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Substance 3d Painter
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8 декабря 2023 в 18:53 (текущая версия от 19 декабря 2023 в 21:41)
Тип словаря:
В этом режиме перемешиваться будут не слова, а целые фразы, разделенные переносом строки.
1 *
2 ^ Common (part 1)
3 a) Greeting window
4 - Start painting -- we'll see default avatar
5 b) File > Open Sample -- here we can see other prepared samples
6 c) Window > Reset UI -- for returning interface to the initial condition
7 d) Window > Views -- we can see switched on windows (ticked) and off (not ticked)
8 - Switched off windows we can see in the very right sidebar with small signs. If we put on them, we see windows
9 e) F1 -- viewport of 3d and texture
10 - F2 -- only 3d (perspective) view
11 - F3 -- only texture view
12 - F4 -- switching between 3d view and texture one
13 f) Window Assets -- default in the left sidebar; materials
14 ^ Display Settings
15 a) Environment Map -- can see different sort of HDRI maps
16 b) In the process of texturing we should use several HDRI maps for better result
17 - Better use neutral HDRI maps
18 c) Default map is Panorama
19 d) Environment Opacity (default 0)
20 e) Environment Exposure (EV) (default 1)
21 f) Environment Rotation (holding shift + RBM)
22 ^ Display Settings (part 2)
23 a) Environment Blur
24 b) We can also tick Shadows (default not tick)
25 - here we can set shadow opacity
26 - Computation Mode (default Lightweight) where no visual difference compared to others
27 c) Camera Settings
28 - Preset (default Camera)
29 ' it might be useful for front and other cameras
30 - Can change 'Field of View' or 'Focal Length'
31 ' they depend between each other
32 d) Activate Post Effects (default not tick)
33 - Author use Rendering in other 3d programmes
34 - but here we can make simple setting (vignette, contrast and so on)
35 e) Activate Temporal Anti-Alising (default tick) -- allows to smooth edges of objects
36 - Accumulations -- a parameter for accurate smoother
37 f) Activate Subsurface Scattering (default not tock) -- for avoiding negative effect when edges give red color because of light
38 - before we need set map
39 ^ Display Settings (part 3)
40 a) Activate Color Profile (default not tick)
41 - maybe sometimes useful, but we should see texture in reality
42 b) Viewport Settings > Texture Filtering
43 - default Medium
44 - with obtuse angles we can see more clear objects, but don't forget about pressure
45 c) Mesh Wireframe
46 - can switch on (default off) 'Show Mesh Wireframe'
47 ^ Shader Settings
48 a) For testing we use
49 - Spec Gloss
50 - Metallic Rough
51 - Metallic Rough with Alpha (Blending or Test)
52 b) Quality (default 32), but if we want quicker, can decrease up to 4
53 - i've set 16
54 c) Tessellation -- adjusting we have a map of models
55 ^ Common (part 2)
56 a) Shift + RBM (holding) -- changing directions of default light
57 - the same in Environment Map > Environment Rotation
58 b) Default Light can be set in tab (the top vert sidebar) 'Display Settings'
59 c) Centering object (F)
60 d) Rendering (Iray) -- on the top menu (right) we can see a sign of snapshot
61 - not ideal variant to render in Substance Painter
62 e) 2 types of
63 - Free Rotation (like in ZBrush)
64 - Constrained Rotation (default) better
65 ^ Import Models
66 a) via File > New project (Ctrl + N)
67 ^ File > New project (Ctrl + N)
68 a) in Template we can select different templates for different engines
69 - i've chosen Metallic Roughness (starter_asset)
70 - we can change it in the process of work
71 b) import models usually with format .fbx or .obj
72 c) Import Settings
73 - Import Cameras (default tick): we can import cameras, if they're in a file of a model
74 - Import Auto-unwrap (default tick)
75 d) Project Settings: for resolution of textures
76 - Document Resolution: 1024 (default)
77 - Normal Map Format: Directx (default)
78 ' we can change into OpenGL
79 e) Import Baked Maps: helps to see better models
80 5 min

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