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The principles of scientific research, Freedman.
(3)       Используют 26 человек


xsy 2 февраля 2017
Будь полотно текста передо мной - в таком представлении большинство ошибок текста было бы исправлено где-то за час.
Пока немножко поправлю сейчас часок-другой с помощью запоминания отрывков через меню выбора
AvtandiLine 29 января 2017
Сейчас меня спросили про этот словарь. Рада сказать, что у меня нисколько не поблёкло впечатление об этой хорошей книге и о её полезности для практики в наборе на английском. Жаль, конечно, что в тексте есть ошибки автоматического распознавания, не помню, какие именно, их там много. Может, ещё кто-нибудь будет набирать и тогда работа по выправке сможет продолжиться.
AvtandiLine 17 марта 2015
Очень полезная для набора книга, особенно если нацелился привыкнуть и освоить, так сказать, околоакадемическую лексику. :) Есть отрывки очень лёгкие для набора, разгонные: высокая частота повторяющихся слов; начинаешь хотя бы предвкушать набор по-английски на автоматизме. :) Есть отрывки довольно сложные, с обилием имён собственных и с упоминанием малоизвестных широкой публике (и не особо ей интересных, надо полагать) фактов из давней истории науки. Такие больше сосредоточены в первой половине книги.

Сильно мешают набору многочисленные ошибки автоматического распознавания, местами просто зверские. Сначала пыталась их фиксировать, но стало ясно, что это мартышкин труд, лучше уж смириться. :)

По содержанию. Набирала не ради чтения, но, насколько поняла, автор обращается к молодым, только стартующим в науке людям, у которых ожидания и представления о том, что такое "заниматься наукой", зачастую неадекватны, далеки от реальности. Автор хочет вовремя предупредить и просветить каждого: и о самой методике научного исследования и эксперимента, в её историческом становлении и в современной практике; и о непростых вопросах обиходной жизни в научной среде (взаимоотношения с шефом, проблемы финансирования и разные другие). Ведущая мысль - что только при искренней любви к самому процессу добывания новых знаний молодому человеку стОит выбирать столь тяжёлый и часто неблагодарный путь. :)
AvtandiLine 11 декабря 2014
Отрывок № 416 (начинается на "It has the power of distinguishing colours and of matching them with a high degree of precision."): в середине есть две крупные засады.
V"et another reason
(следует: "Yet another reason")
a vast majority ... bodies,
(многоточие поставила, так как не помню уже, что там за каша. Следует: "a vast majority of bodies,".
AvtandiLine 24 ноября 2014
В отрывке № 387 ("As a typical illustration of THE PLANNING OF RESEARCH! PART I 99 such difficulties the author would refer to an experience he had as quite a young man." и т.д.), наверное, исходно были какие-то формулы, но из них возникла абракадабра. :)
AvtandiLine 18 октября 2014
В отрывке № 156 перед словами " classification system of Linnaeus," находится, как могу предположить, некое слово с символом ">", отображается непонятно как, около 16 ошибок дало мне. ))))

Xsy писал(а):

Это количество проверенных и исправленных? Это немалая часть, хорошо работа продвигается.
xsy 14 октября 2014
AvtandiLine 10 октября 2014
When I see your car here - I DO EDIT

Not a bad idea. :)
Написать тут
The principles of scientific research, Freedman.
9 марта 2013 в 21:28 (текущая версия от 6 июля 2019 в 06:34)
Тип словаря:
Последовательные отрывки из загруженного файла.
883 отрывка, 472796 символов
1 The principles of scientific research by paul freedman
to my wife author's prefice
THE main reason for writing this book has been the author's
belief that young men and women embarking on research
would find their task easier if they could have at their disposal a book exclusively concerned with research and dealing with it as a whole.
2 Thirty years' experience of industrial
research have convinced him that such persons, whatever
their previous education, inevitably discover that classes,
textbooks, lectures and practical laboratory work, which have
been the basis of their scientific knowledge, have not given
them a master-key for opening the door to undiscovered
knowledge. They have still to learn how research should
be done. This stage of their learning is a groping process,
popularly known as " learning by experience".
3 It is the
object of the present book to help them in this stage of their
The author is only too conscious of omissions and in-
adequacies in his treatment. He would plead in justification
that he was primarily concerned with meeting the require-
ments of young people just entering the field of research,
and that while some of them might have an honours degree
and an experience of some post-graduate work, others
might have lower academic qualifications, yet possess a
desire and a capacity to do fine research in the future.
4 For these reasons the author has endeavoured to be brief,
to present the matter as clearly and directly as possible, to
keep mathematics to the barest minimum, and to give,
whenever possible, simple examples illustrating the principles
It is hoped that the readers will find the book useful. They
may not find it excessively cheerful. But the author believes
that a realistic view of things can never be full of unqualified
optimism this side of the millennium, and that no enthusiastic
young scientist, determined to succeed, will be discouraged
by a few difficulties.
5 vii
The author sincerely thanks his daughter, Miss Ruth
Freedman, for her meticulous checking of the manuscript, his
colleague, Mr. Arthur Serner, for his help with the drawings,
Messrs. Crompton Parkinson Ltd., for facilities for the typing
of the manuscript, and his publishers for editorial assistance.
P. F.
London, November, 1948
By JOHN W. T. WALSH, M.A., D.Sc.
Vice-President of the International Commission on Illumination
IT MAY well be that some of the older scientific generation will
find it strange that a book dealing with the principles of
scientific research should be needed at all.
6 "What is its aim?"
they will ask, and "for whom is it intended?" Such as these
are still living in the days when scientific research was, almost
without exception, taken up "for the love of it" and all other
considerations were entirely secondary. They do not realise
that to-day natural science is generally regarded, like medical
science, as a career; at its highest, no doubt, a vocation,
but nevertheless not to be divorced from all the other matters
that a young man (or woman) takes into consideration when
choosing his life's work.
7 Over and over again, a grammar school boy who has shown
some aptitude in one or more of the science subjects in the
general or higher schools examination decides that he would
like to "go in for science" as a career, and in most cases further
enquiry shows that to him the word "science" is synonymous
with scientific research. Even the student at college is more
than likely to fall into the tragic error of assuming that if he
obtains a good honours degree he is, ipso facto, well qualified
for a career as a research worker.
8 Sometimes, but all too seldom, a kindly senior points out
the vast difference between ability to learn and those much
rarer qualities which are needful for a successful research
scientist. If only every student could be shown this distinc-
tion, in how many cases might he be saved from the ulti-
mate disillusionment which so frequently results in adding
one more to the ranks of those who, although capable and
valuable members of the scientific community, nevertheless
pass their lives .
9 under a perpetual sense of disappointment
and frustration?
The prevention of such real tragedies is, I believe, the
greatest function which this book can perform for the rising
generation of scientific workers, and so I can only hope most
earnestly that it will find its way into the hands of everyone
to whom a career in science offers an attraction.
There is, however, a second important and growing class to
whom the book is addressed; those who, while not them-
selves engaged in scientific research, have, nevertheless, such a
profound influence on an individual or a group of research
workers that they have it in their power completely to paralyse
the efforts of even the most brilliant among them until he
decides to seek a more congenial atmosphere.
10 The author has
written so feelingly and so convincingly on this matter that,
again, it is to be hoped thai every business executive who is in
any way influentially connected with a research organisation
will read this book from cover to cover, will mark the particular
passages applying to his case, and will learn the essential lesson
that scientific research is as far removed from the ordinary run
of business as business is far removed from, let us say, the arts
or letters.

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