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10 сентября 2023 в 18:13 (текущая версия от 10 сентября 2023 в 19:28)
Тип словаря:
Цельные тексты, разделяемые пустой строкой (единственный текст на словарь также допускается).
1 Zaire Zambia zeel zealous zero zest Zimbabwe zinc zip zip-code zip-fastener zipper zone zoo. yacht Yankee yard yarn yawl yawn year year by year yearbook yearly yearn yeast yell yellow Yemen yes yesterday yet yield yogurt yoke yolk yonder you young your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful. Xmas X-rays xylograph xylonite xylophone.
2 wadding wade wag wage wager waggish waggon wail waist waistcoat wait waiter waitress wake woke waked woken waked wakeful waken Wales walk wall wallet wallpaper walnut walrus waltz wand wander want for want of wanting war ward warden wardrobe wardroom ware warehouse warfare warlike warm warmonger warmth warn warning warrior Warsaw warship wart wary was
3 wash wash up wash-basin washed-out washerwoman Washington wash-leather washing-machine wash-stand wasp waste wasteful waste-paper waste-paper basket waste-pipe watch keep watch watchful watch-maker watchman watchword water water-colour waterfall watering-can watering-place watermelon waterplane waterproof watery wave wavy wax way on the way
4 by way of by the way a way out wayside we weak weakness wealth wealthy weapon wear wore worn weariness weary weather weathercock wether-forecast weather-glass weave wove woven weaver web wed wedding wedge Wednesday wee weed week in a week weekday weekend weekly weep wept wept weigh weight weightlessness welcome you are welcome welfare well be well-being
5 well-bred well-known well-off well-read well to do went wept were west western wet whale what for? whatever what-not wheat wheelbarrow wheeze when whenever whereabouts whereas whereby wherever whether which while for a while once in a while whim whimsical whimsy whip whirl whirligig whirlpool whirlwind whiskers whisper whistle white white collar whiten
6 whitewash who whoever whole as a whole on the whole wholehearted wholesale wholesome wholly whom whose why that's why wicked wide widen wide-spread widow widower width wife wig wild wilderness will willed willing willingly willow willy-nilly wind wound wound windmill windowpane windowsill windward windy wineglass wing wink wipe wire wireless wisdom wise wish
7 wit witch withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawal wither within within-hearing it goes without saying withstand withstood withstood witness witty wives wizard woe woeful wolf wolves woman women women-hood womanly wonder wonderful woodcut woodcutter wooded wooden woodpecker woodwork wool woolen woolly word working day workmanship workshop
8 world all over the world not for the world world-wide worm wormwood worry worse worship worst worth worthless worthwhile worthy wound wrap wrapper wrath wreath wreathe wreck wreckage wrecker wrench wrestle wretch wretched wring wrung wrung wrinkle wrist wrist-band wrong.

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