top 6000 english words |
a |
abandon |
abbreviation |
ability |
able |
abnormal |
aboard |
abolish |
abortion |
about |
above |
abroad |
absence |
absent |
absolute |
absolutely |
absorb |
abstract |
absurd |
abuse |
academic |
academy |
accelerate |
accelerator |
accent |
accept |
acceptable |
acceptance |
accepted |
access |
accessory |
accident |
accidental |
accidentally |
accommodate |
accommodation |
accompany |
accomplish |
accord |
accordance |
according |
accordingly |
account |
accountant |
accounting |
accumulate |
accuracy |
accurate |
accusation |
accuse |
ache |
achieve |
achievement |
acid |
acknowledge |
acquaintance |
acquire |
acquisition |
acre |
across |
act |
acting |
action |
activate |
active |
activist |
activity |
actor |
actress |
actual |
actually |
adapt |
adaptation |
add |
added |
addict |
addiction |
addition |
additional |
address |
adequate |
adjacent |
adjective |
adjust |
adjustment |
administration |
administrative |
administrator |
admiration |
admire |
admission |
admit |
admittedly |
adolescent |
adopt |
adoption |
adult |
advance |
advanced |
advantage |
adventure |
adverb |
adverse |
advert |
advertise |
advertisement |
advertising |
advice |
advise |
adviser |
advisory |
advocate |
aeroplane |
affair |
affect |
affection |
afford |
afraid |
after |
afternoon |
afterwards |
again |
against |
age |
aged |
agency |
agenda |
agent |
aggression |
aggressive |
ago |
agony |
agree |
agreed |
agreement |
agricultural |
agriculture |
ahead |
aid |
aids |
aim |
air |
aircraft |
airline |
airport |
alarm |
albeit |
album |
alcohol |
alcoholic |
ale |
alert |
alien |
alike |
alive |
all |
allegation |
allege |
alleged |
allegedly |
alley |
alliance |
allied |
allocate |
allocation |
allow |
allowance |
ally |
almost |
alone |
along |
alongside |
aloud |
alphabet |
alphabetical |
already |
also |
alter |
alteration |
alternative |
alternatively |
although |
altitude |
altogether |
aluminium |
always |
amateur |
amaze |
amazing |
ambassador |
ambiguity |
ambiguous |
ambition |
ambitious |
ambulance |
amend |
amendment |
amid |
among |
amount |
ample |
amuse |
amused |
amusement |
amusing |
an |
analogue |
analogy |
analyse |
analysis |
analyst |
analytical |
ancestor |
anchor |
ancient |
and |
angel |
anger |
angle |
angry |
animal |
ankle |
anniversary |
announce |
announcement |
annoy |
annoyed |
annoying |
annual |
anonymous |
another |
answer |
ant |
antibody |
anticipate |
anticipation |
antique |
anxiety |
anxious |
any |
anybody |
anyhow |
anyone |
anything |
anyway |
anywhere |
apart |
apartment |
apologize |
apology |
apostrophe |
appalling |
apparent |
apparently |
appeal |
appealing |
appear |
appearance |
appendix |
appetite |
apple |
appliance |
applicable |
applicant |
application |
applied |
apply |
appoint |
appointment |
appraisal |
appreciate |
appreciation |
approach |
appropriate |
approval |
approve |
approved |
approximately |
april |
apt |
arab |
arbitrary |
arc |
arcade |
arch |
archaeologist |
archaeology |
architect |
architecture |
archive |
area |
arena |
arguably |
argue |
argument |
arise |
arithmetic |
arm |
armchair |
armed |
armour |
arms |
army |
around |
arouse |
arrange |
arrangement |
array |
arrest |
arrival |
arrive |
arrogance |
arrogant |
arrow |
art |
artefact |
article |
artificial |
artist |
artistic |
as |
ascend |
ascent |
ascertain |
ash |
ashamed |
ashore |
asian |
aside |
ask |
asleep |
aspect |
aspiration |
aspire |
aspirin |
assassination |
assault |
assemble |
assembly |
assert |
assertion |
assess |
assessment |
asset |
assign |
assignment |
assist |
assistance |
assistant |
associate |
association |
assume |
assuming |
assumption |
assurance |
assure |
asthma |
astonish |
astonished |
astonishing |
astonishment |
astound |
astronaut |
astronomy |
asylum |
at |
athlete |
athletic |
athletics |
atmosphere |
atmospheric |
atom |
atomic |
attach |
attached |
attachment |
attack |
attacker |
attain |
attempt |
attempted |
attend |
attendance |
attendant |
attention |
attitude |
attorney |
attract |
attraction |
attractive |
attribute |
auction |
audience |
audit |
audition |
auditor |
august |
aunt |
authentic |
author |
authority |
authorize |
automatic |
automatically |
autonomy |
autumn |
auxiliary |
availability |
available |
avenue |
average |
avoid |
await |
awake |
award |
aware |
awareness |
away |
awe |
awful |
awfully |
awkward |
axe |
baby |
babysit |
babysitter |
back |
backbone |
backdrop |
background |
backing |
backup |
backward |
backwards |
bacon |
bacteria |
bad |
bad-tempered |
badge |
badly |
bag |
baggage |
bail |
bake |
baker |
balance |
balanced |
balcony |
bald |
ball |
ballet |
balloon |
ballot |
ban |
banana |
band |
bandage |
bang |
banish |
bank |
banker |
banking |
bankrupt |
bankruptcy |
bar |
barbecue |
barbed |
bare |
barely |
bargain |
bark |
barn |
barrel |
barrier |
barrister |
base |
baseball |
basement |
basic |
basically |
basin |
basis |
basket |
basketball |
bass |
bat |
batch |
bath |
bathe |
bathroom |
battered |
battery |
battle |
bay |
be |
beach |
beak |
beam |
bean |
bear |
beard |
bearing |
beast |
beat |
beating |
beautiful |
beauty |
because |
become |
bed |
bedroom |
bee |
beef |
beer |
before |
beforehand |
beg |
begin |
beginner |
beginning |
behalf |
behave |
behaviour |
behavioural |
behind |
being |
belief |
believe |
bell |
belly |
belong |
belongings |
below |
belt |
bench |
bend |
beneath |
beneficial |
beneficiary |
benefit |
berry |
beside |
besides |
best |
bet |
betray |
better |
between |
beware |
beyond |
bias |
bible |
bicycle |
bid |
big |
bike |
bile |
bill |
billion |
bin |
bind |
binding |
binoculars |
biography |
biological |
biologist |
biology |
bird |
birth |
birthday |
biscuit |
bishop |
bit |
bite |
bitter |
bitterly |
bizarre |
black |
blackboard |
blackmail |
blade |
blame |
blank |
blanket |
blast |
blaze |
bleak |
bleed |
bless |
blessing |
blind |
blink |
block |
bloke |
blonde |
blood |
blouse |
blow |
blue |
blue-collar |
blues |
blurred |
blush |
board |
boast |
boat |
body |
bodyguard |
boil |
boiling |
bold |
bolt |
bomb |
bomber |
bombing |
bond |
bone |
bonfire |
bonnet |
bonus |
book |
bookcase |
booking |
booklet |
bookshelf |
bookshop |
boom |
boost |
boot |
booth |
border |
bore |
bored |
boredom |
boring |
born |
borough |
borrow |
borrower |
borrowing |
boss |
both |
bother |
bottle |
bottom |
bounce |
bound |
boundary |
bow |
bowl |
bowler |
bowling |
box |
boxer |
boy |
boyfriend |
bra |
bracket |
brain |
brake |
branch |
brand |
brand-new |
brandy |
brass |
brave |
breach |
bread |
break |
breakdown |
breakfast |
breakthrough |
breast |
breath |
breathe |
breathing |
breathtaking |
breed |
breeding |
breeze |
bribery |
brick |
bride |
bridge |
brief |
briefcase |
briefly |
bright |
brilliant |
bring |
brink |
broad |
broadcast |
broaden |
broadly |
brochure |
broken |
broker |
bronze |
broom |
brother |
brow |
brown |
browse |
bruise |
brush |
brutal |
bubble |
bucket |
bud |
budget |
buffer |
bug |
build |
builder |
building |
bulb |
bulk |
bull |
bullet |
bulletin |
bully |
bump |
bun |
bunch |
bundle |
bungalow |
burden |
bureau |
bureaucracy |
bureaucrat |
bureaucratic |
burger |
burglar |
burglary |
burial |
burn |
burning |
burst |
bury |
bus |
bush |
business |
businessman |
businesswoman |
bust |
busy |
but |
butcher |
butter |
butterfly |
button |
buy |
buyer |
by |
bye |
bypass |
cabbage |
cabin |
cabinet |
cable |
cage |
cake |
calcium |
calculate |
calculation |
calculator |
calendar |
calf |
call |
caller |
calm |
calorie |
camera |
camp |
campaign |
camping |
campus |
can |
canal |
cancer |
candidate |
candle |
cane |
cannot |
canoe |
canteen |
canvas |
cap |
capability |
capable |
capacity |
capital |
capitalism |
capitalist |
captain |
captive |
capture |
car |
caravan |
carbon |
card |
cardboard |
care |
career |
careful |
careless |
cargo |
carpet |
carriage |
carrier |
carrot |
carry |
cart |
cartoon |
carve |
carving |
case |
cash |
cassette |
cast |
castle |
casual |
cat |
catalogue |
catch |
cater |
catering |
cathedral |
cattle |
causal |
cause |
caution |
cautious |
cave |
cd |
cd-rom |
cease |
ceasefire |
ceiling |
celebrate |
celebrated |
celebration |
celebrity |
cell |
cellar |
cement |
cemetery |
census |
cent |
central |
centre |
century |
cereal |
ceremony |
certain |
certainly |
certainty |
certificate |
chain |
chair |
chairman |
challenge |
chamber |
champion |
championship |
chance |
chancellor |
change |
changed |
channel |
chaos |
chap |
chapel |
chapter |
character |
characteristic |
characterize |
charge |
charitable |
charity |
charm |
charming |
chart |
charter |
chase |
chat |
cheap |
cheat |
check |
cheek |
cheer |
cheerful |
cheese |
chef |
chemical |
chemist |
chemistry |
cheque |
cherry |
chess |
chest |
chew |
chicken |
chief |
chiefly |
child |
childhood |
childish |
chill |
chimney |
chin |
chip |
chocolate |
choice |
choir |
choke |
cholesterol |
choose |
chop |
chord |
chorus |
chosen |
christian |
christmas |
chronic |
church |
cigarette |
cinema |
circle |
circuit |
circular |
circulate |
circulation |
circumstance |
cite |
citizen |
citizenship |
city |
civil |
civilian |
civilization |
claim |
clap |
clarify |
clarity |
clash |
clasp |
class |
classic |
classical |
classification |
classify |
classroom |
clause |
clay |
clean |
cleaner |
cleaning |
clear |
clearly |
clergy |
clerical |
clerk |
clever |
click |
client |
cliff |
climate |
climax |
climb |
cling |
clinic |
clinical |
clip |
cloak |
clock |
clone |
close |
closed |
closely |
closure |
cloth |
clothes |
clothing |
cloud |
club |
clue |
clumsy |
cluster |
clutch |
coach |
coal |
coalition |
coarse |
coast |
coastal |
coat |
cocaine |
cocoa |
code |
coffee |
coffin |
coherent |
coil |
coin |
coincide |
coincidence |
cold |
collaborate |
collaboration |
collapse |
collar |
colleague |
collect |
collection |
collective |
collectively |
collector |
college |
collide |
collision |
colloquial |
colon |
colonel |
colonial |
colony |
colour |
coloured |
colourful |
colouring |
column |
comb |
combat |
combination |
combine |
combined |
come |
comeback |
comedy |
comfort |
comfortable |
comic |
coming |
comma |
command |
commander |
commemorate |
commence |
comment |
commentary |
commentator |
commerce |
commercial |
commission |
commissioner |
commit |
commitment |
committed |
committee |
commodity |
common |
commonly |
communal |
communicate |
communication |
communicative |
communion |
communism |
communist |
community |
commuter |
compact |
companion |
company |
comparable |
comparative |
comparatively |
compare |
comparison |
compartment |
compass |
compatible |
compel |
compensate |
compensation |
compete |
competence |
competent |
competing |
competition |
competitive |
competitor |
compile |
complain |
complaint |
complement |
complementary |
complete |
completed |
completely |
completion |
complex |
complexion |
complexity |
compliance |
complicate |
complicated |
complication |
compliment |
comply |
component |
compose |
composer |
composite |
composition |
compound |
comprehension |
comprehensive |
comprise |
compromise |
compulsory |
compute |
computer |
computing |
con |
conceal |
concede |
conceive |
concentrate |
concentration |
concept |
conception |
concern |
concerned |
concerning |
concert |
concession |
conclude |
conclusion |
conclusive |
concrete |
condemn |
condition |
conditional |
conduct |
conductor |
cone |
confer |
conference |
confess |
confession |
confide |
confidence |
confident |
confidential |
configuration |
confine |
confirm |
confirmation |
conflict |
conform |
confront |
confrontation |
confuse |
confused |
confusing |
confusion |
congratulate |
congratulation |
congregation |
connect |
connected |
connection |
conquer |
conquest |
conscience |
conscious |
consciously |
consciousness |
consensus |
consent |
consequence |
consequent |
consequently |
conservation |
conservationist |
conservative |
consider |
considerable |
considerably |
consideration |
considering |
consist |
consistency |
consistent |
consolidate |
consonant |
conspiracy |
constable |
constant |
constantly |
constituency |
constituent |
constitute |
constitution |
constitutional |
constrain |
constraint |
construct |
construction |
constructive |
consult |
consultant |
consultation |
consume |
consumer |
consumption |
contact |
contain |
container |
contemplate |
contemporary |
contempt |
contend |
content |
contention |
contest |
context |
continent |
continental |
continual |
continuation |
continue |
continued |
continuity |
continuous |
contract |
contraction |
contractor |
contradict |
contradiction |
contrary |
contrast |
contribute |
contribution |
control |
controlled |
controller |
controversial |
controversy |
convenience |
convenient |
conveniently |
convention |
conventional |
conversation |
conversely |
conversion |
convert |
convey |
convict |
conviction |
convince |
convinced |
convincing |
cook |
cooker |
cookery |
cooking |
cool |
cooperate |
cooperation |
cooperative |
coordinate |
coordination |
cope |
copper |
copy |
copyright |
cord |
core |
corn |
corner |
coroner |
corporate |
corporation |
corps |
corpse |
correct |
correction |
correlate |
correlation |
correspond |
correspondence |
correspondent |
corresponding |
corridor |
corrupt |
corruption |
cost |
costly |
costume |
cosy |
cottage |
cotton |
cough |
could |
council |
councillor |
counsel |
counselling |
counsellor |
count |
counter |
counterpart |
countless |
country |
countryside |
county |
coup |
couple |
coupon |
courage |
course |
court |
courtesy |
cousin |
cover |
coverage |
cow |
crack |
craft |
cram |
crane |
crash |
crawl |
crazy |
cream |
create |
creation |
creative |
creativity |
creator |
creature |
credibility |
credible |
credit |
creditor |
creep |
crew |
cricket |
crime |
criminal |
crisis |
crisp |
criterion |
critic |
critical |
critically |
criticism |
criticize |
critique |
crop |
cross |
cross-country |
crossing |
crossword |
crouch |
crowd |
crowded |
crown |
crucial |
crude |
cruel |
cruelty |
cruise |
crush |
crust |
cry |
cue |
cult |
cultivate |
cultivation |
cultural |
culture |
cumulative |
cup |
cupboard |
cure |
curiosity |
curious |
curiously |
curl |
curly |
currency |
current |
currently |
curriculum |
curse |
curtain |
curve |
curved |
cushion |
custody |
custom |
customary |
customer |
customs |
cut |
cutting |
cv |
cycle |
cyclist |
cylinder |
cynical |
dad |
daddy |
daft |
daily |
damage |
damaging |
damp |
dance |
dancer |
dancing |
danger |
dangerous |
dare |
dark |
darkness |
darling |
dart |
dash |
data |
database |
date |
daughter |
dawn |
day |
day-to-day |
daylight |
daytime |
dead |
deadline |
deadly |
deaf |
deal |
dealer |
dealing |
dear |
death |
debate |
debt |
debtor |
debut |
decade |
decay |
deceive |
december |
decent |
deception |
decide |
decision |
decision-making |
decisive |
deck |
declaration |
declare |
decline |
decorate |
decoration |
decorative |
decrease |
dedicate |
dedicated |
dedication |
deed |
deem |
deep |
deeply |
deer |
default |
defeat |
defect |
defence |
defend |
defendant |
defender |
defensive |
deficiency |
deficit |
define |
definite |
definitely |
definition |
definitive |
defy |
degree |
delay |
delegate |
delegation |
delete |
deliberate |
deliberately |
delicate |
delicious |
delight |
delighted |
delightful |
deliver |
delivery |
demand |
demanding |
democracy |
democrat |
democratic |
demolish |
demonstrate |
demonstration |
denial |
denounce |
dense |
density |
dental |
dentist |
deny |
depart |
department |
departmental |
departure |
depend |
dependence |
dependent |
depict |
deploy |
deposit |
depot |
depress |
depressed |
depressing |
depression |
deprive |
deprived |
depth |
deputy |
derive |
descend |
descendant |
descent |
describe |
description |
desert |
deserve |
design |
designate |
designer |
desirable |
desire |
desk |
desktop |
despair |
desperate |
desperately |
despite |
dessert |
destination |
destroy |
destruction |
detach |
detached |
detail |
detailed |
detect |
detective |
detector |
detention |
deteriorate |
determination |
determine |
determined |
deterrent |
devastate |
devastating |
develop |
developed |
developer |
developing |
development |
device |
devil |
devise |
devote |
devoted |
diagnose |
diagnosis |
diagram |
dial |
dialect |
dialogue |
diameter |
diamond |
diary |
dictate |
dictionary |
die |
diesel |
diet |
difference |
different |
differentiate |
difficult |
difficulty |
dig |
digest |
digital |
dignity |
dilemma |
dimension |
diminish |
dining |
dinner |
dinosaur |
dip |
diplomatic |
direct |
direction |
directive |
directly |
director |
directory |
dirt |
dirty |
disability |
disabled |
disadvantage |
disagree |
disagreement |
disappear |
disappoint |
disappointed |
disappointing |
disappointment |
disapprove |
disaster |
disastrous |
disc |
discharge |
discipline |
disclose |
disclosure |
disco |
discount |
discourage |
discourse |
discover |
discovery |
discreet |
discretion |
discriminate |
discrimination |
discuss |
discussion |
disease |
disguise |
disgusting |
dish |
dishonest |
disk |
dislike |
dismiss |
dismissal |
disorder |
disperse |
display |
disposable |
disposal |
dispose |
dispute |
disrupt |
disruption |
dissatisfied |
dissolve |
distance |
distant |
distinct |
distinction |
distinctive |
distinguish |
distinguished |
distort |
distortion |
distract |
distraction |
distress |
distribute |
distributed |
distribution |
distributor |
district |
disturb |
disturbance |
disturbed |
disturbing |
dive |
diverse |
diversion |
diversity |
divert |
divide |
dividend |
divine |
division |
divorce |
divorced |
dna |
do |
dock |
doctor |
doctrine |
document |
documentary |
documentation |
dog |
dole |
doll |
dollar |
dolphin |
domain |
domestic |
dominance |
dominant |
dominate |
domination |
donate |
donation |
done |
donkey |
donor |
door |
doorway |
dose |
dot |
double |
doubt |
doubtful |
doubtless |
down |
downstairs |
downward |
downwards |
dozen |
draft |
drag |
drain |
drama |
dramatic |
draught |
draw |
drawer |
drawing |
dreadful |
dream |
dress |
dressed |
dressing |
dried |
drift |
drill |
drink |
drinking |
drive |
driver |
driving |
drop |
drown |
drug |
drum |
drunk |
dry |
dual |
dub |
dubious |
duck |
due |
dull |
duly |
dump |
duration |
during |
dust |
dustbin |
dusty |
duty |
dvd |
dwelling |
dying |
dynamic |
each |
eager |
eagle |
ear |
earlier |
early |
earn |
earnings |
earring |
earth |
earthquake |
ease |
easily |
east |
easter |
eastern |
easy |
eat |
echo |
ecological |
ecology |
economic |
economical |
economically |
economics |
economist |
economy |
edge |
edit |
edition |
editor |
educate |
education |
educational |
effect |
effective |
effectively |
efficiency |
efficient |
effort |
egg |
either |
elaborate |
elbow |
elder |
elderly |
elect |
election |
electoral |
electric |
electrical |
electricity |
electron |
electronic |
electronics |
elegant |
element |
elementary |
elephant |
eligible |
eliminate |
elite |
else |
elsewhere |
embark |
embarrass |
embarrassed |
embarrassing |
embarrassment |
embody |
embrace |
emerge |
emergence |
emergency |
emission |
emotion |
emotional |
emperor |
emphasis |
emphasize |
empire |
empirical |
employ |
employee |
employer |
employment |
empty |
enable |
enclose |
encode |
encounter |
encourage |
encouragement |
encouraging |
encyclopedia |
end |
ending |
endless |
endorse |
endure |
enemy |
energetic |
energy |
enforce |
enforcement |
engage |
engaged |
engagement |
engine |
engineer |
engineering |
enhance |
enjoy |
enjoyable |
enjoyment |
enlarge |
enormous |
enough |
ensure |
enter |
enterprise |
entertain |
entertainer |
entertaining |
entertainment |
enthusiasm |
enthusiastic |
entire |
entirely |
entitle |
entity |
entrance |
entry |
envelope |
environment |
environmental |
environmentalist |
environmentally |
envisage |
envoy |
enzyme |
episode |
equal |
equality |
equally |
equation |
equilibrium |
equip |
equipment |
equity |
equivalent |
er |
era |
erase |
erect |
erode |
erosion |
error |
escape |
especially |
essay |
essence |
essential |
essentially |
establish |
established |
establishment |
estate |
estimate |
etc |
ethical |
ethnic |
euro |
evacuate |
evaluate |
even |
evening |
evenly |
event |
eventual |
eventually |
ever |
every |
everybody |
everyday |
everyone |
everything |
everywhere |
evidence |
evident |
evidently |
evil |
evolution |
evolve |
exact |
exactly |
exaggerate |
exam |
examination |
examine |
example |
exceed |
excellence |
excellent |
except |
exception |
exceptional |
excess |
excessive |
exchange |
excite |
excited |
excitement |
exciting |
exclaim |
exclude |
excluding |
exclusion |
exclusive |
exclusively |
excuse |
execute |
execution |
executive |
exemption |
exercise |
exert |
exhaust |
exhausted |
exhibit |
exhibition |
exile |
exist |
existence |
existing |
exit |
exotic |
expand |
expansion |
expect |
expectation |
expected |
expedition |
expenditure |
expense |
expensive |
experience |
experienced |
experiment |
experimental |
expert |
expertise |
expire |
explain |
explanation |
explicit |
explode |
exploit |
exploitation |
exploration |
explore |
explosion |
explosive |
export |
expose |
exposure |
express |
expression |
expressly |
extend |
extension |
extensive |
extent |
external |
extinct |
extinction |
extra |
extract |
extraordinarily |
extraordinary |
extreme |
extremely |
eye |
eyebrow |
fabric |
fabulous |
face |
facilitate |
facility |
fact |
faction |
factor |
factory |
factual |
faculty |
fade |
fail |
failure |
faint |
fair |
fairly |
fairy |
faith |
faithful |
faithfully |
fall |
false |
fame |
familiar |
family |
famine |
famous |
fan |
fancy |
fantastic |
fantasy |
far |
fare |
farm |
farmer |
farmhouse |
farming |
fascinate |
fascinating |
fashion |
fashionable |
fast |
fasten |
fat |
fatal |
fate |
father |
fatigue |
fault |
favour |
favourable |
favourite |
fax |
fear |
feasible |
feather |
feature |
february |
fed |
federal |
fee |
feed |
feedback |
feel |
feeling |
fellow |
fellowship |
female |
feminine |
feminist |
fence |
ferry |
fertile |
fertility |
festival |
fetch |
fever |
few |
fibre |
fiction |
fictional |
fiddle |
field |
fierce |
fight |
fighter |
fighting |
figure |
file |
fill |
film |
filter |
filthy |
final |
finally |
finance |
financial |
find |
findings |
fine |
finely |
finger |
finish |
finished |
fire |
fireplace |
firework |
firm |
first |
firstly |
fiscal |
fish |
fisherman |
fishing |
fist |
fit |
fitness |
fitting |
fix |
fixed |
flag |
flame |
flap |
flare |
flash |
flat |
flavour |
flee |
fleet |
flesh |
flexibility |
flexible |
flick |
flight |
fling |
float |
floating |
flock |
flood |
floor |
flour |
flourish |
flow |
flower |
flu |
fluent |
fluid |
flush |
fly |
flying |
focus |
fog |
fold |
folder |
folk |
follow |
follower |
following |
fond |
food |
fool |
foolish |
foot |
football |
footstep |
for |
forbid |
forbidden |
force |
forecast |
forehead |
foreign |
foreigner |
forest |
forever |
forge |
forget |
forgive |
fork |
form |
formal |
formality |
format |
formation |
former |
formerly |
formula |
formulate |
fort |
forth |
forthcoming |
forthright |
fortnight |
fortunate |
fortunately |
fortune |
forum |
forward |
forwards |
fossil |
foster |
foul |
found |
foundation |
founder |
fountain |
fox |
fraction |
fragile |
fragment |
frail |
frame |
framework |
franchise |
frank |
frankly |
frantic |
fraud |
free |
freedom |
freely |
freeze |
freezer |
freezing |
freight |
frequency |
frequent |
frequently |
fresh |
freshly |
friday |
fridge |
fried |
friend |
friendly |
friendship |
frighten |
frightened |
frightening |
fringe |
frog |
from |
front |
frontier |
frost |
frown |
frozen |
fruit |
fruitful |
frustrate |
frustrated |
frustrating |
frustration |
fry |
fuel |
fulfil |
full |
full-time |
fully |
fumes |
fun |
function |
functional |
fund |
fundamental |
fundamentally |
funding |
funeral |
funny |
fur |
furious |
furnish |
furniture |
furry |
further |
furthermore |
furthest |
fury |
fuse |
fusion |
fuss |
future |
gain |
galaxy |
gallery |
gallon |
gallop |
gamble |
game |
gang |
gap |
garage |
garden |
gardener |
garlic |
garment |
gas |
gasp |
gate |
gather |
gathering |
gauge |
gay |
gaze |
gear |
gender |
gene |
general |
generally |
generate |
generation |
generator |
generic |
generous |
genetic |
genius |
genre |
gentle |
gentleman |
gently |
genuine |
genuinely |
geographical |
geography |
geological |
geology |
geometry |
gesture |
get |
ghost |
giant |
gift |
gig |
giggle |
giraffe |
girl |
girlfriend |
give |
given |
glad |
glance |
glare |
glass |
glasses |
glide |
glimpse |
global |
gloom |
gloomy |
glorious |
glory |
glossy |
glove |
glow |
glue |
gm |
go |
goal |
goalkeeper |
goat |
god |
gold |
golden |
golf |
good |
good-looking |
goodbye |
goodness |
goods |
goodwill |
gorgeous |
govern |
government |
governor |
gown |
grab |
grace |
graceful |
grade |
gradual |
gradually |
graduate |
grain |
gram |
grammar |
grammatical |
grand |
granddaughter |
grandfather |
grandmother |
grandparent |
grandson |
grant |
grape |
graph |
graphic |
graphical |
graphics |
grasp |
grass |
grateful |
grave |
gravity |
greasy |
great |
greatly |
greedy |
green |
greet |
greeting |
grey |
grid |
grief |
grill |
grim |
grin |
grind |
grip |
groan |
gross |
ground |
group |
grouping |
grow |
growing |
growl |
grown-up |
growth |
guarantee |
guaranteed |
guard |
guerrilla |
guess |
guest |
guidance |
guide |
guidebook |
guidelines |
guilt |
guilty |
guitar |
gum |
gun |
gunman |
guts |
guy |
gym |
ha |
habit |
habitat |
hack |
hail |
hair |
haircut |
hairdresser |
hairstyle |
hairy |
half |
halfway |
hall |
halt |
ham |
hammer |
hand |
handbag |
handful |
handicap |
handkerchief |
handle |
handling |
handsome |
handwriting |
handy |
hang |
happen |
happily |
happiness |
happy |
harassment |
harbour |
hard |
hard-working |
harden |
hardly |
hardware |
harm |
harmful |
harmless |
harmony |
harsh |
harvest |
hassle |
hat |
hate |
hatred |
haul |
haunt |
have |
hay |
hazard |
hazardous |
he |
head |
headache |
heading |
headline |
headmaster |
headquarters |
headteacher |
heal |
health |
healthy |
heap |
hear |
hearing |
heart |
heat |
heated |
heater |
heating |
heave |
heaven |
heavily |
heavy |
hedge |
heel |
height |
heir |
helicopter |
hell |
hello |
helmet |
help |
helpful |
helping |
helpless |
hence |
her |
herb |
herd |
here |
hereditary |
heritage |
hero |
heroic |
hers |
herself |
hesitate |
hesitation |
hey |
hi |
hidden |
hide |
hierarchy |
high |
high-level |
highlight |
highly |
hill |
hillside |
him |
himself |
hint |
hip |
hire |
his |
hiss |
historian |
historic |
historical |
historically |
history |
hit |
hitherto |
hiv |
hmm |
hobby |
hockey |
hold |
holder |
holding |
hole |
holiday |
hollow |
holy |
home |
homeless |
homework |
honest |
honestly |
honesty |
honey |
honeymoon |
honour |
honourable |
hook |
hope |
hopeful |
hopefully |
hopeless |
horizon |
horizontal |
horn |
horrible |
horror |
horse |
hospital |
hospitality |
host |
hostage |
hostile |
hostility |
hot |
hotel |
hour |
house |
household |
housewife |
housework |
housing |
hover |
how |
however |
hug |
huge |
human |
humanity |
humorous |
humour |
hundred |
hunger |
hungry |
hunt |
hunter |
hunting |
hurry |
hurt |
husband |
hut |
hygiene |
hypothesis |
hypothetical |
hysterical |
i |
ice |
icon |
icy |
idea |
ideal |
ideally |
identical |
identification |
identify |
identity |
ideological |
ideology |
idiom |
idiot |
if |
ignore |
ill |
illegal |
illness |
illusion |
illustrate |
illustration |
image |
imagery |
imaginary |
imagination |
imaginative |
imagine |
imitate |
imitation |
immediate |
immediately |
immense |
immigrant |
immigration |
immoral |
immune |
impact |
impatient |
imperial |
impersonal |
implement |
implementation |
implication |
implicit |
imply |
impolite |
import |
importance |
important |
importantly |
impose |
impossible |
impress |
impression |
impressive |
imprisonment |
improve |
improved |
improvement |
impulse |
in |
inability |
inadequate |
inappropriate |
incentive |
inch |
incidence |
incident |
incidentally |
inclination |
inclined |
include |
including |
inclusion |
income |
incorporate |
incorrect |
increase |
increased |
increasingly |
incredible |
incredibly |
incur |
indeed |
independence |
independent |
index |
indicate |
indication |
indicator |
indirect |
individual |
individually |
indoor |
indoors |
induce |
indulge |
industrial |
industry |
inequality |
inevitable |
inevitably |
inexperienced |
infant |
infect |
infection |
infectious |
infer |
inference |
inferior |
infinite |
infinitive |
inflation |
influence |
influential |
inform |
informal |
information |
informative |
infrastructure |
ingenious |
ingredient |
inhabit |
inhabitant |
inherent |
inherit |
inheritance |
inhibit |
inhibition |
initial |
initially |
initiate |
initiative |
inject |
injection |
injure |
injured |
injury |
ink |
inland |
inn |
inner |
innocence |
innocent |
innovation |
innovative |
input |
inquire |
inquiry |
insect |
insert |
inside |
insight |
insist |
inspect |
inspection |
inspector |
inspiration |
inspire |
install |
installation |
instance |
instant |
instantly |
instead |
instinct |
institute |
institution |
institutional |
instruct |
instruction |
instrument |
instrumental |
insufficient |
insult |
insurance |
insure |
intact |
intake |
integral |
integrate |
integrated |
integration |
integrity |
intellectual |
intelligence |
intelligent |
intend |
intended |
intense |
intensive |
intention |
interact |
interaction |
interactive |
interest |
interested |
interesting |
interfere |
interference |
interior |
intermediate |
internal |
international |
internationally |
internet |
interpret |
interpretation |
interpreter |
interrupt |
interruption |
interval |
intervene |
intervention |
interview |
interviewer |
into |
intolerable |
intonation |
introduce |
introduction |
intruder |
intrusion |
invade |
invariably |
invasion |
invent |
invention |
inventor |
invest |
investigate |
investigation |
investigator |
investment |
investor |
invisible |
invitation |
invite |
involve |
involved |
involvement |
iron |
irony |
irregular |
irrelevant |
irritate |
irritating |
irritation |
island |
isolate |
isolated |
isolation |
issue |
it |
italics |
item |
its |
itself |
ivory |
jack |
jacket |
jail |
jam |
january |
jar |
jaw |
jazz |
jealous |
jeans |
jet |
jew |
jewel |
jewellery |
jewish |
job |
jobcentre |
jobless |
jockey |
jogging |
join |
joint |
joke |
journal |
journalism |
journalist |
journey |
joy |
judge |
judgment |
judicial |
jug |
juice |
july |
jump |
jumper |
junction |
june |
jungle |
junior |
junk |
jurisdiction |
jury |
just |
justice |
justification |
justify |
juvenile |
keen |
keep |
keeper |
kettle |
key |
keyboard |
kick |
kid |
kidnap |
kidney |
kill |
killer |
kilo |
kilogram |
kilometre |
kind |
kindly |
king |
kingdom |
kiss |
kit |
kitchen |
kite |
kitten |
knee |
kneel |
knife |
knit |
knitting |
knock |
knot |
know |
knowledge |
known |
lab |
label |
laboratory |
labour |
lace |
lack |
lacking |
lad |
ladder |
lady |
lake |
lamb |
lamp |
land |
landing |
landlady |
landlord |
landscape |
lane |
language |
lap |
large |
large-scale |
largely |
laser |
last |
last-minute |
lasting |
lastly |
late |
late-night |
lately |
later |
latest |
latter |
laugh |
laughter |
launch |
laundry |
lavish |
law |
law-making |
lawn |
lawsuit |
lawyer |
lay |
layer |
layout |
lazy |
lead |
leader |
leadership |
leading |
leaf |
leaflet |
league |
leak |
lean |
leap |
learn |
learner |
learning |
lease |
least |
leather |
leave |
lecture |
lecturer |
left |
left-hand |
left-wing |
leg |
legacy |
legal |
legally |
legend |
legislation |
legislative |
legislature |
legitimate |
leisure |
lemon |
lend |
length |
lengthy |
lens |
less |
lesser |
lesson |
let |
letter |
lettuce |
level |
liability |
liable |
liaison |
liberal |
liberty |
librarian |
library |
licence |
license |
lick |
lid |
lie |
lieutenant |
life |
lifespan |
lifestyle |
lifetime |
lift |
light |
lighting |
lightly |
lightning |
like |
likelihood |
likely |
likewise |
limb |
lime |
limit |
limitation |
limited |
line |
linear |
linen |
linger |
linguist |
linguistic |
linguistics |
link |
lion |
lip |
liquid |
list |
listen |
listener |
literal |
literally |
literary |
literature |
litre |
litter |
little |
live |
lively |
liver |
living |
lizard |
load |
loaf |
loan |
lobby |
local |
locally |
locate |
located |
location |
lock |
locker |
lodge |
loft |
log |
logic |
logical |
logo |
lone |
lonely |
long |
long-distance |
long-standing |
long-term |
loo |
look |
loop |
loose |
loosely |
lord |
lorry |
lose |
loser |
loss |
lost |
lot |
lottery |
loud |
lounge |
love |
lovely |
lover |
loving |
low |
low-level |
lower |
loyal |
loyalty |
luck |
luckily |
lucky |
luggage |
lump |
lunch |
lunchtime |
lung |
lush |
luxury |
ma |
machine |
machinery |
mad |
madam |
madman |
madness |
magazine |
magic |
magical |
magistrate |
magnetic |
magnificent |
magnitude |
mailman |
main |
mainly |
mainstream |
maintain |
maintenance |
majesty |
major |
majority |
make |
make-up |
maker |
making |
male |
mammal |
man |
manage |
manageable |
management |
manager |
managerial |
managing |
mandate |
mandatory |
manifest |
manifestation |
manipulate |
manipulation |
mankind |
manner |
manoeuvre |
manor |
mansion |
manual |
manufacture |
manufacturer |
manufacturing |
manuscript |
many |
map |
marathon |
marble |
march |
margin |
marginal |
marginally |
marine |
mark |
marked |
marker |
market |
marketing |
marketplace |
marking |
marriage |
married |
marry |
marsh |
martial |
marvellous |
masculine |
mask |
mass |
massacre |
massage |
massive |
master |
masterpiece |
match |
matching |
mate |
material |
maternal |
maternity |
mathematical |
mathematics |
maths |
matrix |
matter |
mature |
maturity |
maximum |
may |
maybe |
mayor |
me |
meal |
mean |
meaning |
meaningful |
meaningless |
means |
meantime |
meanwhile |
measure |
measurement |
meat |
mechanic |
mechanical |
mechanism |
medal |
media |
medical |
medicine |
medieval |
medium |
meet |
meeting |
melt |
member |
membership |
membrane |
memo |
memorial |
memorize |
memory |
mend |
mental |
mention |
menu |
merchant |
mercy |
mere |
merely |
merge |
merger |
merit |
mess |
message |
messenger |
metal |
metaphor |
meter |
method |
metre |
metric |
metropolitan |
microphone |
microscope |
microwave |
midday |
middle |
middle-aged |
middle-class |
midnight |
midst |
might |
migrate |
migration |
mild |
mildly |
mile |
militant |
military |
milk |
mill |
millimetre |
million |
millionaire |
mind |
mine |
miner |
mineral |
miniature |
minimal |
minimize |
minimum |
mining |
minister |
ministerial |
ministry |
minor |
minority |
minus |
minute |
miracle |
mirror |
miserable |
misery |
misfortune |
misleading |
miss |
missing |
mission |
mist |
mistake |
mistress |
misunderstanding |
mix |
mixed |
mixture |
moan |
mob |
mobile |
mobility |
mock |
mode |
model |
moderate |
modern |
modest |
modification |
modify |
module |
mole |
molecular |
molecule |
moment |
momentarily |
momentum |
monarch |
monarchy |
monday |
monetary |
money |
monitor |
monk |
monkey |
monopoly |
monster |
month |
monthly |
monument |
mood |
moon |
moonlight |
moor |
moral |
morale |
morality |
more |
moreover |
morning |
mortal |
mortality |
mortgage |
mosque |
most |
mostly |
mother |
motif |
motion |
motivate |
motivation |
motive |
motor |
motorbike |
motorist |
motorway |
mould |
mount |
mountain |
mouse |
moustache |
mouth |
mouthful |
move |
movement |
movie |
moving |
mp |
mr |
mrs |
ms |
much |
mud |
muddy |
mug |
multimedia |
multinational |
multiple |
multiply |
mum |
mumble |
municipal |
murder |
murderer |
murmur |
muscle |
museum |
mushroom |
music |
musical |
musician |
muslim |
must |
mutter |
mutual |
my |
myself |
mysterious |
mystery |
myth |
nail |
naked |
name |
namely |
narrative |
narrow |
narrowly |
nation |
national |
nationalism |
nationalist |
nationality |
nationally |
nationwide |
native |
natural |
naturally |
nature |
naughty |
naval |
navigation |
navy |
near |
nearby |
nearly |
neat |
necessarily |
necessary |
necessity |
neck |
necklace |
need |
needle |
negative |
neglect |
negotiate |
negotiation |
neighbour |
neighbourhood |
neighbouring |
neither |
nephew |
nerve |
nervous |
nest |
net |
network |
neutral |
never |
nevertheless |
new |
newly |
news |
newspaper |
next |
nice |
nicely |
nickname |
niece |
night |
nightmare |
nipple |
nitrogen |
no |
noble |
nobody |
nod |
node |
noise |
noisy |
nominal |
nominate |
nomination |
non-existent |
non-profit |
none |
nonsense |
noon |
nor |
norm |
normal |
normally |
north |
north-east |
north-west |
northern |
nose |
not |
notable |
notably |
note |
notebook |
notepaper |
nothing |
notice |
noticeable |
noticeboard |
notify |
notion |
notorious |
noun |
novel |
novelist |
novelty |
november |
now |
nowadays |
nowhere |
nuclear |
nucleus |
nuisance |
number |
numerous |
nun |
nurse |
nursery |
nursing |
nut |
nutrition |
nylon |
o'clock |
oak |
obedient |
obey |
object |
objection |
objective |
obligation |
oblige |
obscure |
observation |
observe |
observer |
obsessed |
obsession |
obstacle |
obtain |
obvious |
obviously |
occasion |
occasional |
occasionally |
occupant |
occupation |
occupational |
occupy |
occur |
occurrence |
ocean |
october |
odd |
oddly |
odds |
of |
off |
offence |
offend |
offender |
offensive |
offer |
office |
officer |
official |
officially |
offline |
offset |
offshore |
offspring |
often |
oil |
ok |
old |
old-fashioned |
olive |
omission |
omit |
on |
once |
one |
oneself |
onion |
online |
only |
onset |
onto |
onwards |
open |
opener |
opening |
openly |
openness |
opera |
operate |
operating |
operation |
operational |
operator |
opinion |
opponent |
opportunity |
oppose |
opposed |
opposite |
opposition |
oppression |
opt |
optical |
optimism |
optimistic |
option |
optional |
or |
oral |
orange |
orbit |
orchestra |
ordeal |
order |
ordinary |
organ |
organic |
organism |
organization |
organize |
organized |
organizer |
origin |
original |
originally |
originate |
ornament |
orthodox |
other |
otherwise |
ought |
our |
ours |
ourselves |
out |
outbreak |
outcome |
outdoor |
outer |
outfit |
outlet |
outline |
outlook |
output |
outrage |
outrageous |
outset |
outside |
outsider |
outspoken |
outstanding |
outward |
outweigh |
oven |
over |
overall |
overcome |
overhead |
overheads |
overlap |
overlook |
overnight |
override |
overseas |
overtake |
overthrow |
overtime |
overview |
overwhelm |
overwhelming |
overwhelmingly |
owe |
owl |
own |
owner |
ownership |
oxygen |
ozone |
pace |
pack |
package |
packaging |
packed |
packet |
packing |
pact |
pad |
page |
paid |
pain |
painful |
painfully |
paint |
painter |
painting |
pair |
palace |
pale |
palm |
pamphlet |
pan |
panel |
panic |
pants |
paper |
paperback |
paperwork |
par |
parade |
paradise |
paragraph |
parallel |
parameter |
parcel |
parent |
parental |
parish |
park |
parking |
parliament |
parliamentary |
parrot |
part |
part-time |
partial |
partially |
participant |
participate |
participation |
participle |
particle |
particular |
particularly |
partly |
partner |
partnership |
party |
pass |
passage |
passenger |
passing |
passion |
passionate |
passive |
passport |
password |
past |
pasta |
pastry |
pat |
patch |
patent |
path |
pathetic |
patience |
patient |
patrol |
patron |
pattern |
pause |
pavement |
paw |
pay |
payable |
payment |
pc |
pea |
peace |
peaceful |
peach |
peak |
pearl |
peasant |
peculiar |
pedal |
pedestrian |
peel |
peer |
peg |
pen |
penalty |
pencil |
penetrate |
penny |
pension |
pensioner |
people |
pepper |
per |
perceive |
percentage |
perception |
perfect |
perfection |
perfectly |
perform |
performance |
performer |
perfume |
perhaps |
period |
permanent |
permission |
permit |
persist |
persistent |
person |
personal |
personality |
personally |
personnel |
perspective |
persuade |
persuasion |
persuasive |
pessimistic |
pest |
pet |
petition |
petrol |
petty |
phase |
phenomenon |
philosopher |
philosophical |
philosophy |
phone |
photo |
photograph |
photographer |
photographic |
photography |
phrase |
physical |
physically |
physics |
pianist |
piano |
pick |
picnic |
picture |
picturesque |
pie |
piece |
pier |
pierce |
pig |
pigeon |
pile |
pill |
pillow |
pilot |
pin |
pine |
pink |
pint |
pioneer |
pipe |
pipeline |
pit |
pitch |
pity |
pizza |
place |
plain |
plainly |
plan |
plane |
planet |
planner |
planning |
plant |
plaster |
plastic |
plate |
platform |
play |
player |
playground |
plc |
plea |
plead |
pleasant |
please |
pleased |
pleasure |
plenty |
plight |
plot |
plough |
pluck |
plug |
plum |
plumber |
plunge |
plural |
plus |
poem |
poet |
poetic |
poetry |
point |
pointed |
poison |
poisonous |
poke |
pole |
police |
policeman |
policewoman |
policy |
polish |
polite |
politely |
political |
politically |
politician |
politics |
poll |
pollute |
pollution |
pond |
pool |
poor |
poorly |
pop |
popular |
popularity |
population |
pork |
port |
portable |
portfolio |
portion |
portrait |
portray |
pose |
position |
positive |
positively |
possess |
possession |
possibility |
possible |
possibly |
post |
post-war |
postal |
postcard |
poster |
postman |
postpone |
pot |
potato |
potential |
potentially |
pottery |
pound |
pour |
poverty |
powder |
power |
powerful |
practical |
practically |
practice |
practise |
pragmatic |
praise |
pray |
prayer |
preach |
precaution |
precede |
precedent |
precious |
precise |
precisely |
precision |
predator |
predecessor |
predict |
predictable |
prediction |
predominantly |
prefer |
preferable |
preferably |
preference |
pregnancy |
pregnant |
prejudice |
preliminary |
premature |
premier |
premiere |
premises |
premium |
preoccupation |
preparation |
prepare |
preposition |
prescribe |
prescription |
presence |
present |
presentation |
presenter |
preservation |
preserve |
presidency |
president |
presidential |
press |
pressure |
presumably |
presume |
pretend |
pretty |
prevail |
prevailing |
prevalence |
prevent |
prevention |
previous |
previously |
prey |
price |
pride |
priest |
primarily |
primary |
prime |
primitive |
prince |
princess |
principal |
principally |
principle |
printer |
printing |
prior |
priority |
prison |
prisoner |
privacy |
private |
privately |
privatization |
privilege |
prize |
prize-winning |
probability |
probable |
probably |
probation |
probe |
problem |
procedure |
proceed |
proceedings |
proceeds |
process |
procession |
processor |
proclaim |
produce |
producer |
product |
production |
productive |
productivity |
profession |
professional |
professor |
profile |
profit |
profitability |
profitable |
profound |
program |
programme |
programmer |
programming |
progress |
progression |
progressive |
prohibit |
project |
projection |
prominent |
promise |
promising |
promote |
promoter |
promotion |
prompt |
promptly |
prone |
pronoun |
pronounce |
pronunciation |
proof |
propaganda |
proper |
properly |
property |
proportion |
proportional |
proposal |
propose |
proposed |
proposition |
prose |
prosecute |
prosecution |
prospect |
prospective |
prosperity |
protect |
protection |
protective |
protein |
protest |
protestant |
protester |
protocol |
prototype |
proud |
prove |
proven |
provide |
provided |
provider |
providing |
province |
provincial |
provision |
provisional |
provoke |
prudent |
psychiatric |
psychiatrist |
psychological |
psychologist |
psychology |
pub |
public |
publication |
publicity |
publicly |
publish |
publisher |
publishing |
pudding |
pull |
pullover |
pulse |
pump |
punch |
punish |
punishment |
punk |
pupil |
puppy |
purchase |
pure |
purely |
purity |
purple |
purpose |
purse |
pursue |
pursuit |
push |
put |
puzzle |
puzzled |
pyjamas |
pyramid |
qualification |
qualified |
qualify |
quality |
quantity |
quarrel |
quarter |
queen |
query |
quest |
question |
questionable |
questioning |
questionnaire |
queue |
quick |
quickly |
quid |
quiet |
quietly |
quit |
quite |
quiz |
quota |
quotation |
quote |
rabbit |
race |
racial |
racism |
rack |
racket |
radiation |
radiator |
radical |
radically |
radio |
radioactive |
radius |
rag |
rage |
raid |
rail |
railway |
rain |
rainbow |
rainforest |
raise |
raised |
rally |
random |
range |
rank |
rape |
rapid |
rare |
rarely |
rat |
rate |
rather |
rating |
ratio |
rational |
raw |
ray |
razor |
reach |
react |
reaction |
reactor |
read |
reader |
readily |
reading |
ready |
real |
realism |
realistic |
reality |
realize |
really |
realm |
rear |
reason |
reasonable |
reasonably |
reassure |
rebel |
rebuild |
recall |
recede |
receipt |
receive |
received |
receiver |
recent |
recently |
reception |
receptionist |
recession |
recipe |
reckon |
recognition |
recognize |
recommend |
recommendation |
reconstruction |
record |
recorder |
recording |
recount |
recover |
recovery |
recreation |
recruit |
recruitment |
rectangular |
recur |
recycle |
recycling |
red |
red-hot |
reduce |
reduction |
redundancy |
redundant |
reef |
refer |
referee |
reference |
referendum |
reflect |
reflection |
reform |
refreshing |
refugee |
refusal |
refuse |
regain |
regard |
regarding |
regardless |
regime |
regiment |
region |
regional |
register |
registration |
regret |
regular |
regularly |
regulate |
regulation |
rehearsal |
rehearse |
reign |
reinforce |
reject |
rejection |
relate |
related |
relation |
relationship |
relative |
relatively |
relax |
relaxation |
relaxed |
release |
relevance |
relevant |
reliable |
relief |
relieve |
religion |
religious |
reluctant |
rely |
remain |
remainder |
remaining |
remains |
remark |
remarkable |
remarkably |
remedy |
remember |
remind |
reminder |
remote |
removal |
remove |
renaissance |
render |
renew |
renewal |
rent |
rental |
repair |
repay |
repeat |
repeated |
repeatedly |
repertoire |
repetition |
replace |
replacement |
reply |
report |
reportedly |
reporter |
reporting |
represent |
representation |
representative |
reproduce |
reproduction |
reptile |
republic |
republican |
reputation |
request |
require |
requirement |
rescue |
research |
resemblance |
resemble |
reservation |
reserve |
reservoir |
residence |
resident |
residential |
resign |
resignation |
resist |
resistance |
resolution |
resolve |
resort |
resource |
respect |
respectable |
respected |
respective |
respectively |
respond |
response |
responsibility |
responsible |
rest |
restaurant |
restless |
restoration |
restore |
restrain |
restraint |
restrict |
restricted |
restriction |
restructure |
result |
resume |
retail |
retailer |
retain |
retire |
retired |
retirement |
retreat |
retrieve |
retrospective |
return |
reveal |
revenge |
revenue |
reverse |
revert |
review |
revise |
revision |
revival |
revive |
revolution |
revolutionary |
revolve |
reward |
rewrite |
rhetoric |
rhyme |
rhythm |
rib |
ribbon |
rice |
rich |
rid |
ride |
rider |
ridge |
ridiculous |
rifle |
rig |
right |
right-wing |
rightly |
rigid |
rigorous |
rim |
ring |
riot |
rip |
ripe |
rise |
risk |
risky |
ritual |
rival |
river |
road |
roar |
rob |
robber |
robbery |
robot |
rock |
rocket |
rocky |
rod |
role |
roll |
roller |
romance |
romantic |
roof |
room |
root |
rope |
rose |
rot |
rotate |
rotation |
rotten |
rough |
roughly |
round |
roundabout |
route |
routine |
row |
royal |
royalty |
rub |
rubber |
rubbish |
rude |
rug |
rugby |
ruin |
rule |
ruler |
ruling |
rumour |
run |
runner |
running |
runway |
rural |
rush |
rusty |
sack |
sacred |
sacrifice |
sad |
saddle |
sadly |
sadness |
safe |
safely |
safety |
sail |
sailor |
sake |
salad |
salary |
sale |
salt |
same |
sample |
sanction |
sand |
sandwich |
sandy |
satellite |
satisfaction |
satisfactory |
satisfied |
satisfy |
satisfying |
saturday |
sauce |
saucepan |
saucer |
sausage |
savage |
save |
saving |
saw |
say |
saying |
scale |
scan |
scandal |
scanner |
scar |
scarce |
scarcely |
scare |
scared |
scarf |
scarlet |
scary |
scatter |
scattered |
scenario |
scene |
scenery |
scent |
sceptical |
schedule |
scheduled |
scheme |
scholar |
scholarship |
school |
science |
scientific |
scientist |
scissors |
scope |
score |
scout |
scramble |
scrap |
scrape |
scratch |
scream |
screen |
screening |
screw |
script |
scrutiny |
sculpture |
sea |
seal |
sealed |
search |
seaside |
season |
seasonal |
seat |
second |
second-hand |
secondary |
secondly |
secret |
secretary |
secretary-general |
section |
sector |
secular |
secure |
security |
see |
seed |
seek |
seem |
seemingly |
segment |
seize |
seldom |
select |
selection |
selective |
self |
self-discipline |
self-esteem |
selfish |
sell |
seller |
semantic |
semifinal |
seminar |
senate |
senator |
send |
senior |
sensation |
sense |
sensible |
sensitive |
sensitivity |
sentence |
sentiment |
separate |
separation |
september |
sequence |
sergeant |
serial |
series |
serious |
seriously |
servant |
serve |
server |
service |
serving |
session |
set |
setting |
settle |
settlement |
settler |
several |
severe |
severely |
sew |
sewing |
sex |
sexual |
sexuality |
sexy |
shade |
shadow |
shaft |
shake |
shall |
shallow |
shame |
shape |
share |
shareholder |
shark |
sharp |
sharpen |
sharply |
shatter |
shave |
she |
shed |
sheep |
sheer |
sheet |
shelf |
shell |
shelter |
shield |
shift |
shine |
shiny |
ship |
shipment |
shipping |
shirt |
shiver |
shock |
shocked |
shocking |
shoe |
shoot |
shooting |
shop |
shopkeeper |
shopper |
shopping |
shore |
short |
short-term |
shortage |
shortly |
shorts |
shot |
should |
shoulder |
shout |
shove |
show |
shower |
shrewd |
shrink |
shrug |
shudder |
shuffle |
shut |
shutter |
shy |
sibling |
sick |
sickness |
side |
sideways |
sigh |
sight |
sign |
signal |
signature |
significance |
significant |
significantly |
signify |
signing |
silence |
silent |
silk |
silly |
silver |
similar |
similarity |
similarly |
simple |
simplicity |
simplify |
simply |
simulation |
simultaneous |
sin |
since |
sincere |
sincerely |
sing |
singer |
single |
singular |
sink |
sip |
sir |
siren |
sister |
sit |
site |
sitting |
situated |
situation |
size |
skate |
skating |
skeleton |
sketch |
ski |
skilful |
skill |
skilled |
skin |
skip |
skirt |
skull |
sky |
slam |
slap |
slash |
slaughter |
slave |
sleep |
sleepy |
sleeve |
slender |
slice |
slide |
slight |
slightly |
slim |
slip |
slipper |
slogan |
slope |
slot |
slow |
slowly |
smack |
small |
smart |
smash |
smell |
smile |
smoke |
smoker |
smoking |
smooth |
snack |
snake |
snap |
snatch |
sniff |
snow |
so |
so-called |
soak |
soap |
soar |
sob |
sober |
soccer |
social |
socialism |
society |
sociology |
sock |
socket |
sofa |
soft |
soften |
software |
soil |
solar |
soldier |
sole |
solely |
solicitor |
solid |
solo |
solution |
solve |
some |
somebody |
somehow |
someone |
something |
sometime |
sometimes |
somewhat |
somewhere |
son |
song |
soon |
sooner |
sophisticated |
sore |
sorry |
sort |
soul |
sound |
soup |
sour |
source |
south |
south-east |
south-west |
southern |
souvenir |
sovereignty |
sow |
space |
spare |
spark |
sparkle |
speak |
speaker |
spear |
special |
specialist |
speciality |
specialize |
specialized |
specially |
species |
specific |
specifically |
specification |
specify |
specimen |
spectacle |
spectacular |
spectator |
spectrum |
speculate |
speculation |
speech |
speed |
spell |
spelling |
spend |
spending |
sphere |
spice |
spider |
spill |
spin |
spine |
spiral |
spirit |
spiritual |
spit |
spite |
splash |
splendid |
split |
spoil |
spoken |
spokesman |
spokeswoman |
sponsor |
sponsorship |
spontaneous |
spoon |
sport |
spot |
spouse |
spray |
spread |
spreadsheet |
spring |
sprinkle |
sprint |
spur |
spy |
squad |
squadron |
square |
squat |
squeeze |
stab |
stability |
stable |
stack |
stadium |
staff |
stage |
stagger |
stain |
stair |
staircase |
stake |
stale |
stall |
stamp |
stance |
stand |
standard |
standing |
staple |
star |
stare |
start |
starter |
startled |
starve |
state |
statement |
station |
statistical |
statue |
status |
statute |
statutory |
stay |
steady |
steak |
steal |
steam |
steel |
steep |
steer |
stem |
step |
stereo |
stereotype |
sterile |
stick |
sticky |
stiff |
still |
stimulate |
stimulus |
sting |
stir |
stitch |
stock |
stocking |
stomach |
stone |
stool |
stop |
storage |
store |
storey |
storm |
story |
stout |
stove |
straight |
straighten |
straightforward |
strain |
strand |
strange |
strangely |
stranger |
strap |
strategic |
strategy |
straw |
strawberry |
stray |
streak |
stream |
street |
strength |
strengthen |
stress |
stretch |
strict |
strictly |
stride |
strike |
striker |
striking |
string |
strip |
stripe |
strive |
stroke |
stroll |
strong |
structural |
structure |
struggle |
stubborn |
stud |
student |
studio |
study |
stuff |
stumble |
stun |
stunning |
stupid |
style |
stylish |
subject |
subjective |
submarine |
submission |
submit |
subordinate |
subscribe |
subscription |
subsequent |
subsequently |
subsidiary |
subsidy |
substance |
substantial |
substantially |
substantive |
substitute |
substitution |
subtle |
suburb |
succeed |
success |
successful |
succession |
successive |
successor |
such |
suck |
sudden |
suddenly |
sue |
suffer |
sufferer |
suffering |
sufficient |
sugar |
suggest |
suggestion |
suicide |
suit |
suitable |
suitably |
suitcase |
suite |
sum |
summarize |
summary |
summer |
summit |
summon |
sun |
sunday |
sunlight |
sunny |
sunset |
sunshine |
super |
superb |
superficial |
superintendent |
superior |
supermarket |
supervise |
supervision |
supervisor |
supper |
supplement |
supplier |
supply |
support |
supporter |
supporting |
suppose |
supposed |
supposedly |
suppress |
supreme |
sure |
surely |
surf |
surface |
surgeon |
surgery |
surgical |
surname |
surplus |
surprise |
surprised |
surprising |
surprisingly |
surrender |
surround |
surrounding |
surroundings |
surveillance |
survey |
survival |
survive |
survivor |
suspect |
suspected |
suspend |
suspension |
suspicion |
suspicious |
sustain |
swallow |
swan |
swap |
sway |
swear |
sweat |
sweater |
sweep |
sweet |
swell |
swift |
swim |
swimming |
swing |
switch |
swollen |
sword |
syllable |
symbol |
symbolic |
symmetry |
sympathetic |
sympathy |
symphony |
symptom |
syndrome |
synthesis |
system |
systematic |
t-shirt |
table |
tablet |
tack |
tackle |
tactic |
tag |
tail |
take |
takeover |
tale |
talent |
talented |
talk |
tall |
tan |
tank |
tap |
tape |
target |
tariff |
task |
taste |
tasty |
tax |
taxation |
taxi |
taxpayer |
tea |
teach |
teacher |
teaching |
team |
tear |
tease |
technical |
technically |
technician |
technique |
technological |
technology |
teenage |
teenager |
telecommunications |
telephone |
telescope |
television |
tell |
telly |
temper |
temperature |
temple |
temporary |
tempt |
temptation |
tenant |
tend |
tendency |
tender |
tennis |
tense |
tension |
tent |
term |
terminal |
terminology |
terrace |
terrible |
terribly |
terrific |
terrify |
territory |
terror |
terrorism |
terrorist |
test |
testament |
testimony |
testing |
text |
textile |
texture |
than |
thank |
thanks |
that |
the |
theatre |
theft |
their |
theirs |
them |
theme |
themselves |
then |
theoretical |
theory |
therapeutic |
therapist |
therapy |
there |
thereafter |
thereby |
therefore |
thermal |
these |
thesis |
they |
thick |
thief |
thigh |
thin |
thing |
think |
thinking |
thirsty |
this |
thorn |
thorough |
thoroughly |
those |
though |
thought |
thoughtful |
thousand |
thread |
threat |
threaten |
three-quarters |
thriller |
thrive |
throat |
throne |
through |
throughout |
throw |
thrust |
thumb |
thump |
thunder |
thursday |
thus |
tick |
ticket |
tide |
tidy |
tie |
tiger |
tight |
tighten |
till |
timber |
time |
timetable |
timing |
tin |
tiny |
tip |
tire |
tired |
tissue |
title |
to |
toast |
tobacco |
today |
toddler |
toe |
together |
toilet |
tolerance |
tolerate |
toll |
tomato |
tomb |
tomorrow |
ton |
tone |
tongue |
tonic |
tonight |
tonne |
too |
tool |
tooth |
top |
topic |
torch |
torture |
toss |
total |
totally |
touch |
touching |
tough |
tour |
tourism |
tourist |
tournament |
tow |
towards |
towel |
tower |
town |
toxic |
toy |
trace |
track |
tract |
trade |
trader |
trading |
tradition |
traditional |
traffic |
tragedy |
tragic |
trail |
trailer |
train |
trained |
trainer |
trainers |
training |
trait |
traitor |
transaction |
transcript |
transfer |
transform |
transformation |
transit |
transition |
translate |
translation |
transmission |
transmit |
transparent |
transplant |
transport |
transportation |
trap |
traumatic |
travel |
traveller |
travelling |
tray |
tread |
treasure |
treasury |
treat |
treatment |
treaty |
tree |
tremble |
tremendous |
trend |
trial |
triangle |
tribe |
tribunal |
tribute |
trick |
trigger |
trim |
trip |
triple |
triumph |
trivial |
trolley |
troop |
trophy |
tropical |
trot |
trouble |
trousers |
truck |
true |
truly |
trumpet |
trunk |
trust |
trustee |
truth |
try |
trying |
tube |
tuck |
tuesday |
tuition |
tumour |
tune |
tunnel |
turkey |
turn |
turning |
turnover |
tutor |
tv |
twice |
twin |
twist |
twisted |
two |
type |
typewriter |
typical |
typically |
tyre |
ugly |
ultimate |
ultimately |
umbrella |
unable |
unacceptable |
unaware |
uncertain |
uncertainty |
unchanged |
uncle |
unclear |
uncomfortable |
unconscious |
uncontrolled |
uncover |
under |
underestimate |
undergo |
underground |
underline |
underlying |
undermine |
underneath |
underscore |
understand |
understandable |
understanding |
undertake |
undertaking |
underwear |
undo |
undoubtedly |
uneasy |
unemployed |
unemployment |
uneven |
unexpected |
unfair |
unfamiliar |
unfit |
unfortunate |
unfortunately |
unfriendly |
unhappy |
uniform |
unimportant |
union |
unique |
unit |
unite |
united |
unity |
universal |
universe |
university |
unkind |
unknown |
unless |
unlike |
unlikely |
unlimited |
unlock |
unnatural |
unnecessary |
unpleasant |
unpopular |
unprecedented |
unpredictable |
unreasonable |
unreliable |
unrest |
unsuccessful |
unsuitable |
unsure |
untidy |
untie |
until |
untouched |
unusual |
unusually |
unwilling |
up |
up-to-date |
upbringing |
update |
upgrade |
uphold |
upon |
upper |
upright |
upset |
upside |
upstairs |
upward |
upwards |
urban |
urge |
urgent |
us |
usage |
use |
used |
useful |
useless |
user |
usual |
usually |
utility |
utilize |
utmost |
utter |
utterance |
utterly |
vacancy |
vacant |
vacuum |
vague |
vaguely |
vain |
valid |
valley |
valuable |
valuation |
value |
valve |
van |
vanish |
variable |
variation |
varied |
variety |
various |
vary |
vase |
vast |
vat |
vegetable |
vehicle |
veil |
vein |
venture |
venue |
verb |
verbal |
verdict |
versatile |
verse |
version |
versus |
vertical |
very |
vessel |
veteran |
veto |
via |
viable |
vibration |
vicar |
vicious |
victim |
victory |
video |
view |
viewer |
viewpoint |
villa |
village |
villager |
villain |
vine |
violation |
violence |
violent |
violently |
violin |
virgin |
virtual |
virtually |
virtue |
virus |
visa |
visible |
vision |
visit |
visitor |
visual |
vital |
vitamin |
vivid |
vocabulary |
vocal |
vocational |
voice |
volcano |
volume |
voluntary |
volunteer |
vomit |
vote |
voter |
vowel |
voyage |
vulnerable |
wage |
waist |
wait |
waiter |
waitress |
wake |
walk |
walker |
walking |
wall |
wallpaper |
wander |
want |
wanted |
war |
ward |
wardrobe |
warehouse |
warm |
warmly |
warmth |
warn |
warning |
warrant |
wash |
washing |
wasp |
waste |
watch |
water |
waterfall |
waterproof |
wave |
way |
we |
weak |
weaken |
weakness |
wealth |
wealthy |
weapon |
wear |
weather |
weave |
web |
website |
wedding |
wednesday |
weed |
week |
weekend |
weekly |
weep |
weigh |
weight |
weird |
welcome |
welfare |
well |
well-known |
west |
western |
wet |
whale |
what |
whatever |
whatsoever |
wheat |
wheel |
when |
whenever |
where |
whereas |
whereby |
wherever |
whether |
which |
whichever |
while |
whilst |
whip |
whirl |
whiskey |
whisky |
whisper |
whistle |
white |
white-collar |
who |
whoever |
whole |
wholly |
whom |
whose |
why |
wicked |
wicket |
wide |
wide-ranging |
widely |
widen |
widespread |
widow |
width |
wife |
wild |
wildlife |
wildly |
will |
willing |
win |
wind |
window |
windy |
wine |
wing |
winner |
winning |
winter |
wipe |
wire |
wireless |
wisdom |
wise |
wish |
wit |
witch |
with |
withdraw |
withdrawal |
within |
without |
witness |
witty |
wolf |
woman |
wonder |
wonderful |
wood |
wooden |
woodland |
wool |
woollen |
word |
work |
worker |
workforce |
working |
workload |
workman |
workplace |
workshop |
workstation |
world |
worldwide |
worm |
worried |
worry |
worrying |
worse |
worship |
worst |
worth |
worthwhile |
worthy |
would |
would-be |
wound |
wounded |
wrap |
wreck |
wreckage |
wrist |
write |
writer |
writing |
written |
wrong |
wrongly |
x-ray |
yacht |
yard |
yawn |
yeah |
year |
yell |
yellow |
yep |
yes |
yesterday |
yet |
yield |
you |
young |
younger |
youngster |
your |
yours |
yourself |
youth |
zero |
zip |
zone |
zoo |