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16 мая 2023 в 20:48 (текущая версия от 16 мая 2023 в 21:04)
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
1 class Category: def __init__(self, categories: list[dict[str: str, str: bool]]): self.categories = categories
2 def add(self, ctgr: str, is_publ: bool) -> int: """ Make new category dict in list if it's name doesn't exist in any dict :param ctgr: name of category :param is_publ: is category published :return: index of new category """ for categry in self.categories: if ctgr in categry: raise ValueError else: self.categories.append(dict(zip(['name', 'is_published'], [ctgr, is_publ]))) for categry in self.categories: if categry['name'] == ctgr: return self.categories.index(categry)
3 def get(self, index: int) -> str: if index in range(len(self.categories)): return self.categories[index] else: raise IndexError
4 def delete(self, index: int) -> None: if index in range(len(self.categories)): self.categories.pop(index)
5 def update(self, ctgr: str, is_publ: bool, index: int) -> None: """ Update values in category dict if input index is not out of range, else add new item to list :param ctgr: name of category :param is_publ: is category published :param index: index of category in list :return: None """ if index in range(len(self.categories)): self.categories[index]['name'] = ctgr self.categories[index]['is_published'] = is_publ elif ctgr not in self.categories: self.add(ctgr, is_publ) else: raise ValueError
6 def make_published(self, index: int) -> None: if index in range(len(self.categories)): self.categories[index]['is_published'] = True else: raise IndexError
7 def make_unpublished(self, index: int) -> None: if index in range(len(self.categories)): self.categories[index]['is_published'] = False else: raise IndexError
8 category = Category([{'name': 'bus', 'is_published': True}, {'name': 'mitsubishi', 'is_published': True}, {'name': 'landscape', 'is_published': False}, {'name': 'laptop', 'is_published': True}, {'name': 'box', 'is_published': False}])
9 print(category.add('tables', False)) print(category.get(5)) category.update('kitchen', True, 10) category.delete(1) category.make_published(1) category.make_unpublished(1) print(category.categories)

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