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3d: Blender - 2.0 (Super Blender 2020)
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10 июня 2023 в 19:45 (текущая версия от 30 июля 2023 в 17:25)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 ^
2 a) For getting the first small list of choosing
3 - the very left-up sign > splash screen
4 ' in reality it never needs at all
5 b) 3 parts of Blender
6 - Top Bar -- key information
7 - Workplaces
8 - Status Bar
9 ' about a number of selected models
10 ' about additional informational such as deleted an object
11 ' mistakes; warns
12 ' in the left some prompts
13 ^ Top Bar > File
14 a) New (Ctrl + N) -- allows us create a new project
15 - (Default) is General
16 - 2d Animation
17 - Sculpting
18 - VFX
19 - Video Editing
20 b) Open (Ctrl + O)
21 c) Open Recent (Shift + Ctrl + O) -- allows to open recent files
22 d) Revert -- allows to launch previous saved copy of a project
23 - very useful
24 e) Recover -- allows to save versions in bad situations
25 - Last Session -- the main option. start with it
26 - Auto Save -- (default) save your file every 2 minutes
27 f) Save (Ctrl + S)
28 ^ Top Bar > File (Part 2)
29 a) Save As (Shift + Ctrl + S)
30 b) Save Copy
31 c) Link
32 d) Append -- for inserting of any part of your file into your project
33 e) Data Previews
34 - Refresh Data Block Previews
35 - Batch Generate Previews
36 - Clear Data Block Previews
37 - Batch Clear Previews
38 f) Import -- we can activate additional addons for widening different formats
39 ^ Top Bar > File (Part 3)
40 a) Export
41 b) External Data -- keeps textures, HDR, and other materials, not in Blender
42 - if we want to send another user with materials, we have to first click on External Data > Pack Resources
43 c) Clean up
44 d) Defaults -- useful, allows to save start settings and return to the default setting
45 - Save Startup File -- for changing appearance of everything and objects
46 - Load factory settings -- for returning to the initial state
47 ' after doing this command we need to click on Save Startup File
48 e) Quit (Ctrl + Q)
49 ^ General Project
50 a) We can see 3 objects
51 - Camera
52 - Cube
53 - Light
54 ^ Top Bar > Edit
55 a) Undo (Ctrl + Z)
56 - It works for simple scenes
57 - For complex scenes Undo will weight your computer
58 - Lots of clicking undo make blender get stuck, or quit
59 - We can give additional memory to undo in settings
60 b) Redo (Shift + Ctrl + Z)
61 c) Undo History -- it's much better than Undo where we can return at once on several turns
62 d) Repeat Last (Shift + R) -- useful, we can repeat our last actions, for instance, moving an object on the same distance
63 e) Repeat History
64 f) Adjust Last Operation (F9)
65 ^ Top Bar > Edit (part 2)
66 a) Menu Search (F3) -- similar to command in c4d (Shift + C), very useful
67 b) Rename Active Item (F2)
68 c) Batch Rename (Ctrl + F2)
69 d) Lock Object Modes (default tick)
70 e) Preferences -- very important
71 - we can find in every window (the left-top sign)
72 ^ Top Bar > Render
73 a) Render Image (F12)
74 b) Render Animation (Ctrl + F12)
75 c) Render Audio -- interesting that we can render audio
76 d) View Render (F11)
77 e) View Animation (Ctrl + F11)
78 f) Lock Interface (default not tick)
79 ^ Top Bar > Window
80 a) New Window
81 b) New Main Window
82 c) Toggle Window Fullscreen
83 d) Nex Workspace (Ctrl + Page Down)
84 e) Previous Workspace (Ctrl + Page Up)
85 f) Show Status Bar (default tick)
86 ^ Top Bar > Window (part 2)
87 a) Save Screenshot
88 b) Save Screenshot (Editor)
89 c) Toggle System Console
90 - Automatically works with Blender
91 - It can show some mistakes of working process of Blender because of addons and so on
92 ^ Top Bar > Help -- gives links to useful resources for learning Blender
93 a) Manual -- the most important, official site of documentation
94 b) Tutorials
95 c) Support
96 d) User Communities
97 e) Developer Community
98 f) Python API Reference
99 g) Report a Bug
100 h) Save System Info
101 ^ Windows
102 a) if we click 'A', we select all objects in the window where the cursor is. 'Alt + A' will deselect objects
103 b) For different windows the same hot key can carry out different functions
104 c) Where the cursor hovers over a window, that window will be highlighted
105 d) The window of 3d-view is the biggest and the main
106 - We usually work only with it
107 ^ Window 'Outliner'
108 a) it's a guide which shows all structure of our scene
109 b) it's synchronized with the window '3d-view'
110 c) it has several modes
111 d) a sign of eye is for hiding an object in editor
112 - we can hide all objects to click on the parent collection
113 e) a sign of screenshot is for hiding an object in render
114 - the same as with a sign of eye
115 f) Default mode is 'View Layer'
116 ^ Window 'Properties'
117 a) It's under the window 'Outliner'
118 b) The second important window after the window '3d-view'
119 c) It consists of lots of tabs
120 - by default is active the tab 'object'
121 - here's tabs of render, world, material and other 90% of parameters
122 d) Window 'Timeline'
123 - it's for animation
124 ^ The sign in the top-left of every window
125 a) We can replace any window into another
126 ^ Moving Windows
127 a) Via the cursor, like in c4d
128 b) We can split a window into 2 horizontal or vertical windows
129 - hovering over border > RBM
130 ' Vertical Split
131 ' Horizontal Split
132 ' Join Areas -- can join only into horizontal adjacent objects
133 ' Swap Areas -- useful, but easier when Ctrl + cross, then moving in the necessary window for replacement; with Shift we copy into a new window (for 2 and more displays)
134 - the other method is over the angle (appears the cross of the cursor), so moving we automatically create a new window
135 ' For removing RBM on top bar of the window > close area
136 ^ Window '3d view'
137 a) Has several modes where default is 'Object Mode'
138 b) When we change into another mode, we see other tools and commands on the main window
139 ^ For quick changing of modes of work we use different layouts
140 a) like in c4d
141 - layout (default)
142 - Modeling
143 - Sculpting
144 - UV Editing
145 - Texture Paint
146 - Shading
147 - Animation
148 - Rendering
149 - Compositing
150 - Geometry Nodes
151 - Scripting
152 b) We can also make our working place, then add
153 - sign of '+'
154 - Duplicate current
155 - Then we can rename it
156 - for removing: RBM > Delete
157 c) We can reorganise the order of these layouts
158 - RBM > Reorder to Front; Reorder to Back
159 ^ Navigation in a '3d view'
160 a) Rotation of Camera
161 - Holding low button of stylus or MBM
162 - Holding LBM on widget
163 b) We can switch off/on grid with axes (Shift + Ctrl +Z)
164 - For showing axis 'Z': Overlays > Axes > Z
165 c) Movement of Camera
166 - Holding Shift + LBS or MBM
167 - Under the Widget the second sign of hand: holding the hand, then moving
168 d) Zooming of Camera
169 - Holding Ctrl + LBS or MBM
170 - Under the Widget the first sign of magnifier: holding the magnifier, then zoom in/out
171 - Rotation of MBM, but here with steps
172 e) Edit > Preferences > Input > Keyboard > Emulate Numpad (default not tick)
173 - allows activate numbers over letters as numbers of numpad. so useful
174 - I switched on
175 f) 1 -- Front Orthographic View
176 ' Ctrl + 1 -- Back Orthographic View
177 - 3 -- Right Orthographic View
178 ' Ctrl + 3 -- Left Orthographic View
179 - 7 -- Top Orthographic View
180 ' Ctrl + 7 -- Bottom Orthographic View
181 - 5 -- Switch between Perspective and Orthographic Views
182 - 0 -- Toggle the camera view: like toggle between several cameras
183 ' It has a sign under the widget the third one
184 ^ With modeling we hardly ever use perspective
185 ^ 3d-view > View
186 a) Frame selected (numpad . ) -- like in c4d (s)
187 - if we press '.' in the standard keyboard -- the object will be selected
188 b) Frame All (home) -- like in c4d (h)
189 c) Perspective Orthographic (5) -- the same as the lowest sign under the widget
190 d) Local View > Toggle Local View (/) -- similar to frame selected, but in solo visibility
191 e) Viewport -- all views like above (1, 3, etc.)
192 f) Navigation -- here we can use some hotkeys with certain step
193 ^ 3d-view > View > Navigation
194 a) Orbit Left (4) -- we can change angle (default 15 degrees) in Edit > Preferences > Navigation > Rotation Angle
195 - Roll Left (Shift + 4)
196 - Pan Left (Ctrl + 4)
197 b) Orbit Right (6)
198 - Roll Right (Shift + 6)
199 - Pan Right (Ctrl + 6)
200 c) Orbit Up (2)
201 - Pan Up (Ctrl + 2)
202 d) Orbit Down (8)
203 - Pan Down (Ctrl + 8)
204 e) Orbit Opposite (9) -- very useful
205 f) Zoom
206 - Zoom in (+)
207 - Zoom out (-)
208 - Zoom Region (Shift + B)
209 ^ 3d-view > View > Navigation (Part 2)
210 a) Dolly View (Shift + Ctrl + MBM)
211 b) Fly Navigation
212 - Return via 'Escape'
213 c) Walk Navigation
214 - Return via 'Escape'
215 ^ Window dividing for 4 parts (Alt + Ctrl + Q):
216 - Top, Perspective, Front, Right
217 - The same as in 3ds Max
218 - Similar to c4d
219 ^ 3d-view > View > Align View > Center Cursor and Frame All
220 a) do it via Shift + C -- very useful
221 * Menu
222 ^ Review via Properties (Shift + F7)
223 a) LBM holding on a menu, then moving down or up, we'll open or close other menus
224 - if Ctrl + LBM, we'll open the necessary menu, whereas other will be closed
225 b) on every tab menu we can see rectangle in the right side
226 - we can make upper or lower for your comfortability
227 ^ View > Sidebar (default not tick)
228 a) Allows us ope sidebar or just press hotkey 'N'
229 b) Contain 3 tabs
230 - Item
231 - Tool
232 - View
233 ^ Sidebar > Item -- contatine Transform and Properties
234 ^ Sidebar > Item > Transform: similar to PSR in c4d
235 a) Location (G)
236 b) Rotation (R)
237 c) Scale
238 d) Dimension
239 e) We can select 2 or 3 parameters at once
240 - Just hold LBM, then change mouse or make mathematical operations
241 - It works everywhere
242 f) locks are convenient, cause no need to make tag locks like in c4d
243 - after locking, we can, for instance, move an object where numbers
244 ^ Circle Menu > Viewport Shading
245 a) In 3d-View > Viewport Shading (the very top-right): we can see different types of Shading
246 - Wireframe
247 - Solid (Default)
248 - Material Preview
249 - Rendered
250 b) The much easier method: on '3d-view' we press 'Z'
251 - We'll see the same choose of the viewport shading, but in circle menu
252 - here we can do with one click. just hold 'Z', and move the cursor to the needed shading, then click it off
253 ^ 3d-view > Show Overlays (in the top-right)
254 a) here we can switch on/off floor (like grid in c4d)
255 - the hotkey is Shift + Alt + Z
256 b) here we can hide 3d Cursor
257 ^ Circle Menu > View
258 a) Activate via (~) where we can choose different views (top, back, so on)
259 b) Much better to press on spot on numbers, without using this type of menu
260 ^ Context Menu
261 a) Example, RBM on 3d-view
262 b) We'll see several parameters which are accessed in the Object Mode
263 - According to developers only those parameters which are more often used
264 c) Here we'll never see a new option which is in another tab or menu
265 d) much more options in 3d-View > Object Mode > Objects > LBM
266 e) Context Menu works in all windows
267 - it can be different
268 ^ Edit Mode
269 a) Here's other context menus
270 - Vertex context menu
271 - Edge context menu
272 - Face context menu (seemingly like polygons in c4d)
273 b) Edit Mode > Edge (Ctrl + E) > Un Subdivide
274 - decrease a number of verteces or edges
275 ^ Quick Favorites Menu -- we use it for getting most used parameters
276 a) Example, Un Subdivide > RBM > Add to quick favorites menu
277 b) Then press 'Q' where we'll see favorite parameters
278 c) It depends on context
279 d) very convenient function
280 ^ 3d-View > Add (Shift + A)
281 a) Underlined letters allows to carry out a command with hot keys
282 - example, Add > Mesh > Cube (Shift + A > M > C)
283 ' it can be with numbers too
284 * Preferences
285 ^ Preferences > Interface > Display
286 a) Resolution Scale (default 1) -- very convenient
287 b) Line Width (default) -- borders between windows
288 c) Splash Screen (default tick) -- it's a start window, better switch off
289 d) Tooltips (default tick) -- prompts appear when we hove over parameters
290 ^ Preferences > Interface > Editors
291 a) Region Overlap (default tick) -- a type of inserting of 2 sidebars: Tools and Transform-Properties
292 - Never switch off
293 b) Color Picker Type (default circle HSV) -- we can change into other for comfortability
294 - Settings influence a tab Materials > bodyGE Blue > base color
295 - Changed into Square (SV + H)
296 c) Header Position (default keep existing)
297 - here between top and bottom
298 ^ Preferences > Interface > Translation -- translates prompts (default English)
299 ^ Preferences > Themes -- it's for outer view (lighter, darker and so on
300 ^ Preferences > Navigation
301 a) Orbit & Pan
302 - Rotation Angle (default 15)
303 ' it's for numeric keyboards 2, 4, 6, 8 where we can change steps.
304 b) Zoom
305 - Zoom to Mouse Position (always must tick)
306 ^ Preferences > Keymap -- here we can adjust any combination of keys on any action
307 ^ Preferences > System
308 a) Cycles Render Devices -- not accessible because of old system
309 b) Memory & Limits
310 - Undo Steps (default 32) -- understandable
311 - Undo Memory Limit (default 0) -- it means that undo steps will take memory as much as possible
312 ^ Preferences > Save & Load
313 a) Save Versions (default 1) -- perhaps better to 0, but not now
314 - it makes backups
315 b) AutoSave (Defaul 2 min) -- automatically saves files
316 - We've increased up to 5 min, otherwise ssd will be under pressure
317 c) File Paths -- here we can show paths for fonts, textures and others.
318 ^ Remove objects via hot key 'X'
319 ^ Location, Scale, Rotation
320 a) Overlay 'Transform' "N" is the same as tab 'Object Properties'
321 - They differ only in Dimension which is in Overlay 'Transform' (shows sizes of object)
322 - The tab 'Object Properties' is hardly ever used
323 b) better move objects via 'G' (from a word grab) + X, Y, or Z
324 - G + Shift + X, Y, or Z will move object along one plane
325 с) Rotation and Scale behave the same as Location
326 d) Scale Cage -- it's a new tool, but don't see pros compared to usual Scale
327 e) Transform (shift + Spacebar; T) -- combines all Location, Scale and Rotation at once
328 - don't see pros
329 ^ Tab -- allows to switch between Object and Edit mode
330 ^ Objects and Data of Object
331 a) Object -- it's a container for data
332 - It's not important
333 b) Data of Object is in Properties (Shift + F7) > Tab Object Data Properties
334 - it's with green color
335 - They're different and much more important
336 ^ We can see a number of objects
337 a) Outliner (Shift + F9) > change from View Layer into Blender File
338 ^ Tab Object Data Properties
339 a) We can change Data Properties where we'll see another view
340 - the left sign which next to name of data of object
341 b) In the top we see way between Object and Data of Object
342 - Initially names of object and Data of object are the same
343 c) Lower the sign we can set material
344 ^ Properties (Shift + F7) > Tab Material Properties
345 a) it's the second lowest sign
346 b) We can change the outer color of object in 'Viewport Display'
347 ^ in Edit mode when we move object, we move vertices
348 - coordinates of Location are the same
349 ^ Scenes, Layers and Collections
350 a) Scenes are the main which can contain Layers where layers can contain Collections
351 b) Scene -- it's everything that include files, different settings, parameters and so on
352 - It might be similar to Project in other Editors
353 c) Scene is in the top-right
354 - we can create new scenes
355 - different scenes will be analog of saved files.
356 ' it is worse because scene will weight much more compared to file
357 ' 99% of users do a standard method (file)
358 ^ Select all objects 'A'
359 - deselect objects ' Alt + A'
360 ^ Collections
361 a) in Outliner (Shift + F9) is always Scene Collection
362 b) Via hotkey 'M' we can set any object to a parent
363 c) in Outliner (Shift + F9) we can a sign 'New Collection' which is in the top-right
364 - select collection then press the sign 'New Collection', we'll create a daughter 'Collection' of selected 'Collection'
365 d) We can add objects into other collections
366 - Object Properties > Collections > Add to Collection
367 e) Collection are like groups in other editors
368 f) We can also 'Hide in Viewport' (H) in Options > View > Collections
369 - More often use in Outliner (Shift + F9) because more buttons and more space
370 ^ Next to sign of Scenes we can create new layers
371 ^ Outliner (Shift + F9)
372 a) In the second top-right we can see an icon of filters
373 - 'Arrow' allows block to select objects (disable selection)
374 - Hide in Viewport -- a sign of eye
375 ' Hotkey 'H'; opposite is 'Alt + H'
376 - Analog of 'Disable selection' and 'Hide in Viewport' is a sign of 'Object Type Visibility' whish is in the top-right (the very left)
377 - 'Disable in Renders' -a sign of camera; opposite of sign of eye
378 - Disable in Viewports -- similar to 'hide in viewport', but hide in every layer
379 ^ Layers
380 a) They're often used in post correction
381 ^ Rename objects -- press F2
382 ^ Mesh Objects
383 a) Extrude via hotkey (E)
384 b) Double (Shift + D)
385 c) Select > X (Remove) > Collapse Edges & Faces
386 d) Join Verteces, edges of polygons (F)
387 e) Edit Mode has 3 submodes -- vertex (1), edge (2) and polygons (3)
388 ^ Mesh Objects (pat 2)
389 a) in Blender objects have points, edges, polygons and normals (in edit mode)
390 b) Normals can be switched in 'Show Overlays' > Normals
391 - here we can increase size
392 - there are three types of normals
393 - the first type of normals is Vertex Normals
394 - the second type is Vertex-per-face normals as lines
395 c) Show Overlays > Face Orientation -- important because we see direction
396 - blue is ahead
397 - red is back
398 d) Face (a sign east of Edit Mode) > Solidify faces
399 - we have to select before, then we can adjust a thickness
400 e) Often used tool is 'Extrude' (E)
401 f) Cuts (Ctrl + R) -- like loop cut in c4d
402 - Select loop (Alt + LBM)
403 ^ Mesh Object (Part 3)
404 a) Proportional Editing (O) -- very important (the sign is in the top-center in 3d-view)
405 - forget
406 b) In the Object Mode Context (RBM) we have default: Shade Flat
407 - for more attractive view we change into: Shade Auto Smooth
408 ' in Object Data Properties > Normals > Auto Smooth we can set more accurate degrees (default 30; 0 = Shading Flat)
409 - The second variant 'Shade Smooth' gives visible mistakes
410 ^ Tools
411 a) Adjust Last Operation (F9) -- we can't undo
412 - this command appears in the down-left as bar
413 - F9 isn't convenient for tablet
414 - it's also in Edit > Adjust last operation (F9)
415 - We can turn off it in View > not tick Adjust last operation
416 b) Toolbar (T) -- left sidebar
417 c) View > Tool settings (default tick) -- it allows see additional settings
418 - better not to change
419 - the same settings we can see in the right sidebar > Tool
420 - Also in the Properties (Shift + F7) > Tab 'Active Tool and Workspace Settings'
421 ' the least popular, but convenient in Sculpt Layout
422 - but the most number of parameters in the Adjust Last Operation (F9)
423 ^ Right Sidebar (N) -- there are 3 tabs
424 a) Item -- the most important
425 - Contains Medians (like coordinates of vertices in c4d where we can insert numbers for location)
426 - Vertices Data
427 - Edges Data
428 b) Tool -- shows settings of the current active tool
429 - has tab Options
430 ' Options is also in the sign which is higher
431 - Workspace
432 c) View
433 d) New activated addons
434 ^ Right Sidebar (N) > View
435 a) View
436 - Focal Length: we see object through virtual camera (default 50mm)
437 ' 100 mm is similar to orthographic mode
438 ' there must be the same focal length of cameras
439 - Clip Start: default 0.1m
440 ' Gives minimal distance of showing
441 - End: default 1000m
442 ' Gives maximum distance of showing
443 b) 3d Cursor
444 c) Collections
445 d) Annotations
446 ^ Even we open new file tool bar works the same with (T and N)
447 ^ Topology
448 a) it's a category of math which includes lot of complex meanings and formulas
449 b) Basically, we make polygons via quadrangles
450 - quadrangle -- 2 triangles which combined between each other
451 c) Triangles are used in games
452 - We can also work in sculpting
453 ' less pressure on processor
454 - If we need a triangle model, we have to convert it (hardly ever)
455 d) There are lots of objects which can have triangles
456 - Cylinder > triangle fan
457 ^ Faces > Triangulate Faces (Ctrl + T)
458 a) Divide polygons into 2 triangles
459 ^ Properties (Shift + F7) > Modifier Properties > Add Modifier
460 a) Triangulate
461 b) Simple Deform -- curve a plane
462 c) Subdivision Surface -- understandable
463 d) Boolean -- has 3 functions: Intersect, Union, Difference (most popular)
464 - Before, we need to choose with eyedropper the slave object
465 - Apply (Ctrl + A) in arrow
466 ^ Mesh > Grid: like Plane, but has already had 10 x 10 sections
467 ^ For seeing defect distortions
468 a) Viewport Shading > Matcap
469 - there are 2 greats Matcaps StudioLight horizontal and vertical
470 ^ When we use add some modifiers, including Subdivision Surface on triangles models, we'll see bad resulst
471 ^ Polygons (5 or more vertices)
472 a) They appeared in Blender not long ago
473 b) They can be in unimportant or hidden places
474 c) They economize a number of polygons and edges
475 ^ In Model objects we'll always have stars (1 vertices with 5 edges) which have pros and cons
476 a) They allow to change direction of out topology
477 b) With distortion they can give bad results, so there must be them as less as possible
478 ^ 3d-cursor -- it has 2 functions
479 a) For appearing objects in a necessary place
480 - Shift + RBM -- locate 3d-cursor where we pointed out
481 - Shift +C -- return 3d-cursor to the initial place with camera view
482 b) For Rotation around 3d-cursor
483 - Before we have to activate in Transform Pivot Point > 3d-cursor
484 c) Accurate placing of 3d-cursor
485 - Right Sidebar (N) > View > 3d-Cursor > Location
486 - in Edit Point Mode (1) > select a point > RBM > Snap Vertices > Cursor to Selected
487 ' if we select 2 points and do the same actions, 3d cursor is in the middle
488 ^ Transformation Orientation
489 a) There are 6 types of orientation
490 - plus our customize
491 b) Better to call it 'Coordinates of Orientation'
492 c) We'll usually work with Global
493 - else with Local and Normal
494 d) Gimbal, View and Cursor are rarely used
495 - Gimbal understands no one
496 - View is too simple
497 - Cursor is new, we need to be used to it
498 e) We can change quickly before Global and Local
499 - the second time click, for example, 'Z' at once
500 f) If click ',', we can see choose among types of Transformation Orientation
501 ^ Transformation Orientation > Global
502 a) It's the main Global system of coordinates which we can't change anyhow
503 ^ Transformation Orientation > Local
504 a) The advantage of this type of coordinates -- we can make necessary angle individually for every object
505 b) It's convenient with modeling
506 - if we want to change size according to axis 'Z', we make it proportionally in contrast Global
507 ^ Transformation Orientation > Normal
508 a) For 'Object' mode there's no difference between Local and Normal
509 b) For 'Edit' Mode a selected Vertex, Edge or Face the direction of Normal is always perpendicularly. So it's convenient
510 c) Via Normal we can set a necessary direction, adding to a custom 'Coordinate of System'
511 - select vertex, edge, face or object in Normal
512 - in Transformation Orientation click '+'
513 - After that we created a custom 'Coordinate of System' which can be applied onto other parts
514 ^ Transformation Orientation > Gimbal
515 a) It's like a hinge lock
516 b) It's interesting to change modes of rotation
517 - Right Side bar (N) > Item > Rotation (XYZ Euler default)
518 ' Quaternion (WXYZ) and Axis Angle give the 4th parameter of rotation W
519 c) Hardly ever used
520 - More for mathematicians
521 ^ Transformation Orientation > View
522 a) It's a simple axis which gives us only XY and always watches perpendicularly to a user
523 b) Analogue is Global in orthographic view which much stronger
524 - perhaps, sometimes useful
525 ^ Transformation Orientation > Cursor
526 a) It's about 3d-cursor
527 b) In Left Sidebar (T) > Cursor: we can change location of 3d-cursor clicking LBM (or Shift + LBM not only in Cursor)
528 - Default tick Surface Project: We can attach to any surface of an object, that is useful
529 - Orientation (default View)
530 ' in Geometry lines are aligned according to Normal
531 ' in Transform and Global lines are aligned according to Global, but in 3.5.1 always looks at user
532 ^ Transform Pivot Point
533 a) It's also called 'Points of Rotation'
534 b) 5 types of 'Points of Rotation'
535 c) If we click '.', we see choose among types of 'Points of Rotation'
536 ^ Transform Pivot Point > Median Point (default)
537 a) An object of a group of objects rotate around the center
538 ^ Transform Pivot Point > Individual Origins
539 a) Rotates object around their individual centers, very useful
540 ^ Transform Pivot Point > Active Element
541 a) Rotates objects around the active Element, very useful
542 - the active element or object is highlighted with yellow color, others with orange.
543 ^ Transform Pivot Point > 3d-Cursor
544 a) Roates around 3d-Cursor
545 ^ Transform Pivot Point > Bounding Box Center
546 a) Similar to C4d -- it's an invisible parallelepiped which we can put an object in.
547 b) We can show it in an active object > Object Properties > Viewport Display > tick Bounds (default not tick)
548 c) It's like restrictive picture of the object
549 d) location among several objects is slightly different from median point
550 ^ 3d-Cursor (part 2)
551 a) The main point is a place of appearing new objects
552 b) it's also used for attaching anchor point to 3d-cursor
553 - Selected object > RBM > Set Origin > Origin to 3d-cursor
554 - Selected object > Object (top window) > Set Origin > Origin to 3d-cursor
555 c) for attaching an object to 3d-cursor
556 - selected object > Shift + S > Selection to 3d-cursor
557 d) another useful function interesting in orthographic
558 - Shift + S > Cursor to Grid -- allows to attach 3d-cursor accurately to vertex of grid
559 e) Overlays > 3d cursor overlays (default tick) -- we can hide 3d cursor
560 f) Doesn't work steadily (blender breaks down)
561 g) Via Spin 3d Cursor (Shift + 0) we can duplicate objects in Edit mode around 3d Cursor
562 ^ in Overlays > Scale: we can change scale of grid
563 ^ For visibility edges in Object Mode
564 a) Overlays > tick Wireframe with 1 (opacity)
565 ^ Snapping
566 a) Moving object
567 - Holding Ctrl + LBM: the object start snapping to grid
568 ' It works with Scale and Rotate as well
569 b) For appearing menu of Snapping hotkey -- Shift + Ctrl + Tab
570 c) For working snapping there must switch on a magnifier (Shift + Tab)
571 - basically, icon switch on only via retopology. Usually use ctrl + selected object
572 d) There are 7 types of snapping
573 - default selected button of Move, but there buttons scale and rotate can be activated too
574 ^ Snapping (part 2)
575 a) Increment (default) -- allows to snap objects in grid with steps
576 - if we tick 'Absolute Grid Snap', there's an accurate position of steps, useful
577 b) Vertex -- snapping to vertexes where we hove of cursor
578 - Closest (Default): includes 3d-cursor
579 - Center -- an interesting moment with when Transform Pivot Point is 3d-cursor
580 ' allows to control movement between 3d-cursor and element of attach point, work with scale and rotate also
581 ' for modeling useful
582 - Median -- similar to Center, but better count that the median is sth central. We can see it if select several objects too
583 - Active -- when we have several objects, where the active object starts to attach to others
584 c) Align Rotation to Target (default not tick) -- when attaching to points, object start turning according to direction of normal of vertex, edge or face
585 d) Project Individual Elements (default not tick)
586 - it's useful in retopology
587 - allows to attach vertexes to other ones of other object
588 - they totally repeat a form of the object where we transmit vertexes
589 - we need to understand better
590 e) If we don't want to attach vertexes to ones of the same object, not tick 'Include Active'
591 f) Volume -- this type of attachins is hardly ever used
592 - allows to attach into another object
593 - if tick 'Snap Peel Object', attaching is more accurate
594 Snapping (part 3)
595 a) Edge Center -- allows to attach to the center of any edje-object
596 b) Edge Perpendicular -- similar to Edge Center, but only to those edges which they can make a perpendicular which
597 c) We can select all types of snapping, just holding Shift + LBM
598 d) In snapping we can also have weights
599 - for example, start snapping a vertex
600 - if we click 'A', we add a next point of snapping where the main snapping is in the center
601 - when we click 'A' several times on the same place, we increase weight
602 e) Snapping can give 30% of accurate modeling
603 ^ in Overlays > Measurement > Edge Length
604 a) We can show distance (default not tick)
605 ^ With moving or scaling along to an axis, after G or S, we can hold LBM into necessary direction instead of pressing X, Y or Z
606 ^ Proportional Editing (O) -- very useful where we can do some modeling (like magnifier brush in c4d)
607 a) it's next to snapping
608 b) Righter is Proportional Editing Falloff
609 c) Sometimes user forget switch off Proportional Editing (O)
610 d) Regulate of field of falloff we can with turning wheel on mouse
611 - better in the left-down bar we can change definition of 'Proportional Size'
612 e) Different falloffs give different results, important where all interesting
613 - Smooth (default)
614 - Sphere
615 - Root (like dome in church)
616 - Inverse Square
617 - Sharp (interesting)
618 - Linear
619 - Constant (all on the same level)
620 - Random (interesting)
621 f) Projected from View (default not tick) -- gives another result, according to axis of a user view
622 ^ Proportional Editing (O) (Part 2)
623 a) Connected Only (default not tick) -- allows to work only with connected object, useful
624 - unfortunately, it gives artefacts
625 b) Proportional size influences other objects in 'Object Mode' if the radius reaches the center of another object
626 c) Proportional Editing Falloff
627 - we can choose different types with hotkey 'Shift + O'
628 ^ Overlays
629 a) it doesn't referred to modeling, but in modeling we work with data of this menu
630 b) View Object Types -- here we can hide different types of data and switch off/on selection
631 c) Show Gizmo (widgets) -- show visibility or not of, it might be useful (Ctrl + ~)
632 d) Viewport Overlays
633 - Grid (Default tick) in Orthographic View where we can hide grid
634 - Floor (Default tick) similar to Grid, but in 3d-view
635 - Axes (default 'Z' not tick) -- here we can individually switch off/on axes X, Y or Z
636 - Scale: allows to regulate a scale of Grid or Floor in all views
637 - Subdivisions (default 10) -- shows a number of squares into 1 square
638 ' Default doesn't work because initially in metric system
639 ' We can change system of measure in Scene Properties > Units
640 ' Better from Metric into None, if necessary. After that we can use Subdivisions
641 e) Viewport Overlays > Text Info (default tick) -- shows text information (user perspective, etc.)
642 - better don't touch
643 ^ Overlays > Viewport Overlays
644 a) Annotations (default tick) -- allows show or hide annotates
645 - in Sidebar Tool (T) we can see a tool 'Annotate'.
646 - a tool allows to make 2.5 animation, useful
647 - in Sidebar Right (N) > View > Annotations: we can remove or hide annotations
648 b) Extras (default tick) -- allows to switch off some guides on objects
649 - it might be useful
650 c) Relationship Lines (default tick) -- shows linked objects to others as in rigging and etc.
651 - We can temporarily switch it off, it could be useful
652 d) Outline Selected (default tick) -- can be switched off about outlines of selected object. It's probably no need
653 e) Bones (default tick) -- in rigging can hide bones (Add (Shift + A) > Amature
654 ^ Overlays > Viewport Overlays (part 2)
655 a) Motion parts (default tick) -- in animation we can see a path. So we can hide it
656 b) Origin (default tick) -- shows a center of object in 'Orange Point'
657 c) Origins All -- shows centers of all objects, even they aren't selected
658 - it may be useful
659 d) Geometry > Wireframe (default not tick) -- here we can see mesh even in 'Object Mode', where we can regulate density and opacity
660 - gives pressure
661 e) Geometry > Face Orientation (default tick) -- shows direction of faces (polygons in c4d)
662 - blue is front
663 - orange is back
664 f) in Edit Mode a list of functions is twice more
665 ^ Overlays > Viewport (part 3)
666 a) Mesh Edit Mode -- just for convenient view of selected faces. It might be useful activation Center, but hardly ever
667 - Edges (default not tick)
668 - Faces (default tick)
669 - Center (default not tick)
670 - Creases, Sharp, Bevel, Seams (default all tick) -- parameters which give additional information of selected points, edges or faces
671 ' they are for visibility
672 ' after selection, for example, edge in Sidebar (N) > Mean Crease: if we increase up to 1, we see pink color
673 ' Sidebar (N) > Mean Bevel Weight: up to 1 gives blue color
674 ' Edges > Mark Sharp: gives cyan color. For returning, we have to click Clear Sharp
675 ' Edges > Mark Seams: gives red color. For returning, Clear Seams
676 - We can often similar lines after import packages
677 b) Shading > Hidden Wire
678 - shows an object in mode 'Wireframe' where we can see grid only of visible part, useful
679 ' in standard Wireframe we select both front and back, but in Hidden Wire only front view
680 c) Shading > Vertex Group Weights
681 - every vertex has weight
682 - Weights are used in animation
683 - Blue weight tells about zero weight.
684 ' from green to red a vertex is more weight
685 d) Shading > Mesh Analysis
686 - it's for analysis of mesh: 3d-printing or for dentists
687 - Gives different modes (Thickness, and so on) for showing mistakes
688 e) Measurement -- allows to calculate
689 - Edge Length
690 - Edge Angle: angle between two faces
691 - Face Area: square of face
692 - Face Angle
693 - Cons: difficult to see, needs addons
694 f) Normals: underastandable
695 ^ Viewpor Overlays (part 4)
696 a) Freestyle -- for highlighting of engine of rendering 'Freestyle'
697 - Edge Marks (default tick)
698 - Face Marks (default tick)
699 ^ Shading
700 a) Next to Overlays is sign of Opacity where we can see all objects like X-Ray
701 - there's the same in Viewport Shading > X-Ray (where we can set more accurate definitions)
702 ^ Shading > Wireframe -- we can see only grey color; has several parameters
703 a) Color (default single)
704 - Object
705 - Random: here can see different objects due to different colors
706 b) Background (default Theme)
707 - World
708 - Viewport (here can set any color)
709 c) Options
710 - X-Ray (default not tick) where we can switch off faces
711 - Outline (default not tick) where we can set any color and switch outlines
712 ^ Shading > Solid
713 a) more often used
714 b) has lots of parameters
715 c) Lighting
716 - Studio (default): has 6 samples
717 ' we can install a lot more (click on gear, or in Preferences > Lights)
718 - MatCap
719 - Flat
720 ^ Solid > MatCap
721 a) It's unusual materials where the result depends on normals of an object
722 b) they can be mixed with the current color
723 - better to use on standard next to white (Studio > Object)
724 c) We can Invert them (under gear a sign 'Flip MatCap)
725 ^ Solid > Flat
726 a) It's for outlines of our objects
727 b) Has six views
728 ^ Viewport > Shading > Color
729 a) Material -- is that which we set in 3d-view
730 b) Object -- used that material which set in Object Properties > Viewport Display > Color
731 c) Attribute -- we can set weights for vertexes
732 - black gradient gives information of weights on vertexes
733 d) Single -- we can quickly set color
734 e) Random -- like in Wireframe
735 - every separate element colored in random color
736 f) Texture -- if we use texture, we see texture on our objects in Solid
737 ^ Shading > Background (like in Wireframe)
738 a) Theme (default)
739 b) World
740 c) Viewport
741 ^ Shading > Options
742 a) Backface Culling (default not tick) -- hides all faces which watch into back
743 - doesn't see red faces
744 - backface culling is similar to Overlays > Hiddent Wire
745 ' We might use 2 functions together or separately
746 b) X-Ray -- understandable
747 c) Shadow (default 0.5; not tick) -- allows to set easy shades
748 - very useful, give shades very quickly
749 d) Cavity -- gives lightening to ridges and darkening to valleys
750 - very useful in sculpting where we can see a better difference between ridges and valleys
751 - can them regulate
752 e) Depth of Field (default not tick) -- allows to show depth of field in Solid after Render
753 f) Outline (default not tick) -- gives outlines around our objects where we can set color
754 g) Specular Lighting (default tick) -- completely switch off all specular
755 - all views are without lights and reflections
756 - it's definitely useful when we do textures
757 h) Shading -- is similar to engine Work Bench, because Work Bench renders the same view like in work
758 ^ Engine Eevee -- is righter of shading
759 a) Scene Lights (default not tick)
760 b) Scene World ( default not tick)
761 c) We can also choose one of 8 HDR maps which are in blender
762 ^ The very right engine -- can be installed or any ray tracing
763 a) in Render Properties we can choose different engines
764 ' Eevee
765 ' Workbench (like in Shading)
766 ' Cycles
767 b) in Cycles we can choose Render Pass > Combined
768 - Ambient Occlusion
769 - Diffuse Color and others
770 c) in Cycles very long renders
771 - we can press 'Pause' for stop rendering
772 ' righter this type of engine

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