.to_s |
8897 | method = "#{m}?".to_sym |
8898 | blocklist, allowlist = filter_values.partition { |v| v.is_a?(String) && v.start_with?("!") } |
8899 | return false if blocklist.any? { |v| v[1..] == value || platform_family_query_helper?(node, v[1..]) } |
8900 | allowlist.empty? || allowlist.any? { |v| v == :all || v == value || platform_family_query_helper?(node, v) } |
8901 | return false if blocklist.any? { |v| v[1..] == value } |
8902 | allowlist.empty? || allowlist.any? { |v| v == :all || v == value } |
8903 | return 1 if !a && b |
8904 | return -1 if !b && a |
8905 | return 0 if !a && !b |
8906 | a_negated = Array(a).any? { |f| f.is_a?(String) && f.start_with?("!") } |
8907 | b_negated = Array(b).any? { |f| f.is_a?(String) && f.start_with?("!") } |
8908 | return -1 if b_negated && !a_negated |
8909 | a <=> b |
8910 | @map ||= {} |
8911 | attr_reader :__path__ |
8912 | attr_reader :__root__ |
8913 | attr_reader :__node__ |
8914 | def initialize(data = nil, root = self, node = nil, precedence = nil) |
8915 | data.nil? ? super() : super(data) |
8916 | @__path__ = [] |
8917 | @__root__ = root |
8918 | @__node__ = node |
8919 | def [](*args) |
8920 | next_path = [ __path__, convert_key(key) ].flatten.compact |
8921 | def []=(*args) |
8922 | def __path__=(path) |
8923 | @__path__ = path |
8924 | def __root__=(root) |
8925 | def __node__=(node) |
8926 | if __node__ && __node__.run_context && |
8927 | def send_reset_cache(path = nil, key = nil) |
8928 | __root__.reset_cache(next_path.first) if !__root__.nil? && __root__.respond_to?(:reset_cache) && !next_path.nil? |
8929 | ret.__path__ = next_path |
8930 | ret.__root__ = __root__ |
8931 | ret.__node__ = __node__ |
8932 | ret.__precedence__ = __precedence__ |
8933 | def <<(obj) |
8934 | def []=(*keys, value) |
8935 | objs = { |obj| convert_value(obj) } |
8936 | map! { |x| convert_value(x) } |
8937 | def map!(&block) |
8938 | super { |x| convert_value(x) } |
8939 | def fill(*args, &block) |
8940 | < |
8941 | <= |
8942 | > |
8943 | >= |
8944 | & |
8945 | + |
8946 | - |
8947 | | |
8948 | def [](key) |
8949 | ret = if deep_merge_cache.key?(key.to_s) |
8950 |, __root__, __node__, __precedence__) |
8951 |, __root__, __node__, __precedence__) |
8952 | { |e| safe_dup(e) }) |
8953 | do |v| |
8954 | v.to_a |
8955 | v.to_h |
8956 | to_a.to_yaml(*opts) |
8957 | def initialize(mash_data = {}) |
8958 | h = |
8959 | each_pair do |k, v| |
8960 | h[k] = safe_dup(v) |
8961 | h = {} |
8962 | h[k] = |
8963 | to_h.to_yaml(*opts) |
8964 | obj.is_a?(Hash) || (obj.is_a?(Array) && key.is_a?(Integer)) |
8965 | value = block_given? ? yield : args.pop |
8966 | prev_memo = prev_key = nil |
8967 | chain = args.inject(self) do |memo, key| |
8968 | prev_memo[prev_key] = {} |
8969 | def write!(*args, &block) |
8970 | obj = args.inject(self) do |memo, key| |
8971 | if memo.is_a?(Hash) |
8972 | read!(*path) |
8973 | def read!(*path) |
8974 | hash = path.empty? ? self : read(*path) |
8975 | return nil unless hash.is_a?(Hash) || hash.is_a?(Array) |
8976 | ret = super(*args, &block) |
8977 | send_reset_cache(__path__, key) |
8978 | def initialize(data = []) |
8979 | map! { |e| convert_value(e) } |
8980 |, __root__, __node__, __precedence__) |
8981 |, __root__, __node__, __precedence__) |
8982 | super(*args, &block) |
8983 | def initialize(data = {}) |
8984 | if !key?(key) |
8985 | value ={}, __root__) |
8986 | def []=(key, value) |
8987 | [component.to_s.sub(/^@/, ""), value] |
8988 | @default =, self, __node__, :default) |
8989 | @role_default =, self, __node__, :role_default) |
8990 | @env_default =, self, __node__, :env_default) |
8991 | @normal =, self, __node__, :normal) |
8992 | @override =, self, __node__, :override) |
8993 | @env_override =, self, __node__, :env_override) |
8994 | def rm(*args) |
8995 | hash =*path) |
8996 | ret = hash[last] |
8997 | ret == NIL ? nil : ret |
8998 | write(:normal, *args) if*args[0...-1]).nil? |
8999 | write(:default, *args) if*args[0...-1]).nil? |
9000 | write(:override, *args) if*args[0...-1]).nil? |
9001 | if path[0].nil? |
9002 | def write!(level, *args, &block) |
9003 | send(level).write!(*args, &block) |
9004 | alias :key? :has_key? |
9005 | end.join(", ") << ">" |
9006 | path ||= [] |
9007 | if val.respond_to?(:[]) |
9008 | if !val.respond_to?(:has_key?) |
9009 | key.is_a?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key |
9010 | if merge_onto.is_a?(Hash) && merge_with.is_a?(Hash) |
9011 | elsif merge_onto.is_a?(Array) && merge_with.is_a?(Array) |
9012 | def_delegators :attributes, :keys, :each_key, :each_value, :key?, :has_key? |
9013 | def_delegators :attributes, :read, :read!, :write, :write!, :unlink, :unlink! |
9014 | @logger = logger || Chef::Log.with_child(subsystem: "node") |
9015 | @attributes ={}, {}, {}, {}, self) |
9016 | @run_state = {} |
9017 | if !arg.nil? |
9018 | { name: arg }, |
9019 | { name: { kind_of: String, |
9020 | regex: /^[\-[:alnum:]_:.]+$/ }, |
9021 | @name = arg |
9022 | { regex: /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/, kind_of: String } |
9023 | validate({ policy_name: arg }, { policy_name: { kind_of: [ String, NilClass ], regex: /^[\-:.[:alnum:]_]+$/ } }) |
9024 | validate({ policy_group: arg }, { policy_group: { kind_of: [ String, NilClass ], regex: /^[\-:.[:alnum:]_]+$/ } }) |
9025 | def [](attrib) |
9026 | fully_qualified_recipe = "#{cookbook}::#{recipe}" |
9027 | args.length > 0 ? rl.reset!(args) : rl |
9028 | rl = list |
9029 | run_list.detect { |r| r == item } ? true : false |
9030 | automatic[:chef_guid] = Chef::Config[:chef_guid] || ( Chef::Config[:chef_guid] = node_uuid ) |
9031 | normal[:tags] = Array(normal[:tags]) |
9032 | attrs = attrs ? attrs.dup : {} |
9033 | if new_run_list = attrs.delete("recipes") || attrs.delete("run_list") |
9034 | if attrs.key?("recipes") || attrs.key?("run_list") |
9035 | { |e|"_default") } |
9036 | index_hash["chef_type"] = "node" |
9037 | index_hash["name"] = name |
9038 | display = {} |
9039 | return o if o.is_a? Chef::Node |
9040 | node = new |
9041 |["name"]) |
9042 | node.policy_name = o["policy_name"] if o.key?("policy_name") |
9043 | node.policy_group = o["policy_group"] if o.key?("policy_group") |
9044 | if o.key?("attributes") |
9045 | node.normal_attrs =["normal"]) if o.key?("normal") |
9046 | node.default_attrs =["default"]) if o.key?("default") |
9047 | if o.key?("run_list") |
9048 | node.run_list.reset!(o["run_list"]) |
9049 | elsif o.key?("recipes") |
9050 | o["recipes"].each { |r| << r } |
9051 |, "chef_environment:#{environment}") { |n| response[] = n unless n.nil? } |
9052 | n = Chef::Node.from_hash(n) |
9053 | if e.response.code == "404" |
9054 | name <=> |
9055 | sockets = [] |
9056 | res.each do |ai| |
9057 | logger.debug("{ai[3]}, #{port})") if logger |
9058 | sock =[3], port) |
9059 | port = sock.addr[1] if port == 0 |
9060 | rescue => ex |
9061 | CP1252 = { |
9062 | 128 => 8364, # euro sign |
9063 | 134 => 8224, # dagger |
9064 | 135 => 8225, # double dagger |
9065 | 137 => 8240, # per mille sign |
9066 | 149 => 8226, # bullet |
9067 | 150 => 8211, # en dash |
9068 | 151 => 8212, # em dash |
9069 | 152 => 732, # small tilde |
9070 | 153 => 8482, # trade mark sign |
9071 | 38 => "&", # ampersand |
9072 | 62 => ">", # right angle bracket |
9073 | unescaped_str.unpack("U*").map { |char| xml_escape_char!(char) }.join |
9074 | unescaped_str.unpack("C*").map { |char| xml_escape_char!(char) }.join |
9075 | char = CP1252[char] || char |
9076 | char = PREDEFINED[char] || (char < 128 ? char.chr : "&##{char};") |
9077 | ).address, flags, 5000, nil) == 0 |
9078 | buf = 0.chr * 32 * 1024 |
9079 | node ||= begin |
9080 | {}.tap do |n| |
9081 | n[:kernel] = {} |
9082 | n[:kernel][:machine] = os_arch == "AMD64" ? :x86_64 : :i386 |
9083 | ( node_windows_architecture(node) == :x86_64 ) || ( desired_architecture == :i386 ) |
9084 | ( architecture == :x86_64 ) || ( architecture == :i386 ) |
9085 | if ( node_windows_architecture(node) == :x86_64) && |
9086 | if str.nil? || str.encoding == Encoding::UTF_16LE |
9087 | ustring = (ustring + "").force_encoding("UTF-8") |
9088 | ustring += "\000\000" if ustring.length == 0 || ustring[-1].chr != "\000" |
9089 | @actions = [] |
9090 | @assertions = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
9091 | @blocked_actions = [] |
9092 | @versioned_interfaces ||= [] |
9093 | .max_by { |a| a.send(:minimum_api_version) } |
9094 | line_no = __LINE__; str = %{ |
9095 | def self.#{method}(*args, &block) |
9096 | versioned_api_class.__send__(:#{method}, *args, &block) |
9097 | module_eval(str, __FILE__, line_no) |
9098 | !!(%r{\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-\.]*://} =~ source) |
9099 | data = message.match(/(\[.+?\] )?(\w+):(.*)$/) |
9100 | @_extension_modules = [] |
9101 | output = output.gsub(/\r? /, "\r ") |
9102 | $1.to_i if original_exception.backtrace.find { |line| line =~ /#{Regexp.escape(options[:filename])}:(\d+)/ } |
9103 | $1.to_i if original_exception.backtrace.find { |line| line =~ /\(erubis\):(\d+)/ } |
9104 | lines = @template.split(/ /) |
9105 | output = [] |
9106 | line_number = (index + beginning_line + 1).to_s.rjust(3) |
9107 | output << "#{line_number}: #{line}" |
9108 | output.join(" ") |
9109 | instance_variable_set(:"@#{sym}", true) |
9110 | !!instance_variable_get(:"@#{sym}") |
9111 | define_method :"#{sym}?" do |
9112 | self.class.send(:"#{sym}?") |
9113 | def owner(arg = nil) |
9114 | def group(arg = nil) |
9115 | def mode(arg = nil) |
9116 | :mode, |
9117 | if m.is_a?(String) |
9118 | m =~ /^0/ || m = "0#{m}" |
9119 | Integer(m) <= 0777 && Integer(m) >= 0 |
9120 | Integer(m) <= 07777 && Integer(m) >= 0 |
9121 | rights = instance_variable_get("@#{name}".to_sym) |
9122 | input = { |
9123 | principals: { required: true, kind_of: [String, Array] }, |
9124 | applies_to_children: { equal_to: [ true, false, :containers_only, :objects_only ] }, |
9125 | applies_to_self: { kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] }, |
9126 | one_level_deep: { kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] }, |
9127 | if permission < 0 || permission > 1 << 32 |
9128 | if input[:one_level_deep] == true |
9129 | rights ||= [] |
9130 | proxy = ENV["https_proxy"] || ENV["http_proxy"] || false |
9131 | if proxy && !fuzzy_hostname_match_any?(host, ENV["no_proxy"]) |
9132 | def provides(short_name, opts = {}) |
9133 | @properties ||= {} |
9134 | elsif type.is_a?(Property) || (type.is_a?(Class) && type <= Property) |
9135 | options[:is] = ([ type ] + [ options[:is] ]).flatten(1) |
9136 | options[:is] = type |
9137 | names = |
9138 | names = |
9139 | result = name_property ? [ properties[name_property] ] : [ properties[:name] ] |
9140 | p = properties.find { |n, p| p.name_property? } |
9141 | p ? p.first : nil |
9142 | translated = x.inject([]) do |memo, (k, v)| |
9143 | memo << "#{k}=#{translate_type(v)}" |
9144 | translated = do |v| |
9145 | ["'", "#", "`", '"'].any? do |x| |
9146 | if unsafe?(s) |
9147 | options ||= {} |
9148 | flags = [ |
9149 | @validation_message ||= {} |
9150 | unless key.is_a?(Symbol) || key.is_a?(String) |
9151 | check_method = "_pv_#{check}" |
9152 | if opts.key?(key.to_s) |
9153 | return true if opts.key?(key.to_s) && (explicitly_allows_nil || !opts[key.to_s].nil?) |
9154 | return true if opts.key?(key.to_sym) && (explicitly_allows_nil || !opts[key.to_sym].nil?) |
9155 | def _pv_equal_to(opts, key, to_be) |
9156 | to_be = Array(to_be) |
9157 | to_be.each do |tb| |
9158 | def _pv_kind_of(opts, key, to_be) |
9159 | predicate_method = :"#{method_name}?" |
9160 | opts[key] = instance_variable_get(:"@name") |
9161 | def _pv_is(opts, key, to_be) |
9162 | return true if !opts.key?(key.to_s) && !opts.key?(key.to_sym) |
9163 | to_be = [ to_be ].flatten(1) |
9164 | passed = to_be.any? do |tb| |
9165 | raise if to_be.size == 1 |
9166 | errors << $! |
9167 | tb === value |
9168 | message << " Errors: #{ { |m| "- #{m}" }.join(" ")}" |
9169 | cert_file_path + ::File::SEPARATOR + cert_filename + ".key" |
9170 | number >= 1024 && ( number & (number - 1) == 0 ) |
9171 | key_content = ::File.exist?(key_file) ? : key_file |
9172 | |
9173 | key_content = ::File.exist?(priv_key) ? : priv_key |
9174 | ::OpenSSL::PKey::EC.send(:alias_method, :private?, :private_key?) |
9175 | exts = [] |
9176 | cert.not_after = cert.not_before + info["validity"] * 24 * 60 * 60 |
9177 | if info["issuer"].nil? |
9178 | crl.next_update = + 3600 * 24 * info["validity"] |
9179 | crlnum = 1 |
9180 | crlnum = e.value if e.oid == "crlNumber" |
9181 | crlnum.to_i + 1 |
9182 | revoke_info["serial"].to_i(16) |
9183 | crl.next_update = crl.last_update + 3600 * 24 * info["validity"] |
9184 | Dir[File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG["prefix"], "**", "openssl.cnf")].first |
9185 | @descendants ||= [] |
9186 | ::File |
9187 | @@direct_descendants = {} |
9188 | @@direct_descendants[klass] || [] |
9189 | arr = [] |
9190 | descendants(klass).first { |c| == name } |
9191 | (@@direct_descendants[klass] ||= []) << descendant |
9192 | @deprecated_constants ||= {} |
9193 | Chef::Log.warn("Called from: #{caller[0...3].map { |l| "\t#{l}" }.join(" ")}") |
9194 | KEEPERS = %w{__id__ __send__ instance_eval == equal? initialize object_id}.freeze |
9195 | @level ||= :warn |
9196 | called_from.each { |l| log(l) } |
9197 | instance_variable_get("@#{name}") |
9198 | define_method("#{name}=") do |value| |
9199 | instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) |
9200 | env["PATH"] = default_paths(env) |
9201 | if dest.is_a?(Hash) |
9202 | dest[src_key] = deep_merge!(src_value, dest[src_key]) |
9203 | if dest.is_a?(Array) |
9204 | unless file_path.is_a?(String) || file_path.is_a?(Array) |
9205 | file_path.shift if file_path[0] == "" |
9206 | file_path[0] = "#{File::SEPARATOR}#{file_path[0]}" |
9207 | create_path = File.join(file_path[0, i + 1]) |
9208 | regexp = /^(.+?)(_(.+))?$/ |
9209 | while mn && mn[3] |
9210 | mn = mn[3].match(regexp) |
9211 | str = str.dup |
9212 | str.sub!(/^#{namespace}(\:\:)?/, "") if namespace |
9213 | str.gsub!(/[A-Z]/) { |s| "_" + s } |
9214 | str.sub!(/^\_/, "") |
9215 | str.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, "_") |
9216 | str.gsub!(/^(_+)?/, "") |
9217 | with_namespace.split("::").last.sub(/^_/, "") |
9218 | str = base.to_s + (file_base == "default" ? "" : "_#{file_base}") |
9219 | def __log |
9220 | data: [msg] |
9221 | chef_gem_path = File.expand_path("..", __dir__) |
9222 | caller(0..20).find { |c| !c.start_with?(chef_gem_path) } || caller(0..1)[0] |
9223 | server_options = {} |
9224 | parts = port.split(",") |
9225 | if parts.size == 1 |
9226 | a, b = parts[0].split("-", 2) |
9227 | a.to_i.upto(b.to_i) |
9228 | [ a.to_i ] |
9229 | array += parse_port(part).to_a |
9230 | @rest ||= if @actor_field_name == "user" |
9231 | @api_base ||= if @actor_field_name == "user" |
9232 | def actor(arg = nil) |
9233 | regex: /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z|infinity)$/) |
9234 | @actor_field_name => @actor, |
9235 | result["name"] = @name if @name |
9236 | if @public_key.nil? && !@create_key |
9237 | if @name.nil? |
9238 | payload = { "name" => @name } |
9239 | result ="#{api_base}/#{@actor}/keys", payload) |
9240 | new_key = to_h |
9241 | if @name.nil? && put_name.nil? |
9242 | put_name = @name if put_name.nil? |
9243 | new_key = chef_rest.put("#{api_base}/#{@actor}/keys/#{put_name}", to_h) |
9244 | chef_rest.delete("#{api_base}/#{@actor}/keys/#{@name}") |
9245 | if key_hash.key?("user") |
9246 | key =["user"], "user") |
9247 | key =["client"], "client") |
9248 | key_hash["name"] if key_hash.key?("name") |
9249 | Chef::Key.from_hash(response.merge({ "user" => actor })) |
9250 | Chef::Key.from_hash(response.merge({ "client" => actor })) |
9251 | OpenSSL::Digest.hexdigest("SHA1", data_string.to_der).scan(/../).join(":") |
9252 | keys.inject({}) do |key_map, result| |
9253 | name = result["name"] |
9254 | def parse(source, opts = {}) |
9255 | def from_json(source, opts = {}) |
9256 | unless obj.is_a?(Hash) || obj.is_a?(Array) |
9257 | def to_json(obj, opts = nil) |
9258 | options_map = { pretty: true } |
9259 | options_map[:indent] = opts[:indent] if opts.respond_to?(:key?) && opts.key?(:indent) |
9260 | def initialize(opts = {}); end |
9261 | def handle_request(method, url, headers = {}, data = false) |
9262 | def read_body(dest = nil, &block) |
9263 | 100 => "Continue", |
9264 | 200 => "OK", |
9265 | 201 => "Created", |
9266 | 202 => "Accepted", |
9267 | 204 => "No Content", |
9268 | 205 => "Reset Content", |
9269 | 206 => "Partial Content", |
9270 | 207 => "Multi-Status", |
9271 | 300 => "Multiple Choices", |
9272 | 302 => "Found", |
9273 | 303 => "See Other", |
9274 | 304 => "Not Modified", |
9275 | 305 => "Use Proxy", |
9276 | 400 => "Bad Request", |
9277 | 401 => "Unauthorized", |
9278 | 402 => "Payment Required", |
9279 | 403 => "Forbidden", |
9280 | 404 => "Not Found", |
9281 | 405 => "Method Not Allowed", |
9282 | 406 => "Not Acceptable", |
9283 | 408 => "Request Timeout", |
9284 | 409 => "Conflict", |
9285 | 410 => "Gone", |
9286 | 411 => "Length Required", |
9287 | 414 => "Request-URI Too Large", |
9288 | 423 => "Locked", |
9289 | 426 => "Upgrade Required", |
9290 | 429 => "Too Many Requests", |
9291 | 501 => "Not Implemented", |
9292 | 502 => "Bad Gateway", |
9293 | 504 => "Gateway Timeout", |
9294 | @url = base_url |
9295 | net_http_response = to_net_http(res[0], res[1], res[2]) |
9296 | body_str = body || "" |
9297 | body = chunked_body.join("") |
9298 | value.each { |v| response.add_field(name, v) } |
9299 | options.reject { |name, _| KNOWN_OPTIONS.include?(name) }.map do |name, value| |
9300 | [name.to_s.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join("-"), value] |
9301 | headers["Accept"] ||= "application/json" |
9302 | Chef::Log.trace("Response body contains: #{http_response.body.length < 256 ? http_response.body : http_response.body[0..256] + " [...truncated...]"}") |
9303 | @opts = opts |
9304 | headers.delete_if { |key, _value| key.casecmp("content-type") == 0 } |
9305 | json_opts = {} |
9306 | requested_content_type = headers.find { |k, v| k.casecmp("content-type") == 0 } |
9307 | @user_agent = ua |
9308 | @method, @url = method, url |
9309 | @url.path.empty? ? SLASH : @url.path |
9310 | if /#{Regexp.escape(%q{undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass})}/.match?(e.to_s) |
9311 | Chef::Log.trace("#{}: #{e}") |
9312 | Chef::Log.trace(e.backtrace.join(" ")) |
9313 | @headers["Host"] = host_header unless @headers.keys.any? { |k| k.downcase.to_s == HOST_LOWER } |
9314 | req_path << "?#{query}" if query |
9315 | @host, @port =, url.port |
9316 | if @cookies.key?("#{@host}:#{@port}") |
9317 | headers["Cookie"] = @cookies["#{@host}:#{@port}"] |
9318 | @cookies["#{@host}:#{@port}"] = http_response["set-cookie"] |
9319 | def request(method, url, req_body, base_headers = {}) |
9320 | Chef::Log.trace("Initiating #{method} to #{url}") |
9321 | Chef::Log.trace("---- HTTP Request Header Data: ----") |
9322 | Chef::Log.trace("#{name}: #{value}") |
9323 | Chef::Log.trace("---- End HTTP Request Header Data ----") |
9324 | Chef::Log.trace("---- HTTP Status and Header Data: ----") |
9325 | Chef::Log.trace("#{header}: #{value}") |
9326 | Chef::Log.trace("---- End HTTP Status/Header Data ----") |
9327 | if !response.code || !response.code.start_with?("2") |
9328 | Chef::Log.trace("---- HTTP Response Body ----") |
9329 | Chef::Log.trace("---- End HTTP Response Body -----") |
9330 | Chef::Log.trace("---- HTTP Request Body ----") |
9331 | Chef::Log.trace("---- End HTTP Request Body ----") |
9332 | opts["read_timeout"] ||= config[:rest_timeout] |
9333 | opts["open_timeout"] ||= config[:rest_timeout] |
9334 | http_client.send(:"#{key}=", value) |
9335 | Chef::Log.trace("Using #{}:#{proxy_uri.port} for proxy") |
9336 | @raw_key = nil |
9337 | elsif key_file == nil? && raw_key == nil? |
9338 | Chef::Log.warn "Failed to read the private key #{key_file}: #{e.inspect}" |
9339 | key = raw_data[1] |
9340 | $aes.Key = $KeyBytes |
9341 | password = "" |
9342 | if secret[:name] == "PfxPass" |
9343 | corrected_store = (store == "CurrentUser" ? "HKCU" : "HKLM") |
9344 | size = 14 |
9345 | values = [ |
9346 | { name: "PfxPass", type: :string, data: encrypted_password }, |
9347 | { name: "PfxKey", type: :string, data: key }, |
9348 | { name: "PfxIV", type: :string, data: vector }, |
9349 | file_path = ps_blob["PSPath"].split("::")[1] |
9350 | future.mjd - today.mjd <= 7 |
9351 | $cert = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\\#{store}\\My -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Subject -match "chef-#{client_name}$" } -ErrorAction Stop; |
9352 | $tempfile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "export_pfx.pfx"; |
9353 | Get-ChildItem -path cert:\\#{store}\\My -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Subject -match "chef-#{client_name}$" } | Remove-Item -ErrorAction Stop; |
9354 | host: "#{}:#{url.port}", |
9355 | request_params[:body] ||= "" |
9356 | !!key |
9357 | signed = sign_obj.sign(key, use_ssh_agent: @use_ssh_agent).merge({ host: host }) |
9358 | signed.inject({}) { |memo, kv| memo[(kv[0].to_s.upcase).to_s] = kv[1]; memo } |
9359 | def initialize(options = {}); end |
9360 | if http_response.code == "406" |
9361 | @stream_handlers = [] |
9362 | @middlewares ||= [] |
9363 | def initialize(url, options = {}) |
9364 | @default_headers = options[:headers] || {} |
9365 | @nethttp_opts = options[:nethttp] || {} |
9366 | @middlewares = [] |
9367 | def head(path, headers = {}) |
9368 | def get(path, headers = {}) |
9369 | def put(path, json, headers = {}) |
9370 | def post(path, json, headers = {}) |
9371 | def delete(path, headers = {}) |
9372 | def request(method, path, headers = {}, data = false) |
9373 | http_attempts ||= 0 |
9374 | data = nil |
9375 | base_url ||= url |
9376 | @http_client ||= {} |
9377 | @http_client[] ||= {} |
9378 | if %r{^(http|https|chefzero)://}i.match?(path) |
9379 | elsif path.nil? || path.empty? |
9380 | URI.parse(@url.gsub(%r{/+$}, "") + "/" + path.gsub(%r{^/+}, "")) |
9381 | return_value ||= {} |
9382 | error_message << (return_value["error"].respond_to?(:join) ? return_value["error"].join(", ") : return_value["error"].to_s) |
9383 | sleep_time = 1 + (2**http_attempts) + rand(2**http_attempts) |
9384 | def build_headers(method, url, headers = {}, json_body = false) |
9385 | if tf.nil? |
9386 | @amount ||= 10 |
9387 | puts " Top #{count} slowest #{count == 1 ? "resource" : "resources"}: " |
9388 | puts " " |
9389 | num > amount ? amount : num |
9390 | resource.source_line&.gsub(%r{.*/cookbooks/}, "")&.gsub(%r{.*/chef-[0-9\.]+/}, "") |
9391 | @config[:path] ||= "/var/chef/reports" |
9392 | savetime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") |
9393 |[:path], "chef-run-report-#{savetime}.json"), "w") do |file| |
9394 | run_data[:start_time] = run_data[:start_time].to_s |
9395 | run_data[:end_time] = run_data[:end_time].to_s |
9396 | Chef::Config[:start_handlers] ||= [] |
9397 | Chef::Config[:start_handlers] |= [self] |
9398 | Chef::Config[:report_handlers] ||= [] |
9399 | Chef::Config[:report_handlers] |= [self] |
9400 | Chef::Config[:exception_handlers] ||= [] |
9401 | Array(e.backtrace).each { |line| Chef::Log.error(line) } |
9402 | @output = "STDOUT: #{result.stdout} STDERR: #{result.stderr} " |
9403 | @group ||= {} |
9404 | body_hash = { |
9405 | groupname: "#{groupname}", |
9406 | actors: { |
9407 | admins["actors"].length <= 2 |
9408 | admins["actors"].length <= 1 |
9409 | @updated_resources = [] |
9410 | @updates_by_resource = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
9411 | puts "done." |
9412 | puts "* #{resource}" |
9413 | print "S" |
9414 | print "U" |
9415 | @out, @err = out, err |
9416 | @indent = 0 |
9417 | @pastel ||= begin |
9418 | if colors.size == 1 && colors[0].is_a?(Hash) |
9419 | print_line("", options) |
9420 | if line[-1..] == " " |
9421 | if Chef::Config[:color] && options[:colors] |
9422 | @out.puts "" |
9423 | @out.print "#{(" " * indent)}[#{options[:name]}] " |
9424 | @out.print " " * (indent + 3 + options[:name].size) |
9425 | @out.print " " * indent |
9426 | headline = "Recipe Compile Error" + ( path ? " in #{path}" : "" ) |
9427 | original_run_list = { |item| "* #{item}" }.join(" ") |
9428 | end.join(" ") |
9429 | @snippet ||= if (file = parse_source) && (line = parse_line(file)) |
9430 | relevant_lines = ["# In #{file} "] |
9431 | current_line = line - 1 |
9432 | nesting += 1 if /\s+do\s*/.match?(lines[current_line]) |
9433 | nesting -= 1 if /end\s*$/.match?(lines[current_line]) |
9434 | break if current_line >= (line + 50) |
9435 | filters = Array(Chef::Config.cookbook_path).map { |p| /^#{Regexp.escape(p)}/ } |
9436 | { |line| filters.any? { |filter| line =~ filter } } |
9437 | line_nr_string = (line_nr + 1).to_s.rjust(3) + ": " |
9438 | resource.source_line[/^((\w:)?[^:]+):(\d+)/, 1] |
9439 | resource.source_line[/^#{Regexp.escape(source)}:(\d+)/, 1].to_i |
9440 | explanation = "" |
9441 | explanation << "* #{cookbook} " |
9442 | explanation << " " |
9443 | explanation << <<~EOM |
9444 | { |i| "* #{i}" }.join(" ") |
9445 | error_description.section("Additional information:", msg.gsub(/^ {6}/, "")) |
9446 | context_lines = [] |
9447 | context_lines << "#{culprit_file}: " |
9448 | line_nr = (i + 1).to_s.rjust(3) |
9449 | context_lines << "#{line_nr}#{indicator}#{file_lines[i]}" |
9450 | lower = (culprit_line - 8) |
9451 | lower = 0 if lower < 0 |
9452 | upper = (culprit_line + 8) |
9453 | @culprit_line ||= begin |
9454 | line_number = culprit_backtrace_entry[/^(?:.\:)?[^:]+:(\d+)/, 1].to_i |
9455 | @culprit_file ||= culprit_backtrace_entry[/^((?:.\:)?[^:]+):(\d+)/, 1] |
9456 | filters = Array(Chef::Config.cookbook_path).map { |p| /^#{Regexp.escape(p)}/i } |
9457 | r = { |line| filters.any? { |filter| line =~ filter } } |
9458 | Chef::Log.trace("Filtered backtrace of compile error: #{r.join(",")}") |
9459 | @sections = [] |
9460 | @sections << { heading => (text || "") } |
9461 | out.puts "=" * 80 |
9462 | out.puts " " |
9463 | out.puts "-" * heading.size |
9464 | context_info[:executable] = File.realpath(caller.last[/^(.*):\d+:in /, 1]) |
9465 | { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ") |
9466 | @end_time = @start_time |
9467 | @progress = {} |
9468 | if time < 60 |
9469 | puts_line "" |
9470 | puts_line "#{prefix}#{line}" |
9471 | puts_line "Using Policyfile '#{policy["name"]}' at revision '#{policy["revision_id"]}'" |
9472 | puts_line "- #{} (#{cookbook.version})" |
9473 | puts_line "- Installing #{gem} #{version}", :green |
9474 | puts_line "- Using #{gem} #{version}" |
9475 | @progress[resource] ||= -1 |
9476 | percent_complete = (current.to_f / total.to_f * 100).to_i unless total.to_f == 0.0 |
9477 | start_line " - Progress: #{percent_complete}%", :green |
9478 | @up_to_date_resources += 1 |
9479 | prefix = Chef::Config[:why_run] ? "Would " : "" |
9480 | start_line "- #{prefix}#{line}", :green |
9481 | puts_line "- #{}" |
9482 | start_line("* #{line}", :yellow) |
9483 | color = Chef::Config[:why_run] ? :yellow : :red |
9484 | start_line("* #{line}", color) |
9485 | indent_by(-2) |
9486 | @deprecations ||= {} |
9487 | @formatters_by_name ||= {} |
9488 | puts("") |
9489 | tf = nil |
9490 | errors = [ ] |
9491 | i = b.index(".") |
9492 | i.nil? ? "" : b[i..].scrub |
9493 | [ Dir.tmpdir ] |
9494 | [ ::File.dirname(@new_resource.path), Dir.tmpdir ] |
9495 | [ ::File.dirname(@new_resource.path) ] |
9496 | apply_dacl = ACL.create( { |ace| !ace.inherited? }) |
9497 | apply_sacl = ACL.create( { |ace| !ace.inherited? }) |
9498 | stat = ::File.stat(dst) |
9499 | Chef::Log.trace("Applying mode = #{mode.to_s(8)}, uid = #{uid}, gid = #{gid} to #{src}") |
9500 | ::File.chown(uid, nil, src) |
9501 | Chef::Log.warn("Could not set uid = #{uid} on #{src}, file modes not preserved") |
9502 | ::File.chown(nil, gid, src) |
9503 | Chef::Log.warn("Could not set gid = #{gid} on #{src}, file modes not preserved") |
9504 | ::File.chmod(mode, src) |
9505 | path: { kind_of: String }, |
9506 | contents: { kind_of: String }, |
9507 |, file_name), "w", perm) do |io| |
9508 | file: { kind_of: String }, |
9509 | raise "Cannot move #{file} to #{path}!" |
9510 | find("**#{File::Separator}*") |
9511 | keys = [] |
9512 | if File.file?(f) |
9513 | keys << f[/^#{Regexp.escape(Dir[Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(file_cache_path)].first) + File::Separator}(.+)/, 1] |
9514 | alias_method :has_key?, :key? |
9515 | changes = [] |
9516 | actual_acl = { |ace| !ace.inherited? } |
9517 | new_target_acl = [] |
9518 | return true unless ::File.exist?(file) || ::File.symlink?(file) |
9519 | ( ! inherits.nil? && inherits != existing_descriptor.dacl_inherits? ) || ( dacl && !acls_equal(dacl, existing_dacl) ) |
9520 | if dacl.nil? && !existing_dacl.nil? |
9521 |"#{log_string} group changed to #{group}") |
9522 |"#{log_string} owner changed to #{owner}") |
9523 | mask = 0 |
9524 | return [] if mask == 0 |
9525 | [ ACE.access_allowed(sid, mask) ] |
9526 | flags = 0 |
9527 | acls = nil |
9528 | acls = [] if acls.nil? |
9529 | acls += mode_ace(owner, (mode & 0700) >> 6) |
9530 | elsif mode & 0700 != 0 |
9531 | acls += mode_ace(group, (mode & 070) >> 3) |
9532 | elsif mode & 070 != 0 |
9533 | acls += mode_ace(SID.Everyone, (mode & 07)) |
9534 | changes << "change mode from '#{mode_to_s(current_mode)}' to '#{mode_to_s(target_mode)}'" if should_update_mode? |
9535 |"#{log_string} owner changed to #{target_uid}") |
9536 |"#{log_string} group changed to #{target_gid}") |
9537 | return nil if res.nil? || res.mode.nil? |
9538 | (res.mode.respond_to?(:oct) ? res.mode.oct : res.mode.to_i) & 007777 |
9539 | mode.nil? ? "" : "0#{mode.to_s(8)}" |
9540 |"#{log_string} mode changed to #{target_mode.to_s(8)}") |
9541 | @stat ||= File.lstat(file) |
9542 | @stat ||= File.stat(file) |
9543 | target_mode & 04000 > 0 |
9544 | @resource || @file |
9545 | %q{To set an attribute use code like `node.default["key"] = "value"'} |
9546 | @all_failures = [] |
9547 | message << "* #{error.class} occurred in #{location}: #{error.message} " |
9548 | @all_failures << [ "#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} run", exception ] |
9549 | if @all_failures.size == 1 |
9550 | @all_failures[0][1] |
9551 | super "Checksum on resource (#{res_cksum}...) does not match checksum on content (#{cont_cksum}...)" |
9552 | backtrace = [] |
9553 | backtrace << "" unless i == wrapped_errors.length - 1 |
9554 | constraint_str = { |c| c.requirement.as_list.to_s }.join(", ") |
9555 | if r["Module"].nil? |
9556 | super "Found multiple resources matching #{matches_info[0]["Module"]["Name"]}: #{( { |f| f["Module"]["Version"] }).uniq.join(" ")}" |
9557 | data = |
9558 | [@run_status.run_id, |
9559 | data: data + [, |
9560 | e.backtrace.join(" ")] |
9561 | @event_loggers_by_name ||= {} |
9562 | def <<(str) |
9563 | Thread.current[:chef_client_event_list] ||= [] |
9564 | subscribers.reject! { |x| x == subscriber } |
9565 | event_list << [ method_name, *args ] |
9566 | def #{method_name}(*args) |
9567 | subscribers.any? { |s| s.respond_to?(:is_formatter?) && s.is_formatter? } |
9568 | @in_call = true |
9569 | if mth.arity < args.size && mth.arity >= 0 |
9570 | @in_call = false |
9571 | @cookbook_versions = {} |
9572 | }, { |
9573 | version: { |
9574 | if md.nil? || md[2].nil? |
9575 | cookbook_versions[md[1]] = md[2] |
9576 | invalid_fields[:cookbook_version] ||= {} |
9577 | @invalid_fields ||= {} |
9578 | if name.nil? || name.size == 0 |
9579 | js_file = File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "#{name}.json") |
9580 | rb_file = File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "#{name}.rb") |
9581 | @iv = iv && Base64.decode64(iv) |
9582 | @iv |
9583 | @hmac ||= begin |
9584 | super + %w{ hmac } |
9585 | @auth_tag = nil |
9586 | super + %w{ auth_tag } |
9587 | @decrypted_data ||= |
9588 | d.iv = iv |
9589 | { |x, y| valid |= x ^ y.to_i } |
9590 | valid == 0 |
9591 | d = super |
9592 | d.auth_data = "" |
9593 | data = raw_data.reject { |k, _| k == "id" } # Remove the "id" key. |
9594 | data.empty? ? false : data.reject { |_, v| !looks_like_encrypted?(v) } == data |
9595 | return false unless data.is_a?(Hash) && data.key?("version") |
9596 | @enc_hash = enc_hash |
9597 | value = @enc_hash[key] |
9598 | if key == "id" || value.nil? |
9599 | @enc_hash.keys.inject({}) { |hash, key| hash[key] = self[key]; hash } |
9600 | plain_hash.inject({}) do |h, (key, val)| |
9601 | h[key] = if key != "id" |
9602 | when %r{^\w+://} |
9603 | raise Errno::ENOENT, "file not found '#{path}'" |
9604 | @toml_str = "" |
9605 | visit(hash, []) |
9606 | if prefix.any? && (simple_pairs.any? || hash.empty?) |
9607 | nested_pairs = [] |
9608 | simple_pairs = [] |
9609 | table_array_pairs = [] |
9610 | val = hash[key] |
9611 | element = [key, val] |
9612 | elsif val.is_a?(Array) && val.first.is_a?(Hash) |
9613 | @toml_str << "#{key} = #{to_toml(val)} " |
9614 | visit val, prefix + [key], false |
9615 | aux_prefix = prefix + [key] |
9616 | new_prefix = prefix.join(".") |
9617 | new_prefix = "[#{new_prefix}]" if array |
9618 | @toml_str += "[#{new_prefix}] " |
9619 | if obj.is_a?(Time) || obj.is_a?(DateTime) |
9620 | obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") |
9621 | obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
9622 | obj.inspect.gsub(/\\(#[$@{])/, '\1') |
9623 | !!key.to_s.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/) |
9624 | rest_property_map = rest_property_map.to_h { |k| [k.to_sym, k] } if rest_property_map.is_a? Array |
9625 | @rest_post_only_properties || [] |
9626 | def #{dsl_name}(args = nil, &block) |
9627 | JSON.pretty_generate(hash) + " " |
9628 | yaml_content.gsub!(" :", " ") |
9629 | when ".toml" |
9630 | when ".yaml", ".yml" |
9631 | when ".json" |
9632 | @values = {} |
9633 | key_matches = [] |
9634 | keys.each do |k| |
9635 | key_matches << k |
9636 | if platforms.to_s == "default" |
9637 | @values["default"] = value |
9638 | hash.inject({}) do |h, key_value| |
9639 | h[key.to_s] = value |
9640 | msg << "you gave a value #{value.inspect} for platform(s) #{platforms}" |
9641 | @values["default"] = nil |
9642 | if match = file_spec.match(/(.+?)::(.+)/) |
9643 | [match[1], match[2]] |
9644 | [file_spec, "default"] |
9645 | def #{dsl_name}(*args, &block) |
9646 | created_at ||= caller[0] |
9647 | Chef.autoload :DataBag, File.expand_path("../data_bag", __dir__) |
9648 | Chef.autoload :DataBagItem, File.expand_path("../data_bag_item", __dir__) |
9649 | if Kernel.block_given? || args.length >= 4 |
9650 | results << o |
9651 | }.each do |method_name| |
9652 | def #{method_name}(*args, &block) |
9653 | self.#{method_name}(*args, &block) |
9654 | if ::ChefVault::Item.vault?(bag, id) |
9655 | data_bag(bag).each_with_object([]) do |id, acc| |
9656 |, "rb") { |f| checksum_io(f, digest) } |
9657 | while chunk = * 8) |
9658 | message = "Method '#{name}' of '#{self.class}' is deprecated. It will be removed in #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} #{}." |
9659 | return true if location =~ /^(.*?):(\d+):in/ && begin |
9660 | line_no = $2.to_i |
9661 | location_file =$1) |
9662 | relevant_line.match?(/#.*chef:silence_deprecation($|[^:]|:#{self.class.deprecation_key})/) |
9663 | def target(id, page = nil) |
9664 | @doc_page = page || deprecation_key.to_s |
9665 | attr_accessor :__path__ |
9666 | __path__.push(key) |
9667 | @delegate_sd_obj.public_send(__method__, *__path__, value) |
9668 | def [](idx) |
9669 | {[idx] } |
9670 | def __getobj__ |
9671 | @__defined_methods__ = [] |
9672 | __getobj__.nil? |
9673 | def is_a?(klass) |
9674 | __getobj__.is_a?(klass) || super |
9675 | def __setobj__(obj) |
9676 | r = true |
9677 | target = __getobj__ { r = false } |
9678 | if r && target.respond_to?(m) |
9679 | target.__send__(m, *args, &block) |
9680 | @__defined_methods__.push(m) |
9681 | super(m, *args, &block) |
9682 | @__defined_methods__.each do |m| |
9683 | message = { |
9684 | message["error"] = { |
9685 | hash["after"] = {} |
9686 | hash["error"] = { |
9687 | action = "up-to-date" if action == "up_to_date" |
9688 | Chef::Config[:chef_server_url].match(%r{/+organizations/+([^\s/]+)}).nil? ? "unknown_organization" : $1 |
9689 | @error_description ||= {} |
9690 | running_mode = ( Chef::Config[:solo_legacy_mode] || Chef::Config[:local_mode] ) ? :solo : :client |
9691 | when (want_mode != :both) && running_mode != want_mode |
9692 | when running_mode == :solo && !Chef::Config[:data_collector][:token] |
9693 | hash.is_a?(Hash) && keys.any? { |k| hash.key?(k) } |
9694 | code = e&.response&.code.to_s |
9695 | msg = "Error while reporting run start to Data Collector. URL: #{Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url]} Exception: #{code} -- #{e.message} " |
9696 | if code == "404" |
9697 | msg << " (This is normal if you do not have #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT})" |
9698 |, "a") do |fh| |
9699 | headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } |
9700 | VALID_ID = /^[\.\-[:alnum:]_]+$/.freeze |
9701 | if id_str.nil? || ( id_str !~ VALID_ID ) |
9702 | @data_bag = nil |
9703 | @raw_data = |
9704 | unless new_data.respond_to?(:[]) && new_data.respond_to?(:keys) |
9705 | validate_id!(new_data["id"]) |
9706 | @raw_data = new_data |
9707 | def data_bag(arg = nil) |
9708 | :data_bag, |
9709 | id = raw_data["id"] |
9710 | result["chef_type"] = "data_bag_item" |
9711 | result["data_bag"] = data_bag.to_s |
9712 | item = new |
9713 | item.data_bag(h.delete("data_bag")) if h.key?("data_bag") |
9714 | if h.key?("raw_data") |
9715 | item.raw_data = h["raw_data"] |
9716 | item = bag[name] |
9717 | item =[:chef_server_url]).get("data/#{data_bag}/#{name}") |
9718 | def save(item_id = @raw_data["id"]) |
9719 | r.put("data/#{data_bag}/#{item_id}", self) |
9720 |"data/#{data_bag}", self) |
9721 | other.respond_to?(:to_h) && |
9722 | other.respond_to?(:data_bag) && |
9723 | (other.to_h == to_h) && |
9724 | (other.data_bag.to_s == data_bag.to_s) |
9725 | pretty_printer.pp({ "data_bag_item('#{data_bag}', '#{id}')" => to_hash }) |
9726 | @raw_data["id"] |
9727 | bag = new |
9728 |["name"]) |
9729 | names = [] |
9730 | )).map { |f| File.basename(f) }.sort |
9731 | names.inject({}) { |h, n| h[n] = n; h } |
9732 | list(false).inject({}) do |response, bag_and_uri| |
9733 | data_bag = {} |
9734 | Dir.glob(File.join(Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(path, name.to_s), "*.json")).inject({}) do |bag, f| |
9735 | if data_bag.key?(item["id"]) && data_bag[item["id"]] != item |
9736 | data_bag[item["id"]] = item |
9737 | chef_server_rest.delete("data/#{@name}") |
9738 |"Forked, in #{}. Privileges: #{Process.euid} #{Process.egid}") |
9739 | $stdin.reopen("/dev/null") |
9740 | $stdout.reopen("/dev/null", "a") |
9741 | Chef::Config[:pid_file] || "/tmp/#{@name}.pid" |
9742 | Dir.chdir("/") |
9743 | if Chef::Config[:user] && Chef::Config[:group] |
9744 |"About to change privilege to #{Chef::Config[:user]}:#{Chef::Config[:group]}") |
9745 | if (uid != target_uid) || (gid != target_gid) |
9746 | Chef::Application.fatal!("Permission denied when trying to change #{uid}:#{gid} to #{target_uid}:#{target_gid}. #{e.message}") |
9747 | @all_files = [] |
9748 | record[:name] == "root_files/recipe.yml" || |
9749 | files_for("recipes").inject([]) do |memo, recipe| |
9750 | rname = recipe[:name].split("/")[1] |
9751 | rname = File.basename(rname, ".rb") |
9752 | memo << "#{name}::#{rname}" |
9753 | files_for(segment).map { |f| f["full_path"] || File.join(root_dir, f["path"]) } |
9754 | path[root_dir.length + 1..-1] |
9755 | error_message << " This cookbook _does_ contain: ['#{pretty_existing_files.join("','")}']" |
9756 | filenames_by_pref = {} |
9757 | preferences.each { |pref| filenames_by_pref[pref] = [] } |
9758 | if manifest_record_path =~ %r{(#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}/[^/]*/?#{Regexp.escape(dirname)})/.+$} |
9759 | non_specific_path = manifest_record_path[%r{#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}/[^/]*/?#{Regexp.escape(dirname)}/(.+)$}, 1] |
9760 | records_by_pref = {} |
9761 | preferences.each { |pref| records_by_pref[pref] = [] } |
9762 | if manifest_record_path =~ %r{(#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}/[^/]+/#{Regexp.escape(dirname)})/.+$} |
9763 | if segment.to_sym == :files || segment.to_sym == :templates |
9764 | fqdn = node[:fqdn] |
9765 | search_versions = [] |
9766 | parts = version.to_s.split(".") |
9767 | search_versions << parts.join(".") |
9768 | search_path = [ File.join("host-#{fqdn}", path) ] |
9769 | search_path << File.join("#{platform}-#{v}", path) |
9770 | [path] |
9771 | output["name"] = full_name |
9772 | cookbook_version = new(o["cookbook_name"] || o["name"]) |
9773 | def self.load(name, version = "_latest") |
9774 | version = "_latest" if version == "latest" |
9775 | cb["version"] |
9776 | if /^404/.match?(e.to_s) |
9777 | json_file = "#{path}/metadata.json" |
9778 | rb_file = "#{path}/metadata.rb" |
9779 | f =, "w") |
9780 | { |record| record[:name] =~ /\.rb$/ }.inject({}) { |memo, record| memo[File.basename(record[:name], ".rb")] = record[:path]; memo } |
9781 | { |record| record[:name] =~ /\.rb$/ }.inject({}) { |memo, record| memo[File.basename(record[:name], ".rb")] = record[:full_path]; memo } |
9782 | yml_files = { |record| record[:name] =~ /\.(y[a]?ml)$/ } |
9783 | result = yml_files.inject({}) do |acc, record| |
9784 | if /#{(File.extname(filename) == ".yml") ? "#{base_dup_name}.yaml" : "#{base_dup_name}.yml"}$/.match?(other[:name]) |
9785 | @policy_mode = opts[:policy_mode] || false |
9786 | checksum_files = {} |
9787 |"Saving #{}") |
9788 | checksums = checksum_files.inject({}) { |memo, elt| memo[elt.first] = nil; memo } |
9789 | if info["needs_upload"] == true |
9790 |"Uploading #{checksum_files[checksum]} (checksum hex = #{checksum}) to #{info["url"]}") |
9791 | if e.message =~ /^400/ && (retries += 1) <= 5 |
9792 | when "409" |
9793 | headers = { "content-type" => "application/x-binary", "content-md5" => checksum64, "accept" => "application/json" } |
9794 | error_message = "Failed to upload #{file} (#{checksum}) to #{url} : #{e.message}" |
9795 | error_message << " #{e.response.body}" if e.respond_to?(:response) |
9796 | result = to_h |
9797 | seg = file[:name].split("/")[0] |
9798 | part.to_s == seg |
9799 | manifest[:all_files].inject({}) do |memo, file| |
9800 | parts = file[:name].split("/") |
9801 | parent = if parts.length == 1 |
9802 | memo[parent] ||= [] |
9803 | memo[parent] << file |
9804 | segment, name = file[:name].split("/") |
9805 | name.nil? || segment == "root_files" |
9806 | all_files: [], |
9807 | @checksums = {} |
9808 | if !root_paths || root_paths.size == 0 |
9809 | rs ={ |
9810 | manifest[:all_files] << rs |
9811 | next if parts[0] == ".." |
9812 | return [ "root_files/#{pathname}", pathname.to_s, "default" ] if parts.length == 1 |
9813 | return [ name, pathname.to_s, "root_default" ] |
9814 | return [ name, pathname.to_s, parts[1] ] |
9815 | return [ name, pathname.to_s, "default" ] |
9816 | @metadata ||= |
9817 | def [](cookbook) |
9818 | alias :fetch :[] |
9819 | @chefignores ||= {} |
9820 | @all_files_in_repo_paths ||= |
9821 | files = Dir[File.join(path, "**", "*.rb")] |
9822 | Chef::Log.trace("Testing #{ruby_file} for syntax errors...") |
9823 | file_relative_path = erb_file[/^#{Regexp.escape(cookbook_path + File::Separator)}(.*)/, 1] |
9824 | error_message.each_line { |l| Chef::Log.fatal(l.chomp) } |
9825 | @valid_cache_entries = {} |
9826 | cache.find(File.join(%w{cookbooks ** {*,.*}})).each do |cache_filename| |
9827 | @cookbook_full_file_paths = {} |
9828 | @lazy_files = {} |
9829 | @files ||= cookbooks.inject([]) do |memo, cookbook| |
9830 | part = manifest_record[:name].split("/")[0] |
9831 | @lazy_files[cookbook] ||= [] |
9832 |"Loading cookbooks [#{ { |ckbk| + "@" + ckbk.version }.join(", ")}]") |
9833 | queue << lambda do |lock| |
9834 | cache.find(File.join(%w{cookbooks ** {*,.*}})).each do |cache_file| |
9835 | cache_file =~ %r{^cookbooks/([^/]+)/} |
9836 | md = cache_file.match(%r{^cookbooks/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.*)}) |
9837 | ( cookbook_name, segment, file ) = md[1..3] |
9838 | if { |manifest_record| manifest_record["path"] == "#{segment}/#{file}" }.empty? |
9839 | @rest = rest |
9840 | if filename =~ %r{([^/]+)/(.+)$} |
9841 | segment = $1 |
9842 | @long_description = "" |
9843 | @maintainer = "" |
9844 | @maintainer_email = "" |
9845 | @version ="0.0.0") |
9846 | @source_url = "" |
9847 | @issues_url = "" |
9848 | @chef_versions = [] |
9849 | @ohai_versions = [] |
9850 | @gems = [] |
9851 | @errors = [] |
9852 | equal_so_far && other.respond_to?(field) && (other.send(field) == send(field)) |
9853 | if /::default$/.match?(recipe_name) |
9854 | @recipes[unqualified_name] ||= "" |
9855 | cm = new |
9856 | acc[cb] = (constraints.empty? || constraints.size > 1) ? [] : constraints.first |
9857 | deps.any? { |dep| dep.match?(what, version) } |
9858 | Called by: #{caller_name} '#{dep_name}', #{", ")} |
9859 | longer use "<<" and ">>" for 'less than' and 'greater than'; use '<' and |
9860 | Called by: #{caller_name} '#{dep_name}', '#{constraint_str}' |
9861 | if arry.is_a?(Array) |
9862 | validate( { choice: choice }, { choice: { kind_of: String } } ) |
9863 | if opts[:choice].is_a?(Array) |
9864 | validator = [ String ] |
9865 | validator = [ Array ] |
9866 | validator = [ Hash ] |
9867 | validator = [ Symbol ] |
9868 | validator = [ Numeric ] |
9869 | validate( { choice: choice }, { choice: { kind_of: validator } } ) |
9870 | calculated_conflict = ((options[:default].is_a?(Array) && !options[:default].empty?) || |
9871 | (options[:default].is_a?(String) && !options[:default] != "")) && |
9872 | if options[:default].is_a?(String) && options[:default] != "" |
9873 | if options[:default].is_a?(Array) && !options[:default].empty? |
9874 | result["all_files"].map! { |file| file.delete("full_path"); file } |
9875 | file["name"] = "#{segment}/#{file["name"]}" |
9876 | memo << file |
9877 | file["name"] = file["name"].split("/")[1] |
9878 | result[segment] ||= [] |
9879 | result.merge({ "frozen?" => manifest.frozen_version?, "chef_type" => "cookbook_version" }) |
9880 | cookbook_gems = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
9881 | args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) |
9882 | cookbook_gems[args.first] += args[1..] |
9883 |"#{dir}/Gemfile", "w+") do |tf| |
9884 | Array(Chef::Config[:rubygems_url] || "").each do |s| |
9885 | tf.puts "source '#{s}'" |
9886 | tf.puts "gem(*#{([gem_name] + args).inspect})" |
9887 | cmd = [ "bundle", "install", Chef::Config[:gem_installer_bundler_options] ] |
9888 | env = { |
9889 | so = shell_out!(cmd, cwd: dir, env: env) |
9890 | @relative_path = %r{#{Regexp.escape(cookbook_path)}/(.+)$} |
9891 | all_files: {}, |
9892 | when /\.rb$/ |
9893 | when /\.json$/ |
9894 | if !empty? && !metadata.valid? |
9895 | next if && top_filename.start_with?(".") |
9896 | @frozen = data["frozen?"] |
9897 | super() do |hash, key| |
9898 | @ignores.any? { |glob| File.fnmatch?(glob, file_name) } |
9899 | ignore_globs = [] |
9900 | File.exist?(path) && File.readable?(path) && |
9901 | (File.file?(path) || File.symlink?(path)) |
9902 | http.get("") |
9903 | !!(config_location =~ %r{^(http|https)://}) |
9904 | evt_loggers = [] |
9905 | evt_loggers << :win_evt |
9906 | select(&:enabled?).each_with_object({}) { |waiver, hash| hash.merge!(waiver.inspec_data) } |
9907 | (cookbook_name, waiver_name) = arg.split("::") |
9908 | waivers = select { |waiver| /^#{cookbook_name}$/.match?(waiver.cookbook_name) && /^#{waiver_name}$/.match?(waiver.pathname) } |
9909 | @data = data |
9910 | !!@enabled |
9911 | logger.debug("#{self.class}##{__method__}: #{Inspec::Dist::PRODUCT_NAME} profiles? #{inspec_profiles.any?}") |
9912 | logger.debug("#{self.class}##{__method__}: audit cookbook? #{audit_cookbook_present}") |
9913 | logger.debug("#{self.class}##{__method__}: compliance phase attr? #{node["audit"]["compliance_phase"]}") |
9914 | logger.debug("#{self.class}##{__method__}: enabling Compliance Phase") |
9915 | values = { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(", ") |
9916 | if !node["audit"]["inputs"].empty? |
9917 | node["audit"]["inputs"].to_h |
9918 | node["audit"]["attributes"].to_h |
9919 | inputs["chef_node"] = node.to_h |
9920 | output: node["audit"]["quiet"] ? ::File::NULL : STDOUT, |
9921 | Array(node["audit"]["waiver_file"]) |
9922 | profiles = node["audit"]["profiles"] |
9923 | unless profiles.respond_to?(:map) && profiles.all? { |_, p| p.respond_to?(:transform_keys) && p.respond_to?(:update) } |
9924 | end || [] |
9925 | case node["audit"]["fetcher"] |
9926 | runlist_roles = { |item| item.type == :role }.map(&:name) |
9927 | runlist_recipes = { |item| item.type == :recipe }.map(&:name) |
9928 | os: { |
9929 | policy_name: node.policy_name || "", |
9930 | policy_group: node.policy_group || "", |
9931 | organization_name: chef_server_uri.path.split("/").last || "", |
9932 | source_fqdn: || "", |
9933 | fqdn: node["fqdn"], |
9934 | insecure: node["audit"]["insecure"], |
9935 | run_id: run_id, |
9936 | run_time_limit: node["audit"]["run_time_limit"], |
9937 | path = node.dig("audit", "json_file", "location") |
9938 | when "cli" |
9939 | url = if node["audit"]["server"] |
9940 | URI(node["audit"]["server"]) |
9941 | URI(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]).tap do |u| |
9942 | u.path = "" |
9943 | org = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url].split("/").last |
9944 | @reporters = {} |
9945 | unless (fetcher = node["audit"]["fetcher"]).nil? |
9946 | if !node["audit"]["attributes"].empty? && !node["audit"]["inputs"].empty? |
9947 | (Array(node["audit"]["reporter"]) + ["cli"]).uniq |
9948 | @interval_time ||="audit", "interval", "time") |
9949 | @interval_enabled ||="audit", "interval", "enabled") |
9950 | @path = opts.fetch(:file) |
9951 | if @path.nil? || @path.class != String || @path.empty? |
9952 | output = [" Compliance report:"] |
9953 | output << " * #{profile[:title]}" |
9954 | output << "#{" " * 6}#{control[:title]}" |
9955 | output << " " |
9956 | puts output.join(" ") |
9957 | if result[:status] == "failed" |
9958 | output <<"#{" " * 9}- #{result[:code_desc]}") |
9959 | result[:message].split(/ /).reject(&:empty?).each do |m| |
9960 | output <<"#{" " * 12}#{m}") |
9961 | output <<"#{" " * 9}#{m}") |
9962 | output <<"#{" " * 9}- #{result[:status]}") |
9963 | output <<"#{" " * 9}+ #{result[:code_desc]}") |
9964 | output <<"#{" " * 9}+ #{result[:status]}") |
9965 | when /404/ |
9966 | when /413/ |
9967 | when /429/ |
9968 | msg = "Received HTTP error #{code}" |
9969 | unless @url && @token |
9970 | headers = { |
9971 | all_report_shas = report[:profiles].map { |p| p[:sha256] } |
9972 | "Report to #{ChefUtils::Dist::Automate::PRODUCT}: #{@url}" |
9973 | Chef::Log.error "send_report: POST to #{@url} returned: #{e.message}" |
9974 | truncated = { failed: 0, skipped: 0, passed: 0 } |
9975 | (max_results..res.length - 1).each do |i| |
9976 | case res[i][:status] |
9977 | truncated[:failed] += 1 |
9978 | truncated[:passed] += 1 |
9979 | control[:results] = res[0..max_results - 1] |
9980 | meta_url = URI(@url) |
9981 | response_str = http_client(meta_url.to_s).post(nil, "{\"sha256\": #{report_shas}}", headers) |
9982 | p[:controls].each do |c| |
9983 | c.delete(:waiver_data) if c[:waiver_data] == {} |
9984 | c[:results].each do |r| |
9985 | if r[:run_time].is_a?(Float) && r[:run_time] < run_time_limit |
9986 | any?(&:enabled?) |
9987 | select(&:enabled?).each_with_object([]) { |profile, arry| arry << profile.inspec_data } |
9988 | (cookbook_name, profile_name) = arg.split("::") |
9989 | profiles = select { |profile| /^#{cookbook_name}$/.match?(profile.cookbook_name) && /^#{profile_name}$/.match?(profile.pathname) } |
9990 | @data["name"] |
9991 | @data["version"] |
9992 | { name: name, path: File.dirname(path) } |
9993 | select(&:enabled?).each_with_object({}) { |input, hash| hash.merge!(input.inspec_data) } |
9994 | (cookbook_name, input_name) = arg.split("::") |
9995 | inputs = select { |input| /^#{cookbook_name}$/.match?(input.cookbook_name) && /^#{input_name}$/.match?(input.pathname) } |
9996 | CONFIG = { "insecure" => true }.freeze |
9997 | path_parts = [""] |
9998 | path_parts << "owners" |
9999 | path_parts << "tar" |
10000 | rescue URI::Error => _e |
10001 | @archive_type = ".tar.gz" |
10002 | path = @target.respond_to?(:path) ? @target.path : path |
10003 | m = %r{^#{@config['server']}/owners/(?<owner>[^/]+)/compliance/(?<id>[^/]+)/tar$}.match(@target) |
10004 | if target.respond_to?(:key?) && target.key?(:url) |
10005 | owner, id = profile.split("/") |
10006 | profile_path = if target.respond_to?(:key?) && target.key?(:version) |
10007 | URI("compliance://#{profile}") |
10008 | uri.to_s.sub(%r{^compliance:\/\/}, "") |
10009 | def initialize(json_attribs = nil, args = {}) |
10010 | @json_attribs = json_attribs || {} |
10011 | if >, 5, 01) |
10012 | io =, "a+") |
10013 | [:doc, log_location] |
10014 | [:null] |
10015 | @rest_clean ||= |
10016 | name = Chef::Config[:node_name] || ohai[:fqdn] || ohai[:machinename] || ohai[:hostname] |
10017 | cert_name = "chef-#{client_name}" |
10018 | if result.rassoc("#{cert_name}") |
10019 | if Chef::Config[:auth_key_registry_type] == "user" |
10020 | subject = "CN=#{cert_name}" |
10021 | public_key: "", |
10022 | base_url = "#{Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]}" |
10023 | file_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "#{node}.pem") |
10024 |, "w") { |f| f.write expiring_cert.key.to_pem } |
10025 | cert_list = client.get(base_url + "/clients/#{node}/keys") |
10026 | + "/clients/#{node}/keys", payload) |
10027 | cert_hash = cert_list.reduce({}, :merge!) |
10028 | old_cert_name = cert_hash["name"] |
10029 |, "w") { |f| f.write new_key } |
10030 | client.delete(base_url + "/clients/#{node}/keys/#{old_cert_name}") |
10031 | tempfile ="#{Chef::Config[:node_name]}.pfx") |
10032 |, "wb") { |f| f.print new_pfx.to_der } |
10033 | @run_start_notifications ||= [] |
10034 | @run_failed_notifications ||= [] |
10035 |, "w+") do |file| |
10036 | !File.exists?(path) || (Dir.entries(path).size <= 2) |
10037 | object.is_a?(Array) ? index == object.size - 1 : true |
10038 | logger.trace "Loading from cookbook_path: #{ { |path| File.expand_path(path) }.join(", ")}" |
10039 | return "" if parts.length == 0 |
10040 | absolute = parts[0].length == 0 || parts[0].length > 0 && parts[0] =~ /^#{regexp_path_separator}/ |
10041 | parts = { |part| part.gsub(/^#{regexp_path_separator}+|#{regexp_path_separator}+$/, "") } |
10042 | result = { |part| part != "" }.join("/") |
10043 | absolute ? "/#{result}" : result |
10044 | ? "[\\/\\\\]" : "/" |
10045 | !!(path =~ /^#{regexp_path_separator}/) |
10046 | suffix = [] |
10047 | ? left.casecmp(right) == 0 : left == right |
10048 | path[ancestor.length + 1..-1] |
10049 | @cache = {} |
10050 | @cache[path] ||= { "children" => [] } |
10051 | @cache[path]["children"] = val |
10052 | if @cache.key?(path) |
10053 | if !parent.nil? && @cache.key?(parent) |
10054 | !is_dir && name.include?("-") |
10055 | require_relative "../../path_utils" |
10056 | @file_path = file_path || "#{parent.file_path}/#{name}" |
10057 | Chef::Log.error("Could not read #{path_for_printing} into a Chef object: #{$!}") |
10058 | !name.start_with?(".") |
10059 | .map { |child_name| make_child_entry(child_name) } |
10060 | .select { |new_child| new_child.fs_entry_valid? && can_have_child?(, new_child.dir?) } |
10061 | File.exist?(file_path) && (parent.nil? || parent.can_have_child?(name, dir?)) |
10062 | if file_contents && write_pretty_json && File.extname(name) == ".json" |
10063 |, "wb") do |file| |
10064 | Dir.entries(file_path).select { |p| !p.start_with?(".") } |
10065 | is_dir && !name.start_with?(".") |
10066 | super("", nil) |
10067 | @children ||= begin |
10068 | result += { |name| make_child_entry(name) } |
10069 | { |c| c && c.exists? }.sort_by(&:name) |
10070 | repo_paths = root_paths || [ File.dirname(child_paths["cookbooks"][0]) ] |
10071 | result = "repository at #{repo_paths.join(", ")}" |
10072 | result << " (One version per cookbook)" |
10073 | if paths.any? { |path| !repo_paths.include?(File.dirname(path)) } |
10074 | paths = (child_paths[name] || []).select { |path| File.exist?(path) } |
10075 | if paths.size == 0 |
10076 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10077 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10078 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10079 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10080 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10081 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10082 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10083 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10084 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10085 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10086 | dirs = { |path|, self, path) } |
10087 | .select { |child| child && can_have_child?(, child.dir?) } |
10088 | { |entry| !(entry.dir? && entry.children.size == 0 ) } |
10089 | return recursive && name != "." && name != ".." |
10090 | return false if name[-3..] != ".rb" |
10091 |, "rb", &:read) |
10092 | if can_have_child?(name, true) || can_have_child?(name, false) |
10093 | Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.copy_to("/#{cookbook_path}"), from_fs, self, nil, { purge: true }) |
10094 | Chef::Log.error("Could not read #{path_for_printing} into a Chef object: #{e}") |
10095 | Chef::Log.error(e.backtrace.join(" ")) |
10096 | { |entry| !(entry.dir? && entry.children.size == 0 ) } |
10097 | if is_dir && !%w{ root_files .. . }.include?(name) |
10098 | if %w{ .rb .json }.include? File.extname(name) |
10099 | name = File.basename(name, ".*") |
10100 | file_path = "#{parent.file_path}/#{name}" |
10101 | ext = File.exist?(file_path + ".rb") ? ".rb" : ".json" |
10102 | name += ext |
10103 | file_path += ext |
10104 | Chef::Log.trace "BaseFile: got a file path of #{file_path} for #{name}" |
10105 | File.basename(name, ".*") |
10106 | File.extname(file_path) == ".json" |
10107 | File.extname(file_path) == ".rb" |
10108 | !name.start_with?(".") && (is_json_file? || is_ruby_file?) |
10109 | name_valid? && exists? |
10110 | def delete(_) |
10111 | if name == "organization" && parent.is_a?(AclDir) |
10112 | @children = [] |
10113 | @children.find { |child| == name } |
10114 | root.cannot_be_in_regex ? (name !~ root.cannot_be_in_regex) : true |
10115 | path_parts = path.split("/") |
10116 | dir = add_dir(path_parts[0..-2].join("/")) |
10117 | dir = self |
10118 | if cause && cause.is_a?(Net::HTTPExceptions) && cause.response.code == "400" |
10119 | reason ||= |
10120 | result = @children.find { |child| == name } if @children |
10121 | @cookbook_name = $1 |
10122 | @version = $2 |
10123 | require_relative "../../../role" |
10124 | require_relative "../../../node" |
10125 | require_relative "../../../json_compat" |
10126 | pth = api_path.start_with?("/") ? api_path : "/#{api_path}" |
10127 | File.extname(pth).empty? ? pth + ".json" : pth |
10128 | if $!.response.code == "404" |
10129 | return [ nil, nil, :none ] |
10130 | @api_path = api_path || (parent.api_path == "" ? name : "#{parent.api_path}/#{name}") |
10131 | @children ||= root.get_json(api_path) do |key| |
10132 | elsif $!.response.code == "409" |
10133 | @children.find { |child| == name } if @children |
10134 | def api_path(options = {}) |
10135 | policy_datas = {} |
10136 | get_data = |
10137 | rest.put("#{api_path}/policies/#{policy_name}", policy_data) |
10138 | rest.delete("#{api_path}/policies/#{policy_name}") |
10139 | @children = { |name| make_child_entry(name, true) } |
10140 | actual_invites = _read_json.inject({}) { |h, val| h[val["username"]] = val["id"]; h } |
10141 |, { "user" => invite }) |
10142 | if File.basename(name, ".*") == "_default" |
10143 | @children ||= root.get_json(api_path) { |entry| make_child_entry(entry, true) } |
10144 |, { "name" => name }) |
10145 | pth = "/data_bags/#{}/#{name}" |
10146 | @exists = nil |
10147 | @exists = parent.children.any? { |child| == name } |
10148 | require_relative "../../../mixin/file_class" |
10149 | return false if @ruby_only && name !~ /\.rb$/ |
10150 | require_relative "../../../http/simple" |
10151 | @file = file |
10152 | return [ false, nil, :none ] |
10153 | require_relative "../../../cookbook_version" |
10154 | require_relative "../../../cookbook_uploader" |
10155 | children.find { |child| == name } |
10156 | parts = file[:path].split("/") |
10157 | parts[0, parts.length - 1].each do |part| |
10158 | return [ !exists?, nil, nil ] |
10159 | [ are_same, nil, nil ] |
10160 | def copy_from(other, options = {}) |
10161 | if e.response.code == "500" |
10162 | is_dir && name.include?("-") |
10163 | @cookbook_name, dash, @version = name.rpartition("-") |
10164 | require_relative "../../../server_api" |
10165 | result = children.find { |child| == name } |
10166 | result && !!result.dir? == !!is_dir |
10167 | @org ||= begin |
10168 | result = [ |
10169 |"data_bags", self, "data"), |
10170 | result += [ |
10171 |"acls", self), |
10172 | pth = if == "acls" |
10173 | rest.put("#{api_path}/#{permission}", { permission => acls[permission] }) |
10174 | names = parent.parent.child(name) { |child| child.dir? ? "#{}.json" : } |
10175 | @children = { |name| make_child_entry(name, true) } |
10176 | if name != "" |
10177 | @path = "/" |
10178 | if parent_path == "." |
10179 | @root = root |
10180 | return resolve_path(entry.root, path) if path[0, 1] == "/" && entry.root != entry |
10181 | if path[0, 1] == "/" |
10182 | path = path[1, path.length - 1] |
10183 | @a_root = a_root |
10184 | @b_root = b_root |
10185 | yield [ a, b ] |
10186 | result << [ a_child, b.child(a_child.bare_name) ] |
10187 | result << [ a.child(b_child.bare_name), b_child ] |
10188 | are_same, a_value, b_value = a.compare_to(b) |
10189 | are_same, b_value, a_value = b.compare_to(a) |
10190 | a_value = if a_value.nil? |
10191 | a_value = :none |
10192 | b_value = if b_value.nil? |
10193 | b_value = :none |
10194 | are_same = (a_value == b_value) |
10195 | [ are_same, a_value, b_value ] |
10196 | result = { "total" => 0, "success_count" => 0, "failed" => [] } |
10197 | failure = { "src_path" => src_path, "reason" => "Entry #{dest_path} does not exist" } |
10198 | if options[:force] || compare(src_entry, dest_entry)[0] == false |
10199 | result["total"] += 1 |
10200 | result["success_count"] += 1 |
10201 | if options[:diff] == false |
10202 | failure = { "src_path" => src_path, "reason" => e.reason } |
10203 | ui.warn "#{} #{e.reason}." if ui |
10204 | ui.error "#{} failed to #{e.operation}: #{e.message}" if ui |
10205 | ui.error "#{} #{e.reason}." if ui |
10206 | return false if path == "" # Empty string is not a path |
10207 | full_regexp_parts = [] |
10208 | @regexp_parts = [] |
10209 | @exact_parts = [] |
10210 | if ["", "."].include?(exact) |
10211 | if exact == ".." |
10212 | @regexp_parts <<"^#{regexp}$") |
10213 | @pattern_special_characters ||= /(\*\*|\*|\?|[\*\?\.\|\(\)\[\]\{\}\+\\\\\^\$])/ |
10214 | regexp = "" |
10215 | exact = "" |
10216 | when "**" |
10217 | regexp << ".*" |
10218 | when "*" |
10219 | regexp << "[^\\/]*" |
10220 | when "?" |
10221 | regexp << "." |
10222 | if part[0, 1] == "\\" && part.length == 2 |
10223 | exact << part[1, 1] unless exact.nil? |
10224 | regexp << part[1, 1] |
10225 | elsif part[0, 1] == "[" && part.length > 1 |
10226 | regexp << "\\#{part}" |
10227 | key == "name" |
10228 | require_relative "../../role" |
10229 | defaults = { |
10230 | if name =~ /^(.*)-([^-]*)$/ |
10231 | name, revision_id = $1, $2 |
10232 | revision_id ||= "0.0.0" |
10233 | [ name, revision_id ] |
10234 | if object_data["name"] != name |
10235 | yield("Object name '#{object_data["name"]}' doesn't match entry '#{name}'.") |
10236 | yield("Object revision ID '#{object_data["revision_id"]}' doesn't match entry '#{revision}'.") |
10237 | { |member| member.is_a?(Hash) ? member["user"]["username"] : member }.sort.uniq |
10238 | if != object["name"] |
10239 | yield("Name must be '#{}' (is '#{object["name"]}')") |
10240 | require_relative "../../node" |
10241 | require_relative "../../api_client" |
10242 | if result["actors"] && result["actors"].sort.uniq == (result["users"] + result["clients"]).sort.uniq |
10243 | result["actors"] = { |
10244 | result << "cookbook #{name.inspect}, #{version.inspect}" |
10245 | if default_object[key] == value && !preserve_key?(key) |
10246 | def remove_file_extension(name, ext = ".*") |
10247 | if %w{ .rb .json }.include?(File.extname(name)) |
10248 | normalize({}, entry) |
10249 | result[key] = object.is_a?(Hash) && object.key?(key) ? object[key] : value |
10250 | when /^recipe\[.*\]$/ |
10251 | when /^role\[.*\]$/ |
10252 | r.to_h |
10253 | result = "" |
10254 | if object[key].is_a?(Hash) |
10255 | if object[key].size > 0 |
10256 | result << key |
10257 | object[key].each_pair do |k, v| |
10258 | result << " " * key.length |
10259 | result << " #{k.inspect} => #{v.inspect} " |
10260 | result << ", " |
10261 | result << " " |
10262 | result << "#{key} #{object[key].inspect} " |
10263 | if object["name"] != base_name |
10264 | yield("Name must be '#{base_name}' (is '#{object["name"]}')") |
10265 | require_relative "../../data_bag_item" |
10266 | if data_bag_item["json_class"] == "Chef::DataBagItem" && data_bag_item["raw_data"] |
10267 | key == "id" |
10268 | if object["raw_data"]["id"] != base_name |
10269 | yield("ID in #{entry.path_for_printing} must be '#{base_name}' (is '#{object["raw_data"]["id"]}')") |
10270 | yield("Name in #{entry.path_for_printing} must be '#{base_name}' (is '#{object["containername"]}')") |
10271 | client["admin"] = (client["admin"] == "true") if client["admin"].is_a?(String) |
10272 | client["validator"] = (client["validator"] == "true") if client["validator"].is_a?(String) |
10273 | if entry.respond_to?(:org) && |
10274 | result[key] = normalize_hash(result[key], { "actors" => [], "groups" => [] }) |
10275 | result[key]["actors"] = result[key]["actors"].sort |
10276 | result[key]["groups"] = result[key]["groups"].sort |
10277 | def initialize(chef_config = Chef::Config, cwd = Dir.pwd, options = {}, ui = nil) |
10278 | if @chef_config[:repo_mode] == "everything" && is_hosted? && !ui.nil? |
10279 | @chef_config[:chef_server_url] =~ %r{/+organizations/.+} |
10280 | @chef_fs ||= create_chef_fs |
10281 | @local_fs ||= create_local_fs |
10282 | return "/" |
10283 | @base_path ||= server_path(@cwd) |
10284 | return "." |
10285 | elsif server_path[base_path.length, 1] == "/" |
10286 | elsif base_path == "/" && server_path[0, 1] == "/" |
10287 | @object_paths ||= begin |
10288 | get_content = (output_mode != :name_only && output_mode != :name_status) |
10289 | if output_mode != :name_only && output_mode != :name_status |
10290 | next if diff_filter && diff_filter !~ /T/ |
10291 | yield "#{new_path} " |
10292 | yield "T\t#{new_path} " |
10293 | next if diff_filter && diff_filter !~ /D/ |
10294 | yield "D\t#{new_path} " |
10295 | result = "diff --knife #{old_path} #{new_path} " |
10296 | result << "deleted file " |
10297 | result << diff_text(old_path, "/dev/null", old_value, "") |
10298 | next if diff_filter && diff_filter !~ /A/ |
10299 | yield "A\t#{new_path} " |
10300 | result << "new file " |
10301 | result << diff_text("/dev/null", new_path, "", new_value) |
10302 | next if diff_filter && diff_filter !~ /M/ |
10303 | yield "M\t#{new_path} " |
10304 | ui.error "#{} #{error.reason}." if ui |
10305 | [ [ :common_subdirectories, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10306 | [ [ :directory_to_file, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10307 | [ [ :deleted, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10308 | [ [ :new_cannot_upload, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10309 | [ [ :file_to_directory, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10310 | [ [ :added, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10311 | [ [ :old_cannot_upload, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10312 | if old_value == :none |
10313 | [ [ :both_nonexistent, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10314 | [ [ :same, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10315 | if new_value == :none |
10316 | return [ [ :old_cannot_upload, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10317 | return [ [ :new_cannot_upload, old_entry, new_entry ] ] |
10318 | if old_value == :none || (old_value.nil? && !old_entry.exists?) |
10319 | [ [ :added, old_entry, new_entry, old_value, new_value ] ] |
10320 | [ [ :deleted, old_entry, new_entry, old_value, new_value ] ] |
10321 | [ [ :modified, old_entry, new_entry, old_value, new_value ] ] |
10322 | [ [ :error, old_entry, new_entry, nil, nil, e ] ] |
10323 | { |o| sort_keys(o) } |
10324 | new_hash = {} |
10325 | json_object.keys.sort.each { |key| new_hash[key] = sort_keys(json_object[key]) } |
10326 | result = result.gsub(/^--- #{old_tempfile.path}/, "--- #{old_path}") |
10327 | result = result.gsub(/^\+\+\+ #{new_tempfile.path}/, "+++ #{new_path}") |
10328 | @chef_fs = chef_fs |
10329 | with_parent_dir(path + [name], *options) do |parent, name| |
10330 | elsif path[0] == "cookbooks" && path.length == 2 |
10331 | elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" |
10332 | update_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}, *options) do |group| |
10333 | group["policies"] ||= {} |
10334 | group["policies"][path[3]] = { "revision_id" => Chef::JSONCompat.parse(data) } |
10335 | elsif is_org? && path == [ "users" ] |
10336 | update_json("members.json", [], *options) do |members| |
10337 | if members.any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == name } |
10338 | members << { "user" => { "username" => name } } |
10339 | elsif is_org? && path == [ "association_requests" ] |
10340 | if invitations.any? { |member| member["username"] == name } |
10341 | invitations << { "username" => name } |
10342 | elsif path[0] == "file_store" && path[1] == "repo" |
10343 | entry = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path[2..].join("/")) |
10344 | elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 4 |
10345 | policy_group = get_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) |
10346 | if !policy_group["policies"] || !policy_group["policies"][path[3]] |
10347 | elsif is_org? && path[0] == "users" && path.length == 2 |
10348 | if get_json("members.json", []).any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } |
10349 | elsif is_org? && path[0] == "association_requests" && path.length == 2 |
10350 | if get_json("invites.json", []).any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } |
10351 | if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.key?("checksum") |
10352 | relative = ["file_store", "repo", cookbook_type] |
10353 | relative << "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}" |
10354 | relative << path[1] |
10355 | relative += file[:path].split("/") |
10356 | value == [] || |
10357 | (value == {} && !%w{dependencies attributes recipes}.include?(key)) || |
10358 | (value == "" && %w{source_url issues_url}.include?(key)) || |
10359 | (value == false && key == "privacy") |
10360 | raise "set only works with strings: #{path} = #{data.inspect}" |
10361 | update_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) do |group| |
10362 | unless group["policies"] && group["policies"].key?(path[3]) |
10363 | update_json("members.json", []) do |members| |
10364 | result = members.reject { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } |
10365 | elsif path[0] == "policies" && path.length == 2 |
10366 | with_entry(path[0..0]) do |policies| |
10367 | next unless"-")[0] == path[1] |
10368 | elsif path == [ "policies" ] |
10369 | with_entry([ path[0] ]) do |policies| |
10370 | { |policy|[0..-6].rpartition("-")[0] }.uniq |
10371 | elsif path[0] == "policies" && path[2] == "revisions" && path.length == 3 |
10372 | revisions = [] |
10373 | name, dash, revision =[0..-6].rpartition("-") |
10374 | revisions << revision if name == path[1] |
10375 | elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path.length == 2 |
10376 | [ "policies" ] |
10377 | elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 3 |
10378 | with_entry(path[0..1]) do |entry| |
10379 | policies = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(["policies"] || {} |
10380 | { |child|"-")[0] }.uniq |
10381 | result = with_entry([ path[0] ]) do |entry| |
10382 | .select { |name, version| name == path[1] } |
10383 | .map { |name, version| version } |
10384 | if path == [] && ChefZero::VERSION.to_f < 4.4 |
10385 | group = get_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) |
10386 | group["policies"] && group["policies"].key?(path[3]) |
10387 | list([ path[0] ]).include?(path[1]) |
10388 | exists_dir?(path[0..1]) |
10389 | path[0] == "sandboxes" || path[0] == "file_store" && path[1] == "checksums" || path == %w{environments _default} |
10390 | cookbook_path = File.join(cookbook_type, "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}") |
10391 | file_data = @memory_store.get(["file_store", "checksums", file["checksum"]]) |
10392 | name_version = entry_name.split("-") |
10393 | name = name_version[0..-2].join("-") |
10394 | _to_chef_fs_path(path).join("/") |
10395 | _to_chef_fs_path(path)[-1] |
10396 | if path[0] == "data" |
10397 | path[0] = "data_bags" |
10398 | if path.length >= 3 |
10399 | path[2] = "#{path[2]}.json" |
10400 | elsif path[0] == "client_keys" |
10401 | path[-1] += ".json" |
10402 | elsif path[0] == "policies" && path[2] == "revisions" && path.length >= 4 |
10403 | path = [ "policies", "#{path[1]}-#{path[3]}.json" ] |
10404 | if path.length == 2 |
10405 | path = [ path[0], "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}" ] + path[3..-1] |
10406 | if path[2] == version |
10407 | path = path[0..1] + path[3..-1] |
10408 | elsif path[0] == "acls" |
10409 | if path[1] == "data" |
10410 | path[1] = "data_bags" |
10411 | if path.length == 3 || path == %w{acls organization} |
10412 | path[-1] = "#{path[-1]}.json" |
10413 | path = entry.path.split("/")[1..-1] |
10414 | if path[0] == "data_bags" |
10415 | path[0] = "data" |
10416 | path[2] = path[2][0..-6] |
10417 | if path.size == 2 |
10418 | path << "keys" |
10419 | path[2..-1] = [ "keys", path[-1][0..-6] ] |
10420 | if path.length >= 2 |
10421 | path = [ path[0], name, version ] + path[2..-1] |
10422 | path = path[0..1] + [version] + path[2..-1] |
10423 | elsif path[0] == "policies" |
10424 | name, dash, revision = path[1][0..-6].rpartition("-") |
10425 | path = [ "policies", name, "revisions", revision ] |
10426 | elsif path.length == 2 && path[0] != "cookbooks" |
10427 | path[1] = path[1].gsub(/\.(rb|json)$/, "") |
10428 | to_zero_path(entry)[-1] |
10429 | path = _to_chef_fs_path(path) |
10430 | yield get_dir(path[0..-2], options.include?(:create_dir)), path[-1] |
10431 | create = !(path[0] == "data" && path.size >= 2) |
10432 | elsif create || path.size == 1 |
10433 | dir = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path[0..1].join("/")) |
10434 | metadata[:version] || "0.0.0" |
10435 | Chef::Log.warn("Removing item #{item}") |
10436 | parts[0..-2].each do |part| |
10437 | parts = item.split("/") |
10438 | new_data = {} |
10439 | filtered_data[part] ||= {} |
10440 | filtered_data[parts[-1]] = all_data[parts[-1]] |
10441 | require_relative "../../chef" |
10442 | short: "-d", |
10443 | long: "--daemonize", |
10444 | proc: lambda { |p| true } |
10445 | load_dot_d(Chef::Config[:solo_d_dir]) if Chef::Config[:solo_d_dir] |
10446 | Chef::Config[:fips] = config[:fips] if config.key? :fips |
10447 | if !Chef::Config.key?(:cookbook_path) && !Chef::Config.key?(:chef_repo_path) |
10448 | Chef::Config[:interval] ||= 1800 |
10449 | cookbooks_path = Array(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]).detect { |e| =~ %r{/cookbooks/*$} } |
10450 | long: "--daemonize [WAIT]", |
10451 | proc: lambda { |wait| /^\d+$/.match?(wait) ? wait.to_i : true } |
10452 | proc: lambda { |items| |
10453 | items = items.split(",") |
10454 | raise Chef::Exceptions::PIDFileLockfileMatch if Chef::Util::PathHelper.paths_eql? (Chef::Config[:pid_file] || "" ), (Chef::Config[:lockfile] || "") |
10455 | if Chef::Config.local_mode && !Chef::Config.key?(:cookbook_path) && !Chef::Config.key?(:chef_repo_path) |
10456 | (existing ||= []) << option |
10457 | long: "--once", |
10458 | long: "--force-logger", |
10459 | long: "--force-formatter", |
10460 | long: "--[no-]profile-ruby", |
10461 | long: "--[no-]color", |
10462 | long: "--log_level LEVEL", |
10463 | proc: lambda { |l| l.to_sym } |
10464 | long: "--[no-]always-dump-stacktrace", |
10465 | long: "--user USER", |
10466 | proc: lambda { |s| s.to_i } |
10467 | short: "-f", |
10468 | long: "--[no-]fork", |
10469 | short: "-W", |
10470 | long: "--why-run", |
10471 | long: "--minimal-ohai", |
10472 | long: "--ez", |
10473 | proc: lambda { |target| |
10474 | long: "--disable-config", |
10475 | short: "-A", |
10476 | long: "--[no-]fips", |
10477 | long: "--legacy-mode", |
10478 | short: "-R", |
10479 | long: "--local-mode", |
10480 | long: "--chef-zero-host HOST", |
10481 | long: "--chef-zero-port PORT", |
10482 | long: "--[no-]listen", |
10483 | long: "--[no-]slow-report [COUNT]", |
10484 | trap("USR1") do |
10485 | if !Chef::Config[:client_fork] || Chef::Config[:once] |
10486 | Chef::Application.fatal!("#{e.class}: #{e.message}", e) |
10487 | uri = URI.parse(url) |
10488 | elsif uri.scheme == "s3" |
10489 | object = s3.get_object(bucket: bucket_name, key: uri.path[1..-1]) |
10490 |, "wb") do |f| |
10491 | do |r| |
10492 | Chef::Log.error("#{e.class}: #{e}") |
10493 | Chef::Log.trace("#{e.class}: #{e} #{e.backtrace.join(" ")}") |
10494 | return unless[ SELF_PIPE[0] ], nil, nil, sec) |
10495 | long: "--stdin", |
10496 | long: "--yaml", |
10497 | recipe ="(#{ChefUtils::Dist::Apply::EXEC} cookbook)", "(#{ChefUtils::Dist::Apply::EXEC} recipe)", run_context) |
10498 | if config[:yaml] || File.extname(@recipe_filename) == ".yml" |
10499 | if cli_arguments.is_a?(Array) && |
10500 | (cli_arguments.empty? || cli_arguments.all? { |file| File.file?(file) } ) |
10501 | { |file| !File.file?(file) }.join('", "') + '"') |
10502 | when :win_evt, "win_evt" |
10503 | if chef_config[:log_level] == :auto |
10504 | $0 = "#{client_solo} worker: ppid=#{Process.ppid};start=#{"%R:%S")};" |
10505 | message = "#{e.class}: #{e} #{e.backtrace.join(" ")}" |
10506 | cause = e.cause if e.respond_to?(:cause) |
10507 | message << " >>>> Caused by #{cause.class}: #{cause} #{cause.backtrace.join(" ")}" |
10508 | cause = cause.respond_to?(:cause) ? cause.cause : nil |
10509 | def fatal!(msg, err = nil) |
10510 | msg << " #{err.backtrace.join(" ")}" |
10511 | def exit!(msg, err = nil) |
10512 | @chef_rest_v0 ||=[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0", inflate_json_class: false }) |
10513 | @chef_rest_v1 ||=[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "1", inflate_json_class: false }) |
10514 | regex: /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.]+$/ |
10515 |["name"] || o["clientname"]) |
10516 | client.public_key(o["public_key"]) if o.key?("public_key") |
10517 | client.create_key(o["create_key"]) if o.key?("create_key") |
10518 | n = from_hash(n) if n.instance_of?(Hash) |
10519 | response[] = n |
10520 | response = http_api.get("clients/#{name}") |
10521 | chef_rest_v1.delete("clients/#{@name}") |
10522 | payload = { name: name } |
10523 | if new_client["chef_key"]["private_key"] |
10524 | new_client["private_key"] = new_client["chef_key"]["private_key"] |
10525 | new_client["public_key"] = new_client["chef_key"]["public_key"] |
10526 | retries -= 1 |
10527 | Chef::Log.warn("Response: HTTP #{e.response.code} - #{e}") |
10528 | if (File.exist?(abs_path) && !File.writable?(abs_path)) || !File.writable?(File.dirname(abs_path)) |
10529 | response = http_api.put("clients/#{name}", put_data) |
10530 | base_put_data = { name: name, admin: false } |
10531 | post_data = { name: name, admin: false } |
10532 | api_version: "0", |
10533 |[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0" }) |
10534 | n = json_create(n) if n.instance_of?(Hash) |
10535 | http_api.delete("clients/#{@name}") |
10536 | http_api.put("clients/#{name}", { name: name, admin: admin, validator: validator }) |
10537 | @http_api ||=[:chef_server_url], { api_version: "0" }) |
10538 | @pending_updates = [] |
10539 | ( max_nesting.nil? || rec.nesting_level <= max_nesting ) && |
10540 | ( rec.status == :up_to_date && up_to_date || |
10541 | rec.status == :skipped && skipped || |
10542 | rec.status == :updated && updated || |
10543 | rec.status == :failed && failed || |
10544 | let(:knife) { } |
10545 | let(:config_location) { File.expand_path("~/.chef/config.rb") } |
10546 | chef_config_dir: "/etc/chef") |
10547 | { "Accept" => "application/json", |
10548 | let(:request_id) { "1234" } |
10549 | let(:request_mock) { {} } |
10550 | let(:url) { URI.parse("https://api.opscode.piab") } |
10551 | http_response ="1.1", "200", "successful rest req") |
10552 | let(:body) { "ninja" } |
10553 | extra_opts = {} |
10554 | extra_opts[:editor] = { long: "--editor EDITOR", |
10555 | default: "/usr/bin/vim" } |
10556 | expect {{fuuu uuuu fuuuu}) }.to raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).not_to eq(0) } |
10557 | deps { other_deps_loaded = true } |
10558 | let(:command) {[]) } |
10559 | let(:fake_config) { "/does/not/exist/knife.rb" } |
10560 | knife.ui =, stderr, stdin, {}) |
10561 | [ 2, 3 ].each do |verbosity| |
10562 | let(:stdin) { } |
10563 | let(:ui) {, stderr, stdin, disable_editing: true) } |
10564 | cmd.ui = ui |
10565 | let(:knife) { |
10566 | let(:ui) {, stderr, stdin, {}) } |
10567 | knife.ui = ui |
10568 | response ="1.1", "403", "Forbidden") |
10569 | ENV["http_proxy"] = "xyz" |
10570 | response ="1.1", "400", "Bad Request") |
10571 | response ="1.1", "502", "Bad Gateway") |
10572 | expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: Network Error: .* - y u no shut up/) |
10573 | let(:knife) { } |
10574 | let(:user_mock) { double("user_mock") } |
10575 | let(:root_rest) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
10576 | @user_name = "foobar" |
10577 | @password = "abc123" |
10578 | @user = double("Chef::User") |
10579 | knife.name_args = [ "my_user" ] |
10580 | knife.name_args = [] |
10581 | @org_name = "abc_org" |
10582 | knife.name_args << @user_name << @org_name |
10583 | @org = double("Chef::Org") |
10584 | let(:orgs) do |
10585 | [@org] |
10586 | result = { "organizations" => [] } |
10587 | allow(@org).to receive(:[]).with("organization").and_return({ "name" => "test" }) |
10588 | let(:user_mock) { double("user_mock", private_key: "private_key") } |
10589 | knife.name_args = [ "a_user" ] |
10590 | knife.config[:file] = "/tmp/a_file" |
10591 | @knife.name_args << @user_name << @password |
10592 | result = { "password" => [], "recovery_authentication_enabled" => true } |
10593 | allow(@user).to receive(:[]).with("organization") |
10594 | expect(@user.root_rest).to receive(:put).with("users/#{@user_name}", result) |
10595 | let(:knife) { } |
10596 | let(:knife) { } |
10597 | knife.name_args = [ "my_user2" ] |
10598 | data = { "username" => "my_user2" } |
10599 | edited_data = { "username" => "edit_user2" } |
10600 | allow(result).to receive(:[]).with("private_key").and_return(@key) |
10601 | let(:non_admin_member_org) {"non-admin-member") } |
10602 | let(:solo_admin_member_org) {"solo-admin-member") } |
10603 | let(:username) { "test_user" } |
10604 | let(:knife) { } |
10605 | [{ "organization" => { "name" => "non-admin-member" } }, |
10606 | { "organization" => { "name" => "solo-admin-member" } }, |
10607 | { "organization" => { "name" => "shared-admin-member" } }, |
10608 | let(:non_removable_orgs) { [ solo_admin_member_org ] } |
10609 | let(:non_removable_orgs) { [] } |
10610 | let(:removable_orgs) { [ shared_admin_member_org ] } |
10611 | let(:non_removable_orgs) { [ ] } |
10612 | expect(v.to_hash).to eq(orgs[x].to_hash) |
10613 | let(:knife) { } |
10614 | let(:chef_root_rest_v0) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } |
10615 | let(:name_args) { [] } |
10616 | let(:fieldname) { "username" } |
10617 | let(:name_args) { %w{some_user some_display_name} } |
10618 | let(:fieldname) { "first name" } |
10619 | let(:fieldname) { "last name" } |
10620 | let(:fieldname) { "email" } |
10621 | allow(@user).to receive(:[]).with("chef_key").and_return(@key) |
10622 | knife.config[:user_key] = "some_key" |
10623 | allow(@user).to receive(:[]).with("chef_key").and_return(nil) |
10624 | @username = "Created #{name_args.first}" |
10625 | allow(@user).to receive(:[]).with("chef_key").and_return("private_key" => @key) |
10626 | @uri = "" |
10627 | allow(@user).to receive(:[]).with("uri").and_return(@uri) |
10628 | let(:request_body) { |
10629 | { user: "some_user" } |
10630 | let(:name_args) { %w{some_user} } |
10631 | @knife.name_args = [ Chef::Config[:node_name], "sadtag" ] |
10632 | @node.tags << "sadtag" << "happytag" |
10633 | expect(@node.tags).to eq(["happytag"]) |
10634 | @knife.name_args = [ Chef::Config[:node_name], "happytag" ] |
10635 | @knife.name_args = ["cookbook_name"] |
10636 | @knife.name_args = [] |
10637 | exception = double('403 "Forbidden"', code: "403") |
10638 | if File.exist?("/usr/bin/gnutar") || File.exist?("/bin/gnutar") |
10639 | expect(args.to_s).to match(/tar -czf/) |
10640 | @knife.config = { dry_run: true } |
10641 | expect(@knife).to receive(:shell_out!).with("footar -czf #{}.tgz #{}", { cwd: "/var/tmp/dummy" }) |
10642 | expect(@knife).to receive(:shell_out!).with("footar -tzf #{}.tgz", { cwd: "/var/tmp/dummy" }) |
10643 | let(:noauth_rest) { double("no auth rest") } |
10644 | { "cookbook_name" => "mw_mysql", "cookbook_maintainer" => "car", "cookbook_description" => "Installs/Configures mw_mysql", "cookbook" => "" }, |
10645 | knife.name_args = ["mysql"] |
10646 | expect(stdout.string).to match(/#{item["cookbook_name"]}\s/) |
10647 | knife.name_args = [""] |
10648 | expect(stdout.string).to eq(" ") |
10649 | { "cookbook_name" => "301", "cookbook_maintainer" => "markhuge", "cookbook_description" => "Installs/Configures 301", "cookbook" => "" }, |
10650 | { "cookbook_name" => "3cx", "cookbook_maintainer" => "obay", "cookbook_description" => "Installs/Configures 3cx", "cookbook" => "" }, |
10651 | describe "with -w or --with-uri" do |
10652 | expect(stdout.string).to match(/#{item["cookbook"]}\s/) |
10653 | let(:downloader) { {} } |
10654 | let(:repo) do |
10655 | knife.config = {} |
10656 | knife.name_args = %w{foo bar baz} |
10657 | knife.name_args = ["getting-started", ""] |
10658 | knife.name_args = ["getting-started", "0.1.0"] |
10659 | knife.name_args = ["getting-started", "0.1"] |
10660 | end # end of run |
10661 | .with("#{@cookbook_api_url}/apache2") |
10662 | .with(/use --force.+download.+/i) |
10663 | @cookbook_data = { "version" => @version, |
10664 | .with(@cookbook_data["file"]) |
10665 | context "with -f or --file" do |
10666 | @knife.config[:file] = @file |
10667 | .with("#{@cookbook_api_url}/apache2/versions/#{@version_us}") |
10668 | node = do |n| |
10669 | n.automatic_attrs["fqdn"] = "foobar" |
10670 | n.automatic_attrs["platform"] = "mac_os_x" |
10671 | { name: ["name"], ipaddress: ["ipaddress"], ohai_time: ["ohai_time"], |
10672 | cloud: ["cloud"], run_list: ["run_list"], platform: ["platform"], |
10673 | expect(@query).to receive(:search).with(:node, "*:*", opts) |
10674 | @knife.config[:hide_by_mins] = 59 |
10675 | expect(@query).to receive(:search).with(:node, "*:*", {}) |
10676 | expect(@stdout.string.match(/\e.*ago/)).to be_nil |
10677 | let(:stdout_io) { } |
10678 | let(:stderr_io) { } |
10679 | let(:name_args) { %w{https://example.test:10443/foo} } |
10680 | let(:name_args) { %w{foo.test} } |
10681 | expected_stdout = <<~E |
10682 | expected_stderr = <<~E |
10683 | let(:name_args) { %w{ftp://lkj\\} } |
10684 | ERROR: Given URI: `#{name_args[0]}' is invalid |
10685 | it "normalizes '*' to 'wildcard'" do |
10686 | describe "#cn_of" do |
10687 | let(:subject) { [["CN", "common name"]] } |
10688 | let(:subject) { [] } |
10689 | let(:name_args) { %w{} } |
10690 | puts "OUT: #{stdout_io.string}" |
10691 | puts "ERR: #{stderr_io.string}" |
10692 | let(:name_args) { %w{} } |
10693 | let(:store) { } |
10694 | let(:trusted_certs_dir) { File.join("/", "\\"), "trusted_certs") } |
10695 | .with("", 8443) |
10696 | trap(:INT, @old_signal) |
10697 | .with("") # no error |
10698 | @knife = |
10699 | @node_foo = {} |
10700 | @node_foo["fqdn"] = "" |
10701 | @node_foo["ipaddress"] = "" |
10702 | @node_foo["cloud"] = {} |
10703 | @node_bar = {} |
10704 | @node_bar["fqdn"] = "" |
10705 | @node_bar["ipaddress"] = "" |
10706 | @node_bar["cloud"] = {} |
10707 | @node_bar["target"] = "" |
10708 | @node_foo["target"] = "" |
10709 | @node_bar["prefix"] = "bar" |
10710 | @node_foo["prefix"] = "foo" |
10711 | expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([["", nil, "foo"], ["", nil, "bar"]]) |
10712 | ["", nil, nil], |
10713 | ["", nil, nil], |
10714 | @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "" |
10715 | @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "" |
10716 | ["", nil, nil], |
10717 | ["", nil, nil], |
10718 | @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "" |
10719 | @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "" |
10720 | @node_foo["fqdn"] = nil |
10721 | @node_bar["fqdn"] = nil |
10722 | @node_bar["fqdn"] = "" |
10723 | @node_foo["prefix"] = "config" |
10724 | expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute({ "fqdn" => "fqdn" })).to eq("fqdn") |
10725 | @node_foo["target"] = "config" |
10726 | ssh_config = { timeout: 50, user: "locutus", port: 23, keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 60 } |
10727 | @knife.session_from_list([["", nil, nil]]) |
10728 | @knife.session_from_list([["", 123, nil]]) |
10729 | @knife.session_from_list([["", nil, "b-team"]]) |
10730 | @knife.config = {} |
10731 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = nil |
10732 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = 6 |
10733 | let(:session) { double(:session, loop: nil, close: nil) } |
10734 | let(:command) { "false" } |
10735 | let(:exit_status) { 0 } |
10736 | let(:exit_status2) { 0 } |
10737 | let(:exit_status) { 1 } |
10738 | let(:exit_status2) { 2 } |
10739 | @knife.name_args = ["", "tmux"] |
10740 | @knife.name_args = ["*:*", "false"] |
10741 | let(:exit_code) { 1 } |
10742 | let(:exit_code) { 0 } |
10743 | let(:role) { "base" } |
10744 | knife.name_args = [ role ] |
10745 | let(:role_mock) { double("role_mock") } |
10746 | knife.config[:format] = "json" |
10747 | fake_role_contents = { "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "qux" } |
10748 | let(:role) {} |
10749 | Chef::Config[:role_name] = "will" |
10750 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[person]", "role[bucket]" ] |
10751 | @knife.config = { |
10752 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[owen]", "role[mauntel]" ] |
10753 |"will") |
10754 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[owen]") |
10755 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[mauntel]") |
10756 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "recipe[orange::chicken]", "role[monkey]", "recipe[duck::type]", "role[person]", "role[bird]", "role[town]" ] |
10757 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[coke]", "role[pepsi]" ] |
10758 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[coke]") |
10759 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[pepsi]") |
10760 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[dude]", "role[fixer]" ] |
10761 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[dude]", "role[person]" ] |
10762 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10763 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).not_to eq("role[dude]") |
10764 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[person]") |
10765 | expect(@role.run_list[2]).to eq("role[fixer]") |
10766 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[gibbon]" ] |
10767 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "recipe[duck::type]", "recipe[duck::mallard]" ] |
10768 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[gibbon]") |
10769 | expect(@role.run_list[2]).to eq("recipe[duck::mallard]") |
10770 | expect(@role.run_list[3]).to eq("role[person]") |
10771 | expect(@role.run_list[4]).to eq("role[bird]") |
10772 | expect(@role.run_list[5]).to eq("role[town]") |
10773 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[person]" ] |
10774 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]" ] |
10775 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[person]") |
10776 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "recipe[duck::type]" ] |
10777 | expect(@role.run_list[2]).to eq("role[bird]") |
10778 | expect(@role.run_list[3]).to eq("role[town]") |
10779 | @knife.name_args = [ "will" ] |
10780 | @role.run_list_for("_default") << "role[acorns]" |
10781 | @role.run_list_for("_default") << "role[barn]" |
10782 | @knife.config[:after] = "role[tree]" |
10783 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[pad]" ] |
10784 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[acorns]") |
10785 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[barn]") |
10786 | @knife.config[:after] = "role[acorns]" |
10787 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[pad]", "role[whackadoo]" ] |
10788 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[pad]") |
10789 | expect(@role.run_list[2]).to eq("role[whackadoo]") |
10790 | expect(@role.run_list[3]).to eq("role[barn]") |
10791 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey],role[duck]" ] |
10792 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10793 | expect(@role.run_list[2]).to eq("role[duck]") |
10794 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey], role[duck]" ] |
10795 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[duck]" ] |
10796 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[duck],recipe[bird::fly]" ] |
10797 | expect(@role.run_list[3]).to eq("recipe[bird::fly]") |
10798 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]", "role[duck],recipe[bird::fly@1.1.3]" ] |
10799 | expect(@role.run_list[3]).to eq("recipe[bird::fly@1.1.3]") |
10800 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[monkey]," ] |
10801 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[blue]," ] |
10802 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "role[black]," ] |
10803 | expect(@role.run_list[0]).to eq("role[blue]") |
10804 | expect(@role.run_list[1]).to eq("role[black]") |
10805 | @list = { |
10806 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam.rb" ] |
10807 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam.rb", "caleb.rb" ] |
10808 | Chef::Config[:env_name] = "QA" |
10809 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[person]", "role[bucket]" ] |
10810 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[owen]", "role[mauntel]" ] |
10811 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("role[owen]") |
10812 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[mauntel]") |
10813 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to be_nil |
10814 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "recipe[orange::chicken]", "role[monkey]", "recipe[duck::type]", "role[person]", "role[bird]", "role[town]" ] |
10815 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "PRD", "recipe[orange::chicken]", "role[monkey]", "recipe[duck::type]", "role[person]", "role[bird]", "role[town]" ] |
10816 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[coke]", "role[pepsi]" ] |
10817 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("role[coke]") |
10818 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[pepsi]") |
10819 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[0]).to eq("recipe[orange::chicken]") |
10820 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[1]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10821 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[2]).to eq("recipe[duck::type]") |
10822 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[3]).to eq("role[person]") |
10823 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[4]).to eq("role[bird]") |
10824 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[5]).to eq("role[town]") |
10825 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[dude]", "role[fixer]" ] |
10826 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[dude]", "role[person]" ] |
10827 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).not_to eq("role[dude]") |
10828 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[person]") |
10829 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[gibbon]" ] |
10830 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "recipe[duck::type]", "recipe[duck::mallard]" ] |
10831 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")).not_to include("role[monkey]") |
10832 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")).not_to include("recipe[duck::type]") |
10833 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("recipe[orange::chicken]") |
10834 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[gibbon]") |
10835 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to eq("recipe[duck::mallard]") |
10836 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[3]).to eq("role[person]") |
10837 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[4]).to eq("role[bird]") |
10838 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[5]).to eq("role[town]") |
10839 | @setup.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[person]" ] |
10840 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]" ] |
10841 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).not_to eq("role[monkey]") |
10842 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("role[person]") |
10843 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "recipe[duck::type]" ] |
10844 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to eq("role[bird]") |
10845 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[3]).to eq("role[town]") |
10846 | @knife.name_args = %w{will QA} |
10847 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to be_nil |
10848 | expect(@role.active_run_list_for("QA")).to eq("QA") |
10849 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10850 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[pad]" ] |
10851 | @role.run_list_for("QA") << "role[pencil]" |
10852 | @role.run_list_for("QA") << "role[pen]" |
10853 | @knife.config[:after] = "role[pencil]" |
10854 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[pad]", "role[whackadoo]" ] |
10855 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[pencil]") |
10856 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to eq("role[pad]") |
10857 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[3]).to eq("role[whackadoo]") |
10858 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[4]).to eq("role[pen]") |
10859 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey],role[duck]" ] |
10860 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[duck]") |
10861 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey], role[duck]" ] |
10862 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[duck]" ] |
10863 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[duck],recipe[bird::fly]" ] |
10864 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to eq("recipe[bird::fly]") |
10865 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]", "role[duck],recipe[bird::fly@1.1.3]" ] |
10866 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[2]).to eq("recipe[bird::fly@1.1.3]") |
10867 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[monkey]," ] |
10868 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to be_nil |
10869 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[blue]," ] |
10870 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "QA", "role[black]," ] |
10871 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[0]).to eq("role[blue]") |
10872 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[black]") |
10873 | @role.run_list_for("QA") << "role[walnuts]" |
10874 | @knife.name_args = [ "will", "PRD", "role[ball]," ] |
10875 | @role.run_list_for("PRD") << "role[pen]" |
10876 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[0]).to eq("role[ball]") |
10877 | expect(@role.run_list_for("QA")[1]).to eq("role[walnuts]") |
10878 | expect(@role.run_list_for("PRD")[1]).to eq("role[pen]") |
10879 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam" ] |
10880 | @knife.name_args = ["."] |
10881 | @roles = {} |
10882 | @knife.name_args = ["dev"] |
10883 | k = |
10884 | k.config[:method] = "GET" |
10885 | k.name_args = [ "/nodes" ] |
10886 | { "Content-Type" => "application/json", |
10887 | let(:org) { double("Chef::Org") } |
10888 | @org_name = "foobar" |
10889 | @knife.name_args << @org_name |
10890 | let(:knife) { } |
10891 | original_data = { "org_name" => "my_org" } |
10892 | data = { "org_name" => "my_org1" } |
10893 | @org_name = "ss" |
10894 | name: @org_name, |
10895 | @knife.name_args << @org_name << @org_full_name |
10896 | node.run_list = ["role[base]"] |
10897 | knife.name_args = [ "adam" ] |
10898 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey]" ] |
10899 | expect(@node.run_list[0]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10900 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey],role[duck]" ] |
10901 | expect(@node.run_list[1]).to eq("role[duck]") |
10902 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey], role[duck]" ] |
10903 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey]", "role[duck]" ] |
10904 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey]", "role[duck],recipe[bird::fly]" ] |
10905 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey]," ] |
10906 | @node.run_list << "role[acorns]" |
10907 | @node.run_list << "role[zebras]" |
10908 | expect(@node.run_list[0]).to eq("role[acorns]") |
10909 | expect(@node.run_list[1]).to eq("role[zebras]") |
10910 | @node.run_list << "role[monkey]" |
10911 | expect(@node.run_list[0]).not_to eq("role[monkey]") |
10912 | expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:output).with({ "knifetest-node" => { "run_list" => [] } }) |
10913 | @node.run_list << "recipe[duck::type]" |
10914 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey],recipe[duck::type]" ] |
10915 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey], recipe[duck::type]" ] |
10916 | @node.run_list << "role[blah]" |
10917 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[monkey], recipe[duck::type]", "role[blah]" ] |
10918 | @knife.name_args = [ "adam", "role[blork]" ] |
10919 | @knife.name_args = %w{adam blork} |
10920 | expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:warn).with(/did you forget recipe\[\] or role\[\]/) |
10921 | @node.run_list << "role[barn]" |
10922 | expect(@node.run_list[1]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
10923 | expect(@node.run_list[2]).to eq("role[barn]") |
10924 | @knife.config[:before] = "role[acorns]" |
10925 | expect(@node.run_list[1]).to eq("role[acorns]") |
10926 | expect(@node.run_list[2]).to eq("role[duck]") |
10927 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ ] } |
10928 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ } } |
10929 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ adam staging my-app } } |
10930 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ adam staging } } |
10931 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ adam my-app } } |
10932 | @knife.name_args = %w{adam bar} |
10933 | editor: "cat", |
10934 | @node.automatic_attrs = { go: :away } |
10935 | @node.default_attrs = { hide: :me } |
10936 | @node.override_attrs = { dont: :show } |
10937 | @node.normal_attrs = { do_show: :these } |
10938 | @node.run_list("recipe[foo]") |
10939 | expect(actual["normal"]).to eq({ "do_show" => "these" }) |
10940 | expect(actual["run_list"]).to eq(["recipe[foo]"]) |
10941 | expect(actual["automatic"]).to eq({ "go" => "away" }) |
10942 | expect(actual["override"]).to eq({ "dont" => "show" }) |
10943 | expect(actual["default"]).to eq({ "hide" => "me" }) |
10944 | view["run_list"] << "role[fuuu]" |
10945 | @knife.name_args = %w{ adam ben } |
10946 | @ben_node = |
10947 | @nodes = {} |
10948 | @nodes[node_name] = "http://localhost:4000/nodes/#{node_name}" |
10949 | expected = @nodes.inject({}) do |inflatedish, (name, uri)| |
10950 | inflatedish[name] = { |n| } |
10951 | @knife.name_args = ["adam"] |
10952 | let(:actor) { "charmander" } |
10953 | let(:keyname) { "charmander" } |
10954 | let(:ui) { instance_double("Chef::Knife::UI") } |
10955 | let(:actor_field_name) { "user" } |
10956 | let(:list_method) { :list_by_user } |
10957 | { "uri" => "https://api.opscode.piab/users/charmander/keys/non-expired1", "name" => "non-expired1", "expired" => false }, |
10958 | { "uri" => "https://api.opscode.piab/users/charmander/keys/non-expired2", "name" => "non-expired2", "expired" => false }, |
10959 | let(:list_method) { :list_by_client } |
10960 | { "uri" => "https://api.opscode.piab/organizations/pokemon/clients/charmander/keys/non-expired1", "name" => "non-expired1", "expired" => false }, |
10961 | { "uri" => "https://api.opscode.piab/organizations/pokemon/clients/charmander/keys/non-expired2", "name" => "non-expired2", "expired" => false }, |
10962 | let(:keyname) { "charmander-key" } |
10963 | let(:new_keyname) { "charizard-key" } |
10964 | let(:actor_field_name) { "client" } |
10965 | let(:key_name) { "charmander-key" } |
10966 | @knife.name_args = [ "production" ] |
10967 | @knife.name_args = [ "spec.rb" ] |
10968 | @knife.name_args = [ "spec.rb", "apple.rb" ] |
10969 | allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with("/tmp/environments/*.{json,rb}").and_return(["spec.rb", "apple.rb"]) |
10970 | allow(@knife).to receive(:config).and_return({ all: true }) |
10971 | @knife.name_args = [ ] |
10972 | @constraints = { |
10973 | @cookbooks = { "foo" => "= 1.0.1", "bar" => "= 0.0.1" } |
10974 | @rest_double = double("rest") |
10975 | @cookbook_data = {} |
10976 | @cookbook_data[item] = { "url" => "#{@base_url}/#{item}", |
10977 | expect(@stdout.string).to(match(/#{item}/)) && expect(@stdout.string.lines.count).to(be 4) |
10978 | expect(@stdout.string).to match(/#{ver[1]}/) |
10979 | describe "with -a or --all" do |
10980 | @knife.config[:all] = true |
10981 | let(:bag_name) { "sudoing_admins" } |
10982 | let(:item_name) { "ME" } |
10983 | { "id" => "id", "baz" => "http://localhost:4000/data/bag_o_data/baz", |
10984 | let(:config) { { format: "json" } } |
10985 | let(:db_folder) { File.join(tmp_dir, data_bags_path, bag_name) } |
10986 | let(:db_file) {["data_bag_from_file_test", ".json"], db_folder) } |
10987 | let(:db_file2) {["data_bag_from_file_test2", ".json"], db_folder) } |
10988 | let(:db_folder2) { File.join(tmp_dir, data_bags_path, bag_name2) } |
10989 | let(:db_file3) {["data_bag_from_file_test3", ".json"], db_folder2) } |
10990 | def new_bag_expects(b = bag_name, d = plain_data) |
10991 | let(:loader) { double("Knife::Core::ObjectLoader") } |
10992 | let(:data_bags_path) { "data_bags" } |
10993 | let(:bag_name2) { "sudoing_admins2" } |
10994 | knife.name_args = [ bag_name, db_file.path, db_file2.path ] |
10995 | knife.name_args = [ bag_name, db_folder ] |
10996 | config[:all] = true |
10997 | let(:raw_hash) { { "login_name" => "alphaomega", "id" => "item_name" } } |
10998 | let(:db) { Chef::DataBagItem.from_hash(raw_hash) } |
10999 | let(:raw_edited_hash) { { "login_name" => "rho", "id" => "item_name", "new_key" => "new_value" } } |
11000 | let(:is_encrypted?) { false } |
11001 | let(:data_to_edit) { db.raw_data } |
11002 | let(:config) { { print_after: true } } |
11003 | let(:is_encrypted?) { true } |
11004 | let(:data_to_edit) { raw_hash } |
11005 | let(:raw_hash) { { "login_name" => "alphaomega", "id" => item_name } } |
11006 | expect(rest).to receive(:get).with("data/#{bag_name}") |
11007 | expect(rest).to_not receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }) |
11008 | .with("data/#{bag_name}") |
11009 | .with("data/sudoing_#{name}_admins") |
11010 | knife.name_args = ["sudoing_#{name}_admins"] |
11011 | expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => knife.name_args[0] }) |
11012 | expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }) |
11013 | let(:bag_name) { name } |
11014 | it "creates a data bag named '#{name}'" do |
11015 | expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }).ordered |
11016 | let(:chef_config) { } # "dup" to a hash |
11017 | let(:mock_cert_dir) { ::File.absolute_path(::File.join("spec", "assets", "fake_trusted_certs")) } |
11018 | let(:crt_files) { ::Dir.glob(::File.join(mock_cert_dir, "*.crt")) } |
11019 | let(:pem_files) { ::Dir.glob(::File.join(mock_cert_dir, "*.pem")) } |
11020 | let(:other_files) { ::Dir.glob(::File.join(mock_cert_dir, "*")) - crt_files - pem_files } |
11021 | echo_file =^/, "echo.") |
11022 | expect(bootstrap_context.get_log_location).to eq("\"C:\\chef\\chef.log\" ") |
11023 | cache_options: ({ path: "c:/chef/cache/checksums", skip_expires: true }) |
11024 | chef-client -c C:\\chef\\client.rb -j C:\\chef\\first-boot.json |
11025 | let(:config) { { channel: "stable" } } |
11026 | let(:config) { { channel: "current" } } |
11027 | let(:custom_url) { "file://something" } |
11028 | let(:config) { { msi_url: custom_url, install: true } } |
11029 | yes: nil, |
11030 | field_separator: ".", |
11031 | @ui =, @err, @in, @config) |
11032 | ruby_for_json = { "foo" => "bar" } |
11033 | ruby_from_editor = TestObject.from_hash({ "bar" => "foo" }) |
11034 | my_editor = "veeeye" |
11035 | temp_path = "/tmp/bar/baz" |
11036 | let(:parse_output) { false } |
11037 | let(:klass) { nil } |
11038 | let(:parse_output) { true } |
11039 | let(:klass) { TestObject } |
11040 | @mock = double("Tempfile") |
11041 | expect(Tempfile).to receive(:open).with([ "knife-edit-", ".json" ]).and_yield(@mock) |
11042 | expect(@ui).to receive(:system).with("#{my_editor} #{temp_path}").and_return(true) |
11043 | expect(@ui).to receive(:system).with("#{my_editor} #{temp_path}").and_return(nil) |
11044 | expect(@ui).to receive(:system).with("#{my_editor} #{temp_path}").and_return(false) |
11045 | @tempfile =[ "knife-edit-", ".json" ]) |
11046 | expect(Tempfile).to receive(:open).with([ "knife-edit-", ".json" ]).and_yield(@tempfile) |
11047 | expect(@ui).to receive(:system).with("#{my_editor} #{@tempfile.path}").and_return(true) |
11048 | @ui.config[:with_uri] = true |
11049 | expect(@ui.format_list_for_display({ marcy: :playground })).to eq({ marcy: :playground }) |
11050 | @ui.config[:with_uri] = false |
11051 | expect(@ui.format_list_for_display({ marcy: :playground })).to eq([ :marcy ]) |
11052 | expect { @ui.send(method, "hi") }.to raise_error(Errno::EIO) |
11053 | expect { @ui.send(method, "hi") }.to raise_error(SystemExit) |
11054 | @config[:verbosity] = 2 |
11055 | expect { @ui.send(method, "hi") }.to raise_error(Errno::EPIPE) |
11056 | @ui.output("hi") |
11057 | expect(@out.string).to eq("hi ") |
11058 | @ui.output({ "hi" => "a", "lo" => "b" }) |
11059 | expect(@out.string).to eq <<~EOM |
11060 | hi: a |
11061 | lo: b |
11062 | @ui.output({}) |
11063 | expect(@out.string).to eq(" ") |
11064 | @ui.output(%w{a b}) |
11065 | @ui.output([ ]) |
11066 | @ui.output([ "a" ]) |
11067 | expect(@out.string).to eq("a ") |
11068 | @ui.output([ [ "a" ] ]) |
11069 | @ui.output([ %w{a b}, %w{c d}]) |
11070 | @ui.output([ %w{a b}, [ "c" ], [], %w{d e}]) |
11071 | a: b |
11072 | c: d |
11073 | x: y |
11074 | m: n |
11075 | o: p |
11076 | @ui.output({ "a" => [], "b" => "c" }) |
11077 | a: |
11078 | b: c |
11079 | @ui.output({ "a" => [ "foo" ], "b" => "c" }) |
11080 | a: foo |
11081 | @ui.output({ "a" => %w{foo bar}, "b" => "c" }) |
11082 | @ui.output({ "a" => [ [ "foo" ] ], "b" => "c" }) |
11083 | @ui.output({ "a" => [ %w{foo bar}, %w{baz bjork} ], "b" => "c" }) |
11084 | @ui.output({ "a" => { "aa" => "bb", "cc" => "dd" }, "b" => "c" }) |
11085 | aa: bb |
11086 | cc: dd |
11087 | @ui.output({ "a" => {}, "b" => "c" }) |
11088 | input = { gi: :go } |
11089 | input = { "gi" => { "go" => "ge" }, "id" => "sample-data-bag-item" } |
11090 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "gi.go" |
11091 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ "sample-data-bag-item" => { "gi.go" => "ge" } }) |
11092 | input = { "gi" => "go", "hi" => "ho", "id" => "sample-data-bag-item" } |
11093 | @ui.config[:attribute] = %w{gi hi} |
11094 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ "sample-data-bag-item" => { "gi" => "go", "hi" => "ho" } }) |
11095 | input = { "keys" => "values", "hi" => "ho", "id" => "sample-data-bag-item" } |
11096 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "keys" |
11097 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ "sample-data-bag-item" => { "keys" => "values" } }) |
11098 | input = { "keys" => { "keys" => "values" }, "hi" => "ho", "id" => "sample-data-bag-item" } |
11099 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "keys.keys" |
11100 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ "sample-data-bag-item" => { "keys.keys" => "values" } }) |
11101 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "name" |
11102 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq( { "chef.localdomain" => { "name" => "chef.localdomain" } }) |
11103 | input.default["class"] = "classy!" |
11104 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "class" |
11105 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq( { nil => { "class" => "classy!" } } ) |
11106 | input.default["array"] = %w{zero one two} |
11107 | @ui.config[:attribute] = "array.1" |
11108 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq( { nil => { "array.1" => "one" } } ) |
11109 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ "sample-data-bag-item" => { non_existing_path => nil } }) |
11110 | input = { "keys" => { "with spaces" => { "open" => { "doors" => { "with many.dots" => "when asked" } } } } } |
11111 | @ui.config[:field_separator] = ";" |
11112 | expect(@ui.format_for_display(input)).to eq({ nil => { "keys;with spaces;open;doors;with many.dots" => "when asked" } }) |
11113 | @ui.config[:run_list] = true |
11114 | expect(response["sample-node"]["run_list"][0]).to eq("role[monkey]") |
11115 | expect(response["sample-node"]["run_list"][1]).to eq("role[churchmouse]") |
11116 | @item = { |
11117 | { "version" => "3.0.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbooks/3.0.0" }, |
11118 | { "version" => "2.0.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbooks/2.0.0" }, |
11119 | { "version" => "1.0.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbooks/1.0.0" }, |
11120 | response = { |
11121 | stdout = double("StringIO", tty?: true) |
11122 | @ui.config[:color] = true |
11123 | context "when ui.color? => true" do |
11124 | expect(@ui.color("a_bus_is", :yellow)).to eql("\e[33ma_bus_is\e[0m") |
11125 | context "when ui.color? => false" do |
11126 | expect(@ui.color("a_bus_is", :yellow)).to eql("a_bus_is") |
11127 | let(:output) { stdout.string } |
11128 | let(:question) { "monkeys rule" } |
11129 | let(:answer) { "y" } |
11130 | let(:default_choice) { nil } |
11131 | raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).to eq(3) } |
11132 | let(:default_choice) { true } |
11133 | let(:answer) { "" } |
11134 | let(:answer) { "N" } |
11135 | let(:default_choice) { false } |
11136 | let(:answer) { "Y" } |
11137 | %w{Y y}.each do |answer| |
11138 | let(:answer) { answer } |
11139 | %w{N n}.each do |answer| |
11140 | describe "with --y or --yes passed" do |
11141 | @ui.config[:yes] = true |
11142 | expect(output).to eq("") |
11143 | allow(@ui).to receive(:stdin).and_return(" ")) |
11144 | let(:plugin_dir) { File.join(home, ".chef", "plugins", "knife") } |
11145 | allow(File).to receive(:read).with(File.join(home, ".chef", "plugin_manifest.json")).and_return("{ \"_autogenerated_command_paths\": {}}") |
11146 | let(:presenter) {, double(:config, :[] => "")) } |
11147 | n.automatic_attrs["name"] = "my_node" |
11148 | n.automatic_attrs["ipaddress"] = "" |
11149 | node.automatic_attrs["cloud"] = { "public_ipv4_addrs" => [""] } |
11150 | expect(result["ip"]).to eq("") |
11151 | node.automatic_attrs["cloud"] = { "public_ipv4_addrs" => [] } |
11152 | expect(result["ip"]).to eq("") |
11153 | node.automatic_attrs["cloud"] = {} |
11154 | { "name" => "test_node", |
11155 | let(:node) { Chef::Node.from_hash(node_data) } |
11156 | let(:ui) { double "ui" } |
11157 | let(:base_config) { { editor: "cat" } } |
11158 | data = subject.view.merge("name" => "foo_new_name_node") |
11159 | data = updated_data.merge("bad_property" => "bad_value") |
11160 | expect(loader.list_commands).to eq({ "cool" => ["cool_a"], "cooler" => ["cooler_b"] }) |
11161 | expect(loader.list_commands("cool")).to eq({ "cool" => ["cool_a"] }) |
11162 | gems = [ double("knife-ec2-0.5.12") ] |
11163 | gem_files = [ |
11164 | expect($LOAD_PATH).to receive(:map).and_return([]) |
11165 | expect(gems[0]).to receive(:matches_for_glob).with(%r{chef/knife/\*\.rb\{(.*),\.rb,(.*)\}}).and_return(gem_files) |
11166 | expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with("/usr/lib/ruby/gems/knife-ec2-0.5.12/lib/chef/knife/*.rb").and_return(gem_files) |
11167 | let(:env_home) { "/home/alice" } |
11168 | let(:manifest_path) { env_home + "/.chef/plugin_manifest.json" } |
11169 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) { |key| env_dup[key] } |
11170 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("HOME").and_return(env_home) |
11171 | allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("HOME").and_return(nil) |
11172 | files_count = Dir.glob(File.join(@cookbook_repo,, "**", "*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH).count { |file| File.file?(file) } |
11173 | response ="1.0", "200", "OK") |
11174 | post =, {}) |
11175 | put =, {}) |
11176 | subject.make_request(:put, @uri, "bill", @secret_filename, { |
11177 | content = |
11178 | @str = "What a boring string" |
11179 | expect(, 4)).to eql(@str[2, 4]) |
11180 | @string1 = "stream1" |
11181 | @string2 = "stream2" |
11182 | @parts = [ @stream1, @stream2 ] |
11183 | expect( eql("#{@string1}#{@string2}"[0, 10]) |
11184 | dst_buf = "" |
11185 | expect(dst_buf).to eql("#{@string1}#{@string2}"[0, 10]) |
11186 | @ui =, @stderr, @stdin, {}) |
11187 | allow(::File).to receive(:directory?).with(/.*\.git/).and_return(false) |
11188 | @nobranches = { |s| s.stdout.replace " " } |
11189 | @clean_status = { |s| s.stdout.replace(" ") } |
11190 | expect(@cookbook_repo).to receive(:shell_out!).with("git commit -m \"Import apache2 version 1.2.3\" -- apache2", cwd: @repo_path) |
11191 | let(:config) { { foo: :bar, color: true } } |
11192 | let(:run_list) {"recipe[tmux]", "role[base]") } |
11193 | let(:secret) { nil } |
11194 | let(:config) { { verbosity: 2, color: true } } |
11195 | it "adds '-l debug' when verbosity is >= 2" do |
11196 | let(:config) { { color: false } } |
11197 | it "adds '--no-color' when color is false" do |
11198 | let(:chef_config) { { chef_license: "accept-no-persist" } } |
11199 | let(:chef_config) { { unix_bootstrap_file_cache_path: "/home/opscode/cache" } } |
11200 | let(:chef_config) { { chef_client_path: "/usr/local/bin/chef-client" } } |
11201 | let(:chef_config) { { validation_key: "~/my.key" } } |
11202 | expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.expand_path("my.key", ENV["HOME"])) |
11203 | let(:config) { { chef_node_name: "" } } |
11204 | let(:config) { { environment: "prodtastic", color: true } } |
11205 | let(:config) { { tags: [ "unicorn" ] } } |
11206 | let(:config) { { first_boot_attributes: { baz: :quux } } } |
11207 | let(:config) { { policy_name: "my_app_server", policy_group: "staging" } } |
11208 | let(:secret) { "supersekret" } |
11209 | let(:config) { { node_ssl_verify_mode: "none" } } |
11210 | let(:config) { { node_verify_api_cert: true } } |
11211 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: nil } } |
11212 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: "" } } |
11213 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: :win_evt } } |
11214 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: :syslog } } |
11215 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: STDOUT } } |
11216 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: STDERR } } |
11217 | let(:chef_config) { { config_log_location: "/tmp/ChefLogFile" } } |
11218 | let(:config) { { bootstrap_version: "awesome" } } |
11219 | let(:config) { { channel: "unstable" } } |
11220 | { => cookbook } |
11221 | let(:output) { } |
11222 | let(:name_args) { ["test_cookbook"] } |
11223 | .with( kind_of(Array), { force: nil, concurrency: 3 }) |
11224 | let(:name_args) { ["test_cookbook1"] } |
11225 | let(:name_args) { ["test_cookbook2"] } |
11226 | { "test_cookbook" => cookbook, |
11227 | knife.ui =, @stderr, @stdin, {}) |
11228 | expect(@stderr.string).not_to include("'dependency' version '>= 0.0.0'") |
11229 | expect(@stderr.string).not_to include("'dependency2' version '>= 0.0.0'") |
11230 | expect(@stderr.string).to include("'dependency' version '>= 0.0.0'") |
11231 | expect(@stderr.string).to include("'dependency2' version '>= 0.0.0'") |
11232 | end # run |
11233 | knife.name_args = [ "cookbook_name" ] |
11234 | let(:cb) do |
11235 | let(:rest) { double(Chef::ServerAPI) } |
11236 | let(:content) { "Example recipe text" } |
11237 | { "version" => "0.10.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbooks/cookbook_name/0.10.0" }, |
11238 | { "version" => "0.9.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbookx/cookbook_name/0.9.0" }, |
11239 | { "version" => "0.8.0", "url" => "http://url/cookbooks/cookbook_name/0.8.0" }, |
11240 | knife.name_args << "0.1.0" |
11241 | { "cookbook_name" => "cookbook_name", |
11242 | [{ "name" => "recipes/default.rb", |
11243 | knife.name_args = [ "cookbook_name", "0.1.0", "recipes" ] |
11244 | knife.name_args = [ "cookbook_name", "0.1.0", "recipes", "default.rb" ] |
11245 | knife.name_args = [ "cookbook_name", "0.1.0", "files", "afile.rb" ] |
11246 | cb.manifest = { |
11247 | knife.name_args = ["foobar"] |
11248 | name = kwargs[:name] |
11249 | Dir.mkdir("#{cookbook_dir}/#{name}") |
11250 |"#{cookbook_dir}/#{name}/metadata.rb", "w+") do |f| |
11251 | f.puts "#{key} #{ { |v| "\"#{v}\"" }.join(", ")}" |
11252 | f.puts "#{key} \"#{value}\"" |
11253 |"#{cookbook_dir}/#{name}/metadata.json", "w+") do |f| |
11254 |"#{cookbook_dir}/foobar/metadata.json", "w+") do |f| |
11255 | { "version": "1.0.0", {ImInvalid}} |
11256 | create_metadata_rb(name: "foo", version: "1.0.0") |
11257 | create_metadata_rb(name: "bar", version: "2.0.0") |
11258 | Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] = "/dev/null" |
11259 | create_metadata_rb(name: "foobar", version: "1.0.0") |
11260 | expect(json["name"]).to eql("foobar") |
11261 | expect(json["version"]).to eql("1.0.0") |
11262 | create_metadata_rb(name: "foobar", version: "1.0.0", depends: [ "foo:bar", ">> 0.2" ]) |
11263 | create_metadata_rb(name: "foobar", version: "1.0.0", depends: [ "foo:bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ]) |
11264 | create_metadata_json(name: "foobar", version: "1.0.0", dependencies: { "foo:bar" => ">> 0.2" }) |
11265 | create_metadata_rb(name: "sounders", version: "2.0.0", beats: "toronto") |
11266 | @knife.name_args = [ @src ] |
11267 | if File.exist?(@tgt) |
11268 | expect(File).to receive(:open).with(@tgt, "w") |
11269 | @rest_mock = double("rest") |
11270 | expect(@stdout.string).to match(/#{item}\s+1\.0\.1/) |
11271 | pattern = /#{Regexp.escape(@cookbook_data[item]['versions'].first['url'])}/ |
11272 | @cookbook_data[item]["versions"] << { "version" => "1.0.0", |
11273 | expect(@stdout.string).to match(/#{item}\s+1\.0\.1\s+1\.0\.0/) |
11274 | @knife.name_args = ["foobar", nil] |
11275 | @knife.name_args = ["foobar"] |
11276 | all_files: [ |
11277 | cb.version = "1.0.0" |
11278 | let(:manifest_data) { { all_files: [] } } |
11279 | @knife.name_args << "1.0.0" |
11280 | @files = { |v| { |i| i["path"] } }.flatten.uniq |
11281 | @files_mocks = {} |
11282 | { |f| File.basename(f) }.flatten.uniq.each do |f| |
11283 | @files_mocks[f] = double("#{f}_mock") |
11284 | allow(@files_mocks[f]).to receive(:path).and_return("/var/tmp/#{f}") |
11285 | expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(%r{/var/tmp/chef/foobar-1\.0\.0 exists}i) |
11286 | { |f| File.dirname(f) }.flatten.uniq.each do |dir| |
11287 | expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("/var/tmp/chef/foobar-1.0.0/#{dir}") |
11288 | .at_least(:once) |
11289 | @files.each do |f| |
11290 | .with("/var/tmp/#{File.basename(f)}", "/var/tmp/chef/foobar-1.0.0/#{f}") |
11291 | describe "with -f or --force" do |
11292 | expect(@knife.version).to eq("1.0.0") |
11293 | expect(@knife).to receive(:available_versions).at_least(:once).and_return(["1.0.0", "2.0.0"]) |
11294 | describe "with -N or --latest" do |
11295 | .and_return(["1.0.0", "1.1.0", "2.0.0"]) |
11296 | expect(@knife.version.to_s).to eq("2.0.0") |
11297 | .with("foobar") |
11298 | .and_return(["1.1.0", "2.0.0", "1.0.0"]) |
11299 |"1.1.0"), |
11300 |"2.0.0")]) |
11301 | allow(@knife).to receive(:available_versions).and_return(["1.0.0", "1.1.0", "2.0.0"]) |
11302 | prompt = /Which version do you want to download\?.+1\. foobar 1\.0\.0.+2\. foobar 1\.1\.0.+3\. foobar 2\.0\.0.+/m |
11303 | describe "with -p or --purge" do |
11304 | .with(/.+Are you sure you want to purge files.+/) |
11305 | @knife.version = "1.0.0" |
11306 | versions = ["1.0.0", "1.1.0"] |
11307 | expect(@knife).to receive(:available_versions).at_least(:once).and_return(["1.0.0", "1.1.0"]) |
11308 | expect(@knife).to receive(:ask_which_versions_to_delete).and_return(["1.0.0", "1.1.0"]) |
11309 | @cookbook_data = { "foobar" => { "versions" => [{ "version" => "1.0.0" }, |
11310 | { "version" => "1.1.0" }, |
11311 | { "version" => "2.0.0" } ] }, |
11312 | expect(@knife.available_versions).to eq(["1.0.0", "1.1.0", "2.0.0"]) |
11313 | prompt = /Which version\(s\) do you want to delete\?.+1\. foobar 1\.0\.0.+2\. foobar 1\.1\.0.+3\. foobar 2\.0\.0.+4\. All versions.+/m |
11314 | expect(@knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete).to eq(["1.0.0", "2.0.0"]) |
11315 | object = "" |
11316 | versions = [:all] |
11317 | @knife.config = { print_after: nil } |
11318 | @cookbooks = {} |
11319 | { "cheezburger" => "1.0.0", "pizza" => "2.0.0", "lasagna" => "3.0.0" }.each do |cookbook_name, version| |
11320 | @rest_client = double("null rest client", post: { result: :true }) |
11321 | @knife.config[:config_file] = "/home/you/.chef/knife.rb" |
11322 | @in =" " * 7) |
11323 | let(:fqdn) { "" } |
11324 | let(:ohai) do |
11325 | o = {} |
11326 | o[:fqdn] = fqdn |
11327 | let(:default_admin_key) { "/etc/chef-server/admin.pem" } |
11328 | let(:default_server_url) { "https://#{fqdn}/organizations/myorg" } |
11329 | expect(@knife.admin_client_key).to match %r{^[A-Za-z]:/home/you/\.chef/my-webui\.pem$} |
11330 | @knife.config[:client_key] = "/home/you/a-new-user.pem" |
11331 | expect(@out.string).to match(/\s*/) |
11332 | expect(@knife.new_client_key).to match %r{^[A-Za-z]:/home/you/a-new-user\.pem$} |
11333 | allow(File).to receive(:expand_path).with("/home/you/.chef/#{Etc.getlogin}.pem").and_return("/home/you/.chef/#{Etc.getlogin}.pem") |
11334 | expect(config_file.string).to match(/^client_name\s+=\s+'#{Etc.getlogin}'$/) |
11335 | expect(config_file.string).to match(%r{^client_key\s+=\s+'/home/you/.chef/#{Etc.getlogin}.pem'$}) |
11336 | expect(config_file.string).to match(/^chef_server_url\s+=\s+'#{default_server_url}'$/) |
11337 | expect(::File).to receive(:open).with("/home/you/.chef/credentials", "w") |
11338 | @knife.name_args = ["/home/bob/.chef"] |
11339 | expect(File).to receive(:open).with("/home/bob/.chef/client.rb", "w") |
11340 | @knife.config[:format] = "json" |
11341 | fake_client_contents = { "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "qux" } |
11342 | @client_mock = double("client_mock", private_key: "foo_key") |
11343 | let(:data) do |
11344 | let(:clients) { %w{ adam ben charlie } } |
11345 | k.name_args = [] |
11346 | let(:tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir } |
11347 | let(:file_path) { File.join(tmpdir, "client.pem") } |
11348 | let(:dir_path) { File.dirname(file_path) } |
11349 | let(:fieldname) { "client name" } |
11350 | knife.name_args = ["adam"] |
11351 | describe "with -f or --file" do |
11352 | let(:stdout) { stdout_io.string } |
11353 | let(:stderr) { stderr_io.string } |
11354 | let(:name_args) { [ "." ] } |
11355 | let(:option_args) { {} } |
11356 | let(:knife_confirm) { true } |
11357 | clients = {} |
11358 | let(:name_args) { [ ] } |
11359 | let(:option_args) { { delete_validators: true } } |
11360 | let(:name_args) { [ "^ti" ] } |
11361 | let(:linux_test) { true } |
11362 | let(:windows_test) { false } |
11363 | let(:linux_test) { false } |
11364 | let(:unix_test) { false } |
11365 | let(:ssh_test) { false } |
11366 | expect(rendered_template).to match('{"run_list":\[\]}') |
11367 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item1", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item2", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault2:item1" ] } |
11368 | expect(knife.config[:bootstrap_vault_item]).to eq({ "vault1" => %w{item1 item2}, "vault2" => ["item1"] }) |
11369 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-proxy", "" ] } |
11370 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-no-proxy", "localserver" ] } |
11371 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-template", "my-template", "other-template" ] } |
11372 | let(:builtin_template_path) { File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "../../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/templates", "example.erb")) } |
11373 | ["-t", "--bootstrap-template"].each do |t| |
11374 | expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":[]}') |
11375 | knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base]"]) |
11376 | expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]"]}') |
11377 | knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base],recipe[cupcakes]"]) |
11378 | expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]","recipe[cupcakes]"]}') |
11379 | file =["node", ".json"]) |
11380 |, "w") { |f| f.puts '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}' } |
11381 | it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from cli" do |
11382 | knife.parse_options(["-j", '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}']) |
11383 | expected_hash ='{"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"run_list":[]}') |
11384 | it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from file" do |
11385 | knife.parse_options(["--hint", "openstack"]) |
11386 | allow(::File).to receive(:read).and_return('{ "foo" : "bar" }') |
11387 | expect(knife.render_template).to match(/\{\"foo\":\"bar\"\}/) |
11388 | let(:options) { ["--bootstrap-no-proxy", setting] } |
11389 | let(:setting) { "" } |
11390 | let(:setting) { ",172.16.10.*" } |
11391 | expect(rendered_template).to match(/.*no_proxy\s*",172.16.10.\*".*/) |
11392 | let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "none"] } |
11393 | let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "peer"] } |
11394 | let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "all"] } |
11395 | let(:options) { ["--node-verify-api-cert"] } |
11396 | let(:options) { ["--no-node-verify-api-cert"] } |
11397 | let(:options) { [] } |
11398 | certificates = Dir[File.join(Chef::Config[:trusted_certs_dir], "*.{crt,pem}")] |
11399 | File.join(__dir__, "../../data/client.d_00") |
11400 | expect(rendered_template).to match("something '\\\\''/foo/bar'\\\\''") |
11401 | expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/00-foo.rb <<'EOP'") |
11402 | let(:host_descriptor) { "" } |
11403 | let(:host_descriptor) { "winrm://myhost" } |
11404 | let(:config) { { connection_protocol: "winrm" } } |
11405 | let(:host_descriptor) { "ssh://" } |
11406 | it "falls back to 'ssh'" do |
11407 | let(:connection_protocol) { "ssh" } |
11408 | it "returns true for #{proto}" do |
11409 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app-server } } |
11410 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-group staging } } |
11411 | let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app --policy-group staging } } |
11412 | && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:description].to_s).not_to(eq(""))\ |
11413 | && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:long].to_s).not_to(eq("")) |
11414 | { base_opts: true, |
11415 | Chef::Config[:knife][:max_wait] = 9999.0 |
11416 | Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_user] = "winbob" |
11417 | Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_port] = 9999 |
11418 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ca_trust_file] = "" |
11419 | Chef::Config[:knife][:winrm_ssl] = true |
11420 | ca_trust_path: "", |
11421 | user: "winbob", |
11422 | ssl: true, |
11423 | ca_trust_path: "no trust", |
11424 | port: 12, |
11425 | user: "clippy", |
11426 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "sshbob" |
11427 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] = 9999 |
11428 | user: "sshbob", |
11429 | key_files: ["/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem"], |
11430 | Chef::Config[:knife][:password] = "blah" |
11431 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_password] = "blah" |
11432 | Chef::Config[:knife][:use_sudo] = true |
11433 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_forward_agent] = "blah" |
11434 | user: "sshalice", # cli |
11435 | password: "feta cheese", # cli |
11436 | key_files: ["/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem"], # Config |
11437 | sudo: true, # ccli |
11438 | port: 12, # cli |
11439 | knife.config[:ssh_user] = "do not use" |
11440 | user: "sshroot", |
11441 | bastion_user: "me", |
11442 | key_files: ["/my-identity.pem", "/gateway-identity.pem"], |
11443 | sudo_options: "-H", |
11444 | key_files: [], |
11445 | end # ssh |
11446 | port: 250, |
11447 | user: "test", |
11448 | expect(knife.host_verify_opts).to eq( { verify_host_key: "always" } ) |
11449 | key_files: [ "/identity.pem" ], |
11450 | key_files: ["/identity.pem"], |
11451 | key_files: [ "/identity.pem", "/gateway.pem" ], |
11452 | key_files: [ "/gateway.pem" ], |
11453 | expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq({}) |
11454 | expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq( { sudo: true } ) |
11455 | expect(knife.sudo_opts).to eq( { sudo: false } ) |
11456 | expect(knife.ssh_opts).to eq({}) |
11457 | expected.merge({ ssl: true }) |
11458 | expected.merge({ ca_trust_path: "/" }) |
11459 | knife.config[:ca_trust_file] = "/" |
11460 | let(:node_name) { nil } |
11461 | Chef::Config[:validation_key] = "/blah" |
11462 | .with("/") |
11463 | .and_return("sh /") |
11464 | .with("sh /") |
11465 | .and_yield("output here", nil) |
11466 | .and_return("su - USER -c 'sh /'") |
11467 | .with("su - USER -c 'sh /'") |
11468 | expect(knife).to receive(:do_connect).with( { opts: "here" } ) |
11469 | let(:expected_error) {"fingerprint AA:BB is unknown for \"blah,\"") } |
11470 | .with(/.*host 'blah \(\)'.*AA:BB.*Are you sure you want to continue.*/m) |
11471 | e = |
11472 | let(:windows_test) { true } |
11473 | knife.config[:test_key_a] = "a from cli" |
11474 | knife.config[:test_key_b] = "b from cli" |
11475 | Chef::Config[:knife][:test_key_a] = "a from Chef::Config" |
11476 | Chef::Config[:knife][:test_key_c] = "c from Chef::Config" |
11477 | Chef::Config[:knife][:alt_test_key_c] = "alt c from Chef::Config" |
11478 | let(:temp_dir) { "C:/Temp/bootstrap" } |
11479 | let(:temp_dir) { "/tmp/bootstrap" } |
11480 | knife.config[:su_user] = "root" |
11481 | it "is chef-full" do |
11482 | knife.do_connect({}) |
11483 | expect { knife.do_connect({}) }.not_to raise_error |
11484 | let(:session_timeout) { 60 } |
11485 | let(:session_timeout) { nil } |
11486 | let(:session_timeout) { 16 } |
11487 | let(:session_timeout) { 15 } |
11488 | let(:protocol) { "mock" } |
11489 | let(:family) { "unknown" } |
11490 | let(:release) { "unknown" } # version |
11491 | let(:name) { "unknown" } |
11492 | let(:arch) { "x86_64" } |
11493 | let(:connection_opts) { {} } # connection opts |
11494 | let(:host_url) { "mock://" } |
11495 | let(:mock_connection) { true } |
11496 | let(:family) { "debian" } |
11497 | let(:name) { "ubuntu" } |
11498 | let(:family) { "os" } |
11499 | let(:name) { "mac_os_x" } |
11500 | let(:family) { "windows" } |
11501 | let(:name) { "windows" } |
11502 | let(:protocol) { "ssh" } |
11503 | let(:host_url) { "mock://user1@localhost:2200" } |
11504 | let(:connection_opts) { { user: "user2", host: "", port: 15 } } |
11505 | let(:host_url) { "localhost" } |
11506 | let(:connection_opts) { { port: 15, user: "user2" } } |
11507 | let(:host_url) { "" } |
11508 | .and_return double("result", stdout: "C:/a/path") |
11509 | let(:random) { "wScHX6" } |
11510 | let(:dir) { "/tmp/chef_#{random}" } |
11511 | expected_command1 = "mkdir -p '#{dir}'" |
11512 | expected_command2 = "chown user1 '#{dir}'" |
11513 | .and_return double("result", stdout: "\r ") |
11514 | expected_command = "mkdir -p '#{dir}'" |
11515 | .and_return double("result", stdout: "sudo: unable to resolve host hostname.localhost\r " + "#{dir}\r ") |
11516 | expect(cmd).to match(/Test-Path "deleteme\.txt".*/) |
11517 | expect(cmd).to match(/rm -f "deleteme\.txt".*/) |
11518 | command_result = double("results", stdout: "", stderr: "failed", exit_status: 1) |
11519 | expect { subject.run_command!("test") }.to raise_error do |e| |
11520 | expect(e.stdout).to eq "" |
11521 | let(:chef_config) { {} } |
11522 | let(:node_name) { "bevell.wat" } |
11523 | let(:response_404) { "404") } |
11524 | expect(rest).to receive(:get).with("nodes/#{node_name}") |
11525 | let(:client) { } |
11526 | let(:client_rest) { double("Chef::ServerAPI (client)") } |
11527 | expect(node).to receive(:run_list).with([]) |
11528 | allow(node).to receive(:run_list).with([]) |
11529 | tag_receiver = [] |
11530 | config[:tags] = %w{foo bar} |
11531 | config[:run_list] = "role[base],role[app]" |
11532 | expect(node).to receive(:run_list).with(["role[base]", "role[app]"]) |
11533 | config[:run_list] = ["role[base]", "role[app]"] |
11534 | config[:first_boot_attributes] = { baz: :quux } |
11535 | expect(node).to receive(:normal_attrs=).with({ baz: :quux }) |
11536 | config[:policy_name] = "my-app" |
11537 | config[:bootstrap_vault_item] = { "vault" => "item1" } |
11538 | config[:bootstrap_vault_item] = { "vault" => [ "item1" ] } |
11539 | config[:bootstrap_vault_item] = { "vault" => %w{item1 item2} } |
11540 | config[:bootstrap_vault_item] = { "vault" => %w{item1 item2}, "vault2" => [ "item3" ] } |
11541 | config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = '{ "vault": "item1" }' |
11542 | config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = '{ "vault": [ "item1" ] }' |
11543 | config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = '{ "vault": [ "item1", "item2" ] }' |
11544 | config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = '{ "vault": [ "item1", "item2" ], "vault2": [ "item3" ] }' |
11545 | setup_file_contents('{ "vault": "item1" }') |
11546 | setup_file_contents('{ "vault": [ "item1" ] }') |
11547 | setup_file_contents('{ "vault": [ "item1", "item2" ] }') |
11548 | setup_file_contents('{ "vault": [ "item1", "item2" ], "vault2": [ "item3" ] }') |
11549 | with_argv([]) do |
11550 | expect { }.to raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).to eq(1) } |
11551 | with_argv("--user", "adam") do |
11552 | expect { }.to raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).to eq(2) } |
11553 | home_path = "~/.chef/client.pem" |
11554 | with_argv(*%W{noop knife command -k #{home_path}}) do |
11555 | with_argv(*%W{noop knife command -k #{full_path}}) do |
11556 | with_argv(*%W{noop knife command -c #{config_file}}) do |
11557 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../chef-config/lib", __dir__) |
11558 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../chef-utils/lib", __dir__) |
11559 | Dir["lib/chef/knife/**/*.rb"] |
11560 | .map { |f| f.gsub("lib/", "") } |
11561 | .map { |f| f.gsub(/\.rb$/, "") } |
11562 | client "x", {} |
11563 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0" |
11564 | data_bag "x", { "y" => {} } |
11565 | environment "x", {} |
11566 | node "x", {} |
11567 | role "x", {} |
11568 | user "x", {} |
11569 | knife("upload /").should_succeed "" |
11570 | knife("diff --name-status /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11571 | file "clients/chef-validator.json", { "validator" => true, "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11572 | file "clients/chef-webui.json", { "admin" => true, "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11573 | file "clients/x.json", { "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11574 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") |
11575 | file "data_bags/x/y.json", {} |
11576 | file "environments/x.json", {} |
11577 | file "nodes/x.json", { "normal" => { "tags" => [] } } |
11578 | file "roles/x.json", {} |
11579 | file "users/admin.json", { "admin" => true, "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11580 | file "users/x.json", { "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11581 | knife("diff --name-status /").should_succeed "" |
11582 | knife("upload --purge /").should_succeed "" |
11583 | file "roles/x.json", { "description" => "blarghle" } |
11584 | knife("upload --no-diff /").should_succeed "" |
11585 | knife("diff --name-status /").should_succeed "M\t/roles/x.json " |
11586 | file "roles/x.json", <<~EOM |
11587 | file "roles/x.rb", <<~EOM |
11588 | name "x" |
11589 | knife("diff --name-status /").should_succeed "M\t/roles/x.rb " |
11590 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", "name 'x'; version '1.0.0'; depends 'x'" |
11591 | file "clients/y.json", { "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11592 | file "cookbooks/x/blah.rb", "" |
11593 | file "cookbooks/y/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("y", "1.0.0") |
11594 | file "data_bags/x/z.json", {} |
11595 | file "data_bags/y/zz.json", {} |
11596 | file "environments/y.json", {} |
11597 | file "nodes/y.json", {} |
11598 | file "roles/y.json", {} |
11599 | file "users/y.json", { "public_key" => ChefZero::PUBLIC_KEY } |
11600 | knife("upload /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11601 | knife("upload --no-diff /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11602 | knife("upload --purge /").should_fail <<~EOM |
11603 | cwd "." |
11604 | file "data_bags/x/y.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11605 | file "data_bags/x/y.json", { "chef_type" => "aaa", "data_bag" => "bbb" } |
11606 | expect(result["chef_type"]).to eq("aaa") |
11607 | expect(result["data_bag"]).to eq("bbb") |
11608 | data_bag "x", { "deleted" => {}, "modified" => {}, "unmodified" => {} } |
11609 | file "data_bags/x/added.json", {} |
11610 | file "data_bags/x/modified.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11611 | knife("upload --purge .").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11612 | knife("upload --purge *").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11613 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "z.rb" => "" } |
11614 | file "cookbooks/x/y.rb", "hi" |
11615 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", "#modified") |
11616 | file "cookbooks/x/z.rb", "" |
11617 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", 'name "x"; version "1.0.0"#different' |
11618 | cookbook "frozencook", "1.0.0", {}, frozen: true |
11619 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.json", { name: "x", version: "1.0.0" } |
11620 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "onlyin1.0.0.rb" => "" } |
11621 | cookbook "x", "1.0.1", { "onlyin1.0.1.rb" => "hi" } |
11622 | cookbook "x", "0.9.9", { "onlyin0.9.9.rb" => "hi" } |
11623 | file "environments/x.json", "{" |
11624 | error1 = <<~EOH |
11625 | (right here) ------^ |
11626 | file "environments/x.json", { "name" => "y" } |
11627 | file "environments/x.json", { "description" => "hi" } |
11628 | file "data_bags/bag/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11629 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") |
11630 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/blah.rb", "" |
11631 | file "cookbooks/x-2.0.0/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "2.0.0") |
11632 | file "cookbooks/y-1.0.0/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("y", "1.0.0") |
11633 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", "#modified") |
11634 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/y.rb", "hi" |
11635 | knife("upload --purge /cookbooks/x-1.0.0/z.rb").should_fail "ERROR: /cookbooks/x-1.0.0/z.rb cannot be deleted. " |
11636 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/z.rb", "" |
11637 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/onlyin1.0.0.rb", "old_text" |
11638 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", " chef_version '~> 999.0'") |
11639 | file "users/x.json", { "admin" => true, "json_class" => "Chef::WebUIUser" } |
11640 | user "foo", {} |
11641 | user "bar", {} |
11642 | user "foobar", {} |
11643 | organization "foo", { "full_name" => "Something" } |
11644 | group "blah", {} |
11645 | file "acls/groups/blah.json", {} |
11646 | file "containers/x.json", {} |
11647 | file "cookbook_artifacts/x-1x1/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") |
11648 | file "groups/x.json", {} |
11649 | file "invitations.json", [ "foo" ] |
11650 | file "members.json", [ "bar" ] |
11651 | file "org.json", { "full_name" => "wootles" } |
11652 | file "policies/x-1.0.0.json", { "policy_group_list" => [ "x" ] } |
11653 | file "policies/blah-1.0.0.json", { "policy_group_list" => [ "x" ] } |
11654 | expect(api.get("association_requests").map { |a| a["username"] }).to eq([ "foo" ]) |
11655 | expect(api.get("users").map { |a| a["user"]["username"] }).to eq([ "bar" ]) |
11656 | knife("diff --name-status --diff-filter=AMT /").should_succeed "" |
11657 | file "org.json", { "full_name" => "Something" } |
11658 | cookbook_artifact "x", "1x1", "metadata.rb" => cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") |
11659 | container "x", {} |
11660 | group "x", {} |
11661 | policy "x", "1.0.0", {} |
11662 | policy "blah", "1.0.0", {} |
11663 | policy_group "x", { |
11664 | policy "x", "1.0.0", { "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11665 | cookbook_artifact "x", "1x1", { "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11666 | client "x", { "validator" => true } |
11667 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11668 | cookbook_artifact "x", "1x1", { "metadata.rb" => cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") } |
11669 | data_bag "x", { "y" => { "a" => "b" } } |
11670 | environment "x", { "description" => "foo" } |
11671 | group "x", { "groups" => [ "admin" ] } |
11672 | node "x", { "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11673 | policy "x", "1.0.0", { "policy_group_list" => [ "x" ] } |
11674 | policy "y", "1.0.0", { "policy_group_list" => [ "x" ] } |
11675 | role "x", { "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11676 | expect(api.get("/")["full_name"]).to eq("Something") |
11677 | file "org.json", { "full_name" => "Something Else" } |
11678 | expect(api.get("/")["full_name"]).to eq("Something Else") |
11679 | expect(api.get("association_requests").map { |a| a["username"] }).to eq(%w{foo foobar}) |
11680 | expect(api.get("association_requests").map { |a| a["username"] }).to eq([ ]) |
11681 | expect(api.get("users").map { |a| a["user"]["username"] }).to eq(%w{bar foo foobar}) |
11682 | org_invite "bar", "foo" |
11683 | expect(api.get("association_requests").map { |a| a["username"] }).to eq(%w{bar foo}) |
11684 | expect(api.get("users").map { |a| a["user"]["username"] }).to eq([ ]) |
11685 | org_member "bar", "foo" |
11686 | file "members.json", %w{foo bar} |
11687 | expect(api.get("users").map { |a| a["user"]["username"] }).to eq(%w{bar foo}) |
11688 | client "x", "{}" |
11689 | data_bag "x", { "y" => "{}" } |
11690 | environment "x", "{}" |
11691 | node "x", "{}" |
11692 | role "x", "{}" |
11693 | user "x", "{}" |
11694 | file "clients/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11695 | file "environments/_default.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11696 | file "environments/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11697 | file "nodes/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11698 | file "roles/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11699 | file "users/x.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11700 | name "x"; version "1.0.0" |
11701 | /data_bags/x/y.json: |
11702 | knife("show --local /data_bags/x/y.json").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11703 | knife("show --local /data_bags/x").should_fail "ERROR: /data_bags/x: is a directory " |
11704 | environment "x", { |
11705 | before { file "environments/x.json", "{" } |
11706 | exception = $! |
11707 | file "nodes/a_node_in_json.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11708 | file "nodes/a_node_in_ruby.rb", "name 'a_node_in_ruby'" |
11709 | file "roles/a_role_in_json.json", { "foo" => "bar" } |
11710 | file "roles/a_role_in_ruby.rb", "name 'a_role_in_ruby'" |
11711 | %w{a_node_in_json a_node_in_ruby}.each do |file_type| |
11712 | expect(api.get("nodes/#{file_type}")["name"]).to eq(file_type) |
11713 | %w{a_role_in_json a_role_in_ruby}.each do |file_type| |
11714 | expect(api.get("roles/#{file_type}")["name"]).to eq(file_type) |
11715 | node "cons", { run_list: ["recipe[bar]", "recipe[foo]"] } |
11716 | knife("search node name:snoc").should_fail("", stderr: "0 items found ", exit_code: 1) |
11717 | role "cons", {} |
11718 | role "car", {} |
11719 | role "cdr", {} |
11720 | role "cat", {} |
11721 | let(:role_dir) { "#{@repository_dir}/roles" } |
11722 | file "roles/cons.json", <<~EOM |
11723 | file "roles/car.json", <<~EOM |
11724 | file "roles/cdr.json", <<~EOM |
11725 | knife("role delete car", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11726 | let(:out) { "Created role[bah] " } |
11727 | knife("role bulk delete ^ca.*", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11728 | @api.get("/roles", 302, nil, { "Content-Type" => "text", "Location" => "#{real_chef_server_url}/roles" }) do |
11729 | before { role "x", {} } |
11730 | knife("raw /nodes/x").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11731 | knife("raw -m DELETE /roles/x").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11732 | knife("raw -m PUT -i #{file.path} /roles/x").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11733 | knife("raw -m POST -i #{file.path} /roles").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11734 | @api.get("/blah", 200, nil, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) do |
11735 | knife("raw /blah").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11736 | knife("raw --no-pretty /blah").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11737 | { "x": "y", "a": "b" } |
11738 | @api.get("/blah", 200, nil, { "Content-Type" => "text" }) do |
11739 | knife("raw /blah").should_succeed(<<~EOM) |
11740 | knife("raw --no-pretty /blah").should_succeed(<<~EOM) |
11741 | knife("node show cons").should_succeed(/Run List:\s*recipe\[bar\], recipe\[foo\] /m) |
11742 | node "cons", {} |
11743 | node "cons", { run_list: ["recipe[bar]"] } |
11744 | knife("node run list add cons recipe[foo]").should_succeed(/run_list: \s*recipe\[bar\] \s*recipe\[foo\] /m) |
11745 | knife("node run list add cons -b recipe[bar] recipe[foo]").should_succeed(/run_list: \s*recipe\[foo\] \s*recipe\[bar\] /m) |
11746 | knife("node run list add cons -a recipe[bar] recipe[foo]").should_succeed(/run_list: \s*recipe\[bar\] \s*recipe\[foo\] /m) |
11747 | node "car", {} |
11748 | node "cdr", {} |
11749 | node "cat", {} |
11750 | let(:node_dir) { "#{@repository_dir}/nodes" } |
11751 | file "nodes/cons.json", <<~EOM |
11752 | , |
11753 | environment "lisp", {} |
11754 | knife("node delete car", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11755 | let(:out) { "Created node[bah] " } |
11756 | knife("node bulk delete ^ca.*", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11757 | knife("list /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11758 | knife("list -R /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11759 | /: |
11760 | client "client1", {} |
11761 | client "client2", {} |
11762 | cookbook "cookbook1", "1.0.0" |
11763 | cookbook "cookbook2", "1.0.1", { "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11764 | data_bag "bag1", { "item1" => {}, "item2" => {} } |
11765 | data_bag "bag2", { "item1" => {}, "item2" => {} } |
11766 | node "node1", {} |
11767 | node "node2", {} |
11768 | policy "policy1", "1.2.3", {} |
11769 | policy "policy2", "1.2.3", {} |
11770 | policy "policy2", "1.3.5", {} |
11771 | role "role1", {} |
11772 | role "role2", {} |
11773 | user "user1", {} |
11774 | user "user2", {} |
11775 | knife("list -R --flat /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11776 | knife("list -Rfp /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11777 | it "knife list /cookbooks/*2/*/*.rb returns the one file" do |
11778 | knife("list /**.rb").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11779 | knife("list /cookbooks/**.rb").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11780 | knife("list /**.json").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11781 | knife("list /data**.json").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11782 | before { cwd "." } |
11783 | knife("list -Rfp").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11784 | before { cwd "cookbooks" } |
11785 | ./ |
11786 | knife("list -Rfp ..").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11787 | before { cwd "symlinked" } |
11788 | context "--local" do |
11789 | knife("list --local /").should_succeed "" |
11790 | file "metadata.rb", cb_metadata("cookbook1", "1.0.0") |
11791 | file "metadata.rb", cb_metadata("cookbook2", "2.0.0") |
11792 | file "recipes/default.rb", "" |
11793 | file "item1.json", {} |
11794 | file "item2.json", {} |
11795 | file "nodes/node1.json", {} |
11796 | file "nodes/node2.json", {} |
11797 | file "roles/role1.json", {} |
11798 | file "roles/role2.json", {} |
11799 | file "users/user1.json", {} |
11800 | file "users/user2.json", {} |
11801 | knife("list -Rp --local --flat /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11802 | /acls: |
11803 | cookbook_artifact "cookbook_artifact2", "2x2", { "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11804 | group "group1", {} |
11805 | group "group2", {} |
11806 | policy_group "policy_group1", { "policies" => { "policy1" => { "revision_id" => "1.2.3" } } } |
11807 | policy_group "policy_group2", { "policies" => { "policy2" => { "revision_id" => "1.3.5" } } } |
11808 | /acls/ |
11809 | environment "b", { |
11810 | b: |
11811 | environment "b", {} |
11812 | environment "y", {} |
11813 | let(:env_dir) { "#{@repository_dir}/environments" } |
11814 | cwd(".") |
11815 | let(:out) { "Created bah " } |
11816 | cookbook "blah", "1.0.1" |
11817 | cookbook "blah", "1.1.1" |
11818 | cookbook "krad", "1.1.1" |
11819 | environment "y", { |
11820 | knife("download --purge /").should_succeed "" |
11821 | knife("download --no-diff /").should_succeed "" |
11822 | file "cookbooks/y/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0") |
11823 | knife("download --purge /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11824 | knife("download --no-diff /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11825 | data_bag "x", { "y" => {}, "z" => {} } |
11826 | file "data_bags/x/deleted.json", <<~EOM |
11827 | file "data_bags/x/modified.json", <<~EOM |
11828 | data_bag "x", { |
11829 | knife("download --purge .").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11830 | knife("download --purge *").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11831 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", "#extra content"), "y.rb" => "hi" } |
11832 | warning = <<~EOH |
11833 | file "cookbooks/x-2.0.0/metadata.rb", 'version "2.0.0"' |
11834 | file "cookbooks/y-1.0.0/metadata.rb", 'version "1.0.0"' |
11835 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/metadata.rb", 'name "x"; version "1.0.0"#unmodified' |
11836 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "y.rb" => "hi" } |
11837 | D\t/cookbooks/x-1.0.0/y.rb |
11838 | A\t/cookbooks/x-1.0.0/z.rb |
11839 | }.at_least(:once) |
11840 | file "clients/x.json", { "validator" => true } |
11841 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.1") |
11842 | file "cookbook_artifacts/x-1x1/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.1") |
11843 | file "data_bags/x/y.json", { "a" => "b" } |
11844 | file "environments/x.json", { "description" => "foo" } |
11845 | file "groups/x.json", { "description" => "foo" } |
11846 | file "groups/x.json", { "groups" => [ "admin" ] } |
11847 | file "nodes/x.json", { "normal" => { "tags" => [] }, "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11848 | file "org.json", { "full_name" => "Something Else " } |
11849 | file "policies/x-1.0.0.json", { "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11850 | file "policy_groups/x.json", { |
11851 | file "roles/x.json", { "run_list" => [ "blah" ] } |
11852 | knife("diff /").should_succeed "" |
11853 | before { cwd "data_bags" } |
11854 | knife("diff --name-status *").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11855 | file "cookbooks/x/onlyin1.0.0.rb", "" |
11856 | cookbook "x", "1.0.1", { "onlyin1.0.1.rb" => "" } |
11857 | cookbook "x", "0.9.9", { "onlyin0.9.9.rb" => "" } |
11858 | before { environment "x", {} } |
11859 | before { environment "x", { "description" => "hi" } } |
11860 | /) |
11861 | environment "x", { "description" => "hi" } |
11862 | environment "x", { "description" => "lo" } |
11863 | file "clients/y.json", {} |
11864 | file "users/y.json", {} |
11865 | file "cookbooks/x-1.0.0/onlyin1.0.0.rb", "" |
11866 | before { file "environments/x.json", {} } |
11867 | before { file "roles/starring.json", {} } |
11868 | file "roles/starring.json", { "run_list" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } |
11869 | file "roles/minor.json", {} |
11870 | file "roles/starring.json", { "env_run_lists" => { "desert" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } } |
11871 | before { file "nodes/mort.json", {} } |
11872 | file "nodes/mort.json", { "chef_environment" => "desert" } |
11873 | file "nodes/mort.json", { "run_list" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } |
11874 | before { file "data_bags/bag/item.json", {} } |
11875 | before { file "environments/desert.json", {} } |
11876 | file "nodes/mort.json", { "chef_environment" => "desert", "run_list" => [ "role[starring]" ] } |
11877 | file "nodes/bart.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[minor]" ] } |
11878 | knife("deps /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11879 | knife("deps --tree /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11880 | knife("deps --tree --no-recurse /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11881 | file "roles/foo.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[bar]" ] } |
11882 | file "roles/bar.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[baz]" ] } |
11883 | file "roles/baz.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[foo]" ] } |
11884 | file "roles/self.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[self]" ] } |
11885 | exit_code: 2, |
11886 | stdout: "/blah ", |
11887 | stdout: "/roles/x.json ", |
11888 | stdout: "/nodes/x.json ", |
11889 | stdout: "/cookbooks/x ", |
11890 | file "roles/starring.json", { "run_list" => [ "recipe[quiche]"] } |
11891 | file "roles/starring.json", { "run_list" => [ "role[minor]"] } |
11892 | knife("deps /").should_succeed("/ ") |
11893 | stdout: "/roles " |
11894 | before { file "data_bags/bag/item.json", "" } |
11895 | before { file "cookbooks/blah/metadata.rb", 'name "blah"' } |
11896 | before { role "starring", {} } |
11897 | role "starring", { "run_list" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } |
11898 | role "minor", {} |
11899 | cookbook "quiche", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => %Q{name "quiche" version "1.0.0" }, "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11900 | cookbook "soup", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => %Q{name "soup" version "1.0.0" }, "recipes" => { "chicken.rb" => "" } } |
11901 | role "starring", { "env_run_lists" => { "desert" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } } |
11902 | before { node "mort", {} } |
11903 | node "mort", { "chef_environment" => "desert" } |
11904 | node "mort", { "run_list" => %w{role[minor] recipe[quiche] recipe[soup::chicken]} } |
11905 | cookbook "kettle", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => %Q{name "kettle" version "1.0.0" } } |
11906 | cookbook "quiche", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "quiche" |
11907 | depends "kettle"', "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "" } } |
11908 | before { data_bag "bag", { "item" => {} } } |
11909 | before { environment "desert", {} } |
11910 | node "mort", { "chef_environment" => "desert", "run_list" => [ "role[starring]" ] } |
11911 | node "bart", { "run_list" => [ "role[minor]" ] } |
11912 | knife("deps --remote /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11913 | knife("deps --remote --tree /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11914 | knife("deps --remote --tree --no-recurse /nodes/*").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11915 | cookbook "foo", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "foo" |
11916 | depends "bar"' } |
11917 | cookbook "bar", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "bar" |
11918 | depends "baz"' } |
11919 | cookbook "baz", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "baz" |
11920 | depends "foo"' } |
11921 | cookbook "self", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "self" |
11922 | depends "self"' } |
11923 | role "foo", { "run_list" => [ "role[bar]" ] } |
11924 | role "bar", { "run_list" => [ "role[baz]" ] } |
11925 | role "baz", { "run_list" => [ "role[foo]" ] } |
11926 | role "self", { "run_list" => [ "role[self]" ] } |
11927 | role "starring", { "run_list" => [ "recipe[quiche]"] } |
11928 | role "starring", { "run_list" => [ "role[minor]"] } |
11929 | knife("deps --remote /").should_succeed("/ ") |
11930 | knife("deps --remote /roles").should_succeed("/roles ") |
11931 | cookbook "blah", "1.0.0", { "metadata.rb" => 'name "blah"' } |
11932 | knife("deps --no-recurse /").should_fail("ERROR: --no-recurse requires --tree ") |
11933 | file "clients/x.json", {} |
11934 | file "nodes/x.json", {} |
11935 | file "users/x.json", {} |
11936 | knife("list -Rf /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11937 | knife("list -Rf --local /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
11938 | data_bag "empty", {} |
11939 | knife("delete --both /data_bags/x").should_fail <<~EOM |
11940 | it "knife delete --both -r /data_bags/x deletes x" do |
11941 | it "knife delete --both / fails" do |
11942 | knife("delete --both /").should_fail <<~EOM |
11943 | it "knife delete --both -r /* fails" do |
11944 | knife("delete --both -r /*").should_fail <<~EOM |
11945 | knife("delete --both /").should_fail "ERROR: / (remote) cannot be deleted. ERROR: / (local) cannot be deleted. " |
11946 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", 'version "1.0.0"' |
11947 | knife("raw /cookbooks/x").should_succeed(/1.0.0/) |
11948 | knife("raw /cookbooks/x").should_succeed(/0.9.9/) |
11949 | before { cookbook "x", "1.0.1", { "onlyin1.0.1.rb" => "hi" } } |
11950 | before { cookbook "x", "0.9.9", { "onlyin0.9.9.rb" => "hi" } } |
11951 | cookbook "x", "2.0.11" |
11952 | cookbook "x", "11.0.0" |
11953 | knife("raw /cookbooks/x").should_succeed( /2.0.11/ ) |
11954 | policy "x", "1.2.3", {} |
11955 | policy_group "x", { "policies" => { "x" => { "revision_id" => "1.2.3" } } } |
11956 | knife("raw /groups/x.json").should_fail(/404/) |
11957 | let(:right_secret) { "abc" } |
11958 | let(:wrong_secret) { "ab" } |
11959 | data_bag "x", {} |
11960 | data_bag "canteloupe", {} |
11961 | data_bag "rocket", { "falcon9" => { heavy: "true" }, "atlas" => {}, "ariane" => {} } |
11962 | data_bag "rocket", {} |
11963 | let(:db_dir) { "#{@repository_dir}/data_bags" } |
11964 | data_bag "foo", {} |
11965 | data_bag "bar", {} |
11966 | file "data_bags/foo/bar.json", { "id" => "bar", "foo" => "bar " } |
11967 | file "data_bags/foo/bzr.json", { "id" => "bzr", "foo" => "bar " } |
11968 | file "data_bags/foo/cat.json", { "id" => "cat", "foo" => "bar " } |
11969 | file "data_bags/foo/dog.json", { "id" => "dog", "foo" => "bar " } |
11970 | knife("data bag from file foo #{db_dir}/foo") |
11971 | let(:out) { "Saved data_bag_item[box] " } |
11972 | let(:secret) { "abc" } |
11973 | data_bag "bag", { "box" => {} } |
11974 | pretty_json = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty({ id: "box", foo: "bar" }) |
11975 | pretty_json = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty({ id: "box", ab: "abc" }) |
11976 | let(:err) { "Created data_bag[foo] " } |
11977 | let(:out) { "Created data_bag_item[bar] " } |
11978 | let(:exists) { "Data bag foo already exists " } |
11979 | pretty_json = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty({ id: "bar", test: "pass" }) |
11980 | expect(knife("data bag show foo bar --secret #{secret}").stdout).to eq("id: bar ") |
11981 | expect(knife("data bag show foo").stderr).to eq("") |
11982 | expect(knife("data bag show foo").stdout).to eq("bar ") |
11983 | expect(knife("data bag show rocket bar --secret #{secret}").stdout).to eq("id: bar ") |
11984 | let(:cb_dir) { "#{@repository_dir}/cookbooks" } |
11985 | knife("cookbook upload x -o #{cb_dir}").should_succeed stderr: <<~EOM |
11986 | knife("cookbook upload x -o #{cb_dir} --freeze").should_succeed stderr: <<~EOM |
11987 | knife("cookbook upload x -o #{cb_dir} --freeze").should_fail stderr: <<~EOM |
11988 | file "cookbooks/x/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("x", "1.0.0", " depends 'y'") |
11989 | knife("cookbook upload x -o #{cb_dir}").should_fail stderr: <<~EOM |
11990 | ERROR: The missing cookbook(s) are: 'y' version '>= 0.0.0' |
11991 | knife("cookbook upload -a -o #{cb_dir}").should_succeed stderr: <<~EOM |
11992 | file "test_cookbooks/y/metadata.rb", cb_metadata("y", "1.0.0") |
11993 | cookbook "x", "1.0.0", { "recipes" => { "default.rb" => "file 'n'", "x.rb" => "" } } |
11994 | cookbook "x", "0.6.5" |
11995 | x::x: >= 0.0.0 |
11996 | x: |
11997 | x::x: |
11998 | cookbook "x", "0.6.0" |
11999 | cookbook "y", "0.6.5" |
12000 | cookbook "y", "0.6.0" |
12001 | cookbook "z", "0.6.5" |
12002 | cookbook "x", "1.0.1" |
12003 | knife("cookbook download -d #{tmpdir} x", input: "2 ").should_succeed(stderr: <<~EOM, stdout: "Which version do you want to download? 1. x 1.0.0 2. x 1.0.1 " |
12004 | cookbook "foo", "1.0.0" |
12005 | cookbook "foo", "0.6.5" |
12006 | cookbook "fox", "0.6.0" |
12007 | cookbook "fox", "0.6.5" |
12008 | cookbook "fax", "0.6.0" |
12009 | cookbook "zfa", "0.6.5" |
12010 | stdout = <<~EOM |
12011 | stderr = <<~EOM |
12012 | let(:chef_dir) { File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..", "knife", "bin") } |
12013 | let(:knife) { "ruby '#{chef_dir}/knife'" } |
12014 | let(:knife_config_flag) { "-c '#{path_to("config/knife.rb")}'" } |
12015 | versions_list_json ="http://[::1]:8900").get("/cookbooks/apache2", "accept" => "application/json") |
12016 | expect(Dir["#{cache_path}/*"].map { |entry| File.basename(entry) }).to include("apache2-0.0.1") |
12017 | let(:cmd_args) { [] } |
12018 | knife("config", "use", *cmd_args, instance_filter: lambda { |instance| |
12019 | old_wd = Dir.pwd |
12020 | Dir.chdir(path_to("repo")) |
12021 | it { eq "default " } |
12022 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{--profile production} } |
12023 | it { eq "production " } |
12024 | it { eq "staging " } |
12025 | before { file(".chef/context", "development ") } |
12026 | it { eq "development " } |
12027 | it { eq "other " } |
12028 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{production} } |
12029 | before { file(".chef/credentials", <<~EOH) } |
12030 | it { eq "FATAL: No profiles found, #{path_to(".chef/credentials")} does not exist or is empty " } |
12031 | before { file(".chef/credentials", "") } |
12032 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{staging} } |
12033 | ENV["CHEF_HOME"] = path_to("chefhome"); file("chefhome/tmp", "") |
12034 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{development} } |
12035 | ENV["KNIFE_HOME"] = path_to("knifehome"); file("knifehome/tmp", "") |
12036 | cmd = knife("config", "show", *cmd_args, instance_filter: lambda { |instance| |
12037 | before { file(".chef/knife.rb", "node_name 'one' ") } |
12038 | it { match(%r{^Loading from configuration file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/.chef/knife.rb$}) } |
12039 | it { match(/^node_name:\s+one$/) } |
12040 | before { file("repo/.chef/knife.rb", "node_name 'two' ") } |
12041 | it { match(%r{^Loading from configuration file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/repo/.chef/knife.rb$}) } |
12042 | it { match(/^node_name:\s+two$/) } |
12043 | file(".chef/knife.rb", "node_name 'one' ") |
12044 | file("repo/.chef/knife.rb", "node_name 'two' ") |
12045 | before { file(".chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"three\" ") } |
12046 | it { match(%r{^Loading from credentials file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/.chef/credentials$}) } |
12047 | it { match(/^node_name:\s+three$/) } |
12048 | file(".chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"three\" ") |
12049 | before { file(".chef/config.d/abc.rb", "node_name 'one' ") } |
12050 | it { match(%r{^Loading from .d/ configuration file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/.chef/config.d/abc.rb$}) } |
12051 | file("foo/.chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"four\" ") |
12052 | it { match(%r{^Loading from credentials file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/foo/.chef/credentials$}) } |
12053 | it { match(/^node_name:\s+four$/) } |
12054 | file("bar/.chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"four\" ") |
12055 | it { match(%r{^Loading from credentials file .*/#{File.basename(path_to("."))}/bar/.chef/credentials$}) } |
12056 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{node_name} } |
12057 | it { match(/^node_name:\s+three\Z/) } |
12058 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{node_name client_key} } |
12059 | before { file(".chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"three\" client_key = \"three.pem\"") } |
12060 | it { match(%r{^client_key:\s+\S*/.chef/three.pem node_name:\s+three\Z}) } |
12061 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{knife.ssh_user} } |
12062 | before { file(".chef/credentials", "[default] client_name = \"three\" [default.knife] ssh_user = \"foo\" ") } |
12063 | it { match(/^knife.ssh_user:\s+foo\Z/) } |
12064 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{/name/} } |
12065 | context "with --all" do |
12066 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{-a /key_contents/} } |
12067 | context "with --raw" do |
12068 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{-r node_name} } |
12069 | it { eq("three ") } |
12070 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{--format=json node_name} } |
12071 | it { expect(JSON.parse(subject)).to eq({ "node_name" => "three" }) } |
12072 | it { eq <<~EOH.delete("#") } |
12073 | [prod] |
12074 | [qa] |
12075 | client_key = "~/src/qauser.pem" |
12076 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{--profile prod} } |
12077 | context "with -i" do |
12078 | let(:cmd_args) { %w{-i} } |
12079 | it { |
12080 | let(:local_listen_warning) { /\Awarn:.*local.*listen.*$/im } |
12081 | before { file "nodes/x.json", {} } |
12082 | knife("raw /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/ ) |
12083 | knife("raw --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12084 | before(:each) { Chef::Config.chef_zero.port = 9999 } |
12085 | before(:each) { = "" } |
12086 | knife("raw -z /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/ ) |
12087 | knife("raw -z --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12088 | knife("raw --local-mode --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12089 | knife("raw -z --chef-zero-port=9999 --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12090 | knife("raw -z --chef-zero-port=9999-20000 --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12091 | knife("raw -z --chef-zero-port=9999-9999,19423 --listen /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"name": "x"/, stderr: local_listen_warning ) |
12092 | command_name = command.gsub("_", " ") |
12093 | [command_name, /^USAGE: knife config #{$1}-profile.*/] |
12094 | when /(role|node|env) (env )?run list(.*)/ |
12095 | env_part = $2.nil? ? "" : "env_" |
12096 | ["#{$1} #{$2}run_list#{$3}", /^USAGE: knife #{$1} #{env_part}run_list#{$3}.*/] |
12097 | [ command_name, /^USAGE: knife #{command_name}.*/] |
12098 | client "cons", {} |
12099 | client "car", {} |
12100 | client "cdr", {} |
12101 | client "cat", {} |
12102 | let(:now) { } |
12103 | let(:last_month) { (now << 1).strftime("%FT%TZ") } |
12104 | let(:next_month) { (now >> 1).strftime("%FT%TZ") } |
12105 | let(:out) { "Created key: new" } |
12106 | client "bah", {} |
12107 | knife("client key create -k new bah").should_succeed stderr: /^#{out}/, stdout: /.*BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY/ |
12108 | date = "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z" |
12109 | knife("client key create -k new -e #{date} bah").should_succeed stderr: /^#{out}/, stdout: /.*BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY/ |
12110 | knife("client key create -f #{tgt}/bah.pem -k new bah").should_succeed stderr: /^#{out}/ |
12111 | expect(File).to exist("#{tgt}/bah.pem") |
12112 |"#{tgt}/public.pem", "w") { |pub| pub.write(key.public_key.to_pem) } |
12113 | knife("client key create -p #{tgt}/public.pem -k new bah").should_succeed stderr: /^#{out}/ |
12114 | knife("client delete car", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12115 | let(:out) { "Created client[bah] " } |
12116 | client "concat", {} |
12117 | knife("client bulk delete ^ca.*", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12118 | knife("client bulk delete ca.*", input: "Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12119 | knife("client bulk delete ^ca.* -D", input: "Y Y").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12120 | file "data_bags/bag1/x.json", {} |
12121 | knife("list --local -Rfp /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12122 | before { file "cookbooks/chefignore", "x.json " } |
12123 | file "cookbooks/chefignore", "x.* " |
12124 | file "cookbooks/chefignore", " # blah # x.json " |
12125 | it "knife list --local -Rfp / returns them" do |
12126 | it "knife list --local / returns it" do |
12127 | knife("list --local /").should_succeed "/data_bags " |
12128 | it "knife list --local -Rfp / does not return it" do |
12129 | file "_default.json", {} |
12130 | knife("list --local -Rfp /").should_succeed "" |
12131 | file "item2.xml", "" |
12132 | file "role1.json", {} |
12133 | file "role2.xml", "" |
12134 | file "subdir/role.json", {} |
12135 | before { file "cookbooks/file", "" } |
12136 | before { file "data_bags/file", "" } |
12137 | file "cookbooks/a.b/metadata.rb", "" |
12138 | file "data_bags/.svn/x.json", {} |
12139 | file "data_bags/a.b/x.json", {} |
12140 | knife("list --local -fp /data_bags").should_succeed "/data_bags/a.b/ " |
12141 | file "data_bags/bag/item.json", {} |
12142 | file "nodes2/node2.json", {} |
12143 | file "roles2/role2.json", {} |
12144 | file "users2/user2.json", {} |
12145 | file "data_bags/bag3/item3.json", {} |
12146 | file "nodes/node3.json", {} |
12147 | file "roles/role3.json", {} |
12148 | file "users/user3.json", {} |
12149 | knife("list --local -Rfp --chef-repo-path #{path_to("chef_repo2")} /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12150 | knife("list --local -Rfp --chef-repo-path #{path_to("chef_r~1")} /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12151 | knife("list -z -Rfp --chef-repo-path #{path_to("chef_r~1")} /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12152 | Chef::Config["#{object_name}_path".to_sym] = File.join(Chef::Config.chef_repo_path, "#{object_name}s2") |
12153 | before { cwd "chef_repo2" } |
12154 | knife("list --local -Rfp").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12155 | before { cwd "data_bags2" } |
12156 | it "knife list --local -Rfp ../roles lists roles" do |
12157 | knife("list --local -Rfp ../roles").should_succeed "/roles/role2.json " |
12158 | Chef::Config["#{object_name}_path".to_sym] = [ |
12159 | file "clients2/blah.json", {} |
12160 | file "cookbooks/blah", "" |
12161 | file "data_bags/blah", "" |
12162 | file "data_bags2/blah/item.json", "" |
12163 | knife("list --local -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12164 | file "data_bags/blah/item1.json", "" |
12165 | file "nodes2/blah.json", {} |
12166 | file "roles2/blah.json", {} |
12167 | file "users2/blah.json", {} |
12168 | it "knife list --local -Rfp / lists data bags" do |
12169 | it "knife list --local -Rfp / fails" do |
12170 | let(:cookbook_z_100_metadata_rb) { cb_metadata("z", "1.0.0") } |
12171 | file "policies/x-111.json", {} |
12172 | file "policy_groups/x.json", {} |
12173 | knife("list -z -Rfp /").should_succeed <<~EOM |
12174 | /data_bags/x/ |
12175 | knife("list -z -Rfp /clients").should_succeed "" |
12176 | knife("list -z -Rfp /cookbooks").should_succeed "" |
12177 | it "knife delete -z -r /data_bags/x works" do |
12178 | knife("list -z -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed "" |
12179 | knife("list -z -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed "/data_bags/x/ " |
12180 | knife("list -z -Rfp /nodes").should_succeed "" |
12181 | knife("list -z -Rfp /roles").should_succeed "" |
12182 | knife("show -z /clients/x.json").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12183 | knife("show -z /data_bags/x/y.json").should_succeed( /"y"/ ) |
12184 | knife("show -z /environments/x.json").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12185 | knife("show -z /nodes/x.json").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12186 | knife("show -z /roles/x.json").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12187 | file "empty.json", {} |
12188 | file "rolestuff.json", '{"description":"hi there","name":"x"}' |
12189 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /clients/x" do |
12190 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /clients/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12191 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /data/x/y" do |
12192 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /data/x/y").should_succeed( /"y"/ ) |
12193 | knife("list --local -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed "/data_bags/x/ /data_bags/x/y.json " |
12194 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /environments/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12195 | it "knife raw -z -i dummynode.json -m PUT /nodes/x" do |
12196 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("dummynode.json")} -m PUT /nodes/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12197 | knife("show -z /nodes/x.json --verbose").should_succeed(/"bar"/) |
12198 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /roles/x" do |
12199 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /roles/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12200 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("rolestuff.json")} -m PUT /roles/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12201 | expect("roles/x.json"))).to eq <<~EOM.strip |
12202 | file "empty.json", { "name" => "z" } |
12203 | file "empty_x.json", { "name" => "x" } |
12204 | file "empty_id.json", { "id" => "z" } |
12205 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m POST /clients" do |
12206 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m POST /clients").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12207 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m POST /data" do |
12208 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m POST /data").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12209 | knife("list --local -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed "/data_bags/z/ " |
12210 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m POST /data/x" do |
12211 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty_x.json")} -m POST /data").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12212 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty_id.json")} -m POST /data/x").should_succeed( /"z"/ ) |
12213 | knife("list --local -Rfp /data_bags").should_succeed "/data_bags/x/ /data_bags/x/z.json " |
12214 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m POST /environments").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12215 | it "knife raw -z -i dummynode.json -m POST /nodes" do |
12216 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("dummynode.json")} -m POST /nodes").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12217 | knife("show -z /nodes/z.json").should_succeed(/"bar"/) |
12218 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m POST /roles" do |
12219 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m POST /roles").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12220 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("rolestuff.json")} -m POST /roles").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12221 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /clients/x").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12222 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /data/x/y fails with 404" do |
12223 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /data/x/y").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12224 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /environments/x").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12225 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /nodes/x fails with 404" do |
12226 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /nodes/x").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12227 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /roles/x fails with 404" do |
12228 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /roles/x").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12229 | knife("list -z -Rfp /users").should_succeed "" |
12230 | knife("show -z /users/x.json").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12231 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /users/x" do |
12232 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /users/x").should_succeed( /"x"/ ) |
12233 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m POST /users" do |
12234 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m POST /users").should_succeed( /uri/ ) |
12235 | it "knife raw -z -i empty.json -m PUT /users/x fails with 404" do |
12236 | knife("raw -z -i #{path_to("empty.json")} -m PUT /users/x").should_fail( /404/ ) |
12237 | let(:knife_dir) { File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..", "knife") } |
12238 | expect(shell_out!("bundle exec knife -v", cwd: knife_dir).stdout.chomp).to match(/.*: #{Chef::Knife::VERSION}/) |
12239 | let(:ssh_config) { {} } |
12240 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/aws.rsa" |
12241 | setup_knife(["*:*", "uptime"]) |
12242 | expect(@knife.config[:ssh_identity_file]).to eq("~/.ssh/aws.rsa") |
12243 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/aws.rsa".freeze |
12244 | setup_knife(["-i ~/.ssh/aws.rsa", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12245 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/other.rsa" |
12246 | setup_knife(["-p 31337", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12247 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "ubuntu" |
12248 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "ubuntu".freeze |
12249 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = nil |
12250 | setup_knife(["-x ubuntu", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12251 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "root" |
12252 | expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute({ "target" => "ec2.public_hostname" })).to eq("ec2.public_hostname") |
12253 | setup_knife(["-a", "ec2.public_hostname", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12254 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = "fqdn" |
12255 | expect(@knife.get_prefix_attribute({ "prefix" => "name" })).to eq("name") |
12256 | setup_knife(["--prefix-attribute", "ec2.public_hostname", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12257 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway] = nil |
12258 | setup_knife(["-G user@ec2.public_hostname", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12259 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway_identity] = "~/.ssh/aws-gateway.rsa" |
12260 | setup_knife(["--ssh-gateway-identity", "~/.ssh/aws-gateway.rsa", "*:*", "uptime"]) |
12261 | def setup_knife(params = []) |
12262 | allow(@knife).to receive(:ssh_command) { 0 } |
12263 |"/search/node?q=*:*&start=0&rows=1000", 200) do |
12264 | %({"total":1, "start":0, "rows":[{"data": {"fqdn":"the.fqdn", "target": "the_public_hostname"}}]}) |
12265 | knife_cmd ="#{knife_path} -v") |
12266 | knife_cmd ="#{knife_path} --help") |
12267 | @server = # (:debug => true) |
12268 | @knife = |
12269 | response = { "rows" => [@node], "start" => 0, "total" => 1 } |
12270 | api.get("/cookbooks/no-such-cookbook", 404, Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({ "error" => "dear Tim, no. -Sent from my iPad" })) |
12271 | @cookbook_list = { "obsolete-cookbook" => { "versions" => ["version" => "1.0.0"] } } |
12272 | api.delete("/cookbooks/obsolete-cookbook/1.0.0", 200) { cb100_deleted = true; "[\"true\"]" } |
12273 | api.delete("/cookbooks/obsolete-cookbook/1.0.0?purge=true", 200) { cb100_deleted = true; "[\"true\"]" } |
12274 | versions = ["1.0.0", "1.1.0", "1.2.0"] |
12275 | with_version = lambda { |version| { "version" => version } } |
12276 | @cookbook_list = { "obsolete-cookbook" => { "versions" => } } |
12277 | api.delete("/cookbooks/obsolete-cookbook/1.1.0", 200) { cb110_deleted = true; "[\"true\"]" } |
12278 | api.delete("/cookbooks/obsolete-cookbook/1.2.0", 200) { cb120_deleted = true; "[\"true\"]" } |
12279 | stdin << "1 " |
12280 | hostname_guess = ohai[:fqdn] || ohai[:machinename] || ohai[:hostname] || "localhost" |
12281 | yaml_file = @name_args[0] |
12282 | unless ::File.exist?(yaml_file) && ::File.readable?(yaml_file) |
12283 | ruby_file = if @name_args[1] |
12284 | if ::File.extname(yaml_file) == ".yml" || ::File.extname(yaml_file) == ".yaml" |
12285 | yaml_file.gsub(/\.(yml|yaml)$/, ".rb") |
12286 | unless yaml_hash.is_a?(Hash) && yaml_hash.key?("resources") |
12287 | ui.warn("No resources found in '#{yaml_file}'") if yaml_hash["resources"].size == 0 |
12288 |, "w") do |file| |
12289 |"Converted '#{yaml_file}' to '#{ruby_file}'") |
12290 | ruby_contents = [] |
12291 | type = r.delete("type") |
12292 | name = r.delete("name") |
12293 | ruby_contents << "#{type} \"#{name}\" do" |
12294 | r.each do |k, v| |
12295 | ruby_contents << "end " |
12296 | long: "--local", |
12297 | arg_arity: [1, -1] |
12298 | long: "--[no-]diff", |
12299 | long: "--dry-run", |
12300 | long: "--[no-]force", |
12301 | short: "-t", |
12302 | short: "-0", |
12303 | files = [] |
12304 | ui.warn "#{format_path(result)}: is a directory. Will not run #{command} on it." |
12305 | files = [ files[-1] ] |
12306 | ran = true |
12307 | files = [ ] |
12308 |\s+/) |
12309 | command = name_args.join(" ") |
12310 | tempfiles = {} |
12311 | tempfiles[tempfile] = { file: file } |
12312 | paths =" ") |
12313 | final_command = "#{command} #{paths}" |
12314 | file[:value] = value |
12315 | ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: #{e.reason}." |
12316 | if config[:verbose_commands] || Chef::Config[:verbosity] && Chef::Config[:verbosity] >= 1 |
12317 | command_output = `#{command}` |
12318 | if config[:force] || new_value != file[:value] |
12319 | if config[:diff] && new_value != file[:value] |
12320 | diff = `diff -u #{old_file.path} #{tempfile.path}` |
12321 | diff.gsub!(old_file.path, "#{format_path(file[:file])} (old)") |
12322 | diff.gsub!(tempfile.path, "#{format_path(file[:file])} (new)") |
12323 | long: "--with-orgs", |
12324 | short: "-l" |
12325 | @user_name = @name_args[0] |
12326 | results = root_rest.get("users/#{@user_name}") |
12327 | results["organizations"] = { |o| o["organization"]["name"] } |
12328 | long: "--file FILE", |
12329 |[:file], "w") do |f| |
12330 | short: "-e", |
12331 | unless (@name_args.length == 2 && !config[:enable_external_auth]) || (@name_args.length == 1 && config[:enable_external_auth]) |
12332 | user_name = @name_args[0] |
12333 | result = root_rest.get("users/#{user_name}") |
12334 | root_rest.put("users/#{user_name}", result) |
12335 | short: "-w", |
12336 | long: "--with-uri", |
12337 | def initialize(argv = []) |
12338 | @service_object ||=, @actor, load_method, ui) |
12339 | @actor = params[0] |
12340 | @name = params[1] |
12341 | long: "--all", |
12342 | if (name_args.length < 1) && ! config.key?(:all) |
12343 | @invites = {} |
12344 | rest.get_rest("association_requests").each { |i| @invites[i["username"]] = i["id"] } |
12345 | @invites.each do |u, i| |
12346 | if @invites.key?(u) |
12347 | invited_users = rest.get_rest(api_endpoint).map { |i| i["username"] } |
12348 | body = { user: u } |
12349 | original_user = root_rest.get("users/#{@user_name}") |
12350 | result = root_rest.put("users/#{@user_name}", edited_user) |
12351 | ui.msg("Saved #{@user_name}.") |
12352 |[:filename], "w") do |f| |
12353 |, "w") do |f| |
12354 | f.sync = true |
12355 | api_endpoint = "users/#{u}" |
12356 | @username = @name_args[0] |
12357 | { |org|["organization"]["name"]) } |
12358 | admin_of = [] |
12359 | unremovable = [] |
12360 | admin_of << org |
12361 | admin_of.each { |org| message << "- #{} " } |
12362 | message << <<~EOM |
12363 | message = <<~EOM |
12364 | only_admin_of.each { |org| message << "- #{} " } |
12365 | short: "-k", |
12366 | long: "--prevent-keygen", |
12367 | long: "--prompt-for-password", |
12368 | short: "-p", |
12369 | @user_field ||= |
12370 | if @name_args.size > 1 |
12371 | user.first_name config[:first_name] || "" |
12372 | user.last_name config[:last_name] || "" |
12373 | if !config[:prevent_keygen] && !config[:user_key] |
12374 | user_hash = { |
12375 | display_name: "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}", |
12376 | file = config[:file] |
12377 | if final_user["chef_key"] && final_user["chef_key"]["private_key"] |
12378 | f.print(final_user["chef_key"]["private_key"]) |
12379 | long: "--[no-]recurse", |
12380 | long: "--[no-]purge", |
12381 | long: "--[no-]freeze", |
12382 | short: "-n", |
12383 | fs_error, result = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.copy_to(pattern, local_fs, chef_fs, config[:recurse] ? nil : 1, config, ui, proc { |entry| format_path(entry) }) |
12384 | name = @name_args[0] |
12385 | tags = @name_args[1..] |
12386 | if name.nil? || tags.nil? || tags.empty? |
12387 | deleted_tags = [] |
12388 | (node.tags << tag).uniq! |
12389 |"Created tags #{tags.join(", ")} for node #{name}.") |
12390 | @cookbook_name = @name_args[0] |
12391 | noauth_rest.get("#{supermarket_uri}/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}/versions/#{name_args[1].tr(".", "_")}") |
12392 | def get_cookbook_list(items = 10, start = 0, cookbook_collection = {}) |
12393 | cr["items"].each do |cookbook| |
12394 | new_start = start + cr["items"].length |
12395 | if new_start < cr["total"] |
12396 | proc: lambda { |o| Chef::Config.cookbook_path = o.split(":") } |
12397 | shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -czf #{cookbook_name}.tgz #{cookbook_name}", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir) |
12398 | Chef::Log.trace(" #{e.backtrace.join(" ")}") |
12399 | result = shell_out!("#{tar_cmd} -tzf #{cookbook_name}.tgz", cwd: tmp_cookbook_dir) |
12400 | data = noauth_rest.get("#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/cookbooks/#{@name_args[0]}") |
12401 | return "Other" if e.is_a?(Net::HTTPClientException) && e.response.code == "404" |
12402 | if http_resp.code.to_i != 201 |
12403 | ui.error (res["error_messages"][0]).to_s |
12404 | @tar_cmd = "tar" |
12405 | @tar_cmd = "gnutar" |
12406 | cookbooks_url = "#{config[:supermarket_site]}/api/v1/search?q=#{query}&items=#{items}&start=#{start}" |
12407 | long: "--sort-by SORT", |
12408 | long: "--owned-by USER", |
12409 | cookbooks_url << "&order=#{config[:sort_by]}" if config[:sort_by] |
12410 | cookbooks_url << "&user=#{config[:owned_by]}" if config[:owned_by] |
12411 | short: "-D", |
12412 | proc: lambda { |o| o.split(":") } |
12413 | short: "-b", |
12414 | long: "--use-current-branch", |
12415 | nv.name_args = [ cookbook ] |
12416 | unless name_args.last.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+){1,2}$/) && name_args.size == 2 |
12417 | upstream_file.sub(/^([[:alpha:]]):/, '/\1') |
12418 | json = |
12419 | long: "--force", |
12420 | @current_cookbook_data ||= noauth_rest.get "#{cookbooks_api_url}/#{@name_args[0]}" |
12421 | uri = if @name_args.length == 1 |
12422 | config[:file] ||= File.join Dir.pwd, "#{@name_args[0]}-#{version}.tar.gz" |
12423 | short: "-r", |
12424 | long: "--run-list", |
12425 | long: "--sort-reverse", |
12426 | long: "--hide-by-mins MINS", |
12427 | @query << " AND " unless @query.empty? |
12428 | @query << term |
12429 | opts = { filter_result: |
12430 | @query ||= "" |
12431 | time = |
12432 | @query << " " unless @query.empty? |
12433 | @query << "NOT ohai_time:[#{(time - hide_by_mins * 60)} TO #{time}]" |
12434 | @query = @query.empty? ? "*:*" : @query |
12435 | all_nodes = [] |
12436 |"Sending query: #{@query}") |
12437 |, @query, opts) do |node| |
12438 | all_nodes.sort_by! { |n| n["ohai_time"] || 0 } |
12439 | @uri = nil |
12440 | @uri ||= begin |
12441 | (name_args[0] || Chef::Config.chef_server_url) |
12442 | ui.error("Given URI: `#{given_uri}' is invalid") |
12443 | if cn_field_tuple = subject.to_a.find { |field| field[0] == "CN" } |
12444 | cn.gsub("*", "wildcard").gsub(/[^[:alnum:]\-]/, "_") |
12445 | cn = cn_of(cert) |
12446 | filename = cn.nil? ? "#{host}_#{}" : normalize_cn(cn) |
12447 | if uri.scheme == "http" |
12448 | https_uri = uri.to_s.sub(/^http/, "https") |
12449 | ui.error("Perhaps you meant to connect to '#{https_uri}'?") |
12450 | @host = nil |
12451 | cert_debug_msg = "" |
12452 | cert_debug_msg << File.expand_path(cert_name) + ": " + message + " " |
12453 | true # Maybe the bad certs won't hurt... |
12454 | ui.msg("Connecting to host #{host}:#{port}") |
12455 | ui.msg(" #{ui.color("Configuration Info:", :bold)} ") |
12456 | cn_field_tuple = subject.to_a.find { |field| field[0] == "CN" } |
12457 | cn = cn_field_tuple[1] |
12458 | Dir.glob(File.join(glob_dir, "*.{crt,pem}")) |
12459 | long: "--concurrency NUM", |
12460 | proc: lambda { |o| o.to_i } |
12461 | long: "--attribute ATTR", |
12462 | short: "-m", |
12463 | long: "--manual-list", |
12464 | long: "--ssh-port PORT", |
12465 | proc: { |key| key.strip } |
12466 | proc: { |key| key.strip.to_i }, |
12467 | long: "--forward-agent", |
12468 | long: "--[no-]host-key-verify", |
12469 | long: "--exit-on-error", |
12470 | proc: { |key| key.strip.to_sym }, |
12471 | long: "--tmux-split", |
12472 | long: "--[no-]pty", |
12473 | long: "--[no-]require-pty", |
12474 | ui.warn "Failed to connect to #{} -- #{$!}: #{$!.message}" |
12475 | $!.backtrace.each { |l| Chef::Log.debug(l) } |
12476 | gw_host, gw_user = config[:ssh_gateway].split("@").reverse |
12477 | gw_host, gw_port = gw_host.split(":") |
12478 | prompt = "Enter the password for #{user}@#{gw_host}: " |
12479 | list = config[:manual] ? @name_args[0].split(" ") : search_nodes |
12480 | if list.length == 0 |
12481 | if @search_count == 0 |
12482 | ui.fatal("#{@search_count} #{@search_count > 1 ? "nodes" : "node"} found, " + |
12483 | fqdns = { |v| v[0] } |
12484 | msg = "Using node attribute '%s' as the prefix: %s" |
12485 | msg = "Using node attribute '%s' as the ssh target: %s" |
12486 | Chef::Log.debug(sprintf(msg, "fqdn", item["fqdn"])) |
12487 | item["fqdn"] |
12488 | list = [] |
12489 | required_attributes = { fqdn: ["fqdn"], cloud: ["cloud"] } |
12490 | @search_count += 1 |
12491 | ssh_port = item.dig("cloud", "public_ssh_port") |
12492 | srv = [host, ssh_port, prefix] |
12493 | {}.tap do |opts| |
12494 | opts[:user] = user || config[:ssh_user] || ssh_config[:user] |
12495 | opts[:keys_only] = true |
12496 | port ||= ssh_config[:port] |
12497 | opts[:logger] = Chef::Log.with_child(subsystem: "net/ssh") if Chef::Log.level == :trace |
12498 | opts[:user_known_hosts_file] = "/dev/null" |
12499 | Chef::Log.debug("Adding #{host}") |
12500 | hostspec = session_opts[:user] ? "#{session_opts.delete(:user)}@#{host}" : host |
12501 | command.sub(/^sudo/, "sudo -p 'knife sudo password: '") |
12502 | @buffers ||= {} |
12503 | @buffers[host] = nil |
12504 | if newline_index = data.index(" ") |
12505 | str = ui.color(host, :cyan) + (" " * (padding + 1)) + data |
12506 | if config[:on_error] && exit_status != 0 |
12507 | if /^knife sudo password: /.match?(data) |
12508 | ch.on_extended_data do |_, _type, data| |
12509 | command = reader.readline("#{ui.color("knife-ssh>", :bold)} ", true) |
12510 | command = "exit" |
12511 | puts "Connected to #{ui.list(session.servers_for.collect { |s| ui.color(, :cyan) }, :inline, " and ")}" |
12512 | when "quit!" |
12513 | puts "Bye!" |
12514 | when /^on (.+?); (.+)$/ |
12515 | raw_list = $1.split(" ") |
12516 | server_list = [] |
12517 | command = $2 |
12518 | tf.puts("caption always '%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<'") |
12519 | window = 0 |
12520 | tf.print("screen -t \"#{}\" #{window} ssh ") |
12521 | tf.print("-i #{config[:ssh_identity_file]} ") if config[:ssh_identity_file] |
12522 | server.user ? tf.puts("#{server.user}@#{}") : tf.puts( |
12523 | window += 1 |
12524 | exec("screen -c #{tf.path}") |
12525 | identity = "-i #{config[:ssh_identity_file]} " if config[:ssh_identity_file] |
12526 | prefix = server.user ? "#{server.user}@" : "" |
12527 | [""] + session.servers_for[1..].map do |server| |
12528 | end.join(" \\; ") |
12529 | tmux_name = "'knife ssh #{@name_args[0].tr(":.", "=-")}'" |
12530 | cmd = ["tmux new-session -d -s #{tmux_name}", |
12531 |].join(" ") |
12532 | exec("tmux attach-session -t #{tmux_name}") |
12533 | (session.servers_for.size - 1).times do |i| |
12534 | cmd = "unset PROMPT_COMMAND; echo -e \"\\033]0;#{}\\007\"; ssh #{server.user ? "#{server.user}@#{}" :}" |
12535 | %w{csshX cssh}.each do |cmd| |
12536 | cssh_cmd = shell_out!("which #{cmd}").stdout.strip |
12537 | cssh_cmd << " --ssh_args '-i #{File.expand_path(config[:ssh_identity_file])}'" |
12538 | cssh_cmd << " #{server.user ? "#{server.user}@#{}" :}" |
12539 | Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user]) |
12540 | @longest = 0 |
12541 | ssh_command(@name_args[1..].join(" ")) |
12542 | if exit_status && exit_status != 0 |
12543 | output "#{format_path(entry)}:" |
12544 | long: "--repo-mode MODE", |
12545 | long: "--chef-repo-path PATH", |
12546 | long: "--chef-zero-host IP", |
12547 | short: "-b ROW", |
12548 | long: "--start ROW", |
12549 | proc: lambda { |i| i.to_i } |
12550 | long: "--rows INT", |
12551 | short: "-i", |
12552 | long: "--id-only", |
12553 | if @type == "node" |
12554 | result_items = [] |
12555 | search_args = {} |
12556 | elsif (not ui.config[:attribute].nil?) && (not ui.config[:attribute].empty?) |
12557 |, @query, search_args) do |item| |
12558 | formatted_item = {} |
12559 | formatted_item = format_for_display({ "id" => item["__display_name"] }) |
12560 | formatted_item[item["__display_name"]] = item.reject { |k| k == "__display_name" } |
12561 | ui.error("knife search failed: #{msg}") |
12562 | ui.log(" ") |
12563 | ui.msg(" ") |
12564 | if @name_args[1] |
12565 | @type = name_args[0] |
12566 | @query = config[:query] |
12567 | @type = "node" |
12568 | @query = name_args[0] |
12569 | @query = name_args[1] |
12570 | final_filter = {} |
12571 | filter_string.delete!(" ") |
12572 | return_id, attr_path = f.split("=") |
12573 | final_filter[return_id.to_sym] = attr_path.split(".") |
12574 | final_filter[f] = f.split(".") |
12575 | final_filter["__display_name"] = [ "name" ] |
12576 | @role_name = @name_args[0] |
12577 | nlist = [] |
12578 | entries.each { |e| nlist << e } |
12579 | role = Chef::Role.load(@name_args[0]) |
12580 | if @name_args.size < 1 |
12581 | entries = @name_args[1..].map do |entry| |
12582 | entry.split(",").map(&:strip) |
12583 | entries = @name_args[1].split(",").map(&:strip) |
12584 | old_entry = @name_args[1] |
12585 | new_entry = @name_args[2] |
12586 | item_to_remove = @name_args[1] |
12587 | if @name_args.size > 2 |
12588 | long: "--after ITEM", |
12589 | if @name_args.size < 2 |
12590 | entries = @name_args[2..].map do |entry| |
12591 | entries = @name_args[2].split(",").map(&:strip) |
12592 | old_entry = @name_args[2] |
12593 | new_entry = @name_args[3] |
12594 | item_to_remove = @name_args[2] |
12595 | matcher = /#{@name_args[0]}/ |
12596 | roles_to_delete = {} |
12597 | "No roles match the expression /#{@name_args[0]}/" |
12598 | ui.msg("") |
12599 | ui.msg("Deleted role #{name}") |
12600 | default: "GET", |
12601 | long: "--[no-]pretty", |
12602 | long: "--input FILE", |
12603 | long: "--proxy-auth", |
12604 | path = name_args[0] |
12605 | data =[:input]) |
12606 | headers["x-ops-request-source"] = "web" |
12607 | ui.error "Error Body: #{e.response.body}" if e.response.body && e.response.body != "" |
12608 | @org_name, @username = @name_args |
12609 | if !org_name || !username |
12610 | org = |
12611 | elsif e.response.code == "403" |
12612 | long: "--admin", |
12613 | org_name = @name_args[0] |
12614 | long: "--all-orgs", |
12615 | results = { |k, v| !(k.length == 20 && k =~ /^[a-z]+$/) } |
12616 | ui.msg("Saved #{org_name}.") |
12617 | @org_name, @org_full_name = @name_args |
12618 | if !org_name || !org_full_name |
12619 | org = Chef::Org.from_hash({ "name" => org_name, |
12620 |"Created #{org_name}") |
12621 | short: "-E", |
12622 | long: "--environment", |
12623 | @node_name = @name_args[0] |
12624 | node = Chef::Node.load(@name_args[0]) |
12625 | entries.each { |e| node.run_list << e } |
12626 | if node.run_list.find { |rli| e == rli.to_s } |
12627 | ui.warn "#{e} is not in the run list" |
12628 | unless /^(recipe|role)\[/.match?(e) |
12629 | ui.warn "(did you forget recipe[] or role[] around it?)" |
12630 | long: "--before ITEM", |
12631 | if config[:after] && config[:before] |
12632 | policy_group, policy_name = @name_args[1..] |
12633 | if @name_args[0].nil? |
12634 | (policy_group.nil? || policy_name.nil? || @name_args[1..-1].size > 2) |
12635 | "Saving updated #{updated_values.join(", ")} on node #{}" |
12636 | @node_name ||= @name_args[0] |
12637 | @node ||= Chef::Node.load(node_name) |
12638 | if @name_args.length == 0 |
12639 | nodes_to_delete = {} |
12640 | matcher = /#{name_args[0]}/ |
12641 | ui.msg "No nodes match the expression /#{name_args[0]}/" |
12642 | ui.msg("Deleted node #{name}") |
12643 | nodes_by_name[name] = { |n| } |
12644 | long: "--flat", |
12645 | short: "-1", |
12646 | patterns = name_args.length == 0 ? [""] : name_args |
12647 | dir_results = [] |
12648 | results = { |result| result.exists? && (!result.dir? || config[:bare_directories]) }.to_a |
12649 | if results.length == 0 && dir_results.length == 1 |
12650 | output "" |
12651 | output "#{format_path(result)}:" |
12652 | return [] |
12653 | result = [ [ result, children ] ] |
12654 | print_space = + 2 |
12655 | current_line = "" |
12656 | current_line << (" " * (print_space - result.length)) |
12657 | @ui = ui |
12658 | key = Chef::Key.send(@load_method, @actor, @name) |
12659 | long: "--with-details", |
12660 | long: "--only-expired", |
12661 | long: "--only-non-expired", |
12662 | keys = Chef::Key.send(@list_method, @actor) |
12663 | key["name"] = key["name"] + ":" |
12664 | max_length = key["name"].length if key["name"].length > max_length |
12665 | next if !key["expired"] && @config[:only_expired] |
12666 | next if key["expired"] && @config[:only_non_expired] |
12667 | display = "#{colorize(key["name"].ljust(max_length))} #{key["uri"]}" |
12668 | display = "#{display} (expired)" if key["expired"] |
12669 | short: "-c", |
12670 | long: "--create-key", |
12671 | long: "--key-name NAME", |
12672 |[:file], "w") do |f| |
12673 | key =, @actor_field_name) |
12674 | if @config[:public_key] && @config[:create_key] |
12675 | to_display = "Updated key: #{}" |
12676 | to_display << " (formally #{@original_name})" if != @original_name |
12677 | @ui.confirm("Do you really want to delete the key named #{@name} for the #{@actor_field_name} named #{@actor}") |
12678 |"Deleted key named #{@name} for the #{@actor_field_name} named #{@actor}") |
12679 | if !@config[:public_key] && !@config[:key_name] |
12680 | display_info("Created key: #{}") |
12681 | group = rest.get_rest("groups/#{group_name}") |
12682 | { |gname| !is_usag?(gname) } |
12683 | ui.msg "Creating '#{group_name}' group" |
12684 | long: "--exec CODE", |
12685 | ChefConfig::PathHelper.home(".chef", "scripts") { |p| config[:script_path] << p } |
12686 | puts "1. To run the script, use 'Ctrl D'" |
12687 | puts "2. To exit, use 'Ctrl/Shift C'" |
12688 | puts "Type here a script..." |
12689 | test = File.join(path, x) |
12690 | Chef::Log.trace("Testing: #{test}") |
12691 | Chef::Log.trace("Found: #{test}") |
12692 | ui.error("\"#{x}\" not found in current directory or script_path, giving up.") |
12693 | env_name = @name_args[0] |
12694 | if config[:all] == true |
12695 | long: "--mismatch", |
12696 | if config[:format] == "summary" |
12697 | unless @name_args.nil? || @name_args.empty? |
12698 | @name_args.each { |name| environments << name } |
12699 | constraints = {} |
12700 | unless env == "_default" |
12701 | rows = [ "" ] |
12702 | constraints.each_key { |e| environments << e.to_s } |
12703 | environments.each { |env| rows << ui.color(env, :bold) } |
12704 | total = [] |
12705 | environments.each { |n| total << constraints[n][c] } |
12706 | rows << ui.color(c, :bold) |
12707 | tag = constraints[e][c] || "latest" |
12708 | rows << ui.color(tag, color) |
12709 |[ "knife-edit-", extension ]) do |file| |
12710 | unless system("#{config[:editor]} #{file.path}") |
12711 | fs_error, result = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.copy_to(pattern, chef_fs, local_fs, config[:recurse] ? nil : 1, config, ui, proc { |entry| format_path(entry) }) |
12712 | long: "--name-only", |
12713 | long: "--name-status", |
12714 | long: "--diff-filter=[(A|D|M|T)...[*]]", |
12715 | patterns = pattern_args_from(name_args.length > 0 ? name_args : [ "" ]) |
12716 | found_error = Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern, chef_fs, local_fs, config[:recurse] ? nil : 1, output_mode, proc { |entry| format_path(entry) }, config[:diff_filter], ui ) do |diff| |
12717 | ui.error "Failed on #{format_path(e.entry)} in #{e.operation}: #{e.message}" |
12718 | long: "--tree", |
12719 | long: "--remote", |
12720 | if config[:recurse] == false && !config[:tree] |
12721 | @root = config[:remote] ? chef_fs : local_fs |
12722 | if !printed[entry.path] && (config[:recurse] || depth == 0) |
12723 | if node["chef_environment"] && node["chef_environment"] != "_default" |
12724 | if node["run_list"] |
12725 | if role["run_list"] |
12726 | role["env_run_lists"].each_pair do |env, run_list| |
12727 | if =~ /(.+)::[^:]*/ |
12728 | long: "--both", |
12729 | root = entry.root == chef_fs ? " (remote)" : " (local)" |
12730 | ui.error "#{format_path_with_root(e.entry)} #{e.reason}." |
12731 | @name_args[1], |
12732 | long: "--encrypt", |
12733 | Chef::Config.key?(:knife) ? Chef::Config[:knife] : {} |
12734 | @data_bag_path ||= "data_bags" |
12735 | loader.find_all_object_dirs("./#{data_bags_path}") |
12736 | loader.find_all_objects("./#{data_bags_path}/#{data_bag}") |
12737 | data_bags = args.empty? ? find_all_data_bags : [args.shift] |
12738 |"Updated data_bag_item[#{dbag.data_bag}::#{}]") |
12739 | paths = [] |
12740 | paths << path |
12741 | if @name_args.length != 2 |
12742 | item, was_encrypted = load_item(@name_args[0], @name_args[1]) |
12743 | rest.put("data/#{@name_args[0]}/#{@name_args[1]}", item_to_save) |
12744 | stdout.puts("Saved data_bag_item[#{@name_args[1]}]") |
12745 | if @name_args.length == 2 |
12746 | rest.delete("data/#{@name_args[0]}/#{@name_args[1]}") |
12747 | rest.delete("data/#{@name_args[0]}") |
12748 | rest.get("data/#{@data_bag_name}") |
12749 | raise unless /^404/.match?(e.to_s) |
12750 |"data", { "name" => @data_bag_name }) |
12751 |"Created data_bag[#{@data_bag_name}]") |
12752 | create_object({ "id" => @data_bag_item_name }, "data_bag_item[#{@data_bag_item_name}]") do |output| |
12753 |"data/#{@data_bag_name}", item) |
12754 | client_rb << "chef_license \"#{chef_config[:chef_license]}\" " |
12755 | client_rb << %Q{node_name "#{config[:chef_node_name]}" } |
12756 | client_rb << "# Using default node name (fqdn) " |
12757 | client_rb << %Q{log_level :#{chef_config[:config_log_level]} } |
12758 | client_rb << %Q{verify_api_cert #{value} } |
12759 | client_rb << %Q{ssl_verify_mode :#{value} } |
12760 | client_rb << %Q{ssl_verify_mode :#{config[:ssl_verify_mode]} } |
12761 | client_rb << " " |
12762 | client_rb << "fips true " |
12763 | %Q{:#{chef_config[:config_log_location]} } |
12764 | %Q{"#{chef_config[:config_log_location]}" } |
12765 | start_chef << "#{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::CLIENT} -c #{client_rb} -j #{first_boot}#{bootstrap_environment_option} " |
12766 | If InStr(url, "file://") = 1 Then |
12767 | If InStr(url, "file:///") = 1 Then |
12768 | sourcePath = Mid(url, Len("file:///") + 1) |
12769 | sourcePath = Mid(url, Len("file:") + 1) |
12770 | sourcePath = Replace(sourcePath, "/", "\\") |
12771 | if ($ProxyUrl -ne '') { |
12772 | install_command('"') + " " + fallback_install_task_command |
12773 | if config[:msi_url].nil? || config[:msi_url].empty? |
12774 | url += "&pv=#{machine_os}" unless machine_os.nil? |
12775 | url += "&m=#{machine_arch}" unless machine_arch.nil? |
12776 | url += "&channel=#{config[:channel]}" |
12777 | url += "&v=#{version_to_install}" |
12778 | file_contents.gsub(/^(.*)$/, 'echo.\1').gsub(/([(<|>)^])/, '^\1') |
12779 | content << "> #{bootstrap_directory}/trusted_certs/#{File.basename(cert)} ( " + |
12780 | escape_and_echo( + " ) " |
12781 | root.find do |f| |
12782 | if f != root |
12783 | file_on_node = "#{bootstrap_directory}/client.d/#{relative}".tr("/", "\\") |
12784 | content << "mkdir #{file_on_node} " |
12785 | content << "> #{file_on_node} ( " + |
12786 | escape_and_echo( + " ) " |
12787 | command = install_command("'") |
12788 | ) else ( |
12789 | @highline ||= begin |
12790 | @prompt ||= begin |
12791 | raise e if @config[:verbosity] >= 2 |
12792 | lines = message.split(" ") |
12793 | prefix, = first_line.split(":", 2) |
12794 | padding = " " * prefix_len |
12795 | stderr.puts "#{padding}#{line}" |
12796 | log("#{color("DEBUG:", :blue, :bold)} #{message}") |
12797 | log("#{color("WARNING:", :yellow, :bold)} #{message}") |
12798 | log("#{color("ERROR:", :red, :bold)} #{message}") |
12799 | log("#{color("FATAL:", :red, :bold)} #{message}") |
12800 | Chef::Config[:color] && stdout.tty? |
12801 | def ask(*args, **options, &block) |
12802 | prompt.ask(*args, **options, &block) |
12803 | question += "[#{opts[:default]}] " if opts[:default] |
12804 | a.empty? ? opts[:default] : a |
12805 |[ "knife-edit-", ".json" ]) do |tf| |
12806 | msg("Saved #{output}") |
12807 | when "Y", "y" |
12808 | when "N", "n" |
12809 | msg("You said no, so I'm done here.") |
12810 | when "" |
12811 | msg("I have no idea what to do with '#{answer}'") |
12812 | msg("Just say Y or N, please.") |
12813 | justify_width = { |k| k.to_s.size }.max.to_i + 1 |
12814 | if value.is_a?(Array) && value.size == 1 && is_singleton(value[0]) |
12815 | value = value[0] |
12816 | justified_key = ui.color("#{key}:".ljust(justify_width), :cyan) |
12817 | buffer << "#{justified_key} #{value} " |
12818 | buffer << ui.color("#{key}: ", :cyan) |
12819 | lines = text_format(value).split(" ") |
12820 | buffer << " " if !is_singleton(data[index]) && index != data.size - 1 |
12821 | buffer << "#{data} " |
12822 | !(value.is_a?(Array) || value.respond_to?(:keys)) |
12823 |, "w") do |f| |
12824 | cmd_words, "_")] |
12825 | result || Chef::Knife.subcommands["-", "_")] |
12826 |! { |w| w.split("-") }.flatten! |
12827 | category_words, " ") |
12828 | files = Dir[File.join(ChefConfig::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(File.expand_path("../../knife", __dir__)), "*.rb")] |
12829 | version_file_match = /#{Regexp.escape(File.join('chef', 'knife', 'version.rb'))}/ |
12830 | def find_longest_key(hash, words, sep = "_") |
12831 | candidate = words.join(sep).tr("-", "_") |
12832 | args.grep(/^(([[:alnum:]])[[:alnum:]\_\-]+)$/) |
12833 | ChefConfig::PathHelper.home(".chef", "plugins", "knife") do |p| |
12834 | result_list = [] |
12835 | result["name"] = node["name"] || |
12836 | ip = (node["cloud"] && node["cloud"]["public_ipv4_addrs"]&.first) || node["ipaddress"] |
12837 | fqdn = (node["cloud"] && node["cloud"]["public_hostname"]) || node["fqdn"] |
12838 | result["ip"] = ip if ip |
12839 | result["fqdn"] = fqdn if fqdn |
12840 | result["run_list"] = node.run_list if config["run_list"] |
12841 | result["ohai_time"] = node["ohai_time"] |
12842 | summarized = "" |
12843 | ip = (node[:cloud] && node[:cloud][:public_ipv4_addrs] && node[:cloud][:public_ipv4_addrs].first) || node[:ipaddress] |
12844 | fqdn = (node[:cloud] && node[:cloud][:public_hostname]) || node[:fqdn] |
12845 | name = node["name"] || |
12846 | run_list = { |rl| "#{rl.type}[#{}]" } |
12847 | run_list = node["run_list"] |
12848 | line_parts = [] |
12849 | if node["ohai_time"] |
12850 | hours_text = "#{hours} hour#{hours == 1 ? " " : "s"}" |
12851 | minutes_text = "#{minutes} minute#{minutes == 1 ? " " : "s"}" |
12852 | seconds_text = "#{seconds} second#{seconds == 1 ? " " : "s"}" |
12853 | if hours > 24 |
12854 | color = :red |
12855 | elsif hours >= 1 |
12856 | line_parts << @ui.color(text, color) + " ago" << name |
12857 | line_parts << "Node #{name} has not yet converged" |
12858 | line_parts << ip if ip |
12859 | platform << " #{node["platform_version"]}" |
12860 | summarized = summarized + line_parts.join(", ") + ". " |
12861 | hours = (difference / 3600).to_i |
12862 | minutes = (difference / 60).to_i |
12863 | path << ".{json,rb}" |
12864 | { |o| File.basename(o) } |
12865 | objects.delete_if { |o| ! } |
12866 | when /\.(js|json)$/ |
12867 | r = |
12868 | ui.fatal("File must end in .js, .json, or .rb") |
12869 | if data.is_a?(Chef::Node) |
12870 | result["name"] = |
12871 | summarized << <<~ENV |
12872 | summarized += <<~MORE |
12873 | summarized += <<~MOST |
12874 | @node, @ui, @config = node, ui, config |
12875 | }.reject do |key| |
12876 | if && != updated_data["name"] |
12877 | errors = {} |
12878 | commands.collect { |k, v| v }.flatten.each do |command| |
12879 | if paths && paths.is_a?(Array) |
12880 | if paths.all? { |sc| !File.exist?(sc) } |
12881 | Chef::Log.error "Missing files: \t#{errors.values.flatten.join(" \t")}" |
12882 | if paths.nil? || paths.empty? || (! paths.is_a? Array) |
12883 | find_longest_key(manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"], args, "_") |
12884 | long: "--attribute ATTR1 [--attribute ATTR2] ", |
12885 | accumulator ||= [] |
12886 | @ui, @config = ui, config |
12887 | if config[:attribute] && data.length == 1 |
12888 | PP.pp(data, out) |
12889 | when "summary", /^s/, nil |
12890 | when "text", /^t/ |
12891 | when "json", /^j/ |
12892 | when "yaml", /^y/ |
12893 | when "pp", /^p/ |
12894 | :pp |
12895 | { "run_list" => run_list } |
12896 | { name_or_id_for(data) => subset } |
12897 | data.respond_to?(:name) ? : data["id"] |
12898 | config[:field_separator] || "." |
12899 | if data.is_a?(Array) |
12900 | elsif data.respond_to?(:[], false) && data.respond_to?(:key?) && data.key?(attr) |
12901 | ( !data.is_a?(Array) && data.respond_to?(:to_hash) ) ? data.to_hash : data |
12902 | collected[cookbook][ver["version"]] = ver["url"] |
12903 | collected[cookbook] = versions["versions"].map { |v| v["version"] } |
12904 | version_file_match = /#{Regexp.escape(File.join('chef', 'knife', 'version'))}$/ |
12905 | rel_path = file[/(.*)(#{Regexp.escape File.join('chef', 'knife', '')}.*)\.rb/, 2] |
12906 | long: "--medium", |
12907 | short: "-l", |
12908 | long: "--long", |
12909 | Chef::Log.trace("Staging #{on_disk_path} to #{dest}") |
12910 | kcm.name_args = [ ] |
12911 | def post(to_url, user_id, secret_key_filename, params = {}, headers = {}) |
12912 | def put(to_url, user_id, secret_key_filename, params = {}, headers = {}) |
12913 | def make_request(http_verb, to_url, user_id, secret_key_filename, params = {}, headers = {}) |
12914 | boundary = "----RubyMultipartClient" + rand(1000000).to_s + "ZZZZZ" |
12915 | parts = [] |
12916 | if value.is_a?(File) |
12917 | parts << "--" + boundary + "\r " + |
12918 | parts <<"\r ") |
12919 | parts << + "\r ") |
12920 | parts <<"--" + boundary + "--\r ") |
12921 | url = URI.parse(to_url) |
12922 | Chef::Log.logger.debug("Signing: method: #{http_verb}, url: #{url}, file: #{content_file}, User-id: #{user_id}, Timestamp: #{timestamp}") |
12923 | content_body = parts.inject("") { |result, part| result +, part.size) } |
12924 | (content_file && signing_options[:file] = content_file) || (signing_options[:body] = (content_body || "")) |
12925 | headers = DefaultHeaders.merge(Hash[* { |k, v| [k.to_s, v] }.flatten]) |
12926 | class << res |
12927 | @stream, @size = stream, size |
12928 | @str = str |
12929 | @part_no = 0 |
12930 | @part_offset = 0 |
12931 | @parts.inject(0) { |size, part| size + part.size } |
12932 | def read(how_much, dst_buf = nil) |
12933 | if @part_no >= @parts.size |
12934 | dst_buf.replace("") if dst_buf |
12935 | @part_no += 1 |
12936 | result = current_part + (next_part || "") |
12937 | dst_buf ? dst_buf.replace(result || "") : result |
12938 | def initialize(repo_path, ui, opts = {}) |
12939 | cmd = git("status --porcelain") |
12940 | git("checkout #{branch}") |
12941 | git("checkout -b #{branch}") |
12942 | git("add #{cookbook_name}") |
12943 | git("commit -m \"Import #{cookbook_name} version #{version}\" -- #{cookbook_name}") |
12944 | if system("git merge #{branch}") |
12945 |"Merge status (cd #{repo_path}; git status):") |
12946 | update_count == 0 ? nil : update_count |
12947 | git("branch --no-color").stdout.lines.any? { |l| l =~ /\s#{Regexp.escape(branch_name)}(?:\s|$)/ } |
12948 | ref.chomp.split("/")[2] |
12949 | shell_out!("git #{command}", cwd: repo_path) |
12950 | @client_d ||= client_d_content |
12951 | if !(chef_config[:config_log_location].class == IO ) && (chef_config[:config_log_location].nil? || chef_config[:config_log_location].to_s.empty?) |
12952 | %Q{"#{chef_config[:config_log_location]}"} |
12953 | client_rb << "file_cache_path \"#{chef_config[:unix_bootstrap_file_cache_path]}\" " |
12954 | client_rb << "file_backup_path \"#{chef_config[:unix_bootstrap_file_backup_path]}\" " |
12955 | s = "#{client_path} -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json" |
12956 | if config[:verbosity] && config[:verbosity] >= 3 |
12957 | s << " -l trace" |
12958 | s << " -l debug" |
12959 | s << " --no-color" unless config[:color] |
12960 | if config[:channel] == "stable" |
12961 | attributes.merge!(tags: config[:tags]) if config[:tags] && !config[:tags].empty? |
12962 | content << "cat > /etc/chef/trusted_certs/#{File.basename(cert)} <<'EOP' " + |
12963 | + " EOP " |
12964 | file_on_node = "/etc/chef/client.d/#{relative}" |
12965 | content << "cat > #{file_on_node} <<'EOP' " + |
12966 |"'", "'\\\\''") + " EOP " |
12967 | long: "--freeze", |
12968 | boolean: true, long: "--[no-]check-dependencies", |
12969 | if ! config[:all] && @name_args.empty? |
12970 | upload_ok = 0 |
12971 | cookbooks = [] |
12972 | upload_ok += 1 |
12973 | "Uploaded #{upload_ok} cookbook#{upload_ok == 1 ? "" : "s"}." |
12974 | elsif upload_failures > 0 && upload_ok > 0 |
12975 | ui.warn "Uploaded #{upload_ok} cookbook#{upload_ok == 1 ? "" : "s"} ok but #{upload_failures} " + |
12976 | elsif upload_failures > 0 && upload_ok == 0 |
12977 | ui.error "Failed to upload #{upload_failures} cookbook#{upload_failures == 1 ? "" : "s"}." |
12978 | @justify_width ||= + 2 |
12979 | upload_set = {} |
12980 | if e.response.code.to_s == "404" |
12981 |"Uploading #{left_justify_name(cb)} [#{cb.version}]") |
12982 | !/[0-9a-f]{32,}/.match?(info["checksum"]) |
12983 | ui.error "The broken file(s) are: #{broken_filenames.join(" ")}" |
12984 | ui.error "The missing cookbook(s) are: #{missing_cookbook_names.join(", ")}" |
12985 | long: "--fqdn FQDN", |
12986 | node[:fqdn] = config[:fqdn] if config.key?(:fqdn) |
12987 | class << node |
12988 | key?(name) |
12989 | file = @name_args[0] |
12990 |, "w") do |f| |
12991 | ui.stderr.puts "in #{file}:" |
12992 | ui.stderr.puts "in #{json_file}:" |
12993 | api_endpoint = env ? "/environments/#{env}/cookbooks?#{num_versions}" : "/cookbooks?#{num_versions}" |
12994 | short: "-N", |
12995 | long: "--latest", |
12996 | dest = File.join(basedir, segment_file["path"].gsub("/", File::SEPARATOR)) |
12997 | Chef::Log.trace("Downloading #{segment_file["path"]} to #{dest}") |
12998 | valid_responses = {} |
12999 | valid_responses[(index + 1).to_s] = version |
13000 | question << "#{index + 1}. #{@cookbook_name} #{version} " |
13001 | question += " " |
13002 | ui.error("'#{response}' is not a valid value.") |
13003 | option :all, short: "-a", long: "--all", boolean: true, description: "Delete all versions of the cookbook." |
13004 | question << "#{available_versions.size + 1}. All versions " |
13005 |"Deleted cookbook[#{@cookbook_name}][#{version}]") |
13006 | if version == :all |
13007 | path += "?purge=true" if config[:purge] |
13008 | ui.msg "" |
13009 | versions = rest.get("cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}")[cookbook_name]["versions"].map { |v| v["version"] }.flatten |
13010 | rest.delete("cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}/#{version}#{config[:purge] ? "?purge=true" : ""}") |
13011 |, "client.rb"), "w") do |file| |
13012 | long: "--repository REPO", |
13013 | long: "--initial", |
13014 | long: "--admin-client-name NAME", |
13015 | long: "--admin-client-key PATH", |
13016 | long: "--validation-key PATH", |
13017 | Chef::Config[:node_name] = "woot" |
13018 |, "w") do |f| |
13019 | chef_server_url = '#{chef_server}' |
13020 | ui.msg("*****") |
13021 | @new_client_key = config[:client_key] || File.join(chef_config_path, "#{@new_client_name}.pem") |
13022 | o = |
13023 | o[:fqdn] || o[:machinename] || o[:hostname] || "localhost" |
13024 | profile = @name_args[0]&.strip |
13025 | IO.write(context_file, "#{profile} ") |
13026 | long: "--raw", |
13027 | if config[:format] == "summary" && !config[:raw] |
13028 | output_data = {} |
13029 | if filter =~ %r{^/(.*)/(i?)$} |
13030 | filter_parts = filter.split(".") |
13031 | memo.is_a?(Hash) ? memo[filter_part.to_sym] : nil |
13032 | ui.msg(ui.color("Loading from #{type_of_file} file #{path}", :yellow)) |
13033 | long: "--ignore-knife-rb", |
13034 | rows = [] |
13035 | profile[:client_key] = profile[:client_key].to_s.gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(Dir.home)}/, "~") if profile[:client_key] |
13036 | profile[:profile] = "#{profile[:active] ? "*" : " "}#{profile[:profile]}" |
13037 | separator ->(row) { (row + 1) % TABLE_HEADER.size == 0 } |
13038 | if col_index == 1 || (row_index) % TABLE_HEADER.size == 0 |
13039 | mid "-" |
13040 | @client_name = @name_args[0] |
13041 | ui.msg("Saved #{client}.") |
13042 | long: "--validator", |
13043 | long: "--public-key", |
13044 | ui.fatal "#{dir} exists, but is not a directory. Please update your file path (--file #{file}) or re-create #{dir} as a directory." |
13045 | if File.exist?(file) && !File.writable?(file) |
13046 | clients_to_delete = {} |
13047 | ui.msg("Deleted client #{name}") |
13048 | $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath(); |
13049 | [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid(); |
13050 | @host_url = host_url |
13051 | @opts_in = opts |
13052 | @config ||= begin |
13053 | @tmpdir ||= if windows? |
13054 | run_command!("mkdir -p '#{dir}'") |
13055 | run_command!("chown #{config[:user]} '#{dir}'") if config[:sudo] |
13056 | t << content |
13057 | run_command!("If (Test-Path \"#{path}\") { Remove-Item -Force -Path \"#{path}\" }") |
13058 | run_command!("rm -f \"#{path}\"") |
13059 |"\\", "/") |
13060 | opts = { target: host_url, |
13061 | logger: opts_in[:logger] } |
13062 | return {} unless config[:backend] == "winrm" |
13063 | opts_out = {} |
13064 | if opts_in[:ssl] |
13065 | opts_out[:ssl] = true |
13066 | opts_out[:self_signed] = opts_in[:self_signed] || false |
13067 | do |key, _v| |
13068 | valid_opts.key?(key) && !config.key?(key) |
13069 | return {} unless config[:backend] == "ssh" |
13070 | host_cfg.each do |key, _value| |
13071 | opts_out[key] = host_cfg[key] |
13072 | def initialize(config: {}, knife_config: nil, chef_config: {}, ui: nil) |
13073 | @client_path ||= |
13074 | File.join(@tmpdir, "#{node_name}.pem") |
13075 | run_list.split(/\s*,\s*/) |
13076 | @node ||= |
13077 | (config[:tags] || []).each do |tag| |
13078 | node.tags << tag |
13079 | rest.delete("nodes/#{node_name}") |
13080 | [ items ].flatten.each do |item| |
13081 | @vault_json ||= |
13082 | @require_chef_vault ||= |
13083 | long: "--winrm-no-verify-cert", |
13084 | long: "--winrm-ssl", |
13085 | long: "--winrm-basic-auth-only", |
13086 | long: "--ssh-forward-agent", |
13087 | long: "--ssh-verify-host-key VALUE", |
13088 | long: "--node-ssl-verify-mode [peer|none]", |
13089 | proc: { |v| |
13090 | raise "Invalid value '#{v}' for --node-ssl-verify-mode. Valid values are: #{valid_values.join(", ")}" |
13091 | long: "--[no-]node-verify-api-cert", |
13092 | long: "--sudo", |
13093 | long: "--sudo-preserve-home", |
13094 | long: "--use-sudo-password", |
13095 | long: "--su-user NAME", |
13096 | long: "--node-name NAME", |
13097 | proc: lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) }, |
13098 | long: "--tags TAGS", |
13099 | long: "--json-attributes", |
13100 | proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse(o) }, |
13101 | proc: lambda { |o| Chef::JSONCompat.parse( }, |
13102 | accumulator ||= {} |
13103 | name, path = hint.split("=", 2) |
13104 | accumulator[name] = path ? Chef::JSONCompat.parse( : {} |
13105 | long: "--bootstrap-url URL", |
13106 | short: "-m URL", |
13107 | long: "--msi-url URL", |
13108 | proc: { |i, accumulator| |
13109 | (vault, item) = i.split(":") |
13110 | accumulator[vault] ||= [] |
13111 | boolean: true, long: "--[no-]host-key-verify", |
13112 | value_mapper: { |verify| verify ? "always" : "never" } |
13113 | long: "--prerelease", |
13114 | long: "--winrm-port PORT" |
13115 | value_mapper: { |value| value == "ssl" } |
13116 | ui: ui |
13117 | @server_name ||= host_descriptor.split("@").reverse[0] |
13118 | bootstrap_files = [] |
13119 | bootstrap_files << File.join(__dir__, "bootstrap/templates", "#{template}.erb") |
13120 | ChefConfig::PathHelper.home(".chef", "bootstrap", "#{template}.erb") { |p| bootstrap_files << p } |
13121 | bootstrap_files << Gem.find_files(File.join("chef", "knife", "bootstrap", "#{template}.erb")) |
13122 | (Chef::Config[:validation_key] && |
13123 | ui.msg("#{ui.color(" [#{connection.hostname}]", :cyan)} #{data}") |
13124 | if r.exit_status != 0 |
13125 | ui.error("#{r.stdout} #{r.stderr}".strip) |
13126 | limit ||= 0 |
13127 | if e.reason == :bad_su_user_password && limit < 3 |
13128 | limit += 1 |
13129 | ui.warn("Failed to authenticate su - #{config[:su_user]} to #{server_name}") |
13130 | config[:su_password] = ui.ask("Enter password for su - #{config[:su_user]}@#{server_name}:", echo: false) |
13131 | if e.message =~ /fingerprint (\S+) is unknown for "(.+)"/ # Train::Transports::SSHFailed |
13132 | hostname, ip = $2.split(",") |
13133 | elsif (ssh? && e.cause && e.cause.class == Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) || (ssh? && e.class == Train::ClientError && e.reason == :no_ssh_password_or_key_available) |
13134 | password = ui.ask("Enter password for #{opts[:user]}@#{server_name}:", echo: false) |
13135 | from_url = host_descriptor =~ %r{^(.*)://} ? $1 : nil |
13136 | @connection_protocol = from_url || from_knife || "ssh" |
13137 | limit ||= 1 |
13138 | if !conn_options.key?(:pty) && e.reason == :sudo_no_tty |
13139 | ui.warn("#{e.message} - trying with pty request") |
13140 | elsif config[:use_sudo_password] && (e.reason == :sudo_password_required || e.reason == :bad_sudo_password) && limit < 3 |
13141 | if winrm_auth_method == "plaintext" && |
13142 | config[:winrm_ssl] != true |
13143 | ui.error <<~EOM |
13144 | if config[:ca_trust_file].nil? && |
13145 | @connection_opts = {} |
13146 | opts[:logger] = Chef::Log |
13147 | opts[:user] = user if user |
13148 | opts[:port] = port if port |
13149 | { self_signed: config[:winrm_no_verify_cert] === true } |
13150 | opts[:forward_agent] = (config[:ssh_forward_agent] === true) |
13151 | opts[:key_files] = [] |
13152 | split = config[:ssh_gateway].split("@", 2) |
13153 | if split.length == 1 |
13154 | gw_host = split[0] |
13155 | gw_user = split[0] |
13156 | gw_host = split[1] |
13157 | gw_host, gw_port = gw_host.split(":", 2) |
13158 | return {} if winrm? |
13159 | opts = { sudo: false } |
13160 | opts[:sudo] = true |
13161 | opts[:sudo_options] = "-H" |
13162 | ssl: config[:winrm_ssl] === true, |
13163 | cmd = "sh #{remote_path}" |
13164 | cmd = "su - #{config[:su_user]} -c '#{cmd}'" |
13165 | cmd = "sudo " << cmd if config[:use_sudo] |
13166 | if option == :port |
13167 | !config[:run_list].nil? && !config[:run_list].empty? |
13168 | (!!config[:policy_name] ^ config[:policy_group]) |
13169 | return unless opts.is_a?(Hash) || !opts.empty? |
13170 | if acl[perm].key?("users") && acl[perm].key?("clients") |
13171 | if member_name == "pivotal" && %w{client user}.include?(member_type) |
13172 | if member_name == "admins" && member_type == "group" && perms.to_s.split(",").include?("grant") |
13173 | object_name_matcher = /#{regex}/ |
13174 | objects_to_modify = [] |
13175 | "No #{object_type} match the expression /#{regex}/" |
13176 | ui.fatal "Invalid name: #{name}" |
13177 | ui.fatal "Unknown member type \"#{type}\". The following types are permitted: #{MEMBER_TYPES.join(", ")}" |
13178 | perms.split(",").each do |perm| |
13179 | true if rest.get_rest("#{member_type}s/#{member_name}") |
13180 | ui.fatal "#{member_type} '#{member_name}' does not exist" |
13181 | gname.length == 32 && gname =~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/ |
13182 | ui.msg "Adding '#{member_name}' to '#{perm}' ACE of '#{object_name}'" |
13183 | ace = acl[perm] |
13184 | when "client", "user" |
13185 | key = "#{member_type}s" |
13186 | ace[key] << member_name |
13187 | ace["groups"] << member_name |
13188 | ui.msg "Removing '#{member_name}' from '#{perm}' ACE of '#{object_name}'" |
13189 | rest.put_rest("#{object_type}/#{object_name}/_acl/#{ace_type}", ace_type => ace) |
13190 | ui.msg "Adding '#{member_name}' to '#{group_name}' group" |
13191 | new_group = { |
13192 | ui.msg "Removing '#{member_name}' from '#{group_name}' group" |
13193 | def self.msg(msg = "") |
13194 | @@chef_config_dir = nil |
13195 | @@subcommands = {} |
13196 | snake_case_name.split("_").join(" ") |
13197 | name.nil? || name.empty? |
13198 | if args.size == 1 && args[0].strip.casecmp("rehash") == 0 |
13199 | @@subcommands ||= {} |
13200 | @@subcommand_files ||=[]) |
13201 | @subcommands_by_category = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } |
13202 | def, options = {}) |
13203 | @dependency_loaders ||= [] |
13204 | category_desc = preferred_category ? preferred_category + " " : "" |
13205 | caller_line.split(/:\d+/).first |
13206 | ui.fatal("Cannot find subcommand for: '#{args.join(" ")}'") |
13207 | @name_args.reject! { |name_arg| command_name_joined == name_arg } |
13208 | puts "Error: " + e.to_s |
13209 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :warn |
13210 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :info |
13211 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :debug |
13212 | Chef::Config[:log_level] = :trace |
13213 | Chef::Log.level(Chef::Config[:log_level] || :error) |
13214 | stdout.puts("USAGE: " + opt_parser.to_s) |
13215 | raise if raise_exception || ( Chef::Config[:verbosity] && Chef::Config[:verbosity] >= 2 ) |
13216 | "" |
13217 | ui.error "#{}: #{e.message}" |
13218 | msg("Created #{pretty_name}") |
13219 | obj_name = delete_name ? "#{delete_name}[#{name}]" : object |
13220 | msg("Deleted #{obj_name}") |
13221 | @rest ||= begin |
13222 | Chef::Config[:fips] = config[:fips] |
13223 | @root_rest ||= begin |
13224 | { |arg| pattern_arg_from(arg) } |
13225 | ui.warn("Consider writing '#{possible_server_path}' instead of '#{arg}'") |
13226 | elsif arg[0, 1] == "~" |
13227 | ui.warn("Using '#{inferred_path}' as the path instead of '#{arg}'.") |
13228 | if parent && parent != dir |
13229 | proc: lambda { |path| File.expand_path(path, Dir.pwd) } |
13230 | short: "-V", |
13231 | long: "--verbose", |
13232 | proc: { verbosity_level += 1 }, |
13233 | long: "--disable-editing", |
13234 | short: "-k KEY", |
13235 | long: "--key KEY", |
13236 | short: "-s URL", |
13237 | long: "--server-url URL", |
13238 | short: "-y", |
13239 | long: "--yes", |
13240 | long: "--defaults", |
13241 | long: "--print-after", |
13242 | if want_help? || want_version? |
13243 | ARGV[0] =~ /^(--help|-h)$/ |
13244 | ARGV[0] =~ /^(--version|-v)$/ |
13245 | puts "#{e} " |
13246 | describe file("C:\\habitat\\hab.exe") do |
13247 | it { should exist } |
13248 | its(%w{directories path}) { should eq ["C:/hab/pkgs/.../*.log"] } |
13249 | describe command("C:\\habitat\\hab.exe sup -h") do |
13250 | its(:stdout) { should match(/Running/) } |
13251 | restart_script = <<-EOH |
13252 | its(:exit_status) { should eq(0) } |
13253 | its("content") { should match(/bldr_url.* } |
13254 | it { should_not exist } |
13255 | its(["bldr_url"]) { should eq "" } |
13256 | its(%w{cfg id}) { should eq "hab-sensu-agent" } |
13257 | its(%w{cfg backend-urls}) { should eq ["ws://"] } |
13258 | its(["channel"]) { should eq "stable" } |
13259 | its(["desired_state"]) { should eq "Down" } |
13260 | its(["spec_file"]) { should eq "C:\\hab/sup\\default\\specs\\sensu-agent-win.spec" } |
13261 | its(["topology"]) { should eq "standalone" } |
13262 | its(["update_strategy"]) { should eq "rolling" } |
13263 | describe command("C:\\habitat\\hab.exe -V") do |
13264 | its("stdout") { should match(%r{^hab.*/}) } |
13265 | its("exit_status") { should eq 0 } |
13266 | its("stdout") { should match(/C:\\hab\\pkgs\\skylerto\\splunkforwarder/) } |
13267 | nginx_content = <<-EOF |
13268 | [http] |
13269 | its(%w{http listen port}) { should eq 80 } |
13270 | its(["worker_processes"]) { should eq 2 } |
13271 | describe send("#{svc_manager}_service", "hab-sup") do |
13272 | its("content") { should_not match("LimitNOFILE = 65536") } |
13273 | its("content") { should_not match("env HAB_AUTH_TOKEN=test") } |
13274 | its("content") { should match(/peer.** } |
13275 | its(["binding_mode"]) { should eq "relaxed" } |
13276 | its(["binds"]) { should eq ["prom:prometheus.default"] } |
13277 | its(["bldr_url"]) { should eq "" } |
13278 | its(["service_group"]) { should eq "grafana.test" } |
13279 | its(["update_condition"]) { should eq "latest" } |
13280 | its(["update_strategy"]) { should eq "at-once" } |
13281 | its(:content) { should match(%r{ident = "core/vault/1.1.5"}) } |
13282 | its(:content) { should match(%r{ident = "core/consul"}) } |
13283 | its(:content) { should match(/desired_state = "up"/) } |
13284 | its(:content) { should match(/channel = "stable"/) } |
13285 | its(:content) { should match(/^desired_state = "up"$/) } |
13286 | its(:content) { should match(/binds = \["rabbitmq:rabbitmq.default", "redis:redis.default"\]/) } |
13287 | its("stdout") { should match(%r{/hab/pkgs/core/redis}) } |
13288 | its("stdout") { should match(%r{/hab/pkgs/lamont-granquist/ruby/2.3.1}) } |
13289 | its(:link_path) { should match(%r{/hab/pkgs/core/htop}) } |
13290 | its("stdout") { should match(%r{^hab 1.5.71/}) } |
13291 | its("stdout") { should match /my_signed_cert.*OK/ } |
13292 | its("stderr") { should be_empty } |
13293 | its("content") { should match(%r{chef_server_url "https://localhost"}) } |
13294 | its("content") { should match(/chef_license "accept"/) } |
13295 | its("content") { should match(%r{rubygems_url ""}) } |
13296 | its("content") { should match(/require 'aws-sdk'/) } |
13297 | command "git --version & git --exec-path" |
13298 | $possibleInstalledPaths = @("C:/Program Files/Git/", "C:/Program Files (x64)/Git/", "c:/git/") |
13299 | code "Start-Sleep -s 1" |
13300 | %w{001 002 003}.each do |control| |
13301 | extract_to File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path],".", "_")) |
13302 | only_if { debian? } |
13303 | uid "8019" |
13304 | nameservers [ "", "" ] |
13305 | search [ "" ] |
13306 | users_from_databag = search("users", "*:*") |
13307 | if platform_family?("rhel", "fedora", "amazon") |
13308 | level "s0" |
13309 | range "s0" |
13310 | user "se_map_test_u" |
13311 | hour "0,12" |
13312 | only_if { systemd? } |
13313 | if ::File.exist?("/etc/systemd/system") |
13314 | only_if { File.exist?("/etc/yum.conf") && File.readlines("/etc/yum.conf").grep(/http_caching=packages/).empty? } |
13315 | only_if { rhel? } |
13316 | sudo "bob" do |
13317 | user "bob" |
13318 | sudo "~bob" do |
13319 | command_aliases [{ name: "STARTSSH", command_list: ["/etc/init.d/ssh start", "/etc/init.d/ssh restart", "! /etc/init.d/ssh stop"] }] |
13320 | sudo "git" do |
13321 | user "git" |
13322 | commands ["/usr/bin/less"] |
13323 | file "#{base}/private_key.pem" do |
13324 | key_file "#{base}/mycert.key" |
13325 | openssl_x509 "#{base}/my_ca.crt" do |
13326 | ca_key_file "#{base}/my_ca.key" |
13327 | ca_cert_file "#{base}/my_ca.crt" |
13328 | path "#{base}/my_ca2.csr" |
13329 | key_file "#{base}/my_ca2.key" |
13330 | csr_file "#{base}/my_ca2.csr" |
13331 | ca_key_file "#{base}/my_ca2.key" |
13332 | ca_cert_file "#{base}/my_ca2.crt" |
13333 | openssl_x509_crl "#{base}/my_ca2.crl" do |
13334 | key_file "#{base}/my_ec_request.key" |
13335 | mount "/proc" do |
13336 | mount "/mnt" do |
13337 | device "/tmp" |
13338 | device "/etc" |
13339 | value "1" |
13340 | type "int" |
13341 | value "20" |
13342 | value [ { "User": "/Library/Managed Installs/way_fake.log" } ] |
13343 | mode "644" |
13344 | node.normal["launchd"]["label"] = "io.chef.testing.fake" |
13345 | node.normal["launchd"]["run_at_load"] = true |
13346 | node.normal["launchd"]["type"] = "agent" |
13347 | path: [ |
13348 | listen_http "" |
13349 | bind [ |
13350 | uptime = `hab svc status core/consul`.match(/standalone\s+up\s+up\s+([0-9]+)/) |
13351 | raise "consul not restarted" unless !uptime.nil? && uptime.size == 2 && Integer(uptime[1]) < 30 |
13352 | version "2.3.1" |
13353 | version "1.15.2" |
13354 | hab_version "1.5.71" |
13355 | cron_d "noop" do |
13356 | hour "5" |
13357 | minute "0" |
13358 | hour "8" |
13359 | hour "20" |
13360 | day "*" |
13361 | month "11" |
13362 | weekday "1-5" |
13363 | log_location windows? ? "C:\\chef\\log_test\\client.log" : "/var/log/chef/log_test/client.log" |
13364 | raw_data("auth" => "1234") |
13365 | search "*:*" |
13366 | raw_data("auth" => "4321") |
13367 | content '#!/bin/bash |
13368 | mode "500" |
13369 | mode "550" |
13370 | default["openssh"]["client"]["gssapi_authentication"] = "no" |
13371 | default["openssh"]["client"]["check_host_ip"] = "no" |
13372 | default["openssh"]["client"]["strict_host_key_checking"] = "no" |
13373 | default["openssh"]["client"]["protocol"] = "2" |
13374 | default["openssh"]["server"]["use_dns"] = "no" |
13375 | default["openssh"]["server"]["syslog_facility"] = "AUTH" |
13376 | default["openssh"]["server"]["gssapi_authentication"] = "no" |
13377 | default["openssh"]["server"]["ignore_rhosts"] = "yes" |
13378 | default["openssh"]["server"]["permit_empty_passwords"] = "no" |
13379 | default["openssh"]["server"]["tcp_keepalive"] = "yes" |
13380 | default["openssh"]["server"]["max_start_ups"] = "10" |
13381 | default["openssh"]["server"]["print_motd"] = "no" |
13382 | default["openssh"]["server"]["protocol"] = "2" |
13383 | default["openssh"]["server"]["x11_forwarding"] = "yes" |
13384 | default["chef_client"]["splay"] = 1800 |
13385 | default["audit"]["reporter"] = "cli" |
13386 | chef_repo_path "{{pkg.svc_data_path}}/chef" |
13387 | file_backup_path "{{pkg.svc_data_path}}/{{cfg.file_backup_path}}" |
13388 | pid_file "{{pkg.svc_data_path}}/{{cfg.pid_file}}" |
13389 | local_mode "{{cfg.local_mode}}" |
13390 | {{#if cfg.chef-client.node_name ~}} |
13391 | node_name "{{cfg.node_name}}" |
13392 | {{/if ~}} |
13393 | splay "{{cfg.splay}}" |
13394 | log_level "{{cfg.log_level}}".to_sym |
13395 | {{#if cfg.use_member_id_as_uuid ~}} |
13396 | chef_guid "{{}}" |
13397 | val = threads + 1 |
13398 | (1..val).parallel_map do |i| |
13399 | if val == i |
13400 | ret << i |
13401 | val -= 1 |
13402 | if - start > 30 |
13403 | expected = (1..threads + 1).to_a.reverse |
13404 | (1..val).parallel_each do |i| |
13405 | expect { (0..10).parallel_map { |i| raise "boom" } }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) |
13406 | expect { (0..10).parallel_each { |i| raise "boom" } }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) |
13407 | (1..10).parallel_map { |i| i } |
13408 | expect(ans).to eql((1..10).to_a) |
13409 | (1..10).parallel_each { |i| i } |
13410 | (1..2).parallel_map { |i| (1..2).parallel_map { |i| i } } |
13411 | expect(ans).to eql([[1, 2], [1, 2]]) |
13412 | (1..2).parallel_each { |i| (1..2).parallel_each { |i| i } } |
13413 | (1..).lazy.parallel_map { |i| i }.first(5) |
13414 | expect(ans).to eql((1..5).to_a) |
13415 | (1..).lazy.parallel_each { |i| i }.first(5) |
13416 | let(:threads) { 10 } |
13417 | let(:threads) { 0 } |
13418 | let(:threads) { 1 } |
13419 | [ [ 1, 2 ], [3, 4]].flat_each { |i| sum += i } |
13420 | data = { x: "one", y: "two", z: "three" } |
13421 | @copy = @orig.dup |
13422 | @copy[:x] = "four" |
13423 | expect(@orig[:x]).to eq("one") |
13424 | data = { x: "one", y: "two", z: [1, 2, 3] } |
13425 | @copy[:z] << 4 |
13426 | expect(@orig[:z]).to eq([1, 2, 3]) |
13427 | data = { x: "one", y: "two", z:{ a: [1, 2, 3] }) } |
13428 | @copy[:z][:a] << 4 |
13429 | expect(@orig[:z][:a]).to eq([1, 2, 3]) |
13430 | let(:node) { { "kernel" => { "server_core" => true } } } |
13431 | let(:node) { { "kernel" => { "product_type" => "Workstation" } } } |
13432 | let(:node) { { "kernel" => { "product_type" => "Server" } } } |
13433 | let(:node) { { "os_version" => "6.3.9600" } } |
13434 | let(:node) { { "languages" => { "powershell" => { "version" => "4.0" } } } } |
13435 | def self.test_which(description, *args, path: ["/dir1", "/dir2" ].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR), finds: nil, others: [], directory: false, &block) |
13436 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("PATH").and_return(path) |
13437 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("PATHEXT").and_return(nil) |
13438 | ["/dir1", "/dir2" ].each do |dir| |
13439 | test_which("doesn't find it if its false", "foo1", others: [ "/dir1/foo1" ]) do |f| |
13440 | def self.test_where(description, *args, path: ["/dir1", "/dir2" ].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR), finds: [], others: [], &block) |
13441 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :kvm_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "kvm", "role" => "host" } }) |
13442 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:guest?, :virtual?, :lxc?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "lxc", "role" => "guest" } }) |
13443 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :lxc_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "lxc", "role" => "host" } }) |
13444 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:guest?, :virtual?, :parallels?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "parallels", "role" => "guest" } }) |
13445 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :parallels_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "parallels", "role" => "host" } }) |
13446 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:guest?, :virtual?, :virtualbox?, :vbox?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "vbox", "role" => "guest" } }) |
13447 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :vbox_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "vbox", "role" => "host" } }) |
13448 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:guest?, :virtual?, :vmware?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "vmware", "role" => "guest" } }) |
13449 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :vmware_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "vmware", "role" => "host" } }) |
13450 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:guest?, :virtual?, :openvz?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "openvz", "role" => "guest" } }) |
13451 | virtualization_reports_true_for(:hypervisor?, :physical?, :openvz_host?, node: { "virtualization" => { "system" => "openvz", "role" => "host" } }) |
13452 | let(:options) { { platform: "ubuntu" } } |
13453 | let(:options) { { platform: "raspbian" } } |
13454 | let(:options) { { platform: "linuxmint" } } |
13455 | let(:options) { { platform: "debian" } } |
13456 | let(:options) { { platform: "aix" } } |
13457 | let(:options) { { platform: "amazon" } } |
13458 | let(:options) { { platform: "arch" } } |
13459 | let(:options) { { platform: "centos" } } |
13460 | let(:options) { { platform: "clearos" } } |
13461 | let(:options) { { platform: "dragonfly4" } } |
13462 | let(:options) { { platform: "fedora" } } |
13463 | let(:options) { { platform: "freebsd" } } |
13464 | let(:options) { { platform: "gentoo" } } |
13465 | let(:options) { { platform: "mac_os_x" } } |
13466 | let(:options) { { platform: "openbsd" } } |
13467 | let(:options) { { platform: "oracle" } } |
13468 | let(:options) { { platform: "redhat" } } |
13469 | let(:options) { { platform: "smartos" } } |
13470 | let(:options) { { platform: "solaris2" } } |
13471 | let(:options) { { platform: "suse" } } |
13472 | let(:options) { { platform: "windows" } } |
13473 | let(:node) { { "platform" => "opensuseleap", "platform_version" => "15.1", "platform_family" => "suse", "os" => "linux" } } |
13474 | let(:node) { { "platform" => "opensuse", "platform_version" => "11.0", "platform_family" => "suse", "os" => "linux" } } |
13475 | let(:options) { { platform: "centos", version: "6" } } |
13476 | pf_reports_true_for(:rhel?, :rpm_based?, :fedora_derived?, :redhat_based?, :el?, :rhel6?) |
13477 | let(:options) { { platform: "centos", version: "7" } } |
13478 | pf_reports_true_for(:rhel?, :rpm_based?, :fedora_derived?, :redhat_based?, :el?, :rhel7?) |
13479 | let(:options) { { platform: "centos", version: "8" } } |
13480 | pf_reports_true_for(:rhel?, :rpm_based?, :fedora_derived?, :redhat_based?, :el?, :rhel8?) |
13481 | let(:options) { { platform: "clearos", version: "7" } } |
13482 | pf_reports_true_for(:mac_os_x?, :mac?, :osx?, :macos?) |
13483 | let(:options) { { platform: "opensuse" } } |
13484 | pf_reports_true_for(:suse?, :rpm_based?) |
13485 | let(:options) { { platform: "oracle", version: "6" } } |
13486 | let(:options) { { platform: "oracle", version: "7" } } |
13487 | let(:options) { { platform: "redhat", version: "6" } } |
13488 | let(:options) { { platform: "redhat", version: "7" } } |
13489 | let(:options) { { platform: "redhat", version: "8" } } |
13490 | allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("bindir").and_return("/opt/ruby/bin") |
13491 | env = { "PATH" => nil } |
13492 | env = { "PATH" => "/bin:/opt/app/bin:/sbin" } |
13493 | env = { "PATH" => "%SystemRoot%\\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\" } |
13494 | let(:node) { double("node") } |
13495 | context "#ci?" do |
13496 | it "return true if ENV['CI'] is not set" do |
13497 | it "return true if ENV['CI'] is nil" do |
13498 | it "return true if ENV['CI'] is set" do |
13499 | %w{ /etc /usr/lib /lib /run }.each do |base| |
13500 | it "finds a unit in #{base}" do |
13501 | it "finds a template in #{base}" do |
13502 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :alibaba?, node: { "alibaba" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13503 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :ec2?, node: { "ec2" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13504 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :gce?, node: { "gce" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13505 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :rackspace?, node: { "rackspace" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13506 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :eucalyptus?, :euca?, node: { "eucalyptus" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13507 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :linode?, node: { "linode" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13508 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :openstack?, node: { "openstack" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13509 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :azure?, node: { "azure" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13510 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :digital_ocean?, :digitalocean?, node: { "digital_ocean" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13511 | cloud_reports_true_for(:cloud?, :softlayer?, node: { "softlayer" => {}, "cloud" => {} }) |
13512 | expect({ "virtualbox" => {}, "cloud" => nil })).to be false |
13513 | let(:node) { { "kernel" => { "machine" => arch } } } |
13514 | arch_reports_true_for(:intel?, :_64_bit?) |
13515 | let(:arch) { "amd64" } |
13516 | let(:arch) { "ppc64" } |
13517 | arch_reports_true_for(:ppc64?, :_64_bit?) |
13518 | let(:arch) { "ppc64le" } |
13519 | arch_reports_true_for(:ppc64le?, :_64_bit?) |
13520 | let(:arch) { "s390x" } |
13521 | arch_reports_true_for(:s390x?, :_64_bit?) |
13522 | let(:arch) { "ia64" } |
13523 | let(:arch) { "sparc64" } |
13524 | let(:arch) { "aarch64" } |
13525 | arch_reports_true_for(:_64_bit?, :arm?) |
13526 | let(:arch) { "arch64" } |
13527 | let(:arch) { "arm64" } |
13528 | let(:arch) { "sun4v" } |
13529 | arch_reports_true_for(:sparc?, :_64_bit?) |
13530 | let(:arch) { "sun4u" } |
13531 | let(:arch) { "i86pc" } |
13532 | arch_reports_true_for(:i386?, :intel?, :_32_bit?) |
13533 | let(:arch) { "i386" } |
13534 | let(:arch) { "i686" } |
13535 | let(:arch) { "powerpc" } |
13536 | arch_reports_true_for(:powerpc?, :_32_bit?) |
13537 | let(:arch) { "armhf" } |
13538 | arch_reports_true_for(:armhf?, :_32_bit?, :arm?) |
13539 | let(:arch) { "armv6l" } |
13540 | let(:arch) { "armv7l" } |
13541 | let(:arch) { "s390" } |
13542 | arch_reports_true_for(:s390?, :_32_bit?) |
13543 | val ||= "" |
13544 | def +(other) |
13545 | to_s + other |
13546 | def *(other) |
13547 | to_s * other |
13548 | (self <=> other) == 0 |
13549 | def !=(other) |
13550 | (self <=> other) != 0 |
13551 | def <(other) |
13552 | (self <=> other) < 0 |
13553 | def <=(other) |
13554 | (self <=> other) < 1 |
13555 | def >(other) |
13556 | (self <=> other) > 0 |
13557 | def >=(other) |
13558 | (self <=> other) > -1 |
13559 | def =~(other) |
13560 | futures = map do |item| |
13561 | max_queue: 0, |
13562 | each do |k, v| |
13563 | if v.is_a?(Mash) || v.is_a?(Array) |
13564 | self[k] = v.dup |
13565 | if key.is_a?(Symbol) && include?(key = key.to_s) |
13566 | def key?(key) |
13567 | super(* { |k| convert_key(k) }) |
13568 | each { |key, val| h[key.to_sym] = val } |
13569 | value.collect { |e| convert_value(e) } |
13570 | node["kernel"]["server_core"] == true |
13571 | node["kernel"]["product_type"] == "Workstation" |
13572 | node["kernel"]["product_type"] == "Server" |
13573 | extra_path ||= __extra_path |
13574 | exts.unshift("") |
13575 | filename = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") |
13576 | def kvm?(node = __getnode) |
13577 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "kvm" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13578 | def kvm_host?(node = __getnode) |
13579 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "kvm" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13580 | def lxc?(node = __getnode) |
13581 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "lxc" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13582 | def lxc_host?(node = __getnode) |
13583 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "lxc" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13584 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "parallels" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13585 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "parallels" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13586 | def vbox?(node = __getnode) |
13587 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vbox" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13588 | def vbox_host?(node = __getnode) |
13589 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vbox" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13590 | def vmware?(node = __getnode) |
13591 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vmware" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13592 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vmware" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13593 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vmware" && node.dig("vmware", "host", "type") == "vmware_desktop" |
13594 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "vmware" && node.dig("vmware", "host", "type") == "vmware_vsphere" |
13595 | def openvz?(node = __getnode) |
13596 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "openvz" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13597 | node.dig("virtualization", "system") == "openvz" && node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13598 | def guest?(node = __getnode) |
13599 | node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "guest" |
13600 | node.dig("virtualization", "role") == "host" |
13601 | def vagrant?(node = __getnode) |
13602 | vagrant_key?(node) || vagrant_domain?(node) || vagrant_user?(node) |
13603 | node.key?("vagrant") |
13604 | node.key?("domain") && !node["domain"].nil? && node["domain"].include?("") |
13605 | file_exist?("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d") |
13606 | file_exist?("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d") |
13607 | file_exist?("/etc/init.d/#{script}") |
13608 | file_exist?("/etc/init/#{script}.conf") |
13609 | file_exist?("/etc/xinetd.d/#{script}") |
13610 | file_exist?("/etc/rc.d/#{script}") |
13611 | file_exist?("/etc/init.d/#{script}") || |
13612 | def arch?(node = __getnode) |
13613 | node["platform_family"] == "arch" |
13614 | def aix?(node = __getnode) |
13615 | node["platform_family"] == "aix" |
13616 | def debian?(node = __getnode) |
13617 | node["platform_family"] == "debian" |
13618 | def fedora?(node = __getnode) |
13619 | node["platform_family"] == "fedora" |
13620 | def macos?(node = __getnode) |
13621 | node ? node["platform_family"] == "mac_os_x" : macos_ruby? |
13622 | alias_method :mac_os_x?, :macos? |
13623 | def rhel?(node = __getnode) |
13624 | node["platform_family"] == "rhel" |
13625 | alias_method :el?, :rhel? |
13626 | def rhel6?(node = __getnode) |
13627 | node["platform_family"] == "rhel" && node["platform_version"].to_f >= 6.0 && node["platform_version"].to_f < 7.0 |
13628 | def rhel7?(node = __getnode) |
13629 | node["platform_family"] == "rhel" && node["platform_version"].to_f >= 7.0 && node["platform_version"].to_f < 8.0 |
13630 | def rhel8?(node = __getnode) |
13631 | node["platform_family"] == "rhel" && node["platform_version"].to_f >= 8.0 && node["platform_version"].to_f < 9.0 |
13632 | def amazon?(node = __getnode) |
13633 | node["platform_family"] == "amazon" |
13634 | def smartos?(node = __getnode) |
13635 | node["platform_family"] == "smartos" |
13636 | def suse?(node = __getnode) |
13637 | node["platform_family"] == "suse" |
13638 | def gentoo?(node = __getnode) |
13639 | node["platform_family"] == "gentoo" |
13640 | def freebsd?(node = __getnode) |
13641 | node["platform_family"] == "freebsd" |
13642 | def openbsd?(node = __getnode) |
13643 | node["platform_family"] == "openbsd" |
13644 | def netbsd?(node = __getnode) |
13645 | node["platform_family"] == "netbsd" |
13646 | def windows?(node = __getnode(true)) |
13647 | node ? node["platform_family"] == "windows" : windows_ruby? |
13648 | def rpm_based?(node = __getnode) |
13649 | fedora_derived?(node) || node["platform_family"] == "suse" |
13650 | redhat_based?(node) || node["platform_family"] == "amazon" |
13651 | def bsd_based?(node = __getnode) |
13652 | node["platform"] == "linuxmint" |
13653 | node["platform"] == "ubuntu" |
13654 | node["platform"] == "raspbian" |
13655 | node["platform"] == "debian" |
13656 | node["platform"] == "amazon" |
13657 | node["platform"] == "redhat" |
13658 | node["platform"] == "centos" |
13659 | node.dig("os_release", "name") == "CentOS Stream" |
13660 | node.dig("lsb", "id") == "CentOSStream" |
13661 | node["platform"] == "oracle" |
13662 | node["platform"] == "scientific" |
13663 | node["platform"] == "clearos" |
13664 | node["platform"] == "fedora" |
13665 | node["platform"] == "arch" |
13666 | node["platform"] == "solaris2" |
13667 | node["platform"] == "smartos" |
13668 | node["platform"] == "omnios" |
13669 | node["platform"] == "openindiana" |
13670 | node["platform"] == "aix" |
13671 | node["platform"] == "freebsd" |
13672 | node["platform"] == "openbsd" |
13673 | node["platform"] == "netbsd" |
13674 | node["platform"] == "dragonfly" |
13675 | node["platform"] == "mac_os_x" |
13676 | node["platform"] == "gentoo" |
13677 | node["platform"] == "slackware" |
13678 | node["platform"] == "suse" |
13679 | node["platform"] == "opensuse" || node["platform"] == "opensuseleap" |
13680 | node["platform"] == "windows" |
13681 | def linux?(node = __getnode) |
13682 | node["os"] == "linux" |
13683 | def darwin?(node = __getnode) |
13684 | node["os"] == "darwin" |
13685 | !!(node &&"chef_packages", "chef", "chef_effortless")) |
13686 | def docker?(node = __getnode) |
13687 | !!(node &&"virtualization", "systems", "docker") == "guest") |
13688 | def systemd?(node = __getnode) |
13689 | file_exist?("/proc/1/comm") && file_open("/proc/1/comm").gets.chomp == "systemd" |
13690 | def kitchen?(node = __getnode) |
13691 | def ci?(node = __getnode) |
13692 | %w{ /etc /usr/lib /lib /run }.any? do |load_path| |
13693 | file_exist?("#{load_path}/systemd/system/#{svc_name}") |
13694 | env_path = env ? env["PATH"] : __env_path |
13695 | env_path = "" if env_path.nil? |
13696 | path_separator = ? ";" : ":" |
13697 | [ __ruby_bindir, __gem_bindir ].compact.each do |path| |
13698 | ? %w{} : %w{/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin} |
13699 | def cloud?(node = __getnode) |
13700 | !node["cloud"].nil? |
13701 | def alibaba?(node = __getnode) |
13702 | node.key?("alibaba") |
13703 | def ec2?(node = __getnode) |
13704 | node.key?("ec2") |
13705 | def gce?(node = __getnode) |
13706 | node.key?("gce") |
13707 | def linode?(node = __getnode) |
13708 | node.key?("linode") |
13709 | def azure?(node = __getnode) |
13710 | node.key?("azure") |
13711 | def _64_bit?(node = __getnode) |
13712 | .include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13713 | def _32_bit?(node = __getnode) |
13714 | !_64_bit?(node) |
13715 | def i386?(node = __getnode) |
13716 | _32_bit?(node) && intel?(node) |
13717 | def intel?(node = __getnode) |
13718 | def sparc?(node = __getnode) |
13719 | %w{sun4u sun4v}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13720 | def ppc64?(node = __getnode) |
13721 | %w{ppc64}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13722 | def ppc64le?(node = __getnode) |
13723 | %w{ppc64le}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13724 | def powerpc?(node = __getnode) |
13725 | %w{powerpc}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13726 | def arm?(node = __getnode) |
13727 | def armhf?(node = __getnode) |
13728 | def s390x?(node = __getnode) |
13729 | %w{s390x}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13730 | def s390?(node = __getnode) |
13731 | %w{s390}.include?(node["kernel"]["machine"]) |
13732 | GEM = "chef-cli" |
13733 | let(:env) { {} } |
13734 | let(:home) { "/Users/example.user" } |
13735 | let(:env_pwd) { "/path/to/cwd" } |
13736 | env["CD"] = env_pwd |
13737 | env["PWD"] = env_pwd |
13738 | allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with("#{env_pwd}/.chef").and_return(true) |
13739 | let(:cwd) { Dir.pwd } |
13740 | let(:knife_home) { "/path/to/knife/home" } |
13741 | env["CD"] = "/home/someuser/prod/chef-repo" # windows |
13742 | env["PWD"] = "/home/someuser/prod/chef-repo" # unix |
13743 | let(:config_content) { "" } |
13744 | let(:config_content) { "{{{{{:{{" } |
13745 | let(:config_content) { ":foo :bar raise 'oops' :baz " } |
13746 | let!(:confd_file) do |
13747 | let(:syntax_error_content) { "{{{{{:{{" } |
13748 | let(:home) { "C:/Users/example.user" } |
13749 | let(:credentials_file) { "#{home}/.chef/credentials" } |
13750 | let(:context_file) { "#{home}/.chef/context" } |
13751 | content = <<~EOH |
13752 | node_name = 'barney' |
13753 | knife = { |
13754 | client_key = """ |
13755 | stub_const("ENV", env) |
13756 | let(:content) { "<<<<<" } |
13757 | expect(path_helper.join("", "a", "b")).to eq("#{path_helper.path_separator}a#{path_helper.path_separator}b") |
13758 | it "joins ending with '' add a / to the end" do |
13759 | expect(path_helper.join("a", "b", "")).to eq("a#{path_helper.path_separator}b#{path_helper.path_separator}") |
13760 | it "dirname('abc') is '.'" do |
13761 | expect(path_helper.dirname("abc")).to eq(".") |
13762 | it "dirname('/') is '/'" do |
13763 | it "dirname('a/b/c') is 'a/b'" do |
13764 | expect(path_helper.dirname(path_helper.join("a", "b", "c"))).to eq(path_helper.join("a", "b")) |
13765 | it "dirname('a/b/c/') is 'a/b'" do |
13766 | expect(path_helper.dirname(path_helper.join("a", "b", "c", ""))).to eq(path_helper.join("a", "b")) |
13767 | it "dirname('/a/b/c') is '/a/b'" do |
13768 | expect(path_helper.dirname(path_helper.join("", "a", "b", "c"))).to eq(path_helper.join("", "a", "b")) |
13769 | it "path_separator is \\" do |
13770 | expected = "C:\\foo\\bar\\baz" |
13771 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo/", "bar", "baz", windows: true)).to eq(expected) |
13772 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo\\", "bar", "baz", windows: true)).to eq(expected) |
13773 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo\\", "bar/", "/baz", windows: true)).to eq(expected) |
13774 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo", "bar", "baz", windows: true)).to eq(expected) |
13775 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("/a/b\\c/d/", windows: true)).to eq("\\a\\b\\c\\d") |
13776 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("\\\\a/b\\c/d/", windows: true)).to eq("\\\\a\\b\\c\\d") |
13777 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("/a///b/c/d/", windows: false)).to eq("/a/b/c/d") |
13778 | expected = "/foo/bar/baz" |
13779 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo/", "bar", "baz", windows: false)).to eq(expected) |
13780 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo/", "bar/", "/baz", windows: false)).to eq(expected) |
13781 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo", "bar", "baz", windows: false)).to eq(expected) |
13782 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("/a/b\\c/d/", windows: false)).to eq("/a/b/c/d") |
13783 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("\\\\a/b\\c/d/", windows: false)).to eq("//a/b/c/d") |
13784 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo/", "bar", "baz")).to eq(expected) |
13785 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo\\", "bar", "baz")).to eq(expected) |
13786 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo\\", "bar/", "/baz")).to eq(expected) |
13787 | expect(path_helper.join("C:\\foo", "bar", "baz")).to eq(expected) |
13788 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("/a/b\\c/d/")).to eq("\\a\\b\\c\\d") |
13789 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("\\\\a/b\\c/d/")).to eq("\\\\a\\b\\c\\d") |
13790 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("/a///b/c/d/")).to eq("/a/b/c/d") |
13791 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo/", "bar", "baz")).to eq(expected) |
13792 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo/", "bar/", "/baz")).to eq(expected) |
13793 | expect(path_helper.join("/foo", "bar", "baz")).to eq(expected) |
13794 | expect(path_helper.cleanpath("\\\\a/b\\c/d/")).to eq("//a/b/c/d") |
13795 | it "Adds the \\\\?\\ prefix if the path exceeds MAX_LENGTH and does not have it" do |
13796 | long_path = "C:\\" + "a" * 250 + "\\" + "b" * 250 |
13797 | prefixed_long_path = "\\\\?\\" + long_path |
13798 | expect(path_helper.windows_max_length_exceeded?("C:\\" + "a" * 250 + "\\" + "b" * 6)).to be_truthy |
13799 | expect(path_helper.windows_max_length_exceeded?("C:\\" + "a" * 250 + "\\" + "b" * 5)).to be_falsey |
13800 | expect(path_helper.windows_max_length_exceeded?("\\\\?\\C:\\" + "a" * 250 + "\\" + "b" * 250)).to be_falsey |
13801 | expect(path_helper.printable?("\tThere's no way, \t *no* way, \t that you came from my loins. ")).to be_falsey |
13802 | expect(path_helper.canonical_path("\\\\?\\C:/windows/win.ini")).to eq("\\\\?\\c:\\windows\\win.ini") |
13803 | it "adds the \\\\?\\ prefix if it is missing" do |
13804 | expect(path_helper.canonical_path("C:/windows/win.ini")).to eq("\\\\?\\c:\\windows\\win.ini") |
13805 | expect(path_helper.canonical_path("\\\\?\\C:\\CASE\\INSENSITIVE")).to eq("\\\\?\\c:\\case\\insensitive") |
13806 | path = "C:\\this\\*path\\[needs]\\escaping?" |
13807 | escaped_path = "C:\\\\this\\\\\\*path\\\\\\[needs\\]\\\\escaping\\?" |
13808 | args = ["this/*path", "[needs]", "escaping?"] |
13809 | path = "C:/this/*path/[needs]/escaping?" |
13810 | escaped_path = "C:/this/\\*path/\\[needs\\]/escaping\\?" |
13811 | escaped_path = "this/\\*path/\\[needs\\]/escaping\\?" |
13812 | let(:is_windows) { true } |
13813 | let(:is_windows) { false } |
13814 | let(:enabled) { "0" } |
13815 | context "on *nix" do |
13816 | let(:fips_path) { "/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled" } |
13817 | let(:enabled) { "1" } |
13818 | let(:win_reg_entry) { { "Enabled" => enabled } } |
13819 | let(:enabled) { 1 } |
13820 | let(:enabled) { 0 } |
13821 | let(:arch) { Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | 0x100 } |
13822 | before { stub_const("::RbConfig::CONFIG", { "target_cpu" => "i386" } ) } |
13823 | let(:arch) { Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | 0x200 } |
13824 | before { stub_const("::RbConfig::CONFIG", { "target_cpu" => "x86_64" } ) } |
13825 | before { stub_const("::RbConfig::CONFIG", { "target_cpu" => nil } ) } |
13826 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "node_name=bobotclown" ] } |
13827 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "http_retries=" ] } |
13828 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "node_name = bobo" ] } |
13829 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "http_retries=9000" ] } |
13830 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "boolean_thing=true" ] } |
13831 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "http_retries:9000" ] } |
13832 | let(:extra_config_options) { [ "cookbook_path=cookbooks/" ] } |
13833 | let(:extra_config_options) { ["data_bag_path=data_bags/", "cookbook_path=cookbooks", "chef_repo_path=."] } |
13834 | it "var_chef_dir is /var/chef" do |
13835 | it "var_root_dir is /var" do |
13836 | it "etc_chef_dir is /etc/chef" do |
13837 | it "var_chef_dir is C:\\chef" do |
13838 | it "var_root_dir is C:\\" do |
13839 | it "etc_chef_dir is C:\\chef" do |
13840 | [ false, true ].each do |is_windows| |
13841 | context "On #{is_windows ? "Windows" : "Unix"}" do |
13842 | allow(ChefConfig::Config).to receive(:env).and_return({ "SYSTEMDRIVE" => "C:" }) |
13843 | let(:fips_enabled) { false } |
13844 | let(:fips_enabled) { true } |
13845 | let(:target_mode_primary_cache_path) { ? "#{primary_cache_path}\\#{target_mode_host}" : "#{primary_cache_path}/#{target_mode_host}" } |
13846 | context "and config_dir is /a/b/c/" do |
13847 | backup_path = is_windows ? "#{primary_cache_path}\\backup" : "#{primary_cache_path}/backup" |
13848 | before { ChefConfig::Config[:chef_server_url] = "https://chef.example/" } |
13849 | expected = [ "/home/anne/repo", "/home/anne/other_repo"].map { |p| File.expand_path(p) } |
13850 | data_bag_path = is_windows ? "#{primary_cache_path}\\data_bags" : "#{primary_cache_path}/data_bags" |
13851 | let(:secret_exists) { true } |
13852 | let(:secret_exists) { false } |
13853 | any_match = ChefConfig::Config[:user_valid_regex].any? { |regex| regex.match("a") } |
13854 | let(:locales) { locale_array.join(" ") } |
13855 | let(:locale_array) { [expected_locale, "en_US.UTF-8"] } |
13856 | let(:expected_locale) { "C.UTF-8" } |
13857 | let(:locale_array) { ["en_CA.UTF-8", expected_locale, "en_NZ.UTF-8"] } |
13858 | let(:expected_locale) { "en_US.UTF-8" } |
13859 | let(:locale_array) { ["en_CA.utf8", "en_US.utf8", "en_NZ.utf8"] } |
13860 | let(:locale_array) { ["en.ISO8859-1", expected_locale] } |
13861 | let(:expected_locale) { "en.UTF-8" } |
13862 | let(:locale_array) { [expected_locale, "en_CA.UTF-8", "en_GB.UTF-8"] } |
13863 | let(:expected_locale) { "en_AU.UTF-8" } |
13864 | let(:locale_array) { ["en_AU.utf8", "en_CA.utf8", "en_GB.utf8"] } |
13865 | let(:locale_array) { ["af_ZA", "af_ZA.ISO8859-1", "af_ZA.ISO8859-15", "af_ZA.UTF-8"] } |
13866 | let(:locale_array) { [] } |
13867 | it "should default to 'en_US.UTF-8'" do |
13868 | ENV["ftp_proxy"] = nil |
13869 | ENV["no_proxy"] = nil |
13870 | let(:http_proxy) { "http://localhost:7979" } |
13871 | let(:https_proxy) { "https://localhost:7979" } |
13872 | let(:ftp_proxy) { "ftp://localhost:7979" } |
13873 | let(:proxy_user) { "http_user" } |
13874 | let(:proxy_pass) { "http_pass" } |
13875 | it "exports ENV['http_proxy']" do |
13876 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("http_proxy", "http://http_user:http_pass@localhost:7979") |
13877 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("HTTP_PROXY", "http://http_user:http_pass@localhost:7979") |
13878 | it "exports ENV['ftp_proxy']" do |
13879 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("ftp_proxy", "ftp://http_user:http_pass@localhost:7979") |
13880 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("FTP_PROXY", "ftp://http_user:http_pass@localhost:7979") |
13881 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("http_proxy", "http://localhost:7979") |
13882 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("HTTP_PROXY", "http://localhost:7979") |
13883 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("http_proxy", "http://localhost:1111") |
13884 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("HTTP_PROXY", "http://localhost:1111") |
13885 | expect(ENV["http_proxy"]).to eq(nil) |
13886 | expect(ENV["ftp_proxy"]).to eq(nil) |
13887 | expect(ENV["no_proxy"]).to eq(nil) |
13888 | it "exports ENV['no_proxy']" do |
13889 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("no_proxy", "localhost") |
13890 | expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with("NO_PROXY", "localhost") |
13891 | let(:scheme) { "http" } |
13892 | let(:host) { "" } |
13893 | let(:port) { 8080 } |
13894 | let(:proxy) { "#{proxy_prefix}#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}" } |
13895 | let(:proxy_prefix) { "http://" } |
13896 | let(:proxy_host) { "" } |
13897 | let(:proxy_port) { 8080 } |
13898 | let(:proxy_prefix) { "" } |
13899 | let(:env) do |
13900 | let(:scheme) { "https" } |
13901 | it { eq nil } |
13902 | (full_path.length - 1).downto(0) do |i| |
13903 | end || Dir.pwd |
13904 | if creds.key?("node_name") && creds.key?("client_name") |
13905 | message = "" |
13906 | message << "#{}: #{e.message} " |
13907 | if file_line = e.message[/#{Regexp.escape(config_file_path)}:\d+/] |
13908 | line = file_line[/:(\d+)$/, 1].to_i |
13909 | line_nr = filtered_trace.first[/#{Regexp.escape(config_file_path)}:(\d+)/, 1] |
13910 | key_path = find_default_key(["#{Config[:node_name]}.pem", "user.pem"]) |
13911 | config_file_lines = [] |
13912 | IO.readlines(file).each_with_index { |l, i| config_file_lines << "#{(i + 1).to_s.rjust(3)}: #{l.chomp}" } |
13913 | if line == 1 |
13914 | return end_slash == path.size ? "." : path_separator(windows: windows) |
13915 | elsif slash == end_slash - 1 |
13916 | return path[0..slash - 1] |
13917 | ChefConfig.logger.trace("Path '#{path}' is longer than #{WIN_MAX_PATH}, prefixing with'\\\\?\\'") |
13918 | path.insert(0, "\\\\?\\") |
13919 | unless /^\\\\?\\/.match?(path) |
13920 | if /[^[:print:]]/.match?(string) |
13921 | if add_prefix && abs_path !~ /^\\\\?\\/ |
13922 | abs_path.insert(0, "\\\\?\\") |
13923 | path.gsub(/[\\\{\}\[\]\*\?]/) { |x| "\\" + x } |
13924 | @@home_dir = nil |
13925 | @@home_dir ||= all_homes { |p| break p } |
13926 | if @@home_dir |
13927 | path = File.join(@@home_dir, *args) |
13928 | block_given? ? (yield path) : path |
13929 | valid_paths = { |home_path| home_path && Dir.exist?(home_path.force_encoding("utf-8")) } |
13930 | joined_paths.each { |p| yield p } |
13931 | sip_paths = [ |
13932 | cmd_args = [] |
13933 | field = "" |
13934 | field << (word || esc.gsub(/\\(.)/, "\\1")) |
13935 | fqdn.split(".").reduce(hash) do |h, k| |
13936 | v = h[k] |
13937 | if Hash === v |
13938 | train_config = {} |
13939 | return matches.to_s.split(/\s*,\s*/).compact.any? do |m| |
13940 | match = "*" + match unless match.start_with?("*") |
13941 | Dir["#{PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(path)}/*.rb"].select { |entry| File.file?(entry) }.sort |
13942 | def <<(_msg); end |
13943 | def add(_severity, _message = nil, _progname = nil); end |
13944 | def trace(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13945 | def debug(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13946 | def info(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13947 | def warn(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13948 | def error(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13949 | def fatal(_progname = nil, &block); end |
13950 | reg_type = |
13951 | when "x86_64" |
13952 | policy["Enabled"] != 0 |
13953 | File.exist?(fips_path) && != "0" |
13954 | if drive && path[0] == "\\" && path.split("\\")[2] == "chef" |
13955 | path = PathHelper.join(drive, path.split("\\", 3)[2]) |
13956 | @etc_chef_dir ||= {} |
13957 | @etc_chef_dir[windows] ||= begin |
13958 | path = windows ? "C:\\" : "/var" |
13959 | drive = File.expand_path(__FILE__).split("/", 2)[0] |
13960 | if option.empty? || !option.include?("=") |
13961 | key, value = option.split(/\s*=\s*/, 2) |
13962 | url = uri.to_s.strip |
13963 | %r{^http://} =~ url || %r{^https://} =~ url || /^chefzero:/ =~ url |
13964 | Array(path).map { |path| File.expand_path(path) } |
13965 | File.expand_path("..", path) |
13966 | path = cwd |
13967 | new_path = File.expand_path("..", path) |
13968 | if new_path == path |
13969 | File.exist?(path) && File.readable?(path) && File.writable?(path) |
13970 | configuration[:chef_server_url].split("/")[0..-3].join("/") |
13971 | if value.is_a?(String) && value[0] == ":" |
13972 | value[1..].to_sym |
13973 | default(:solo_d_dir) { PathHelper.join(config_dir, "solo.d") } |
13974 | if chef_server_url.to_s =~ %r{/organizations/(.*)$} |
13975 | default :hints, {} |
13976 | principal_valid_regex_part = '[^"\/\\\\\[\]\:;|=,+*?<>]+' |
13977 | default :user_valid_regex, [ /^(#{principal_valid_regex_part}\\)?#{principal_valid_regex_part}$/ ] |
13978 | default :group_valid_regex, [ /^(#{principal_valid_regex_part}\\)?#{principal_valid_regex_part}$/ ] |
13979 | default :user_valid_regex, [ /^[^-+~:,\t\r \f\0]+[^:,\t\r \f\0]*$/ ] |
13980 | default :group_valid_regex, [ /^[^-+~:,\t\r \f\0]+[^:,\t\r \f\0]*$/ ] |
13981 | default( :user_home ) { PathHelper.home || Dir.pwd } |
13982 | default :watchdog_timeout, 2 * (60 * 60) # 2 hours |
13983 | export_no_proxy(no_proxy) if key?(:no_proxy) && no_proxy |
13984 | password_class = user_class + "\\:" |
13985 | path = "#{scheme}://#{path}" unless path.include?("://") |
13986 | if user && !user.empty? |
13987 | path = uri.to_s |
13988 | ENV["#{scheme}_proxy".upcase] = path unless ENV["#{scheme}_proxy".upcase] |
13989 | ENV["no_proxy"] = value unless ENV["no_proxy"] |
13990 | proxy_env_var = ENV["#{scheme}_proxy"].to_s.strip |
13991 | if %r{^.*://}.match?(proxy_env_var) |
13992 | URI.parse("#{scheme}://#{proxy_env_var}") |
13993 | guesses = locales.grep(/^en_.*UTF-?8$/i) |
13994 | guessed_locale.gsub(/UTF-?8$/i, "UTF-8") |
13995 | File.expand_path(__FILE__) |
13996 | FRAMEWORK_NAMES = { |h, k| k.split(/(?<=active|action)/).map(&:capitalize).join(" ") } |
13997 | npm_version = version.gsub(/\./).with_index { |s, i| i >= 2 ? "-" : s } |
13998 | if framework == "rails" |
13999 | glob << "/version.rb" |
14000 | glob << "/#{framework}/lib/*" |
14001 | glob << "/gem_version.rb" |
14002 | major, minor, tiny, pre = version.split(".", 4) |
14003 | pre = pre ? pre.inspect : "nil" |
14004 | ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)MAJOR(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1MAJOR = #{major}") |
14005 | ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)MINOR(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1MINOR = #{minor}") |
14006 |, "w") { |f| f.write ruby } |
14007 | if File.exist?("#{framework}/package.json") && JSON.parse("#{framework}/package.json"))["version"] != npm_version |
14008 | Dir.chdir("#{framework}") do |
14009 | cmd += "cd #{framework} && " unless framework == "rails" |
14010 | cmd += "bundle exec rake package && " unless framework == "rails" |
14011 | cmd += "gem build #{gemspec} && mv #{framework}-#{version}.gem #{root}/pkg/" |
14012 | task build: [:clean, gem] |
14013 | sh "gem install --pre #{gem}" |
14014 | otp = "" |
14015 | otp = " --otp " + `ykman oath accounts code -s`.chomp |
14016 | sh "gem push #{gem}#{otp}" |
14017 | npm_otp = "" |
14018 | npm_otp = " --otp " + `ykman oath accounts code -s`.chomp |
14019 | npm_tag = "" |
14020 | if /[a-z]/.match?(version) |
14021 | npm_tag = " --tag pre" |
14022 | local_major_version = version.split(".", 4)[0] |
14023 | npm_tag = remote_major_version <= local_major_version ? " --tag latest" : " --tag v#{local_major_version}" |
14024 | sh "npm publish#{npm_tag}#{npm_otp}" |
14025 | header = "## Rails #{version} (#{'%B %d, %Y')}) ## " |
14026 | replace = "## Rails #{version} (#{'%B %d, %Y')}) ## " |
14027 | contents =^(## Rails .*) /, replace) |
14028 | task :release_summary, [:base_release, :release] do |_, args| |
14029 | release_regexp = args[:base_release] ? Regexp.escape(args[:base_release]) : /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ |
14030 | until contents.first =~ /^## Rails #{release_regexp}.*$/ || |
14031 | contents.first =~ /^Please check.*for previous changes\.$/ || |
14032 | task update_versions: { |f| "#{f}:update_versions" } + ["rails:update_versions"] |
14033 | unless ENV["SKIP_TAG"] || `git tag | grep '^#{tag}$'`.strip.empty? |
14034 | app_name = "verify-#{version}-#{}" |
14035 | sh "rails _#{version}_ new #{app_name} --skip-bundle" # Generate with the right version. |
14036 |"Gemfile", /^gem 'rails.*/, "gem 'rails', '#{version}'") |
14037 |"app/models/user.rb", /end \z/, <<~CODE) |
14038 | <div class="field"> |
14039 | Avatar: <%= form.file_field :avatar %> |
14040 |"app/views/users/show.html.erb", /description %> <\/p>/, <<~CODE) |
14041 | description %> </p> |
14042 | <p> |
14043 | <% if @user.avatar.attached? -%> |
14044 | <%= image_tag @user.avatar.representation(resize_to_limit: [500, 500]) %> |
14045 | </p> |
14046 | puts "- Viewing /users" |
14047 |"pkg/commit_message.txt", "w") do |f| |
14048 | sh "git tag -s -m '#{tag} release' #{tag}" |
14049 | sh "git push --tags" |
14050 | @gem_version.segments[0, 3].tap { |v| v[2] -= 1 }.join(".") |
14051 | @version.include?("rc") |
14052 | Dir.chdir("pkg/") do |
14053 | if versions.any?(&:rc?) |
14054 | example_test = <<~RUBY |
14055 | expected_map = { |
14056 | 10 => 10, # test_oneline |
14057 | 12 => 14, # declarative |
14058 | 16 => 19, # declarative w/parens |
14059 | expect = %r{\AF Failure: TestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot \[[^\]]+\]: boo bin/rails test test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+ \z} |
14060 | @output.stub(:tty?, true) do |
14061 | expect = %r{\e\[32m\.\e\[0m} |
14062 | expect = %r{\e\[33mS\e\[0m} |
14063 | error.set_backtrace([ "some_test.rb:4" ]) |
14064 | st.time = 10 |
14065 | class Foo < Rails::Railtie ; config.to_prepare { $to_prepare = true } ; end |
14066 | get "/" |
14067 | $ran_block = [] |
14068 | Rails.env = "foo" |
14069 | @plugin = engine "blog" |
14070 | app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY |
14071 | mount Weblog::Engine, :at => '/', :as => 'weblog' |
14072 | scope "/:user", :user => "anonymous" do |
14073 | mount Blog::Engine => "/blog" |
14074 | root :to => 'main#index' |
14075 | get '/weblog' => "weblogs#index", as: 'weblogs' |
14076 | render inline: "<%= blog.post_path(1) -%>" |
14077 | @plugin.write "lib/blog.rb", <<-RUBY |
14078 | action: "index", |
14079 | render inline: "<%= main_app.root_path %>" |
14080 | render inline: "<%= asset_path 'images/foo.png', skip_pipeline: true %>" |
14081 | render inline: "<%= file_field_tag :image, direct_upload: true %>" |
14082 | render inline: "<%= blog.posts_path %>" |
14083 | render inline: "<%= weblog.weblogs_path %>" |
14084 | @app ||= begin |
14085 | get "/john/blog/posts", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14086 | get "/engine_route", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14087 | get "/url_for_engine_route", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14088 | get "/metrics/generate_blog_route", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14089 | get "/metrics/generate_blog_route_in_view", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14090 | get "/someone/blog/generate_application_route", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" } |
14091 | post "posts", to: "posts#create" |
14092 | post "/posts","foo=bar") |
14093 | tmp_path("foo_bar") |
14094 | mountable = is_mountable ? "--mountable" : "" |
14095 | rails("plugin new #{engine_path} --full #{mountable}") |
14096 |"Gemfile", "w") do |f| |
14097 | f.write <<-GEMFILE.gsub(/^ {12}/, "") |
14098 | path = "#{app_path}/tmp" |
14099 | file_name = "#{path}/v0.1.4~alpha+nightly" |
14100 | @plugin.write "app/assets/javascripts/engine.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();" |
14101 | @plugin.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY |
14102 | migrations_count = Dir["#{app_path}/db/migrate/*.rb"].length |
14103 | assert_no_match(/\d+_create_users/, output.join(" ")) |
14104 | @blog = engine "blog" do |plugin| |
14105 | plugin.write "lib/blog.rb", <<-RUBY |
14106 | @api = engine "api" do |plugin| |
14107 | plugin.write "lib/api.rb", <<-RUBY |
14108 | @core = engine "core" do |plugin| |
14109 | plugin.write "lib/core.rb", <<-RUBY |
14110 | @api.write "db/migrate/2_create_keys.rb", <<-RUBY |
14111 | @plugin.write "lib/bukkits.rb", <<-RUBY |
14112 | $test_autoload_once_paths = [] |
14113 | $test_autoload_paths = [] |
14114 | @plugin.write "app/views/bukkit/index.html.erb", "Hello <%= bukkits %>" |
14115 | [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ["I am a Sprokkit"]] |
14116 | get "/sprokkit", :to => Sprokkit |
14117 | controller "foo", <<-RUBY |
14118 | get 'foo', :to => 'foo#index' |
14119 | get 'foo', to: 'bar#index' |
14120 | get 'bar', to: 'bar#index' |
14121 | get "/foo" |
14122 | get "/bar" |
14123 | @plugin.write "lib/tasks/foo.rake", <<-RUBY |
14124 | en: |
14125 | foo: "1" |
14126 | bar: "1" |
14127 | baz: "1" |
14128 | ).map { |path| File.expand_path(path) } |
14129 | app_file "app/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML |
14130 | foo: "2" |
14131 | bar: "2" |
14132 | foo: "3" |
14133 | assert_equal "2", I18n.t(:foo) |
14134 | assert_equal "1", I18n.t(:bar) |
14135 | get "bar", to: "bar#index" |
14136 | get "/admin/foo/bar" |
14137 | @app = app |
14138 | endpoint lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['Hello World']] } |
14139 | mount(Bukkits::Engine => "/bukkits") |
14140 | get("/bukkits") |
14141 | root to: "foo#index" |
14142 | mount(Bukkits::Engine => "/:username") |
14143 | get("/arunagw") |
14144 | get "/foo" => lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['foo']] } |
14145 | get("/bukkits/foo") |
14146 | endpoint lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['hello']] } |
14147 | env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/") |
14148 | get "/bar" => "bar#index", as: "bar" |
14149 | mount Bukkits::Engine => "/bukkits", as: "bukkits" |
14150 | get "/foo" => "foo#index", as: "foo" |
14151 | get "/foo/show" => "foo#show" |
14152 | get "/from_app" => "foo#from_app" |
14153 | render inline: "<%= help_the_engine %>" |
14154 | render inline: "<%= (self.respond_to?(:bar_path) || self.respond_to?(:something)) %>" |
14155 | render inline: "<%= foo_path %>, <%= main_app.bar_path %>" |
14156 | controller "bar", <<-RUBY |
14157 | get("/bar") |
14158 | <%= form_for( do |f| %> |
14159 | <%= f.text_field :title %> |
14160 | <% end %> |
14161 | mount Bukkits::Awesome::Engine => "/bukkits", :as => "bukkits" |
14162 | get "/foo" => "foo#index" |
14163 | @plugin.write "db/seeds.rb", <<-RUBY |
14164 | app_file "db/seeds.rb", <<-RUBY |
14165 | mount lambda{|env| [200, {}, ["foo"]]} => "/foo" |
14166 | mount lambda{|env| [200, {}, ["bar"]]} => "/bar" |
14167 | get("/foo") |
14168 | get("/bukkits/bar") |
14169 | engine_dir = @plugin.path.chomp("/").split("/").last |
14170 | engine_path = File.join(@plugin.path, "..", engine_dir) |
14171 | controller "main", <<-RUBY |
14172 | render inline: '<%= render partial: "shared/foo" %>' |
14173 | render inline: '<%= render partial: "shared/bar" %>' |
14174 | get "/foo" => "main#foo" |
14175 | get "/bar" => "main#bar" |
14176 | app_file "app/views/shared/_foo.html.erb", <<-RUBY |
14177 | @blog.write "app/views/shared/_bar.html.erb", <<-RUBY |
14178 | app_file "app/views/shared/_bar.html.erb", <<-RUBY |
14179 | // Bukkit's foo js |
14180 | // App's foo js |
14181 | // Blog's bar js |
14182 | // App's bar js |
14183 | add_to_config("config.railties_order = [:all, :main_app, Blog::Engine]") |
14184 | get("/assets/foo.js") |
14185 | get("/assets/bar.js") |
14186 | assert_equal <<~EXPECTED, Rails.application.send(:ordered_railties)" ") << " " |
14187 | path: \#{request.path} |
14188 | mount Bukkits::Engine => "/" |
14189 | path: / |
14190 | get("/") |
14191 | last_response.body.split(" ").map(&:strip) |
14192 | get '/bar' => 'bar#index', :as => 'bar' |
14193 | mount Bukkits::Engine => "/bukkits", :as => "bukkits" |
14194 | get '/bukkit' => 'bukkit#index' |
14195 | get("/bukkits/bukkit", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo" }) |
14196 | main_app.bar_path: \#{main_app.bar_path} |
14197 | frameworks = <<~RUBY |
14198 |"#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "w") { |f| f.puts frameworks + " " + environment } |
14199 | output = `#{command}` |
14200 | assert_predicate $?, :success?, "Command did not succeed: #{command} #{output}" |
14201 | property("Bogus") { raise } |
14202 | property("Goodbye") { "World" } |
14203 | property "Middleware", ["Rack::Lock", "Rack::Static"] |
14204 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails_info_" } |
14205 | get :routes, params: { query: "" } |
14206 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails/info/route" } |
14207 | get :routes, params: { query: "/rails/info/routes" } |
14208 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails/info/routes" } |
14209 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails/info/routes.html" } |
14210 | get :routes, params: { query: "test/nested_route" } |
14211 | get :routes, params: { query: "GE" } |
14212 | get :routes, params: { query: "get" } |
14213 | get :routes, params: { query: "GET" } |
14214 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails_info" } |
14215 | get :routes, params: { query: "rails/:test" } |
14216 | get "/up" => "rails/health#show", as: :rails_health_check |
14217 | app ||= ->(_) {; [200, {}, []] } |
14218 | def initialize(starts = [], finishes = []) |
14219 | starts << [name, id, payload] |
14220 | finishes << [name, id, payload] |
14221 | response = [].freeze |
14222 | gemspec ="TODO.*"/, "".inspect) |
14223 | gem "rails", path: #{File.expand_path("../..", __dir__).inspect} |
14224 | @root ="/foo/bar") |
14225 | root ="/fiz/baz") |
14226 | root.path = "/root" |
14227 | assert_equal ["app"], root["app"].to_ary |
14228 | assert_equal ["/root/app"], root["app"].to_a |
14229 | @root.add "app" |
14230 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], @root["app"].to_a |
14231 | @root.add "app", with: "/foo/bar" |
14232 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar"], @root["app"].to_a |
14233 | root["app"].to_a |
14234 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app/models"], @root["app/models"].to_a |
14235 | @root.add "app/models", with: "/foo/bar/baz" |
14236 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/baz"], @root["app/models"].to_a |
14237 | @root.add "app/models", with: "baz" |
14238 | @root.add "app", with: ["/app", "/app2"] |
14239 | assert_equal ["/app", "/app2"], @root["app"].to_a |
14240 | @root["app"].push "app2" |
14241 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app", "/foo/bar/app2"], @root["app"].to_a |
14242 | @root["app"] << "app2" |
14243 | @root["app"].concat ["app2", "/app3"] |
14244 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app", "/foo/bar/app2", "/app3"], @root["app"].to_a |
14245 | @root["app"].unshift "app2" |
14246 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app2", "/foo/bar/app"], @root["app"].to_a |
14247 | @root.add "app", with: "/app" |
14248 | @root["app"] = "/app" |
14249 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", autoload_once: true |
14250 | @root.add "app", with: ["/app", "/app2"], autoload_once: true |
14251 | assert_equal 1, { |p| p == @root["app"].expanded.first }.size |
14252 | @root["app"] << "/app2" |
14253 | @root["app"].eager_load! |
14254 | @root["app"].skip_eager_load! |
14255 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", eager_load: true |
14256 | @root.add "app", with: ["/app", "/app2"], eager_load: true |
14257 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", eager_load: true, autoload_once: true |
14258 | assert_equal 1, { |p| p == @root["app"].expanded.first }.size |
14259 | @root["app"].glob = "*.rb" |
14260 | assert_equal "*.rb", @root["app"].glob |
14261 | @root["app"].glob = "*.{rb,yml}" |
14262 | assert_equal ["rb", "yml"], @root["app"].extensions |
14263 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", glob: "*.rb" |
14264 | @root.add "app", glob: "*.rb" |
14265 | @root["app"] = "app2" |
14266 | assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app2"], @root["app"].to_a |
14267 | @root["app"] = "app" |
14268 | @root["app"].load_path! |
14269 | @root["app/models"] = "app/models" |
14270 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", load_path: true |
14271 | assert_equal ["/app"], @root.load_paths |
14272 | @root["app"].autoload! |
14273 | @root.add "app", with: "/app", autoload: true |
14274 | root ="foo") |
14275 | def to_a; [200, {}, []]; end |
14276 | path ||= uri_or_host.path |
14277 | new_body = [] |
14278 | body.each { |part| new_body << part } |
14279 | app = self |
14280 | @routes = ->(c) { app.controller = c } |
14281 | url = URI("") |
14282 | send_request(url, "GET", nil, "/FOO") |
14283 | send_request(url, "GET", nil) |
14284 | @output ="".encode("UTF-8")) |
14285 | backtrace = ["lib/my_code.rb", backtrace_gem_line("rails")] |
14286 | def; "Foo"; end |
14287 | app = ->(env) { |
14288 | if params[:t] |
14289 | assert_nil"t" => nil)) |
14290 | assert_nil"t" => [nil])) |
14291 | [[[nil]], [[[nil]]]].each do |data| |
14292 | assert_nil"t" => data)) |
14293 | path = tmp_path(*%w[app] + args) |
14294 | (+"").tap do |body| |
14295 | response[2].each { |chunk| body << chunk } |
14296 | def build_app(options = {}) |
14297 | Dir["#{app_path}/config/initializers/**/*.rb"].each do |initializer| |
14298 | routes ="#{app_path}/config/routes.rb") |
14299 | if routes =~ /( \s*end\s*)\z/ |
14300 |"#{app_path}/config/routes.rb", "w") do |f| |
14301 | f.puts $` + " ActionDispatch.deprecator.silence { match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)', via: :all } " + $1 |
14302 |"#{app_path}/config/database.yml", "w") do |f| |
14303 | config.hosts << proc { true } |
14304 | <<: *default |
14305 | @app.config.hosts << proc { true } |
14306 | get "/" => "omg#index" |
14307 | path = "#{@path}/#{file}" |
14308 |, "w") { |f| f.puts string } |
14309 | File.delete("#{@path}/#{file}") |
14310 | dir = "#{app_path}/random/#{name}" |
14311 | app.insert(4, "$:.unshift(\"#{dir}/lib\")") |
14312 | app.insert(5, "require #{name.inspect}") |
14313 |"#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "r+") do |f| |
14314 | command = "bin/rails #{Shellwords.join args}#{' 2>&1' unless stderr}" |
14315 | fork = false if args.first == "t" || args.grep(/\Atest(:|\z)/).any? |
14316 | $stdin.reopen(File::NULL, "r") |
14317 | case $! |
14318 | exit! $!.status |
14319 | err_write.puts "#{$!.class}: #{$!}" |
14320 | $-v = $-w = false |
14321 | load "./bin/rails" |
14322 | output = `cd #{app_path}; #{command}` |
14323 | raise "rails command failed (#{$?.exitstatus}): #{command} #{output}" unless allow_failure || $?.success? |
14324 | if environment =~ /(Rails::Application\s*)/ |
14325 |"#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "w") do |f| |
14326 | f.puts $` + $1 + " #{str} " + $' |
14327 | if environment =~ /( \s*end\s*end\s*)\z/ |
14328 | f.puts $` + " #{str} " + $1 |
14329 | if environment =~ /( \s*end\s*)\z/ |
14330 |"#{app_path}/config/environments/#{env}.rb", "w") do |f| |
14331 | contents.sub!(/#{str}/, "") |
14332 | def app_file(path, contents, mode = "w") |
14333 | file_name = "#{app_path}/#{path}" |
14334 |, mode) do |f| |
14335 | FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{app_path}/#{path}") |
14336 | FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/#{path}" |
14337 | $:.reject! { |path| path =~ %r'/(#{to_remove.join('|')})/' } |
14338 | output = `#{cmd}` |
14339 |"#{app_template_path}/config/boot.rb", "w") do |f| |
14340 | contents.sub!(/^Bundler\.require.*/, "%w(sprockets/railtie importmap-rails).each { |r| require r }") |
14341 | @foo ||= 0 |
14342 | @foo += 1 |
14343 | @bar ||= 0 |
14344 | @bar += 1 |
14345 | $arr << 1 |
14346 | $arr << 2 |
14347 | $arr << 3 |
14348 | $arr << 4 |
14349 | $arr << 5 |
14350 | $with_arg = arg |
14351 | $arr << two |
14352 | foo = |
14353 | bar = |
14354 | assert_equal [1, 1], [,] |
14355 | $arr = [] |
14356 | assert_equal [5, 1, 2], $arr |
14357 | assert_equal [5, 3, 1, 4, 2], $arr |
14358 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4], $arr |
14359 | assert_equal [2, 3, 4], $arr |
14360 | assert_equal [1, 3], $arr |
14361 | $with_arg = nil |
14362 | @path = File.expand_path("lib", Rails.root) |
14363 | name = :tas |
14364 | output = capture(:stdout) { Rails::Generators.invoke :model, [] } |
14365 | model_generator.expect(:start, nil, [["Account"], {}]) |
14366 | assert_no_match(/[^:]plugin/, output) |
14367 | self.class.class_eval(<<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) |
14368 | template = File.join(Rails.root, "lib", "templates", "active_record", "model", "model.rb") |
14369 |, "w") { |f| f.write "empty" } |
14370 | output = capture(:stdout) { Rails::Generators.invoke :usage_template, ["--help"] } |
14371 | assert_match(/:: 2 ::/, output) |
14372 | expect = %r{Running: PostTest F Failure: PostTest#test_truth \[[^\]]+test/post_test\.rb:6\]: wups! bin/rails test test/post_test\.rb:4} |
14373 | switch_env("BUNDLE_GEMFILE", "") { `bin/rails test #{arguments}` } |
14374 | run_generator ["testapp", "--pretend"] |
14375 | content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "unknown"]) } |
14376 | run_generator [destination_root, "--ruby", "foo/bar/baz", "--full"] |
14377 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#!foo\/bar\/baz/ |
14378 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#!\/usr\/bin\/env/ |
14379 | content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "non/existent/path"]) } |
14380 | apply_stub = -> (path, *) { applied = path } |
14381 | run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-git", "--full"] |
14382 | run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-keeps", "--full"] |
14383 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']rails["']/ |
14384 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/ |
14385 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/ |
14386 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/ |
14387 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_mailbox\/engine["']/ |
14388 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_text\/engine["']/ |
14389 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/ |
14390 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/ |
14391 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/ |
14392 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/ |
14393 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/ |
14394 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/ |
14395 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/ |
14396 | run_generator [destination_root, "-a", "none"] |
14397 | rails_path = File.expand_path("../../..", Rails.root) |
14398 | assert_file "Gemfile", %r{^gem ["']rails["'], path: ["']#{Regexp.escape rails_path}["']$} |
14399 | Rails.stub(:gem_version,"2.1.0")) do |
14400 | assert_file "Gemfile", %r{^gem ["']rails["'], github: ["']rails/rails["'], branch: ["']2-1-stable["']$} |
14401 | Rails.stub(:gem_version,"2.1.0.alpha")) do |
14402 | assert_file "Gemfile", %r{^gem ["']rails["'], github: ["']rails/rails["'], branch: ["']main["']$} |
14403 | assert_file "myproject/Gemfile", %r{^gem ["']rails["'], github: ["']rails/rails["'], branch: ["']main["']$} |
14404 | @bundle_commands = [] |
14405 | @bundle_command_stub ||= -> (command, *) { @bundle_commands << command } |
14406 | option_args, positional_args = args.partition { |arg| arg.start_with?("--") } |
14407 | rails_gem_pattern = /^gem ["']rails["'], .+/ |
14408 | @bundle_command_stub = -> (command, *) do |
14409 | /, #{constraint}/ |
14410 | assert_file "Gemfile", %r/^\s*gem ["']#{name}["']#{constraint_pattern}/ |
14411 | assert_no_match %r/gem ["']#{name}["']/, content |
14412 | assert_match(/@product_line = ProductLine\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m) |
14413 | %w(index show).each do |view| |
14414 | %w(edit new).each do |view| |
14415 | assert_match(/post product_lines_url, params: \{ product_line: \{ product_id: @product_line\.product_id, title: @product_line\.title, user_id: @product_line\.user_id \} \}/, test) |
14416 | assert_match(/@admin_roles = Admin::Role\.all/, m) |
14417 | assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.new/, m) |
14418 | assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.new\(admin_role_params\)/, m) |
14419 | assert_match(/@admin_role\.save/, m) |
14420 | assert_match(/@admin_role\.destroy!/, m) |
14421 | assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m) |
14422 | content =\.routes\.draw do/) do |match| |
14423 | assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do\s*\|map\|\s*$/ |
14424 | content.gsub!(/^ /, "") |
14425 | assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do end \z/ |
14426 | run_generator [ "posts", "--resource-route=false" ] |
14427 | output = run_generator [ "posts", "--no-helper" ] |
14428 | output = run_generator [ "posts", "--helper=false" ] |
14429 | run_generator ["post", "title", "body:text", "author"] |
14430 | assert_match(/t\.string :title/, up) |
14431 | assert_match(/t\.text :body/, up) |
14432 | assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up) |
14433 | assert_match(/permit\(:name, :currency_id, :user_id\)/, m) |
14434 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.text_field :name %>/, content) |
14435 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.text_field :currency_id %>/, content) |
14436 | assert_match(/^\W{2}<%= @accounts.each do |account| %>/, content) |
14437 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= render account %>/, content) |
14438 | assert_match(/<%= link_to "Show this account", account %>/, content) |
14439 | assert_match(/<%= render @account %>/, content) |
14440 | assert_match(/permit\(:video, photos: \[\], images: \[\]\)/, m) |
14441 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.file_field :video %>/, content) |
14442 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.file_field :photos, multiple: true %>/, content) |
14443 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= link_to message\.video\.filename, message\.video if message\.video\.attached\? %>/, content) |
14444 | assert_match(/^\W{6}<div><%= link_to photo\.filename, photo %>/, content) |
14445 | assert_match(/permit\(:content\)/, m) |
14446 | assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.rich_text_area :content %>/, content) |
14447 | run_generator ["posts", "--db=secondary"] |
14448 | run_generator ["user", "name", "password:digest"] |
14449 | assert_match(/<%= form\.password_field :password %>/, content) |
14450 | assert_match(/password_digest: <%= BCrypt::Password.create\("secret"\) %>/, content) |
14451 | with_new_plugin(engine_path, "--mountable", "--api") do |
14452 | with_new_plugin(engine_path, "--full", "--api") do |
14453 | assert_match(/@users = User\.all/, m) |
14454 | assert_match(/@user = User\.new/, m) |
14455 | assert_match(/@user = User\.new\(user_params\)/, m) |
14456 | assert_match(/@user\.save/, m) |
14457 | assert_match(/@user\.update\(user_params\)/, m) |
14458 | assert_match(/@user\.destroy/, m) |
14459 | assert_match(/@user = User\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m) |
14460 | assert_match(/params\.require\(:user\)\.permit\(:name, :age\)/, content) |
14461 | assert_match(/params\.fetch\(:user, \{\}\)/, content) |
14462 | assert_match(/params\.require\(:line_item\)\.permit\(:product_id, :cart_id\)/, content) |
14463 | assert_match(/params\.require\(:message\)\.permit\(:video, photos: \[\]\)/, content) |
14464 | assert_match(/params\.require\(:message\)\.permit\(photos: \[\]\)/, content) |
14465 | assert_match(/post users_url, params: \{ user: \{ age: @user\.age, name: @user\.name, organization_id: @user\.organization_id, organization_type: @user\.organization_type \} \}/, content) |
14466 | run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "--no-helper"] |
14467 | run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "--no-layout"] |
14468 | run_generator ["User", "--orm=unknown"] |
14469 | assert_match(/@users = User\.find\(:all\)/, m) |
14470 | assert_no_match(/@users = User\.all/, m) |
14471 | run_generator ["Admin::User", "--model-name=User"] |
14472 | assert_match("@users = User.all", m) |
14473 | assert_match("redirect_to [:admin, @user]", m) |
14474 | assert_match %{"Show this user", [:admin, user]}, content |
14475 | assert_match %{"Destroy this user", [:admin, @user]}, content |
14476 | assert_match %{"Show this user", [:admin, @user]}, content |
14477 | assert_match %{model: [:admin, user]}, content |
14478 | assert_no_match %r/\b(new_|edit_)?users?_(path|url)/, content |
14479 | run_generator ["User", "--api"] |
14480 | assert_match(/@user\.errors/, m) |
14481 | content = run_generator ["--help"] |
14482 | %w( |
14483 | ).each { |path| assert_file path } |
14484 | run_generator ["account", "--actions", "index", "new"] |
14485 | assert_no_match(/\[WARNING\]/, content) |
14486 | plugin_file "test/post_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
14487 | expect = %r{Running: PostTest F Failure: PostTest#test_truth \[[^\]]+test/post_test.rb:6\]: wups! bin/test (/private)?#{plugin_path}/test/post_test.rb:4} |
14488 | capture(:stderr) { run_test_command("test/post_test.rb --fail-fast") }) |
14489 | a = 1 |
14490 | plugin_file "test/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
14491 | assert #{pass}, 'wups!' |
14492 |"#{plugin_path}/#{path}", mode) do |f| |
14493 | filled_in ="TODO.*"/, "".inspect) |
14494 | repository_path = File.expand_path("../../..", __dir__) |
14495 | File.write(gemfile_path, "gem 'rails', path: #{repository_path.inspect} ", mode: "a") |
14496 | assert_file ".git/HEAD", /main/ |
14497 | git_version = `git --version`[/\d+.\d+.\d+/] |
14498 | assert_file ".git/HEAD", /master/ |
14499 | run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "-M", "-O", "-C", "-T", "--skip-active-storage", "--skip-active-job"] |
14500 | assert_no_match(/\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/, content) |
14501 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']active_job\/railtie["']/ |
14502 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/ |
14503 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/ |
14504 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/ |
14505 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/ |
14506 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/ |
14507 | assert_file "Gemfile", /# gem "debug"/ |
14508 | run_generator [destination_root, "-T", "--full"] |
14509 | run_generator [destination_root, "-T", "--mountable", "--dummy-path", "my_dummy_app"] |
14510 | run_generator [destination_root, "--api", "--mountable", "--skip-action-mailer", "--skip-active-job"] |
14511 | run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "--skip-action-mailer", "--skip-active-job"] |
14512 | output = `bin/rails db:migrate 2>&1` |
14513 | assert $?.success?, "Command failed: #{output}" |
14514 | assert_file "bin/rails", /\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/ |
14515 | assert_match "<%= csrf_meta_tags %>", contents |
14516 | assert_match "<%= csp_meta_tag %>", contents |
14517 | assert_match "<%= yield %>", contents |
14518 | folders_with_keep = %w( |
14519 | assert_file("#{folder}/.keep") |
14520 | run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "--api"] |
14521 | rails_version = "" |
14522 | assert_file "bin/rails", /ENGINE_PATH = File\.expand_path\("\.\.\/lib\/bukkits\/engine", __dir__\)/ |
14523 | assert_file "bin/rails", /ENGINE_ROOT = File\.expand_path\("\.\.", __dir__\)/ |
14524 | assert_file "bin/rails", %r|APP_PATH = File\.expand_path\("\.\./test/dummy/config/application", __dir__\)| |
14525 | assert_file "bin/rails", /#!\/usr\/bin\/env ruby/ |
14526 | run_generator [destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy", "--skip-test"] |
14527 | assert_file "spec/dummy/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/ |
14528 | output = `bin/test 2>&1` |
14529 | run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable", "--api"] |
14530 | run_generator([destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy", "--skip-test"]) |
14531 | run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-gemspec", "--full"] |
14532 | assert_no_match(/#{year}/, contents) |
14533 | name = "TODO: Write your name" |
14534 | ["--full", "--mountable"].each do |option| |
14535 | assert_match(/<%= yield %>/, view) |
14536 | assert_match(%r|APP_PATH = File\.expand_path\("\.\./test/dummy/config/application", __dir__\)|, content) |
14537 | silence(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) } |
14538 | g = generator ["Foo"] |
14539 | assert_file "config/routes.rb", /get 'account\/foo'/, /get 'account\/bar'/ |
14540 | content.split(" ").each do |line| |
14541 | assert_no_match(/^\s+$/, line, "Don't indent blank lines") |
14542 | assert_match(/test "foo"/, test) |
14543 | assert_match(/test "bar"/, test) |
14544 | assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view) |
14545 | run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string", "--api" ] |
14546 | g = generator ["line_item"] |
14547 | g = generator ["admin/foo"] |
14548 | assert_name g, "Admin::Foo", :class_name |
14549 | g = generator ["Admin::Foo"] |
14550 | assert_name g, "Admin::Foo", :name |
14551 | g = generator ["Post"] |
14552 | g = generator ["Stadium"] |
14553 | g = generator ["Sheep"] |
14554 | g = generator ["Hidden"] |
14555 | g = generator ["Admin::Foo"], model_name: "User" |
14556 | g = generator ["User"] |
14557 | run_generator ["account", "--parent", "Admin::Account"] |
14558 | run_generator ["account", "--database", "secondary"] |
14559 | run_generator ["account", "--parent", "Admin::Account", "--database", "secondary"] |
14560 | run_generator ["account", "--migration", "false", "--database", "secondary"] |
14561 | run_generator ["account", "--migration", "false"] |
14562 | run_generator ["account", "--migration", "false", "--database", "secondary", "--migration", "false", "--parent", "Admin::Account"] |
14563 | content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["BFF"] } |
14564 | run_generator ["account", "--parent", "admin/account"] |
14565 | assert_file "app/models/admin.rb", /"admin_"/ |
14566 | run_generator ["account", "--no-migration"] |
14567 | assert_match(/t\.integer :user_id/, up) |
14568 | assert_match(/t\.string :order_id/, up) |
14569 | assert_match(/t.string :title, limit: 40/, up) |
14570 | assert_match(/t.decimal :price, precision: 5, scale: 2/, up) |
14571 | output = run_generator ["Account", "--skip"] |
14572 | error = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["Account"], behavior: :revoke } |
14573 | error = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["Account", "--force"] } |
14574 | run_generator ["LineItem", "no:integer", "Off:boolean", "ON:boolean"] |
14575 | run_generator ["account", "--skip-fixture"] |
14576 | content = run_generator ["account", "-r", "factory_girl"] |
14577 | content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["object"] } |
14578 | run_generator ["account", "--db=secondary"] |
14579 | expected_file = <<~FILE |
14580 | assert_match(/t\.references :user,.*\snull: false/, up) |
14581 | assert_match(/t\.belongs_to :user,.*\snull: false/, up) |
14582 | assert_match(/t\.belongs_to :user/, up) |
14583 | assert_match(/# t\.index \[:artist_id, :music_id\]/, change) |
14584 | assert_match(/^\s*$/, change) |
14585 | assert_migration "db2/migrate/#{migration}.rb", /.*/ |
14586 | content = run_generator ["notifier", "foo", "bar", "--template-engine=haml"] |
14587 | assert_match(/haml \[not found\]/, content) |
14588 | run_generator ["Farm::Animal", "moos"] |
14589 | assert_match(/mail to: "to@example\.org"/, foo) |
14590 | assert_match(/@greeting = "Hi"/, foo) |
14591 | assert_match(/mail to: "to@example\.org"/, bar) |
14592 | assert_match(/@greeting = "Hi"/, bar) |
14593 | run_generator ["admin/refresh_counters", "--queue", "admin"] |
14594 | destination File.expand_path("../fixtures/tmp", __dir__) |
14595 | setup { Rails.application.config.root = Pathname("../fixtures").expand_path(__dir__) } |
14596 | test: { |
14597 | erb =, trim_mode: "-", eoutvar: "@output_buffer") |
14598 | assert klass.start(["new", "blah"]) |
14599 | generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"]) |
14600 | assert_equal "~> 4.1.13", specifier_for["4.1.13"] |
14601 | assert_equal "~> 4.1.6.rc1", specifier_for["4.1.6.rc1"] |
14602 | assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""] |
14603 | assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""] |
14604 | assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""] |
14605 | assert_equal "~> 4.2.0.beta1", specifier_for["4.2.0.beta1"] |
14606 | assert_equal "~> 5.0.0.beta1", specifier_for["5.0.0.beta1"] |
14607 | run_generator ["awesome", "--namespace", "false"] |
14608 | run_generator ["rails/awesome", "--namespace", "false"] |
14609 | run_generator ["--to", "invalid-db"] |
14610 | run_generator ["--to", "postgresql"] |
14611 | assert_match 'gem "pg", "~> 1.1"', content |
14612 | run_generator ["--to", "mysql"] |
14613 | assert_match 'gem "mysql2", "~> 0.5"', content |
14614 | run_generator ["--to", "sqlite3"] |
14615 | assert_match 'gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.4"', content |
14616 | run_generator ["--to", "mysql", "--force"] |
14617 | run_generator ["account", "--skip-helper"] |
14618 | run_generator ["account", "foo", "--skip-routes"] |
14619 | run_generator ["admin/dashboard", "index", "show"] |
14620 | run_generator ["chat", "speak", "mute"] |
14621 | run_generator ["chat", "--skip-assets"] |
14622 |"before") { } |
14623 |"after") { } |
14624 |"with_patch") { } |
14625 |"without_patch") { } |
14626 | ["-v", "--version"].each do |str| |
14627 | define_method(:puts) { |string| output = string } |
14628 | define_method(:exit) { |code| exit_code = code } |
14629 | argv = ["zomg", "how", "are", "you"] |
14630 | assert_equal ["--help"] + argv.drop(1), args |
14631 | }.new ["new"] |
14632 | define_method(:puts) { |msg| message = msg } |
14633 | assert_equal ["--hello-world"], args |
14634 | file.puts "--hello --world" |
14635 | define_method(:puts) { |msg| } |
14636 | }.new ["new", "--rc=#{file.path}"] |
14637 | assert_equal ["--hello", "--world"], args |
14638 | file.puts "--hello" |
14639 | file.puts "--world" |
14640 | }.new ["new", "tenderapp", "--love", "--rc=#{file.path}"] |
14641 | assert_equal ["tenderapp", "--hello", "--world", "--love"], args |
14642 | scrubber = ["new", "--no-rc"] |
14643 | quietly { system "#{File.expand_path("../../exe/rails", __dir__)} new test --no-rc" } |
14644 | output = `#{File.expand_path("../../exe/rails", __dir__)} new mysecondapp` |
14645 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^# gem "image_processing"/ |
14646 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailbox\/engine["']/ |
14647 | assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_text\/engine["']/ |
14648 | run_generator [app_root, "-d", "postgresql"] |
14649 |, "r") do |f| |
14650 | assert_no_match %r{/^[ \t]+$/}, line |
14651 | assert_gem "sqlite3", '"~> 1.4"' |
14652 | run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "mysql"]) |
14653 | assert_gem "mysql2", '"~> 0.5"' |
14654 | assert_gem "pg", '"~> 1.1"' |
14655 | run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbc"]) |
14656 | assert_gem "puma", /"\W+ \d/ |
14657 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^# gem "redis"/ |
14658 | assert_file ".gitattributes", /\.enc diff=/ |
14659 | assert_no_match %r/\.enc diff=/, content |
14660 | assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/ |
14661 | assert_match(/#\s+require\s+["']active_job\/railtie["']/, content) |
14662 | assert_match(/#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/, content) |
14663 | assert_match(/#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/, content) |
14664 | quietly { `./bin/rails g scaffold User` } |
14665 | action :file, "lib/test_file.rb", "here's test data" |
14666 | run_generator [path, "-d", "postgresql"] |
14667 | mock_original_env = -> do |
14668 | ensure_environment_is_set = -> *_args do |
14669 | command_check = -> command, *_ do |
14670 | assert_match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/, content) |
14671 | assert_match(/ruby "#{ >="3.3.13") ? Gem.ruby_version : RUBY_VERSION}"/, content) |
14672 | assert_match(/#{ENV["rvm_ruby_string"]}/, content) |
14673 | Gem.stub(:ruby_version,"2.7.0")) do |
14674 | generator([destination_root], ["--minimal", "--no-skip-action-text"]) |
14675 | generator([destination_root], ["--minimal", "--no-skip-active-storage"]) |
14676 | option_args << "--no-skip-bundle" |
14677 | gemfile_contents.sub!(/^(gem "rails").*/, "\\1, path: #{File.expand_path("../../..", __dir__).inspect}") |
14678 | quietly { system({ "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => "Gemfile" }, "yes | bin/rails app:update", exception: true) } |
14679 | capture(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) } |
14680 | assert_match(/# gem "rack-cors"/, content) |
14681 | assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/ |
14682 | assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/ |
14683 | { api: true, update: true }, { destination_root: destination_root, shell: @shell } |
14684 | action :invoke, "model", ["my_model"] |
14685 | action :invoke, "rails:model", ["my_model"] |
14686 | action(:create_file, "lib/test_file.rb") { "here's block data" } |
14687 | assert_file "Gemfile", /source "http:\/\/gems\.github\.com" / |
14688 | action :gem, "rspec", ">= 2.0.0.a5" |
14689 | action :gem, "RedCloth", ">= 4.1.0", "< 4.2.0" |
14690 | action :gem, "nokogiri", version: ">= 1.4.2" |
14691 | action :gem, "faker", version: [">= 0.1.0", "< 0.3.0"] |
14692 | assert_match(/gem "rspec", ">= 2\.0\.0\.a5"/, content) |
14693 | assert_match(/gem "RedCloth", ">= 4\.1\.0", "< 4\.2\.0"/, content) |
14694 | assert_match(/gem "nokogiri", ">= 1\.4\.2"/, content) |
14695 | assert_match(/gem "faker", ">= 0\.1\.0", "< 0\.3\.0"/, content) |
14696 |"Gemfile", "a") { |f| f.write("# Some content...") } |
14697 | action :gem, "rspec" |
14698 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "rspec"$/ |
14699 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "rspec-rails"$/ |
14700 | action :gem, "rspec", github: "dchelimsky/rspec", tag: "1.2.9.rc1" |
14701 | assert_file "Gemfile", /gem "rspec", github: "dchelimsky\/rspec", tag: "1\.2\.9\.rc1"/ |
14702 | action :gem, "rspec", comment: "Use RSpec" |
14703 | assert_file "Gemfile", /# Use RSpec gem "rspec"/ |
14704 | action :gem, "rspec-rails", group: [:development, :test] |
14705 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "rspec", require: false$/ |
14706 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "rspec-rails", group: \[:development, :test\]$/ |
14707 | action :gem, "rspec", ">=2.0.0" |
14708 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "rspec", ">=2\.0\.0"$/ |
14709 | action :gem, -"frozen_gem", -"1.0.0" |
14710 | assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem "frozen_gem", "1\.0\.0"$/ |
14711 | gem "foo" |
14712 | gem "bar" |
14713 | gem "baz" |
14714 | action :github, "user/repo", a: "correct", other: true do |
14715 | github "user/repo", a: "correct", other: true do |
14716 | github "user/repo2", a: "correct", other: true do |
14717 | action :github, "user/repo2", a: "correct", other: true do |
14718 |"Gemfile", "a") { |f| f.write('gem "rspec-rails"') } |
14719 | autoload_paths = 'config.autoload_paths += %w["#{Rails.root}/app/extras"]' |
14720 | assert_runs ["git rm README", "git add ."], nil do |
14721 | action :git, rm: "README", add: "." |
14722 | action :vendor, "vendor_file.rb", "# vendor data" |
14723 | puts "one" |
14724 | puts "two" |
14725 | action(:vendor, "vendor_file.rb") { code } |
14726 | action(:lib, "my_library.rb") { code } |
14727 | action(:rakefile, "myapp.rake") { code } |
14728 | assert_runs "rake log:clear", env: { "RAILS_ENV" => "development" } do |
14729 | assert_runs "rake log:clear", env: { "RAILS_ENV" => "production" } do |
14730 | assert_runs "rails log:clear", env: { "RAILS_ENV" => "development" } do |
14731 | assert_runs "rails log:clear", env: { "RAILS_ENV" => "production" } do |
14732 | route_commands = ['get "foo"', 'get "bar"', 'get "baz"'] |
14733 | action :route, "get 'foo' get 'bar'", namespace: :baz |
14734 | get 'foo' |
14735 | get 'bar' |
14736 | action :route, "get 'foo' get 'bar'", namespace: %w[baz qux] |
14737 | action :route, "get 'foo1' get 'bar1'", namespace: %w[baz qux] |
14738 | action :route, "get 'foo2' get 'bar2'", namespace: %w[baz hoge] |
14739 | action :route, "get 'foo3' get 'bar3'", namespace: %w[baz qux hoge] |
14740 | get 'foo2' |
14741 | get 'bar2' |
14742 | get 'foo3' |
14743 | get 'bar3' |
14744 | get 'foo1' |
14745 | get 'bar1' |
14746 | revoke :route, "get 'foo2'", namespace: %w[baz qux] |
14747 | revoke :route, "get 'foo3'", namespace: %w[baz qux hoge] |
14748 | assert_equal("YES ", action(:log, "YES")) |
14749 | assert_equal("", action(:log, "YES")) |
14750 | assert_equal("", action(:log, :yes, "YES")) |
14751 | def action(...) |
14752 | capture(:stdout) { generator.send(...) } |
14753 | def revoke(...) |
14754 | action(...) |
14755 | def assert_runs(commands, config = {}, &block) |
14756 | command_matcher = command_matcher.sub(/^sudo\\ /, '\A\1.*') |
14757 | args = [/#{command_matcher}\z/, *config_matcher] |
14758 | %r{ |
14759 | (?:[ ]{2}.+ | )* |
14760 | }x |
14761 | assert_match %r"^#{Regexp.escape 'import "trix"'}", content |
14762 | @run_commands = [] |
14763 | run_command_stub = -> (command, *) { @run_commands << command } |
14764 | old, ENV[key] = ENV[key], value |
14765 | @routes = nil |
14766 | @hello = "world" |
14767 | in_plugin_context(plugin_path) { `bin/rails --help` } |
14768 | in_plugin_context(plugin_path) { system({ "RAILS_ENV" => "test" }, "bin/rails runner 'puts Rails.env'") } |
14769 | Process.spawn("bin/rails #{command}", in: fd, out: fd, err: fd) |
14770 | output = +"" |
14771 | if[io], [], [], 0.1) |
14772 | output << |
14773 | defined?(PTY) && PTY.respond_to?(:open) |
14774 | mock.expect :swap, nil, [:foo] |
14775 | mock.expect :delete, nil, [:foo] |
14776 | get "/", to: "my#index", as: :my_route |
14777 | <h1>Hello world</h1> |
14778 | get "/one", to: "action#one" |
14779 | get "/two", to: "action#two" |
14780 | get "/one", to: "posts#one" |
14781 | get "/two", to: "users#two" |
14782 | assert_includes run_unused_routes_command(["-g", "one"]), <<~OUTPUT |
14783 | assert_includes run_unused_routes_command(["-c", "posts"]), <<~OUTPUT |
14784 | app_file "test/some_test.rb", "" |
14785 | run_test_command("test", "./test/*_test.rb") |
14786 | run_test_command("test", "--seed", "1234", "-e", "development") |
14787 | run_test_command("test", "-n", "test_some_code") |
14788 | run_test_command("test", "-n", "/some_code/") |
14789 | run_test_command("test", "-n", "some code") |
14790 | run_test_command("test", "--name", "test_some_code") |
14791 | run_test_command("test", "--name=test_some_code") |
14792 | app_file "Rakefile", "" |
14793 | run_test_command("test:all", "-n", "test_some_code") |
14794 | run_test_command("test:models", "-n", "test_some_code") |
14795 | app_file "Rakefile", <<~RUBY, "a" |
14796 | args = ["-u", "thin", "-e", "production"] |
14797 | args = ["-e", "production"] |
14798 | args = ["-e", "prod"] |
14799 | args = ["-u", "thin"] |
14800 | output = run_command("--using", "tin") |
14801 | output = run_command("--using", "t") |
14802 | args = ["-d"] |
14803 | switch_env "PORT", "1234" do |
14804 | assert_equal "", options[:Host] |
14805 | args = ["--dev-caching"] |
14806 | args = ["--no-dev-caching"] |
14807 | args = ["--early-hints"] |
14808 | assert_equal "", options[:Host] |
14809 | args = ["-b", ""] |
14810 | assert_equal "", options[:Host] |
14811 | args = ["-p", "5678"] |
14812 | args = ["-p", "3000"] |
14813 | args = ["-P", "/somewhere/"] |
14814 | server_options = parse_arguments(["-p", "3001"]) |
14815 | server_options = parse_arguments(["--port", "3001"]) |
14816 | server_options = parse_arguments(["-p3001", "-C", "--binding", ""]) |
14817 | switch_env "PORT", "3001" do |
14818 | Dir.chdir("..") do |
14819 | args = %w(-p 4567 -b -c -d -e test -P tmp/ -C) |
14820 | expected = "bin/rails server -p 4567 -b -c -d -e test -P tmp/ -C --restart" |
14821 | args = %w(-u webrick -b -p 4567) |
14822 | def parse_arguments(args = []) |
14823 | command_output = `echo "puts 'Hello world'" | #{app_path}/bin/rails runner -` |
14824 | app_file "lib/foo.rb", "# Lib file" |
14825 | app_file "foo.rb", <<-RUBY |
14826 | assert_equal <<~OUTPUT, run_routes_command([ "-c", "PostController" ]) |
14827 | get '/cart', to: 'cart#show' |
14828 | post '/cart', to: 'cart#create' |
14829 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "show" ]) |
14830 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "POST" ]) |
14831 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "basketballs" ]) |
14832 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "/cart" ]) |
14833 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "/photos/7" ]) |
14834 | assert_equal <<~MESSAGE, run_routes_command([ "-g", "/cats" ]) |
14835 | output = run_routes_command(["-c", "cart"]) |
14836 | output = run_routes_command(["-c", "Cart"]) |
14837 | output = run_routes_command(["-c", "CartController"]) |
14838 | output = run_routes_command(["-c", "user_permission"]) |
14839 | output = run_routes_command(["-c", "UserPermission"]) |
14840 | assert_equal <<~OUTPUT, run_routes_command([ "-c", "Admin::PostController" ]) |
14841 | output = IO.stub(:console_size, [0, 27]) do |
14842 | run_routes_command([ "--expanded" ]) |
14843 | --[ Route 1 ]-------------- |
14844 | --[ Route 2 ]-------------- |
14845 | --[ Route 3 ]-------------- |
14846 | --[ Route 4 ]-------------- |
14847 | --[ Route 5 ]-------------- |
14848 | --[ Route 6 ]-------------- |
14849 | --[ Route 7 ]-------------- |
14850 | --[ Route 8 ]-------------- |
14851 | --[ Route 9 ]-------------- |
14852 | --[ Route 10 ]------------- |
14853 | --[ Route 11 ]------------- |
14854 | --[ Route 12 ]------------- |
14855 | --[ Route 13 ]------------- |
14856 | --[ Route 14 ]------------- |
14857 | --[ Route 15 ]------------- |
14858 | --[ Route 16 ]------------- |
14859 | --[ Route 17 ]------------- |
14860 | --[ Route 18 ]------------- |
14861 | --[ Route 19 ]------------- |
14862 | --[ Route 20 ]------------- |
14863 | --[ Route 21 ]------------- |
14864 | --[ Route 22 ]------------- |
14865 | --[ Route 23 ]------------- |
14866 | --[ Route 24 ]------------- |
14867 | output = run_routes_command([ "--unused" ]) |
14868 | def run_routes_command(args = []) |
14869 | app_file "db/some_seeds.rb", "# FIXME: note in db directory" |
14870 | app_file "lib/some_file.rb", "# TODO: note in lib directory" |
14871 | app_file "test/some_test.rb", " " * 100 + "# FIXME: note in test directory" |
14872 | assert_equal <<~OUTPUT, run_notes_command(["--annotations", "FIXME"]) |
14873 | app_file "spec/spec_helper.rb", "# TODO: note in spec" |
14874 | add_to_config %q{ config.annotations.register_extensions("scss", "sass") { |annotation| /\/\/\s*(#{annotation}):?\s*(.*)$/ } } |
14875 | app_file "app/models/profile.rb", '"# TODO: do something"' |
14876 | def run_notes_command(args = []) |
14877 | lambda { |n, &b| dependencies.each { |m, *ds| ds.each(&b) if m == n } }) |
14878 | add_to_config "config.hosts = []" |
14879 | add_to_config "config.hosts ='')" |
14880 | add_to_config "config.ssl_options = { redirect: { host: '' } }" |
14881 | render plain: "" |
14882 | get "/?nothing=true" |
14883 | env = ::Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/foo/?something") |
14884 | add_to_config "config.active_record.shard_resolver = ->(*) { }" |
14885 | output = run_initializers_command(["-e", "production"]).split(" ") |
14886 | app_file ".gitignore", "" |
14887 | write_invalid_yaml = %(ruby -e "File.write ARGV[0], 'foo: bar: bad'") |
14888 | def run_edit_command(file = @encrypted_file, key: nil, editor: "cat", **options) |
14889 | args = [ file ] |
14890 | args.push("--key", key) if key |
14891 | app_file("tmp/restart.txt", "") |
14892 | app_file("tmp/caching-dev.txt", "") |
14893 | username: "foo", |
14894 | password: "bar", |
14895 | }.sort |
14896 | assert_match("development", parse_arguments([ "-e", "dev" ])[:environment]) |
14897 | dbconsole = parse_arguments(["--db", "custom", "-e", "development"]) |
14898 | app_db_config({}) do |
14899 | Rails::Command.invoke(:dbconsole, ["--db", "i_do_not_exist"]) |
14900 | Rails::Command.invoke(:dbconsole, ["-h"]) |
14901 | Rails::Command.invoke(:dbconsole, ["--help"]) |
14902 | def start(config = {}, argv = []) |
14903 | setup { build_app } |
14904 | args = ["--to", to] |
14905 | provides_secret_key_base: <%= [secret_key_base] == [secret_key_base].compact %> |
14906 | args = environment ? ["--environment", environment] : [] |
14907 | args = [path, ("--enroll" if enroll), ("--disenroll" if disenroll)].compact |
14908 | run_edit_command(editor: %(ruby -e "File.write ARGV[0], ENV['CONTENT']"), **options) |
14909 | content = "foo: #{content_path}" |
14910 | if %r"config/credentials(?:/.*)?\.yml\.enc$".match?(content_path) |
14911 | console =, parse_arguments(["-s"])) |
14912 | start ["--sandbox"] |
14913 | start ["-e", "production"] |
14914 | app = build_app(nil) |
14915 | start ["-e", "special-production"] |
14916 | start ["-e", "prod"] |
14917 | ["dev"] |
14918 | assert_match("dev", parse_arguments(["-e", "dev"])[:environment]) |
14919 | def start(argv = []) |
14920 | desc "bar [paths...]", "description of bar" |
14921 | def bar(*paths); end |
14922 | Rails::Command::HelpfulCommand.perform("help", [], {}) |
14923 | Rails::Command::HelpfulCommand.perform("foo", ["--help"], {}) |
14924 | Rails::Command::HelpfulCommand.perform("bar", ["--help"], {}) |
14925 | def perform(*); end |
14926 | def foo(*); end |
14927 | Rails::Command::Nesting::NestedCommand.perform("nested", ["--help"], {}) |
14928 | Rails::Command::Nesting::NestedCommand.perform("foo", ["--help"], {}) |
14929 | self.bin = "FOO" |
14930 | raise "not populated" if ARGV.empty? || ARGV != args |
14931 | ARGV << "isolate this" |
14932 | @tmp_path = File.expand_path("fixtures/tmp", __dir__) |
14933 | File.write File.join(@tmp_path, ".example.rb"), <<-CODE |
14934 | puts 'foo' |
14935 | temp_file "stats.rb", code do |path| |
14936 | temp_file "foo_test.rb", code do |path| |
14937 | class A < B |
14938 | function foo(x, y, z) { |
14939 | doX(); |
14940 | $(function () { |
14941 | bar(); |
14942 | var baz = function ( x ) { |
14943 | alert('foo'); |
14944 | // var b = 2; |
14945 | var a = 1; |
14946 | /* |
14947 | 1 / 2; |
14948 | // call(); |
14949 | // |
14950 | <!-- This is an HTML comment --> |
14951 | <%# This is a great comment! %> |
14952 | <div> |
14953 | <%= hello %> |
14954 | square = (x) -> x * x |
14955 | math = |
14956 | cube: (x) -> x * square x |
14957 | fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") -> |
14958 | $('.shopping_cart').bind 'click', (event) => |
14959 | constructor: (@name) -> |
14960 | move: (meters) -> |
14961 | alert @name + " moved #{meters}m." |
14962 | move: -> |
14963 | dir = File.expand_path "fixtures/tmp", __dir__ |
14964 | path = "#{dir}/#{name}" |
14965 | backtrace = [ "(irb):1", |
14966 | assert_equal "(irb):1", result[0] |
14967 | assert_equal "bin/rails:4:in `<main>'", result[1] |
14968 | add_to_env_config "development", <<~'RUBY' |
14969 | app_file "extras0/x.rb", "X = 0" |
14970 | app_file "extras1/y.rb", "Y = 0" |
14971 | engine("blog") do |bukkit| |
14972 | app_dir "lib" |
14973 | extras = %w(e1 e2 e3) |
14974 | add_to_config %(config.autoload_once_paths << "\#{Rails.root}/#{extra}") |
14975 | extras = { |extra| "#{app_path}/#{extra}" } |
14976 | app_file "app/models/child.rb", <<~RUBY |
14977 | logger = ->(_msg) { } |
14978 | add_to_config %(config.autoload_once_paths << "\#{Rails.root}/extras") |
14979 | out, _err = capture_io { boot } |
14980 | get 'pages/:id', to: 'pages#show' |
14981 | get "/pages/foo" |
14982 | output = rails("-v") |
14983 | get "/" => "omg#index", as: :omg |
14984 | relative_url = "/hello" |
14985 | app_file "test/unit/foo_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
14986 | get '/posts' |
14987 | version = output.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1] |
14988 | app_file "db/schema.rb", "" |
14989 | app_file "db/schema.rb", <<-RUBY |
14990 | app_file "db/structure.sql", "" |
14991 | app_file "db/structure.sql", <<-SQL |
14992 | version_1 = output_1.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1] |
14993 | version_2 = output_2.match(/(\d+)_add_email_to_users\.rb/)[1] |
14994 | User.create! name: "Jon", email: "" |
14995 | Expected: ["id", "name"] |
14996 | Actual: ["id", "name", "age"] |
14997 | app_file "lib/tasks/hooks.rake", <<-RUBY |
14998 | puts "before: " + has_user_table.to_s |
14999 | puts "after: " + has_user_table.to_s |
15000 | assert_not_equal 0, $?.to_i |
15001 | assert_equal 0, $?.to_i, result |
15002 | rails "test", "#{app_path}/test/#{name}", allow_failure: true |
15003 | assert_match "FooTest", rails("test:all", "--verbose") |
15004 | suites.each { |suite| create_test_file suite, "foo_#{suite}" } |
15005 | run_test_command("") .tap do |output| |
15006 | app_file "test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
15007 | Dir.chdir(app_path) { FileUtils.rm_r "test/#{directory}" } |
15008 | run_test_command("test\\\\models").tap do |output| |
15009 | pos_cases = { |
15010 | assert_match "PostTest:FirstFilter", output, "for #{cmd} (#{name})" |
15011 | assert_match "PostTest:SecondFilter", output, "for #{cmd} (#{name})" |
15012 | assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions", output, "for #{cmd} (#{name})" |
15013 | test "foo" do |
15014 | app_file "config/boot.rb", <<-RUBY |
15015 | 10.times do |n| |
15016 | matches = @test_output.match(/(\d+) runs, (\d+) assertions, (\d+) failures/) |
15017 | file = app_file "test/fail_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
15018 | @proc = ->{ } |
15019 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `echo ".tables" | rails dbconsole` } |
15020 | rails "db:drop:all", "db:create:all", "db:migrate" |
15021 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake test TESTOPTS=-v` } |
15022 | filter_map { |line| JSON.parse(line) if line.start_with?("{") } |
15023 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake test TESTOPTS='-v --seed=1234'` } |
15024 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake db:migrate test:models TESTOPTS='-v' && echo ".tables" | rails dbconsole` } |
15025 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake test echo` } |
15026 | run_test_command("").tap do |output| |
15027 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake test` } |
15028 | output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `DEFAULT_TEST_EXCLUDE="test/smoke/**/*_test.rb" bin/rake test` } |
15029 | rails "generate", "model", "user", "name:string" |
15030 | id: 1 |
15031 | id: 2 |
15032 | id: 3 |
15033 | def create_fixture_test(path = :unit, name = "test") |
15034 | app_file "test/#{path}/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
15035 | puts "\#{User.count} users (\#{__FILE__})" |
15036 | def create_test_file(path = :unit, name = "test", pass: true, print: true) |
15037 | puts "#{name.camelize}Test" if #{print} |
15038 | test "one" do |
15039 | WR2.write "y" # Allow two to run |
15040 | test "two" do |
15041 | WR1.write "x" # Allow one to run |
15042 | Q2 << "y" |
15043 | Q1 << "x" |
15044 | file_content =<<-ERB, trim_mode: "-").result_with_hash(with: with.to_s) |
15045 | parallelize(workers: 2, with: :<%= with %>, threshold: #{threshold}) |
15046 | app_file "test/unit/env_test.rb", <<-RUBY |
15047 | rails "generate", "scaffold", "user", "name:string" |
15048 | get 'foo', to: 'foo#index', as: 'test_foo' |
15049 | app("test") |
15050 |"#{app_path}/config/boot.rb", "w") do |f| |
15051 | pid = nil |
15052 | add_to_config(<<~CODE) |
15053 | app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL |
15054 | assert_match "/rails runner", rails("runner", "--help") |
15055 | assert_match "42", rails("runner", "puts User.count") |
15056 | output = rails("runner", "puts ARGV.join(',')", "--foo", "a1", "-b", "a2", "a3", "--moo") |
15057 | assert_equal "--foo,a1,-b,a2,a3,--moo", output.chomp |
15058 | app_file "bin/count_users.rb", <<-SCRIPT |
15059 | assert_match "42", rails("runner", "bin/count_users.rb") |
15060 | assert_match "[]", Dir.chdir(app_path) { |
15061 | app_file "bin/dollar0.rb", <<-SCRIPT |
15062 | assert_match %w( a b ).to_s, rails("runner", "bin/program_name.rb", "a", "b") |
15063 | assert_match "42", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `cat bin/count_users.rb | bin/rails runner -` } |
15064 | assert_match "production", rails("runner", "-e", "production", "puts Rails.env") |
15065 | assert_match "production", rails("runner", "-e", "prod", "puts Rails.env") |
15066 | app_file "app/models/task.rb", <<-MODEL |
15067 | assert_match "42", rails("runner", "puts Task.count") |
15068 | get '*foo', to: 'foo#index' |
15069 | assert_welcome get("/") |
15070 | get "/", to: "foo#index" |
15071 | get "up" => "rails/health#show", as: :rails_health_check |
15072 | get "/up" |
15073 | render inline: "<%= foo_or_bar? %>" |
15074 | mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog" |
15075 | mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog", as: "my_blog" |
15076 | get '/foo' => 'foo#index' |
15077 | get 'admin/foo', to: 'admin/foo#index' |
15078 | get 'foo', to: 'foo#index' |
15079 | get "/admin/foo" |
15080 | add_to_config <<-R |
15081 | get '/win' => lambda { |e| [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'}, ['WIN']] } |
15082 | get "/win" |
15083 | app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-R |
15084 | get 'lol' => 'hello#index' |
15085 | app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-RUBY |
15086 | @_model_name ||=, nil, "User") |
15087 | get 'custom', to: 'foo#custom' |
15088 | get 'mapping', to: 'foo#mapping' |
15089 | direct(:custom) { "" } |
15090 | resolve("User") { "/profile" } |
15091 | get 'foo', to: 'foo#bar' |
15092 | get "/custom" |
15093 | direct(:custom) { "" } |
15094 | resolve("User") { "/dashboard" } |
15095 | get 'foo', to: 'foo#baz' |
15096 | ::InitializeRackApp = lambda { |env| [200, {}, ["InitializeRackApp"]] } |
15097 | root :to => 'foo#index' |
15098 | direct(:custom) { '' } |
15099 | resolve('User') { '/profile' } |
15100 | get ':locale/foo', to: 'foo#index', as: 'foo' |
15101 | get 'users', to: 'foo#users', as: 'users' |
15102 | direct(:microsoft) { '' } |
15103 | get "/en/foo" |
15104 | get ':locale/bar', to: 'bar#index', as: 'foo' |
15105 | direct(:apple) { '' } |
15106 | get "/en/bar" |
15107 | get '/url', to: 'url#index' |
15108 | controller "url", <<-RUBY |
15109 | get "/url" |
15110 | get '/bar', to: 'foo#index', as: 'foo' |
15111 | <%= params[:id] %> |
15112 | get "/pages/" |
15113 | render :show, formats: [:awesome], handlers: [:rubby] |
15114 | app_file "lib/tasks/app.rake", <<-RUBY |
15115 | backtrace = rails("boom", allow_failure: true).lines.grep(/:\d+:in /) |
15116 | rails "generate", "model", "product", "name:string" |
15117 | output = rails("db:test:prepare", "test") |
15118 | app_file "app/models/hello.rb", <<-RUBY |
15119 | puts "Answer: " + Hello::TEST.to_s |
15120 | output = rails("test") |
15121 | with_rails_env("test") { rails("db:migrate") } |
15122 | rails "generate", "model", "Product" |
15123 | rails "generate", "model", "Cart" |
15124 | output = rails("db:test:prepare", "--trace") |
15125 | rails "g", "model", "post", "title:string" |
15126 | output = rails("db:migrate:redo", "--trace") |
15127 | assert_no_match(/^\*\* Invoke db:structure:dump\s+$/, output) |
15128 | rails "generate", "model", "post", "title:string" |
15129 | assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, "lib", "templates", "erb", dir)) |
15130 | assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, "lib", "templates", "rails", dir)) |
15131 | app_file "template.rb", "" |
15132 | output = rails("db:drop") |
15133 | output = rails("db:create:#{namespace}") |
15134 | output = rails("db:drop:#{namespace}") |
15135 | if schema_format == "ruby" |
15136 | rails "db:migrate:#{database}", "db:schema:dump:#{database}" |
15137 | assert_equal "[]", animals_tables[] |
15138 | assert_equal "[]", ar_tables[] |
15139 | rails("db:migrate:#{name}") |
15140 | if name == "primary" |
15141 | rails("db:migrate:#{name}", "db:schema:dump:#{name}") |
15142 | output = rails("db:test:prepare:#{name}", "--trace") |
15143 | ar_tables = lambda { rails("runner", "-e", "test", "p ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables").strip } |
15144 | output = rails("db:setup") |
15145 | output = rails("db:setup:#{namespace}") |
15146 | output = rails("db:reset") |
15147 | output = rails("db:reset:#{namespace}") |
15148 | down_output = rails("db:migrate:down:#{namespace}", "VERSION=#{version}") |
15149 | up_output = rails("db:migrate:up:#{namespace}", "VERSION=#{version}") |
15150 | down_output = rails("db:migrate:down", "VERSION=#{version}") |
15151 | up_output = rails("db:migrate:up", "VERSION=#{version}") |
15152 | if == "primary" |
15153 |"#{app_path}/db/migrate/**/*dogs.rb").first, "db/animals_migrate/") unless Dir.glob("#{app_path}/db/animals_migrate/**/*dogs.rb").first |
15154 | FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob("#{app_path}/db/migrate/**/*dogs.rb").first) if Dir.glob("#{app_path}/db/migrate/**/*dogs.rb").first |
15155 | app_path("/app/models/dog.rb") do |file_name| |
15156 | file ="#{app_path}/app/models/dog.rb") |
15157 |"#{app_path}/app/models/animals_base.rb", "w") do |file| |
15158 | file.write(<<~EOS) |
15159 | rails "generate", "model", "book", "title:string" |
15160 | rails "generate", "model", "dog", "name:string" |
15161 | rails("db:drop:all") |
15162 | dummy_task = <<~RUBY |
15163 | app_file("Rakefile", dummy_task, "a+") |
15164 | rails("db:migrate", "foo") |
15165 | entries = output.scan(/^== (\d+).+migrated/).map(&:first).map(&:to_i) |
15166 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4], entries |
15167 | db_up_and_down "01" |
15168 | db_up_and_down "01", "primary" |
15169 | db_up_and_down "02", "animals" |
15170 | rails "generate", "model", "recipe", "title:string" |
15171 | assert_equal "12", cache_size_a[] |
15172 | assert_equal "0", cache_size_b[] |
15173 | primary_version = File.basename(Dir[File.join(app_path, "db", "migrate", "*.rb")].first).to_i |
15174 | animals_version = File.basename(Dir[File.join(app_path, "db", "animals_migrate", "*.rb")].first).to_i |
15175 | output = rails("db:seed") |
15176 | database: <%= |
15177 | %> |
15178 | <% else %> |
15179 | <% 5.times do |i| %> |
15180 | shard_<%= i %>: |
15181 | <<: *development |
15182 |"test/models/book_test.rb", "w") do |file| |
15183 | test "a book" do |
15184 | assert_no_match(/add_column\(:users, :email, :string\)/, output) |
15185 | output = rails("db:migrate", "VERSION=0") |
15186 | assert_match(/add_column\(:users, :email, :string\)/, output) |
15187 | output = rails("db:rollback", "STEP=2") |
15188 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output) |
15189 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output) |
15190 | rails "db:rollback", "STEP=1" |
15191 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output) |
15192 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output) |
15193 | assert_match(/down\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output) |
15194 | rails "db:rollback", "STEP=2" |
15195 | rails "db:forward", "STEP=2" |
15196 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+\** NO FILE \**/, output) |
15197 | output = rails("db:migrate", "VERSION='0 '", allow_failure: true) |
15198 | output = rails("db:migrate", "VERSION=1.", allow_failure: true) |
15199 | output = rails("db:migrate", "VERSION=1_", allow_failure: true) |
15200 | assert_match(/down\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output) |
15201 | output = rails("generate", "model", "author", "name:string") |
15202 | version = output =~ %r{[^/]+db/migrate/(\d+)_create_authors\.rb} && $1 |
15203 | rails "db:migrate:up", "db:migrate:down", "VERSION=#{version}" |
15204 | rails "generate", "model", "reviews", "book_id:integer" |
15205 | assert_match(/execute\("SELECT 1"\)/, output) |
15206 | File.write("log/test.log", "test") |
15207 | File.write("log/dummy.log", "dummy") |
15208 | File.write("#{app_path}/config/database.yml", <<~YAML) |
15209 | <% 1 %> |
15210 | <<: *<%= ENV["DB"] || "sqlite" %> |
15211 | FileUtils.chmod("-w", "db") |
15212 | FileUtils.chmod("+w", "db") |
15213 | output = rails("db:drop:_unsafe", "--trace") |
15214 | assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create books/, output) |
15215 | args = ["generate", "model", "book", "title:string"] |
15216 | rails "db:drop", "db:create" |
15217 | rails "runner", <<~RUBY |
15218 | t.virtual :pages_plus_1, type: :integer, as: "pages + 1", stored: true |
15219 | rails "generate", "model", "admin::book", "title:string" |
15220 | assert_equal '["posts"]', list_tables[] |
15221 | assert_equal '["posts", "comments", "schema_migrations", "ar_internal_metadata", "users"]', list_tables[] |
15222 | assert_equal columns, '["gooseid", "name"]' |
15223 | rails("db:prepare", "db:drop", "db:create") |
15224 | app_file "db/schema.rb", "# Not touched" |
15225 | destructive_tasks = ["db:drop:all", "db:drop", "db:purge:all", "db:truncate_all", "db:purge", "db:schema:load", "db:test:purge"] |
15226 | app, _ = Rack::Builder.parse_file("#{app_path}/") |
15227 | @app = rackup |
15228 | @logs ||= Rails.logger.logged(:info).join(" ") |
15229 | get "/blah" |
15230 | head "/blah" |
15231 | post "/", _method: "put" |
15232 | assert_match 'Started PUT "/"', logs |
15233 | post "/", _method: "head" |
15234 | assert_match 'Started GET "/" for', logs |
15235 | rails("generate", "scaffold", "Pet", "name:string", "--database=animals") |
15236 | app_file "app/jobs/user_job.rb", <<-RUBY |
15237 | get "/", to: "users#index" |
15238 | assert_match(/pid='\d+'/, comment) |
15239 | assert_match(/\/\*action='index',controller='users',pid='\d+'\*\//, comment) |
15240 | assert_match(/\/\*action='index',namespaced_controller='users',pid='\d+'\*\//, comment) |
15241 | assert_match(/\/\*job='UserJob',pid='\d+'\*\//, comment) |
15242 | add_to_config "config.active_record.query_log_tags = [ { dynamic: ->(context) { context[:controller]&.dynamic_content } } ]" |
15243 | add_to_config "config.active_record.query_log_tags = [ { dynamic: ->(context) { context[:job]&.dynamic_content } } ]" |
15244 | render html: "<h1>Welcome to Rails!</h1>" |
15245 | [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, ["<p>Hello, World!</p>"]] |
15246 | [ name, id ].join("/") |
15247 | render ['david', 1),'dingus', 2) ] |
15248 | <% cache customer do %> |
15249 | <%= %> |
15250 | config.root = "#{app_path}" |
15251 | app_path(*path).to_s |
15252 | @output = rails("generate", "scaffold", "Pet", "name:string", "--database=animals") |
15253 | output = rails("destroy", "scaffold", "Pet", "--database=animals") |
15254 | output = rails("generate", "scaffold", "Dog", "name:string", "--database=animals") |
15255 | get "foo" |
15256 | flash[:notice] = "notice" |
15257 | get "/?flash=true" |
15258 | session[:foo] = 1 |
15259 | cookies[:foo] = '1' |
15260 | cipher = "aes-256-gcm" |
15261 | session[:foo] = session[:foo] + 1 |
15262 | get '/dump_flash' => "test#dump_flash" |
15263 | request.session[:foo] = "bar" |
15264 | get "/read_session" => "test#read_session" |
15265 | get "/test_action" => "test#test_action" |
15266 | app.paths["public"] = File.join(rails_root, "public") |
15267 | app_file "public/foo.txt", "foo" |
15268 | def remote_ip(env = {}) |
15269 | env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/").merge(env).merge!( |
15270 | endpoint = do |e| |
15271 | [200, {}, ["Hello"]] |
15272 | assert_equal "", remote_ip("REMOTE_ADDR" => "") |
15273 | assert_equal "", remote_ip("HTTP_CLIENT_IP" => "") |
15274 | app.config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = [""), /^4\.2\.42\.43$/, ""] |
15275 | assert_equal "", |
15276 | assert_equal "", |
15277 | assert_match(/oops/, log, log) |
15278 | get "/foo", to: "foo#index" |
15279 | match "/406", to: "foo#not_acceptable", via: :all |
15280 | [404, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["YOU FAILED"]] |
15281 | <% raise 'boooom' %> |
15282 | get "/foo?x[y]=1&x[y][][w]=2" |
15283 | malicious_url = "/foo?#{'[test]' * limit}=test" |
15284 | File.expand_path("#{app_path}/../new_app") |
15285 | expected = "Wed, 30 May 1984 19:43:31 GMT" |
15286 | get "/expires/expires_etag", { private: true }, { "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH" => etag } |
15287 | get "/rails/mailers", {}, { "REMOTE_ADDR" => "" } |
15288 | mailer "notifier", <<-RUBY |
15289 | ["notifier", "confirm"].each do |keyword| |
15290 | text_template "#{keyword}/foo", <<-RUBY |
15291 | <p>Hello, World!</p> |
15292 | get "/rails/mailers", {}, { "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/my_app" } |
15293 | <p>Hello, <%= @name %>!</p> |
15294 | Hello, <%= @name %>! |
15295 |[:name] || "World") |
15296 | assert_match %r[<p>Hello, Ruby!</p>], last_response.body |
15297 | <%= image_tag attachments['pixel.png'].url %> |
15298 | message = do |
15299 | body '<p>Goodbye, World!</p>' |
15300 | mail to: "", cc: "", bcc: "" |
15301 | assert_match "<dd id=\"to\"></dd>", last_response.body |
15302 | assert_match "<dd id=\"cc\"></dd>", last_response.body |
15303 | assert_match "<dd id=\"bcc\"></dd>", last_response.body |
15304 | <%= @template %> |
15305 | app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL |
15306 | p = Post.create(title: "omg") |
15307 | app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-RUBY |
15308 | e = assert_raise(NameError) { User } |
15309 | e = assert_raise(NameError) { Post } |
15310 | get '/unload', to: lambda { |env| [200, {}, [ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.collect(&:to_s).sort.uniq.to_json]] } |
15311 | initial = [ |
15312 | ].collect(&:to_s).sort |
15313 | get "/load" |
15314 | get "/unload" |
15315 | get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [User.counter.to_s]] } |
15316 | get "/c" |
15317 | $counter ||= 0 |
15318 | get '/c', to: lambda { |env|; [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] } |
15319 | $counter += 1 |
15320 | $counter ||= 1 |
15321 | get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] } |
15322 | get '/title', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, []] } |
15323 | get "/title" |
15324 | add_column :posts, :body, :text, default: "BODY" |
15325 | get "/body" |
15326 | self.response_body = ["OK"] |
15327 | puts "Error loading metal: \#{e.class} \#{e.message}" |
15328 | get "/:controller(/:action)" |
15329 | get "/omg/show" |
15330 | 2.times do |i| |
15331 | events = [] |
15332 | callback = ->(*_) { events << _ } |
15333 | assert_not_includes $:, "#{app_path}/app/models" |
15334 | app_file "lib/foo.rb", <<-RUBY |
15335 | assert_includes $:, "#{app_path}/lib" |
15336 | app_file "app/anything/foo.rb", <<-RUBY |
15337 | app_file "lib/zoo.rb", <<-ZOO |
15338 | app_file "lib/zoo/reptile_house.rb", <<-ZOO |
15339 | config.eager_load_paths << "#{app_path}/lib" |
15340 | app_file "config/another_locale.yml", "en: foo: ~" |
15341 | app_file "app/models/foo.rb", <<-RUBY |
15342 | @foo = I18n.t(:foo) |
15343 | get "/i18n" |
15344 | fr: |
15345 | assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :en] |
15346 | assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :'en-US', :en] |
15347 | test " = { :ca => :'es-ES' } initializes fallbacks with a mapping ca => es-ES" do |
15348 | = { ca: :'es-ES' } |
15349 | assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :"es-ES", :es] |
15350 | test "[shortcut] config.i18n.fallbacks = [{ :ca => :'es-ES' }] initializes fallbacks with a mapping ca => es-ES" do |
15351 | I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = [{ ca: :'es-ES' }] |
15352 | test "[shortcut] config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US', { :ca => :'es-ES' }] initializes fallbacks with the given arguments" do |
15353 | I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US', { ca: :'es-ES' }] |
15354 | assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :"es-ES", :es, :'en-US', :en] |
15355 | I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = { ca: :en } |
15356 | assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :en] |
15357 | $order = [] |
15358 | config.to_prepare { $order << :to_prepare } |
15359 | get "/foo", :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, []] }, :as => :foo |
15360 | app_file "app/mailers/foo.rb", <<-RUBY |
15361 | render inline: "<%= from_app_helper -%> <%= from_foo_helper %>" |
15362 | render inline: "<%= respond_to?(:from_bar_helper) -%>" |
15363 | render json: { omg: 'omg' } |
15364 | assert_equal '{"omg":"omg"}', last_response.body |
15365 | add_to_config "config.encoding = '#{charset}'" |
15366 | assert_nothing_raised { [1, 2, 3].sample } |
15367 | Dir.chdir("#{app_path}/app") do |
15368 | app_file "app/models/a.rb", "A = 1" |
15369 | app_file "app/models/m.rb", "module M; end" |
15370 | app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<~RUBY |
15371 | def self.is_a?(_) |
15372 | def self.<(_) |
15373 | output = rails("help") |
15374 | output = rails("-h") |
15375 | output = rails("") |
15376 | output = gem_rails("") |
15377 | expected = { rails: { orm: :data_mapper, test_framework: :rspec, helper: false } } |
15378 | c.generators.aliases = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } } |
15379 | expected = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } } |
15380 | g.plugin aliases: { generator: "-g" }, |
15381 | rails: { orm: :data_mapper }, |
15382 | plugin: { generator: true }, |
15383 | assert_equal({ plugin: { generator: "-g" } }, c.generators.aliases) |
15384 | rails "generate", "mailer", "notifier", "foo" |
15385 | output = rails("generate", "--help") |
15386 | output = rails("destroy", "--help") |
15387 | rails("generate", "model", "post", "title:string") |
15388 | output = rails("generate", "model", "post", "title:string", "body:string") |
15389 | output = rails("generate", "model", "post", "title:string", "body:string", "--skip-collision-check") |
15390 | output = rails("generate", "model", "post", "title:string", "body:string", "--force") |
15391 | expected = %w( |
15392 |, "a") { |f| f.write("# Add comment to model") } |
15393 | rails("generate", "scaffold", "post", "title:string") |
15394 | Process.spawn("#{app_path}/bin/rails dbconsole #{options}", in: fd, out: fd, err: fd) |
15395 | resets { = "UTC" } |
15396 | <%= Current.customer&.name || 'noone' %>,<%= %> |
15397 | a = b = c = nil |
15398 | ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_complete { a = b = c = 1 } |
15399 | ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_complete { b = c = 2 } |
15400 | assert_equal "Once upon a time in a world...", |
15401 | app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-CODE |
15402 | assert_output "> ", @primary |
15403 | in: @replica, out: @replica, err: @replica |
15404 | assert_output "> ", @primary, 30 |
15405 | options = "--sandbox -- --singleline --nocolorize" |
15406 | write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 0" |
15407 | write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 1" |
15408 | output = `#{app_path}/bin/rails console --sandbox` |
15409 | options = "-e test -- --verbose --singleline --nocolorize" |
15410 | write_prompt "a = 1", "a = 1" |
15411 | super(@io) |
15412 | with_rails_env("") do |
15413 | with_rack_env("") do |
15414 | app_file "lib/my_logger.rb", <<-RUBY |
15415 | assert_changes -> { File.exist?(File.join(app_path, "db", "schema.rb")) }, from: false, to: true do |
15416 | Rails.env = "test" |
15417 | config.root = '#{new_app}' |
15418 | File.delete("#{app_path}/") |
15419 | Dir.chdir("#{app_path}") do |
15420 | config.filter_parameters += [ :foo, 'bar', lambda { |key, value| |
15421 | filters = [/foo/, :bar, "baz.qux"] |
15422 | render inline: "<%= csrf_meta_tags %>" |
15423 | render inline: "<%= begin; form_for( {|f| f.text_field(:name)}; rescue => e; e.to_s; end %>" |
15424 | get "/posts" |
15425 | render inline: "<%= begin; form_with(model: {|f| f.text_field(:name)}; rescue => e; e.to_s; end %>" |
15426 | assert_no_match(/id=('|")post_name('|")/, last_response.body) |
15427 | assert_match(/id=('|")post_name('|")/, last_response.body) |
15428 | def to_key; [1]; end |
15429 | render inline: "<%= begin; form_for( {}; rescue => e; e.to_s; end %>" |
15430 | get "/posts/1" |
15431 | put "/posts/1", params |
15432 | script_name: "/bar", |
15433 | %w(title) |
15434 | post "/posts.json", '{ "title": "foo", "name": "bar" }', "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" |
15435 | post "/posts", post: { "title" => "zomg" } |
15436 | post "/posts", post: { "title" => "zomg" }, format: "json" |
15437 | app "test" |
15438 | format.html { render plain: "HTML" } |
15439 | format.xml { render plain: "XML" } |
15440 | get "/", {}, { "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml" } |
15441 | get "/", { format: :xml }, { "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml" } |
15442 | session_options = { key: "_myapp_session", cookie_only: true } |
15443 | /#\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/ |
15444 | <%= Rails.env %>: |
15445 | foo: "bar" |
15446 | baz: 1 |
15447 | foo: 0 |
15448 | assert_equal({ foo: 0, bar: { baz: 1 } }, actual) |
15449 | assert_equal([ :foo, :bar ], actual.keys) |
15450 | assert_equal([ 0, baz: 1], actual.values) |
15451 | assert_equal({ foo: 0, bar: { baz: 1 } }, actual.to_h) |
15452 | assert_equal({ baz: 1 }, actual[:bar]) |
15453 | - foo |
15454 | - bar |
15455 | - baz |
15456 | qux: 2 |
15457 | key: <%= 'custom key' %> |
15458 | key: foo: |
15459 | set_custom_config <<~RUBY, "'custom', env: 'production'" |
15460 | key: 'walrus' |
15461 | YAML.stub :load, { "development" => { "key" => "value" } } do |
15462 | render inline: "<%= stylesheet_link_tag '/application.css' %>" |
15463 | smtp_settings = { domain: "", open_timeout: 5, read_timeout: 5 } |
15464 | smtp_settings = { domain: "" } |
15465 | email: { |
15466 | root: "#{Dir.tmpdir}/email", |
15467 | output = rails("routes", "-g", "active_storage") |
15468 | ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = { production: { db1: { adapter: "mysql2" } } } |
15469 | def new(app); self; end |
15470 | ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = { production: { db1: { adapter: "postgresql" } } } |
15471 | I18n.exception_handler = ->(exception, *) { |
15472 | I18n.backend.store_translations :en, i18n: { plural: { rule: lambda { |n| [0, 1].include?(n) ? :one : :other } } } |
15473 | I18n.backend.store_translations :en, pears: { pear: "pear", pears: "pears" } |
15474 | assert_equal "one or none", I18n.t(:apples, count: 0) |
15475 | assert_equal "pears", I18n.t(:pears, count: 0) |
15476 | rails "generate", "model", "article" |
15477 | File.write("log/test.log", "zomg!") |
15478 | output = `bin/setup 2>&1` |
15479 | output.sub!(/^Resolving dependencies\.\.\. /, "") |
15480 | output.gsub!(/^The dependency .* will be unused .*\. /, "") |
15481 | output.sub!(/^yarn install v.*?$/, "yarn install") |
15482 | output.sub!(/^\[.*?\] Resolving packages\.\.\.$/, "[1/4] Resolving packages...") |
15483 | output.sub!(/^Done in \d+\.\d+s\. /, "Done in 0.00s. ") |
15484 | output.gsub!(/^warning:\s.* /, "") |
15485 | rails ["assets:precompile", "--trace"] |
15486 | env.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v } |
15487 | env.each_key { |k| ENV.delete k.to_s } |
15488 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "a = <%= image_path('rails.png').inspect %>;" |
15489 | get '*path', to: lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, ["Not an asset"]] } |
15490 | assert_equal "alert(); ", |
15491 | app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-eoruby |
15492 | //= link_tree ../images |
15493 | images_should_compile = ["a.png", "happyface.png", "happy_face.png", "happy.face.png", |
15494 | images_should_compile = ["a-*.png", "happyface-*.png", "happy_face-*.png", "happy.face-*.png", |
15495 | app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "body { background: '<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>'; }" |
15496 | assert_match(/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, |
15497 | assert_match(/production_assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, |
15498 | assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.css/, assets["assets"]["application.css"]) |
15499 | assert_match(/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, assets["assets"]["rails.png"]) |
15500 | add_to_config "config.assets.prefix = '/x'" |
15501 | assert_match(/test-([0-z]+)\.css/, assets["assets"]["test.css"]) |
15502 | get "/assets/#{asset_path}" |
15503 | app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }" |
15504 | assert_match(/\/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, |
15505 | app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "p { url: change }" |
15506 | app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../images" |
15507 | assert asset_path = assets["assets"].find { |(k, _)| /.png/.match?(k) }[1] |
15508 | app_file "public/assets/application.css", "a { color: green; }" |
15509 | files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/**/*"] |
15510 | assert_equal 0, files.length, "Expected no assets, but found #{files.join(', ')}" |
15511 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();" |
15512 | get '/omg', :to => "omg#index" |
15513 | get "/omg" |
15514 | %w[app lib vendor].each do |dir| |
15515 | app_file "#{dir}/assets/#{dir}_test.erb", "testing" |
15516 | assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body) |
15517 | assert_no_match(/<script src="\/assets\/xmlhr-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body) |
15518 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js.erb", "<%= %>" |
15519 | get "/posts", {}, { "HTTPS" => "off" } |
15520 | get "/posts", {}, { "HTTPS" => "on" } |
15521 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/image_loader.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';" |
15522 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/app.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';" |
15523 | assert_match "src='/sub/uri/assets/rails.png'",["#{app_path}/public/assets/app-*.js"].first) |
15524 | app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js", "function f1() { alert(); }" |
15525 | get '/posts', :to => "posts#index" |
15526 | get '/posts', to: "posts#index" |
15527 | assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application(\.debug|\.self)?-([0-z]+)\.js(\?body=1)?"><\/script>/, last_response.body) |
15528 | cases = { |
15529 | app_file "app/views/posts/#{view_method}.html.erb", "<%= #{view_method} '#{contents}', skip_pipeline: true %>" |
15530 | assert_match(tag_match, body, "Expected `#{view_method}` to produce a match to #{tag_match}, but did not: #{body}") |
15531 | app_file "app/views/posts/#{view_method}.html.erb", "<%= #{view_method} '#{contents}', skip_pipeline: true %> " |
15532 | /\/assets\/application-.*.\.js/ => {}, |
15533 | app_file "app/views/posts/version_#{index}.html.erb", "<%= asset_path('application.js', #{options_hash}) %>" |
15534 | assert_match(tag_match, body, "Expected `asset_path` with `#{options_hash}` to produce a match to #{tag_match}, but did not: #{body}") |
15535 | app_file "app/views/posts/#{view_method}.html.erb", "<%= #{ view_method } 'application.js' %>" |
15536 | assert_match(tag_match, body, "Expected `#{view_method}` to produce a match to #{ tag_match }, but did not: #{ body }") |
15537 | @loader ||= do |
15538 | @cwd = Dir.pwd |
15539 | ["bin", "script"].each do |script_dir| |
15540 | exe = "#{script_dir}/rails" |
15541 | write "foo/bar/#{exe}" |
15542 | write "foo/#{exe}", keyword |
15543 | Dir.chdir("foo/bar") |
15544 | config.root = __dir__ |
15545 | def jruby_skip(message = "") |
15546 | [path, (begin_line..end_line)] |
15547 | @begins_to_ends = {} |
15548 | def on_def(begin_line, *) |
15549 | def first_arg(arg, *) |
15550 | parts << part |
15551 | opts.on("--warnings", "-w", "Run with Ruby warnings enabled") { } |
15552 | opts.on("-e", "--environment ENV", "Run tests in the ENV environment") { } |
15553 | env_index = argv.index("--environment") || argv.index("-e") |
15554 | w_index = argv.index("--warnings") || argv.index("-w") |
15555 | def run_from_rake(test_command, argv = []) |
15556 | success = system("rails", test_command, *argv, *Shellwords.split(ENV["TESTOPTS"] || "")) |
15557 | def run(argv = []) |
15558 | if filters.any? { |_, lines| lines.any? } |
15559 | path ="\\", "/") |
15560 | when /(:\d+)+$/.match?(path) |
15561 | file, *lines = path.split(":") |
15562 | filters << [ file, lines ] |
15563 | filters << [ path, [] ] |
15564 | arg.start_with?("/") && arg.end_with?("/") |
15565 | if filter.is_a?(String) && !filter.start_with?("test_") |
15566 | filter = filter.gsub(/\s+/, "_") |
15567 | def ===(method) |
15568 | @filters.any? { |filter| filter === method } |
15569 | elsif filter =~ %r%/(.*)/% # Regexp filtering copied from minitest. |
15570 | { |line|, file, line) } |
15571 | @line = line.to_i if line |
15572 | test_file == @file && test_range.include?(@line) |
15573 | if output_inline? && result.failure && (!result.skipped? || options[:verbose]) |
15574 | file.sub(/^#{app_root}\/?/, "") |
15575 | @app_root ||= self.class.app_root || |
15576 | options[:color] && io.respond_to?(:tty?) && io.tty? |
15577 | codes = { red: 31, green: 32, yellow: 33 } |
15578 | def run(reporter, options = {}) |
15579 | ).tap { |arr| |
15580 | }.each do |task| |
15581 | @comments = [] |
15582 | @comments <<, $1, $2) if value =~ pattern |
15583 | parser.error? ? [] : parser.comments |
15584 | lineno = 0 |
15585 | lineno += 1 |
15586 | list <<, $1, $2) |
15587 | @@directories ||= %w(app config db lib test) |
15588 | @@extensions ||= {} |
15589 | extensions[/\.(#{exts.join("|")})$/] = block |
15590 | register_extensions("builder", "rb", "rake", "ruby") do |tag| |
15591 |\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/) |
15592 | register_extensions("yml", "yaml") do |tag| |
15593 |\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/) |
15594 | register_extensions("css", "js") do |tag| |
15595 |\/\/\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/) |
15596 |<%\s*#\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*?)\s*%>/) |
15597 | def to_s(options = {}) |
15598 | s = +"[#{line.to_s.rjust(options[:indent])}] " |
15599 | s << "[#{tag}] " if options[:tag] |
15600 | s << text |
15601 | def self.enumerate(tag = nil, options = {}) |
15602 | tag ||= Annotation.tags.join("|") |
15603 | @tag = tag |
15604 | dirs.inject({}) { |h, dir| h.update(find_in(dir)) } |
15605 | results = {} |
15606 | Dir.glob("#{dir}/*") do |item| |
15607 | options[:indent] = results.flat_map { |f, a| }.max.to_s.size |
15608 | puts "#{file}:" |
15609 | @cipher = "aes-128-gcm" |
15610 | secrets ||= {} |
15611 |"#{path}.tmp", path) |
15612 | @root.join("config", "secrets.yml.key") |
15613 | @root.join("config", "secrets.yml.enc").to_s |
15614 | if path.end_with?(".enc") |
15615 | tmp_file = "#{File.basename(path)}.#{}" |
15616 | @@options ||= {} |
15617 | @@eager_load_namespaces ||= [] |
15618 | @@watchable_files ||= [] |
15619 | @@watchable_dirs ||= {} |
15620 | @@to_prepare_blocks ||= [] |
15621 | super || @@options.key?(name.to_sym) |
15622 | if name.end_with?("=") |
15623 | @@options[:"#{name[0..-2]}"] = args.first |
15624 | @instance ||= new |
15625 | def <=>(other) # :nodoc: |
15626 | @@load_counter ||= 0 |
15627 | @load_index = (@@load_counter += 1) |
15628 | var_name = "@#{type}" |
15629 | blocks << blk if blk |
15630 | def call_app(request, env) # :doc: |
15631 | sprintf('Started %s "%s" for %s at %s', |
15632 | @root = {} |
15633 | def []=(path, value) |
15634 | glob = self[path] ? self[path].glob : nil |
15635 | def add(path, options = {}) |
15636 | @root[path] =, path, with, options) |
15637 | def [](path) |
15638 | values.tap(&:uniq!) |
15639 | filter_by(&:load_path?) |
15640 | paths - path.children.flat_map { |p| yield(p) ? [] : p.existent } |
15641 | }.uniq |
15642 | keys = @root.keys.find_all { |k| |
15643 | k.start_with?(@current) && k != @current |
15644 | def <<(path) |
15645 | @paths << path |
15646 | map do |p| |
15647 | $1.split(",") if @glob =~ /\{([\S]+)\}/ |
15648 | if @glob && |
15649 | if !does_exist && File.symlink?(f) |
15650 | { |d| } |
15651 | files = Dir.glob(@glob, base: path) |
15652 |! { |file| File.join(path, file) } |
15653 | send_data @email.to_s, filename: "#{@email_action}.eml" |
15654 | def show_previews? # :doc: |
15655 | candidates = [] |
15656 | params[:path].to_s.scan(%r{/|$}) { candidates << $` } |
15657 | if formats.any? { |f| @email.mime_type == f } |
15658 | def find_part(format) # :doc: |
15659 | options[:group] ||= :default |
15660 | @options[:group] == group || @options[:group] == :all |
15661 | select { |i| i.before == || == initializer.after }.each(&block) |
15662 | def initializer(name, opts = {}, &blk) |
15663 | layout -> { request.xhr? ? false : "application" } |
15664 | @page_title = "Routes" |
15665 | normalized_path = ("/" + query).squeeze("/") |
15666 | query_without_url_or_path_suffix = query.gsub(/(\w)(_path$)/, '\1').gsub(/(\w)(_url$)/, '\1') |
15667 | match ||= (query === route_wrapper.verb) |
15668 | map(&:first) |
15669 | class << self # :nodoc: |
15670 | value ||= yield |
15671 | value = value.join(", ") if value.is_a?(Array) |
15672 | info * " " |
15673 | (+"<table>").tap do |table| |
15674 | table << %(<tr><td class="name">#{CGI.escapeHTML(name.to_s)}</td>) |
15675 | table << %(<td class="value">#{formatted_value}</td></tr>) |
15676 | table << "</table>" |
15677 | %(<html><body style="background-color: #{color}"></body></html>).html_safe |
15678 | def setup # :nodoc: |
15679 | args += ["--skip-bundle"] unless args.include?("--no-skip-bundle") || args.include?("--dev") |
15680 | args += ["--skip-bootsnap"] unless args.include?("--no-skip-bootsnap") || args.include?("--skip-bootsnap") |
15681 | def generator(args = default_arguments, options = {}, config = {}) |
15682 | Dir.glob("#{dirname}/[0-9]*_*.rb").grep(/\d+_#{file_name}.rb$/).first |
15683 | assert content =~ /(\s+)def #{method}(\(.+\))?(.*?) \1end/m, "Expected to have method #{method}" |
15684 | @_file_name ||= super.sub(/_test\z/i, "") |
15685 | @fixture_name ||= |
15686 | (namespace_dirs + [table_name]).join("_") |
15687 | { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.join(", ") |
15688 | ["#{name}", '"secret"'] |
15689 | ["#{name}", "@#{singular_table_name}.#{name}"] |
15690 | attribute = attributes.find { |attr| == name } |
15691 | directory ".", "test" |
15692 | template "unit_test.rb", File.join("test/models", class_path, "#{file_name}_test.rb") |
15693 | @_file_name ||= super.sub(/_mailer\z/i, "") |
15694 | template "unit_test.rb", File.join("test/jobs", class_path, "#{file_name}_job_test.rb") |
15695 | @_file_name ||= super.sub(/_job\z/i, "") |
15696 | @controller_class_path = name.include?("/") ? name.split("/") : name.split("::") |
15697 | (controller_class_path + [controller_file_name]).map!(&:camelize).join("::") |
15698 | @controller_i18n_scope ||="/", ".") |
15699 | @orm_class ||= begin |
15700 | template "task.rb", File.join("lib/tasks", "#{file_name}.rake") |
15701 | params = { |name| ":#{name}" } |
15702 | params += { |name| "#{name}: []" } |
15703 | params.join(", ") |
15704 | if !options[:skip_git] && !options[:pretend] |
15705 | opts[:force] = force |
15706 | opts[:skip_git] = true |
15707 | opts[:dummy_app] = true |
15708 | if engine? && !api? |
15709 | insert_into_file "#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", indent(<<~RUBY, 4), after: /^\s*config\.load_defaults.* / |
15710 | bin_file = engine? ? "bin/" : "bin/" |
15711 | entry = " gem '#{name}', path: '#{relative_path}'" |
15712 | if !engine? || !with_dummy_app? |
15713 | build(:assets_manifest) if !api? && engine? |
15714 | @name ||= begin |
15715 | underscored.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') |
15716 | underscored.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') |
15717 | @namespaced_name ||="-", "/") |
15718 | full? || mountable? || options[:engine] |
15719 | options[:skip_test].blank? || options[:dummy_path] != "test/dummy" |
15720 | @modules ||= namespaced_name.camelize.split("::") |
15721 | unwrapped_code = "#{unwrapped_code}".strip.gsub(/\s$ /, "") |
15722 | str = +"module #{mod} " |
15723 | str << (content.present? ? " end" : "end") |
15724 | @camelized ||= name.gsub(/\W/, "_").squeeze("_").camelize |
15725 | [">= #{gem_version}"] |
15726 | if /-\d/.match?(original_name) |
15727 | elsif /[^\w-]+/.match?(original_name) |
15728 | elsif /^\d/.match?(camelized) |
15729 | argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: "field[:type][:index] field[:type][:index]" |
15730 | log "" |
15731 | [ "", "# Ignore master key for decrypting credentials and more.", "/#{MASTER_KEY_PATH}", "" ].join(" ") |
15732 | @_file_name ||= super.sub(/_helper\z/i, "") |
15733 | log "Adding #{key_path} to store the encryption key: #{key}" |
15734 | [ "", "/#{key_path}", "" ].join(" ") |
15735 | opt[:database] ||= opt[:to] |
15736 | /(\b#{all_database_gem_names.join('\b|\b')}\b)/ |
15737 | /^gem.*\b#{gem_name}\b.*/ |
15738 |! { |segment| "\"#{segment}\"" } |
15739 | say "" |
15740 | routing_code = { |action| "get '#{file_name}/#{action}'" }.join(" ") |
15741 | name.sub(/_?controller$/i, "") |
15742 | argument :reports, type: :array, default: ["before", "after"] |
15743 | def #{method}(*args, &block) |
15744 | @generator.send(:#{method}, *args, &block) |
15745 | insert_into_file "config/application.rb", %(require "sprockets/railtie"), after: /require\(["']rails\/all["']\) / |
15746 | minimal: [ |
15747 | api: [ |
15748 | build(:db) |
15749 | def file(*args, &block) |
15750 | def after_bundle(&block) # :doc: |
15751 | @argv = argv |
15752 | File.expand_path("~/.railsrc") |
15753 | if ["--version", "-v"].include?(argument) |
15754 | if argument == "new" |
15755 | ["--help"] + argv.drop(1) |
15756 | if argv.find { |arg| arg == "--no-rc" } |
15757 | argv.reject { |arg| arg == "--no-rc" } |
15758 | railsrc(argv) { |rc_argv, rc| insert_railsrc_into_argv!(rc_argv, rc) } |
15759 | if (customrc = argv.index { |x| x.include?("--rc=") }) |
15760 | fname = File.expand_path(argv[customrc].gsub(/--rc=/, "")) |
15761 | puts "Using #{extra_args.join(" ")} from #{railsrc}" |
15762 | argv.take(1) + extra_args + argv.drop(1) |
15763 | args[0] = args[0].dup if args[0].is_a?(String) && args[0].frozen? |
15764 | template(source + ".js", destination + ".js") |
15765 | def file_path # :doc: |
15766 | @file_path ||= (class_path + [file_name]).join("/") |
15767 | def class_path # :doc: |
15768 | def class_name # :doc: |
15769 | (class_path + [file_name]).map!(&:camelize).join("::") |
15770 | def human_name # :doc: |
15771 | def plural_name # :doc: |
15772 | def i18n_scope # :doc: |
15773 | @i18n_scope ||="/", ".") |
15774 | def table_name # :doc: |
15775 | @table_name ||= begin |
15776 | (class_path + [base]).join("_") |
15777 | def index_helper(type: nil) # :doc: |
15778 | [plural_route_name, ("index" if uncountable?), type].compact.join("_") |
15779 | def show_helper(arg = "@#{singular_table_name}", type: :url) # :doc: |
15780 | def edit_helper(...) # :doc: |
15781 | def new_helper(type: :url) # :doc: |
15782 | def route_url # :doc: |
15783 | @route_url ||= controller_class_path.collect { |dname| "/" + dname }.join + "/" + plural_file_name |
15784 | @url_helper_prefix ||= (class_path + [file_name]).join("_") |
15785 | resource_name = "#{prefix}#{base_name}" |
15786 | @class_path = name.include?("/") ? name.split("/") : name.split("::") |
15787 | self.attributes = (attributes || []).map do |attr| |
15788 | names << "#{}_type" if a.polymorphic? |
15789 | def self.check_class_collision(options = {}) # :doc: |
15790 | name != name.underscore && |
15791 | Dir.glob("#{dirname}/[0-9]*_*.rb") |
15792 | migration_lookup_at(dirname).grep(/\d+_#{file_name}.rb$/).first |
15793 | numbered_destination = File.join(dir, ["%migration_number%", base].join("_")) |
15794 | if type && !valid_type?(type) |
15795 | raise Error, "Could not generate field '#{name}' with unknown type '#{type}'." |
15796 | attr_options[:index] = { unique: true } |
15797 | when /(string|text|binary|integer)\{(\d+)\}/ |
15798 | return $1, limit: $2.to_i |
15799 | when /decimal\{(\d+)[,.-](\d+)\}/ |
15800 | return :decimal, precision: $1.to_i, scale: $2.to_i |
15801 | when /(references|belongs_to)\{(.+)\}/ |
15802 | type = $1 |
15803 | provided_options = $2.split(/[,.-]/) |
15804 | options = Hash[ { |opt| [opt.to_sym, true] }] |
15805 | return type, {} |
15806 | def initialize(name, type = nil, index_type = false, attr_options = {}) |
15807 | @field_type ||= case type |
15808 | @default ||= case type |
15809 | %w(id type).map { |t| "#{name}_#{t}" } |
15810 | @column_name ||= reference? ? "#{name}_id" : name |
15811 | name.end_with?("_id") |
15812 | name == "password" && type == :digest |
15813 | type == :token |
15814 | type == :rich_text |
15815 | (+"").tap { |s| options_for_migration.each { |k, v| s << ", #{k}: #{v.inspect}" } } |
15816 | has_uniq_index? ? ", unique: true" : "" |
15817 | module Erb # :nodoc: |
15818 | view_base_path = File.join("app/views", class_path, file_name + "_mailer") |
15819 | [:text, :html] |
15820 | [name, file_format, handler].compact.join(".") |
15821 | @mysql_socket ||= [ |
15822 | ].find { |f| File.exist?(f) } unless Gem.win_platform? |
15823 | class Error < Thor::Error # :nodoc: |
15824 | @desc ||= if usage_path |
15825 | @namespace ||= super.delete_suffix("_generator").sub(/:generators:/, ":") |
15826 | in_base = options.delete(:in) || base_name |
15827 | defaults = if options[:type] == :boolean |
15828 | { banner: "" } |
15829 | { desc: "#{name.to_s.humanize} to be invoked", banner: "NAME" } |
15830 | hooks[name] = [ in_base, as_hook ] |
15831 | def self.class_option(name, options = {}) # :nodoc: |
15832 | __dir__ |
15833 | if && !"Base") |
15834 | if"::") |
15835 | nesting = class_name.split("::") |
15836 | def indent(content, multiplier = 2) # :doc: |
15837 | spaces = " " * multiplier |
15838 | { |line| line.blank? ? line : "#{spaces}#{line}" }.join |
15839 | def namespaced? # :doc: |
15840 | @namespace_dirs ||="::").map(&:underscore) |
15841 | @namespaced_path ||= namespace_dirs.join("/") |
15842 | def self.banner # :doc: |
15843 | def self.base_name # :doc: |
15844 | @base_name ||= if base = name.to_s.split("::").first |
15845 | @generator_name ||= if generator = name.to_s.split("::").last |
15846 | if generator_name && (c = config[generator_name.to_sym]) && c.key?(name) |
15847 | elsif base_name && (c = config[base_name.to_sym]) && c.key?(name) |
15848 | @hooks ||= from_superclass(:hooks, {}) |
15849 | no_tasks { |
15850 | @shebang ||= begin |
15851 | paths = [ |
15852 | source_root && File.expand_path("../USAGE", source_root), |
15853 | @app_const_base ||= app_name.gsub(/\W/, "_").squeeze("_").camelize |
15854 | @app_const ||= "#{app_const_base}::Application" |
15855 | if /^\d/.match?(app_const) |
15856 | class AppBase < Base # :nodoc: |
15857 | desc: "Name of the app" |
15858 | Rails.gem_version.prerelease? ? "main" : [*Rails.gem_version.segments.first(2), "stable"].join("-") |
15859 | @argv = [*positional_argv, *option_argv] |
15860 | @gem_filter = lambda { |gem| true } |
15861 | def builder # :doc: |
15862 | @builder ||= begin |
15863 | def build(meth, *args) # :doc: |
15864 | ->(&block) { option_reasons.each_key(&block) }, |
15865 | ->(key, &block) { option_reasons[key]&.each(&block) } |
15866 | [name, reasons - revoked.to_a] |
15867 | option_reasons = {} |
15868 | (option_reasons[implication.to_s] ||= []) << reason.to_s |
15869 | due_to = { |reason| "--#{reason.dasherize}" }.join(", ") |
15870 | def create_root # :doc: |
15871 | raise Error, "The template [#{rails_template}] could not be loaded. Error: #{e}" |
15872 | when /^https?:\/\// |
15873 | "puma", ">= 5.0", "Use the Puma web server []" |
15874 | @required_railties ||= { |
15875 | %(require "rails/all") |
15876 | %(#{"# " if !required}require "#{railtie}") |
15877 | def comment_if(value) # :doc: |
15878 | question = "#{value}?" |
15879 | comment ? "# " : "" |
15880 | def keeps? # :doc: |
15881 | def sqlite3? # :doc: |
15882 | def skip_action_text? # :doc: |
15883 | (comment.gsub(/^/, "# ").chomp + " " if comment), |
15884 | ("# " if commented_out), |
15885 | || options.edge? || options.main? |
15886 | %(Bundle edge Rails instead: gem "rails", github: "rails/rails", branch: "main")) |
15887 | patch = gem_version.segments[0, 3].join(".") |
15888 | ["~> #{patch}", ">= #{gem_version}"] |
15889 | using_node? and `yarn --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] |
15890 | shebangs = Dir["bin/*"].map { |file| }.join |
15891 | rubies = shebangs.scan(%r{#!/usr/bin/env (ruby.*)}).flatten.uniq |
15892 | binfixups = (rubies - %w(ruby)).map do |ruby| |
15893 | has_cr = Dir["bin/*"].any? { |file| "\r" } |
15894 | if has_cr || (Gem.win_platform? && !binfixups.empty?) |
15895 | binfixups.unshift 'sed -i "s/\r$//g" bin/*' |
15896 | unless Dir["bin/*"].all? { |file| File.executable? file } |
15897 | when /^2\.7/ |
15898 | bullseye = Gem.ruby_version >="2.7.4") |
15899 | when /^3\.0/ |
15900 | bullseye = Gem.ruby_version >="3.0.2") |
15901 | packages << "python" |
15902 | if options[:css] && options[:css] != "tailwind" && options[:css] != "sass" && options[:javascript] == "importmap" |
15903 | if !using_node? && options[:css] == "tailwind" |
15904 | elsif !using_node? && options[:css] == "sass" |
15905 |"redis", ">= 4.0.1", comment, {}, true) |
15906 | say_status :run, "bundle #{command}" |
15907 | full_command = %Q["#{Gem.ruby}" "#{bundle_command}" #{command}] |
15908 | !(options[:skip_bundle] || options[:pretend]) |
15909 | Gem.rubygems_version >="3.3.22") ? "windows" : "mswin mswin64 mingw x64_mingw" |
15910 | !(options[:skip_system_test] || options[:skip_test] || options[:api]) |
15911 | !options[:skip_bootsnap] && !options[:dev] && !defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) |
15912 | git_source(:github) { |repo| "\#{repo}.git" } |
15913 | platforms = ["--add-platform=x86_64-linux"] |
15914 | git_version = `git --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] |
15915 | if >="2.28.0") |
15916 | def initialize(*) # :nodoc: |
15917 | parts, message = [ quote(name) ], name.dup |
15918 | message << " (#{_versions.join(", ")})" |
15919 | str << "# #{comment_line}" |
15920 | str << " " |
15921 | str << "gem #{parts.join(", ")}" |
15922 | str = |
15923 | str = str.join(", ") |
15924 | log :gemfile, "group #{str}" |
15925 | def github(repo, options = {}, &block) |
15926 | str = [quote(repo)] |
15927 | log :github, "github #{str}" |
15928 | def add_source(source, options = {}, &block) |
15929 | def environment(data = nil, options = {}) |
15930 | data ||= yield if block_given? |
15931 | def git(commands = {}) |
15932 | run "git #{commands}" |
15933 | run "git #{cmd} #{options}" |
15934 | rails_command "generate #{what} #{args.join(" ")}", options |
15935 | def rake(command, options = {}) |
15936 | existing_line_pattern = /^[ ]{,#{existing_block_indent}}\S.+ ?/ |
15937 | empty_block_pattern = /(#{namespace_pattern})((?:\s*end ){1,#{namespace.size}})/ |
15938 | ending.sub!(/\A\s*end /, "") while !ending.empty? && beginning.sub!(/^[ ]*namespace .+ do \s*\z/, "") |
15939 | def log(*args) # :doc: |
15940 | args << (behavior == :invoke ? :green : :red) |
15941 | def execute_command(executor, command, options = {}) # :doc: |
15942 | sudo = options[:sudo] && !Gem.win_platform? ? "sudo " : "" |
15943 | config = { |
15944 | in_root { run("#{sudo}#{Shellwords.escape Gem.ruby} bin/#{executor} #{command}", config) } |
15945 | def quote(value) # :doc: |
15946 | return do |k, v| |
15947 | return "#{value} " unless value.is_a?(String) |
15948 | gsub_file path, / ?\z/, options do |match| |
15949 | match.end_with?(" ") ? "" : " #{str} " |
15950 | cummulative_margin = "\\#{i + 1}[ ]{2}" |
15951 | blank_or_indented_line = "^[ ]* |^#{cummulative_margin}.* " |
15952 | /^([ ]*).+\.routes\.draw do[ ]* #{pattern}/ |
15953 | rails: { |
15954 | actions: "-a", |
15955 | orm: "-o", |
15956 | javascripts: ["-j", "--js"], |
15957 | stylesheets: "-y", |
15958 | template_engine: "-e", |
15959 | test_framework: "-t" |
15960 | test_unit: { |
15961 | @templates_path ||= [] |
15962 | @after_generate_callbacks ||= [] |
15963 | @fallbacks ||= {} |
15964 | hide_namespaces "assets", "helper", "css", "js" |
15965 | api: true, |
15966 | options[:mailer] ||= {} |
15967 | options[:mailer][:template_engine] ||= :erb |
15968 | sorted_groups.each { |b, n| print_list(b, n) } |
15969 | groups = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
15970 | base = namespace.split(":").first |
15971 |! { |n| n.delete_prefix("rails:") } |
15972 | [[ "rails", rails ]] + groups.sort.to_a |
15973 | def find_by_namespace(name, base = nil, context = nil) # :nodoc: |
15974 | lookups = [] |
15975 | lookups << "#{name}:#{context}" if context |
15976 | unless name.to_s.include?(?:) |
15977 | lookups << "#{name}:#{name}" |
15978 | lookups << "rails:#{name}" |
15979 | lookups << "#{name}" |
15980 | def invoke(namespace, args = ARGV, config = {}) |
15981 | names = namespace.to_s.split(":") |
15982 | if klass = find_by_namespace(names.pop, names.any? && names.join(":")) |
15983 | args << "--help" if args.empty? && klass.arguments.any?(&:required?) |
15984 | (@@generated_files ||= []) << file |
15985 | @command_type ||= "generator" |
15986 | @file_lookup_paths ||= [ "{#{lookup_paths.join(',')}}", "**", "*_generator.rb" ] |
15987 | @@generated_files = [] |
15988 | { engine: true }, { destination_root: ENGINE_ROOT } |
15989 | @_all ||= + |
15990 | def each(*args, &block) |
15991 | _all.each(*args, &block) |
15992 | def -(others) |
15993 | _all - others |
15994 | @paths ||= begin |
15995 | glob: "{*,*/concerns}", |
15996 | paths.add "config/initializers", glob: "**/*.rb" |
15997 | call_stack = { |l| l.absolute_path || l.path } |
15998 | File.dirname(call_stack.detect { |p| !p.match?(%r[railties[\w.-]*/lib/rails|rack[\w.-]*/lib/rack]) }) |
15999 | @endpoint ||= nil |
16000 | define_method(:table_name_prefix) { "#{name}_" } |
16001 | class_eval "def use_relative_model_naming?; true; end", __FILE__, __LINE__ |
16002 | @helpers ||= begin |
16003 | @env_config ||= {} |
16004 | if !isolated? || (app == self) |
16005 | def routes? # :nodoc: |
16006 | def run_tasks_blocks(*) # :nodoc: |
16007 | paths["lib/tasks"].existent.sort.each { |ext| load(ext) } |
16008 | while root_path && && !File.exist?("#{root_path}/#{flag}") |
16009 | root_path = parent != root_path && parent |
16010 | root = File.exist?("#{root_path}/#{flag}") ? root_path : default |
16011 | @_all_autoload_paths ||= begin |
16012 | @_all_load_paths ||= begin |
16013 | elsif caching == false && File.exist?(FILE) |
16014 | def insert_before(...) |
16015 | @operations << -> middleware { middleware.insert_before(...) } |
16016 | def insert_after(...) |
16017 | @operations << -> middleware { middleware.insert_after(...) } |
16018 | def swap(...) |
16019 | @operations << -> middleware { middleware.swap(...) } |
16020 | def use(...) |
16021 | @operations << -> middleware { middleware.use(...) } |
16022 | def delete(...) |
16023 | @delete_operations << -> middleware { middleware.delete(...) } |
16024 | def move_before(...) |
16025 | @delete_operations << -> middleware { middleware.move_before(...) } |
16026 | def move_after(...) |
16027 | @delete_operations << -> middleware { middleware.move_after(...) } |
16028 | def unshift(...) |
16029 | @operations << -> middleware { middleware.unshift(...) } |
16030 | def +(other) # :nodoc: |
16031 | @aliases = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
16032 | @options = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
16033 | @fallbacks = {} |
16034 | @templates = [] |
16035 | @hidden_namespaces = [] |
16036 | method = method.to_s.delete_suffix("=").to_sym |
16037 | if method == :rails |
16038 | if method == :rails || args.first.is_a?(Hash) |
16039 | @controller_class && @controller_class.try(:view_paths).to_a.flat_map { |path| Dir["#{view_path(path)}.*"] }.none? |
16040 | @routes ||= begin |
16041 | def help(command_name = nil, *) |
16042 | if command_name == "test" |
16043 | |
16044 | desc "test [PATHS...]", "Run tests except system tests" |
16045 | $LOAD_PATH << Rails::Command.root.join("test").to_s |
16046 | desc name, "Run tests in test/#{name}" |
16047 | perform("test/#{name}", *args) |
16048 | perform("test/**/*_test.rb", *args) |
16049 | perform("test/models", "test/helpers", "test/unit", *args) |
16050 | Rails::Command::RakeCommand.perform("test:prepare", [], {}) |
16051 | @default_options = options || {} |
16052 | trap(:INT) { exit } |
16053 |[]) |
16054 | server.to_s == "Rack::Handler::Puma" |
16055 | class_option :port, aliases: "-p", type: :numeric, |
16056 | class_option :binding, aliases: "-b", type: :string, |
16057 | class_option :config, aliases: "-c", type: :string, default: "", |
16058 | class_option :using, aliases: "-u", type: :string, |
16059 | class_option :pid, aliases: "-P", type: :string, |
16060 | @original_options = local_options - %w( --restart ) |
16061 | after_stop_callback = -> { say "Exiting" unless options[:daemon] } |
16062 | user_flag = {} |
16063 | if command.start_with?("--") |
16064 | option = command.split("=")[0] |
16065 | elsif command =~ /\A(-.)/ |
16066 | if option.aliases.any? { |name| user_flag[name] } || user_flag["--#{}"] |
16067 | name = :Port |
16068 | name = :Host |
16069 | default_host = environment == "development" ? "localhost" : "" |
16070 | gem "#{server}" |
16071 | desc "runner [<'Some.ruby(code)'> | <filename.rb> | -]", |
16072 | if code_or_file == "-" |
16073 | error "Run '#{self.class.executable} -h' for help." |
16074 | error "" |
16075 | code_or_file.ends_with?(".rb") |
16076 | rake.init("rails", [task, *args]) |
16077 | { |t| [ t.name_with_args, t.comment ] } |
16078 | self.bin = "rails" |
16079 | run_plugin_generator %w( --help ) |
16080 | def self.banner(*) # :nodoc: |
16081 | class_option :rc, type: :string, default: File.join("~", ".railsrc"), |
16082 | plugin_args << "--help" unless type == "new" |
16083 | extra_args = +/).flat_map(&:split) |
16084 | say "Using #{extra_args.join(" ")} from #{railsrc}" |
16085 | tag = (annotations.length > 1) |
16086 | Rails::Command.invoke :application, [ "--help" ] |
16087 | say "Type 'rails' for help." |
16088 | def help(*) |
16089 | class_option :key, aliases: "-k", type: :string, |
16090 | def edit(*) |
16091 | def show(*) |
16092 | @content_path ||= args[0] |
16093 | say "WARNING: #{error.message}", :red |
16094 | missing_db = database ? "'#{database}' database is not" : "No databases are" |
16095 | def find_cmd_and_exec(commands, *args) # :doc: |
16096 | class_option :mode, enum: %w( html list line column ), type: :string, |
16097 | class_option :database, aliases: "--db", type: :string, |
16098 | say "Editing #{content_path}..." |
16099 | available_environments.find { |env| path.end_with?("#{env}.yml.enc") } |
16100 | def initialize(app, options = {}) |
16101 | def initialize(args = [], local_options = {}, config = {}) |
16102 | console_options = [] |
16103 | aliases = { |
16104 | desc: "The environment to run `#{self.command_name}` in (e.g. test / development / production)." |
16105 | def initialize(...) |
16106 | Dir["config/environments/*.rb"].map { |filename| File.basename(filename, ".*") } |
16107 | @subclasses ||= [] |
16108 | puts "#{base.camelize}:" |
16109 | path = "#{base}/#{raw_path}_#{command_type}" |
16110 | warn "[WARNING] Could not load #{command_type} #{path.inspect}. Error: #{e.message}. #{e.backtrace.join(" ")}" |
16111 | path = path.delete_prefix("#{base}/") |
16112 | pieces = namespace.split(":") |
16113 | path = pieces.join("/") |
16114 | paths << "#{path}/#{pieces.last}" |
16115 | def exit_on_failure? # :nodoc: |
16116 | def desc(usage = nil, description = nil, options = {}) |
16117 | @namespace ||= super.chomp("_command").sub(/:command:/, ":") |
16118 | command, args = "help", [command] |
16119 | def banner(command = nil, *) |
16120 | command.formatted_usage(self).gsub(/^#{namespace}:(\w+)/) { executable($1) } |
16121 | def help(shell, *) # :nodoc: |
16122 | @command_name ||= if command = name.to_s.split("::").last |
16123 | @class_usage ||=, trim_mode: "-").result(binding) |
16124 | if meth == "perform" |
16125 | @usage ||= meth |
16126 | prefix.concat([basename, name.to_s].uniq).join(":") |
16127 | path = File.join("../commands", *namespace.delete_prefix("rails:").split(":"), path) |
16128 | path = File.expand_path(path, __dir__) |
16129 | def invoke_command(command, *) # :nodoc: |
16130 | Dir.chdir(File.expand_path("../..", APP_PATH)) unless File.exist?(File.expand_path("")) |
16131 | @hidden_commands ||= [] |
16132 | def invoke(full_namespace, args = [], **config) |
16133 | args = ["--help"] if rails_new_with_no_path?(args) |
16134 | command.perform("help", [], config) |
16135 | lookups = [ namespace ] |
16136 |"../..", APP_PATH)) |
16137 | args == ["new"] |
16138 | when /^(.+):(\w+)$/ |
16139 | [$1, $2] |
16140 | ["help", "help"] |
16141 | ["help", "help_extended"] |
16142 | ["version", "version"] |
16143 | args = ["--describe", task] if HELP_MAPPINGS.include?(args[0]) |
16144 | @command_type ||= "command" |
16145 | @file_lookup_paths ||= [ "{#{lookup_paths.join(',')}}", "**", "*_command.rb" ] |
16146 | rb: { |
16147 | line_comment: /^\s*#/, |
16148 | end_block_comment: /^=end/, |
16149 | class: /^\s*class\s+[_A-Z]/, |
16150 | method: /^\s*def\s+[_a-z]/, |
16151 | erb: { |
16152 | line_comment: %r{((^\s*<%#.*%>)|(<!--.*-->))}, |
16153 | css: { |
16154 | line_comment: %r{^\s*/\*.*\*/}, |
16155 | scss: { |
16156 | line_comment: %r{((^\s*/\*.*\*/)|(^\s*//))}, |
16157 | js: { |
16158 | line_comment: %r{^\s*//}, |
16159 | begin_block_comment: %r{^\s*/\*}, |
16160 | end_block_comment: %r{\*/}, |
16161 | method: /function(\s+[_a-zA-Z][\da-zA-Z]*)?\s*\(/, |
16162 | coffee: { |
16163 | begin_block_comment: /^\s*###/, |
16164 | end_block_comment: /^\s*###/, |
16165 | method: /[-=]>/, |
16166 | def initialize(lines = 0, code_lines = 0, classes = 0, methods = 0) |
16167 | @lines += 1 |
16168 | if !line.match?(/^\s*$/) && (patterns[:line_comment].nil? || !line.match?(patterns[:line_comment])) |
16169 | @code_lines += 1 |
16170 | if file_path.end_with? "_test.rb" |
16171 | def calculate_directory_statistics(directory, pattern = /^(?!\.).*?\.(rb|js|ts|css|scss|coffee|rake|erb)$/) |
16172 | path = "#{directory}/#{file_name}" |
16173 | if && !file_name.start_with?(".") |
16174 | code_loc = 0 |
16175 | @statistics.each { |k, v| code_loc += v.code_lines unless TEST_TYPES.include? k } |
16176 | test_loc = 0 |
16177 | @statistics.each { |k, v| test_loc += v.code_lines if TEST_TYPES.include? k } |
16178 | print " | #{v.rjust(width_for(k))}" |
16179 | print "+----------------------" |
16180 | print "+#{'-' * (width_for(k) + 2)}" |
16181 | puts "+-----+-------+" |
16182 | print "| #{name.ljust(20)} " |
16183 | print "| #{statistics.send(k).to_s.rjust(width_for(k))} " |
16184 | puts "| #{m_over_c.to_s.rjust(3)} | #{loc_over_m.to_s.rjust(5)} |" |
16185 | Signal.trap("INT") { puts; exit(1) } |
16186 | @root = "#{Rails.root}/" |
16187 | line.start_with?(@root) ? line.from(@root.size) : line |
16188 | @overrides = {} |
16189 | @main.tag = "rails.main" |
16190 | @once.tag = "rails.once" |
16191 | each { |loader| loader.logger = logger } |
16192 | each(&:log!) |
16193 | @route_sets = [] |
16194 | @external_routes = [] |
16195 | @updater ||= begin |
16196 | dirs = @external_routes.each_with_object({}) do |dir, hash| |
16197 | hash[dir.to_s] = %w(rb) |
16198 | paths.each { |path| load(path) } |
16199 | @run_after_load_paths ||= -> { } |
16200 | app_name = ? app.railtie_name.chomp("_application") : "" |
16201 | get "/" => "rails/welcome#index", internal: true |
16202 | metastore: "rails:/", |
16203 | entitystore: "rails:/", |
16204 | @hosts = [] |
16205 | when "5.0" |
16206 | self.ssl_options = { hsts: { subdomains: true } } |
16207 | when "5.1" |
16208 | when "5.2" |
16209 | when "6.0" |
16210 | when "6.1" |
16211 | when "7.0" |
16212 | when "7.1" |
16213 | self.log_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024 |
16214 | if config.is_a?(Hash) && config.values.all?(Hash) |
16215 | if shared.is_a?(Hash) && shared.values.all?(Hash) |
16216 | @session_options = options || {} |
16217 | path = paths["log"].first |
16218 | f = path, "a" |
16219 | if method.end_with?("=") |
16220 | @configurations[:"#{method[0..-2]}"] = args.first |
16221 | :routes, :helpers, :app_env_config, :secrets] # :nodoc: |
16222 | def run_load_hooks! # :nodoc: |
16223 | yaml = name.is_a?(Pathname) ? name :"#{paths["config"].existent.first}/#{name}.yml") |
16224 | config = {} if config.nil? && shared.is_a?(Hash) |
16225 | if config.is_a?(Hash) && shared.is_a?(Hash) |
16226 | @app_env_config ||= super.merge( |
16227 | def initializer(name, opts = {}, &block) |
16228 | def self.add_lib_to_load_path!(root) # :nodoc: |
16229 | path = File.join root, "lib" |
16230 | if File.exist?(path) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(path) |
16231 | File.file?(path) ? files << path.to_s : dirs[path.to_s] = [:rb] |
16232 | [files, dirs] |
16233 | def initialize!(group = :default) # :nodoc: |
16234 | def config # :nodoc: |
16235 | @secrets ||= begin |
16236 | def to_app # :nodoc: |
16237 | railties.each { |r| r.run_tasks_blocks(app) } |
16238 | railties.each { |r| r.run_runner_blocks(app) } |
16239 | railties.each { |r| r.run_server_blocks(app) } |
16240 | if railtie == :main_app |
16241 | all = (railties - order) |
16242 | if r == self |
16243 | Dir.chdir("..") |
16244 | include: %w( |
16245 | lib/active_support/**/*.rb |
16246 | lib/active_record/**/*.rb |
16247 | lib/active_model/**/*.rb |
16248 | lib/action_view/**/*.rb |
16249 | lib/action_mailer/**/*.rb |
16250 | lib/active_job/**/*.rb |
16251 | lib/action_cable/**/*.rb |
16252 | app/**/active_storage/**/*.rb |
16253 | lib/active_storage/**/*.rb |
16254 | app/**/action_mailbox/**/*.rb |
16255 | lib/action_mailbox/**/*.rb |
16256 | app/**/action_text/**/*.rb |
16257 | lib/action_text/**/*.rb |
16258 | lib/**/*.rb |
16259 | exclude: %w( |
16260 | rdoc_files.include("#{cdr}/#{pattern}") |
16261 | rdoc_files.exclude("#{cdr}/#{pattern}") |
16262 | if Dir.exist?(api_dir) && !ENV["ALL"] |
16263 | options << "-g" # link to GitHub, SDoc flag |
16264 | super.unshift([ "Core extensions", "", "", build_core_ext_subtree(core_exts, visited) ]) |
16265 | [, klass.document_self_or_methods ? klass.path : "", "", |
16266 | != "ActiveSupport" && klass.in_files.any? { |file| file.absolute_name.include?("core_ext") } |
16267 | ).each do |railtie| |
16268 | groups.concat { |k, v| k if } |
16269 | opts.on("-b", "--backtrace", "Show the complete backtrace") do |
16270 | opts.on("-f", "--fail-fast", "Abort test run on first failure or error") do |
16271 | opts.on("-c", "--[no-]color", "Enable color in the output") do |value| |
16272 | errors_on_guides = {} |
16273 | puts " Could not validate #{f} because of #{e}" |
16274 | print "E" |
16275 | guides = Dir["./output/*.html"] |
16276 | ENV.key?("ONLY") ? select_only(guides) : guides |
16277 | prefixes = ENV["ONLY"].split(",").map(&:strip) |
16278 | prefixes.any? { |p| guide.start_with?("./output/#{p}") } |
16279 | if error_list.size == 0 |
16280 | error_summary = error_detail = "" |
16281 | if %r{https?://api\.rubyonrails\.org}.match?(url) |
16282 | %(<a href="#{api_link(url)}">#{content}</a>) |
16283 | %(<a href="#{url}" title="#{title}">#{content}</a>) |
16284 | %(<a href="#{url}">#{content}</a>) |
16285 | header_with_id = text.scan(/(.*){#(.*)}/) |
16286 | %(<h#{header_level} id="#{header_with_id[0][1].strip}">#{header_with_id[0][0].strip}</h#{header_level}>) |
16287 | %(<h#{header_level}>#{text}</h#{header_level}>) |
16288 | if text =~ %r{^NOTE:\s+Defined\s+in\s+<code>(.*?)</code>\.?$} |
16289 | %(<div class="note"><p>Defined in <code><a href="#{github_file_url($1)}">#{$1}</a></code>.</p></div>) |
16290 | elsif text =~ /^\[<sup>(\d+)\]:<\/sup> (.+)$/ |
16291 | linkback = %(<a href="#footnote-#{$1}-ref"><sup>#{$1}</sup></a>) |
16292 | %(<p class="footnote" id="footnote-#{$1}">#{linkback} #{$2}</p>) |
16293 | text.gsub(/\[<sup>(\d+)\]<\/sup>/i) do |
16294 | %(<sup class="footnote" id="footnote-#{$1}-ref">) + |
16295 | %(<a href="#footnote-#{$1}">#{$1}</a></sup>) |
16296 | ::Rouge::Lexer.find(code_type) ? code_type : "plaintext" |
16297 | /^\$ / |
16298 | when "irb" |
16299 | /^irb.*?> / |
16300 | css_class = \ |
16301 | %(<div class="#{css_class}"><p>#{$2.strip}</p></div>) |
16302 | tree = version || edge |
16303 | root = file_path[%r{(\w+)/}, 1] |
16304 | path = \ |
16305 | when /\A(action|active)_/ |
16306 | if %r{https?://api\.rubyonrails\.org/v\d+\.}.match?(url) |
16307 | url.sub("api", "edgeapi") |
16308 | url.sub(/(?<=\.org)/, "/#{version}") |
16309 | @raw_body = body |
16310 | if @node_ids[dom_id] |
16311 | if @node_ids[dom_id].size > 1 |
16312 | new_node_id = "#{duplicate_nodes[-2][:id]}-#{duplicate_nodes.last[:id]}" |
16313 | dom_id = "#{nodes[-2][:id]}-#{dom_id}" |
16314 | @node_ids[dom_id] = nodes |
16315 | escaped_chars = Regexp.escape('\\/`*_{}[]()#+-.!:,;|&<>^~=\'"') |
16316 | text.downcase.gsub(/\?/, "-questionmark") |
16317 | .gsub(/!/, "-bang") |
16318 | .gsub(/[#{escaped_chars}]+/, " ").strip |
16319 | .gsub(/\s+/, "-") |
16320 | if /^-{40,}$/.match?(@raw_body) |
16321 | @raw_header, _, @raw_body = @raw_body.partition(/^-{40,}$/).map(&:strip) |
16322 | @headings_for_index = [] |
16323 | hierarchy = [] |
16324 | if /^h[3-6]$/.match?( |
16325 | when "h3" |
16326 | @headings_for_index << [1, node, node.inner_html] |
16327 | when "h4" |
16328 | hierarchy = hierarchy[0, 1] + [node] |
16329 | @headings_for_index << [2, node, node.inner_html] |
16330 | when "h5" |
16331 | hierarchy = hierarchy[0, 2] + [node] |
16332 | when "h6" |
16333 | hierarchy = hierarchy[0, 3] + [node] |
16334 | node[:id] = dom_id(hierarchy) unless node[:id] |
16335 | node.inner_html = "#{node_index(hierarchy)} #{node.inner_html}" |
16336 | doc.css("h3, h4, h5, h6").each do |node| |
16337 | node.inner_html = "<a class='anchorlink' href='##{node[:id]}'>#{node.inner_html}</a>" |
16338 | raw_index = "" |
16339 | if level == 1 |
16340 | raw_index += "1. [#{label}](##{node[:id]}) " |
16341 | elsif level == 2 |
16342 |"ol")[:class] = "chapters" |
16343 | @index = <<-INDEX.html_safe |
16344 | <div id="subCol"> |
16345 | <h3 class="chapter"><img src="images/chapters_icon.gif" alt="" />Chapters</h3> |
16346 | @index_counter[2] = @index_counter[3] = @index_counter[4] = 0 |
16347 | @index_counter[3] = @index_counter[4] = 0 |
16348 | @index_counter[4] = 0 |
16349 | @view.content_for(:page_title) { @title } |
16350 | def guide(name, url, options = {}, &block) |
16351 | link = content_tag(:a, href: url) { name } |
16352 | result << content_tag(:dd, "Work in progress", class: "work-in-progress") |
16353 | result << content_tag(:dd, capture(&block)) |
16354 | @documents_by_section ||= YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("../source/#{@language ? @language + '/' : ''}documents.yaml", __dir__)) |
16355 | base_path = File.expand_path("../assets", __dir__) |
16356 | images_path = File.join(base_path, "images/**/*") |
16357 | @all_images = Dir.glob(images_path).reject { |f| }.map { |item| |
16358 | elsif position == "L" |
16359 | c = capture(&block) |
16360 | @direction = direction || "ltr" |
16361 | epub_filename = +"ruby_on_rails_guides_#{@version || @edge[0, 7]}" |
16362 | epub_filename << ".#{@language}" if @language |
16363 | epub_filename << ".epub" |
16364 | @guides_dir = File.expand_path("..", __dir__) |
16365 | @source_dir += "/#{@language}" if @language |
16366 | @output_dir += "/#{@language}" if @language |
16367 | Dir.entries("#{@source_dir}/epub").grep(GUIDES_RE).map do |entry| |
16368 | guides << "epub/#{entry}" |
16369 | prefixes = @only.split(",").map(&:strip) |
16370 | FileUtils.cp_r(Dir.glob("#{@guides_dir}/assets/*"), @output_dir) |
16371 | if guide.end_with?(".md") |
16372 | guide.sub(/md\z/, "html") |
16373 | @all || !File.exist?(fout) || File.mtime(fout) < File.mtime(fin) |
16374 | layout = @epub ? "epub/layout" : "layout" |
16375 | [@source_dir], |
16376 | if guide =~ /\.(\w+)\.erb$/ |
16377 | result = view.render(layout: layout, formats: [$1.to_sym], template: $`) |
16378 | body ="#{@source_dir}/#{guide}") |
16379 |, "w") do |f| |
16380 | html.scan(/<h\d\s+id="([^"]+)/).flatten.each do |anchor| |
16381 | anchors +=<p\s+class="footnote"\s+id="([^"]+)/).flatten) |
16382 | anchors +=<sup\s+class="footnote"\s+id="([^"]+)/).flatten) |
16383 | html.scan(/<a\s+href="#([^"]+)/).flatten.each do |fragment_identifier| |
16384 | puts "*** BROKEN LINK: ##{fragment_identifier}, perhaps you meant ##{guess}." |
16385 | |epub| |
16386 | entries = Dir.entries(output_dir) - %w[. ..] |
16387 | entries.reject! { |item| File.extname(item) == ".epub" } |
16388 | zipfile_path = path == "" ? e : File.join(path, e) |
16389 | subdir = Dir.entries(disk_file_path) - %w[. ..] |
16390 | Nokogiri::XML(toc).xpath("//ncx:content", "ncx" => "") |
16391 | output_dir = File.absolute_path(File.join(output_dir, "..")) |
16392 | puts "=> Using output dir: #{output_dir}" |
16393 | name.match?(/\A\d/) |
16394 | puts "=> Using book dir: #{book_dir}" |
16395 | toc ="toc.ncx") |
16396 | toc_html ="toc.html") |
16397 | doc = open_toc_doc(toc) |
16398 | doc.each do |c| |
16399 | name = c[:src] |
16400 |, "rails_#{name}") |
16401 | toc.gsub!(name, "rails_#{name}") |
16402 | toc_html.gsub!(name, "rails_#{name}") |
16403 | opf.gsub!(name, "rails_#{name}") |
16404 | File.write("toc.ncx", toc) |
16405 | head = "head", doc |
16406 | css = "link", doc |
16407 | css["rel"] = "stylesheet" |
16408 | css["type"] = "text/css" |
16409 | css["href"] = "#{Dir.pwd}/stylesheets/epub.css" |
16410 | $:.unshift __dir__ |
16411 | as_lib = File.expand_path("../activesupport/lib", __dir__) |
16412 | ap_lib = File.expand_path("../actionpack/lib", __dir__) |
16413 | av_lib = File.expand_path("../actionview/lib", __dir__) |
16414 | env_value = ->(name) { ENV[name].presence } |
16415 | git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" } |
16416 | gem "rails", github: "rails/rails", branch: "main" |
16417 | gem "activesupport", "~> 7.0.0" |
16418 | puts " #{name} ".center(80, "=") |
16419 |"fast_blank?") { value.fast_blank? } |
16420 | gem "rack", "~> 2.0" |
16421 | local: { |
16422 | user = User.create!( |
16423 | profile: { |
16424 | io:"dummy"), |
16425 | gem "rails", "~> 7.0.0" |
16426 | gem "activerecord", "~> 7.0.0" |
16427 | gem "activejob", "~> 7.0.0" |
16428 | routing (/^replies@/i) => :replies |
16429 | get "/" => "test#index" |
16430 | @xml.to_tag(:some_tag, lambda { |o| o[:builder].br }, @options) |
16431 | assert_xml "<br/>" |
16432 | @xml.to_tag(:tag, lambda { |o, t| o[:builder].b(t) }, @options) |
16433 | assert_xml "<b>tag</b>" |
16434 | @xml.to_tag(:tag, obj, @options) |
16435 | assert_xml "<yo>tag</yo>" |
16436 | @xml.to_tag(:b, "Howdy", @options) |
16437 | assert_xml "<b>Howdy</b>" |
16438 | @xml.to_tag(:b, "blue", @options.merge(type: "color")) |
16439 | assert_xml("<b type=\"color\">blue</b>") |
16440 | @xml.to_tag(:b, :name, @options) |
16441 | assert_xml("<b type=\"symbol\">name</b>") |
16442 | @xml.to_tag(:b, true, @options) |
16443 | assert_xml("<b type=\"boolean\">true</b>") |
16444 | @xml.to_tag(:b, 3.14, @options) |
16445 | assert_xml("<b type=\"float\">3.14</b>") |
16446 | @xml.to_tag(:b, BigDecimal("1.2"), @options) |
16447 | assert_xml("<b type=\"decimal\">1.2</b>") |
16448 | @xml.to_tag(:b,, 2, 3), @options) |
16449 | assert_xml("<b type=\"date\">2001-02-03</b>") |
16450 | @xml.to_tag(:b,, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, "+7"), @options) |
16451 | assert_xml("<b type=\"dateTime\">2001-02-03T04:05:06+07:00</b>") |
16452 | @xml.to_tag(:b,, 02, 24, 12, 0, 0, "+09:00"), @options) |
16453 | assert_xml("<b type=\"dateTime\">1993-02-24T12:00:00+09:00</b>") |
16454 | @xml.to_tag(:b, time, @options) |
16455 | assert_xml("<b type=\"dateTime\">1993-02-24T13:00:00+01:00</b>") |
16456 | @xml.to_tag(:b, ["first_name", "last_name"], @options) |
16457 | assert_xml("<b type=\"array\"><b>first_name</b><b>last_name</b></b>") |
16458 | @xml.to_tag(:b, { first_name: "Bob", last_name: "Marley" }, @options) |
16459 | assert_xml("<b><first-name>Bob</first-name><last-name>Marley</last-name></b>") |
16460 | @xml.to_tag(:b, "Bob", @options.merge(skip_types: 1)) |
16461 | assert_xml("<b>Bob</b>") |
16462 | assert_xml "<New---York type=\"integer\">33</New---York>" |
16463 | sleep 0.1 while t.status != "sleep" |
16464 | parser = @parsing["date"] |
16465 | assert_equal, 11, 12, 02, 11, 00, 0),"2013-11-12T02:11:00Z") |
16466 | parser = @parsing["float"] |
16467 | assert_equal 0.0,"") |
16468 | [1, true, "1"].each do |value| |
16469 | [0, false, "0"].each do |value| |
16470 | assert_equal "[]","[]") |
16471 | assert_equal "[]",[]) |
16472 | assert_equal "{}",{}) |
16473 | { "sku" => "BL394D", "quantity" => 4, "description" => "Basketball" } |
16474 | parser = @parsing["yaml"] |
16475 | assert_equal({ 1 => "test" }, => "test")) |
16476 | assert_equal({ "1 => 'test'" => nil },"{1 => 'test'}")) |
16477 | assert_equal expected_base64.gsub(/ /, " ").strip,, "encoding" => "base64") |
16478 | hash = Hash.from_xml(<<-eoxml) |
16479 | <blog> |
16480 | </logo> |
16481 | </blog> |
16482 | assert hash["blog"].key?("logo") |
16483 | file = hash["blog"]["logo"] |
16484 | Hash.from_xml(<<~eoxml) |
16485 | <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;"> |
16486 | <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;"> |
16487 | <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;"> |
16488 | <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;"> |
16489 | <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;"> |
16490 | <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;"> |
16491 | ]> |
16492 | &a; |
16493 | </member> |
16494 | xml_string = "<root/>" |
16495 | assert_equal({ "root" => {} }, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml_string)) |
16496 | <posts type="array"> |
16497 | <post>a post</post> |
16498 | </posts> |
16499 | <products foo="bar"/> |
16500 | <book name="awesome" id="12345" /> |
16501 | <book name="america" id="67890" /> |
16502 | <root> |
16503 | </root> |
16504 | xml_string = "<root></root>" |
16505 | FILES_DIR = File.expand_path("../fixtures/xml", __dir__) |
16506 | attack_xml = <<-EOT |
16507 | <member>x&a;</member> |
16508 | %b; |
16509 | (0..127).each do |byte| |
16510 | char = [byte].pack("U") |
16511 | string = (0xC0..0x17E).to_a.reject { |c| [0xD7, 0xF7].include?(c) }.pack("U*") |
16512 | def with_env_tz(new_tz = "US/Eastern") |
16513 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 6, 30, 20), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 7)) # dst offset -0400 |
16514 | assert_equal, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0, -18000), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 1)) # standard offset -0500 |
16515 | assert_equal, 6, 30, 20, 0, 0, -14400), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 7)) # dst offset -0400 |
16516 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0, 1), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # standard offset -0500 |
16517 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 6, 30, 20, 0, 0, 1), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # dst offset -0400 |
16518 | assert_equal, 12, 31, 19, 0, usec, -18000), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # standard offset -0500 |
16519 | assert_equal, 6, 30, 20, 0, usec, -14400), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2000, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # dst offset -0400 |
16520 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 7, 1, 4), zone.local_to_utc(Time.utc(2000, 7)) # dst offset -0400 |
16521 | define_method("test_map_#{name.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '_')}_to_tzinfo") do |
16522 | name =[^a-z]/, "_") |
16523 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 5), |
16524 | assert_equal, 1, 31, 22, 0, 0, -7200), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2010, 2)) # daylight saving offset -0200 |
16525 | assert_equal, 3, 31, 21, 0, 0, -10800), zone.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2010, 4)) # standard offset -0300 |
16526 | travel_to(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 4, 59, 59)) # 1 sec before midnight Jan 1 EST |
16527 | travel_to(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 5)) # midnight Jan 1 EST |
16528 | travel_to(Time.utc(2000, 1, 2, 4, 59, 59)) # 1 sec before midnight Jan 2 EST |
16529 | travel_to(Time.utc(2000, 1, 2, 5)) # midnight Jan 2 EST |
16530 | date =, 2, 18) |
16531 | time = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Hawaii"].local(2007, 2, 5, 15, 30, 45) |
16532 | assert_equal Time.utc(2007, 2, 5, 15, 30, 45), time.time |
16533 | time = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Hawaii"].local(1850, 2, 5, 15, 30, 45) |
16534 | assert_equal [45, 30, 15, 5, 2, 1850], time.to_a[0, 6] |
16535 | twz = zone.local(2006, 4, 2, 1, 59, 59) # 1 second before DST start |
16536 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 1, 59, 59), twz.time |
16537 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 6, 59, 59), twz.utc |
16538 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 7), twz2.utc |
16539 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 3, 30), twz3.time # twz is created for 3:30AM |
16540 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 7, 30), twz3.utc |
16541 | twz = zone.local(2006, 10, 29, 1) |
16542 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), zone.local(2014, 10, 26, 1, 0, 0) |
16543 | twz = |
16544 | assert_equal [1850, 1, 1, 0], [twz.utc.year, twz.utc.mon,, twz.utc.hour] |
16545 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0 + Rational(3, 4)), twz.time |
16546 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 + Rational(3, 4)), twz.utc |
16547 | twz = zone.iso8601("1999-12-31") |
16548 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0), twz.time |
16549 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 5, 0, 0), twz.utc |
16550 | assert_equal [0, 0, 19, 31, 12, 1883], twz.to_a[0, 6] |
16551 | twz = zone.iso8601("2050-12-31T19:00:00-10:00") # i.e., 2050-01-01 05:00:00 UTC |
16552 | assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2051], twz.to_a[0, 6] |
16553 | with_env_tz("EET") do |
16554 | assert_equal [0, 29, 3, 25, 3, 2012], twz.to_a[0, 6] |
16555 | assert_equal [0, 29, 3, 11, 3, 2012], twz.to_a[0, 6] |
16556 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 3, 10, 2, 0, 0), twz.time |
16557 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0), twz.time |
16558 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), zone.parse("2014-10-26T01:00:00") |
16559 | assert_equal Time.utc(2021, 3, 28, 0, 0, 0), twz.time |
16560 | twz = zone.parse("1999-12-31 19:00:00") |
16561 | (-12..13).each do |timezone_offset| |
16562 | twz = zone.parse("1883-12-31 19:00:00") |
16563 | twz = zone.parse("2050-12-31 19:00:00 -10:00") # i.e., 2050-01-01 05:00:00 UTC |
16564 | zone.stub(:now, zone.local(1999, 12, 31)) do |
16565 | twz = zone.parse("19:00:00") |
16566 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 2, 1), zone.parse("Feb", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16567 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 1), zone.parse("Feb 2005", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16568 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 2), zone.parse("2 Feb 2005", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16569 | twz = zone.parse("2012-03-25 03:29:00") |
16570 | twz = zone.parse("2012-03-11 02:29:00") |
16571 | zone.stub(:now, zone.local(1999, 12, 31, 12, 59, 59)) do |
16572 | twz = zone.parse("2012-12-01") |
16573 | twz = zone.parse("Mon May 28 2012 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)") |
16574 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 5, 28, 7, 0, 0), twz.utc |
16575 | twz = zone.parse("2013-03-10 02:00:00") |
16576 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), zone.parse("2014-10-26 01:00:00") |
16577 | twz = zone.rfc3339("2050-12-31T19:00:00-10:00") # i.e., 2050-01-01 05:00:00 UTC |
16578 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
16579 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00 PST", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") |
16580 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00 -08", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:::z") |
16581 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00 -08:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:z") |
16582 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00 -08:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %::z") |
16583 | twz = zone.strptime("1999-12-31 12:00:00 %Z", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %%Z") |
16584 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 2, 1), zone.strptime("Feb", "%b", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16585 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 1), zone.strptime("Feb 2005", "%b %Y", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16586 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 2), zone.strptime("2 Feb 2005", "%e %b %Y", Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) |
16587 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { zone.strptime("1999-12-31", "%Y/%m/%d") } |
16588 | time = zone.strptime(time_str, "%s") |
16589 | time = zone.strptime(time_str, "%Q") |
16590 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), zone.strptime("2014-10-26 01:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
16591 | travel_to(Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 21)) do # 1 hour before TZ change |
16592 | travel_to(Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22)) do # after TZ change |
16593 | assert_equal "+09:00:00", twz.strftime("%::z") |
16594 | assert zone =~ /New_York/ |
16595 | 1.upto(all.length - 1) do |i| |
16596 | assert all[i - 1] < all[i] |
16597 | mappings = { |
16598 | expected_time =, 11, 24, 1, 4, 44) |
16599 | outer_expected_time =, 11, 24, 1, 4, 44) |
16600 | inner_expected_time =, 10, 24, 1, 4, 44) |
16601 | initial_expected_time =, 11, 24, 1, 4, 44) |
16602 | subsequent_expected_time =, 10, 24, 1, 4, 44) |
16603 | traveled_time =, 11, 24, 1, 4, 44) + duration_usec |
16604 | expected_time =, 11, 24, 1, 4, 44) + duration_usec |
16605 | assert_equal((expected_time + 0.5).to_f, |
16606 | != 0 |
16607 | travel_to Time.utc(2014, 10, 10, 10, 10, 50, 999999) do |
16608 | assert_operator expected_time.to_fs(:db), :<, |
16609 | def <<(arg); end |
16610 | assert_called(@object, :<<) do |
16611 | @object << 2 |
16612 | assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ 2 ]) do |
16613 | assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ 2 ], returns: 10) do |
16614 | assert_equal(10, @object << 2) |
16615 | assert_nil(@object << 2) |
16616 | assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ 4567 ]) do |
16617 | assert_changes(-> { counter }) do |
16618 | self.file_fixture_path = File.expand_path("../file_fixtures", __dir__) |
16619 | Class === constant && constant < Foo |
16620 | assert_changes -> { failures.count }, from: 0, to: 1 do |
16621 | self.num += 1 |
16622 | self.num -= 1 |
16623 | @object.num = 0 |
16624 | assert_no_difference ["@object.num", -> { another_object.num }] do |
16625 | assert_difference "@object.num + 1", +2 do |
16626 | local_scope = "foo" |
16627 | assert_difference [ "@object.num", "@object.num + 1" ], +1 do |
16628 | assert_difference ["@object.num", "1 + 1"] do |
16629 | assert_difference ["@object.num", "1 + 1"], 1, "something went wrong" do |
16630 | assert_difference "@object.num" => 1, "@object.num + 1" => 1 do |
16631 | assert_difference({ "@object.num" => 0 }, "Object Changed") do |
16632 | assert_difference -> { @object.num } => 1, -> { @object.num + 1 } => 1 do |
16633 | assert_difference "@object.num" => 1, "1 + 1" => 1 do |
16634 | assert_changes -> { @object.num } do |
16635 | assert_changes "@object.num", from: 0, to: 1 do |
16636 | assert_changes "@object.num", from: 0, to: 2 do |
16637 | @new_object = 42 |
16638 | @object = nil |
16639 | assert_changes -> { token }, to: /\w{32}/ do |
16640 | assert_changes -> { token }, from: /\w{32}/, to: /\w{32}/ do |
16641 | assert_changes "@object.num", "@object.num should be 1", to: 1 do |
16642 | assert_no_changes -> { token }, from: /\w{32}/ do |
16643 | lines = "HEY " * 12 |
16644 | --- expected |
16645 | +++ actual |
16646 | @@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ |
16647 | expected = <<~MSG |
16648 | assert_no_changes -> { 1 } do # this assertion passes |
16649 | @called_back = [] |
16650 | @called_back << :foo |
16651 | assert_equal [:foo, :bar], @called_back |
16652 | @called_back << :bar |
16653 | assert_equal [:foo, :bar, :bar], @called_back |
16654 | assert_match "#{self.class}: #{name} ", @out.string |
16655 | def flush(*) |
16656 | @logger.tagged("BCX") { "Funky time" } |
16657 | @logger.tagged("BCX") { @logger.tagged("Jason") { "Funky time" } } |
16658 | @logger.tagged("BCX", "Jason", "New") { "Funky time" } |
16659 | assert_equal "[BCX] [Jason] [New] Funky time ", @output.string |
16660 | @logger.tagged(%w(BCX Jason New)) { "Funky time" } |
16661 | @logger.tagged("BCX", %w(Jason New)) { "Funky time" } |
16662 | "a" |
16663 | "b" |
16664 | assert_equal %w(B), @logger.pop_tags(1) |
16665 | "c" |
16666 | "d" |
16667 | assert_equal "[A] [B] [C] a [A] [B] b [A] c d ", @output.string |
16668 | @logger.tagged("BCX") { |logger| "Funky time" } |
16669 | @logger.tagged(nil, "", "New") { "Funky time" } |
16670 | @logger.tagged("OMG") { "Cool story" } |
16671 | @logger.tagged("Jason") { "Funky time" } |
16672 | @logger.tagged("BCX", "Jason", "New").info "Funky time" |
16673 | @logger.tagged("BCX", %w(Jason New)).info "Funky time" |
16674 | @logger.tagged(nil, "", "New").info "Funky time" |
16675 | logger = @logger.tagged("BCX") |
16676 | @logger.tagged("tag") { [1, 2, 3] } |
16677 | assert_equal "[tag] [1, 2, 3] ", @output.string |
16678 | @@events = [] |
16679 | original_event ="open_party.doodle",,, "id", { foo: "bar" }) |
16680 | (name == :bar) || super |
16681 |"Foo") |
16682 | @lock.exclusive { @lock.exclusive { } } |
16683 | exclusive_thread = { @lock.exclusive { } } |
16684 | sharing_thread = { @lock.sharing { } } |
16685 | exclusive_threads = (1..2).map do |
16686 | @lock.exclusive { } |
16687 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :load, compatible: [:load, :unload]) { } |
16688 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :red, compatible: [:green, :purple]) { } |
16689 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :blue, compatible: [:green]) { } |
16690 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :green, compatible: []) { } |
16691 | unload_params = [:unload, [:unload, :load]] |
16692 | @lock.sharing { } |
16693 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :x, compatible: [:x], after_compatible: [:x]) { } |
16694 | threads = [ |
16695 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :x) { } |
16696 | @lock.yield_shares(compatible: [:x, :y]) do |
16697 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :z) { } |
16698 | @lock.yield_shares(compatible: [:x, :y]) { } |
16699 | @lock.exclusive(purpose: :y) { } |
16700 | assert(Array(threads).all? { |t| t.join(0.001).nil? }) |
16701 | @thread = { @latch.wait } |
16702 | assert_equal(true, wrapper.secure_compare!("and_another_one", on_rotation: -> { @witness = true })) |
16703 | @buffer << "<script>" |
16704 | @buffer << "<script>".html_safe |
16705 | @buffer << "hello & goodbye".html_safe |
16706 | @buffer << "Hello" |
16707 | @buffer << ERB::Util.html_escape("<script>") |
16708 | assert_match(/^--- #{str}/, yaml) |
16709 | data = { "str" => } |
16710 | assert_equal({ "str" => str }, YAML.load(yaml)) |
16711 | chop: nil, |
16712 | delete: "foo", |
16713 | gsub: ["foo", "bar"], |
16714 | next: nil, |
16715 | sub: ["foo", "bar"], |
16716 | succ: nil, |
16717 | tr: ["foo", "bar"], |
16718 | tr_s: ["foo", "bar"], |
16719 | @buffer.public_send("#{unsafe_method}!", *dummy_args) |
16720 | buffer[0] = "<" |
16721 | buffer[2] = "<" |
16722 | buffer[0, 3] = "<" |
16723 | buffer[1, 3] = "<" |
16724 | @buffer.gsub!("", "<>") |
16725 | assert_equal "hello<>", clean + @buffer |
16726 | multiplied_safe_buffer = "<br />".html_safe * 2 |
16727 | multiplied_unsafe_buffer = @buffer.gsub("", "<>") * 2 |
16728 | assert_equal "<>hello", @buffer + clean |
16729 | clean = "<script>".html_safe |
16730 | assert_not_predicate @buffer.gsub!("", "").clone_empty, :html_safe? |
16731 | new_buffer = @buffer[0, 0] |
16732 | safe_string = "foo".html_safe.gsub!("f", '<script>alert("lolpwnd");</script>') |
16733 | safe_string = "<div>foo</div>".html_safe |
16734 | safe_string = "<div>foo</div>" |
16735 | unsafe_string = +'<script>alert("XSS");</script>' |
16736 | x = "foo %s bar".html_safe % ["qux"] |
16737 | x = "foo %{x} bar".html_safe % { x: "qux" } |
16738 | x = "foo %{x} bar".html_safe % { x: "<br/>" } |
16739 | assert_equal "foo <br/> bar", x |
16740 | x = "foo %{x} bar".html_safe % { x: "<br/>".html_safe } |
16741 | assert_equal "foo <br/> bar", x |
16742 | x = "Hello".html_safe |
16743 | assert_nil x[/a/, 1] |
16744 | a = "foo123".html_safe |
16745 | a2 = a.sub(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) { $2 + $1 } |
16746 | a.sub!(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) { $2 + $1 } |
16747 | b2 = b.gsub(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) { $2 + $1 } |
16748 | b.gsub!(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) { $2 + $1 } |
16749 | a = "aaa".html_safe.gsub!(/a/).with_index { |m, i| i } |
16750 | { digest: salt == "salt" ? "SHA1" : "MD5" } |
16751 | make_coordinator.rotate(digest: "MD5") { {} } |
16752 | { digest: "MD5" } if salt == "salt" |
16753 | md5_codec = (make_coordinator.rotate(digest: "MD5"))["salt"] |
16754 | md4_codec = (make_coordinator.rotate(digest: "MD4"))["salt"] |
16755 | { digest: "SHA1" } if salt == "salt" |
16756 | def self.===(other) |
16757 | Exception === other && other.respond_to?(:weird?) |
16758 | @result = "alldead" |
16759 | @result = "weird" |
16760 | @result = "killed" |
16761 | @result = "sos_first" |
16762 | @result = "sos_cool_error" |
16763 | i = 10 |
16764 | reloader.to_prepare { i += 1 } |
16765 | reloader.to_prepare(prepend: true) { i = 0 } |
16766 | r = new_reloader { true } |
16767 | r.to_run { invoked = true } |
16768 | r.wrap { } |
16769 | r = new_reloader { false } |
16770 | called = [] |
16771 | reloader.to_run { called << :reloader_run } |
16772 | reloader.wrap { called << :body } |
16773 | @reloader ||= new_reloader { true } |
16774 | test_hashes = [ |
16775 | [{ "foo" => "bar" }, { "foo" => "bar" }, %w'food'], |
16776 | [{ "foo" => "bar" }, { "foo" => "[FILTERED]" }, %w'foo'], |
16777 | [{ "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo" }, { "foo" => "[FILTERED]", "bar" => "foo" }, %w'foo baz'], |
16778 | [{ "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "foo" }, { "foo" => "[FILTERED]", "baz" => "[FILTERED]" }, %w'foo baz'], |
16779 | [{ "foo" => { "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo" } }, { "foo" => "[FILTERED]" }, %w'f banana'], |
16780 | filter_words << "blah" |
16781 | filter_words << lambda { |key, value| |
16782 | value.replace("world!") if original_params["barg"]["blah"] == "bar" && key == "hello" |
16783 | [{ "foo" => "bar" }, { "foo" => mask }, %w'foo'], |
16784 | [{ "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo" }, { "foo" => mask, "bar" => "foo" }, %w'foo baz'], |
16785 | [{ "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "foo" }, { "foo" => mask, "baz" => mask }, %w'foo baz'], |
16786 | [{ "foo" => { "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo" } }, { "foo" => mask }, %w'f banana'], |
16787 | [{ "foo" => "bar" }.with_indifferent_access, ["blah"]], |
16788 | [{ "foo" => "bar" }.with_indifferent_access, []] |
16789 | [{ 13 => "bar" }, { 13 => "[FILTERED]" }, %w'13'], |
16790 | [{ 20 => "bar" }, { 20 => "bar" }, %w'13'], |
16791 | patterns = [/A.a/, /b.B/i, "ccC", :ddD] |
16792 | keys = ["Aaa", "Bbb", "Ccc", "Ddd"] |
16793 | deep_patterns = [/A\.a/, /b\.B/i, "c.C", :"d.D"] |
16794 | deep_keys = ["A.a", "B.b", "C.c", "D.d"] |
16795 | procs = [proc { }, proc { }] |
16796 | a["else_where"] = 56 |
16797 | test = [[:allow_concurrency, true], [:else_where, 56]] |
16798 | a.each_with_index do |(key, value), index| |
16799 | a[:test_key] = 56 |
16800 | assert_equal 56, a["test_key"] |
16801 | parent[:foo] = true |
16802 | parent[:foo] = :bar |
16803 | child[:foo] = :baz |
16804 | a[:foo] = :bar |
16805 | = nil |
16806 |! |
16807 | a[:baz] = :quz |
16808 | assert_equal "#<ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions {:foo=>:bar, :baz=>:quz}>", a.inspect |
16809 | @hash = |
16810 | @hash[key] = @values[index] |
16811 | assert @hash.all? { |k, v| @ordered_hash[k] == v } |
16812 | key, value = "purple", "5422a8" |
16813 | key, value = "white", "ffffff" |
16814 | bad_key = "black" |
16815 | assert_equal @ordered_hash, @ordered_hash.each_key { |k| keys << k } |
16816 | values = [] |
16817 | assert_equal @ordered_hash, @ordered_hash.each_value { |v| values << v } |
16818 | keys << key |
16819 | assert_equal copy, @ordered_hash.delete_if { |k, _| k == "pink" } |
16820 | (copy = @ordered_hash.dup).delete("pink") |
16821 | @ordered_hash.reject! { |k, _| k == "pink" } |
16822 | new_ordered_hash = @ordered_hash.reject { |k, _| k == "pink" } |
16823 | other_hash["purple"] = "800080" |
16824 | other_hash["violet"] = "ee82ee" |
16825 | assert_equal @keys + ["purple", "violet"], merged.keys |
16826 | hash[:a] = 0 |
16827 | hash[:b] = 0 |
16828 | merged = hash.merge(b: 2, c: 7) do |key, old_value, new_value| |
16829 | new_value + 1 |
16830 | hash.merge!(a: 1, c: 7) do |key, old_value, new_value| |
16831 | new_value + 3 |
16832 | hash = Hash[:foo, :bar] |
16833 | [1, 2], |
16834 | [3, 4], |
16835 | [ "missing value" ] |
16836 | ]] |
16837 | flash = { a: ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[:b, 1, :c, 2] }.with_indifferent_access |
16838 | @ordered_hash.each { |*v| ordered_hash_values << v } |
16839 | @ordered_hash.each_pair { |*v| ordered_hash_values << v } |
16840 | @ordered_hash[:array] = %w(a b c) |
16841 | values = { |_, value| value } |
16842 | @ordered_hash[:rails] = "snowman" |
16843 | @options = { hello: "world" } |
16844 | local_options = { "cool" => true } |
16845 | local_options = { cool: true } |
16846 | local_options = { hello: "moon" } |
16847 | expected = { conditions: { method: :get, domain: "www" } } |
16848 | with_options conditions: { method: :get, domain: "www" } do |outer| |
16849 | expected = { conditions: { method: :post, domain: "www" } } |
16850 | with_options html: { class: "foo", style: { margin: 0, display: "block" } } do |outer| |
16851 | outer.with_options html: { title: "bar", style: { margin: "1em", color: "#fff" } } do |inner| |
16852 | expected = { html: { class: "foo", title: "bar", style: { margin: "1em", display: "block", color: "#fff" } } } |
16853 | local_lambda = lambda { { lambda: true } } |
16854 | local_proc = proc { } |
16855 | merge! fizz: "buzz" |
16856 | expected = { hello: "world", foo: "bar", fizz: "buzz" } |
16857 | delegate :to_hash, :deep_merge, to: :@hash |
16858 | @hash = hash |
16859 | assert_equal("(755) 6123-4567", number_helper.number_to_phone(75561234567, pattern: /(\d{3,4})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, area_code: true)) |
16860 | assert_equal("133-1234-5678", number_helper.number_to_phone(13312345678, pattern: /(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})/)) |
16861 | assert_equal("-$ 1,234,567,890.50", number_helper.number_to_currency(-1234567890.50, format: "%u %n")) |
16862 | assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 Kč", number_helper.number_to_currency("1234567890.50", unit: "Kč", format: "%n %u")) |
16863 | assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 - Kč", number_helper.number_to_currency("-1234567890.50", unit: "Kč", format: "%n %u", negative_format: "%n - %u")) |
16864 | assert_equal("0.00", number_helper.number_to_currency(+0.0, unit: "", negative_format: "(%n)")) |
16865 | assert_equal("-$1,11", number_helper.number_to_currency("-1,11")) |
16866 | assert_equal("-$0,11", number_helper.number_to_currency("-0,11")) |
16867 | assert_equal("-$,11", number_helper.number_to_currency("-,11")) |
16868 | assert_equal("$0.00", number_helper.number_to_currency("-0.0")) |
16869 | assert_equal("1.000,000%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(1000, delimiter: ".", separator: ",")) |
16870 | assert_equal("-0.13 %", number_helper.number_to_percentage("-0.13", precision: nil, format: "%n %")) |
16871 | assert_equal("1,23,456.78", number_helper.number_to_delimited("123456.78", delimiter_pattern: /(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))/)) |
16872 | assert_equal("111.2346" + "0" * 96, number_helper.number_to_rounded("111.2346", precision: 100)) |
16873 | volume = { unit: "ml", thousand: "lt", million: "m3" } |
16874 | distance = { mili: "mm", centi: "cm", deci: "dm", unit: "m", ten: "dam", hundred: "hm", thousand: "km" } |
16875 | assert_equal "4", number_helper.number_to_human(4, units: { unit: "", ten: "tens " }) |
16876 | assert_equal "123", number_helper.number_to_human(123, units: { thousand: "k" }) |
16877 | options = { "raise" => true } |
16878 | assert_equal({ "raise" => true }, options) |
16879 | assert_equal("$x.", number_helper.number_to_currency("x.")) |
16880 | number: { |
16881 | currency: { format: { unit: "&$", format: "%u - %n", negative_format: "(%u - %n)", precision: 2 } }, |
16882 | human: { |
16883 | format: { |
16884 | format: "%n %u", |
16885 | units: { |
16886 | byte: "b", |
16887 | kb: "k" |
16888 | deci: { one: "Tenth", other: "Tenths" }, |
16889 | unit: "u", |
16890 | ten: { one: "Ten", other: "Tens" }, |
16891 | thousand: "t", |
16892 | million: "m", |
16893 | billion: "b", |
16894 | trillion: "t", |
16895 | percentage: { format: { delimiter: "", precision: 2, strip_insignificant_zeros: true } }, |
16896 | precision: { format: { delimiter: "", significant: true } } |
16897 | custom_units_for_number_to_human: { mili: "mm", centi: "cm", deci: "dm", unit: "m", ten: "dam", hundred: "hm", thousand: "km" } |
16898 | assert_equal("&$ - 10.00", number_to_currency(10, locale: "ts")) |
16899 | assert_equal("(&$ - 10.00)", number_to_currency(-10, locale: "ts")) |
16900 | assert_equal("-10.00 - &$", number_to_currency(-10, locale: "ts", format: "%n - %u")) |
16901 | assert_equal("$10.00", number_to_currency(10, locale: "empty")) |
16902 | assert_equal("-$10.00", number_to_currency(-10, locale: "empty")) |
16903 | number: { format: { separator: ";" } } |
16904 | assert_equal("&$ - 10;00", number_to_currency(10, locale: "ts")) |
16905 | currency: { format: { unit: "@", format: "%n %u" } } |
16906 | assert_equal("-10.00 @", number_to_currency(-10, locale: "no_negative_format")) |
16907 | assert_equal("1.00", number_to_rounded(1.0, locale: "ts")) |
16908 | assert_equal("1%", number_to_percentage(1, locale: "ts")) |
16909 | assert_equal("1.24%", number_to_percentage(1.2434, locale: "ts")) |
16910 | assert_equal("2 k", number_to_human_size(2048, locale: "ts")) |
16911 | assert_equal("42 b", number_to_human_size(42, locale: "ts")) |
16912 | assert_equal "2 t", number_to_human(2000, locale: "ts") |
16913 | assert_equal "1 Tenth", number_to_human(0.1, locale: "ts") |
16914 | assert_equal "1.3 Tenth", number_to_human(0.134, locale: "ts") |
16915 | assert_equal "2 Tenths", number_to_human(0.2, locale: "ts") |
16916 | assert_equal "1 Ten", number_to_human(10, locale: "ts") |
16917 | assert_equal "1.2 Ten", number_to_human(12, locale: "ts") |
16918 | assert_equal "2 Tens", number_to_human(20, locale: "ts") |
16919 | @events = [] |
16920 | @named_events = [] |
16921 | @subscription = @notifier.subscribe { |*args| @events << event(*args) } |
16922 | payload[:my_key] = "success!" |
16923 | payload[:some_key][:key_two] = "great_success!" |
16924 | event = e |
16925 | listener = ->(event) do |
16926 | event_name = "foo" |
16927 | actual_times = [] |
16928 | times = (1..4).map { |s|, 1, 1) + s } |
16929 | [times[0], times[2]], |
16930 | [times[1], times[3]], |
16931 | events1 = [] |
16932 | events2 = [] |
16933 | callback1 = lambda { |event| events1 << event } |
16934 | callback2 = lambda { |event| events2 << event } |
16935 | expected = [name, name] |
16936 | callback = lambda { |*_| events << _.first } |
16937 | expected = [name, name2, name] |
16938 | assert_equal [[:foo]], @events |
16939 | assert_equal [["named.subscription", :foo], ["named.subscription", :foo]], @events |
16940 | @matched_events = [] |
16941 | @notifier.subscribe(/subscription/) { |*args| @matched_events << event(*args) } |
16942 | @publishes = [] |
16943 | def finish(*args); @finishes << args; end |
16944 | def publish(*args); @publishes << args; end |
16945 | assert_equal [[:foo], [:foo]], @events |
16946 | assert_equal [[:foo]] * 4, @events |
16947 | @notifier.subscribe("1") { |*args| events << args } |
16948 | assert_equal [["1"]], events |
16949 | @notifier.subscribe(/\d/) { |*args| events << args } |
16950 | assert_equal [["1"], ["a.1"], ["1.a"]], events |
16951 | @another = [] |
16952 | @notifier.subscribe { |*args| @another << args } |
16953 | assert_equal [[:foo]], @another |
16954 | assert_equal 2, instrument(:awesome) { 1 + 1 } |
16955 | assert_equal 2, instrument(:awesome) { |p| p[:result] = 1 + 1 } |
16956 | 1 + 1 |
16957 | time = |
16958 | event = event(:foo, time, time + 0.01, random_id, {}) |
16959 | notifier.subscribe(:symbol) { |*_| } |
16960 | notifier.subscribe( { |*_| } |
16961 | @finishes = [] |
16962 | @payload = { foo: } |
16963 | assert_equal 2, instrumenter.instrument("awesome") { |p| p[:result] = 1 + 1 } |
16964 | event.record { |p| p[:result] = 1 + 1 } |
16965 | @events << [:start, name, id, payload] |
16966 | @events << [:finish, name, id, payload] |
16967 | @events << [:call, name, start, finish, id, payload] |
16968 | notifier.finish "hi", 2, {} |
16969 | notifier.finish "hi", 1, {} |
16970 | [:start, "hi", 1, {}], |
16971 | [:start, "hi", 2, {}], |
16972 | [:finish, "hi", 2, {}], |
16973 | [:finish, "hi", 1, {}], |
16974 | notifier.start "hi", 1, {} |
16975 | [:finish, "hi", 1, {}] |
16976 | notifier.start("", 1, {}) |
16977 | notifier.finish("", 2, {}) |
16978 | notifier.start("", 1, {}) |
16979 | notifier.finish("", 2, {}) |
16980 | [:start, "", 1, {}], |
16981 | [:finish, "", 2, {}], |
16982 | [:start, "", 1, {}], |
16983 | [:finish, "", 2, {}] |
16984 | str.to_s.unpack("U*").map { |cp| cp.to_s(16) }.join(" ") |
16985 | @wrapped_string = string.gsub(/[^\u0000-\u007F]/, "?") |
16986 | str = +"" |
16987 | mb_a = (+"a").mb_chars |
16988 | mb_b = (+"b").mb_chars |
16989 | assert_equal "ab", mb_a + "b" |
16990 | assert_equal "ab", "a" + mb_b |
16991 | assert_equal "ab", mb_a + mb_b |
16992 | assert_equal "ab", mb_a << "b" |
16993 | assert_equal "ab", (+"a") << mb_b |
16994 | assert_equal "abb", mb_a << mb_b |
16995 | assert(("a".mb_chars + "b").kind_of?(@proxy_class)) |
16996 | assert(("a".mb_chars + "b".mb_chars).kind_of?(@proxy_class)) |
16997 | assert(((+"a").mb_chars << "b").kind_of?(@proxy_class)) |
16998 | assert(((+"a").mb_chars << "b".mb_chars).kind_of?(@proxy_class)) |
16999 | @whitespace = " \t " |
17000 | @chars.split(//).each do |character| |
17001 | proxy.public_send("#{method}!") |
17002 | assert_nil(@chars =~ /wrong/u) |
17003 | assert_equal "", (+"").mb_chars.insert(0, "") |
17004 | @chars[2] = "a" |
17005 | before = @chars.to_s |
17006 | assert_raise(IndexError) { @chars[10] = "a" } |
17007 | assert_raise(IndexError) { @chars[10, 4] = "a" } |
17008 | assert_raise(IndexError) { @chars[/ii/] = "a" } |
17009 | assert_raise(IndexError) { @chars[/()/, 10] = "a" } |
17010 | assert_raise(RangeError) { @chars[10..12] = "a" } |
17011 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @chars.rjust(10, "") } |
17012 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @chars.ljust(10, "") } |
17013 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, "") } |
17014 | assert_equal "", "".mb_chars.reverse |
17015 | assert_nil "".mb_chars.slice(-1..1) |
17016 | assert_nil "".mb_chars.slice(-1, 1) |
17017 | assert_equal "", "".mb_chars.slice(0..10) |
17018 | assert_equal "", @chars.slice(4..10) |
17019 | chars.slice!(0, 2) |
17020 | assert_raise(TypeError) { @chars.slice(2..3, 1) } |
17021 | assert_raise(TypeError) { @chars.slice(1, 2..3) } |
17022 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @chars.slice(1, 1, 1) } |
17023 | assert_equal "", "".mb_chars.upcase |
17024 | assert_equal "ll", "hello".mb_chars.method(:slice).call(2..3) # Defined on Chars |
17025 | chars = +"hello".mb_chars |
17026 | assert_equal "jello", "hello".mb_chars.method(:gsub).call(/h/, "j") # Defined on String |
17027 | example = chars("") |
17028 | ["", 0], |
17029 | ["abc", 3], |
17030 | [[0x0924, 0x094D, 0x0930].pack("U*"), 2], |
17031 | [%w(cr lf), 1], |
17032 | [%w(cr n), 2], |
17033 | [%w(lf n), 2], |
17034 | [%w(control n), 2], |
17035 | [%w(cr extend), 2], |
17036 | [%w(lf extend), 2], |
17037 | [%w(control extend), 2], |
17038 | [%w(n cr), 2], |
17039 | [%w(n lf), 2], |
17040 | [%w(n control), 2], |
17041 | [%w(extend cr), 2], |
17042 | [%w(extend lf), 2], |
17043 | [%w(extend control), 2], |
17044 | [%w(l l), 1], |
17045 | [%w(l v), 1], |
17046 | [%w(l lv), 1], |
17047 | [%w(l lvt), 1], |
17048 | [%w(lv v), 1], |
17049 | [%w(lv t), 1], |
17050 | [%w(v v), 1], |
17051 | [%w(v t), 1], |
17052 | [%w(lvt t), 1], |
17053 | [%w(t t), 1], |
17054 | [%w(r r), 1], |
17055 | [%w(n extend), 1], |
17056 | [%w(n spacingmark), 1], |
17057 | [%w(n n), 2], |
17058 | [%w(n cr lf n), 3], |
17059 | [%w(n l v t), 2], |
17060 | [%w(cr extend n), 3], |
17061 | assert_equal "#{good}#{good}", chars("#{bad}#{bad}").tidy_bytes |
17062 | assert_equal "#{good}#{good}#{good}", chars("#{bad}#{bad}#{bad}").tidy_bytes |
17063 | assert_equal "#{good}a", chars("#{bad}a").tidy_bytes |
17064 | assert_equal "a#{good}a", chars("a#{bad}a").tidy_bytes |
17065 | assert_equal "a#{good}", chars("a#{bad}").tidy_bytes |
17066 | byte_string = "\270\236\010\210\245" |
17067 | tidy_string = [0xb8, 0x17e, 0x8, 0x2c6, 0xa5].pack("U*") |
17068 | l: 0x1100, v: 0x1160, t: 0x11A8, lv: 0xAC00, lvt: 0xAC01, cr: 0x000D, lf: 0x000A, |
17069 | end.pack("U*") |
17070 | @config.rotate :signed, "older secret", salt: "salt", digest: "SHA1" |
17071 | @config.rotate :signed, "old secret", salt: "salt", digest: "SHA256" |
17072 | [ "older secret", salt: "salt", digest: "SHA1" ], |
17073 | [ "old secret", salt: "salt", digest: "SHA256" ] ], @config.signed |
17074 | assert_equal [ [ "old raw key", cipher: "aes-256-gcm" ] ], @config.encrypted |
17075 | assert_rotate [digest: "SHA256"], [digest: "SHA1"], [digest: "MD5"] |
17076 | assert_rotate [secret("new")], [secret("old")], [secret("older")] |
17077 | assert_rotate [secret("new")], [secret("old")], purpose: "purpose" |
17078 | def self.dump(*); ""; end |
17079 | assert_rotate [secret("new"), url_safe: true], [secret("old"), url_safe: false] |
17080 | assert_rotate [secret("new"), on_rotation: proc { called = true }], [secret("old")] |
17081 | assert_rotate [secret("same"), on_rotation: proc { called = true }], [secret("same")] |
17082 | codec = make_codec(secret("new"), on_rotation: proc { called = true }) |
17083 | called = "" |
17084 | codec = make_codec(secret("new"), on_rotation: proc { called += "via constructor" }) |
17085 | DATA = [{ "a_boolean" => true, "a_number" => 123, "a_string" => "abc" }] |
17086 | assert_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: "x" }, { purpose: "x" } |
17087 | assert_no_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: "x" }, { purpose: "y" } |
17088 | assert_no_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: "x" }, {} |
17089 | assert_no_roundtrip data, codec, {}, { purpose: "x" } |
17090 | assert_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: :x }, { purpose: :x } |
17091 | assert_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: :x }, { purpose: "x" } |
17092 | assert_roundtrip data, codec, { purpose: "x" }, { purpose: :x } |
17093 | message = encode(data, codec, purpose: "x") |
17094 | assert_roundtrip "a string", codec, { purpose: "x", expires_in: 1.year }, { purpose: "x" } |
17095 | JSON.dump(value) << "!" |
17096 | JSON.load(value.chomp!("!")) |
17097 | { "a_number" => 123, "a_time" => Time.local(2004), "an_object" => { "key" => "value" } }, |
17098 | ["a string", 123, Time.local(2004), { "key" => "value" }], |
17099 | def roundtrip(data, codec, encode_options = {}, decode_options = {}) |
17100 | assert_rotate [cipher: "aes-256-gcm"], [cipher: "aes-256-cbc"] |
17101 | @secrets ||= {} |
17102 | secret_generator = ->(salt) { salt + "!" } |
17103 | secret_generator = ->(salt, foo:, bar: nil) { foo + bar } |
17104 | coordinator.rotate(foo: "foo", bar: "bar") |
17105 | coordinator.rotate { { foo: "foo", bar: "bar" } } |
17106 | @data = { "some" => "data", "now" => Time.utc(2010) } |
17107 | data, hash = @verifier.generate(@data).split("--") |
17108 | assert_not @verifier.valid_message?("#{data.reverse}--#{hash}") |
17109 | assert_not @verifier.valid_message?("#{data}--#{hash.reverse}") |
17110 | data = "??" |
17111 | message = verifier.generate({ :foo => 123, "bar" => Time.utc(2010) }) |
17112 | exp = { "foo" => 123, "bar" => "2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } |
17113 | @data = { some: "data", now: Time.utc(2010) } |
17114 | secret_generator = ->(salt, secret_length:) { salt[0] * secret_length } |
17115 | secret_generator = ->(salt, secret_length:, foo:, bar: nil) { foo[bar] * secret_length } |
17116 | coordinator.rotate { { foo: "foo", bar: 0 } } |
17117 | secret_generator = proc { |*args, **kwargs| [*args, **kwargs), "signing secret"] } |
17118 | SECRET_GENERATOR = proc { |salt, secret_length:| "".ljust(secret_length, salt) } |
17119 | @data = { some: "data", now: Time.local(2010) } |
17120 | text, iv = @verifier.verify(@encryptor.encrypt_and_sign(@data)).split("--") |
17121 | assert_not_decrypted([iv, text] * "--") |
17122 | assert_not_decrypted([text, munge(iv)] * "--") |
17123 | assert_not_decrypted([munge(text), iv] * "--") |
17124 | assert_not_decrypted([munge(text), munge(iv)] * "--") |
17125 | text, iv = @encryptor.encrypt_and_sign(@data).split("--") |
17126 | assert_not_verified([iv, text] * "--") |
17127 | assert_not_verified([text, munge(iv)] * "--") |
17128 | assert_not_verified([munge(text), iv] * "--") |
17129 | assert_not_verified([munge(text), munge(iv)] * "--") |
17130 | message = encryptor.encrypt_and_sign({ :foo => 123, "bar" => Time.utc(2010) }) |
17131 | bad_encoding_characters = " !@#" |
17132 | assert_not_verified("#{::Base64.encode64 message.to_s}--#{::Base64.encode64 iv.to_s}") |
17133 | data = "x" * 10001 |
17134 | data = 1 |
17135 | text, iv, auth_tag = encryptor.encrypt_and_sign(@data).split("--") |
17136 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [iv, text, auth_tag] * "--") |
17137 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [munge(text), iv, auth_tag] * "--") |
17138 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [text, munge(iv), auth_tag] * "--") |
17139 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [text, iv, munge(auth_tag)] * "--") |
17140 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [munge(text), munge(iv), munge(auth_tag)] * "--") |
17141 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [text, iv] * "--") |
17142 | assert_aead_not_decrypted(encryptor, [text, iv, auth_tag[0..-2]] * "--") |
17143 | @secrets ||= { |h, k| h[k] = SecureRandom.random_bytes(32) } |
17144 | data = "this_is_data" |
17145 | t = ["development", "log"] |
17146 | t.write "hi mom!" |
17147 | f =, "w") |
17148 | str = +"\x80" |
17149 | fname = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "lol", "rofl.log" |
17150 | f =, "w") |
17151 | @logger.add(Logger::INFO) { @message } |
17152 | { @message } |
17153 | threads = (1..2).collect do |thread_number| |
17154 | info { "info" } |
17155 | info "#{color("cool", :red)}, #{color("isn't it?", :blue, bold: true)}" |
17156 | info "#{color("rad", :green, bold: true, underline: true)}, #{color("isn't it?", :yellow, italic: true)}" |
17157 | info "#{color("bogus", :red, true)}" |
17158 | assert_equal "\e[31mcool\e[0m, \e[1m\e[34misn't it?\e[0m", @logger.logged(:info).last |
17159 | assert_equal "\e[1;4m\e[32mrad\e[0m, \e[3m\e[33misn't it?\e[0m", @logger.logged(:info).last |
17160 | [] # Make an allocation |
17161 | i = 0 |
17162 | ActiveSupport.on_load(:basic_hook) { i += 1 } |
17163 | block = proc { i += incr } |
17164 | i += incr |
17165 | i += obj.incr + incr_amt |
17166 | @incr = incr |
17167 | @a, @b = a, b |
17168 | { foo: "hello", bar: "world" } |
17169 | [ BigDecimal("2.5"), %("#{BigDecimal('2.5')}") ]] |
17170 | [ 'a "string" with quotes & an ampersand', %("a \\"string\\" with quotes \\u0026 an ampersand") ], |
17171 | [ "", %("")], |
17172 | [ [1, "a", :b, nil, false], %([1,\"a\",\"b\",null,false]) ]] |
17173 | [ 1.5..2.5, %("1.5..2.5")]] |
17174 | HashlikeTests = [[, %({\"bar\":\"world\",\"foo\":\"hello\"}) ]] |
17175 | [, nil), %({\"name\":null,\"value\":null}) ]] |
17176 | [, "null" ], |
17177 | [, '"a"' ], |
17178 | [[ :foo, "bar" ]), '["foo","bar"]' ], |
17179 | [ "hello", bar: "world"), '{"bar":"world","foo":"hello"}' ], |
17180 | [, '{"bar":"world","foo":"hello"}' ], |
17181 | [, '"a"' ]] |
17182 | PathnameTests = [["lib/index.rb"), %("lib/index.rb") ]] |
17183 | DateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000") ]] |
17184 | StandardDateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005-02-01T15:15:10.000+00:00") ]] |
17185 | if json.start_with?("{") && json.end_with?("}") |
17186 | assert_equal %({"exitstatus":#{$?.exitstatus},"pid":#{$?.pid}}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode($?) |
17187 | assert_equal %({\"a\":\"b\"}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(a: :b) |
17188 | assert_equal %({\"a\":1}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode("a" => 1) |
17189 | assert_equal %({\"a\":[1,2]}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode("a" => [1, 2]) |
17190 | assert_equal %({"1":2}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(1 => 2) |
17191 | assert_equal %({\"a\":\"b\",\"c\":\"d\"}), sorted_json(ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(a: :b, c: :d)) |
17192 | assert_equal "{\"\\u003c\\u003e\":\"\\u003c\\u003e\"}", ActiveSupport::JSON.encode("<>" => "<>") |
17193 | assert_equal %w( "$" "A" "A0" "A0B" "_" "a" "0" "1" ).sort, object_keys(ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(values)) |
17194 | assert_equal %({"a":1}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({ "a" => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 }, { only: "a" }) |
17195 | assert_equal %({"b":2}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({ "foo" => "bar", :b => 2, :c => 3 }, { except: ["foo", :c] }) |
17196 | assert_equal %("2005-02-01T15:15:10.000-05:00"), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.local(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10)) |
17197 | assert_equal '{"time":"2009/01/01 00:00:00 +0000"}', { time: Time.utc(2009) }.to_json |
17198 | json = h.to_json only: [:foo] |
17199 | assert_equal({ "foo" => "hello" }, JSON.parse(json)) |
17200 | json = obj.to_json only: ["foo"] |
17201 | struct =, :bar).new |
17202 | = "hello" |
17203 | = "world" |
17204 | json = struct.to_json only: [:foo] |
17205 | klass =, :bar) |
17206 | struct = "hello", "world" |
17207 | assert_equal({ "foo" => { "foo" => "hello" } }, JSON.parse(json)) |
17208 | person = { |
17209 | name: "John", |
17210 | address: { |
17211 | city: "London", |
17212 | country: "UK" |
17213 | json = person.as_json only: [:address, :city] |
17214 | assert_equal({ "address" => { "city" => "London" } }, json) |
17215 | json = person.to_json only: [:address, :city] |
17216 | assert_equal(%({"address":{"city":"London"}}), json) |
17217 | people = [ |
17218 | { name: "John", address: { city: "London", country: "UK" } }, |
17219 | { name: "Jean", address: { city: "Paris", country: "France" } } |
17220 | json = people.as_json only: [:address, :city] |
17221 | { "address" => { "city" => "London" } }, |
17222 | { "address" => { "city" => "Paris" } } |
17223 | json = people.to_json only: [:address, :city] |
17224 | assert_equal(%([{"address":{"city":"London"}},{"address":{"city":"Paris"}}]), json) |
17225 | @people = [ |
17226 | def each(*, &blk) |
17227 | @people.each do |p| |
17228 | json = only: [:address, :city] |
17229 | json = only: [:address, :city] |
17230 | def as_json(options = {}) |
17231 | options[:only] = %w(foo bar) |
17232 | = "hello" |
17233 | = "world" |
17234 | hash = { "foo" => f, "other_hash" => { "foo" => "other_foo", "test" => "other_test" } } |
17235 | assert_equal({ "foo" => { "foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world" }, |
17236 | array = [f, { "foo" => "other_foo", "test" => "other_test" }] |
17237 | assert_equal([{ "foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world" }, |
17238 | { "foo" => "other_foo", "test" => "other_test" }], ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(array.to_json)) |
17239 | json = { foo: }.as_json |
17240 | assert_equal({ "foo" => :default }, json) |
17241 |"Custom", :name, :sub) |
17242 | json_strings = "" |
17243 | json_string_and_date = "" |
17244 | json_custom = "" |
17245 | assert_equal({ "name" => "David", |
17246 | assert_equal({ "name" => "David", "email" => "" }, |
17247 | assert_equal({ "name" => "David", "date" => "2010-01-01" }, |
17248 | data = Data.define(:name, :email).new("test", "") |
17249 | assert_equal({ "name" => "test", "email" => "" }, |
17250 | h[:foo] = "hello" |
17251 | h[:bar] = "world" |
17252 | assert_equal %({"foo":"hello","bar":"world"}), JSON.dump(h) |
17253 | assert_equal %({"foo":"hello","bar":"world"}), JSON.generate(h) |
17254 | { "number" => Float::NAN } |
17255 | json_object[1..-2].scan(/([^{}:,\s]+):/).flatten.sort |
17256 | %q({"return\\"To\\":":{"\/categories":"\/"}}) => { "return\"To\":" => { "/categories" => "/" } }, |
17257 | %q({"returnTo":{"\/categories":1}}) => { "returnTo" => { "/categories" => 1 } }, |
17258 | %(["2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z", "2007-01-01 01:12:35 Z"]) => [Time.utc(2007, 1, 1, 1, 12, 34), Time.utc(2007, 1, 1, 1, 12, 35)], |
17259 | %({"a": "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z\ was my birthday"}) => { "a" => "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z was my birthday" }, |
17260 | %({"a":1}) => { "a" => 1 }, |
17261 | %({"a": ""}) => { "a" => "" }, |
17262 | %({"a":"\\""}) => { "a" => "\"" }, |
17263 | %({"a": false}) => { "a" => false }, |
17264 | %q({"a": "http:\/\/\/posts\/1"}) => { "a" => "" }, |
17265 | %q({"a": "\u003cunicode\u0020escape\u003e"}) => { "a" => "<unicode escape>" }, |
17266 | %q({"a": "\u003cbr /\u003e"}) => { "a" => "<br />" }, |
17267 | %q({"b":["\u003ci\u003e","\u003cb\u003e","\u003cu\u003e"]}) => { "b" => ["<i>", "<b>", "<u>"] }, |
17268 | %q([{"d":"1970-01-01", "s":"\u0020escape"},{"d":"1970-01-01", "s":"\u0020escape"}]) => |
17269 | %q([{"d":"1970-01-01","s":"http:\/\/"},{"d":"1970-01-01","s":"http:\/\/"}]) => |
17270 | [{ "d" =>, 1, 1), "s" => "" }, |
17271 | { "d" =>, 1, 1), "s" => "" }], |
17272 | %q({"a":" "}) => { "a" => " " }, |
17273 | %q({"a":"\u000a"}) => { "a" => " " }, |
17274 | %q({"a":"Line1\u000aLine2"}) => { "a" => "Line1 Line2" }, |
17275 | expected = { "a" => "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z" } |
17276 | assert_equal expected, ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(%({"a": "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z"})) |
17277 | I18n.stub(:default_locale, :"en-GB") do |
17278 | ].each do |camel, under, human, title| |
17279 | inflect.human(/_cnt$/i, '\1_count') |
17280 | inflect.human(/^prefx_/i, '\1') |
17281 | inflect.plural(/$/, "s") |
17282 | inflect.plural(/z$/i, "ces") |
17283 | inflect.singular(/s$/, "") |
17284 | inflect.singular(/es$/, "") |
17285 | inflect.irregular("el", "los") |
17286 | assert_equal("luces", "luz".pluralize(:es)) |
17287 | assert_equal("los", "el".pluralize(:es)) |
17288 | assert_equal("agua", "agua".pluralize(:es)) |
17289 | inflect.plural(/(quiz)$/i, '\1zes') |
17290 | inflect.singular(/(database)s$/i, '\1') |
17291 | [ :all, [] ].each do |scope| |
17292 | @date = Date.parse("2008-7-2") |
17293 | @time = Time.utc(2008, 7, 2, 16, 47, 1) |
17294 | assert_equal now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"), I18n.localize(now) |
17295 | assert_equal @date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), I18n.localize(@date) |
17296 | assert_equal @date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), I18n.localize(@date, format: :default) |
17297 | assert_equal @date.strftime("%B %d, %Y"), I18n.localize(@date, format: :long) |
17298 | assert_equal @time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"), I18n.localize(@time) |
17299 | assert_equal @time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"), I18n.localize(@time, format: :default) |
17300 | assert_equal @time.strftime("%d %b %H:%M"), I18n.localize(@time, format: :short) |
17301 | assert_equal @time.strftime("%B %d, %Y %H:%M"), I18n.localize(@time, format: :long) |
17302 | assert_equal "a, b, and c", %w[a b c].to_sentence |
17303 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", support: { array: { two_words_connector: " & " } } |
17304 | assert_equal "a & b", %w[a b].to_sentence |
17305 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", support: { array: { last_word_connector: " and " } } |
17306 | assert_equal "a, b and c", %w[a b c].to_sentence |
17307 | assert_equal "a, b, and c", %w[a b c].to_sentence(locale: "empty") |
17308 | @strings = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 } |
17309 | @nested_strings = { "a" => { "b" => { "c" => 3 } } } |
17310 | @symbols = { a: 1, b: 2 } |
17311 | @nested_symbols = { a: { b: { c: 3 } } } |
17312 | @mixed = { :a => 1, "b" => 2 } |
17313 | @nested_mixed = { "a" => { b: { "c" => 3 } } } |
17314 | @integers = { 0 => 1, 1 => 2 } |
17315 | @nested_integers = { 0 => { 1 => { 2 => 3 } } } |
17316 | @illegal_symbols = { [] => 3 } |
17317 | @nested_illegal_symbols = { [] => { [] => 3 } } |
17318 | foo = { "foo" => { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access |
17319 | foo = { "foo" => { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access |
17320 | foo = { "foo" => { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access |
17321 | assert_equal "a", @strings.__send__(:convert_key, :a) |
17322 | hashes = { :@strings => @strings, :@symbols => @symbols, :@mixed => @mixed } |
17323 | method_map = { '[]': 1, fetch: 1, values_at: [1], |
17324 | has_key?: true, include?: true, key?: true, |
17325 | member?: true } |
17326 | assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, "a"), |
17327 | assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, :a), |
17328 | assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at("a", "b") |
17329 | assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at(:a, :b) |
17330 | assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at("a", "b") |
17331 | assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at(:a, :b) |
17332 | assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at("a", "b") |
17333 | assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at(:a, :b) |
17334 | assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.fetch_values("a", "b") |
17335 | assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.fetch_values(:a, :b) |
17336 | assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.fetch_values(:a, "b") |
17337 | assert_equal [1, "c"], @mixed.fetch_values(:a, :c) { |key| key } |
17338 | assert_raise(KeyError) { @mixed.fetch_values(:a, :c) } |
17339 | hash["a"] = 1 |
17340 | hash["b"] = true |
17341 | hash["c"] = false |
17342 | hash["d"] = nil |
17343 | hash[:a] = 1 |
17344 | hash["b"] = 2 |
17345 | hash[3] = 3 |
17346 | assert_equal 1, hash["a"] |
17347 | assert_equal 2, hash["b"] |
17348 | hash[:a] = "a" |
17349 | hash["b"] = "b" |
17350 | hash.update({ "a" => 1 }, { "b" => 2 }) |
17351 | hash[:a] = "failure" |
17352 | hash["b"] = "failure" |
17353 | other = { "a" => 1, :b => 2 } |
17354 | merged = hash.merge({ "a" => 1 }, { "b" => 2 }) |
17355 | hash[:a] = 42 |
17356 | assert hash.key?("b") |
17357 | hash["b"] = 3 |
17358 | other = { "a" => 4, :b => 2, "c" => 10 } |
17359 | merged = hash.merge(other) { |key, old, new| old > new ? old : new } |
17360 | merged = hash.merge(other_indifferent) { |key, old, new| old + new } |
17361 | hash ="some" => "value", "other" => "value") |
17362 | get_hash = proc { { a: "foo" }.with_indifferent_access } |
17363 | assert_equal "foo", hash.delete("a") |
17364 | assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, hash) |
17365 |! { |k, v| v == 1 } |
17366 | assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, indifferent_strings) |
17367 | indifferent_strings.reject! { |k, v| v != 1 } |
17368 | assert_equal({ "aa" => 1, "bb" => 2 }, hash) |
17369 | assert_equal(1, hash[:a]) |
17370 | assert_equal(1, hash["a"]) |
17371 | hash ={ "a" => "x", "y" => "z" }) |
17372 | assert_nil(hash["a"]) |
17373 | assert_equal(1, hash["x"]) |
17374 | assert_equal(2, hash["b"]) |
17375 | assert_nil(hash["y"]) |
17376 | assert_nil(hash["z"]) |
17377 | hash ={ "a" => "A", "q" => "Q" }) { |k| k * 3 } |
17378 | assert_equal(1, hash["A"]) |
17379 | assert_equal(2, hash["bbb"]) |
17380 | assert_nil(hash["q"]) |
17381 | assert_nil(hash["Q"]) |
17382 | assert_equal({ "aa" => { "bb" => { "cc" => 3 } } }, hash) |
17383 | assert_equal(3, hash[:a][:b][:c]) |
17384 | assert_equal(3, hash["a"]["b"]["c"]) |
17385 | indifferent_strings.transform_keys! { |k| k * 2 } |
17386 | assert_equal({ "aa" => 1, "bb" => 2 }, indifferent_strings) |
17387 | hash.transform_keys!({ "a" => "x", "y" => "z" }) |
17388 | hash.transform_keys!({ "a" => "A", "q" => "Q" }) { |k| k * 3 } |
17389 | hash.deep_transform_keys! { |k| k * 2 } |
17390 | hash.deep_transform_keys! { |k| k.to_sym } |
17391 | assert_equal({ "a" => 2, "b" => 4 }, hash) |
17392 | assert_equal({ "a" => 2, "b" => 4 }, indifferent_strings) |
17393 | assert_equal("a", key) |
17394 | hash_contain_nil_value = @strings.merge("z" => nil) |
17395 | hash = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
17396 | hash[:a] << 1 |
17397 | assert_equal [1], hash[:a] |
17398 | hash = { content: [{ :foo => :bar, "bar" => "baz" }] } |
17399 | assert_equal [:foo, "bar"], hash[:content].first.keys |
17400 | hash = { "urls" => { "url" => [ { "address" => "1" }, { "address" => "2" } ] } }.with_indifferent_access |
17401 | assert_equal "1", hash[:urls][:url].first[:address] |
17402 | array << { "address" => "1" } |
17403 | hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array } }.with_indifferent_access |
17404 | hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array.freeze } }.with_indifferent_access |
17405 | h[:first] = 1 |
17406 | assert_equal 1, h["first"] |
17407 | h["first"] = 1 |
17408 | h = { b: "b" }) |
17409 | dup = h.dup |
17410 | dup[:a][:c] = "c" |
17411 | assert_equal "c", h[:a][:c] |
17412 | h = { "user" => { "id" => 5 } }.with_indifferent_access |
17413 | ["user", :user].each { |user| [:id, "id"].each { |id| assert_equal 5, h[user][id], "h[#{user.inspect}][#{id.inspect}] should be 5" } } |
17414 | h = { user: { id: 5 } }.with_indifferent_access |
17415 | h.default = "1234" |
17416 | data = { "this" => { "views" => 1234 } }.with_indifferent_access |
17417 | h = { 5 }.merge(1 => 2).with_indifferent_access |
17418 | assert_equal "foo", h.default("foo") |
17419 | original = { => 2, 1 => 2, [] => true } |
17420 | assert_not(indiff.keys.any? { |k| k.kind_of? String }, "A key was converted to a string!") |
17421 | hash_1 = "a", b: "b", c: { c1: "c1", c2: "c2", c3: { d1: "d1" } }) |
17422 | hash_2 = 1, c: { c1: 2, c3: { d2: "d2" } }) |
17423 | hash_3 = { a: 1, c: { c1: 2, c3: { d2: "d2" } } } |
17424 |"test1", 11) |
17425 | hash[:test2] = 2 |
17426 | hash["test2"] = 22 |
17427 | expected = { "test1" => 11, "test2" => 22 } |
17428 | hash[:foo] = 3 |
17429 | original = { a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 }.with_indifferent_access |
17430 | expected = { a: "x", b: "y" }.with_indifferent_access |
17431 | [["a", "b"], [:a, :b]].each do |keys| |
17432 | original = { "login" => "bender", "password" => "shiny", "stuff" => "foo" } |
17433 | original = { :a => 1, "b" => 2, :c => 3, "d" => 4 }.with_indifferent_access |
17434 | expected = { a: 1, b: 2 }.with_indifferent_access |
17435 | remaining = { c: 3, d: 4 }.with_indifferent_access |
17436 | assert hash.key?("a") |
17437 | hash.default_proc = proc { |h, v| raise "walrus" } |
17438 | hash.default_proc = proc { |h, k| k + 1 } |
17439 | hash.default_proc = proc { |h, k| raise "walrus" } |
17440 | normal_hash[:a] = 1 |
17441 | normal_hash = { 1 + 2 } |
17442 | @foo = "bar" |
17443 | value = [1, 2, 3].freeze |
17444 | hash[:key] = value |
17445 | hash = |
17446 | 2 + 1 |
17447 | h = { foo: :bar } |
17448 | h.default = :baz |
17449 | h.default_proc = ->(hash, key) { hash[key] = :baz } |
17450 | if pid = fork |
17451 | assert_no_difference -> { count } do |
17452 | assert_difference -> { count }, +1 do |
17453 | def new_checker(files = [], dirs = {}, &block) |
17454 | @tmpfiles ||= %w(foo.rb bar.rb baz.rb).map { |f| tmpfile(f) } |
17455 | Dir.mktmpdir(nil, __dir__) { |dir| @tmpdir = dir; super } |
17456 | checker = new_checker { i += 1 } |
17457 | checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 } |
17458 | touch(tmpfiles[1..-1]) |
17459 | checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :rb) { i += 1 } |
17460 | checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => []) { i += 1 } |
17461 | checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => [:rb, :txt]) { i += 1 } |
17462 | checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :txt) { i += 1 } |
17463 | checker = new_checker([non_existing]) { i += 1 } |
17464 | checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :rb, subdir => :txt) { i += 1 } |
17465 | new_checker([]) |
17466 | executor.to_run { called << :run } |
17467 | called << :body |
17468 | executor.to_run { @foo = true } |
17469 | executor.to_run { called << :run_1 } |
17470 | executor.to_run { called << :run_2 } |
17471 | executor.wrap { called << :body } |
17472 | called << :early |
17473 | called << :late |
17474 | assert_equal [:run, :early, :body, :late, :complete], called |
17475 | invoked = [] |
17476 | supplied_state = [] |
17477 | invoked << :"run_#{letter}" |
17478 | :"state_#{letter}" |
17479 | invoked << :"complete_#{letter}" |
17480 | assert_equal [:run_c, :run_a, :run_b, :run_d, :complete_a, :complete_b, :complete_d, :complete_c], invoked |
17481 | assert_equal [:state_a, :state_b, :state_d, :state_c], supplied_state |
17482 | other_executor.to_run { called << :other_run } |
17483 | test "#[]= coerce keys to symbol" do |
17484 | context[:foo] = 43 |
17485 | checker = new_checker([], linked_dir => ".rb") { } |
17486 | touch(File.join(actual_dir, "a.rb")) |
17487 | checker = new_checker([], watched_dir => ".rb", not_exist_watched_dir => ".rb") { } |
17488 | dir1 = File.join(tmpdir, "app") |
17489 | dir2 = File.join(tmpdir, "test") |
17490 | checker1 = new_checker([], dir1 => ".rb") { } |
17491 | checker2 = new_checker([], dir2 => ".rb") { } |
17492 | touch(File.join(dir1, "a.rb")) |
17493 | touch(File.join(dir2, "a.rb")) |
17494 | assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, "application", { section: "admin" }]], |
17495 | assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, "application", { section: "public" }]], |
17496 | assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, "my_gem", {}]], |
17497 | 2 + 2 |
17498 | result = @reporter.handle(fallback: -> { 2 + 2 }) do |
17499 | assert_equal [[error, false, :error, "application", {}]], |
17500 | @key_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "content.txt.key") |
17501 | encrypted_file(@content_path, key_path: "", env_key: "").read |
17502 | @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("config-") |
17503 | @credentials.write({ something: { good: true, bad: false } }.to_yaml) |
17504 | @credentials.write({ something: { good: true, bad: false, nested: { foo: "bar" } } }.to_yaml) |
17505 | assert_equal ({ good: true, bad: false, nested: { foo: "bar" } }), @credentials.something |
17506 | @credentials.write({ something: { good: true } }.to_yaml) |
17507 | @original_state.each { |k, v| @original_state[k] = v.dup } |
17508 | def zero() 0 end |
17509 | def one(a) a end |
17510 | def multi(a, b, c) [a, b, c] end |
17511 | BAR = "foo bar" |
17512 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3],, 2, 3) |
17513 | hash = { k: 1 } |
17514 |"Some error!", ["call stack!"], @deprecator) |
17515 | instance.foo_bar = "foo bar!" |
17516 | legacy = { def; "Legacy"; end } |
17517 | assert_deprecated(@deprecator) { 1 + 1 } |
17518 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3],!(1, 2, 3) |
17519 | @deprecator.warn("message", []) |
17520 | @deprecator.allow(["foo bar", "baz qux"]) do |
17521 | @deprecator.allow([:"foo bar", :"baz qux"]) do |
17522 | @deprecator.allow([/(foo|baz) (bar|qux)/]) do |
17523 | @deprecator.allow("fubar", if: -> { true }) do |
17524 | @deprecator.allow("fubar", if: -> { false }) do |
17525 | @deprecator.behavior = ->(_, callstack, *) { @callstack = callstack } |
17526 | @messages ||= [] |
17527 | disallowed = [] |
17528 | bindings = [] |
17529 | callbacks = [ |
17530 | klass = { extend mod } |
17531 | @deprecator_names = [:fubar, :foo, :bar] |
17532 | gem_names = [] |
17533 | callback = proc { } |
17534 | File.write("#{@root_dir}/x.rb", "X = :X") |
17535 | def x.to_path; "x"; end |
17536 | File.write("#{dir}/y.rb", "Y = :Y") |
17537 | $loaded_service_one ||= 0 |
17538 | Person =, :name, :time_zone) |
17539 | self.person =, "#{account}'s person") |
17540 | hash[:world] = world |
17541 | Current.person =, "David", "Central Time (US & Canada)") |
17542 | @utc = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0) |
17543 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 19), @twz.time |
17544 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), Time.local(2014, 10, 26, 1, 0, 0).in_time_zone("Moscow") |
17545 | assert_equal "1999-12-31 19:00:00 EST -0500", @twz.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z %z") |
17546 | assert_equal "%Z %z", @twz.strftime("%%Z %%z") |
17547 | assert_equal "%EST %-0500", @twz.strftime("%%%Z %%%z") |
17548 | one_third_sec = Time.utc(1986, 12, 12, 6, 23, 00, Rational(1000000, 3)) |
17549 | assert_equal "1999-12-31 19:00:00 -0500", @twz.to_s |
17550 | assert_equal "1999-12-31 19:00:00 -0500", @twz.to_fs |
17551 | assert_equal "2000-01-01 00:00:00", @twz.to_fs(:db) |
17552 | assert_equal "2000-01-01 00:00:00", @twz.to_formatted_s(:db) |
17553 | @twz += Rational(1, 8) |
17554 | assert_equal(yaml, { "twz" => @twz }.to_yaml) |
17555 | assert_equal({ "twz" => @twz }, loaded) |
17556 | assert_equal 1, @twz <=> Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) |
17557 | assert_equal 0, @twz <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
17558 | assert_equal(-1, @twz <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
17559 | assert_equal 1, @twz <=> DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) |
17560 | assert_equal 0, @twz <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
17561 | assert_equal(-1, @twz <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
17562 | assert_equal 0, @twz <=>, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"]) |
17563 | assert_equal(-1, @twz <=>, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"])) |
17564 | assert @twz.between?(Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
17565 | assert_equal false, @twz.between?(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2)) |
17566 | Date.stub(:current,, 1, 1)) do |
17567 | Time.stub(:current, Time.local(2005, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45)) do |
17568 | twz =, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0), @time_zone) |
17569 | assert_equal false, @twz.eql?(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
17570 | assert_equal false, @twz.eql?(DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)) |
17571 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 5), (@twz + 5).time |
17572 | datetime = DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0) |
17573 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 5), (twz + 5).time |
17574 | assert_equal [0, 0, 19, 19, 1, 2038], (twz + 86_400).to_a[0, 6] |
17575 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 5, 19, 0, 0), (@twz + 5.days).time |
17576 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 18, 59, 55), (@twz - 5).time |
17577 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 18, 59, 55), (twz - 5).time |
17578 | assert_equal Time.utc(1999, 12, 26, 19, 0, 0), (@twz - 5.days).time |
17579 | utc = Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 6, 59, 59) # == Apr 2 2006 01:59:59 EST; i.e., 1 second before daylight savings start |
17580 | twz = twz + 1 |
17581 | utc = Time.utc(2006, 10, 29, 5, 59, 59) # == Oct 29 2006 01:59:59 EST; i.e., 1 second before daylight savings end |
17582 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 10, 29, 1, 59, 59), twz.time |
17583 | twz = twz - 1 |
17584 | assert_equal [45, 30, 5, 1, 2, 2000, 2, 32, false, "HST"],, 2, 1, 15, 30, 45), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Hawaii"]).to_a |
17585 | time = @twz.to_time |
17586 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 31, 19, 0, 0), @twz.months_since(1).time |
17587 | time = @twz.time |
17588 | def; "bar"; end |
17589 | utc = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 30) |
17590 | utc = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 30, 10) |
17591 | twz =, @time_zone, Time.utc(2006, 4, 2, 1, 59, 59)) |
17592 | assert_equal "Sun, 02 Apr 2006 03:00:00.000000000 EDT -04:00", (twz + 1).inspect |
17593 | assert_equal "Sun, 02 Apr 2006 10:30:01.000000000 EDT -04:00", (twz + 1.days + 1.second).inspect |
17594 | assert_equal "Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:30:01.000000000 EST -05:00", (twz + 1.days + 1.second).inspect |
17595 | @t, @dt, @zone = Time.utc(2000), DateTime.civil(2000), |
17596 | time = Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 19) # == Time.utc(2000) |
17597 | = "Alaska" |
17598 | time = "2019-01-01 00:00:00Z".to_time.end_of_month |
17599 | = -9.hours |
17600 | t1 = { = "Alaska"; } |
17601 | t2 = { = "Hawaii"; } |
17602 | time = Time.local(2000, 7, 1) |
17603 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 6, 30, 23, 0, 0), time_with_zone |
17604 | @d = Date.civil(2000) |
17605 | @s = "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00" |
17606 | @u = "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 UTC +00:00" |
17607 | @z = "Fri, 31 Dec 1999 19:00:00 EST -05:00" |
17608 | assert_equal Time.utc(2014, 10, 25, 22, 0, 0), "2014-10-26 01:00:00".in_time_zone |
17609 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 - 1, Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 1, 59, 59).seconds_since_midnight, "just before DST start" |
17610 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 + 1, Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 3, 0, 1).seconds_since_midnight, "just after DST start" |
17611 | with_env_tz "NZ" do |
17612 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 - 1, Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 1, 59, 59).seconds_since_midnight, "just before DST start" |
17613 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 + 1, Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 3, 0, 1).seconds_since_midnight, "just after DST start" |
17614 | assert_equal 1 * 3600 - 1, Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 59, 59).seconds_since_midnight, "just before DST end" |
17615 | assert_equal 3 * 3600 + 1, Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 2, 0, 1).seconds_since_midnight, "just after DST end" |
17616 | assert_equal 1 * 3600 + 30 * 60, Time.local(0, 30, 1, 30, 10, 2005, 0, 0, true, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_since_midnight, "before DST end" |
17617 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 + 30 * 60, Time.local(0, 30, 1, 30, 10, 2005, 0, 0, false, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_since_midnight, "after DST end" |
17618 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 - 1, Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 59, 59).seconds_since_midnight, "just before DST end" |
17619 | assert_equal 4 * 3600 + 1, Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 3, 0, 1).seconds_since_midnight, "just after DST end" |
17620 | assert_equal 2 * 3600 + 30 * 60, Time.local(0, 30, 2, 19, 3, 2006, 0, 0, true, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_since_midnight, "before DST end" |
17621 | assert_equal 3 * 3600 + 30 * 60, Time.local(0, 30, 2, 19, 3, 2006, 0, 0, false, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_since_midnight, "after DST end" |
17622 | assert_equal 21 * 3600 - 2, Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 3, 0, 1).seconds_until_end_of_day, "just after DST start" |
17623 | assert_equal 21 * 3600 - 2, Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 3, 0, 1).seconds_until_end_of_day, "just after DST start" |
17624 | assert_equal 22 * 3600 - 2, Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 2, 0, 1).seconds_until_end_of_day, "just after DST end" |
17625 | assert_equal 24 * 3600 - 30 * 60 - 1, Time.local(0, 30, 1, 30, 10, 2005, 0, 0, true, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_until_end_of_day, "before DST end" |
17626 | assert_equal 23 * 3600 - 30 * 60 - 1, Time.local(0, 30, 1, 30, 10, 2005, 0, 0, false, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_until_end_of_day, "after DST end" |
17627 | assert_equal 23 * 3600, Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 59, 59).seconds_until_end_of_day, "just before DST end" |
17628 | assert_equal 21 * 3600 - 2, Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 3, 0, 1).seconds_until_end_of_day, "just after DST end" |
17629 | assert_equal 23 * 3600 - 30 * 60 - 1, Time.local(0, 30, 2, 19, 3, 2006, 0, 0, true, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_until_end_of_day, "before DST end" |
17630 | assert_equal 22 * 3600 - 30 * 60 - 1, Time.local(0, 30, 2, 19, 3, 2006, 0, 0, false, ENV["TZ"]).seconds_until_end_of_day, "after DST end" |
17631 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 0, 0, Rational(1, 1_000_000_000)) |
17632 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0.000_000_001) |
17633 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0, Rational(1, 1_000)) |
17634 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0.001) |
17635 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 0, 0, "0.123456789".to_r) |
17636 | time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 30, 23, 59, "59.123456789".to_r) |
17637 | assert_equal Time.utc(2016, 5, 1, 0, 0), time.ceil |
17638 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day |
17639 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day, "start DST" |
17640 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 29, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day, "ends DST" |
17641 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day, "ends DST" |
17642 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day, "start DST" |
17643 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 12, 0, 0), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day |
17644 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 12, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day, "start DST" |
17645 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 29, 12, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 29, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day, "ends DST" |
17646 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 12, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day, "ends DST" |
17647 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day, "start DST" |
17648 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 0, 0), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).beginning_of_hour |
17649 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 0), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).beginning_of_minute |
17650 | assert_equal Time.local(2007, 8, 12, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2007, 8, 12, 10, 10, 10).end_of_day |
17651 | assert_equal Time.local(2007, 4, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2007, 4, 2, 10, 10, 10).end_of_day, "start DST" |
17652 | assert_equal Time.local(2007, 10, 29, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2007, 10, 29, 10, 10, 10).end_of_day, "ends DST" |
17653 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 10, 10, 10).end_of_day, "ends DST" |
17654 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10).end_of_day, "start DST" |
17655 | assert_equal Time.local(2015, 2, 8, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)),, 2, 8, 8, 0, 0, "+05:00").end_of_day |
17656 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).end_of_hour |
17657 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).end_of_minute |
17658 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).ago(86400 * 2) |
17659 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 4, 18, 0).ago(24.hours), "dt-24.hours=>st" |
17660 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400), "dt-86400=>st" |
17661 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "dt-86400.seconds=>st" |
17662 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 1, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 4, 18, 0).ago(24.hours), "st-24.hours=>st" |
17663 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 1, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400), "st-86400=>st" |
17664 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 1, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "st-86400.seconds=>st" |
17665 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 4, 18, 0).ago(24.hours), "dt-24.hours=>st" |
17666 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400), "dt-86400=>st" |
17667 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 3, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "dt-86400.seconds=>st" |
17668 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 29, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 4, 18, 0).ago(24.hours), "st-24.hours=>st" |
17669 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 29, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400), "st-86400=>st" |
17670 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 29, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 4, 18, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "st-86400.seconds=>st" |
17671 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 5, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 4, 3, 0).ago(24.hours), "st-24.hours=>dt" |
17672 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 5, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400), "st-86400=>dt" |
17673 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 5, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "st-86400.seconds=>dt" |
17674 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 28, 4, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 4, 3, 0).ago(24.hours), "dt-24.hours=>dt" |
17675 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 28, 4, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400), "dt-86400=>dt" |
17676 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 28, 4, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "dt-86400.seconds=>dt" |
17677 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 5, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 4, 3, 0).ago(24.hours), "st-24.hours=>dt" |
17678 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 5, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400), "st-86400=>dt" |
17679 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 5, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "st-86400.seconds=>dt" |
17680 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 17, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 4, 3, 0).ago(24.hours), "dt-24.hours=>dt" |
17681 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 17, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400), "dt-86400=>dt" |
17682 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 17, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 4, 3, 0).ago(86400.seconds), "dt-86400.seconds=>dt" |
17683 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 4, 18, 0).ago(, ">st" |
17684 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 1, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 4, 18, 0).ago(, ">st" |
17685 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 4, 18, 0).ago(, ">st" |
17686 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 29, 4, 18, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 4, 18, 0).ago(, ">st" |
17687 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 4, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 4, 3, 0).ago(, ">dt" |
17688 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 28, 4, 3), Time.local(2005, 10, 29, 4, 3, 0).ago(, ">dt" |
17689 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 4, 3, 0).ago(, ">dt" |
17690 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 17, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 3, 18, 4, 3, 0).ago(, ">dt" |
17691 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 11), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(1) |
17692 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 11, 10, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(3600) |
17693 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 24, 10, 10, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(86400 * 2) |
17694 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 24, 11, 10, 35), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(86400 * 2 + 3600 + 25) |
17695 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2038, 1, 20, 11, 59, 59), Time.utc(2038, 1, 18, 11, 59, 59).since(86400 * 2) |
17696 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0).since(24.hours), "st+24.hours=>dt" |
17697 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0).since(86400), "st+86400=>dt" |
17698 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0).since(86400.seconds), "st+86400.seconds=>dt" |
17699 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).since(24.hours), "dt+24.hours=>dt" |
17700 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).since(86400), "dt+86400=>dt" |
17701 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).since(86400.seconds), "dt+86400.seconds=>dt" |
17702 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0).since(24.hours), "st+24.hours=>dt" |
17703 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0).since(86400), "st+86400=>dt" |
17704 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 20, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0).since(86400.seconds), "st+86400.seconds=>dt" |
17705 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).since(24.hours), "dt+24.hours=>dt" |
17706 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).since(86400), "dt+86400=>dt" |
17707 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).since(86400.seconds), "dt+86400.seconds=>dt" |
17708 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0).since(, ">dt" |
17709 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).since(, ">dt" |
17710 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0).since(, ">dt" |
17711 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).since(, ">dt" |
17712 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0).tomorrow, ">dt" |
17713 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).tomorrow, ">dt" |
17714 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0).tomorrow, ">dt" |
17715 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).tomorrow, ">dt" |
17716 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 2, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0).yesterday, ">st" |
17717 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 4, 3, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2005, 4, 4, 19, 27, 0).yesterday, ">dt" |
17718 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 9, 30, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0).yesterday, ">st" |
17719 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 19, 27, 0), Time.local(2006, 10, 2, 19, 27, 0).yesterday, ">dt" |
17720 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 23, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0).since(24.hours), "dt+24.hours=>st" |
17721 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 23, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0).since(86400), "dt+86400=>st" |
17722 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 23, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0).since(86400.seconds), "dt+86400.seconds=>st" |
17723 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).since(24.hours), "st+24.hours=>st" |
17724 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).since(86400), "st+86400=>st" |
17725 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).since(86400.seconds), "st+86400.seconds=>st" |
17726 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0).since(24.hours), "dt+24.hours=>st" |
17727 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0).since(86400), "dt+86400=>st" |
17728 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0).since(86400.seconds), "dt+86400.seconds=>st" |
17729 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).since(24.hours), "st+24.hours=>st" |
17730 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).since(86400), "st+86400=>st" |
17731 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).since(86400.seconds), "st+86400.seconds=>st" |
17732 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0).since(, ">st" |
17733 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).since(, ">st" |
17734 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0).since(, ">st" |
17735 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).since(, ">st" |
17736 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0).tomorrow, ">st" |
17737 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).tomorrow, ">st" |
17738 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0).tomorrow, ">st" |
17739 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).tomorrow, ">st" |
17740 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0).yesterday, ">dt" |
17741 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 10, 31, 0, 45, 0), Time.local(2005, 11, 1, 0, 45, 0).yesterday, ">st" |
17742 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0).yesterday, ">dt" |
17743 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20, 1, 45, 0), Time.local(2006, 3, 21, 1, 45, 0).yesterday, ">st" |
17744 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2006) |
17745 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(month: 6) |
17746 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2012, month: 9) |
17747 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0), Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 44).change(hour: 5) |
17748 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 6, 0, 0), Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 44).change(min: 6) |
17749 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 7, 0), Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 44).change(sec: 7) |
17750 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 8), Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 44).change(usec: 8) |
17751 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 8), Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 2).change(nsec: 8000) |
17752 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Time.local(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 8).change(usec: 1, nsec: 1) } |
17753 | assert_nothing_raised {, 5, 9, 10, 00, 00, "+03:00").change(nsec: 999999999) } |
17754 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2006) |
17755 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(month: 6) |
17756 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2012, month: 9) |
17757 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 8), Time.utc(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 2).change(nsec: 8000) |
17758 | assert_equal, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").change(year: 2006) |
17759 | assert_equal, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").change(month: 6) |
17760 | assert_equal, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").change(year: 2012, month: 9) |
17761 | assert_equal 10,, 2, 22, 15, 15, 0, "-08:00").change(usec: 10).usec |
17762 | assert_equal 10,, 2, 22, 15, 15, 0, "-08:00").change(nsec: 10).nsec |
17763 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, 2, 22, 15, 15, 45, "-08:00").change(usec: 1000000) } |
17764 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, 2, 22, 15, 15, 45, "-08:00").change(nsec: 1000000000) } |
17765 | assert_equal, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "+01:00").change(offset: "-08:00") |
17766 | assert_equal, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, -28800),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, 3600).change(offset: -28800) |
17767 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, 2, 22, 15, 15, 45, "+01:00").change(usec: 1000000, offset: "-08:00") } |
17768 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, 2, 22, 15, 15, 45, "+01:00").change(nsec: 1000000000, offset: -28800) } |
17769 | one_am_1 = Time.local(2005, 10, 30, 00, 59, 59) + 1 # 2005-10-30 01:00:00 -0400 |
17770 | assert_operator one_am_1, :<, one_am_2 |
17771 | assert_equal one_am_1 + 1, one_am_1.change(sec: 1) |
17772 | assert_equal one_am_2 + 1, one_am_2.change(sec: 1) |
17773 | one_am_2 =, 10, 30, 02, 00, 00, - 3600 # 2005-10-30 01:00:00 -0500 |
17774 | one30_am_1 = Time.local(2005, 03, 27, 01, 29, 59) + 1 # 2005-03-27 01:30:00 +1100 |
17775 | assert_equal one30_am_1 + 1, one30_am_1.change(min: 30, sec: 1) |
17776 | assert_equal one30_am_2 + 1, one30_am_2.change(min: 30, sec: 1) |
17777 | one30_am_2 =, 03, 27, 02, 00, 00, - 1800 # 2005-03-27 01:30:00 +1030 |
17778 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 1) |
17779 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 6, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(months: 4) |
17780 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 3, 21, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3) |
17781 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 3, 25, 3, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3.5) |
17782 | assert_in_delta Time.local(2005, 3, 26, 12, 51, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3.7), 1 |
17783 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 3, 5, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5) |
17784 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 3, 6, 3, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5.5) |
17785 | assert_in_delta Time.local(2005, 3, 6, 8, 3, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5.7), 1 |
17786 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 9, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 7) |
17787 | assert_equal Time.local(2013, 10, 3, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, days: 5) |
17788 | assert_equal Time.local(2013, 10, 17, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5) |
17789 | assert_equal Time.local(2001, 12, 27, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: -3, months: -2, days: -1) |
17790 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(2004, 2, 29, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 1) # leap day plus one year |
17791 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 20, 15, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: 5) |
17792 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 22, 10), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(minutes: 7) |
17793 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 19), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(seconds: 9) |
17794 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 20, 22, 19), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
17795 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 10, 8, 1), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: -5, minutes: -7, seconds: -9) |
17796 | assert_equal Time.local(2013, 10, 17, 20, 22, 19), Time.local(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5, hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
17797 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00"),, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"]) |
17798 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00").advance(seconds: 60),, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"]).advance(seconds: 60) |
17799 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00").advance(days: 3),, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"]).advance(days: 3) |
17800 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00"), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"].local(2021, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0) |
17801 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00").advance(seconds: 60), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"].local(2021, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0).advance(seconds: 60) |
17802 | assert_equal, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0, "+03:00").advance(days: 3), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Moscow"].local(2021, 5, 29, 0, 0, 0).advance(days: 3) |
17803 | assert_equal Time.utc(2006, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 1) |
17804 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).advance(months: 4) |
17805 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 3, 21, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3) |
17806 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 3, 25, 3, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3.5) |
17807 | assert_in_delta Time.utc(2005, 3, 26, 12, 51, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(weeks: 3.7), 1 |
17808 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 3, 5, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5) |
17809 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 3, 6, 3, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5.5) |
17810 | assert_in_delta Time.utc(2005, 3, 6, 8, 3, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 5.7), 1 |
17811 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 7) |
17812 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 10, 3, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, days: 11) |
17813 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 10, 17, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5) |
17814 | assert_equal Time.utc(2001, 12, 27, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: -3, months: -2, days: -1) |
17815 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2004, 2, 29, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 1) # leap day plus one year |
17816 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 20, 15, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: 5) |
17817 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 22, 10), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(minutes: 7) |
17818 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 19), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(seconds: 9) |
17819 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 20, 22, 19), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
17820 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 10, 8, 1), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(hours: -5, minutes: -7, seconds: -9) |
17821 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 10, 17, 20, 22, 19), Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5, hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
17822 | assert_equal, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: 1) |
17823 | assert_equal, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(months: 4) |
17824 | assert_equal, 3, 21, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(weeks: 3) |
17825 | assert_equal, 3, 25, 3, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(weeks: 3.5) |
17826 | assert_in_delta, 3, 26, 12, 51, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(weeks: 3.7), 1 |
17827 | assert_equal, 3, 5, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(days: 5) |
17828 | assert_equal, 3, 6, 3, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(days: 5.5) |
17829 | assert_in_delta, 3, 6, 8, 3, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(days: 5.7), 1 |
17830 | assert_equal, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: 7, months: 7) |
17831 | assert_equal, 10, 3, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: 7, months: 19, days: 11) |
17832 | assert_equal, 10, 17, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5) |
17833 | assert_equal, 12, 27, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: -3, months: -2, days: -1) |
17834 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 29, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(years: 1) # leap day plus one year |
17835 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 20, 15, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(hours: 5) |
17836 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 15, 22, 10, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(minutes: 7) |
17837 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 15, 15, 19, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(seconds: 9) |
17838 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 20, 22, 19, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
17839 | assert_equal, 2, 28, 10, 8, 1, "-08:00"),, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, "-08:00").advance(hours: -5, minutes: -7, seconds: -9) |
17840 | assert_equal Time.local(1582, 10, 14, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(1582, 10, 15, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: -1) |
17841 | assert_equal Time.local(1582, 10, 15, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(1582, 10, 14, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 1) |
17842 | assert_equal Time.local(1582, 10, 5, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(1582, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: 1) |
17843 | assert_equal Time.local(1582, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(1582, 10, 5, 15, 15, 10).advance(days: -1) |
17844 | assert_equal Time.local(999, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(1000, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: -1) |
17845 | assert_equal Time.local(1000, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10), Time.local(999, 10, 4, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 1) |
17846 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21), Time.local(2005, 3, 1, 15, 15, 10).last_week |
17847 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 22), Time.local(2005, 3, 1, 15, 15, 10).last_week(:tuesday) |
17848 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 25), Time.local(2005, 3, 1, 15, 15, 10).last_week(:friday) |
17849 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 30), Time.local(2006, 11, 6, 0, 0, 0).last_week |
17850 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 11, 15), Time.local(2006, 11, 23, 0, 0, 0).last_week(:wednesday) |
17851 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 4, 3), Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 23, 1, 0).next_week, "just crossed standard => daylight" |
17852 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 2), Time.local(2006, 10, 1, 23, 1, 0).next_week, "just crossed standard => daylight" |
17853 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 10, 30), Time.local(2006, 10, 29, 23, 1, 0).next_week, "just crossed daylight => standard" |
17854 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 3, 20), Time.local(2006, 3, 19, 23, 1, 0).next_week, "just crossed daylight => standard" |
17855 | time = Time.utc(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30.12345678901) |
17856 | with_env_tz "UTC" do |
17857 | assert_equal "Thu, 05 Feb 2009 14:30:05 -0600", Time.local(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5).to_fs(:rfc822) |
17858 | assert_equal "Mon, 09 Jun 2008 04:05:01 -0500", Time.local(2008, 6, 9, 4, 5, 1).to_fs(:rfc822) |
17859 | assert_equal "2009-02-05T14:30:05-06:00", Time.local(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5).to_fs(:iso8601) |
17860 | assert_equal "2008-06-09T04:05:01-05:00", Time.local(2008, 6, 9, 4, 5, 1).to_fs(:iso8601) |
17861 | assert_equal "2009-02-05T14:30:05Z", Time.utc(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5).to_fs(:iso8601) |
17862 | assert_equal "2009-02-05 14:30:05.000000000 -0600", Time.local(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5).to_fs(:inspect) |
17863 | assert_equal "2008-06-09 04:05:01.000000000 -0500", Time.local(2008, 6, 9, 4, 5, 1).to_fs(:inspect) |
17864 | assert_equal "20050221143000", Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0).to_fs(:custom) |
17865 | time =, 12, 31, 19, 0, Rational(1, 8), -18000) |
17866 | assert_equal, 2, 21), Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).to_date |
17867 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).to_datetime, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30, 0) |
17868 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).to_datetime, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30, Rational(Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).utc_offset, 86400)) |
17869 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30), Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).to_time |
17870 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).utc_offset, Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 17, 44, 30).to_time.utc_offset |
17871 | midnight = Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0) |
17872 | assert_equal false, Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59).today? |
17873 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59).today? |
17874 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 2, 0).today? |
17875 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0).prev_day? |
17876 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 2, 0).prev_day? |
17877 | assert_equal false, Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59).next_day? |
17878 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59).next_day? |
17879 | assert_equal false, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0).next_day? |
17880 | twz = Time.utc(2005, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45).in_time_zone("Central Time (US & Canada)") |
17881 | assert_equal 1, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999) |
17882 | assert_equal 0, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
17883 | assert_equal(-1, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 001)) |
17884 | assert_equal 1, Time.utc(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) |
17885 | assert_equal 0, Time.utc(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
17886 | assert_equal(-1, Time.utc(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
17887 | assert_equal(-1, Time.utc(2000) <=>, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"])) |
17888 | assert_equal 1, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999).to_s |
17889 | assert_equal 0, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).to_s |
17890 | assert_equal(-1, Time.utc(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0).to_s) |
17891 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) |
17892 | assert_raise(TypeError) { assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 0)) } |
17893 | dt = DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "+0") |
17894 | assert_equal Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0), |
17895 | dt = DateTime.civil(2000, 7, 1, 1, 0, 0, "+1") |
17896 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 6, 30, 20, 0, 0), |
17897 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"])) |
17898 | assert_raise(TypeError) { assert_equal(Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"]), 0)) } |
17899 | assert_equal, 1, 1, 0, 42, 17, "-08:00"),, in: -28800) |
17900 | assert_equal Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0), |
17901 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 6, 30, 20, 0, 0), |
17902 | assert_equal, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 111)).to_f, Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 111).to_f |
17903 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 7, 1),, 7, 1)) |
17904 | assert_equal "EDT",, 7, 1)).zone |
17905 | assert_equal 86_400.0, Time.utc(2000, 1, 2) - DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1) |
17906 | assert_equal Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 3), Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 2) |
17907 | assert_predicate Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 2), :dst? |
17908 | assert Time === Time.utc(2000) |
17909 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_day |
17910 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 6, 12, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_week |
17911 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 6, 11, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_week(:sunday) |
17912 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_month |
17913 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_quarter |
17914 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)..Time.local(2011, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10).all_year |
17915 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 24, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day(-2) |
17916 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 23, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day(-1) |
17917 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day(0) |
17918 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 21, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day(1) |
17919 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day(2) |
17920 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 21, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_day |
17921 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 3, 2, 10, 10, 10).prev_day.prev_day |
17922 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day(-2) |
17923 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 21, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day(-1) |
17924 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day(0) |
17925 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 23, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day(1) |
17926 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 24, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day(2) |
17927 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 23, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_day |
17928 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 4, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month(-2) |
17929 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 3, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month(-1) |
17930 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month(0) |
17931 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 1, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month(1) |
17932 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 12, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month(2) |
17933 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 1, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month |
17934 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 12, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).prev_month.prev_month |
17935 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 12, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month(-2) |
17936 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 1, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month(-1) |
17937 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month(0) |
17938 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 3, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month(1) |
17939 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 4, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month(2) |
17940 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 3, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month |
17941 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 4, 22, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).next_month.next_month |
17942 | assert_equal date_time_init(2003, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year(-2) |
17943 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year(-1) |
17944 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year(0) |
17945 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year(1) |
17946 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year(2) |
17947 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year |
17948 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).next_year.next_year |
17949 | t = Time.utc(2000) |
17950 | t = Time.local(2000) |
17951 | t = Time.parse("00:00:00.500") |
17952 | s = :hello |
17953 | assert s.starts_with?("h") |
17954 | assert s.starts_with?("he", "lo") |
17955 | assert_not s.starts_with?("el", "lo") |
17956 | assert s.ends_with?("o") |
17957 | assert s.ends_with?("lo") |
17958 | assert_not s.ends_with?("el") |
17959 | assert s.ends_with?("he", "lo") |
17960 | assert_not s.ends_with?("he", "ll") |
17961 | assert_equal "", "".strip_heredoc |
17962 | name = "Kuldeep" |
17963 | assert_equal "", "".upcase_first |
17964 | s = "hello" |
17965 | assert_equal "Hello Wor...", "Hello World!!".truncate(12) |
17966 | assert_equal "Hello[...]", "Hello World!".truncate(10, omission: "[...]") |
17967 | assert_equal "Hello[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(13, omission: "[...]", separator: " ") |
17968 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(14, omission: "[...]", separator: " ") |
17969 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(15, omission: "[...]", separator: " ") |
17970 | assert_equal "Hello[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(13, omission: "[...]", separator: /\s/) |
17971 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(14, omission: "[...]", separator: /\s/) |
17972 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate(15, omission: "[...]", separator: /\s/) |
17973 | assert_equal "Hello Big World!", "Hello Big World!".truncate_words(3, omission: "[...]") |
17974 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", "Hello Big World!".truncate_words(2, omission: "[...]") |
17975 | assert_equal "Hello<br>Big<br>World!...", "Hello<br>Big<br>World!<br>".truncate_words(3, separator: "<br>") |
17976 | assert_equal "Hello<br>Big<br>World!", "Hello<br>Big<br>World!".truncate_words(3, separator: "<br>") |
17977 | assert_equal "Hello <br>Big...", "Hello <br>Big<br>Wide<br>World!".truncate_words(2, separator: "<br>") |
17978 | assert_equal "Hello<br>Big<br>World![...]", "Hello<br>Big<br>World!<br>".truncate_words(3, omission: "[...]", separator: "<br>") |
17979 | assert_equal "Hello<br>Big<br>World!", "Hello<br>Big<br>World!".truncate_words(3, omission: "[...]", separator: "<br>") |
17980 | assert_equal (+"\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 ...").force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8), |
17981 | assert_equal "This is a good day", original.remove(" to ", /die/) |
17982 | assert_equal "This is a good day", original.remove!(" to ", /die/) |
17983 | assert_equal "h", "hello".at(0) |
17984 | assert_equal "lo", "hello".at(-2..-1) |
17985 | assert_equal "lo", "hello".at(/lo/) |
17986 | assert_equal "llo", "hello".from(2) |
17987 | assert_equal "lo", "hello".from(-2) |
17988 | assert_equal "hel", "hello".to(2) |
17989 | assert_equal "hell", "hello".to(-2) |
17990 | assert_equal "h", "hello".to(-5) |
17991 | assert_equal "", "hello".to(-7) |
17992 | assert_equal "hello", "hello".from(0).to(-1) |
17993 | assert_equal "ell", "hello".from(1).to(-2) |
17994 | assert_equal "x", "x".first |
17995 | assert_equal "he", "hello".first(2) |
17996 | assert_equal "", "hello".first(0) |
17997 | assert_equal "x", "x".first(4) |
17998 | string = "hello" |
17999 | string = "he" |
18000 | (0..string.length + 1).each do |limit| |
18001 | assert_equal "o", "hello".last |
18002 | assert_equal "x", "x".last |
18003 | assert_equal "llo", "hello".last(3) |
18004 | assert_equal "", "hello".last(0) |
18005 | assert_equal "x", "x".last(4) |
18006 | hash["h"] = true |
18007 | hash["hello123".at(0)] = true |
18008 | hash["llo"] = true |
18009 | hash["hello".from(2)] = true |
18010 | hash["hel"] = true |
18011 | hash["hello".to(2)] = true |
18012 | hash["hello"] = true |
18013 | hash["123hello".last(5)] = true |
18014 | hash["hello123".first(5)] = true |
18015 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2005-02-27 23:50".to_time(:utc) |
18016 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2005-02-27 23:50".to_time |
18017 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 27, 23, 50, 19, 275038), "2005-02-27T23:50:19.275038".to_time(:utc) |
18018 | assert_equal Time.utc(2039, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2039-02-27 23:50".to_time(:utc) |
18019 | assert_equal Time.local(2039, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2039-02-27 23:50".to_time |
18020 | assert_equal Time.local(2011, 2, 27, 17, 50), "2011-02-27 13:50 -0100".to_time |
18021 | assert_equal Time.utc(2011, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2011-02-27 22:50 -0100".to_time(:utc) |
18022 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 27, 22, 50), "2005-02-27 14:50 -0500".to_time |
18023 | assert_equal Time.utc(now.year, now.month,, 23, 50), "23:50".to_time(:utc) |
18024 | assert_equal Time.utc(now.year, now.month,, 23, 50), "22:50 -0100".to_time(:utc) |
18025 | Time.stub(:now, Time.local(2012, 1, 1)) do |
18026 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00".to_time |
18027 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00".to_time(:utc) |
18028 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 13, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 -0800".to_time |
18029 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 18, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 -0800".to_time(:utc) |
18030 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 -0500".to_time |
18031 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 15, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 -0500".to_time(:utc) |
18032 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 5, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 UTC".to_time |
18033 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 UTC".to_time(:utc) |
18034 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 13, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 PST".to_time |
18035 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 18, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 PST".to_time(:utc) |
18036 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 EST".to_time |
18037 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 15, 0), "2012-01-01 10:00 EST".to_time(:utc) |
18038 | Time.stub(:now, Time.local(2012, 7, 1)) do |
18039 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00".to_time |
18040 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00".to_time(:utc) |
18041 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 13, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 -0700".to_time |
18042 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 17, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 -0700".to_time(:utc) |
18043 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 -0400".to_time |
18044 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 14, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 -0400".to_time(:utc) |
18045 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 6, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 UTC".to_time |
18046 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 UTC".to_time(:utc) |
18047 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 13, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 PDT".to_time |
18048 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 17, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 PDT".to_time(:utc) |
18049 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 EDT".to_time |
18050 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 14, 0), "2012-07-01 10:00 EDT".to_time(:utc) |
18051 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "10:00".to_time |
18052 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 6, 0), "10:00 -0100".to_time |
18053 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 11, 0), "10:00 -0100".to_time(:utc) |
18054 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "10:00 -0500".to_time |
18055 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 15, 0), "10:00 -0500".to_time(:utc) |
18056 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 5, 0), "10:00 UTC".to_time |
18057 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "10:00 UTC".to_time(:utc) |
18058 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 13, 0), "10:00 PST".to_time |
18059 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 18, 0), "10:00 PST".to_time(:utc) |
18060 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 12, 0), "10:00 PDT".to_time |
18061 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 17, 0), "10:00 PDT".to_time(:utc) |
18062 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0), "10:00 EST".to_time |
18063 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 15, 0), "10:00 EST".to_time(:utc) |
18064 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 9, 0), "10:00 EDT".to_time |
18065 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 1, 1, 14, 0), "10:00 EDT".to_time(:utc) |
18066 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "10:00".to_time |
18067 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "10:00".to_time(:utc) |
18068 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 7, 0), "10:00 -0100".to_time |
18069 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 11, 0), "10:00 -0100".to_time(:utc) |
18070 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 11, 0), "10:00 -0500".to_time |
18071 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 15, 0), "10:00 -0500".to_time(:utc) |
18072 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 6, 0), "10:00 UTC".to_time |
18073 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "10:00 UTC".to_time(:utc) |
18074 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 14, 0), "10:00 PST".to_time |
18075 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 18, 0), "10:00 PST".to_time(:utc) |
18076 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 13, 0), "10:00 PDT".to_time |
18077 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 17, 0), "10:00 PDT".to_time(:utc) |
18078 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 11, 0), "10:00 EST".to_time |
18079 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 15, 0), "10:00 EST".to_time(:utc) |
18080 | assert_equal Time.local(2012, 7, 1, 10, 0), "10:00 EDT".to_time |
18081 | assert_equal Time.utc(2012, 7, 1, 14, 0), "10:00 EDT".to_time(:utc) |
18082 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(now.year, now.month,, 23, 50, 0, "-04:00"), "23:50 -0400".to_datetime |
18083 | assert_equal, 2, 27), "2005-02-27".to_date |
18084 | @string = +"hello" |
18085 | string << @to_s_object |
18086 | @combination = @other_string + "<foo>" |
18087 | @other_combination = @string + "<foo>" |
18088 | @other_string = +"other" |
18089 | string = @other_string.concat("<foo>") |
18090 | string = @other_string << "<foo>" |
18091 | @other_string = "other%s" |
18092 | string = @other_string % "<foo>" |
18093 | @other_string = ["<p>", "<b>", "<h1>"] |
18094 | _ = "%s %s %s".html_safe % @other_string |
18095 | assert_equal ["<p>", "<b>", "<h1>"], @other_string |
18096 | string.insert(0, "<b>".html_safe) |
18097 | string.insert(0, "<b>") |
18098 | assert_equal "<b>", string |
18099 | string.replace("<b>") |
18100 | assert_equal "<b>", string |
18101 | string[0] = "<b>".html_safe |
18102 | string[0, 2] = "<b>".html_safe |
18103 | string[0] = "<b>" |
18104 | string[1, 1] = "<b>" |
18105 | if "".respond_to?(:bytesplice) |
18106 | string.bytesplice(0, 0, "<b>".html_safe) |
18107 | string.bytesplice(0..1, "<b>".html_safe) |
18108 | string.bytesplice(1, 0, "<b>") |
18109 | string.bytesplice(1..2, "<b>") |
18110 | assert_equal "foo".to_yaml, "foo".html_safe.to_yaml(foo: 1) |
18111 | string = '<>&"\'' |
18112 | expected = "<>&"'" |
18113 | string = "\251 <" |
18114 | string = "<b>hello</b>".html_safe |
18115 | string = "1 < 2 & 3" |
18116 | escaped_string = "1 < 2 & 3" |
18117 | unsafe_char = ">" |
18118 | assert_equal "__", ERB::Util.xml_name_escape(unsafe_char * 2) |
18119 | assert_equal "__#{safe_char}_", |
18120 | ERB::Util.xml_name_escape("#{unsafe_char * 2}#{safe_char}#{unsafe_char}") |
18121 | assert_equal "_#{safe_char}", |
18122 | common_dangerous_chars = "&<>\"' %*+,/;=^|" |
18123 | assert_equal false, "foo".exclude?("o") |
18124 | assert_equal true, "foo".exclude?("p") |
18125 | ["", " ", " " * 7].each do |string| |
18126 | assert_equal str, str.indent(1, "\t") |
18127 | assert_equal "\tfoo \t\t\bar", "foo \t\bar".indent(1) |
18128 | def some_method(x, y) |
18129 | def some_method(x, y) |
18130 | assert_equal " foo bar", "foo bar".indent(1) |
18131 | assert_equal " foo bar", "foo bar".indent(1, nil, true) |
18132 | assert_match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, s1) |
18133 | assert_match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, s2) |
18134 | assert_match(/^[^0OIl]+$/, s1) |
18135 | assert_match(/^[^0OIl]+$/, s2) |
18136 | assert_match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/, s1) |
18137 | assert_match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/, s2) |
18138 | assert_equal false, /(?m:)/.multiline? |
18139 | date_range =, 12, 10), 12, 12) |
18140 | assert_equal "BETWEEN '2005-12-10' AND '2005-12-12'", date_range.to_fs(:db) |
18141 | date_range = Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 15, 30)..Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 17, 30) |
18142 | assert_equal "BETWEEN '2005-12-10 15:30:00' AND '2005-12-10 17:30:00'", date_range.to_fs(:db) |
18143 | alphabet_range = ("a".."z") |
18144 | assert_equal "BETWEEN 'a' AND 'z'", alphabet_range.to_fs(:db) |
18145 | number_range = (1..100) |
18146 | assert_equal "BETWEEN '1' AND '100'", number_range.to_fs(:db) |
18147 | assert((1..5).overlaps?(5..10)) |
18148 | assert_not (1...5).overlaps?(5..10) |
18149 | assert((5..10).overlaps?(1..5)) |
18150 | assert_not (5..10).overlaps?(1...5) |
18151 | assert((1..5).overlaps?(..10)) |
18152 | assert((..5).overlaps?(..10)) |
18153 | assert((1..10).include?(1..10)) |
18154 | assert((1...10).include?(1...10)) |
18155 | assert((1..10).include?(1...11)) |
18156 | assert_not((1..10).include?(5..3)) |
18157 | assert_not((1..5).include?(3...3)) |
18158 | assert((1..).include?(2)) |
18159 | assert((1..).include?(2..4)) |
18160 | assert_not((1..).include?(0..4)) |
18161 | assert((..2).include?(1)) |
18162 | assert((..2).include?(-1..1)) |
18163 | assert_not((..2).include?(-1..3)) |
18164 | assert((1..10) === (1..10)) |
18165 | assert((1...10) === (1...10)) |
18166 | assert((1..10) === (1...11)) |
18167 | assert_not((1..10) === (5..3)) |
18168 | assert_not((1..5) === (3...3)) |
18169 | assert((1..) === (2..4)) |
18170 | assert_not((1..) === (0..4)) |
18171 | assert((..2) === (-1..1)) |
18172 | assert_not((..2) === (-1..3)) |
18173 | assert_not_includes (1...10), 1..10 |
18174 | assert_not_includes (2..8), 1..3 |
18175 | assert_not_includes (2..8), 5..9 |
18176 | assert((1.0...10.0).include?(1.0...10.0)) |
18177 | range = (1..3) |
18178 | time_range_1 = Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 15, 30)..Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 17, 30) |
18179 | time_range_2 = Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 17, 00)..Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 18, 00) |
18180 | time_range_2 = Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 17, 31)..Time.utc(2005, 12, 10, 18, 00) |
18181 | ((twz - 1.hour)..twz).each { } |
18182 | ((twz - 1.hour)..twz).step(1) { } |
18183 | assert ((twz - 1.hour)..twz).cover?(twz) |
18184 | assert ((twz - 1.hour)..twz) === twz |
18185 | assert(((datetime - 1.hour)..datetime).each { }) |
18186 | assert(((datetime - 1.hour)..datetime).step(1) { }) |
18187 | existing = |
18188 | @mixed_attr = :mixed |
18189 | @object.with(private_attr: :changed) { } |
18190 | @object.with(mixed_attr: :changed) { } |
18191 | @string = "Hello" |
18192 | assert_nil @string.try(method, "llo", "y") |
18193 | assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @string.try!(method, "llo", "y") } |
18194 | assert_equal "Hey", @string.try(:sub, "llo", "y") |
18195 | assert_equal "Hey", @string.try(:sub, "llo") { |match| "y" } |
18196 | nil.try { ran = true } |
18197 | assert_query_equal "a=10", a: 10 |
18198 | assert_query_equal "a%3Ab=c+d", "a:b" => "c d" |
18199 | assert_query_equal "a%3Ab=c+d", "a:b".html_safe => "c d" |
18200 | assert_query_equal "a=%5B10%5D", "a" => "[10]".html_safe |
18201 | assert_query_equal "a=", "a" => empty |
18202 | person: Hash[:login, "seckar", :name, "Nicholas"] |
18203 | Hash[:account, { person: { id: 20 } }, :person, { id: 10 }] |
18204 | person: { id: [10, 20] } |
18205 | person: { id: [20, 10] } |
18206 | assert_equal "person%5B%5D=", [].to_query("person") |
18207 | assert_equal "", |
18208 | {}.to_query |
18209 | assert_query_equal "a=1&b%5Bc%5D=3", |
18210 | a: 1, b: { c: 3, d: {} } |
18211 | a: { b: { c: {} } } |
18212 | assert_query_equal "b%5Bc%5D=false&b%5Be%5D=&b%5Bf%5D=&p=12", |
18213 | p: 12, b: { c: false, e: nil, f: "" } |
18214 | assert_query_equal "b%5Bc%5D=3&b%5Bf%5D=", |
18215 | b: { c: 3, k: {}, f: "" } |
18216 | a: [], b: 3 |
18217 | hash = { name: "Nakshay", nationality: "Indian" } |
18218 | hash = { type: "human", name: "Nakshay" } |
18219 | { "name" => "gorby", "id" => "123" }, |
18220 | { "name" => "puff", "d" => "true" } |
18221 | expected = "foo[contents][][name]=gorby&foo[contents][][id]=123&foo[contents][][name]=puff&foo[contents][][d]=true" |
18222 | assert_equal expected.split("&"), actual.to_query.split("&") |
18223 | def foo.to_s; "foo" end |
18224 | assert_equal "", [].to_param |
18225 | array = [1, 2, 3, 4] |
18226 | array = [1, "3", { a: 1, b: 2 }, nil, true, false,"object")] |
18227 | test("#{name[0..-6]} #{i}") do |
18228 | def to_json(*) |
18229 | require(file) || skip("'#{file}' was already loaded") |
18230 | expected =, 7, 25) |
18231 | expected =, 7, 25) |
18232 | assert_equal({ "bar" => "bar", "baz" => "baz" }, @source.instance_values) |
18233 | assert_equal %w(hello goodbye), (+"hello").instance_exec("goodbye") { |v| [self, v] } |
18234 | assert_equal %w(olleh goodbye), "hello".instance_exec("goodbye") { |v| [reverse, v] } |
18235 | assert_equal %w(goodbye olleh bar), (+"hello").instance_exec("goodbye") { |arg| |
18236 | [arg] + instance_exec("bar") { |v| [reverse, v] } } |
18237 | assert[1, 2]) |
18238 | assert_not[1, 2]) |
18239 | h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 } |
18240 | assert "a".in?(h) |
18241 | assert_not "z".in?(h) |
18242 | assert "lo".in?("hello") |
18243 | assert_not "ol".in?("hello") |
18244 | assert ?"hello") |
18245 | assert |
18246 | assert_not |
18247 | s =[1, 2]) |
18248 | assert |
18249 | assert_not |
18250 | class C < B |
18251 | assert |
18252 | assert |
18253 | assert_not |
18254 | assert_not |
18255 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { } |
18256 | assert_equal "stuff", "stuff".presence_in(%w( lots of stuff )) |
18257 | assert_nil "stuff".presence_in(%w( lots of crap )) |
18258 | array = [1, [2, 3]] |
18259 | dup[1][2] = 4 |
18260 | assert_equal 4, dup[1][2] |
18261 | hash = { a: { b: "b" } } |
18262 | assert_nil hash[:a][:c] |
18263 | assert_equal "c", dup[:a][:c] |
18264 | array = [1, { a: 2, b: 3 } ] |
18265 | dup[1][:c] = 4 |
18266 | assert_nil array[1][:c] |
18267 | assert_equal 4, dup[1][:c] |
18268 | hash = { a: [1, 2] } |
18269 | dup[:a][2] = "c" |
18270 | assert_nil hash[:a][2] |
18271 | assert_equal "c", dup[:a][2] |
18272 | hash = { a: zero_hash } |
18273 | assert_equal 0, dup[:a][44] |
18274 | hash = { Integer => 1 } |
18275 | key = { array: [] }.freeze |
18276 | hash = { key => :value } |
18277 | dup.transform_keys { |k| k[:array] << :array_element } |
18278 | BLANK.each { |v| assert_equal false, v.present?, "#{v.inspect} should not be present" } |
18279 | @now = Time.local(2005, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45) |
18280 | @dtnow = DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45) |
18281 | @seconds = { |
18282 | 10.minutes => 600, |
18283 | 1.hour + 15.minutes => 4500, |
18284 | 2.days + 4.hours + 30.minutes => 189000, |
18285 | assert_equal @now.advance(days: 1).advance(months: 1), ( + 1.month).since(@now) |
18286 | assert_equal @now.advance(days: 7), (1.week + 5.seconds - 5.seconds).since(@now) |
18287 | assert_equal @now.advance(years: 2), (4.years - 2.years).since(@now) |
18288 | assert_equal @now + 8, @now + 8.seconds |
18289 | assert_equal @now + 22.9, @now + 22.9.seconds |
18290 | assert_equal @now.advance(days: 2).advance(months: -3), @now + 2.days - 3.months |
18291 | assert_equal @now.advance(days: 1).advance(months: 2), @now + + 2.months |
18292 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), Time.utc(2004, 2, 29, 15, 15, 10) + 1.year |
18293 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2004, 2, 29, 15, 15, 10) + 1.year |
18294 | assert_equal @today + 1, @today + |
18295 | assert_equal @today >> 1, @today + 1.month |
18296 | assert_equal @today.to_time.since(60 * 60), @today + 1.hour |
18297 | assert_equal, 2, 28),, 2, 29) + 1.year |
18298 | assert_equal("800 555 1212", 8005551212.to_fs(:phone, delimiter: " ")) |
18299 | assert_equal("555.1212", 5551212.to_fs(:phone, delimiter: ".")) |
18300 | assert_equal("-$ 1,234,567,890.50", -1234567890.50.to_fs(:currency, format: "%u %n")) |
18301 | assert_equal("($1,234,567,890.50)", -1234567890.50.to_fs(:currency, negative_format: "(%u%n)")) |
18302 | assert_equal("£1234567890,50", 1234567890.50.to_fs(:currency, unit: "£", separator: ",", delimiter: "")) |
18303 | assert_equal("-111.235", -111.2346.to_fs(:rounded)) |
18304 | assert_equal("31.83", 31.825.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 2)) |
18305 | assert_equal("31.82", 31.825.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 2, round_mode: :down)) |
18306 | assert_equal("3268", (32.6751 * 100.00).to_fs(:rounded, precision: 0)) |
18307 | assert_equal("0", 0.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 0)) |
18308 | assert_equal("0.00100", 0.001.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 5)) |
18309 | assert_equal("0.001", 0.00111.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 3)) |
18310 | assert_equal("10.00", 9.995.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 2)) |
18311 | assert_equal("11.00", 10.995.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 2)) |
18312 | assert_equal("0.00", -0.001.to_fs(:rounded, precision: 2)) |
18313 | assert_equal("1.000,000%", 1000.to_fs(:percentage, delimiter: ".", separator: ",")) |
18314 | assert_equal("0", 0.to_fs(:delimited)) |
18315 | assert_equal "12.345.678,05", 12345678.05.to_fs(:delimited, separator: ",", delimiter: ".") |
18316 | assert_equal "12.345.678,05", 12345678.05.to_fs(:delimited, delimiter: ".", separator: ",") |
18317 | assert_equal "-123", -123.to_fs(:human) |
18318 | assert_equal "-0.5", -0.5.to_fs(:human) |
18319 | assert_equal "0.5", 0.5.to_fs(:human) |
18320 | assert_equal "12 ml", 12.to_fs(:human, units: volume) |
18321 | assert_equal "1.23 dm", 0.123.to_fs(:human, units: distance) |
18322 | assert_equal "1.23 dam", 12.3.to_fs(:human, units: distance) |
18323 | assert_equal "4", 4.to_fs(:human, units: { unit: "", ten: "tens " }) |
18324 | assert_equal "", 123456.to_fs(:human, units: volume, format: "%n.%u") |
18325 | assert_equal "2.5", 2.5.to_fs(:invalid) |
18326 | assert_equal "2.5", 2.5.to_s |
18327 | assert_equal "2.5", 2.5.to_fs |
18328 | assert_equal "10000 10.0", BigDecimal("1000010").to_s("5F") |
18329 | assert_equal "10000 10.0", BigDecimal("1000010").to_fs("5F") |
18330 | 1.to_s({}) |
18331 | 1.to_fs({}) |
18332 | delegate :street, :city, :to_f, to: :place |
18333 | def foo; 1; end |
18334 | @type ||= nil.type_name |
18335 | sym == :extra_missing || super |
18336 | @case = kase |
18337 | @maze = maze |
18338 | delegate :[], :[]=, to: :@params |
18339 | @params = { foo: "bar" } |
18340 | @full_name = "#{first} #{last}" |
18341 | delegate :to_i, to: :shift, allow_nil: true |
18342 | delegate :to_s, to: :shift |
18343 | @ints = [1, 2, 3] |
18344 | def two(a, b) end |
18345 | def opt(a, b, c, d = nil) end |
18346 | def kwargs(a:, b:) end |
18347 | def kwargs_with_block(a:, b:, c:, &block) end |
18348 | def opt_kwargs(a:, b: 3) end |
18349 | def opt_kwargs_with_block(a:, b:, c:, d: "", &block) end |
18350 | @david ="David","Paulina", "Chicago")) |
18351 | @david.place_name = "Fred" |
18352 | assert_equal "bar", @params[:foo] |
18353 | @params[:foo] = "baz" |
18354 | assert_equal "baz", @params[:foo] |
18355 | david ="David", "Hansson") |
18356 | Name.send :delegate, :go, to: :you, prefix: true |
18357 | Name.send :delegate, :go, to: :_you, prefix: true |
18358 | Name.send :delegate, :go, to: :You, prefix: true |
18359 | Name.send :delegate, :go, to: :@you, prefix: true |
18360 | rails ="Rails","David")) |
18361 | rails ="Rails", "David") |
18362 | someone ="foo", "bar") |
18363 | assert e.backtrace.any? { |a| a.include?(file_and_line) }, |
18364 | assert_equal [2, 3], se.ints |
18365 | assert_equal "2", se.to_s |
18366 | array = [maze, nil] |
18367 | private(*delegate(:street, :city, to: :@place)) |
18368 | private(*delegate(:street, :city, to: :@place, prefix: :the)) |
18369 | delegate(:street, :city, to: :@place, private: true) |
18370 | delegate(:street, to: :@place) |
18371 | delegate(:city, to: :@place, private: true) |
18372 | delegate(:street, :city, to: :@place, prefix: :the, private: true) |
18373 | assert_equal [:street, :city], |
18374 | c = do |
18375 | delegate :zero, :zero_with_block, :one, :one_with_block, :two, :opt, |
18376 | |
18377 |, 2) |
18378 |, 2, 3) |
18379 | 1, b: 2) |
18380 | 1, b: 2, c: 3) |
18381 | 1) |
18382 | 1, b: 2, c: 3) |
18383 | e = do |
18384 | klass = { concerning(:Foo) { } } |
18385 | klass = { concerning(:Foo, prepend: true) { } } |
18386 | def hi; "self"; end |
18387 | def hi; "hello, #{super}"; end |
18388 | included { @foo = 1 } |
18389 | prepended { @foo = 2 } |
18390 | @title, @Data = nil, nil |
18391 | e.subject = "We got a long way to go" |
18392 | e.body = "No, really, this is not a joke." |
18393 | m = @module = do |
18394 | cattr_accessor(:quux) { :quux } |
18395 | @object = |
18396 | = :test |
18397 | = :test2 |
18398 | @module.cattr_accessor(:defcount) { count += 1 } |
18399 | @module.cattr_accessor(:defn1, :defn2) { count += 1 } |
18400 | = 42 |
18401 | default = [] |
18402 | default = [].freeze |
18403 | = :test |
18404 | = :test2 |
18405 | = "things" |
18406 | = "fries" |
18407 | = "super" |
18408 | = "sub" |
18409 | @subclass.baz = "sub" |
18410 | @class.baz = "super" |
18411 | class << o; @x = 1; end |
18412 | assert_equal 1, o.class_eval { @x } |
18413 | [ -7, 0, 7, 14 ].each { |i| assert i.multiple_of?(7) } |
18414 | [ -7, 7, 14 ].each { |i| assert_not i.multiple_of?(6) } |
18415 | [2, 3, 5, 7].each { |i| assert_not PRIME.multiple_of?(i) } |
18416 | @upcase_strings = { "A" => 1, "B" => 2 } |
18417 | @nested_upcase_strings = { "A" => { "B" => { "C" => 3 } } } |
18418 | @string_array_of_hashes = { "a" => [ { "b" => 2 }, { "c" => 3 }, 4 ] } |
18419 | @symbol_array_of_hashes = { a: [ { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }, 4 ] } |
18420 | @mixed_array_of_hashes = { a: [ { b: 2 }, { "c" => 3 }, 4 ] } |
18421 | @upcase_array_of_hashes = { "A" => [ { "B" => 2 }, { "C" => 3 }, 4 ] } |
18422 | assert_equal({ "a" => { b: { "c" => 3 } } }, @nested_mixed) |
18423 | assert_equal({ "a" => "1", "b" => "2" }, @strings.deep_transform_values { |value| value.to_s }) |
18424 | assert_equal({ "a" => { "b" => { "c" => "3" } } }, @nested_strings.deep_transform_values { |value| value.to_s }) |
18425 | assert_equal({ "a" => "1", "b" => "2" }, @strings.deep_transform_values! { |value| value.to_s }) |
18426 | assert_equal({ "a" => { "b" => { "c" => "3" } } }, @nested_strings.deep_transform_values! { |value| value.to_s }) |
18427 | assert_equal({ "a" => { b: { "c" => "3" } } }, transformed_hash) |
18428 | assert_equal({ :a => 1, "b" => 2 }, @mixed) |
18429 | { failure: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure, :funny ]) |
18430 | { failure: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys(:failure, :funny) |
18431 | { failure: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure, :funny, :sunny ]) |
18432 | { failure: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys(:failure, :funny, :sunny) |
18433 | { failore: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure, :funny ]) |
18434 | { failore: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys(:failure, :funny) |
18435 | { failore: "stuff", funny: "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure ]) |
18436 | hash_1 = { a: "a", b: "b", c: { c1: "c1", c2: "c2", c3: { d1: "d1" } } } |
18437 | hash_2 = { a: 1, c: { c1: 2, c3: { d2: "d2" } } } |
18438 | expected = { a: 1, b: "b", c: { c1: 2, c2: "c2", c3: { d1: "d1", d2: "d2" } } } |
18439 | assert_equal(expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_2) { |k, o, n| [k, o, n] }) |
18440 | hash_1.deep_merge!(hash_2) { |k, o, n| [k, o, n] } |
18441 | hash_1 = { e: false } |
18442 | hash_2 = { e: "e" } |
18443 | expected = { e: [:e, false, "e"] } |
18444 | defaults = { d: 0, a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 }.freeze |
18445 | expected = { d: 0, a: 1, b: 2, c: 10 } |
18446 | defaults = { a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 }.freeze |
18447 | expected = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 10 } |
18448 | original = { a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 } |
18449 | expected_return = { c: 10 } |
18450 | expected_original = { a: "x", b: "y" } |
18451 | original = { :a => "x", :b => "y", :c => 10, [:a, :b] => "an array key" } |
18452 | expected = { a: "x", b: "y" } |
18453 | assert_equal expected, original.slice!([:a, :b], :c) |
18454 | hash = |
18455 | hash.update(a: 1, b: 2) |
18456 | hash.slice!(:a) |
18457 | hash = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
18458 | assert_equal [], hash[:c] |
18459 | original = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 } |
18460 | expected = { a: 1, b: 2 } |
18461 | remaining = { c: 3, d: 4 } |
18462 | original = { a: nil, b: nil } |
18463 | expected = { a: nil } |
18464 | remaining = { b: nil } |
18465 | expected = { a: "x" } |
18466 | original = { a: "x", b: "y" } |
18467 | def to_xml(options = {}) |
18468 | options[:indent] ||= 2 |
18469 | assert_equal "", {}.to_param |
18470 | assert_equal "hello=world", { hello: "world" }.to_param |
18471 | assert_equal "hello=10", { "hello" => 10 }.to_param |
18472 | assert_equal "hello=world&say_bye=true", { :hello => "world", "say_bye" => true }.to_param |
18473 | assert_equal "10=20&30=40&50=60", { 10 => 20, 30 => 40, 50 => 60 }.to_param |
18474 | assert_equal "custom-1=param-1&custom2-1=param2-1", {"custom") =>"param"),"custom2") =>"param2") }.to_param |
18475 | assert_equal "a=2&b=1&c=0", Hash[*%w(b 1 c 0 a 2)].to_param |
18476 | @xml_options = { root: :person, skip_instruct: true, indent: 0 } |
18477 | xml = { name: "David", street: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18478 | xml = { name: "David", street_name: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(dasherize: false)) |
18479 | xml = { name: "David", street_name: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(dasherize: true)) |
18480 | xml = { name: "David", street_name: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(camelize: true)) |
18481 | xml = { name: "David", street_name: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(camelize: :lower)) |
18482 | xml = { name: "David", street: "Paulina", age: 26, age_in_millis: 820497600000, moved_on:, 11, 15), resident: :yes }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18483 | assert_includes xml, %(<age type="integer">26</age>) |
18484 | xml = { name: "David", street: "Paulina", age: nil }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18485 | assert_includes xml, %(<age nil="true"/>) |
18486 | xml = { name: "David", street: "Paulina", age: nil }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(skip_types: true)) |
18487 | xml = { name: "David", street: "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options) do |x| |
18488 | xml = { name: "David", address: { street: "Paulina" } }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18489 | xml = { name: "David", address: { street: "Paulina" }, child: }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18490 | xml = { name: "David", addresses: [{ street: "Paulina" }, { street: "Evergreen" }] }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18491 | xml = { name: "David", addresses: [{ streets: [ { name: "Paulina" }, { name: "Paulina" } ] } ] }.to_xml(@xml_options) |
18492 | topics_xml = <<-EOT |
18493 | <topics type="array" page="1" page-count="1000" per-page="2"> |
18494 | <id type="integer">1</id> |
18495 | <parent-id nil="true"></parent-id> |
18496 | </topic> |
18497 | <parent-id></parent-id> |
18498 | </topics> |
18499 | id: 1, |
18500 | written_on:, 7, 16), |
18501 | viewed_at: Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28), |
18502 | topic_xml = <<-EOT |
18503 | <title></title> |
18504 | <id type="integer"></id> |
18505 | id: nil, |
18506 | <rsp stat="ok"> |
18507 | <photos page="1" pages="1" perpage="100" total="16"> |
18508 | </photos> |
18509 | </rsp> |
18510 | server: "76", |
18511 | ispublic: "1", |
18512 | isfriend: "0", |
18513 | isfamily: "0", |
18514 | test_xml = <<-EOT |
18515 | blog_xml = <<-XML |
18516 | <posts type="array"></posts> |
18517 | expected_blog_hash = { "blog" => { "posts" => [] } } |
18518 | expected_blog_hash = { "blog" => { "posts" => ["a post"] } } |
18519 | expected_blog_hash = { "blog" => { "posts" => ["a post", "another post"] } } |
18520 | assert hash["blog"].has_key?("logo") |
18521 | <logo type="file"> |
18522 | file = Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)["blog"]["logo"] |
18523 | assert_equal "bacon is the best", hash["blog"]["name"] |
18524 | xml = "<data><![CDATA[]]></data>" |
18525 | assert_equal "", Hash.from_xml(xml)["data"] |
18526 | bacon_xml = <<-EOT |
18527 | <chunky type="boolean"> 1 </chunky> |
18528 | <notes type="string"></notes> |
18529 | </bacon> |
18530 | weight: 0.5, |
18531 | expires_at: Time.utc(2007, 12, 25, 12, 34, 56), |
18532 | notes: "", |
18533 | caption: "That'll do, pig." |
18534 | product_xml = <<-EOT |
18535 | </product> |
18536 | image: { "type" => "ProductImage", "filename" => "image.gif" }, |
18537 | Hash.from_xml '<product><name type="foo">value</name></product>', %w(foo) |
18538 | expected = { "numbers" => { "type" => "Array", "value" => "1" } } |
18539 | expected = { "numbers" => { "type" => "Array", "value" => [ "1", "2" ] } } |
18540 | expected = { "product" => { "name" => :value } } |
18541 | expected = "<person><throw><ball>red</ball></throw></person>" |
18542 | bare_string: "First & Last Name", |
18543 | alert_xml = <<-XML |
18544 | </alert> |
18545 | alert_at = Hash.from_xml(alert_xml)["alert"]["alert_at"] |
18546 | assert_equal Time.utc(2008, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45), alert_at |
18547 | options = { skip_instruct: true } |
18548 | {}.to_xml(options) |
18549 | original = { a: "a", b: "b" }.with_indifferent_access |
18550 | mapped = original.transform_values { |v| v + "!" } |
18551 | assert_equal "a!", mapped[:a] |
18552 | assert_equal "a!", mapped["a"] |
18553 |, "w", 0755) do |file| |
18554 | source = "Posts: <%= @post.length %>" |
18555 | assert_equal [[:TEXT, "Posts: "], [:OPEN, "<%="], [:CODE, " @post.length "], [:CLOSE, "%>"]], actual_tokens |
18556 | source = "Posts: <%= @post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %>" |
18557 | assert_equal [[:TEXT, "Posts: "], |
18558 | [:CODE, " @post.length "], |
18559 | [:CODE, " puts 'hi' "], |
18560 | source = "Posts: <%= @post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %> foo <%" |
18561 | source = " Posts: <%= @post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %> foo <%" |
18562 | assert_equal [[:TEXT, " Posts: "], |
18563 | source = "Posts: <%= @post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %> foo <%" |
18564 | [:CODE, " @post.length "], |
18565 | source = "<%= @post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %>" |
18566 | assert_equal [[:OPEN, "<%="], |
18567 | source = "@post.length %> <% puts 'hi' %>" |
18568 | assert_equal [[:CODE, "@post.length "], |
18569 | source = "%> <% puts 'hi' %>" |
18570 | assert_equal [[:CLOSE, "%>"], |
18571 | source = "%> <% puts 'hi'" |
18572 | [:CODE, " puts 'hi'"], |
18573 | source = "<% puts 'hi'" |
18574 | assert_equal [[:OPEN, "<%"], |
18575 | def +(p) + p.price) end |
18576 | def initialize(values = [1, 2, 3]) |
18577 | def assert_typed_equal(e, v, cls, msg = nil) |
18578 | assert_equal(e, v, msg) |
18579 | assert_equal 60, enum.sum { |i| i * 2 } |
18580 | assert_equal "abc", enum.sum("") |
18581 | assert_equal "aabbcc", enum.sum("") { |i| i * 2 } |
18582 | enum.sum { |i| i * 2 } |
18583 | assert_equal 60, payments.sum { |p| p.price * 2 } |
18584 | payments.sum { |p| p } |
18585 | sum =[3, 5.quo(1)]).sum |
18586 | sum =[3, 5.quo(1)]).sum(0.0) |
18587 | sum =[3, 5.quo(1), 7.0]).sum |
18588 | sum =[3, 5.quo(1), Complex(7)]).sum |
18589 | sum =[1.quo(2), 1]).sum |
18590 | sum =[1.quo(2), 1.quo(3)]).sum |
18591 | sum =[2.0, 3.0 * Complex::I]).sum |
18592 | sum =[1, 2]).sum(10) { |v| v * 2 } |
18593 | [nil].sum |
18594 | assert_equal 60, payments.sum { |p| p.price.to_i * 2 } |
18595 | assert_equal [],[]).sum([]) |
18596 | assert_equal 0,[]).sum { |i| i + 10 } |
18597 | assert_equal [],[]).sum([]) { |i| i + 10 } |
18598 | assert_equal 20, (1..4).sum { |i| i * 2 } |
18599 | assert_equal 10, (1..4).sum |
18600 | assert_equal 10, (1..4.5).sum |
18601 | assert_equal 6, (1...4).sum |
18602 | ("a".."c").sum |
18603 | assert_equal "abc", ("a".."c").sum("") |
18604 | assert_equal 0, (10..0).sum |
18605 | assert_equal 5, (10..0).sum(5) |
18606 | assert_equal 10, (10..10).sum |
18607 | assert_equal 42, (10...10).sum(42) |
18608 | assert_typed_equal 20.0, (1..4).sum(0.0) { |i| i * 2 }, Float |
18609 | assert_typed_equal 10.0, (1..4).sum(0.0), Float |
18610 | assert_typed_equal 20.0, (1..4).sum(10.0), Float |
18611 | assert_typed_equal 5.0, (10..0).sum(5.0), Float |
18612 | enum = [5, 15, 10] |
18613 | enum = %w(a b c) |
18614 | payments = [,, ] |
18615 | assert_equal, [,].sum |
18616 | sum = [3, 5.quo(1)].sum |
18617 | sum = [3, 5.quo(1)].sum(0.0) |
18618 | sum = [3, 5.quo(1), 7.0].sum |
18619 | sum = [3, 5.quo(1), Complex(7)].sum |
18620 | sum = [3.5, 5].sum |
18621 | sum = [2, 8.5].sum |
18622 | sum = [1.quo(2), 1].sum |
18623 | sum = [1.quo(2), 1.quo(3)].sum |
18624 | sum = [2.0, 3.0 * Complex::I].sum |
18625 | sum = [1, 2].sum(10) { |v| v * 2 } |
18626 | assert_equal({ 5 =>, 15 =>, 10 => }, |
18627 | assert_equal({ => 5, => 15, => 10 }, payments.index_with(&:price)) |
18628 | assert_equal({ title: nil, body: nil }, %i( title body ).index_with(nil)) |
18629 | assert_equal({ title: [], body: [] }, %i( title body ).index_with([])) |
18630 | assert_equal({ title: {}, body: {} }, %i( title body ).index_with({})) |
18631 | assert_equal({ => 5, => 15, => 10 }, payments.index_with.each(&:price)) |
18632 | assert_equal false,[]).many? { |x| x > 1 } |
18633 | assert_equal false,[ 2 ]).many? { |x| x > 1 } |
18634 | assert_equal false,[ 1, 2 ]).many? { |x| x > 1 } |
18635 | infinity = 1.0 / 0.0 |
18636 | assert_equal true, very_long_enum.many? { |x| x > 100 } |
18637 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4],, 5) |
18638 | assert_equal [3, 4, 5],[1, 2]) |
18639 | assert_equal [[0, 1]],[[0, 1], [1, 0]]).excluding([[1, 0]]) |
18640 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], (1..5).to_a.excluding(3, 5) |
18641 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], (1..5).to_set.excluding(3, 5) |
18642 | assert_equal({ foo: 1, baz: 3 }, { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }.excluding(:bar)) |
18643 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4],, 5) |
18644 | assert_equal [3, 4, 5],[1, 2]) |
18645 | assert_equal [[5, 99], [15, 0], [10, 50]], payments.pluck(:dollars, :cents) |
18646 | assert_equal [], [].pluck(:price) |
18647 | assert_equal [], [].pluck(:dollars, :cents) |
18648 | assert_nil [].pick(:price) |
18649 | assert_nil [].pick(:dollars, :cents) |
18650 | values =[1, "", nil, 2, " ", [], {}, false, true]) |
18651 | values = [1, "", nil, 2, " ", [], {}, false, true] |
18652 | assert_equal [1, 2, true], values |
18653 | values = { a: "", b: 1, c: nil, d: [], e: false, f: true } |
18654 | assert_equal({ b: 1, f: true }, values.compact_blank) |
18655 | assert_equal({ b: 1, f: true }, values) |
18656 | values = [,, ] |
18657 | assert_equal [,, ], values.in_order_of(:price, [ 1, 5, 3 ]) |
18658 | assert_equal [,, ], values.in_order_of(:price, [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 ]) |
18659 | assert_equal [, ], values.in_order_of(:price, [ 1, 5 ]) |
18660 | d = |
18661 | k = |
18662 | class << k; undef_method :== end |
18663 | assert_not d.is_a?(k) |
18664 | assert == |
18665 | assert == |
18666 | assert == |
18667 | assert_not ( == "foo") |
18668 | I18n.backend.store_translations(:de, support: { array: { last_word_connector: " und " } }) |
18669 | assert_equal "10 years, 1 month, and 1 day", (10.years + 1.month + |
18670 | assert_equal 7.days, * 7 |
18671 | assert_equal, 7.days / 7 |
18672 | assert_equal 1, / |
18673 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 1, 1), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 0.days |
18674 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 1, 3), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + * 2 |
18675 | assert_instance_of Date, Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + * 2 |
18676 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 2, 15), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + * 45 |
18677 | assert_instance_of Date, Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + * 45 |
18678 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 1, 3), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 4.days / 2 |
18679 | assert_instance_of Date, Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 4.days / 2 |
18680 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 2, 15), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 90.days / 2 |
18681 | assert_instance_of Date, Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 90.days / 2 |
18682 | assert_equal((now + 1.public_send(unit)).class, Time, "Time + 1.#{unit} must be Time") |
18683 | 1.second.ago("") |
18684 | assert_equal((86400 * 7) * 1.5, 1.5.weeks) |
18685 | assert_equal((86400 * 7) * 1.7, 1.7.weeks) |
18686 | assert_equal t + 1, (1.minute / 60).since(t) |
18687 | assert_equal t - 1, 1.second.ago(t) |
18688 | assert_equal t - 1, (1.minute / 60).ago(t) |
18689 | assert 1.second.since >= now + 1 |
18690 | assert 1.second.ago >= now - 1 |
18691 | assert_in_delta((24 * 1.7).hours.since(t), 1.7.days.since(t), 1) |
18692 | assert_in_delta((24 * 1.7).hours.ago(t), 1.7.days.ago(t), 1) |
18693 | assert_equal((7 * 36).hours.since(t), 1.5.weeks.since(t)) |
18694 | assert_in_delta((7 * 24 * 1.7).hours.since(t), 1.7.weeks.since(t), 1) |
18695 | assert_equal((7 * 36).hours.ago(t), 1.5.weeks.ago(t)) |
18696 | assert_in_delta((7 * 24 * 1.7).hours.ago(t), 1.7.weeks.ago(t), 1) |
18697 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5), 5.seconds.since |
18698 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5), 5.seconds.since.time |
18699 | with_env_tz "CET" do |
18700 | assert_equal Time.local(2009, 3, 29, 0, 0, 0) + 24.hours, Time.local(2009, 3, 30, 1, 0, 0) |
18701 | assert_equal Time.local(2009, 3, 29, 0, 0, 0) +, Time.local(2009, 3, 30, 0, 0, 0) |
18702 | 1.minute.times { counter += 1 } |
18703 | cased = \ |
18704 | assert_equal(-1, (0.seconds <=> 1.second)) |
18705 | assert_equal(-1, (1.second <=> 1.minute)) |
18706 | assert_equal(-1, (1 <=> 1.minute)) |
18707 | assert_equal(0, (0.seconds <=> 0.seconds)) |
18708 | assert_equal(0, (0.seconds <=> 0.minutes)) |
18709 | assert_equal(0, (1.second <=> 1.second)) |
18710 | assert_equal(1, (1.second <=> 0.second)) |
18711 | assert_equal(1, (1.minute <=> 1.second)) |
18712 | assert_equal(1, (61 <=> 1.minute)) |
18713 | assert_equal 2.days, 2 * |
18714 | assert_equal Time.utc(2017, 1, 3), Time.utc(2017, 1, 1) + 2 * |
18715 | assert_equal Date.civil(2017, 1, 3), Date.civil(2017, 1, 1) + 2 * |
18716 | assert_equal(1, scalar <=> 5) |
18717 | assert_equal(0, scalar <=> 10) |
18718 | assert_equal(-1, scalar <=> 15) |
18719 | assert_nil(scalar <=> "foo") |
18720 | scalar + "foo" |
18721 | assert_equal({ days: 1, seconds: 10 }, (scalar + |
18722 | assert_equal({ days: -1, seconds: 10 }, (scalar + |
18723 | assert_equal({ days: -1, seconds: 10 }, (scalar - |
18724 | assert_equal({ days: 1, seconds: 10 }, (scalar - |
18725 | scalar - "foo" |
18726 | scalar * "foo" |
18727 | assert_equal({ days: 2 }, (scalar * 2.days).parts) |
18728 | assert_equal({ days: -2 }, (scalar * -2.days).parts) |
18729 | scalar / "foo" |
18730 | scalar % "foo" |
18731 | assert_equal({ hours: 1 }, (scalar % 2.hours).parts) |
18732 | (1..11).each do |month| |
18733 | [1, 14, 28].each do |day| |
18734 | assert_equal Date.civil(2015, 2, 28), Date.civil(2015, 1, 31) + 1.month |
18735 | assert_equal Date.civil(2016, 2, 29), Date.civil(2016, 1, 31) + 1.month |
18736 | patterns = %w[ |
18737 | time = Time.parse("Nov 29, 2016") |
18738 | d1 = 3.months - 3.months |
18739 | d2 = 2.months - 2.months |
18740 | assert_equal time + d1, time + d2 |
18741 | assert_equal 660, (d1 + 60).to_i |
18742 | time = Time.parse("Dec 7, 2021") |
18743 | datetime =, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0, 0) |
18744 | assert_match(/^2005-02-21T14:30:00(Z|\+00:00)$/, datetime.to_default_s) |
18745 | assert_equal "2009-02-05T14:30:05-06:00", DateTime.civil(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5, Rational(-21600, 86400)).to_fs(:iso8601) |
18746 | assert_equal "2008-06-09T04:05:01-05:00", DateTime.civil(2008, 6, 9, 4, 5, 1, Rational(-18000, 86400)).to_fs(:iso8601) |
18747 | assert_equal "2009-02-05T14:30:05+00:00", DateTime.civil(2009, 2, 5, 14, 30, 5).to_fs(:iso8601) |
18748 | datetime =, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0) |
18749 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 3, 11, 10, 11, 12),, 3, 11, 15, 11, 12, 0).localtime |
18750 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 3, 21, 11, 11, 12),, 3, 21, 15, 11, 12, 0).localtime |
18751 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 4, 1, 11, 11, 12),, 4, 1, 16, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)).localtime |
18752 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 3, 11, 10, 11, 12),, 3, 11, 15, 11, 12, 0).getlocal |
18753 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 3, 21, 11, 11, 12),, 3, 21, 15, 11, 12, 0).getlocal |
18754 | assert_equal Time.local(2016, 4, 1, 11, 11, 12),, 4, 1, 16, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)).getlocal |
18755 | assert_equal, 2, 21),, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0).to_date |
18756 | assert_equal, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0),, 2, 21, 14, 30, 0).to_datetime |
18757 | assert_instance_of Time,, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).to_time |
18758 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 5, 11, 12).getlocal(0),, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).to_time |
18759 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 5, 11, 12).getlocal(0).utc_offset,, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).to_time.utc_offset |
18760 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 5, 11, 12),, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).to_time |
18761 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 5, 11, 12).utc_offset,, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).to_time.utc_offset |
18762 | assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 256),, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12 + Rational(256, 1000000), 0).to_time |
18763 | assert_equal Time.local(2010, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0), DateTime.civil_from_format(:local, 2010, 5, 4) |
18764 | assert_equal Time.utc(2010, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0), DateTime.civil_from_format(:utc, 2010, 5, 4) |
18765 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_day |
18766 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 12, 0, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 10, 10, 10).middle_of_day |
18767 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 19, 0, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).beginning_of_hour |
18768 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 4, 19, 30, 10).beginning_of_minute |
18769 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).ago(86400 * 2) |
18770 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 11), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(1) |
18771 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 11, 10, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(3600) |
18772 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 24, 10, 10, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(86400 * 2) |
18773 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 24, 11, 10, 35), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(86400 * 2 + 3600 + 25) |
18774 | assert_not_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 11), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(1.333) |
18775 | assert_not_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 12), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).since(1.667) |
18776 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2006, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2006) |
18777 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 6, 22, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(month: 6) |
18778 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2012, 9, 22, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).change(year: 2012, month: 9) |
18779 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, Rational(-5, 24)), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, 0).change(offset: Rational(-5, 24)) |
18780 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10.7), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10.7).change(day: 1) |
18781 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { DateTime.civil(2005, 1, 2, 11, 22, 0).change(usec: 1, nsec: 1) } |
18782 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2013, 10, 17, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5) |
18783 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2001, 12, 27, 15, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: -3, months: -2, days: -1) |
18784 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2013, 10, 17, 20, 22, 19), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5, hours: 5, minutes: 7, seconds: 9) |
18785 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2012, 10, 29, 13, 15, 10), DateTime.civil(2012, 9, 28, 1, 15, 10).advance(days: 1.5, months: 1) |
18786 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2010, 3, 29), DateTime.civil(2010, 2, 28, 22, 58, 59).advance(months: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1) |
18787 | assert_match(/^1880-02-28T15:15:10\+00:?00$/, DateTime.civil(1880, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).xmlschema) |
18788 | assert_match(/^1980-02-28T15:15:10\+00:?00$/, DateTime.civil(1980, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).xmlschema) |
18789 | assert_match(/^2080-02-28T15:15:10\+00:?00$/, DateTime.civil(2080, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10).xmlschema) |
18790 | assert_match(/^1880-02-28T15:15:10-06:?00$/, DateTime.civil(1880, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, -0.25).xmlschema) |
18791 | assert_match(/^1980-02-28T15:15:10-06:?00$/, DateTime.civil(1980, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, -0.25).xmlschema) |
18792 | assert_match(/^2080-02-28T15:15:10-06:?00$/, DateTime.civil(2080, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, -0.25).xmlschema) |
18793 | Time.stub(:now, Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)) do |
18794 | assert_equal true, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12).utc? |
18795 | assert_equal true, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).utc? |
18796 | assert_equal false, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0.25).utc? |
18797 | assert_equal false, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, -0.25).utc? |
18798 | assert_equal 0, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).utc_offset |
18799 | assert_equal(-21600, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, -0.25).utc_offset) |
18800 | assert_equal(-18000, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(-5, 24)).utc_offset) |
18801 | assert_instance_of Time, DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(-6, 24)).utc |
18802 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 16, 11, 12, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(-6, 24)).utc |
18803 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 15, 11, 12, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(-5, 24)).utc |
18804 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, 0).utc |
18805 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 9, 11, 12, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)).utc |
18806 | assert_equal DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 9, 11, 12, 0), DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)).getutc |
18807 | dt = DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, Rational(-5, 24)) |
18808 | assert_equal 1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) |
18809 | assert_equal 0, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
18810 | assert_equal(-1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
18811 | assert_equal 1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) |
18812 | assert_equal 0, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) |
18813 | assert_equal(-1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)) |
18814 | assert_equal 1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59).to_s |
18815 | assert_equal 0, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).to_s |
18816 | assert_equal(-1, DateTime.civil(2000) <=> Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1).to_s) |
18817 | assert_equal 1, DateTime.civil(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) <=> 2440587 |
18818 | assert_equal 0, DateTime.civil(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) <=> 2440588 |
18819 | assert_equal(-1, DateTime.civil(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) <=> 2440589) |
18820 | assert_equal 946684800.0, DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0, Rational(-5, 24)).to_f |
18821 | assert_equal 946684800.5, DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0.5, Rational(-5, 24)).to_f |
18822 | assert_equal 946684800, DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 19, 0, 0, Rational(-5, 24)).to_i |
18823 | assert_equal Rational(1, 2), DateTime.civil(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, Rational(1, 2)).subsec |
18824 | date =, 2, 21) |
18825 | date =, 2, 1) |
18826 | 0.upto(138) do |year| |
18827 | [:utc, :local].each do |format| |
18828 |, 2, 21).to_time(:tokyo) |
18829 | assert_equal, 2, 21),, 2, 21).to_date |
18830 | assert_equal, 2, 21),, 2, 11).change(day: 21) |
18831 | assert_equal, 5, 11),, 2, 11).change(year: 2007, month: 5) |
18832 | assert_equal, 2, 22),, 2, 22).change(year: 2006) |
18833 | assert_equal, 6, 22),, 2, 22).change(month: 6) |
18834 | assert_equal, 3, 2),, 3, 02).sunday |
18835 | assert_equal, 3, 2),, 2, 29).sunday |
18836 | assert_equal, 12, 31).to_s,, 2, 22).end_of_year.to_s |
18837 | assert_equal, 3, 31),, 3, 20).end_of_month |
18838 | assert_equal, 2, 28),, 2, 20).end_of_month |
18839 | assert_equal, 4, 30),, 4, 20).end_of_month |
18840 | assert_equal, 2, 28),, 2, 28).advance(years: 1) |
18841 | assert_equal, 6, 28),, 2, 28).advance(months: 4) |
18842 | assert_equal, 3, 21),, 2, 28).advance(weeks: 3) |
18843 | assert_equal, 3, 5),, 2, 28).advance(days: 5) |
18844 | assert_equal, 9, 28),, 2, 28).advance(years: 7, months: 7) |
18845 | assert_equal, 10, 3),, 2, 28).advance(years: 7, months: 19, days: 5) |
18846 | assert_equal, 10, 17),, 2, 28).advance(years: 7, months: 19, weeks: 2, days: 5) |
18847 | assert_equal, 2, 28),, 2, 29).advance(years: 1) # leap day plus one year |
18848 | assert_equal, 2, 29),, 2, 28).advance(years: 1, days: 1) |
18849 | assert_equal, 3, 29),, 2, 28).advance(months: 1, days: 1) |
18850 | assert_equal, 10, 15),, 10, 4).advance(days: 1) |
18851 | assert_equal, 10, 4),, 10, 15).advance(days: -1) |
18852 | 5.upto(14) do |day| |
18853 | assert_equal, 10, 4),, 11, day).advance(months: -1) |
18854 | assert_equal, 10, 4),, 10, day).advance(years: -1) |
18855 | assert_equal, 5, 9),, 5, 17).last_week |
18856 | assert_equal, 2, 12),, 2, 19).last_week(:friday) |
18857 | Time.stub(:now, Time.local(2000, 1, 1)) do |
18858 | Time.stub(:now, Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 23)) do |
18859 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 45),, 2, 21).since(45) |
18860 | assert_equal zone.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 45),, 2, 21).since(45) |
18861 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 20, 23, 59, 15),, 2, 21).ago(45) |
18862 | assert_equal zone.local(2005, 2, 20, 23, 59, 15),, 2, 21).ago(45) |
18863 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0),, 2, 21).beginning_of_day |
18864 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 12, 0, 0),, 2, 21).middle_of_day |
18865 | assert_equal zone.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0),, 2, 21).beginning_of_day |
18866 | assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)),, 2, 21).end_of_day |
18867 | assert_equal zone.local(2005, 2, 21, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)),, 2, 21).end_of_day |
18868 | beginning_of_day = Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0) |
18869 | end_of_day = Time.local(2011, 6, 7, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)) |
18870 | beginning_of_day = zone.local(2011, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0) |
18871 | end_of_day = zone.local(2011, 6, 7, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)) |
18872 | assert_equal, 6, 6), 6, 12),, 6, 7).all_week |
18873 | assert_equal, 6, 5), 6, 11),, 6, 7).all_week(:sunday) |
18874 | assert_equal, 6, 1), 6, 30),, 6, 7).all_month |
18875 | assert_equal, 4, 1), 6, 30),, 6, 7).all_quarter |
18876 | assert_equal, 1, 1), 12, 31),, 6, 7).all_year |
18877 | assert_match(/^1980-02-28T00:00:00-05:?00$/,, 2, 28).xmlschema) |
18878 | assert_match(/^1980-06-28T00:00:00-04:?00$/,, 6, 28).xmlschema) |
18879 | if ::DateTime ===, 6, 28).to_time |
18880 | assert_match(/^1880-02-28T00:00:00-05:?00$/,, 2, 28).xmlschema) |
18881 | options = { years: 3, months: 11, days: 2 } |
18882 | assert_equal({ years: 3, months: 11, days: 2 }, options) |
18883 | @utc_time = Time.utc(2016, 4, 23, 14, 11, 12) |
18884 | @date_time =, 4, 23, 14, 11, 12, 0) |
18885 | source =, 4, 23, 15, 11, 12, 3600) |
18886 | source =, 4, 23, 15, 11, 12, 3600).freeze |
18887 | source =, 4, 23, 15, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)) |
18888 | source =, 4, 23, 15, 11, 12, Rational(1, 24)).freeze |
18889 | source = "2016-04-23T15:11:12+01:00" |
18890 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 21, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).yesterday |
18891 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 3, 2, 10, 10, 10).yesterday.yesterday |
18892 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 23, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).tomorrow |
18893 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2004, 12, 31, 10, 10, 10).days_since(1) |
18894 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 12, 25, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10).weeks_ago(1) |
18895 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 7, 14, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10).weeks_since(1) |
18896 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 11, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).months_ago(7) |
18897 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 12, 5, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 10, 10).months_ago(6) |
18898 | assert_equal date_time_init(2003, 2, 28, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2004, 2, 29, 10, 10, 10).years_ago(1) # 1 year ago from leap day |
18899 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2004, 2, 29, 10, 10, 10).years_since(1) # 1 year since leap day |
18900 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_month |
18901 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 12, 31, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_quarter |
18902 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 2, 15, 10, 10, 10).end_of_quarter |
18903 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 3, 31, 0, 0, 0).end_of_quarter |
18904 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0).end_of_quarter |
18905 | assert_equal date_time_init(2008, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2008, 5, 31, 0, 0, 0).end_of_quarter |
18906 | assert_equal 1, date_time_init(2005, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).quarter |
18907 | assert_equal 1, date_time_init(2005, 2, 15, 12, 0, 0).quarter |
18908 | assert_equal 1, date_time_init(2005, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59).quarter |
18909 | assert_equal 2, date_time_init(2005, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0).quarter |
18910 | assert_equal 2, date_time_init(2005, 5, 15, 12, 0, 0).quarter |
18911 | assert_equal 2, date_time_init(2005, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59).quarter |
18912 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2005, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0).quarter |
18913 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2005, 8, 15, 12, 0, 0).quarter |
18914 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2005, 9, 30, 23, 59, 59).quarter |
18915 | assert_equal 4, date_time_init(2005, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0).quarter |
18916 | assert_equal 4, date_time_init(2005, 11, 15, 12, 0, 0).quarter |
18917 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).beginning_of_year |
18918 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0).next_week |
18919 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10).next_week(:monday, same_time: true) |
18920 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 15, 15, 10, 999999), date_time_init(2005, 2, 22, 15, 15, 10, 999999).next_week(:monday, same_time: true) |
18921 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0).next_week(:monday, same_time: true) |
18922 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0).next_weekday |
18923 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 8, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 7, 15, 15, 10).next_weekday |
18924 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0).next_weekday |
18925 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 15, 15, 10).next_weekday |
18926 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0).next_weekday |
18927 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 3, 15, 15, 10).next_weekday |
18928 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 9, 30, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2005, 8, 31, 15, 15, 10).next_month |
18929 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 30, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2005, 8, 31, 15, 15, 10).next_quarter |
18930 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 11, 6, 0, 0, 0).prev_week |
18931 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 11, 15, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 11, 23, 0, 0, 0).prev_week(:wednesday) |
18932 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 11, 6, 0, 0, 0).prev_week(:monday, same_time: true) |
18933 | assert_equal date_time_init(2006, 11, 15, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2006, 11, 23, 0, 0, 0).prev_week(:wednesday, same_time: true) |
18934 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0).prev_weekday |
18935 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 6, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 7, 15, 15, 10).prev_weekday |
18936 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0).prev_weekday |
18937 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 15, 15, 10).prev_weekday |
18938 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0).prev_weekday |
18939 | assert_equal date_time_init(2015, 1, 2, 15, 15, 10), date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 15, 15, 10).prev_weekday |
18940 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 2, 29, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2004, 3, 31, 10, 10, 10).prev_month |
18941 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 2, 29, 10, 10, 10), date_time_init(2004, 5, 31, 10, 10, 10).prev_quarter |
18942 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 2, 29, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2004, 3, 31, 0, 0, 0).last_month |
18943 | assert_equal date_time_init(2004, 6, 5, 10, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 6, 5, 10, 0, 0).last_year |
18944 | assert_equal 0, date_time_init(2011, 11, 01, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18945 | assert_equal 1, date_time_init(2011, 11, 02, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18946 | assert_equal 2, date_time_init(2011, 11, 03, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18947 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 04, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18948 | assert_equal 4, date_time_init(2011, 11, 05, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18949 | assert_equal 5, date_time_init(2011, 11, 06, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18950 | assert_equal 6, date_time_init(2011, 11, 07, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:tuesday) |
18951 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 03, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:monday) |
18952 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 06, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:thursday) |
18953 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 07, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:friday) |
18954 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 8, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:saturday) |
18955 | assert_equal 3, date_time_init(2011, 11, 9, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start(:sunday) |
18956 | assert_equal 6, Time.local(2012, 03, 8, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18957 | assert_equal 5, Time.local(2012, 03, 7, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18958 | assert_equal 4, Time.local(2012, 03, 6, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18959 | assert_equal 3, Time.local(2012, 03, 5, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18960 | assert_equal 2, Time.local(2012, 03, 4, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18961 | assert_equal 1, Time.local(2012, 03, 3, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18962 | assert_equal 0, Time.local(2012, 03, 2, 0, 0, 0).days_to_week_start |
18963 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # monday |
18964 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 11, 29, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # tuesday |
18965 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # wednesday |
18966 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 12, 01, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # thursday |
18967 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 12, 02, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # friday |
18968 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 12, 03, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # saturday |
18969 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2005, 12, 04, 0, 0, 0).beginning_of_week # sunday |
18970 | assert_equal date_time_init(2008, 1, 6, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 12, 31, 10, 10, 10).end_of_week |
18971 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 8, 27, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # monday |
18972 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 8, 28, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # tuesday |
18973 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 8, 29, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # wednesday |
18974 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 8, 30, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # thursday |
18975 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 8, 31, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # friday |
18976 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 9, 01, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # saturday |
18977 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 9, 02, 0, 0, 0).end_of_week # sunday |
18978 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2005, 3, 20, 10, 10, 10).end_of_month |
18979 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 2, 28, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2005, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10).end_of_month |
18980 | assert_equal date_time_init(2005, 4, 30, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2005, 4, 20, 10, 10, 10).end_of_month |
18981 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 2, 22, 10, 10, 10).end_of_year |
18982 | assert_equal date_time_init(2007, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2007, 12, 31, 10, 10, 10).end_of_year |
18983 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 18, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:monday) |
18984 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 19, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:tuesday) |
18985 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 20, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:wednesday) |
18986 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 21, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:thursday) |
18987 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 15, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:friday) |
18988 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 16, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:saturday) |
18989 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 17, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).next_occurring(:sunday) |
18990 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 11, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).prev_occurring(:monday) |
18991 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 12, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).prev_occurring(:tuesday) |
18992 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 13, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).prev_occurring(:wednesday) |
18993 | assert_equal date_time_init(2017, 12, 10, 3, 14, 15), date_time_init(2017, 12, 14, 3, 14, 15).prev_occurring(:sunday) |
18994 | assert_equal date_time_init(2012, 9, 17, 0, 0, 0), date_time_init(2012, 9, 18, 0, 0, 0).monday |
18995 | assert_equal date_time_init(2012, 9, 23, 23, 59, 59, Rational(999999999, 1000)), date_time_init(2012, 9, 19, 0, 0, 0).sunday |
18996 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), :on_weekend? |
18997 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 3, 15, 15, 10), :on_weekend? |
18998 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), :on_weekend? |
18999 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 15, 15, 10), :on_weekend? |
19000 | assert_not_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0), :on_weekend? |
19001 | assert_not_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 15, 15, 10), :on_weekend? |
19002 | assert_not_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), :on_weekday? |
19003 | assert_not_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 4, 15, 15, 10), :on_weekday? |
19004 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0), :on_weekday? |
19005 | assert_predicate date_time_init(2015, 1, 5, 15, 15, 10), :on_weekday? |
19006 | assert_equal false, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).before?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 5, 12, 0, 0)) |
19007 | assert_equal false, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).before?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0)) |
19008 | assert_equal true, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).before?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 7, 12, 0, 0)) |
19009 | assert_equal true, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).after?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 5, 12, 0, 0)) |
19010 | assert_equal false, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).after?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0)) |
19011 | assert_equal false, date_time_init(2017, 3, 6, 12, 0, 0).after?(date_time_init(2017, 3, 7, 12, 0, 0)) |
19012 | class Bar < Foo; end |
19013 | class Baz < Bar; end |
19014 | class B < A; end |
19015 | class C < B; end |
19016 | @sub = |
19017 | @sub.setting = 1 |
19018 | val = @klass.public_send(:setting=, 1) |
19019 | bd = BigDecimal "0.01" |
19020 | assert_equal "0.01", bd.to_s |
19021 | assert_equal "+0.01", bd.to_s("+F") |
19022 | assert_equal "+0.0 1", bd.to_s("+1F") |
19023 | ["foo", "bar"] |
19024 | ary = %w(foo bar) |
19025 | assert_equal ["foo"], Array.wrap("foo") |
19026 | assert_equal ["foo bar"], Array.wrap("foo bar") |
19027 | o = |
19028 | groups = [] |
19029 | ("a".."i").to_a.in_groups_of(3) do |group| |
19030 | assert_equal [%w(a b c), %w(d e f), %w(g h i)], groups |
19031 | assert_equal [%w(a b c), %w(d e f), %w(g h i)], ("a".."i").to_a.in_groups_of(3) |
19032 | ("a".."g").to_a.in_groups_of(3) do |group| |
19033 | assert_equal [%w(a b c), %w(d e f), ["g", nil, nil]], groups |
19034 | ("a".."g").to_a.in_groups_of(3, "foo") do |group| |
19035 | assert_equal [%w(a b c), %w(d e f), %w(g foo foo)], groups |
19036 | ("a".."g").to_a.in_groups_of(3, false) do |group| |
19037 | assert_equal [%w(a b c), %w(d e f), %w(g)], groups |
19038 | array = (1..7).to_a |
19039 | 1.upto(array.size + 1) do |number| |
19040 | assert_equal [[], [], []], [].in_groups(3) |
19041 | array = (1..9).to_a |
19042 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], |
19043 | (1..9).to_a.in_groups(3) |
19044 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, nil], [6, 7, nil]], |
19045 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, "foo"], [6, 7, "foo"]], |
19046 | array.in_groups(3, "foo") |
19047 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]], |
19048 | (1..7).to_a.in_groups(3, false) |
19049 | assert_raises(ArgumentError) { [].in_groups_of(-1) } |
19050 | assert_equal [[]], [].split(0) |
19051 | a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
19052 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], a.split(0) |
19053 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], a |
19054 | a = (1..10).to_a |
19055 | assert_equal [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8], [10]], a.split { |i| i % 3 == 0 } |
19056 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], a |
19057 | assert_equal [[], [2, 3, 4], []], a.split { |i| i == 1 || i == 5 } |
19058 | a = [1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3] |
19059 | assert_equal [[1, 2], [5, 5], [4, 6, 2, 1], []], a.split(3) |
19060 | assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [], [3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3]], a.split(5) |
19061 | assert_equal [[1, 2], [], [], [], [4, 6, 2, 1], []], a.split { |i| i == 3 || i == 5 } |
19062 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3], a |
19063 | numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] |
19064 | assert_equal [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], odd_numbers |
19065 | assert_equal [0, 2, 4, 6, 8], numbers |
19066 | empty_array = [] |
19067 | assert_equal({}, [].extract_options!) |
19068 | assert_equal({}, [1].extract_options!) |
19069 | assert_equal({ a: :b }, [{ a: :b }].extract_options!) |
19070 | assert_equal({ a: :b }, [1, { a: :b }].extract_options!) |
19071 | hash[:foo] = 1 |
19072 | array = [hash] |
19073 | assert_equal({ foo: 1 }, options) |
19074 | assert_equal([], array) |
19075 | array = [{ foo: 1 }.with_indifferent_access] |
19076 | = 1 |
19077 | assert_equal "", [].to_sentence |
19078 | assert_equal "one", ["one"].to_sentence |
19079 | assert_equal "one and two", ["one", "two"].to_sentence |
19080 | assert_equal "one, two, and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence |
19081 | assert_equal "one two, and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(words_connector: " ") |
19082 | assert_equal "one & two, and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(words_connector: " & ") |
19083 | assert_equal "onetwo, and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(words_connector: nil) |
19084 | assert_equal "one, two, and also three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(last_word_connector: ", and also ") |
19085 | assert_equal "one, twothree", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(last_word_connector: nil) |
19086 | assert_equal "one, two three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(last_word_connector: " ") |
19087 | assert_equal "one, two and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(last_word_connector: " and ") |
19088 | assert_equal "one two", ["one", "two"].to_sentence(two_words_connector: " ") |
19089 | elements = ["one"] |
19090 | assert_equal "1", [1].to_sentence |
19091 | options = { words_connector: " " } |
19092 | assert_equal "one two, and three", ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence(options) |
19093 | assert_equal({ words_connector: " " }, options) |
19094 | assert_equal ", one, , two, and three", [nil, "one", "", "two", "three"].to_sentence |
19095 | ["one", "two"].to_sentence(passing: "invalid option") |
19096 | assert_not ["one", "two"].to_sentence.frozen? |
19097 | assert_not ["one", "two", "three"].to_sentence.frozen? |
19098 | @@counter = 0 |
19099 | @@counter += 1 |
19100 | assert_equal "null", [].to_fs(:db) |
19101 | assert_equal "1,2,3", collection.to_fs(:db) |
19102 | assert_equal "null", [].to_formatted_s(:db) |
19103 | xml = [ |
19104 | { name: "David", age: 26, age_in_millis: 820497600000 }, |
19105 | { name: "Jason", age: 31, age_in_millis: BigDecimal("1.0") } |
19106 | ].to_xml(skip_instruct: true, indent: 0) |
19107 | assert_includes xml, %(<age type="integer">26</age>), xml |
19108 | assert_includes xml, %(<age type="integer">31</age>), xml |
19109 | xml = %w[1 2 3].to_xml(skip_instruct: true, indent: 0) |
19110 | xml = [1, 2.0, "3"].to_xml(skip_instruct: true, indent: 0) |
19111 | assert_includes xml, %(<object type="float">2.0</object>), xml |
19112 | { name: "David", age: 26, age_in_millis: 820497600000 }, { name: "Jason", age: 31 } |
19113 | ].to_xml(skip_instruct: true, indent: 0, root: "people") |
19114 | { name: "David", street_address: "Paulina" }, { name: "Jason", street_address: "Evergreen" } |
19115 | assert_match(/^<\?xml [^>]*/, xml) |
19116 | assert_equal 0, xml.rindex(/<\?xml /) |
19117 | ].to_xml(skip_instruct: true, indent: 0) do |builder| |
19118 | assert_includes xml, %(<count>2</count>), xml |
19119 | xml = [].to_xml |
19120 | assert_match(/type="array"\/>/, xml) |
19121 | [].to_xml(options) |
19122 | assert_equal %w( a b c d ), %w( a b c d ).from(0) |
19123 | assert_equal %w( c d ), %w( a b c d ).from(2) |
19124 | assert_equal %w(), %w( a b c d ).from(10) |
19125 | assert_equal %w( d e ), %w( a b c d e ).from(-2) |
19126 | assert_equal %w(), %w( a b c d e ).from(-10) |
19127 | assert_equal %w( a ), %w( a b c d ).to(0) |
19128 | assert_equal %w( a b c ), %w( a b c d ).to(2) |
19129 | assert_equal %w( a b c d ), %w( a b c d ).to(10) |
19130 | assert_equal %w( a b c ), %w( a b c d ).to(-2) |
19131 | assert_equal %w(), %w( a b c ).to(-10) |
19132 | array = (1..42).to_a |
19133 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4].including(3, 5).sort |
19134 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4].including([3, 5]).sort |
19135 | assert_equal [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[0, 1]].including([[1, 0]]) |
19136 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding(3, 5) |
19137 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].excluding([3, 5]) |
19138 | assert_equal [[0, 1]], [[0, 1], [1, 0]].excluding([[1, 0]]) |
19139 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].without(3, 5) |
19140 | assert_equal Ace::Base::Case, yield("::Ace::Base::Case") |
19141 | assert_equal Ace::Base::Case::Dice, yield("Ace::Base::Case::Dice") |
19142 | assert_equal Ace::Base::Case::Dice, yield("Ace::Base::Fase::Dice") |
19143 | assert_equal Ace::Base::Fase::Dice, yield("Ace::Base::Fase::Dice") |
19144 | assert_equal Ace::Gas::Case, yield("Ace::Gas::Case") |
19145 | assert_equal Ace::Gas::Case::Dice, yield("Ace::Gas::Case::Dice") |
19146 | assert_equal Ace::Base::Case::Dice, yield("Ace::Gas::Case::Dice") |
19147 | assert_raises(NameError) { yield("Ace::Gas::Base") } |
19148 | assert_raises(NameError) { yield("") } |
19149 | assert_raises(NameError) { yield("::") } |
19150 | assert_raises(NameError) { yield("Ace::gas") } |
19151 | assert_nil yield("") |
19152 | assert_nil yield("::") |
19153 | assert_nil yield("A::Object::B") |
19154 | file.write("wrong: <%= foo %>") |
19155 | assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, Parent.config) |
19156 | assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, mixin.config) |
19157 | [:black, :blue, :white] |
19158 | assert_equal "bar's baz + baz", @klass.baz |
19159 | @klass.class_eval { def initialize; @foo = []; end } |
19160 | included.module_eval { def foo; @foo << :included; end } |
19161 | @klass.class_eval { def foo; super; @foo << :class; end } |
19162 | prepended.module_eval { def foo; super; @foo << :prepended; end } |
19163 | @klass.class_eval { @foo = [] } |
19164 | included.class_methods { def foo; @foo << :included; end } |
19165 | @klass.class_eval { def; super; @foo << :class; end } |
19166 | @logger.formatter.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d" |
19167 | assert_match(/D, \[\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d[ ]?#\d+\] DEBUG -- : debug/, @out.string) |
19168 | an_object = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
19169 | @bc.add_filter { |line| line.gsub("/my/prefix", "") } |
19170 | ["/my/class.rb", "/my/module.rb"], |
19171 | @bc.clean(["/my/prefix/my/class.rb", "/my/prefix/my/module.rb"]) |
19172 | assert_equal "/my/prefix/my/class.rb", @bc.clean(["/my/prefix/my/class.rb"]).first |
19173 | assert_equal "/my/other_prefix/my/class.rb", @bc.clean([ "/my/other_prefix/my/class.rb" ]).first |
19174 | @bc.add_silencer { |line| line.include?("mongrel") } |
19175 | [ "/other/class.rb" ], |
19176 | @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb", "/other/class.rb", "/mongrel/stuff.rb" ]) |
19177 | assert_equal ["/mongrel/stuff.rb"], @bc.clean(["/mongrel/stuff.rb"]) |
19178 | @bc.add_silencer { |line| line.include?("yolo") } |
19179 | @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb", "/other/class.rb", "/mongrel/stuff.rb", "/other/yolo.rb" ]) |
19180 | [ "/mongrel/class.rb", "/mongrel/stuff.rb", "/other/yolo.rb" ], |
19181 | @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb", "/other/class.rb", "/mongrel/stuff.rb", "/other/yolo.rb" ], |
19182 | assert_equal [ "/class.rb" ], @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb" ]) |
19183 | backtrace = [ "#{Gem.default_dir}/gems/nosuchgem-1.2.3/lib/foo.rb" ] |
19184 | target_dir = Gem.path.detect { |p| p != Gem.default_dir } |
19185 | backtrace = [ "#{target_dir}/gems/nosuchgem-1.2.3/lib/foo.rb" ] |
19186 | backtrace = [ "#{Gem.default_dir}/bundler/gems/nosuchgem-1.2.3/lib/foo.rb" ] |
19187 | backtrace = [ "#{Gem.path[0]}/gems/nosuchgem-1.2.3/lib/foo.rb" ] |
19188 | backtrace = ["#{RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"]}/lib/foo.rb"] |
19189 | backtrace = [Gem.default_dir, *Gem.path].map { |path| "/parent#{path}/gems/nosuchgem-1.2.3/lib/foo.rb" } |
19190 | set_callback(:save, :after, *filters, &blk) |
19191 | { |model| model.history << [callback_method, :proc] } |
19192 | model.history << [:"#{callback_method}_save", :object] |
19193 | @history ||= [] |
19194 | model.history << [:before_save, :class] |
19195 | model.history << [:after_save, :class] |
19196 | set_callback :dispatch, :before, :log, unless: proc { |c| c.action_name == :index || c.action_name == :show } |
19197 | @action_name, @logger = action_name, [] |
19198 | @logger << "Done" |
19199 | skip_callback :dispatch, :before, :log, if: proc { |c| c.action_name == :update } |
19200 | @@starts_true, @@starts_false = true, false |
19201 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :starts_true, :if] }, if: :starts_true |
19202 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :starts_false, :if] }, if: :starts_false |
19203 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :starts_true, :unless] }, unless: :starts_true |
19204 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :starts_false, :unless] }, unless: :starts_false |
19205 | [:before_save, :starts_true, :if], |
19206 | after_save { |r| r.history << [:after_save, :string1] } |
19207 | after_save { |r| r.history << [:after_save, :string2] } |
19208 | [:after_save, :string2], |
19209 | [:after_save, :string1] |
19210 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :proc] }, if: { |r| true } |
19211 | before_save { |r| r.history << "b00m" }, if: { |r| false } |
19212 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :proc] }, unless: { |r| false } |
19213 | before_save { |r| r.history << "b00m" }, unless: { |r| true } |
19214 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :symbol] }, if: :yes |
19215 | before_save { |r| r.history << "b00m" }, if: :no |
19216 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :symbol] }, unless: :no |
19217 | before_save { |r| r.history << "b00m" }, unless: :yes |
19218 | before_save { |r| r.history << [:before_save, :combined_symbol] }, if: :yes, unless: :no |
19219 | before_save { |r| r.history << "b00m" }, if: :yes, unless: :yes |
19220 | @history = [] |
19221 | @history << "running" |
19222 | when /^log_(.*)/ |
19223 | @history << $1 |
19224 | when /^wrap_(.*)/ |
19225 | @history << "wrap_#$1" |
19226 | @history << "unwrap_#$1" |
19227 | when /^double_(.*)/ |
19228 | @history << "first_#$1" |
19229 | @history << "second_#$1" |
19230 | @history << "third_#$1" |
19231 | sym.match?(/^(log|wrap)_/) || super |
19232 | set_callback :save, :before, proc { |m| m.history << "yup" } |
19233 | @history << "boom" |
19234 | @history << "yup" |
19235 | @history << "w0tyes after" |
19236 | @history << "tweedle dum pre" |
19237 | @history << "tweedle dum post" |
19238 | @history << "tweedle" |
19239 | set_callback :save, :before, :action, if: :yes |
19240 | @recorder << 3 |
19241 | @recorder << 2 |
19242 | @recorder = [] |
19243 | @recorder << 1 |
19244 | ], |
19245 | [:before_save, :proc], |
19246 | [:before_save, :object], |
19247 | [:before_save, :block], |
19248 | [:after_save, :block], |
19249 | [:after_save, :class], |
19250 | [:after_save, :object], |
19251 | [:after_save, :proc], |
19252 | [:after_save, :symbol] |
19253 | [:before_save, :symbol], |
19254 | [:before_save, :class], |
19255 | @history << "around1" |
19256 | @history << "around2" |
19257 | @history << "first" |
19258 | @history << "second" |
19259 | @history << "third" |
19260 | @saved = true |
19261 | define_callbacks :save, terminator: ->(_, result_lambda) { == :halt } |
19262 | define_callbacks :save, terminator: ->(_, result_lambda) { == :halt }, |
19263 | @record = [] |
19264 | @record << "yielded" |
19265 | @record << "one" |
19266 | @record << "two" |
19267 | @record << "three" |
19268 | set_callback :save, :before, :first, :second, :first, :third |
19269 | assert_equal ["first", "second", "third", "first"], terminator.history |
19270 | skip_callback :save, :before, :before_save_method, if: -> { age > 21 } |
19271 | assert_equal ["two", "one", "three", "yielded"], model.record |
19272 | klass = build_class(->() { calls << :foo }) |
19273 | klass = build_class(->(o) { calls << o }) |
19274 | klass = build_class(->(x, y) { }) |
19275 | klass = build_class(->(*args) { calls << args }) |
19276 | assert_equal [[]], calls |
19277 | z = [] |
19278 | define_singleton_method(:foo) { |o| z << o } |
19279 | klass = { |
19280 | define_singleton_method(:before) { |o| z << o } |
19281 | object = build_class(->(*args) { z << args }).new |
19282 | object = build_class(->() { z << 0 }).new |
19283 | assert_equal [0], z |
19284 | object = build_class(->(x) { z << x }).new |
19285 | object = build_class(->(a, b) { }).new |
19286 | define_method(:hello) { memo << :hi } |
19287 | subclass = { set_callback :foo, :before, :world } |
19288 | subclass.class_eval { define_method(:world) { events << :world } } |
19289 | define_singleton_method(:before) { |o| calls << o } |
19290 | build_class(->(o) { calls << o }) |
19291 | klass.class_eval { define_method(:bar) { calls << klass } } |
19292 | 9.downto(0) { |i| |
19293 | @history << __method__.to_s |
19294 | @action_name, @log = action_name, [] |
19295 | set_callback :dispatch, :before, :before1, :before2, if: proc { |c| c.action_name == "index" || c.action_name == "update" } |
19296 | set_callback :dispatch, :after, :after1, :after2, if: proc { |c| c.action_name == "update" || c.action_name == "delete" } |
19297 | @log << "before1" |
19298 | @log << "before2" |
19299 | @log << "after1" |
19300 | @log << "after2" |
19301 | @log << action_name |
19302 | skip_callback :dispatch, :before, :before2, unless: proc { |c| c.action_name == "update" } |
19303 | skip_callback :dispatch, :after, :after2, unless: proc { |c| c.action_name == "delete" } |
19304 | skip_callback :dispatch, :before, :before2, unless: proc { |c| c.action_name == "update" }, if: :state_open? |
19305 | @state == :open |
19306 | @performed ||= false |
19307 | @count = 0 |
19308 | @count += 1 |
19309 | parent ="foo") |
19310 | ] do |
19311 | build url: [] |
19312 | default_args = { |
19313 | block = -> { :custom_redis_client } |
19314 | @cache = nil |
19315 | def lookup_store(options = {}) |
19316 | assert_called(@cache.redis, :mget, returns: []) do |
19317 | @cache.fetch_multi("a", "b", "c") do |key| |
19318 | key * 2 |
19319 | @cache.fetch_multi("a", "b", "c", namespace: "custom-namespace") do |key| |
19320 | @cache.fetch_multi() { } |
19321 | assert @cache.redis.ttl("#{@namespace}:foo") > 0 |
19322 | @cache.redis.setex "#{@namespace}:bar", 120, 1 |
19323 | assert @cache.redis.ttl("#{@namespace}:bar") > 60 |
19324 | @cache.redis.set "#{@namespace}:dar", 10 |
19325 | assert @cache.redis.ttl("#{@namespace}:dar") > 0 |
19326 | @cache.write("foo", nil) |
19327 | assert_nil @cache.fetch("foo") { "baz" } |
19328 | assert_nil @cache.fetch("foo") { nil } |
19329 | error_handler: -> (method:, returning:, exception:) { raise exception }) |
19330 | key = "#{prefix}#{SecureRandom.uuid}" |
19331 | @cache.write(key, "bar") |
19332 | @cache.delete_matched("#{prefix}*") |
19333 | cache.write("foo", "bar") |
19334 | cache.write("fu", "baz") |
19335 | @cache.write("foo", "bar", raw: true) |
19336 |"foo", raw: true) |
19337 | @cache.write("name", "value") |
19338 | @cache.write("name", 1, raw: true) |
19339 |"foo") |
19340 | @cache.read_multi("foo", "bar") |
19341 | assert_equal({ "foo" => nil, "bar" => nil }, @cache.read_multi("foo", "bar")) |
19342 | Time.stub(:now, + 1.minute) do |
19343 | @cache.write(1, "aaaaaaaaaa") && sleep(0.001) |
19344 | @cache.write(2, "bbbbbbbbbb") && sleep(0.001) |
19345 | @cache.write(3, "cccccccccc") && sleep(0.001) |
19346 | @cache.write(4, "dddddddddd") && sleep(0.001) |
19347 | @cache.write(5, "eeeeeeeeee") && sleep(0.001) |
19348 | && sleep(0.001) |
19349 | @cache.prune(@record_size * 3) |
19350 | assert_not @cache.exist?(3), "no entry" |
19351 | assert_not @cache.exist?(1), "no entry" |
19352 | @cache.write(6, "ffffffffff") && sleep(0.001) |
19353 | @cache.write(7, "gggggggggg") && sleep(0.001) |
19354 | @cache.write(8, "hhhhhhhhhh") && sleep(0.001) |
19355 | @cache.write(9, "iiiiiiiiii") && sleep(0.001) |
19356 | @cache.write(10, "kkkkkkkkkk") && sleep(0.001) |
19357 | && sleep(0.001) |
19358 | assert_not @cache.exist?(6), "no entry" |
19359 | assert_not @cache.exist?(5), "no entry" |
19360 | long_key = "*" * 2 * @record_size |
19361 | assert_not @cache.exist?(4), "no entry" |
19362 | assert_not @cache.exist?(2), "no entry" |
19363 | @cache.prune(30, 0.001) |
19364 | item = { "foo" => "bar" } |
19365 | key = "test_key" |
19366 | read_item["foo"] = "xyz" |
19367 | item = "my_string" |
19368 | @cache.write(1, nil) |
19369 | def get(key, options = {}) |
19370 | (@_stores ||= []) << cache |
19371 | @namespace = "test-#{Random.rand(16**32).to_s(16)}" |
19372 | stores, @_stores = @_stores, [] |
19373 | client(cache).stub(:flush_all, -> { stub_called = true; client.delete("#{@namespace}:#{key}") }) do |
19374 | short_key = "a" * 250 |
19375 | long_key = "b" * 251 |
19376 | normalized_key = @cache.send(:normalize_key, short_key, { namespace: "ns" }) |
19377 | multibyte_key = "c" * 100 + ["01F60F".to_i(16)].pack("U*") + "c" * 149 |
19378 | assert_match(/^c{100}%F0%9F%98%8Fc+:hash:[[:print:]]+$/, normalized_key) |
19379 | key_one = "d" * 1000 + "a" |
19380 | key_two = "d" * 1000 + "b" |
19381 | cache.write("foo", 2) |
19382 | assert_equal "2","foo") |
19383 | cache.write("foo", Marshal.dump([])) |
19384 | assert_equal "1","foo", raw: true) |
19385 | assert_called_with client(cache), :incr, [ "foo", 1, 60, 1 ] do |
19386 | assert_equal "0","foo", raw: true) |
19387 | assert_called_with client(cache), :decr, [ "foo", 1, 60, 0 ] do |
19388 | cache.fetch("nil_foo") { nil } |
19389 | assert_equal "bar", cache.fetch("nil_foo") { "bar" } |
19390 | cache1.fetch("not_nil_foo") { nil } |
19391 | assert_nil cache.fetch("not_nil_foo") { "bar" } |
19392 | @cache.write("foo", "bar") |
19393 | value ="foo") |
19394 | value << "bingo" |
19395 | times: 0, |
19396 | ) do |
19397 | cache.write("foo", val) |
19398 | times: 1, |
19399 | cache.write("foo", "bar", expires_in: 1, unless_exist: true) |
19400 | host = "custom_host" |
19401 | expected_addresses = ["first", "second"] |
19402 | @cache.instance_variable_get(:@data).with { |c| c.set(@cache.send(:normalize_key, key, nil), "value", 0, compress: false) } |
19403 | assert_equal "value", @cache.fetch(key) { "value" } |
19404 | @cache.instance_variable_get(:@data).with { |c| c.set(@cache.send(:normalize_key, key, nil), false, 0, compress: false) } |
19405 | @cache.instance_variable_get(:@data).with { |c| c.set(@cache.send(:normalize_key, key, nil), nil, 0, compress: false) } |
19406 | assert_equal({}, @cache.send(:read_multi_entries, [key])) |
19407 | (0...length).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join |
19408 | @old_store.write("foo", "bar") |
19409 | assert_equal "bar","foo") |
19410 | assert_equal "bar","foo") |
19411 | cache_dir = options.delete(:cache_dir) { @cache_dir } |
19412 | @cache_dir = Dir.mktmpdir("file-store-") |
19413 | keep = File.join(cache_dir, ".keep") |
19414 | @cache.write("%" * 870, 1) |
19415 | assert_equal 1,"%" * 870) |
19416 | key = @cache.send(:normalize_key, "views/index?id=1", {}) |
19417 | key = @cache_with_pathname.send(:normalize_key, "views/index?id=1", {}) |
19418 | path = @cache.send(:normalize_key, key, {}) |
19419 | assert File.basename(tmpname + ".lock").length <= 255, "Temp filename too long: #{File.basename(tmpname + '.lock').length}" |
19420 | File.stub(:exist?, -> { raise"failed") }) do |
19421 | @cache.send(:read_entry, "winston", **{}) |
19422 | @cache.write("foo", "bar", expires_in: 10) |
19423 | @cache.write("baz", "qux") |
19424 | @cache.write("quux", "corge", expires_in: 20) |
19425 | Time.stub(:now, time + 15) do |
19426 | assert_equal 2, Dir.glob(File.join(cache_dir, "**")).size |
19427 | File.atomic_write(cache_file_path, cache_dir) { |f| Marshal.dump({ "foo": "bar" }, f) } |
19428 | assert_equal 1, Dir.glob(File.join(cache_dir, "**")).size |
19429 | middleware ="<3", key).new(->(env) { |
19430 | [200, {}, []] |
19431 | _, _, body ={}) |
19432 | body.each { } |
19433 | assert_throws(:warden) {{}) } |
19434 | assert_called_with(Dalli::Client, :new, [%w[localhost], { compress: false }]) do |
19435 | assert_called_with(Dalli::Client, :new, [%w[localhost], { compress: false }]) do |
19436 | assert_called_with(Dalli::Client, :new, [%w[localhost], { timeout: 10, compress: false }]) do |
19437 | test_val = "tester" |
19438 | proc = lambda { test_val } |
19439 | @cache.fetch("foo") { "bar" } |
19440 | @cache.fetch("foo", namespace: "string_namespace") { "bar" } |
19441 | @cache.fetch("foo", namespace: proc) { "bar" } |
19442 | @cache.mute { @cache.fetch("foo") { "bar" } } |
19443 | key = +"foo" |
19444 | old_values = {} |
19445 | kv.each { |key, value| old_values[key], ENV[key] = ENV[key], value } |
19446 | old_values.each { |key, value| ENV[key] = value } |
19447 | Time.stub(:now, + 1)) do |
19448 | assert_equal({ type: value }, |
19449 | @cache.delete_matched("*") |
19450 | other_key = "#{prefix}#{SecureRandom.uuid}" |
19451 | @cache.write(key, 1, raw: true) |
19452 | @peek.write(key, 2, raw: true) |
19453 | @peek.write(key, 3, raw: true) |
19454 | @cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key) { |_key| true } |
19455 | initial = +"bar" |
19456 | initial << "baz" |
19457 | @cache.fetch(key) { initial } |
19458 | app = lambda { |env| |
19459 |{}) |
19460 | Time.stub(:now, time + 61) do |
19461 | val = cache.fetch(key) { "1" } |
19462 | fetched = cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key) { |k| "unavailable" } |
19463 | cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key) { |k| "unavailable" } |
19464 | assert @cache.write(key, "1", raw: true) |
19465 | assert_equal "1",, raw: true) |
19466 | assert_equal "1", @cache.fetch(key, raw: true) |
19467 | assert_equal "2", @cache.fetch(key, raw: true) { "2" } |
19468 | key = (+"\xC3\xBCmlaut").force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) |
19469 | cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(*store, { pool: { size: 2, timeout: 1 } }.merge(store_options)) |
19470 | def store_options; {}; end |
19471 | @cache.fetch(key, version: 1) { value } |
19472 | @cache.write([ "something", m1v1 ], value) |
19473 | assert_nil[ "something", m1v2 ]) |
19474 | @cache.fetch(m1v1) { value } |
19475 | second_fetch_values = @cache.fetch_multi(m1v1, m2v2) { |m| m.cache_key + " 2nd" } |
19476 | assert_equal({ m1v1 => "#{model_name}/1", m2v1 => "#{model_name}/2" }, first_fetch_values) |
19477 | assert_equal({ m1v1 => "#{model_name}/1", m2v2 => "#{model_name}/2 2nd" }, second_fetch_values) |
19478 | @dumped_entries = [] |
19479 | @loaded_entries = [] |
19480 | @store.write("foo", "bar") |
19481 |"foo") |
19482 | @store.write_multi({ "foo" => "bar", "egg" => "spam" }) |
19483 | @store.read_multi("foo", "egg") |
19484 | @cache.write(key, "baz") |
19485 | assert_equal "bar", @cache.fetch(key) { "baz" } |
19486 | assert_called_with(@cache, :write, [key, "baz", @cache.options]) do |
19487 | assert_equal "baz", @cache.fetch(key) { "baz" } |
19488 | assert_equal 10, @cache.fetch(key) { |key| cache_miss = true; key.length } |
19489 | version: "v42", |
19490 | assert_called_with(@cache, :write, [key, "bar", @cache.options.merge(force: true)]) do |
19491 | @cache.fetch(key, force: true) { "bar" } |
19492 | assert_nil @cache.fetch(key) { "baz" } |
19493 | assert_nil @cache.fetch(key, skip_nil: true) { nil } |
19494 | assert_equal "foo_bar", @cache.fetch(key, force: true) { "foo_bar" } |
19495 | assert @cache.write(key, a: "b") |
19496 | assert_equal({ a: "b" }, |
19497 | @cache.write(other_key, "baz") |
19498 | assert_equal({ key => "bar", other_key => "baz" }, @cache.read_multi(key, other_key)) |
19499 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expires_in: 10) |
19500 | Time.stub(:now, time + 11) do |
19501 | @cache.write(other_key, "biz") |
19502 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key, third_key) { |value| value * 2 } |
19503 | assert_equal({ key => "bar", other_key => "biz", third_key => (third_key * 2) }, values) |
19504 | assert_equal((third_key * 2), |
19505 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(key, third_key, other_key, expires_in: nil) { |value| value * 2 } |
19506 | assert_equal({ key => "bar", third_key => (third_key * 2), other_key => "biz" }, values) |
19507 | foo =, "FOO!") |
19508 | @cache.write(other_key, "BAM!") |
19509 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(foo, bar) { |object| object.title } |
19510 | assert_equal({ foo => "FOO!", bar => "BAM!" }, values) |
19511 | @cache.write(key, "BAM") |
19512 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(other_key, third_key, key) { |key| key.upcase } |
19513 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key, force: true) { |value| value * 2 } |
19514 | assert_equal({ key => (key * 2), other_key => (other_key * 2) }, values) |
19515 | assert_equal(key * 2, |
19516 | values = @cache.fetch_multi(key, other_key, skip_nil: true) { |k| k == key ? k : nil } |
19517 | assert_equal({ key => key, other_key => nil }, values) |
19518 | @cache.write(, "bar") |
19519 | @cache.write([key, "foo"], "bar") |
19520 | assert_equal "bar","#{key}/foo") |
19521 | @cache.write([test_instance_one], "one") |
19522 | @cache.write([test_instance_two], "two") |
19523 | @cache.write({ key => 1, other_key => 2 }, "bar") |
19524 | assert_equal "bar",{ key => 1, other_key => 2 }) |
19525 | bar = +"bar" |
19526 | assert_nothing_raised { bar.gsub!(/.*/, "baz") } |
19527 | time = Time.local(2008, 4, 24) |
19528 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expires_in: 1.minute) |
19529 | Time.stub(:now, time + 30) do |
19530 | Time.stub(:now, time + 1.minute + 1.second) do |
19531 | Time.stub(:now, time + 2.minute + 1.second) do |
19532 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expires_at: time + 15.seconds) |
19533 | Time.stub(:now, time + 10) do |
19534 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expire_in: 20) |
19535 | Time.stub(:now, time + 21) do |
19536 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expired_in: 20) |
19537 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expire_in: 60, expires_at: 1.minute.from_now) |
19538 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expires_in: -60) |
19539 | time = @cache.send(:read_entry, @cache.send(:normalize_key, key, {}), **{}).expires_at |
19540 | Time.stub(:now, do |
19541 | @cache.write(key, "bar", expires_in: 60) |
19542 | Time.stub(:now, time + 71) do |
19543 | Time.stub(:now, time + 91) do |
19544 | @cache.write(key, "foo", expires_in: 60) |
19545 | assert_equal({ key => "baz", other_key => "bar" }, result) |
19546 | absurd_key = "#/:*(<+=> )&$%@?;'\"\'`~-" |
19547 | assert_equal "2", @cache.fetch(absurd_key, raw: true) { "2" } |
19548 | assert_nil"#{key}x") |
19549 | assert_equal({ key => "bar" }, @cache.read_multi(key)) |
19550 | assert @cache.fetch(key, raw: true) { } |
19551 | actual_entry = @cache.send(:read_entry, @cache.send(:normalize_key, actual, {}), **{}) |
19552 | uncompressed_entry = @cache.send(:read_entry, @cache.send(:normalize_key, uncompressed, {}), **{}) |
19553 | @cache.fetch_multi "a", "b", "c" do |key| |
19554 | writes = { key_1 => value_1, key_2 => value_2 } |
19555 | assert_equal({ key_1 => value_1, key_2 => value_2 }, events[0].payload[:key]) |
19556 | @cache.fetch_multi(key_2, key_1) { |key| key * 2 } |
19557 | assert_equal [key_2, key_1], events[0].payload[:key] |
19558 | @cache.fetch_multi() { |key| key * 2 } |
19559 | assert_equal [], events[0].payload[:key] |
19560 | [].tap do |events| |
19561 | @cache.write(key, 3, raw: true) |
19562 | @cache.write("fu", "baz") |
19563 | @cache.write("foo/bar", "baz") |
19564 | @cache.write("fu/baz", "bar") |
19565 | assert @cache.exist?("fu") |
19566 | assert @cache.exist?("fu/baz") |
19567 | @logger = @log1 |
19568 | logger << "foo" |
19569 | assert_equal [[::Logger::ERROR, "from error", nil], [::Logger::UNKNOWN, "from unknown", nil]], custom_logger.adds |
19570 | assert_equal [[::Logger::ERROR, "from error", nil], [::Logger::UNKNOWN, "from unknown", nil]], new_logger.adds |
19571 | assert_equal [[::Logger::ERROR, "from error", nil], [::Logger::UNKNOWN, "from unknown", nil]], log1.adds |
19572 | assert_equal [[::Logger::ERROR, "from error", nil], [::Logger::UNKNOWN, "from unknown", nil]], log2.adds |
19573 | assert_equal [[::Logger::FATAL, "seen", nil]], log1.adds |
19574 | assert_equal [[::Logger::FATAL, "seen", nil]], log2.adds |
19575 | @local_level = ::Logger::DEBUG |
19576 | add(::Logger::INFO, message, &block) |
19577 | add(::Logger::WARN, message, &block) |
19578 | def <<(x) |
19579 | @chevrons << x |
19580 | def initialize; @lines = []; end |
19581 | def each(&block); @lines.each(&block); end |
19582 | def write(x); @lines << x; end |
19583 | def empty?; @lines.empty?; end |
19584 | benchmark { i_was_run = true } |
19585 | benchmark("test_run") { i_was_run = true } |
19586 | benchmark("included_debug_run", level: :debug) { } |
19587 | benchmark("skipped_debug_run", level: :debug) { } |
19588 | assert_match(/^#{message} \(.*\)$/, buffer.last) |
19589 | assert @array_inquirer.any? { |v| v == :mobile } |
19590 | assert_not @array_inquirer.any? { |v| v == :desktop } |
19591 | result = [:mobile, :tablet, "api"].inquiry |
19592 | (name == :foo) || super |
19593 | data = || "") |
19594 | texts = +"" |
19595 | element.texts.each { |t| texts << t.value } |
19596 | hash[key] << value |
19597 | hash[key] = [hash[key], value] |
19598 | hash[key] = [value] |
19599 | attributes = {} |
19600 | element.attributes.each { |n, v| attributes[n] = v } |
19601 | @hash = {} |
19602 | @hash_stack = [@hash] |
19603 | def start_element(name, attrs = []) |
19604 | def to_hash(hash = {}) |
19605 | node_hash = {} |
19606 | elsif c.text? || c.cdata? |
19607 | attribute_nodes.each { |a| node_hash[a.node_name] = a.value } |
19608 | @hash = @hash_stack.pop |
19609 | def on_start_element(name, attrs = {}) |
19610 | each_attr { |a| node_hash[] = a.value } |
19611 | raise "Document too deep!" if depth == 0 |
19612 | (0...child_nodes.length).each do |i| |
19613 | attribute_hash = {} |
19614 | (0...attributes.length).each do |i| |
19615 | texts = [] |
19616 | text = +"" |
19617 | if String === number |
19618 | if value.is_a?(::Method) || value.is_a?(::Proc) |
19619 | if value.arity == 1 |
19620 | type_name ||= if value && !value.respond_to?(:to_str) |
19621 | attributes = options[:skip_types] || type_name.nil? ? {} : { type: type_name } |
19622 | def rename_key(key, options = {}) |
19623 | left, middle, right = /\A(_*)(.*?)(_*)\Z/.match(key.strip)[1, 3] |
19624 | sign = (seconds < 0 ? "-" : "+") |
19625 | minutes = (seconds.abs % 3600) / 60 |
19626 | def [](arg) |
19627 | @lazy_zones_map[arg] ||= create(arg) |
19628 | @lazy_zones_map[] ||= create(, nil, arg) |
19629 | arg *= 3600 if arg.abs <= 13 |
19630 | all.find { |z| z.utc_offset == arg.to_i } |
19631 | def clear # :nodoc: |
19632 | @zones = nil |
19633 | @zones_map = nil |
19634 | MAPPING.inject([]) do |memo, (key, value)| |
19635 | memo << self[key] if value == tz_id |
19636 | @zones_map ||= MAPPING.each_with_object({}) do |(name, _), zones| |
19637 | def <=>(zone) |
19638 | result = (utc_offset <=> zone.utc_offset) |
19639 | result = (name <=> if result == 0 |
19640 | def =~(re) |
19641 | re === name || re === MAPPING[name] |
19642 | (re == name) || (re == MAPPING[name]) || |
19643 | ((Regexp === re) && (re.match?(name) || re.match?(MAPPING[name]))) |
19644 | time = Time.utc(*args) |
19645 | def at(*args) |
19646 | if parts.key?(:yday) |
19647 | time = |
19648 | parts.fetch(:hour, 0), |
19649 | parts.fetch(:min, 0), |
19650 | parts.fetch(:sec, 0) + parts.fetch(:sec_fraction, 0), |
19651 | def parse(str, now = now()) |
19652 | parts.fetch(:sec) + parts.fetch(:sec_fraction, 0), |
19653 | def strptime(str, format, now = now()) |
19654 | today + 1 |
19655 | today - 1 |
19656 | t : Time.utc(t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.min, t.sec, t.sec_fraction * 1_000_000) |
19657 | def init_with(coder) # :nodoc: |
19658 | coder.tag = "!ruby/object:#{self.class}" |
19659 | = { "name" => } |
19660 | parts.fetch(:mday, parts[:year] || parts[:mon] ? 1 :, |
19661 | if parts[:offset] || parts[:seconds] |
19662 | @period ||= time_zone.period_for_utc(@utc) |
19663 | def in_time_zone(new_zone = |
19664 | zone == "UTC" || zone == "UCT" |
19665 | alias_method :gmt?, :utc? |
19666 | %(#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}) |
19667 | initialize(coder["utc"], coder["zone"], coder["time"]) |
19668 | = { "utc" => utc, "zone" => time_zone, "time" => time } |
19669 | if format == :db |
19670 | format = format.gsub(/((?:\A|[^%])(?:%%)*)%Z/, "\\1#{zone}") |
19671 | utc <=> other |
19672 | alias_method :before?, :< |
19673 | alias_method :after?, :> |
19674 | alias_method :since, :+ |
19675 | alias_method :in, :+ |
19676 | def -(other) |
19677 | result = utc.acts_like?(:date) ? utc.ago(other) : utc - other rescue utc.ago(other) |
19678 | new_zone = ::Time.find_zone(options[:zone]) |
19679 | new_zone ||= time_zone |
19680 | [time.sec, time.min, time.hour,, time.mon, time.year, time.wday, time.yday, dst?, zone] |
19681 | klass == ::Time || super |
19682 | alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a? |
19683 | def method_missing(...) |
19684 | wrap_with_time_zone time.__send__(...) |
19685 | @time += 1.hour |
19686 | return time if time.instance_of?(::Time) && time.utc? |
19687 | @stubs = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
19688 | new_name = "__simple_stub__#{method_name}" |
19689 | if date_or_time.is_a?(Date) && !date_or_time.is_a?(DateTime) |
19690 | stubs.stub_object(Time, :now) { at(now) } |
19691 | stubs.stub_object(Time, :new) do |*args, **options| |
19692 | stubs.stub_object(Date, :today) { jd(now.to_date.jd) } |
19693 | heading = "#{self.class}: #{name}" |
19694 | divider = "-" * heading.size |
19695 | @tagged_logger ||= (defined?(Rails.logger) && Rails.logger) |
19696 | def warn(message, *) |
19697 | stream_io = eval("$#{stream}", binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) |
19698 | @size = size |
19699 | def <<(work) |
19700 | set_process_title("#{klass}##{method}") |
19701 | def <<(o) |
19702 | o[2] =[2]) if o |
19703 | @queue << o |
19704 | if test = @queue.pop |
19705 | @in_flight[[test[0].to_s, test[1]]] = test |
19706 | error.set_backtrace([""]) |
19707 | @@after_fork_hooks = [] |
19708 | @@after_fork_hooks << blk |
19709 | @@run_cleanup_hooks = [] |
19710 | @@run_cleanup_hooks << blk |
19711 | @worker_pool = [] |
19712 | object.stub(method_name, proc { times_called += 1; returns }, &block) |
19713 | error = "Expected #{method_name} to be called #{times} times, " \ |
19714 | error = "#{message}. #{error}" if message |
19715 | klass.define_method("stubbed_#{method_name}") do |*| |
19716 |! { |e| |
19717 | write.puts [result].pack("m") |
19718 | test_opts = "-n#{}##{name}" |
19719 | load_path_args = [] |
19720 | $-I.each do |p| |
19721 | load_path_args << "-I" |
19722 | child = IO.popen([env, Gem.ruby, *load_path_args, $0, *ORIG_ARGV, test_opts]) |
19723 | msg = "the directory '%s' does not contain a file named '%s'" |
19724 | reports = [] |
19725 | recorders.delete_if { |r| reports.equal?(r) } |
19726 | elsif (report = reports.find { |r| error_class === r.error }) |
19727 | assert warnings.any? { |w| match.match?(w) }, "No deprecation warning matched #{match}: #{warnings.join(', ')}" |
19728 | test_name = "test_#{name.gsub(/\s+/, '_')}".to_sym |
19729 | names = test_name.split "::" |
19730 | names.last.sub!(/Test$/, "") |
19731 | message ||= "Expected #{mu_pp(object)} to be nil or false" |
19732 | error = super(*exp, &block) |
19733 | yield.tap { assert(true) } |
19734 | difference = args[0] || 1 |
19735 | exps = { |e| |
19736 | e.respond_to?(:call) ? e : lambda { eval(e, block.binding) } |
19737 | before = |
19738 | exp = expression.respond_to?(:call) ? expression : -> { eval(expression.to_s, block.binding) } |
19739 | error = "#{error}. It was already #{to}" if before == to |
19740 | error = "Expected change to #{to}, got #{after} " |
19741 | assert to === after, error |
19742 | warning = <<~MSG |
19743 | def pop_tags(count = 1) |
19744 | @tags = [] |
19745 | tags.reject!(&:blank?) |
19746 | elsif @tags.size == 1 |
19747 | @tags_string ||= "[#{@tags.join("] [")}] " |
19748 | def spot(_) |
19749 | @ex = ex |
19750 | super(@ex.__getobj__) |
19751 | file, line = trace.match(/^(.+?):(\d+).*$/, &:captures) || trace |
19752 | __getobj__.to_s.split(" ") |
19753 | @@subscribers ||= [] |
19754 | method =[0,".")] |
19755 | method_name.end_with?("?") || super |
19756 | if method_name.end_with?("?") |
19757 | self == method_name[0..-2] |
19758 | l = a.unpack "C#{a.bytesize}" |
19759 | res = 0 |
19760 | b.each_byte { |byte| res |= byte ^ l.shift } |
19761 | res == 0 |
19762 | @rotate_values = [] |
19763 | key = if klass.is_a?(Module) && klass.respond_to?(:===) |
19764 | self.rescue_handlers += [[key, with]] |
19765 | if method.arity == 0 |
19766 | -> e { } |
19767 | -> e { object.instance_exec(&rescuer) } |
19768 | -> e { object.instance_exec(e, &rescuer) } |
19769 | to_run(:after) { self.class.prepare! } |
19770 | def!(reset: false) # :nodoc: |
19771 | def self.check! # :nodoc: |
19772 | def run! # :nodoc: |
19773 | def class_unload!(&block) # :nodoc: |
19774 | def complete! # :nodoc: |
19775 | if k == "disable_to_s_conversion" |
19776 | k = "#{k}=" |
19777 | undef_method :== |
19778 | ::Object.send(:raise, *args) |
19779 | pattern.is_a?(Regexp) ? pattern : "(?i:#{Regexp.escape pattern.to_s})" |
19780 | deep_patterns = patterns.extract! { |pattern| pattern.to_s.include?("\\.") } |
19781 | @mask = mask |
19782 | @regexps, strings = [], [] |
19783 | @blocks = nil |
19784 | (@blocks ||= []) << item |
19785 | if item.to_s.include?("\\.") |
19786 | (@deep_regexps ||= []) << item |
19787 | @regexps << item |
19788 | if s.include?("\\.") |
19789 | (deep_strings ||= []) << s |
19790 | strings << s |
19791 | (@deep_regexps ||= []) <<"|"), true) if deep_strings |
19792 | full_key = full_parent_key ? "#{full_parent_key}.#{key}" : key.to_s |
19793 | if @regexps.any? { |r| r.match?(key.to_s) } |
19794 | value = @mask |
19795 | elsif @deep_regexps&.any? { |r| r.match?(full_key) } |
19796 | value = { |v| value_for_key(key, v, full_parent_key, original_params) } |
19797 | @blocks.each { |b| b.arity == 2 ?, value) :, value, original_params) } |
19798 | alias_method :_get, :[] # preserve the original #[] method |
19799 | if name_string.chomp!("=") |
19800 | bangs = name_string.chomp!("!") |
19801 | super() { |h, k| parent._get(k) } |
19802 | super() { |h, k| parent[k] } |
19803 | class OrderedHash < ::Hash # :nodoc: |
19804 | coder.represent_seq "!omap", map { |k, v| { k => v } } |
19805 | dup.tap { |hash|!(*args, &block) } |
19806 | dup.tap { |hash| hash.reject!(*args, &block) } |
19807 | undef_method(method) unless method.start_with?("__", "instance_eval", "class", "object_id") |
19808 | if arguments.size == 1 && arguments.first.is_a?(Proc) |
19809 | arguments << lambda { |*args| @options.deep_merge(*args)) } |
19810 | @context.__send__(method, *arguments, **options, &block) |
19811 | @context.__send__(method, *arguments, &block) |
19812 | s = rounded_number.to_s("F") |
19813 | a, b = s.split(".", 2) |
19814 | b << "0" * precision |
19815 | a << "." |
19816 | a << b[0, precision] |
19817 | number.sub(/(#{escaped_separator})(\d*[1-9])?0+\z/, '\1\2').sub(/#{escaped_separator}\z/, "") |
19818 | default_pattern = /(\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{4}$)/ |
19819 | default_pattern = /(\d{0,3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/ |
19820 | opts[:delimiter] || "-" |
19821 | code.blank? ? "" : "+#{code}#{delimiter}" |
19822 | ext.blank? ? "" : " x #{ext}" |
19823 | conversion_format.gsub("%n", number_to_format).gsub("%u", unit) |
19824 | exp = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(base)).to_i |
19825 | -1 => :deci, -2 => :centi, -3 => :mili, -6 => :micro, -9 => :nano, -12 => :pico, -15 => :femto } |
19826 | units = opts[:units] |
19827 | @number = number / (10**exponent) |
19828 | format.gsub("%n", rounded_number).gsub("%u", unit).strip |
19829 | units[exp] || "" |
19830 | I18n.translate("#{units}.#{exp}", locale: options[:locale], count: number.to_i) |
19831 | exponent = number != 0 ? Math.log10(number.abs).floor : 0 |
19832 | unit_exponents(units).find { |e| exponent >= e } || 0 |
19833 | left, right = number.to_s.split(".") |
19834 | format = options[:negative_format] if (number_f * 10**options[:precision]) >= 0.5 |
19835 | format = options[:negative_format] if number_s.sub!(/^-/, "") |
19836 | format.gsub("%n", number_s).gsub("%u", options[:unit]) |
19837 | @options ||= begin |
19838 | defaults[:negative_format] = "-#{opts[:format]}" if opts[:format] |
19839 | i18n[:negative_format] ||= "-#{i18n[:format]}" if i18n[:format] |
19840 | separator: ".", |
19841 | delimiter: ",", |
19842 | format: "%u%n", |
19843 | negative_format: "-%u%n", |
19844 | unit: "$", |
19845 | delimiter: "", |
19846 | format: "%n%" |
19847 | delimiter: "" |
19848 | byte: "Bytes", |
19849 | unit: "", |
19850 | key.split(".").reduce(DEFAULTS) { |defaults, k| defaults[k.to_sym] } |
19851 | @id = id |
19852 | def new_event(name, payload = {}) # :nodoc: |
19853 |, nil, nil, @id, payload) |
19854 | @cpu_time_start = 0.0 |
19855 | @cpu_time_finish = 0.0 |
19856 | @time = now |
19857 | @end = now |
19858 | diff > 0.0 ? diff : 0.0 |
19859 | def parent_of?(event) # :nodoc: |
19860 | start = (time - event.time) * 1000 |
19861 | start <= 0 && (start + duration >= event.duration) |
19862 | exceptions ||= [] |
19863 | @string_subscribers = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
19864 | @other_subscribers = [] |
19865 | def clear_cache(key = nil) # :nodoc: |
19866 | each do |s| |
19867 | def groups_for(name) # :nodoc: |
19868 | group.start(@name, @id, @payload) |
19869 | @all_listeners_for[name] ||= |
19870 | all_listeners_for(name).reject { |s| s.silenced?(name) } |
19871 | all_listeners_for(name).any? { |s| !s.silenced?(name) } |
19872 | exclusions << -name if pattern === name |
19873 | def ===(name) |
19874 | pattern === name && !exclusions.include?(name) |
19875 | pattern === name |
19876 | delegate :<=>, :=~, :match?, :acts_like_string?, to: :wrapped_string |
19877 | result = @wrapped_string.__send__(method, *args, &block) |
19878 | if method.end_with?("!") |
19879 | @wrapped_string.split(*args).map { |i| } |
19880 | chars(downcase.to_s.gsub(/\b('?\S)/u) { $1.upcase }) |
19881 | def as_json(options = nil) # :nodoc: |
19882 | define_method("#{method}!") do |*args| |
19883 | super(*args, **options) |
19884 | @args = args |
19885 | @rotations = [] |
19886 |*args, *@args.drop(args.length), **@options, **options) |
19887 | @rotate_options = [] |
19888 | @codecs = {} |
19889 | def [](salt) |
19890 | def []=(salt, codec) |
19891 | @rotate_options << (block || options) |
19892 | filter_map { |type, name| name if type == :key || type == :keyreq } |
19893 | { |options| build(salt.to_s, **options) }.reduce(&:fall_back_to) |
19894 | @signed, @encrypted = [], [] |
19895 | @signed << args |
19896 | has_metadata = metadata.any? { |k, v| v } |
19897 | data = wrap_in_metadata_envelope({ "data" => data }, **metadata) if has_metadata |
19898 | elsif expected_metadata.none? { |k, v| v } |
19899 | hash["exp"] = expiry if expiry |
19900 | { "_rails" => hash } |
19901 | hash = envelope["_rails"] |
19902 | if hash["exp"] && >= parse_expiry(hash["exp"]) |
19903 | if hash["pur"] != purpose&.to_s |
19904 | object.is_a?(Hash) && object.key?("_rails") |
19905 | string.start_with?('{"_rails":{"message":') |
19906 | @url_safe = url_safe |
19907 | error = if as |
19908 | @digest = digest&.to_s || "SHA1" |
19909 | @verifier = if !@aead_mode |
19910 | cipher.auth_data = "" if aead_mode? |
19911 | cipher.auth_data = "" |
19912 |! { |part| encode(part) }.join(SEPARATOR) |
19913 | parts.reverse!.map! { |part| decode(part) } |
19914 | @local_level_key ||= :"logger_thread_safe_level_#{object_id}" |
19915 | silencer ? log_at(severity) { yield self } : yield(self) |
19916 | sources.any? { |source| source == logger_source } |
19917 | define_method(:add) do |*args, &block| |
19918 | define_method(:<<) do |x| |
19919 | logger << x |
19920 | @flush_count = 0 |
19921 | @logged = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
19922 | @logged[level] << yield |
19923 | @logged[level] { |l| l.to_s.strip } |
19924 | @flush_count += 1 |
19925 | @logger ||= if defined?(Rails) && Rails.respond_to?(:logger) |
19926 | def attach_to(...) # :nodoc: |
19927 | subscriber.event_levels = log_levels.transform_keys { |k| "#{k}.#{namespace}" } |
19928 | @event_levels = {} |
19929 | def #{level}(progname = nil, &block) |
19930 | def color(text, color, mode_options = {}) # :doc: |
19931 | clear = "\e[#{MODES[:clear]}m" |
19932 | in Rails 7.2. Use an option hash instead (eg. `color("my text", :red, bold: true)`). |
19933 | options = { bold: options } |
19934 | logger.error "Could not log #{name.inspect} event. #{e.class}: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace}" |
19935 | en: { |
19936 | nth: { |
19937 | when 1; "st" |
19938 | when 2; "nd" |
19939 | when 3; "rd" |
19940 | when 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; "th" |
19941 | num_modulo %= 10 if num_modulo > 13 |
19942 | @load_hooks = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
19943 | def on_load(name, options = {}, &block) |
19944 | @load_hooks[name] << [block, options] |
19945 | @loaded[name] << base |
19946 | @run_once[name] << block if once |
19947 | @iterations = options[:iterations] || 2**16 |
19948 | @cache_keys[args.join("|")] ||= @key_generator.generate_key(*args) |
19949 | @options = options || {} |
19950 | s = super |
19951 | value.each do |k, v| |
19952 | { |v| jsonify(v) } |
19953 |! { |d| convert_dates_from(d) } |
19954 | @scope = |
19955 | self[:__id__] ||= |
19956 | parameterized_string.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/i, separator) |
19957 | if separator == "-" |
19958 | re_leading_trailing_separator = /^-|-$/i |
19959 | re_leading_trailing_separator = /^#{re_sep}|#{re_sep}$/i |
19960 | elsif string.match?(/\A[a-z\d]*\z/) |
19961 | string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| inflections.acronyms[match] || match.capitalize! || match } |
19962 | string.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/i) do |
19963 | word = $2 |
19964 | $1 ? "::#{substituted}" : substituted |
19965 | return camel_cased_word.to_s unless /[A-Z-]|::/.match?(camel_cased_word) |
19966 | word = camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub("::", "/") |
19967 | word.gsub!(inflections.acronyms_underscore_regex) { "#{$1 && '_' }#{$2.downcase}" } |
19968 | word.gsub!(/([A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|([a-z\d])(?=[A-Z])/) { ($1 || $2) << "_" } |
19969 |!("-", "_") |
19970 |!("_", " ") |
19971 | result.gsub!(/([a-z\d]+)/i) do |match| |
19972 | result.sub!(/\A\w/) do |match| |
19973 | string.length > 0 ? string[0].upcase.concat(string[1..-1]) : "" |
19974 | string.length > 0 ? string[0].downcase.concat(string[1..-1]) : "" |
19975 | camelize(singularize(table_name.to_s.sub(/.*\./, ""))) |
19976 |"_", "-") |
19977 | path = path.to_s |
19978 | if i = path.rindex("::") |
19979 | path[(i + 2), path.length] |
19980 | raise if && !(camel_cased_word.to_s.split("::").include?( || |
19981 | == camel_cased_word.to_s) |
19982 | parts = camel_cased_word.split("::") |
19983 | part.empty? ? acc : "#{part}(::#{acc})?" |
19984 | @__instance__ = |
19985 | @regex_array = [] |
19986 | def <<(*word) |
19987 | @regex_array += { |word| to_regex(word) } |
19988 | @regex_array.any? { |regex| regex.match? str } |
19989 | /\b#{::Regexp.escape(string)}\Z/i |
19990 | @__instance__[locale] ||= new |
19991 | return @__instance__[k] if @__instance__.key?(k) |
19992 | @plurals, @singulars, @uncountables, @humans, @acronyms = [], [],, [], {} |
19993 | s0 = singular[0] |
19994 | srest = singular[1..-1] |
19995 | p0 = plural[0] |
19996 | prest = plural[1..-1] |
19997 | plural(/(#{s0})#{srest}$/i, '\1' + prest) |
19998 | plural(/(#{p0})#{prest}$/i, '\1' + prest) |
19999 | singular(/(#{s0})#{srest}$/i, '\1' + srest) |
20000 | singular(/(#{p0})#{prest}$/i, '\1' + srest) |
20001 | plural(/#{s0.downcase}(?i)#{srest}$/, p0.downcase + prest) |
20002 | plural(/#{p0.downcase}(?i)#{prest}$/, p0.downcase + prest) |
20003 | singular(/#{s0.downcase}(?i)#{srest}$/, s0.downcase + srest) |
20004 | singular(/#{p0.downcase}(?i)#{prest}$/, s0.downcase + srest) |
20005 | def clear(scope = :all) |
20006 | @acronyms = {} |
20007 | instance_variable_set "@#{scope}", [] |
20008 | @acronyms_underscore_regex = /(?:(?<=([A-Za-z\d]))|\b)(#{@acronym_regex})(?=\b|[^a-z])/ |
20009 | inflect.plural(/s$/i, "s") |
20010 | inflect.plural(/^(ax|test)is$/i, '\1es') |
20011 | inflect.plural(/(octop|vir)us$/i, '\1i') |
20012 | inflect.plural(/(octop|vir)i$/i, '\1i') |
20013 | inflect.plural(/(alias|status)$/i, '\1es') |
20014 | inflect.plural(/(bu)s$/i, '\1ses') |
20015 | inflect.plural(/(buffal|tomat)o$/i, '\1oes') |
20016 | inflect.plural(/([ti])um$/i, '\1a') |
20017 | inflect.plural(/([ti])a$/i, '\1a') |
20018 | inflect.plural(/sis$/i, "ses") |
20019 | inflect.plural(/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i, '\1\2ves') |
20020 | inflect.plural(/(hive)$/i, '\1s') |
20021 | inflect.plural(/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i, '\1ies') |
20022 | inflect.plural(/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i, '\1es') |
20023 | inflect.plural(/(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$/i, '\1ices') |
20024 | inflect.plural(/^(m|l)ouse$/i, '\1ice') |
20025 | inflect.plural(/^(m|l)ice$/i, '\1ice') |
20026 | inflect.plural(/^(ox)$/i, '\1en') |
20027 | inflect.plural(/^(oxen)$/i, '\1') |
20028 | inflect.singular(/s$/i, "") |
20029 | inflect.singular(/(ss)$/i, '\1') |
20030 | inflect.singular(/(n)ews$/i, '\1ews') |
20031 | inflect.singular(/([ti])a$/i, '\1um') |
20032 | inflect.singular(/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)(sis|ses)$/i, '\1sis') |
20033 | inflect.singular(/(^analy)(sis|ses)$/i, '\1sis') |
20034 | inflect.singular(/([^f])ves$/i, '\1fe') |
20035 | inflect.singular(/(hive)s$/i, '\1') |
20036 | inflect.singular(/(tive)s$/i, '\1') |
20037 | inflect.singular(/([lr])ves$/i, '\1f') |
20038 | inflect.singular(/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, '\1y') |
20039 | inflect.singular(/(s)eries$/i, '\1eries') |
20040 | inflect.singular(/(m)ovies$/i, '\1ovie') |
20041 | inflect.singular(/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i, '\1') |
20042 | inflect.singular(/^(m|l)ice$/i, '\1ouse') |
20043 | inflect.singular(/(bus)(es)?$/i, '\1') |
20044 | inflect.singular(/(o)es$/i, '\1') |
20045 | inflect.singular(/(shoe)s$/i, '\1') |
20046 | inflect.singular(/(cris|test)(is|es)$/i, '\1is') |
20047 | inflect.singular(/^(a)x[ie]s$/i, '\1xis') |
20048 | inflect.singular(/(octop|vir)(us|i)$/i, '\1us') |
20049 | inflect.singular(/(alias|status)(es)?$/i, '\1') |
20050 | inflect.singular(/^(ox)en/i, '\1') |
20051 | inflect.singular(/(vert|ind)ices$/i, '\1ex') |
20052 | inflect.singular(/(matr)ices$/i, '\1ix') |
20053 | inflect.singular(/(quiz)zes$/i, '\1') |
20054 | config.i18n.load_path = [] |
20055 | I18n.public_send("#{setting}=", value) |
20056 | I18n.load_path.keep_if { |p| File.exist?(p) } |
20057 | args = \ |
20058 | [*(fallbacks[:defaults] || []) << fallbacks[:map]].compact |
20059 | I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("locale/en.yml", __dir__) |
20060 | I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("locale/en.rb", __dir__) |
20061 | /(?:_|\b)html\z/.match?(key) |
20062 | unless i18n_option?(name) || (name == :count && value.is_a?(Numeric)) |
20063 | def self.[](*args) |
20064 | new.merge!(Hash[*args]) |
20065 | alias_method :store, :[]= |
20066 | args[0] = convert_key(args[0]) if args.size > 0 |
20067 | def default(key = (no_key = true)) |
20068 |! { |key| convert_key(key) } |
20069 |! { |key| convert_key(key) } |
20070 | dup.tap { |hash| hash.transform_values!(&block) } |
20071 | dup.tap { |h| h.transform_keys!(hash, &block) } |
20072 | keys.each { |key| self[yield(key)] = delete(key) } |
20073 | keys.each { |key| self[hash[key] || yield(key)] = delete(key) } |
20074 | keys.each { |key| self[hash[key] || key] = delete(key) } |
20075 | dup.tap(&:compact!) |
20076 | _new_hash = |
20077 | each do |key, value| |
20078 | key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? : key |
20079 | key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key |
20080 | if block && key?(key) |
20081 | if pid == 0 |
20082 | def fork(...) |
20083 | @callbacks = [] |
20084 | if @pid != new_pid |
20085 | @pid = new_pid |
20086 | if Process.respond_to?(:_fork) # Ruby 3.1+ |
20087 | def initialize(files, dirs = {}, &block) |
20088 | all = { |f| File.exist?(f) } |
20089 | @updated_at || max_mtime(paths) || |
20090 | globs = do |key, value| |
20091 | key.gsub(",", '\,') |
20092 | def run(...) |
20093 | Null = # :nodoc: |
20094 | def self.to_run(*args, &block) |
20095 | set_callback(:run, *args, &block) |
20096 | RunHook = do # :nodoc: |
20097 | @active_key ||= :"active_execution_wrapper_#{object_id}" |
20098 | def # :nodoc: |
20099 | def run # :nodoc: |
20100 | @_hook_state ||= {} |
20101 | @core =, dirs) |
20102 | @files = { |file| Pathname(file).expand_path }.to_set |
20103 | @dirs = dirs.each_with_object({}) do |(dir, exts), hash| |
20104 | hash[Pathname(dir).expand_path] = Array(exts).map { |ext| ext.to_s.sub(/\A\.?/, ".") }.to_set |
20105 | @missing = [] |
20106 | @dtw, @missing = [*@dtw, *@missing].partition(&:exist?) |
20107 | @listener = @dtw.any? ?*@dtw, &method(:changed)) : nil |
20108 | @missing.any?(&:exist?) |
20109 | @updated.make_true if (modified + added + removed).any? { |f| watching?(f) } |
20110 | elsif dir == @common_path || dir.root? |
20111 | dtw = @dirs.keys | |
20112 | accounted_for = dtw.to_set + { |path| Pathname(path) } |
20113 | dtw.reject { |dir| dir.ascend.drop(1).any? { |parent| accounted_for.include?(parent) } } |
20114 | { |path| path.ascend.to_a }.reduce(&:&)&.first |
20115 | @subscribers.delete_if { |s| subscriber === s } |
20116 | def set_context(...) |
20117 | unless disabled_subscribers&.any? { |s| s === subscriber } |
20118 | instance_variable_set :"@#{default}", env == default |
20119 | def #{env}? |
20120 | @#{env} |
20121 | if !key.nil? && content_path.exist? |
20122 | tmp_file = "#{}.#{content_path.basename.to_s.chomp('.enc')}" |
20123 | super "Invalid YAML in '#{content_path}'." |
20124 | delegate :[], :fetch, to: :config |
20125 | @config = nil |
20126 | def validate! # :nodoc: |
20127 | hash.each do |k, v| |
20128 | h[k] = deep_transform(v) |
20129 | config.presence || {} |
20130 | output = +"P" |
20131 | time = +"" |
20132 | time << "#{format_seconds(parts[:seconds])}S" |
20133 | output << "T#{time}" unless time.empty? |
20134 | parts = do |(k, v), p| |
20135 | sprintf("%0.0#{@precision}f", seconds) |
20136 | DATE_TO_PART = { "Y" => :years, "M" => :months, "W" => :weeks, "D" => :days } |
20137 | TIME_TO_PART = { "H" => :hours, "M" => :minutes, "S" => :seconds } |
20138 | @parts = {} |
20139 | @mode = :start |
20140 | @sign = 1 |
20141 | self.sign = (scanner.matched == "-") ? -1 : 1 |
20142 | fractions = parts.values.reject(&:zero?).select { |a| (a % 1) != 0 } |
20143 | unless fractions.empty? || (fractions.size == 1 && fractions.last == @parts.values.reject(&:zero?).last) |
20144 | delegate :to_i, :to_f, :to_s, to: :value |
20145 | def -@ |
20146 | if Scalar === other || Duration === other |
20147 | value <=> other |
20148 | calculate(:+, other) |
20149 | calculate(:-, other) |
20150 | calculate(:*, other) |
20151 | def /(other) |
20152 | calculate(:/, other) |
20153 | def %(other) |
20154 | calculate(:%, other) |
20155 | def variable? # :nodoc: |
20156 | if Scalar === other |
20157 | PARTS = [:years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds].freeze |
20158 | def ===(other) # :nodoc: |
20159 | new(value, { seconds: value }, false) |
20160 | def hours(value) # :nodoc: |
20161 | def days(value) # :nodoc: |
20162 | def weeks(value) # :nodoc: |
20163 | def years(value) # :nodoc: |
20164 | parts = {} |
20165 | remainder_sign = value <=> 0 |
20166 | parts.inject(0) do |total, (part, value)| |
20167 | @value, @parts = value, parts |
20168 | @parts.reject! { |k, v| } unless value == 0 |
20169 | @variable = @parts.any? { |part, _| VARIABLE_PARTS.include?(part) } |
20170 | [other, self] |
20171 | seconds = @parts.fetch(:seconds, 0) + other |
20172 | self + (-other) |
20173 | if Duration === other || Scalar === other |
20174 | def -@ # :nodoc: |
20175 | def +@ # :nodoc: |
20176 | def is_a?(klass) # :nodoc: |
20177 | Duration == klass || value.is_a?(klass) |
20178 | alias :kind_of? :is_a? |
20179 | def instance_of?(klass) # :nodoc: |
20180 | Duration === other && other.value.eql?(value) |
20181 | sum(1, time) |
20182 | def ago(time = ::Time.current) |
20183 | sum(-1, time) |
20184 | = { "value" => @value, "parts" => @parts } |
20185 | def _parts # :nodoc: |
20186 | def sum(sign, time = ::Time.current) |
20187 | unless time.acts_like?(:time) || time.acts_like?(:date) |
20188 | @parts.inject(time) do |t, (type, number)| |
20189 | if type == :seconds |
20190 | t.since(sign * number * 60) |
20191 | elsif type == :hours |
20192 | t.since(sign * number * 3600) |
20193 | t.advance(type => sign * number) |
20194 | def <<(object) |
20195 | def [](object) |
20196 | alias_method :include?, :[] |
20197 | def []=(object, _present) |
20198 | def reject!(classes) # :nodoc: |
20199 | @refs = [] |
20200 | def <<(klass) |
20201 | @refs.reject! do |ref| |
20202 | yield ref.__getobj__ |
20203 | @refs.delete_if { |ref| !ref.weakref_alive? } |
20204 | when String then "#{warning} (#{message})" |
20205 | } || callstack.first |
20206 | if md = offending_line.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*?)')?/) |
20207 | instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless /^__|^object_id$/.match?(m) } |
20208 | target.__send__(called, *args, &block) |
20209 | @var = var |
20210 | @instance.__send__(@method) |
20211 | @deprecator.warn("#{@var} is deprecated! Call #{@method}.#{called} instead of #{@var}.#{called}. Args: #{args.inspect}", callstack) |
20212 | def*args, **options, &block) |
20213 | mod = nil |
20214 | mod ||= |
20215 | @disallowed_warnings ||= [] |
20216 | @options = {} |
20217 | @deprecators = {} |
20218 | def [](name) |
20219 | def []=(name, deprecator) |
20220 | each { |deprecator| deprecator.public_send("#{name}=", value) } |
20221 | silence: ->(message, callstack, deprecator) { }, |
20222 | when -2..3 |
20223 | def raw_state(&block) # :nodoc: |
20224 | @_under_path = nil |
20225 | @_at_path = nil |
20226 | full = [name, @_under_path, const_name.to_s].compact.join("::") |
20227 | @_eagerloaded_constants ||= [] |
20228 | @_under_path, old_path = path, @_under_path |
20229 | @_under_path = old_path |
20230 | @_at_path, old_path = path, @_at_path |
20231 | @_at_path = old_path |
20232 | relpath += ".rb" unless relpath.end_with?(".rb") |
20233 | INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = [:set, :reset, :resets, :instance, :before_reset, :after_reset, :reset_all, :clear_all] # :nodoc: |
20234 | batch << |
20235 | def reset_all # :nodoc: |
20236 | def clear_all # :nodoc: |
20237 | send(name, *args, &block) |
20238 | @attributes = {} |
20239 | self.attributes = {} |
20240 | new_attributes.each { |key, value| public_send("#{key}=", value) } |
20241 | keys.index_with { |key| public_send(key) } |
20242 | old_zone, =, new_zone |
20243 | = old_zone |
20244 | db: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", |
20245 | inspect: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %z", |
20246 | number: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", |
20247 | time: "%H:%M", |
20248 | short: "%d %b %H:%M", |
20249 | long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M", |
20250 | time.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y %H:%M") |
20251 | rfc822: lambda { |time| |
20252 | time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S #{offset_format}") |
20253 | def ===(other) |
20254 | super || (self == Time && other.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)) |
20255 | if month == 2 && ::Date.gregorian_leap?(year) |
20256 | days_in_month(2, year) + 337 |
20257 | ? : |
20258 | return at_without_coercion(*args, **kwargs) if args.size != 1 || !kwargs.empty? |
20259 | to_i - change(hour: 0).to_i + (usec / 1.0e+6) |
20260 | end_of_day.to_i - to_i |
20261 | new_usec = options.fetch(:usec, (options[:hour] || options[:min] || options[:sec]) ? 0 : Rational(nsec, 1000)) |
20262 |, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, new_offset) |
20263 | ::Time.utc(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec) |
20264 | new_time =, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, zone) |
20265 | ::Time.local(new_sec, new_min, new_hour, new_day, new_month, new_year, nil, nil, isdst, nil) |
20266 |, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, utc_offset) |
20267 | options[:days] = options.fetch(:days, 0) + 7 * partial_weeks |
20268 | options[:hours] = options.fetch(:hours, 0) + 24 * partial_days |
20269 | options.fetch(:minutes, 0) * 60 + |
20270 | hour: 23, |
20271 | min: 59, |
20272 | sec: 59, |
20273 | def prev_day(days = 1) |
20274 | def next_day(days = 1) |
20275 | def in_time_zone(zone = |
20276 | gsub(/^#{scan(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/).min}/, "").tap do |stripped| |
20277 | to_str[*args] |
20278 | alias_method :slice, :[] |
20279 | self[0, 0] |
20280 | def []=(arg1, arg2, arg3 = nil) |
20281 | def *(_) |
20282 | def %(args) |
20283 | (!html_safe? || arg.html_safe?) ? arg : CGI.escapeHTML(arg.to_s) |
20284 | if !html_safe? || arg.html_safe? |
20285 | block.binding.eval("proc { |m| $~ = m }").call(match_data) |
20286 | def pluralize(count = nil, locale = :en) |
20287 | if count == 1 |
20288 | indent_string = indent_string || self[/^[ \t]/] || " " |
20289 | re = indent_empty_lines ? /^/ : /^(?!$)/ |
20290 | dup.tap { |_| _.indent!(amount, indent_string, indent_empty_lines) } |
20291 | gsub!(/[[:space:]]+/, " ") |
20292 | gsub! pattern, "" |
20293 | omission = options[:omission] || "..." |
20294 | stop = \ |
20295 | +"#{self[0, stop]}#{omission}" |
20296 | omission ||= "" |
20297 | sep = options[:separator] || /\s+/ |
20298 | if self =~ /\A((?>.+?#{sep}){#{words_count - 1}}.+?)#{sep}.*/m |
20299 | $1 + (options[:omission] || "...") |
20300 | def to_time(form = :local) |
20301 | parts.fetch(:offset, form == :utc ? 0 : nil) |
20302 | form == :utc ? time.utc : time.to_time |
20303 | self[0, position + 1] || +"" |
20304 | def first(limit = 1) |
20305 | def last(limit = 1) |
20306 | BASE58_ALPHABET = ("0".."9").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("a".."z").to_a - ["0", "O", "I", "l"] |
20307 | def self.base58(n = 16) |
20308 | idx = byte % 64 |
20309 | def self.base36(n = 16) |
20310 | other.begin == self.begin || cover?(other.begin) || other.cover?(self.begin) |
20311 | def step(n = 1, &block) |
20312 | db: -> (start, stop) do |
20313 | def ===(value) |
20314 | if value.is_a?(::Range) |
20315 | is_backwards_op = value.exclude_end? ? :>= : :> |
20316 | operator = exclude_end? && !value.exclude_end? ? :< : :<= |
20317 | value_max = !exclude_end? && value.exclude_end? ? value.max : value.last |
20318 | public_send("#{key}=", value) |
20319 | public_send("#{key}=", old_value) |
20320 | def try(*args, &block) |
20321 | if args.empty? && block_given? |
20322 | if block.arity == 0 |
20323 | def try!(*args, &block) |
20324 | def try(*) |
20325 | def try!(*) |
20326 | collect(&:to_param).join "/" |
20327 | prefix = "#{key}[]" |
20328 | collect { |value| value.to_query(prefix) }.join "&" |
20329 | unless (value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array)) && value.empty? |
20330 | value.to_query(namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key) |
20331 | query.join("&") |
20332 | if options.is_a?(::JSON::State) |
20333 | class Data # :nodoc: |
20334 | finite? ? self : nil |
20335 | finite? ? to_s : nil |
20336 | map { |v| options ? v.as_json(options.dup) : v.as_json } |
20337 | subset.each do |k, v| |
20338 | result[k.to_s] = options ? v.as_json(options.dup) : v.as_json |
20339 | %(#{strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}) |
20340 | strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
20341 | strftime("%Y/%m/%d") |
20342 | strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z") |
20343 |! { |s| s.to_s.freeze } |
20344 | in?(another_object) ? self : nil |
20345 | map(&:deep_dup) |
20346 | hash = dup |
20347 | if ::String === key || ::Symbol === key |
20348 | respond_to?(:empty?) ? !!empty? : !self |
20349 | empty? || |
20350 | class Time # :nodoc: |
20351 | respond_to? :"acts_like_#{duck}?" |
20352 | def to_fs(format = nil, options = nil) |
20353 | if match = message.match(/((::)?([A-Z]\w*)(::[A-Z]\w*)*)$/) |
20354 | parent_name = name =~ /::[^:]+\z/ ? -$` : nil |
20355 | parents = [] |
20356 | parts = module_parent_name.split("::") |
20357 | if prefix == true && /^[^a-z_]/.match?(to) |
20358 | method_def = [] |
20359 | method_names = [] |
20360 | method_name = prefix ? "#{method_prefix}#{method}" : method |
20361 | if /[^\]]=\z/.match?(method) |
20362 | if to.is_a?(Module) |
20363 | if ( & [:opt, :rest, :keyreq, :key, :keyrest]).any? |
20364 | defn = parameters.filter_map { |type, arg| arg if type == :req } |
20365 | defn << "&block" if parameters.last&.first == :block |
20366 | defn.join(", ") |
20367 | method_def << |
20368 | module_eval(method_def.join(";"), file, line) |
20369 | return false if name == :marshal_dump || name == :_dump |
20370 | if #{target}.nil? |
20371 | if #{allow_nil == true} |
20372 | __send__(method, concern(topic, &block)) |
20373 | raise"invalid attribute name: #{sym}") unless /^[_A-Za-z]\w*$/.match?(sym) |
20374 | def self.#{sym} |
20375 | @__thread_mattr_#{sym} ||= "attr_#{sym}_\#{object_id}" |
20376 | def #{sym} |
20377 | def self.#{sym}=(obj) |
20378 | def #{sym}=(obj) |
20379 | self.class.#{sym} = obj |
20380 | definition = [] |
20381 | raise"invalid attribute name: #{sym}") unless /\A[_A-Za-z]\w*\z/.match?(sym) |
20382 | definition << "def self.#{sym}; @@#{sym}; end" |
20383 | definition << "def #{sym}; @@#{sym}; end" |
20384 | sym_default_value = (block_given? && default.nil?) ? yield : default |
20385 | class_variable_set("@@#{sym}", sym_default_value) unless sym_default_value.nil? && class_variable_defined?("@@#{sym}") |
20386 | definition << "def self.#{sym}=(val); @@#{sym} = val; end" |
20387 | definition << "def #{sym}=(val); @@#{sym} = val; end" |
20388 | attr_name, internal_name = "#{attr_name}=", "#{internal_name}=" if type == :writer |
20389 | location.delete_suffix(".rb") == path.to_s.delete_suffix(".rb") |
20390 | number == 0 ? self == 0 : self % number == 0 |
20391 | omit = slice(*self.keys - keys) |
20392 | hash = slice(*keys) |
20393 | keys.each_with_object( { |key, result| result[key] = delete(key) if has_key?(key) } |
20394 | transform_keys!(&:to_s) |
20395 | each_key do |k| |
20396 | raise"Unknown key: #{k.inspect}. Valid keys are: #{', ')}") |
20397 | { |e| _deep_transform_keys_in_object(e, &block) } |
20398 |! { |e| _deep_transform_keys_in_object!(e, &block) } |
20399 | keys.each { |key| delete(key) } |
20400 | { |e| _deep_transform_values_in_object(e, &block) } |
20401 |! { |e| _deep_transform_values_in_object!(e, &block) } |
20402 | if this_val.is_a?(Hash) && other_val.is_a?(Hash) |
20403 | from_xml xml, [] |
20404 | deep_to_h(@xml) |
20405 | Hash[ { |k, v| ["-", "_"), normalize_keys(v)] } ] |
20406 | { |v| normalize_keys(v) } |
20407 | if value.include?("type") && !value["type"].is_a?(Hash) && @disallowed_types.include?(value["type"]) |
20408 | _, entries = Array.wrap(value.detect { |k, v| not v.is_a?(String) }) |
20409 | if entries.nil? || value["__content__"].try(:empty?) |
20410 | entries.collect { |v| deep_to_h(v) } |
20411 | [deep_to_h(entries)] |
20412 | xml_value = value.transform_values { |v| deep_to_h(v) } |
20413 | xml_value["file"].is_a?(StringIO) ? xml_value["file"] : xml_value |
20414 | value["type"] == "file" || (value["__content__"] && (value.keys.size == 1 || value["__content__"].present?)) |
20415 | value["type"] == "array" |
20416 | value["type"] == "string" && value["nil"] != "true" |
20417 | !nothing?(value) && !garbage?(value) |
20418 | value.blank? || value["nil"] == "true" |
20419 | value["type"] && !value["type"].is_a?(::Hash) && value.size == 1 |
20420 | content = value["__content__"] |
20421 |! { |i| deep_to_h(i) } |
20422 |".#{basename(file_name)}", temp_dir) do |temp_file| |
20423 | basename = [ |
20424 | ].join(".") |
20425 | def html_escape(s) # :nodoc: |
20426 | s = s.to_s |
20427 | name = name.to_s |
20428 | following_chars = name[1..-1] |
20429 | tokens = [] |
20430 | start_re = /<%(?:={1,2}|-|\#|%)?/m |
20431 | finish_re = /(?:[-=])?%>/m |
20432 | source.scan_until(/(?:#{start_re}|#{finish_re})/) |
20433 | tokens << [:TEXT, source.string[pos, len]] if len > 0 |
20434 | tokens << [:OPEN, source.matched] |
20435 | if source.scan(/(.*?)(?=#{finish_re}|\z)/m) |
20436 | tokens << [:CODE, source.string[pos, len]] if len > 0 |
20437 | map(&key).min |
20438 | map(&key).max |
20439 | each { |elem| result[yield(elem)] = elem } |
20440 | to_enum(:index_by) { size if respond_to?(:size) } |
20441 | each { |elem| result[elem] = yield(elem) } |
20442 | to_enum(:index_with) { size if respond_to?(:size) } |
20443 | each { |elem| result[elem] = default } |
20444 | cnt = 0 |
20445 | any? do |element, *args| |
20446 | cnt += 1 if yield element, *args |
20447 | cnt > 1 |
20448 | any? { (cnt += 1) > 1 } |
20449 | map { |element| { |key| element[key] } } |
20450 | map { |element| element[key] } |
20451 | { |key| first[key] } |
20452 | reject(&:blank?) |
20453 | reject { |_k, v| v.blank? } |
20454 | delete_if { |_k, v| v.blank? } |
20455 | if block_given? || !(first.is_a?(Integer) && last.is_a?(Integer)) |
20456 | actual_last = exclude_end? ? (last - 1) : last |
20457 | sum = initial_value || 0 |
20458 | sum + (actual_last - first + 1) * (actual_last + first) / 2 |
20459 | delete_if(&:blank?) |
20460 | if hash_class == Digest::MD5 || hash_class == OpenSSL::Digest::MD5 |
20461 | ary[2] = (ary[2] & 0x0FFF) | (version << 12) |
20462 | ary[3] = (ary[3] & 0x3FFF) | 0x8000 |
20463 | match_data = namespace.match(/\A(\h{8})-(\h{4})-(\h{4})-(\h{4})-(\h{4})(\h{8})\z/) |
20464 | { |s| s.to_i(16) }.pack("NnnnnN") |
20465 | def self.civil_from_format(utc_or_local, year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0) |
20466 | if utc_or_local.to_sym == :local |
20467 | offset = ::Time.local(year, month, day).utc_offset.to_r / 86400 |
20468 | (sec_fraction * 1_000_000).to_i |
20469 | (sec_fraction * 1_000_000_000).to_i |
20470 | (offset * 86400).to_i |
20471 | ? : |
20472 | sec + (min * 60) + (hour * 3600) |
20473 | options.fetch(:min, options[:hour] ? 0 : min), |
20474 | options.fetch(:sec, (options[:hour] || options[:min]) ? 0 : sec) + new_fraction, |
20475 | utc = new_offset(0) |
20476 | offset == 0 |
20477 | time = acts_like?(:time) ? self : nil |
20478 | time || to_time |
20479 | sunday: 0, |
20480 | monday: 1, |
20481 | friday: 5, |
20482 | to_date == ::Date.current |
20483 | first_quarter_month = month - (2 + month) % 3 |
20484 | last_quarter_month = month + (12 - month) % 3 |
20485 | (month / 3.0).ceil |
20486 | (wday - start_day_number) % 7 |
20487 | from_now += 7 unless from_now > 0 |
20488 | ago += 7 unless ago > 0 |
20489 | other.change(hour: hour, min: min, sec: sec, nsec: try(:nsec)) |
20490 | short: "%d %b", |
20491 | long: "%B %d, %Y", |
20492 | db: "%Y-%m-%d", |
20493 | inspect: "%Y-%m-%d", |
20494 | number: "%Y%m%d", |
20495 | date.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y") # => "April 25th, 2007" |
20496 | rfc822: "%d %b %Y", |
20497 | strftime("%a, %d %b %Y") |
20498 | ? : |
20499 | d = self |
20500 | d = d >> options[:years] * 12 if options[:years] |
20501 | d = d >> options[:months] if options[:months] |
20502 | d = d + options[:weeks] * 7 if options[:weeks] |
20503 | d = d + options[:days] if options[:days] |
20504 | |
20505 | if other.is_a?(Time) |
20506 | class Date # :nodoc: |
20507 | k.singleton_class? || k == self |
20508 | class_methods, methods = [], [] |
20509 | unless name.is_a?(Symbol) || name.is_a?(String) |
20510 | defined?(@#{name}) ? @#{name} : self.class.#{name} |
20511 | class_methods << <<~RUBY |
20512 | attr_writer :#{name} |
20513 | class_methods << "silence_redefinition_of_method def #{name}?; !!self.#{name}; end" |
20514 | methods << "silence_redefinition_of_method def #{name}?; !!self.#{name}; end" |
20515 | class_eval(["class << self", *class_methods, "end", *methods].join(";").tr(" ", ";"), location.path, location.lineno) |
20516 | attrs.each { |name| public_send("#{name}=", default) } |
20517 | def to_s(format = "F") |
20518 | object.to_ary || [object] |
20519 | if number.to_i <= 0 |
20520 | padding = (number - size % number) % number |
20521 | start = 0 |
20522 | length = division + (modulo > 0 && modulo > index ? 1 : 0) |
20523 | last_group << fill_with if fill_with != false && |
20524 | modulo > 0 && length == division |
20525 | def split(value = nil, &block) |
20526 | arr = dup |
20527 | while (idx = arr.index(&block)) |
20528 | while (idx = arr.index(value)) |
20529 | result << arr |
20530 | def to_sentence(options = {}) |
20531 | words_connector: ", ", |
20532 | two_words_connector: " and ", |
20533 | last_word_connector: ", and " |
20534 | if options[:locale] != false && defined?(I18n) |
20535 | +"" |
20536 | +"#{self[0]}" |
20537 | +"#{self[0]}#{options[:two_words_connector]}#{self[1]}" |
20538 | +"#{self[0...-1].join(options[:words_connector])}#{options[:last_word_connector]}#{self[-1]}" |
20539 | collect(&:id).join(",") |
20540 | if first.class != Hash && all?(first.class) |
20541 | attributes = options[:skip_types] ? {} : { type: "array" } |
20542 | self[position, length] || [] |
20543 | if position >= 0 |
20544 | self[-3] |
20545 | self[-2] |
20546 | Dir.glob(File.expand_path("core_ext/*.rb", __dir__)).sort.each do |path| |
20547 | YAML.unsafe_load(source, **options) || {} |
20548 | YAML.load(source, **options) || {} |
20549 | erb = { |e| e.filename = @content_path } |
20550 | keys.reject { |m| method_defined?(m) }.each do |key| |
20551 | def #{key}; _get(#{key.inspect}); end |
20552 | @_config ||= if respond_to?(:superclass) && superclass.respond_to?(:config) |
20553 | reader, reader_line = "def #{name}; config.#{name}; end", __LINE__ |
20554 | writer, writer_line = "def #{name}=(value); config.#{name} = value; end", __LINE__ |
20555 | send("#{name}=", block_given? ? yield : default) |
20556 | @_config = nil |
20557 | def raw_state # :nodoc: |
20558 | data[thread] = { |
20559 | @cv = new_cond |
20560 | @sharing = |
20561 | @waiting = {} |
20562 | @sleeping = {} |
20563 | @sharing.size > (@sharing[Thread.current] > 0 ? 1 : 0) |
20564 | @waiting.any? { |t, (_, c)| t != Thread.current && !c.include?(purpose) } |
20565 | @waiting.any? { |t, (p, _)| compatible.include?(p) && @waiting.all? { |t2, (_, c2)| t == t2 || c2.include?(p) } } |
20566 | mon_try_enter || |
20567 | @owner = nil |
20568 | @count -= 1 |
20569 | @sources = [] |
20570 | @methods = {} |
20571 | as = as.to_sym |
20572 | @methods[name] = as |
20573 | @cache.module_eval("# frozen_string_literal: true " + @sources.join(";"), path, line) |
20574 | @line = line |
20575 | @namespaces = { |h, k| h[k] = } |
20576 | method_set.apply(@owner, @path, @line - 1) |
20577 | env.value = !env.halted && (!block_given? || yield) |
20578 | (skipped ||= []) << current |
20579 | if !halted && user_conditions.all? { |c|, value) } |
20580 | if user_conditions.all? { |c|, value) } |
20581 | if: @if.dup, |
20582 | @kind == _kind && filter == _filter |
20583 | Array(chain_config[:scope]).map { |s| public_send(s) } |
20584 | { |c|, self).make_lambda } + |
20585 | @before = [] |
20586 | @after = [] |
20587 | arg.halted || !@user_conditions.all? { |c|, arg.value) } |
20588 | @before.each { |b| } |
20589 | @after.each { |a| } |
20590 | scope: [:kind], |
20591 | }.merge!(config) |
20592 | @chain = [] |
20593 | @single_callbacks = {} |
20594 | def each(&block); @chain.each(&block); end |
20595 | callbacks.each { |c| append_one(c) } |
20596 | callbacks.each { |c| prepend_one(c) } |
20597 | @chain.delete_if { |c| callback.duplicates?(c) } |
20598 | callback = chain.find { |c| c.matches?(type, filter) } |
20599 | if callback && (options.key?(:if) || options.key?(:unless)) |
20600 | callbacks.each { |c| chain.delete(c) } |
20601 | @app = nil |
20602 | [400, {}, []] |
20603 | @data = {} |
20604 | @data[key] |
20605 | @data[key] = entry |
20606 | !!@data.delete(key) |
20607 | def fetch_entry(key) # :nodoc: |
20608 | @data.fetch(key) { @data[key] = yield } |
20609 | def clear(options = nil) # :nodoc: |
20610 | def cleanup(options = nil) # :nodoc: |
20611 | def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil) # :nodoc: |
20612 | def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil) # :nodoc: |
20613 | hit = true |
20614 | def delete_entry(key, **) |
20615 | @local_cache_key ||= "#{}_local_cache_#{object_id}".gsub(/[\/-]/, "_").to_sym |
20616 | gem "redis", ">= 4.0.1" |
20617 | warn "The Redis cache store requires the redis gem, version 4.0.1 or later. Please add it to your Gemfile: `gem \"redis\", \">= 4.0.1\"`" |
20618 | def build_redis(redis: nil, url: nil, **redis_options) # :nodoc: |
20619 | if redis.is_a?(Proc) |
20620 | urls.each { |u| dist.add_node url: u } |
20621 | @redis ||= begin |
20622 | cursor = "0" |
20623 | nodes = c.respond_to?(:nodes) ? c.nodes : [c] |
20624 | end until cursor == "0" |
20625 | redis.then { |c| c.flushdb } |
20626 | redis.then { |c| } |
20627 | redis.then { |c| c.pipelined(&block) } |
20628 | redis.then { |c| c.get(key) } |
20629 | return {} if names == [] |
20630 | raw = options&.fetch(:raw, false) |
20631 | keys = { |name| normalize_key(name, options) } |
20632 | redis.then { |c| c.mget(*keys) } |
20633 |{}) do |(name, value), results| |
20634 | if race_condition_ttl && expires_in && expires_in > 0 && !raw |
20635 | modifiers = {} |
20636 | modifiers[:px] = (1000 * expires_in.to_f).ceil if expires_in |
20637 | redis.then { |c| c.set key, payload, **modifiers } |
20638 | redis.then { |c| c.del key } |
20639 | redis.then { |c| c.del(entries) } |
20640 | if raw && !payload.nil? |
20641 | super(entry, raw: raw, **options) |
20642 | c = c.node_for(key) if c.is_a?(Redis::Distributed) |
20643 |, key, options[:expires_in].to_i, "NX") |
20644 | if count != amount && options[:expires_in] && c.ttl(key) < 0 |
20645 | redis_version = redis.then { |c|"server").fetch("redis_version") } |
20646 | @supports_expire_nx = >="7.0.0") |
20647 | def read_entry(key, **s) |
20648 | def write_entry(key, entry, **) |
20649 | @max_size = options[:size] || 32.megabytes |
20650 | @max_prune_time = options[:max_prune_time] || 2 |
20651 | @cache_size = 0 |
20652 | keys = synchronize { @data.keys } |
20653 | entry = @data[key] |
20654 | @data[key] = payload |
20655 | prune(@max_size * 0.75, @max_prune_time) if @cache_size > @max_size |
20656 | @data.with { |c| c.incr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in], amount) } |
20657 | @data.with { |c| c.decr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in], 0) } |
20658 | rescue_error_with(nil) { @data.with { |c| c.flush_all } } |
20659 | @data.with { |c| c.stats } |
20660 | def [](version) |
20661 | @data.with { |c| c.get(key, options) } |
20662 | method = options[:unless_exist] ? :add : :set |
20663 | if options[:race_condition_ttl] && expires_in > 0 && !options[:raw] |
20664 | @data.with { |c| c.send(method, key, payload, expires_in, **options) } |
20665 | raw_values = @data.with { |c| c.get_multi(keys_to_names.keys) } |
20666 | rescue_error_with(false) { @data.with { |c| c.delete(key) } } |
20667 | key = key.gsub(ESCAPE_KEY_CHARS) { |match| "%#{match.getbyte(0).to_s(16).upcase}" } |
20668 | key_separator = ":hash:" |
20669 | key = "#{key[0, key_trim_size]}#{key_separator}#{key_hash}" |
20670 | FileUtils.rm_r(root_dirs.collect { |f| File.join(cache_path, f) }) |
20671 | File.atomic_write(key, cache_path) { |f| f.write(payload) } |
20672 |, "r+") do |f| |
20673 | fname_paths = [] |
20674 | Dir.each_child(dir) do |d| |
20675 | name = File.join(dir, d) |
20676 | num = num.to_i + amount |
20677 | expanded_cache_key = namespace ? +"#{namespace}/" : +"" |
20678 | expanded_cache_key << "#{prefix}/" |
20679 | raise "Could not find cache store adapter for #{store} (#{e})" |
20680 | unless options.key?(:pool) || options.key?(:pool_size) || options.key?(:pool_timeout) |
20681 | {}.tap do |pool_options| |
20682 | Use `pool: { size: #{options[:pool_size].inspect} }` instead. |
20683 | Use `pool: { timeout: #{options[:pool_timeout].inspect} }` instead. |
20684 | @coder = @options.delete(:coder) { default_coder } || NullCoder |
20685 | entries = hash.each_with_object({}) do |(name, value), memo| |
20686 | reads = {} |
20687 | reads.fetch(name) { writes[name] = yield(name) } |
20688 |! { |key| normalize_key(key, options) } |
20689 | def new_entry(value, options = nil) # :nodoc: |
20690 | if source.start_with?("^") |
20691 | source = ".*#{source[0, source.length]}" |
20692 | entries.count { |key| delete_entry(key, **options) } |
20693 | alias_key = aliases.detect { |key| options.key?(key) } |
20694 | if key && key.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8 |
20695 | if key.size > 1 |
20696 | key.collect { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.sort! |
20697 | (options && options[:version].try(:to_param)) || expanded_version(key) |
20698 | if logger && logger.debug? && !silence? |
20699 | logger.debug "Cache #{operation}: #{normalize_key(key, options)}#{options.blank? ? "" : " (#{options.inspect})"}" |
20700 | payload = { key: key, store: } |
20701 | if (race_ttl > 0) && ( - entry.expires_at <= race_ttl) |
20702 | @created_at = 0.0 |
20703 | @expires_in = expires_at&.to_f || expires_in && (expires_in.to_f + |
20704 | @version && version && @version != version |
20705 | @expires_in && @created_at + @expires_in <= |
20706 | @expires_in ? @created_at + @expires_in : nil |
20707 | @expires_in = value.to_f - @created_at |
20708 | @s ||= Marshal.dump(@value).bytesize |
20709 | if @value && !compressed? && !(@value.is_a?(Numeric) || @value == true || @value == false) |
20710 | if @value.is_a?(String) |
20711 | @value = @value.dup |
20712 | options[:level] ||= :info |
20713 | ms = { result = options[:silence] ? logger.silence(&block) : yield } |
20714 | logger.public_send(options[:level], "%s (%.1fms)" % [ message, ms ]) |
20715 | @filters, @silencers = [], [] |
20716 | @silencers = [] |
20717 | @filters = [] |
20718 | gems_paths = (Gem.path | [Gem.default_dir]).map { |p| Regexp.escape(p) } |
20719 | gems_regexp = %r{\A(#{gems_paths.join('|')})/(bundler/)?gems/([^/]+)-([\w.]+)/(.*)} |
20720 | gems_result = '\3 (\4) \5' |
20721 | @filters.each do |f| |
20722 | backtrace = { |line| } |
20723 | @silencers.any? do |s| |
20724 | name.end_with?("?") || super |
20725 | if name.end_with?("?") |
20726 | any?(name[0..-2]) |
20727 | when ActionableError, -> it { Class === it && it < ActionableError } |
20728 | ActiveStorage::Current.url_options = { protocol: "https://", host: "", port: nil } |
20729 | queries = [] |
20730 | queries << payload[:sql] if %w[ SCHEMA TRANSACTION ].exclude?(payload[:name]) && (matcher.nil? || payload[:sql].match(matcher)) |
20731 | assert_dom_equal %(<video src="#{polymorphic_url @blob}" />), video_tag(@blob) |
20732 | @user = User.create!(name: "DHH") |
20733 | assert_dom_equal %(<img src="#{polymorphic_url @blob}" />), image_tag(@blob) |
20734 | assert_dom_equal %(<img src="#{polymorphic_url variant}" />), image_tag(variant) |
20735 | assert_dom_equal %(<img src="#{polymorphic_url preview}" />), image_tag(preview) |
20736 | assert_dom_equal %(<audio src="#{polymorphic_url @blob}" />), audio_tag(@blob) |
20737 | expected_chunks = [ "a" * 5.megabytes, "b" ] |
20738 | actual_chunks = [] |
20739 | @service.delete_prefixed("#{key}/a/a/") |
20740 | assert_not @service.exist?("#{key}/a/a/a") |
20741 | assert_not @service.exist?("#{key}/a/a/b") |
20742 | assert @service.exist?("#{key}/a/b/a") |
20743 | @service.delete("#{key}/a/a/a") |
20744 | @service.delete("#{key}/a/a/b") |
20745 | @service.delete("#{key}/a/b/a") |
20746 | data = %w(To get her) |
20747 | Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| |
20748 | user = User.create! name: "DHH", avatar: blob |
20749 | custom_metadata: { "foo" => "baz" }, |
20750 | assert_match(/s3(-[-a-z0-9]+)?\.(\S+)?amazonaws\.com\/#{@key}/, url) |
20751 | assert_match(/#{}\/#{@key}/, url) |
20752 | mirror_config = (1..3).to_h do |i| |
20753 | [ "mirror_#{i}", |
20754 | service: "Disk", |
20755 | headers.each do |k, v| |
20756 | assert_match(/storage\.googleapis\.com\/.*\/#{@key}/, url) |
20757 | tmp_config = { tmp: { service: "Disk", root: File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "active_storage") } } |
20758 | assert_match(/^https:\/\/\/rails\/active_storage\/disk\/.*$/, |
20759 | assert_match(/^https:\/\/\/rails\/active_storage\/disk\/.*\/avatar\.png$/, |
20760 | assert_match(/^http:\/\/\/rails\/active_storage\/disk\/.*\/avatar\.png$/, |
20761 | @service.root = tmp_config.dig(:tmp, :root) |
20762 | tmp_config = { |
20763 | assert_match(/^https:\/\/\/rails\/active_storage\/disk\/.*\/avatar\.png/, url) |
20764 | data = "Foobar" |
20765 | assert_equal("baz", response["x-ms-meta-foo"]) |
20766 | assert_match(/.*\.blob\.core\.windows\.net\/.*\/#{@key}/, url) |
20767 | user = User.create!(name: "Josh") |
20768 | variant_b = blob.variant("resize_to_limit" => [100, 100]) |
20769 | mock_upload = lambda do |_, _, options = {}| |
20770 | blob.variant(resize: [123, "-write", "/tmp/file.erb"]).processed |
20771 | blob.variant(resize: [123, ["-write", "/tmp/file.erb"], "/tmp/file.erb"]).processed |
20772 | blob.variant(resize: [123, { "-write /tmp/file.erb": "something" }, "/tmp/file.erb"]).processed |
20773 | blob.variant(saver: { "-write": "/tmp/file.erb" }).processed |
20774 | blob.variant(saver: { "something": { "-write": "/tmp/file.erb" } }).processed |
20775 | blob.variant(saver: { "something": ["-write", "/tmp/file.erb"] }).processed |
20776 | a = "DHH") |
20777 | [ create_blob(filename: "funky.jpg"), create_blob(filename: "town.jpg") ].tap do |blobs| |
20778 | data = "First file" |
20779 | data = "Hello world!" |
20780 | assert_match(/^[a-z0-9]{28}$/, create_blob.key) |
20781 | name: "Nate", |
20782 | avatar: { |
20783 | assert_match(/^[a-z0-9]{28}$/, build_blob_after_unfurling.key) |
20784 | blobs = { create_blob(data: "123", filename: "numbers.txt", content_type: "text/plain", identify: false) } |
20785 | blobs = { create_blob(data: "123", filename: "numbers.txt", content_type: "text/plain", identify: false).dup } |
20786 | test "image?" do |
20787 | test "video?" do |
20788 | test "text?" do |
20789 | chunks = [] |
20790 | create_blob(data: "Hello, world!").tap do |blob| |
20791 | assert_match(/\.jpg\z/, file.path) |
20792 | arguments = [ |
20793 | kwargs = { |
20794 | custom_metadata: { "test" => true } |
20795 | blob.update!(metadata: { custom: { "test" => true } }) |
20796 | includes_values.any? { |values| values[:variant_records] == { image_attachment: :blob } }, |
20797 | @user = User.create!(name: "Josh") |
20798 | track_transaction_depth = ->(*) do |
20799 | hash = { io:"STUFF"), filename: "town.jpg", content_type: "image/jpeg" } |
20800 | @io ||="") |
20801 | = "Tina" |
20802 | user = "John") |
20803 | group = Group.create!(users_attributes: [{ name: "John", avatar: { io:"STUFF"), filename: "town.jpg", content_type: "image/jpeg" } }]) |
20804 | new_user = User.find_by(name: "John") |
20805 | group = Group.create!(users: [@user]) |
20806 | "Jason").tap do |user| |
20807 | assert_changes -> { @user.updated_at } do |
20808 | { io:"STUFF"), filename: "funky.jpg", content_type: "image/jpeg" }, |
20809 | { io:"THINGS"), filename: "town.jpg", content_type: "image/jpeg" }) |
20810 | user = User.create!(name: "John") do |user| |
20811 | [ create_blob(filename: "funky.jpg"), create_blob(filename: "town.jpg") ].tap do |old_blobs| |
20812 | @user.highlights = [] |
20813 | @user.vlogs = [] |
20814 | @user.highlights = [""] |
20815 | @user.highlights = [ "", fixture_file_upload("racecar.jpg") ] |
20816 | [ create_blob(filename: "funky.mp4"), create_blob(filename: "town.mp4") ].tap do |blobs| |
20817 | @user.update! vlogs: [] |
20818 | user = User.create!(name: "Jason", highlights: [ create_blob(filename: "funky.jpg"), create_blob(filename: "town.jpg") ]) |
20819 | user = User.create!(name: "Jason", highlights: [ |
20820 | ].tap do |blobs| |
20821 | user.highlights = [] |
20822 | @connection.columns(table).find { |c| == "id" } |
20823 | setup { @blob = create_blob } |
20824 | user = users(:first) |
20825 | :passw, :secret, :token, :_key, :crypt, :salt, :certificate, :otp, :ssn |
20826 | config.log_tags = [ :request_id ] |
20827 | $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../../lib", __dir__) |
20828 | get blob.url, headers: { "Range" => "bytes=5-9" } |
20829 | get blob.url, headers: { "Range" => "bytes=1000-1000" } |
20830 | params: "Something else entirely!", headers: { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } |
20831 | assert_match(/s3(-[-a-z0-9]+)?\.(\S+)?amazonaws\.com/, details["direct_upload"]["url"]) |
20832 | assert_match %r{#{@config[:storage_account_name]}\.blob\.core\.windows\.net/#{@config[:container]}}, details["direct_upload"]["url"] |
20833 | assert_equal({ "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, details["direct_upload"]["headers"]) |
20834 | get rails_storage_proxy_url(create_file_blob(filename: "racecar.jpg")), headers: { "Range" => "bytes=5-9" } |
20835 | get rails_storage_proxy_url(create_file_blob(filename: "racecar.jpg")), headers: { "Range" => "bytes=*/1234" } |
20836 | get rails_storage_proxy_url(create_file_blob(filename: "racecar.jpg")), headers: { "Range" => "bytes=5-9,13-17" } |
20837 | ].join("\r "), |
20838 | blob = create_blob(data: "bad", filename: "bad_file.bad", content_type: "image/bad_type") |
20839 | def process(file, format:) # :doc: |
20840 | Please add `gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.2'` to your Gemfile. |
20841 | loader(page: 0). |
20842 | if name.to_s == "combine_options" |
20843 | list << [ name, argument ] |
20844 | method_name ="-", "_") |
20845 | if arg.is_a?(Integer) || arg.is_a?(Float) |
20846 | elsif arg.is_a?(String) || arg.is_a?(Symbol) |
20847 | if value.is_a?(Integer) || value.is_a?(Float) |
20848 | elsif value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) |
20849 | gem "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1.48" |
20850 | @client =**options) |
20851 | ) do |out| |
20852 | metadata.transform_keys { |key| "x-amz-meta-#{key}" } |
20853 | @services = {} |
20854 | [ primary, *mirrors ].each(&block) |
20855 | gem "google-cloud-storage", "~> 1.11" |
20856 | def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, checksum:, custom_metadata: {}, **) |
20857 | version = :v2 |
20858 | version = :v4 |
20859 | args = { |
20860 | if @config[:iam] |
20861 | query: { |
20862 | def public_url(key, **) |
20863 | @client ||=**config.except(:bucket, :cache_control, :iam, :gsa_email)) |
20864 | @issuer ||= if @config[:gsa_email] |
20865 | http =, uri.port) |
20866 | metadata.transform_keys { |key| "x-goog-meta-#{key}" } |
20867 | def upload(key, io, checksum: nil, **) |
20868 |, "rb") do |file| |
20869 | Dir.glob(path_for("#{prefix}*")).each do |path| |
20870 | key: key, |
20871 | { "Content-Type" => content_type } |
20872 | def path_for(key) # :nodoc: |
20873 | [ key[0..1], key[2..3] ].join("/") |
20874 | gem "azure-storage-blob", ">= 2.0" |
20875 | _, io = client.get_blob(container, key) |
20876 | uri_for(key), false, |
20877 | service: "b", |
20878 | ).tap do |blob| |
20879 | client.generate_uri("#{container}/#{key}") |
20880 | blob = blob_for(key) |
20881 | metadata.transform_keys { |key| "x-ms-meta-#{key}" } |
20882 | def open(*args, **options, &block) |
20883 | def url(key, **options) |
20884 | disposition = (type.to_s.presence_in(%w( attachment inline )) || "inline") |
20885 | @variants ||= {} |
20886 | @ffmpeg_exists = system(ffmpeg_path, "-version", out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) |
20887 | @pdftoppm_exists = system(pdftoppm_path, "-v", out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) |
20888 | draw self.class.pdftoppm_path, "-singlefile", "-cropbox", "-r", "72", "-png", file.path, &block |
20889 | @mutool_exists = $?.exitstatus == 1 |
20890 | draw self.class.mutool_path, "draw", "-F", "png", "-o", "-", file.path, "1", &block |
20891 | @blob = blob |
20892 | def draw(*argv) # :doc: |
20893 | def capture(*argv, to:) |
20894 | IO.popen(argv, err: err) { |out| IO.copy_stream(out, to) } |
20895 | raise PreviewError, "#{argv.first} failed (status #{$?.exitstatus}): #{}" |
20896 | def logger # :doc: |
20897 | def tmpdir # :doc: |
20898 | message = "Uploaded file to key: #{key_in(event)}" |
20899 | info event, color("Deleted file from key: #{key_in(event)}", RED) |
20900 | debug event, color("Checked if file exists at key: #{key_in(event)} (#{event.payload[:exist] ? "yes" : "no"})", BLUE) |
20901 | debug event, color("Generated URL for file at key: #{key_in(event)} (#{event.payload[:url]})", BLUE) |
20902 | message = "Mirrored file at key: #{key_in(event)}" |
20903 | record.public_send("#{name}") |
20904 | generated_association_methods.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 |
20905 | def #{name} |
20906 | @active_storage_attached ||= {} |
20907 | @active_storage_attached[:#{name}] ||="#{name}", self) |
20908 | attachment_changes["#{name}"] = |
20909 | scope :"with_attached_#{name}", -> { includes("#{name}_attachment": :blob) } |
20910 | @active_storage_attached[:#{name}] ||="#{name}", self) |
20911 | scope :"with_attached_#{name}", -> { |
20912 | includes("#{name}_attachments": { blob: { variant_records: { image_attachment: :blob } } }) |
20913 | @attachment_changes ||= {} |
20914 | def initialize_dup(*) # :nodoc: |
20915 | def reload(*) # :nodoc: |
20916 | @name, @record = name, record |
20917 | record.public_send("#{name}_attachments=", []) |
20918 | @blob ||= find_or_build_blob |
20919 | record.public_send("#{name}_blob=", blob) |
20920 | if record.public_send("#{name}_blob") == blob |
20921 | elsif side_data && side_data[0] && side_data[0]["rotation"] |
20922 | if terms = descriptor.split(":", 2) |
20923 | angle == 90 || angle == 270 || angle == -90 || angle == -270 |
20924 | @tags ||= video_stream["tags"] || {} |
20925 | @side_data ||= video_stream["side_data_list"] || {} |
20926 | @video_stream ||= streams.detect { |stream| stream["codec_type"] == "video" } || {} |
20927 | @audio_stream ||= streams.detect { |stream| stream["codec_type"] == "audio" } || {} |
20928 | probe["streams"] || [] |
20929 | probe["format"] || {} |
20930 | @probe ||= download_blob_to_tempfile { |file| probe_from(file) } |
20931 | ]) do |output| |
20932 | return {} |
20933 | rescue ::Vips::Error => error |
20934 | t.index [ :key ], unique: true |
20935 | delegate :key, :url, :download, to: :image, allow_nil: true |
20936 | @record = |
20937 | def as_json(*) |
20938 | format || :png |
20939 | self[:metadata][:custom] || {} |
20940 | def unfurl(io, identify: true) # :nodoc: |
20941 | scope :with_all_variant_records, -> { includes(blob: { variant_records: { image_attachment: :blob } }) } |
20942 | response.headers["Content-Range"] = "bytes #{range.begin}-#{range.end}/#{blob.byte_size}" |
20943 | data = +"" |
20944 | data << "\r --#{boundary}\r " |
20945 | data << "Content-Type: #{blob.content_type_for_serving}\r " |
20946 | data << "Content-Range: bytes #{range.begin}-#{range.end}/#{blob.byte_size}\r \r " |
20947 | data << chunk |
20948 | data << "\r --#{boundary}--\r " |
20949 | delegate :keys, :key?, :has_key?, :empty?, to: :@parameters |
20950 | @config ||= read_config |
20951 | dbs = [["arunit", "activerecord_unittest"], ["arunit2", "activerecord_unittest2"], |
20952 | connection[name] = { "database" => connection[name] } |
20953 | types.any? do |type| |
20954 | !conn.mariadb? && conn.database_version >= "8.0.13" |
20955 | conn.mariadb? && conn.database_version >= "10.2.1" |
20956 | %w[ |
20957 | ].each do |method_name| |
20958 | t.integer :random_number, default: -> { "random()" } |
20959 | t.column :char1, "char(1)", default: "Y" |
20960 | t.text :char3, limit: 50, default: "a text field" |
20961 | create_table :"1_need_quoting", force: true do |t| |
20962 | t.string :json_data_empty, null: true, default: "", limit: 1024 |
20963 | create_table :books, id: :integer, force: true do |t| |
20964 | default_zero = { default: 0 } |
20965 | t.index [:author_id, :name], unique: true |
20966 | t.column :name, :string, default: "<untitled>" |
20967 | create_table :bulbs, primary_key: "ID", force: true do |t| |
20968 | create_table :old_cars, id: :integer, force: true do |t| |
20969 | create_table :carts, force: true, primary_key: [:shop_id, :id] do |t| |
20970 | create_table :cpk_books, primary_key: [:author_id, :number], force: true do |t| |
20971 | create_table :cpk_orders, primary_key: [:shop_id, :id], force: true do |t| |
20972 | t.index [:name, :rating], order: :desc |
20973 | t.index [:firm_id, :type, :rating], name: "company_index", length: { type: 10 }, order: { rating: :desc } |
20974 | t.index [:firm_id, :type], name: "company_partial_index", where: "(rating > 10)" |
20975 | create_table :edges, force: true, id: false do |t| |
20976 | t.index [:source_id, :sink_id], unique: true, name: "unique_edge_index" |
20977 | (1..8).each do |i| |
20978 | t.integer :"c_int_#{i}", limit: i |
20979 | create_table :pets, primary_key: :pet_id, force: true do |t| |
20980 | t.index [:author_name, :title] |
20981 | create_table :toys, primary_key: :toy_id, force: true do |t| |
20982 | [:circles, :squares, :triangles, :non_poly_ones, :non_poly_twos].each do |t| |
20983 | create_table(t, force: true) { } |
20984 | t.string "a$b" |
20985 | create_table :fk_test_has_pk, primary_key: "pk_id", force: :cascade do |t| |
20986 | t.foreign_key :fk_test_has_pk, column: "fk_id", name: "fk_name", primary_key: "pk_id" |
20987 | uuid_default = connection.supports_pgcrypto_uuid? ? {} : { default: "uuid_generate_v4()" } |
20988 | create_table :uuid_parents, id: :uuid, force: true, **uuid_default do |t| |
20989 | :modified_date_function, default: -> { "now()" } |
20990 | t.datetime :modified_time_function, default: -> { "now()" } |
20991 | t.bigint :bigint_default, default: -> { "0::bigint" } |
20992 | t.text :multiline_default, default: "--- [] |
20993 | t.oid :obj_id |
20994 | execute "SELECT setval('#{seq_name}', 100)" |
20995 | $$ |
20996 | t.index [:logdate, :city_id], unique: true |
20997 | add_index(:companies, [:firm_id, :type], name: "company_include_index", include: [:name, :account_id]) |
20998 | fixed_date date default to_date('2004-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), |
20999 | t.binary :uuid, limit: 36, default: -> { "(uuid())" } |
21000 | t.text :tiny_text_2, size: :tiny |
21001 | t.text :long_text_2, size: :long |
21002 | default_scope -> { where(published: true) } |
21003 | class_name: "Vertex", join_table: "edges", |
21004 | class_name: "Job", |
21005 | has_one :family_tree, -> { where(token: nil) }, foreign_key: "member_id" |
21006 | scope :with_pet, -> { joins(:pet) } |
21007 | scope :base, -> { all } |
21008 | where "written_on < ?", time |
21009 | scope :approved, -> { where(approved: true) } |
21010 | scope :rejected, -> { where(approved: false) } |
21011 | scope :true, -> { where(approved: true) } |
21012 | scope :false, -> { where(approved: false) } |
21013 | scope :children, -> { where.not(parent_id: nil) } |
21014 | scope :has_children, -> { where(id: } |
21015 | scope :by_lifo, -> { where(author_name: "lifo") } |
21016 | scope :replied, -> { where "replies_count > 0" } |
21017 | scope "approved_as_string", -> { where(approved: true) } |
21018 | scope :anonymous_extension, -> { } do |
21019 | scope :scope_stats, -> stats { stats[:count] = count; self } |
21020 | }.new(self) |
21021 | has_many :open_replies, -> { open }, class_name: "Reply", foreign_key: "parent_id" |
21022 | default_scope -> { where(approved: false) } |
21023 | belongs_to :tag, -> { includes(:tagging) } |
21024 | belongs_to :blue_tag, -> { where tags: { name: "Blue" } }, class_name: "Tag", foreign_key: :tag_id |
21025 | has_many :ordered_taggings, -> { order(" DESC") }, foreign_key: "tag_id", class_name: "Tagging" |
21026 | validates :name, presence: true, if: -> { true } |
21027 | scope :ordered, -> { Reply.order(:id) } |
21028 | if attribute_present?("title") && attribute_present?("content") && content == "Mismatch" |
21029 | errors.add(:title, "is Wrong Create") if attribute_present?("title") && title == "Wrong Create" |
21030 | errors.add(:title, "is Wrong Update") if attribute_present?("title") && title == "Wrong Update" |
21031 | belongs_to :first_post, -> { where(id: [2, 3]) } |
21032 | default_scope -> { where(skimmer: true) } |
21033 | scope :skimmers_or_not, -> { unscope(where: :skimmer) } |
21034 | has_many :taggings_without_tag, -> { left_joins(:tag).where("": [nil, 0]) }, as: :taggable, class_name: "Tagging" |
21035 | has_many :taggings_with_no_tag, -> { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN tags ON = taggings.tag_id").where("": nil) }, as: :taggable, class_name: "Tagging" |
21036 | has_and_belongs_to_many :developers_named_david, -> { where("name = 'David'").distinct }, class_name: "Developer" |
21037 | has_and_belongs_to_many :salaried_developers, -> { where "salary > 0" }, class_name: "Developer" |
21038 | has_and_belongs_to_many :developers_with_callbacks, class_name: "Developer", before_add: { |o, r| o.developers_log << "before_adding#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21039 | after_add: { |o, r| o.developers_log << "after_adding#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21040 | before_remove: { |o, r| o.developers_log << "before_removing#{}" }, |
21041 | after_remove: { |o, r| o.developers_log << "after_removing#{}" } |
21042 | @developers_log = [] |
21043 | scope :all_as_scope, -> { all } |
21044 | super + " :)" |
21045 | scope :containing_the_letter_a, -> { where("body LIKE '%a%'") } |
21046 | scope :titled_with_an_apostrophe, -> { where("title LIKE '%''%'") } |
21047 | scope :ordered_by_post_id, -> { order("posts.post_id ASC") } |
21048 | scope :limit_by, lambda { |l| limit(l) } |
21049 | scope :locked, -> { lock } |
21050 | .group("") |
21051 | .having("count( >= #{comments_count}") |
21052 | belongs_to :author_with_posts, -> { includes(:posts) }, class_name: "Author", foreign_key: :author_id |
21053 | belongs_to :author_with_select, -> { select(:id) }, class_name: "Author", foreign_key: :author_id |
21054 | belongs_to :author_with_the_letter_a, -> { where("name LIKE '%a%'") }, class_name: "Author", foreign_key: :author_id |
21055 | has_one :first_comment, -> { order("id ASC") }, class_name: "Comment" |
21056 | has_one :last_comment, -> { order("id desc") }, class_name: "Comment" |
21057 | scope :no_comments, -> { left_joins(:comments).where(comments: { id: nil }) } |
21058 | scope :with_post, ->(post_id) { joins(:comments).where(comments: { post_id: post_id }) } |
21059 | scope :with_comments, -> { preload(:comments) } |
21060 | scope :with_tags, -> { preload(:taggings) } |
21061 | scope :with_tags_cte, -> { with(posts_with_tags: where("tags_count > 0")).from("posts_with_tags AS posts") } |
21062 | scope :tagged_with, ->(id) { joins(:taggings).where(taggings: { tag_id: id }) } |
21063 | has_many :nonexistent_comments, -> { where " < 0" }, class_name: "Comment" |
21064 | .to_a |
21065 | has_many :misc_tags, -> { where tags: { name: "Misc" } }, through: :taggings, source: :tag |
21066 | has_many :first_taggings, -> { where taggings: { comment: "first" } }, as: :taggable, class_name: "Tagging" |
21067 | has_many :first_blue_tags, -> { where tags: { name: "Blue" } }, through: :first_taggings, source: :tag |
21068 | has_many :first_blue_tags_2, -> { where taggings: { comment: "first" } }, through: :taggings, source: :blue_tag |
21069 | has_many :invalid_taggings, -> { where " < 0" }, as: :taggable, class_name: "Tagging" |
21070 | has_many :readers_with_person, -> { includes(:person) }, class_name: "Reader" |
21071 | has_many :skimmers, -> { where skimmer: true }, class_name: "Reader" |
21072 | has_many :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not, -> { where(skimmer: [ true, false ]) }, class_name: "LazyReader" |
21073 | @log = [] |
21074 | def self.log(message = nil, side = nil, new_record = nil) |
21075 | @log << [message, side, new_record] |
21076 | default_scope { where(id: 1) } |
21077 | has_many :taggings, -> { rewhere(taggable_type: "TaggedPost") }, as: :taggable |
21078 | default_scope { where(id: [1, 5, 6]) } |
21079 | scope :unscoped_all, -> { unscoped { all } } |
21080 | scope :authorless, -> { unscoped { where(author_id: 0) } } |
21081 | { "name" => nil } |
21082 | has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots, -> { order(" ASC") }, validate: true |
21083 | before_add: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "before_adding_proc_parrot_#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21084 | after_add: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "after_adding_proc_parrot_#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21085 | before_remove: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "before_removing_proc_parrot_#{}" }, |
21086 | after_remove: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "after_removing_proc_parrot_#{}" } |
21087 | def build(attributes = {}) |
21088 | has_many :birds, -> { order(" ASC") } |
21089 | before_add: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "before_adding_proc_bird_#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21090 | after_add: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "after_adding_proc_bird_#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21091 | before_remove: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "before_removing_proc_bird_#{}" }, |
21092 | after_remove: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "after_removing_proc_bird_#{}" } |
21093 | has_one :foo_bulb, -> { where name: "foo" }, foreign_key: :car_id, class_name: "Bulb" |
21094 | @ship_log ||= [] |
21095 | ship_log << "#{callback}_#{}_#{ || '<new>'}" |
21096 | has_one :ship_with_annotation, -> { annotate("that is a rocket") }, class_name: :Ship, foreign_key: :pirate_id |
21097 | has_many :first_posts, -> { where(id: [1, 2]) }, through: :readers |
21098 | (1 << INSURES.index(insure)) & mask.to_i > 0 |
21099 | numbers.inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + (1 << n) } |
21100 | enum breed: { african: 0, australian: 1 } |
21101 | has_many :pets, -> { order " desc" } |
21102 | scope :including_last_pet, -> { |
21103 | owners.*, ( |
21104 | ) as last_pet_id |
21105 | @blocks ||= [] |
21106 | @blocks = [] |
21107 | scope :clubs, -> { from("clubs") } |
21108 | belongs_to :member, -> { order(" DESC") } |
21109 | select("'1' as foo") |
21110 | default_scope -> { |
21111 | has_one :favorite_club, -> { where "memberships.favorite = ?", true }, through: :membership, source: :club |
21112 | has_one :hairy_club, -> { where clubs: { name: "Moustache and Eyebrow Fancier Club" } }, through: :membership, source: :club |
21113 | scope :with_member_type_id, -> (id) { where(member_type_id: id) } |
21114 | has_many :molecules, -> { distinct } |
21115 | has_many :shipping_lines, -> { from("shipping_lines") }, autosave: true |
21116 | class_name: "Human", |
21117 | has_many :family_trees, -> { where(token: nil) } |
21118 | (@after_create_callbacks_stack ||= []) << !iris.persisted? |
21119 | (@after_update_callbacks_stack ||= []) << iris.has_changes_to_save? |
21120 | (@after_save_callbacks_stack ||= []) << iris.has_changes_to_save? |
21121 | delegated_type :thing, types: %w[ Post ], |
21122 | has_many :comments, ->(developer) { where(body: "I'm #{}") } |
21123 | scope :jamises, -> { where(name: "Jamis") } |
21124 | default_scope { select("name") } |
21125 | default_scope -> { where(mentor_id: 1) } |
21126 | default_scope -> { where(mentor_id: 1) }, all_queries: true |
21127 | default_scope -> { where(firm_id: firm_id) if firm_id }, all_queries: true |
21128 | included { default_scope { where(mentor_id: 1) } } |
21129 | scope :by_name, -> { order("name DESC") } |
21130 | default_scope { where("name = 'David'") } |
21131 | default_scope { where(name: "David") } |
21132 | where(name: "David") |
21133 | scope :david, -> { where(name: "David") } |
21134 | default_scope { where(name: "Jamis") } |
21135 | scope :poor, -> { where("salary < 150000") } |
21136 | scope :david, -> { where name: "David" } |
21137 | scope :david2, -> { unscoped.where name: "David" } |
21138 | default_scope -> { where(name: "Jamis", salary: 50000) } |
21139 | default_scope -> { where(salary: 50000) } |
21140 | default_scope -> { where(name: "Jamis") } |
21141 | self.ignored_columns += ["name"] |
21142 | other.is_a?(self.class) && other.street == street && == city && == country |
21143 | if str.is_a?(Hash) |
21144 | new(str[:first], str[:last]) |
21145 | new(*str.to_s.split) |
21146 | @first, @last = first, last |
21147 | self.primary_key = [:shop_id, :id] |
21148 | self.primary_key = [:author_id, :number] |
21149 | @hi_count ||= 0 |
21150 | @hi_count += 1 |
21151 | @bye_count ||= 0 |
21152 | @bye_count += 1 |
21153 | self.metadata = { code: company_id && "%08x" % company_id, company_id: company_id, developer_id: developer_id } |
21154 | @destroyed_ids ||= [] |
21155 | @destroy_count += 1 |
21156 | if @destroy_count == 1 |
21157 | table_name => "id" |
21158 | def column(name, sql_type = nil, options = {}) |
21159 | has_many :clients, -> { order("id") }, dependent: :destroy |
21160 | has_many :clients_sorted_desc, -> { order("id DESC") }, class_name: "Client" |
21161 | has_many :clients_of_firm, -> { order "id" }, foreign_key: "client_of", class_name: "Client" |
21162 | has_many :clients_like_ms, -> { where("name = 'Microsoft'").order("id") }, class_name: "Client" |
21163 | has_many :clients_sorted_desc, -> { order "id DESC" }, class_name: "Client" |
21164 | has_many :clients_of_firm, -> { order "id" }, foreign_key: "client_of", class_name: "Client", inverse_of: :firm |
21165 | has_many :clients_ordered_by_name, -> { order "name" }, class_name: "Client" |
21166 | has_many :dependent_clients_of_firm, -> { order "id" }, foreign_key: "client_of", class_name: "Client", dependent: :destroy |
21167 | has_many :limited_clients, -> { limit 1 }, class_name: "Client" |
21168 | has_many :clients_like_ms_with_hash_conditions, -> { where(name: "Microsoft").order("id") }, class_name: "Client" |
21169 | has_many :clients_grouped_by_firm_id, -> { group("firm_id").select("firm_id") }, class_name: "Client" |
21170 | has_many :clients_grouped_by_name, -> { group("name").select("name") }, class_name: "Client" |
21171 | has_one :account_with_select, -> { select("id, firm_id") }, foreign_key: "firm_id", class_name: "Account" |
21172 | has_one :readonly_account, -> { readonly }, foreign_key: "firm_id", class_name: "Account" |
21173 | has_one :account_using_primary_key, -> { order("id") }, primary_key: "firm_id", class_name: "Account" |
21174 | has_many :developers_with_select, -> { select("id, name, first_name") }, class_name: "Developer" |
21175 | @log ||= [] |
21176 | log << "before_remove#{}" |
21177 | log << "after_remove#{}" |
21178 | has_one :account, -> { order(:id) }, foreign_key: "firm_id", dependent: :nullify |
21179 | has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, foreign_key: "firm_id", dependent: :restrict_with_exception |
21180 | has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, foreign_key: "client_of", dependent: :restrict_with_exception |
21181 | has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, foreign_key: "firm_id", dependent: :restrict_with_error |
21182 | has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, foreign_key: "client_of", dependent: :restrict_with_error |
21183 | belongs_to :firm_with_select, -> { select("id") }, class_name: "Firm", foreign_key: "firm_id" |
21184 | belongs_to :firm_with_condition, -> { where "1 = ?", 1 }, class_name: "Firm", foreign_key: "client_of" |
21185 | belongs_to :readonly_firm, -> { readonly }, class_name: "Firm", foreign_key: "firm_id" |
21186 | belongs_to :bob_firm, -> { where name: "Bob" }, class_name: "Firm", foreign_key: "client_of" |
21187 | @destroyed_client_ids ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
21188 | has_many :dependent_conditional_clients_of_firm, -> { order("id").where("name = ?", "BigShot Inc.") }, foreign_key: "client_of", class_name: "Client", dependent: :delete_all |
21189 | self[:extra_size] = 50 |
21190 | scope :containing_the_letter_e, -> { where("comments.body LIKE '%e%'") } |
21191 | scope :not_again, -> { where("comments.body NOT LIKE '%again%'") } |
21192 | scope :for_first_post, -> { where(post_id: 1) } |
21193 | scope :for_first_author, -> { joins(:post).where("posts.author_id" => 1) } |
21194 | scope :created, -> { all } |
21195 | scope :ordered_by_post_id, -> { order("comments.post_id DESC") } |
21196 | enum label: [:default, :child] |
21197 | update(body: "bar") |
21198 | assoc.has_many :students, -> { where(active: true) } |
21199 | has_many :favorites, -> { where(memberships: { favorite: true }) }, through: :memberships, source: :member |
21200 | scope :general, -> { left_joins(:category).where(categories: { name: "General" }).unscope(:limit) } |
21201 | -> { select "posts.*, 1 as correctness_marker" }, |
21202 | class_name: "Post", |
21203 | -> { where title: "Yet Another Testing Title" }, |
21204 | has_and_belongs_to_many :posts_grouped_by_title, -> { group("title").select("title") }, class_name: "Post" |
21205 | has_many :ordered_post_comments, -> { order(id: :desc) }, through: :posts, source: :comments |
21206 | has_many :human_writers_of_typed_essays, -> { where(essays: { type: }) }, through: :essays, source: :writer, source_type: "Human", primary_key: :name |
21207 | scope :general, -> { where(name: "General") } |
21208 | enum gender: [:female, :male] |
21209 | has_many :all_bulbs, -> { unscope(where: :name) }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21210 | has_many :all_bulbs2, -> { unscope(:where) }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21211 | has_many :other_bulbs, -> { unscope(where: :name).where(name: "other") }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21212 | has_many :old_bulbs, -> { rewhere(name: "old") }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21213 | has_many :foo_bulbs, -> { where(name: "foo") }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21214 | has_many :awesome_bulbs, -> { awesome }, class_name: "Bulb" |
21215 | scope :incl_tyres, -> { includes(:tyres) } |
21216 | scope :incl_engines, -> { includes(:engines) } |
21217 | attribute :wheels_owned_at, :datetime, default: -> { } |
21218 | default_scope { order("name desc") } |
21219 | scope :awesome, -> { where(frickinawesome: true) } |
21220 | self[:color] = color.upcase + "!" |
21221 | def = {}, &block) |
21222 | bulb_type = (attributes || {}).delete(:bulb_type) |
21223 | has_many :tags, -> { where name: "Der be rum" }, through: :taggings, dependent: :destroy_async |
21224 | enum last_read: { unread: 0, reading: 2, read: 3, forgotten: nil } |
21225 | enum language: [:english, :spanish, :french], _prefix: :in |
21226 | enum font_size: [:small, :medium, :large], _prefix: :with, _suffix: true |
21227 | enum difficulty: [:easy, :medium, :hard], _suffix: :to_read |
21228 | enum cover: { hard: "hard", soft: "soft" } |
21229 | enum :cover, { hard: "0", soft: "1" }, default: :hard |
21230 | has_many :posts_with_comments, -> { includes(:comments) }, class_name: "Post" |
21231 | has_many :popular_grouped_posts, -> { includes(:comments).group("type").having("SUM(legacy_comments_count) > 1").select("type") }, class_name: "Post" |
21232 | has_many :posts_sorted_by_id, -> { order(:id) }, class_name: "Post" |
21233 | has_many :posts_sorted_by_id_limited, -> { order("").limit(1) }, class_name: "Post" |
21234 | -> { order(id: :desc) }, |
21235 | -> { where("ratings.value > 5").order(:id) }, |
21236 | has_many :comments_with_include, -> { includes(:post).where(posts: { type: "Post" }) }, through: :posts, source: :comments |
21237 | has_one :comment_on_first_post, -> { order(" desc, asc") }, through: :first_post, source: :comments |
21238 | has_many :thinking_posts, -> { where(title: "So I was thinking") }, dependent: :delete_all, class_name: "Post" |
21239 | has_many :welcome_posts, -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog") }, class_name: "Post" |
21240 | -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog").where(comments_count: 1) }, |
21241 | -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog").where("legacy_comments_count > 0") }, |
21242 | has_many :comments_desc, -> { order(" DESC") }, through: :posts_sorted_by_id, source: :comments |
21243 | has_many :hello_posts, -> { where "posts.body = 'hello'" }, class_name: "Post" |
21244 | has_many :posts_with_no_comments, -> { where("" => nil).includes(:comments) }, class_name: "Post" |
21245 | has_many :posts_with_no_comments_2, -> { left_joins(:comments).where("": nil) }, class_name: "Post" |
21246 | has_many :hello_posts_with_hash_conditions, -> { where(body: "hello") }, class_name: "Post" |
21247 | before_add: { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_adding#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21248 | after_add: { |o, r| o.post_log << "after_adding#{ || '<new>'}" }, |
21249 | before_remove: { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_removing#{}" }, |
21250 | after_remove: { |o, r| o.post_log << "after_removing#{}" } |
21251 | before_add: [:log_before_adding, { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_adding_proc#{ || '<new>'}" }], |
21252 | has_many :categorizations, -> { } |
21253 | has_many :favorite_authors, -> { order("name") }, through: :author_favorites |
21254 | has_many :similar_posts, -> { distinct }, through: :tags, source: :tagged_posts |
21255 | has_many :distinct_tags, -> { select("DISTINCT tags.*").order("") }, through: :posts, source: :tags |
21256 | has_many :unpublished_books, -> { where(status: [:proposed, :written]) }, class_name: "Book" |
21257 | has_many :misc_posts, -> { where(posts: { title: ["misc post by bob", "misc post by mary"] }) }, class_name: "Post" |
21258 | has_many :misc_post_first_blue_tags_2, -> { where(posts: { title: ["misc post by bob", "misc post by mary"] }) }, |
21259 | has_many :posts_with_signature, ->(record) { where(arel_table[:title].matches("%by #{}%")) }, class_name: "Post" |
21260 | has_many :posts_mentioning_author, ->(record = nil) { where(arel_table[:body].matches("%#{record&.name&.downcase}%")) }, class_name: "Post" |
21261 | has_one :recent_post, -> { order(id: :desc) }, class_name: "Post" |
21262 | has_many :posts_with_extension, -> { order(:title) }, class_name: "Post" do |
21263 | has_many :posts_with_extension_and_instance, ->(record) { order(:title) }, class_name: "Post" do |
21264 | has_many :top_posts, -> { order(id: :asc) }, class_name: "Post" |
21265 | has_many :other_top_posts, -> { order(id: :asc) }, class_name: "Post" |
21266 | has_many :topics_without_type, -> { select(:id, :title, :author_name) }, |
21267 | @post_log = [] |
21268 | @post_log << "before_adding#{ || '<new>'}" |
21269 | @post_log << "after_adding#{}" |
21270 | @post_log << "before_removing#{}" |
21271 | @post_log << "after_removing#{}" |
21272 | @destroyed_author_address_ids ||= [] |
21273 | default_scope { order(id: :asc) } |
21274 | store :params, accessors: [ :token ], coder: JSON |
21275 | read_store_attribute(:settings, :phone_number).gsub(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '(\1) \2-\3') |
21276 | write_store_attribute(:settings, :phone_number, value && value.gsub(/[^\d]/, "")) |
21277 | super || "red" |
21278 | store :params, accessors: [ :token ], coder: YAML |
21279 | @destroyed_account_ids ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
21280 | scope :open, -> { where("firm_name = ?", "37signals") } |
21281 | scope :available, -> { open } |
21282 | create_table("things") do |t| |
21283 | topic = { "omg" => "lol" }) |
21284 | assert_equal({ "omg" => "lol" }, yaml_load(YAML.dump(topic)).content) |
21285 | topic = "123") |
21286 | .group("") |
21287 | coder = {} |
21288 | = "Sean" |
21289 | self.primary_key = "id" |
21290 | create_view "ebooks'", <<~SQL |
21291 | assert_equal [books(:rfr).id], |
21292 | assert_equal ["Ruby for Rails"], |
21293 | assert_equal([["id", :integer], |
21294 | ["name", :string], |
21295 | ["cover", :string], |
21296 | ["status", :integer]], { |c| [, c.type] }) |
21297 | assert_equal({ "id" => 2, "name" => "Ruby for Rails", "cover" => "hard", "status" => 0 }, |
21298 | assert_equal([["name", :string], |
21299 | ["status", :integer]], { |c| [, c.type] }) |
21300 | assert_equal({ "name" => "Agile Web Development with Rails", "status" => 2 }, |
21301 | r.title = "Bad" |
21302 | r.content = "Good" |
21303 | r = "Valid title", author_name: "secret", content: "Good") |
21304 | WrongReply.create!([ { "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }]) |
21305 | WrongReply.create!("title" => "OK") do |r| |
21306 | WrongReply.create!([{ "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }]) do |r| |
21307 | d ="name" => "David", "salary" => "100,000") |
21308 | topic = klass.create("approved" => true) |
21309 | topic.wibble.gsub!("-", "") |
21310 | ["97.179", 97.179, BigDecimal("97.179")].each do |raw_value| |
21311 | ["97.174", 97.174, BigDecimal("97.174")].each do |raw_value| |
21312 | update!(author_name: "#{title} #{id}") |
21313 | topic = "abc") |
21314 | t ="title" => nil) |
21315 | t2 ="title" => nil) |
21316 | Topic.create!("title" => "abc") |
21317 | t2 ="title" => "abc") |
21318 | t ="title" => "new line") |
21319 | t = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique!") |
21320 | r1 = t.replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world" |
21321 | r2 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "hello world" |
21322 | t2 = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique too!") |
21323 | r3 = t2.replies.create "title" => "r3", "content" => "hello world" |
21324 | t = Topic.create(title: "I'm unique!") |
21325 | r1 = t.replies.create(title: "r1", content: "hello world") |
21326 | r2 = t.replies.create(title: "r2", content: "hello world") |
21327 | r3 = t2.replies.create(title: "r3", content: "hello world") |
21328 | a = Author.create(name: "Sergey") |
21329 | e1 = a.essays.create(name: "Essay") |
21330 | e2 = p.essays.create(name: "Essay") |
21331 | r1 = ReplyWithTitleObject.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world" |
21332 | r2 = ReplyWithTitleObject.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world" |
21333 | t = Topic.create("title" => "What, me worry?") |
21334 | r1 = t.unique_replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "a barrel of fun" |
21335 | r2 = t.silly_unique_replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun" |
21336 | r3 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun" |
21337 | t = Topic.create("title" => "The earth is actually flat!") |
21338 | r1 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "", "title" => "You're joking!", "content" => "Silly reply" |
21339 | r2 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "", "title" => "You're joking!", "content" => "Silly reply again..." |
21340 | r3 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "", "title" => "You're wrong", "content" => "It's cubic" |
21341 | r3.author_name = "jj" |
21342 | t ="title" => "I'm unique!", :parent_id => 2) |
21343 | t2 ="title" => "I'm UNIQUE!", :parent_id => 1) |
21344 | t2.parent_id = 4 |
21345 | t ="title" => "I'm unique!") |
21346 | t2 ="title" => "I'm %") |
21347 | t3 ="title" => "I'm uniqu_!") |
21348 | t3 ="title" => "I'M uNiQUe!") |
21349 | Topic.create!("title" => 101) |
21350 | t2 ="title" => 101) |
21351 | t1 ="title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "Mary") |
21352 | t2 ="title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "David") |
21353 | g = |
21354 | g.key = "foo" |
21355 | w3 = "Rincewind", city: "Quirm") |
21356 | Topic.create("title" => "I'm a topic", "approved" => true) |
21357 | Topic.create("title" => "I'm an unapproved topic", "approved" => false) |
21358 | t3 ="title" => "I'm a topic", "approved" => true) |
21359 | t4 ="title" => "I'm an unapproved topic", "approved" => false) |
21360 | abc = klass.create!(dashboard_id: "abc") |
21361 | t ="title" => "This is a unique title") |
21362 | += 1 |
21363 | t = "abc") |
21364 | t = Topic.create!(title: "abc") |
21365 | t.author_name = "John" |
21366 | t.title = "abc v2" |
21367 | t = Topic.create!(title: "abc", author_name: "John") |
21368 | t.author_name = "Amy" |
21369 | e1 = Event.create!(title: "abc") |
21370 | e2 = Event.create!(title: "cde") |
21371 | t.event = e2 |
21372 | b = |
21373 | = "Alex" |
21374 | f = |
21375 | b.face = f |
21376 | b.interests << [i1 =, i2 =] |
21377 | def dash.to_a; ["(/)", '(\)']; end |
21378 | if 123.455.to_d(5) == BigDecimal("123.46") |
21379 | ["99.994", 99.994, BigDecimal("99.994")].each do |raw_value| |
21380 | ["99.999", 99.999, BigDecimal("99.999")].each do |raw_value| |
21381 | o ="name" => "nopets") |
21382 |"name" => "apet") |
21383 | 2.times {"name" => "apet") } |
21384 | assert_not owner.update pets_attributes: [ { _destroy: 1, id: } ] |
21385 | pet = Pet.create!(name: "Fancy Pants", nickname: "Fancy") |
21386 | pet.nickname = "" |
21387 | I18n.backend.store_translations("en", errors: { messages: { custom: nil } }) |
21388 | @unique ||= Topic.create title: "unique!" |
21389 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activerecord: { errors: { models: { topic: { attributes: { replies: { invalid: "custom message" } } } } } } |
21390 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", errors: { attributes: { title: { taken: "Custom taken message" } } } |
21391 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activerecord: { errors: { models: { topic: { taken: "Custom taken message" } } } } |
21392 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activerecord: { errors: { models: { topic: { attributes: { title: { taken: "Custom taken message" } } } } } } |
21393 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activerecord: { errors: { models: { topic: { attributes: { title: { taken: "custom en message" } } } } } } |
21394 | t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") |
21395 | r.content = r3.content = "non-empty" |
21396 | r ="title" => "A reply", "content" => "with content!") |
21397 | r.topic = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh") |
21398 | t = |
21399 | r = Reply.create("title" => "A reply", "content" => "with content!") |
21400 | human = "John") |
21401 | human = Human.create!(name: "John") |
21402 | boy.interests << [i1 =, i2 =] |
21403 | def face_with_to_a.to_a; ["(/)", '(\)']; end |
21404 | ids = Post.order("title").pluck(:id) |
21405 | ids = Post.order(:title).pluck(:id) |
21406 | ids_expected = Post.order(Arel.sql("title") => Arel.sql("asc")).pluck(:id) |
21407 | ids = Post.order(title: :asc).pluck(:id) |
21408 | ids_expected = Post.order(Arel.sql("title") => Arel.sql("ASC")).pluck(:id) |
21409 | ids = Post.order(title: :ASC).pluck(:id) |
21410 | ids = Post.order(title: "asc").pluck(:id) |
21411 | ids_expected = Post.order(Arel.sql("author_id"), Arel.sql("title")).pluck(:id) |
21412 | ids = Post.order(:author_id, :title).pluck(:id) |
21413 | ids_expected = Post.order(Arel.sql("author_id"), Arel.sql("title") => Arel.sql("asc")).pluck(:id) |
21414 | ids = Post.order(:author_id, title: :asc).pluck(:id) |
21415 | ids = Post.order("posts.title").pluck(:id) |
21416 | ids = Post.order("title desc").pluck(:id) |
21417 | ["asc", "desc", ""].each do |direction| |
21418 | ids = Post.order("type::text #{direction} nulls #{position}").pluck(:id) |
21419 | Post.order("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz') asc").pluck(:id) |
21420 | Post.order("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')" => :asc).pluck(:id) |
21421 | ids_expected = Post.order(Arel.sql("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz'), id")).pluck(:id) |
21422 | ids = Post.order([Arel.sql("REPLACE(title, ?, ?), id"), "misc", "zzzz"]).pluck(:id) |
21423 | Post.order(["REPLACE(title, ?, ?), id", "misc", "zzzz"]).pluck(:id) |
21424 | Post.order(["author_id", "REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')"]).pluck(:id) |
21425 | ids = Post.order(["author_id", "length(title)"]).pluck(:id) |
21426 | ids = Post.order(["author_id", %Q'title COLLATE "#{collation_name}" DESC']).pluck(:id) |
21427 | ids = Post.order("author_id, length(trim(title))").pluck(:id) |
21428 | Post.order("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')") |
21429 | values_expected = Post.pluck(Arel.sql("title"), Arel.sql("id")) |
21430 | values = Post.pluck(:title, :id) |
21431 | Post.pluck("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')") |
21432 | Post.pluck(:title, "REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')") |
21433 | Post.includes(:comments).pluck(:title, "REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz')") |
21434 | = "foo" |
21435 | = "bar" |
21436 | assert_equal "string", mapping.fetch(1) { "int" } |
21437 | assert_equal "int", mapping.fetch(2) { "int" } |
21438 | string = +"" |
21439 | if type.include?("(") |
21440 | mapping.register_type("foo") { |*args| args.join("-") } |
21441 | assert_equal "foo-1-2-3", mapping.fetch("foo", 1, 2, 3) { |*args| args.join("-") } |
21442 | assert_equal "foo-2-3-4", mapping.fetch("foo", 2, 3, 4) { |*args| args.join("-") } |
21443 | assert_equal "bar-1-2-3", mapping.fetch("bar", 1, 2, 3) { |*args| args.join("-") } |
21444 | expected_time = ::Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 10, 30, 0) |
21445 | topic = { 4 => 10, 5 => 30 }) |
21446 | value = type.cast("1999-12-31T12:34:56.789-10:00") |
21447 | author = klass.create!(name: "Sean") |
21448 | << " Griffin" |
21449 | firm = Firm.create(name: "Apple") |
21450 | = 1 |
21451 | p = Task.create!(starting: |
21452 | value = type.cast("1999-12-31 12:34:56.789 -1000") |
21453 | [*args, "block for foo"] |
21454 | [*args, "block for bar"] |
21455 | assert_equal [:foo, 1, "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 1) |
21456 | assert_equal [:foo, 2, "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 2) |
21457 | assert_equal [:bar, 1, 2, 3, "block for bar"], registry.lookup(:bar, 1, 2, 3) |
21458 | def ==(other) self.args == other.args end |
21459 | @first, @second = Topic.find(1, 2).sort_by(&:id) |
21460 | title_change = ["The Fifth Topic of the day", "Ruby on Rails"] |
21461 | title_change = [nil, "Ruby on Rails"] |
21462 | author = "DHH") |
21463 | num = nil |
21464 | status = author.update(name: nil, post_ids: []) |
21465 | author.update!(name: nil, post_ids: []) |
21466 | topic = { |
21467 | new_topic = "A new topic", |
21468 | author_name: "Ben", |
21469 | last_read: "2004-04-15", |
21470 | bonus_time: "2005-01-30t15:28:00.00+01:00", |
21471 | topic_one = "A new topic") |
21472 | @first.content = "One" |
21473 | @first.content = "Two" |
21474 | @first.content = "Four" |
21475 | Topic.connection.stub(:commit_db_transaction, -> { raise("OH NOES") }) do |
21476 | topic = "test") |
21477 | topic_1 = "test_1") |
21478 | topic_2 = "test_2") |
21479 | movie = "foo") |
21480 | movie = Movie.create!(name: "foo") |
21481 | assert_no_difference(-> { klass.count }) do |
21482 | meta = class << topic; self; end |
21483 | @first = Topic.find(1) |
21484 | threads = (1..3).map do |
21485 | tag = Tag.create(name: "jon") |
21486 | @before_commit ||= {} |
21487 | @before_commit[on] ||= [] |
21488 | @after_commit ||= {} |
21489 | @after_commit[on] ||= [] |
21490 | @after_commit[on] << block |
21491 | @after_rollback ||= {} |
21492 | @after_rollback[on] ||= [] |
21493 | blocks.each { |b| } if blocks |
21494 | @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit } |
21495 | def @first.valid?(*) |
21496 | record.after_commit_block(:save) { |r| r.history << :after_save } |
21497 | new_record.after_commit_block(:create) { |r|! } |
21498 | r.content = "bar" |
21499 | def @first.rollbacks(i = 0); @rollbacks ||= 0; @rollbacks += i if i; end |
21500 | def @first.commits(i = 0); @commits ||= 0; @commits += i if i; end |
21501 | @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.rollbacks(1) } |
21502 | @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.commits(1) } |
21503 | def second.rollbacks(i = 0); @rollbacks ||= 0; @rollbacks += i if i; end |
21504 | def second.commits(i = 0); @commits ||= 0; @commits += i if i; end |
21505 | second.after_commit_block { |r| r.commits(1) } |
21506 | first = "foo") |
21507 | callbacks = [] |
21508 | define_method(:object_id) { 42 } |
21509 | record.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit } |
21510 | after_commit(if: opts, on: :create) { } |
21511 | record.after_commit_block(:create) { |r| r.history << :commit_on_create } |
21512 | record.after_commit_block(:update) { |r| r.history << :commit_on_update } |
21513 | after_commit(on: [:create, :destroy]) { |record| record.history << :create_and_destroy } |
21514 | after_commit(on: [:create, :update]) { |record| record.history << :create_and_update } |
21515 | after_commit(on: [:update, :destroy]) { |record| record.history << :update_and_destroy } |
21516 | @@history = [] |
21517 | @@history ||= [] |
21518 | after_commit(on: [:create, :update], if: :run_callback?) { |record| record.history << :create_or_update } |
21519 | if model != ActiveRecord::Base && !old |
21520 | time = - 25.days |
21521 | time = ( - 25.days).change(nsec: 0) |
21522 | time = - 2.days |
21523 | owner.update pets_attributes: { "0" => { id: "1", name: "Alfred" } } |
21524 | class User < ::User |
21525 | { updated_at: updated_at } |
21526 | @user = User.create!(password_digest: "$2a$4$#{"x" * 22}#{"y" * 31}") |
21527 | User.find_by_token_for!(:lookup, "bad") |
21528 | new_time = Time.utc(2015, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0) |
21529 | now = 0) |
21530 | new_time = Time.utc(2015, 2, 16, 4, 54, 0) |
21531 | validate { errors.add(:base, :invalid) } |
21532 | def; "Pet"; end |
21533 | = "I'm a parrot" |
21534 | def; "Toy"; end |
21535 | pet = |
21536 | toy1 = klass.find(1) |
21537 | toy2 = klass.find(2) |
21538 | def; "Car"; end |
21539 | car = car_class.find(1) |
21540 | toy = toy_class.find(3) |
21541 | toy = klass.find(1) |
21542 | = nil |
21543 | foo = time, finish: time) |
21544 | time = 123) |
21545 | time = ::Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0, 999999) |
21546 | assert_match %r{t\.time\s+"start",\s+precision: 4$}, output |
21547 | assert_match %r{t\.time\s+"finish",\s+precision: 6$}, output |
21548 | assert_match %r{t\.time\s+"start",\s+precision: 0$}, output |
21549 | assert_match %r{t\.time\s+"finish",\s+precision: 0$}, output |
21550 | File.write(File.join(tmp_dir, "zines.yml"), <<~YML) |
21551 | idx = 42 |
21552 | failed_patterns = [] |
21553 | def assert_queries(num = 1, options = {}, &block) |
21554 | ignore_none = options.fetch(:ignore_none) { num == :any } |
21555 | if num == :any |
21556 | mesg = "#{the_log.size} instead of #{num} queries were executed.#{the_log.size == 0 ? '' : " Queries: #{the_log.join(" ")}"}" |
21557 | def assert_no_queries(options = {}, &block) |
21558 | old_callbacks = {} |
21559 | if cfg.has_key?(:zone) |
21560 | = cfg[:zone] |
21561 | $stderr.puts <<-MSG |
21562 | #{self} |
21563 | Got: #{} |
21564 | def clear_log; self.log = []; self.log_all = []; end |
21565 | sql = values[:sql] |
21566 | 3, |
21567 | times: 6, |
21568 | env => { |
21569 | primary: { |
21570 | [:primary, :secondary].each do |db| |
21571 | define_method("test_#{k}_create") do |
21572 | assert_called(eval("@#{v}"), :create) do |
21573 | f.puts "This is a cache." |
21574 | path = "#{dir}/fake_db_config_schema.rb" |
21575 | @configurations = { "development" => { "database" => "my-db" } } |
21576 | @configurations["development"]["host"] = "" |
21577 | [config_for("test", "primary")] |
21578 | [config_for("development", "primary")], |
21579 | [config_for("test", "primary")], |
21580 | [config_for("test", "secondary")] |
21581 | [config_for("production", "primary")], |
21582 | define_method("test_#{k}_drop") do |
21583 | assert_called(eval("@#{v}"), :drop) do |
21584 | @configurations = { development: { "database" => "my-db" } } |
21585 | @configurations[:development]["host"] = "" |
21586 | :drop, |
21587 | backup =, "main", source_db, "main") |
21588 | define_method("test_#{k}_purge") do |
21589 | assert_called(eval("@#{v}"), :purge) do |
21590 | configurations = { development: { "database" => "my-db" } } |
21591 | assert_called(eval("@#{v}"), :charset) do |
21592 | assert_called(eval("@#{v}"), :collation) do |
21593 | eval("@#{v}"), :structure_dump, |
21594 | ["awesome-file.sql", nil] |
21595 | eval("@#{v}"), |
21596 | { ruby: "schema.rb", sql: "structure.sql" }.each_pair do |fmt, filename| |
21597 | user = User.create! token: "asdf" |
21598 | user.token = "uiop" |
21599 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "NASA") |
21600 | proc { dev.ship } |
21601 | ].each do |block| |
21602 | @john = Admin::User.create!( |
21603 | name: "John Doe", color: "black", remember_login: true, |
21604 | height: "tall", is_a_good_guy: true, |
21605 | @john.color = "red" |
21606 | user.color = "red" |
21607 | @john.settings = { color: @john.color, some: "thing" } |
21608 | @john.color = "black" |
21609 | @john.spouse[:name] = "Lena" |
21610 | @john.phone_number = "(123) 456-7890" |
21611 | @john.color = "yellow" |
21612 | @john.height = "low" |
21613 | user = Admin::User.find_by_name("Jamis") |
21614 | user.update(settings: { "color" => { "jenny" => "blue" }, homepage: "rails" }) |
21615 | user.height = "low" |
21616 | assert_equal false, @john.json_data.delete_if { |k, v| k == "height" }.any? |
21617 | @john.height = "short" |
21618 | @john.weight = "heavy" |
21619 | assert_equal({}, @john.params) |
21620 | sql = Book.where(author_id: 96, cover: "hard").to_sql |
21621 | b = cache.execute([ "my book" ], Book.connection) |
21622 | assert_equal "my book", b[0].name |
21623 | b = cache.execute([ "my other book" ], Book.connection) |
21624 | b1 = Book.create(name: "my book") |
21625 | b2 = Book.create(name: "my other book") |
21626 | b = cache.execute([ ], Book.connection) |
21627 | b = cache.execute([ ], Book.connection) |
21628 | a = Book.find_or_create_by(name: "my book") |
21629 | b = Book.find_or_create_by(name: "my other book") |
21630 | Book.where(name: "my book").where("author_id > 3") |
21631 | Book.create(name: "my book", author_id: 4) |
21632 | book = Book.find_by(name: "my book") |
21633 | @toy = Toy.first |
21634 | [200, {}, ["body"]] |
21635 | }, ->(*) { :shard_one }) |
21636 | }, ->(*) { :shard_one }, { lock: false }) |
21637 | }, ->(*) { "shard_one" }) |
21638 | myobj ="value1", "value2") |
21639 | topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj) |
21640 | serialize(:content, type: Hash, default: { key: "value" }) |
21641 | t = |
21642 | assert_equal({ key: "value" }, t.content) |
21643 | attribute :content, default: { key: "value" } |
21644 | hash = { "content1" => "value1", "content2" => "value2" } |
21645 | t = { foo: :bar }) |
21646 | assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, t.content) |
21647 | orig = { foo: :bar }) |
21648 | t = Topic.find(id) |
21649 | hash = { "important1" => "value1", "important2" => "value2" } |
21650 | myobj = Time.local(2008, 1, 1, 1, 0) |
21651 | myobj = "Yes" |
21652 | settings = { "color" => "blue" } |
21653 | settings = [ "color" => "green" ] |
21654 | settings = { "color" => "green" } |
21655 | insures = ["life"] |
21656 | topic = Topic.create!(content: { zomg: true }) |
21657 | expected = "can't load `content`: was supposed to be a Array, but was a Hash. -- {:zomg=>true}" |
21658 | topic = Topic.create(content: { "things" => "stuff" }) |
21659 | topic = Topic.create!(content: {}) |
21660 | topic = Topic.create!(content: { foo: "bar" }) |
21661 | !new.nil? |
21662 | topic = klass.create!(content: { trial: true }) |
21663 | assert_equal({ "trial" => true }, topic.content) |
21664 | value + " encoded" |
21665 | value.gsub(" encoded", "") |
21666 | value.gsub(" serialized", "") |
21667 | topic = model.create!(foo: "bar") |
21668 | attribute :content, default: { "key" => "value" } |
21669 | assert_equal({ "key" => "value" }, t.content) |
21670 | topic = Topic.create!(content: { "foo" => "bar" }) |
21671 | serialize(:content, type: Hash, default: { "key" => "value" }) |
21672 | t = { "foo" => "bar" }) |
21673 | assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, t.content) |
21674 | myobj = { "somevalue" => "thevalue" } |
21675 | topic = Topic.create!(content: { "zomg" => true }) |
21676 | expected = "can't load `content`: was supposed to be a Array, but was a Hash. -- {\"zomg\"=>true}" |
21677 | name: "aaron stack", |
21678 | age: 25, |
21679 | created_at: Time.utc(2006, 8, 1), |
21680 | preferences: { "gem" => "<strong>ruby</strong>" }, |
21681 | @serialized ="to_#{format}", only: [ :age, :name ]) |
21682 | @serialized ="to_#{format}", except: [ :age, :name ]) |
21683 | @user = |
21684 | assert_called_with(params, :to_h, [], returns: { token: @user.token, password: @user.password }) do |
21685 | assert_called_with(params, :to_h, [], returns: { token: "wrong", password: @user.password }) do |
21686 | assert_equal [1, 5, 6], ids.sort |
21687 | assert_sql(%r{/\* scoped \*/}) do |
21688 | assert_predicate { |query| query.match?(%r{/\* scoped \*/}) }, :empty? |
21689 | where("name = 'David'"). |
21690 | assert_predicate { |query| query.match?(%r{/\* unscope \*/}) }, :empty? |
21691 | Developer.where("" => 2).to_a |
21692 | assert_match "(salary = 80000)", sql |
21693 | @welcome = Post.find(1) |
21694 | assert_equal Topic.all.to_a, { |i| i } |
21695 | scope :since, { where("written_on >= ?", - } |
21696 | stats = {} |
21697 | { scope :containing_the_letter_z, where("body LIKE '%z%'") } |
21698 | conflicts = [ |
21699 | :to_ary, |
21700 | :to_sql, |
21701 | { scope name, -> { where(approved: true) } } |
21702 | scope = Topic.where("content LIKE '%Have%'") |
21703 | topics.any? { true } |
21704 | topics.many? { true } |
21705 | klass.class_eval { scope name, -> { where(approved: true) } } |
21706 | subklass.class_eval { scope name, -> { where(approved: true) } } |
21707 | scope :"title containing space", ->(space: " ") { where("title LIKE '%#{space}%'") } |
21708 | assert_equal klass.where("title LIKE '% %'"), klass.public_send(:"title containing space", space: " ") |
21709 | assert_sql(/COUNT/i) { topics.size } |
21710 | relation = Topic.where("1=1") |
21711 | post = Post.find(1) |
21712 | group.each { |t| assert t.approved? } |
21713 | one = assert_queries(1) { post.comments.limit_by(1).to_a } |
21714 | two = assert_queries(1) { post.comments.limit_by(2).to_a } |
21715 | [:destroy_all, :reset, :delete_all].each do |method| |
21716 | assert_sql(%r{/\* from-scope \*/}) do |
21717 | create_sql = capture_sql { klass.create!(name: "Steve") }.first |
21718 | update_sql = capture_sql { dev.update!(name: "Not Eileen") }.first |
21719 | update_sql = capture_sql { dev.update!(name: "Not Nikita") }.first |
21720 | reload_sql = capture_sql { dev.reload({ unscoped: true }) }.first |
21721 | expected = Developer.order("name DESC, id DESC").collect { |dev| [,] } |
21722 | received = Developer.order("name ASC").reorder("name DESC").order("id DESC").collect { |dev| [,] } |
21723 | expected = Developer.all.collect { |dev| [,] } |
21724 | expected = Developer.order("id DESC, name DESC").collect { |dev| [,] } |
21725 | expected_2 = Developer.all.collect { |dev| [,] } |
21726 | received_2 = Developer.order("id DESC, name DESC").unscope(:order).collect { |dev| [,] } |
21727 | expected_3 = Developer.all.collect { |dev| [,] } |
21728 | received_3 = Developer.reorder("name DESC").unscope(:order).collect { |dev| [,] } |
21729 | received_2 ="id").where("name" => "Jamis").unscope({ where: :name }, :select).collect(&:name) |
21730 | scope :by_name, -> name { unscope(where: :name).where(name: name) } |
21731 | expected = developer_klass.where(name: "Jamis").collect { |dev| [,] } |
21732 | received = developer_klass.where(name: "David").by_name("Jamis").collect { |dev| [,] } |
21733 | Developer.where(name: "Jamis").unscope("where" => :name) |
21734 | projects_attributes: [{ name: "p1" }] |
21735 | Post.where(id: [1, 5, 6]).scoping do |
21736 | assert_equal Developer.where(name: "David").map(&:id), |
21737 | }.join |
21738 | Thread.current[:default_scope_delay] = -> { barrier_2.wait } |
21739 | expected = <<~STR |
21740 | assert_no_match %r{(?<=, ) do \|t\|}, output |
21741 | matches = { |line| line.match(pattern) } |
21742 | line_matches = { |line| [line, line.match(pattern)] }.select { |line, match| match } |
21743 | line[start - 2..start - 1] == ", " |
21744 | output.scan(/^( *)create_table.*? (.*?)^\1end/m).map { |m| m.last.split(/ /) } |
21745 | assert column_set.all? { |column| !column.match(/\bt\.\w+\s{2,}/) } |
21746 | assert_no_line_up(column_set, /limit: /) |
21747 | assert_no_line_up(column_set, /null: /) |
21748 | output = dump_all_table_schema([/^[^r]/]) |
21749 | output = dump_all_table_schema([/^(?!integer_limits)/]) |
21750 | assert_match %r{"c_int_without_limit"(?!.*limit)}, output |
21751 | assert_match %r{c_int_1.*limit: 2}, output |
21752 | assert_match %r{c_int_2.*limit: 2}, output |
21753 | assert_match %r{"c_int_3"(?!.*limit)}, output |
21754 | assert_match %r{"c_int_4"(?!.*limit)}, output |
21755 | assert_match %r{c_int_1.*limit: 1}, output |
21756 | assert_match %r{c_int_3.*limit: 3}, output |
21757 | assert_match %r{c_int_4.*limit: 4}, output |
21758 | assert_match %r{c_int_5.*limit: 5}, output |
21759 | assert_match %r{c_int_6.*limit: 6}, output |
21760 | assert_match %r{c_int_7.*limit: 7}, output |
21761 | assert_match %r{c_int_8.*limit: 8}, output |
21762 | assert_match %r{t\.bigint\s+"c_int_5"$}, output |
21763 | assert_match %r{t\.bigint\s+"c_int_6"$}, output |
21764 | assert_match %r{t\.bigint\s+"c_int_7"$}, output |
21765 | assert_match %r{t\.bigint\s+"c_int_8"$}, output |
21766 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type", "rating"], name: "company_index", length: { type: 10 }, order: { rating: :desc }', index_definition |
21767 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type", "rating"], name: "company_index", length: { type: 10 }', index_definition |
21768 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type", "rating"], name: "company_index", order: { rating: :desc }', index_definition |
21769 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type", "rating"], name: "company_index"', index_definition |
21770 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type"], name: "company_partial_index", where: "(rating > 10)"', index_definition |
21771 | match = output.match(%r{create_table "movies"(.*)do}) |
21772 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"params"$}, output |
21773 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"data"$}, output |
21774 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"blob_data"$}, output |
21775 | index_definition.sub!(/, name: "company_expression_index"\z/, "") |
21776 | assert_match %r{CASE.+lower\(\(name\)::text\).+END\) DESC"\z}i, index_definition |
21777 | assert_match %r{CASE.+lower\(`name`\).+END\) DESC"\z}i, index_definition |
21778 | assert_match %r{CASE.+lower\(name\).+END\) DESC"\z}i, index_definition |
21779 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"var_binary",\s+limit: 255$}, output |
21780 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"tiny_blob",\s+size: :tiny$}, output |
21781 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"medium_blob",\s+size: :medium$}, output |
21782 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"long_blob",\s+size: :long$}, output |
21783 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"tiny_text",\s+size: :tiny$}, output |
21784 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"normal_text"$}, output |
21785 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"medium_text",\s+size: :medium$}, output |
21786 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"long_text",\s+size: :long$}, output |
21787 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"tiny_blob_2",\s+size: :tiny$}, output |
21788 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"medium_blob_2",\s+size: :medium$}, output |
21789 | assert_match %r{t\.binary\s+"long_blob_2",\s+size: :long$}, output |
21790 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"tiny_text_2",\s+size: :tiny$}, output |
21791 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"medium_text_2",\s+size: :medium$}, output |
21792 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"long_text_2",\s+size: :long$}, output |
21793 | assert_no_match %r{t\.boolean\s+"has_fun",.+limit: 1}, output |
21794 | assert_match %r{t\.index \["awesome"\], name: "index_key_tests_on_awesome", type: :fulltext$}, output |
21795 | assert_match %r{t\.index \["pizza"\], name: "index_key_tests_on_pizza"$}, output |
21796 | output = dump_all_table_schema([/^[^n]/]) |
21797 | assert_match %r{precision: 3,[[:space:]]+scale: 2,[[:space:]]+default: "2\.78"}, output |
21798 | assert_match %r{t\.decimal\s+"decimal_array_default",\s+default: \["1.23", "3.45"\],\s+array: true}, output |
21799 | assert_match %r{t\.oid\s+"obj_id"$}, output |
21800 | output = dump_all_table_schema(/./) |
21801 | connection.stub(:extensions, ["hstore", "uuid-ossp", "xml2"]) do |
21802 | connection.stub(:extensions, ["uuid-ossp", "xml2", "hstore"]) do |
21803 | match = output.match(%r{create_table "goofy_string_id"(.*)do.* (.*) }) |
21804 | assert_match %r{t\.string\s+"id",.*?null: false$}, match[2], "non-primary key id column not preserved" |
21805 | assert_match(/^\s+add_foreign_key "fk_test_has_fk"[^ ]+ \s+add_foreign_key "lessons_students"/, output) |
21806 | assert_equal ["authors"], output.scan(/^\s*add_foreign_key "([^"]+)".+$/).flatten |
21807 | assert_no_match(/^\s+add_foreign_key "fk_test_has_fk"[^ ]+ \s+add_foreign_key "lessons_students"/, output) |
21808 | create_table("dog_owners") do |t| |
21809 | create_table("dogs") do |t| |
21810 | t.index [:name] |
21811 | assert_no_match %r{create_table "foo_.+_bar"}, output |
21812 | assert_no_match %r{add_index "foo_.+_bar"}, output |
21813 | assert_no_match %r{add_foreign_key "foo_.+_bar"}, output |
21814 | assert_no_match %r{add_foreign_key "[^"]+", "foo_.+_bar"}, output |
21815 | assert_no_match %r{create_table "foo\$.+\$bar"}, output |
21816 | assert_no_match %r{add_index "foo\$.+\$bar"}, output |
21817 | assert_no_match %r{add_foreign_key "foo\$.+\$bar"}, output |
21818 | assert_no_match %r{add_foreign_key "[^"]+", "foo\$.+\$bar"}, output |
21819 | create_table("cats") do |t| |
21820 | create_table("omg_cats") do |t| |
21821 | t.text :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" } |
21822 | t.text :uuid, default: -> { "uuid()" } |
21823 | assert_match %r{t\.string\s+"string_with_default",.*?default: "Hello!"}, output |
21824 | assert_match %r{t\.date\s+"date_with_default",\s+default: "2014-06-05"}, output |
21825 | assert_match %r{t\.time\s+"time_with_default",\s+default: "2000-01-01 07:17:04"}, output |
21826 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"text_with_default",.*?default: "John' Doe"}, output |
21827 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"uuid",.*?default: -> \{ "gen_random_uuid\(\)" \}}, output |
21828 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"uuid",.*?default: -> \{ "uuid\(\)" \}}, output |
21829 | assert_equal "name='#{quoted_bambi}'", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name='%s'", "Bambi"]) |
21830 | assert_equal "name='#{quoted_bambi}'", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name='%s'", "Bambi".mb_chars]) |
21831 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi}", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name=?", "Bambi"]) |
21832 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi}", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name=?", "Bambi".mb_chars]) |
21833 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi}", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name=:name", name: "Bambi"]) |
21834 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi} AND id='1'", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name=:name AND id=:id", name: "Bambi", id: 1]) |
21835 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi} AND id=1", Binary.sanitize_sql_array(["name=:name AND id=:id", name: "Bambi", id: 1]) |
21836 | sub_query_pattern = /\(\bselect\b.*?\bwhere\b.*?\)/i |
21837 | select_author_sql = Post.sanitize_sql_array(["id in (?)", david_posts]) |
21838 | assert_equal "100!%", Binary.sanitize_sql_like("100%", "!") |
21839 | assert_equal "great!!", Binary.sanitize_sql_like("great!", "!") |
21840 | assert_equal 'C:\\Programs\\MsPaint', Binary.sanitize_sql_like('C:\\Programs\\MsPaint', "!") |
21841 | assert_equal "1__000_%", Binary.sanitize_sql_like("1_000%", "_") |
21842 | assert_equal "1%_000%%", Binary.sanitize_sql_like("1_000%", "%") |
21843 | where("title LIKE ?", sanitize_sql_like(term, "!")) |
21844 | scope :search_as_scope, -> (term) { |
21845 | assert_sql(/LIKE '20!% !_reduction!_!!'/) do |
21846 | assert_nothing_raised { Binary.disallow_raw_sql!([Arel.sql("field(id, ?)")]) } |
21847 | assert_equal "'1'", bind(":a", a: 1) # ' ruby-mode |
21848 | assert_equal "1", bind(":a", a: 1) # ' ruby-mode |
21849 | assert_nothing_raised { bind("'+00:00'", foo: "bar") } |
21850 | @ary = ary |
21851 | def each(&b) |
21852 | @ary.each(&b) |
21853 | assert_equal "'1','2','3'", bind("?", [1, 2, 3]) |
21854 | assert_equal "1,2,3", bind("?", [1, 2, 3]) |
21855 | assert_equal quoted_abc, bind("?", %w(a b c)) |
21856 | assert_equal "'1','2','3'", bind(":a", a: [1, 2, 3]) |
21857 | assert_equal "1,2,3", bind(":a", a: [1, 2, 3]) |
21858 | assert_equal quoted_abc, bind(":a", a: %w(a b c)) # ' |
21859 | assert_equal "'1','2','3'", bind("?",[1, 2, 3])) |
21860 | assert_equal "1,2,3", bind("?",[1, 2, 3])) |
21861 | assert_equal "'1','2','3'", bind(":a", a:[1, 2, 3])) |
21862 | assert_equal "1,2,3", bind(":a", a:[1, 2, 3])) |
21863 | assert_equal quoted_abc, bind(":a", a: b c))) # ' |
21864 | assert_equal quoted_nil, bind("?", []) |
21865 | assert_equal " in (#{quoted_nil})", bind(" in (?)", []) |
21866 | assert_equal "foo in (#{quoted_nil})", bind("foo in (?)", []) |
21867 | assert_equal "'0'", bind("?", 0..0) |
21868 | assert_equal "'1','2','3'", bind("?", 1..3) |
21869 | assert_equal "0", bind("?", 0..0) |
21870 | assert_equal "1,2,3", bind("?", 1..3) |
21871 | assert_equal quoted_abc, bind("?", "a"..."d") |
21872 | assert_equal quoted_nil, bind("?", 0...0) |
21873 | assert_equal quoted_nil, bind("?", "a"..."a") |
21874 | assert_equal quoted_empty, bind("?", "") |
21875 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi}", bind("name=?", "Bambi") |
21876 | assert_equal "name=#{quoted_bambi}", bind("name=?", "Bambi".mb_chars) |
21877 | l = { bind(":a::integer '2009-01-01'::date", a: "10") } |
21878 |["col_1", "col_2"], [ |
21879 | ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2"], |
21880 | ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2"], |
21881 | ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2"], |
21882 | { "col_1" => "row 1 col 1", "col_2" => "row 1 col 2" }, |
21883 | { "col_1" => "row 2 col 1", "col_2" => "row 2 col 2" }, |
21884 | { "col_1" => "row 3 col 1", "col_2" => "row 3 col 2" }, |
21885 | ], result.to_a |
21886 | { "col_1" => "row 1 col 1", "col_2" => "row 1 col 2" }, result.first) |
21887 | ], result.first(1) |
21888 | ], result.first(2) |
21889 | ], result.first(3) |
21890 | { "col_1" => "row 3 col 1", "col_2" => "row 3 col 2" }, result.last) |
21891 | ], result.last(1) |
21892 | ], result.last(2) |
21893 | ], result.last(3) |
21894 | assert_equal ["col_1", "col_2"], row.keys |
21895 | values = [["1.1", "2.2"], ["3.3", "4.4"]] |
21896 | columns = ["col1", "col2"] |
21897 | types = { "col1" =>, "col2" => } |
21898 | assert_equal [[1, 2.2], [3, 4.4]], result.cast_values |
21899 | types = { "col1" => } |
21900 | assert_equal [[1, "2.2"], [3, "4.4"]], result.cast_values |
21901 | values = [["1.1"], ["3.3"]] |
21902 | columns = ["col1"] |
21903 | assert_equal [[1.1, 2.2], [3.3, 4.4]], result.cast_values("col1" => |
21904 | assert_equal ["id", "order", "select_id"], @connection.columns(:group).map(&:name).sort |
21905 | x = |
21906 | x.order = "x" |
21907 | x.order = "y" |
21908 | assert_equal [2, 3], gs.collect(&:id).sort |
21909 | assert_equal [1, 2], s.collect(&:id).sort |
21910 | assert_equal ["id", "order", "select_id"], |
21911 | pet = Pet.find_by_name("parrot") |
21912 | Kernel.load(File.expand_path("../models/owner.rb", __dir__)) |
21913 | x = Post.where("author_id = ?", 1) |
21914 | posts = Post.where("author_id = ? AND id = ?", 1, 1) |
21915 | 2.times { topics.to_a } |
21916 | subquery = Comment.from("#{Comment.table_name} /*! USE INDEX (PRIMARY) */").joins(:post).select(:id).order(:id) |
21917 | subquery = Comment.from("#{Comment.table_name} /*! USE INDEX (PRIMARY) */").joins(:post).order(:id) |
21918 | subquery = Comment.from("#{Comment.quoted_table_name} /*! USE INDEX (PRIMARY) */").joins(:post).select(:id).order(:id) |
21919 | subquery = Comment.from("#{Comment.quoted_table_name} /*! USE INDEX (PRIMARY) */").joins(:post).order(:id) |
21920 | subquery = Comment.from("(#{relation.to_sql}) #{Comment.table_name}_grouped").select("type", "post_count") |
21921 | assert_equal ["David"], Author.where(name: "David").map(&:name) |
21922 | topics = Topic.order("id") |
21923 | topics = Topic.order(Arel.sql("id") => :desc) |
21924 | topics = Topic.order(Arel.sql("id") => :asc).reverse_order |
21925 | Topic.order(Arel.sql("REPLACE(title, '', '')") => :asc).reverse_order |
21926 | topics = Topic.order(id: "desc") |
21927 | topics = Topic.order(id: "asc") |
21928 | e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.order(:name, "id DESC", id: :asfsdf) } |
21929 | assert_equal 'Direction "asfsdf" is invalid. Valid directions are: [:asc, :desc, :ASC, :DESC, "asc", "desc", "ASC", "DESC"]', e.message |
21930 | topics = Topic.order("author_name").order("title").reorder("id").to_a |
21931 | topics = Topic.reorder("id desc", "id desc") |
21932 | limit(1).to_a |
21933 | query = Tag.order([Arel.sql("field(id, ?)"), [1, 3, 2]]).to_sql |
21934 | assert_match(/field\(id, '1','3','2'\)/, query) |
21935 | assert_match(/field\(id, 1,3,2\)/, query) |
21936 | query = Tag.order([Arel.sql("field(id, ?)"), []]).to_sql |
21937 | assert_match(/field\(id, NULL\)/, query) |
21938 | query = Tag.order([Arel.sql("field(id, ?)"), nil]).to_sql |
21939 | query = Tag.order(Arel.sql("field(id, ?)", [1, 3, 2])).to_sql |
21940 | assert_match(/field\(id, '1', '3', '2'\)/, query) |
21941 | assert_match(/field\(id, 1, 3, 2\)/, query) |
21942 | query = Tag.order(Arel.sql("field(id, ?)", [])).to_sql |
21943 | query = Tag.order(Arel.sql("field(id, ?)", nil)).to_sql |
21944 | even_ids = { |d| % 2 == 0 }.map(&:id) |
21945 | assert_equal [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], even_ids.sort |
21946 | where("project_id=1").to_a |
21947 | ).to_a |
21948 | authors = Author.eager_load(posts: { special_comments: { post: [ :special_comments, :very_special_comment ] } }). |
21949 | .where(comments: { id: 1 }) |
21950 | post = Post.create! title: "Uhuu", body: "body" |
21951 | post = posts.find { |p| == 1 } |
21952 | authors = Author.all.where(id: []) |
21953 | relation = [ |
21954 | { name: }, |
21955 | { name: "Santiago" }, |
21956 | { name: "tenderlove" }, |
21957 | ids = Author.pluck(:id) |
21958 | slugs = { |id| "#{id}-as-a-slug" } |
21959 | relation = Author.where("id in (?)", Author.where(id: david).select(:id)) |
21960 | relation = Post.where("id in (?)", |
21961 | relation = Post.where("id in (:post_ids)", post_ids: |
21962 | expected = { 1 => 4, 2 => 1 } |
21963 | no_posts = posts.where(title: "") |
21964 | assert posts.any? { |p| > 0 } |
21965 | assert_not posts.any? { |p| <= 0 } |
21966 | assert posts.many? { |p| > 0 } |
21967 | assert_not posts.many? { |p| < 2 } |
21968 | assert posts.none? { |p| < 0 } |
21969 | assert_not posts.none? { |p| == 1 } |
21970 | assert_not { |p| < 3 } |
21971 | assert { |p| == 1 } |
21972 | posts = Post.where(title: "You told a lie") |
21973 | hen = birds.where(name: "hen").create! |
21974 | green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").new([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "canary" }]) |
21975 | assert_equal ["parrot", "canary"], |
21976 | assert_equal ["green", "green"], |
21977 | green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").build([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "canary" }]) |
21978 | green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").create([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "canary" }]) |
21979 | bird.color = "grey" |
21980 | green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").create!([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "canary" }]) |
21981 | canary = Bird.create!(color: "yellow", name: "canary") |
21982 | = "parrot" |
21983 | same_parrot = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create { |bird| = "parakeet" } |
21984 | several_green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "parakeet" }]) |
21985 | same_parrot = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create([{ name: "hummingbird" }, { name: "macaw" }]) |
21986 | same_parrot = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create! { |bird| = "parakeet" } |
21987 | Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create! { |bird| bird.pirate_id = 1 } |
21988 | several_green_birds = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create!([{ name: "parrot" }, { name: "parakeet" }]) |
21989 | same_parrot = Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create!([{ name: "hummingbird" }, { name: "macaw" }]) |
21990 | assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Bird.where(color: "green").first_or_create!([ { name: "parrot" }, { pirate_id: 1 } ]) } |
21991 | bird = Bird.find_or_create_by(name: "bob") |
21992 | results = [nil, bob] |
21993 | find_by_mock = -> (*) do |
21994 | bird = Bird.create_with(color: "green").find_or_create_by(name: "bob") |
21995 | bird = Bird.find_or_create_by(name: "bob") do |record| |
21996 | Subscriber.create_or_find_by!(nick: "bob", name: "the cat") |
21997 | hens = Bird.where(name: "hen") |
21998 | relation = Post.where(author_id: 1).order("id ASC").limit(1) |
21999 | assert_equal Post.all.sort_by(&:id), all_posts.sort_by(&:id) |
22000 | assert_equal all_posts.sort_by(&:id), relation.scoping { Post.except(:where, :order, :limit).sort_by(&:id) } |
22001 | tag1 = Tag.create(name: "Foo") |
22002 | tag2 = Tag.create(name: "Foo") |
22003 | query = [,]) |
22004 | assert_equal ["Foo", "Foo"], |
22005 | scope = Post.having("") |
22006 | scope = Post.having([]) |
22007 | scope = Post.includes(:comments).order({ "comments.label": :ASC }) |
22008 | scope = Post.includes(:comments).order({ "posts.title": :ASC }) |
22009 | scope = Post.where(comments: { body: "Bla" }) |
22010 | scope = Post.where("comments.body" => "Bla") |
22011 | scope = Post.where.not(comments: { body: "Bla" }) |
22012 | scope = Post.where.not("comments.body" => "Bla") |
22013 | scope = Post.having(comments: { body: "Bla" }) |
22014 | scope = Post.having("comments.body" => "Bla") |
22015 | post = nil |
22016 | assert sql_log.any? { |sql| /order by/i.match?(sql) }, "ORDER BY was not used in the query: #{sql_log}" |
22017 | assert sql_log.all? { |sql| !/order by/i.match?(sql) }, "ORDER BY was used in the query: #{sql_log}" |
22018 | assert_difference("Post.count", -3) { david.posts.delete_by(body: "hello") } |
22019 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by("author_id = ?", 2) |
22020 | assert_nil Post.all.find_by("1 = 0") |
22021 | assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.all.find_by(author_id: 2) } |
22022 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by!("author_id = 2") |
22023 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by!("author_id = ?", 2) |
22024 | assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.all.find_by!(author_id: 2) } |
22025 | Post.all.find_by!("1 = 0") |
22026 | assert_equal "#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#{Post.limit(2).map(&:inspect).join(', ')}]>", relation.inspect |
22027 | assert_equal "#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#{Post.limit(10).map(&:inspect).join(', ')}, ...]>", relation.inspect |
22028 | assert_sql(%r(/\* loading for inspect \*/)) do |
22029 | expected = "#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#{Post.limit(2).map(&:inspect).join(', ')}]>" |
22030 | assert_equal 10, out.string.scan(/#<\w*Post:/).size |
22031 | assert out.string.end_with?("\"...\"] "), "Did not end with an ellipsis." |
22032 | assert_sql(%r(/\* loading for pp \*/)) do |
22033 | test "#load" do |
22034 | expected = [[1, nil], [5, "David"], [3, "Mary"], [2, "Bob"]] |
22035 | assert_equal [1, 2, 4], |
22036 | assert_equal [1, 1, 1], |
22037 | companies = Company.create!([{ name: "test1" }, { name: "test2" }]) |
22038 | p1 = Post.where(id: 1) |
22039 | p2 = Post.where(id: 2) |
22040 | p0 = Post.where(author_id: 0) |
22041 | posts = Post.where(author: authors(:mary), text: "hullo").order(:id) |
22042 | comments = comments.unscope(where: { posts: :id }) |
22043 | title: ["Welcome to the weblog", "So I was thinking", nil] |
22044 | 5.times do |idx| |
22045 | Post.create!(title: idx.to_s, body: idx.to_s) |
22046 | third_post = posts.find_by(title: "3") |
22047 | authors = Author.where(name: ["David", "Mary"].to_set) |
22048 | authors = Author.public_send(method, [""]) |
22049 | assert_equal({}, value) |
22050 | relation.where!(title: ["foo", "bar", "hello"]) |
22051 | assert_equal({ "title" => ["foo", "bar", "hello"] }, relation.where_values_hash) |
22052 | assert_equal({ "id" => 10 }, relation.where_values_hash) |
22053 | assert_equal({ "hello" => "world" }, relation.scope_for_create) |
22054 | assert_equal({ "id" => 10 }, relation.scope_for_create) |
22055 | assert_equal({ "hello" => "world", "id" => 10 }, relation.scope_for_create) |
22056 | assert_equal({ "name" => :lol }, relation.where_clause.to_h) |
22057 | values[:where] = nil |
22058 | relation =, values: { select: [:foo] }) |
22059 | raise unless args == ["foo = ?", "bar"] |
22060 | relation.merge!(where: ["foo = ?", "bar"]) |
22061 | nb_inner_join = queries.sum { |sql| sql.scan(/INNER\s+JOIN/i).size } |
22062 | post = Post.create!(title: "haha", body: "huhu") |
22063 | selected ="id as #{quoted_join}")).map(&:join) |
22064 | assert_equal({ 2 => 1, 4 => 3, 5 => 1 }, authors(:david).posts.merge(posts_with_special_comments_with_ratings).count) |
22065 | assert_match %r{= 1 /\* foo \*/}, post_with_annotation.to_sql |
22066 | assert_sql(%r{/\* foo \*/}) do |
22067 | assert_sql(%r{/\* foo \*/ /\* bar \*/}) do |
22068 | post_with_annotation = Post.where(id: 1).annotate("**//foo//**") |
22069 | assert_includes post_with_annotation.to_sql, "= 1 /* ** //foo// ** */" |
22070 | assert_predicate { |query| query.match?(%r{/\*}) }, :empty? |
22071 | post_with_hint = Post.where(id: 1).optimizer_hints("**//BADHINT//**") |
22072 | assert_includes post_with_hint.to_sql, "/*+ ** //BADHINT// ** */" |
22073 | post_with_hint = Post.where(id: 1).optimizer_hints("/*+ BADHINT */") |
22074 | assert_includes post_with_hint.to_sql, "/*+ BADHINT */" |
22075 | Post.where(id: []).load |
22076 | Post.where(id: []).unscope(where: :id).load |
22077 | Post.where(id: []).exists?(123) |
22078 | Post.all.exists?(id: []) |
22079 | cte_options = { |
22080 | .with(posts_with_tags: Post.where("tags_count > 0")) |
22081 | assert_equal [comment], Comment.joins(post: :author).where(authors: { id: "2-foo" }) |
22082 | posts = Post.where(id: "1-foo") |
22083 | posts = Post.where(id: ["1-foo", "bar"]) |
22084 | joined.each { |post| |
22085 | = 1 |
22086 | assert_equal Post.where(author_id: [1, 2]).to_sql, Post.where(author: [1, 2]).to_sql |
22087 | expected = Post.where(author_id: Author.where(id: [1, 2])).to_sql |
22088 | = 1 |
22089 | = 2 |
22090 | car = cars(:honda) |
22091 | = 1 |
22092 | Post.where(id: { "posts.author_id" => 10 }).first |
22093 | assert_equal post, Post.where(posts: { "id" => }).first |
22094 | assert_equal 0, Post.where(id: []).count |
22095 | [[], {}, nil, ""].each do |blank| |
22096 | first_clause =[table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))]) |
22097 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))], |
22098 | a =["a"]) |
22099 | b =["b"]) |
22100 | c =["c"]) |
22101 | assert_equal a + (b + c), (a + b) + c |
22102 | assert_not_equal a + b, b + a |
22103 | clause =[table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))]) |
22104 | a =[table["id"].eq(1)]) |
22105 | b =[table["name"].eq("Sean")]) |
22106 | expected =[table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Sean")]) |
22107 | a =[table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Sean")]) |
22108 | b =[table["name"].eq("Jim")]) |
22109 | expected =[table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Jim")]) |
22110 | [table["name"].eq(bind_param("Jim"))], |
22111 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Jim"))], |
22112 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table2["id"].eq(bind_param(2))], |
22113 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(3))], |
22114 | [table2["id"].eq(bind_param(2)), table["id"].eq(bind_param(3))], |
22115 | table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]), |
22116 | table["id"].not_in([1, 2, 3]), |
22117 | table["id"].eq(1), |
22118 | table["id"].not_eq(2), |
22119 | table["id"].gt(1), |
22120 | table["id"].gteq(2), |
22121 | table["id"].lt(1), |
22122 | table["id"].lteq(2), |
22123 | table["id"].is_not_distinct_from(1), |
22124 | table["id"].is_distinct_from(2), |
22125 |[ |
22126 | table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean")), |
22127 | table["age"].gteq(bind_param(30)), |
22128 | wcs = (0..9).map do |i| |
22129 |[table["id#{i}"].eq(bind_param(i))]) |
22130 | wc = wcs[0] + wcs[1] + wcs[2].or(wcs[3]) + wcs[4] + wcs[5] + wcs[6].or(wcs[7]) + wcs[8] + wcs[9] |
22131 | expected = wcs[0] + wcs[2].or(wcs[3]) + wcs[5] + wcs[6].or(wcs[7]) + wcs[9] |
22132 | actual = wc.except("id1", "id2", "id4", "id7", "id8") |
22133 | table["name"].eq(bind_param(nil)), |
22134 | expected =[ |
22135 |"foo = bar")), |
22136 | where_clause =[table["id"].in([1, 2, 3])]) |
22137 | where_clause_with_empty =[table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]), ""]) |
22138 | where_clause =[table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))]) |
22139 | other_clause =[table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))]) |
22140 |["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))) |
22141 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["hair_color"].eq(bind_param("black"))], |
22142 | [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))], |
22143 | or_clause =[table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))]) |
22144 | .or([table["hair_color"].eq(bind_param("black"))])) |
22145 | common_or =[table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))]) |
22146 | a = common_or +[table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))]) |
22147 | b = common_or +[table["foo"].eq(bind_param("bar"))]) |
22148 | new_or =[table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))]) |
22149 | .or([table["foo"].eq(bind_param("bar"))])) |
22150 | assert_equal common_or + new_or, a.or(b) |
22151 | table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), |
22152 | table["extra"].eq(bind_param("pluto")), |
22153 | h = |
22154 | h[["a"])] += 1 |
22155 | h[["b"])] += 1 |
22156 |["a"]) => 2, |
22157 |["b"]) => 1 |
22158 | relation = Post.where.not(author_id: [1, 2]).where.not(title: "ruby on rails") |
22159 | relation = Post.where(body: "hello").where(body: "world").rewhere(body: "hullo") |
22160 | relation = Post.where(body: "hello").where(type: "StiPost").rewhere(body: "hullo", type: "Post") |
22161 | expected = Post.where(body: "hullo", type: "Post") |
22162 | relation = Post.where(body: "hello").where(type: "Post").rewhere(body: "hullo") |
22163 | relation = Post.where(text: "hello").where(text: "world").rewhere(text: "hullo") |
22164 | posts.each { |post| assert_equal "rofl", post.title } |
22165 | assert_equal 1, WarehouseThing.where(id: 1).update_all(["value = ?", 0]) |
22166 | assert posts.all? { |post| "ig" == post.title } |
22167 | pets = Pet.joins(:toys).where(toys: { name: "Bone" }) |
22168 | pets = Pet.left_joins(:toys).where(toys: { name: "Bone" }) |
22169 | pets = Pet.includes(:toys).where(toys: { name: "Bone" }) |
22170 | Pet.joins(:toys).where(toys: { name: "Bone" }).update_counters(integer: 1) |
22171 | [,], |
22172 | [{ title: "adequaterecord" }, { title: "adequaterecord" }] |
22173 | topic = Topic.create!(title: "Foo", author_name: nil) |
22174 |! { |version| version + 1 } |
22175 | Author.order(order).update_all("id = id + 1") |
22176 | assert_equal 1, limited_posts.update_all([ "body = ?", "bulk update!" ]) |
22177 | left = Post.where(id: 1) |
22178 | right = Post.where(id: 2) |
22179 | left = Post.distinct.where("id = 1") |
22180 | right = Post.where(id: [2, 3]) |
22181 | left = Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1") |
22182 | right = Post.order("id desc").where(id: [2, 3]) |
22183 | left = Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").unscope(:order) |
22184 | right = Post.order("body asc").where("id = 2") |
22185 | post =, posts: { title: :post_title }).take |
22186 | { boo: :post_title }).take |
22187 | [:bar, :id]).take |
22188 | { "UPPER(title)" => :post_title }).take |
22189 | post = [:title, :id]).take |
22190 | post = Post.joins(:comments).select(:title, posts: { title: :post_title }, comments: { body: :comment_body }).take |
22191 | expected =, posts: { title: :post_title }).to_sql |
22192 | actual =, :body).reselect(:title, posts: { title: :post_title }).to_sql |
22193 | ].each do |post| |
22194 | posts =" * 1.1 AS foo").eager_load(:comments) |
22195 | assert_match %r{#{Regexp.escape(topic_title)} ~ 'rails'}i, Topic.where(title: /rails/).to_sql |
22196 | assert_match %r{#{Regexp.escape(topic_title)} ~ 'rails'}i, Reply.joins(:topic).where(topics: { title: /rails/ }).to_sql |
22197 | expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2").to_a |
22198 | assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 2")).to_a |
22199 | expected = Post.where("id = 1").to_a |
22200 | assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 1")).to_a |
22201 | assert_equal Post.find([1, 2]).sort_by(&:id), Post.where(id: 1).or(Post.where(id: 2)).sort_by(&:id) |
22202 | expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2 or id = 3").order("body asc").to_a |
22203 | assert_equal expected, partial.where("id = 1").or(partial.where(id: [2, 3])).to_a |
22204 | assert_equal expected, Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").or(Post.order("body asc").where(id: [2, 3])).to_a |
22205 | Post.distinct.where("id = 1").or(Post.where(id: [2, 3])).to_a |
22206 | Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").or(Post.order("id desc").where(id: [2, 3])).to_a |
22207 | expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2") |
22208 | partial = Post.where("id = 1 and id != 2") |
22209 | partial = Post.where(id: 1).where.not(id: 2) |
22210 | expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2").sort_by(&:id) |
22211 | assert_equal expected, Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").unscope(:order).or(Post.where("id = 2")).sort_by(&:id) |
22212 | assert_equal expected, Post.order(:id).where("id = 1").or(Post.order(:id).where("id = 2").unscope(:order)).sort_by(&:id) |
22213 | Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").unscope(:order).or(Post.order("body asc").where("id = 2")).to_a |
22214 | groups = Post.where("id < 10").group("body") |
22215 | expected = groups.having("COUNT(*) > 1 OR body like 'Such%'").count |
22216 | expected = Post.where("id = 1 or body LIKE '\%a\%'").to_a |
22217 | expected = Post.where("body LIKE '\%a\%' OR title LIKE ?", "%'%").order("id DESC").to_a |
22218 | p = Post.where("id = 1") |
22219 | assert_equal expected, p.or(Post.where("id = 2")).to_a |
22220 | Post.where(id: [1, 2, 3]).or(title: "Rails") |
22221 | actual = joined.where(authors: { id: 1 }) |
22222 | assert_match %r{#{quoted_posts} /\* foo \*/\z}, Post.annotate("foo").or(Post.all).to_sql |
22223 | assert_match %r{#{quoted_posts} /\* foo \*/\z}, Post.annotate("foo").or(Post.annotate("foo")).to_sql |
22224 | assert_match %r{#{quoted_posts} /\* foo \*/\z}, Post.annotate("foo").or(Post.annotate("bar")).to_sql |
22225 | assert_match %r{#{quoted_posts} /\* foo \*/ /\* bar \*/\z}, Post.annotate("foo", "bar").or(Post.annotate("foo")).to_sql |
22226 | Post.from("posts").or(Post.from("posts")) |
22227 | Paragraph.where(id: i, book_id: i * i) |
22228 | test "##{method}!" do |
22229 | test "#_select!" do |
22230 | test "#order!" do |
22231 | test "#from!" do |
22232 | test "#lock!" do |
22233 | test "#reorder!" do |
22234 | test "merge!" do |
22235 | assert_equal [:foo], relation.merge(-> { select(:foo) }).select_values |
22236 | test "none!" do |
22237 | test "#regroup!" do |
22238 | david, mary, bob = authors = authors(:david, :mary, :bob) |
22239 | david_and_mary = Author.where(id: [david, mary]).order(:id) |
22240 | david, mary, bob = authors(:david, :mary, :bob) |
22241 | non_mary_and_bob = Author.where.not(id: [mary, bob]) |
22242 | assert_sql(/WHERE #{Regexp.escape(author_id)} NOT IN \((\?|\W?\w?\d), \g<1>\)\z/) do |
22243 | only_david = Author.where("#{author_id} IN (?)", david) |
22244 | assert_sql(/WHERE \(#{Regexp.escape(author_id)} IN \('1'\)\)\z/) do |
22245 | assert_sql(/WHERE \(#{Regexp.escape(author_id)} IN \(1\)\)\z/) do |
22246 | devs = Developer.where("salary >= 80000").merge(Developer.limit(2)).merge(Developer.order("id ASC").where("id < 3")) |
22247 | assert_match(/.?post_id.? = #{}\z/i, sql) |
22248 | relations = [] |
22249 | right = Post.where(title: "wtf").where(title: "bbq") |
22250 | right = Post.where(id: 1) |
22251 | relation = Post.all.merge(Post.order([Arel.sql("title LIKE ?"), "%suffix"])) |
22252 | relation = Post.all.merge(Post.order(Arel.sql("title LIKE '%?'"))) |
22253 | assert_sql(%r{/\* bar \*/ /\* foo \*/}) do |
22254 | assert_sql(%r{/\* foo \*/ /\* bar \*/ /\* baz \*/ /\* qux \*/}) do |
22255 | assert_sql(%r{FROM #{Regexp.escape(Post.quoted_table_name)} /\* foo \*/\z}) do |
22256 | assert_sql(%r{FROM #{Regexp.escape(Post.quoted_table_name)} /\* foo \*/ /\* bar \*/\z}) do |
22257 | assert_sql(%r{FROM #{Regexp.escape(Post.quoted_table_name)} /\* bar \*/ /\* foo \*/\z}) do |
22258 | hello_by_bob = Post.where(body: "hello").joins(:author). |
22259 | merge(Author.where(name: "Bob")).order("").pluck("") |
22260 | where.not("": "David"). |
22261 | assert_equal ["Bob", "Bob", "Mary"], posts_by_author_name |
22262 | assert_equal ["Mary", "Mary", "Mary", "Bob"], posts_by_author_name |
22263 | assert_equal [1, 2, 7], relation.pluck(:id) |
22264 | callback = -> (event) do |
22265 | assert_equal [["Comment Load", true]], { |e| [e.payload[:name], e.payload[:async]] } |
22266 | assert_equal [["Category Load", true]], { |e| [e.payload[:name], e.payload[:async]] } |
22267 | if event.payload[:name] == "Post Load" |
22268 | if event.payload[:name] == "SQL" |
22269 | assert_equal [], Post.where(id: []).load_async.to_a |
22270 | dog_status = {} |
22271 | order = [3, 4, 1] |
22272 | posts = Post.in_order_of(:id, order) |
22273 | posts = Post.in_order_of(:id, []) |
22274 | posts = Post.in_order_of(Arel.sql("id * 2"), { |id| id * 2 }) |
22275 | posts = Post.where(type: "Post").order(:type).in_order_of(:id, order) |
22276 | posts = Post.where(type: "Post").order(:type).in_order_of("id", order) |
22277 | order = ["ebook", nil, "paperback"] |
22278 | bob = Author.create(name: "Bob") |
22279 | order = ["Bob", "Anna", "John"] |
22280 | davids = Author.where(name: "David").from("#{Author.quoted_table_name} /*! USE INDEX (PRIMARY) */") |
22281 | pets = Pet.joins(:toys).where(" = ?", "Bone") |
22282 | :+, :-, :|, :&, :[], :shuffle, |
22283 | :all?, :collect, :compact, :detect, :each, :each_cons, :each_with_index, |
22284 | :exclude?, :find_all, :flat_map, :group_by, :include?, :length, |
22285 | :map, :none?, :one?, :partition, :reject, :reverse, :rotate, |
22286 | :sample, :second, :sort, :sort_by, :slice, :third, :index, :rindex, |
22287 | :to_ary, :to_set, :to_xml, :to_yaml, :join, |
22288 | :in_groups, :in_groups_of, :to_sentence, :to_formatted_s, :to_fs, :as_json |
22289 | method.end_with?("=", "!", "?", "value", "values", "clause") |
22290 | } - [:reverse_order, :arel, :extensions, :construct_join_dependency] + [ |
22291 | :any?, :many?, :none?, :one?, |
22292 | :create_or_find_by, :create_or_find_by!, |
22293 | hash = { "id" => 123 } |
22294 | :has_many, |
22295 | ].each do |rel| |
22296 | :address, nil, { mapping: [ %w(address_street street), %w(address_city city), %w(address_country country) ] }, Customer |
22297 | :balance, nil, { class_name: "Money", mapping: %w(balance amount) }, Customer |
22298 | :gps_location, nil, {}, Customer |
22299 | :firm, |
22300 | class_name: "Firm", |
22301 | exit!(1) |
22302 | conn = nil |
22303 | [conn, child] |
22304 | = "Forbidden." |
22305 | Developer.joins(", projects").each { |d| assert_not d.readonly? } |
22306 | @quoter = { |
22307 | }.new |
22308 | assert_equal "''", @quoter.quote_string("'") |
22309 | assert_equal "\\\\", @quoter.quote_string("\\") |
22310 | assert_equal "hi''i", @quoter.quote_string("hi'i") |
22311 | assert_equal "hi\\\\i", @quoter.quote_string("hi\\i") |
22312 | t = 0) |
22313 | expected = t.change(year: 2000, month: 1, day: 1) |
22314 | expected = expected.getlocal.to_fs(:db).sub("2000-01-01 ", "") |
22315 | t =, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, "+04:30") |
22316 | float = 1.2 |
22317 | bignum = 1 << 100 |
22318 | bigdec = BigDecimal((1 << 100).to_s) |
22319 | assert_equal "'lo\\\\l'", @quoter.quote('lo\l') |
22320 | assert_equal "'lo\\\\l'", @quoter.quote(string) |
22321 | assert_sql(%r{/\*application:active_record\*/}) do |
22322 | = "New name" |
22323 | ActiveRecord::QueryLogs.tags = [ { query_counter: -> { i += 1 } } ] |
22324 | assert_sql("SELECT 1 /*query_counter:1*/") do |
22325 | ActiveRecord::QueryLogs.tags = [ empty: -> { nil } ] |
22326 | assert_sql(%r{/\*application='active_record'\*/}) do |
22327 | ActiveRecord::QueryLogs.tags = [ :application, { custom_proc: -> { "test content" } } ] |
22328 | { custom_proc: -> { "test content" }, another_proc: -> { "more test content" } }, |
22329 | { tracestate: "congo=t61rcWkgMzE,rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7", custom_proc: -> { "Joe's Shack" } }, |
22330 | { custom_proc: -> { 1234 } }, |
22331 | assert_sql(%r{custom_proc='1234'\*/}) do |
22332 | ActiveRecord::QueryLogs.tags = [ :application, { custom_context_proc: ->(context) { context[:foo] } } ] |
22333 | @logger = File::NULL |
22334 | @events << event |
22335 | mw = middleware { |env| |
22336 | Post.create!(title: "a new post", body: "and a body") |
22337 |{}) |
22338 | assert_raises(RuntimeError) {{}) } |
22339 | if Process.respond_to?(:fork) && !in_memory_db? |
22340 | rd, wr = IO.pipe |
22341 | pid = fork { |
22342 | status = 0 |
22343 | status = 1 |
22344 | }.call({}) |
22345 | if !$?.success? |
22346 | [200, {}, nil] |
22347 | assert_queries(2) { Task.find(1); Task.find(1) } |
22348 | assert_queries(1) { Task.find(1); Task.find(1) } |
22349 | assert_queries(2) { Task.find(1); Task.find(1); Task.find(2) } |
22350 | assert_queries(2) { Task.find(1); Task.find(2) } |
22351 | assert_no_queries { Task.find(1); Task.find(1); Task.find(2) } |
22352 | payload[:sql].downcase! if payload[:name] == "Task Load" |
22353 | assert_queries(1) { Topic.find(1); Topic.find(1) } |
22354 | assert_queries(2) { task.lock!; task.lock! } |
22355 | lambda { |env| executor.wrap { } } |
22356 | JsonObj.create(payload: { a: 1 }) |
22357 | search.merge!(b: 2) |
22358 | task = Task.find(1) |
22359 | Task.cache { Task.insert({ starting: }) } |
22360 | Task.cache { Task.insert_all([{ starting: }]) } |
22361 | Task.cache { Task.insert!({ starting: }) } |
22362 | Task.cache { Task.insert_all!([{ starting: }]) } |
22363 | Task.cache { Task.upsert({ starting: }) } |
22364 | Task.cache { Task.upsert_all([{ starting: }]) } |
22365 | p = Post.find(1) |
22366 | id = |
22367 | k.table_name = "bar" |
22368 | k.primary_key = "foo" |
22369 | = "2" |
22370 | assert_match %r/create_table "barcodes", primary_key: "code", id: { type: :string, limit: 42 }/, schema |
22371 | assert_no_match %r{t\.index \["code"\]}, schema |
22372 | @connection.create_table(:uber_barcodes, primary_key: ["region", "code"], force: true) do |t| |
22373 | @connection.create_table(:travels, primary_key: ["from", "to"], force: true) do |t| |
22374 | assert_match %r{create_table "uber_barcodes", primary_key: \["region", "code"\]}, schema |
22375 | assert_equal(["author_id", "number"], Cpk::Book.primary_key) |
22376 | assert_equal(["shop_id", "id"], Cpk::Order.primary_key) |
22377 | column = @connection.columns(:widgets).find { |c| == "id" } |
22378 | assert_match %r{create_table "widgets", id: :#{@pk_type}, }, schema |
22379 | assert_match %r/create_table "widgets", id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true }/, schema |
22380 | @per_test_teardown = [] |
22381 | @timed_out = 0 |
22382 | @timed_out += 1 |
22383 | topic_data = { 1 => { "content" => "1 updated" }, 2 => { "content" => "2 updated" } } |
22384 | assert_equal [1, 2], |
22385 | updated = Topic.update([1, 1, 2], [ |
22386 | { "content" => "1 duplicated" }, { "content" => "1 updated" }, { "content" => "2 updated" } |
22387 | assert_equal [1, 1, 2], |
22388 | topic_data = { 1 => { "content" => "1 updated" }, 2 => { "content" => "2 updated" }, 99999 => {} } |
22389 | updated = Topic.update!([1, 1, 2], [ |
22390 | Topic.update!(Topic.first, "content" => "1 updated") |
22391 | clients = Client.find([2, 3]) |
22392 | Client.destroy([2, 3, 99999]) |
22393 | Topic.delete(deleting = [1, 2]) |
22394 | topics =[{ title: "first" }, { title: "second" }]) |
22395 | assert_equal ["first", "second"], |
22396 | topic ="title" => "New Topic") do |t| |
22397 | t.author_name = "David" |
22398 | topics =[{ "title" => "first" }, { "title" => "second" }]) do |t| |
22399 | topic.attributes = { "title" => "null", "author_name" => "null" } |
22400 | topics = Topic.create([ { "title" => "first" }, { "title" => "second" }]) |
22401 | topic = Topic.create("title" => "New Topic") do |t| |
22402 | topics = Topic.create([ { "title" => "first" }, { "title" => "second" }]) do |t| |
22403 | topic.written_on = "2003-12-12 23:23:00" |
22404 | @counter ||= 0 |
22405 | @counter += 1 |
22406 | Topic.where("1=0").scoping { topic.delete } |
22407 | t = klass.create(title: "New Topic", author_name: "Not David") |
22408 | topic.update_column("content", "--- Have a nice day ... ") |
22409 | topic.update_column(:content, "--- You too ... ") |
22410 | new_name = "sebavan" |
22411 | t = Topic.order("id").limit(1).first |
22412 | topic.update("content" => "--- Have a nice day ... ", :author_name => "Jose") |
22413 | topic.update_columns(content: "--- You too ... ", "author_name" => "Sebastian") |
22414 | topic.update_columns(content: "--- Have a nice day ... ", author_name: "Jose") |
22415 | topic.update("approved" => true, "title" => "The First Topic Updated") |
22416 | topic.update(id: 3, title: "Hm is it possible?") |
22417 | topic.update({}) |
22418 | reply.update!("title" => "The Second Topic of the day updated", "content" => "Have a nice evening") |
22419 | should_be_destroyed_reply = Reply.create("title" => "hello", "content" => "world") |
22420 | should_not_be_destroyed_reply = Reply.create("title" => "hello", "content" => "world") |
22421 | Topic.where("1=0").scoping { Topic.destroy(1) } |
22422 | Topic.where("1=0").scoping { Topic.delete(1) } |
22423 | post ="posts.*, 1 as wibble").last! |
22424 | = 1 |
22425 | name: "Bob", |
22426 | = "Barb" |
22427 | assert_match(/WHERE .*#{column}/, sql) |
22428 | [:count, :sum].each do |method| |
22429 | normalizes :name, with: -> name { name.titlecase } |
22430 | @time = Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 12, 34, 56) |
22431 | normalizes :name, with: -> name { name&.titlecase || "Untitled" }, apply_to_nil: true |
22432 | normalizes :name, with: -> name { name.reverse } |
22433 | normalizes :name, with: -> name { name.succ } |
22434 | = "0" |
22435 | class_name: "Bird", |
22436 | before_add: proc { |p, b| |
22437 | @@add_callback_called << b |
22438 | before_add: proc { |p, b| @@add_callback_called << b }) |
22439 | @@add_callback_called = [] |
22440 | pirate.birds_attributes = [{ name: "Bird1" }, { name: "Bird2" }] |
22441 | @birds[0] |
22442 | @birds[1] |
22443 | do |bird| |
22444 | [{ "name" => "New Bird" }] |
22445 | [{ "id" =>, "_destroy" => true }] |
22446 | [{ "id" => @birds[0].id.to_s, "name" => "New Name" }, |
22447 | { "name" => "New Bird" }, |
22448 | { "id" =>, "_destroy" => true }] |
22449 | [:parrots, :birds].each do |name| |
22450 | pirate.birds_with_reject_all_blank_attributes = [{ name: "", color: "", _destroy: "0" }] |
22451 | pirate.birds_with_reject_all_blank_attributes = [{ name: "", color: "" }] |
22452 | pirate.birds_with_reject_all_blank_attributes = [{ name: "Tweetie", color: "" }] |
22453 | pirate.update(ship_attributes: { "_destroy" => true, :id => }) |
22454 | pirate.ship_attributes = { name: "Red Pearl", _reject_me_if_new: true } |
22455 | pirate.update(ship_attributes: { name: "s2", id: }) |
22456 | pirate.ship_attributes = { name: "Ship 1" } |
22457 | pirate.ship_attributes = { name: "Ship 1", pirate_id: + 1 } |
22458 | human = Human.create(name: "Jon") |
22459 | Pirate.accepts_nested_attributes_for :ship, reject_if: ->(a) { a[:name] == "The Golden Hind" }, allow_destroy: false |
22460 | pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Stop wastin' me time", ship_attributes: { name: "White Pearl", _destroy: "1" }) |
22461 | pirate.update!(ship_attributes: { id:, name: "The Golden Hind", _destroy: "1" }) |
22462 | pirate.update!(ship_attributes: { id:, name: "Black Pearl", _destroy: "1" }) |
22463 | pirate.ship_attributes = { id: "" } |
22464 | ).find_or_create_by!( |
22465 | name: "Monkey D. Luffy" |
22466 | @pirate.reload.ship_attributes = { name: "Davy Jones Gold Dagger", _destroy: "1" } |
22467 | @pirate.reload.ship_attributes = { "id" =>, "name" => "Davy Jones Gold Dagger" } |
22468 | @ship.stub(:id, "ABC1X") do |
22469 | @pirate.ship_attributes = { id:, name: "Davy Jones Gold Dagger" } |
22470 | [1, "1", true, "true"].each do |truth| |
22471 | [nil, "0", 0, "false", false].each do |not_truth| |
22472 | @pirate.update(ship_attributes: { id:, _destroy: "1" }) |
22473 | @pirate.update(catchphrase: "Arr", ship_attributes: { id:, name: "Mister Pablo" }) |
22474 | @pirate.attributes = { ship_attributes: { id:, _destroy: "1" } } |
22475 | @ship.reload.pirate_attributes = { catchphrase: "Arr", _destroy: "1" } |
22476 | @ship.reload.pirate_attributes = { "id" =>, "catchphrase" => "Arr" } |
22477 | @pirate.stub(:id, "ABC1X") do |
22478 | @ship.pirate_attributes = { id:, catchphrase: "Arr" } |
22479 | @ship.update(pirate_attributes: { id:, _destroy: "1" }) |
22480 | @ship.attributes = { pirate_attributes: { :id =>, "_destroy" => true } } |
22481 | @pirate.parrots_attributes = [{ peg_leg: true }] |
22482 | :catchphrase => "Arr", |
22483 | association_getter => { "foo" => { name: "Grace OMalley" } }) |
22484 | @pirate.public_send(association_setter, [{ id:, name: "Grace OMalley" }]) |
22485 | @pirate.public_send(association_setter, [{ id:, _destroy: "1" }]) |
22486 | @child_1.stub(:id, "ABC1X") do |
22487 | @child_2.stub(:id, "ABC2X") do |
22488 | { id:, name: "Grace OMalley" }, |
22489 | { id:, name: "Privateers Greed" } |
22490 | @pirate.attributes = { association_getter => [{ id: 1234567890 }] } |
22491 | @pirate.attributes = { association_getter => [{ id: }] } |
22492 | association_getter => { "foo" => { name: "Grace OMalley" }, "bar" => { name: "Privateers Greed" } } |
22493 | @pirate.public_send(association_setter, "foo" => { "_destroy" => "0" }) |
22494 | attributes["123726353"] = { name: "Grace OMalley" } |
22495 | attributes["2"] = { name: "Privateers Greed" } # 2 is lower then 123726353 |
22496 | association_getter => { "foo" => { id:, name: "Grace OMalley" } }) |
22497 | ["1", 1, "true", true].each do |true_variable| |
22498 | @alternate_params[association_getter].merge("baz" => { :id =>, "_destroy" => true_variable }) |
22499 | [nil, "", "0", 0, "false", false].each do |false_variable| |
22500 | @pirate.public_send(association_setter, @alternate_params[association_getter].merge("baz" => { :id =>, "_destroy" => true })) |
22501 | human = Human.create!(name: "John", |
22502 | interests_attributes: [{ topic: "Cars" }, { topic: "Sports" }]) |
22503 | @pirate.attributes = { parrots_attributes: { foo: { name: "Lovely Day" }, bar: { name: "Blown Away" } } } |
22504 | @child_1, @child_2 = @pirate.birds |
22505 | @child_1, @child_2 = @pirate.parrots |
22506 | @pirate.attributes = { parrots_attributes: { "foo" => { name: "Big Big Love" } } } |
22507 | @pirate.attributes = { parrots_attributes: { "foo" => { name: "Lovely Day" }, "bar" => { name: "Blown Away" } } } |
22508 | @pirate.attributes = { parrots_attributes: { "foo" => { name: "Lovely Day" }, |
22509 | @pet1, @pet2 = pets(:chew), pets(:mochi) |
22510 | @params = { |
22511 | assert_equal ["Foo", "Bar"], |
22512 | @pet1 = pets(:chew) |
22513 | attributes = { pets_attributes: { "1" => { id:, |
22514 | name: "Foo2", |
22515 | _destroy: true } } } |
22516 | @part =!(name: "Mast") |
22517 | @pirate.attributes = { ship_attributes: { id:, parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ id:, name: "changed" }] }] } } |
22518 | @pirate.attributes = { ship_attributes: { id:, parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ id:, _destroy: true }] }] } } |
22519 | @pirate.attributes = { ship_attributes: { id:, parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ name: "created" }] }] } } |
22520 | @ship.parts_attributes = [{ id:, name: "Deck" }] |
22521 | @ship.parts_attributes = [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ id:, name: "Ruby" }] }] |
22522 | @ship.attributes = { parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ id:, name: "changed" }] }] } |
22523 | @ship.attributes = { parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ id:, _destroy: true }] }] } |
22524 | assert_difference("@part.trinkets.count", -1) { } |
22525 | @ship.attributes = { parts_attributes: [{ id:, trinkets_attributes: [{ name: "created" }] }] } |
22526 | ship = "The Black Rock") |
22527 | part = "Stern", ship_attributes: { name: nil }) |
22528 | pirate.treasures_attributes = [{ id: nil }] |
22529 | c1 = Course.find(1) |
22530 | c2 = Course.find(2) |
22531 | e1 = Entrant.find(1) |
22532 | e2 = Entrant.find(2) |
22533 | e3 = Entrant.find(3) |
22534 | = "Typo" |
22535 | = "Typo" |
22536 | raise "No I messed up." |
22537 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "24" } |
22538 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "24" } |
22539 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "", "last_read(3i)" => "24" } |
22540 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "" } |
22541 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "" } |
22542 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "", "last_read(3i)" => "" } |
22543 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "", "last_read(2i)" => "", "last_read(3i)" => "24" } |
22544 | attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "", "last_read(2i)" => "", "last_read(3i)" => "" } |
22545 | assert_equal Time.utc(2004, 6, 24, 16, 24, 0), topic.written_on |
22546 | assert_equal Time.utc(2004, 6, 24, 23, 24, 0), topic.written_on |
22547 | topic ="bonus_time(4i)" => "01", "bonus_time(5i)" => "05") |
22548 | topic ="written_on(1i)" => "1952", "written_on(2i)" => "3", "written_on(3i)" => "11") |
22549 | topic = Topic.create_with("written_on(1i)" => "1952", "written_on(2i)" => "3", "written_on(3i)" => "11").new |
22550 |"written_on(4i)" => "13", "written_on(5i)" => "55") |
22551 | address ="The Street", "The City", "The Country") |
22552 | attributes = { "address(1)" => address.street, "address(2)" =>, "address(3)" => } |
22553 | attributes = { "address(3)" =>, "address(2)" =>, "address(1)" => address.street } |
22554 | attributes = { "address(2)" =>, "address(3)" => } |
22555 | attributes = { "address(1)" => "", "address(2)" =>, "address(3)" => } |
22556 | attributes = { "address(1)" => "The Street", "address(2)" =>, "address(3000)" => } |
22557 | @went_up = false |
22558 | def up; @went_up = true; end |
22559 | def down; @went_down = true; end |
22560 | def puts(*) |
22561 | ["down", "001", "Valid people have last names"], |
22562 | ["down", "003", "Innocent jointable"], |
22563 | ["down", "001", "People have hobbies"], |
22564 | ["down", "002", "People have descriptions"], |
22565 | ["up", "004", "********** NO FILE **********"] |
22566 | _, migrator_a = migrator_class(3) |
22567 | _, migrator_b = migrator_class(2) |
22568 | _, migrator_b = migrator_class(3) |
22569 | define_method(:up) { yield(:up, x); super() } |
22570 | define_method(:down) { yield(:down, x); super() } |
22571 | }) if block_given? |
22572 | m(nil, i + 1) { |c, migration| |
22573 | define_method(:migrations) { |*| |
22574 | @undefined_consts = {} |
22575 | [:Firm, :Client].each do |const| |
22576 | clients = [] |
22577 | ["up", "230", "Add people hobby"], |
22578 | ["up", "231", "Add people last name"], |
22579 | ["up", "20210716123013", "Add people number of legs"], |
22580 | ["up", "001", "Valid people have last names"], |
22581 | ["up", "002", "We need reminders"], |
22582 | ["up", "003", "Innocent jointable"], |
22583 | ["down", "20090101010101", "People have hobbies"], |
22584 | pass_one = ["One", 1)] |
22585 | pass_two = ["One", 1),"Three", 3)] |
22586 | assert pass_two.all? { |x| !x.went_down } |
22587 | pass_three = ["One", 1), |
22588 |"Two", 2), |
22589 |"Three", 3)] |
22590 | migrations = [, 0),, 1),, 2)] |
22591 | assert migrations.all? { |m| !m.went_down } |
22592 | assert migrations.all? { |m| !m.went_up } |
22593 | assert_equal [[:up, 1]], calls |
22594 | assert_equal [[:up, 2]], calls |
22595 | assert_equal [[:up, 1], [:up, 2], [:up, 3]], calls |
22596 | assert_equal [[:down, 3], [:down, 2]], calls |
22597 | assert_equal [[:down, 1]], calls |
22598 | _, migrations = sensors(3) |
22599 | result =, 1) |
22600 | assert_equal [[:up, 2], [:up, 3]], calls |
22601 | long_name = "a" * (name_limit + 1) |
22602 | short_name = "a" * name_limit |
22603 | def create_table; "hi mom!"; end |
22604 | @went_up = true |
22605 | @internal_metadata[:foo] = "bar" |
22606 | assert Reminder.create("content" => "hello world", "remind_at" => |
22607 | data_column = columns.detect { |c| == "data" } |
22608 | t.column :foo, :bar |
22609 | AND state = 'idle' |
22610 | @connection.create_table(:delete_me, force: true) { |t| } |
22611 | }.fetch(classname) { |
22612 | [:name, :qualification, :experience].each { |s| assert_equal :string, column(s).type } |
22613 | [:qualification, :experience].each { |c| assert column(c) } |
22614 | [:qualification, :experience].each { |c| assert_not column(c) } |
22615 | [:created_at, :updated_at].each { |c| assert column(c) } |
22616 | [:created_at, :updated_at].each { |c| assert_not column(c) } |
22617 | t.index [:name, :age], comment: "This is a comment" |
22618 | t.string :name, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" } |
22619 | t.string :name, default: -> { "UUID()" } |
22620 | assert_match(/\A(.+)-(.+)-(.+)-(.+)\Z/, person_data.fetch("name")) |
22621 | @columns = @indexes = nil |
22622 | columns.detect { |c| == name.to_s } |
22623 | indexes.detect { |i| == name.to_s } |
22624 | def write(text = ""); end |
22625 | to_delete = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"] - @existing_migrations |
22626 | @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"] |
22627 | files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length |
22628 | sources = {} |
22629 | travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 7, 26, 10, 10, 10)) do |
22630 | travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10)) do |
22631 | skipped = [] |
22632 | on_skip = { |name, migration| skipped << "#{name} #{}" } |
22633 | columns: ["position_1"] |
22634 | columns: ["position_2"] |
22635 | columns: ["position_3"] |
22636 | id_column = td.columns.find { |col| == "id" } |
22637 | foo_column = td.columns.find { |col| == "foo" } |
22638 | assert_equal ["another_col", "comment_id", "post_id"], |
22639 | assert_equal ["comment_id", "post_id"], |
22640 | pk = connection.send(:column_for, :users, :id) |
22641 | t.references :bar, index: { unique: true } |
22642 | fk = @connection.foreign_keys("testings").find { |k| k.to_table == "testing_parents" } |
22643 | assert_equal([["testings", "testing_parents", "parent_id"]], |
22644 | { |fk| [fk.from_table, fk.to_table, fk.column] }) |
22645 | fk_definitions = { |fk| [fk.from_table, fk.to_table, fk.column] } |
22646 | assert_equal([["testings", "testing_parents", "parent1_id"], |
22647 | ["testings", "testing_parents", "parent2_id"], |
22648 | ["testings", "testings", "self_join_id"]], fk_definitions) |
22649 | filename = "#{number}_#{name.underscore}.rb" |
22650 | assert_nothing_raised { { }).call({}) } |
22651 | { flunk }).call({}) |
22652 | app.expect :call, nil, [{}] |
22653 | migrations = ["a", 1),"b", 2),"c", 3)] |
22654 | default_keys = [":limit", ":precision", ":scale", ":default", ":null", ":collation", ":comment", ":primary_key", ":if_exists", ":if_not_exists"] |
22655 | default_keys.concat([":auto_increment", ":charset", ":as", ":size", ":unsigned", ":first", ":after", ":type", ":stored"]) |
22656 | default_keys.concat([":array", ":using", ":cast_as", ":as", ":type", ":enum_type", ":stored"]) |
22657 | table_keys = [":temporary", ":if_not_exists", ":options", ":as", ":comment", ":charset", ":collation"] |
22658 | primary_keys = [":limit", ":default", ":precision"] |
22659 | table_keys.concat([":rename"]) |
22660 | t.string :first_name, index: { nema: "test" } |
22661 | add_index "test_models", "first_name", nema: "my_index" |
22662 | too_long_index_name = good_index_name + "x" |
22663 | connection.add_index(table_name, [:foo], name: "foo") |
22664 | connection.add_index :testings, [:foo, :bar], name: "my_index" |
22665 | connection.add_index :testings, [:foo, :bar], length: { foo: 10, bar: nil } |
22666 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name"], length: { last_name: 10 }) |
22667 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name", "first_name"], length: 10) |
22668 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name", "first_name"], length: { last_name: 10, first_name: 20 }) |
22669 | connection.add_index("testings", ["key"], name: "key_idx", unique: true) |
22670 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name"], order: { last_name: :desc }) |
22671 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name", "first_name"], order: { last_name: :desc }) |
22672 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name", "first_name"], order: { last_name: :desc, first_name: :asc }) |
22673 | connection.add_index("testings", ["last_name", "first_name"], order: :desc) |
22674 | connection.add_index("testings", "last_name", where: "first_name = 'john doe'") |
22675 | connection.add_index("testings", "last_name", include: [:foo, :bar]) |
22676 | connection.add_index("testings", "last_name", include: :foo, where: "first_name = 'john doe'") |
22677 | assert foreign_keys.all? { |fk| fk.to_table == "rockets" } |
22678 | column: "rocket_id", primary_key: "pk", name: "custom_pk") |
22679 | assert_equal [["astronauts", "rockets", "rocket_id"]], |
22680 | database: ":memory:", |
22681 | assert_match %r{\s+add_foreign_key "fk_test_has_fk", "fk_test_has_pk", column: "fk_id", primary_key: "pk_id"$}, output |
22682 | assert_match %r{\s+add_foreign_key "fk_test_has_fk", "fk_test_has_pk", column: "fk_id", primary_key: "pk_id", name: "fk_name"$}, output |
22683 | create_table("cities") { |t| } |
22684 | create_table("houses") do |t| |
22685 | assert_no_changes -> { column_for(:astronauts, :rocket_id).bigint? }, from: true do |
22686 | t.index [:artist_id, :music_id] |
22687 | t.column :foo, :string, limit: 5 |
22688 | column = connection.columns(:more_testings).find { |el| == "testings_id" } |
22689 | long_table_name = "a" * (connection.table_name_length + 1) |
22690 | { precision: 0 } |
22691 | { precision: nil } |
22692 | class V5_2 < V6_0 |
22693 | class V5_1 < V6_0 |
22694 | class V5_0 < V6_0 |
22695 | class V4_2 < V6_0 |
22696 | assert_match %r{create_table "legacy_primary_keys", id: :(?:integer|serial), (?!default: nil)}, schema |
22697 | }.new) |
22698 | def foo(kw:) |
22699 | assert_equal "bar", "bar") |
22700 | tables = { |_cmd, args, _block| args } |
22701 | assert_equal [[:world], [:hello]], tables |
22702 | block = { |t| t.string :name } |
22703 | assert_equal [[:create_table, ["apples"], block], [:drop_table, ["elderberries"], nil], |
22704 | [:create_table, ["clementines"], block], [:create_table, ["dates"], nil], |
22705 | [:drop_table, ["bananas"], block], [:drop_table, ["grapes"], nil], |
22706 | [:drop_table, ["figs"], block]], @recorder.commands |
22707 | [:rename_column, [:fruits, :cultivar, :kind]], |
22708 | [:remove_column, [:fruits, :name, :string], nil], |
22709 | [:remove_column, [:fruits, :name, :string, {}], nil], |
22710 | block = do |t| |
22711 | [:change_table, [:fruits]], |
22712 | [:change_table, [:fruits]] |
22713 | ], { |command| command[0...-1] } |
22714 | assert_equal [:drop_table, [:system_settings, {}], nil], drop_table |
22715 | block = { } |
22716 | assert_equal [:rename_table, [:new, :old]], rename |
22717 | remove = @recorder.inverse_of :add_column, [:table, :column, :type, {}] |
22718 | assert_equal [:remove_column, [:table, :column, :type, {}], nil], remove |
22719 | @recorder.inverse_of :change_column, [:table, :column, :type, {}] |
22720 | assert_equal [:change_column_default, [:table, :column, from: "new_value", to: "old_value"]], change |
22721 | assert_equal [:change_column_comment, [:table, :column, from: "new_value", to: "old_value"]], change |
22722 | assert_equal [:change_column_comment, [:table, :column, from: "new_value", to: nil]], change |
22723 | assert_equal [:change_table_comment, [:table, from: "new_value", to: "old_value"]], change |
22724 | assert_equal [:change_table_comment, [:table, from: "new_value", to: nil]], change |
22725 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_column, [:table, :column, :type, {}] |
22726 | assert_equal [:add_column, [:table, :column, :type, {}], nil], add |
22727 | rename = @recorder.inverse_of :rename_column, [:table, :old, :new] |
22728 | assert_equal [:rename_column, [:table, :new, :old]], rename |
22729 | remove = @recorder.inverse_of :add_index, [:table, [:one, :two]] |
22730 | assert_equal [:remove_index, [:table, [:one, :two]], nil], remove |
22731 | remove = @recorder.inverse_of :add_index, [:table, [:one, :two], name: "new_index"] |
22732 | assert_equal [:remove_index, [:table, [:one, :two], name: "new_index"], nil], remove |
22733 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_index, [:table, :one] |
22734 | assert_equal [:add_index, [:table, :one]], add |
22735 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_index, [:table, [:one, :two], { options: true }] |
22736 | assert_equal [:add_index, [:table, [:one, :two], options: true]], add |
22737 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_index, [:table, { column: [:one, :two], options: true }] |
22738 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_index, [:table, { column: [:one, :two], name: "new_index" }] |
22739 | assert_equal [:add_index, [:table, [:one, :two], name: "new_index"]], add |
22740 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_index, [:table, { column: [:one, :two] }] |
22741 | assert_equal [:add_index, [:table, [:one, :two]]], add |
22742 | rename = @recorder.inverse_of :rename_index, [:table, :old, :new] |
22743 | assert_equal [:rename_index, [:table, :new, :old]], rename |
22744 | add = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_timestamps, [:table, { null: true }] |
22745 | assert_equal [:add_timestamps, [:table, { null: true }], nil], add |
22746 | assert_equal [:add_reference, [:table, :taggable, { polymorphic: true }], nil], add |
22747 | assert_equal [:add_reference, [:table, :taggable, { index: true, foreign_key: true }], nil], add |
22748 | assert_equal [:add_reference, [:table, :user], nil], add |
22749 | assert_equal [:remove_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id"], nil], enable |
22750 | assert_equal [:add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id"]], enable |
22751 | enable = @recorder.inverse_of :add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id", name: "fk"] |
22752 | assert_equal [:remove_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id", name: "fk"], nil], enable |
22753 | enable = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id", name: "fk"] |
22754 | assert_equal [:add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: "owner_id", name: "fk"]], enable |
22755 | assert_equal [:add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, primary_key: "person_id"]], enable |
22756 | assert_equal [:add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, primary_key: "uuid"]], enable |
22757 | assert_equal [:add_foreign_key, [:dogs, :people, column: :owner_id]], enable |
22758 | assert_equal [:add_check_constraint, [:dogs, "speed > 0", name: "speed_check"], nil], enable |
22759 | assert_equal [:add_unique_key, [:dogs, ["speed"], deferrable: :deferred, name: "uniq_speed"], nil], enable |
22760 | enable = @recorder.inverse_of :remove_unique_key, [:dogs, ["speed"]] |
22761 | assert_equal [:add_unique_key, [:dogs, ["speed"]], nil], enable |
22762 | drop = @recorder.inverse_of :create_enum, [:color, ["blue", "green"]] |
22763 | assert_equal [:drop_enum, [:color, ["blue", "green"]], nil], drop |
22764 | create = @recorder.inverse_of :drop_enum, [:color, ["blue", "green"]] |
22765 | assert_equal [:create_enum, [:color, ["blue", "green"]], nil], create |
22766 | rename_column "test_models", "id", "id_test" |
22767 | rename_column "test_models", "id_test", "id" |
22768 | add_index "test_models", ["hat_style", "hat_size"], unique: true |
22769 | assert old_columns.find { |c| == "age" && c.type == :integer } |
22770 | assert_not new_columns.find { |c| == "age" && c.type == :integer } |
22771 | assert new_columns.find { |c| == "age" && c.type == :string } |
22772 | == "approved" && c.type == :boolean && default == true |
22773 | == "approved" && c.type == :boolean && default == false |
22774 | t.string "col_two", limit: 128, null: false |
22775 | remove_column("my_table", "col_two") |
22776 | rename_column("my_table", "col_one", "col_three") |
22777 | assert_equal ["id", "created_at", "updated_at"], columns |
22778 | string = "foo bar" |
22779 | add_column "test_models", "bio", :text |
22780 | add_column "test_models", "wealth", :decimal, precision: "30", scale: "10" |
22781 | bio: "I was born ....", age: 18, height: 1.78, |
22782 | moment_of_truth: "1782-10-10 21:40:18", male: true |
22783 | assert_equal "I was born ....", |
22784 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :id, :primary_key], primary_key: true, first: true |
22785 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :foo, :integer] |
22786 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :integer] |
22787 | t.integer :foo, :bar |
22788 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :foo, :bigint] |
22789 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :bigint] |
22790 | t.bigint :foo, :bar |
22791 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :foo, :string] |
22792 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :string] |
22793 | t.string :foo, :bar |
22794 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :foo, :json] |
22795 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :json] |
22796 | t.json :foo, :bar |
22797 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :foo, :xml] |
22798 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :xml] |
22799 | t.xml :foo, :bar |
22800 | expect :add_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :integer], null: false |
22801 | expect :add_index, nil, [:delete_me, :bar] |
22802 | expect :add_index, nil, [:delete_me, :bar], unique: true |
22803 | expect :index_exists?, nil, [:delete_me, :bar] |
22804 | expect :index_exists?, nil, [:delete_me, :bar], unique: true |
22805 | expect :rename_index, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :baz] |
22806 | expect :change_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :string] |
22807 | expect :change_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :string], null: true |
22808 | expect :change_column_null, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, true, nil] |
22809 | expect :remove_columns, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :baz] |
22810 | t.remove :bar, :baz |
22811 | expect :remove_columns, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :baz], type: :string, null: false |
22812 | t.remove :bar, :baz, type: :string, null: false |
22813 | expect :remove_index, nil, [:delete_me, :bar], unique: true |
22814 | expect :rename_column, nil, [:delete_me, :bar, :baz] |
22815 | t.rename :bar, :baz |
22816 | t.column :one, :string, default: "hello" |
22817 | one = columns.detect { |c| == "one" } |
22818 | two = columns.detect { |c| == "two" } |
22819 | three = columns.detect { |c| == "three" } |
22820 | four = columns.detect { |c| == "four" } |
22821 | five = columns.detect { |c| == "five" } unless mysql |
22822 | array_column = columns.detect { |c| == "foo" } |
22823 | foo = columns.detect { |c| == "foo" } |
22824 | default = columns.detect { |c| == "default_int" } |
22825 | created_at_column = created_columns.detect { |c| == "created_at" } |
22826 | updated_at_column = created_columns.detect { |c| == "updated_at" } |
22827 | connection.execute("insert into testings (#{quoted_id}, #{quoted_foo}) values (1, 'hello')") |
22828 | connection.execute("insert into testings (#{quoted_id}, #{quoted_foo}, #{quoted_bar}) values (2, 'hello', NULL)") |
22829 | column = connection.columns(:testings).find { |c| == "foo" } |
22830 | assert_equal false, connection.columns(:testings).find { |c| == "foo" }.null |
22831 | assert connection.columns(:testings).find { |c| == "foo" }.null |
22832 | [:wagons, :trains].each do |table| |
22833 | @debugs = [] |
22834 | logger.sql(, sql: "hi mom!")) |
22835 | logger.sql(, sql: "hi mom!", name: "foo")) |
22836 | logger.sql(, sql: "hi mom!", name: "SCHEMA")) |
22837 | logger.sql(, sql: verb.to_s)) |
22838 | logger.sql(, sql: verb.to_s, name: "SQL")) |
22839 | logger.sql(, sql: verb.to_s, name: "Model Load")) |
22840 | logger.sql(, sql: verb.to_s, name: "Model Exists")) |
22841 | logger.sql(, sql: "SELECT * from models", name: "Model Load", async: true, lock_wait: 0.01)) |
22842 | logger.sql(, sql: sql)) |
22843 | logger.sql(, sql: "hi mom!")) |
22844 | Developer.where(id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).load |
22845 | assert_match(%{["id", 1], ["id", 2], ["id", 3], ["id", 4], ["id", 5]}, @logger.logged(:debug).last) |
22846 | Binary.create(data: { a: 1 }) |
22847 | p1 = Person.find(1) |
22848 | p2 = Person.find(1) |
22849 | p1.first_name = "stu" |
22850 | p2.first_name = "sue" |
22851 | p2.first_name = "sue2" |
22852 | p1 = "anika") |
22853 | p2 = Person.find( |
22854 | p1 = "mira") |
22855 | p1.first_name = "mira2" |
22856 | p1.first_name = "mira3" |
22857 | = 2 |
22858 | t1.title = "new title1" |
22859 | t2.title = "new title2" |
22860 | assert_queries(1) { t1.update(title: "title2") } |
22861 | assert_queries(1) {! } |
22862 | p1 = Person.create!(first_name: "anika") |
22863 | counter_test model, -1 do |id| |
22864 | p1 = "fjord") |
22865 | frog = ::Frog.create(name: "Old Frog") |
22866 | = "New Frog" |
22867 | first, second = duel { Person.find 1 } |
22868 | def duel(zzz = 5, &block) |
22869 | t0, t1, t2, t3 = nil, nil, nil, nil |
22870 | t0 = |
22871 | t1 = |
22872 | t2 = |
22873 | t3 = |
22874 | assert t1 > t0 + zzz |
22875 | [t0.to_f..t1.to_f, t2.to_f..t3.to_f] |
22876 | assert_match(/t\.#{column_type}\s+"settings"/, output) |
22877 | x = { "string" => "foo", :symbol => :bar }) |
22878 | assert_equal({ "string" => "foo", :symbol => :bar }, x.payload_before_type_cast) |
22879 | assert_equal({ "string" => "foo", "symbol" => "bar" }, x.payload) |
22880 | assert_equal({ "string" => "foo", "symbol" => "bar" }, x.reload.payload) |
22881 | data = '{"a_key":"a_value"}' |
22882 | assert_equal({ "a_key" => "a_value" }, hash) |
22883 | assert_equal({ "a_key" => "a_value" }, type.deserialize(data)) |
22884 | assert_equal({}, type.deserialize("{}")) |
22885 | assert_equal({ "key" => nil }, type.deserialize('{"key": null}')) |
22886 | x.payload = { '"a\'' => "b" } |
22887 | assert_equal({ "k" => "v" }, x.payload) |
22888 | @connection.execute(insert_statement_per_database('{"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2", "k3":[1,2,3]}')) |
22889 | assert_equal({ "k1" => "v1", "k2" => "v2", "k3" => [1, 2, 3] }, x.payload) |
22890 | json = klass.create!(payload: "foo") |
22891 | @connection.execute(insert_statement_per_database('["v0",{"k1":"v1"}]')) |
22892 | assert_equal(["v0", { "k1" => "v1" }], x.payload) |
22893 | x.payload = ["v1", { "k2" => "v2" }, "v3"] |
22894 | y = x.dup |
22895 | json.payload = { "one" => "two" } |
22896 | json.payload["three"] = "four" |
22897 | assert_equal({ "one" => "two", "three" => "four" }, json.payload) |
22898 | json.payload = { "three" => "four", "one" => "two" } |
22899 | json.payload = [{ "three" => "four", "one" => "two" }, { "seven" => "eight", "five" => "six" }] |
22900 | new_klass.create!(settings:"one" => "two")) |
22901 | assert_equal({ "one" => "two" }, record.settings.to_hash) |
22902 | assert_equal({ "three" => "four" }, record.reload.settings.to_hash) |
22903 | super + [:password] |
22904 | x.payload[11] = "foo" |
22905 | PP.pp(x, io) |
22906 | assert_match %r(\A#{native_type}\b), sql_type |
22907 | age: 16, |
22908 | preferences: { "shows" => "anime" } |
22909 | assert_match %r{^\{"namespaced_contact":\{}, json |
22910 | assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json |
22911 | assert_match %r{"age":16}, json |
22912 | assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json |
22913 | json = @contact.to_json(only: [:name, :age]) |
22914 | assert_no_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json |
22915 | json = @contact.to_json(except: [:name, :age]) |
22916 | assert_no_match %r{"age":16}, json |
22917 | super({ only: %w(name) }.freeze) |
22918 | super(only: %w(name)) |
22919 | super(except: %w(age)) |
22920 | super({ except: %w(age) }.merge!(options)) |
22921 | options = { only: :name }.freeze |
22922 | @mary = authors(:mary) |
22923 | assert_match %r{"posts":\[}, json |
22924 | assert_match %r{"id":1}, json |
22925 | assert_match %r{"name":"David"}, json |
22926 | assert_match %r{"author_id":1}, json |
22927 | assert_match %r{"body":"Such a lovely day"}, json |
22928 | assert_match %r{"title":"So I was thinking"}, json |
22929 | json = @david.to_json(include: { posts: { only: :title } }) |
22930 | assert_no_match %r{"body":"Such a lovely day"}, json |
22931 | json = @david.to_json(include: { posts: { include: { comments: { only: :body } } } }) |
22932 | assert_match %r{"comments":\[}, json |
22933 | assert_match %r{\{"body":"Thank you again for the welcome"\}}, json |
22934 | assert_match %r{\{"body":"Don't think too hard"\}}, json |
22935 | assert_no_match %r{"post_id":}, json |
22936 | json = @david.to_json( |
22937 | include: { |
22938 | posts: { |
22939 | tag: { only: :name } |
22940 | assert_match %r{"taggings":\[}, json |
22941 | assert_match %r{"tag":\{"name":"General"\}}, json |
22942 | only: :id, |
22943 | authors = [@david, @mary] |
22944 | assert_equal %([{"name":"David"},{"name":"Mary"}]), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors, only: :name) |
22945 | assert_equal %([{"id":1},{"id":2}]), encoded |
22946 | only: :name, |
22947 | posts: { only: :id } |
22948 | ['"name":"David"', '"posts":[', '{"id":1}', '{"id":2}', '{"id":4}', |
22949 | authors_hash = { |
22950 | 1 => @david, |
22951 | 2 => @mary |
22952 | assert_equal %({"1":{"author":{"name":"David"}}}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors_hash, only: [1, :name]) |
22953 | authors_relation = Author.where(id: [,]).order(:id) |
22954 | assert_equal '[{"author":{"name":"David"}},{"author":{"name":"Mary"}}]', json |
22955 | def write(text = "") |
22956 | create_table("horses") do |t| |
22957 | change_table("horses") do |t| |
22958 | create_table("new_horses") do |t| |
22959 | t.index [:name, :color] |
22960 | t.index [:color] |
22961 | t.remove_index [:name, :color] |
22962 | revert { super } |
22963 | up_only { execute "update horses set oldie = 1" } |
22964 | index_definition = ["horses", [:name, :color]] |
22965 | received = [] |
22966 | migration.test = ->(dir) { |
22967 | assert_equal [:both, :up, :both, :down], received |
22968 | [:create_table, ["clementines"], nil], [:create_table, ["dates"], nil], |
22969 | [:drop_table, ["figs"], nil]], recorder.commands |
22970 | = 1 |
22971 | firm = Firm.find(4) |
22972 | << ", Inc." |
22973 | = "Huey, Dewey, & Louie LLC" |
22974 | = "a " * 100 |
22975 | assert_equal "4-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a", firm.to_param |
22976 | = "ab " * 100 |
22977 | = " " |
22978 | assert_match(/\/#{}$/, dev.cache_key) |
22979 | id = 1_000_000 |
22980 | Book.insert({ id: id, name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }) |
22981 | Book.upsert({ id: id, name: "Remote", author_id: 1 }) |
22982 | Book.insert!({ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }) |
22983 | { name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }, |
22984 | { name: "Design of Everyday Things", author_id: 1 }, |
22985 | { name: "Clean Code", author_id: 1 }, |
22986 | { name: "Ruby Under a Microscope", author_id: 1 }, |
22987 | { name: "Peopleware", author_id: 1 }, |
22988 | { name: "About Face", author_id: 1 }, |
22989 | { name: "Eloquent Ruby", author_id: 1 }, |
22990 | { name: "Agile Web Development with Rails", author_id: 1 }, |
22991 | result = Book.insert_all! [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }] |
22992 | result = Book.insert_all! [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], returning: [] |
22993 | result = Book.insert_all! [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], returning: false |
22994 | result = Book.insert_all! [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], returning: [:id, :name] |
22995 | result = Book.insert_all! [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], returning: Arel.sql("UPPER(name) as name") |
22996 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 1, name: "Agile Web Development with Rails" }] |
22997 | { author_id: 8, name: "Refactoring" }, |
22998 | { author_id: 8, name: "Refactoring" } |
22999 | { id: 200, author_id: 8, name: "Refactoring" }, |
23000 | { id: 201, author_id: 8, name: "Refactoring" } |
23001 | Book.insert({ author_id: 8, name: "Refactoring", format: "UNEXPECTED" }) |
23002 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 1, name: "Agile Web Development with Rails" }], |
23003 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: :isbn |
23004 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Remote", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: %i( author_id name ) |
23005 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Renote", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: :index_books_on_isbn |
23006 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Recoat", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: :id |
23007 | Book.upsert_all [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: :isbn |
23008 | book = Book.create!(external_id: "abc") |
23009 | [ :cats, %i( author_id isbn ), :author_id ].each do |missing_or_non_unique_by| |
23010 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: missing_or_non_unique_by |
23011 | Book.upsert_all [{ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }], unique_by: missing_or_non_unique_by |
23012 | Cart.insert_all [{ id: 1, shop_id: 1, title: "My cart" }], unique_by: [:shop_id, :id] |
23013 | Cart.upsert_all [{ id: 3, shop_id: 2, title: "My other cart" }], unique_by: [:shop_id, :id] |
23014 | Cart.insert_all! [{ id: 2, shop_id: 1, title: "My cart" }] |
23015 | Cart.insert_all [{ id: 1, shop_id: 1, title: "My cart" }] |
23016 | Cart.insert_all! [{ id: 2, shop_id: 1, title: "My cart 2" }] |
23017 | Cart.upsert_all [{ id: 3, shop_id: 2, title: "My other cart" }] |
23018 | Book.insert({ name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }) |
23019 | Book.insert_all [{ name: "Remote", author_id: 1 }, { name: "Renote", author_id: 1 }] |
23020 | result = Book.insert_all [{ title: "Remote", author_id: 1 }], returning: :title |
23021 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, title: "Perelandra", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598" }] |
23022 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, title: "Perelandra 2", author_id: 6, isbn: "111111" }], update_only: %i[ title isbn ] |
23023 | SpecialCategory.insert_all [{ name: "First" }, { name: "Second", type: nil }] |
23024 | SpecialCategory.upsert_all [{ id: 103, name: "First" }, { id: 104, name: "Second", type: nil }] |
23025 | Book.upsert({ name: "Remote", author_id: 1 }) |
23026 | Book.upsert_all [{ name: "Remote", author_id: 1 }, { name: "Renote", author_id: 1 }] |
23027 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 1, name: new_name }] |
23028 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 1, name: "New edition" }], unique_by: :id |
23029 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Perelandra", author_id: 7 }] |
23030 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 103, name: "Perelandra", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598" }], |
23031 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Perelandra", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598" }], on_duplicate: "NAME=values(name)", update_only: :name |
23032 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Perelandra", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598" }] |
23033 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Perelandra 2", author_id: 7, isbn: "111111" }], update_only: :name |
23034 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Perelandra 2", author_id: 6, isbn: "111111" }], update_only: %i[ name isbn ] |
23035 | Book.upsert_all [{ name: "Out of the Silent Planet", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598", published_on:, 4, 1) }] |
23036 | Book.upsert_all [{ name: "Perelandra", author_id: 7, isbn: "1974522598" }], |
23037 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1), updated_at: updated_at }] |
23038 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1) }] |
23039 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1), updated_at: 5.years.ago, updated_on: 5.years.ago }] |
23040 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 8) }] |
23041 | has_subsecond_precision = (1..100).any? do |i| |
23042 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet (Edition #{i})" }] |
23043 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1), updated_at: 5.years.ago }] |
23044 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 8), updated_at: updated_at }] |
23045 | Book.insert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1), updated_on: 5.years.ago }] |
23046 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 8), updated_on: updated_on }] |
23047 | Ship.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "RSS Boaty McBoatface" }] |
23048 | Book.upsert_all [{ id: 101 + i, name: "Out of the Silent Planet", published_on:, 4, 1) }] |
23049 | Book.find(101 + i).created_at.usec > 0 |
23050 | travel_to(, 4, 17)) { Ship.create! id: 101, name: "RSS Boaty McBoatface" } |
23051 | Ship.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "RSS Sir David Attenborough" }] |
23052 | Developer.upsert_all [{ id: 101, name: "Alice" }] |
23053 | Developer.upsert_all [{ id:, name:, salary: alice.salary * 2 }] |
23054 | Book.insert_all! [{ unknown_attribute: "Test" }] |
23055 | Measurement.upsert_all([{ city_id: "1", logdate: 1.days.ago, peaktemp: 1, unitsales: 1 }, |
23056 | { city_id: "2", logdate: 2.days.ago, peaktemp: 2, unitsales: 2 }, |
23057 | { city_id: "2", logdate: 3.days.ago, peaktemp: 0, unitsales: 0 }], |
23058 | assert_equal [[, 1, 1]], |
23059 | assert_equal [[2.days.ago.to_date, 2, 2], [3.days.ago.to_date, 0, 0]], |
23060 | Book.insert_all! [{ status: :published, isbn: "1234566", name: "Rework", author_id: 1 }, |
23061 | { status: :proposed, isbn: "1234567", name: "Remote", author_id: 2 }] |
23062 | assert_equal ["published", "proposed"], Book.where(isbn: ["1234566", "1234567"]).order(:id).pluck(:status) |
23063 | author.books.insert_all!([{ name: "My little book", isbn: "1974522598" }]) |
23064 | author.books.insert_all!([{ name: "My little book", isbn: "1974522598", author_id: }]) |
23065 | Book.create_with(format: "X").insert_all!([ { name: "A" }, { name: "B" } ]) |
23066 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { book.subscribers.insert_all!([ { nick: "Jimmy" } ]) } |
23067 | author.books.upsert_all([{ name: "My little book", isbn: "1974522598" }]) |
23068 | Book.create_with(format: "X").upsert_all([ { name: "A" }, { name: "B" } ]) |
23069 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { book.subscribers.upsert_all([ { nick: "Jimmy" } ]) } |
23070 | [{ id: 1, status: 1 }, { id: 2, status: 1 }], |
23071 | on_duplicate: Arel.sql("status = #{operator}(books.status, 1)") |
23072 | firm = "Firm") |
23073 | firm = Company.where(type: "Firm").create!(name: "Basecamp") |
23074 | path = File.expand_path("../models/autoloadable", __dir__) |
23075 | Client.update_all "name = 'I am a client'" |
23076 | assert_equal 1, Client.all.merge!(where: "name = 'Summit'").to_a.size |
23077 | assert_sql(/#{Regexp.escape(c.quote_table_name(""))} = (?:#{Regexp.escape(bind_param.to_sql)}|1)/i) do |
23078 | assert_nothing_raised { s ="name" => "And breaaaaathe!"); = "roger"; } |
23079 | phone = "Phone") |
23080 | if value =~ /\Aomg_(.+)\z/ |
23081 | record = @klass.create! foo: "foo" |
23082 | = "bar" |
23083 | record = @klass.create! bar: "bar" |
23084 | @logged = [] |
23085 | @payloads = [] |
23086 | @logged << [payload[:sql].squish, payload[:name], payload[:binds]] |
23087 | sicp = "SICP") |
23088 | lesson = "SICP") |
23089 | person = "Guille", gender: "m") |
23090 | def call(_, _, _, _, values) |
23091 | @events << values[:sql] if /INSERT/.match?(values[:sql]) |
23092 | expected_sql = <<~EOS.chop |
23093 | fixtures = { |
23094 | { "name" => "working_aircrafts", "wheels_count" => 2 }, |
23095 | { "name" => "broken_aircrafts", "wheels_count" => nil }, |
23096 | { "location" => "US", "state" => ["NY"], "long_state" => ["a"] }, |
23097 | { "location" => "US", "state" => ["NY"], "long_state" => ["a" * bytes_needed_to_have_a_1024_bytes_fixture] }, |
23098 | { "location" => "US", "state" => ["NY"], "long_state" => ["a" * 51] }, |
23099 | { "location" => "US", "state" => ["NY"], "long_state" => ["a" * 450] }, |
23100 | { "post_id" => 1, "body" => "a" * 450 }, |
23101 | { "location" => "US", "state" => ["NY"], "long_state" => ["a" * 200] }, |
23102 | { "post_id" => 1, "body" => "a" * 200 }, |
23103 | fixtures = [ |
23104 | { "name" => "first", "wheels_count" => 2 }, |
23105 | { "name" => "second", "wheels_count" => 3 } |
23106 | conn.insert_fixtures_set({ "aircraft" => fixtures }, ["aircraft"]) |
23107 | badyaml = ["foo", ".yml"] |
23108 | badyaml.write "a: : " |
23109 | first = Task.find(1) |
23110 | assert_equal "fixture key is not a hash: #{fixture_path}.yml, keys: [\"two\"]", error.to_s |
23111 | assert_equal "fixture_no_#{i}", name |
23112 | assert_equal "Category #{i}", fixture["name"] |
23113 | assert_equal ["Green", "Red", "Orange"], traffic_lights(:uk).state |
23114 | fixture_id = fixture["id"].to_i |
23115 | fixture_id > _max_id ? fixture_id : _max_id |
23116 | @first = true |
23117 | topic.title = "omg" |
23118 | last = nil |
23119 | last ||= current |
23120 | :'admin/randomly_named_a9' => |
23121 | two: { writing: :default, reading: :readonly } |
23122 | two: { writing: :default } |
23123 | { "default" => default_config, "readonly" => readonly_config } |
23124 | { "adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "test/fixtures/fixture_database.sqlite3" } |
23125 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sort, { |x| |
23126 | x["id"] |
23127 | devs = { |i| "dev_#{i + 3}" } |
23128 | assert_equal [], devs - |
23129 | tmp_yaml ["empty", "yml"], "" do |t| |
23130 | assert_equal [], { |fh| fh.to_a } |
23131 | tmp_yaml ["empty", "yml"], "qwerty" do |t| |
23132 | { |fh| fh.to_a } |
23133 | tmp_yaml ["empty", "yml"], "one: two" do |t| |
23134 | tmp_yaml ["empty", "yml"], { "_fixture" => { "class_name" => "Foo" } }.to_yaml do |t| |
23135 | { |fh| fh.model_class } |
23136 | tmp_yaml ["curious", "yml"], yaml do |t| |
23137 | [["one", { "name" => "Fixture helper" }]] |
23138 | assert_equal golden, { |fh| fh.to_a } |
23139 | File: <%= %> |
23140 | golden = [["one", { |
23141 | }]] |
23142 | yaml1 = "<% def leaked_method; 'leak'; end %> " |
23143 | tmp_yaml ["leaky", "yml"], yaml1 do |t1| |
23144 | tmp_yaml ["curious", "yml"], yaml2 do |t2| |
23145 | { |fh| fh.to_a } |
23146 | { |fh| fh.to_a } |
23147 | assert_equal(["second_welcome"], { |name, _| name }) |
23148 | Post.find_by_title_and_id("foo", limit: 1) |
23149 | topics =[4, 2, 5]) |
23150 | assert_equal [4, 2, 5], |
23151 | topics =[4, 2, 5]) |
23152 | assert_equal [2, 4, 5], |
23153 | Topic.all.find(-> { raise "should happen" }) { |e| e.title == "non-existing-title" } |
23154 | Topic.all.find(-> { raise "should not happen" }) { |e| e.title == topics(:first).title } |
23155 | records = Topic.find([4, 2, 5]) |
23156 | records = Topic.find(4, 2, 5) |
23157 | records = Topic.find(["4", "2", "5"]) |
23158 | records = Topic.find("4", "2", "5") |
23159 | records = Topic.order(:author_name).find([5, 3, 1]) |
23160 | records = Topic.order(:id).find([5, 3, 1]) |
23161 | records = Topic.limit(2).order(:id).find([5, 3, 1]) |
23162 | records = Topic.limit(3).find([3, 2, 5, 1, 4]) |
23163 | records = Topic.where(approved: true).limit(3).find([3, 2, 5, 1, 4]) |
23164 | records = Topic.offset(2).find([3, 2, 5, 1, 4]) |
23165 | Post.where("title" => { "xxxqqqq" => "bar" }) |
23166 | assert_equal true, Topic.exists?(["parent_id = ?", 1]) |
23167 | assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Topic.exists?([1, 2]) } |
23168 | authors = Author.includes(:posts).where(name: "David", posts: { id: }) |
23169 | assert_equal true, relation.exists?(["title LIKE ?", "Post%"]) |
23170 | bob = authors(:bob) |
23171 | assert_equal false,"COUNT(*) as total_posts", "authors.*").joins(:posts).group(:id).having("total_posts > 2").include?(bob) |
23172 | assert_equal true,"COUNT(*) as total_posts", "authors.*").joins(:posts).group(:id).having("total_posts > 2").include?(mary) |
23173 | assert_kind_of(Array, Topic.find([ 1 ])) |
23174 | assert_equal(1, Topic.find([ 1 ]).length) |
23175 | assert_equal 2, Entrant.limit(2).find([1, 3, 2]).size |
23176 | entrants = Entrant.limit(3).offset(2).find([1, 3, 2]) |
23177 | assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Topic.find(1) } |
23178 | Topic.where("author_name = 'Carl'").sole |
23179 | Topic.find_sole_by("author_name = 'Carl'") |
23180 | assert Topic.where(["approved = ?", false]).find(1) |
23181 | assert Topic.where("topics.approved" => false, topics: { author_name: "David" }).find(1) |
23182 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13], Comment.where(post_id: authors(:david).posts).map(&:id).sort |
23183 | assert_equal [1, 2], Topic.where(id: 1..2) |
23184 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3], Topic.where(id: 1..3) |
23185 | assert_equal [1, 2], Topic.where(id: 1...3) |
23186 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3], Comment.where(id: 1..3, post_id: 1..2) |
23187 | assert_equal [1], Comment.where(id: 1..1, post_id: 1..10) |
23188 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], Comment.where(id: [1..2, 3, 5, 6..8, 9]) |
23189 | assert_equal [1, 2, 6, 7, 8], Comment.where(id: [1..2, 6..8]) |
23190 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3], Comment.where(id: Float::INFINITY..3) |
23191 | assert_kind_of Firm, Company.where("name = '%s'", "37signals").first |
23192 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = '%s'", "37signals!"]).first |
23193 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = '%s'", "37signals!' OR 1=1"]).first |
23194 | assert_kind_of Time, Topic.where(["id = %d", 1]).first.written_on |
23195 | assert_kind_of Firm, Company.where(["name = '%s'", "37signals"]).first |
23196 | Company.create("name" => "Ain't noth'n like' \#stuff") |
23197 | p1, p2 = Post.limit(2).order("id asc").to_a |
23198 | assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.where(id: [p1, p2]).order("id asc").to_a |
23199 | assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.where(id: [p1,]).order("id asc").to_a |
23200 | assert_kind_of Firm, Company.where(["name = ?", "37signals"]).first |
23201 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = ?", "37signals!"]).first |
23202 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = ?", "37signals!' OR 1=1"]).first |
23203 | assert_kind_of Time, Topic.where(["id = ?", 1]).first.written_on |
23204 | Company.where(["id=? AND name = ?", 2]).first |
23205 | Company.where(["id=?", 2, 3, 4]).first |
23206 | assert Company.where(["name = ?", "37signals' go'es against"]).first |
23207 | assert Company.where(["name = :name", { name: "37signals' go'es against" }]).first |
23208 | assert_kind_of Firm, Company.where(["name = :name", { name: "37signals" }]).first |
23209 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = :name", { name: "37signals!" }]).first |
23210 | assert_nil Company.where(["name = :name", { name: "37signals!' OR 1=1" }]).first |
23211 | assert_kind_of Time, Topic.where(["id = :id", { id: 1 }]).first.written_on |
23212 | dog_alias = "Dog" |
23213 | a = Account.where("firm_id = ?", 6).find_by_credit_limit(50) |
23214 | assert_equal accounts(:unknown), Account.order("id DESC").where("id != ?", 3).find_by_credit_limit(50) |
23215 | first = Firm. |
23216 | Post.where(" <= 3 OR posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'").find([1, 2, 3]) |
23217 | Post.create!(title: "test", body: "it out") |
23218 | assert_equal [], Post.where(id: nil) |
23219 | assert_equal [], Post.find([]) |
23220 | assert_equal [], Post.where("id in (?)", []) |
23221 | assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.where(["id in (?)", [p1, p2]]).order("id asc") |
23222 | assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.where(["id in (?)", [p1,]]).order("id asc") |
23223 | [["1", "1", nil, "37signals"], |
23224 | ["2", "1", "2", "Summit"], |
23225 | ["3", "1", "1", "Microsoft"]], |
23226 | Company.connection.select_rows("SELECT id, firm_id, client_of, name FROM companies WHERE id IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY id").map! { |i|! { |j| j.to_s unless j.nil? } }) |
23227 | assert_equal [["1", "37signals"], ["2", "Summit"], ["3", "Microsoft"]], |
23228 | Company.connection.select_rows("SELECT id, name FROM companies WHERE id IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY id").map! { |i|! { |j| j.to_s unless j.nil? } } |
23229 | where.not(author_addresses: { id: nil }). |
23230 | where(client_of: [2, 1, nil], |
23231 | name: ["37signals", "Summit", "Microsoft"]). |
23232 | map(&:client_of) |
23233 | where(client_of: [nil]). |
23234 | includes: :author, select: 'posts.*, as "author_id"', |
23235 | limit: 3, order: "" |
23236 | assert_equal [1, 1, nil], |
23237 | model.find "Hello", "World!" |
23238 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.find_by("id = #{posts(:eager_other).id}") |
23239 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.find_by("id = ?", posts(:eager_other).id) |
23240 | assert_nil Post.find_by("1 = 0") |
23241 | assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.find_by(id: posts(:eager_other).id) } |
23242 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.find_by!("id = #{posts(:eager_other).id}") |
23243 | assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.find_by!("id = ?", posts(:eager_other).id) |
23244 | assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.find_by!(id: posts(:eager_other).id) } |
23245 | Post.find_by!("1 = 0") |
23246 | honda = cars(:honda) |
23247 | zyke = cars(:zyke) |
23248 | ActiveRecord::Base.filter_attributes = [ lambda { |key, value| value.reverse! if key == "name" } ] |
23249 | actual = "".dup |
23250 | Car.where(name: "honda").to_a |
23251 | sql, binds = queries[0] |
23252 | expected = { |sql| "#{expected_explain_clause} #{sql} query plan #{sql}" }.join(" ") |
23253 | expected = <<~SQL |
23254 | metaclass.define_method(:explain) do |_arel, _binds = [], _options = {}| |
23255 | SUBSCRIBER.finish(nil, nil, name: "SQL", sql: "select 1 from users", binds: [1, 2]) |
23256 | binds = [1, 2] |
23257 | SUBSCRIBER.finish(nil, nil, name: "SQL", sql: "select_db yo_mama") |
23258 | SUBSCRIBER.finish(nil, nil, name: "SQL", sql: "with s as (values(3)) select 1 from s") |
23259 | SUBSCRIBER.finish(nil, nil, name: "SQL", sql: "/* comment */ select 1 from users") |
23260 | setup { @post = posts(:welcome) } |
23261 | @book = books(:awdr) |
23262 | @book.cover = :hard |
23263 | @book.cover = "hard" |
23264 | Book.where(id:"status = NULL") |
23265 | @book.status = "" |
23266 | enum(:status, {}, **{}) |
23267 | enum :status, [] |
23268 | enum status: { "" => 1, "active" => 2 } |
23269 | enum status: ["active", ""] |
23270 | klass.class_eval { enum name => ["value_#{i}"] } |
23271 | klass.class_eval { enum "status_#{i}" => [value] } |
23272 | def; "Book"; end |
23273 | Book.statuses["bad_enum"] = 40 |
23274 | status: [:value_1], |
23275 | last_read: [:value_1], |
23276 | book = books(:tlg) |
23277 | enum :status, { proposed: 0, written: 1 }, prefix: true |
23278 | enum :last_read, { unread: 0, reading: 1, read: 2 }, prefix: :being |
23279 | enum :cover, { hard: 0, soft: 1 }, suffix: true |
23280 | enum :difficulty, { easy: 0, medium: 1, hard: 2 }, suffix: :to_read |
23281 | enum :status, default: 0, scopes: 1, prefix: 2, suffix: 3 |
23282 | enum breed: { "American Bobtail" => 0, "Balinese-Javanese" => 1 } |
23283 | enum timezone: [:"Etc/GMT+1", :"Etc/GMT-1"] |
23284 | written ="written") |
23285 | enum status: { proposed => 0, written => 1 } |
23286 | enum status: [:sent, :not_sent] |
23287 | enum status: [:not_sent, :sent] |
23288 | enum status: [:not_sent, :sent], _scopes: false |
23289 | @properties[:key_1] = "value 1" |
23290 | @properties[:key_2] = "value 2" |
23291 | auth_tag = "some auth tag" |
23292 | @properties.add(key_1: "value 1", key_2: "value 2") |
23293 | @properties["some_value_#{index}"] = value |
23294 | baseline = -> { EncryptedBook.where("id > 0").find_by(format: "paperback") } # not encrypted |
23295 | baseline = -> { encrypted_books(:awdr).created_at } |
23296 | body: "<p>the Starfleet is here, we are safe now!</p>" |
23297 | @serializer.load JSON.dump({ some: "other data" }) |
23298 | headers = { key_1: "1" } |
23299 | @keys = build_keys(3) |
23300 | target_key = @keys[1] |
23301 | password = "some secret #{index}" |
23302 | puts "#{output}#{error}" |
23303 | test "where(...).first_or_create works" do |
23304 | test "exists?(...) works" do |
23305 | @secret_key = "This is my secret 256 bits key!!" |
23306 | key.public_tags[:key] = "my tag" |
23307 | key_provider.stub :decryption_keys, ->(message) { [key] } do |
23308 | text = "The Starfleet is here #{'OMG! ' * 50}!".dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) |
23309 | encrypts :name, encryptor:"1" => "2") |
23310 | encrypts :name, encryptor:"2" => "3"), previous: { encryptor:"1" => "2") } |
23311 | post.title = "You sure?" |
23312 | states = ["green", "red"] |
23313 | assert_encrypted_attribute(traffic_light, :state, { "color" => "red" }) |
23314 | title: title = "The Starfleet is here!", |
23315 | body: body = "<p>the Starfleet is here, we are safe now!</p>" |
23316 | ciphertext = "{\"p\":\"DIohhw==\",\"h\":{\"iv\":\"wEPaDcJP3VNIxaiz\",\"at\":\"X7+2xvvcu1k1if6Dy28Esw==\"}}" |
23317 | book.update!(name: "Dune II") |
23318 | book.update!(name: "A new title!") |
23319 | body = "<p>the Starfleet is here, we are safe now!</p>" |
23320 | EncryptedPost.insert_all 100.times.collect { |index| { title: "Article #{index} (#{thread_label})", body: "Body #{index} (#{thread_label})" } } |
23321 | topic ="title" => "Literature") |
23322 | movie = "test") |
23323 | = "Sam" |
23324 | ["", nil].each do |value| |
23325 | pirate.parrot_id = "0" |
23326 | pirate.parrot_id = "" |
23327 | assert_equal({ "catchphrase" => [nil, "arrr"] }, pirate.changes) |
23328 | params = { topic: { approved: 1 } } |
23329 | assert_queries(2) { 2.times {! } } |
23330 | assert_no_queries { 2.times {! } } |
23331 | assert_queries(2) { 2.times {! } } |
23332 | assert_no_queries { 2.times {! } } |
23333 | assert_queries(1) { person.first_name = "bar";! } |
23334 | 10.times do |i| |
23335 | pirate.catchphrase = "*hic*" * i |
23336 | topic = Topic.create!(content: { "a" => "a" }) |
23337 | topic.content["b"] = "b" |
23338 | assert_equal "b", topic.content["b"] |
23339 | topic.content["hello"] = "world" |
23340 | topic = Topic.create!(author_name: "Bill", content: { "a" => "a" }) |
23341 | topic = "Bill", content: [{ "a" => "a" }]) |
23342 | assert_equal [{ "a" => "a" }], topic.content |
23343 | written_on = Time.utc(2012, 12, 1, 12, 0, 0).in_time_zone("Paris") |
23344 | topic.written_on += 0.3 |
23345 | time_in_paris = Time.utc(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0).in_time_zone("Paris") |
23346 | jon = nil |
23347 | binary = klass.create!(data: "\\\\foo") |
23348 | << "bar" |
23349 | define_method(:changed_in_place?) do |*| |
23350 | model = "Jim") |
23351 | person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean", gender: "M") |
23352 | assert_equal manufactured_at.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), aircraft.manufactured_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
23353 | %w(id name course_id).each do |name| |
23354 | assert("--- [] " == record.multiline_default || "--- []\\012\\012" == record.multiline_default) |
23355 | assert_match %r/t\.date\s+"modified_date",\s+default: -> { "CURRENT_DATE" }/, output |
23356 | assert_match %r/t\.datetime\s+"modified_time",\s+default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }/, output |
23357 | assert_match %r/t\.date\s+"modified_date",\s+default: -> { "\('now'::text\)::date" }/, output |
23358 | assert_match %r/t\.datetime\s+"modified_time",\s+default: -> { "now\(\)" }/, output |
23359 | assert_match %r/t\.date\s+"modified_date_function",\s+default: -> { "now\(\)" }/, output |
23360 | assert_match %r/t\.datetime\s+"modified_time_function",\s+default: -> { "now\(\)" }/, output |
23361 | assert_match %r/t\.binary\s+"uuid",\s+limit: 36,\s+default: -> { "\(uuid\(\)\)" }/i, output |
23362 | assert_match %r/t\.datetime\s+"modified_datetime",\s+precision: nil,\s+default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(?:\(\))?" }/i, output |
23363 | assert_match %r/t\.datetime\s+"precise_datetime",\s+default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(6\)" }/i, output |
23364 | assert_match %r/t\.timestamp\s+"modified_timestamp",\s+default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(?:\(\))?" }/i, output |
23365 | assert_match %r/t\.timestamp\s+"precise_timestamp",.+default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(6\)" }/i, output |
23366 | assert_match %r/t\.integer\s+"random_number",\s+default: -> { "random\(\)" }/, output |
23367 | time_values = [1807, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45] |
23368 | now = DateTime.civil(*(time_values + [local_offset])) |
23369 | task.starting = "" |
23370 | topic.last_read = "" |
23371 | topic.bonus_time = "" |
23372 | now = DateTime.civil(2017, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0) |
23373 | string_value = "2017-07-04 14:19:00.5" |
23374 | date = ::Time.utc(2014, 8, 17, 12, 30, 0, 999999) |
23375 | date =, 2, 3) |
23376 | assert_match %r{t\.datetime\s+"created_at",\s+precision: 0,\s+null: false$}, output |
23377 | assert_match %r{t\.datetime\s+"updated_at",\s+precision: 0,\s+null: false$}, output |
23378 | time_value =, 05, 11, 19, 0, 0) |
23379 | string_value = "2016-05-11 19:00:00" |
23380 | valid_dates = [[2007, 11, 30], [1993, 2, 28], [2008, 2, 29]] |
23381 | invalid_dates = [[2007, 11, 31], [1993, 2, 29], [2007, 2, 29]] |
23382 | topic ="last_read(1i)" => date_src[0].to_s, "last_read(2i)" => date_src[1].to_s, "last_read(3i)" => date_src[2].to_s) |
23383 | @session_store = {} |
23384 | sleep(0.1) |
23385 | }).find_db_config("primary") |
23386 | pool_config = resolve_db_config :production, "production" => { "url" => "abstract://foo?encoding=utf8" } |
23387 | hash = { "url" => "abstract://foo?encoding=utf8&", "adapter" => "sqlite3", "host" => "bar", "pool" => "3" } |
23388 | hash = { "url" => "abstract:///?user=user&password=passwd&dbname=app" } |
23389 | database: "bar", |
23390 | password = "am@z1ng_p@ssw0rd#!" |
23391 | pool_config = resolve_db_config :production, "production" => { "url" => "sqlite3:foo?encoding=utf8" } |
23392 | database: "foo", |
23393 | config ="default_env", "primary", pool: "0") |
23394 | config ="default_env", "primary", {}) |
23395 | config ="default_env", "primary", { schema_dump: "my_schema.rb" }) |
23396 | config ="default_env", "primary", { schema_dump: nil }) |
23397 | config ="default_env", "primary", { schema_dump: false }) |
23398 | @topic = Topic.find(1) |
23399 | t1, t2 = topics(:first, :second) |
23400 | _ = joanna # squelch a warning |
23401 | assert_equal %(#<Topic id: 1>), Topic.all.merge!(select: "id", where: "id = 1").first.inspect |
23402 | assert_equal %(#<Topic id: 1, title: "The First Topic">), Topic.all.merge!(select: "id, title", where: "id = 1").first.inspect |
23403 | actual = +"" |
23404 | type: nil, |
23405 | written_on: 2003-07-16 14:28:11(?:\.2233)? UTC, |
23406 | created_at: [^,]+, |
23407 | updated_at: [^,>]+> |
23408 | assert_match(/\A#{expected}\z/, actual) |
23409 | assert_match(/id: 1/, actual) |
23410 | assert_difference -> { topic_find_by_cache.size }, +1 do |
23411 | Topic.find_by(id: 1) |
23412 | cs = { @pool.checkout } |
23413 | t = new_thread { @pool.checkout } |
23414 | :@idle_since, |
23415 | assert_equal [recent_conn, active_conn].sort_by(&:__id__), @pool.connections.sort_by(&:__id__) |
23416 | assert_equal [active_conn].sort_by(&:__id__), @pool.connections.sort_by(&:__id__) |
23417 | 4.times do |i| |
23418 | expected = (1..@pool.size).to_a.freeze |
23419 | order = [] |
23420 | t = new_thread { |
23421 | mutex.synchronize { order << i } |
23422 | mutex.synchronize { errors << e } |
23423 | conns.each { |conn| @pool.checkin(conn); sleep 0.1 } |
23424 | conns = (1..10).map { @pool.checkout } |
23425 | make_thread = proc do |i| |
23426 | group1 = (1..5).map(&make_thread) |
23427 | group2 = (6..10).map(&make_thread) |
23428 | checkin = proc do |n| |
23429 | c = conns.pop |
23430 | payloads = [] |
23431 | assert_equal({ size: 1, connections: 1, busy: 1, dead: 0, idle: 0, waiting: 0, checkout_timeout: 5 }, stats) |
23432 | assert_equal({ size: 1, connections: 1, busy: 0, dead: 0, idle: 1, waiting: 0, checkout_timeout: 5 }, stats) |
23433 | assert_equal({ size: 1, connections: 1, busy: 0, dead: 1, idle: 0, waiting: 0, checkout_timeout: 5 }, stats) |
23434 | def new_thread(...) |
23435 | |
23436 | resume while alive? && (!timeout || - now < timeout) |
23437 | @calls = [] |
23438 | @calls << env |
23439 | [200, {}, ["hi mom"]] |
23440 | @env = {} |
23441 | @app = |
23442 | _, _, body = |
23443 | bits = [] |
23444 | body.each { |bit| bits << bit } |
23445 | assert_equal ["hi mom"], bits |
23446 | app = do |
23447 | body = { def to_path; "/path"; end }.new |
23448 | app = lambda { |_| [200, {}, body] } |
23449 | original_response = [200, {}, "hi"] |
23450 | app = lambda { |_| original_response } |
23451 | a, b, c = executor.wrap { } |
23452 | [a, b, { }] |
23453 | decimal: %w{decimal(2) decimal(2,0) numeric(2) numeric(2,0)}, |
23454 | integer: %w{number(2) number(2,0)} |
23455 | { decimal: %w{decimal(2) decimal(2,0) numeric(2) numeric(2,0) number(2) number(2,0)} } |
23456 | tempfile =["schema_cache-", ".yml"]) |
23457 | tempfile =["schema_cache-", ".yml.gz"]) |
23458 | tempfile =["schema_cache-", ".dump"]) |
23459 | tempfile =["schema_cache-", ".dump.gz"]) |
23460 | coder = { |
23461 | assert_lookup_type :string, "enum('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23462 | assert_lookup_type :string, "ENUM('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23463 | assert_lookup_type :string, "enum ('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23464 | assert_lookup_type :string, "ENUM ('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23465 | assert_lookup_type :string, "set('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23466 | assert_lookup_type :string, "SET('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23467 | assert_lookup_type :string, "set ('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23468 | assert_lookup_type :string, "SET ('one', 'two', 'three')" |
23469 | assert_lookup_type :string, "SET('unicode', '8bit', 'none', 'time')" |
23470 | assert_lookup_type :string, "ENUM('unicode', '8bit', 'none', 'time')" |
23471 | config = { "foo" => "bar" } |
23472 | config = { "foo" => :bar } |
23473 | expected = { adapter: "postgresql", database: "foo", host: "localhost" } |
23474 | config = { "not_production" => { "adapter" => "not_postgres", "database" => "not_foo" } } |
23475 | config = { "foo" => { "adapter" => "postgres", "url" => ENV["DATABASE_URL"] } } |
23476 | config = { "production" => { "adapter" => "not_postgres", "database" => "not_foo", "host" => "localhost" } } |
23477 | expected = { adapter: "not_postgres", database: "not_foo", host: "localhost" } |
23478 | expected = { adapter: "postgresql", database: "foo_test", host: "localhost" } |
23479 | expect_prod = { |
23480 | config = { "default_env" => { "adapter" => "not_postgres", "database" => "not_foo", "host" => "localhost" } } |
23481 | expected = { adapter: "ibm_db", database: "foo", host: "localhost" } |
23482 | config = { "default_env" => { "url" => "postgres://localhost/foo" } } |
23483 | expected = { options: "-cmyoption=on", adapter: "postgresql", database: "foo", host: "localhost" } |
23484 | config = { "production" => { "adapter" => "postgres", "database" => "foo" } } |
23485 | host: "::1", |
23486 | database: "baz", |
23487 | other_env: { |
23488 | pool: "5" |
23489 | expected = { pool: 5 } |
23490 | config = { "production" => { "adapter" => "not_postgres", "database" => "not_foo", "host" => "localhost" }, "default_env" => {} } |
23491 | default: { writing: :primary }, |
23492 | ActiveRecord::Base.connects_to(database: { writing: :arunit }, shards: { shard_one: { writing: :arunit } }) |
23493 | SecondaryBase.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } } |
23494 | SomeOtherBase.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } } |
23495 | default: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } }, |
23496 | one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } |
23497 | [:default, :one].each do |shard_name| |
23498 | default: { writing: { database: tf_default.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } }, |
23499 | one: { writing: { database: tf_shard_one.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } } |
23500 | one: { writing: { database: tf_shard_one.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_shard_one_reading.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } } |
23501 | one: { writing: { database: tf_shard_one2.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_shard_one_reading2.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } } |
23502 | SecondaryBase.connects_to database: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } |
23503 | ActiveRecord::Base.connects_to(shards: { default: { also_writing: :arunit }, one: { also_writing: :arunit } }) |
23504 | config = { "primary" => { "adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "test/db/primary.sqlite3" } } |
23505 | config = { "development" => { "adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "test/db/primary.sqlite3" } } |
23506 | klass2 = { def; "klass2"; end } |
23507 | outer_pid = fork { |
23508 | @connection.create_table("blank_comments", comment: " ", force: true) do |t| |
23509 | t.index :space_comment, comment: " " |
23510 | index = @connection.indexes("commenteds").find { |idef| == "idx_obvious" } |
23511 | assert_match %r[t\.index\s+.+\s+comment: "\\"Very important\\" index that powers all the performance.\ And it's fun!"], output |
23512 | assert_match %r[t\.index\s+.+\s+name: "idx_obvious",\s+comment: "We need to see obvious comments"], output |
23513 | { string: "varchar" } |
23514 | assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, Developer.collection_cache_key) |
23515 | assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, developers.cache_key) |
23516 | /\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ =~ developers.cache_key |
23517 | assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, developers_with_select.cache_key) |
23518 | /\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ =~ developers_with_select.cache_key |
23519 | assert_match(/\Acomments\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, comments.cache_key) |
23520 | other_relation = Developer.where(name: "David").where("1 = 1") |
23521 | topics = Topic.where("title like ?", "%Topic%") |
23522 | /\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)\z/ =~ developers.cache_key |
23523 | assert_match(/(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, developers.cache_version) |
23524 | /(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ =~ developers.cache_version |
23525 | assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, key_with_version_1) |
23526 | coder.dump("a") |
23527 | assert_equal %{can't dump `tags`: was supposed to be a Array, but was a String. -- "a"}, error.to_s |
23528 | coder.load "--- foo" |
23529 | assert_equal %{can't load `tags`: was supposed to be a Array, but was a String. -- "foo"}, error.to_s |
23530 | assert_nil coder.load "--- " |
23531 | coder.load([]) |
23532 | bad_yaml = "--- {" |
23533 | david = CallbackDeveloper.create("name" => "David", "salary" => 1000000) |
23534 | [ :before_validation, :method ], |
23535 | [ :before_validation, :object ], |
23536 | before_save(on: :create) { } |
23537 | around_save(on: :create) { } |
23538 | after_save(on: :create) { } |
23539 | NumericData.create!([{ bank_balance: 37.50 }, { bank_balance: 37.45 }]) |
23540 | [1, 6, 2].each do |firm_id| |
23541 | c ="firm_id", :credit_limit).count(:all) |
23542 | [ [nil, 50], [1, 50], [6, 50], [6, 55], [9, 53], [2, 60] ].each { |firm_and_limit| assert_includes c.keys, firm_and_limit } |
23543 | assert_equal({ [1, 2] => 2 }, res) |
23544 | c =, "COALESCE(type, title)").count(:all) |
23545 | assert_equal 1, c[["Carl", "The Third Topic of the day"]] |
23546 | assert_equal 1, c[["Mary", "Reply"]] |
23547 | assert_equal 1, c[["David", "The First Topic"]] |
23548 | assert_equal 1, c[["Carl", "Reply"]] |
23549 | expected = { nil => 50, 1 => 50, 2 => 60, 6 => 105, 9 => 53 } |
23550 | nil => 50, |
23551 | 1 => 50, |
23552 | 2 => 60, |
23553 | 6 => 105, |
23554 | 9 => 53 |
23555 | 6 => 55, |
23556 | 6 => 50, |
23557 | assert_equal [1, 2, 6, 9], c.keys.compact |
23558 | c ="firm_id").sum(:credit_limit) |
23559 | assert_equal [105, 60, 53, 50, 50], c.keys.collect { |k| c[k] } |
23560 | assert_equal [6, 2, 9, 1], c.keys.compact |
23561 | c = Account.where("firm_id IS NOT NULL").group(:firm_id).order("firm_id").limit(2).sum(:credit_limit) |
23562 | c = Account.where("firm_id IS NOT NULL").group(:firm_id).order("firm_id"). |
23563 | expected = { nil => 4, 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 1, 7 => 1 } |
23564 | expected = { nil => 6, 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 1, 7 => 1 } |
23565 | assert_equal({ 6 => 2 },"1 DESC").limit(1).count) |
23566 | c ="sum(credit_limit) > 50").sum(:credit_limit) |
23567 | c = Account.where("firm_id > 1").group(:firm_id).sum(:credit_limit) |
23568 | relation = Account.where("firm_id > 1").group(:firm_id).having("sum(credit_limit) > 60") |
23569 | assert_equal 1, c[1] |
23570 | assert_equal 2, c[6] |
23571 | assert_equal 1, c[2] |
23572 | c = |
23573 | assert_equal 3, c["FIRM"] |
23574 | assert_equal 6, [1, 2, 3].sum(&:abs) |
23575 | c = companies(:rails_core)"sum(id) > 7").sum(:id) |
23576 | expected = { nil => 1, 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 6 => 2, 9 => 1 } |
23577 | [1, 6, 2, 9].each { |firm_id| assert_includes c.keys, firm_id } |
23578 | assert_equal({ "active" => 2, "trial" => 2, "suspended" => 1 }, counts) |
23579 | expected = { 1 => 2, 2 => 1, 4 => 5, 5 => 3, 7 => 1 } |
23580 | assert_equal 0, Account.where("1 = 2").sum("2 * credit_limit") |
23581 | assert_equal 0, Post.where(id: []).sum(:tags_count) |
23582 | edges = Edge.from("edges /*! USE INDEX(unique_edge_index) */") |
23583 | assert_equal Edge.where("sink_id < 5").count(:all), edges.where("sink_id < 5").count(:all) |
23584 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Topic.order(:id).pluck(:id) |
23585 | assert_async_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Topic.order(:id).async_pluck(:id) |
23586 | assert_equal [], Topic.where(id: []).pluck(:id) |
23587 | assert_async_equal [], Topic.where(id: []).async_pluck(:id) |
23588 | assert_equal [[1, "Firm", 1, nil, "37signals", nil, 1, nil, nil, "active"]], Company.order(:id).limit(1).pluck |
23589 | assert_equal [[1, "Firm", 1, nil, "37signals", nil, 1, nil, "", "active"]], Company.order(:id).limit(1).pluck |
23590 | [, 4, 15), "unread"], |
23591 | [, 4, 15), "reading"], |
23592 | [, 4, 15), "read"], |
23593 | .where("books.last_read": [:unread, :reading, :read]) |
23594 | .pluck(:"topics.last_read", :"books.last_read") |
23595 | [nil, "unread"], |
23596 | ["ebook", "reading"], |
23597 | ["paperback", "read"], |
23598 | t = Topic.create!(content: { "foo" => "bar" }) |
23599 | assert_equal [{ "foo" => "bar" }], Topic.where(id: |
23600 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Topic.order(:id).pluck("") |
23601 | c = Company.create!(name: "test", contracts: []) |
23602 | assert_equal [50 + 53 + 55 + 60], Account.pluck(Arel.sql("SUM(DISTINCT(credit_limit))")) |
23603 | scoped_ids = [1, 2] |
23604 | empty_scope_ids = [] |
23605 | assert_equal [], Topic.includes(:replies).limit(1).where("0 = 1").ids |
23606 | assert_equal [], Topic.includes(:replies).limit(1).where("0 = 1").pluck(:id) |
23607 | assert_equal [[2, 2], [4, 4]], Reply.includes(:topic).order(:id).pluck(:id, :"") |
23608 | expected = { "SpecialPost" => 1, "StiPost" => 2 } |
23609 | expected = { "StiPost" => 3, "SpecialPost" => 1 } |
23610 | expected = { "SpecialPost" => 1, "Post" => 8 } |
23611 | expected = { "SpecialPost" => 1 } |
23612 | expected = { "SpecialPost" => 1, "StiPost" => 1, "Post" => 9 } |
23613 | [1, "The First Topic"], [2, "The Second Topic of the day"], |
23614 | [3, "The Third Topic of the day"], [4, "The Fourth Topic of the day"], |
23615 | [5, "The Fifth Topic of the day"] |
23616 | ], Topic.order(:id).pluck(:id, :title) |
23617 | [1, "The First Topic", "David"], [2, "The Second Topic of the day", "Mary"], |
23618 | [3, "The Third Topic of the day", "Carl"], [4, "The Fourth Topic of the day", "Carl"], |
23619 | [5, "The Fifth Topic of the day", "Jason"] |
23620 | ], Topic.order(:id).pluck(:id, :title, :author_name) |
23621 | assert_equal [[1, 50], [2, 50], [3, 50], [4, 60], [5, 55], [6, 53]], |
23622 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], takes_relation.pluck(:id) |
23623 | expected = [["The First Topic", "The Second Topic of the day"], ["The Third Topic of the day", "The Fourth Topic of the day"]] |
23624 | ], Topic.order(:id).pluck( |
23625 | ["1", "The First Topic"], ["2", "The Second Topic of the day"], |
23626 | ["3", "The Third Topic of the day"], ["4", "The Fourth Topic of the day"], |
23627 | ["5", "The Fifth Topic of the day"] |
23628 | assert_equal [[1, "37signals"], [2, "Summit"], [3, "Microsoft"]], companies.pluck(:id, :name) |
23629 | assert_equal({ "has trinket" => }, ShipPart.joins(:trinkets).group("").sum(:id)) |
23630 | returns:["count"], [["10"]]) |
23631 | returns:["sum"], [[10.to_d]]) |
23632 | assert_equal({ "proposed" => 2, "published" => 2 }, |
23633 | assert_equal({ "proposed" => 0, "published" => 4 }, |
23634 | assert_equal({ "proposed" => 0, "published" => 1 }, |
23635 | assert_equal({ "proposed" => 0, "published" => 0 }, |
23636 | assert_equal({ "proposed" => 0, "published" => 1 }, |
23637 | assert_equal({ false =>, 4, 15), true => nil }, |
23638 | assert_equal({ false =>, 4, 15), true => nil }, |
23639 | assert_equal Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 14, 28, 11, 223300), actual |
23640 | assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 7, 13, 11, 11, 0, 9900), actual |
23641 | false => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 14, 28, 11, 223300), |
23642 | true => Time.utc(2004, 7, 15, 14, 28, 0, 9900), |
23643 | true => Time.utc(2013, 7, 13, 11, 11, 0, 9900), |
23644 | assert_equal Time.utc(2004, 7, 15, 14, 28, 0, 9900), actual |
23645 | 1 => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 14, 28, 11, 223300), |
23646 | 2 => Time.utc(2004, 7, 15, 14, 28, 0, 9900), |
23647 | .group(:firm_id) |
23648 | .take! |
23649 | .group(:id) |
23650 | Account.count(:firm_id) { true } |
23651 | record_from_db.updated_at = { 1 => 2016, 2 => 11, 3 => 12, 4 => 1, 5 => 2, 6 => 3, 7 => 22 } |
23652 | b_blank = Boolean.create!(value: "") |
23653 | b_false = Boolean.create!(value: "0") |
23654 | calls << args |
23655 | assert_equal [1], |
23656 | assert_equal 1, Topic.find_by!(id: 1).id |
23657 | topic_sql = cached_statement(Topic, ["id"]) |
23658 | topics = Topic.where(id: [1, 3]).order(:id) |
23659 | assert_equal [1, 3], |
23660 | topics = Topic.where(" = ?", 1) |
23661 | topics = Topic.where(id: (1 .. bind_params_length).to_a << 2**63) |
23662 | topics = Topic.where.not(id: (1 .. bind_params_length).to_a << 2**63) |
23663 | topics = Topic.where(id: (1 .. bind_params_length + 1).to_a) |
23664 | topics = Topic.where.not(id: (1 .. bind_params_length + 1).to_a) |
23665 | message = @subscriber.calls.find { |args| args[4][:sql] == sql } |
23666 | message = @subscriber.calls.find { |args| args[4][:binds].any? { |attr| attr.value == 1 } } |
23667 | binds = ["id", "10",] |
23668 | binds = ["abcd"] |
23669 | pk = "#{table}.#{Author.quoted_primary_key}" |
23670 | authors = Author.where(id: [1, 2, 3, nil]) |
23671 | bind_params = { |i| } |
23672 | @connection.respond_to?(:sql_key, true) ? @connection.send(:sql_key, sql) : sql |
23673 | sql: "select * from topics where id = ?", |
23674 | @debugs << str |
23675 | assert_match %r(\[\["id", 10\]\]\z), logger.debugs.first |
23676 | sql: "select * from topics where title = $1", |
23677 | assert_match %r(\[\[nil, "abcd"\]\]\z), logger.debugs.first |
23678 | sql: "select * from users where auth_token = ?", |
23679 | assert_match %r/#{Regexp.escape '[["auth_token", "[FILTERED]"]]'}/, logger.debugs.first |
23680 | binary_data = "\xEE\x49\xC7".b |
23681 | @posts = Post.order("id asc") |
23682 | 1) { |post| |
23683 |"id, title, type").find_each(batch_size: 2) do |post| |
23684 | limit = @total - 1 |
23685 | total = 0 |
23686 | total += 1 |
23687 | Post.order("title").find_each { |post| post } |
23688 | 1, order: :invalid) { |post| |
23689 | not_a_post = +"not a post" |
23690 | not_a_post.stub(:id, -> { raise"not_a_post had #id called on it") }) do |
23691 |! { not_a_post } |
23692 | posts = [] |
23693 | subscribers = [] |
23694 | enum = nil |
23695 | ids = Post.order("id ASC").pluck(:id) |
23696 | not_deleted_count = Post.where("id <= 2").count |
23697 | Post.where("id > 2").in_batches(of: 2).delete_all |
23698 | assert_equal 0, Post.where("id > 2").count |
23699 | post = Post.order("id ASC").where("id >= ?", 2).first |
23700 | post = Post.order("id DESC").where("id <= ?", 5).first |
23701 | assert_sql(/WHERE #{quoted_posts_id} > .+ AND #{quoted_posts_id} <= .+/i) do |
23702 | assert_sql(/#{quoted_posts_id} IN \(.+\)/i) do |
23703 | Post.where("id < ?", 5).in_batches(of: 2) { |relation| assert_kind_of Post, relation.first } |
23704 | assert_sql(/#{quoted_posts_id} > .+ AND #{quoted_posts_id} <= .+/i) do |
23705 | Post.where("id < ?", 5).in_batches(of: 2, use_ranges: true) { |relation| assert_kind_of Post, relation.first } |
23706 | assert_sql(/DELETE FROM #{c.quote_table_name("posts")} WHERE #{quoted_posts_id} > .+ AND #{quoted_posts_id} <=/i) do |
23707 | assert_sql(/ORDER BY #{c.quote_table_name('posts')}\.#{c.quote_column_name('id')}/) do |
23708 | Post.in_batches(of: 1, order: :desc) do |relation| |
23709 | enum = Post.in_batches(of: 1) |
23710 | seen_posts = [] |
23711 | Post.in_batches(of: 2) do |batch| |
23712 | batch.where("author_id >= 1").update_all("author_id = author_id + 1") |
23713 | [true, false].each do |load| |
23714 | posts.find_each { } |
23715 | Post.find_each { } |
23716 | Post.find_each(start: 1, finish: 1) do |post| |
23717 | Post.in_batches { } |
23718 | payload = { "foo" => 42 } |
23719 | Topic.connection.stub(:lookup_cast_type_from_column, ->(_) { raise "Some Error" }) do |
23720 | classname =[/[^:]*$/] |
23721 | pk = Author.columns_hash["id"] |
23722 | car = name: "<3<3<3" |
23723 | 20_000.times { car.engines_count += 1 } |
23724 | Topic.limit("1, 7 procedure help()").to_a |
23725 | topic_ids = |
23726 | topic.title = "<3<3<3" |
23727 | expected = ["The First Topic", "<3<3<3"] |
23728 | topic = Topic.create("written_on" => time) |
23729 | assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "EST"], time.to_a |
23730 | assert_equal [0, 0, 5, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], saved_time.to_a |
23731 | assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "CST"], time.to_a |
23732 | assert_equal [0, 0, 6, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], saved_time.to_a |
23733 | assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], time.to_a |
23734 | assert_equal [0, 0, 19, 31, 12, 1999, 5, 365, false, "EST"], saved_time.to_a |
23735 | assert_equal [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "EST"], saved_time.to_a |
23736 | pet = Pet.create(name: "Bidu") |
23737 |"title" => "test", |
23738 | cb = CustomBulb.create { |c| = "Dude" } |
23739 | cbs = CustomBulb.create([{ name: "Dude" }, { name: "Bob" }]) |
23740 | topics = Topic.all.merge!(order: "id").to_a |
23741 | topics = Topic.all.merge!(where: "author_name = 'Mary'").to_a |
23742 | attributes = { "bonus_time" => "5:42:00AM" } |
23743 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time |
23744 | attributes = { "bonus_time(1i)" => "2000", |
23745 | assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 10, 35, 50), topic.bonus_time |
23746 | assert_equal Topic.find([1, 2]), Topic.find(["1-meowmeow", "2-hello"]) |
23747 | assert_equal Topic.where(id: "1-meowmeow".."2-hello"), Topic.where(id: 1..2) |
23748 | one = "") |
23749 | two = "") |
23750 | assert_equal [ Topic.find(1) ], [ Topic.find(2).topic ] & [ Topic.find(1) ] |
23751 | assert_equal [topic_2, topic_1].sort, [topic_1, topic_2] |
23752 | [ topics(:first), posts(:welcome) ].sort |
23753 | [1, topic].sort |
23754 | post[:title] = "changed via []=" |
23755 | post[:body] = "changed via []=" |
23756 | assert_equal ["EUC-JP"], { |c| }.uniq |
23757 | weird = Weird.create("a$b" => "value") |
23758 | weird.update_columns("a$b" => "value2") |
23759 | Weird.create("a$b" => "value", :from => "aaron") |
23760 | assert_equal Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time |
23761 | topic.title = "a" |
23762 | duped_topic.title = "b" |
23763 | dup = nil |
23764 | assert_equal Time.local(2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), default.fixed_time |
23765 | assert_equal Time.utc(2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), default.fixed_time_with_time_zone |
23766 | assert_equal Time.utc(2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), default.fixed_time |
23767 | assert( > 0) |
23768 | Topic.find("123456 OR id > 0") |
23769 | replies = Reply.all.merge!(where: [ "id IN (?)", topics(:first).replies.collect(&:id) ]).to_a |
23770 | replies = Reply.all.merge!(where: [ "id IN (?)", [] ]).to_a |
23771 | author_name = "\\ \001 ' \ \"" |
23772 | t1 = Topic.find(1) |
23773 | t2 = Topic.find(1) |
23774 | k = |
23775 | def; "Foo"; end |
23776 | def k.table_name; super + "ks"; end |
23777 | k = |
23778 | res5 = Post.where("p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND").joins("p, comments co").select("").count |
23779 | res7 = Post.where("p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND").joins("p, comments co").select("").distinct.count |
23780 | assert_queries(2) { 2.times { } } |
23781 | expected = ["id", "type", "firm_id", "firm_name", "name", "client_of", "rating", "account_id", "description", "status", "metadata"] |
23782 | types = { "author_name" => } |
23783 | u = person.create!(first_name: "cool") |
23784 | u.first_name = "nah" |
23785 | @count ||= 0 |
23786 | @count += 1 if == :parts |
23787 | @count += 1 if == :ship |
23788 | @count += 1 if == :pirate |
23789 | firm = Firm.find(1) |
23790 | firm ="name" => "GlobalMegaCorp") |
23791 | firm.account = a ="credit_limit" => 1000) |
23792 | += "-changed" |
23793 | assert_queries(1) {! } |
23794 | assert_queries(Firm.partial_updates? ? 0 : 1) {! } |
23795 | assert_queries(2) {! } |
23796 | eye = Eye.create(iris_attributes: { color: "honey" }) |
23797 | eye.update(iris_attributes: { color: "blue" }) |
23798 | client = "Joe (the Plumber)") |
23799 | apple ="name" => "Apple") |
23800 | final_cut ="name" => "Final Cut") |
23801 | mouse = Mouse.create!(name: "Will") |
23802 | assert_equal [{ error: :not_a_number, value: nil }], guitar.errors.details[:"tuning_pegs[1].pitch"] |
23803 | new_firm ="name" => "A New Firm, Inc") |
23804 | new_firm.clients_of_firm.concat([c =,"name" => "Apple")]) |
23805 | client ="name" => "Apple") |
23806 | client ="name" => "Apple") |
23807 | { content: "Best content" }, |
23808 | { content: "Best content" } |
23809 | c ="name" => "Apple") |
23810 | firm ="name" => "Apple") |
23811 | += "-changed" |
23812 | assert_queries(0) {[{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) } |
23813 |[{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) do |client| |
23814 | firm ="name" => "New Firm") |
23815 | firm.clients = [companies(:second_client),"name" => "New Client")] |
23816 | firm = Firm.create!("name" => "New Firm").dup |
23817 | new_firm ="name" => "some firm") |
23818 | new_autosaved_firm ="name" => "some firm") |
23819 | firm ="name" => "some firm") |
23820 | id = |
23821 | = "" |
23822 | assert_difference("Ship.count", -1) {! } |
23823 | def save(**) |
23824 | raise "Oh noes!" |
23825 | id = |
23826 | assert_difference("Pirate.count", -1) {! } |
23827 | 2.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_#{i}") } |
23828 | ids = |
23829 | ids.each { |id| assert klass.find_by_id(id) } |
23830 | ids.each { |id| assert_nil klass.find_by_id(id) } |
23831 | @pirate.birds.each { |bird| = "" } |
23832 | assert_difference("Bird.count", -2) {! } |
23833 | before = { |c| c.mark_for_destruction ; c } |
23834 | 3.times { |i| "birds_#{i}") } |
23835 | 3.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create(name: "unique_birds_#{i}") } |
23836 | 2.times { |i| @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_#{i}") } |
23837 | @pirate.parrots.each { |parrot| = "" } |
23838 | before = { |c| c.mark_for_destruction ; c } |
23839 | assert_no_queries {! } |
23840 | assert_queries(1) {! } |
23841 | assert_equal ["", ""], [@pirate.reload.catchphrase,] |
23842 | 2.times { |i|!(name: "part #{i}") } |
23843 | { |part| = "" } |
23844 | assert_equal ["", "", "", ""], values |
23845 | assert_queries(1) { @pirate.catchphrase = "Arr";! } |
23846 | post = Post.create! author: author, title: "foo", body: "bar" |
23847 | = nil |
23848 | = "" |
23849 | assert_equal ["", ""], [, @ship.pirate.catchphrase] |
23850 | assert_queries(1) { = "The Vile Serpent";! } |
23851 | parent = title: "foo", body: "..." |
23852 | child = body: "..." |
23853 | @pirate.public_send(@association_name).each { |child| = "" } |
23854 | { @associated_model_name.to_s.to_sym => { blank: "cannot be blank" } } |
23855 | assert_equal [nil, nil, nil], [ |
23856 | assert_equal ["", "", ""], [ |
23857 | assert_no_difference("#{ @association_name == :birds ? 'Bird' : 'Parrot' }.count") do |
23858 | assert_difference("#{ @association_name == :birds ? 'Bird' : 'Parrot' }.count", 2) do |
23859 | = "Changed" |
23860 | @habtm = true |
23861 | @author = "DHH") |
23862 | @pirate.parrot = "") |
23863 | @pirate.parrots = [ "popuga") ] |
23864 | post = "Test", body: "...") |
23865 | comment = "...") |
23866 | attribute :starts_at, :datetime, precision: 3, limit: 2, scale: 1, default: -> { } |
23867 | attribute :starts_at, :datetime, precision: 3, default: -> { } |
23868 | attribute :ends_at, default: -> { } |
23869 | def cast(*) |
23870 | attribute :counter, :integer, default: -> { @@counter += 1 } |
23871 | << "asdf" |
23872 | = "lol" |
23873 | assert_equal "foo", "foo").no_type |
23874 | t = topics(:first) |
23875 | t.content = ["some_value"] |
23876 | t.content = (1..11).to_a |
23877 | assert_equal "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]", t.attribute_for_inspect(:content) |
23878 | t.title = "hello there!" |
23879 | t.author_name = "" |
23880 | topic.attributes = { title: "Budget", author_name: "Jason" } |
23881 | test = AutoId.create(value: "") |
23882 | topic = do |t| |
23883 | t.author_name = "Jason" |
23884 | content = %w( one two three ) |
23885 | category_attrs = { "name" => "Test category", "id" => nil, "type" => nil, "categorizations_count" => nil } |
23886 | bool = Boolean.create!("value" => false) |
23887 | topic = ["ok"]) |
23888 | topic = "Hello") |
23889 | topic.content = { "one" => 1, "two" => 2 } |
23890 | tz = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" |
23891 | date_string = "2011-03-24" |
23892 | topic.content["three"] = 3 |
23893 | topic.content = %w( one two three ) |
23894 | topic.content << "five" |
23895 | expected = ["created_at", "developer", "extendedWarranty", "id", "system", "timezone", "updated_at"] |
23896 | new_topic = { "title" => "New Topic", "content" => { "key" => "First value" } } |
23897 | new_topic_values = { "title" => "AnotherTopic", "content" => { "key" => "Second value" } } |
23898 | topic["title"] = "Still another topic: part 4" |
23899 | assert_nothing_raised { topic[:title] = "Hello!" } |
23900 | topic[:title] = "Yet another topic: part 2" |
23901 | topic["title"] = "Yet another topic: part 4" |
23902 | topic = "a") |
23903 | def topic.title() "b" end |
23904 | [nil, "", " "].each do |value| |
23905 | [nil, 0, "0"].each do |value| |
23906 | [nil, "", false, "false", "f", 0].each do |value| |
23907 | [true, "true", "1", 1].each do |value| |
23908 | topic = { key: "value" }) |
23909 | topic = {}) |
23910 | object.int_value = "0" |
23911 | topic = "Budget") |
23912 | %w(default_ title_).each do |prefix| |
23913 | meth = "#{prefix}title" |
23914 | assert_equal ["title", "a"], topic.public_send(meth, "a") |
23915 | assert_equal ["title", 1, 2, 3], topic.public_send(meth, 1, 2, 3) |
23916 | meth = "title#{suffix}" |
23917 | [["mark_", "_for_update"], ["reset_", "!"], ["default_", "_value?"]].each do |prefix, suffix| |
23918 | meth = "#{prefix}title#{suffix}" |
23919 | myobj = { "value1" => "value2" } |
23920 | topic = Topic.all.merge!(select: "topics.*, 0 as is_test").first |
23921 | topic = Topic.all.merge!(select: "topics.*, 1=2 as is_test").first |
23922 | topic = Topic.all.merge!(select: "topics.*, 1 as is_test").first |
23923 | topic = Topic.all.merge!(select: "topics.*, 2=2 as is_test").first |
23924 | klass.class_eval "def #{method}() 'defined #{method}' end" |
23925 | record.last_read = Time.utc(2010, 1, 1, 10) |
23926 | utc_time = Time.utc(2008, 1, 1) |
23927 | cst_time = utc_time.in_time_zone("Central Time (US & Canada)") |
23928 | (-11..13).each do |timezone_offset| |
23929 | record.written_on = " " |
23930 | time_string = "Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 2008" |
23931 | record = 1) |
23932 | time_string = "10:00:00" |
23933 | record.bonus_time = "" |
23934 | time_string = "ABC" |
23935 | record = "10:00:00") |
23936 | expected_time = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 10) |
23937 | record = []) |
23938 | 2.times { klass = } |
23939 | dev = "arthurnn") |
23940 | def title; "omg"; end |
23941 | topic.title = "lol" |
23942 | def system; "omg"; end |
23943 | super + "!" |
23944 | model ="id").last! |
23945 | = "omg" |
23946 | @target.class_eval(<<-private_method, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) |
23947 | %w{ one two three } |
23948 | part =!(name: "Mast") |
23949 | reader = Reader.create! person: person, post: "foo", body: "bar") |
23950 | firm ="name" => "A New Firm, Inc") |
23951 | client ="name" => "", "firm_id" => |
23952 | blog_post.comments = [] |
23953 | tag = "Ruby on Rails", blog_id: blog_post.blog_id) |
23954 | david.posts << (post = "New on Edge", body: "More cool stuff!")) |
23955 | josh = "Josh") |
23956 | josh.posts << "New on Edge", body: "More cool stuff!") |
23957 | post = authors(:david).posts.create(title: "New on Edge") { |p| p.body = "More cool stuff!" } |
23958 | post = authors(:david).posts.create!(title: "New on Edge") { |p| p.body = "More cool stuff!" } |
23959 | book = books(:awdr) |
23960 | comments = [ |
23961 | post = Post.create!( |
23962 | title: "test post", |
23963 | title: "test post 2", |
23964 | title: "test post 3", |
23965 | .where(name: "David") |
23966 | bob_post = posts(:misc_by_bob) |
23967 | .where(blog_id: tag.blog_id, tag_id: |
23968 | assert_sql(%r{/\* that tells jokes \*/}) do |
23969 | assert_sql(%r{/\* that are very colorful \*/}) do |
23970 | assert_sql(%r{/\* that is a rocket \*/}) do |
23971 | assert_sql(%r{/\* that are also parrots \*/}) do |
23972 | assert_sql(%r{/\* yarrr \*/}) do |
23973 | Author.where("" => tags(:general).id), |
23974 | [authors(:david)], :tags |
23975 | [:includes, :preload, :joins, :eager_load].each do |q| |
23976 | assert_equal [posts(:misc_by_bob), posts(:misc_by_mary), posts(:other_by_bob), posts(:other_by_mary)], |
23977 | blue = tags(:blue) |
23978 | .left_outer_joins(agents: { agents: { primary_contact: :agents } }).to_a |
23979 | assert queries.any? { |sql| /agents_people_4/i.match?(sql) } |
23980 | all_post_ids = Post.pluck(:id) |
23981 | assert queries.any? { |sql| /INNER JOIN/i.match?(sql) } |
23982 | queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins({}).to_a } |
23983 | queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins([]).to_a } |
23984 | assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Author.left_outer_joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id"').to_a } |
23985 | assert queries.any? { |sql| /writer_type.*?=.*?(Author|\?|\$1|:a1)/i.match?(sql) } |
23986 | assert queries.none? { |sql| /WHERE/i.match?(sql) } |
23987 | authors =", #{%{(authors.author_address_id || ' ' || authors.author_address_extra_id) as addr_id}}").left_outer_joins(:posts) |
23988 | post = title: "foo", body: "bar" |
23989 | Tag.has_many :null_taggings, -> { none }, class_name: :Tagging |
23990 | options = { where: "comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}='SpecialComment'", order: "" } |
23991 | author = Author.all.merge!(where: ["name = ?", "David"], includes: :comments, order: "").first |
23992 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13], author.comments.collect(&:id) |
23993 | new_tag = "new") |
23994 | push = Tag.create!(name: "pushme") |
23995 | assert_nil(wrong = post_thinking.tags.detect { |t| t.class != Tag }, |
23996 | tag = Tag.create!(name: "doomed") |
23997 | doomed = Tag.create!(name: "doomed") |
23998 | quaked = Tag.create!(name: "quaked") |
23999 | p = Post.all.merge!(includes: { taggings: :taggable }).find(posts(:welcome).id) |
24000 | taggings = Tagging.all.merge!(includes: :taggable, where: ["taggable_type != ?", "FakeModel"]).to_a |
24001 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: "post_id = 1").to_a |
24002 | sub_sti_post = SubStiPost.create!(title: "test", body: "test", author_id: 1) |
24003 | bulb = Bulb.create!(car: car) |
24004 | car.bulb.color = "Blue" |
24005 | bulb.color = "Red" |
24006 | = "Bongo" |
24007 | human = Human.all.merge!(where: { name: "Gordon" }, includes: :face).first |
24008 | human = Human.all.merge!(where: { name: "Gordon" }, includes: :face, order: "").first |
24009 | human = Human.all.merge!(where: { name: "Gordon" }, includes: :interests).first |
24010 | human = Human.all.merge!(where: { name: "Gordon" }, includes: :interests, order: "").first |
24011 | comment.body = "OMG" |
24012 | face = Face.all.merge!(includes: :human, order: "", where: { description: "trusting" }).first |
24013 | iz = human.interests.detect { |_iz| == } |
24014 | face = Face.all.merge!(where: { description: "confused" }, includes: :human, order: "").first |
24015 | iz = human.polymorphic_interests.detect { |_iz| == } |
24016 | sql = Person.joins(agents: { agents: :agents }).joins(agents: { agents: { primary_contact: :agents } }).to_sql |
24017 | string_join = <<~SQL |
24018 | constraint = agents[:primary_contact_id].eq(agents_2[:id]).and(agents[:id].gt(agents_2[:id])) |
24019 | sql = Author.joins({}).to_sql |
24020 | sql = Author.joins([]).to_sql |
24021 | assert_match(/writer_type.*?=.*?Author/i, sql) |
24022 | real_count = Author.all.to_a.sum { |a| a.posts.count } |
24023 | real_count = { |a| a.posts.any? { |p| p.title.start_with?("Welcome") } }.length |
24024 | joins = capture_sql { } |
24025 | club = "Da Club") |
24026 | Member.all.merge!(includes: :club, where: ["name = ?", "Groucho Marx"]).to_a |
24027 | Member.all.merge!(includes: :sponsor_club, where: ["name = ?", "Groucho Marx"]).to_a |
24028 | Member.all.merge!(includes: :club, where: [" = ?", "Groucho Marx"], order: "").to_a # force fallback |
24029 | Member.all.merge!(includes: :sponsor_club, where: [" = ?", "Groucho Marx"], order: "").to_a # force fallback |
24030 | Member.all.merge!(includes: :sponsor_club, where: [" = ?", "Groucho Marx"], order: " DESC").to_a # force fallback |
24031 | @club = |
24032 | apple = Firm.create("name" => "Apple") |
24033 | author.update!(name: "J.R.R. Tolkien") |
24034 | car = Car.create(name: "honda") |
24035 | bulb = car.build_bulb car_id: + 1 |
24036 | bulb = car.create_bulb car_id: + 1 |
24037 | bulb = car.build_bulb { |b| b.color = "Red" } |
24038 | bulb = car.create_bulb { |b| b.color = "Red" } |
24039 | bulb = car.create_bulb! { |b| b.color = "Red" } |
24040 | = "new name" |
24041 | new_ship = Ship.create(name: "new name") |
24042 | post = Post.create(id: 1234, title: "Some title", body: "Some content") |
24043 | author = 33, name: "Hank Moody") |
24044 | post = Post.create!(author_id: 42, title: "foo", body: "bar") |
24045 | post = Post.create! title: "foo", body: "bar" |
24046 | [:errors, "errors", :save, "save"].each do |name| |
24047 | where_clause = { books: { subscriptions: { subscriber_id: nil } } } |
24048 | @post = @author.posts.create(title: "title", body: "body") |
24049 | @post2 = @author.posts.create(title: "title", body: "body") |
24050 | posts = Post.where(id: [authors(:david).id, authors(:mary).id]). |
24051 | has_many :posts, -> { order(" DESC") }, through: :readers |
24052 | lesson, _, student = make_no_pk_hm_t |
24053 | sicp = "SICP") |
24054 | post = Post.create!(title: "Rails 6", body: "") |
24055 | posts(:thinking).body += "-changed" |
24056 | post = "Hello", body: "world") |
24057 | tag.tagged_posts = [] |
24058 | p = |
24059 | [:added, :before, "Michael"], |
24060 | [:added, :after, "Michael"] |
24061 | ], log.last(2) |
24062 | [:added, :before, "David"], |
24063 | [:added, :after, "David"], |
24064 | [:added, :before, "Bob"], |
24065 | [:added, :after, "Bob"], |
24066 | [:added, :before, "Lary"], |
24067 | [:added, :after, "Lary"] |
24068 | ], log.last(6) |
24069 | [:added, :before, "Ted"], |
24070 | [:added, :after, "Ted"] |
24071 | [:added, :before, "Sam"], |
24072 | [:added, :after, "Sam"] |
24073 | assert_equal((%w(Ted Bob Sam Lary) * 2).sort, log[-12..-5].collect(&:last).sort) |
24074 | [:added, :before, "Julian"], |
24075 | [:added, :after, "Julian"], |
24076 | [:added, :before, "Roger"], |
24077 | [:added, :after, "Roger"] |
24078 | ], log.last(4) |
24079 | post = Post.create!(author: author, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY") |
24080 | john = Person.create!(first_name: "John", primary_contact_id:, gender: "M", number1_fan_id: 1) |
24081 | ids = [, -9999] |
24082 | post = TaggedPost.create!(title: "Tagged", body: "Post") |
24083 | tag = post.tags.create!(name: "Tag") |
24084 | post = tags(:general).tagged_posts.create! title: "foo", body: "bar" |
24085 | assert_equal ["parrot", "bulbul"], { |r| } |
24086 | post1 = Post.create(title: "active", body: "sample") |
24087 | post = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!") |
24088 | users = { User.create! } |
24089 | raise "No pet!" if |
24090 | fall = "Fall") |
24091 | sections = [ |
24092 | tag_ids = [] |
24093 | tag_ids = |
24094 | assert_match(/.* ON.* #{quoted_tags_blog_id} = #{quoted_posts_tags_blog_id} .* WHERE/, sql) |
24095 | assert_match(/.* WHERE #{quoted_posts_tags_blog_id} = .*/, sql) |
24096 | blog_post_ids = [] |
24097 | blog_post_ids = |
24098 | assert_match(/.* ON.* #{quoted_blog_posts_blog_id} = #{quoted_posts_tags_blog_id} .* WHERE/, sql) |
24099 | :posts, :readers, :taggings, :cars, :tags, |
24100 | assert_operator len, :>, 0 |
24101 | dev = self |
24102 | counter += 1 |
24103 | where("id = :inc", inc: counter) |
24104 | sql = capture_sql { post.comments.to_a } |
24105 | bulb = car.bulbs.create!(name: "exotic") |
24106 | car = "honda") |
24107 | author.posts.create!(title: "test", body: "body") |
24108 | posts.create!(title: "test", body: "body") |
24109 | data = [{ name: "first" }, { name: "second" }] |
24110 | bulb = car_id: + 1 |
24111 | bulb = car_id: + 1 |
24112 | bulb = car.bulbs.create car_id: + 1 |
24113 | new_clients = [] |
24114 | assert_equal 3, Firm.order(:id).find { |f| > 0 }.clients.length |
24115 | has_many :posts, -> { order(:id) } |
24116 | firm = "Firm") |
24117 | firm = "Firm", id: 100) |
24118 | clients.each { |c| assert_equal, c.firm_id } |
24119 | summit = firm.clients.where("name = 'Summit'").to_a |
24120 | assert_equal summit, firm.clients.where("name = ?", "Summit").to_a |
24121 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "firm name") |
24122 | Developer.all.merge!(joins: :audit_logs, where: { "audit_logs.message" => nil, :name => "Smith" }).to_a |
24123 | all_clients_of_firm1 = Client.all.merge!(where: "firm_id = 1").to_a |
24124 | grouped_clients_of_firm1 = Client.all.merge!(where: "firm_id = 1", group: "firm_id", select: "firm_id, count(id) as clients_count").to_a |
24125 | assert_equal [1], posts(:welcome) { |c| == 1 }.map(&:id) |
24126 | natural ="name" => "Natural Company") |
24127 | result = companies(:first_firm).clients_of_firm.concat(["name" => "Natural Company"),"name" => "Apple")]) |
24128 | good = "Good") |
24129 | firm.clients_of_firm <<"name" => "Natural Company") |
24130 | new_clients = assert_queries(0) {[{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) } |
24131 | companies(:first_firm).clients_of_firm.create([{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) |
24132 | new_firm ="name" => "A New Firm, Inc.") |
24133 | { title: "re: zoom", content: "speedy quick!" }, |
24134 | { title: "re: zoom 2", content: "OMG lol!" }, |
24135 | reply1 = Reply.create!(title: "re: zoom", content: "speedy quick!") |
24136 | reply2 = Reply.create!(title: "re: zoom 2", content: "OMG lol!") |
24137 | client ="name" => "New Client") |
24138 | post = posts.create!(title: "test", body: "body") |
24139 | topic = Topic.create "title" => "neat and simple" |
24140 | reply = topic.replies.create "title" => "neat and simple", "content" => "still digging it" |
24141 | reply.replies.create "title" => "neat and simple", "content" => "ain't complaining" |
24142 | assert_equal 3, Client.all.merge!(where: "firm_id=#{}").to_a.size |
24143 | firm.clients = [] |
24144 | assert_equal [], firm.public_send("clients=", []) |
24145 | firm.clients_of_firm = ["name" => "New Client")] |
24146 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "Startup") |
24147 | assert_equal [2, 3, 11], firm.client_ids |
24148 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "Apple") |
24149 | lambda { authors(:mary).comments << Comment.create!(body: "Yay", post_id: 424242) }, |
24150 | expected = [13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1] |
24151 | { true } |
24152 | bulb = "red") |
24153 | post = SubStiPost.create! title: "fooo", body: "baa" |
24154 | firm = Firm.create! name: "omg" |
24155 | speedometer.minivans.create!(minivan_id: "a-van-red", name: "a van", color: "red") |
24156 | Post.create!(title: "signed post by bob", body: "stuff", author: authors(:bob)) |
24157 | car = Car.create!(name: "honda") do |c| |
24158 | c.bulbs << bulb |
24159 | c.tyres << tyre |
24160 | car = Car.create!(name: "honda", bulbs: [bulb]) |
24161 | = "foo" |
24162 | car.bulbs = [new_bulb] |
24163 | car = klass.create!(bulbs: [bulb]) |
24164 | car = |
24165 | car = Car.create!(name: "honda", bulbs: [first_bulb, second_bulb]) |
24166 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "Firm") |
24167 | Bulb.before_save { |record| && count += 1 } |
24168 | before_destroy -> { throw :abort } |
24169 | car = Car.create!(name: "Car") |
24170 | firm = Firm.create!(name: "A New Firm, Inc") |
24171 | firm = Firm.find(15) |
24172 | has_and_belongs_to_many :developers, -> { unscope(where: "name") }, |
24173 | treaty.treaty_id = "t1" |
24174 | aredridel.projects.concat([Project.find(1), p ="name" => "Projekt")]) |
24175 | new_project ="name" => "Grimetime") |
24176 | developers = (0...amount_of_developers) { |i| Developer.create(name: "JME #{i}") } |
24177 | devel = Developer.create("name" => "Fred Wu") |
24178 | proj = assert_queries(0) {"name" => "Projekt") } |
24179 | proj = assert_queries(0) {"name" => "Projekt") } |
24180 | proj = devel.projects.create("name" => "Projekt") |
24181 | new_developer ="name" => "Matz") |
24182 | developer ="name" => "Kano") |
24183 | 2, |
24184 | group = Developer.columns.inject([]) do |g, c| |
24185 | g << "developers.#{}" |
24186 | g << "developers_projects_2.#{}" |
24187 | Project.columns.each { |c| group << "projects.#{}" } |
24188 | developer ="name" => "Joe") |
24189 | assert_equal ["$10.00", "$20.00"].to_set, pirates(:redbeard) |
24190 | detect { |p| == } |
24191 | assert_nil posts.detect { |p| p.author_id != authors(:david).id }, |
24192 | assertions = ->(firm) { |
24193 | [:other_by_mary, :other_by_bob, :misc_by_mary, :misc_by_bob, :eager_other, |
24194 | posts ="posts.*").from("authors, posts").eager_load(:comments).where("posts.author_id =").order("").to_a |
24195 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :comments, :author, :categories ], order: "").to_a |
24196 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(where: "post_id = 1", includes: [post: :author]).to_a |
24197 | popular_post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!") |
24198 | readers = Reader.all.merge!(where: ["post_id = ?",], |
24199 | includes: { post: :comments }).to_a |
24200 | car_post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!") |
24201 | categories = Category.all.merge!(where: { "" => }, |
24202 | includes: { posts: :comments }).to_a |
24203 | post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!") |
24204 | Post.preload(comments: [{ author: :essays }]).find(post_id) |
24205 | includes: { author: :posts }, |
24206 | where: " > 0" |
24207 | where: " > 0" |
24208 | titles = { |c| } |
24209 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6], comments.collect(&:id) |
24210 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: "post_id = 4", limit: 3, order: "").to_a |
24211 | assert_equal [5, 6, 7], comments.collect(&:id) |
24212 | assert_equal [3, 5, 6], comments.collect(&:id) |
24213 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: "post_id = 4", limit: 3, offset: 1, order: "").to_a |
24214 | assert_equal [6, 7, 8], comments.collect(&:id) |
24215 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: ["post_id = ?", 4], limit: 3, offset: 1, order: "").to_a |
24216 | comments = [] |
24217 | comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: { posts: { id: 4 } }, limit: 3, order: "").to_a |
24218 | Comment.includes(:post).references(:posts).where("#{quoted_posts_id} = ?", 4) |
24219 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [:author, :very_special_comment], limit: 1, order: "").to_a |
24220 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [:author, :very_special_comment], limit: 1, offset: 1, order: "").to_a |
24221 | s = Subscriber.create! do |c| |
24222 | = "PL" |
24223 | b = Book.create! |
24224 | s.book_ids = s.book_ids |
24225 | books = books(:awdr, :rfr) |
24226 | Post.create!(author: author, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY") |
24227 | author_a = Author.create!(name: "A") |
24228 | author_b = Author.create!(name: "B") |
24229 | post_a = StiPost.create!(author: author_a, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY") |
24230 | post_b = SpecialPost.create!(author: author_b, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY") |
24231 | assert_equal [["David", 1], ["Mary", 0], ["Bob", 0]], special_comment_authors |
24232 | posts = Post.all.merge!(order: " asc", includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2).to_a |
24233 | assert_equal 3, posts.inject(0) { |sum, post| sum + post.comments.size } |
24234 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: "posts.body = 'hello'", order: "").to_a |
24235 | assert_equal [4, 5], posts.collect(&:id) |
24236 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: [ "posts.body = ?", "hello" ], order: "").to_a |
24237 | posts = Post.includes(:author, :comments).limit(2).references("author").where(" = ?", "David") |
24238 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, where: { "" => "David" }).to_a |
24239 | merge(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, |
24240 | where: [ " = ? and comments.body = ?", "David", "go wild" ]).to_a |
24241 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, |
24242 | where: { "" => "David", "comments.body" => "go wild" }).to_a |
24243 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, where: { "" => "David" }).count(:all) |
24244 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: "posts.title = 'magic forest'").to_a |
24245 | posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :categories, order: "", limit: 3).to_a |
24246 | post1 = general.posts.to_a.find { |p| p == welcome } |
24247 | post2 = technology.posts.to_a.find { |p| p == welcome } |
24248 | .limit(2) |
24249 | post = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :special_comments ]).find(4) |
24250 | where: [" = ?", "37signals"]).first |
24251 | Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :monkeys ]).find(6) |
24252 | Post.all.merge!(includes: [ "monkeys" ]).find(6) |
24253 | Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :monkeys, :elephants ]).find(6) |
24254 | post1 = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!") |
24255 | post2 = Post.create!(title: "Pools", body: "I like pools!") |
24256 | includes: [:author, :comments], where: { "" => "David" }, |
24257 | order: "UPPER(posts.title)", limit: 2, offset: 1 |
24258 | order: "UPPER(posts.title) DESC", limit: 2, offset: 1 |
24259 | order: ["UPPER(posts.title)", ""], limit: 2, offset: 1 |
24260 | order: ["UPPER(posts.title) DESC", ""], limit: 2, offset: 1 |
24261 | people(:david, :susan), |
24262 | order: "", limit: 2, offset: 0 |
24263 | assert_equal(item1.sort { |a, b| <=> }, item2.sort { |a, b| <=> }) |
24264 | assert_equal(item3.sort { |a, b| <=> }, item2.sort { |a, b| <=> }) if item3 |
24265 | d1.each_index do |i| |
24266 | assert_equal(d1[i], d2[i]) |
24267 | post_types[1..-1].each do |post_type| |
24268 | assert_equal(d1[i], d3[i]) |
24269 | if (expected = d1[i].public_send(type)).nil? |
24270 | Comment.all.merge!(where: "123.456 = 123.456", includes: :post).to_a |
24271 | one = posts.detect { |p| == 1 } |
24272 | Post.all.merge!(select: "distinct posts.*", includes: :author, joins: [:comments], where: "comments.body like 'Thank you%'", order: "").to_a |
24273 | Post.all.merge!(includes: :author, joins: { taggings: :tag }, where: " = 'General'", order: "").to_a |
24274 | Post.all.merge!(includes: :author, joins: { taggings: { tag: :taggings } }, where: "taggings_tags.super_tag_id=2", order: "").to_a |
24275 | firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account_using_primary_key, order: "").to_a.detect { |f| == 1 } |
24276 | c = Client.create!(name: "Foo", client_of: Company.maximum(:id) + 1) |
24277 | client = assert_queries(2) { Client.preload(:firm).find( } |
24278 | t = Tagging.create!(taggable_type: "Post", taggable_id: Post.maximum(:id) + 1, tag: tags(:general)) |
24279 | firm = Firm.where(id: "1").eager_load(:account).first! |
24280 | post = Post.where(id: "1").eager_load(:author).first! |
24281 | post = Post.includes(:tags).references(:tags).where(" = ?", "General").first |
24282 | post = Post.eager_load(:tags).where(" = ?", "General").first |
24283 | sponsors = [] |
24284 | { |s| s.respond_to?(:posts) ? : s.membership } |
24285 | post = posts.find { |post| == sharded_blog_posts(:great_post_blog_one).id } |
24286 | .pluck(:tag_id) |
24287 | blog_post = blog_posts.find { |post| == } |
24288 | def remembered; @remembered ||= []; end |
24289 | res = ShapeExpression.all.merge!(includes: [ :shape, { paint: :non_poly } ]).to_a |
24290 | res.each do |se| |
24291 | assert_equal 11, authors[0].posts.collect { |post| post.comments.size }.inject(0) { |sum, i| sum + i } |
24292 | authors = Author.joins(:posts).eager_load(:comments).where(posts: { tags_count: 1 }).order(:id).to_a |
24293 | authors = Author.all.merge!(includes: { posts: [:comments, :author] }, order: "").to_a |
24294 | authors = Author.all.merge!(includes: { posts: :comments }, where: "", order: "").to_a |
24295 | firms = Firm.all.merge!(includes: { account: { firm: :account } }, order: "").to_a |
24296 | reply = "gaga", content: "boo-boo", parent_id: 1) |
24297 | topics = Topic.all.merge!(includes: :replies, order: ["", ""]).to_a |
24298 | author = Author.all.merge!(includes: { posts: [ :special_comments, :very_special_comment ] }, order: ["", "comments.body", "very_special_comments_posts.body"], where: " = 4").first |
24299 | posts = Post.where(id: 3).preload(author: { comments: :post }).to_a |
24300 | source = Vertex.all.merge!(includes: { sinks: { sinks: { sinks: :sinks } } }, order: "").first |
24301 | sink = Vertex.all.merge!(includes: { sources: { sources: { sources: :sources } } }, order: " DESC").first |
24302 | assert_equal 3, authors[0].posts.collect { |post| post.categorizations.size }.inject(0) { |sum, i| sum + i } |
24303 | old_post = author.posts.create!(title: "first post", body: "test") |
24304 | post = Post.create!(title: "hello", body: "abc") |
24305 | post = Post.create!(title: "hello", body: "abc", author: author) |
24306 | jack = name: "Jack" |
24307 | firm = Firm.create! name: "Firm" |
24308 | assert_equal ["before_adding#{}", "after_adding#{}", "before_adding#{}", |
24309 | new_dev = nil |
24310 | before_add: lambda { |o, r| |
24311 | new_dev = r.new_record? |
24312 | callback_log = ["before_adding<new>", "after_adding<new>"] |
24313 | :essays, :posts, :tags, :taggings, :comments, :sponsors, :members, :nodes |
24314 | sql_log = capture_sql { Client.find(3).firm } |
24315 | def; "Temp"; end |
24316 | belongs_to :developer, default: -> { david } |
24317 | create_table(:admin_regions, force: true) { |t| t.string :name } |
24318 | assert_match(/^Region\([^)]+\) expected, got "wrong value" which is an instance of String\([^)]+\)$/, e.message) |
24319 | Firm.create("name" => "Apple") |
24320 | Client.create("name" => "Citibank", :firm_name => "Apple") |
24321 | debate = Topic.create("title" => "debate") |
24322 | trash = debate.replies.create("title" => "blah!", "content" => "world around!") |
24323 | reply = Reply.create!(title: "blah!", content: "world around!", topic: topic) |
24324 | debate2 = Topic.create("title" => "debate2") |
24325 | topic1 = Topic.create("title" => "t1") |
24326 | topic2 = Topic.create("title" => "t2") |
24327 | reply1 ="title" => "r1", "content" => "r1") |
24328 | topic1 = Web::Topic.create("title" => "t1") |
24329 | topic2 = Web::Topic.create("title" => "t2") |
24330 | reply1 ="title" => "r1", "content" => "r1") |
24331 | time = |
24332 | topic = Topic.create!(title: "37s") |
24333 | client ="firm_id" => 1) |
24334 | reply = Reply.create(title: "re: zoom", content: "speedy quick!") |
24335 | firm = client.build_firm { |f| = "Agency Company" } |
24336 | firm = client.create_firm { |f| = "Agency Company" } |
24337 | firm = client.create_firm! { |f| = "Agency Company" } |
24338 | def; "Post"; end |
24339 | post = "foo", body: "bar") |
24340 | post = Post.create!(title: "title", body: "body") |
24341 | node = nodes(:child_one_of_a) |
24342 | @table = |
24343 | @attr = @table[:id] |
24344 | _(sql).must_be_like "?" |
24345 | values =[[bp]]) |
24346 | _(sql).must_be_like "VALUES (?)" |
24347 | { Arel::Table => "hello" } |
24348 | _(sql).must_be_like '"users".*' |
24349 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ omg(*) = 2 } |
24350 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ omg(*) IS NULL } |
24351 | assert_equal "omg(*, *)", compile(function) |
24352 | _(compile(test)).must_be_like %{ |
24353 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ 'f' = 'f' } |
24354 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" IS NULL } |
24355 | _(sql).must_equal "('foo')" |
24356 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "users"."active" != 'f' } |
24357 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" IS NOT NULL } |
24358 |":'("), |
24359 |":'("), |
24360 | ].each do |obj| |
24361 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" != ':\\'(' } |
24362 | assert_match(/LIMIT 'omg'/, compile(sc)) |
24363 | sc = table.where(table[:name].eq(0)).take(1).ast |
24364 | assert_match(/WHERE "users"."name" = 0 LIMIT 1/, compile(sc)) |
24365 | _(sql).must_be_like %{"users"."created_at" = '#{dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'} |
24366 | test =[:price].eq 2.14 |
24367 | _(sql).must_be_like %{"products"."price" = 2.14} |
24368 | sql = compile"foo")) |
24369 | _(sql).must_be_like "NOT (foo)" |
24370 | node = [@attr.eq(10), @attr.eq(11)] |
24371 | _(sql).must_be_like %{NOT ("users"."id" = 10 AND "users"."id" = 11)} |
24372 | as ="foo"), Arel.sql("bar")) |
24373 | _(sql).must_be_like "foo AS bar" |
24374 | _(sql).must_be_like %{"users"."created_at" = '#{dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}'} |
24375 | mgr = |
24376 | _(compile(mgr)).must_be_like '(SELECT bar FROM "foo")' |
24377 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{ |
24378 | node = @attr.eq(10), @attr.eq(11) |
24379 | column = @table["id"] |
24380 | test =[:bool].eq(true) |
24381 | _(compile(test)).must_be_like %{ "users"."bool" = 't' } |
24382 | node = @table[:name].matches("foo%") |
24383 | node = @table[:name].matches("foo!%", "!") |
24384 | subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches("foo%")) |
24385 | node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo%") |
24386 | node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo!%", "!") |
24387 | subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].does_not_match("foo%")) |
24388 | node = [1, 2, 3] |
24389 | node = [] |
24390 | _(compile(node)).must_equal "1=0" |
24391 | node = @attr.between 1..3 |
24392 | node = @attr.between 1...3 |
24393 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{1=1} |
24394 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("products"."price" * "currency_rates"."rate") |
24395 | node =, :price) / 5 |
24396 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("products"."price" / 5) |
24397 | node =, :price) + 6 |
24398 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."price" + 6)) |
24399 | node =, :price) - 7 |
24400 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."price" - 7)) |
24401 | node = table[:name].concat(table[:name]) |
24402 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("users"."name" || "users"."name") |
24403 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("users"."name" @> "users"."name") |
24404 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("users"."name" && "users"."name") |
24405 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" & 16)) |
24406 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" | 16)) |
24407 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" ^ 16)) |
24408 | node =, :bitmap) << 4 |
24409 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" << 4)) |
24410 | node =, :bitmap) >> 4 |
24411 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" >> 4)) |
24412 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %("products"."name" && "products"."name") |
24413 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %( ~ "products"."bitmap") |
24414 | _(compile(node)).must_equal %( ! "products"."active") |
24415 | subnode = Arel.sql("left"), Arel.sql("right") |
24416 | node = @attr.not_in [1, 2, 3] |
24417 | node = @attr.not_in [] |
24418 | _(compile(node)).must_equal "1=1" |
24419 | node = @attr.not_between 1..3 |
24420 | %{("users"."id" < 1 OR "users"."id" > 3)} |
24421 | node = @attr.not_between 1...3 |
24422 | %{("users"."id" < 1 OR "users"."id" >= 3)} |
24423 | node = @attr.not_between(-Float::INFINITY...3) |
24424 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{1=0} |
24425 | node ="id = ?", [1], {}) |
24426 | id = ? |
24427 | node ="id = :id", [], { id: 1 }) |
24428 | node ="id = :0abc", [], { "0abc": 1 }) |
24429 | id = :0abc |
24430 | node ="id IN (?)", [[1, 2, 3]], {}) |
24431 | id IN (?, ?, ?) |
24432 |"id = ? AND name = :name", [1], { name: "Aaron" }) |
24433 |"id IN (?, ?, ?)", [1, 2], {}) |
24434 |"id IN (?, ?, ?)", [1, 2, 3, 4], {}) |
24435 |"id IN (:foo, :bar)", [], { foo: 1 }) |
24436 | node ="id = :id", [], { foo: 2, id: 1, bar: 3 }) |
24437 | inner_literal ="? * 2", [4], {}) |
24438 | node ="id IN (?)", [[1, [2, 3], inner_literal]], {}) |
24439 | id IN (?, ?, ? * 2) |
24440 | node ="id IN (?)", [[1, [2, 3]]], {}) |
24441 | id IN (?, ?) |
24442 | node = Arel.sql("?", [1, 2, Arel.sql("?", 3)]) |
24443 | ?, ?, ? |
24444 | test ="zomgusers")[:id].eq "3" |
24445 | node =[:name], Nodes.build_quoted("foo%")) |
24446 | node =[:name], Nodes.build_quoted("foo%")) |
24447 | node =[:name]) |
24448 | .when("foo").then(1) |
24449 | .else(0) |
24450 | .when(@table[:name].in(%w(foo bar))).then(1) |
24451 | .when("bar").then(2) |
24452 | node = @table[:name] |
24453 | { foo: 1, bar: 0 }.reduce(node) { |_node, pair| _node.when(*pair) } |
24454 | node = @table[:name].when("foo").then("bar").else("baz") |
24455 | _(compile(manager.ast)).must_be_like %{ |
24456 | sql = Arel.sql("SELECT foo, bar") + Arel.sql(" FROM customers") |
24457 | sql += Arel.sql("FROM customers") |
24458 | node = |
24459 | node = |
24460 | _(compile("FOR UPDATE")))).must_be_like %{ |
24461 | sc.orders << Arel.sql("xyz") |
24462 | assert_match(/LIMIT 'omg'/, sql) |
24463 | _(compile(subquery.lateral("bar"))).must_be_like %{ |
24464 | node = @table[:name].matches("foo%", nil, true) |
24465 | node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo%", nil, true) |
24466 | node = @table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*") |
24467 | node = @table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*", false) |
24468 | subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*")) |
24469 | node = @table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*") |
24470 | node = @table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*", false) |
24471 | subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*")) |
24472 | query = @table[:name].eq( |
24473 | .and(@table[:id].eq( |
24474 | _(compile(query)).must_be_like %{ |
24475 | node =[@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) |
24476 | CUBE( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) |
24477 | node =[dim1, dim2]) |
24478 | CUBE( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) |
24479 | node =[@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) |
24480 | group =[@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) |
24481 | GROUPING SETS( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) |
24482 | node =[@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) |
24483 | ROLLUP( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) |
24484 | ROLLUP( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) |
24485 | inner = Nodes.build_quoted('{"foo":"bar"}') |
24486 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "products"."metadata" @> '{"foo":"bar"}' } |
24487 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "products"."tags" && '{foo,bar,baz}' } |
24488 | assert_equal("UPDATE \"users\" LIMIT 'omg'", compile(sc)) |
24489 | query = @table[:name].concat(@table[:name]) |
24490 | CONCAT("users"."name", "users"."name") |
24491 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" <=> NULL } |
24492 | NOT "users"."first_name" <=> "users"."last_name" |
24493 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ NOT "users"."name" <=> NULL } |
24494 | assert_match(/->.*label="#{edge_name}"/, dot_string) |
24495 | ].each do |klass| |
24496 | define_method("test_#{'::', '_')}") do |
24497 | op =, "z") |
24498 | Arel::Nodes::On, |
24499 | op = |
24500 | Arel::Nodes::In, |
24501 | Arel::Nodes::Or, |
24502 | Arel::Nodes::As, |
24503 | binary =, :b) |
24504 | node = |
24505 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::Case"]', dot |
24506 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::When"]', dot |
24507 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::Else"]', dot |
24508 | node =[:name], Nodes.build_quoted("foo%")) |
24509 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::Regexp"]', dot |
24510 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::NotRegexp"]', dot |
24511 | node =, 1) |
24512 | node =["query1", "query2", "query3"]) |
24513 | assert_match '[label="<f0>Arel::Nodes::With"]', dot |
24514 | assert_edge("0", dot) |
24515 | assert_edge("1", dot) |
24516 | assert_edge("2", dot) |
24517 | assert_edge("key", dot) |
24518 | um.set [[table[:name],]] |
24519 | um.key = "id" |
24520 | um.set [[table[:name], nil]] |
24521 | _(um.to_sql).must_be_like %{ UPDATE "users" SET foo = bar } |
24522 | um.set [[table[:id], 1], [table[:name], "hello"]] |
24523 | _(um.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24524 | _(um.set([[table[:id], 1], [table[:name], "hello"]])).must_equal um |
24525 | _(um.to_sql).must_be_like %{ UPDATE "users" } |
24526 | um.where table[:id].eq(1) |
24527 | _(um.where(table[:id].eq(1))).must_equal um |
24528 | @um.key = @table[:foo] |
24529 | _(@um.ast.key).must_equal @table[:foo] |
24530 | _(@um.key).must_equal @table[:foo] |
24531 | join = @relation.create_join "foo", "bar" |
24532 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24533 | it "noops on nil" do |
24534 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" } |
24535 | predicate = @relation[:id].eq(right[:id]) |
24536 | ON "users"."id" = "users_2"."id" |
24537 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24538 | _( "users_2" |
24539 | rel = :users, as: "foo" |
24540 | rel = :users, as: "users" |
24541 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT * FROM "users" } |
24542 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT *, * FROM "users" } |
24543 | column = @relation[:id] |
24544 | _( "id" |
24545 | @columns = { |
24546 |"id", :integer), |
24547 |"name", :string), |
24548 |"bool", :boolean), |
24549 | @columns_hash = { |
24550 | @primary_keys = { |
24551 | as ="foo")) |
24552 | as ="foo") |
24553 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like 'SELECT "users"."id" FROM users' |
24554 | as = Arel.sql("omg") |
24555 | _(manager1.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24556 | mgr.having[Arel.sql("foo"), Arel.sql("bar")]) |
24557 | mgr.join(right).on("omg") |
24558 | mgr.join(right).on("omg", "123") |
24559 | table = :users, as: "foo" |
24560 | m3 = m2.clone |
24561 | _(m2.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT EXISTS (#{manager.to_sql}) } |
24562 | _(m2.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT EXISTS (#{manager.to_sql}) AS foo } |
24563 | @m1.where(table[:age].lt(18)) |
24564 | @m2.where(table[:age].gt(99)) |
24565 | node = @m1.union @m2 |
24566 | _(node.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24567 | node = @m1.union :all, @m2 |
24568 | @m1.where(table[:age].gt(18)) |
24569 | @m2.where(table[:age].lt(99)) |
24570 | @m1.where(table[:age].between(18..60)) |
24571 | @m2.where(table[:age].between(40..99)) |
24572 | node = @m1.except @m2 |
24573 | _(select_manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24574 | _(sql).must_be_like %{ |
24575 | SELECT "comments"."id", "comments"."parent_id" FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."id" = 42 |
24576 | SELECT "comments"."id", "comments"."parent_id" FROM "comments" INNER JOIN "replies" ON "comments"."parent_id" = "replies"."id" |
24577 | order = table[:id] |
24578 | it "takes *args" do |
24579 | predicate = left[:id].eq(right[:id]) |
24580 | ON "users"."id" = "users_2"."id" AND |
24581 | left[:name].eq(right[:name]) |
24582 | children = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] |
24583 | join = relation.create_join "foo", "bar" |
24584 | manager.join("") |
24585 | assert_match 'INNER JOIN "users" "users_2" "users"."id" = "users_2"."id"', |
24586 | assert_match 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" "users_2" "users"."id" = "users_2"."id"', |
24587 | comments[:user_id].as("user_id"), |
24588 | ).as("counts") |
24589 | _(joins.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24590 | it "can be empty" do |
24591 | manager.window("a_window").order(table["foo"].asc, table["bar"].desc) |
24592 |[ |
24593 | ]))) |
24594 | _(stmt.to_sql).must_be_like %{ DELETE FROM "users" } |
24595 | _(stmt.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24596 | _(manager.where_sql).must_be_like %{ WHERE "users"."id" = 10 } |
24597 | _(manager.where_sql).must_be_like %{ WHERE "users"."id" = 10 AND "users"."id" = 11} |
24598 | _(manager.where_sql).must_be_like %{ WHERE "users"."id" = 10 AND "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo%' } |
24599 | stmt = manager.compile_update({ table[:id] => 1 },, "id")) |
24600 | _(stmt.to_sql).must_be_like %{ UPDATE "users" SET foo = bar } |
24601 | stmt.key = table["id"] |
24602 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT * } |
24603 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT foo, bar } |
24604 | _(manager.projections).must_equal [Arel.sql("foo"), Arel.sql("bar")] |
24605 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT bar } |
24606 | manager.where(table["id"].eq(1)) |
24607 | _(manager.to_sql).must_be_like 'SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users"' |
24608 | SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" /* selecting */ /* with */ /* comment */ |
24609 | eqeq_owner < Arel::Nodes::Node && |
24610 | eqeq_owner == eql_owner && |
24611 | window1.orders = [1, 2] |
24612 | window2.orders = [1, 2] |
24613 | statement.wheres = %w[a b c] |
24614 | statement.values = %w[x y z] |
24615 | array = [, 1),, 1)] |
24616 | array = [, 1),, 2)] |
24617 | array = [,] |
24618 | array = [,] |
24619 | array = [node1, node2] |
24620 | _(table[:id]"foo").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24621 | array = ["foo"),"foo")] |
24622 | array = ["foo"),"foo!")] |
24623 | _(table[:id].sum.desc.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24624 | sql = Arel.sql "foo" |
24625 | node ="*").count |
24626 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{ COUNT(*) } |
24627 | node ="foo").eq(1) |
24628 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{ foo = 1 } |
24629 | array = ["foo"),"foo")] |
24630 | array = ["foo"),"bar")] |
24631 | node ="foo").eq_any([1, 2]) |
24632 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{ (foo = 1 OR foo = 2) } |
24633 | node ="foo").eq_all([1, 2]) |
24634 | _(compile(node)).must_be_like %{ (foo = 1 AND foo = 2) } |
24635 | sql + "Not a node" |
24636 | statement1.orders = %w[x y z] |
24637 | statement2.orders = %w[x y z] |
24638 | core.projections = %w[d e f] |
24639 | core1.projections = %w[d e f] |
24640 | core2.projections = %w[d e f] |
24641 | array = [core1, core2] |
24642 | _(table[:id]"foo").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24643 | _(table[:id].count.over("foo").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24644 | _(table[:id].count.over(Arel.sql("foo")).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24645 | _(table[:id].count.over.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24646 | _(table[:id].count.over(window).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24647 | array = [ |
24648 |"foo", "bar"), |
24649 |"foo", "bar") |
24650 |"foo", "baz") |
24651 | attr =[:id] |
24652 | right = attr.eq(11) |
24653 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "bar")] |
24654 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "baz")] |
24655 | array = ["foo"),"foo")] |
24656 | array = ["foo"),"baz")] |
24657 | }.grep(Class).each do |klass| |
24658 | next if /^Arel::Nodes::(?:Test|.*Test$)/.match?( |
24659 | function = "omg", "zomg", "wth" |
24660 |"omg", "zomg", "wth"), |
24661 |"omg", "zomg", "wth") |
24662 |"zomg", "zomg", "wth") |
24663 | statement.columns = %w[a b c] |
24664 | statement1.columns = %w[a b c] |
24665 | statement2.columns = %w[a b c] |
24666 | array = [, 1, 2),, 1, 2)] |
24667 | array = [, 1, 2),, 1, 3)] |
24668 | expr =["Bobby", "Robert"], table[:name], :in) |
24669 | _(expr.to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24670 | [table[:nickname], table[:name]], |
24671 | expr =["Bobby", "Robert"], node, :in) |
24672 | COALESCE("users"."nickname", "users"."name") IN (?, ?) |
24673 | _(grouping.eq("foo").to_sql).must_be_like "('foo') = 'foo'" |
24674 | array = ["foo"),"foo")] |
24675 | array = ["foo"),"bar")] |
24676 | array = [["foo", "bar"]),["foo", "bar"])] |
24677 | array = [["foo"]),["bar"])] |
24678 | fragments =["foo", "bar"]) |
24679 | _(table[:id].count.filter(table[:income].gteq(40_000)).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24680 | _(table[:id].count.filter(table[:income].gteq(40_000)).as("rich_users_count").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24681 | _(table[:id].count.filter(table[:income].gteq(40_000)).over(window).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24682 | array = [,] |
24683 | array = [,] |
24684 | _(table[:timestamp].extract("date").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24685 | _(table[:timestamp].extract("date").as("foo").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24686 | array = [table[:attr].extract("foo"), table[:attr].extract("foo")] |
24687 | array = [table[:attr].extract("foo"), table[:attr].extract("bar")] |
24688 | def quote(*args) @quote_count += 1; super; end |
24689 | test = attr.eq(10) |
24690 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "bar")] |
24691 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "baz")] |
24692 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg")] |
24693 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg!")] |
24694 | statement1.wheres = %w[a b c] |
24695 | statement2.wheres = %w[a b c] |
24696 | statement2.wheres = %w[1 2 3] |
24697 | _(table[:id]"foo").to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24698 | _(table[:id].count.eq(2).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24699 | array = ["foo"),"foo")] |
24700 | array = ["foo"),"foo!")] |
24701 | array = [["foo"]),["foo"])] |
24702 | array = [["foo"]),["bar"])] |
24703 | one = 1, 2 |
24704 | also_one = 1, 2 |
24705 | node = "foo" |
24706 | node = nil, "bar" |
24707 | array = [case1, case2] |
24708 | as ="bar") |
24709 | node1 ="foo + ?", [2], {}) |
24710 | node2 ="foo + ?", [2], {}) |
24711 | node2 ="foo + ?", [3], {}) |
24712 | node3 ="foo + :bar", [], { bar: 2 }) |
24713 | array = [node1, node2, node3] |
24714 | _("foo")).must_equal("foo")) |
24715 | eq ="foo", "bar") |
24716 | eq2 ="foo", "bar") |
24717 | eq3 ="bar", "baz") |
24718 | neq ="foo", "bar") |
24719 | node ="zomg")) |
24720 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg")] |
24721 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg!")] |
24722 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg")] |
24723 | array = ["zomg"),"zomg!")] |
24724 | as ="foo")) |
24725 | as ="foo") |
24726 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "bar")] |
24727 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "baz")] |
24728 | array = [["foo", "bar"]),["foo", "bar"])] |
24729 | array = [["foo", "bar"]),["foo", "baz"])] |
24730 | aliased =["foo", "bar"]).as("baz") |
24731 | assert_equal [%w{ a b }, %w{ c d }], values.rows |
24732 | %w{1 david}, |
24733 | %w{2 kir}, |
24734 | [Arel.sql("*")], |
24735 | %w{david}, |
24736 | %w{kir}, |
24737 | manager.insert [[table[:id], nil]] |
24738 | manager.insert [[table[:id], 1], [table[:name], "aaron"]] |
24739 | manager.insert [[table[:id], 1]] |
24740 | insert_result = manager.insert [[table[:id], 1]] |
24741 | manager.values =[[1], [2]]) |
24742 | manager.values =[[1, "aaron"], [2, "david"]]) |
24743 |\s+/, " ").strip, ctx).must_equal other.gsub(/\s+/, " ").strip |
24744 | dm.key = table[:id] |
24745 | _(dm.to_sql).must_be_like %{ DELETE FROM "users" } |
24746 | dm.where table[:id].eq(10) |
24747 | _(dm.where(table[:id].eq(10))).must_equal dm |
24748 | @spec = self |
24749 | @config = { adapter: "sqlite3" } |
24750 | @calls << [name, args] |
24751 | im = fc.compile_insert [[table[:id], "foo"]] |
24752 | stmt = fc.compile_update [[table[:id], "foo"]],, "id") |
24753 | assert_equal 'SELECT FROM "users" WHERE "users"."age" = hello AND "users"."name" = world', sql |
24754 | assert_equal 'SELECT FROM "users" WHERE "users"."age" = "hello" AND "users"."name" = "world"', sql |
24755 | sql, binds = compile(ast_with_binds(["hello", "world"])) |
24756 | assert_equal ["hello", "world"], binds |
24757 | sql, binds = compile(ast_with_binds(["hello2", "world3"])) |
24758 | assert_equal ["hello2", "world3"], binds |
24759 | binds = compile(ast_with_binds(["hello", "world"])) |
24760 | binds = compile(ast_with_binds(["hello2", "world3"])) |
24761 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "bar")] |
24762 | array = ["foo", "bar"),"foo", "baz")] |
24763 | %i[* /].each do |math_operator| |
24764 | AVG("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2 |
24765 | _(table[:id].count.public_send(math_operator, 2).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24766 | COUNT("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2 |
24767 | MAX("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2 |
24768 | MIN("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2 |
24769 | _(table[:id].public_send(math_operator, 2).to_sql).must_be_like %{ |
24770 | %i[+ - & | ^ << >>].each do |math_operator| |
24771 | (AVG("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2) |
24772 | (COUNT("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2) |
24773 | (MAX("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2) |
24774 | (MIN("users"."id") #{math_operator} 2) |
24775 | ("users"."id" #{math_operator} 2) |
24776 | it "should generate != in sql" do |
24777 | _(relation[:id].not_eq_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24778 | mgr.where relation[:id].not_eq_any([1, 2]) |
24779 | _(relation[:id].not_eq_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24780 | mgr.where relation[:id].not_eq_all([1, 2]) |
24781 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."name" > 'fake_name'} |
24782 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."created_at" > '#{current_time}'} |
24783 | _(relation[:id].gt_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24784 | mgr.where relation[:id].gt_any([1, 2]) |
24785 | _(relation[:id].gt_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24786 | mgr.where relation[:id].gt_all([1, 2]) |
24787 | it "should generate >= in sql" do |
24788 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."name" >= 'fake_name'} |
24789 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."created_at" >= '#{current_time}'} |
24790 | _(relation[:id].gteq_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24791 | mgr.where relation[:id].gteq_any([1, 2]) |
24792 | _(relation[:id].gteq_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24793 | mgr.where relation[:id].gteq_all([1, 2]) |
24794 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."name" < 'fake_name'} |
24795 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."created_at" < '#{current_time}'} |
24796 | _(relation[:id].lt_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24797 | mgr.where relation[:id].lt_any([1, 2]) |
24798 | _(relation[:id].lt_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24799 | mgr.where relation[:id].lt_all([1, 2]) |
24800 | it "should generate <= in sql" do |
24801 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."name" <= 'fake_name'} |
24802 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_match %{"users"."created_at" <= '#{current_time}'} |
24803 | _(relation[:id].lteq_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24804 | mgr.where relation[:id].lteq_any([1, 2]) |
24805 | _(relation[:id].lteq_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24806 | mgr.where relation[:id].lteq_all([1, 2]) |
24807 | _(relation[:id].eq_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24808 | mgr.where relation[:id].eq_any([1, 2]) |
24809 | values = [1, 2] |
24810 | _(values).must_equal [1, 2] |
24811 | _(relation[:id].eq_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24812 | mgr.where relation[:id].eq_all([1, 2]) |
24813 | _(relation[:name].matches_any(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24814 | mgr.where relation[:name].matches_any(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"]) |
24815 | _(relation[:name].matches_all(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24816 | mgr.where relation[:name].matches_all(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"]) |
24817 | _(relation[:name].does_not_match_any(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24818 | mgr.where relation[:name].does_not_match_any(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"]) |
24819 | _(relation[:name].does_not_match_all(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24820 | mgr.where relation[:name].does_not_match_all(["%chunky%", "%bacon%"]) |
24821 | _(node).must_equal, []) |
24822 | node = attribute.between(0...) |
24823 | _(node).must_equal, []) |
24824 | _(node).must_equal[ |
24825 | node =[1, 2, 3]) |
24826 | _(node).must_equal |
24827 | mgr.where relation[:id].in([1, 2, 3]) |
24828 | _(relation[:id].in_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24829 | mgr.where relation[:id].in_any([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) |
24830 | _(relation[:id].in_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24831 | mgr.where relation[:id].in_all([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) |
24832 | node = relation[:id].in(union) |
24833 | node = attribute.not_in([1, 2, 3]) |
24834 | mgr.where relation[:id].not_in([1, 2, 3]) |
24835 | _(relation[:id].not_in_any([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24836 | mgr.where relation[:id].not_in_any([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) |
24837 | _(relation[:id].not_in_all([1, 2])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Grouping |
24838 | mgr.where relation[:id].not_in_all([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) |
24839 | _(relation[:tags].contains(["foo", "bar"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Contains |
24840 | it "should generate @> in sql" do |
24841 | mgr.where relation[:tags].contains(["foo", "bar"]) |
24842 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT "products"."id" FROM "products" WHERE "products"."tags" @> '{foo,bar}' } |
24843 | _(relation[:tags].overlaps(["foo", "bar"])).must_be_kind_of Nodes::Overlaps |
24844 | it "should generate && in sql" do |
24845 | mgr.where relation[:tags].overlaps(["foo", "bar"]) |
24846 | _(mgr.to_sql).must_be_like %{ SELECT "products"."id" FROM "products" WHERE "products"."tags" && '{foo,bar}' } |
24847 | condition = table["id"].eq 1 |
24848 | _(condition.to_sql).must_equal '"users"."id" = 1' |
24849 | table = |
24850 | condition = table["id"].eq("1") |
24851 | _(condition.to_sql).must_equal %("foo"."id" = '1') |
24852 | if attr_name == "id" |
24853 | condition = table["id"].eq("1").and(table["other_id"].eq("2")) |
24854 | _(condition.to_sql).must_equal %("foo"."id" = 1 AND "foo"."other_id" = '2') |
24855 | condition = table["id"].eq(Arel.sql("(select 1)")) |
24856 | _(condition.to_sql).must_equal %("foo"."id" = (select 1)) |
24857 | if attr_name == "tags" |
24858 | assert_sql(%r{SELECT #{quoted_posts_id} FROM #{quoted_posts} /\* foo \*/}i) do |
24859 | posts ="foo") |
24860 | assert_sql(%r{SELECT #{quoted_posts_id} FROM #{quoted_posts} /\* \* /foo/ \* \*/}i) do |
24861 | posts ="*/foo/*") |
24862 | assert_sql(%r{SELECT #{quoted_posts_id} FROM #{quoted_posts} /\* \*\* //foo// \*\* \*/}i) do |
24863 | posts ="**//foo//**") |
24864 | assert_sql(%r{SELECT #{quoted_posts_id} FROM #{quoted_posts} /\* \* \* //foo// \* \* \*/}i) do |
24865 | posts ="* *//foo//* *") |
24866 | assert_sql(%r{SELECT #{quoted_posts_id} FROM #{quoted_posts} /\* \* /foo/ \* \*/ /\* \* /bar \*/}i) do |
24867 | posts ="*/foo/*").annotate("*/bar") |
24868 | customers(:barney).fullname = { first: "Barney", last: "Stinson" } |
24869 | assert_equal({ first: "Barney", last: "Stinson" }.to_s, customers(:barney).name) |
24870 | conn1.create_table(:zines) { |t| t.column(:title, :string) } if in_memory_db? |
24871 | options[:database] ||= "file::memory:" |
24872 | cache["foo"] = "bar" |
24873 | assert_equal "bar", cache["foo"] |
24874 | lookup = cache["foo"] |
24875 | assert_called_with(File, :join, [@root, @database], returns: "#{@root}/#{@database}") do |
24876 | ["sqlite3", "--noop", "db_create.sqlite3", ".schema"], |
24877 | with_structure_dump_flags(["--noop"]) do |
24878 | open(filename, "w") { |f| f.puts("select datetime('now', 'localtime');") } |
24879 | url = "sqlite3:#{tf.path}" |
24880 | url = "sqlite3::memory:" |
24881 | select = { |c| "typeof(#{})" }.join ", " |
24882 | @conn.exec_insert("insert into ex (number) VALUES (?)", "SQL", vals) |
24883 | assert_equal [[1, "foo"]], result.rows |
24884 | str = (+"\x80").force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") |
24885 | assert_equal "''", @conn.quote_string("'") |
24886 | name = "foo" |
24887 | assert_logged [[sql, name, []]] do |
24888 | id = @conn.insert(sql, nil, nil, idval) |
24889 | assert_equal [[0, 1], [1, 2]], rows |
24890 | sql = "select * from ex" |
24891 | count_sql = "select count(*) from ex" |
24892 | assert_equal %w{ ex }, @conn.tables |
24893 | assert_logged [[sql.squish, "SCHEMA", []]] do |
24894 | columns = @conn.columns("ex").sort_by(&:name) |
24895 | column = @conn.columns("ex").find { |x| |
24896 | == "number" |
24897 | column = @conn.columns("ex").find { |x| == "number" } |
24898 | column = @conn.columns("ex").find { |x| == "name" } |
24899 | assert_logged [["PRAGMA index_list(\"ex\")", "SCHEMA", []]] do |
24900 | @conn.indexes("ex") |
24901 | assert_equal [], @conn.indexes("items") |
24902 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id", unique: true, name: "fun" |
24903 | index = @conn.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "fun" } |
24904 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id" |
24905 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id", if_not_exists: true |
24906 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id", name: "fun" |
24907 | @conn.add_index "ex", %w{ id number }, name: "fun" |
24908 | @conn.add_index "ex", "max(id, number)", name: "expression" |
24909 | index = @conn.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "expression" } |
24910 | @conn.execute "CREATE INDEX expression on ex (number % 10) /* comment */" |
24911 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id % 10, max(id, number)", name: "expression", where: "id > 1000" |
24912 | assert_equal "id % 10, (CASE WHEN number > 0 THEN max(id, number) END)", index.columns |
24913 | assert_equal "(id > 1000)", index.where |
24914 | @conn.add_index "ex", "id, max(id, number)", name: "expression" |
24915 | assert_equal "id", @conn.primary_key("ex") |
24916 | region = "US" |
24917 | t.index :code, unique: true, name: "unique" |
24918 | t.index :code, where: :bool_attr, name: "partial" |
24919 | t.index :code, name: "ordered", order: { code: :desc } |
24920 | partial_index = indexes.find { |idx| == "partial" } |
24921 | unique_index = indexes.find { |idx| == "unique" } |
24922 | ordered_index = indexes.find { |idx| == "ordered" } |
24923 | pk_column = connection.columns("barcodes").find { |col| == "id" } |
24924 | statement.stub(:step, -> { raise"busy") }) do |
24925 | definition ||= <<~SQL |
24926 | bd = BigDecimal "10.0" |
24927 | value = "hello".encode("ascii-8bit") |
24928 | value = ::Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0, 999999) |
24929 | value = ::Time.utc(2018, 3, 11, 12, 30, 0, 999999) |
24930 | expected = expected.getutc.to_fs(:db).sub(/\A\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d /, "2000-01-01 ") |
24931 | expected = expected.getlocal.to_fs(:db).sub(/\A\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d /, "2000-01-01 ") |
24932 | t.json "payload", default: {} |
24933 | @connection.add_column "json_data_type", "permissions", column_type, default: { "users": "read", "posts": ["read", "write"] } |
24934 | assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "posts" => ["read", "write"] }, klass.column_defaults["permissions"]) |
24935 | assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "posts" => ["read", "write"] }, |
24936 | assert_match %r(EXPLAIN for: SELECT "authors"\.\* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"\."id" = (?:\? \[\["id", 1\]\]|1)), explain |
24937 | assert_match %r(EXPLAIN for: SELECT "posts"\.\* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"\."author_id" = (?:\? \[\["author_id", 1\]\]|1)), explain |
24938 | assert_find_cmd_and_exec_called_with(["sqlite3", "-html", root.join("db.sqlite3").to_s]) do |
24939 | assert_find_cmd_and_exec_called_with(["sqlite3", "-header", root.join("db.sqlite3").to_s]) do |
24940 | Pathname(__dir__).join("../../../..") |
24941 | def test_copy_table(from = "customers", to = "customers2", options = {}) |
24942 | rename: { "name" => "person_name" }) do |from, to, options| |
24943 | @connection.add_index("comments_with_index", ["post_id", "type"]) |
24944 | original_id = @connection.columns("goofy_string_id").detect { |col| == "id" } |
24945 | copied_id = @connection.columns("goofy_string_id2").detect { |col| == "id" } |
24946 | def copy_table(from, to, options = {}) |
24947 | @connection.select_all("SELECT #{column} FROM #{table} ORDER BY id").map { |row| row[column] } |
24948 | column = @connection.columns(:collation_table_sqlite3).find { |c| == "title" } |
24949 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"text_rtrim",\s+collation: "RTRIM"$}, output |
24950 | count = Post.where("title = ?", "Welcome to the weblog").count |
24951 | count = Post.where("title = ?", 0).count |
24952 | count = Post.where("title = ?", 0.0).count |
24953 | count = Post.where("title = ?", false).count |
24954 | count = Post.where("title = ?", BigDecimal(0)).count |
24955 | count = Post.where("title = ?", Rational(0)).count |
24956 | data = "<foo>bar</foo>") |
24957 | t.virtual :column2, type: :integer, as: "column1 + 1", stored: true |
24958 | t.virtual :lower_name, type: :string, as: "LOWER(name)", stored: true |
24959 | message = <<~MSG |
24960 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"upper_name",\s+type: :string,\s+as: "upper\(\(name\)::text\)", stored: true$/i, output) |
24961 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"name_length",\s+type: :integer,\s+as: "length\(\(name\)::text\)", stored: true$/i, output) |
24962 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"name_octet_length",\s+type: :integer,\s+as: "octet_length\(\(name\)::text\)", stored: true$/i, output) |
24963 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"column2",\s+type: :integer,\s+as: "\(column1 \+ 1\)", stored: true$/i, output) |
24964 | t.uuid "guid" |
24965 | assert_match %r{t\.uuid "thingy", default: \[\], array: true$}, schema |
24966 | @uuid = uuid |
24967 | ].each do |valid_uuid| |
24968 | 0, |
24969 | 0.0, |
24970 | assert_match %r{t\.uuid "guid"}, output |
24971 | connection.create_table("pg_uuids", id: :uuid, default: "uuid_generate_v1()") do |t| |
24972 | t.uuid "other_uuid", default: "uuid_generate_v4()" |
24973 | connection.create_table("pg_uuids_2", id: :uuid, default: "my_uuid_generator()") do |t| |
24974 | t.uuid "other_uuid_2", default: "my_uuid_generator()" |
24975 | connection.create_table("pg_uuids_3", id: :uuid, **uuid_default) do |t| |
24976 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids", id: :uuid, default: -> { "uuid_generate_v1\(\)" }/, schema) |
24977 | assert_match(/t\.uuid "other_uuid", default: -> { "uuid_generate_v4\(\)" }/, schema) |
24978 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids_2", id: :uuid, default: -> { "my_uuid_generator\(\)" }/, schema) |
24979 | assert_match(/t\.uuid "other_uuid_2", default: -> { "my_uuid_generator\(\)" }/, schema) |
24980 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids_3", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid\(\)" }/, schema) |
24981 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids_3", id: :uuid, default: -> { "uuid_generate_v4\(\)" }/, schema) |
24982 | create_table("pg_uuids_4", id: :uuid) |
24983 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids_4", id: :uuid, default: -> { "uuid_generate_v4\(\)" }/, schema) |
24984 | create_table("pg_uuids_4", id: :uuid, default: nil) |
24985 | assert_match(/\bcreate_table "pg_uuids_4", id: :uuid, default: nil/, schema) |
24986 | has_many :uuid_posts, -> { order("title DESC") } |
24987 | %("schema"."table_name") => %w{schema table_name}, |
24988 | }.each do |given, expect| |
24989 | obj ="public", "articles") |
24990 | obj =, "articles") |
24991 | name ='"quoted_schema"', '"quoted_table"') |
24992 | assert_equal"access", "users"),"access", "users") |
24993 | assert_equal, "users"),, "users") |
24994 | assert_not_equal, "users"),"access", "users") |
24995 | assert_not_equal"access", "users"),"public", "users") |
24996 | assert_not_equal"public", "users"),"public", "articles") |
24997 | hash = {"schema", "article_seq") => "success" } |
24998 | int_array = @connection.send(:type_map).lookup(1007, -1, "integer[]") |
24999 | bigint_array = @connection.send(:type_map).lookup(1016, -1, "bigint[]") |
25000 | s = Sample.create!(value: 1) |
25001 | sleep(0.5) |
25002 | assert_equal Time.utc(2010, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0), timestamp.time |
25003 | keys.each { |k| assert_kind_of Time, k } |
25004 | d = Developer.create!(name: "aaron", updated_at: 1.0 / 0.0) |
25005 | assert_equal(1.0 / 0.0, d.updated_at) |
25006 | d = Developer.create!(name: "aaron", updated_at: -1.0 / 0.0) |
25007 | assert_equal(-1.0 / 0.0, d.updated_at) |
25008 | date = - 1.week |
25009 | date = Time.utc(-4, 2, 29) |
25010 | date = Time.utc(0, 4, 7) |
25011 | assert_equal({ "data_type" => "timestamp without time zone" }, |
25012 | assert_equal({ "data_type" => "timestamp with time zone" }, |
25013 | assert_equal({ "data_type" => "USER-DEFINED", "udt_name" => "custom_time_format" }, |
25014 | pg_connection.stub(:get_last_result, -> { raise "random error" }) do |
25015 | t.integer :serials_id, default: -> { "nextval('postgresql_serials_id_seq')" } |
25016 | assert_match %r{t\.serial\s+"seq",\s+null: false$}, output |
25017 | assert_match %r{t\.integer\s+"serials_id",\s+default: -> \{ "nextval\('postgresql_serials_id_seq'::regclass\)" \}$}, output |
25018 | t.bigint :serials_id, default: -> { "nextval('postgresql_big_serials_id_seq')" } |
25019 | assert_match %r{t\.bigserial\s+"seq",\s+null: false$}, output |
25020 | assert_match %r{t\.bigint\s+"serials_id",\s+default: -> \{ "nextval\('postgresql_big_serials_id_seq'::regclass\)" \}$}, output |
25021 | assert_match %r{t\.serial\s+"bar_id",\s+null: false$}, output |
25022 | assert_match %r{t\.bigserial\s+"bar_baz_id",\s+null: false$}, output |
25023 | INDEX_C_COLUMN = "(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(, '')))" |
25024 | @connection.exec_query "select * from developers where id = ?", "sql", [bind_param(1)] |
25025 | @connection.exec_query "select * from developers where id = $1", "sql", [bind_param(1)] |
25026 | ].each do |given| |
25027 | new_name = "#{old_name}_new" |
25028 | index_a, index_b, index_c, index_d, index_e = indexes |
25029 | assert_match(/opclass: \{ position: :text_pattern_ops \}/, output) |
25030 | assert_match(/order: \{ name: "NULLS FIRST" \}/, output) |
25031 | t.text "text_col", default: "some value" |
25032 | assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type"], name: "company_include_index", include: [:name, :account_id]', index_definition |
25033 | st = id: 5, name: "TEST2" |
25034 | assert_changes(-> { num_indices_named("before_rename_pkey") }, from: 1, to: 0) do |
25035 | assert_changes(-> { num_indices_named("after_rename_pkey") }, from: 0, to: 1) do |
25036 | JOIN "pg_class" ON "pg_index"."indexrelid" = "pg_class"."oid" |
25037 | WHERE "pg_class"."relname" = '#{name}' |
25038 | date_range: "[''2012-01-02'', ''2012-01-04'']", |
25039 | num_range: "[0.1, 0.2]", |
25040 | ts_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30'', ''2011-01-01 14:30'']", |
25041 | tstz_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30:00+05'', ''2011-01-01 14:30:00-03'']", |
25042 | int4_range: "[1, 10]", |
25043 | int8_range: "[10, 100]", |
25044 | float_range: "[0.5, 0.7]") |
25045 | date_range: "[''2012-01-02'', ''2012-01-04'')", |
25046 | num_range: "[0.1, 0.2)", |
25047 | ts_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30'', ''2011-01-01 14:30'')", |
25048 | tstz_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30:00+05'', ''2011-01-01 14:30:00-03'')", |
25049 | int4_range: "[1, 10)", |
25050 | int8_range: "[10, 100)", |
25051 | float_range: "[0.5, 0.7)") |
25052 | date_range: "[''2012-01-02'',]", |
25053 | num_range: "[0.1,]", |
25054 | ts_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30'',]", |
25055 | tstz_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30:00+05'',]", |
25056 | int4_range: "[1,]", |
25057 | int8_range: "[10,]", |
25058 | float_range: "[0.5,]") |
25059 | date_range: "[,]", |
25060 | num_range: "[,]", |
25061 | ts_range: "[,]", |
25062 | tstz_range: "[,]", |
25063 | int4_range: "[,]", |
25064 | int8_range: "[,]", |
25065 | float_range: "[,]") |
25066 | date_range: "[''2012-01-02'', ''2012-01-02'')", |
25067 | num_range: "[0.1, 0.1)", |
25068 | ts_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30'', ''2010-01-01 14:30'')", |
25069 | tstz_range: "[''2010-01-01 14:30:00+05'', ''2010-01-01 06:30:00-03'')", |
25070 | int4_range: "[1, 1)", |
25071 | int8_range: "[10, 10)", |
25072 | float_range: "[0.5, 0.5)") |
25073 | assert_equal, 1, 2), 1, 5), @first_range.date_range |
25074 | assert_equal, 1, 2), 1, 4), @second_range.date_range |
25075 | assert_equal Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)..Time.public_send(tz, 2011, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0), @first_range.ts_range |
25076 | assert_equal Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...Time.public_send(tz, 2011, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0), @second_range.ts_range |
25077 | assert_equal Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...nil, @third_range.ts_range |
25078 | to_time_string = (from_time + 1.hour).to_s |
25079 | assert_equal [from_time...to_time, from_time..to_time, from_time..., ..to_time], record.tstz_ranges |
25080 | tstzrange = Time.parse("2010-01-01 14:30:00 +0100")...Time.parse("2011-02-02 14:30:00 CDT") |
25081 | Time.parse("2010-01-01 14:30:00 CDT")...Time.parse("2011-02-02 14:30:00 CET")) |
25082 | Time.parse("2010-01-01 14:30:00 +0100")...Time.parse("2010-01-01 13:30:00 +0000")) |
25083 | Time.parse("-1000-01-01 14:30:00 CDT")...Time.parse("2020-02-02 14:30:00 CET")) |
25084 | Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...Time.public_send(tz, 2011, 2, 2, 14, 30, 0)) |
25085 | Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)) |
25086 | Time.public_send(tz, -1000, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...Time.public_send(tz, 2020, 2, 2, 14, 30, 0)) |
25087 | assert_equal_round_trip @first_range, :ts_range, Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)...nil |
25088 | assert_equal_round_trip @first_range, :ts_range, nil..Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0) |
25089 | assert_equal [from_time...to_time, from_time..to_time, from_time..., ..to_time], record.ts_ranges |
25090 | Time.parse("2010-01-01 14:30:00.245124 CDT")...Time.parse("2011-02-02 14:30:00.451274 CET")) |
25091 | Time.parse("2010-01-01 14:30:00.245124 +0100")...Time.parse("2010-01-01 13:30:00.245124 +0000")) |
25092 | Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0, 125435)...Time.public_send(tz, 2011, 2, 2, 14, 30, 0, 225435)) |
25093 | Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0, 142432)...Time.public_send(tz, 2011, 2, 2, 14, 30, 0, 224242)) |
25094 | Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0, 142432)...Time.public_send(tz, 2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0, 142432)) |
25095 | BigDecimal("0.5")...BigDecimal("1")) |
25096 | BigDecimal("0.5")...BigDecimal("0.5")) |
25097 |, 1, 1),, 1, 1), true)) |
25098 |, 2, 3), 2, 10)) |
25099 |, 2, 3), 2, 3)) |
25100 | assert_raises(ArgumentError) { PostgresqlRange.create!(date_range: "(''2012-01-02'', ''2012-01-04'']") } |
25101 | assert_raises(ArgumentError) { PostgresqlRange.create!(ts_range: "(''2010-01-01 14:30'', ''2011-01-01 14:30'']") } |
25102 | assert_raises(ArgumentError) { PostgresqlRange.create!(tstz_range: "(''2010-01-01 14:30:00+05'', ''2011-01-01 14:30:00-03'']") } |
25103 | range = 1..100 |
25104 | range = "-1,2]'; DROP TABLE postgresql_ranges; --".."a" |
25105 | VALUES (106, '["ca""t","do\\\\g")') |
25106 | assert_equal('ca"t'...'do\\g', escaped_range.string_range) |
25107 | int4_range: 1.., |
25108 | int8_range: 10.., |
25109 | float_range: 0.5.. |
25110 | id, |
25111 | nan = 0.0 / 0 |
25112 | assert_equal "'NaN'", @conn.quote(nan) |
25113 | infinity = 1.0 / 0 |
25114 | assert_equal "'[1,0]'", @conn.quote(type.serialize(range)) |
25115 | value = "user posts" |
25116 | mock.expect(:call, nil, [{ adapter: "postgresql", database: "postgres", schema_search_path: "public" }]) |
25117 | mock.expect(:call, nil, [db_config]) |
25118 | merge("encoding" => "latin") |
25119 | merge("collation" => "ja_JP.UTF8", "ctype" => "ja_JP.UTF8") |
25120 | ["my-app-db"] |
25121 | assert_equal [" statement ", "-- lower comment "], File.readlines(@filename).first(2) |
25122 | expected_command = [expected_env, "pg_dump", "--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner", "--file", @filename, "my-app-db"] |
25123 | expected_command = [{}, "pg_dump", "--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner", "--file", @filename, "--noop", "my-app-db"] |
25124 | expected_command = [{}, "pg_dump", "--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner", "--file", @filename, "my-app-db"] |
25125 | with_structure_dump_flags({ mysql2: ["--noop"] }) do |
25126 | with_structure_dump_flags({ postgresql: ["--noop"] }) do |
25127 | [{}, "pg_dump", "--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner", "--file", @filename, "--schema=foo", "--schema=bar", "my-app-db"], |
25128 | [{}, "pg_dump", "--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner", "--file", filename, "my-app-db"], |
25129 | [{}, "psql", "--set", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1", "--quiet", "--no-psqlrc", "--output", File::NULL, "--file", filename, @configuration["database"]], |
25130 | with_structure_load_flags(["--noop"]) do |
25131 | with_structure_load_flags({ mysql2: ["--noop"] }) do |
25132 | with_structure_load_flags({ postgresql: ["--noop"] }) do |
25133 | [{}] |
25134 | result = @connection.exec_query("SELECT id, data FROM ex WHERE id = $1", nil, [bind]) |
25135 | @connection.add_index "ex", %w{ id number }, name: "partial", where: "number > 100" |
25136 | index = @connection.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "partial" } |
25137 | @connection.add_index "ex", %w{ id }, name: "include", include: :number |
25138 | index = @connection.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "include" } |
25139 | @connection.add_index "ex", %w{ id }, name: "include", include: [:number, :data] |
25140 | expr = "mod(id, 10), abs(number)" |
25141 | index = @connection.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "expression" } |
25142 | index = @connection.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "index_ex_on_data" } |
25143 | assert_not @connection.indexes("ex").find { |idx| == "index_ex_on_data" } |
25144 | @connection.create_enum "feeling", ["good", "bad"] |
25145 | self.table_name = "ex" |
25146 | assert_sql(%r{\ASELECT /\*\+ SeqScan\(posts\) \*/}) do |
25147 | posts = [0, 1]) |
25148 | posts = [0, 1]).limit(5) |
25149 | posts = Post.optimizer_hints("/*+ SeqScan(posts) */") |
25150 | posts = Post.optimizer_hints("**// \"posts\".*, //**") |
25151 | assert_equal({ "id" => 1 }, posts.first.as_json) |
25152 | assert_sql(%r{\ASELECT "posts"\."id"}) do |
25153 | t.column "single", "REAL" |
25154 | t.inet "inet_address", default: "" |
25155 | t.cidr "cidr_address", default: "" |
25156 | t.macaddr "mac_address", default: "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" |
25157 | inet_address: "", |
25158 | mac_address: "01:23:45:67:89:0a") |
25159 | address.cidr_address = "" |
25160 | address.inet_address = "" |
25161 | assert_match %r{t\.inet\s+"inet_address",\s+default: "192\.168\.1\.1"}, output |
25162 | assert_match %r{t\.cidr\s+"cidr_address",\s+default: "192\.168\.1\.0/24"}, output |
25163 | assert_match %r{t\.macaddr\s+"mac_address",\s+default: "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"}, output |
25164 | "depth", default: "150.55" |
25165 | assert_equal(-1.15, type.cast(+"-$1.15")) |
25166 | assert_equal(-2.25, type.cast(+"($2.25)")) |
25167 | assert_equal(-1.15, type.cast(+"-1.15")) |
25168 | assert_equal(-2.25, type.cast(+"(2.25)")) |
25169 | assert_equal(0.0, type.cast("$" + "," * 100000 + ".11!")) |
25170 | assert_equal(0.0, type.cast("$" + "." * 100000 + ",11!")) |
25171 | assert_match %r{t\.money\s+"wealth",\s+scale: 2$}, output |
25172 | assert_match %r{t\.money\s+"depth",\s+scale: 2,\s+default: "150\.55"$}, output |
25173 | ltree = "") |
25174 | assert_match %r[t\.ltree "path"], output |
25175 | t.public_send column_type, "payload", default: {} # t.json 'payload', default: {} |
25176 | x = ["foo" => "bar"]) |
25177 | assert_equal ["foo" => "bar"], x.objects |
25178 | def write(*); end |
25179 | using: :gin, |
25180 | create_enum :color, ["blue", "green"] |
25181 | t.enum :best_color, enum_type: "color", default: "blue", null: false |
25182 | drop_enum :color, ["blue", "green"], if_exists: true |
25183 | maximum_term: 6.year + 5.month + 4.days + 3.hours + 2.minutes + 1.seconds, |
25184 | minimum_term: 1.year + 2.month + 3.days + 4.hours + 5.minutes + (6.234567).seconds, |
25185 | t.hstore "tags", default: "" |
25186 | @connection.add_column "hstores", "permissions", :hstore, default: '"users"=>"read", "articles"=>"write"' |
25187 | assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "articles" => "write" }, Hstore.column_defaults["permissions"]) |
25188 | assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "articles" => "write" }, |
25189 | t.hstore "users", default: "" |
25190 | change_table("hstores") do |t| |
25191 | x = tags: { "bool" => true, "number" => 5 } |
25192 | assert_equal({ "bool" => true, "number" => 5 }, x.tags_before_type_cast) |
25193 | assert_equal({ "bool" => "true", "number" => "5" }, x.tags) |
25194 | assert_equal({ "bool" => "true", "number" => "5" }, x.reload.tags) |
25195 | assert_equal({ "1" => "2" }, @type.deserialize("\"1\"=>\"2\"")) |
25196 | assert_equal({}, @type.deserialize("")) |
25197 | assert_cycle("key" => nil) |
25198 | assert_cycle("c" => "}", '"a"' => 'b "a b') |
25199 | x = "fr", timezone: "GMT") |
25200 | x.language = "de" |
25201 | x = "de") |
25202 | hstore = Hstore.create!(settings: { "one" => "two" }) |
25203 | hstore.settings["three"] = "four" |
25204 | settings = { "alongkey" => "anything", "key" => "value" } |
25205 | hstore.settings = { "key" => "value", "alongkey" => "anything" } |
25206 | assert_cycle(" " => " ") |
25207 | assert_cycle("," => "") |
25208 | assert_cycle("=" => ">") |
25209 | assert_cycle({ "a" => nil, "b" => nil, "c" => "NuLl", "null" => "c" }) |
25210 | assert_cycle("=a" => "q=w") |
25211 | assert_cycle("\"a" => "q>w") |
25212 | assert_cycle("\"a" => "q\"w") |
25213 | x.tags = { '"a\'' => "b" } |
25214 | assert_equal({ "1" => "2" }, x.tags) |
25215 | assert_array_cycle([{ "AA" => "BB", "CC" => "DD" }, { "AA" => nil }]) |
25216 | assert_array_cycle([{ "this has" => 'some "s that need to be escaped"' }]) |
25217 | assert_array_cycle([{ "this,has" => "many,values" }]) |
25218 | assert_array_cycle(["{" => "}"]) |
25219 | assert_array_cycle([{ "NULL" => "NULL" }]) |
25220 | assert_array_cycle([{ "NULL" => nil }]) |
25221 | @connection.execute "insert into hstores (tags) VALUES ('1=>2,2=>3')" |
25222 | assert_equal({ "1" => "2", "2" => "3" }, x.tags) |
25223 | assert_cycle("a" => "b", "1" => "2") |
25224 | assert_cycle("a" => nil) |
25225 | assert_cycle("a" => 'b"ar', '1"foo' => "2") |
25226 | assert_cycle("a b" => "b ar", '1"foo' => "2") |
25227 | assert_cycle('a\\b' => 'b\\ar', '1"foo' => "2") |
25228 | assert_cycle('a\\"' => 'b\\ar', '1"foo' => "2") |
25229 | assert_cycle("a\\" => "bar\\", '1"foo' => "2") |
25230 | assert_cycle("a, b" => "bar", '1"foo' => "2") |
25231 | assert_cycle("a=>b" => "bar", '1"foo' => "2") |
25232 | assert_cycle("a b" => "c d") |
25233 | assert_equal({ "one" => "two" }, record.tags.to_hash) |
25234 | record.tags ="three" => "four") |
25235 | assert_equal({ "one" => "two" }, dupe.tags.to_hash) |
25236 | assert_match %r[t\.hstore "tags",\s+default: {}], output |
25237 | assert_equal "\"hi\"=>\"hi\"", @type.serialize("hi" => "hi")) |
25238 | x = Hstore.create!(payload: []) |
25239 | x = Hstore.create!(tags: hash) |
25240 | x = Hstore.create!(tags: {}) |
25241 | x.tags = hash |
25242 | t.point :x |
25243 | t.point :y, default: [12.2, 13.3] |
25244 | t.point :z, default: "(14.4,15.5)" |
25245 | t.point :legacy_y, default: [12.2, 13.3] |
25246 | t.point :legacy_z, default: "(14.4,15.5)" |
25247 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"x"$}, output |
25248 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"y",\s+default: \[12\.2, 13\.3\]$}, output |
25249 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"z",\s+default: \[14\.4, 15\.5\]$}, output |
25250 | p.x.y = 25 |
25251 | p = [1, 2]) |
25252 | p = "(1, 2)") |
25253 | p = "") |
25254 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"legacy_x"$}, output |
25255 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"legacy_y",\s+default: \[12\.2, 13\.3\]$}, output |
25256 | assert_match %r{t\.point\s+"legacy_z",\s+default: \[14\.4, 15\.5\]$}, output |
25257 | record.legacy_x = [1.1, 2.2] |
25258 | assert_equal [1.1, 2.2], record.legacy_x |
25259 | p.legacy_x[1] = 25 |
25260 | assert_equal [10.0, 25.0], p.legacy_x |
25261 | a_line_segment: "(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0)", |
25262 | a_box: "2.0, 3, 5.5, 7.0", |
25263 | a_path: "[(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0)]", |
25264 | a_polygon: "((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0))", |
25265 | a_circle: "<(5.3, 10.4), 2>" |
25266 | assert_equal "[(2,3),(5.5,7)]", h.a_line_segment |
25267 | assert_equal "[(2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11)]", h.a_path |
25268 | assert_equal "((2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11))", h.a_polygon |
25269 | assert_equal "<(5.3,10.4),2>", h.a_circle |
25270 | a_line_segment: "((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0))", |
25271 | a_box: "(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0)", |
25272 | a_path: "((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0))", |
25273 | a_polygon: "2.0, 3, 5.5, 7.0, 8.5, 11.0", |
25274 | a_circle: "((5.3, 10.4), 2)" |
25275 | assert_equal "((2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11))", h.a_path |
25276 | assert_match %r{t\.lseg\s+"a_line_segment"$}, output |
25277 | assert_match %r{t\.box\s+"a_box"$}, output |
25278 | assert_match %r{t\.path\s+"a_path"$}, output |
25279 | assert_match %r{t\.polygon\s+"a_polygon"$}, output |
25280 | assert_match %r{t\.circle\s+"a_circle"$}, output |
25281 | a_line: "{2.0, 3, 5.5}" |
25282 | assert_equal "{2,3,5.5}", h.a_line |
25283 | a_line: "(2.0, 3), (4.0, 6.0)" |
25284 | assert_equal "{1.5,-1,0}", h.a_line |
25285 | assert_match %r{t\.line\s+"a_line"$}, output |
25286 | column = connection.columns(table_name).find { |c| == column_name.to_s } |
25287 | tsvector.text_vector = "'new' 'text' 'vector'" |
25288 | assert_match %r(EXPLAIN SELECT "authors"\.\* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"\."id" = (?:\$1 \[\["id", 1\]\]|1)), explain |
25289 | assert_match %r(EXPLAIN SELECT "posts"\.\* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"\."author_id" = (?:\$1 \[\["author_id", 1\]\]|1)), explain |
25290 | sad: "sad", |
25291 | happy: "happy", |
25292 | }, _prefix: true |
25293 | @connection.create_enum("mood", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]) |
25294 | assert_includes output, 'create_enum "mood", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]' |
25295 | @connection.create_enum("mood_in_other_schema", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]) |
25296 | @connection.create_enum("test_schema.mood_in_other_schema", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]) |
25297 | @connection.create_enum("mood_in_test_schema", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]) |
25298 | assert_includes output, 'create_enum "public.mood", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]' |
25299 | assert_includes output, 'create_enum "mood_in_test_schema", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]' |
25300 | create_enum "mood_in_test_schema", ["sad", "ok", "happy"] |
25301 | create_enum "public.mood", ["sad", "ok", "happy"] |
25302 | record.price = "34.15" |
25303 | def run(*) |
25304 | assert_find_cmd_and_exec_called_with(["psql", "db"]) do |
25305 | database: "db", |
25306 | host: "host", |
25307 | { |var, value| ENV[var] = value } |
25308 | topic = Topic.create!(last_read: 1.0 / 0.0) |
25309 | assert_equal(1.0 / 0.0, topic.last_read) |
25310 | topic = Topic.create!(last_read: -1.0 / 0.0) |
25311 | assert_equal(-1.0 / 0.0, topic.last_read) |
25312 | date = - 1.week |
25313 | date = Time.utc(-4, 2, 29).to_date |
25314 | date = Time.utc(0, 4, 7).to_date |
25315 | column = @connection.columns("ex").find { |col| == "data" } |
25316 | params[:options] = "-c geqo=off" |
25317 | @connection.exec_query("SELECT $1::integer", "SQL", [bind], prepare: true) |
25318 | assert_equal set_true.rows, [["on"]] |
25319 | assert_equal set_false.rows, [["off"]] |
25320 | (classid::bigint << 32) | objid::bigint AS lock_id |
25321 | advisory_lock = @connection.query(list_advisory_locks).find { |l| l[1] == lock_id } |
25322 | advisory_locks = @connection.query(list_advisory_locks).select { |l| l[1] == lock_id } |
25323 | if value =~ /\("?([^",]*)"?,"?([^",]*)"?\)/ |
25324 |$1, $2) |
25325 | column = @connection.columns(:postgresql_collations).find { |c| == "string_c" } |
25326 | column = @connection.columns(:postgresql_collations).find { |c| == "title" } |
25327 | assert_match %r{t\.string\s+"string_c",\s+collation: "C"$}, output |
25328 | assert_match %r{t\.text\s+"text_posix",\s+collation: "POSIX"$}, output |
25329 | x = "Some CI Text") |
25330 | type = |
25331 | ip ="") |
25332 | ip2 ="") |
25333 | column = connection.columns(:strings).find { |c| == "somedate" } |
25334 | data = "\u001F\x8B" |
25335 | data = (+"\u001F\x8B").force_encoding("BINARY") |
25336 | data = "\u001F" |
25337 | data = "'\u001F\\" |
25338 | assert_equal([[data]], result) |
25339 | data =, "..", "..", "..", "assets", "example.log")) |
25340 | def load(str); str; end |
25341 | def dump(str); str; end |
25342 | t.bit :a_bit, default: "00000011", limit: 8 |
25343 | assert_match %r{t\.bit\s+"a_bit",\s+limit: 8,\s+default: "00000011"$}, output |
25344 | assert_match %r{t\.bit_varying\s+"a_bit_varying",\s+limit: 4,\s+default: "0011"$}, output |
25345 | Post.where("title = ?", 0).count |
25346 | Post.where("title = ?", 0.0).count |
25347 | Post.where("title = ?", false).count |
25348 | Post.where("title = ?", BigDecimal(0)).count |
25349 | Post.where("title = ?", Rational(0)).count |
25350 | t.string "tags", array: true, limit: 255 |
25351 | t.decimal :decimals, array: true, default: [], precision: 10, scale: 2 |
25352 | def to_a; @tags end |
25353 | new_klass.create!(tags:["one", "two"])) |
25354 | assert_equal ["one", "two"], record.tags.to_a |
25355 | record.tags =["three", "four"]) |
25356 | @connection.add_column "pg_arrays", "score", :integer, array: true, default: [4, 4, 2] |
25357 | assert_equal([4, 4, 2], |
25358 | @connection.add_column "pg_arrays", "names", :string, array: true, default: ["foo", "bar"] |
25359 | assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], PgArray.column_defaults["names"]) |
25360 | assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], |
25361 | @connection.change_column :pg_arrays, :snippets, :text, array: true, default: [], using: "string_to_array(\"snippets\", ',')" |
25362 | assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], @type.deserialize("{1,2,3}")) |
25363 | assert_equal([], @type.deserialize("{}")) |
25364 | assert_equal([nil], @type.deserialize("{NULL}")) |
25365 | x = ["1", "2"]) |
25366 | assert_equal([1, 2], x.ratings) |
25367 | assert_match %r[t\.string\s+"tags",\s+limit: 255,\s+array: true], output |
25368 | assert_match %r[t\.decimal\s+"decimals",\s+precision: 10,\s+scale: 2,\s+default: \[\],\s+array: true], output |
25369 | @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (tags) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" |
25370 | assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], x.tags) |
25371 | x.tags = ["1", "2", "3", "4"] |
25372 | assert_equal ["1", "2", "3", "4"], x.reload.tags |
25373 | assert_equal([1, 2, 3], x.ratings) |
25374 | x.ratings = [2, "3", 4] |
25375 | assert_equal [2, 3, 4], x.reload.ratings |
25376 | assert_cycle(:tags, [[["1"], ["2"]], [["2"], ["3"]]]) |
25377 | assert_cycle(:tags, [ "1", "2", "", "4", "", "5" ]) |
25378 | assert_cycle(:tags, [[["1", "2"], ["", "4"], ["", "5"]]]) |
25379 | assert_cycle(:ratings, [[[1], [7]], [[8], [10]]]) |
25380 | assert_cycle(:tags, ["this has", 'some "s that need to be escaped"']) |
25381 | assert_cycle(:tags, ["this,has", "many,values"]) |
25382 | assert_cycle(:tags, ["{", "}"]) |
25383 | assert_cycle(:tags, ["1", nil, nil]) |
25384 | tag_values = ["val1", "val2", "val3_with_'_multiple_quote_'_chars"] |
25385 | @connection.insert_fixture({ "tags" => tag_values }, "pg_arrays") |
25386 | record = { |a| a.ratings = (1..10).to_a } |
25387 | assert_equal("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]", record.attribute_for_inspect(:ratings)) |
25388 | record = { |a| a.ratings = (1..11).to_a } |
25389 | assert_equal("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]", record.attribute_for_inspect(:ratings)) |
25390 | unknown = 'foo\\",bar,baz,\\' |
25391 | tags = ["hello_#{unknown}"] |
25392 | strings = ["hello,", "world;"] |
25393 | x = PgArray.create!(tags: %w(one two)) |
25394 | x.tags << "three" |
25395 | x = PgArray.create!(hstores: [{ a: "a" }, { b: "b" }]) |
25396 | x.hstores.first["a"] = "c" |
25397 | assert_equal [{ "a" => "c" }, { "b" => "b" }], x.hstores |
25398 | record = "") |
25399 | record = "{1,2,3}") |
25400 | assert_equal ["1", "2", "3"], record.tags |
25401 | tags = ["black", "blue"] |
25402 | e1 = klass.create("tags" => ["black", "blue"]) |
25403 | e2 = klass.create("tags" => ["black", "blue"]) |
25404 | x = PgArray.create!(field => array) |
25405 | x = PgArray.create!(field => []) |
25406 | x.public_send("#{field}=", array) |
25407 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, [:last_name, :first_name], order: { last_name: :desc, first_name: :asc }) |
25408 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, ["last_name", :first_name], order: { last_name: :desc, "first_name" => :asc }) |
25409 | expected = %(CREATE INDEX "index_people_on_last_name" ON "people" USING #{type} ("last_name")) |
25410 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, [:last_name, :first_name], order: { last_name: "DESC NULLS LAST", first_name: :asc }) |
25411 | t.virtual :lower_name, type: :string, as: "LOWER(name)" |
25412 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"upper_name",\s+type: :string,\s+as: "(?:UPPER|UCASE)\(`name`\)"$/i, output) |
25413 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"name_length",\s+type: :integer,\s+as: "(?:octet_length|length)\(`name`\)",\s+stored: true$/i, output) |
25414 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"name_octet_length",\s+type: :integer,\s+as: "(?:octet_length|length)\(`name`\)",\s+stored: true$/i, output) |
25415 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"profile_email",\s+type: :string,\s+as: "json_extract\(`profile`,\w*?'\$\.email'\)", stored: true$/i, output) |
25416 | assert_match(/t\.virtual\s+"time_mirror",\s+type: :datetime,\s+as: "`time`"$/i, output[/^.*time_mirror.*$/]) |
25417 | @connection.columns("unsigned_types").select { |c| /^unsigned_/.match?( }.each do |column| |
25418 | expected = /create_table "mysql_table_options", charset: "utf8mb4"(?:, collation: "\w+")?, options: "ENGINE=MyISAM", force: :cascade/ |
25419 | expected = /create_table "mysql_table_options", charset: "latin1"(?:, collation: "\w+")?, force: :cascade/ |
25420 | @connection.execute("SET @@SESSION.sql_mode='#{new_sql_mode}'") |
25421 | @connection.execute("SET @@SESSION.sql_mode='#{old_sql_mode}'") |
25422 | expected = /create_table "mysql_table_options", charset: "utf8mb4"(?:, collation: "\w+")?(:?, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC")?, force: :cascade/ |
25423 | expected = /create_table "mysql_table_options", charset: "utf8mb4"(?:, collation: "\w+")?, force: :cascade/ |
25424 | rows = @connection.select_rows("CALL ten();") |
25425 | assert_equal 10, rows[0][0].to_i, "ten() did not return 10 as expected: #{rows.inspect}" |
25426 | t.column :set_column, "set('text','blob','tiny','medium','long','unsigned','bigint')" |
25427 | assert_match %r{t\.column "set_column", "set\('text','blob','tiny','medium','long','unsigned','bigint'\)"$}, schema |
25428 | self.table_name = "#{db}.#{table}" |
25429 | column_no_limit = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_no_limit" } |
25430 | column_short = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_short" } |
25431 | column_long = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_long" } |
25432 | column_23 = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_23" } |
25433 | column_24 = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_24" } |
25434 | column_25 = @connection.columns(:mysql_doubles).find { |c| == "float_25" } |
25435 | table = "key_tests" |
25436 | index_a = { |i| == index_a_name }[0] |
25437 | index_b = { |i| == index_b_name }[0] |
25438 | index_c = { |i| == index_c_name }[0] |
25439 | { |fk| [fk.from_table, fk.to_table, fk.on_delete] }) |
25440 | assert_equal "'4.2'", expected |
25441 | assert_sql(%r{\ASELECT /\*\+ \*\* // `posts`\.\*, // \*\* \*/}) do |
25442 | posts = Post.optimizer_hints("**// `posts`.*, //**") |
25443 | assert_sql(%r{\ASELECT `posts`\.`id`}) do |
25444 | mock.expect(:call, nil, [adapter: "mysql2", database: nil]) |
25445 | assert_called_with(@connection, :create_database, ["my-app-db", {}]) do |
25446 | ["my-app-db", collation: "latin1_swedish_ci"] |
25447 | ["test-db", charset: "latin", collation: "latin1_swedish_ci"] |
25448 | ["mysqldump", "--result-file", filename, "--no-data", "--routines", "--skip-comments", "test-db"], |
25449 | expected_command = ["mysqldump", "--noop", "--result-file", filename, "--no-data", "--routines", "--skip-comments", "test-db"] |
25450 | expected_command = ["mysqldump", "--result-file", filename, "--no-data", "--routines", "--skip-comments", "test-db"] |
25451 | ["mysqldump", "--port=10000", "--result-file", filename, "--no-data", "--routines", "--skip-comments", "test-db"], |
25452 | ["mysqldump", "--ssl-ca=ca.crt", "--result-file", filename, "--no-data", "--routines", "--skip-comments", "test-db"], |
25453 | @configuration.merge("sslca" => "ca.crt"), |
25454 | def query(*) |
25455 | @conn.columns_for_distinct("", []) |
25456 | %r/Column `old_car_id` on table `engines` does not match column `id` on `old_cars`, which has type `int(\(11\))?`\./, |
25457 | %r/To resolve this issue, change the type of the `old_car_id` column on `engines` to be :integer\. \(For example `t.integer :old_car_id`\)\./, |
25458 | @conn.execute(<<~SQL) |
25459 | %r/Column `old_car_id` on table `foos` does not match column `id` on `old_cars`, which has type `int(\(11\))?`\./, |
25460 | %r/To resolve this issue, change the type of the `old_car_id` column on `foos` to be :integer\. \(For example `t.integer :old_car_id`\)\./, |
25461 | %r/Column `car_id` on table `foos` does not match column `id` on `cars`, which has type `bigint(\(20\))?`\./, |
25462 | %r/To resolve this issue, change the type of the `car_id` column on `foos` to be :bigint\. \(For example `t.bigint :car_id`\)\./, |
25463 | result = @conn.execute('SELECT 1 + "foo"') |
25464 | @conn.execute('SELECT 1 + "foo"') |
25465 | @conn.execute("SET @@SESSION.sql_mode='#{old_sql_mode}'") |
25466 | super(@conn, "ex", definition, &block) |
25467 | @conn.update("UPDATE `engines` SET `engines`.`car_id` = '9989' WHERE `engines`.`car_id` = '138853948594'") |
25468 | @conn.execute("REPLACE INTO `engines` SET `engines`.`car_id` = '249823948'") |
25469 | assert_equal 1, @conn.execute("/*action:index*/( ( SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`car_id` = '138853948594' ) )").entries.count |
25470 | assert_nil @conn.execute("USE #{db_name}") |
25471 | assert_match %r(posts |.* ALL), explain |
25472 | conn.database_version >= "6.0" |
25473 | conn.mariadb? && conn.database_version >= "10.1.0" |
25474 | enum state: { |
25475 | start: 0, |
25476 | middle: 1, |
25477 | t.column :enum_column, "enum('text','blob','tiny','medium','long','unsigned','bigint')" |
25478 | assert_match %r{t\.column "enum_column", "enum\('text','blob','tiny','medium','long','unsigned','bigint'\)"$}, schema |
25479 | args = [ |
25480 | config = make_db_config(adapter: "mysql2", database: "db", username: "user", password: "qwerty") |
25481 | assert_find_cmd_and_exec_called_with([%w[mysql mysql5], "--user=user", "--password=qwerty", "db"]) do |
25482 | stub_version "5.6.4" do |
25483 | stub_version "5.6.3" do |
25484 | Bulb.create!(name: "Jimmy", color: "blue") |
25485 | @connection.send(:rename_column_for_alter, "bar_baz", "foo", "foo2") |
25486 | lock_name = "test lock'n'name" |
25487 | lock_name = "fake lock'n'name" |
25488 | column = @connection.columns(:charset_collations).find { |c| == "title" } |
25489 | BooleanType.columns.find { |c| == "archived" } |
25490 | BooleanType.columns.find { |c| == "published" } |
25491 | str = "foo?bar" |
25492 | str = "foo\0bar" |
25493 | assert_match(/t\.integer\s+"id",\s+null: false,\s+auto_increment: true$/, output) |
25494 | sql: sql, |
25495 | expected = "CREATE INDEX `index_people_on_last_name` ON `people` (`last_name`(10))" |
25496 | expected = "CREATE INDEX `index_people_on_last_name_and_first_name` ON `people` (`last_name`(15), `first_name`(15))" |
25497 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, [:last_name, :first_name], length: { last_name: 15 }) |
25498 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, ["last_name", "first_name"], length: { last_name: 15 }) |
25499 | expected = "CREATE INDEX `index_people_on_last_name_and_first_name` ON `people` (`last_name`(15), `first_name`(10))" |
25500 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, [:last_name, :first_name], length: { last_name: 15, first_name: 10 }) |
25501 | assert_equal expected, add_index(:people, ["last_name", :first_name], length: { last_name: 15, "first_name" => 10 }) |
25502 | expected = "CREATE #{type} INDEX `index_people_on_last_name` ON `people` (`last_name`)" |
25503 | %w(btree hash).each do |using| |
25504 | expected = /\ACREATE TABLE `people` \(#{type} INDEX `index_people_on_last_name` \(`last_name`\)\)/ |
25505 | expected = "ALTER TABLE `people` ADD #{type} INDEX `index_people_on_last_name` (`last_name`)" |
25506 | b = Book.create(name: "my \x00 book") |
25507 | b.update(name: "my other \x00 book") |
25508 | id = @connection.insert("INSERT INTO events(id) VALUES (#{bind_param.to_sql})", nil, nil, nil, nil, binds) |
25509 | assert_equal({ "id" => 1, "title" => "foo" }, result.first) |
25510 | Post.create!(author: author, title: "foo", body: "bar") |
25511 | assert_equal({ "title" => "foo" }, @connection.select_one(query)) |
25512 | Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "bar") |
25513 | @connection.execute "INSERT INTO fk_test_has_fk (id,fk_id) VALUES (#{id_value},#{fk_id})" |
25514 | = "bob drake" |
25515 | if attempts == 0 |
25516 | attempts += 1 |
25517 | sleep(0.2) |
25518 | t.index ["foo"], name: "multiple_indexes_foo_1" |
25519 | t.index ["foo"], name: "multiple_indexes_foo_2" |
25520 | require_relative "../../../tools/test_common" |
25521 | tag = Tag.create!(name: "Der be treasure") |
25522 | tag2 = Tag.create!(name: "Der be rum") |
25523 | book.tags << [tag, tag2] |
25524 | assert_difference -> { Tag.count }, -2 do |
25525 | parent.tags << [tag, tag2] |
25526 | assert_difference -> { Tag.count }, -1 do |
25527 | job_1_args = ->(job_args) { job_args.first[:association_ids] == [] } |
25528 | job_2_args = ->(job_args) { job_args.first[:association_ids] == [] } |
25529 | assert_difference -> { Content.count }, -1 do |
25530 | book.essays << [essay, essay2] |
25531 | assert_no_difference -> { Tag.count } do |
25532 | @columns = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
25533 | @data_sources = [] |
25534 | @primary_keys = {} |
25535 | @primary_keys[table] || "id" |
25536 | def merge_column(table_name, name, sql_type = nil, options = {}) |
25537 | name.to_s, |
25538 | attributes.each { |a| a.attr_options.delete(:index) if a.reference? && !a.has_index? } if options[:indexes] == false |
25539 | template "model.rb", File.join("app/models", class_path, "#{file_name}.rb") |
25540 | template "module.rb", File.join("app/models", "#{class_path.join('/')}.rb") if behavior == :invoke |
25541 | { |a| !a.reference? && a.has_index? } |
25542 | when /^(add)_.*_to_(.*)/, /^(remove)_.*?_from_(.*)/ |
25543 | when /^create_(.+)/ |
25544 | attr.index_name = [attr, attributes[i - 1]].map { |a| index_name_for(a) } |
25545 | unless /^[_a-z0-9]+$/.match?(file_name) |
25546 | def over(expr = nil) |
25547 | @dispatch_cache ||= do |hash, klass| |
25548 | hash[klass] = :"visit_#{( || "").gsub("::", "_")}" |
25549 | collector << " FROM " |
25550 | collect_nodes_for o.wheres, collector, " WHERE ", " AND " |
25551 | collector << " (" |
25552 | collector << ", " unless i == 0 |
25553 | collector << ")" |
25554 | collector = visit(o.expressions, collector) << ")" |
25555 | collector << " AS " |
25556 | collector << "(" |
25557 | collector << ", " unless k == 0 |
25558 | collector << " " |
25559 | collector = o.cores.inject(collector) { |c, x| |
25560 | if o.source && !o.source.empty? |
25561 | collect_nodes_for o.havings, collector, " HAVING ", " AND " |
25562 | hints = { |v| sanitize_as_sql_comment(v) }.join(" ") |
25563 | collector << "/*+ #{hints} */" |
25564 | collector << { |v| "/* #{sanitize_as_sql_comment(v)} */" }.join(" ") |
25565 | collector << "WITH " |
25566 | collector << "( " |
25567 | infix_value(o, collector, " INTERSECT ") << " )" |
25568 | infix_value(o, collector, " EXCEPT ") << " )" |
25569 | collector << " " if o.partitions.any? |
25570 | collector << " " if o.partitions.any? || o.orders.any? |
25571 | collector << "ROWS " |
25572 | visit(o.left, collector) << " OVER ()" |
25573 | visit(o.left, collector) << " OVER #{quote_column_name o.right.to_s}" |
25574 | visit(o.expr, collector) << ")" |
25575 | if o.type == :in |
25576 | collector << " IN (" |
25577 | visit(o.ast, collector) << ")" |
25578 | visit(o.expr, collector) << " ASC" |
25579 | visit(o.expr, collector) << " DESC" |
25580 | collector = inject_join(o.expressions, collector, ", ") << ")" |
25581 | return collector << "1=0" |
25582 | return collector << "1=1" |
25583 | collector << " >= " |
25584 | collector << " > " |
25585 | collector << " <= " |
25586 | collector << " < " |
25587 | collector << " LIKE " |
25588 | collector << " " if o.left |
25589 | collector << "ON " |
25590 | collector << "NOT (" |
25591 | collector << quote_table_name( << " " << quote_table_name(o.table_alias) |
25592 | attr, values = o.left, o.right |
25593 | if Array === values |
25594 | visit(attr, collector) << " IN (" |
25595 | visit(values, collector) << ")" |
25596 | visit(attr, collector) << " NOT IN (" |
25597 | stack = [o.right, o.left] |
25598 | if o.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::Or) |
25599 | collector << " OR " unless stack.empty? |
25600 | collector << " = " |
25601 | collector << " = 0" |
25602 | collector << " = 1" |
25603 | collector << " != " |
25604 | collector << "CASE " |
25605 | collector << "END" |
25606 | collector << "WHEN " |
25607 | collector << " THEN " |
25608 | collector << "ELSE " |
25609 | collector << quote_table_name(join_name) << "." << quote_column_name( |
25610 | collector << o.to_s |
25611 | if value.none? { |v| Arel.arel_node?(v) } |
25612 | o.sql_with_placeholders.scan(/\?|([^?]+)/) do |
25613 | if $1 |
25614 | collector << $1 |
25615 | bind_index += 1 |
25616 | o.sql_with_placeholders.scan(/:(?<!::)([a-zA-Z]\w*)|([^:]+|.)/) do |
25617 | if $2 |
25618 | collector << $2 |
25619 | value = o.named_binds[$1.to_sym] |
25620 | collector << " #{o.operator} " |
25621 | inject_join o, collector, ", " |
25622 | list.each_with_index do |x, i| |
25623 | collector << join_str unless i == 0 |
25624 | o.limit || o.offset || !o.orders.empty? |
25625 | !o.groups.empty? && !o.havings.empty? |
25626 | if o.key && (has_limit_or_offset_or_orders?(o) || has_join_sources?(o)) |
25627 | stmt.orders = [] |
25628 | stmt.wheres = [, [build_subselect(o.key, o)])] |
25629 | collector << "#{name}(" |
25630 | collector << " OR (" |
25631 | o.limit = if o.offset && !o.limit |
25632 | collector << "1" |
25633 | collector << "0" |
25634 | collector << " IS " |
25635 | op = o.case_sensitive ? " ~ " : " ~* " |
25636 | op = o.case_sensitive ? " !~ " : " !~* " |
25637 | visit(o.expr, collector) << " )" |
25638 | collector << " )" |
25639 | collector << "CAST(" |
25640 | if o.offset && !o.limit |
25641 | o.froms ||= Arel.sql("DUAL") |
25642 | collector << ", " |
25643 | collector << ") " |
25644 | collector << " <=> " |
25645 | collector << "NOT " |
25646 | if o.offset || has_group_by_and_having?(o) || |
25647 | class Node # :nodoc: |
25648 | def initialize(name, id, fields = []) |
25649 | class Edge < :name, :from, :to # :nodoc: |
25650 | @node_stack = [] |
25651 | @edge_stack = [] |
25652 | visit_edge o, "expr" |
25653 | visit_edge o, "left" |
25654 | visit_edge o, "name" |
25655 | visit_edge o, "rows" |
25656 | visit_edge o, "lock" |
25657 | visit_edge o, "with" |
25658 | visit_edge o, "key" |
25659 | visit_edge o, "type" |
25660 | edge(i) { visit child } |
25661 | visit_edge(o, "value") |
25662 | o.each_with_index do |pair, i| |
25663 | edge("pair_#{i}") { visit pair } |
25664 | edge(i) { visit member } |
25665 | visit_edge(o, "values") |
25666 | visit_edge(o, "case") |
25667 | if node = @seen[o.object_id] |
25668 | @seen[] = node |
25669 | @nodes << node |
25670 | @edges << edge |
25671 | string.to_s.gsub('"', '\"') |
25672 | { |node| |
25673 | label = "<f0>#{}" |
25674 | label += "|<f#{i + 1}>#{quote field}" |
25675 | }.join(" ") + " " + { |edge| |
25676 | }.join(" ") + " }" |
25677 | if String === values |
25678 | @ast.values = [values] |
25679 | @ast.values = { |column, value| |
25680 | @ast.havings << expr |
25681 | def key=(key) |
25682 | @ast.wheres << expr |
25683 | @ast = @ast.clone |
25684 | @engine = nil |
25685 | @name = name.to_s |
25686 | if as.to_s == @name |
25687 | as = nil |
25688 | def alias(name = "#{}_2") |
25689 | def [](name, table = self) |
25690 | name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol) |
25691 | self.class == other.class && |
25692 | == && |
25693 | alias :== :eql? |
25694 | @ctx = @ast.cores.last |
25695 | @ast.limit && @ast.limit.expr |
25696 | @ast.cores.filter_map { |x| x.from } |
25697 | @ctx.havings << expr |
25698 | @ast.orders.concat { |x| |
25699 | @ctx.wheres << expr |
25700 | base = table_name.nil? ? ast : as(table_name) |
25701 | @ast.limit = nil |
25702 |! { |expr| |
25703 | if String === expr |
25704 | if exprs.length == 1 |
25705 | if unboundable?(other.begin) == 1 || unboundable?(other.end) == -1 |
25706 |[]) |
25707 | if infinity?(other.begin) == 1 || infinity?(other.end) == -1 |
25708 | not_in([]) |
25709 | { |v| quoted_node(v) } |
25710 | nodes = { |expr| send(method_id, expr, *extras) } |
25711 | value.nil? || infinity?(value) || unboundable?(value) |
25712 | @orders = [] |
25713 | @partitions = [] |
25714 | @orders.concat { |x| |
25715 | String === x || Symbol === x ? : x |
25716 | def rows(expr = nil) |
25717 | @orders = { |x| x.clone } |
25718 | self.orders == other.orders && |
25719 | super && == |
25720 | [@relation, @wheres, @values, @orders, @limit, @offset, @key].hash |
25721 | self.wheres == other.wheres && |
25722 | self.values == other.values && |
25723 | self.groups == other.groups && |
25724 | self.limit == other.limit && |
25725 | self.offset == other.offset && |
25726 | super(:~, operand) |
25727 | @expr = expr |
25728 | }.each do |name| |
25729 | [@cores, @orders, @limit, @lock, @offset, @with].hash |
25730 | self.cores == other.cores && |
25731 | self.lock == other.lock && |
25732 | alias :froms= :from= |
25733 | ].hash |
25734 | self.source == other.source && |
25735 | !left && right.empty? |
25736 | == && |
25737 | super(:*, left, right) |
25738 | super(:/, left, right) |
25739 | super(:+, left, right) |
25740 | super(:-, left, right) |
25741 | super(:"||", left, right) |
25742 | super(:"@>", left, right) |
25743 | super(:"&&", left, right) |
25744 | super(:&, left, right) |
25745 | super(:|, left, right) |
25746 | super(:^, left, right) |
25747 | super(:<<, left, right) |
25748 | super(:>>, left, right) |
25749 | super || (self.class == other.class && self.ivars == other.ivars) |
25750 | type == :in |
25751 |, attribute, type == :in ? :notin : :in) |
25752 | [@attribute, @values, @type] |
25753 | self.alias == other.alias && |
25754 |[*@values, other]) |
25755 | super && |
25756 | def initialize(relation = nil, wheres = []) |
25757 | @groups = [] |
25758 | @havings = [] |
25759 | @limit = nil |
25760 | @offset = nil |
25761 | @key = nil |
25762 | [self.class, @relation, @wheres, @orders, @limit, @offset, @key].hash |
25763 | def nil?; value.nil?; end |
25764 | self.value == other.value && |
25765 | class Quoted < Arel::Nodes::Unary # :nodoc: |
25766 | @conditions = [] |
25767 | @case = @case.clone if @case |
25768 | @conditions = { |x| x.clone } |
25769 | == && |
25770 | class When < Binary # :nodoc: |
25771 | class Else < Unary # :nodoc: |
25772 | tokens_in_string = sql_with_placeholders.scan(/:(?<!::)([a-zA-Z]\w*)/) |
25773 | if !(missing = (tokens_in_string - tokens_in_hash)).empty? |
25774 | if missing.size == 1 |
25775 | other.is_a?(BindParam) && |
25776 | [self.class, @left, @right].hash |
25777 | self.left == other.left && |
25778 | def &(other) |
25779 | def |(other) |
25780 | def ^(other) |
25781 | def <<(other) |
25782 | def >>(other) |
25783 | def ~@ |
25784 | def values=(val); @ast.values = val; end |
25785 | if String === fields |
25786 | super("#{message} in: #{sql.inspect}") |
25787 | key = nil, |
25788 | um.key = key |
25789 | dm.key = key |
25790 | self << { |bind| quoter.quote(bind) }.join(", ") |
25791 | @bind_index = 1 |
25792 | self << yield(@bind_index) |
25793 | @bind_index += 1 |
25794 | self << (@bind_index...@bind_index += binds.size).map(&block).join(", ") |
25795 | @str = +"" |
25796 | @str << str |
25797 | @left = left |
25798 | left << str |
25799 | right << str |
25800 | @binds = [] |
25801 | @binds << bind |
25802 | def # :nodoc: |
25803 | sql "*" |
25804 | def self.arel_node?(value) # :nodoc: |
25805 | value.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::Node) || value.is_a?(Arel::Attribute) || value.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral) |
25806 | unless Array(options[:scope]).all? { |scope| scope.respond_to?(:to_sym) } |
25807 | @covered ||= do |attr| |
25808 | index.where.nil? && |
25809 | if !options.key?(:case_sensitive) || bind.nil? |
25810 | if Array(value).reject { |r| valid_object?(r) }.any? |
25811 | def save!(**options) |
25812 | new_record? ? :create : :update |
25813 | options[:validate] == false || valid?(options[:context]) |
25814 | class Map # :nodoc: |
25815 | super * 2 |
25816 | @mapping = {} |
25817 | @mapping[key] = proc { value } |
25818 | metadata = sql_type[/\(.*\)/, 0] |
25819 | lookup("#{target_key}#{metadata}") |
25820 | key === lookup_key |
25821 | value.__getobj__ |
25822 | raw_old_value.nil? != raw_new_value.nil? || |
25823 | @cache = do |h, key| |
25824 | register_type(type) { |_, *args| lookup(alias_type, *args) } |
25825 | @registrations = [] |
25826 | block = proc { |_, *args|*args) } |
25827 | def call(_registry, *args, adapter: nil, **kwargs) |
25828 | def matches?(type_name, *args, **kwargs) |
25829 | type_name == name && matches_adapter?(**kwargs) |
25830 | result = 0 |
25831 | result |= 1 |
25832 | result |= 2 |
25833 | (self.adapter.nil? || adapter == self.adapter) |
25834 | (override.nil? && other.adapter) || |
25835 | def matches?(*args, **kwargs) |
25836 | super | 4 |
25837 | kwargs[key] == value |
25838 | ACTIONS = [:create, :destroy, :update] |
25839 | scope: [:kind, :name] |
25840 | def before_commit(*args, &block) # :nodoc: |
25841 | set_options_for_callbacks!(args, on: [ :create, :update ]) |
25842 | fire_on = Array(options[:on]) |
25843 | options[:if] = [ |
25844 | -> { transaction_include_any_action?(fire_on) }, |
25845 | def save(**) # :nodoc: |
25846 | def save!(**) # :nodoc: |
25847 | def touch(*, **) # :nodoc: |
25848 | @_start_transaction_state ||= { |
25849 | id: id, |
25850 | def touch_later(*names) # :nodoc: |
25851 | @_defer_touch_attrs |=! do |name| |
25852 | if r.macro == :belongs_to |
25853 | elsif r.macro == :has_one |
25854 | def touch(*names, time: nil) # :nodoc: |
25855 | @_defer_touch_attrs, @_touch_time = nil, nil |
25856 | @full_purpose ||= [, purpose, expires_in].join(" ") |
25857 | block ? [, model.instance_eval(&block).as_json] : [] |
25858 | attribute_names |= |
25859 | ["created_at", "created_on"].map! { |name| attribute_aliases[name] || name } |
25860 | ["updated_at", "updated_on"].map! { |name| attribute_aliases[name] || name } |
25861 | @_touch_record = nil |
25862 | .filter_map { |attr| self[attr]&.to_time } |
25863 | fixture_set_names = Dir[::File.join(fixture_path, "{**,*}/*.{yml}")].uniq |
25864 |! { |f| f[fixture_path.to_s.size..-5].delete_prefix("/") } |
25865 | key = fs_name.to_s.include?("/") ?"/", "_") : fs_name |
25866 | key = -key.to_s if key.is_a?(Symbol) |
25867 | fs_name = -fs_name.to_s if fs_name.is_a?(Symbol) |
25868 | @fixture_cache = {} |
25869 | @@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {} |
25870 | @saved_pool_configs = { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } |
25871 | @saved_pool_configs[name][shard_name] ||= {} |
25872 | @fixture_cache[fs_name] ||= {} |
25873 | f_name = f_name.to_s if f_name.is_a?(Symbol) |
25874 | db_config._database = "#{db_config.database}-#{i}" |
25875 | file = File.absolute_path?(db_path) ? db_path : File.join(root, db_path) |
25876 | condition = { |table| connection.quote(table) }.join(", ") |
25877 | args << ".schema" |
25878 | msg = +"failed to execute: " |
25879 | msg << "#{cmd} #{args.join(' ')} " |
25880 | search_path = \ |
25881 | args = ["--schema-only", "--no-privileges", "--no-owner"] |
25882 | args.concat(["--file", filename]) |
25883 | args += search_path.split(",").map do |part| |
25884 | args += ignore_tables.flat_map { |table| ["-T", table] } |
25885 | run_cmd("pg_dump", args, "dumping") |
25886 |, "a") { |f| f << "SET search_path TO #{connection.schema_search_path}; " } |
25887 | args = ["--set", ON_ERROR_STOP_1, "--quiet", "--no-psqlrc", "--output", File::NULL, "--file", filename] |
25888 | run_cmd("psql", args, "loading") |
25889 | {}.tap do |env| |
25890 | args.concat(["--result-file", "#{filename}"]) |
25891 | args.concat(["--no-data"]) |
25892 | args.concat(["--routines"]) |
25893 | args.concat(["--skip-comments"]) |
25894 | args += { |table| "--ignore-table=#{db_config.database}.#{table}" } |
25895 | run_cmd("mysql", args, "loading") |
25896 | sslcapath: "--ssl-capath", |
25897 | sslcipher: "--ssl-cipher", |
25898 | }.filter_map { |opt, arg| "#{arg}=#{configuration_hash[opt]}" if configuration_hash[opt] } |
25899 | msg = +"failed to execute: `#{cmd}` " |
25900 | @tasks ||= {} |
25901 | File.join(root, "test", "fixtures") |
25902 | @root ||= Rails.root |
25903 | @env ||= Rails.env |
25904 | @name ||= "primary" |
25905 | dbs_list = [] |
25906 | dbs_list << "#{command}:#{}" |
25907 | db_configs_with_versions = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
25908 | puts "-" * 50 |
25909 |, "w:utf-8") do |file| |
25910 |, "a") do |f| |
25911 | f.print " " |
25912 | next if name && name != |
25913 | if stored && stored != current |
25914 | define_method("#{accessor_key}=") do |value| |
25915 | prev_store&.dig(key) != new_store&.dig(key) |
25916 | [prev_store&.dig(key), new_store&.dig(key)] |
25917 | parent.merge!(local_stored_attributes) { |k, a, b| a | b } |
25918 | @coder = |
25919 | obj.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? obj.to_hash : {} |
25920 | @sql = sql |
25921 | }.map(&:last) |
25922 | @indexes.each do |i| |
25923 | @parts = [] |
25924 | @parts << str |
25925 | @binds << obj |
25926 | @parts << ", " unless i == 0 |
25927 | [@parts, @binds] |
25928 | @indexes = [] |
25929 | @indexes << i |
25930 | @indexes.each_with_index { |offset, i| bas[offset] = bas[offset].with_cast_value(values[i]) } |
25931 | @bind_map = bind_map |
25932 | options = options ? options.dup : {} |
25933 | options[:except] = Array(options[:except]).map(&:to_s) |
25934 | !has_attribute?(name) && has_attribute?("#{name}_digest") |
25935 | |
25936 | return if passwords.any? { |name, value| value.nil? || value.empty? } |
25937 | raise ArgumentError, "You tried to define a scope named \"#{name}\" " \ |
25938 | scope = all._exec_scope(*args, &body) |
25939 | scope =*args) || all |
25940 | def default_scope(scope = nil, all_queries: nil, &block) # :doc: |
25941 | if scope.is_a?(Relation) || !scope.respond_to?(:call) |
25942 | @ignore_default_scope = {} |
25943 | @global_current_scope = {} |
25944 | |
25945 | cattr_accessor :fk_ignore_pattern, default: /^fk_rails_[0-9a-f]{10}$/ |
25946 | @ignore_tables = [ |
25947 | stringified.insert(4, "_").insert(7, "_").insert(10, "_") |
25948 | @version ? "version: #{formatted_version}" : "" |
25949 | tbl.print ", primary_key: #{pk.inspect}" unless pk == "id" |
25950 | pkcol = columns.detect { |c| == pk } |
25951 | pkcolspec = { id: { type: pkcolspec.delete(:id), **pkcolspec }.compact } |
25952 | tbl.print ", primary_key: #{pk.inspect}" |
25953 | tbl.print ", id: false" |
25954 | tbl.puts ", force: :cascade do |t|" |
25955 | index_parts = [ |
25956 | parts = [ |
25957 | parts << "name: #{}" |
25958 | { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value.inspect}" }.join(", ") |
25959 | table.sub(/\A#{prefix}(.+)#{suffix}\z/, "\\1") |
25960 | def define(info = {}, &block) |
25961 | def define(info, &block) # :nodoc: |
25962 | def self.[](version) |
25963 | @class_for_version ||= {} |
25964 | if condition.is_a?(Array) && condition.first.to_s.include?("?") |
25965 | if string.include?(escape_character) && escape_character != "%" && escape_character != "_" |
25966 | string.gsub(/(?=[%_])/, escape_character) |
25967 | if values.first.is_a?(Hash) && /:\w+/.match?(statement) |
25968 | next if arg.is_a?(Symbol) || Arel.arel_node?(arg) || permit.match?(arg.to_s.strip) |
25969 | (unexpected ||= []) << arg |
25970 | statement.gsub(/\?/) do |
25971 | statement.gsub(/(:?):([a-zA-Z]\w*)/) do |match| |
25972 | if $1 == ":" # skip postgresql casts |
25973 | if value.respond_to?(:map) && !value.acts_like?(:string) |
25974 | values = { |v| v.respond_to?(:id_for_database) ? v.id_for_database : v } |
25975 |! { |v| c.quote(c.cast_bound_value(v)) }.join(",") |
25976 | hash_rows.to_enum { @rows.size } |
25977 | alias :to_a :to_ary |
25978 | def last(n = nil) |
25979 | n ? hash_rows.last(n) : hash_rows.last |
25980 | def result # :nodoc: |
25981 | def cancel # :nodoc: |
25982 | def cast_values(type_overrides = {}) # :nodoc: |
25983 | do |(value)| |
25984 | { |i| types[i].deserialize(values[i]) } |
25985 | def freeze # :nodoc: |
25986 | @hash_rows ||= |
25987 | columns = |
25988 | { |row| |
25989 | index = -1 |
25990 | row[index += 1] |
25991 | index = 0 |
25992 | index += 1 |
25993 | EMPTY = new([].freeze, [].freeze, {}.freeze).freeze |
25994 | delegate :any?, :empty?, to: :predicates |
25995 | left = self - other |
25996 | common = self - left |
25997 | if left.empty? || right.empty? |
25998 | alias :eql? :== |
25999 | @empty ||= new([]).freeze |
26000 | Array === x.right && x.right.empty? |
26001 | attrs = [] |
26002 | each_attributes { |attr, _| attrs << attr } |
26003 | each_attributes { |attr, node| hash[attr] = node } |
26004 | equalities = [] |
26005 | !node.is_a?(String) && node.equality? |
26006 | attrs = columns.extract! { |node| node.is_a?(Arel::Attribute) } |
26007 | non_attrs = columns.extract! { |node| node.is_a?(Arel::Predications) } |
26008 | if ::String === node |
26009 | elsif Array === node |
26010 | { |v| extract_node_value(v) } |
26011 | def spawn # :nodoc: |
26012 | def merge!(other, *rest) # :nodoc: |
26013 | if other.is_a?(Hash) |
26014 | def not(opts, *rest) |
26015 | ["#{name}_clause", name == :from ? "Relation::FromClause.empty" : "Relation::WhereClause.empty"] |
26016 | def includes!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26017 | def eager_load!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26018 | def preload!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26019 | def _select!(*fields) # :nodoc: |
26020 | def with!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26021 | def reselect!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26022 | def group!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26023 | def regroup!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26024 | def order!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26025 | def reorder!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26026 | def unscope!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26027 | if key != :where |
26028 | def joins!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26029 | def left_outer_joins!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26030 | elsif args.length == 1 && args.first.blank? |
26031 | def where!(opts, *rest) # :nodoc: |
26032 | def and!(other) # :nodoc: |
26033 | def or!(other) # :nodoc: |
26034 | opts.blank? ? self : spawn.having!(opts, *rest) |
26035 | def having!(opts, *rest) # :nodoc: |
26036 | def limit!(value) # :nodoc: |
26037 | def offset!(value) # :nodoc: |
26038 | def lock!(locks = true) # :nodoc: |
26039 | def none! # :nodoc: |
26040 | def readonly!(value = true) # :nodoc: |
26041 | def strict_loading!(value = true) # :nodoc: |
26042 | def create_with!(value) # :nodoc: |
26043 | def from!(value, subquery_name = nil) # :nodoc: |
26044 | def distinct!(value = true) # :nodoc: |
26045 | def extending!(*modules, &block) # :nodoc: |
26046 | def skip_query_cache!(value = true) # :nodoc: |
26047 | def annotate!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26048 | values.uniq! if values.is_a?(Array) && !values.empty? |
26049 | def arel(aliases = nil) # :nodoc: |
26050 | @arel ||= build_arel(aliases) |
26051 | def build_where_clause(opts, rest = []) # :nodoc: |
26052 | parts = [klass.sanitize_sql(rest.empty? ? opts : [opts, *rest])] |
26053 | parts = [opts] |
26054 | @async = true |
26055 | name ||= "subquery" |
26056 | buckets = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
26057 | stashed_left_joins = [] |
26058 | if join.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::Join) |
26059 | if klass.columns_hash.key?(field) && (!from || table_name_matches?(from)) |
26060 | elsif field.match?(/\A\w+\.\w+\z/) |
26061 | table, column = field.split(".") |
26062 | /(?:\A|(?<!FROM)\s)(?:\b#{table_name}\b|#{quoted_table_name})(?!\.)/i.match?(from.to_s) |
26063 | o.split(",").map! do |s| |
26064 | s.gsub!(/\sasc\Z/i, " DESC") || s.gsub!(/\sdesc\Z/i, " ASC") || (s << " DESC") |
26065 | (order.include?(",") && order.split(",").find { |section| section.count("(") != section.count(")") }) || |
26066 | /\bnulls\s+(?:first|last)\b/i.match?(order) |
26067 | arg.each do |_key, value| |
26068 | order_args.flat_map { |a| a.is_a?(Hash) ? a.keys : a }, |
26069 | { |field, dir| |
26070 | key if key.is_a?(String) || key.is_a?(Symbol) |
26071 |! { |arg| arg =~ /^\W?(\w+)\W?\./ && $1 }.compact! |
26072 | if attr_name == "count" && !group_values.empty? |
26073 | attr = attr.to_s |
26074 | if attr.include?(".") |
26075 | table, column = attr.split(".", 2) |
26076 | if field.is_a?(Hash) |
26077 | arel_column("#{key}.#{column}") do |
26078 | arel_column("#{key}.#{column}", &:itself) |
26079 | ).freeze # :nodoc: |
26080 | v1, v2 = @values[method], values[method] |
26081 | if v1.is_a?(Array) |
26082 | v1 = v1.uniq |
26083 | v2 = v2.uniq |
26084 | serializable? { |value| @_unboundable = value <=> 0 } && @_unboundable = nil |
26085 | query = {} |
26086 | default_hash = { |hsh, key| hsh[key] = [] } |
26087 | { |v| convert_to_id(v) } |
26088 | values = { |x| x.is_a?(Base) ? : x } |
26089 | nils = values.extract!(&:nil?) |
26090 | ranges = values.extract! { |v| v.is_a?(Range) } |
26091 | @handlers = [] |
26092 | result << Arel.sql(key) |
26093 | elsif key.include?(".") |
26094 | result << Arel.sql(key.split(".").first) |
26095 | def [](attr_name, value, operator = nil) |
26096 | if value.is_a?(Hash) && !table.has_column?(key) |
26097 | values = value.nil? ? [nil] : Array.wrap(value) |
26098 | if mapping.length == 1 || values.empty? |
26099 |! { |query| query.reduce(&:and) } |
26100 | k.include?(".") && !v.is_a?(Hash) |
26101 | table_name, column_name = key.split(".") |
26102 | attributes[table_name] ||= {} |
26103 | @handlers.detect { |klass, _| klass === object }.last |
26104 | k = :_select if k == :select |
26105 | if Array === v |
26106 | other.public_send("#{k}!", *v) |
26107 | other.public_send("#{k}!", v) |
26108 | unless value.nil? || (value.blank? && false != value) |
26109 | relation.public_send(:"#{name}!", *value) |
26110 | end || return |
26111 | self.class == other.class && value == other.value && name == |
26112 | @empty ||= new(nil, nil).freeze |
26113 | def find_by(arg, *args) |
26114 | def find_by!(arg, *args) |
26115 | where(arg, *args).take! |
26116 | if loaded? || offset_value || limit_value || having_clause.any? |
26117 | record.is_a?(klass) && exists?( |
26118 | error = +"Couldn't find #{name}" |
26119 | error = "Couldn't find #{name} with '#{key}'=#{ids}#{conditions}" |
26120 | error = +"Couldn't find all #{name.pluralize} with '#{key}': " |
26121 | error << "(#{ids.join(", ")})#{conditions} (found #{result_size} results, but was looking for #{expected_size})." |
26122 | error << " Couldn't find #{name.pluralize(not_found_ids.size)} with #{key.to_s.pluralize(not_found_ids.size)} #{not_found_ids.join(', ')}." if not_found_ids |
26123 | relation = except(:select, :distinct, :order)._select!(ONE_AS_ONE).limit!(1) |
26124 | if eager_loading && has_limit_or_offset? && !( |
26125 | ), nil |
26126 | expects_array ? [ result ] : result |
26127 | ids = ids.slice(offset_value || 0, limit_value || ids.size) || [] |
26128 | result.in_order_of(:id, { |id| @klass.type_for_attribute(primary_key).cast(id) }) |
26129 | @take ||= limit(1).records.first |
26130 | @offsets ||= {} |
26131 | records[index, limit] || [] |
26132 | limit = [limit_value - index, limit].min |
26133 | if limit > 0 |
26134 | oc = [] |
26135 | mangled_name ="::", "_") |
26136 | def #{method}(...) |
26137 | scoping { klass.#{method}(...) } |
26138 | delegate :to_xml, :encode_with, :length, :each, :join, |
26139 | :[], :&, :|, :+, :-, :sample, :reverse, :rotate, :compact, :in_groups, :in_groups_of, |
26140 | :to_sentence, :to_fs, :to_formatted_s, :as_json, |
26141 | :shuffle, :split, :slice, :index, :rindex, to: :records |
26142 | scoping { @klass.public_send(method, *args, &block) } |
26143 | @aliases = |
26144 | if @aliases[aliased_name] == 0 |
26145 | count = @aliases[aliased_name] += 1 |
26146 | column_alias.gsub!(/\*/, "all") |
26147 | column_alias.gsub!(/\W+/, " ") |
26148 | column_alias.gsub!(/ +/, "_") |
26149 | eager_loading? || (includes_values.present? && column_name && column_name != :all) |
26150 | if operation == "count" |
26151 | if column_name == :all |
26152 | column_name.is_a?(::String) && /\bDISTINCT[\s(]/i.match?(column_name) |
26153 | Arel.sql(column_name == :all ? "*" : name) |
26154 | if operation == "count" && (column_name == :all && distinct || has_limit_or_offset?) |
26155 | if operation != "count" |
26156 | type = column.try(:type_caster) || |
26157 | key_types = group_columns.each_with_object({}) do |(aliaz, col_name), types| |
26158 | types[aliaz] = col_name.try(:type_caster) || |
26159 | hash[col_name] = row[i] |
26160 | key = { |aliaz| row[aliaz] } |
26161 | key = key.first if key.size == 1 |
26162 | field_name = field.respond_to?(:name) ? : field.to_s.split(".").last |
26163 | when "sum" |
26164 | else # "minimum", "maximum" |
26165 | select_values.join(", ") |
26166 | def initialize(of: 1000, start: nil, finish: nil, relation:, order: :asc, use_ranges: nil) # :nodoc: |
26167 | @of |
26168 | @relation.to_enum(:in_batches, of: @of, start: @start, finish: @finish, load: true, order: @order).each do |relation| |
26169 | enum = @relation.to_enum(:in_batches, of: @of, start: @start, finish: @finish, load: false, order: @order, use_ranges: @use_ranges) |
26170 | (total - 1).div(batch_size) + 1 |
26171 | unless [:asc, :desc].include?(order) |
26172 | ids = |
26173 | elsif (empty_scope && use_ranges != false) || use_ranges |
26174 | :with] |
26175 | scoping { _new(attributes, &block) } |
26176 | scoping { _create!(attributes, &block) } |
26177 | def first_or_create!(attributes = nil, &block) # :nodoc: |
26178 | def none?(*args) |
26179 | def any?(*args) |
26180 | def one?(*args) |
26181 | @cache_keys ||= {} |
26182 | @cache_versions ||= {} |
26183 | if size > 0 |
26184 | select_values = "COUNT(*) AS #{connection.quote_column_name("size")}, MAX(%s) AS timestamp" |
26185 | size = 0 |
26186 | def _exec_scope(...) # :nodoc: |
26187 | _scoping(nil, registry) { instance_exec(...) || self } |
26188 | def update(id = :all, attributes) # :nodoc: |
26189 | if id == :all |
26190 | def update!(id = :all, attributes) # :nodoc: |
26191 | updates = {} |
26192 | names = touch if touch != true |
26193 | method == :distinct ? value : value&.any? |
26194 | if !loaded? || scheduled? |
26195 | @to_sql = @arel = @loaded = @should_eager_load = nil |
26196 | @offsets = @take = nil |
26197 | @to_sql ||= if eager_loading? |
26198 | create_with_value.each { |k, v| hash[k.to_s] = v } unless create_with_value.empty? |
26199 | @should_eager_load ||= |
26200 | other.to_sql == to_sql |
26201 | entries[10] = "..." if entries.size == 11 |
26202 | def empty_scope? # :nodoc: |
26203 | def alias_tracker(joins = [], aliases = nil) # :nodoc: |
26204 | -> record do |
26205 | [attr, value] |
26206 | expr = value < 0 ? expr - bind : expr + bind |
26207 | [].freeze |
26208 | joined_tables = build_joins([]).flat_map do |join| |
26209 | string.scan(/[a-zA-Z_][.\w]+(?=.?\.)/).map!(&:downcase) - ["raw_sql_"] |
26210 | name = -name.to_s |
26211 | @__reflections ||= begin |
26212 | ref = {} |
26213 | @__reflections = nil |
26214 | @class_name ||= -(options[:class_name] || derive_class_name).to_s |
26215 | scope ? [scope] : [] |
26216 | -(options[:counter_cache]&.to_s || "#{name}_count") |
26217 | if has_inverse? && inverse_of == self |
26218 | message = +"`#{owner}` is marked for strict_loading." |
26219 | message << " The #{polymorphic? ? "polymorphic association" : "#{klass} association"}" |
26220 | message << " named `:#{name}` cannot be lazily loaded." |
26221 | super || |
26222 | mapping = options[:mapping] || [name, name] |
26223 | if\A|::)#{name}\z/) |
26224 | @type = -(options[:foreign_type]&.to_s || "#{options[:as]}_type") if options[:as] |
26225 | @foreign_type = -(options[:foreign_type]&.to_s || "#{name}_type") if options[:polymorphic] |
26226 | key = self |
26227 | @join_table ||= -(options[:join_table]&.to_s || derive_join_table) |
26228 | -(options[:foreign_key]&.to_s || derive_foreign_key) |
26229 | -(options[:primary_key]&.to_s || primary_key(active_record)) |
26230 | def join_id_for(owner) # :nodoc: |
26231 | Array(join_foreign_key).map { |key| owner[key] } |
26232 | [self] |
26233 | !options[:validate].nil? ? options[:validate] : (options[:autosave] == true || collection?) |
26234 | seed + [self] |
26235 | reflection != self && |
26236 | def has_one?; true; end |
26237 | scope || options[:source_type] || |
26238 | names = names.find_all { |n| |
26239 | :name, :scope_for, to: :@reflection |
26240 | lambda { |object| where(type => source_type) } |
26241 | if operation == :perform && block |
26242 | messages << ("ActiveRecord: %.1fms" % db_runtime.to_f) if db_runtime |
26243 | def initialize(...) # :nodoc: |
26244 | self.db_runtime = (db_runtime || 0) + db_rt_before_render |
26245 | configs.each do |k, v| |
26246 | setter = "#{k}=" |
26247 | path = app.paths["db"].first |
26248 | if Class === value && ActiveRecord::Base > value |
26249 | :find, :find_by, :find_by!, :take, :take!, :sole, :find_sole_by, :first, :first!, :last, :last!, |
26250 | :second, :second!, :third, :third!, :fourth, :fourth!, :fifth, :fifth!, |
26251 | :forty_two, :forty_two!, :third_to_last, :third_to_last!, :second_to_last, :second_to_last!, |
26252 | :exists?, :any?, :many?, :none?, :one?, |
26253 | :destroy_all, :delete_all, :update_all, :touch_all, :destroy_by, :delete_by, |
26254 | :select, :reselect, :order, :regroup, :in_order_of, :reorder, :group, :limit, :offset, :joins, :left_joins, :left_outer_joins, |
26255 | :having, :create_with, :distinct, :references, :none, :unscope, :merge, :except, :only, |
26256 | :count, :average, :minimum, :maximum, :sum, :calculate, |
26257 | :pluck, :pick, :ids, :async_ids, :strict_loading, :excluding, :without, :with, |
26258 | ].freeze # :nodoc: |
26259 | def find_by_sql(sql, binds = [], preparable: nil, &block) |
26260 | def async_find_by_sql(sql, binds = [], preparable: nil, &block) |
26261 | def _query_by_sql(sql, binds = [], preparable: nil, async: false) # :nodoc: |
26262 | def _load_from_sql(result_set, &block) # :nodoc: |
26263 | column_types = column_types.reject { |k, _| attribute_types.key?(k) } |
26264 | @key_value_separator = ":" |
26265 |! do |key, value| |
26266 | end.join(",") |
26267 | @key_value_separator = "=" |
26268 | pairs.sort_by!(&:first) |
26269 | comment.gsub!(%r{\A\s*/\*\+?\s?|\s?\*/\s*\Z}, "") |
26270 | comment.gsub!("*/", "* /") |
26271 | comment.gsub!("/*", "/ *") |
26272 | pairs = tags.flat_map { |i| [*i] }.filter_map do |tag| |
26273 | [key, val] unless val.nil? |
26274 | undef_method :==, :!, :!= |
26275 | @value = if @block |
26276 |, @block ? @block >> block : block) |
26277 | [:class, :respond_to?, :is_a?].each do |method| |
26278 | def pretty_print(q) # :nodoc: |
26279 | if id.is_a?(Array) |
26280 | { |one_id| find(one_id) }.each_with_index { |object, idx| |
26281 | elsif id == :all |
26282 | !new_record? && destroyed? |
26283 | !(@new_record || @destroyed) |
26284 | def save!(**options, &block) |
26285 | public_send("#{name}=", value) |
26286 | name = key.to_s |
26287 | attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| |
26288 | h[k] = @attributes.write_cast_value(k, v) |
26289 | self[attribute] ||= 0 |
26290 | change = public_send(attribute) - (public_send(:"#{attribute}_in_database") || 0) |
26291 | self[attribute] = !public_send("#{attribute}?") |
26292 | _find_record((options || {}).merge(all_queries: true)) |
26293 | |
26294 | { @primary_key => id } |
26295 | !(options && options[:unscoped]) && |
26296 | { @primary_key => id_in_database } |
26297 | def create_or_update(**, &block) |
26298 | result = new_record? ? _create_record(&block) : _update_record(&block) |
26299 | ||= new_id if @primary_key |
26300 | group_values.any? ? : 0 |
26301 | self[name] = self[name] |
26302 | def apply_to(klass) # :nodoc: |
26303 | def applied_to?(klass) # :nodoc: |
26304 | klasses.any? { |k| k >= klass } |
26305 | def touch_later(*) # :nodoc: |
26306 | REJECT_ALL_BLANK_PROC = proc { |attributes| attributes.all? { |key, value| key == "_destroy" || value.blank? } } |
26307 | generated_association_methods.module_eval <<-eoruby, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 |
26308 | if (options[:update_only] || !attributes["id"].blank?) && existing_record && |
26309 | (options[:update_only] || == attributes["id"].to_s) |
26310 | attribute_ids = attributes_collection.filter_map { |a| a["id"] || a[:id] } |
26311 | limit = \ |
26312 | model, "id", record_id) |
26313 | [first_table.to_s, second_table.to_s].sort.join("\0").gsub(/^(.*[_.])(.+)\0\1(.+)/, '\1\2_\3').tr("\0", "_") |
26314 | value = value && value.to_s |
26315 | (@sequence_name ||= nil) || base_class.sequence_name |
26316 | == primary_key || |
26317 |"_id", "_count") |
26318 | contained += "_" |
26319 | def find_join_table_name(table_1, table_2, options = {}) |
26320 | name = "V#{'.', '_')}" |
26321 | versions = constants.grep(/\AV[0-9_]+\z/).map { |s| s.to_s.delete("V").tr("_", ".").inspect } |
26322 | class V7_0 < V7_1 |
26323 | class << t |
26324 | class V6_1 < V7_0 |
26325 | type.to_sym == :datetime ? :timestamp : type |
26326 | if type == :datetime |
26327 | class V6_0 < V6_1 |
26328 | class V5_1 < V5_2 |
26329 | class V5_0 < V5_1 |
26330 | type = :integer if type == :primary_key |
26331 | super(*args, type: :integer, **options) |
26332 | if options[:id] == :uuid && !options.key?(:default) |
26333 | options[:default] = "uuid_generate_v4()" |
26334 | unless connection.adapter_name == "Mysql2" && options[:id] == :bigint |
26335 | if [:integer, :bigint].include?(options[:id]) && !options.key?(:default) |
26336 | options[:id] = :integer |
26337 | if type == :primary_key |
26338 | class V4_2 < V5_0 |
26339 | options[:index] ||= false |
26340 | options[:name] = |
26341 | @commands = [] |
26342 | @commands << (command << block) |
26343 | method = :"invert_#{command}" |
26344 | @commands << [:change_table, [table_name], -> t { bulk_change_table(table_name, commands) }] |
26345 | }.each do |cmd, inv| |
26346 | [[inv, cmd], [cmd, inv]].uniq.each do |method, inverse| |
26347 | if args.size == 1 && block == nil |
26348 | unless args[-1].is_a?(Hash) && args[-1].has_key?(:type) |
26349 | [:add_columns, args] |
26350 | [:rename_index, [table_name, new_name, old_name]] |
26351 | [:rename_column, [table_name, new_name, old_name]] |
26352 | args = [table, columns] |
26353 | [:add_index, args] |
26354 | unless options.is_a?(Hash) && options.has_key?(:from) && options.has_key?(:to) |
26355 | [:change_column_default, [table, column, from: options[:to], to: options[:from]]] |
26356 | args[2] = !args[2] |
26357 | [:change_column_comment, [table, column, from: options[:to], to: options[:from]]] |
26358 | [:change_table_comment, [table, from: options[:to], to: options[:from]]] |
26359 | message = " #{message} " if message |
26360 | message += " RAILS_ENV=#{::Rails.env}" if defined?(Rails.env) && !Rails.env.local? |
26361 | message += " " |
26362 | message += "You have #{pending_migrations.size} pending #{pending_migrations.size > 1 ? 'migrations:' : 'migration:'} " |
26363 | msg << "You are running in `#{ current }` environment. " |
26364 | super("#{msg} ") |
26365 | MigrationFilenameRegexp = /\A([0-9]+)_([_a-z0-9]*)\.?([_a-z0-9]*)?\.rb\z/ # :nodoc: |
26366 | /\A\d(_?\d)*\z/ # integer with optional underscores |
26367 | ].any? { |pattern| pattern.match?(version_string) } |
26368 |[], paths.index_with(["rb"]), &block) |
26369 | def method_missing(name, *args, &block) # :nodoc: |
26370 | dir = opts[:direction] || :up |
26371 | dir = (dir == :down ? :up : :down) if opts[:revert] |
26372 | time = nil |
26373 | text = "#{version} #{name}: #{message}" |
26374 | length = [0, 75 - text.length].max |
26375 | write "== %s %s" % [text, "=" * length] |
26376 | say "%.4fs" % time.real, :subitem |
26377 | say("#{result} rows", :subitem) if result.is_a?(Integer) |
26378 | arg_list = * ", " |
26379 | say_with_time "#{method}(#{arg_list})" do |
26380 | if method == :rename_table || |
26381 | (method == :remove_foreign_key && !arguments.second.is_a?(Hash)) |
26382 | copied = [] |
26383 | magic_comments = +"" |
26384 | source.sub!(/\A(?:#.*\b(?:en)?coding:\s*\S+|#\s*frozen_string_literal:\s*(?:true|false)).* /) do |magic_comment| |
26385 | end || break |
26386 | if !magic_comments.empty? && source.start_with?(" ") |
26387 | magic_comments << " " |
26388 | source = source[1..-1] |
26389 | if options[:on_skip] && duplicate.scope != scope.to_s |
26390 | ["%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), "%.14d" % number].max |
26391 | when current_version == 0 && target_version == 0 |
26392 | def rollback(steps = 1) # :nodoc: |
26393 | def forward(steps = 1) # :nodoc: |
26394 | move(:up, steps) |
26395 | def up(target_version = nil, &block) # :nodoc: |
26396 | def down(target_version = nil, &block) # :nodoc: |
26397 | def open # :nodoc: |
26398 | status = db_list.delete(version) ? "up" : "down" |
26399 | ["up", version, "********** NO FILE **********"] |
26400 | (db_list + file_list).sort_by { |_, version, _| version.to_i } |
26401 | Dir[*paths.flat_map { |path| "#{path}/**/[0-9]*_*.rb" }] |
26402 | if up? |
26403 | runnable.reject { |m| ran?(m) } |
26404 | runnable.find_all { |m| ran?(m) } |
26405 | @target_version && @target_version != 0 && !target |
26406 | msg = +"An error has occurred, " |
26407 | msg << "all later migrations canceled: #{e}" |
26408 | up? ? 0 : (migrations.index(current) || 0) |
26409 | name, = migrations.group_by(&:name).find { |_, v| v.length > 1 } |
26410 | version, = migrations.group_by(&:version).find { |_, v| v.length > 1 } |
26411 | @direction == :up |
26412 | @direction == :down |
26413 | time.to_i * 1000 + time.usec / 1000 |
26414 | timestamp ? / 1000, (timestamp % 1000) * 1000) : |
26415 | def, options = {}) |
26416 | binds = [] |
26417 | elsif attr.respond_to?(:[]) && attr[i].respond_to?(:name) |
26418 | attr = nil |
26419 | [attr&.name, value] |
26420 | when /select .*for update/mi, /\A\s*lock/mi |
26421 | when /\A\s*select/i |
26422 | when /\A\s*insert/i |
26423 | when /\A\s*update/i |
26424 | when /\A\s*delete/i |
26425 | def lock!(lock = true) |
26426 | raise(<<-MSG.squish) |
26427 | Changed attributes: #{', ')}. |
26428 | lock = args.present? ? args.first : true |
26429 | def increment!(*, **) # :nodoc: |
26430 | def define_attribute(name, cast_type, **) # :nodoc: |
26431 | self === subtype ? subtype : super |
26432 | __setobj__(coder["subtype"]) |
26433 | coder["subtype"] = __getobj__ |
26434 | um.set [ |
26435 | sm.limit = 1 |
26436 | if (default = super()) && |
26437 | (result = send(method_name).to_s).present? && |
26438 | timestamp.is_a?(String) && |
26439 | key = timestamp.delete("- :.") |
26440 | key.ljust(20, "0") |
26441 | @keys = [] |
26442 | @keys = @keys.to_set |
26443 | @returning = false if @returning == [] |
26444 | message = +"#{model} " |
26445 | message << "Bulk " if inserts.many? |
26446 | message << (on_duplicate == :update ? "Upsert" : "Insert") |
26447 | match = Array(name_or_columns).map(&:to_s) |
26448 | if index = unique_indexes.find { |i| match.include?( || i.columns == match } |
26449 | return if !value.is_a?(String) || Arel.arel_node?(value) |
26450 | sql = +"(#{format_columns(index.columns)})" |
26451 | sql << " WHERE #{index.where}" if index.where |
26452 | columns.respond_to?(:map) ? quote_columns(columns).join(",") : columns |
26453 | if abstract_class? || self == Base |
26454 | if self == Base |
26455 | :true == (@finder_needs_type_condition ||= descends_from_active_record? ? :false : :true) |
26456 | def dup # :nodoc: |
26457 | if type_name.start_with?("::") |
26458 | name.scan(/::|$/) { candidates.unshift "#{$`}::#{type_name}" } |
26459 | @base_class = if self == Base |
26460 | if attrs.is_a?(Hash) |
26461 | delegate :empty?, :to_a, to: :result |
26462 | def instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) |
26463 | events, @events = @events, [] |
26464 | @pool = pool |
26465 | @error = nil |
26466 | @result = nil |
26467 | @pending && (!@session || |
26468 | @session && ! |
26469 | @lock_wait = 0.0 |
26470 | @result = exec_query(connection, *@args, **@kwargs, async: async) |
26471 | def exec_query(*, **) |
26472 | @@all_cached_fixtures = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
26473 | def [](fs_name) |
26474 | if column_type == :uuid |
26475 | fixtures_map = {} |
26476 | table_rows_for_connection = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
26477 | set.each { |fs| conn.reset_pk_sequence!(fs.table_name) } |
26478 | def [](x) |
26479 | def []=(k, v) |
26480 | fixtures[k] = v |
26481 | ).to_hash |
26482 | if class_name.is_a?(Class) # TODO: Should be an AR::Base type class, or any? |
26483 | [base] |
26484 | yaml_files = Dir["#{path}/{**,*}/*.yml"].select { |f| |
26485 | ::File.file?(f) |
26486 | } + [yaml_file_path(path)] |
26487 | @tables = { |h, table| h[table] = [] } |
26488 | @tables.transform_values { |rows| } |
26489 | now: now, |
26490 | @now = now |
26491 | @row[c_name] = @now unless @row.key?(c_name) |
26492 | @row.each do |key, value| |
26493 | @row[key] = value.gsub("$LABEL", @label.to_s) if value.is_a?(String) |
26494 | next if !model_metadata.has_column?(pk) || @row.include?(pk) |
26495 | @row[name] = values.fetch(@row[name], @row[name]) |
26496 | if value.sub!(/\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*$/, "") |
26497 | targets = targets.is_a?(Array) ? targets : targets.split(/\s*,\s*/) |
26498 | join = { lhs_key => @row[model_metadata.primary_key_name], |
26499 | join[col] = @now |
26500 | %(!!binary "#{Base64.strict_encode64(File.binread(path))}") |
26501 | @column_type ||= {} |
26502 | @column_names ||= @model_class ? : |
26503 | class File # :nodoc: |
26504 | x = new file |
26505 | block_given? ? yield(x) : x |
26506 | @rows ||= raw_rows.reject { |fixture_name, _| fixture_name == "_fixture" } |
26507 | @config_row ||= begin |
26508 | row = raw_rows.find { |fixture_name, _| fixture_name == "_fixture" } |
26509 | { 'model_class': nil, 'ignore': nil } |
26510 | @raw_rows ||= begin |
26511 | data ? validate(data).to_a : [] |
26512 | unless Hash === data |
26513 | unless Hash === data || YAML::Omap === data |
26514 | invalid = data.reject { |_, row| Hash === row } |
26515 | EXPLAINED_SQLS = /\A\s*(\/\*.*\*\/)?\s*(with|select|update|delete|insert)\b/i |
26516 | payload[:cached] || |
26517 | @queries = [] |
26518 | def exec_explain(queries, options = []) # :nodoc: |
26519 | str = do |sql, binds| |
26520 | msg = +"#{build_explain_clause(options)} #{sql}" |
26521 | msg << " " |
26522 | msg << { |attr| render_bind(attr) }.inspect |
26523 | msg << " " |
26524 | def initialize(message = nil, model = nil, primary_key = nil, id = nil) |
26525 | super "Wanted only one #{record&.name || "record"}" |
26526 | super(message || $!&.message) |
26527 | sql: nil, |
26528 | msg = <<~EOM.squish |
26529 | Column `#{foreign_key}` on table `#{table}` does not match column `#{primary_key}` on `#{target_table}`, |
26530 | To resolve this issue, change the type of the `#{foreign_key}` column on `#{table}` to be :#{type}. |
26531 | (For example `t.#{type} :#{foreign_key}`). |
26532 | msg << " Original message: #{message}" |
26533 | if @query_parser && !@sql |
26534 | ).tap do |exception| |
26535 | def initialize(message = nil, code = nil, level = nil, sql = nil) |
26536 | @code = code |
26537 | def load_schema! # :nodoc: |
26538 | raise "Unknown enum attribute '#{name}' for #{}" if Enum::EnumType === cast_type |
26539 | raise ArgumentError, "'#{value}' is not a valid #{name}" |
26540 | def enum(name = nil, values = nil, **options) |
26541 | options.transform_keys! { |key| :"#{key[1..-1]}" } |
26542 | definitions.each { |name, values| _enum(name, values, **options) } |
26543 | detect_enum_conflict!(name, "#{name}=") |
26544 | value_method_names = [] |
26545 | prefix == true ? "#{name}_" : "#{prefix}_" |
26546 | suffix == true ? "_#{name}" : "_#{suffix}" |
26547 | value_method_name = "#{prefix}#{label}#{suffix}" |
26548 | method_friendly_label = label.gsub(/[\W&&[:ascii:]]+/, "_") |
26549 | define_method("#{value_method_name}?") { public_send(:"#{name}_for_database") == value } |
26550 | define_method("#{value_method_name}!") { update!(name => value) } |
26551 | klass.scope value_method_name, -> { where(name => value) } |
26552 | klass.scope "not_#{value_method_name}", -> { where.not(name => value) } |
26553 | if values.keys.any?(&:blank?) |
26554 | if values.any?(&:blank?) |
26555 | { |m| m.start_with?("not_") }.each do |potential_not| |
26556 | inverted_form = potential_not.sub("not_", "") |
26557 | logger.warn "Enum element '#{potential_not}' in #{} uses the prefix 'not_'." \ |
26558 | @fixed ||= @deterministic && (!@deterministic.is_a?(Hash) || @deterministic[:fixed]) |
26559 | delegate :==, :[], :each, :key?, to: :data |
26560 | compressed: "c", |
26561 | iv: "iv", |
26562 | auth_tag: "at", |
26563 | encoding: "e" |
26564 | define_method "#{name}=" do |value| |
26565 | if level > 2 |
26566 | unless data.is_a?(Hash) && data.has_key?("p") |
26567 | @keys = Array(keys) |
26568 | @encryption_key ||= @keys.last.tap do |key| |
26569 | @keys_grouped_by_id ||= @keys.group_by(&:id) |
26570 | if args.is_a?(Array) && (options = args.first).is_a?(Hash) |
26571 | if values.is_a?(Array) && values[1..].all?(AdditionalValue) |
26572 | @clean_values = {} |
26573 | if default && default == value |
26574 | default: -> { columns_hash[name.to_s]&.default }) |
26575 | self.custom_contexts ||= [] |
26576 | raise if index == keys.length - 1 |
26577 | match && match.valid? || super |
26578 | @matchers = [] |
26579 | klass = matchers.find { |k| k.pattern.match?(name) } |
26580 | @pattern ||= /\A#{prefix}_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)#{suffix}\Z/ |
26581 | def self.#{name}(#{signature}) |
26582 | { |name| "_#{name}" }.join(", ") |
26583 | @ids = ids.uniq |
26584 | records = ids.flat_map { |id| records_by_id[id] } |
26585 | primary_key = options[:primary_key] || "id" |
26586 | role_type = options[:foreign_type] || "#{role}_type" |
26587 | define_method "build_#{role}" do |*params| |
26588 | public_send("#{role}=", public_send("#{role}_class").new(*params)) |
26589 | scope_name ="/", "_") |
26590 | scope scope_name, -> { where(role_type => type) } |
26591 | if url.nil? || url.start_with?("jdbc:", "http:", "https:") |
26592 | { url: url } |
26593 | def socket # :nodoc: |
26594 | (configuration_hash[:pool] || 5).to_i |
26595 | def primary? # :nodoc: |
26596 | @env_name = env_name |
26597 | @adapter = @uri.scheme &&"-", "_") |
26598 | @adapter = "postgresql" if @adapter == "postgres" |
26599 | @uri.opaque, @query = @uri.opaque.split("?", 2) |
26600 | @query = @uri.query |
26601 | @uri_parser ||= |
26602 | Hash[(@query || "").split("&").map { |pair| pair.split("=", 2) }].symbolize_keys |
26603 | if @adapter == "sqlite3" |
26604 | self.db_config_handlers = [] # :nodoc: |
26605 | .sort_by.with_index { |db_config, i| db_config.for_current_env? ? [0, i] : [1, i] } |
26606 | .find do |db_config| |
26607 | db_config.env_name == env.to_s || |
26608 | (db_config.for_current_env? && == env.to_s) |
26609 | def primary?(name) # :nodoc: |
26610 | names = |
26611 | raise InvalidConfigurationError, "'{ #{env_name} => #{config} }' is not a valid configuration. Expected '#{config}' to be a URL string or a Hash." |
26612 | url = config[:url] |
26613 | url = ENV[name_env_key] |
26614 | id = super |
26615 | return hash[:role] if hash[:role] && hash[:klasses].include?(Base) |
26616 | @find_by_statement_cache = { true =>, false => } |
26617 | def find(*ids) # :nodoc: |
26618 | cached_find_by([primary_key], [id]) || |
26619 | raise("Couldn't find #{name} with '#{primary_key}'=#{id}", name, primary_key, id)) |
26620 | def find_by(*args) # :nodoc: |
26621 | hash = hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), h| |
26622 | h[key] = value |
26623 | def find_by!(*args) # :nodoc: |
26624 | attr_list = { |name, type| "#{name}: #{type.type}" } * ", " |
26625 | def ===(object) # :nodoc: |
26626 | @arel_table ||=, klass: self) |
26627 | coder["new_record"] = new_record? |
26628 | !id.nil? && |
26629 | id = |
26630 | def <=>(other_object) |
26631 | to_key <=> other_object.to_key |
26632 | def present? # :nodoc: |
26633 | def blank? # :nodoc: |
26634 | unless [:all, :n_plus_one_only].include?(mode) |
26635 | pp.seplist(attr_names, proc { pp.text "," }) do |attr_name| |
26636 | pp.breakable " " |
26637 | pp.text ":" |
26638 | pp.text __getobj__ |
26639 | def connects_to(database: {}, shards: {}) |
26640 | connections = [] |
26641 | if self != Base && !abstract_class |
26642 | if self != Base || classes.include?(Base) |
26643 | current_role == role.to_sym && current_shard == shard.to_sym |
26644 | def clear_cache! # :nodoc: |
26645 | @cache = { |h, pid| h[pid] = {} } |
26646 | def []=(sql, stmt) |
26647 | gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.4" |
26648 | args << "-#{options[:mode]}" if options[:mode] |
26649 | args << "-header" if options[:header] |
26650 | when ":memory:" |
26651 | when /\Afile:/ |
26652 | @config[:database] == ":memory:" || File.exist?(@config[:database].to_s) |
26653 | database_version >= "3.9.0" |
26654 | database_version >= "3.8.3" |
26655 | database_version >= "3.24.0" |
26656 | pks = table_structure(table_name).select { |f| f["pk"] > 0 } |
26657 | pks.sort_by { |f| f["pk"] }.map { |f| f["name"] } |
26658 | fk_info = exec_query("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(#{quote(table_name)})", "SCHEMA") |
26659 | do |row| |
26660 | column: row["from"], |
26661 | primary_key: row["to"], |
26662 | sql = +"INSERT #{insert.into} #{insert.values_list}" |
26663 | sql << { |column| "#{column}=excluded.#{column}" }.join(",") |
26664 | if database_version < "3.8.0" |
26665 | limit || 8 |
26666 | TYPE_MAP = { |m| initialize_type_map(m) } |
26667 | when /^null$/i |
26668 | when /^'(.*)'$/m |
26669 | $1.gsub("''", "'") |
26670 | when /^"(.*)"$/m |
26671 | $1.gsub('""', '"') |
26672 | when /\A-?\d+(\.\d*)?\z/ |
26673 | $& |
26674 | when /x'(.*)'/ |
26675 | [ $1 ].pack("H*") |
26676 | type.to_sym == :primary_key || options[:primary_key] || |
26677 | options[:null] == false && options[:default].nil? |
26678 | rename = options[:rename] || {} |
26679 | def move_table(from, to, options = {}, &block) |
26680 | options[:id] = false |
26681 | (options[:rename][] || |
26682 | copy_table_indexes(from, to, options[:rename] || {}) |
26683 | options[:rename] || {}) |
26684 | def copy_table_indexes(from, to, rename = {}) |
26685 | if to == "a#{from}" |
26686 | name = "t#{name}" |
26687 | elsif from == "a#{to}" |
26688 | name = name[1..-1] |
26689 | columns = { |c| rename[c] || c }.select do |column| |
26690 | options = { name: name.gsub(/(^|_)(#{from})_/, "\\1#{to}_"), internal: true } |
26691 | column_mappings = Hash[ { |name| [name, name] }] |
26692 | rename.each { |a| column_mappings[a.last] = a.first } |
26693 | quoted_columns = { |col| quote_column_name(col) } * "," |
26694 | quoted_from_columns = { |col| quote_column_name(col) } * "," |
26695 | if exception.message.match?(/(column(s)? .* (is|are) not unique|UNIQUE constraint failed: .*)/i) |
26696 | collation_hash = {} |
26697 | auto_increments = {} |
26698 | WHERE type = 'table' AND name = #{quote(table_name)} |
26699 | columns_string = result.split("(", 2).last |
26700 | next if row["name"].start_with?("sqlite_") |
26701 | WHERE name = #{quote(row['name'])} AND type = 'index' |
26702 | columns = exec_query("PRAGMA index_info(#{quote(row['name'])})", "SCHEMA").map do |col| |
26703 | col["name"] |
26704 | orders = {} |
26705 | index_sql.scan(/"(\w+)" DESC/).flatten.each { |order_column| |
26706 | row["name"], |
26707 | row["unique"] != 0, |
26708 | to_table ||= options[:to_table] |
26709 | table = to_table || begin |
26710 | table = options[:column].to_s.delete_suffix("_id") |
26711 | fk_to_table == table && options.all? { |k, v| fk.options[k].to_s == v.to_s } |
26712 | end || raise(ArgumentError, "Table '#{from_table}' has no foreign key for #{to_table || options}") |
26713 | WHERE name = #{quote(table_name)} AND type = 'table' |
26714 | table_sql.to_s.scan(/CONSTRAINT\s+(?<name>\w+)\s+CHECK\s+\((?<expression>(:?[^()]|\(\g<expression>\))+)\)/i).map do |name, expression| |
26715 | super + [:rename] |
26716 | field["name"], |
26717 | field["notnull"].to_i == 0, |
26718 | scope[:type] ||= "'table','view'" |
26719 | sql << " AND name = #{scope[:name]}" if scope[:name] |
26720 | sql << " AND type IN (#{scope[:type]})" |
26721 | type = \ |
26722 | scope = {} |
26723 | sql << " COLLATE \"#{options[:collation]}\"" |
26724 | self.class.quoted_table_names[name] ||= super.gsub(".", "\".\"").freeze |
26725 | self.class.quoted_column_names[name] ||= %Q("#{super.gsub('"', '""')}") |
26726 | value = value.change(year: 2000, month: 1, day: 1) |
26727 | quoted_date(value).sub(/\A\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d /, "2000-01-01 ") |
26728 | if value.is_a?(Proc) |
26729 | if value.match?(/\A\w+\(.*\)\z/) |
26730 | def type_cast(value) # :nodoc: |
26731 | (?: |
26732 | ((?:\w+\.|"\w+"\.)?(?:\w+|"\w+") | \w+\((?:|\g<2>)\)) |
26733 | (?:(?:\s+AS)?\s+(?:\w+|"\w+"))? |
26734 | (?:\s*,\s*\g<1>)* |
26735 | \z |
26736 | /ix |
26737 | row.join("|") |
26738 | end.join(" ") + " " |
26739 | ) # :nodoc: |
26740 | def write_query?(sql) # :nodoc: |
26741 | def explain(arel, binds = [], _options = []) |
26742 | result = exec_query(sql, "EXPLAIN", []) |
26743 | def execute(sql, name = nil, allow_retry: false) # :nodoc: |
26744 | def exec_query(sql, name = nil, binds = [], prepare: false, async: false) # :nodoc: |
26745 | stmt = @statements[sql] ||= conn.prepare(sql) |
26746 | def exec_delete(sql, name = "SQL", binds = []) # :nodoc: |
26747 | def initialize(*, auto_increment: nil, **) |
26748 | other.is_a?(Column) && |
26749 | @sql_type = sql_type |
26750 | sql_type == other.sql_type && |
26751 | type == other.type && |
26752 | limit == other.limit && |
26753 | precision.hash >> 1 ^ |
26754 | scale.hash >> 2 |
26755 | @sql_type = -sql_type |
26756 | if File.extname(filename) == ".gz" |
26757 | @columns_hash = {} |
26758 | @data_sources = {} |
26759 | tables_to_cache.each { |table| add(table) } |
26760 | open(filename) { |f| |
26761 | @indexes ||= {} |
26762 | { |i| deep_deduplicate(i) } |
26763 | gem "pg", "~> 1.1" |
26764 | rescue ::PG::Error => error |
26765 | if conn_params && conn_params[:dbname] == "postgres" |
26766 | end.join(" ") |
26767 | bit_varying: { name: "bit varying" }, |
26768 | database_version >= 11_00_00 # >= 11.0 |
26769 | database_version >= 12_00_00 # >= 12.0 |
26770 | database_version >= 9_05_00 # >= 9.5 |
26771 | @counter = 0 |
26772 | @type_map = nil |
26773 | def discard! # :nodoc: |
26774 | database_version >= 9_04_00 # >= 9.4 |
26775 | unless lock_id.is_a?(Integer) && lock_id.bit_length <= 63 |
26776 | schema, name = name.to_s.split(".").values_at(-2, -1) |
26777 | sql << " SCHEMA #{schema}" if schema |
26778 | name, schema = row[0], row[2] |
26779 | full_name = [schema, name].compact.join(".") |
26780 | sql_values = { |s| quote(s) }.join(", ") |
26781 | WHERE t.typname = #{scope[:name]} |
26782 | AND n.nspname = #{scope[:schema]} |
26783 | $$; |
26784 | index.using == :btree || super |
26785 | if database_version < 9_03_00 # < 9.3 |
26786 | m.alias_type "char", "varchar" |
26787 | m.alias_type "name", "varchar" |
26788 | m.register_type "numeric" do |_, fmod, sql_type| |
26789 | if fmod && (fmod - 4 & 0xffff).zero? |
26790 | when /\A[(B]?'(.*)'.*::"?([\w. ]+)"?(?:\[\])?\z/m |
26791 | if $1 == "now" && $2 == "date" |
26792 | when "true", "false" |
26793 | when /\A\(?(-?\d+(\.\d*)?)\)?(::bigint)?\z/ |
26794 | $1 |
26795 | when /\A-?\d+\z/ |
26796 | def get_oid_type(oid, fmod, column_name, sql_type = "") |
26797 | if !type_map.key?(oid) |
26798 | yield query + "WHERE t.oid IN (%s)" % oids.join(", ") |
26799 | sql_key = sql_key(sql) |
26800 | do |k, v| |
26801 | if v == ":default" || v == :default |
26802 | elsif !v.nil? |
26803 | sql[/into\s("[A-Za-z0-9_."\[\]\s]+"|[A-Za-z0-9_."\[\]]+)\s*/im] |
26804 | $1.strip if $1 |
26805 | @case_insensitive_cache ||= { "citext" => false } |
26806 | ) OR exists( |
26807 | coders_by_name = { |
26808 | known_coder_types = { |n| quote(n) } |
26809 | query = <<~SQL % known_coder_types.join(", ") |
26810 | @timestamp_decoder = coders.find { |coder| == "timestamp" } |
26811 | row["oid"].to_i, name: row["typname"]) |
26812 | def decode(value, tuple = nil, field = nil) |
26813 | class Name # :nodoc: |
26814 | def ==(o) |
26815 | o.class == self.class && == parts |
26816 | alias_method :eql?, :== |
26817 | @parts ||= [@schema, @identifier].compact |
26818 | schema, table = string.scan(/[^".]+|"[^"]*"/) |
26819 | @oid = oid |
26820 | @fmod = fmod |
26821 | __getobj__ == other.__getobj__ && |
26822 | oid == other.oid && |
26823 | __getobj__.hash ^ |
26824 | oid.hash ^ |
26825 | __setobj__(__getobj__.deduplicate) |
26826 | def recreate_database(name, options = {}) # :nodoc: |
26827 | option_string = options.each_with_object(+"") do |(key, value), memo| |
26828 | memo << case key |
26829 | execute "DROP TABLE#{' IF EXISTS' if options[:if_exists]} #{quote_table_name(table_name)}#{' CASCADE' if options[:force] == :cascade}" |
26830 | AND i.relname = #{index[:name]} |
26831 | AND t.relname = #{table[:name]} |
26832 | AND n.nspname = #{table[:schema]} |
26833 | AND t.relname = #{scope[:name]} |
26834 | index_name = row[0] |
26835 | unique = row[1] |
26836 | indkey = row[2].split(" ").map(&:to_i) |
26837 | inddef = row[3] |
26838 | oid = row[4] |
26839 | comment = row[5] |
26840 | valid = row[6] |
26841 | opclasses = {} |
26842 | include_columns = include ? include.split(",").map(&:strip) : [] |
26843 | columns = Hash[query(<<~SQL, "SCHEMA")].values_at(*indkey).compact |
26844 | WHERE a.attrelid = #{oid} |
26845 | AND a.attnum IN (#{indkey.join(",")}) |
26846 | orders[column] = [desc, nulls].compact.join(" ") |
26847 | { comment: comment } |
26848 | WHERE c.relname = #{scope[:name]} |
26849 | AND c.relkind IN (#{scope[:type]}) |
26850 | WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_.*' |
26851 | def default_sequence_name(table_name, pk = "id") # :nodoc: |
26852 |, "#{table_name}_#{pk}_seq").to_s |
26853 | query_value("SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(#{quote(table)}, #{quote(column)})", "SCHEMA") |
26854 | query_value("SELECT setval(#{quote(quoted_sequence)}, #{value})", "SCHEMA") |
26855 | def reset_pk_sequence!(table, pk = nil, sequence = nil) # :nodoc: |
26856 | pk ||= default_pk |
26857 | if @logger && pk && !sequence |
26858 | max_pk = query_value("SELECT MAX(#{quote_column_name pk}) FROM #{quote_table_name(table)}", "SCHEMA") |
26859 | query_value("SELECT setval(#{quote(quoted_sequence)}, #{max_pk || minvalue}, #{max_pk ? true : false})", "SCHEMA") |
26860 | WHEN split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2) ~ '.' THEN |
26861 | substr(split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2), |
26862 | strpos(split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2), '.')+1) |
26863 | ELSE split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2) |
26864 | AND cons.contype = 'p' |
26865 | [pk, nil] |
26866 | ) i |
26867 | AND a.attnum = i.indkey[i.idx] |
26868 | idx = "#{table_name}_pkey" |
26869 | new_idx = "#{new_name}_pkey" |
26870 | if seq && seq.identifier == "#{table_name}_#{pk}_seq" |
26871 | new_seq = "#{new_name}_#{pk}_seq" |
26872 | sqls, procs = Array(change_column_for_alter(table_name, column_name, type, **options)).partition { |v| v.is_a?(String) } |
26873 | execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{sqls.join(", ")}" |
26874 | AND t1.relname = #{scope[:name]} |
26875 | AND t3.nspname = #{scope[:schema]} |
26876 | name: row["name"], |
26877 | options[:validate] = row["valid"] |
26878 | name: row["conname"], |
26879 | expression = row["constraintdef"][/CHECK \((.+)\)/m, 1] |
26880 | exclusion_info = exec_query(<<-SQL, "SCHEMA") |
26881 | method_and_elements_parts = method_and_elements.match(/EXCLUDE(?: USING (?<using>\S+))? \((?<expression>.+)\)/) |
26882 | WHERE a.attrelid = #{row['conindid']} |
26883 | def type_to_sql(type, limit: nil, precision: nil, scale: nil, array: nil, enum_type: nil, **) # :nodoc: |
26884 | sql = \ |
26885 | when 1, 2; "smallint" |
26886 | when nil, 3, 4; "integer" |
26887 | when 5..8; "bigint" |
26888 | sql = "#{sql}[]" if array && type != :primary_key |
26889 | } { |column, i| "#{column} AS alias_#{i}" } |
26890 | (order_columns << super).join(", ") |
26891 | if match = default_function&.match(/\Anextval\('"?(?<sequence_name>.+_(?<suffix>seq\d*))"?'::regclass\)\z/) |
26892 | when "c"; :cascade |
26893 | when "n"; :nullify |
26894 | when "r"; :restrict |
26895 | deferrable && (deferred ? :deferred : true) |
26896 | column << " #{opclasses[name]}" if opclasses[name].present? |
26897 | identifier = "#{table_name}_#{column_name}_unique" |
26898 | scope[:type] ||= "'r','v','m','p','f'" # (r)elation/table, (v)iew, (m)aterialized view, (p)artitioned table, (f)oreign table |
26899 | sql << " WHERE n.nspname = #{scope[:schema]}" |
26900 | sql << " AND c.relname = #{scope[:name]}" if scope[:name] |
26901 | sql << " AND c.relkind IN (#{scope[:type]})" |
26902 | scope[:schema] = schema ? quote(schema) : "ANY (current_schemas(false))" |
26903 | parts << "name: #{}" |
26904 | spec[:array] = "true" if column.array? |
26905 | spec[:stored] = true |
26906 | spec[:enum_type] = "\"#{column.sql_type}\"" if column.enum? |
26907 | column.type == :uuid || (column.type == :integer && !column.serial?) |
26908 | if type == :uuid |
26909 | :hstore, :inet, :interval, :int4range, :int8range, :jsonb, :ltree, :macaddr, |
26910 | :money, :numrange, :oid, :point, :line, :lseg, :box, :path, :polygon, :circle, |
26911 | def initialize(*, **) |
26912 | @unique_keys = [] |
26913 | super + [:array, :using, :cast_as, :as, :type, :enum_type, :stored] |
26914 | if type == :bigint || options[:limit] == 8 |
26915 | @unique_key_adds = [] |
26916 | @unique_key_drops = [] |
26917 | sql << { |con| visit_AddUniqueKey con }.join(" ") |
26918 | sql << { |con| visit_DropUniqueKey con }.join(" ") |
26919 | super.dup.tap { |sql| sql << " NOT VALID" unless o.validate? } |
26920 | sql << |
26921 | sql << "USING #{o.using}" if o.using |
26922 | sql << "(#{o.expression})" |
26923 | sql << "WHERE (#{o.where})" if o.where |
26924 | sql.join(" ") |
26925 | column_name = Array(o.columns).map { |column| quote_column_name(column) }.join(", ") |
26926 | sql << "(#{column_name})" |
26927 | change_column_sql << " COLLATE \"#{options[:collation]}\"" |
26928 | change_column_sql << " USING #{options[:using]}" |
26929 | cast_as_type = type_to_sql(options[:cast_as], **options) |
26930 | change_column_sql << " USING CAST(#{quoted_column_name} AS #{cast_as_type})" |
26931 | sql = +"ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name(} " |
26932 | if as = options[:as] |
26933 | String === o ? o : quoted_include_columns_for_index(o) |
26934 | do $$ |
26935 | def quote(value) # :nodoc: |
26936 | def quote_string(s) # :nodoc: |
26937 | if value.year <= 0 |
26938 | bce_year = format("%04d", -value.year + 1) |
26939 | super.sub(/^-?\d+/, bce_year) + " BC" |
26940 | elsif column.type == :uuid && value.is_a?(String) && value.include?("()") |
26941 | { value: value.to_s, format: 1 } |
26942 | super(query_value("SELECT #{quote(sql_type)}::regtype::oid", "SCHEMA").to_i) |
26943 | infinity?(value) ? "" : type_cast(value) |
26944 | module OID # :nodoc: |
26945 | class Xml < Type::String # :nodoc: |
26946 | class Vector < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
26947 | class Uuid < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
26948 | new_value && old_value.casecmp(new_value) != 0 |
26949 | new_value && raw_old_value.casecmp(new_value) != 0 |
26950 | nodes = records.reject { |row| @store.key? row["oid"].to_i } |
26951 | mapped = nodes.extract! { |row| @store.key? row["typname"] } |
26952 | ranges = nodes.extract! { |row| row["typtype"] == "r" } |
26953 | enums = nodes.extract! { |row| row["typtype"] == "e" } |
26954 | domains = nodes.extract! { |row| row["typtype"] == "d" } |
26955 | arrays = nodes.extract! { |row| row["typinput"] == "array_in" } |
26956 | composites = nodes.extract! { |row| row["typelem"].to_i != 0 } |
26957 | known_type_names = { |n| "'#{n}'" } |
26958 | <<~SQL % known_type_names.join(", ") |
26959 | t.typname IN (%s) |
26960 | known_type_types = %w('r' 'e' 'd') |
26961 | <<~SQL % known_type_types.join(", ") |
26962 | t.typtype IN (%s) |
26963 | known_type_oids = @store.keys.reject { |k| k.is_a?(String) } |
26964 | <<~SQL % [known_type_oids.join(", ")] |
26965 | t.typelem IN (%s) |
26966 | alias_type row["oid"], row["typname"] |
26967 | warn "unknown base type (OID: #{row["typbasetype"]}) for domain #{row["typname"]}." |
26968 | register(oid) do |_, *args| |
26969 | if is_utc? |
26970 | class Range < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
26971 | return if value == "empty" |
26972 | other.is_a?(Range) && |
26973 | def map(value) # :nodoc: |
26974 | value.is_a?(::Range) |
26975 | from, to = value[1..-2].split(",", 2) |
26976 | exclude_start: value.start_with?("("), |
26977 | if value.start_with?('"') && value.end_with?('"') |
26978 | unquoted_value = value[1..-2] |
26979 | unquoted_value.gsub!('""', '"') |
26980 | unquoted_value.gsub!("\\\\", "\\") |
26981 | Point =, :y) |
26982 | class Point < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
26983 | if value.start_with?("(") && value.end_with?(")") |
26984 | value = value[1...-1] |
26985 | x, y = value.split(",") |
26986 | [value.x, value.y] |
26987 | value = value.sub(/^\((.+)\)$/, '-\1') # (4) |
26988 | value.gsub!(/[^-\d.]/, "") |
26989 | value.gsub!(/[^-\d,]/, "").sub!(/,/, ".") |
26990 | cast(value.split(",")) |
26991 | { |v| Float(v) } |
26992 | if value.is_a?(::Array) |
26993 | class Jsonb < Type::Json # :nodoc: |
26994 | class Inet < Cidr # :nodoc: |
26995 | class Hstore < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
26996 | unless key = scanner.scan(/^(\\[\\"]|[^\\"])*?(?=")/) |
26997 | unless scanner.skip(/"=>?/) |
26998 | unless value = scanner.scan(/^(\\[\\"]|[^\\"])*?(?=")/) |
26999 | key.gsub!('\"', '"') |
27000 | key.gsub!("\\\\", "\\") |
27001 | value.gsub!('\"', '"') |
27002 | value.gsub!("\\\\", "\\") |
27003 | unless scanner.skip(/, /) || scanner.eos? |
27004 | if value.is_a?(::Hash) |
27005 | { |k, v| "#{escape_hstore(k)}=>#{escape_hstore(v)}" }.join(", ") |
27006 | if value == "" |
27007 | class Enum < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
27008 | def infinity(options = {}) |
27009 | BigDecimal("Infinity") * (options[:negative] ? -1 : 1) |
27010 | when / BC$/ |
27011 | value = value.sub(/^\d+/) { |year| format("%04d", -year.to_i + 1) } |
27012 | class Date < Type::Date # :nodoc: |
27013 | class Cidr < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
27014 | if IPAddr === value |
27015 | class Bytea < Type::Binary # :nodoc: |
27016 | class Bit < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
27017 | if ::String === value |
27018 | when /^0x/i |
27019 | /\A[01]*\Z/.match?(value) |
27020 | /\A[0-9A-F]*\Z/i.match?(value) |
27021 | class Array < Type::Value # :nodoc: |
27022 | Data =, :values) # :nodoc: |
27023 | @pg_encoder = name: "#{type}[]", delimiter: delimiter |
27024 | @pg_decoder = name: "#{type}[]", delimiter: delimiter |
27025 | if value.is_a?(::String) |
27026 | other.is_a?(Array) && |
27027 | { |v|, &block) } |
27028 | value.is_a?(::Array) |
27029 | { |item| type_cast_array(item, method) } |
27030 | width = [header, *lines].map(&:length).max + 2 |
27031 | pp = [] |
27032 | pp << "-" * width |
27033 | pp += { |line| " #{line}" } |
27034 | rows_label = nrows == 1 ? "row" : "rows" |
27035 | pp << "(#{nrows} #{rows_label})" |
27036 | pp.join(" ") + " " |
27037 | def explain(arel, binds = [], options = []) |
27038 | def query(sql, name = nil) # :nodoc: |
27039 | :close, :declare, :fetch, :move, :set, :show |
27040 | def exec_query(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], prepare: false, async: false, allow_retry: false, uses_transaction: true) # :nodoc: |
27041 | types = {} |
27042 | def exec_delete(sql, name = nil, binds = []) # :nodoc: |
27043 | def sql_for_insert(sql, pk, binds) # :nodoc: |
27044 | if pk.nil? |
27045 | sql = "#{sql} RETURNING #{quote_column_name(pk)}" |
27046 | def exec_insert(sql, name = nil, binds = [], pk = nil, sequence_name = nil) # :nodoc: |
27047 | if use_insert_returning? || pk == false |
27048 | ["TRUNCATE TABLE #{", ")}"] |
27049 | exec_query("SELECT currval(#{quote(sequence_name)})", "SQL") |
27050 | def initialize(*, serial: nil, generated: nil, **) |
27051 | super && !virtual? |
27052 | sql_type_metadata.sql_type.end_with?("[]") |
27053 | type == :enum |
27054 | super.delete_suffix("[]") |
27055 | @serial = coder["serial"] |
27056 | coder["serial"] = @serial |
27057 | @role_to_shard_mapping = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
27058 | @role = role |
27059 | @pool = nil |
27060 | gem "mysql2", "~> 0.5" |
27061 | @config[:flags] ||= 0 |
27062 | !mariadb? && database_version >= "5.7.8" |
27063 | def each_hash(result, &block) # :nodoc: |
27064 | indexes = [] |
27065 | next if row[:Key_name] == "PRIMARY" # skip the primary key |
27066 | indexes << [ |
27067 | row[:Table], |
27068 | row[:Key_name], |
27069 | row[:Non_unique].to_i == 0, |
27070 | lengths: {}, |
27071 | orders: {}, |
27072 | expression = +"(#{expression})" unless expression.start_with?("(") |
27073 | indexes.last[-1][:expressions] ||= {} |
27074 | indexes.last[-1][:orders][expression] = :desc if row[:Collation] == "D" |
27075 | indexes.last[-2] << row[:Column_name] |
27076 | indexes.last[-1][:lengths][row[:Column_name]] = row[:Sub_part].to_i if row[:Sub_part] |
27077 | indexes.last[-1][:orders][row[:Column_name]] = :desc if row[:Collation] == "D" |
27078 | columns = index[-1].to_h { |name| |
27079 | [ name.to_sym, expressions[name] || +quote_column_name(name) ] |
27080 | ).values.join(", ") |
27081 | options[:collation] = collation.sub(/\A[^_]+/, "utf8") |
27082 | def type_to_sql(type, limit: nil, precision: nil, scale: nil, size: limit_to_size(limit, type), unsigned: nil, **) |
27083 | sql = |
27084 | if (0..0xfff) === limit |
27085 | sql = "#{sql} unsigned" if unsigned && type != :primary_key |
27086 | database_version >= "10.2.2" |
27087 | database_version >= "5.7.9" |
27088 | if query_value("SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table = 1 AND @@innodb_file_format = 'Barracuda'") == 1 |
27089 | super + [:unsigned] |
27090 | match = create_table_info(table_name)&.match(/`#{field_name}` (.+) DEFAULT ('|\d+|[A-z]+)/) |
27091 | if default_pre == "'" |
27092 | elsif default_pre&.match?(/^\d+$/) |
27093 | elsif default_pre&.match?(/^[A-z]+$/) |
27094 | if type_metadata.type == :datetime && /\ACURRENT_TIMESTAMP(?:\([0-6]?\))?\z/i.match?(default) |
27095 | default = +"(#{default})" unless default.start_with?("(") |
27096 | elsif type_metadata.type == :text && default&.start_with?("'") |
27097 | default = default[1...-1].gsub("\\'", "'") |
27098 | elsif default&.match?(/\A\d/) |
27099 | field[:Null] == "YES", |
27100 | column << "(#{lengths[name]})" if lengths[name].present? |
27101 | sql << " WHERE table_schema = #{scope[:schema]}" |
27102 | sql << " AND table_name = #{scope[:name]}" |
27103 | sql << " AND table_type = #{scope[:type]}" if scope[:type] |
27104 | scope[:schema] = schema ? quote(schema) : "database()" |
27105 | schema, name = string.to_s.scan(/[^`.\s]+|`[^`]*`/) |
27106 | when nil, "tiny", "medium", "long" |
27107 | when "text", "blob", "binary" |
27108 | when nil, 4; "int" |
27109 | if /\A(?<size>tiny|medium|long)(?:text|blob)/ =~ column.sql_type |
27110 | spec = { size: size.to_sym.inspect }.merge!(spec) |
27111 | when /\A(?:enum|set)\b/ |
27112 | super unless /\A(?:tiny|medium|long)?(?:text|blob)\b/.match?(column.sql_type) |
27113 | if /\Atime(?:stamp)?\b/.match?(column.sql_type) && column.precision == 0 |
27114 | column.precision == 0 ? "nil" : super |
27115 | @table_collation_cache ||= {} |
27116 | if %r/#{column_name} #{Regexp.quote(column.sql_type)}(?: COLLATE \w+)? AS \((?<expression>.+?)\) #{column.extra}/ =~ create_table_info |
27117 | @connection.query_value(sql, "SCHEMA").gsub("\\'", "'").inspect |
27118 | options[:limit] ||= 8 |
27119 | when /\Aunsigned_(?<type>.+)\z/ |
27120 | type = $~[:type].to_sym |
27121 | super + [:auto_increment, :charset, :as, :size, :unsigned, :first, :after, :type, :stored] |
27122 | change_column_sql = +"CHANGE #{quote_column_name(} #{accept(o.column)}" |
27123 | if o.default.nil? && !o.column.null |
27124 | sql << " #{o.algorithm}" if o.algorithm |
27125 | index_type = o.type&.to_s&.upcase || o.unique && "UNIQUE" |
27126 | sql = create ? ["CREATE"] : [] |
27127 | sql << "ON #{quote_table_name(o.table)}" if create |
27128 | sql << "(#{quoted_columns(o)})" |
27129 | add_sql_comment!(sql.join(" "), o.comment) |
27130 | sql << " NULL" unless options[:null] == false || options_include_default?(options) |
27131 | sql << " AS (#{as})" |
27132 | sql << " AFTER #{quote_column_name(options[:after])}" |
27133 | self.class.quoted_column_names[name] ||= "`#{super.gsub('`', '``')}`" |
27134 | self.class.quoted_table_names[name] ||= super.gsub(".", "`.`").freeze |
27135 | super.sub(/\.\d{6}\z/, "") |
27136 | ((?:\w+\.|`\w+`\.)?(?:\w+|`\w+`) | \w+\((?:|\g<2>)\)) |
27137 | (?:(?:\s+AS)?\s+(?:\w+|`\w+`))? |
27138 | pp << build_cells(row, widths) |
27139 | [].tap do |widths| |
27140 | cells_in_column = [column] + { |r| r[i].nil? ? "NULL" : r[i].to_s } |
27141 | cells = [] |
27142 | item = "NULL" if item.nil? |
27143 | justifier = item.is_a?(Numeric) ? "rjust" : "ljust" |
27144 | def select_all(*, **) # :nodoc: |
27145 | :desc, :describe, :set, :show, :use |
27146 | def exec_query(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], prepare: false, async: false) # :nodoc: |
27147 | build_result(columns: [], rows: []) |
27148 | explain_clause = "EXPLAIN #{options.join(" ").upcase}" |
27149 | flags = @config[:flags] |
27150 | previous_packet << "; " |
27151 | mariadb? && database_version >= "10.1.0" |
27152 | /\bunsigned(?: zerofill)?\z/.match?(sql_type) |
27153 | collation && !collation.end_with?("_ci") |
27154 | @registry ||= {} |
27155 | def new(*, **) |
27156 | @null = null |
27157 | /\Abigint\b/.match?(sql_type) |
27158 | @name = coder["name"] |
27159 | @null = coder["null"] |
27160 | coder["name"] = @name |
27161 | coder["null"] = @null |
27162 | name == && |
27163 | null == other.null && |
27164 | @name = -name |
27165 | host: "--host", |
27166 | port: "--port", |
27167 | socket: "--socket", |
27168 | username: "--user", |
27169 | sslca: "--ssl-ca", |
27170 | sslcert: "--ssl-cert", |
27171 | sslkey: "--ssl-key", |
27172 | ssl_mode: "--ssl-mode" |
27173 | }.filter_map { |opt, arg| "#{arg}=#{mysql_config[opt]}" if mysql_config[opt] } |
27174 | args << "--password=#{mysql_config[:password]}" |
27175 | args << "-p" |
27176 | find_cmd_and_exec(["mysql", "mysql5"], *args) |
27177 | def mariadb? # :nodoc: |
27178 | !mariadb? && database_version >= "8.0.1" |
27179 | !mariadb? && database_version >= "8.0.13" |
27180 | database_version >= "10.3.10" || (database_version < "10.3" && database_version >= "10.2.22") |
27181 | database_version >= "8.0.16" |
27182 | mariadb? || database_version >= "5.6.4" |
27183 | mariadb? || database_version >= "5.7.5" |
27184 | !mariadb? && database_version >= "5.7.7" |
27185 | database_version >= "10.2.1" |
27186 | database_version >= "8.0.1" |
27187 | query_value("SELECT GET_LOCK(#{quote(lock_name.to_s)}, #{timeout})") == 1 |
27188 | def execute_and_free(sql, name = nil, async: false) # :nodoc: |
27189 | AND table_name = #{scope[:name]} |
27190 | comment = "" if comment.nil? |
27191 | execute "DROP#{' TEMPORARY' if options[:temporary]} TABLE#{' IF EXISTS' if options[:if_exists]} #{quote_table_name(table_name)}#{' CASCADE' if options[:force] == :cascade}" |
27192 | sql << " COMMENT #{quote(comment)}" if comment.present? |
27193 | AND fk.table_schema = #{scope[:schema]} |
27194 | AND fk.table_name = #{scope[:name]} |
27195 | AND rc.table_name = #{scope[:name]} |
27196 | AND tc.table_name = #{scope[:name]} |
27197 | sql += " AND cc.table_name = #{scope[:name]}" if mariadb? |
27198 | chk_info = exec_query(sql, "SCHEMA") |
27199 | name: row["name"] |
27200 | raw_table_options = create_table_info.sub(/\A.* \) ?/m, "").sub(/ \/\*!.*\*\/ \z/m, "").strip |
27201 | table_options = {} |
27202 | raw_table_options = $` + $' # before part + after part |
27203 | if raw_table_options.sub!(/ COMMENT='.+'/, "") |
27204 | AND table_schema = #{scope[:schema]} |
27205 | sql << insert.touch_model_timestamps_unless { |column| "#{column}<=>VALUES(#{column})" } |
27206 | sql << { |column| "#{column}=VALUES(#{column})" }.join(",") |
27207 | if database_version < "5.5.8" |
27208 | m.register_type %r(^tinyint\(1\))i, |
27209 | m.register_type(%r(char)i) do |sql_type| |
27210 | m.register_type %r(mediumtext)i, 2**24 - 1) |
27211 | m.alias_type %r(year)i, "integer" |
27212 | if /\A(?:date)?time(?:stamp)?\b/.match?(sql_type) |
27213 | super || 0 |
27214 | warning.level == "Note" || super |
27215 | database_version >= "10.5.2" |
27216 | database_version >= "5.7.6" |
27217 | database_version >= "8.0.3" |
27218 | defaults = [":default", :default].to_set |
27219 | sql_mode_assignment = "@@SESSION.sql_mode = #{sql_mode}, " if sql_mode |
27220 | encoding = +"NAMES #{@config[:encoding]}" |
27221 | encoding << " COLLATE #{@config[:collation]}" if @config[:collation] |
27222 | encoding << ", " |
27223 | /Referencing column '(\w+)' and referenced/i =~ message ? $1 : '\w+' |
27224 | match = %r/ |
27225 | FOREIGN\s+KEY\s*\(`?(?<foreign_key>#{foreign_key_pat})`?\)\s* |
27226 | REFERENCES\s*(`?(?<target_table>\w+)`?)\s*\(`?(?<primary_key>\w+)`?\) |
27227 | full_version_string.match(/^(?:5\.5\.5-)?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/)[1] |
27228 | "1", false: "0", **args) |
27229 | "1", false: "0", **args) |
27230 | if config == "false" |
27231 | when "utc", "local" |
27232 | DEFAULT_READ_QUERY = [:begin, :commit, :explain, :release, :rollback, :savepoint, :select, :with] # :nodoc: |
27233 | parts = { |part| /#{part}/i } |
27234 | @quoted_column_names ||= {} |
27235 | @quoted_table_names ||= {} |
27236 | commands = { |cmd| "#{cmd}#{ext}" } |
27237 | abort("Couldn't find database client: #{commands.join(', ')}. Check your $PATH and try again.") |
27238 | @config = (deprecated_config || {}).symbolize_keys |
27239 | @lock = |
27240 | @config[:replica] || false |
27241 | (@config[:connection_retries] || 1).to_i |
27242 | @version = version_string.split(".").map(&:to_i) |
27243 | def <=>(version_string) |
27244 | @version <=> version_string.split(".").map(&:to_i) |
27245 | @version.join(".") |
27246 | def valid_type?(type) # :nodoc: |
27247 | if in_use? |
27248 | msg << "it is already in use by a different thread: #{@owner}. " \ |
27249 | def steal! # :nodoc: |
27250 | def create_enum(*) # :nodoc: |
27251 | def drop_enum(*) # :nodoc: |
27252 | def clean! # :nodoc: |
27253 | m.alias_type %r(\A[^\(]*timestamp)i, "datetime" |
27254 | if scale == 0 |
27255 | when /\((\d+)\)/ then 0 |
27256 | when /\((\d+)(,(\d+))\)/ then $3.to_i |
27257 | $1.to_i if sql_type =~ /\((\d+)(,\d+)?\)/ |
27258 | $1.to_i if sql_type =~ /\((.*)\)/ |
27259 | (@verified && @raw_connection) || |
27260 | message = "#{}: #{e.message}" |
27261 | def log(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], type_casted_binds = [], statement_name = nil, async: false, &block) # :doc: |
27262 | columns(table_name).detect { |c| == column_name } || |
27263 | @children ||= [] |
27264 | @state == :committed || @state == :fully_committed |
27265 | @state == :rolledback || @state == :fully_rolledback |
27266 | @children&.each { |c| c.rollback! } |
27267 | @children&.each { |c| c.invalidate! } |
27268 | @state = nil |
27269 | def add_record(record, _ = true); end |
27270 | @dirty = true |
27271 | @records ||= [] |
27272 | joinable? && !dirty? |
27273 | ite&.each do |i| |
27274 | ite&.each { |i| i.committed!(should_run_callbacks: false) } |
27275 | def open?; !closed?; end |
27276 | records.uniq(&:__id__) |
27277 | @stack = [] |
27278 | @stack.each(&:restore!) |
27279 | @stack.none?(&:dirty?) |
27280 | table_name[0...table_alias_length].tr(".", "_") |
27281 | indexes(table_name).any? { |i| i.defined_for?(column_name, **options) } |
27282 | checks = [] |
27283 | checks << lambda { |c| == column_name } |
27284 | checks << lambda { |c| c.type == type.to_sym rescue nil } if type |
27285 | checks << lambda { |c| c.send(attr) == options[attr] } if options.key?(attr) |
27286 | columns(table_name).any? { |c| checks.all? { |check| check[c] } } |
27287 | pk = pk.first unless pk.size > 1 |
27288 | t1_ref, t2_ref = [table_1, table_2].map { |t| reference_name_for_table(t) } |
27289 | def add_columns(table_name, *column_names, type:, **options) # :nodoc: |
27290 | if type == :datetime && !options.key?(:precision) |
27291 | old_index_def = indexes(table_name).detect { |i| == old_name } |
27292 | if Hash === options |
27293 | indexes(table_name).detect { |i| == index_name } |
27294 | foreign_key_options[:column] ||= "#{ref_name}_id" |
27295 | if !options.key?(:name) && !options.key?(:expression) |
27296 | { primary_key: true } |
27297 | inserting = (versions - migrated).select { |v| v < version } |
27298 | if (duplicate = inserting.detect { |v| inserting.count(v) > 1 }) |
27299 | def type_to_sql(type, limit: nil, precision: nil, scale: nil, **) # :nodoc: |
27300 | column_type_sql = (native.is_a?(Hash) ? native[:name] : native).dup |
27301 | scale ||= native[:scale] |
27302 | column_type_sql << "(#{precision},#{scale})" |
27303 | column_type_sql << "(#{precision})" |
27304 | if (0..6) === precision |
27305 | elsif (type != :primary_key) && (limit ||= native.is_a?(Hash) && native[:limit]) |
27306 | column_type_sql << "(#{limit})" |
27307 | execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{fragments.join(', ')}" |
27308 | index_name = name&.to_s |
27309 | lengths: options[:length] || {}, |
27310 | orders: options[:order] || {}, |
27311 | opclasses: options[:opclass] || {}, |
27312 | options.include?(:default) && !(options[:null] == false && options[:default].nil?) |
27313 | sql_fragments = [] |
27314 | method = :"#{command}_for_alter" |
27315 | sqls, procs = Array(send(method, table, *arguments)).partition { |v| v.is_a?(String) } |
27316 | [:temporary, :if_not_exists, :options, :as, :comment, :charset, :collation] |
27317 | [:limit, :default, :precision] |
27318 | unless value == true || value == false |
27319 | [:limit, :precision, :scale, :default, :null, :collation, :comment] |
27320 | column << " #{orders[name].upcase}" if orders[name].present? |
27321 | { |hash, column| hash[column] = options } |
27322 | column_names = [] |
27323 | checks << lambda { |i| == options[:name].to_s } if options.key?(:name) |
27324 | checks << lambda { |i| index_name(table_name, i.columns) == index_name(table_name, column_names) } |
27325 | matching_indexes = indexes(table_name).select { |i| checks.all? { |check| check[i] } } |
27326 | column_names = column_names.scan(/\w+/).join("_") |
27327 | column_name.is_a?(String) && /\W/.match?(column_name) |
27328 | table_name.to_s =~ /#{prefix}(.+)#{suffix}/ ? $1 : table_name.to_s |
27329 | identifier = "#{table_name}_#{options.fetch(:column)}_fk" |
27330 | identifier = "#{table_name}_#{expression}_chk" |
27331 | column_name.nil? && options.key?(:name) && options.except(:name, :algorithm).empty? |
27332 | sql << { |v| "(#{quote(v)})" }.join(", ") |
27333 | sql << ";" |
27334 | spec = {} |
27335 | attr_reader :table, :name, :unique, :columns, :lengths, :orders, :opclasses, :where, :type, :using, :include, :comment, :valid |
27336 | columns = [], |
27337 | opclasses: {}, |
27338 | def defined_for?(columns = nil, name: nil, unique: nil, valid: nil, include: nil, **options) |
27339 | (columns.nil? || Array(self.columns) == Array(columns).map(&:to_s)) && |
27340 | (name.nil? || == name.to_s) && |
27341 | (unique.nil? || self.unique == unique) && |
27342 | (valid.nil? || self.valid == valid) && |
27343 | (include.nil? || Array(self.include) == Array(include)) |
27344 | :null, |
27345 | (self::OPTION_NAMES - [:primary_key]).each do |option_name| |
27346 | def #{option_name}=(value) |
27347 | options[:#{option_name}] = value |
27348 | (to_table.nil? || to_table.to_s == self.to_table) && |
27349 | (validate.nil? || validate == self.options.fetch(:validate, validate)) && |
27350 | options.all? { |k, v| self.options[k].to_s == v.to_s } |
27351 | == name.to_s && |
27352 | value.is_a?(Hash) ? value : {} |
27353 | result = [[column_name, type, options]] |
27354 | :float, :integer, :json, :string, :text, :time, :timestamp, :virtual |
27355 | def #{column_type}(*names, **options) |
27356 | names.each { |name| column(name, :#{column_type}, **options) } |
27357 | as: nil, |
27358 | @conn = conn |
27359 | @foreign_keys = [] |
27360 | @check_constraints = [] |
27361 | @as = as |
27362 | if id && !as |
27363 | if id.is_a?(Hash) |
27364 | id = id.fetch(:type, :primary_key) |
27365 | if pk.is_a?(Array) |
27366 | primary_key(pk, id, **options) |
27367 | def primary_keys(name = nil) # :nodoc: |
27368 | index_options = index.is_a?(Hash) ? index : {} |
27369 | options[:primary_key] ||= type == :primary_key |
27370 | to_table = "#{prefix}#{to_table}#{suffix}" |
27371 | options[:primary_key] && [:integer, :bigint].include?(type) && !options.key?(:default) |
27372 | @adds = [] |
27373 | @foreign_key_adds = [] |
27374 | @foreign_key_drops = [] |
27375 | def name;; end |
27376 | @base = base |
27377 | key == :if_exists || key == :if_not_exists |
27378 | conditional = unrecognized_option == :if_exists ? "if" : "unless" |
27379 | message = <<~TXT |
27380 | m = @cache[o.class] ||= "visit_#{'::').last}" |
27381 | send m, o |
27382 | to: :@conn, private: true |
27383 | sql << { |col| accept col }.join(" ") |
27384 | sql << { |fk| visit_AddForeignKey fk }.join(" ") |
27385 | sql << { |fk| visit_DropForeignKey fk }.join(" ") |
27386 | o.sql_type = type_to_sql(o.type, **o.options) |
27387 | column_sql = +"#{quote_column_name(} #{o.sql_type}" |
27388 | +"ADD #{accept(o.column)}" |
27389 | create_sql << "#{quote_table_name(} " |
27390 | statements = { |c| accept c } |
27391 | create_sql << "(#{statements.join(', ')})" if statements.present? |
27392 | create_sql << " AS #{to_sql(}" if |
27393 | sql << " #{action_sql('DELETE', o.on_delete)}" if o.on_delete |
27394 | sql << " #{action_sql('UPDATE', o.on_update)}" if o.on_update |
27395 | sql << "#{quote_column_name(} ON #{quote_table_name(index.table)}" |
27396 | sql << "USING #{index.using}" if supports_index_using? && index.using |
27397 | sql << "(#{quoted_columns(index)})" |
27398 | create_sql << " #{o.options}" if o.options |
27399 | if options[:null] == false |
27400 | sql = sql.to_sql if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) |
27401 | when Type::Time::Value then "'#{quoted_time(value)}'" |
27402 | when Date, Time then "'#{quoted_date(value)}'" |
27403 | Consider Arel.sql(".. ? ..", value) or #sanitize_sql instead. |
27404 | s.gsub("\\", '\&\&').gsub("'", "''") # ' (for ruby-mode) |
27405 | quote_table_name("#{table}.#{attr}") |
27406 | result = value.to_fs(:db) |
27407 | if value.respond_to?(:usec) && value.usec > 0 |
27408 | result << "." << sprintf("%06d", value.usec) |
27409 | quoted_date(value).sub(/\A\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d /, "") |
27410 | ((?:\w+\.)?\w+ | \w+\((?:|\g<2>)\)) |
27411 | (?:(?:\s+AS)?\s+\w+)? |
27412 | Record.where("duration = ?", 1.hour.to_i) |
27413 | base.class_eval <<-end_code, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 |
27414 | def #{method_name}(*) |
27415 | def select_all(arel, name = nil, binds = [], preparable: nil, async: false) |
27416 | if @query_cache_enabled && !(arel.respond_to?(:locked) && arel.locked) |
27417 | type_casted_binds: -> { type_casted_binds(binds) }, |
27418 | def to_sql(arel_or_sql_string, binds = []) |
27419 | sql, _ = to_sql_and_binds(arel_or_sql_string, binds) |
27420 | def to_sql_and_binds(arel_or_sql_string, binds = [], preparable = nil) # :nodoc: |
27421 | if Arel.arel_node?(arel_or_sql_string) && !(String === arel_or_sql_string) |
27422 | def select_one(arel, name = nil, binds = [], async: false) |
27423 | def select_value(arel, name = nil, binds = [], async: false) |
27424 | def select_values(arel, name = nil, binds = []) |
27425 | def select_rows(arel, name = nil, binds = [], async: false) |
27426 | def query_value(sql, name = nil) # :nodoc: |
27427 | def query_values(sql, name = nil) # :nodoc: |
27428 | query(sql, name).map(&:first) |
27429 | def exec_query(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], prepare: false) |
27430 | def exec_insert(sql, name = nil, binds = [], pk = nil, sequence_name = nil) |
27431 | sql, binds = sql_for_insert(sql, pk, binds) |
27432 | def exec_delete(sql, name = nil, binds = []) |
27433 | def exec_update(sql, name = nil, binds = []) |
27434 | def exec_insert_all(sql, name) # :nodoc: |
27435 | def explain(arel, binds = [], options = []) # :nodoc: |
27436 | def insert(arel, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil, binds = []) |
27437 | def update(arel, name = nil, binds = []) |
27438 | def delete(arel, name = nil, binds = []) |
27439 | if limit.is_a?(Integer) || limit.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral) |
27440 | if value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array) |
27441 | raise Fixture::FixtureError, %(table "#{table_name}" has no columns named #{', ')}.) |
27442 | new_values = [] |
27443 | new_values << values[i] |
27444 | total_sql.join("; ") |
27445 | def select(sql, name = nil, binds = [], prepare: false, async: false) |
27446 | [sql, binds] |
27447 | row && row.first |
27448 | @pools = {} |
27449 | @threads = {} |
27450 | @pools[frequency] ||= [] |
27451 | @lock = lock |
27452 | @cond = @lock.new_cond |
27453 | @num_waiting = 0 |
27454 | @queue = [] |
27455 | @num_waiting > 0 |
27456 | no_wait_poll || (timeout && wait_poll(timeout)) |
27457 | @num_waiting += 1 |
27458 | @num_waiting -= 1 |
27459 | @num_waiting_on_real_cond -= 1 |
27460 | @num_waiting_on_real_cond += 1 |
27461 | def checkin(_); end |
27462 | def remove(_); end |
27463 | @connections = [] |
27464 | conn.in_use? && !conn.owner.alive? |
27465 | !conn.in_use? && conn.seconds_idle >= minimum_idle |
27466 | flush(-1) |
27467 | busy: @connections.count { |c| c.in_use? && c.owner.alive? }, |
27468 | dead: @connections.count { |c| c.in_use? && !c.owner.alive? }, |
27469 | idle: @connections.count { |c| !c.in_use? }, |
27470 | newly_checked_out = [] |
27471 | thread_report = [] |
27472 | thread_report << "#{conn} is owned by #{conn.owner}" |
27473 | msg << " (#{thread_report.join(', ')})" if thread_report.any? |
27474 | @now_connecting += 1 |
27475 | @now_connecting -= 1 |
27476 | elsif role == :all |
27477 | role = nil if role == :all |
27478 | message = "No connection pool for '#{connection_name}' found for the '#{role}' role." |
27479 | roles = [] |
27480 | if owner_name.is_a?(String) || owner_name.is_a?(Symbol) |
27481 | if >="5.1") |
27482 | unsafe_load = coder["unsafe_load"] || false |
27483 | @coder ||= begin |
27484 | @attr_name = coder["attr_name"] |
27485 | @coder = coder["coder"] |
27486 | if @object_class != ::Object |
27487 | def increment!(attribute, by = 1, touch: nil) # :nodoc: |
27488 | touch ? _run_touch_callbacks { super } : super |
27489 | [ :autosave ] |
27490 | result = true; @_already_called ||= {} |
27491 | if autosave != false && (new_record_before_save || record.new_record?) |
27492 | :id |
27493 | prev_cast_type = -> subtype { subtype } |
27494 | -> subtype { yield Proc === prev_cast_type ? prev_cast_type[subtype] : prev_cast_type } |
27495 | name = @primary_key if name == "id" && @primary_key |
27496 | map(value) do |v| |
27497 | def serialize(attr_name, class_name_or_coder = nil, coder: nil, type: Object, yaml: {}, **options) |
27498 | if class_name_or_coder == ::JSON || [:load, :dump].all? { |x| class_name_or_coder.respond_to?(x) } |
27499 |, type, **(yaml || {})) |
27500 | elsif coder.respond_to?(:new) && !coder.respond_to?(:load) |
27501 | elsif type && type != Object |
27502 | cast_type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Type::Json) && coder == ::JSON || |
27503 | cast_type.respond_to?(:type_cast_array, true) && type == ::Array |
27504 | name = @primary_key if name == "id" && @primary_key && !@primary_key.is_a?(Array) |
27505 | if Numeric === value || !value.match?(/[^0-9]/) |
27506 | key = id |
27507 | [key] if key |
27508 | { |pk| _read_attribute(pk) } |
27509 | attr_name == "id" || super |
27510 | { |v| -v.to_s }.freeze |
27511 | def reload(*) |
27512 | changes = {} |
27513 | ).map { |m| -m.to_s }.to_set.freeze |
27514 | super || (table_exists? && column_names.include?(attribute.to_s.delete_suffix("="))) |
27515 | def _has_attribute?(attr_name) # :nodoc: |
27516 | !value.nil? && !(value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) |
27517 | def [](attr_name) |
27518 | def []=(attr_name, value) |
27519 | (pk_attribute?(name) && id.nil?) || |
27520 | elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) |
27521 | %("#{value.to_fs(:inspect)}") |
27522 | name == @primary_key |
27523 | key = k.to_s |
27524 | if key.include?("(") |
27525 | (multi_parameter_attributes ||= {})[key] = v |
27526 | elsif v.is_a?(Hash) |
27527 | (nested_parameter_attributes ||= {})[key] = v |
27528 | pairs.each { |k, v| _assign_attribute(k, v) } |
27529 | send("#{name}=", values) |
27530 | attributes[attribute_name] ||= {} |
27531 | multiparameter_name =~ /\([0-9]*([if])\)/ ? value.send("to_" + $1) : value |
27532 | multiparameter_name.scan(/\(([0-9]*).*\)/).first.first.to_i |
27533 | if inverse && target && !target.is_a?(Array) |
27534 | if !loaded? || stale_target? |
27535 | map(&:klass) |
27536 | owners.all? { |owner| loaded?(owner) } || |
27537 | through_preloaders.all?(&:run?) && source_preloaders.all?(&:run?) |
27538 | root? || (@loaders && @loaders.all?(&:run?)) |
27539 | (h[reflection] ||= []) << record |
27540 | @loaders ||= |
27541 | @keys_to_load = |
27542 | keys_to_load << key |
27543 | loaders.each { |l| l.set_inverse(record) } |
27544 | @run = false |
27545 | [@klass] |
27546 | @run = true |
27547 | @owners_by_key ||= owners.each_with_object({}) do |owner, result| |
27548 | (result[key] ||= []) << owner if key |
27549 | @scope ||= build_scope |
27550 | entries = (@records_by_owner[owner] ||= []) |
27551 | if i == 0 # Set inverse on first owner |
27552 | if key.is_a?(Array) |
27553 | { |k| convert_key(owner[k]) } |
27554 | @tree = |
27555 | joins = [] |
27556 | chain = [] |
27557 | @table ||= table |
27558 | if nodes.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::And) |
27559 | @alias_cache = tables.each_with_object({}) { |table, h| |
27560 | h[table.node] = table.columns.each_with_object({}) { |column, i| |
27561 | @columns_cache = tables.each_with_object({}) { |table, h| |
27562 | Table =, :columns) do # :nodoc: |
27563 | hash[associations.to_sym] ||= {} |
27564 | cache = hash[k] ||= {} |
27565 | @joined_tables = {} |
27566 | @references = {} |
27567 | seen = { |i, parent| |
27568 | i[parent] = { |j, child_class| |
27569 | j[child_class] = {} |
27570 | model_cache = { |h, klass| h[klass] = {} } |
27571 | column_names << name unless /\At\d+_r\d+\z/.match?(name) |
27572 | column_types = {} |
27573 | column_types = column_types.slice(*column_names).delete_if { |k, _| attribute_types.key?(k) } |
27574 | relation._select!(-> { aliases.columns }) |
27575 | column_names = if join_part == join_root && !join_root_alias |
27576 | primary_key ? [primary_key] : [] |
27577 | column_name, "t#{i}_r#{j}" |
27578 | if table && (!root || !terminated) |
27579 | root ? name : "#{name}_join" |
27580 | }.partition(&:first) |
27581 | joins = intersection.flat_map { |l, r| r.table = l.table; walk(l, r, join_type) } |
27582 | id = row[key] |
27583 | if row[key].nil? |
27584 | seen[ar_parent][node][id] = model if id |
27585 | if save && ! |
27586 | except_keys = [ |
27587 | a - b |
27588 | a & b |
27589 | def build(attributes = {}, &block) |
27590 | def create(attributes = {}, &block) |
27591 | def create!(attributes = {}, &block) |
27592 | def <<(*records) |
27593 | alias_method :push, :<< |
27594 | alias_method :append, :<< |
27595 | alias_method :concat, :<< |
27596 | def prepend(*args) # :nodoc: |
27597 | @scope = nil |
27598 | ].flat_map { |klass| |
27599 | } - self.public_instance_methods(false) - [:select] + [ |
27600 | :scoping, :values, :insert, :insert_all, :insert!, :insert_all!, :upsert, :upsert_all, :load_async |
27601 |! { |i| pk_type.cast(i) } |
27602 | @target = [] |
27603 | if !find_target? || loaded? |
27604 | loaded? || |
27605 | owner.new_record? || |
27606 | target.any? { |record| record.new_record? || record.changed? } |
27607 | @_was_loaded = loaded? |
27608 | @_was_loaded = true |
27609 | elsif @_was_loaded || !loaded? |
27610 | @_was_loaded = nil |
27611 | } || target.include?(record) |
27612 | if ids.size == 1 |
27613 | record = load_target.detect { |r| id == } |
27614 | expects_array ? [ record ] : record |
27615 | { |r| ids.include?( } |
27616 | super + [:required, :touch] |
27617 | def build_#{name}(*args, &block) |
27618 | association(:#{name}).build(*args, &block) |
27619 | def create_#{name}(*args, &block) |
27620 | association(:#{name}).create(*args, &block) |
27621 | def create_#{name}!(*args, &block) |
27622 | association(:#{name}).create!(*args, &block) |
27623 | valid += [:as, :foreign_type] if options[:as] |
27624 | valid += [:through, :source, :source_type] if options[:through] |
27625 | touch != true ? |
27626 | callback = -> (record) { HasOne.touch_record(record, name, touch) } |
27627 | valid = super + [:counter_cache, :join_table, :index_errors] |
27628 | join_model.table_name_resolver = -> { table_name } |
27629 | association_name.to_s].sort.join("_").gsub("::", "_").to_sym |
27630 | middle_options = {} |
27631 | middle_options[:class_name] = "#{}::#{}" |
27632 | [lhs_model.table_name, klass.table_name].sort.join("\0").gsub(/^(.*[._])(.+)\0\1(.+)/, '\1\2_\3').tr("\0", "_") |
27633 | rhs_options = {} |
27634 | super + [:before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, :after_remove, :extend] |
27635 | full_callback_name = "#{callback_name}_for_#{name}" |
27636 | ->(method, owner, record) { owner.send(callback, record) } |
27637 | ->(method, owner, record) {, record) } |
27638 | ->(method, owner, record) { callback.send(method, owner, record) } |
27639 | if touch != true |
27640 | }} |
27641 | model.generated_association_methods.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 |
27642 | self.extensions = [] |
27643 | if scope && scope.arity == 0 |
27644 | proc { instance_exec(&scope) } |
27645 | @_after_commit_jobs ||= [] |
27646 | !loaded? && foreign_key_present? && klass |
27647 | target_key_values = record ? Array(primary_key(record.class)).map { |key| record._read_attribute(key) } : [] |
27648 | if force || { |fk| owner._read_attribute(fk) } != target_key_values |
27649 | block ||= lambda { |val| val } |
27650 | scope.where!(key => value) |
27651 | scope.where!( => { key => value }) |
27652 | @target = nil |
27653 | loaded? && @stale_state != stale_state |
27654 | @target = find_target if (@stale_state && stale_target?) || find_target? |
27655 | !loaded? && (!owner.new_record? || foreign_key_present?) && klass |
27656 | record && |
27657 | ((!record.persisted? || !owner.persisted?) || matches_foreign_key?(record)) |
27658 | aliases ||= |
27659 | default_proc = aliases.default_proc || proc { 0 } |
27660 | aliases.default_proc = proc { |h, k| |
27661 | h[k] = initial_count_for(connection, k, joins) +, k) |
27662 | aliases = { |h, k| |
27663 | /JOIN(?:\s+\w+)?\s+(?:\S+\s+)?(?:#{quoted_name}|#{name})\sON/i |
27664 | ).size |
27665 | == name ? 1 : 0 |
27666 | aliased_name = "#{truncate(aliased_name)}_#{count}" if count > 1 |
27667 | @association_cache = {} |
27668 | def has_one(name, scope = nil, **options) |
27669 | hm_options = {} |
27670 | scoping { klass.#{method}(attributes, **kwargs) } |
27671 | @aggregation_cache = {} |
27672 | def composed_of(part_id, options = {}) |
27673 | if @aggregation_cache[name].nil? && (!allow_nil || mapping.any? { |key, _| !read_attribute(key).nil? }) |
27674 | attrs = mapping.collect { |key, _| read_attribute(key) } |
27675 | define_method("#{name}=") do |part| |
27676 | unless part.is_a?(klass) || converter.nil? || part.nil? |
27677 | part =* |
27678 | if part.nil? && allow_nil |
27679 | mapping.each { |key, _| write_attribute(key, nil) } |
27680 | ->(warning) do |
27681 | warning_message += " (#{warning.code})" if warning.code |
27682 | ->(warning) { raise warning } |
27683 | self.queues = {} |
27684 | bob = Person.create!(name: "bob") |
27685 | conn = { adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:" } |
27686 | def progress_bar(int); print "." if (int % 100).zero? ; end |
27687 | LOREM.grep(/^\w*$/).sort_by { rand }.first(2).join " " |
27688 | LOREM.grep(/^\w*$/).sort_by { rand }.first(2).join("@") + ".com" |
27689 | puts "Done! " |
27690 | attrs_second = { name: "tom" } |
27691 |"Model#id") do |
27692 | Exhibit.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM exhibits WHERE id = #{(rand * 1000 + 1).to_i}").first |
27693 | Exhibit.connection.send(:log, "hello", "world") { } |
27694 | ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM exhibits WHERE id = #{(rand * 1000 + 1).to_i}") |
27695 | unless /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i.match?(value) |
27696 | super | [ :message ] |
27697 | public_send "#{key}=", value |
27698 | instance_variable_get(:"@#{attr}") |
27699 | errors.add(:title, "is Empty") unless title && title.size > 0 |
27700 | if title && content && content == "Mismatch" |
27701 | errors.add(:title, "is Wrong Create") if title && title == "Wrong Create" |
27702 | errors.add(:title, "is Wrong Update") if title && title == "Wrong Update" |
27703 | @with = options[:with] |
27704 | @data[key] = value |
27705 | { git: :github } |
27706 | options.each { |name, value| public_send("#{name}=", value) } |
27707 | instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) |
27708 | r = |
27709 | r.title = "There's no content!" |
27710 | r.content = "" |
27711 | errors = r.errors.to_a.inject([]) { |result, error| result + [error] } |
27712 | hits = 0 |
27713 | hits += 1 |
27714 | t ="title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") |
27715 | t ="title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") |
27716 | t ="title" => "Title", "content" => "whatever") |
27717 | Topic.validate(if: opts, on: :create) { } |
27718 | @call_sequence = [] |
27719 | @call_sequence << :a |
27720 | @call_sequence << :b |
27721 | @call_sequence << :c |
27722 | klass.validate :validator_a, if: -> { true } |
27723 | klass.validate :validator_c, unless: -> { true } |
27724 | assert_equal [:b, :a], t.call_sequence |
27725 | t ="title" => "") |
27726 | t = title: "" |
27727 | Topic.validates_presence_of :title, if: { |x| x.author_name = "bad"; true }, on: :update |
27728 | t = "") |
27729 | assert t.author_name == "bad" |
27730 | ], |
27731 | t = "Valid title") |
27732 | options = { presence: true } |
27733 | if options[:field] == :first_name |
27734 | raise "boom!" |
27735 | validator.expect(:new, validator, [{ foo: :bar, if: :condition_is_true, class: Topic }]) |
27736 | topic = content: "" |
27737 | topic = title: "foo" |
27738 | Person.validates :title, presence: { message: "" } |
27739 | person.gender = "m" |
27740 | p.karma = "Cold" |
27741 | p[:karma] = "Cold" |
27742 | t = "something") |
27743 | t.title = "" |
27744 | t.title = nil |
27745 | BLANK = ["", " ", " \t \r "] |
27746 | FLOAT_STRINGS = %w(0.0 +0.0 -0.0 10.0 10.5 -10.5 -0.0001 -090.1 90.1e1 -90.1e5 -90.1e-5 90e-5) |
27747 | assert_invalid_values([-97.18, BigDecimal("97.18"), BigDecimal("-97.18")], "must be greater than 97.18") |
27748 | assert_valid_values([97.19, 98, BigDecimal("98"), BigDecimal("97.19")]) |
27749 | assert_invalid_values(["-10", "9", "9.9", "10"], "must be greater than 10") |
27750 | assert_valid_values(["10.1", "11"]) |
27751 | assert_invalid_values([-97.18, 97.17, 97, BigDecimal("97.17"), BigDecimal("-97.18")], "must be greater than or equal to 97.18") |
27752 | assert_valid_values([97.18, 98, BigDecimal("97.19")]) |
27753 | assert_invalid_values(["-10", "9", "9.9"], "must be greater than or equal to 10") |
27754 | assert_valid_values(["10", "10.1", "11"]) |
27755 | assert_invalid_values([-10, 11] + INFINITY, "must be equal to 10") |
27756 | assert_invalid_values(["-10", "9", "9.9", "10.1", "11"], "must be equal to 10") |
27757 | assert_valid_values([-9, 9]) |
27758 | assert_valid_values([-97.0, 97.0, -97, 97, BigDecimal("-97"), BigDecimal("97")]) |
27759 | assert_invalid_values(["10", "10.1", "11"], "must be less than 10") |
27760 | assert_valid_values(["-10", "9", "9.9"]) |
27761 | assert_valid_values([-10, 10]) |
27762 | assert_valid_values([-97.18, BigDecimal("-97.18"), BigDecimal("97.18")]) |
27763 | assert_invalid_values(["10.1", "11"], "must be less than or equal to 10") |
27764 | assert_valid_values(["-10", "9", "9.9", "10"]) |
27765 | assert_invalid_values([-2, 2], "must be odd") |
27766 | assert_valid_values([-1, 1]) |
27767 | assert_invalid_values([-1, 1], "must be even") |
27768 | assert_valid_values([-2, 2]) |
27769 | assert_invalid_values([1, 3, 4]) |
27770 | assert_valid_values([-1, 42]) |
27771 | assert_valid_values([1, 2, 3]) |
27772 | assert_invalid_values(["0", "0.0"]) |
27773 | assert_valid_values(["-1", "1.1", "42"]) |
27774 | topic ="title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 10) |
27775 | topic ="title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 1) |
27776 | p.karma = "Pix" |
27777 | assert_equal ["is not a number"], p.errors[:karma] |
27778 | p.karma = "1234" |
27779 | topic.approved = (base + 1).to_s |
27780 | assert_invalid_values([Float("65.5"), BigDecimal("65.7")], "must be equal to 65.6") |
27781 | assert_valid_values([Float("65.6"), BigDecimal("65.6")]) |
27782 | assert_predicate"title" => "ab"), :invalid? |
27783 | assert_predicate"title" => ""), :invalid? |
27784 | assert_predicate"title" => "abcde"), :valid? |
27785 | assert_predicate"title" => ""), :valid? |
27786 | t.title = "not" |
27787 | t.title = "notvalid" |
27788 | t ="title" => "a!", "content" => "I'm ooooooooh so very long") |
27789 | t.title = "abe" |
27790 | t.content = "mad" |
27791 | t ="title" => "9 chars!!") |
27792 | t.title = "Now I'm 10" |
27793 | t.title = "Four" |
27794 | [10.., 9], |
27795 | [..10, 11], |
27796 | [...11, 11], |
27797 | t ="title" => "a" * 10) |
27798 | t.title = "a" * invalid_length |
27799 | t ="title" => "abc", "content" => "abcd") |
27800 | bigmin = 2**30 |
27801 | bigmax = 2**32 |
27802 | t ="title" => "uhoh", "content" => "whatever") |
27803 | assert_equal ["boo 5"], t.errors[:title] |
27804 | assert_equal ["hoo 5"], t.errors[:title] |
27805 | t ="title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") |
27806 | Topic.validates_length_of(:title, in: 10..20, message: "hoo %{count}") |
27807 | assert_equal ["hoo 10"], t.errors["title"] |
27808 | assert_equal ["hoo 20"], t.errors["title"] |
27809 | assert_equal ["hoo 5"], t.errors["title"] |
27810 | t = "a") |
27811 | assert_equal ["too short"], t.errors["title"] |
27812 | t = "aaaaaa") |
27813 | assert_equal ["too long"], t.errors["title"] |
27814 | Topic.validates_length_of(:title, is: 5, message: "boo %{count}") |
27815 | assert_equal ["boo 5"], t.errors["title"] |
27816 | Topic.validates_length_of(:title, is: 5, wrong_length: "hoo %{count}") |
27817 | t ="title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever", approved: 1) |
27818 | t ="title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever", approved: 1234) |
27819 | p.karma = "The Smiths" |
27820 | t ="title" => "1234") |
27821 | t.title = "12345" |
27822 | Topic.validates_length_of(:title, is: 5, if: { false }) |
27823 | assert_predicate"title" => "david"), :valid? |
27824 | Topic.validates_length_of :title, maximum: ->(model) { 5 } |
27825 | Topic.validates_length_of :title, maximum: -> { 5 } |
27826 | assert_predicate"title" => "bbc", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27827 | assert_predicate"title" => "aa", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27828 | assert_predicate"title" => "aaab", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27829 | assert_predicate"title" => "aaa", "content" => "abc"), :valid? |
27830 | assert_predicate"title" => "abc", "content" => "abc"), :valid? |
27831 | assert_predicate"title" => "bbb", "content" => "abc"), :valid? |
27832 | Topic.validates_inclusion_of(:title, in: %w( a b c d e f g )) |
27833 | assert_predicate"title" => "a!", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27834 | assert_predicate"title" => "a b", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27835 | assert_predicate"title" => nil, "content" => "def"), :invalid? |
27836 | t ="title" => "a", "content" => "I know you are but what am I?") |
27837 | t.title = "uhoh" |
27838 | Topic.validates_inclusion_of(:title, in: %w( a b c d e f g ), allow_nil: true) |
27839 | Topic.validates_inclusion_of(:title, in: %w( a b c d e f g ), message: "option %{value} is not in the list") |
27840 | assert_predicate"title" => "a", "content" => "abc"), :valid? |
27841 | t ="title" => "uhoh", "content" => "abc") |
27842 | Topic.validates_inclusion_of(:title, within: %w( a b c d e f g )) |
27843 | p.karma = "Lifo" |
27844 | p.karma = "monkey" |
27845 | Topic.validates_inclusion_of :title, in: lambda { |topic| topic.author_name == "sikachu" ? %w( monkey elephant ) : %w( abe wasabi ) } |
27846 | t.title = "wasabi" |
27847 | t.title = "elephant" |
27848 | %w() |
27849 | %w(Lifo) |
27850 | p.karma = %w(Lifo monkey) |
27851 | p.karma = %w(abe monkey) |
27852 | @person.errors.add("name", "empty") |
27853 | errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { name: { format: "%{message}" } } } } } }) |
27854 | errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { gender: "Gender" } } } }, |
27855 | attributes: { "person/contacts": { gender: "Gender" } } |
27856 | errors: { models: { person: { format: "%{message}" } } } }) |
27857 | errors: { models: { 'person/contacts/addresses': { attributes: { street: { format: "%{message}" } } } } } }) |
27858 | errors: { models: { 'person/contacts/addresses': { format: "%{message}" } } } }) |
27859 | attributes: { 'person/contacts[0]/addresses[0]': { country: "Country" } } |
27860 | @person.title = "72x" |
27861 | @person.title = "z" |
27862 | @person.title = "a" |
27863 | call = [:title, :not_a_number, @person, generate_message_options.merge(value: "a")] |
27864 | @person.title = "0.0" |
27865 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { attribute => { error_type => "custom message" } } } } } } |
27866 | yield(@person, {}) |
27867 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { attribute => { error_type => "custom message with %{extra}" } } } } } } |
27868 | yield(@person, { extra: "extra information" }) |
27869 | person.title = "a" |
27870 | person.title = "1.0" |
27871 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { title: { custom_error: "I am a custom error" } } } } } } |
27872 | I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { custom_error: "I am a custom error" } } } } |
27873 | t ="title" => "i'm incorrect", "content" => "Validation macros rule!") |
27874 | assert_equal ["is bad data"], t.errors[:title] |
27875 | Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content, with: /\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/, message: "is bad data") |
27876 | t ="title" => "72x", "content" => "6789") |
27877 | t.title = "-11" |
27878 | t.title = "03" |
27879 | t.title = "z44" |
27880 | t.title = "5v7" |
27881 | t.title = "1" |
27882 | Topic.validates_format_of(:title, with: /\AValid Title\z/, message: "can't be %{value}") |
27883 | t.title = "foobar" |
27884 | assert_equal [], t.errors[:title] |
27885 | Topic.validates_format_of :content, with: lambda { |topic| topic.title == "digit" ? /\A\d+\z/ : /\A\S+\z/ } |
27886 | t.title = "digit" |
27887 | t.content = "Pixies" |
27888 | t.content = "1234" |
27889 | Topic.validates_format_of :title, with: lambda { /\A[A-Z]/ } |
27890 | Topic.validates_format_of :content, without: lambda { |topic| topic.title == "characters" ? /\A\d+\z/ : /\A\S+\z/ } |
27891 | Person.validates_format_of :karma, with: /\A\d+\z/ |
27892 | p.karma = "Pixies" |
27893 | assert_predicate"title" => "something", "content" => "abc"), :valid? |
27894 | assert_predicate"title" => "monkey", "content" => "abc"), :invalid? |
27895 | assert"title" => "something", "content" => "abc") |
27896 | t ="title" => "monkey") |
27897 | p.karma = "abe" |
27898 | Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, in: lambda { |topic| topic.author_name == "sikachu" ? %w( monkey elephant ) : %w( abe wasabi ) } |
27899 | t.title = "monkey" |
27900 | Topic.validates_exclusion_of :content, in: ("a".."g") |
27901 | %w(abe) |
27902 | t ="title" => "We should be confirmed", "title_confirmation" => "") |
27903 | p.karma = "None" |
27904 | activemodel: { attributes: { topic: { title: "Test Title" } } }) |
27905 | if: { |r| r.content.size > 4 }) |
27906 | unless: { |r| r.content.size > 4 }) |
27907 | if: { |r| r.title != "uhohuhoh" }) |
27908 | unless: { |r| r.title != "uhohuhoh" }) |
27909 | Date.parse("2019-08-03"), |
27910 | Date.parse("2020-07-03"), |
27911 | Date.parse("2020-08-01"), |
27912 | Date.parse("2020-08-02"), |
27913 |, 8, 1, 12, 34)], "must be greater than 2020-08-02") |
27914 | assert_valid_values([Date.parse("2020-08-03"),, 8, 2, 12, 34)]) |
27915 | assert_invalid_values(["ant", "cat"], "must be greater than cat") |
27916 | assert_valid_values(["dog", "whale"]) |
27917 |, 8, 1, 12, 34)], "must be greater than or equal to 2020-08-02") |
27918 | assert_valid_values([Date.parse("2020-08-03"),, 8, 2, 12, 34), Date.parse("2020-08-02")]) |
27919 | assert_valid_values(["cat", "dog", "whale"]) |
27920 | assert_invalid_values([-12, 5, 11], "must be equal to 10") |
27921 |, 8, 1, 12, 34), |
27922 | Date.parse("2020-08-03"), |
27923 |, 8, 2, 12, 34)], "must be equal to 2020-08-02") |
27924 | assert_valid_values([Date.parse("2020-08-02"),, 8, 2, 0, 0)]) |
27925 |], "must be equal to #{time_value}") |
27926 | assert_invalid_values(["dog", "whale"], "must be equal to cat") |
27927 | assert_valid_values([-12, -5, 5]) |
27928 |, 8, 2, 12, 34)], "must be less than 2020-08-02") |
27929 |, 8, 1, 12, 34)]) |
27930 |], "must be less than #{time_value}") |
27931 | assert_valid_values(["ant", "cat"]) |
27932 | assert_valid_values([-11, 5, 10]) |
27933 |, 8, 2, 12, 34)], "must be less than or equal to 2020-08-02") |
27934 | assert_valid_values(["ant", "cat", "dog"]) |
27935 | assert_valid_values([-12, 5, 11]) |
27936 | assert_invalid_values([Date.parse("2020-08-02"),, 8, 2, 0, 0)], "must be other than 2020-08-02") |
27937 |, 8, 2, 12, 34)]) |
27938 | Topic.define_method(:requested) {, 8, 1) } |
27939 | assert_invalid_values([, 7, 1),, 7, 1),, 7, 1, 22, 34)], "must be greater than or equal to 2020-08-01") |
27940 | assert_valid_values([, 8, 2),, 8, 1)]) |
27941 | custom = { |
27942 | amount % 100 <=> other.amount % 100 |
27943 | assert_valid_values([nil, ""]) |
27944 | d.valid?(:save) |
27945 | d.valid?(:context_a) |
27946 | d.valid?(:context_b) |
27947 | d.valid?([:context_a, :context_b]) |
27948 | ], d.history) |
27949 | before_validation(if: opts, on: :create) { } |
27950 | after_validation(if: opts, on: :create) { } |
27951 | t ="title" => "We should not be confirmed") |
27952 | t ="title" => "We should be confirmed", "terms_of_service" => "") |
27953 | t.terms_of_service = "1" |
27954 | t ="title" => "We should be confirmed", "eula" => "") |
27955 | t.eula = "1" |
27956 | t.terms_of_service = "I agree." |
27957 | t.terms_of_service = "I concur." |
27958 | p = |
27959 | p.karma = "" |
27960 | p.karma = "1" |
27961 | t.title = "foo" |
27962 | t.content = "bar" |
27963 | t.content = "" |
27964 | p.karma = "good" |
27965 | p.karma = nil |
27966 | p[:karma] = "excellent" |
27967 | p[:karma] = "" |
27968 | assert_equal{}), ActiveModel::Type.lookup(:foo, {}) |
27969 | assert_nil type.cast(" " * 129) |
27970 | time_string ="%T") |
27971 | ::Time.use_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)") do |
27972 | assert_nil type.user_input_in_time_zone(" " * 129) |
27973 | object, array, hash =, [true], { a: :b } |
27974 | s = +"foo" |
27975 | f = -"foo" |
27976 | s = "foo" |
27977 | mod = { def serialize(value); super; end } |
27978 | assert_equal [:a, :a], registry.lookup(:bar, 2, :a) #, :a) |
27979 | assert_equal [{}, {}], registry.lookup(:bar, 2, {}) #, {}) |
27980 | [type, args, "block for foo"] |
27981 | [type, args, "block for bar"] |
27982 | [type, kwargs, "block for baz"] |
27983 | assert_equal [:foo, [1], "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 1) |
27984 | assert_equal [:foo, [2], "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 2) |
27985 | assert_equal [:bar, [1, 2, 3], "block for bar"], registry.lookup(:bar, 1, 2, 3) |
27986 | assert_equal [:baz, { kw: 1 }, "block for baz"], registry.lookup(:baz, kw: 1) |
27987 | assert_equal 1, type.cast("1") |
27988 | assert_nil type.cast([1, 2]) |
27989 | assert_nil type.cast(1 => 2) |
27990 | assert_nil type.cast(1.0 / 0.0) |
27991 | assert_equal(-5, type.serialize(" -5")) |
27992 | assert type.changed?(0, 0, "wibble") |
27993 | assert type.changed?(5, 0, "wibble") |
27994 | assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, "5") |
27995 | assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, "5.0") |
27996 | assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, "+5") |
27997 | assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, "+5.0") |
27998 | assert_not type.changed?(-5, -5, "-5") |
27999 | assert_not type.changed?(-5, -5, "-5.0") |
28000 | assert_equal 1.0, type.cast("1") |
28001 | assert type.changed?(0.0, 0, "wibble") |
28002 | assert type.changed?(5.0, 0, "wibble") |
28003 | assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, "5wibble") |
28004 | assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, "5") |
28005 | assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, "5.0") |
28006 | assert_not type.changed?(500.0, 500.0, "0.5E+4") |
28007 | assert_not type.changed?(0.0 / 0.0, 0.0 / 0.0, 0.0 / 0.0) |
28008 | assert type.changed?(0.0 / 0.0, BigDecimal("0.0") / 0, BigDecimal("0.0") / 0) |
28009 | assert_equal BigDecimal("1"), type.cast(:"1") |
28010 | type = ::Float::DIG + 2) |
28011 | assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, "5.0wibble") |
28012 | assert_not type.changed?(-5.0, -5.0, "-5.0") |
28013 | assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, "0.5e+1") |
28014 | assert_not type.changed?(BigDecimal("0.0") / 0, BigDecimal("0.0") / 0, BigDecimal("0.0") / 0) |
28015 | assert type.changed?(BigDecimal("0.0") / 0, 0.0 / 0.0, 0.0 / 0.0) |
28016 | datetime_string ="%FT%T") |
28017 | ["UTC", "US/Eastern"].each do |zone| |
28018 | assert_equal ::Time.utc(2013, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0), type.cast("Wed, 04 Sep 2013 03:00:00 EAT") |
28019 | assert_equal ::Time.utc(2018, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0), type.cast(1 => 2018, 2 => 10, 3 => 15) |
28020 | assert_nil type.cast(" ") |
28021 | now = |
28022 | values_hash = { 1 => now.year, 2 => now.mon, 3 => now.mday } |
28023 | date_string = now.strftime("%F") |
28024 | time = ::Time.utc(1, 1, 1) |
28025 | date =, time.mon, time.mday) |
28026 | values_hash_for_multiparameter_assignment = { 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1 } |
28027 | assert type.cast(" ") |
28028 | assert type.cast("\u3000\r ") |
28029 | assert type.cast(:"1") |
28030 | assert_equal "1", type.cast("1") |
28031 | person: { gender: "person gender" }, |
28032 | options = { default: "person model" } |
28033 | options = { default: "Cool gender" } |
28034 | @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1) |
28035 | @contact.preferences = { "shows" => "anime" } |
28036 | assert_no_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json |
28037 | assert_match %r{^\{"json_contact":\{}, json |
28038 | options = { except: :name } |
28039 | json = @contact.to_json(root: :true) |
28040 | assert_no_match %r{"awesome":}, json |
28041 | def @contact.as_json(options = {}); super(options.merge(only: [:name])); end |
28042 | @name, @email, @gender = name, email, gender |
28043 | @friends = [] |
28044 | if method_name == :bar |
28045 | @user ="David", "", "male") |
28046 | @user.address.state = "CA" |
28047 | @user.friends = ["Joe", "", "male"), |
28048 |"Sue", "", "female")] |
28049 | expected = { "name" => "David", "gender" => "male", "email" => "" } |
28050 | expected = { "name" => "David" } |
28051 | expected = { "gender" => "male", "email" => "" } |
28052 | expected = { "foo" => "i_am_foo", "bar" => "i_am_bar" } |
28053 | expected = { "gender" => "male", "foo" => "i_am_foo", "bar" => "i_am_bar" } |
28054 | expected = { "name" => "Jon" } |
28055 | expected = { "name" => "David", "gender" => "male", "email" => "", |
28056 | expected = { "email" => "", "gender" => "male", "name" => "David", |
28057 | { "name" => "Sue", "email" => "", "gender" => "female" }] } |
28058 | @user.friends = [] |
28059 | expected = { "email" => "", "gender" => "male", "name" => "David", "friends" => [] } |
28060 | { "name" => "Sue", "email" => "", "gender" => "female", "friends" => [] }] } |
28061 | expected = { "name" => "David", "friends" => [{ "name" => "Joe" }, { "name" => "Sue" }] } |
28062 | expected = { "name" => "David", "email" => "", |
28063 | { "name" => "Sue", "email" => "" }] } |
28064 | assert_equal expected, @user.serializable_hash(include: [{ address: { only: "street" } }, :friends]) |
28065 | assert_equal expected, @user.serializable_hash(include: [address: { only: "street" }, friends: { only: "name" }]) |
28066 | @user.password = "a" * 72 |
28067 | @user.password = " " * 72 |
28068 | @user.password = "" |
28069 | @user.password = "a" * 73 |
28070 | @existing_user.password = "a" * 72 |
28071 | @existing_user.password = "a" * 73 |
28072 | @user.password_digest = " " |
28073 | @app ||= do |
28074 | @model_name =, nil, "Uzivatel", :cs) |
28075 | @record = |
28076 | @plural = "contacts" |
28077 | @route_key = "contacts" |
28078 | @param_key = "contact" |
28079 | @attr ||= "default value" |
28080 | params ="a" => "b") |
28081 | params ="a" => "b").permit! |
28082 | assert_equal({ "a" => "b" }, |
28083 | assert_equal({ a: "b" }, "b")) |
28084 | errors.add(:name, :blank, message: "cannot be nil") if name == nil |
28085 | errors.add(:foo, "omg") |
28086 | assert errors.any? { |_| true }, "any? should return true" |
28087 | errors.add(:name, "omg") |
28088 | assert_equal ["omg"], errors["name"] |
28089 | errors.add(:baz, "zomg") |
28090 | errors.add(:foo, "zomg") |
28091 | msg = "custom msg" |
28092 | type = { msg } |
28093 | type = { :blank } |
28094 | person.errors.add(:name, :too_long, if: -> { true }) |
28095 | person.errors.add(:name, :too_long, message: proc { "foo" }) |
28096 | message = { "cannot be blank" } |
28097 | I18n.backend.store_translations("en", errors: { attributes: { name: { wrong: "is wrong", used: "is wrong" } } }) |
28098 | assert_equal({ name: ["cannot be blank"] }, person.errors.to_hash) |
28099 | @errors.add(:name, "bar") |
28100 | assert_equal({ name: ["cannot be nil"] }, person.errors.as_json) |
28101 | assert_equal({ name: [{ error: :invalid }] }, person.errors.details) |
28102 | assert_equal({ name: [{ error: :greater_than, count: 5 }] }, person.errors.details) |
28103 | errors.add("foo", "bar") |
28104 | errors.add(:age, :invalid, count: 3, message: "%{count} is too low") |
28105 | name: [{ error: "cannot be nil" }], |
28106 | foo: [{ error: "bar" }], |
28107 | baz: [{ error: nil }], |
28108 | age: [{ error: :invalid, count: 3 }] |
28109 | assert_equal({ name: [error] }, hash) |
28110 | assert_raises(FrozenError) { errors.details[:foo] << "foo" } |
28111 | base: *1 |
28112 | errors: [] |
28113 | options: {} |
28114 | assert_equal({ name: ["is invalid"] }, errors.messages) |
28115 | assert_equal({ name: [{ error: :invalid }] }, errors.details) |
28116 | error =, :name, :too_long, foo: :bar) |
28117 | assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, error.options) |
28118 | options = { message: "bar" } |
28119 | foo: "foo", |
28120 | bar: "bar", |
28121 | baz: { "baz" }, |
28122 | I18n.with_locale(:pl) { |
28123 | attributes: { reports: { name: { presence: "must be present" } } } } } } }) |
28124 | e1 =, :name, foo: :bar) |
28125 | e2 =, :name, foo: :bar) |
28126 | foo: :bar, |
28127 | if: :foo, |
28128 | unless: :bar, |
28129 | on: :baz, |
28130 | { error: :too_short, foo: :bar } |
28131 | assert_equal(error.details, { error: :invalid, foo: :bar }) |
28132 | @color = nil |
28133 | @size = nil |
28134 | @name = val |
28135 | @color = val |
28136 | @size = val |
28137 | @status = val |
28138 | = "Ringo" |
28139 | = "Paul" |
28140 | = "John" |
28141 | assert_equal [nil, "John"], @model.changes["name"] |
28142 | assert_not @model.name_changed?(from: "Pete", to: "Ringo") |
28143 | = "David" |
28144 | = "Rafael" |
28145 | @model.instance_variable_set("@name", +"Yam") |
28146 | = "Bob" |
28147 | @model.color = "red" |
28148 | = "Alf" |
28149 | assert_equal({ "name" => nil, "status" => "initialized" }, @model.changed_attributes) |
28150 | assert_equal({ "name" => "Paul", "status" => "waiting" }, @model.changed_attributes) |
28151 | = "Otto" |
28152 | @model.size = 1 |
28153 | = "Dmitry" |
28154 | @model.color = "Red" |
28155 | @model.color = "White" |
28156 | assert_equal "{\"name\":\"Dmitry\",\"color\":null,\"size\":null,\"status\":\"initialized\"}", @model.to_json |
28157 | assert_equal "{\"color\":null,\"size\":null,\"status\":\"initialized\"}", @model.to_json(except: "name") |
28158 | assert_equal "{\"color\":null,\"size\":null,\"status\":\"initialized\"}", @model.to_json(except: ["name"]) |
28159 | assert_equal [1], 1).to_key |
28160 | assert_equal "abc-xyz", ["abc", "xyz"]).to_param |
28161 | after_create(if: opts) { } |
28162 | run_callbacks(:create) { } |
28163 | attribute :date_field, :date, default: -> {, 1, 1) } |
28164 | def attribute=(_, _) |
28165 | integer_field: "2.3", |
28166 | decimal_field: "12.3", |
28167 | string_field: "1.1", |
28168 | date_field:, 1, 1), |
28169 | names = [ |
28170 | = "Yam" |
28171 | assert_equal({ "name" => nil }, @model.changed_attributes) |
28172 | assert_equal({ "name" => "Paul" }, @model.changed_attributes) |
28173 | @model.size = "2.3" |
28174 | @model.size = "2.1" |
28175 | @model.size = "5.1" |
28176 | assert_equal({ "size" => [2, 5] }, @model.changes) |
28177 | value + " from user" |
28178 | block = proc { |name| name.to_s + "!" } |
28179 | attribute.value << "!" |
28180 | if value == 1 |
28181 | attribute.value << "1" |
28182 | attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2") |
28183 | attributes = builder.build_from_database({ foo: "3.3", bar: "4.4" }, { bar: }) |
28184 | duped[:bar].value << "bar" |
28185 | assert_equal({ foo: 1, bar: 2.2 }, attributes.to_hash) |
28186 | assert_equal({ foo: 1, bar: 2.2 }, attributes.to_h) |
28187 | attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "2.2", bar: "3.3") |
28188 | assert_equal [[:foo, 2], [:bar, 3.3]], hash.to_a |
28189 | assert_equal({ foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2" }, attributes.values_before_type_cast) |
28190 | value = attributes.fetch_value(:bar) { |n| n.to_s + "!" } |
28191 | defaults = { foo: Attribute.from_user(:foo, nil, nil) } |
28192 | assert_equal({ foo: "1" }, attributes.to_hash) |
28193 | attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1", bar: "2") |
28194 | klass = class_with { attribute :foo, TYPE_1 } |
28195 | child = class_with(parent) { attribute :foo, TYPE_1 } |
28196 | parent = class_with { attribute :foo, TYPE_1 } |
28197 | child = class_with(parent) { attribute :foo, TYPE_2 } |
28198 | { foo: "value of foo", baz: "value of baz" } |
28199 | def attribute_test(name, attrs = {}) |
28200 | { 'foo bar': "value of foo bar" } |
28201 | define_method(:'c?d') do |
28202 | { 'a?b': "value of a?b" } |
28203 | { begin: "value of begin", end: "value of end" } |
28204 | assert_equal({ "bar" => "foo" }, klass.attribute_aliases) |
28205 | m.attributes = { "foo" => "bar" } |
28206 | attrs = {} |
28207 | assert_equal "bar", m.foo_kw(kw: 2) |
28208 | assert_equal "bar", attrs["foo"] |
28209 | m.attributes = { "private_method" => "<3", "protected_method" => "O_o" } |
28210 | model.attributes = { name: "hello", description: "world" } |
28211 | model = "Guille", description: "m") |
28212 | @vector[0] |
28213 | @vector[1] |
28214 | @vector[2] |
28215 | @point =, 456, 789) |
28216 | expected = { z: @point.z, x: @point.x }.with_indifferent_access |
28217 | actual = @point.slice(:z, :x) |
28218 | assert_equal expected, @point.slice([:z, :x]) |
28219 | assert_equal [@point.x, @point.z], @point.values_at(:x, :z) |
28220 | assert_equal [@point.z, @point.x], @point.values_at(:z, :x) |
28221 | assert_equal [@point.x, @point.z], @point.values_at([:x, :z]) |
28222 | assert_equal [@point.z, @point.x], @point.values_at([:z, :x]) |
28223 | next if (value.nil? && options[:allow_nil]) || (value.blank? && options[:allow_blank]) |
28224 | [:if, :unless, :on, :allow_blank, :allow_nil, :strict] |
28225 | { in: options } |
28226 | { with: options } |
28227 | if value.arity == 0 |
28228 | unless value.is_a?(Numeric) || value.is_a?(Proc) || value.is_a?(Symbol) |
28229 | came_from_user = :"#{attr_name}_came_from_user?" |
28230 | RESERVED_OPTIONS = [:minimum, :maximum, :within, :is, :too_short, :too_long] |
28231 | if range = (options.delete(:in) || options.delete(:within)) |
28232 | options[:maximum] = (range.exclude_end? ? range.end - 1 : range.end) if range.end |
28233 | if options[:allow_blank] == false && options[:minimum].nil? && options[:is].nil? |
28234 | unless (value.is_a?(Integer) && value >= 0) || |
28235 | value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(Proc) |
28236 | if !value.nil? || skip_nil_check?(key) |
28237 | key == :maximum && options[:allow_nil].nil? && options[:allow_blank].nil? |
28238 | source.start_with?("^") || (source.end_with?("$") && !source.end_with?("\\$")) |
28239 | if value.nil? || value.blank? |
28240 | COMPARE_CHECKS = { greater_than: :>, greater_than_or_equal_to: :>=, |
28241 | equal_to: :==, less_than: :<, less_than_or_equal_to: :<=, |
28242 | other_than: :!= }.freeze |
28243 | @delimiter ||= options[:in] || options[:within] |
28244 | if options.key?(:on) |
28245 | options[:on] = Array(options[:on]) |
28246 | ->(o) { |
28247 | super({ allow_nil: true, accept: ["1", true] }.merge!(options)) |
28248 | mod = self |
28249 | attr_name = method_name.to_s.chomp("=") |
28250 | attributes.any? { |name| name == attr_name } |
28251 | attr_writers = attributes.reject { |name| klass.attribute_method?("#{name}=") } |
28252 | @lock = nil |
28253 | class_attribute :_validators, instance_writer: false, default: { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
28254 | base._validators = dup.each { |k, v| dup[k] = v.dup } |
28255 | @errors = nil |
28256 | @errors ||= |
28257 | Dir[File.expand_path("validations/*.rb", __dir__)].each { |file| require file } |
28258 | def binary? # :nodoc: |
28259 | scale == other.scale && |
28260 | def cast_value(value) # :doc: |
28261 | defaults: { 1 => 2000, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 0, 5 => 0 } |
28262 | value = "2000-01-01 #{value}" |
28263 | ::Date._parse(value) |
28264 | return if time_hash.nil? || time_hash[:hour].nil? |
28265 | value = value.change(year: 2000, day: 1, month: 1) |
28266 | dummy_time_value = value.sub(/\A\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d(?:T|\s)|/, "2000-01-01 ") |
28267 | new_time(*time_hash.values_at(:year, :mon, :mday, :hour, :min, :sec, :sec_fraction, :offset)) |
28268 | if new_value.is_a?(::String) |
28269 | true: @true, |
28270 | @registrations = {} |
28271 | @range = min_value...max_value |
28272 | in_range?(cast_value) || begin |
28273 | !value || range.member?(value) |
28274 | 1 << (_limit * 8 - 1) # 8 bits per byte with one bit for sign |
28275 | @false = -(args.delete(:false)&.to_s || "f") |
28276 | ::Time.zone_default.nil? || ::Time.zone_default.match?("UTC") |
28277 | is_utc? ? :utc : :local |
28278 | def new_time(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, microsec, offset = nil) |
28279 | return if year.nil? || (year == 0 && mon == 0 && mday == 0) |
28280 | time = ::Time.utc(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, microsec) rescue nil |
28281 | time -= offset unless offset == 0 |
28282 | is_utc? ? time : time.getlocal |
28283 | /x |
28284 |, in: "UTC")) |
28285 | usec = $7.to_i |
28286 | usec_len = $7&.length |
28287 | if usec_len&.< 6 |
28288 | usec *= 10**(6 - usec_len) |
28289 | if $8 |
28290 | offset = $8 == "Z" ? 0 : $8.to_i * 3600 + $9.to_i * 60 |
28291 | new_time($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_i, usec, offset) |
28292 | value = if value <=> 0 |
28293 | (old_value.is_a?(::Float) || old_value.is_a?(BigDecimal)) && |
28294 | old_value.nan? && |
28295 | defaults.each do |k, v| |
28296 | values_hash[k] ||= v |
28297 | return "::Float::NAN" if value.try(:nan?) |
28298 | casted_value = \ |
28299 | if precision.to_i > ::Float::DIG + 1 |
28300 | defaults: { 4 => 0, 5 => 0 } |
28301 | time[:sec_fraction] ? (time[:sec_fraction] * 1_000_000).to_i : 0 |
28302 | missing_parameters = [1, 2, 3].delete_if { |key| values_hash.key?(key) } |
28303 | new_date $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i |
28304 | new_date(*parts.values_at(:year, :mon, :mday)) if parts |
28305 | unless year.nil? || (year == 0 && mon == 0 && mday == 0) |
28306 | false, 0, |
28307 | def type # :nodoc: |
28308 | if value.is_a?(Data) |
28309 | @value = value.to_s |
28310 | @value.unpack1("H*") |
28311 | other == to_s || super |
28312 | def lookup(...) # :nodoc: |
28313 | registry.lookup(...) |
28314 | { |x| x.respond_to?(:model_name) } |
28315 | if attribute.include?(".") |
28316 |!(".", "/") |
28317 | defaults << :"#{i18n_scope}.attributes.#{namespace}.#{attribute}" |
28318 | root = if options && options.key?(:root) |
28319 | { root => hash } |
28320 | attribute_names &= Array(only).map(&:to_s) |
28321 | Array(options[:methods]).each { |m| hash[m.to_s] = send(m) } |
28322 | includes = Hash[Array(includes).flat_map { |n| n.is_a?(Hash) ? n.to_a : [[n, {}]] }] |
28323 | delegate :==, :===, :<=>, :=~, :"!~", :eql?, :match?, :to_s, |
28324 | :to_str, :as_json, to: :name |
28325 | @name = name || |
28326 | @route_key << "_index" if @uncountable |
28327 | def human(options = {}) |
28328 | @i18n_scope ||= @klass.respond_to?(:i18n_scope) ? [@klass.i18n_scope, :models] : [] |
28329 | @_model_name ||= begin |
28330 | @_model_name = nil |
28331 | def model.to_key() [1] end |
28332 | assert result == true || result == false, "#{name} should be a boolean" |
28333 | def_delegators :@errors, :each, :clear, :empty?, :size, :uniq! |
28334 | def copy!(other) # :nodoc: |
28335 | @errors.each { |error| |
28336 | [:attribute, :type].each do |key| |
28337 | @errors.any? { |error| |
28338 | def added?(attribute, type = :invalid, options = {}) |
28339 | super("unknown attribute '#{attribute}' for #{@record.class}.") |
28340 | attribute = attribute.remove(/\[\d+\]/) |
28341 | parts = attribute.split(".") |
28342 | defaults = [] |
28343 | defaults << "%{attribute} %{message}" |
28344 | attr_name =".", "_").humanize |
28345 | attribute = attribute.to_s.remove(/\[\d+\]/) |
28346 | [ :"#{i18n_scope}.errors.models.#{klass.model_name.i18n_key}.attributes.#{attribute}.#{type}", |
28347 | :"#{i18n_scope}.errors.models.#{klass.model_name.i18n_key}.#{type}" ] |
28348 | defaults << :"#{i18n_scope}.errors.messages.#{type}" |
28349 | defaults << :"errors.attributes.#{attribute}.#{type}" |
28350 | defaults << :"errors.messages.#{type}" |
28351 | @raw_type = type |
28352 | @type = type || :invalid |
28353 | @raw_type = @raw_type.dup |
28354 | @type = @type.dup |
28355 | if @attribute != attribute || (type && @type != type) |
28356 | if @options[key] != value |
28357 | def ==(other) # :nodoc: |
28358 | def hash # :nodoc: |
28359 | def as_json(options = {}) # :nodoc: |
28360 | __send__("#{attr_name}=", attribute_was(attr_name)) |
28361 | key = respond_to?(:id) && id |
28362 | key ? [key] : nil |
28363 | (persisted? && key = to_key) ? key.join("-") : nil |
28364 | def _to_partial_path # :nodoc: |
28365 | @_to_partial_path ||= begin |
28366 | scope: [:kind, :name], |
28367 | only: [:before, :around, :after] |
28368 | set_callback(:"#{callback}", :before, *args, options, &block) |
28369 | set_callback(:"#{callback}", :around, *args, options, &block) |
28370 | v != false |
28371 | options[:if] = Array(options[:if]) + [conditional] |
28372 | set_callback(:"#{callback}", :after, *args, options, &block) |
28373 | def attribute(name, ...) |
28374 | def build_from_database(values = {}, additional_types = {}) |
28375 | @casted_values = {} |
28376 | (values.key?(name) || types.key?(name) || @attributes.key?(name)) && self[name].initialized? |
28377 | values.each_key { |key| self[key] } |
28378 | types.each_key { |key| self[key] } |
28379 | delegate_hash.key?(key) || values.key?(key) || types.key?(key) |
28380 | def []=(name, value) |
28381 | keys.index_with { |name| self[name].value } |
28382 | alias :to_h :to_hash |
28383 | if key?(key) |
28384 | def attribute(name, type = nil, default: (no_default = true), **options) |
28385 | @pending_attributes ||= {} |
28386 | attr_names.any? { |attr| changed?(attr) } |
28387 | (OPTION_NOT_GIVEN == from || original_value(attr_name) == type_cast(attr_name, from)) && |
28388 | (OPTION_NOT_GIVEN == to || fetch_value(attr_name) == type_cast(attr_name, to)) |
28389 | @forced_changes ||= {} |
28390 | def changed?(attr_name, **) |
28391 | mangled_name = "__temp__#{target_name.unpack1("h*")}" |
28392 | call_args = [":'#{target_name}'"] |
28393 | body << |
28394 | ActiveSupport::CodeGenerator.batch(_owner, __FILE__, __LINE__) do |owner| |
28395 | mangled_name = "__temp__#{name.unpack1("h*")}" |
28396 | call_args.unshift(":'#{proxy_target}'") |
28397 | def initialize(prefix: "", suffix: "", parameters: nil) |
28398 | @regex = /\A(?:#{Regexp.escape(@prefix)})(.*)(?:#{Regexp.escape(@suffix)})\z/ |
28399 | @proxy_target = "#{@prefix}attribute#{@suffix}" |
28400 | @method_name = "#{prefix}%s#{suffix}" |
28401 | __send__(match.proxy_target, match.attr_name, *args, &block) |
28402 | __send__(attr) |
28403 | method_name = "#{attr_name}#{'=' if writer}" |
28404 | yield method_name, "'#{attr_name}'" |
28405 | safe_name = attr_name.unpack1("h*") |
28406 | const_name = "ATTR_#{safe_name}" |
28407 | temp_method_name = "__temp__#{safe_name}#{'=' if writer}" |
28408 | setter = :"#{k}=" |
28409 | def type_cast(*) |
28410 | @type = coder["type"] |
28411 | @value = coder["value"] if"value") |
28412 | coder["name"] = name |
28413 | coder["type"] = type if type |
28414 | coder["value"] = value if defined?(@value) |
28415 | I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("active_model/locale/en.yml", __dir__) |
28416 | worker = new(nil, nil, {}) |
28417 | receiver_str, _, message = method.rpartition(".") |
28418 | @values ||= [] |
28419 | @id = "AJ-#{SecureRandom.uuid}" |
28420 | def job_executed(id = @id) |
28421 | def job_executed_at(id = @id) |
28422 | job_data(id)["locale"] |
28423 | @@managers = {} |
28424 | args =["new", dummy_app_path, "--skip-gemfile", "--skip-bundle", |
28425 | initializer "i18n.rb", <<-CODE |
28426 | I18n.available_locales = [:en, :de] |
28427 | file "app/jobs/test_job.rb", <<-CODE |
28428 |"tmp/\#{x}.new"), "wb+") do |f| |
28429 | File.rename(Rails.root.join("tmp/\#{x}.new"), Rails.root.join("tmp/\#{x}")) |
28430 | vhost: "/", |
28431 | status = ENV["CI"] ? false : true |
28432 | if >="7") |
28433 | elsif Sidekiq.respond_to?(:[]=) |
28434 | config[:timeout] = 1 |
28435 | Resque.redis = "active_jobs_int_test", redis: ENV["REDIS_URL"] || "redis://") |
28436 | |
28437 | psql = [].tap do |args| |
28438 | args << "psql -X -U #{user} -t template1" |
28439 | args << "-h #{host}" if host |
28440 | args << "-p #{port}" if port |
28441 | %x{#{psql} -c 'drop database if exists "#{db}"'} |
28442 | %x{#{psql} -c 'create database "#{db}"'} |
28443 | @thread = { @worker.start } |
28444 | def initialize(hash = {}) |
28445 | = ( += 1) |
28446 | hash.each { |k, v| send(:"#{k}=", v) } |
28447 | @jobs = [] |
28448 | def self.create(attrs = {}) |
28449 | new(attrs).tap(&:save) |
28450 | def self.create!(*args); create(*args); end |
28451 | { |j| j.locked_by == worker_name }.each { |j| j.locked_by = nil; j.locked_at = nil } |
28452 | jobs = do |j| |
28453 | j.run_at <= db_time_now && |
28454 | (j.locked_at.nil? || j.locked_at < db_time_now - max_run_time || j.locked_by == worker_name) && |
28455 | !j.failed? |
28456 | jobs.sort_by { |j| [j.priority, j.run_at] }[0..limit - 1] |
28457 | attrs.each { |k, v| send(:"#{k}=", v) } |
28458 | def save!; save; end |
28459 | def self.enqueue(job_class, args = [], opts = {}) |
28460 | def ==(other_person) |
28461 | other_person.is_a?(Person) && id.to_s == |
28462 | translations = { en: "Hello", de: "Guten Tag" } |
28463 | JobBuffer.add("#{greeter} says #{hello}") |
28464 | new_year = localtime(2018, 1, 1) |
28465 | if now >= new_year |
28466 | JobBuffer.add("Just #{(new_year - now).div(3600)} hours to go") |
28467 | ?*args) : Time.utc(*args) |
28468 | "Dummy, here is it: #{dummy}" |
28469 | if (arguments.first || :abort) == :abort |
28470 | assert_match(/HelloJob \[[0-9a-f-]+\] from DelayedJob\(default\) with arguments: \[\]/, |
28471 | = "Hawaii" |
28472 | assert_job_executed "#{@id}.1" |
28473 | assert_job_executed "#{@id}.2" |
28474 | assert_job_executed_before("#{@id}.2", "#{@id}.1") |
28475 | TestJob.set(priority: 20).perform_later "#{@id}.1" |
28476 | TestJob.set(priority: 10).perform_later "#{@id}.2" |
28477 | = "aj" |
28478 | puts "Using #{@adapter}" |
28479 | @job.locale = :de |
28480 | job.timezone = "Eastern Time (US & Canada)" |
28481 | assert_match(/2 .* but 1/, error.message) |
28482 | assert_match(/1 .* but 2/, error.message) |
28483 | assert_match(/0 .* but 1/, error.message) |
28484 | assert_enqueued_jobs(1, only: ->(job) { job.fetch(:job).name == "HelloJob" }) do |
28485 | assert_enqueued_jobs(1, except: ->(job) { job.fetch(:job).name == "LoggingJob" }) do |
28486 | assert_match(/`:only` and `:except`/, error.message) |
28487 | assert_match(/1 .* but 0/, error.message) |
28488 | assert_match(/5 .* but 1/, error.message) |
28489 | assert_equal [1, 2, 3, { keyword: true }], job.arguments |
28490 | facets = { |
28491 | args: ["Rails"], |
28492 | matcher = ->(job_value) { job_value == value } |
28493 | refuser = ->(job_value) { false } |
28494 | assert_enqueued_with(**{ facet => matcher }) |
28495 | assert_enqueued_with(**{ facet => refuser }) |
28496 | args = [{ argument1: [now] }] |
28497 | now ="Tokyo") |
28498 | Time.utc(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, "59.123456789".to_r), |
28499 | date_time =, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.123456, "+03:00") |
28500 | args = [{ argument1: [time_with_zone, time, date_time] }] |
28501 | assert_enqueued_with(job: MultipleKwargsJob, args: [{ argument1: 1, argument2: { a: 1, b: 2 } }]) do |
28502 | assert_match(/No enqueued job found with {:job=>HelloJob, :args=>\[#{wilma.inspect}\]}/, error.message) |
28503 | assert_match(/Potential matches: {.*?:job=>HelloJob, :args=>\[#<Person.* @id="9">\], :queue=>"default".*?}/, error.message) |
28504 | assert_match(/No enqueued job found with {:job=>HelloJob, :args=>\[\]}/, error.message) |
28505 | assert_performed_jobs(1, only: ->(job) { job.is_a?(HelloJob) }) do |
28506 | assert_performed_jobs(1, only: ->(job) { job.fetch(:job).name == "HelloJob" }) |
28507 | assert_performed_jobs(1, except: ->(job) { job.is_a?(HelloJob) }) do |
28508 | assert_performed_jobs(1, except: ->(job) { job.fetch(:job).name == "HelloJob" }) |
28509 | assert_performed_with(job: MultipleKwargsJob, args: [{ argument1: 1, argument2: { a: 1, b: 2 } }]) do |
28510 | assert_performed_with(**{ facet => matcher }) |
28511 | assert_performed_with(**{ facet => refuser }) |
28512 | args = [{ argument1: { now: now }, argument2: now }] |
28513 | assert_match(/No performed job found with {:job=>HelloJob, :args=>\[\]}/, error.message) |
28514 | assert_match(/No performed job found with {:job=>MultipleKwargsJob, :args=>\[#<Person.* @id=11>\]}/, error.message) |
28515 | super({ "value" => object.value }) |
28516 | { "_aj_serialized" => "SerializersTest::DummySerializer", "value" => 123 }, |
28517 | hash = { "_dummy_serializer" => 123, "_aj_symbol_keys" => [] } |
28518 | hash = { "_aj_serialized" => "DoNotExist", "value" => 123 } |
28519 | hash = { "_aj_serialized" => "SerializersTest::DummySerializer", "value" => 123 } |
28520 | HelloJob.queue_with_priority { arguments.first == "1" ? 99 : 11 } |
28521 | HelloJob.queue_as { arguments.first == "1" ? :one : :two } |
28522 | def enqueue(*); end |
28523 | def enqueue_at(*); end |
28524 | ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribed(-> (*args) { events << args }, /enqueue.*\.active_job/, &block) |
28525 | assert_match(/to .*?\(php_jobs\).*/, @logger.messages) |
28526 | assert_match(%r{Dummy, here is it: #<Person:.*>}, @logger.messages) |
28527 | assert_match(%r{Dummy, here is it: .*#<Person:.*>}, @logger.messages) |
28528 | assert_match(/Enqueued HelloJob \(Job ID: .*?\) to .*?:.*Cristian/, @logger.messages) |
28529 | key, * = events.first |
28530 | assert_match(/Performing LoggingJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? with arguments:.*Dummy/, @logger.messages) |
28531 | assert_match(/Performed LoggingJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? in .*ms/, @logger.messages) |
28532 | throw(:abort) if arguments[0].pop == :abort |
28533 |[:dont_abort, :abort]) |
28534 | assert_match(/Performed DisableLogJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? in .*ms/, @logger.messages) |
28535 | assert_match(/\[LoggingJob\] \[.*?\]/, @logger.messages) |
28536 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\] Enqueued NestedJob \(Job ID: .*\) to/, @logger.messages) |
28537 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\] \[NestedJob\] \[NESTED-JOB-ID\] Performing NestedJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from/, @logger.messages) |
28538 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\] \[NestedJob\] \[NESTED-JOB-ID\] Enqueued LoggingJob \(Job ID: .*?\) to .* with arguments: "NestedJob"/, @logger.messages) |
28539 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\].*\[LoggingJob\] \[LOGGING-JOB-ID\] Performing LoggingJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .* with arguments: "NestedJob"/, @logger.messages) |
28540 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\].*\[LoggingJob\] \[LOGGING-JOB-ID\] Performed LoggingJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .* in/, @logger.messages) |
28541 | assert_match(/\[ActiveJob\] \[NestedJob\] \[NESTED-JOB-ID\] Performed NestedJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .* in/, @logger.messages) |
28542 | assert_match(/Enqueued HelloJob \(Job ID: .*\) to .*? at.*Cristian/, @logger.messages) |
28543 | assert_match(/Performing RescueJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? with arguments:.*other/, @logger.messages) |
28544 | assert_match(/Error performing RescueJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? in .*ms: RescueJob::OtherError \(Bad hair\): .*\brescue_job\.rb:\d+:in `perform'/, @logger.messages) |
28545 | assert_match(/Performing RescueJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? with arguments:.*david/, @logger.messages) |
28546 | assert_no_match(/Error performing RescueJob \(Job ID: .*?\) from .*? in .*ms: ArgumentError \(Hair too good\): .*\brescue_job\.rb:\d+:in `perform'/, @logger.messages) |
28547 | assert_match(/Retrying RescueJob \(Job ID: .*?\) after \d+ attempts in 0 seconds\./, @logger.messages) |
28548 | job.deserialize "locale" => "es" |
28549 | delay_for_jitter = -> (delay) { random_amount * delay * ActiveJob::Base.retry_jitter } |
28550 | arguments = { "some" => { "job" => "arguments" } } |
28551 | @person = Person.find("5") |
28552 | :a, |
28553 |, |
28554 |, 2, 3), |
28555 |, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2.123456789r, "+02:00"), |
28556 |, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.123456r, "+03:00"), |
28557 | [ 1, "a" ], |
28558 | { "a" => 1 }, |
28559 | 1.., |
28560 | 1..., |
28561 | 1..5, |
28562 | 1...5, |
28563 |, 2, 3).., |
28564 |, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2.123456789r, "+02:00").., |
28565 |, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.123456r, "+03:00").., |
28566 | ].each do |arg| |
28567 | [, Person.find("5").to_gid, ].each do |arg| |
28568 | assert_arguments_roundtrip [{ "a" => @person }] |
28569 | assert_arguments_roundtrip([a: 1, "b" => 2]) |
28570 | { "a" => 1, "_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access" => true }, |
28571 | symbol_key = { a: 1 } |
28572 | string_key = { "a" => 1 } |
28573 | { "a" => 1, "_aj_symbol_keys" => ["a"] }, |
28574 | { "a" => 1, "_aj_symbol_keys" => [] }, |
28575 | symbol_key = { "a" => 1, "_aj_symbol_keys" => ["a"] } |
28576 | string_key = { "a" => 1, "_aj_symbol_keys" => [] } |
28577 | another_string_key = { "a" => 1 } |
28578 | indifferent_access = { "a" => 1, "_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access" => true } |
28579 | { a: 1 }, |
28580 | time_with_zone =, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2).in_time_zone |
28581 | ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [ { 1 => 2 } ] |
28582 | ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [ { a: [{ 2 => 3 }] } ] |
28583 | ["_aj_globalid", :_aj_globalid, |
28584 | $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("../support/delayed_job", __dir__) |
28585 | template "job.rb", File.join("app/jobs", class_path, "#{file_name}_job.rb") |
28586 | expected = { job: job, args: args, at: at, queue: queue, priority: priority }.compact |
28587 | enqueued_job["job_class"] == job.to_s |
28588 | message << { |job| job["job_class"] }.join(", ") |
28589 | message << " Potential matches: #{matching_class.join(" ")}" |
28590 | def jobs_with(jobs, only: nil, except: nil, queue: nil, at: nil) |
28591 | if at && job[:at] |
28592 | next false if job[:at] > at.to_f |
28593 | ->(job) { Array(filter).include?(job.fetch(:job)) } |
28594 | at_range = arguments[:at] - 1..arguments[:at] + 1 |
28595 | arguments[:at] = ->(at) { at_range.cover?(at) } |
28596 | new_job[:at] =[:at]) if new_job[:at] |
28597 | super("value" => argument.to_s) |
28598 | def klass # :doc: |
28599 | value = hash["value"] |
28600 | super("value" => date.iso8601) |
28601 | super("value" => big_decimal.to_s) |
28602 | options.each do |k, v| |
28603 | send(k, v) |
28604 | if @queue_name.is_a?(Proc) |
28605 | @enqueued_jobs ||= [] |
28606 | @performed_jobs ||= [] |
28607 | def enqueue(job) # :nodoc: |
28608 | def job_to_hash(job, extras = {}) |
28609 | job_data[:job] = job.class |
28610 | ->(job) { Array(filter).include?(job.class) } |
28611 | gem "sidekiq", ">= 4.1.0" |
28612 | job.provider_job_id = qc_job["id"] if qc_job.is_a?(Hash) |
28613 | def enqueue_at(*) # :nodoc: |
28614 | @job_data = job_data |
28615 | base_name = "#{job_data["job_class"]} [#{job_data["job_id"]}] from DelayedJob(#{job_data["queue_name"]})" |
28616 | if delay > 0 |
28617 | around_enqueue(prepend: true) { |_, block| tag_logger(&block) } |
28618 | { |arg| format(arg).inspect }.join(", ") |
28619 | { |value| format(value) } |
28620 | payload[:job] = self |
28621 | def perform_now(...) |
28622 | self.executions = (executions || 0) + 1 |
28623 | def retry_job(options = {}) |
28624 | jitter = jitter == JITTER_DEFAULT ? self.class.retry_jitter : (jitter || 0.0) |
28625 | def perform_later(...) |
28626 | job = job_or_instantiate(...) |
28627 | args.first.is_a?(self) ? args.first : new(*args) |
28628 | def enqueue(options = {}) |
28629 | def set(options = {}) |
28630 | def set(options = {}) # :nodoc: |
28631 | |
28632 | @options |
28633 | when -> (arg) { arg.respond_to?(:permitted?) } |
28634 | argument.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| |
28635 | match "/echo" => "tests#echo", via: :all |
28636 | get "/error" => proc { |env| [403, { "content-type" => "text/plain" }, []] } |
28637 | names = { |name| "/test/#{name}.js" } |
28638 | payload = JSON.generate(data).gsub("<", "<").gsub(">", ">") |
28639 | if ( && !== window) |
28640 | </script> |
28641 | <p>You shouldn't be seeing this. <a href="#{request.env['HTTP_REFERER']}">Go back</a></p> |
28642 | get "/" => "foo#bar" |
28643 | get "/other" => "foo#other" |
28644 | get "/article/:id" => "foo#article", :as => :article |
28645 | get "/category/:category" => "foo#category" |
28646 | def hash_for(options = {}) |
28647 | { controller: "foo", action: "bar" }.merge!(options) |
28648 | assert_equal "/?a=b&c=d", url_for(hash_for(a: :b, c: :d)) |
28649 | assert_equal "/", url_for(hash_for(a: {})) |
28650 | @controller ={ "HTTP_REFERER" => referer })) |
28651 | @controller ={})) |
28652 | assert_equal "/other", url_for([:other, { controller: "foo" }]) |
28653 | assert_equal "", url_for([:other, { controller: "foo", only_path: false }]) |
28654 | [{ name: "name", value: "David" }, { name: "nationality", value: "Danish" }], |
28655 | to_form_params("name" => "David", :nationality => "Danish") |
28656 | [{ name: "country[name]", value: "Denmark" }], |
28657 | to_form_params(country: { name: "Denmark" }) |
28658 | [{ name: "countries[]", value: "Denmark" }, { name: "countries[]", value: "Sweden" }], |
28659 | to_form_params({ name: "Denmark" }, "country") |
28660 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28661 | button_to("Hello", "") |
28662 | assert_dom_equal %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, button_to("Hello", "") |
28663 | %{<form method="post" action="/article/Hello" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28664 | %{<form method="post" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28665 | button_to(false) { "Hello" } |
28666 | %{<form method="post" action="/workshops" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Create</button></form>}, |
28667 | button_to(workshop) { "Create" } |
28668 | button_to([workshop, session]) { "Create" } |
28669 | %{<form method="post" action="/workshops/1" class="button_to"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="patch" autocomplete="off" /><button type="submit">Update</button></form>}, |
28670 | button_to(workshop) { "Update" } |
28671 | session ="1") |
28672 | button_to([workshop, session]) { "Update" } |
28673 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><button data-confirm="Are you sure?" type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28674 | button_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) |
28675 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><button data-disable-with="Greeting..." type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28676 | button_to("Hello", "", data: { disable_with: "Greeting..." }) |
28677 | button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, form: { class: "custom-class", "data-type" => "json" }) |
28678 | button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) |
28679 | button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, data: { disable_with: "Greeting..." }) |
28680 | button_to("Hello", "", remote: false) |
28681 | button_to("Hello", "", disabled: true) |
28682 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" autocomplete="off" /><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28683 | button_to("Hello", "", method: :delete) |
28684 | %{<form method="get" action="" class="button_to"><button type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28685 | button_to("Hello", "", method: :get) |
28686 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><button type="submit"><span>Hello</span></button></form>}, |
28687 | button_to("") { content_tag(:span, "Hello") } |
28688 | button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: :bar, baz: "quux" }) |
28689 | %{<form action="/other" class="button_to" method="post"><button class="button" type="submit">Hello</button></form>}, |
28690 | button_to({ controller: "foo", action: "other" }, class: "button") { "Hello" } |
28691 | %{<form method="post" action="" class="button_to"><input type="submit" value="Save"/></form>}, |
28692 | button_to("Save", "") |
28693 | { foo: :bar, baz: "quux" } |
28694 | %{<form action="" class="button_to" method="post"><button type="submit">Hello</button><input type="hidden" name="foo[bar]" value="baz" autocomplete="off" /></form>}, |
28695 | button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: { bar: "baz" } }) |
28696 | %{<form action="" class="button_to" method="post"><button type="submit">Hello</button><input type="hidden" name="foo[]" value="bar" autocomplete="off" /></form>}, |
28697 | button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: ["bar"] }) |
28698 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="">Hello</a>}, link_to("Hello", "") |
28699 | assert_dom_equal(%{<a href="/">Test Link</a>}, link_to("Test Link", url_hash)) |
28700 | hash = hash_for(host: "") |
28701 | expected = %{<a href="">Test Link</a>} |
28702 | expected = %{<a href="">Hello</a>} |
28703 | expected = %{<a href=""></a>} |
28704 | env = { "HTTP_REFERER" => "" } |
28705 | expected = %{<a href="#{env["HTTP_REFERER"]}">go back</a>} |
28706 | link = link_to("go back", :back) |
28707 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="javascript:history.back()">go back</a>}, link |
28708 | link = link_to(raw("<img src='/favicon.jpg' />"), "/") |
28709 | expected = %{<a href="/"><img src='/favicon.jpg' /></a>} |
28710 | link = link_to("Hello", url_hash, nil) |
28711 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Hello</a>}, link |
28712 | link = link_to("Hello", "", onclick: "alert('yay!')") |
28713 | expected = %{<a href="" onclick="alert('yay!')">Hello</a>} |
28714 | %{<a href="" data-confirm="Are you sure?">Hello</a>}, |
28715 | link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) |
28716 | %{<a href="" data-confirm="You can't possibly be sure, can you?">Hello</a>}, |
28717 | link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "You can't possibly be sure, can you?" }) |
28718 | %{<a href="" data-confirm="You can't possibly be sure, can you?">Hello</a>}, |
28719 | link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "You can't possibly be sure, can you?" }) |
28720 | %{<a href="" data-remote="true">Hello</a>}, |
28721 | link_to("Hello", "", remote: true) |
28722 | %{<a href="">Hello</a>}, |
28723 | link_to("Hello", "", remote: false) |
28724 | %{<a href="/" data-remote="true">Hello</a>}, |
28725 | link_to("Hello", hash_for(remote: true), {}) |
28726 | link_to("Hello", hash_for("remote" => true), {}) |
28727 | %{<a href="" data-method="post" rel="nofollow">Hello</a>}, |
28728 | link_to("Hello", "", method: :post) |
28729 | %{<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-method="delete">Destroy</a>}, |
28730 | link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete) |
28731 | %{<a href="\#" rel="nofollow" data-method="delete">Destroy</a>}, |
28732 | link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete, href: "#") |
28733 | %{<a href="" data-method="post" rel="example nofollow">Hello</a>}, |
28734 | link_to("Hello", "", method: :post, rel: "example") |
28735 | %{<a href="" data-method="post" rel="nofollow" data-confirm="Are you serious?">Hello</a>}, |
28736 | link_to("Hello", "", method: :post, data: { confirm: "Are you serious?" }) |
28737 | %{<a href="\#" rel="nofollow" data-confirm="Are you serious?" data-method="delete">Destroy</a>}, |
28738 | link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete, href: "#", data: { confirm: "Are you serious?" }) |
28739 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/"><span>Example site</span></a>}, |
28740 | link_to("/") { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } |
28741 | assert_dom_equal %{<a class="special" href="/"><span>Example site</span></a>}, |
28742 | link_to("/", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } |
28743 | %{<a href="/"><span>Example site</span></a>}, |
28744 | link_to(url_hash) { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } |
28745 | out = render_erb %{<%= link_to('/') do %>Example site<% end %>} |
28746 | assert_equal '<a href="/">Example site</a>', out |
28747 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Malicious <script>content</script></a>}, |
28748 | link_to("Malicious <script>content</script>", "/") |
28749 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Malicious <script>content</script></a>}, |
28750 | link_to(raw("Malicious <script>content</script>"), "/") |
28751 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/workshops/1">Workshop 1</a>}, link |
28752 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Listing</a>}, |
28753 | link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) { |name| |
28754 | raw "<strong>#{name}</strong>" |
28755 | link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) { |
28756 | assert_equal %{<b>Showing</b>}, link_to_unless(true, "<b>Showing</b>", url_hash) |
28757 | assert_equal %{<a href="/"><b>Showing</b></a>}, link_to_unless(false, "<b>Showing</b>", url_hash) |
28758 | assert_equal %{<b>Showing</b>}, link_to_unless(true, raw("<b>Showing</b>"), url_hash) |
28759 | assert_equal %{<a href="/"><b>Showing</b></a>}, link_to_unless(false, raw("<b>Showing</b>"), url_hash) |
28760 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Listing</a>}, link_to_if(true, "Listing", url_hash) |
28761 | assert_equal "Fallback", link_to_if(false, "Showing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } |
28762 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Listing</a>}, link_to_if(true, "Listing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } |
28763 | def request_for_url(url, opts = {}) |
28764 | env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("{url}", opts) |
28765 | @request = request_for_url("/", method: :head) |
28766 | @request = request_for_url("/") |
28767 | @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc&page=1") |
28768 | assert current_page?(hash_for(order: "desc", page: "1")) |
28769 | @request = request_for_url("/engine/") |
28770 | @request = request_for_url("/posts") |
28771 | @request = request_for_url("/events", method: :post) |
28772 | @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc") |
28773 | link_to_unless_current("Showing", hash_for(order: "desc", page: "1")) |
28774 | assert_equal %{<a href="/?order=asc">Showing</a>}, |
28775 | assert_equal %{<a href="">Showing</a>}, |
28776 | assert_equal %{<a href="/?order=desc&page=2\">Showing</a>}, |
28777 | assert_equal %{<a href="">Showing</a>}, |
28778 | @request = request_for_url("/show") |
28779 | assert_equal %{<a href="/">Listing</a>}, |
28780 | assert_equal %{<a href="">Listing</a>}, |
28781 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="/">Showing</a>}, link_to_unless(false, "Showing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } |
28782 | %{<a href="">#!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|</a>}, |
28783 | mail_to("#!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|") |
28784 | mail_to("", "My email", cc: "", bcc: "", subject: "This is an example email", body: "This is the body of the message.") |
28785 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href=""><img src="/feedback.png" /></a>}, |
28786 | mail_to("", raw('<img src="/feedback.png" />')) |
28787 | %{<a href="mailto:"></a>}, |
28788 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href=""><span>Email me</span></a>}, |
28789 | mail_to("") { content_tag(:span, "Email me") } |
28790 | mail_to("", cc: "", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Email me") } |
28791 | options = { class: "special" } |
28792 | mail_to "", "ME!", options |
28793 | assert_equal({ class: "special" }, options) |
28794 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="sms:15155555785;">Jim Jones</a>}, sms_to("15155555785", "Jim Jones") |
28795 | %{<a class="admin" href="sms:15155555785;">Jim Jones</a>}, |
28796 | sms_to("15155555785", "Jim Jones", "class" => "admin") |
28797 | assert_equal sms_to("15155555785", "Jim Jones", "class" => "admin"), |
28798 | sms_to("15155555785", "Jim Jones", class: "admin") |
28799 | sms_to("5155555785", "Text me", class: "simple-class", country_code: "01", body: "Hello from Jim") |
28800 | sms_to("5155555785", class: "simple-class", country_code: "01", body: "Hello from Jim") |
28801 | sms_to("5155555785", "Text me", body: "This is the body of the message.") |
28802 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="sms:15155555785;"><img src="/feedback.png" /></a>}, |
28803 | sms_to("15155555785", raw('<img src="/feedback.png" />')) |
28804 | %{<a href="sms:1%2B5155555785;">1+5155555785</a>}, |
28805 | %{<a href="sms:;"></a>}, |
28806 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="sms:15155555785;"><span>Text me</span></a>}, |
28807 | sms_to("15155555785") { content_tag(:span, "Text me") } |
28808 | sms_to("15155555785", body: "Hello from Jim", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Text me") } |
28809 | sms_to "15155555785", "ME!", options |
28810 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="tel:1234567890">Bob</a>}, |
28811 | phone_to("1234567890", "Bob") |
28812 | %{<a class="phoner" href="tel:1234567890">Bob</a>}, |
28813 | phone_to("1234567890", "Bob", "class" => "phoner") |
28814 | assert_equal phone_to("1234567890", "Bob", "class" => "admin"), |
28815 | phone_to("1234567890", "Bob", class: "admin") |
28816 | %{<a class="example-class" href="tel:+011234567890">Phone</a>}, |
28817 | phone_to("1234567890", "Phone", class: "example-class", country_code: "01") |
28818 | %{<a href="tel:+011234567890">Phone</a>}, |
28819 | phone_to("1234567890", "Phone", country_code: "01") |
28820 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="tel:1234567890"><img src="/feedback.png" /></a>}, |
28821 | phone_to("1234567890", raw('<img src="/feedback.png" />')) |
28822 | %{<a href="tel:1%2B234567890">1+234567890</a>}, |
28823 | %{<a href="tel:"></a>}, |
28824 | assert_dom_equal %{<a href="tel:1234567890"><span>Phone</span></a>}, |
28825 | phone_to("1234567890") { content_tag(:span, "Phone") } |
28826 | assert_dom_equal %{<a class="special" href="tel:+011234567890"><span>Phone</span></a>}, |
28827 | phone_to("1234567890", country_code: "01", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Phone") } |
28828 | as: :show |
28829 | get "/:controller(/:action(/:id))" |
28830 | render inline: "<%= show_named_route_#{params[:kind]} %>" |
28831 | render inline: "<%= url_for(nil) %>" |
28832 | render inline: "<%= url_for(action: :show_url_for) %>" |
28833 | render inline: "<%= override_url_helper_path %>" |
28834 | get :show_named_route, params: { kind: "url" } |
28835 | get :show_named_route, params: { kind: "path" } |
28836 | { host: "" } |
28837 | get :show, params: { id: "123" } |
28838 | get :show, params: { name: "123" } |
28839 | render inline: "<%= link_to_unless_current('tasks', tasks_path) %> " \ |
28840 | get :show, params: { id: 1 } |
28841 | assert_equal %{<a href="/tasks">tasks</a> } + |
28842 | %{<a href="#{@request.protocol}#{@request.host_with_port}/tasks">tasks</a>}, |
28843 | render inline: "<%= url_for(@workshop) %> <%= link_to('Workshop', @workshop) %>" |
28844 | render inline: "<%= current_page?(@workshop) %>" |
28845 | render inline: "<%= url_for([@workshop, @session]) %> <%= link_to('Session', [@workshop, @session]) %>" |
28846 | @url = [@workshop, @session, format: params[:format]] |
28847 | render inline: "<%= url_for(@url) %> <%= link_to('Session', @url) %>" |
28848 | get :edit, params: { id: 1 } |
28849 | get :index, params: { workshop_id: 1 } |
28850 | get :show, params: { workshop_id: 1, id: 1 } |
28851 | found: { foo: "Foo" }, |
28852 | found_yield_single_argument: { foo: "Foo" }, |
28853 | found_yield_block: { foo: "Foo" }, |
28854 | array: { foo: { bar: "Foo Bar" } }, |
28855 | default: { foo: "Foo" }, |
28856 | partial: { foo: "Partial foo" } |
28857 | foo: "Foo", |
28858 | hello: "<a>Hello World</a>", |
28859 | html: "<a>Hello World</a>", |
28860 | hello_html: "<a>Hello World</a>", |
28861 | interpolated_html: "<a>Hello %{word}</a>", |
28862 | array_html: %w(foo bar), |
28863 | array: %w(foo bar), |
28864 | count_html: { |
28865 | one: "<a>One %{count}</a>", |
28866 | other: "<a>Other %{count}</a>" |
28867 | matcher = ->(key, options) do |
28868 | @time = Time.utc(2008, 7, 8, 12, 18, 38) |
28869 | assert_called_with(I18n, :localize, [@time], locale: "en") do |
28870 | assert_equal "Tue, 08 Jul 2008 12:18:38 +0000", localize(@time, locale: "en") |
28871 | assert_equal expected, translate(:"translations.missing", name: "Kir", year: "2015", vulnerable: %{" onclick="alert()"}) |
28872 | expected = %w(foo bar) |
28873 | assert_equal "<a>One 1</a>", translate(:'translations.count_html', count: 1) |
28874 | assert_equal "<a>Other <One></a>", translate(:'translations.count_html', count: "<One>") |
28875 | hash = { one: "%{count} thing", other: "%{count} things" } |
28876 | assert_equal ["<a>Hello World</a>", "<a>Hello World</a>"], translations |
28877 | @_cycles = nil if defined?(@_cycles) |
28878 | assert_equal "<p>A paragraph</p> <p>and another one!</p>", simple_format("A paragraph and another one!") |
28879 | assert_equal "<p>A <br />B <br />C <br />D</p>", simple_format(text) |
28880 | assert_equal '<p class="test">This is a classy test</p>', simple_format("This is a classy test", class: "test") |
28881 | assert_equal %Q(<p class="test">para 1</p> <p class="test">para 2</p>), simple_format("para 1 para 2", class: "test") |
28882 | assert_equal "<p><b> test with unsafe string </b>code!</p>", simple_format("<b> test with unsafe string </b><script>code!</script>") |
28883 | assert_equal "<p><b> test with unsafe string </b>code!</p>", |
28884 | simple_format("<b> test with unsafe string </b><script>code!</script>", {}, { sanitize: true }) |
28885 | assert_equal "<p><b> test with unsafe string </b><script>code!</script></p>", simple_format("<b> test with unsafe string </b><script>code!</script>", {}, { sanitize: false }) |
28886 | assert_equal "<div></div>", simple_format(nil, {}, { wrapper_tag: "div" }) |
28887 | text = "<b>Ok</b><script>code!</script>" |
28888 | options = { class: "foobar" } |
28889 | options = { wrapper_tag: :div, sanitize: false } |
28890 | assert_equal "Hello Wor...", truncate("Hello World!!", length: 12) |
28891 | assert_equal str[0...27] + "...", truncate(str) |
28892 | assert_equal "Hello W...", truncate("Hello World!", length: 10) |
28893 | assert_equal "Hello[...]", truncate("Hello World!", omission: "[...]", length: 10) |
28894 | assert_equal "Hello[...]", truncate("Hello Big World!", omission: "[...]", length: 13, separator: " ") |
28895 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", truncate("Hello Big World!", omission: "[...]", length: 14, separator: " ") |
28896 | assert_equal "Hello Big[...]", truncate("Hello Big World!", omission: "[...]", length: 15, separator: " ") |
28897 | options = { length: 10 } |
28898 | assert_equal "Here is a long test and ...<a href=\"#\">Continue</a>", |
28899 | truncate("Here is a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27) { link_to "Continue", "#" } |
28900 | assert_equal "Hello <sc...", truncate("Hello <script>code!</script>World!!", length: 12) |
28901 | assert_equal "Hello <sc...", truncate("Hello <script>code!</script>World!!", length: 12, escape: false) |
28902 | truncated = truncate("Here's a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27) { link_to "Continue", "#" } |
28903 | assert_equal "<script>code!</script>He...<a href=\"#\">Continue</a>", |
28904 | truncate("<script>code!</script>Here's a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27) { link_to "Continue", "#" } |
28905 | assert_equal "<script>code!</script>He...<a href=\"#\">Continue</a>", |
28906 | truncate("<script>code!</script>Here's a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27, escape: false) { link_to "Continue", "#" } |
28907 | truncated = truncate("<script>code!</script>Here's a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27, escape: false) { link_to "Continue", "#" } |
28908 | assert_equal "Here is a long test and ...<script>alert('foo');</script>", |
28909 | truncate("Here is a long test and I need a continue to read link", length: 27) { "<script>alert('foo');</script>" } |
28910 | assert_equal %(<em>wow</em> <em>em</em>), highlight("wow em", %w(wow em), highlighter: '<em>\1</em>') |
28911 | highlight("<p>This is a <em class=\"error\">beautiful</em> morning, but also a beautiful <span class=\"last\">day</span></p>", "beautiful") |
28912 | highlight("<div>abc div</div>", "div", highlighter: '<b>\1</b>') |
28913 | options = { highlighter: '<b>\1</b>', sanitize: false } |
28914 | highlight("<div>abc div</div>", "div", passed_options) |
28915 | highlight("one two three", ["one", "two", "three"]) { |word| "<b>#{word}</b>" } |
28916 | assert_equal(" a beautiful morn...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", radius: 5)) |
28917 | assert_equal("This is a...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "this", radius: 5)) |
28918 | assert_equal(" a beautiful! mor...", excerpt("This is a beautiful! morning", "beautiful", radius: 5)) |
28919 | assert_equal(" a beautiful? mor...", excerpt("This is a beautiful? morning", "beautiful", radius: 5)) |
28920 | assert_equal(" a beautiful? mor...", excerpt("This is a beautiful? morning", /\bbeau\w*\b/i, radius: 5)) |
28921 | assert_equal(" a beautiful? mor...", excerpt("This is a beautiful? morning", /\b(beau\w*)\b/i, radius: 5)) |
28922 | assert_equal("...judge Allen and...", excerpt("This day was challenging for judge Allen and his colleagues.", /\ballen\b/i, radius: 1, separator: " ")) |
28923 | assert_equal("...was challenging for...", excerpt("This day was challenging for judge Allen and his colleagues.", /\b(\w*allen\w*)\b/i, radius: 5)) |
28924 | assert_equal("", excerpt("", "", radius: 0)) |
28925 | assert_equal("a", excerpt("a", "a", radius: 0)) |
28926 | assert_equal("...b...", excerpt("abc", "b", radius: 0)) |
28927 | assert_equal("abc", excerpt("abc", "b", radius: 1)) |
28928 | assert_equal("abc...", excerpt("abcd", "b", radius: 1)) |
28929 | assert_equal("", excerpt("zabc", "b", radius: 1)) |
28930 | assert_equal("", excerpt("zabcd", "b", radius: 1)) |
28931 | assert_equal("zabcd", excerpt("zabcd", "b", radius: 2)) |
28932 | assert_equal("[...]is a beautiful morn[...]", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", omission: "[...]", radius: 5)) |
28933 | omission: "[...]") |
28934 | options = { omission: "[...]", radius: 5 } |
28935 | options = { separator: " ", radius: 1 } |
28936 | assert_equal("...a very beautiful...", excerpt("This is a very beautiful morning", "very", options)) |
28937 | options = { separator: " ", radius: 0 } |
28938 | assert_equal("...very long...", excerpt("my very very very long string", "long", options)) |
28939 | options = { separator: " ", radius: 1 } |
28940 | assert_equal "123-+1234-+12-+12-+123-+1 1-+1-+123", word_wrap(input, line_width: 3, break_sequence: "-+") |
28941 | input = "1 1 1 1 1" |
28942 | assert_equal "1 1 1 1 1", word_wrap(input, line_width: 3) |
28943 | assert_equal "1-+1 1-+1-+1", word_wrap(input, line_width: 3, break_sequence: "-+") |
28944 | input = "1 1 1 1 1" |
28945 | assert_equal "1 1 1 1 1", word_wrap(input, line_width: 3) |
28946 | assert_equal "1-+-+-+1 1-+1-+-+-+1", word_wrap(input, line_width: 3, break_sequence: "-+") |
28947 | input = "1 1 1 1 1 " |
28948 | assert_equal("1 count", pluralize(1, "count")) |
28949 | assert_equal("1 count", pluralize("1", "count")) |
28950 | assert_equal("2 counts", pluralize("2", "count")) |
28951 | assert_equal("1,066 counts", pluralize("1,066", "count")) |
28952 | assert_equal("1.25 counts", pluralize("1.25", "count")) |
28953 | assert_equal("1.0 count", pluralize("1.0", "count")) |
28954 | assert_equal("1.00 count", pluralize("1.00", "count")) |
28955 | assert_equal("1 berry", pluralize(1, "berry")) |
28956 | value ="one", 2, "3") |
28957 | assert_equal("2", value.to_s) |
28958 | assert_equal("3", value.to_s) |
28959 | assert_equal("one", cycle("one", 2, "3")) |
28960 | assert_equal("2", cycle("one", 2, "3")) |
28961 | assert_equal("3", cycle("one", 2, "3")) |
28962 | array = [1, 2, 3] |
28963 | assert_equal("even", cycle("even", "odd")) |
28964 | assert_equal("odd", cycle("even", "odd")) |
28965 | assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3)) |
28966 | assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3)) |
28967 | assert_equal("3", cycle(1, 2, 3)) |
28968 | assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3, name: "numbers")) |
28969 | assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue", name: "colors")) |
28970 | assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3, name: "numbers")) |
28971 | assert_equal("blue", cycle("red", "blue", name: "colors")) |
28972 | assert_equal("3", cycle(1, 2, 3, name: "numbers")) |
28973 | cycle("even", "odd") |
28974 | cycle("red", "blue", name: "colors") |
28975 | cycle(1, 2, 3) |
28976 | assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3, name: "default")) |
28977 | assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue")) |
28978 | assert_equal("blue", cycle("red", "blue")) |
28979 | templates = resolver.find_all("path.erb", "arbitrary", false, locale: [], formats: [:html], handlers: []) |
28980 | templates = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [], formats: [:html], variants: [], handlers: []) |
28981 | templates = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [], formats: [:html], variants: [], handlers: [:erb]) |
28982 | templates = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [], formats: [:html], variants: [:variant], handlers: [:erb]) |
28983 | en = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [:en], formats: [:html], variants: [], handlers: [:erb]) |
28984 | fr = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [:fr], formats: [:html], variants: [], handlers: [:erb]) |
28985 | templates = resolver.find_all("path", "arbitrary", false, locale: [], formats: [:html], variants: :any, handlers: [:erb]) |
28986 | assert_equal "<h1>Ruby on Rails</h1>", title("Ruby on Rails") |
28987 | person = { |
28988 | }.new "David" |
28989 | assert_equal '<a href="/people/1">David</a>', link_to_person(person) |
28990 | get "people", to: "people#index", as: :people |
28991 | render(layout: "test/layout_for_partial", locals: { name: "ChrisCruft" }) { "!" } |
28992 | assert_called_with(view.request.flash, :[], [:alert]) do |
28993 | @controller.singleton_class.class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 |
28994 | @a = "b" |
28995 | @c = "d" |
28996 | assert_equal({ a: "b", c: "d" }, view_assigns) |
28997 | from_test_case(suffix: "!") |
28998 | def from_test_case(suffix: "?"); "Word#{suffix}"; end |
28999 | controller.request.assign_parameters(@routes, "foo", "index", {}, "/foo", []) |
29000 | set.draw { |
29001 | get :foo, to: "foo#index" |
29002 | get :bar, to: "bar#index" |
29003 | routes.draw { get "bar", to: lambda { } } |
29004 | def*) |
29005 | set.draw { mount app => "/foo", :as => "foo_app" } |
29006 | content_for :foo, "bar" |
29007 | form_tag("/foo") do |
29008 | safe_concat render(plain: "<ul><li>foo</li></ul>") |
29009 | assert_select "li", text: "foo" |
29010 | concat form_tag("/foo") |
29011 | concat content_tag(:b, "Strong", class: "foo") |
29012 | locals: [] |
29013 | def new_template(body = "<%= hello %>", details = {}) |
29014 | details = { format: :html, locals: [] }.merge details |
29015 | I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("locale/en.yml", __dir__) |
29016 | I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("locale/en.rb", __dir__) |
29017 | delegate :[], :fetch, to: :config |
29018 | YAML.load(config).presence || {} |
29019 | send(name, *args, &block) |
29020 | undef_method :== |
29021 | ::Object.send(:raise, *args) |
29022 | inflect.plural(/$/, "s") |
29023 | inflect.plural(/s$/i, "s") |
29024 | inflect.plural(/^(ax|test)is$/i, '\1es') |
29025 | inflect.plural(/(octop|vir)us$/i, '\1i') |
29026 | inflect.plural(/(octop|vir)i$/i, '\1i') |
29027 | inflect.plural(/(alias|status)$/i, '\1es') |
29028 | inflect.plural(/(bu)s$/i, '\1ses') |
29029 | inflect.plural(/(buffal|tomat)o$/i, '\1oes') |
29030 | inflect.plural(/([ti])um$/i, '\1a') |
29031 | inflect.plural(/([ti])a$/i, '\1a') |
29032 | inflect.plural(/sis$/i, "ses") |
29033 | inflect.plural(/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i, '\1\2ves') |
29034 | inflect.plural(/(hive)$/i, '\1s') |
29035 | inflect.plural(/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i, '\1ies') |
29036 | inflect.plural(/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i, '\1es') |
29037 | inflect.plural(/(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$/i, '\1ices') |
29038 | inflect.plural(/^(m|l)ouse$/i, '\1ice') |
29039 | inflect.plural(/^(m|l)ice$/i, '\1ice') |
29040 | inflect.plural(/^(ox)$/i, '\1en') |
29041 | inflect.plural(/^(oxen)$/i, '\1') |
29042 | inflect.plural(/(quiz)$/i, '\1zes') |
29043 | inflect.singular(/s$/i, "") |
29044 | inflect.singular(/(ss)$/i, '\1') |
29045 | inflect.singular(/(n)ews$/i, '\1ews') |
29046 | inflect.singular(/([ti])a$/i, '\1um') |
29047 | inflect.singular(/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)(sis|ses)$/i, '\1sis') |
29048 | inflect.singular(/(^analy)(sis|ses)$/i, '\1sis') |
29049 | inflect.singular(/([^f])ves$/i, '\1fe') |
29050 | inflect.singular(/(hive)s$/i, '\1') |
29051 | inflect.singular(/(tive)s$/i, '\1') |
29052 | inflect.singular(/([lr])ves$/i, '\1f') |
29053 | inflect.singular(/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, '\1y') |
29054 | inflect.singular(/(s)eries$/i, '\1eries') |
29055 | inflect.singular(/(m)ovies$/i, '\1ovie') |
29056 | inflect.singular(/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i, '\1') |
29057 | inflect.singular(/^(m|l)ice$/i, '\1ouse') |
29058 | inflect.singular(/(bus)(es)?$/i, '\1') |
29059 | inflect.singular(/(o)es$/i, '\1') |
29060 | inflect.singular(/(shoe)s$/i, '\1') |
29061 | inflect.singular(/(cris|test)(is|es)$/i, '\1is') |
29062 | inflect.singular(/^(a)x[ie]s$/i, '\1xis') |
29063 | inflect.singular(/(octop|vir)(us|i)$/i, '\1us') |
29064 | inflect.singular(/(alias|status)(es)?$/i, '\1') |
29065 | inflect.singular(/^(ox)en/i, '\1') |
29066 | inflect.singular(/(vert|ind)ices$/i, '\1ex') |
29067 | inflect.singular(/(matr)ices$/i, '\1ix') |
29068 | inflect.singular(/(quiz)zes$/i, '\1') |
29069 | inflect.singular(/(database)s$/i, '\1') |
29070 | @digest = digest || "SHA1" |
29071 | data, digest = signed_message.split("--") |
29072 | data = signed_message.split("--")[0] |
29073 | coder.represent_seq "!omap", map { |k, v| { k => v } } |
29074 | dup.tap { |hash|!(*args, &block) } |
29075 | dup.tap { |hash| hash.reject!(*args, &block) } |
29076 | env.value = !env.halted && (!block_given? || yield) |
29077 | (skipped ||= []) << current |
29078 | if !halted && user_conditions.all? { |c|, value) } |
29079 | if user_conditions.all? { |c|, value) } |
29080 | options = { |
29081 | if: @if.dup, |
29082 | } |
29083 | @kind == _kind && filter == _filter |
29084 | Array(chain_config[:scope]).map { |s| public_send(s) } |
29085 | if conditionals.any? { |c| c.is_a?(String) } |
29086 | { |c|, self).make_lambda } + |
29087 | new(nil, filter, [], nil) |
29088 | new(filter, :call, [:target, :value], nil) |
29089 | new(nil, :instance_exec, [:target, :block], filter) |
29090 | new(nil, :instance_exec, [:target], filter) |
29091 | new(nil, :instance_exec, [], filter) |
29092 | new(filter, method_to_call, [:target], nil) |
29093 | @before = [] |
29094 | @after = [] |
29095 | arg.halted || !@user_conditions.all? { |c|, arg.value) } |
29096 | @before.each { |b| } |
29097 | @after.each { |a| } |
29098 | @name = name |
29099 | @config = { |
29100 | scope: [:kind], |
29101 | }.merge!(config) |
29102 | @chain = [] |
29103 | def each(&block); @chain.each(&block); end |
29104 | callbacks.each { |c| append_one(c) } |
29105 | callbacks.each { |c| prepend_one(c) } |
29106 | @chain.delete_if { |c| callback.duplicates?(c) } |
29107 | callback = chain.find { |c| c.matches?(type, filter) } |
29108 | if callback && (options.key?(:if) || options.key?(:unless)) |
29109 | callbacks.each { |c| chain.delete(c) } |
29110 | l = a.unpack "C#{a.bytesize}" |
29111 | res = 0 |
29112 | b.each_byte { |byte| res |= byte ^ l.shift } |
29113 | res == 0 |
29114 | method_name.end_with?("?") || super |
29115 | if method_name.end_with?("?") |
29116 | self == method_name[0..-2] |
29117 | YAML.unsafe_load(source, **options) || {} |
29118 | YAML.load(source, **options) || {} |
29119 | erb = { |e| e.filename = @content_path } |
29120 | def as_json(options = {}) |
29121 | { _rails: { message: @message, exp: @expires_at, pur: @purpose } } |
29122 | class << self |
29123 | if data.is_a?(Hash) && data.key?("_rails") |
29124 | new(decode(data["_rails"]["message"]), data["_rails"]["exp"], data["_rails"]["pur"]) |
29125 | @purpose.to_s == purpose.to_s |
29126 | @expires_at.nil? || < @expires_at |
29127 | @signed, @encrypted = [], [] |
29128 | @signed << args |
29129 | @rotations = [] |
29130 | def fork(*) |
29131 | @callbacks = [] |
29132 | if @pid != |
29133 | alias_method :_get, :[] # preserve the original #[] method |
29134 | def []=(key, value) |
29135 | def [](key) |
29136 | if name_string.chomp!("=") |
29137 | bangs = name_string.chomp!("!") |
29138 | super() { |h, k| parent._get(k) } |
29139 | super() { |h, k| parent[k] } |
29140 | @hash_digest_class ||= ::Digest::MD5 |
29141 | def initialize(files, dirs = {}, &block) |
29142 | @core =, dirs) |
29143 | @files = { |file| Pathname(file).expand_path }.to_set |
29144 | @dirs = dirs.each_with_object({}) do |(dir, exts), hash| |
29145 | hash[Pathname(dir).expand_path] = Array(exts).map { |ext| ext.to_s.sub(/\A\.?/, ".") }.to_set |
29146 | @missing = [] |
29147 | @dtw, @missing = [*@dtw, *@missing].partition(&:exist?) |
29148 | @listener = @dtw.any? ?*@dtw, &method(:changed)) : nil |
29149 | @missing.any?(&:exist?) |
29150 | @updated.make_true if (modified + added + removed).any? { |f| watching?(f) } |
29151 | elsif dir == @common_path || dir.root? |
29152 | dtw = @dirs.keys | |
29153 | accounted_for = dtw.to_set + { |path| Pathname(path) } |
29154 | dtw.reject { |dir| dir.ascend.drop(1).any? { |parent| accounted_for.include?(parent) } } |
29155 | { |path| path.ascend.to_a }.reduce(&:&)&.first |
29156 | Dir.glob(File.expand_path("core_ext/*.rb", __dir__)).sort.each do |path| |
29157 | DATE_TO_PART = { "Y" => :years, "M" => :months, "W" => :weeks, "D" => :days } |
29158 | TIME_TO_PART = { "H" => :hours, "M" => :minutes, "S" => :seconds } |
29159 | @parts = {} |
29160 | @mode = :start |
29161 | @sign = 1 |
29162 | self.sign = (scanner.matched == "-") ? -1 : 1 |
29163 | fractions = parts.values.reject(&:zero?).select { |a| (a % 1) != 0 } |
29164 | unless fractions.empty? || (fractions.size == 1 && fractions.last == @parts.values.reject(&:zero?).last) |
29165 | output = +"P" |
29166 | time = +"" |
29167 | time << "#{sprintf(@precision ? "%0.0#{@precision}f" : '%g', parts[:seconds])}S" |
29168 | output << "T#{time}" unless time.empty? |
29169 | parts = do |(k, v), p| |
29170 | { |
29171 | en: { |
29172 | number: { |
29173 | nth: { |
29174 | when 1; "st" |
29175 | when 2; "nd" |
29176 | when 3; "rd" |
29177 | when 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; "th" |
29178 | num_modulo %= 10 if num_modulo > 13 |
29179 | config.i18n.load_path = [] |
29180 | I18n.public_send("#{setting}=", value) |
29181 | I18n.load_path.keep_if { |p| File.exist?(p) } |
29182 | args = \ |
29183 | [*(fallbacks[:defaults] || []) << fallbacks[:map]].compact |
29184 | @load_hooks = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
29185 | def on_load(name, options = {}, &block) |
29186 | @load_hooks[name] << [block, options] |
29187 | @loaded[name] << base |
29188 | @run_once[name] << block if once |
29189 | expanded_cache_key = namespace ? +"#{namespace}/" : +"" |
29190 | expanded_cache_key << "#{prefix}/" |
29191 | raise "Could not find cache store adapter for #{store} (#{e})" |
29192 | {}.tap do |pool_options| |
29193 | @options = options ? options.dup : {} |
29194 | entries = hash.each_with_object({}) do |(name, value), memo| |
29195 | reads.fetch(name) { writes[name] = yield(name) } |
29196 |! { |key| normalize_key(key, options) } |
29197 | if source.start_with?("^") |
29198 | source = ".*#{source[0, source.length]}" |
29199 | entries.count { |key| delete_entry(key, **options) } |
29200 | if key && key.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8 |
29201 | if key.size > 1 |
29202 | key.collect { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.sort! |
29203 | (options && options[:version].try(:to_param)) || expanded_version(key) |
29204 | if logger && logger.debug? && !silence? |
29205 | logger.debug "Cache #{operation}: #{normalize_key(key, options)}#{options.blank? ? "" : " (#{options.inspect})"}" |
29206 | payload = { key: key, store: } |
29207 | if (race_ttl > 0) && ( - entry.expires_at <= race_ttl) |
29208 | @expires_in = expires_in && expires_in.to_f |
29209 | @version && version && @version != version |
29210 | @expires_in && @created_at + @expires_in <= |
29211 | @expires_in ? @created_at + @expires_in : nil |
29212 | @expires_in = value.to_f - @created_at |
29213 | @s ||= Marshal.dump(@value).bytesize |
29214 | if @value && !compressed? && !(@value.is_a?(Numeric) || @value == true || @value == false) |
29215 | if @value.is_a?(String) |
29216 | @value = @value.dup |
29217 | def raw_state # :nodoc: |
29218 | data = {} |
29219 | data[thread] = { |
29220 | @cv = new_cond |
29221 | @sharing = |
29222 | @waiting = {} |
29223 | @sleeping = {} |
29224 | @sharing.size > (@sharing[Thread.current] > 0 ? 1 : 0) |
29225 | @waiting.any? { |t, (_, c)| t != Thread.current && !c.include?(purpose) } |
29226 | @waiting.any? { |t, (p, _)| compatible.include?(p) && @waiting.all? { |t2, (_, c2)| t == t2 || c2.include?(p) } } |
29227 | @cv.wait_while { yield } |
29228 | mon_try_enter || |
29229 | @watching = [] |
29230 | @stack = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
29231 | constants = [] |
29232 | constants << ([namespace, suffix] - ["Object"]).join("::") |
29233 | modules.each { |mod| @stack[mod].pop } |
29234 | (@blamed_files ||= []).unshift file |
29235 | @blamed_files ||= [] |
29236 | def depend_on(file_name, message = "No such file to load -- %s.rb") |
29237 | if file_name = load_error.message[/ -- (.*?)(\.rb)?$/, 1] |
29238 | file_name = file_name.chomp(".rb") |
29239 | load_args = ["#{file_name}.rb"] |
29240 | path = path.chomp(".rb") |
29241 | paths = [] |
29242 | next if expanded_path[root_size] != ?/ |
29243 | nesting = expanded_path[(root_size + 1)..-1] |
29244 | path_suffix += ".rb" unless path_suffix.end_with?(".rb") |
29245 | nil # Gee, I sure wish we had first_match ;-) |
29246 | autoload_once_paths.any? { |base| path.start_with?(base.to_s) } |
29247 | parent_paths = const_paths.collect { |const_path| const_path[/.*(?=::)/] || ::Object } |
29248 | mod_name == "Object" ? name.to_s : "#{mod_name}::#{name}" |
29249 | elsif (parent = from_mod.module_parent) && parent != from_mod && |
29250 | ! from_mod.module_parents.any? { |p| p.const_defined?(const_name, false) } |
29251 | name_error.set_backtrace(caller.reject { |l| l.start_with? __FILE__ }) |
29252 | def key?(key) |
29253 | @store.key?(key) |
29254 | key = if key.respond_to?(:name) |
29255 | alias :[] :get |
29256 | real_mod_name(desc) || |
29257 | normalized = const.to_s.delete_prefix("::") |
29258 | normalized.sub!(/\A(Object::)+/, "") |
29259 | parent_name = constants.join("::") |
29260 | Null = # :nodoc: |
29261 | def self.to_run(*args, &block) |
29262 | set_callback(:run, *args, &block) |
29263 | RunHook = do # :nodoc: |
29264 | class << self # :nodoc: |
29265 | def # :nodoc: |
29266 | def run! # :nodoc: |
29267 | @_hook_state ||= {} |
29268 | undef_method(method) unless method.start_with?("__", "instance_eval", "class", "object_id") |
29269 | arguments << lambda { |*args| @options.deep_merge(*args)) } |
29270 | @context.__send__(method, *arguments, **options, &block) |
29271 | @context.__send__(method, *arguments, &block) |
29272 | sources.any? { |source| source == logger_source } |
29273 | define_method(:add) do |*args, &block| |
29274 | super(*args, &block) |
29275 | define_method(:<<) do |x| |
29276 | logger << x |
29277 | if String === number |
29278 | ) |
29279 | if value.is_a?(::Method) || value.is_a?(::Proc) |
29280 | if value.arity == 1 |
29281 | type_name ||= if value && !value.respond_to?(:to_str) |
29282 | attributes = options[:skip_types] || type_name.nil? ? {} : { type: type_name } |
29283 | def rename_key(key, options = {}) |
29284 | left, middle, right = /\A(_*)(.*?)(_*)\Z/.match(key.strip)[1, 3] |
29285 | key = if klass.is_a?(Module) && klass.respond_to?(:===) |
29286 | self.rescue_handlers += [[key, with]] |
29287 | if method.arity == 0 |
29288 | -> e { } |
29289 | -> e { object.instance_exec(&rescuer) } |
29290 | -> e { object.instance_exec(e, &rescuer) } |
29291 | keys.reject { |m| method_defined?(m) }.each do |key| |
29292 | def #{key}; _get(#{key.inspect}); end |
29293 | @_config ||= if respond_to?(:superclass) && superclass.respond_to?(:config) |
29294 | reader, reader_line = "def #{name}; config.#{name}; end", __LINE__ |
29295 | writer, writer_line = "def #{name}=(value); config.#{name} = value; end", __LINE__ |
29296 | send("#{name}=", yield) if block_given? |
29297 | instance_variable_set :"@#{default}", env == default |
29298 | class_eval "def #{env}?; @#{env}; end" |
29299 | @@direct_descendants = {} |
29300 | arr = [] |
29301 | @refs = [] |
29302 | @refs = @refs.dup |
29303 | def <<(klass) |
29304 | @refs.reject! do |ref| |
29305 | yield ref.__getobj__ |
29306 | @refs.delete_if { |ref| !ref.weakref_alive? } |
29307 | @@subscribers ||= [] |
29308 | @queue_key = [, object_id].join "-" |
29309 | method = name.split(".").first |
29310 | @registry = {} |
29311 | @registry[queue_key] ||= [] |
29312 | all = { |f| File.exist?(f) } |
29313 | @updated_at || max_mtime(paths) || |
29314 | globs = do |key, value| |
29315 | key.gsub(",", '\,') |
29316 | parameterized_string.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/i, separator) |
29317 | if separator == "-" |
29318 | re_leading_trailing_separator = /^-|-$/i |
29319 | re_leading_trailing_separator = /^#{re_sep}|#{re_sep}$/i |
29320 | @__instance__ = |
29321 | @regex_array = [] |
29322 | def <<(*word) |
29323 | @regex_array += { |word| to_regex(word) } |
29324 | @regex_array.any? { |regex| regex.match? str } |
29325 | /\b#{::Regexp.escape(string)}\Z/i |
29326 | @__instance__[locale] ||= new |
29327 | @plurals, @singulars, @uncountables, @humans, @acronyms = [], [],, [], {} |
29328 | s0 = singular[0] |
29329 | srest = singular[1..-1] |
29330 | p0 = plural[0] |
29331 | prest = plural[1..-1] |
29332 | plural(/(#{s0})#{srest}$/i, '\1' + prest) |
29333 | plural(/(#{p0})#{prest}$/i, '\1' + prest) |
29334 | singular(/(#{s0})#{srest}$/i, '\1' + srest) |
29335 | singular(/(#{p0})#{prest}$/i, '\1' + srest) |
29336 | plural(/#{s0.downcase}(?i)#{srest}$/, p0.downcase + prest) |
29337 | plural(/#{p0.downcase}(?i)#{prest}$/, p0.downcase + prest) |
29338 | singular(/#{s0.downcase}(?i)#{srest}$/, s0.downcase + srest) |
29339 | singular(/#{p0.downcase}(?i)#{prest}$/, s0.downcase + srest) |
29340 | def clear(scope = :all) |
29341 | @plurals, @singulars, @uncountables, @humans = [], [],, [] |
29342 | instance_variable_set "@#{scope}", [] |
29343 | @acronyms_underscore_regex = /(?:(?<=([A-Za-z\d]))|\b)(#{@acronym_regex})(?=\b|[^a-z])/ |
29344 | string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| inflections.acronyms[match] || match.capitalize } |
29345 | string.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/i) { "#{$1}#{inflections.acronyms[$2] || $2.capitalize}" } |
29346 | string.gsub!("/", "::") |
29347 | word = camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub("::", "/") |
29348 | word.gsub!(inflections.acronyms_underscore_regex) { "#{$1 && '_' }#{$2.downcase}" } |
29349 | word.gsub!(/([A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|([a-z\d])(?=[A-Z])/) { ($1 || $2) << "_" } |
29350 |!("-", "_") |
29351 | result.sub!(/\A_+/, "") |
29352 |!("_", " ") |
29353 | result.gsub!(/([a-z\d]*)/i) do |match| |
29354 | result.sub!(/\A\w/) { |match| match.upcase } |
29355 | string.length > 0 ? string[0].upcase.concat(string[1..-1]) : "" |
29356 | camelize(singularize(table_name.to_s.sub(/.*\./, ""))) |
29357 |"_", "-") |
29358 | path = path.to_s |
29359 | if i = path.rindex("::") |
29360 | path[(i + 2)..-1] |
29361 | if camel_cased_word.blank? || !camel_cased_word.include?("::") |
29362 | names = camel_cased_word.split("::") |
29363 | raise if && !(camel_cased_word.to_s.split("::").include?( || |
29364 | == camel_cased_word.to_s) |
29365 | parts = camel_cased_word.split("::") |
29366 | part.empty? ? acc : "#{part}(::#{acc})?" |
29367 | @options = options || {} |
29368 | def to_json(*) |
29369 | s = super |
29370 | result = {} |
29371 | value.each do |k, v| |
29372 | { |v| jsonify(v) } |
29373 |! { |d| convert_dates_from(d) } |
29374 | def setup # :nodoc: |
29375 | @flush_count = 0 |
29376 | @logged = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
29377 | @logged[level] << yield |
29378 | @logged[level] { |l| l.to_s.strip } |
29379 | @flush_count += 1 |
29380 | Fiber.current.__id__ |
29381 | def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block) #:nodoc: |
29382 | if !key.nil? && content_path.exist? |
29383 | tmp_file = "#{}.#{content_path.basename.to_s.chomp('.enc')}" |
29384 | @iterations = options[:iterations] || 2**16 |
29385 | @cache_keys[args.join("|")] ||= @key_generator.generate_key(*args) |
29386 | delegate :to_i, :to_f, :to_s, to: :value |
29387 | def -@ |
29388 | def <=>(other) |
29389 | if Scalar === other || Duration === other |
29390 | value <=> other |
29391 | def +(other) |
29392 | calculate(:+, other) |
29393 | def -(other) |
29394 | calculate(:-, other) |
29395 | def *(other) |
29396 | calculate(:*, other) |
29397 | def /(other) |
29398 | calculate(:/, other) |
29399 | def %(other) |
29400 | calculate(:%, other) |
29401 | if Scalar === other |
29402 | PARTS = [:years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds].freeze |
29403 | def ===(other) #:nodoc: |
29404 | parts = {} |
29405 | remainder_sign = value <=> 0 |
29406 | parts.inject(0) do |total, (part, value)| |
29407 | @value, @parts = value, parts |
29408 | @parts.reject! { |k, v| } unless value == 0 |
29409 | [other, self] |
29410 | seconds = @parts.fetch(:seconds, 0) + other |
29411 | self + (-other) |
29412 | if Duration === other || Scalar === other |
29413 | def -@ #:nodoc: |
29414 | def +@ #:nodoc: |
29415 | def is_a?(klass) #:nodoc: |
29416 | Duration == klass || value.is_a?(klass) |
29417 | alias :kind_of? :is_a? |
29418 | def instance_of?(klass) # :nodoc: |
29419 | def ==(other) |
29420 | Duration === other && other.value.eql?(value) |
29421 | sum(1, time) |
29422 | def ago(time = ::Time.current) |
29423 | sum(-1, time) |
29424 | def as_json(options = nil) #:nodoc: |
29425 | = { "value" => @value, "parts" => @parts } |
29426 | def sum(sign, time = ::Time.current) |
29427 | unless time.acts_like?(:time) || time.acts_like?(:date) |
29428 | parts.inject(time) do |t, (type, number)| |
29429 | if type == :seconds |
29430 | t.since(sign * number * 60) |
29431 | elsif type == :hours |
29432 | t.since(sign * number * 3600) |
29433 | t.advance(type => sign * number) |
29434 | silencer ? log_at(severity) { yield self } : yield(self) |
29435 | sign = (seconds < 0 ? "-" : "+") |
29436 | minutes = (seconds.abs % 3600) / 60 |
29437 | def [](arg) |
29438 | @lazy_zones_map[arg] ||= create(arg) |
29439 | arg *= 3600 if arg.abs <= 13 |
29440 | all.find { |z| z.utc_offset == arg.to_i } |
29441 | @zones = nil |
29442 | @zones_map = nil |
29443 | MAPPING.inject([]) do |memo, (key, value)| |
29444 | memo << self[key] if value == tz_id |
29445 | @zones_map ||= MAPPING.each_with_object({}) do |(name, _), zones| |
29446 | def <=>(zone) |
29447 | result = (utc_offset <=> zone.utc_offset) |
29448 | result = (name <=> if result == 0 |
29449 | def =~(re) |
29450 | re === name || re === MAPPING[name] |
29451 | (re == name) || (re == MAPPING[name]) || |
29452 | ((Regexp === re) && (re.match?(name) || re.match?(MAPPING[name]))) |
29453 | time = Time.utc(*args) |
29454 | def at(*args) |
29455 | time = |
29456 | parts.fetch(:hour, 0), |
29457 | parts.fetch(:min, 0), |
29458 | parts.fetch(:sec, 0) + parts.fetch(:sec_fraction, 0), |
29459 | def parse(str, now = now()) |
29460 | parts.fetch(:sec) + parts.fetch(:sec_fraction, 0), |
29461 | def strptime(str, format, now = now()) |
29462 | today + 1 |
29463 | today - 1 |
29464 | t : Time.utc(t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.min, t.sec, t.sec_fraction) |
29465 | coder.tag = "!ruby/object:#{self.class}" |
29466 | = { "name" => } |
29467 | parts.fetch(:mday, parts[:year] || parts[:mon] ? 1 :, |
29468 | if parts[:offset] || parts[:seconds] |
29469 | @data.with { |c| c.incr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in]) } |
29470 | @data.with { |c| c.decr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in]) } |
29471 | rescue_error_with(nil) { @data.with { |c| c.flush_all } } |
29472 | @data.with { |c| c.stats } |
29473 | rescue_error_with(nil) { deserialize_entry(@data.with { |c| c.get(key, options) }) } |
29474 | method = options[:unless_exist] ? :add : :set |
29475 | if options[:race_condition_ttl] && expires_in > 0 && !options[:raw] |
29476 | @data.with { |c| c.send(method, key, value, expires_in, **options, compress: false) } |
29477 | raw_values = @data.with { |c| c.get_multi(keys_to_names.keys) } |
29478 | values = {} |
29479 | rescue_error_with(false) { @data.with { |c| c.delete(key) } } |
29480 | key = key.gsub(ESCAPE_KEY_CHARS) { |match| "%#{match.getbyte(0).to_s(16).upcase}" } |
29481 | key = "#{key[0, 213]}:md5:#{ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(key)}" if key.size > 250 |
29482 | logger.error("DalliError (#{e}): #{e.message}") if logger |
29483 | gem "redis", ">= 4.0.1" |
29484 | warn "The Redis cache store requires the redis gem, version 4.0.1 or later. Please add it to your Gemfile: `gem \"redis\", \"~> 4.0\"`" |
29485 | def build_redis(redis: nil, url: nil, **redis_options) #:nodoc: |
29486 | if redis.is_a?(Proc) |
29487 | urls.each { |u| dist.add_node url: u } |
29488 | @redis ||= begin |
29489 | cursor = "0" |
29490 | nodes = c.respond_to?(:nodes) ? c.nodes : [c] |
29491 | end until cursor == "0" |
29492 | redis.with { |c| c.flushdb } |
29493 | raw = options&.fetch(:raw, false) |
29494 | deserialize_entry(redis.with { |c| c.get(key) }, raw: raw) |
29495 | return {} if names == [] |
29496 | keys = { |name| normalize_key(name, options) } |
29497 | redis.with { |c| c.mget(*keys) } |
29498 |{}) do |(name, value), results| |
29499 | if race_condition_ttl && expires_in && expires_in > 0 && !raw |
29500 | modifiers = {} |
29501 | modifiers[:px] = (1000 * expires_in.to_f).ceil if expires_in |
29502 | redis.with { |c| c.set key, serialized_entry, **modifiers } |
29503 | redis.with { |c| c.set key, serialized_entry } |
29504 | redis.with { |c| c.del key } |
29505 | redis.with { |c| c.del(entries) } |
29506 | suffix = ":sha2:#{::Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(key)}" |
29507 | rescue ::Redis::BaseError => e |
29508 | options ||= {} |
29509 | @data = {} |
29510 | @max_size = options[:size] || 32.megabytes |
29511 | @max_prune_time = options[:max_prune_time] || 2 |
29512 | @cache_size = 0 |
29513 | keys = synchronize { @data.keys } |
29514 | entry = @data[key] |
29515 | @data[key] = payload |
29516 | prune(@max_size * 0.75, @max_prune_time) if @cache_size > @max_size |
29517 | num = num.to_i + amount |
29518 | @data[key] |
29519 | @data[key] = entry |
29520 | !!@data.delete(key) |
29521 | def fetch_entry(key, options = nil) # :nodoc: |
29522 | entry = @data.fetch(key) { @data[key] = yield } |
29523 | def clear(**options) # :nodoc: |
29524 | def cleanup(**options) # :nodoc: |
29525 | def increment(name, amount = 1, **options) # :nodoc: |
29526 | def decrement(name, amount = 1, **options) # :nodoc: |
29527 | hit = true |
29528 | @local_cache_key ||= "#{}_local_cache_#{object_id}".gsub(/[\/-]/, "_").to_sym |
29529 | @app = nil |
29530 | @app = app |
29531 | [400, {}, []] |
29532 | FileUtils.rm_r(root_dirs.collect { |f| File.join(cache_path, f) }) |
29533 | entry = { |f| deserialize_entry( } |
29534 | rescue => e |
29535 | logger.error("FileStoreError (#{e}): #{e.message}") if logger |
29536 |, "r+") do |f| |
29537 | fname_paths = [] |
29538 | Dir.each_child(dir) do |d| |
29539 | name = File.join(dir, d) |
29540 | @period ||= time_zone.period_for_utc(@utc) |
29541 | def in_time_zone(new_zone = |
29542 | zone == "UTC" || zone == "UCT" |
29543 | alias_method :gmt?, :utc? |
29544 | %(#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}) |
29545 | initialize(coder["utc"], coder["zone"], coder["time"]) |
29546 | = { "utc" => utc, "zone" => time_zone, "time" => time } |
29547 | to_s(:rfc822) |
29548 | if format == :db |
29549 | format = format.gsub(/((?:\A|[^%])(?:%%)*)%Z/, "\\1#{zone}") |
29550 | utc <=> other |
29551 | alias_method :before?, :< |
29552 | alias_method :after?, :> |
29553 | alias_method :since, :+ |
29554 | alias_method :in, :+ |
29555 | result = utc.acts_like?(:date) ? utc.ago(other) : utc - other rescue utc.ago(other) |
29556 | new_zone = ::Time.find_zone(options[:zone]) |
29557 | new_zone ||= time_zone |
29558 | [time.sec, time.min, time.hour,, time.mon, time.year, time.wday, time.yday, dst?, zone] |
29559 | def is_a?(klass) |
29560 | klass == ::Time || super |
29561 | alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a? |
29562 | wrap_with_time_zone time.__send__(sym, *args, &block) |
29563 | @time += 1.hour |
29564 | return time if time.instance_of?(::Time) && time.utc? |
29565 | ActiveSupport::Duration === obj && { |p| [:years, :months, :weeks, :days].include?(p[0]) } |
29566 | s = rounded_number.to_s("F") |
29567 | a, b = s.split(".", 2) |
29568 | b << "0" * precision |
29569 | a << "." |
29570 | a << b[0, precision] |
29571 | number.sub(/(#{escaped_separator})(\d*[1-9])?0+\z/, '\1\2').sub(/#{escaped_separator}\z/, "") |
29572 | left, right = number.to_s.split(".") |
29573 | default_pattern = /(\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{4}$)/ |
29574 | default_pattern = /(\d{0,3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/ |
29575 | opts[:delimiter] || "-" |
29576 | code.blank? ? "" : "+#{code}#{delimiter}" |
29577 | ext.blank? ? "" : " x #{ext}" |
29578 | conversion_format.gsub("%n", number_to_format).gsub("%u", unit) |
29579 | exp = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(base)).to_i |
29580 | -1 => :deci, -2 => :centi, -3 => :mili, -6 => :micro, -9 => :nano, -12 => :pico, -15 => :femto } |
29581 | units = opts[:units] |
29582 | @number = number / (10**exponent) |
29583 | format.gsub("%n", rounded_number).gsub("%u", unit).strip |
29584 | units[exp] || "" |
29585 | I18n.translate("#{units}.#{exp}", locale: options[:locale], count: number.to_i) |
29586 | exponent = number != 0 ? Math.log10(number.abs).floor : 0 |
29587 | unit_exponents(units).find { |e| exponent >= e } || 0 |
29588 | if number.sub!(/^-/, "") && |
29589 | (options[:precision] != 0 || number.to_f > 0.5) |
29590 | format.gsub("%n", rounded_number).gsub("%u", options[:unit]) |
29591 | @options ||= begin |
29592 | defaults[:negative_format] = "-#{opts[:format]}" if opts[:format] |
29593 | i18n[:negative_format] ||= "-#{i18n[:format]}" if i18n[:format] |
29594 | format: { |
29595 | separator: ".", |
29596 | delimiter: ",", |
29597 | }, |
29598 | format: "%u%n", |
29599 | negative_format: "-%u%n", |
29600 | unit: "$", |
29601 | delimiter: "", |
29602 | format: "%n%" |
29603 | delimiter: "" |
29604 | human: { |
29605 | format: "%n %u", |
29606 | units: { |
29607 | byte: "Bytes", |
29608 | unit: "", |
29609 | key.split(".").reduce(DEFAULTS) { |defaults, k| defaults[k.to_sym] } |
29610 | define_method("#{name}=") do |attribute| |
29611 | def reset_all # :nodoc: |
29612 | def clear_all # :nodoc: |
29613 | @attributes = {} |
29614 | self.attributes = {} |
29615 | new_attributes.each { |key, value| public_send("#{key}=", value) } |
29616 | keys.index_with { |key| public_send(key) } |
29617 | @mask = mask |
29618 | strings, regexps, blocks, deep_regexps, deep_strings = [], [], [], nil, nil |
29619 | if item.to_s.include?("\\.") |
29620 | (deep_regexps ||= []) << item |
29621 | if s.include?("\\.") |
29622 | (deep_strings ||= []) << s |
29623 | strings << s |
29624 | (deep_regexps ||= []) <<"|"), true) if deep_strings&.any? |
29625 | def value_for_key(key, value, parents = [], original_params = nil) |
29626 | if regexps.any? { |r| r.match?(key.to_s) } |
29627 | value = @mask |
29628 | elsif deep_regexps && (joined = parents.join(".")) && deep_regexps.any? { |r| r.match?(joined) } |
29629 | value = { |v| value_for_key(key, v, parents, original_params) } |
29630 | blocks.each { |b| b.arity == 2 ?, value) :, value, original_params) } |
29631 | to_run(:after) { self.class.prepare! } |
29632 | def!(reset: false) # :nodoc: |
29633 | def self.check! # :nodoc: |
29634 | def class_unload!(&block) # :nodoc: |
29635 | def complete! # :nodoc: |
29636 | def self.[](*args) |
29637 | new.merge!(Hash[*args]) |
29638 | alias_method :store, :[]= |
29639 | alias_method :has_key?, :key? |
29640 | args[0] = convert_key(args[0]) if args.size > 0 |
29641 | super(* { |arg| convert_key(arg) }) |
29642 | super(* { |key| convert_key(key) }) |
29643 | super(* { |key| convert_key(key) }, &block) |
29644 | slice(*self.keys - { |key| convert_key(key) }) |
29645 | dup.tap { |hash| hash.transform_values!(*args, &block) } |
29646 | dup.tap { |hash| hash.transform_keys!(*args, &block) } |
29647 | self[yield(key)] = delete(key) |
29648 |! { |key| convert_key(key) } |
29649 | dup.tap(&:compact!) |
29650 | _new_hash = |
29651 | each do |key, value| |
29652 | key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? : key |
29653 | key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key |
29654 | if block && key?(key) |
29655 | msg = "the directory '%s' does not contain a file named '%s'" |
29656 | pid = fork do |
29657 |! { |e| |
29658 | write.puts [result].pack("m") |
29659 | env = { |
29660 | test_opts = "-n#{}##{name}" |
29661 | load_path_args = [] |
29662 | $-I.each do |p| |
29663 | load_path_args << "-I" |
29664 | child = IO.popen([env, Gem.ruby, *load_path_args, $0, *ORIG_ARGV, test_opts]) |
29665 | stream_io = eval("$#{stream}") |
29666 | def <<(o) |
29667 | o[2] =[2]) if o |
29668 | @queue << o |
29669 | if test = @queue.pop |
29670 | @in_flight[[test[0].to_s, test[1]]] = test |
29671 | error.set_backtrace([""]) |
29672 | @url = url |
29673 | set_process_title("#{klass}##{method}") |
29674 | assert warnings.any? { |w| match.match?(w) }, "No deprecation warning matched #{match}: #{warnings.join(', ')}" |
29675 | @@after_fork_hooks = [] |
29676 | @@after_fork_hooks << blk |
29677 | @@run_cleanup_hooks = [] |
29678 | @@run_cleanup_hooks << blk |
29679 | @worker_pool = [] |
29680 | def <<(work) |
29681 | message ||= "Expected #{mu_pp(object)} to be nil or false" |
29682 | difference = args[0] || 1 |
29683 | exps = { |e| |
29684 | e.respond_to?(:call) ? e : lambda { eval(e, block.binding) } |
29685 | before = |
29686 | exp = expression.respond_to?(:call) ? expression : -> { eval(expression.to_s, block.binding) } |
29687 | error = "#{message}. #{error}" if message |
29688 | error = "#{error}. It was already #{to}" if before == to |
29689 | error = "Expected change to #{to} " |
29690 | assert to === after, error |
29691 | @stubs = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } |
29692 | new_name = "__simple_stub__#{method_name}" |
29693 | if date_or_time.is_a?(Date) && !date_or_time.is_a?(DateTime) |
29694 | simple_stubs.stub_object(Time, :now) { at(now.to_i) } |
29695 | names = test_name.split "::" |
29696 | names.last.sub!(/Test$/, "") |
29697 | object.stub(method_name, proc { times_called += 1; returns }) { yield } |
29698 | error = "Expected #{method_name} to be called #{times} times, " \ |
29699 | if args.all? { |arg| arg.is_a?(Array) } |
29700 | args.each { |arg| mock.expect(:call, returns, arg) } |
29701 | klass.define_method("stubbed_#{method_name}") do |*| |
29702 | test_name = "test_#{name.gsub(/\s+/, '_')}".to_sym |
29703 | heading = "#{self.class}: #{name}" |
29704 | divider = "-" * heading.size |
29705 | @tagged_logger ||= (defined?(Rails.logger) && Rails.logger) |
29706 | @logger ||= if defined?(Rails) && Rails.respond_to?(:logger) |
29707 | logger.error "Could not log #{name.inspect} event. #{e.class}: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace}" |
29708 | def #{level}(progname = nil, &block) |
29709 | def color(text, color, bold = false) # :doc: |
29710 | if number.to_i <= 0 |
29711 | padding = (number - size % number) % number |
29712 | groups = [] |
29713 | start = 0 |
29714 | length = division + (modulo > 0 && modulo > index ? 1 : 0) |
29715 | last_group << fill_with if fill_with != false && |
29716 | modulo > 0 && length == division |
29717 | groups.each { |g| yield(g) } |
29718 | arr = dup |
29719 | result = [] |
29720 | while (idx = arr.index { |i| yield i }) |
29721 | while (idx = arr.index(value)) |
29722 | result << arr |
29723 | self[position, length] || [] |
29724 | if position >= 0 |
29725 | self[-3] |
29726 | self[-2] |
29727 | [] |
29728 | object.to_ary || [object] |
29729 | def to_sentence(options = {}) |
29730 | words_connector: ", ", |
29731 | two_words_connector: " and ", |
29732 | last_word_connector: ", and " |
29733 | +"" |
29734 | +"#{self[0]}" |
29735 | +"#{self[0]}#{options[:two_words_connector]}#{self[1]}" |
29736 | +"#{self[0...-1].join(options[:words_connector])}#{options[:last_word_connector]}#{self[-1]}" |
29737 | collect(&:id).join(",") |
29738 | def to_xml(options = {}) |
29739 | if first.class != Hash && all? { |e| e.is_a?(first.class) } |
29740 | attributes = options[:skip_types] ? {} : { type: "array" } |
29741 | {} |
29742 | def unescape(str, escaped = /%[a-fA-F\d]{2}/) |
29743 | Hash[ { |name| [name[1..-1], instance_variable_get(name)] }] |
29744 | respond_to?(:empty?) ? !!empty? : !self |
29745 | empty? || |
29746 | collect(&:to_param).join "/" |
29747 | prefix = "#{key}[]" |
29748 | collect { |value| value.to_query(prefix) }.join "&" |
29749 | unless (value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array)) && value.empty? |
29750 | value.to_query(namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key) |
29751 | query.join("&") |
29752 | if options.is_a?(::JSON::State) |
29753 | finite? ? self : nil |
29754 | finite? ? to_s : nil |
29755 | map { |v| options ? v.as_json(options.dup) : v.as_json } |
29756 | subset.each do |k, v| |
29757 | result[k.to_s] = options ? v.as_json(options.dup) : v.as_json |
29758 | %(#{strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}) |
29759 | strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
29760 | strftime("%Y/%m/%d") |
29761 | strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z") |
29762 | respond_to? :"acts_like_#{duck}?" |
29763 | def try(method_name = nil, *args, &b) |
29764 | if b.arity == 0 |
29765 | def try!(method_name = nil, *args, &b) |
29766 | def try(_method_name = nil, *) |
29767 | def try!(_method_name = nil, *) |
29768 | in?(another_object) ? self : nil |
29769 | map(&:deep_dup) |
29770 | hash = dup |
29771 | if (::String === key && key.frozen?) || ::Symbol === key |
29772 | def self.civil_from_format(utc_or_local, year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0) |
29773 | if utc_or_local.to_sym == :local |
29774 | offset = ::Time.local(year, month, day).utc_offset.to_r / 86400 |
29775 | offset = 0 |
29776 | (sec_fraction * 1_000_000).to_i |
29777 | (sec_fraction * 1_000_000_000).to_i |
29778 | (offset * 86400).to_i |
29779 | ? : |
29780 | sec + (min * 60) + (hour * 3600) |
29781 | end_of_day.to_i - to_i |
29782 | new_usec = options.fetch(:usec, (options[:hour] || options[:min] || options[:sec]) ? 0 : Rational(nsec, 1000)) |
29783 | options.fetch(:min, options[:hour] ? 0 : min), |
29784 | options.fetch(:sec, (options[:hour] || options[:min]) ? 0 : sec) + new_fraction, |
29785 | options[:days] = options.fetch(:days, 0) + 7 * partial_weeks |
29786 | options[:hours] = options.fetch(:hours, 0) + 24 * partial_days |
29787 | options.fetch(:minutes, 0) * 60 + |
29788 | utc = new_offset(0) |
29789 | offset == 0 |
29790 | def in_time_zone(zone = |
29791 | time = acts_like?(:time) ? self : nil |
29792 | time || to_time |
29793 | sunday: 0, |
29794 | monday: 1, |
29795 | friday: 5, |
29796 | to_date == ::Date.current |
29797 | first_quarter_month = month - (2 + month) % 3 |
29798 | last_quarter_month = month + (12 - month) % 3 |
29799 | (wday - start_day_number) % 7 |
29800 | from_now += 7 unless from_now > 0 |
29801 | ago += 7 unless ago > 0 |
29802 | other.change(hour: hour, min: min, sec: sec, nsec: try(:nsec)) |
29803 | if exc.message.match(%r|undefined class/module (.+?)(?:::)?\z|) |
29804 | ary[2] = (ary[2] & 0x0FFF) | (version << 12) |
29805 | ary[3] = (ary[3] & 0x3FFF) | 0x8000 |
29806 | old_zone, =, new_zone |
29807 | = old_zone |
29808 | db: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", |
29809 | inspect: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %z", |
29810 | number: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", |
29811 | time: "%H:%M", |
29812 | short: "%d %b %H:%M", |
29813 | long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M", |
29814 | time.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y %H:%M") |
29815 | rfc822: lambda { |time| |
29816 | time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S #{offset_format}") |
29817 | def ===(other) |
29818 | super || (self == Time && other.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)) |
29819 | if month == 2 && ::Date.gregorian_leap?(year) |
29820 | days_in_month(2, year) + 337 |
29821 | ? : |
29822 | to_i - change(hour: 0).to_i + (usec / 1.0e+6) |
29823 |, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, new_offset) |
29824 | ::Time.utc(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec) |
29825 |, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, zone) |
29826 | ::Time.local(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec) |
29827 |, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, utc_offset) |
29828 | hour: 23, |
29829 | min: 59, |
29830 | sec: 59, |
29831 | def prev_day(days = 1) |
29832 | def next_day(days = 1) |
29833 | def to_s(format = nil, options = nil) |
29834 | if match = message.match(/((::)?([A-Z]\w*)(::[A-Z]\w*)*)$/) |
29835 | s = s.to_s |
29836 | name = name.to_s |
29837 | def [](*args) |
29838 | to_str[*args] |
29839 | def initialize(str = "") |
29840 | self[0, 0] |
29841 | def []=(*args) |
29842 | if args.length == 3 |
29843 | def *(*) |
29844 | def %(args) |
29845 | defined?(@html_safe) && @html_safe |
29846 | (!html_safe? || arg.html_safe?) ? arg : CGI.escapeHTML(arg.to_s) |
29847 | block.binding.eval("proc { |m| $~ = m }").call(match_data) |
29848 | def pluralize(count = nil, locale = :en) |
29849 | if count == 1 |
29850 | self[0, position + 1] || +"" |
29851 | def first(limit = 1) |
29852 | def last(limit = 1) |
29853 | def to_time(form = :local) |
29854 | parts.fetch(:offset, form == :utc ? 0 : nil) |
29855 | form == :utc ? time.utc : time.to_time |
29856 | gsub!(/[[:space:]]+/, " ") |
29857 | gsub! pattern, "" |
29858 | omission = options[:omission] || "..." |
29859 | stop = \ |
29860 | +"#{self[0, stop]}#{omission}" |
29861 | omission ||= "" |
29862 | scan(/\X/) do |grapheme| |
29863 | sep = options[:separator] || /\s+/ |
29864 | if self =~ /\A((?>.+?#{sep}){#{words_count - 1}}.+?)#{sep}.*/m |
29865 | $1 + (options[:omission] || "...") |
29866 | indent_string = indent_string || self[/^[ \t]/] || " " |
29867 | re = indent_empty_lines ? /^/ : /^(?!$)/ |
29868 | dup.tap { |_| _.indent!(amount, indent_string, indent_empty_lines) } |
29869 | gsub(/^#{scan(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/).min}/, "").tap do |stripped| |
29870 | def step(n = 1, &block) |
29871 | def ===(value) |
29872 | if value.is_a?(::Range) |
29873 | is_backwards_op = value.exclude_end? ? :>= : :> |
29874 | operator = exclude_end? && !value.exclude_end? ? :< : :<= |
29875 | value_max = !exclude_end? && value.exclude_end? ? value.max : value.last |
29876 | db: -> (start, stop) do |
29877 | inject(:+) || 0 |
29878 | each { |elem| result[yield(elem)] = elem } |
29879 | to_enum(:index_by) { size if respond_to?(:size) } |
29880 | each { |elem| result[elem] = yield(elem) } |
29881 | each { |elem| result[elem] = default } |
29882 | to_enum(:index_with) { size if respond_to?(:size) } |
29883 | cnt = 0 |
29884 | cnt > 1 |
29885 | any? { (cnt += 1) > 1 } |
29886 | map { |element| { |key| element[key] } } |
29887 | map { |element| element[key] } |
29888 | { |key| first[key] } |
29889 | reject(&:blank?) |
29890 | reject { |_k, v| v.blank? } |
29891 | delete_if { |_k, v| v.blank? } |
29892 | if block_given? || !(first.is_a?(Integer) && last.is_a?(Integer)) |
29893 | actual_last = exclude_end? ? (last - 1) : last |
29894 | sum = identity || 0 |
29895 | sum + (actual_last - first + 1) * (actual_last + first) / 2 |
29896 | identity || 0 |
29897 | def sum(init = nil, &block) |
29898 | if init.is_a?(Numeric) || first.is_a?(Numeric) |
29899 | init ||= 0 |
29900 | delete_if(&:blank?) |
29901 | __send__(method, concern(topic, &block)) |
29902 | parent_name = name =~ /::[^:]+\z/ ? -$` : nil |
29903 | parents = [] |
29904 | parts = module_parent_name.split("::") |
29905 | definition = [] |
29906 | raise"invalid attribute name: #{sym}") unless /\A[_A-Za-z]\w*\z/.match?(sym) |
29907 | definition << "def self.#{sym}; @@#{sym}; end" |
29908 | definition << "def #{sym}; @@#{sym}; end" |
29909 | sym_default_value = (block_given? && default.nil?) ? yield : default |
29910 | class_variable_set("@@#{sym}", sym_default_value) unless sym_default_value.nil? && class_variable_defined?("@@#{sym}") |
29911 | definition << "def self.#{sym}=(val); @@#{sym} = val; end" |
29912 | definition << "def #{sym}=(val); @@#{sym} = val; end" |
29913 | if prefix == true && /^[^a-z_]/.match?(to) |
29914 | to = to.to_s |
29915 | method_def = [] |
29916 | method_names = [] |
29917 | method_name = prefix ? "#{method_prefix}#{method}" : method |
29918 | definition = if /[^\]]=$/.match?(method) |
29919 | method_def << |
29920 | module_eval(method_def.join(";"), file, line) |
29921 | return false if name == :marshal_dump || name == :_dump |
29922 | if #{target}.nil? |
29923 | if #{allow_nil == true} |
29924 | attr_name, internal_name = "#{attr_name}=", "#{internal_name}=" if type == :writer |
29925 | raise"invalid attribute name: #{sym}") unless /^[_A-Za-z]\w*$/.match?(sym) |
29926 | def self.#{sym} |
29927 | Thread.current["attr_" + name + "_#{sym}"] |
29928 | def #{sym} |
29929 | Thread.current["attr_" + name + "_#{sym}"] = default unless default.nil? |
29930 | def self.#{sym}=(obj) |
29931 | Thread.current["attr_" + name + "_#{sym}"] = obj |
29932 | def #{sym}=(obj) |
29933 | self.class.#{sym} = obj |
29934 | BASE58_ALPHABET = ("0".."9").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("a".."z").to_a - ["0", "O", "I", "l"] |
29935 | def self.base58(n = 16) |
29936 | idx = byte % 64 |
29937 | def self.base36(n = 16) |
29938 | number == 0 ? self == 0 : self % number == 0 |
29939 | short: "%d %b", |
29940 | long: "%B %d, %Y", |
29941 | db: "%Y-%m-%d", |
29942 | inspect: "%Y-%m-%d", |
29943 | number: "%Y%m%d", |
29944 | date.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y") # => "April 25th, 2007" |
29945 | rfc822: "%d %b %Y", |
29946 | strftime("%a, %d %b %Y") |
29947 | ? : |
29948 | d = self |
29949 | d = d >> options[:years] * 12 if options[:years] |
29950 | d = d >> options[:months] if options[:months] |
29951 | d = d + options[:weeks] * 7 if options[:weeks] |
29952 | d = d + options[:days] if options[:days] |
29953 | |
29954 | if other.is_a?(Time) |
29955 | def to_s(format = "F") |
29956 | transform_keys!(&:to_s) |
29957 | each_key do |k| |
29958 | raise"Unknown key: #{k.inspect}. Valid keys are: #{', ')}") |
29959 | object.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), result| |
29960 | { |e| _deep_transform_keys_in_object(e, &block) } |
29961 |! { |e| _deep_transform_keys_in_object!(e, &block) } |
29962 | keys.each { |key| delete(key) } |
29963 | from_xml xml, [] |
29964 | deep_to_h(@xml) |
29965 | Hash[ { |k, v| ["-", "_"), normalize_keys(v)] } ] |
29966 | { |v| normalize_keys(v) } |
29967 | if value.include?("type") && !value["type"].is_a?(Hash) && @disallowed_types.include?(value["type"]) |
29968 | _, entries = Array.wrap(value.detect { |k, v| not v.is_a?(String) }) |
29969 | if entries.nil? || value["__content__"].try(:empty?) |
29970 | entries.collect { |v| deep_to_h(v) } |
29971 | [deep_to_h(entries)] |
29972 | xml_value = value.transform_values { |v| deep_to_h(v) } |
29973 | xml_value["file"].is_a?(StringIO) ? xml_value["file"] : xml_value |
29974 | value["type"] == "file" || (value["__content__"] && (value.keys.size == 1 || value["__content__"].present?)) |
29975 | value["type"] == "array" |
29976 | value["type"] == "string" && value["nil"] != "true" |
29977 | !nothing?(value) && !garbage?(value) |
29978 | value.blank? || value["nil"] == "true" |
29979 | value["type"] && !value["type"].is_a?(::Hash) && value.size == 1 |
29980 | content = value["__content__"] |
29981 |! { |i| deep_to_h(i) } |
29982 | if this_val.is_a?(Hash) && other_val.is_a?(Hash) |
29983 | omit = slice(*self.keys - keys) |
29984 | hash = slice(*keys) |
29985 | keys.each_with_object( { |key, result| result[key] = delete(key) if has_key?(key) } |
29986 | { |e| _deep_transform_values_in_object(e, &block) } |
29987 |! { |e| _deep_transform_values_in_object!(e, &block) } |
29988 | location.delete_suffix(".rb") == path.to_s.delete_suffix(".rb") |
29989 |".#{basename(file_name)}", temp_dir) do |temp_file| |
29990 | basename = [ |
29991 | ].join(".") |
29992 | class_methods, methods = [], [] |
29993 | unless name.is_a?(Symbol) || name.is_a?(String) |
29994 | defined?(@#{name}) ? @#{name} : self.class.#{name} |
29995 | class_methods << <<~RUBY |
29996 | attr_writer :#{name} |
29997 | class_methods << "silence_redefinition_of_method def #{name}?; !!self.#{name}; end" |
29998 | methods << "silence_redefinition_of_method def #{name}?; !!self.#{name}; end" |
29999 | class_eval(["class << self", *class_methods, "end", *methods].join(";").tr(" ", ";"), location.path, location.lineno) |
30000 | attrs.each { |name| public_send("#{name}=", default) } |
30001 | k.singleton_class? || k == self |
30002 | @digest = digest || "SHA1" unless aead_mode? |
30003 | cipher.auth_data = "" if aead_mode? |
30004 | blob = "#{blob}--#{::Base64.strict_encode64 cipher.auth_tag}" if aead_mode? |
30005 | encrypted_data, iv, auth_tag = encrypted_message.split("--").map { |v| ::Base64.strict_decode64(v) } |
30006 | cipher.auth_data = "" |
30007 | def raw_state(&block) # :nodoc: |
30008 | @_autoloads = {} |
30009 | @_under_path = nil |
30010 | @_at_path = nil |
30011 | full = [name, @_under_path, const_name.to_s].compact.join("::") |
30012 | @_under_path, old_path = path, @_under_path |
30013 | @_under_path = old_path |
30014 | @_at_path, old_path = path, @_at_path |
30015 | @_at_path = old_path |
30016 | cpath = object.is_a?(Module) ? real_mod_name(object) : object.to_s |
30017 | l = verbose ? logger || Rails.logger : nil |
30018 | :no_op |
30019 | @overrides = {} |
30020 | @filters, @silencers = [], [] |
30021 | @silencers = [] |
30022 | @filters = [] |
30023 | gems_paths = (Gem.path | [Gem.default_dir]).map { |p| Regexp.escape(p) } |
30024 | gems_regexp = %r{\A(#{gems_paths.join('|')})/(bundler/)?gems/([^/]+)-([\w.]+)/(.*)} |
30025 | gems_result = '\3 (\4) \5' |
30026 | @filters.each do |f| |
30027 | backtrace = { |line| } |
30028 | @silencers.any? do |s| |
30029 | node_type_map = {} |
30030 | raise "Document too deep!" if depth == 0 |
30031 | (0...child_nodes.length).each do |i| |
30032 | hash[key] << value |
30033 | hash[key] = [hash[key], value] |
30034 | hash[key] = [value] |
30035 | attribute_hash = {} |
30036 | (0...attributes.length).each do |i| |
30037 | texts = [] |
30038 | text = +"" |
30039 | @hash = {} |
30040 | @hash_stack = [@hash] |
30041 | def start_element(name, attrs = []) |
30042 | data = || "") |
30043 | def to_hash(hash = {}) |
30044 | node_hash = {} |
30045 | elsif c.text? || c.cdata? |
30046 | attribute_nodes.each { |a| node_hash[a.node_name] = a.value } |
30047 | texts = +"" |
30048 | element.texts.each { |t| texts << t.value } |
30049 | attributes = {} |
30050 | element.attributes.each { |n, v| attributes[n] = v } |
30051 | @hash = @hash_stack.pop |
30052 | def on_start_element(name, attrs = {}) |
30053 | each_attr { |a| node_hash[] = a.value } |
30054 | delegate :<=>, :=~, :match?, :acts_like_string?, to: :wrapped_string |
30055 | result = @wrapped_string.__send__(method, *args, &block) |
30056 | if method.end_with?("!") |
30057 | @wrapped_string.split(*args).map { |i| } |
30058 | chars(downcase.to_s.gsub(/\b('?\S)/u) { $1.upcase }) |
30059 | define_method("#{method}!") do |*args| |
30060 | _, _, _, error_bytes, _ = reader.primitive_errinfo |
30061 | mod = nil |
30062 | mod ||= |
30063 | notification_name = "deprecation.#{'/', '_')}" |
30064 | if behavior.arity == 4 || behavior.arity == -1 |
30065 | -> message, callstack, _, _ {, callstack) } |
30066 | when String then "#{warning} (#{message})" |
30067 | } || callstack.first |
30068 | if md = offending_line.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*?)')?/) |
30069 | @disallowed_warnings ||= [] |
30070 | instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless /^__|^object_id$/.match?(m) } |
30071 | target.__send__(called, *args, &block) |
30072 | @var = var |
30073 | @instance.__send__(@method) |
30074 | @deprecator.warn("#{@var} is deprecated! Call #{@method}.#{called} instead of #{@var}.#{called}. Args: #{args.inspect}", callstack) |
30075 | def*args, **options, &block) |
30076 | k = "#{k}=" |
30077 | name.end_with?("?") || super |
30078 | if name.end_with?("?") |
30079 | any?(name[0..-2]) |
30080 | when ActionableError, -> it { Class === it && it < ActionableError } |
30081 | tags.reject!(&:blank?) |
30082 | def pop_tags(size = 1) |
30083 | Thread.current[thread_key] ||= [] |
30084 | tags.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}] " }.join |
30085 | base.current_tags = [] |
30086 | options[:level] ||= :info |
30087 | ms = { result = options[:silence] ? logger.silence { yield } : yield } |
30088 | logger.public_send(options[:level], "%s (%.1fms)" % [ message, ms ]) |
30089 | @cpu_time_start = 0 |
30090 | @cpu_time_finish = 0 |
30091 | @time = now |
30092 | @end = now |
30093 | (@cpu_time_finish - @cpu_time_start) * 1000 |
30094 | 1000.0 * (self.end - time) |
30095 | def <<(event) |
30096 | @string_subscribers = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } |
30097 | @other_subscribers = [] |
30098 | listeners_for(name).each { |s| s.start(name, id, payload) } |
30099 | listeners.each { |s| s.finish(name, id, payload) } |
30100 | listeners_for(name).each { |s| s.publish(name, *args) } |
30101 | @listeners_for[name] ||= |
30102 | if params.length == 1 && params.first.first == :opt |
30103 | exclusions << -name if pattern === name |
30104 | def ===(name) |
30105 | pattern === name && !exclusions.include?(name) |
30106 | pattern === name |
30107 | pattern && pattern === name |
30108 | timestack = Thread.current[:_timestack] ||= [] |
30109 | stack = Thread.current[:_event_stack] ||= [] |
30110 | alias :matches? :=== |
30111 | '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' '\1ews' |
30112 | (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) (op[:exp]) |
30113 | :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: :nodoc: * |
30114 | sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) sub(/\A\.?/) |
30115 | /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i /^(m|l)$/i |
30116 | q > w, w < q, u < y, y > u, q > w, w < q, u < y, y > u, q > w, w < q, u < y, y > u, q > w, w < q, u < y, y > u |
30117 | { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } { p: @p } |
30118 | z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 z >= 0 |
30119 | m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 m <= 7 |