[{{mminutes}}:{{sseconds}}] X
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Базовая лексика (1000 слов)!!!
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27 мая 2023 в 00:40 (текущая версия от 27 мая 2023 в 00:41)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 I am happy.
2 She likes to read.
3 They went to the store.
4 We are friends.
5 He is a good teacher.
6 Can you help me?
7 It is a beautiful day.
8 I want to eat.
9 She plays the piano.
10 They live in a big house.
11 We need to go.
12 He likes to run.
13 Can I have a drink?
14 It's time to sleep.
15 She has a cat.
16 They work together.
17 We love to travel.
18 He is a smart boy.
19 Can you see me?
20 It's a long way.
21 I need some money.
22 She enjoys cooking.
23 They watch movies.
24 We have a problem.
25 He plays guitar.
26 Can I borrow your pen?
27 It's my favorite book.
28 She sings beautifully.
29 They study hard.
30 We went for a walk.
31 He likes to swim.
32 Can you hear me?
33 It's a busy city.
34 I like chocolate.
35 She speaks French.
36 They play soccer.
37 We go to school.
38 He is a good friend.
39 Can I have some water?
40 It's a nice view.
41 She wears a dress.
42 They listen to music.
43 We love to dance.
44 He reads a lot.
45 Can you meet me?
46 It's a big problem.
47 I like to cook.
48 She runs every morning.
49 They work together well.
50 We had a great time.
51 I enjoy playing soccer.
52 She loves to dance.
53 They went to the beach.
54 We have a dog.
55 He is a talented musician.
56 Can you give me a hand?
57 It's a sunny day.
58 I want to go shopping.
59 She watches TV every evening.
60 They like to eat pizza.
61 We need to finish this task.
62 He plays video games.
63 Can I borrow your phone?
64 It's time for dinner.
65 She has a green car.
66 They work in an office.
67 We like to read books.
68 He is a great athlete.
69 Can you tell me the time?
70 It's a small world.
71 I need to buy groceries.
72 She takes photographs.
73 They enjoy hiking.
74 We visited a museum.
75 He listens to music.
76 Can I ask you a question?
77 It's my favorite song.
78 She writes poetry.
79 They study English.
80 We had a picnic in the park.
81 He swims in the pool.
82 Can you pass me the salt?
83 It's a crowded place.
84 I like to drink coffee.
85 She speaks Spanish fluently.
86 They play basketball.
87 We go on vacation.
88 He is a reliable person.
89 Can I have a piece of cake?
90 It's a beautiful sunset.
91 She wears glasses.
92 They listen to podcasts.
93 We love to explore nature.
94 He reads the newspaper.
95 Can you meet me at the cafe?
96 It's a serious issue.
97 I like to take photographs.
98 She runs in the park.
99 They work on projects together.
100 We had a successful meeting.
101 I woke up early today.
102 She enjoys going for walks.
103 They live in a big city.
104 We had a delicious dinner.
105 He plays the guitar.
106 Can you help me with this task?
107 It's raining outside.
108 I want to learn new things.
109 She likes to watch movies.
110 They need more time.
111 We went to the park.
112 He likes to eat pizza.
113 Can I borrow your pen?
114 It's getting colder.
115 She has a cat.
116 They work together on projects.
117 We enjoy spending time with friends.
118 He listens to music every day.
119 Can you show me the way?
120 It's a busy street.
121 I need to buy a new phone.
122 She takes photographs of landscapes.
123 They enjoy playing sports.
124 We visited a museum last week.
125 He watches TV shows.
126 Can I use your computer?
127 It's a long journey.
128 She writes in her journal.
129 They study math.
130 We had a great time at the party.
131 He swims in the pool regularly.
132 Can you lend me some money?
133 It's a challenging task.
134 I like to drink tea.
135 She speaks fluent French.
136 They play soccer on weekends.
137 We go on trips during holidays.
138 He is a trustworthy person.
139 Can I have a glass of water?
140 It's a peaceful beach.
141 She wears comfortable shoes.
142 They listen to podcasts for learning.
143 We love to explore new places.
144 He reads books in his free time.
145 Can you meet me at the station?
146 It's an important decision.
147 I like to take photos of nature.
148 She runs every morning.
149 They work hard to achieve their goals.
150 We had a productive discussion.
151 He speaks English fluently.
152 Can you pass me the salt and pepper?
153 It's a crowded market.
154 I want to travel the world.
155 She enjoys cooking delicious meals.
156 They need to finish the report by tomorrow.
157 We went hiking in the mountains.
158 He likes to play video games.
159 Can I have a moment of your time?
160 It's a beautiful sunset.
161 She has a blue backpack.
162 They listen to music while exercising.
163 We visited our grandparents.
164 He watches documentaries about nature.
165 Can you send me the file via email?
166 It's a noisy street.
167 I need to buy groceries for the week.
168 She takes care of her plants.
169 They enjoy going to concerts.
170 We had a challenging puzzle to solve.
171 He swims in the ocean.
172 Can you recommend a good restaurant?
173 It's an interesting book.
174 I like to take long walks.
175 She speaks multiple languages.
176 They play tennis on weekends.
177 We go to the gym regularly.
178 He is a talented artist.
179 Can I have a moment to think?
180 It's a relaxing vacation spot.
181 She wears a red dress.
182 They listen to motivational podcasts.
183 We love to explore different cultures.
184 He reads news articles online.
185 Can you meet me at the office?
186 It's an exciting opportunity.
187 I like to take photographs of sunsets.
188 She walks to work every day.
189 They watch movies on weekends.
190 We need to finish the project by Friday.
191 He plays soccer in his free time.
192 Can you give me a ride to the airport?
193 It's a small town with friendly people.
194 I want to improve my English skills.
195 She enjoys reading books in her spare time.
196 They have a dog named Max.
197 We had a delicious meal at the restaurant.
198 He listens to music while studying.
199 Can I have a piece of cake?
200 It's a sunny day outside.
201 I like to spend time with my family.
202 She speaks Spanish fluently.
203 They play basketball in the park.
204 We went shopping for new clothes.
205 He likes to watch football matches.
206 Can you pick up some groceries for me?
207 It's a quiet neighborhood.
208 She wears glasses for better vision.
209 They listen to podcasts during their commute.
210 We visited the museum of art.
211 He reads the newspaper every morning.
212 Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
213 It's a challenging task to complete.
214 I like to watch the sunset at the beach.
215 She dances ballet on weekends.
216 They work on coding projects together.
217 We had a great time at the concert.
218 He plays the piano beautifully.
219 Can you help me with this programming issue?
220 It's a busy schedule this week.
221 I need to buy new shoes for running.
222 She speaks softly and calmly.
223 They play chess in their free time.
224 We went hiking in the mountains.
225 He enjoys playing video games with friends.
226 Can I have a moment to think about it?
227 I want to buy a new camera.
228 She enjoys swimming in the pool.
229 They work remotely from home.
230 We had a productive team meeting.

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