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c4d: Xpresso: 2 (Santuus; motionology)
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9 апреля 2023 в 09:07 (текущая версия от 6 мая 2023 в 23:17)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 *
2 ^ Creating simple Controllers
3 a) Make a necessary object
4 b) Create 2 nulls controllers
5 - Called them Shifting (position) and Rotation with changes from dot into Rectangle and Hexagon
6 c) On Shifting insert tag 'Xpresso'
7 d) Do rotation controller as a daughter of the shifting controller
8 e) In the Xpresso Editor
9 - add two nodes 'Matrix2Vectors' and a node 'Vectors2Matrix'
10 - Connect with offset shifting
11 - connect with V1, V2, V3 rotation node
12 - the 2 nodes 'Matrix2Vectors' connect with 'Vectors2Matrix' which is connected with the object: input: Global Matrix
13 ^ Creating simple Controllers (part 2)
14 a) Global Matrix includes all views of position and rotation
15 - It's convenient as you use 1 node instead of a lot
16 ^ Creating a Controller with task
17 a) The task is make a jumper sphere when we move for one axis
18 - Additional task is when we need that sphere mustn't be lower floor including changing any radius
19 - the second additional task is when we want to add deformation with jumps
20 b) Dependent object has to rotate within certain degrees
21 c) We do it via 'Range Mapper'
22 - Connect 2 necessary parameters (positionY and RotationZ of the 2 objects)
23 d) Range Mapper more detailed
24 - If we need, change units in Output Range into, for example, degrees
25 - Tick Clamp Lower and Clamp Upper for restriction
26 - Reverse for changing direction
27 - Input Lower, Input Upper and Output Lower, Output Upper the most necessary parameters for restriction
28 - If we need, we can change interpolation via 'Use Spline'
29 - Modulo for cycles (very useful)
30 e) For any radius we connect Radius with Output Lower
31 - For quick increasing definitions of jumping, we connect Radius with Math:Multiply which is with Output upper
32 f) Solving the second task is we add a daughter deformer squash and stretch with connection necessary parameter Factor which is with X moving -- another range mapper -- input Factor
33 ^ Task one object follows for another with delaying
34 a) 2 objects connects positions
35 b) between objects a node 'Memory' in Vector
36 - Play with history depth and history level
37 c) going into detail
38 - History depth -- it's a common amount of memory which is kept on the second object
39 - History level -- it's a common number of frames which delay the second object
40 d) For setting initial distance between 2 objects according to one axis we should add nodes vector2reals and reals2vector.
41 - between them choose a necessary axis where in the middle Math:add
42 ^ Object Index
43 a) It allows to find out index when you use iterators

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