1 |
You knew where to find her. Only a week ago you were still denying any knowledge of her whereabouts. |
2 |
By now the medical section must know about the spiderweb, Spock thought. Sick bay would be in chaos. |
3 |
Then Andy gave a long low whistle, and stood staring in astonishment. Tom looked at him impatiently. |
4 |
I noted that her lovely brow had already been wrinkled with distress, considering the possibilities. |
5 |
We could go for a walk, he suggested. Or, she thought about that for a few seconds and then decided. |
6 |
He waited for the dead man to answer, and his fingers moved over the still face as if he were blind. |
7 |
At the other tables, both men and women are clapping in time to the driving beat of a marching song. |
8 |
He looked amiable, but Kaitlyn could feel his savage joy. He knew she was hurting and he liked that. |
9 |
Stopping was out of the question at this speed. The ship would need miles of room to skid to a halt. |
10 |
Cathy Calvin looked at the towering model curiously. Maybe she was in shock. Hopefully, that was it. |
11 |
Still. Automatic fire systems spray gas everywhere. Only the dimmest emergency lights cast any glow. |
12 |
She felt his pain, his sorrow. She hated him for that. If she died tomorrow he wouldn't care at all. |
13 |
There was a dull booming sound as the children's father finished speaking. Tom looked at his father. |
14 |
The question that lay at the back of all their minds was how long a trail might stretch before them. |
15 |
The Frenchman made his mouth into the shape required for a whistle, although no note could be heard. |
16 |
It was useless to argue. Barrett wanted to move him now, while he was too weak to cause any trouble. |
17 |
Now he rode to catch up with the girl, turning his mount so that she was forced to pull in her mare. |
18 |
Within seconds they were on the open road, the clang of the village bells growing ever more distant. |
19 |
He couldn't help glancing repeatedly at the two women, the same way they were surely appraising him. |
20 |
Dully, he shook his head. He didn't understand what was happening. It confused him. It had hurt him. |
21 |
On the third visit, he told me that his migraine had practically disappeared. He was very impressed. |
22 |
In a family, what isn't spoken is what you listen for. But the noise of a family is to drown it out. |
23 |
No gate opened. But with another blast of sound, something appeared between us and that flaming rod. |
24 |
The spread cohered. The spread hit. The spread severed legs. Three trunk sections detached and fell. |
25 |
He went into the adjoining room, leaving the door open so that the invisible Adams could follow him. |
26 |
It had become a strain for the other knight even to speak. The plague was coursing through his body. |
27 |
An intersection coming up, light turning from green to yellow. A gas station on the left. Al points. |
28 |
But Crowley could not help thinking it might be another who had played the music in the bus station. |
29 |
Johnson was a pessimist who relished such prospects. I took everything he said with a pinch of salt. |
30 |
That his people held in their own hands the power to free themselves of their ancient curse at last. |
31 |
They poured out of the smashed nut. Some were still wearing bow ties. Some were back in their kilts. |
32 |
Above them a ladder parted company from the wall and folded itself into a metal puzzle on the floor. |
33 |
Yes. It was as if he had cuffed her across the face. Pain showed in her eyes, and the edge of tears. |
34 |
Mort nodded miserably, and took the long walk to the study door. As he pulled it open Death coughed. |
35 |
Rain pattered softly on the pavement of the street. The cold raindrops felt good on my hot forehead. |
36 |
Heller's actions would not be condoned. They thought I was their prisoner. Actually, they were mine. |
37 |
Picking up the computer and ducking her head, Irina ventured out into the rain, heading for the car. |
38 |
Maybe that was something that went along with whatever genetic alteration Graff had found out about. |
39 |
A familiar figure stepped out from the flare around a jellied eel stall, holding a plate of winkles. |
40 |
The young cop came out of the car and folded thick arms and watched him as he searched for the keys. |
41 |
I decided upon a little experiment. I went to Paris, making the crossing very quickly and on my own. |
42 |
As electronic impulses continued to move out from the net, more and more words were returning. Hold. |
43 |
A dozen more soldiers closed in, only to suddenly find themselves facing a very large and angry cat. |
44 |
They put him in a spaceship and launched him to a large artificial satellite that circled the world. |
45 |
She protested, a wild sound that penetrated the mists of intoxication and made his head slowly lift. |
46 |
Nate and Amy scrambled up the cargo net and stood at the bow as the whale drifted away from the bow. |
47 |
He took another grape, tried to bite it in half, and sent it sailing across the room. More laughter. |
48 |
My heart was leaping out of my chest. Emilie squeezed my hand. I have a good feeling, she whispered. |
49 |
The horn blew again. Expecting it, they were able to discern that it had indeed come from the south. |
50 |
The assembled scientists exchanged silent glances. The Chief was obviously at the end of his nerves. |
51 |
The grins on the others were unmistakable, although some of the wives didn't seem so happy about it. |
52 |
Adele smiled faintly. She was finding more humor in life herself since she became a Cinnabar pirate. |
53 |
In a few seconds, the new poison pills were behind the thick, insulated door of the laboratory safe. |
54 |
In the same moment, the incomprehensible sounds emerging from the loudspeaker became understandable. |
55 |
I understand this on a gut level, though pragmatically it seems a needless extension of the anxiety. |
56 |
Butterfield had come from at the turn of the century, she saw that Robert could act in no other way. |
57 |
There was an indescribable something in his tone that made both the other two look at him curiously. |
58 |
When he opened his eyes again he saw that something was moving in the brush. A bulky object emerged. |
59 |
Jude stood mentally wringing her hands as the truck bumped away down the road and the car pulled in. |
60 |
Beneath the blue paper wrapping was a single gold painted brick. I gaped. I laughed. I looked again. |
61 |
Obediently the adults sat down, though the stools were more suited to smaller rear ends than theirs. |
62 |
His second blow was harder though, and as the beat picked up his next cry came with more enthusiasm. |
63 |
Biron drew the back of his hand slowly across his forehead and some of the tension oozed out of him. |
64 |
He lifted her. There was a feverishness about her, and though she struggled a bit, she was thinning. |
65 |
Doc lifted his gaze. Overhead, the mist clouds collided and merged and tumbled like fighting things. |
66 |
Gratefully, she paid out cord and backed to the table and her tape recorder and separate microphone. |
67 |
Each aflame, each pointing burning fingers at Blade, each screaming oaths at him with fiery tongues. |
68 |
She slipped out of bed, using the edge of the blanket to grasp the door handle, and opened the door. |
69 |
I started laughing, and Sharon looked at us with this curious smile, as if we'd just lost our minds. |
70 |
She had not moved. She was still standing where she had been, like a stranger, waiting for me to go. |
71 |
He could not believe what happened and the next day in the hospital he would not be able to explain. |
72 |
Auger shrank back between his comrades, who were attempting to crawl into the rock wall behind them. |
73 |
Odd. The blond bimbo looked like a rock star and dressed like a rock star, but she had pointed ears. |
74 |
But they might. Ever since shed arrived there shed had the vague sensation of being caught in a web. |
75 |
Richard had fallen asleep or passed out on his back, and was breathing in heated harsh little puffs. |
76 |
The edge in her voice surprised Richard, reminding him that there was iron under the feminine grace. |
77 |
High up along the trunk, a wooden box descended slowly. A similar box had risen almost out of sight. |
78 |
The choir lifted their voices in saintly chords that faded away into the vaulted dome toward heaven. |
79 |
The communication rating behind the compass platform picked up the jangling phone, listened briefly. |
80 |
Cautiously, she entered the room and saw a tall figure standing in front of the couch. It was a man. |
81 |
Began to laugh. It made more pain, but I couldn't help myself. The situation was just too ludicrous. |
82 |
He tugged the cloak over his head, clutched the rucksack to his breast, and fell asleep in a moment. |
83 |
He stared up through the descending snow and wintry light at letters in granite, letters on granite. |
84 |
They worked in a rush from the last passing of the drone yesterday to prepare for its passing today. |
85 |
Dane gingerly tugged loose his Trade uniform, its brown silky fabric damp on his skin as he dressed. |
86 |
Jupiter turned his head and listened intently. The sound seemed to come from the wall of the cavern. |
87 |
Sorry. And I was trying to help. He smiled crookedly. Ive been expecting you to collapse any minute. |
88 |
Bobby opened a drawer in the gun rack's pedestal. Took out a cardboard box of Winchester cartridges. |
89 |
None of the six had suspected what extremes of cold these same coats would be called upon to resist. |
90 |
He nodded once, then smiled at me. His smile was a cruel thing mounted upon that ghastly white mask. |
91 |
More likely it was just the stink of the demon who had visited her earlier that was attracting them. |
92 |
He bolted from his chair, barked his shin on the corner of the desk and hurried downstairs with her. |
93 |
It was when the table was cleared that the trader summoned one of his men to bring in a stout chest. |
94 |
Only when she had drawn the curtain did she turn to him and smile, her dark eyes firing beautifully. |
95 |
He told his brain to shut up and leave him alone, and reached through the flames with his free hand. |
96 |
The horse alighted on the road, and Buddy slipped off into the mud. He raised himself on his elbows. |
97 |
Taking the tethers of the three unmounted horses, they made their way to the south toward Kingsbury. |
98 |
The Hound came over the hill first, and it stopped when it saw them. Then it wheeled and loped back. |
99 |
Captain. Thank you for your contributions, but they are unnecessary. I have the matter well in hand. |
100 |
Though we went with care, we did not see any sign of those root tops wriggling out of the dank soil. |
101 |
Sam blinked. He opened his mouth, and then he closed it again. And he and Zeke looked at each other. |
102 |
Better, though. His life would have prepared him. It should give him much for him to give the Unity. |
103 |
As I considered the rockets, the valley floor groaned, and another trembling wave rumbled underfoot. |
104 |
Bloom fetched a couple of eggs, one from under the cat, and he held the warm eggs against his cheek. |
105 |
A bottle broke nearby. The gate of the entranceway creaked open an inch, stopped, and creaked again. |
106 |
I had failed you, Christina. It was over. It was only a matter of time before Edward hunted us down. |
107 |
At any rate, there must be no gladsome welcomes between us. Noting that might develop into intimacy. |
108 |
Polly grabbed for something to keep her balance. She was careful not to bump any controls this time. |
109 |
Ten of us were ushered into a small Tower room with comfortable stools, a podium, and a wall screen. |
110 |
Blue smoke was pouring out of Granny's broomstick but she hung on, determined, and forced it around. |
111 |
He stepped aside and I entered the room. I wiped my hand on my trousers, but he declined to take it. |
112 |
Hearts jumped quick. Eyes swiveled from Juke to the shelved jar, back down, up again apprehensively. |
113 |
Because he was honest about it Hornblower refrained from remarking on his slowness of comprehension. |
114 |
He saw neither dog nor camera. He saw only the voiceless cuckoo which had become his life's mission. |
115 |
Instead, her expression changed, and I had only that much warning to turn and face what crept there. |
116 |
Grant realized he liked this security chief. In fact, he thought he was going to enjoy the briefing. |
117 |
The black figure sailed above them, then banked and began a tight spiral as she dropped toward them. |
118 |
They moved cautiously across the square and walked slowly down a street that opened from the square. |
119 |
It was still early enough so that the heat was no more than that of midmorning of the milder season. |
120 |
In short, she'd been perfect for him. Except for her inability to understand a few very human flaws. |
121 |
The black Cadillac had been there for more than fifteen minutes at the kerbside. No one had got out. |
122 |
Her heart jumped, but she schooled her face not to show the dangerous excitement he fostered in her. |
123 |
The key turned in the lock and the door opened, the sergeant saluted formally and stood to one side. |
124 |
It wasn't. Obviously, and I say this in all modesty, she was quite content with the company present. |
125 |
Lacuna sighed. It had at least been worth a try. She had, for a little while, had a glimmer of hope. |
126 |
More laughter, ugly and suggestive. It seemed about time for me to move in and get her out of there. |
127 |
She could feel the eyes of her officers on her. She didn't know how many of them she could count on. |
128 |
Thorvald tested the shelter with a sharp shake. The matted leaves whispered, but the framework held. |
129 |
By the time everyone left the parking lot, it was fully dark and starting to rain again. Oh perfect. |
130 |
Higher. Higher. Until my head banged hard against the ceiling, at least twenty feet above the floor. |
131 |
Mendoza's mad eyes were staring at him, their lethal message reinforced by the revolver in his hand. |
132 |
I looked at Jeff. He was faster than I. He'd already gotten the pizza in his mouth. He looked at me. |
133 |
The lights were on in the store. She peered through the glass door. Then she tried turning the knob. |
134 |
We were in a courtyard. Two horses stood waiting, held by grooms. Medea mounted one and I the other. |
135 |
When he skirted a small stand of metallic trees, he realized that he had never come this way before. |
136 |
And it seemed unfair suddenly, very unfair that he should be her sworn enemy before they'd even met. |
137 |
The commander waited a moment. When Sondra said nothing, he walked away. The torturer left with him. |
138 |
A wave of fierce possession tore through him. A feeling so intense that he had all but forgotten it. |
139 |
She didn't say anything when I said that. She probably remembered she was supposed to be sore at me. |
140 |
She reached up, drawing a chain from around her neck. At the end, the little ruby flashed its flame. |
141 |
She said nothing, but glanced at the purse in her lap where a miniaturized tape recorder was hidden. |
142 |
Ed was worried enough to talk to Leslie about it that evening when he stopped by to see how she was. |
143 |
Like the voices you heard before, the young voice murmured. The voices you heard after the dark day. |
144 |
Caxton wheeled and stamped toward the airlock. With one foot through the inner seal he turned again. |
145 |
They lay down in the soft sand at the foot of the dunes, and then they heard the first bird calling. |
146 |
If nothing else, she would have to find out if her father was still on Garth, and if he still lived. |
147 |
The words were urgent now, no longer a whisper but a cry mat was like a scream trapped in the skull. |
148 |
The chemicals Doc was employing were of a deadly character. It lacked two hours until eight o'clock. |
149 |
She bit down the sarcastic reply just in time. Something about the tone of the question worried her. |
150 |
Conan took a swallow from his mug and grimaced. The wine was thin, and tasted as sour as it smelled. |
151 |
I struggled on the blade. Then I felt blood at my back. Then I felt the point of a sword in my side. |
152 |
And the stringy muscles in both arms were bulging satisfactorily at the effort of carrying the unit. |
153 |
All volunteered instantly. Not just the five hundred young men but the whole thousand in the meadow. |
154 |
She'd been out of their reach all day. But now that the sun had set, she was within reach once more. |
155 |
He raised his head again, amid a new silence, and again peered off under his palm through the trees. |
156 |
Markov nodded and put his arm around his wife's shoulders. Incredibly, she let him get away with it. |
157 |
Two more goblins were brought. The gate was swung open just enough, and the goblins pitched through. |
158 |
Perhaps that had been several times repeated before it reached me, locked in concentration as I was. |
159 |
With open curiosity, she glanced at the prosthesis hand, which was resting on the back of the chair. |
160 |
Trenton Heck knew how fast and bad you could ruin a man's life as long as you gave him notice first. |
161 |
He then grabbed her hand and the trio set off down the stairs, Peri resisting every step of the way. |
162 |
I saw, wide with horror in the apertures of their helmets, the eyes of men pinned beneath its beams. |
163 |
At such times he wished that life was different, and that he could marry Maria and be a settled man. |
164 |
His smile faded as the sun touched the horizon and the White troops began to camp at the crossroads. |
165 |
It inspired him to go, anyway. Thus it was his decision to go, if only to please her. So he thought. |
166 |
When Jason awoke, for a startled instant he thought that something had gone wrong with the freezing. |
167 |
I should not have left him alone, not even for a minute, Idaho thought. I knew what was in his mind. |
168 |
Prokofieff had no chance against African polo, and one set of ivories rattled louder than the other. |
169 |
It was round. There was healthy growth all around it. He could swear it hadn't been there yesterday. |
170 |
They skated for another half an hour and Alex let his momentum take him to a halt by his sports bag. |
171 |
Some thirty yards down the alley he came to his garden and began digging away at the cold hard soil. |
172 |
Marco walked over to the carpet and inspected it carefully. Then he stepped on it and said the word. |
173 |
I thanked his lordship, and we parted with much more cordiality shown by him than I had experienced. |
174 |
Suddenly I dug my fingers into her arms. I shook her until her silly stupid head almost flopped off. |
175 |
B. That is the mystery which gives the point to his soliloquy. Leave it to the reader's imagination. |
176 |
The only sounds were the steady drumming of the rain and the fluting of the wind along the building. |
177 |
His parents were out when he got home. The house sat quiet and dark, mysterious and full of secrets. |
178 |
Above Justen, the hills seemed to curve away, as though he stood at the edge of an invisible circle. |
179 |
Blink. The lights went out, and the sound of the front door opening and shutting carried back to us. |
180 |
He held his head a little to one side, giving the impression of listening. A moment later he smiled. |
181 |
The giant reacted quickly, snapping straight and tall, closing its legs to entrap the foolish human. |
182 |
The colonel went on looking at me as if I had no right to live then suddenly seemed to recognize me. |
183 |
If there'd been a gun in the truck I would have told him to throw it across the scree, out of sight. |
184 |
Kaitlyn sat gingerly on the bed, and Rob pulled up the desk chair. He was still holding the drawing. |
185 |
Daniels stumbled to the window and tried to open it. Age had sealed it more securely than any latch. |
186 |
He inserted the picture in the projector. The room went dark as he switched on the projection light. |
187 |
Jud lay on the hard earth under the opening. A long knife had been inserted expertly into his heart. |
188 |
Doc gave the door a shove. It was unlocked, swung back quietly, and let him in. He examined the man. |
189 |
A windmill was spinning in the breeze, turning this way and that as stray gusts batted its tail fin. |
190 |
Lieutenant Sawyer, I must speak to you. Pick up the receiver. You have a call, and it sounds urgent. |
191 |
As Ari entered the office, the two men nodded stiffly, neither concealing his dislike for the other. |
192 |
I vowed vengeance on the Harlot, for I knew then that I would always be compelled to tell the truth. |
193 |
He filled and lit his pipe, puffed on it, and held it before him. A curl of smoke wafted up from it. |
194 |
I could not believe what I beheld, this young woman, who was stealing from me my sister and brother. |
195 |
Essence only frowned, picked up a green pretzel in her enameled talons, and nibbled it thoughtfully. |
196 |
He was always digging up more. Looking for champions. He liked them long and purple and kind of fat. |
197 |
Even lesser and more thoughtful Mistresses had been known to miscalculate and destroy their helpers. |
198 |
Jim felt a sudden silence. He turned and saw an individual of uncertain age standing in the doorway. |
199 |
He cocked his head and above the sound of the river, heard the whining flutter of rotors in the air. |
200 |
She rode him out to a lake where they dismounted and the horse vanished into a brown cloud of smoke. |
201 |
But there are no accidents, she knew. They could not have taken advantage if we had not shown flaws. |
202 |
He didn't know if he would live to see that day. It was enough that he could help usher in its dawn. |
203 |
I didn't admit it was a good joke. These stupid idiots were playing with bombs to bring her up here. |
204 |
I grabbed the paintbrush with one hand. Wrapped my other hand around his waist. And tugged him back. |
205 |
As swiftly as he had entered, the bronze man was gone. He melted into the shadow of the palace wall. |
206 |
We left it and went along a hallway and after a while the sourpuss opened a door and motioned me in. |
207 |
Curtis passed on the rest of the relevant data. If he expected congratulations, he was disappointed. |
208 |
I cupped one hand, shading my eyes so that I could see who I was talking to through the screen door. |
209 |
Satan became so hot he suffered a phenomenal implosion of flame and winked out like a reversed nova. |
210 |
He may not choose his name. I will choose his name at the acceptable time. But that time is not now. |
211 |
Now desperate fugitives use the ancient causeway to evade a hostile sky, suddenly filled with ships. |
212 |
Doc leaped, got a knife wrist with both hands. The wrist broke almost as soon as he took hold of it. |
213 |
But wounds had I to show for this act, and a body heavy with pain, whose left side I could not move. |
214 |
Six months of pregnancy, now showing considerably. She put her hand on her stomach and met his eyes. |
215 |
I gathered the pieces and went upstairs, about ninety years older than I had been a few days before. |
216 |
Lloyd carried me downstairs and called an ambulance. Paramedics arrived and strapped me to a gurney. |
217 |
She turned toward him, and Paul saw golden rings threaded with water tallies dangling from her ears. |
218 |
The huge jaws snapped at his chest just as the wolf reached the heart hound and went for its throat. |
219 |
I groaned. Mary Anne, standing nearby, reached out and squeezed my hand. I looked at her gratefully. |
220 |
I flipped up every switch on the plate, so that inside and outside the health club was brightly lit. |
221 |
He rushed back to the control panel, pressed a single stud activating the ship's automatic circuits. |
222 |
But the Sun did not. Not then. Not for half an hour and more, and while it was gone there was panic. |
223 |
Christianity to the slaves as well as forbidding them to practice the religions of their birthplace. |
224 |
She ignored me. That was normal. She looked deeply upset. That was not. I was certain she had heard. |
225 |
Despite my employer's good intentions, his cocktail party was something less than a roaring success. |
226 |
Langley rubbed awkwardly at his chin. The detectives were all abruptly occupied at their work again. |
227 |
Aggravated at herself for not being able to focus, she took her briefcase and followed after Julian. |
228 |
He turned to amble back the way he had come, and then stopped. There was something unusual going on. |
229 |
There was a tiny clatter of safety matches in a box. The box scraped open. But no match was lighted. |
230 |
Gaston thought that he would not leave such a vacancy long open. Avril had always been too grasping. |
231 |
They clasped hands. The Indian strode off. False dawn died away and he was quickly into the shadows. |
232 |
He unbuckled his belt, stepped out of his trousers, threw them next to the shirt. He resumed pacing. |
233 |
It seemed her lips clung to his as if she were afraid to let him go, and then he kissed her eyelids. |
234 |
She looked around the bloodstained room, and once again rage rushed through her. Ill think about it. |
235 |
He picked up the ship's phone and rang the engine room. A full minute went by before Manny answered. |
236 |
She felt a cold hand touch her face, fingers running over it like the gentle beat of a moth's wings. |
237 |
Almost dark, and the Fisherman still out there someplace. Not to mention his otherworldly playmates. |
238 |
Christina had requested names as Lyon instructed before she unlocked the chains and opened the door. |
239 |
When they reached Doc's skyscraper headquarters, the telephone was ringing. Doc lifted the receiver. |
240 |
They didn't. The cooing stopped, though. They sat in their cribs, watching me solemnly and silently. |
241 |
Tommy was trembling and still inexplicably cold. He accepted the keys. They no longer felt like ice. |
242 |
He still wished he could remember something else he was supposed to do that night. It nagged at him. |
243 |
The secretary giggled and then her voice faded as the door to the outside office closed behind them. |
244 |
The shopkeeper hesitated and then turned the muzzle of his gun downward. But he did not put it away. |
245 |
Then he realized what he was doing. He was giving up on himself. He was writing himself off as dead. |
246 |
So Stoat apologized again, this time for not being properly concerned about the abducted family pet. |
247 |
My secretary had been saying this for years. She pushed the drawer shut and pulled open another one. |
248 |
Or else they wouldn't be here. They each expected to kill three innocent girls starting at midnight. |
249 |
He turned his head slowly and looked into her eyes. She was shocked to see the pain and anger there. |
250 |
The portal closed behind him as he stood in the dimmer green confines of the outer office once more. |
251 |
As the boy gave him a tremulous nod, Hubert echoed it, his rosebud lips pursing in a priggish smile. |
252 |
It was nice to know Nick was picking up something other than women of questionable morals at school. |
253 |
The girl went to the opened planking and fell to her knees beside it, the wooden scoop in her hands. |
254 |
What I heard was the house settling, she thought. Jeez. I'm getting to be a regular spooky old maid. |
255 |
She must wait until the right moment in order to eradicate as many enemies as possible, all at once. |
256 |
Heller swam along the dock and found an iron ladder that reached down into the water. He climbed up. |
257 |
Donner pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the beads of sweat from his face. He sagged in his chair. |
258 |
Maria raised the gun at him. It was the wrong moment for a man to tell her she was not clean enough. |
259 |
I had to pause there. Lisa sat up, moved quietly to the end of the bed, and began massaging my feet. |
260 |
Without taking a drink, he screwed the cap back onto the flask and returned the flask to his pocket. |
261 |
This horrified me, and I could see that she smiled at my horror, and she bid me sit down beside her. |
262 |
Yet life overran the globe, not much different from the Earth kind, as differences go in the cosmos. |
263 |
The scene changes suddenly. I'm on a high mountain, looking out over a plain. Three men sit with me. |
264 |
Bud apparently saw or sensed my approach. He hesitated for a second, then swerved the gun toward me. |
265 |
Norman made a gesture of despair and turned away toward his room, carrying the wire turban with him. |
266 |
There was no time to think. No time to wonder about the corkscrew turn. If I forgot it, I forgot it. |
267 |
She turned and walked off. It was the best way, when his tempers got obscure. Gods defend him. Fool. |
268 |
Kirk's extinguisher ran out of chemical solution. He started back along the hallway to find another. |
269 |
Clouds drifted over the sun again. The air suddenly grew cooler as gray shadows slid over the grass. |
270 |
Then gently he held her off and took her face between his hands and lifted it to look into her eyes. |
271 |
He did not have a chance to finish his sentence. The cataclysm took place suddenly and unexpectedly. |
272 |
She sprawled backward onto the floor, beneath one of the iron portcullises used to trap the dragons. |
273 |
Memory of their new and shameful loyalty came to them. Eric was silent but Sam tried to do his duty. |
274 |
I turned. He was standing in an open hatch off to one side of the bridge, framed by its metal edges. |
275 |
She kept imagining her system wearing a huge clown's mask of enthusiasm over a gray, exhausted face. |
276 |
The hand brake wasn't. Dorcas heaved on it until blue and purple spots flashed in front of his eyes. |
277 |
His jets barked alive and the descent slowed. By swinging his legs, he went up to a higher altitude. |
278 |
The trolls closed ground. Down at the human end of the defensive line, fiery brands went flying out. |
279 |
She slid her closet shut and twisted left and right to examine her reflection in the mirrored doors. |
280 |
And in the same way, Mars had warped her own life, as if she was a scale model of the greater world. |
281 |
Her laughter rang out and she waved her hand dismissively. Once more he felt the pull on his spirit. |
282 |
In a flash, two cowboys were on their feet and heading toward Clark, both of them dangerous looking. |
283 |
Roland hadn't looked back. His face was fixed, white, his teeth bared. He had something in his hand. |
284 |
She was shaking her head vigorously. That she was trying to deny it only made Fitch more determined. |
285 |
No doubt they'd become complacent soon, thinking that even the great white wizard was under control. |
286 |
It's not perfect, but it works. The thing about stories is that you have to pick the ones that last. |
287 |
The second guard saw the brand upside down and immediately staggered backward with fear in his eyes. |
288 |
That provoked a technical discussion which Hornblower encouraged until it was time for him to leave. |
289 |
Jacob sat between his oldest sons, Reuben and Simon, and touched no drink stronger than barley beer. |
290 |
There was the sound of cursing, and then the pounding of horses' hooves clattering away out of town. |
291 |
I looked around at all their faces, so flawlessly beautiful, so unable to hide their inner feelings. |
292 |
The garage door was sliding down. It must be run electrically, with a switch somewhere in the house. |
293 |
At the platform rim, Mr. Dark looked down at the screaming crowd and what they were screaming about. |
294 |
All along the recently slumbering waterfront, lights began to blink on in the closely spaced houses. |
295 |
But his contorted features and hand signified that his death had been neither peaceful nor painless. |
296 |
If I had hoped to be recognized as a master of humor as a result of these stories, I think I failed. |
297 |
After a couple of scowls from him, she scooted her chair back and stopped peeking over his shoulder. |
298 |
A passing driver, maneuvering around the Mercedes, angrily shouted something unintelligible at them. |
299 |
Officials were clustered round the open door of the second compartment. They were standing, staring. |
300 |
This time the end came decisively. The audience had no doubt of its arrival, or of their enthusiasm. |
301 |
I wasn't sure I had heard her correctly. I tried to say something, but my voice caught in my throat. |
302 |
None of the four figures in the cabin moved. The locket ticked against the bottom of the puzzle box. |
303 |
It seemed impossible suddenly that his life could have experienced such a great and wondrous change. |
304 |
Corbett collapsed in my chrome and black plastic visitors' chair, still gasping and red in the face. |
305 |
Sara was still talking about the art competition. But she turned to see what everyone was gaping at. |
306 |
When he returned to the club, Mr. Orly asked to see the rats. Shad let him peek in one of the pails. |
307 |
A kind of numb horror drew Ronnie to approach one of the stacks of magazines, and open the top copy. |
308 |
He grabbed her hand, faced her with a death's head grin, and he sent his awareness surging over her. |
309 |
Then all you can do is get lost in the tiny details of every day doing the same tasks over and over. |
310 |
Then he rose also. Had I kept the thought within, he would have marked it as complicity against him. |
311 |
Nicole smiled and thought how wise the Eagle was in his understanding of humans. She stifled a yawn. |
312 |
Being sophisticated doesn't give me the right to think small thoughts about those who are otherwise. |
313 |
Gorgon's mouth stretched into the parody of a smile, the snakes on his head rising with fangs bared. |
314 |
We proceeded as usual, though the word spread throughout my unit and no one slept. Nothing happened. |
315 |
They had to beat some game, in the same way that Wobbler would spend weeks trying to beat a program. |
316 |
I ran my thoughts back. Four in the morning. When the phone had rung across the street in the night. |
317 |
Somewhere in the back of his mind he expected to hit the stone hard, but then the fireball went off. |
318 |
The sun was setting and, as he fell asleep, he felt the girl's warm body snuggle down alongside him. |
319 |
I held my peace, counting a silent handful of heartbeats so Shiv could be sure his beloved was fine. |
320 |
Now he was on his feet in one light movement and apparently giving orders. Those asleep were roused. |
321 |
Right now, it was all she could do not to reach out and touch him. To kiss her scrumptious champion. |
322 |
He stopped. Lora was sitting inside, talking to the clerk. She was laughing, rocking back and forth. |
323 |
A dog started to slip on the snow and scrabbled desperately to save itself from the long, cold drop. |
324 |
Given the sacrileges I had witnessed so far, the One had shown the city more mercy than it deserved. |
325 |
When he reached her, she stood and gently turned to him, speaking his name in a voice he recognized. |
326 |
Doc lifted the unconscious man with noticeable ease. The crowd made a path for them to the elevator. |
327 |
Doyle could smell the smoke, drifting upward to him. He could tell by the smell it was a good cigar. |
328 |
He stood up a little higher and gingerly extended a hand into the gaping servomechanism in the wall. |
329 |
At once, her will snapped. Blood rushed to her head. She did not feel herself fall away to the side. |
330 |
With a rattle of armor, the brooding knight turned away from the plains and glared angrily at Edwin. |
331 |
With a shriek to curdle a banshee's blood, the bird folded its wings and plummeted toward the earth. |
332 |
He liked things neat and orderly, he reminded himself, punching the button to raise the garage door. |
333 |
In went the white pill. He grinned. Burped. The nurse snatched the tray and left, looking disgusted. |
334 |
I knew that most wild animals ate only one type of food. Either meat, or else fruits and vegetables. |
335 |
But she had acted so shocked. And she said again and again that she didn't know anything about them. |
336 |
Several of these women have told our investigators that Graham was a vain and slightly sadistic man. |
337 |
Pa was reaching for me again. Sticking his hand out toward me, and holding it back at the same time. |
338 |
Then she started to feel a little give, and began to work her wrists back and forth faster, panting. |
339 |
The scorching energy beam overshot the target. And Rodrigo crumpled under the withering pistol fire. |
340 |
On the darker side, she thought about the scene in Louis' living room, when they looked at the tape. |
341 |
When we were all inside coffins, the Horrors untied them and gave us a hard push away from the dock. |
342 |
He stopped and ate at a place called Mom's, catching them just before they closed for the afternoon. |
343 |
But there was no saving her now. In a few seconds she was high up in the blue sky and climbing fast. |
344 |
Ten rats were carrying the ram. They sped down the stairs with the other forty close on their heels. |
345 |
He received them in his office, the front room that had the light in the window that never went out. |
346 |
A limousine drew up and spilled out three Moroccans. They entered, saw the blank canvas and stopped. |
347 |
Wallie jerked back into the conversation. Talk of the epic had brought mention of the seventh sword. |
348 |
He could see that if the beast rolled any farther, it would crush his chest. He was terribly afraid. |
349 |
Turning to the north, with the sea to their left, the ragged column began to trudge along the coast. |
350 |
The difference between the richest man and the poorest is but a day of hunger and an hour of thirst. |
351 |
Bob stood over the hole with his flashlight while Diego looked inside and felt around with his hand. |
352 |
Baker picked up a jagged piece of broken glass and swung back toward her, holding it up to her face. |
353 |
The horses leaped away, and in a rising thunder of hoofs and wheels they swept up the narrow valley. |
354 |
There was some shouting when the plane stopped. Doc moved to a position where he could see the ship. |
355 |
The dwarf kicked out, throwing all his weight forward. Rod stumbled, saw the floor coming up at him. |
356 |
Doc's face was bleak and be continued to pound on the door, signifying their readiness to surrender. |
357 |
My wife looked at me, and blood rushed to her cheeks. She brushed one hand through her tangled hair. |
358 |
This was the essence of the visage which was bent over her now, administering a terrible punishment. |
359 |
She stuck her tongue out, crossed her eyes, and twiddled her fingers in her ears as they tiptoed by. |
360 |
A truly wicked chuckle interrupted him. The Commissioner leaned closer, its strong breath sickening. |
361 |
I jumped, and frowned, and looked over my shoulder to see who had picked now to start playing games. |
362 |
We were so near to several of the people now that I could make out their features despite the gloom. |
363 |
So she began to write out questions on the board, wondering meanwhile what the first form was up to. |
364 |
I lowered myself to my knees. I drew out the book. I looked up at him. I was on my knees before him. |
365 |
He raised his head, kissed her fluttering belly, then moved up to tease her nipples with his tongue. |
366 |
McKee came out, his face dark. When his glance took in Todd, his lips tightened over clenched teeth. |
367 |
When the moon rose high that night the shadow of that Thing was not alone down there upon the mound. |
368 |
The thought of wasting his money on such a nonessential item cast momentary gloom across Ben's face. |
369 |
With an exaggerated shrug, Justen followed him out of the engineering hall and onto the front porch. |
370 |
As they crossed the street and came within reach of the doors, Jodie's heart and courage failed her. |
371 |
He smiled at her and held her hand for a moment, until he needed both hands on the wheel for a turn. |
372 |
Monk apparently was bathing his naked feet in the blue fire. The carriers fled back into the jungle. |
373 |
They touched and immediately there was a small flare and thereafter a core of light in each of them. |
374 |
She supposed she would never know. There were a great many things she supposed she would never know. |
375 |
They continued to discuss it, but got nowhere. The day was getting late, so they broke to find food. |
376 |
When they reached a roundabout, soldiers with slung rifles came out from a check point to meet them. |
377 |
What ensued was simple. The bronze man merely lunged, corded fingers distended to make a quick grip. |
378 |
He was looking into the linen closet again, and his rapid breath suddenly stopped. His eyes widened. |
379 |
Smith ignored him. He raised his left hand to rub his right shoulder where the gun butt had smashed. |
380 |
I felt a chill. I could just picture the research that would be going on in government laboratories. |
381 |
The piebald bull trumpeted victory and surged forward, very nearly losing the battle in that moment. |
382 |
There was a flash across the whole sky before him. A curtain of green fire three thousand feet high. |
383 |
The man stayed with the diagram and seemed not to hear him. Chen wondered if he should make a run for it. |
384 |
Powder on the hair then. A lot of padding. Furniture polish on the skin. Keep the head down. Slouch. |
385 |
With the hum of an angry hornet, another bolt tore through the air close overhead, and then another. |
386 |
Boulders offered some shelter from the midday heat. The water was rationed as sparingly as possible. |
387 |
Obviously the subject of death was in the air, but more as something to be avoided than harped upon. |
388 |
I then felt, to my dismay, his hand tear the ribbon of white silk from my collar. He threw it aside. |
389 |
Hap turned down the control a little, and wiped the sweat from his face and arms with a dirty towel. |
390 |
He slammed hard against a solid darkness and pulled himself along it until he reached a way through. |
391 |
A waitress had reached their table and had placed the dishes before them with quick, smooth motions. |
392 |
He pushed the men aside, eyed the boulder narrowly and worked his muscles to free them for the task. |
393 |
He was like a wild, hungry beast as he buried his face between her legs and look her into his mouth. |
394 |
To a man just freed from bondage, it was glorious to be aboard, even though I usually hated the sea. |
395 |
Master Li swallowed another pint and offered me another sip, which produced the same choking result. |
396 |
Like any good editor, Tasha was never without a notebook and a pen. She whipped them out of her bag. |
397 |
He said something rough and threw the cigarette to the ground. The next minute, she was in his arms. |
398 |
They drove down the beach road a way, till the tall tower was lost in the rain. Nobody was in sight. |
399 |
Fumbling fingers rattled the cuff links in the drawer. He could not fasten them. Had to ask Clarice. |
400 |
The zombie had almost pulled itself from the grave. It sat panting legs still trapped in the ground. |
401 |
Diamond nodded, the bulge in his cheek slowly rising as the investigation moved to the upper molars. |
402 |
It stood by the side of the basket, its head slowly moving as it stared at each of them in turn, Mr. |
403 |
But time was running out. Tomorrow morning, the party would be over and all the guests would depart. |
404 |
I turned her face to me. You said you know the King. You said your father was a member of his court. |
405 |
She stepped inside, announcing her presence to be certain he didn't misread her approach and attack. |
406 |
Between them they carried it to the tent and set it upright against the far screen of the bell tent. |
407 |
Women are so incredibly beautiful. It is a wonder that men do not scream with pleasure, seeing them. |
408 |
He sipped at the brandy and took another pull at the pipe, the comforting mellow bite at his tongue. |
409 |
She was nothing now but a robot at his command and weakly moved her limbs to comply with his shouts. |
410 |
He sat up and folded his hands wearily, allowing an expression of resignation to shape his features. |
411 |
I offered him a sip of ale. It seems we are aligned yet opposite. But you command the duke's forces. |
412 |
The Borg seemed puzzled. The concern he was showing was obviously beyond her range of understanding. |
413 |
He got out the pair of work gloves he was giving his mother and smuggled them into one of the boxes. |
414 |
He nodded to the backhoe operator and the machine's claw took a bite out of the weedy, sunken grave. |
415 |
Wallie assured the sorcerer that he could finance his attack. The tryst was almost ready for battle. |
416 |
Madison picked himself up off the pavement, wishing the guards had not taken the order so literally. |
417 |
I wonder how the eyes in the mirror can droop with so much pain when I feel absolutely empty inside. |
418 |
The harsh white of the fluorescent lights spilled out through the open door and across the corridor. |
419 |
The consultants retreated warily, resolving not to call their agents until they were out of earshot. |
420 |
He secured the breaker from the film room, and a moment later was leading the way into the corridor. |
421 |
I turned around. Gavin yelped and grabbed hold with both arms around my neck, all but throttling me. |
422 |
But as soon as the pups came into this world, she would join her mate on the other side of eternity. |
423 |
The priest's coat was covered with dust and his collar was torn, but his eyes blazed with holy zeal. |
424 |
She became even more earnest at this point, leaning in, threatening to attack him with her cleavage. |
425 |
I checked the attic door one more time, making sure it was latched, then headed down to the kitchen. |
426 |
I remembered being a mummy two Halloweens ago, and how the costume unraveled in front of my friends. |
427 |
Rice's small steam engine runs all the time, and runs perfectly. It supplies light and cooking heat. |
428 |
Neither had his daughter, Blake found out, and this relieved some of the burden of telling his wife. |
429 |
For an instant she thought she knew those eyes. Then the moment of familiarity passed, and he spoke. |
430 |
The light of the staff glowed, but then the glow began to dim, darken. The light flickered and died. |
431 |
And there was not one girl, naked and in her collar, in the entire class who did not raise her hand. |
432 |
He could feel sweat trickling down his cheeks like tears, could feel his shirt sticking to his back. |
433 |
Astrid nodded and called. A girl in her late teens with black braids under her Scots bonnet came up. |
434 |
The Candace held the burning rod now as a hunter might hold a lance, bringing it near shoulder high. |
435 |
I suspected that was maybe pushing too hard too soon. But there wasn't much time to create my cadre. |
436 |
Justen ignored us both, uncharacteristically, and unfastened his saddlebags with quick deft motions. |
437 |
Janie squinted against the sun and turned to look at Larry, who had moved further along the walkway. |
438 |
Then he yelled his need for freedom to the walls pressing in on him as his screams echoed from them. |
439 |
With that, she turned for the final time and walked off through the golden light down the long road. |
440 |
I flop back, exhausted, lights in front of my eyes again. I think I miss out on a little time again. |
441 |
And they were carried through the brass forest of wild but uncomplaining brutes and set in the dust. |
442 |
She stepped back and let me park, but her eyes lingered on Larry. Maybe it was more than lust. Damn. |
443 |
The black, gray, and white smoke plumes circling upward from the lower part of the hillside thicken. |
444 |
The fox watched carefully, not taking a sip of the wine until the wildcat had drunk from her beaker. |
445 |
He didn't seem to hear her. He stood at the window, staring out into the darkness as if in a trance. |
446 |
Then, as Kate watched in horror, the two men shook hands to conclude their transfer of guardianship. |
447 |
Harry dashed over, took up a position flat against the wall to the left of the door. Jamil followed. |
448 |
Shad untied the knot in the pillowcase. He felt serene and contented - a rare moment of moral clarity. |
449 |
The wall clock showed twenty minutes of midnight when there came the pounding on the apartment door. |
450 |
The chief saw the act and quickly fired, but without effect, as the bullet flow over the boy's head. |
451 |
Then Ida and Bet doubled into the room. Ida crouched next to the door and sprayed down the corridor. |
452 |
Or maybe it was like the ball in a roulette wheel, bouncing around and looking for the right number. |
453 |
Her frantic, grieving parents waited home by the phone. But no kidnappers called to demand a ransom. |
454 |
I heard voices from a long, long distance away. They echoed hollowly, as if coming through a tunnel. |
455 |
As they drove deeper and deeper into the Jovian night, the glow beneath them grew steadily brighter. |
456 |
Tom bounded ahead, pausing to wait for Roland at each new obstacle with a superior look on his face. |
457 |
Then she was back into their view and she moved up, cornering the animal at the end of the corridor. |
458 |
The Marine started to open his mouth, then closed it with a snap. After a moment, he shook his head. |
459 |
The creature gave a bound into the air and then hung, its hind feet now a foot or so off the ground. |
460 |
This particular man was counting bales of tobacco and would have succeeded but for the interruption. |
461 |
I noticed them only for a split second, because my attention was immediately drawn to the dead bear. |
462 |
Joke, that was. She was sure. She sat back down in her chair and clenched her hands till they ached. |
463 |
She hated coffee. She thought Louis must be insane to swallow the bitter stuff, and she told him so. |
464 |
The darkness was thicker. I had no idea of the hour. It could well be that night was really upon me. |
465 |
Saul hurried to reposition him, tensing when he suddenly felt a hand behind him clutch his shoulder. |
466 |
Wary about having to compromise his hands, Buchanan signed the bill and added a fifteen percent tip. |
467 |
Then his bronze form arched downward into the water in a clean dive. He entered without much splash. |
468 |
Again he grabbed the eraser and rubbed the message out. Slowly, letter by letter, it appeared again. |
469 |
He left the men's room and, without being obvious, checked the lobby to see if he was being watched. |
470 |
They could not find him now. They could look right at him and see only a continuous stretch of wire. |
471 |
Colin asked, gripping his knees in his delicate hands and leaning forward as if bent by the tension. |
472 |
With a renewed sense of assurance, he moved forward to the rail of the walkway to address the crowd. |
473 |
He was knocked flat with the butt of a spear before they were flung back into their darkened prison. |
474 |
One moment there had been firm footing beneath him. The next, and the ground seemed to rise swiftly. |
475 |
And by and by he seemed to get whatever it was he was looking for and he stopped, breathing heavily. |
476 |
The answer astonished him. Everything they taught him about that faraway planet came into new focus. |
477 |
Around her was the close murmur of the sea, and she could hear the grate of oars within their locks. |
478 |
A piercing whistle rang out from the stands. The noise level dropped. Faces turned toward the sound. |
479 |
They went on down a wide passage that at times ran very steeply downhill. The air suddenly grew hot. |
480 |
The other flat piece would fit here in the middle of the underside. It slid in from the pointed end. |
481 |
Sure enough, after only a few seconds the yellow window brightened, and it was a big vanilla cookie. |
482 |
Cinder moved to her other foot, leaving the first one to mellow in its tingling state of relaxation. |
483 |
Sam had remembered a word. Now for the first tune, he found an understanding of it. This was Beauty. |
484 |
Maybe it was a wall of the ancients, fallen over sideways. But no, it would have cracked as it fell. |
485 |
The rats nodded. They knew about dreams. Dreams had come as a big shock when they started to happen. |
486 |
The drive curved up around the bank of the hill. Halfway up, he could see the tops of the gateposts. |
487 |
He looked into the mirror. An alien face looked back at him, etched with lines of anxiety and dread. |
488 |
The captain's next few words were drowned by a wail of protest and accompanying emotional radiation. |
489 |
Then they heard the noise again, a low intermittent groaning that came from somewhere close at hand. |
490 |
He laughed again but it didn't have quite the same sound because he knew I was guying his colonelcy. |
491 |
She wasn't crying any more. Her fear was burning so very brightly that it had seared away her tears. |
492 |
Anyway, only the mad lived for long under illusions that the cosmos was meant for their convenience. |
493 |
The power of the anointed kings, the kings of the land, came from the sacred marriage with the land. |
494 |
The thread end poised before the screen of the cage. Tallahassee threw up her hands before her face. |
495 |
Already missing him and riddled with guilt for leaving him behind, she picked him up and hugged him. |
496 |
A group of angrily muttering stablemen were gathered at the east end of the barn, near the entrance. |
497 |
He knew he had been happy before he drowned, not perfectly happy, but happy. His life had been good. |
498 |
It was an image she could visualize all too well. She nodded sleepily and stumbled off to her berth. |
499 |
Roman stood in the street, thinking it over. Mister Baron stood beside him, watching his expression. |
500 |
We would, in any event, await the coming of darkness before addressing ourselves again to the marsh. |
501 |
But the silence dragged on. His heartbeat slowed to normal against hers, and the silence dragged on. |
502 |
The two head electrodes were in place and Dr. Carlton now began attaching a third to her left wrist. |
503 |
Antonina stepped to the door which led to the outer room of the shop and pressed her ear against it. |
504 |
They may have been summoned just as the other Rangers were. We can get more supplies there, shelter. |
505 |
Actually, a creature placed a hundred yards from the tape recorder still got plenty of music to eat. |
506 |
Hart got up, straightened his coat on his wide shoulders, and jammed his large fists in his pockets. |
507 |
Richard wiped the blade in the blood on his arm to give his sword a taste. The rage twisted tighter. |
508 |
But not for a single instant had the conviction left him that he was always master of the situation. |
509 |
The haze became more pronounced... but too slowly. It should have been faster. I should have vanished. |
510 |
The engineer stared unseeingly from the windows of the plane. He was faced with a desperate problem. |
511 |
Sooner rather than later, they are likely to find the spoor they seek. Then they will pick up speed. |
512 |
When the thunder had died away Death reached down slowly and picked up the boy, who opened his eyes. |
513 |
Already her thoughts were well ahead of her body, busy with the known demands of the day before her. |
514 |
He pushed a slip of paper across the desk at me, but I ignored it and kept staring at the money bag. |
515 |
There was a moon. It cast a white light, like that which might come from a distant gasoline lantern. |
516 |
Over the next ten days the circus turned into wholesale farce, with an occasional tragedy thrown in. |
517 |
Alone with Marlee, Faith smiled and wandered around the center, picking up toys and bits of cookies. |
518 |
I told myself that my fears were mere inventions of my mind, but I watched the shadows all the same. |
519 |
Another squall blew across the bounding boat and the deck was suddenly covered with flashing silver. |
520 |
Cal glanced back at the man, fumbling for woods. There was no use his trying to explain, he decided. |
521 |
We memorialize the great writers, even deify them, but we hold closer to us those who make us laugh. |
522 |
Ham seldom admitted Monk amounted to anything. Now the lean face of the lawyer held some admiration. |
523 |
He didn't know. But he would. He would make it his business to find out, before his father returned. |
524 |
But then she was looking at this place through adult eyes. It was just a kids' playroom, writ large. |
525 |
Outside the thunder of weapons continued as a Gazelle arrived with a new contingent of robot troops. |
526 |
My hands, outstretched to pull me on, suddenly plunged into wetness. Liquid rippled about my wrists. |
527 |
We lit new torches from the wall rings and discarded our old ones. We then continued on our journey. |
528 |
Sometimes children swarmed through or watched them with bright, curious eyes. Today there were none. |
529 |
He had courage. He grabbed for the gun. It wasn't where he grabbed. I sat back and put it in my lap. |
530 |
Cassandra sat back with a satisfied smile as Dr. Mitchell came in and commanded everyone to silence. |
531 |
His glance to each of them in turn was a silent request to hear him out before they started arguing. |
532 |
Anya stood to one side of me, her eyes pleading, her lips open in a cry that I could no longer hear. |
533 |
The sausages are for the ones who know what their sins are and wish to atone for something specific. |
534 |
He looked swiftly upon the woman beside him, and a pang of loss tore him as even his fear could not. |
535 |
More than one trip to civilization would be necessary in order to transport every one, it was found. |
536 |
I gave her a dirty look. While I had grown up around here, most of my relatives lived farther north. |
537 |
The people. His people, she thought. Like the guide who had led her to the ruins in the first place. |
538 |
A perfect landing. In the sense that I'm gonna be able to walk away from it. Or at least be carried. |
539 |
But Evan was earning every penny. Kermit was impossible. That was the only word for him. Impossible. |
540 |
Even after the movie's on television, the warning dots will still be there. Even on airplane movies. |
541 |
Nikki scooped the puppy up in her arms. The tiny dog snuggled against her cheek and licked her nose. |
542 |
Since he wasn't using it, she seated herself on the bedroll and rested her chin on her raised knees. |
543 |
All the while, Jones was hovering over the base's huge radar screens watching the approaching enemy. |
544 |
Obviously that was a private joke, because the brothers looked at each other and burst out laughing. |
545 |
But with this it was no different from the first attempt, it disappeared and was to be seen no more. |
546 |
So we got on our bikes and started out. It was fifteen miles. That didn't bother me. I had the legs. |
547 |
Nina was breathless when he let her go, and Anna had vanished. At least he'd accomplished that much. |
548 |
I could see he would not be silenced. He would say what I dreaded he would say in front of them all. |
549 |
Desperate to see if her face had returned to normal, she ran up to her front door and rang the bell. |
550 |
He lit a match on a hippo's toenail and cupped his hand around it to shield his cigar from the damp. |
551 |
His landlady had dumped his belongings out on the front lawn. The front door was latched and bolted. |
552 |
It was a morbid train of thought, which he tried to break by numbering his friends among the living. |
553 |
He went to the wall that contained Moravia's wardrobe and slid open one mirrored door after another. |
554 |
I felt the kitchen door. It was like touching my hand to a cast iron frying pan fresh from the oven. |
555 |
He was in agony at the thought of her being so helpless, but there was nothing he could do about it. |
556 |
He handed the bow to the blondish girl, she with blue eyes, who had been instrumental in my capture. |
557 |
Julie took the silk bathrobe and white shirt and put them on the hook. She touched Ramses' shoulder. |
558 |
No one spoke, their eyes riveted on her. She waited a moment, then her pale hand passed before them. |
559 |
Tiffany chose the tallest upright cone. It was more than two feet high and had big stars sewn on it. |
560 |
Before a lawsuit appears in court, the Master will have clearly set down the rules of verbal combat. |
561 |
The men, the nine big red ones and the three remaining hairy ones, wept as they put down their arms. |
562 |
I hope we can maintain that feeling for the entire visit without anyone feeling jealous or left out. |
563 |
Gabby shook her head tightly, in as much as she could with her face clamped in its implacable grasp. |
564 |
The boys shushed him, glancing nervously about to see if anyone had overheard his indiscreet remark. |
565 |
Though the mound had moved, it had not disappeared, only seemed to settle more deeply into the clay. |
566 |
A short, muscular hijacker stepped into the center aisle and cleared his throat rather theatrically. |
567 |
As soon as he was tossed into the car, Barney was enveloped in a rough wool burnoose and handcuffed. |
568 |
Joey was holding the flask again. Although he had opened it, he had no memory of unscrewing the cap. |
569 |
From one side of the pickup area, a hand reached into the transmission frame. The screen went blank. |
570 |
The voices were coming from a copse of straggly trees. The black hound slunk closer, jaws streaming. |
571 |
There was no sound out there now but the cold November wind, blowing grim advertisements for winter. |
572 |
A sour taste rose in his mouth, but he swallowed it down and looked at the fur under the microscope. |
573 |
Grant left his tray and headed out of the cafeteria. He had no desire to be caught in any crossfire. |
574 |
Fagin was silhouetted against the giant red orb, their destination. Jacob shook his head helplessly. |
575 |
For their appearance dispelled the sinister air of supernatural foes which hung over the lost liner. |
576 |
Fire lit the night, illuminating her way...as she fled directly into the path of yet another creature. |
577 |
Her mind sharpened and snapped out of the welcoming coils of oblivion that had all but engulfed her. |
578 |
She considered this, her face very smooth and relaxed. When she spoke, it was with quiet conviction. |
579 |
After a long silence the young man, without looking up at all, mumbled something that was inaudible. |
580 |
I crouched down in the snow and he came to me, to rest his throat on my shoulder. I hugged him hard. |
581 |
She stood behind him and began raising the cold reservoir of magical power up her spine to her eyes. |
582 |
Defense has always been permissible, Jeff replied. The Council now has other, more pressing worries. |
583 |
His face showing the depth of his displeasure and reluctance, Julian let go of her and stepped back. |
584 |
I'm going down to the magistrates court tomorrow, he said. Let you have all the gen when I get back. |
585 |
She lapsed into total silence. Her eyes became tiny and she sat with one hand curled under her chin. |
586 |
She half turned to pick up from the shelf immediately behind her a box of some dull black substance. |
587 |
It was made of twigs and fish skins. Twigs could be had from any bush, but fish were something else. |
588 |
Her voice to me was always sharp, as if she waited for me to commit some fault she could seize upon. |
589 |
Like Reynolds, much of his resentment seemed to have gone to be replaced by a helpless bewilderment. |
590 |
There was a small discreet buzz on Egerton's desk. He picked up the telephone receiver with a frown. |
591 |
Christie curled up in one of the leather chairs. She tucked her legs under her and crossed her arms. |
592 |
A monkey man, racing to the senseless form of Edna, would have slain the young woman with his knife. |
593 |
He couldn't see her face, but he could almost feel the blood drain from her face. He means it, Kara. |
594 |
Saul gaped through his goggles, hearing a scream despite the wind. He snowplowed frowning toward it. |
595 |
Even though I had worried earlier about getting Gus angry with me, somehow it didn't matter anymore. |
596 |
The abyss of total disaster yawned before them. They were pulled back from that pit by an old woman. |
597 |
However often he left, wherever he went, he would always be drawn back. For here was heart and soul. |
598 |
He hated to wake her, but he knew women enough to be sure she would be hurt if he left her sleeping. |
599 |
York pulled out her bag and sat in misery, staring at her knees, while the world wheeled around her. |
600 |
The evening shadows fell across his desk, and he replaced the Woodstock file and locked the cabinet. |
601 |
Now it was said. But not a flicker of expression was observable on the faces of the two Secretaries. |
602 |
That got Stanley's attention immediately. The engagement broke up and the two lined up for the trip. |
603 |
She had begun to sob as I turned my back on them and looked down on the holy man. He showed no fear. |
604 |
But it had, at that heated moment at the track, slammed the distance between them right in his face. |
605 |
If it did exist, then her memory was correct, then she had found yet another image of her lost life. |
606 |
That one chilling word was enough. It was what she had figured, and explained the state of the camp. |
607 |
But the radiance that wreathed the base was not the only beacon blazing that night from San Isadore. |
608 |
Frank reached into the envelope and took out a document and a letter. He scanned the document first. |
609 |
The enlisted men had rushed from their typewriters and were helping out and Heller had to work fast. |
610 |
The wreck of the aircraft carrier had occurred only a short time previously, near Norfolk, Virginia. |
611 |
Never had I taken such a liberty with her, but I knew her thoughts. We dazzled her. She idolized us. |
612 |
Dave and I sit in the visitors' dugout, watching the boys as the light slowly leaves the summer sky. |
613 |
Grateful for the green dress, she found a clump of bushes and crawled into them to wait and to pray. |
614 |
White men with whips and guns stood several paces away. They wore white suits with white straw hats. |
615 |
One foot pressed into the small of Rod's back, both arms pulled back against the base of his throat. |
616 |
He got out at the unpainted house where he lived, taking Doc's hand silently and nodding his thanks. |
617 |
She was just beginning to wonder where Peabody was when one of the domestic droids came to her door. |
618 |
Sat on the ground and moaned and howled like an old Hebrew. And poured dust and ashes over his head. |
619 |
We worked and worked until I was ready to collapse. Needless to say, that night I slept like a rock. |
620 |
Fascinated by the symphony of movement of his body, she watched the way his jaw flexed as he chewed. |
621 |
Some kid made an atom smasher out of two soup cans and five dollars' worth of auto electrical parts. |
622 |
Hands in his pockets, staring fixedly at a corner of the room, he spoke with the utmost seriousness. |
623 |
It was thinking of death, and the thought of death made it celebrate with rapture and an awful song. |
624 |
Peabody was determined to clear her brother and put him back on the path of his life in her own way. |
625 |
The faded newspaper from the sky had been carefully spread out on the floor of one of the old sheds. |
626 |
She hurried away, just in time. She had to call Alex, and the window for the call was pretty narrow. |
627 |
But it was all just beginning. And deep down, she knew that things would only get worse. Much worse. |
628 |
And he gave it back to Will, with a disconcerting, unreadable long stare out of his deep black eyes. |
629 |
One of the dogs took off at a clip, dragging its hapless handler into the brush. Obscenities ensued. |
630 |
She quickly averted her gaze and took another spoonful of yogurt, only looking up after he sat down. |
631 |
Grace had never wanted to reach out and hold anyone as much as she wanted to hold Julian right then. |
632 |
Martin was shocked at the deep hatred in Boar's voice, he listened intently as the badger continued. |
633 |
My reading was suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps pounding the stairs up into the attic. |
634 |
Having instructed them till they are really complete and ready for true initiation, tell them Truth. |
635 |
She didn't say anything. She just kept looking from the harbor wall to the hill wall and back again. |
636 |
It was getting dusk. I sighed. Look. The rising stars of the tinted evening that precedes blackness. |
637 |
He opened his mouth and snarled at me. He had fangs, upper and lower, like a great cat. Sweet Jesus. |
638 |
Buddy returned and threw me the sponge. I wiped up the coffee table while Suzi collected newspapers. |
639 |
They crowded around the monitor, looking at the undulating wave and the tiny ripples in the surface. |
640 |
Julian froze. His breathing labored, he closed his eyes as if struggling against an unseen attacker. |
641 |
No answer. The helmet was out there by his fingertips. He pulled it close and repeated the question. |
642 |
Five minutes later he was hurtling toward a stone gargoyle standing halfway along an empty corridor. |
643 |
The soft knock came again. Maybe it wasn't Pasha. Richard pulled his knife. He yanked the door open. |
644 |
Riggs turned and pounded madly toward the administration building. Behind him Pop puffed and panted. |
645 |
He opened the door, swung out, glided across the road and disappeared in the shadow of a high hedge. |
646 |
Instantly I regretted it. I wanted to take it back. And I couldn't understand what had drawn it out. |
647 |
Butler entered the kitchen. His face was slick with perspiration and his breath came in short gasps. |
648 |
She was bad. She knew it. She goofed on it. She played off it. She ragged her shelf life as a chick. |
649 |
I stopped. As if an invisible wall had risen before me. As if my body had suddenly become paralyzed. |
650 |
She fell asleep squatting there. Despite the emotional storm, she was too exhausted to remain awake. |
651 |
Trucks were pulling up in front of the school, men pouring from the trucks to aid in the evacuation. |
652 |
He slid a couple of feet to the left in his pew, nothing too obvious, nothing to draw any attention. |
653 |
Rosa finished the piece with a flourish, the notes sparkling almost visibly in the air between them. |
654 |
He was sitting on the bed beside her, staring into her eyes, when they fluttered open and found him. |
655 |
She cried out in anger, and then entered the house. She would enter first, for she was a free woman. |
656 |
The airplanes all seem to be gone now. He scans the convoy and finds no destroyers in working order. |
657 |
The horror of it made her sick. With the band at her breast she rocked back and forth, crying aloud. |
658 |
A whore in a pontiffs robes now came in from another door, followed by two cooks dressed as priests. |
659 |
But there was no answer at the house. Just missed them, he thought. He'd call them at the Inn later. |
660 |
She tossed her head defiantly, averting her face. A finger beneath her chin forced her to turn back. |
661 |
He pushed his way to the door out onto the plaza, hearing the sergeant major wheezing a step behind. |
662 |
Round and round went the currents of his mind. The lines on his long face were etched in deep gloom. |
663 |
And as for Irene... if she'd been visiting the town so frequently as to be noticed, Johanna must know. |
664 |
When he was through, it was as if Satan himself had sucked the air from the room. Nobody could move. |
665 |
Really there. The doctor's mouth was filling with water. He was going to be sick. Going to pass out. |
666 |
Well, at least he didn't have to face miniaturization. There was always that thought to comfort him. |
667 |
During the flight, as usual the man sitting next to her tried to impress her with his last big deal. |
668 |
The children hesitated for a moment. Norman raised his hand. They looked at him, startled, then ran. |
669 |
I was anxious to leave town and go somewhere, but it would be impossible until the killings stopped. |
670 |
His gaze followed my hand as it slipped beneath my robe and withdrew the shining blade of my dagger. |
671 |
He tried breathing again, and this time the coughing lasted only a little while. But he was so cold. |
672 |
He saw the paper on the floor and picked it up and looked at the headline, then threw it down again. |
673 |
But then that might be even worse. Besides, pregnant women couldn't travel through the time portals. |
674 |
She jumped in surprise when the bushes on the bluff above her parted and a blond head poked through. |
675 |
Then she thought about the nice family who would come home that night and find their valuables gone. |
676 |
Inky black shapes wavered in the gloom on the other side of the wall, specters floating in the deep. |
677 |
When Lucas talked to him that morning, Hart seemed more sad than angry, but the anger was there too. |
678 |
So they kept silently walking toward the rumbling wagon as it approached them on the gentle incline. |
679 |
That shocked her, too. His face was covered in thick blood, his hair matted red. But he was smiling. |
680 |
Not far away moved larger creatures, either eating from the wealth of berries or lying in the grass. |
681 |
I put it on the desk and swung the jewel face open and there, inside the receptacle, I found myself. |
682 |
The copter had taken to the air again, keeping pace with him and maintaining constant radio contact. |
683 |
Doc laughed unwillingly. Suzy's activity, so soon after giving birth, seemed dangerously phenomenal. |
684 |
Belle could stop me from reaching out to Richard, but she couldn't keep him from reaching out to me. |
685 |
As we walk up the steps, we are very close to each other. The sides of our legs are almost touching. |
686 |
Later, during the carols, she thought it might be gratitude that she heard in Jill's ethereal tones. |
687 |
Pile furs on my sleeping platform, put wood on the fire, I will come home when the stars have faded. |
688 |
We found the house at dusk. Megan used it once or twice a year. The key was under the front doormat. |
689 |
Despair slammed inside her, and she collapsed on a log. It was over. Everything. All of it was over. |
690 |
The pulse jumped wildly in her throat. Her voice tried to say something and couldn't. She swallowed. |
691 |
He stopped a few yards away and just tried to draw a normal breath while his stomach twisted wildly. |
692 |
There was a long pause. Something was obviously supposed to happen, but someone was missing her cue. |
693 |
Behind the hut the Abbot stopped, staring down at a tiny bush and the single flower that grew there. |
694 |
As always, the market was packed. Some merchants had stalls their families had held for generations. |
695 |
Several officers and firefighters held their ears. Evan's voice came out louder than he had planned. |
696 |
The final of the four rooms now contained far more medical equipment than when she had last seen it. |
697 |
There will be little to see for a while, Michael said. It will sweep across Mars, the asteroid belt. |
698 |
The two laughed together in the easy way of policemen who know everybody else in the world is crazy. |
699 |
They released her and stood up, standing away at a respectful distance as she scrambled to her feet. |
700 |
Purring so loudly that the windows rattled, the cat butted the top of her head into Judith's middle. |
701 |
No. The prospect of it was enough to freeze the desire. He would not touch any of them. He must not. |
702 |
Sam bit his lip, knew only too well what his father was about to do. Please God, let me faint first. |
703 |
She stared back at him so he shrugged and stood away from the door and readied to kick it in. Truly. |
704 |
He filed a formal request to roll back his eyelids and it took about an hour to go through channels. |
705 |
They were downcast, looking at each other as if hoping that one of their faces might hold an answer. |
706 |
The first was the thought of the rocky road, cool and buttery in a blue plastic bowl. A good choice. |
707 |
And all the while I kept moving forward, one cautious step at a time. The Fool himself did not move. |
708 |
The foil lifted once more over a crest, rolled heavily with the weight of the water they'd taken on. |
709 |
He did not mean to eavesdrop on the women's talk, but some of the words reached out and grabbed him. |
710 |
They paused. The slope beyond grew steeper. Here the constant wind had given the snow a thick crust. |
711 |
He didn't understand why the other three looked back and forth at each other and nodded their heads. |
712 |
Conan rose, shaking the splinters from his great shoulders, blinking blood and dust out of his eyes. |
713 |
He followed the man crawling behind him. To his right less than five feet away was the army of ants. |
714 |
Her hands were cupped around the shot glass, and she sat there looking intently at the empty jigger. |
715 |
He ran the film to the end. He rewound it. He showed it again. And again. And again. And he thought. |
716 |
The three companions looked to each other, not understanding what the mercenary might be hinting at. |
717 |
A couple of dice dropped on to the sand. They sparkled and crackled for a while and then evaporated. |
718 |
She recognized Michelle's voice. It was a struggle to awaken enough so that she could sit up in bed. |
719 |
Aunt Queen went on with a lovely animation, her voice more pleasant though the words were still sad. |
720 |
I did not move away from the foot of the stairway, but I half turned so that I could see the others. |
721 |
He said nothing. He turned slightly, stared into the fire. The other males came somewhat more alert. |
722 |
When he flashed on the semiautomatic, his hopes surged and then instantly fell. The weapon was gone. |
723 |
I knelt where she indicated. She took the shackles from the rear ring and snapped them on my ankles. |
724 |
He studied her a moment longer, then went down the hall and out the front door into the summer heat. |
725 |
The girl looked up at the praetor. The strap, in the hand of the guardsman, grew taut at her throat. |
726 |
The shiny artillery shells prevented Greg from seeing what data was in the cubes. He drank some tea. |
727 |
The teacups rattled in their saucers as the roaring rose and rose until conversation was impossible. |
728 |
Content then I went with the two women who were to me now, in the time of my lessons, as mistresses. |
729 |
She resumed breathing, cautiously. She listened, and heard only the receding footsteps. Good enough. |
730 |
Shockley's face was screwed up in anguish as if someone had just squirted ammonia into his nostrils. |
731 |
Conway told Stillman that he wasn't an expert in these matters but it sounded like a very good plan. |
732 |
She was so sleepy when she came out of the shower that she was scarcely aware of what she was doing. |
733 |
No matter, Viki thought. They were both involved in the murder of her parents. They both had to die. |
734 |
They were falling again. This time the tunnel was more commodious, and they were making better time. |
735 |
The figure reached the gap, stopped and then swung itself against the rock, feeling for the staples. |
736 |
The servant raced out and returned with a pot of boiling water, originally used for the evening tea. |
737 |
The howling in the tunnel had not diminished, and now Valeria heard another fierce sound joining it. |
738 |
I turned and silently bid the gelding to come to me. And gathering the reins, I turned to Gabrielle. |
739 |
Nothing had been driving that car. It had come in empty, smelling of something like rotting turnips. |
740 |
The man balanced the box awkwardly and fished out a card from an inner pocket. He handed it to Newt. |
741 |
He tossed more garbage aside and produced three more dead rats, all unmarked so far as I could tell. |
742 |
Eventually the night began to fade. The Moon went to the stream which constantly entered the garden. |
743 |
She made the calls again, with the same results. There is an explanation for this, she told herself. |
744 |
Getting the army was another matter. I had four knights sworn to me and that's where I had to start. |
745 |
And then they turned a corner by a stand of huge oak trees and met the little girl in the red cloak. |
746 |
A shaggy gray animal strolled out from among the bookshelves and eyed Marc with benignant tolerance. |
747 |
The scene changed. The new scene was similar, but the nearby houses and yards were subtly different. |
748 |
Both headlights were smashed and there was a deep dent stretching across both fenders and the grill. |
749 |
He reached the sidewalk outside the building and stood for a moment, looking up and down the street. |
750 |
I stopped. I looked at their serious, puzzled faces, and at the billow of pink satin in front of me. |
751 |
But Maggie realized she was still alive, still struggling in the darkness. The knife had missed her. |
752 |
They moved on, hurrying deeper into the hills. A few minutes later they reached a fork in the trail. |
753 |
With a shake of his head, he rolled to his feet, troubled by the dark thoughts rising up within him. |
754 |
The bushes shook, spilling the lurkers into sight. They came scuttling, at first on hands and knees. |
755 |
The laughter was like a wall of water, crashing against him and making it impossible to turn around. |
756 |
She felt as if she were coming awake from a dream. The world came back. She almost fell against him. |
757 |
The road straightened out on a mesa and, within a short distance, Mason saw the lights of the motel. |
758 |
And all the time the Ship bored on through space, heading for the target, heading straight and true. |
759 |
It was an all or nothing roll of the dice at this point, but it seemed like the only way to play it. |
760 |
Now all I had to do was run. All I had to do was get out of there with the proof safely in my hands. |
761 |
I followed my boss back into the boardroom and stood with him as he silently gazed at the cathedral. |
762 |
A meter in his hand should have been screaming. Instead, it let out the occasional halfhearted tick. |
763 |
The rickety transport crashed to the ground, and the slave driver lay still, a ruin among the ruins. |
764 |
Shortly the ship began to bob with activity. They were shortening up their lines, ready to cast off. |
765 |
Kevin gestured up toward his lab, then mumbled words to the effect that Esmeralda was expecting him. |
766 |
The doctor kept his face close alongside hers. He didn't want anyone to see that he was crying, too. |
767 |
For a moment, everything confused me. I couldn't put this century together with the one I came from. |
768 |
It blew past me like a tornado. The backwash of the rotors caught me and tumbled me through the air. |
769 |
The shriveled messenger backed away. Doc let him go, apparently not even glancing toward the fellow. |
770 |
The absurd flap of hair a vain and balding man grows long above one ear to comb it to the other ear. |
771 |
It was another ten minutes before he dared to slam the hatch and turn his attention to the controls. |
772 |
When they were inside Prentice's apartment, the old gentleman sat down on one of his big low chairs. |
773 |
Her fingers grip his, and the blackness dissolves into the piercing green eyes that search his face. |
774 |
She went on like that for a while, crouching at my side and dabbing my lap with a tiny handkerchief. |
775 |
Hannah found herself sitting up, leaning forward as far as the rope would allow, straining her ears. |
776 |
He felt content with everything exactly the way it was. He seemed to be suspended, his life on hold. |
777 |
He had nothing against men or women of color. Live and let live. One earth, one people. All of that. |
778 |
She wrenched open the door and the gush of air snagged at the flames. The next instant she was gone. |
779 |
He reached the doorway, keeping clear of the entrance, and then flattened his back against the wall. |
780 |
He was so blue and so shaking with shock, it took him quite a while before he could do much talking. |
781 |
But if we find that, then we can trail them. So we plant men in suitable eras and hope for the best. |
782 |
Terrel had considered what answer to give to this obvious question before he'd broached the subject. |
783 |
Somewhere off in the distance, a wolf was howling. Crows circled the broken tower, waiting for corn. |
784 |
Kinsman still felt a clammy cold sweat that made his coveralls stick to his chest and arms and back. |
785 |
Constance lashed about with a frying pan, the weapon making a loud bong every time she scored a hit. |
786 |
Slowly, the hall emptied until but a single guard stood in the archway from the main north corridor. |
787 |
Bill thought hard, then returned the lever to the middle. It must have been left there for a reason. |
788 |
The eyebrows returned to normal. A twitch of the man's lip showed that he was contemplating smiling. |
789 |
Spotting him, the great stallion reared and snorted, its breath coming out as a great cone of steam. |
790 |
He expected to hear the growl of approaching ghouls, but instead heard nothing. Warily, he advanced. |
791 |
Not everyone shared the Toma's delight. Some people were quick to decry the whole episode as a sham. |
792 |
Get away, Grant told himself again. There's nothing you can do to help here. Get away while you can. |
793 |
I wanted to refuse, to stay where I was, for the stone under my hand seemed now an anchor to safety. |
794 |
Terrel felt the artist's fingers gently probing his face and head, searching for any sign of injury. |
795 |
Up in the stands, Lady Helena continued to wave her pennants, smiling fixedly down at the spectacle. |
796 |
His door clicked. It swung open, and a narrow wedge of hall light shone in, unblocked. No one there. |
797 |
That should make a difference, she told herself. If it was all artificial, I shouldn't even miss it. |
798 |
She pulled into a paved drive, and killed the motor. The lights flooded a great double redwood gate. |
799 |
The girl whimpered, looking at us, nodding her head affirmatively. Then she put her head down again. |
800 |
The girl nicked her finger on that wickedly sharp tip, and began to cry, but Delly hardly heard her. |
801 |
The dining room lay beyond an archway, twenty feet from Hilary. It was as black as a grave in there. |
802 |
Richard was stunned to grasp the despair in her longing, but more than that, he was horrified by it. |
803 |
No, she realized, not yet the god. Still the mortal fought to hold back the power living within him. |
804 |
But there was still no response from his son. And with a sad smile, Paul Skinner walked to the door. |
805 |
He halted abruptly, but there had been a hint of returning life under the mock severity of his tone. |
806 |
More gulps ensued as they knocked back large quantities of drink to embolden their flagging spirits. |
807 |
People were fleeing the village. The stockade gate had been flung open. One of the huts was burning. |
808 |
Then the captain on the ridge ordered a charge and the remaining nine horsemen rode for their lives. |
809 |
Her action was playful, affectionate, but her violet eyes were anxious and her voice sober as death. |
810 |
Fuchsia had not heard Nannie's question, so the little old creature advanced to the side of the bed. |
811 |
The barking grew louder. They could hear the dog's heavy paws pounding the ground, approaching fast. |
812 |
This recognition had been precisely what they sought. Precisely the leverage their acolyte required. |
813 |
She paused for more applause, and after an uncertain beginning, she received a satisfactory ovation. |
814 |
It was almost dinnertime when Benson returned. He looked unhappy and his plump cheeks were drooping. |
815 |
They want what belongs to God, she said, and her body rattled with a cough. Please. Give it to them. |
816 |
My stomach still heaving, I hurried back over the wet grass to my open window and scrambled back in. |
817 |
I showed her the pictures, and explained my theory about how the woman must have rigged the machine. |
818 |
Nest felt her stomach go cold and her throat tighten. She shook her head slowly, awash in disbelief. |
819 |
She opened her mouth, but she had no answer she could put into words, no answer he would understand. |
820 |
Naturally he jumped like a terrified gazelle when his airlock door swung open and a slave walked in. |
821 |
There were seven men already seated in the room. All were enveloped in the surgical robes and masks. |
822 |
Power rests in music. No man today can say what sound broke the walls of Jericho, but once men knew. |
823 |
My head sank wearily and I closed my eyes, and sleep cradled me like a baby. I did not dream at all. |
824 |
There was something about this woman that filled him. That made him burn in a way no other ever had. |
825 |
Aside from the small stream that ran between them, and assorted gypsum deposits, the cave was empty. |
826 |
She waited a moment longer, letting the memories flood through her one final time, then turned away. |
827 |
O'Brien heard a tremendous crack from the ceiling, so loud it reverberated even over the rifle fire. |
828 |
Despite his initial cynicism, he could not help but be moved by this silent and expectant multitude. |
829 |
Instead she continued down the passage to the large room that they had used as a study and workshop. |
830 |
The Roman general met that gaze squarely. The moment had come, and it could be postponed no further. |
831 |
Mary Anne checked the calendar in our record book. Kristy ended up with the job for the new clients. |
832 |
The girl's ardor disturbed Jennie. Slowly she stirred her milky tea and considered a moderate reply. |
833 |
That answered in part my question. It must be a required ritual for those setting out into the pans. |
834 |
When she pressed her ear against the wall again, it was clear she'd missed some of the conversation. |
835 |
Roland tipped out the cylinder of his gun, dropped the spent casings around his boots, and reloaded. |
836 |
Because he was hidden beneath the masks and leathers, there was no other way to identify him at all. |
837 |
A fierce protective feeling for him was growing in Rowan. They really ought to leave this man alone. |
838 |
Steve thought he could detect an element of fear in the khan's voice, but if so, it was very subtle. |
839 |
She indicated a nearby chair, paying him not the slightest attention as he suckled her right breast. |
840 |
Ford Prefect grabbed his megaphone from out of the taxi and started bawling at the crowd through it. |
841 |
She shivered all over, her hands up to brush away the sensations as if she'd been caught in cobwebs. |
842 |
Jake had bolted from the car, was running down the street toward the cop car at Harriett's building. |
843 |
After a while he propped up what remained of my bench on two bricks from my stove, then sat me down. |
844 |
The waitress, who looked like a surfer girl wearing a Mexican peasant's dress, arrived at the table. |
845 |
She turned, gasping. Her hands shook as she fumbled the case closed and sat down heavily on the bed. |
846 |
But he made no move as the four entered the cell. No blink or flicker of his eyes acknowledged them. |
847 |
They were about thirty paces away. I stood sideways between them and the stretcher, my blade raised. |
848 |
He lifted his head and turned to see the President facing him once more, with his hand outstretched. |
849 |
Suddenly, Marco breathed deeply and put his arms around her. She clung to him like a drowning woman. |
850 |
She wrote the date in her rather spidery writing and then headed the paper with the convent address. |
851 |
It was as if a bright light had snapped on, bathing each one of them in its warmth and illumination. |
852 |
The boy never mentioned what he'd done, and his mother ceased worrying about him falling out of bed. |
853 |
He located his boardinghouse, brought the Gate into his own room. It was vacant, no furniture in it. |
854 |
She was so angry that for a moment she did not feel her hurt. Then the hurt overshadowed everything. |
855 |
He listened when the others spoke. They were talking largely for him, enjoying lecturing the novice. |
856 |
Leafed through the diary a little. Got a kind of inkling of the way a life like this is constituted. |
857 |
He must be very cunning. A process server would have to be. He was now a yard ahead of the Countess. |
858 |
Overseers herded Monk a short distance down the line of horror holes, and put him similarly to work. |
859 |
None of them asked any questions. They were all happy to wait a while to find out what had happened. |
860 |
The lasers in the sphere began flashing wildly, creating a light so intense that I had to turn away. |
861 |
Rachel must have realized I wasn't with her anymore. She stopped and started to come back toward me. |
862 |
Indeed, events had marched even more swiftly than she could have imagined. Her heart began to pound. |
863 |
Here, the Founder would come. Here, he would speak to them. And here the authorities would take him. |
864 |
She put her discarded clothing on a chair and climbed in quickly, pulling the covers up to her chin. |
865 |
The assassin stood in the shadow of the trees behind the practice putting green of the country club. |
866 |
A note. He uncorked the bottle, shook the note out into his waiting hand. By torch light he read it. |
867 |
Reeva's eyes widened and she clasped the baby even closer to her. I saw that she was pregnant again. |
868 |
No sweat. By the time she arrived in Memphis with the boat, she'd been up for a brutal thirty hours. |
869 |
The rider thought about that, then shrugged. In Sanctuary, one might have expected just the reverse. |
870 |
His voice was good, just as it had always been. It seemed to be the only unaffected thing about him. |
871 |
They waited a minute or two, some quite restive, for the agent to make his way to Wade's stage room. |
872 |
No. Stop making things worse, I scolded myself. Don't let your imagination run away with you, Wendy. |
873 |
But there was no sound of insects or birds, and this lack gave the whole a peculiar surreal quality. |
874 |
Not something he did often. He could forgive himself one, he decided, considering the circumstances. |
875 |
With that, Fitzgerald scrambled out of the ditch and started making his way back to their airplanes. |
876 |
The breeze flapped the remnants of her nightshirt as her Ladyship took up a new haranguing position. |
877 |
Jay and I helped Colin up to the lodge. He was still seeing double, and his headache was pretty bad. |
878 |
Lee felt puzzlement but did not know why. Perhaps it was something subtle in the waiter's movements. |
879 |
With all the dignity and grace of a highborn lady, she turned on her heel and swept out of the room. |
880 |
Bonnie nodded and relaxed back into the seat. Meredith's car had never seemed so comfortable before. |
881 |
He grabbed the beer mug, finished the contents hurriedly, and rammed it upside down on the tabletop. |
882 |
He brought them out and laid the wads in my hand and I stuffed them in the pocket of my trench coat. |
883 |
They hurried on, looking for a place. The cloud continued to build, eager to catch them in the open. |
884 |
He sat in the library with the Colonel and they sipped a light wine and reminisced for a long while. |
885 |
It was a silent meal. Jeff looked from one of them to the other with curiosity and faint uneasiness. |
886 |
I got laughed at but the adults most inclined to kid me were quickest to let me have their wrappers. |
887 |
The old man frowned, but did not press the issue, returning after a moment to his original question. |
888 |
The trio looked at each other worriedly and then, suddenly, there came a muffled roar from up ahead. |
889 |
She had never seemed more relaxed and cheerful. 'It would be another gift to us, Michael,' she said. |
890 |
The gentle cushioning jolt of the warship coming to a halt trembled through its length. Jack nodded. |
891 |
Baird's hands were already flipping switches and plugging the radar room apparatus into a new setup. |
892 |
No slaves were in sight. No other dragons or masters. The garden seemed totally empty except for us. |
893 |
Dreams. Broken sleep. He pushed the inconsequential thoughts aside and returned to the task at hand. |
894 |
Only the fact that his mate restrained him kept him from taking a bite out of that fluffy appendage. |
895 |
Surely he had pressed every button on the control panel. Nevertheless, the ghostly chorus droned on. |
896 |
I slashed down at the marsh with my shovel, gouged out a weight of mud and flung it to the mud raft. |
897 |
He seemed to have an air of refinement about him at times, which he also seemed to endeavor to hide. |
898 |
The sun was high when we reached the outskirts of town. No force had charged out to confront us yet. |
899 |
The sound of the incoming aircraft, which had sparked his disastrous rush toward cover, had stopped. |
900 |
When the song resumed its former placid wafting, it seemed to breathe grim satisfaction and victory. |
901 |
The wind was whipping his face. He couldn't keep his eyes open. The stretcher was rising in the air. |
902 |
He threw his cover back. His feet were bare, and his boots stood upright at the foot of the blanket. |
903 |
The Luggage plunged forward and struck the brickwork, which fell away to reveal a dark space beyond. |
904 |
He looked at Ash, who watched him with an arched brow as if he wanted an answer to that one himself. |
905 |
Meanwhile I slipped outside and noiselessly clambered to the roof of the taxi where I lay down flat. |
906 |
The prince put the dot of the holographic sight on the beast's temple, led it a little, and let fly. |
907 |
Then the foreman turned and ran. The wrong way. Down, away from the guard capsule. Toward the areas. |
908 |
In the center of the north wall, built against the living rock of the mountainside, was the reactor. |
909 |
It came from above her. From the roof. She glanced up and got the shock of this particular lifetime. |
910 |
Markov hurriedly left the room. Stoner turned. Jo was still standing there, between him and the bed. |
911 |
From time to time he ran across a stone spire. They were all over the place, growing thicker uphill. |
912 |
I searched my cell for a means of committing suicide. I found nothing that would serve this purpose. |
913 |
Miles thought to him. Stuff that up your regulation nose. He followed on feeling rather more serene. |
914 |
I just have to run. Make a dash for it. When no one is looking. Into the woods. Deep into the woods. |
915 |
Don't be ridiculous, the enchanter replied, but Terrel caught the flicker of doubt behind the scorn. |
916 |
There was no one in the house and there were no signs of a struggle. The beds had not been slept in. |
917 |
Likewise with the skin. Same distance all around, same temperature. A little cooler than the inside. |
918 |
Wayne drove home. Wayne dawdled. Fremont was packed. Rubes waved bingo sheets. Rubes hopped casinos. |
919 |
They saw the plane off from the observation platform and went back to the cab. She was still crying. |
920 |
The waiter checked the end table, the same one she sat at in the tape. Her regular table, obviously. |
921 |
And he still looked like somebody you'd expect to see in the back seat of a bus bound for Baltimore. |
922 |
There was a little pause, and the warden looked from one to another of the men with a sheepish grin. |
923 |
The teacher wrote down the partner assignments, and the students filed noisily out of the classroom. |
924 |
She regarded him much as a cat might, with the kind of impersonal curiosity that was hard to fathom. |
925 |
Avery was interrupted by the appearance of Ariel in the doorway. She was out of breath from running. |
926 |
And I kept them that way as I was driven home at a march along the back road and into the household. |
927 |
The bouncer came in behind Wayne, grabbed him under the arms and tried to slip a full nelson on him. |
928 |
The Patrician gave him a cool stare that went on for a couple of seconds beyond the comfort barrier. |
929 |
The next time he played hooky, prowling the streets with the Chinese gang, Ray offered a compromise. |
930 |
She'd spent the past seven years marking time, preparing for emptiness, and now it was finally here. |
931 |
Charlie paid the waiter and left a handsome tip. Daphne would have been proud of him, Becky thought. |
932 |
Then I was leashed like a dog, or less than a dog. It was a slave leash. I was leashed like a slave. |
933 |
Again, I made no answer. But I knew it. I knew that it was the reason she had been away for so long. |
934 |
The boy looked up at him curiously. He opened his mouth to speak and then blushed and shut it again. |
935 |
Becca and I nodded, but we couldn't look at anyone, not even at each other. We stared into our cups. |
936 |
Gillian refused to feel foolish. Gloved hands tucked under her arms, she shouted into the stillness. |
937 |
With the range falling away, and fully conscious of their own peril, each gun captain fired at will. |
938 |
Unsuccessful attempt to write to E. Weiss. And yesterday, in bed, the letter was boiling in my head. |
939 |
It was not that he lectured, or in any way held forth. His conversation was natural and spontaneous. |
940 |
He could get those pontifical bastards out of hibernation sooner than that if he turned on the heat. |
941 |
The goblin squealed but hardly slowed, even when Chipmunk's next blade stuck deep into its shoulder. |
942 |
I searched the wall for a button to push to bring our elevator back. I couldn't find one. No button. |
943 |
He ought to feel offended. Not buoyed up by her laughter as if floating in some bubbling hot spring. |
944 |
Life is good, Nate thought. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he was happy. Kinda. |
945 |
Eugene took it out of his pocket and handed it over. The woman dialed a number and looked surprised. |
946 |
He screamed in shock and grief. Catching her as she fell, he held her to him and raced for the gate. |
947 |
I ducked low. Grabbed his boneless arm with both hands. Swung my shoulder. Flipped him over my back. |
948 |
He dressed quickly, then stepped into the main room. Gail and Kara were asleep in each other's arms. |
949 |
He managed to pierce another tin, more carefully this time, and sucked thoughtfully at the contents. |
950 |
David walked into the kitchenette, tossed his supply of vegetables into the freezer, then hesitated. |
951 |
Rollo came in shortly after dark. He squatted down beside the other two and sat staring at the fire. |
952 |
She reached forth to touch my arm, as if she needed that to assure herself I did indeed stand there. |
953 |
This done, the two knights moved thankfully to the meager shadow cast by a squat and misshapen tree. |
954 |
Her dark eyes flashed with pleasure at Shana's cleverness, and she nodded her round head vigorously. |
955 |
The old man had put this off the record. He could hardly put Cedric himself off the record, not now. |
956 |
A great sadness washed over her then, an overwhelming despair, and she could not hold back the sobs. |
957 |
Monk turned around as if to look at Ham, but actually to hide the expression on his homely features. |
958 |
He directed us around a corner, where we were confronted by a ghastly portrait gallery of dead faces. |
959 |
The wormhole rotated into view now, a faint dark patch only really visible when a ship came through. |
960 |
Norman turned slowly to the empty seat that faced them. Together they scanned the rest of the coach. |
961 |
I heard chains. I felt myself literally turned about. I was now, I conjectured, behind Gloria again. |
962 |
The gentle movement of the screw ceased altogether. The launch lay heaving slightly upon the swells. |
963 |
The two men walked forward on the deck, and the tight breeze shifted past them in the cool fall air. |
964 |
Jamie came awake in the darkened cell, suddenly aware that someone was sitting in the room with him. |
965 |
Whatever impression reaches the consciousness is turned by it into a symbol or a simile of the Work. |
966 |
The district attorney had sat down at his desk and was glancing at several notations on his blotter. |
967 |
Because of Robert. With a soft moan she surrendered to the thought that she wanted to see him again. |
968 |
Burl would allow it. It surprised me how often I thought of Kettle and the children of the pilgrims. |
969 |
The fact was not lost on the women. Seeing the unmarked skin they muttered prayers, and backed away. |
970 |
Something in his eyes and voice must have impressed her, because she let go of him and stepped back. |
971 |
No way could he sleep. He crawled up to where plants thinned out to bare rock, and he kept crawling. |
972 |
At the time it had been a sight of wonder, to me now it was even more of a mystery and even delight. |
973 |
Ned tried to get up from the chair. The first time, his legs failed to support him and he fell back. |
974 |
I sniffed the air experimentally. Sure enough, the unmistakable odor was still lingering in the air. |
975 |
They clambered up the slippery grass together, the lantern's beam shining feebly on a sprawled body. |
976 |
A sudden bump made Marilyn reestablish her death grip on her armrests. She glanced around the cabin. |
977 |
She was very pleased and the next day she got up early in the morning to prepare a lunch box for me. |
978 |
I thought it over. I couldn't think of anything real intelligent to say, but I had to try something. |
979 |
Julian seemed distressed. He took a handkerchief from his breast pocket but then went on holding it. |
980 |
He gestured. The guards saluted, turned on their heels, and left one by one with a smooth precision. |
981 |
He stared at the inner gleam of the star systems. He had never seen a Lens so large or so elaborate. |
982 |
Basic was used for reply this time, but that did not make any more sense as far as he was concerned. |
983 |
Camber's boy was watching this with mild amusement, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. |
984 |
He rumbled for the water bottle, then concentrated to steady his hands as he drank the last from it. |
985 |
The annual vacation was the only time he and his sister had unlimited access to candy and junk food. |
986 |
He pulled upward on the ends of the loincloth. He heaved. Sounds forced their way between his teeth. |
987 |
They fell into the sand, clinking upon each other in a heap that glittered with merry golden smiles. |
988 |
Corvus, I told myself. Finally caught. I shut one eye, but the other refused to close out the scene. |
989 |
When in the land there was born at midnight of a full moon a goat with three heads, that was a sign. |
990 |
As the reporters hurried off to write their stories, the hero of the day stood alone in the hallway. |
991 |
But when the others joined her for the final assault, there were no tears visible on her dry cheeks. |
992 |
She dropped Candy who flopped into a naked heap. She picked the gun up off the floor. She cocked it. |
993 |
He found the crew chief inspecting the shuttle. The woman had a worried frown, was shaking her head. |
994 |
The boy heard the shot. It was muffled by the walls of the house, but it was instantly identifiable. |
995 |
This did not happen for four months. In that time she was repeatedly abused mentally and physically. |
996 |
Saying this, the nine spurred their farting porkers and sped away in a great cloud of dust and dung. |
997 |
As his eyes scanned the wall in front of him, his concentration was broken by a loud thumping sound. |
998 |
Heller reset his autopilot. He glanced to his left toward the very point I was talking to, Fort Jay. |
999 |
The thunder of all idling engines was menacing. A fine vibration began to build in the giant sphere. |
1000 |
There was more cursing, and the sound of someone crashing through the underbrush reached their ears. |
1001 |
Shooting a quick glance around the bar, the man picked up the watch and examined it, front and back. |
1002 |
Chase said nothing, could not bring himself to speak, for now he understood what the call was about. |
1003 |
Of all the sieges in all the cathedrals in all the world, she had to drive her meat wagon into mine. |
1004 |
Ham's step was light as he crossed the porch. His fingers twiddled the cane in a flourishing circle. |
1005 |
Several of them were holding tortoises on sticks. They looked a bit pathetic, like tortoise lollies. |
1006 |
Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity and the laws of motion as well. |
1007 |
It was necessary to rearrange the parts several times before Doc had them in their proper positions. |
1008 |
Except me, she finished for him. And Julie's family. She felt the rekindling of warmth in her heart. |
1009 |
She looked vaguely at the calendar, where the smiling boy rode his sled through an endless February. |
1010 |
They cut through it. A current hit. They pulled left. They scraped sand. They capsized. They rolled. |
1011 |
He put away the car with exaggerated care and heard the phone ringing before he could open the door. |
1012 |
Pat came back, and began hunting for her heirloom. Doc and Monk pretended to help for a few minutes. |
1013 |
Pierre steered off the pavement and stopped on the shoulder of the road. He left the engine running. |
1014 |
I did my best to keep up with her, and to aid her, but she was definitely the one clearing our path. |
1015 |
Helpless with shock, she screamed and screamed, her mouth sagging toothily wide at the sight of him. |
1016 |
Motor activity impaired. I keep tripping over things, and it becomes increasingly difficult to type. |
1017 |
Her dark brown eyes. Her broad forehead. Her snip of a nose, which she had always wished was longer. |
1018 |
He had a large bag at his hip, and slung across his back was a rifle in a fringed and beaded sheath. |
1019 |
Jaeger. He told her only that they had been taken to Gestapo headquarters and released that morning. |
1020 |
Only to this world, he told them, in both of their minds at one time. She's only dead to this world. |
1021 |
Scott pushed Valerie ahead of him and into the bedroom, then slammed and locked the door behind him. |
1022 |
Fortunately there are ways to determine with reasonable exactness which doorbells are worth ringing. |
1023 |
Meantime, the Eskimo regained consciousness. He rolled his little black grape eyes and said nothing. |
1024 |
She didn't reply. He went out and closed the door behind him. She let out an audible sigh of relief. |
1025 |
Finally he leaves the store. Using the tagged key that he took from the pegboard, he locks the door. |
1026 |
He limped into the outer air where the shadows of evening were beginning to creep across the ground. |
1027 |
The wind had been moaning disagreeably at the chimney, plaintive without the rattle of ice, all day. |
1028 |
Doc was next. With the abruptness of a lightning stroke, the fantastic rigidity seemed to seize him. |
1029 |
His mom would not have approved. This was... well, this was the sort of thing that was... just not done. |
1030 |
Absolutely no one heard the faint tinkle as a little ventilation grille dropped off an outside wall. |
1031 |
Buzzard jumped in the back of the truck and hit keys on the kite's laptop. The kite went dead again. |
1032 |
Bloody useless boy, he thought. Served himself right for trying to talk to a barely coherent novice. |
1033 |
Karen turned to Marcia and the two women looked at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. |
1034 |
He jumped awake, stared around, then turned toward me. I couldn't see more than a moving silhouette. |
1035 |
At the sink he washed his hands, then went to the refrigerator and got a small bottle full of blood. |
1036 |
I had guessed something of the sort, I suppose. At all events, it didn't come as much of a surprise. |
1037 |
Then there were shocked grunts. Some one exploded a curse. There was silence. Then came a new voice. |
1038 |
They were carefully threading their way through the edge of a marshy spot when a scream halted them. |
1039 |
He let the name hang there for a moment. The king frowned and said nothing. He looked uncomfortable. |
1040 |
The Indian got me on my feet. He pulled me back against the wall, holding me by both twisted wrists. |
1041 |
I gave up. If he did not want reasonable explanations, there was no point in my forcing them on him. |
1042 |
He turned his back on Fletcher, or at least believed he had, until the man appeared in front of him. |
1043 |
Oddly, this thought strengthened him. The thoughts of this day began to form new shapes in his mind. |
1044 |
But the haze was thickening. It was not fanning out. It hung before the control panel, taking shape. |
1045 |
Maybe it was the excitement. Maybe Shannon, distrusting us, sensed our will and rebelled against it. |
1046 |
The quake beneath my feet intensified. It took me a moment to realize that I hadn't banished anyone. |
1047 |
My voice choked with a tangle of emotions. She was a goddess, yet she would never abandon me. Never. |
1048 |
I looked back at her, mouth suddenly dry, desperate for an explanation that would cover my behavior. |
1049 |
With a foul comment, Sham pulled aside the fire screen and rolled the chair into the huge fireplace. |
1050 |
Then warm air gushed from the ceiling over him. The light grew strange, and he felt his skin tingle. |
1051 |
He shifted against her deliberately, and his head spun with pleasure. He laughed, but without humor. |
1052 |
Pitt turned to see a man who had the face of a canvas weary prizefighter and the body of a beer keg. |
1053 |
Knowing it was completely inappropriate, Jenny burst into slightly hysterical, but genuine laughter. |
1054 |
I tried to catch up, tripped on a stalagmite and fell. When I picked myself up she was out of sight. |
1055 |
The dance with death was really the definition of life itself, since all people eventually must die. |
1056 |
The Doctor thought about that for a moment. Obviously, this was a rather considerable leap of faith. |
1057 |
In their conclusion, though, the Commentaries set a harsh tone that very likely foretold their fate. |
1058 |
Linden tightened her grip on herself as she looked around for someone who might answer her question. |
1059 |
Tim nodded, gravely this time. Bed was approaching at an accelerating speed. Bed or unconsciousness. |
1060 |
I stopped. I guess I'd said about everything there was to say. Doc cleared his throat uncomfortably. |
1061 |
He shoveled the food in methodically, chewing, and swallowing with the aid of large gulps of coffee. |
1062 |
A light flickered, a wick flared up, and we saw the bright points of a circle of spears aimed at us. |
1063 |
She dressed a lot faster than I did, but I managed to struggle into the browns and pull on my boots. |
1064 |
Perhaps because Finn had always seemed to us the embodiment of loneliness, of magnificent isolation. |
1065 |
Everyone looked at him, startled. The starship was shaken hard by an enormous power eruption nearby. |
1066 |
Her face remained perfectly still, but a light flickered in her eyes. Then they grew a little bleak. |
1067 |
So when she finally crashed out of the tree and hit concrete, it merely knocked the wind out of her. |
1068 |
It would be enough if she wasn't in love. Enough to have only that if the man was anyone but Trevor. |
1069 |
We set off down the beach together. I knew Claudia was watching us and would be happy and not worry. |
1070 |
It shone for only a moment. Then black clouds began to roll westward like the vanguard of an attack. |
1071 |
The woman pulled back the hood of her black cape, revealing braided white hair, and squinted at him. |
1072 |
As if on cue, several of the tiny creatures materialized out of the dimness at the rear of the cave. |
1073 |
Oh, yes. Humans are the most important sentient creatures who have ever existed, or will ever exist. |
1074 |
Bugs almost killed her. Except for the arrival of the police, he might have been beating on her yet. |
1075 |
I was on a plane to Paris that very first night with the money I'd earned without ever calling home. |
1076 |
The man got his gun out, weaved a bit on his feet as if his leg muscles were unsteady, and took aim. |
1077 |
They walked down the crystal corridor that led to the Aviary and the small chapel room just outside. |
1078 |
The sun had now descended behind the hill. Dusk would deepen to night, and the night was his friend. |
1079 |
The priest had been startled. Then he'd almost laughed at the idea that someone could read his mind. |
1080 |
She chuckled to herself as she headed for her office that morning. She had forgotten the man's name. |
1081 |
Actually, I had been preparing to beat a retreat, but this guy wasn't about to leave me that choice. |
1082 |
Much better, thank you. Yes, it feels quite good. Now once again I look on the sunny side of defeat. |
1083 |
He settled down to clean his sword, completely forgetting his promise to cut out the dragon's heart. |
1084 |
The plane was not much more than a flying motor. A big, grim pilot sat ready in the control cockpit. |
1085 |
The blacksmith lifted his arms up toward the statue before him, laughing as tears ran down his face. |
1086 |
Her skin immediately began to sting but she resisted the urge to press a handful of snow against it. |
1087 |
There was a lot of damage. It would take a while to get it cleaned up so they could get under weigh. |
1088 |
A proper Molt was not supposed to go this way. This was coercion, not true consensus. This was rape. |
1089 |
The heat crashed down upon the turbans of the men, washed past them, came up again from the roadway. |
1090 |
Granny smiled. Hard though she stared, Nanny was unable to spot anything other than earnest concern. |
1091 |
Turner's scream had stopped. It had been horrifying while it lasted, but it had only lasted seconds. |
1092 |
Now that navigation was not so ticklish a proposition, Doc turned the controls over to gaunt Johnny. |
1093 |
Now they were seeing a moon vanish and then congeal into a cold, deadly, frigid mass of destruction. |
1094 |
The other monks scrambled, some heading back the way they had come to alert the rest of the library. |
1095 |
The door swung back and banged against the far wall, nobody there. No gunshots at the door. Silence. |
1096 |
That night he thought he heard a ghost bear, far away on the prairie, howling in answer to his song. |
1097 |
Wanting even to protect her. Mac, who'd never had anyone but Homer try to protect her from anything. |
1098 |
A city in which all life moved and existed only half as fast as on any planet in their own universe. |
1099 |
As Buchanan reached a shelter, the first twin shoved him again, knocking him across a plastic table. |
1100 |
No, I don't mind. She leaned over to the bedside cabinet and poured her tea from the silver service. |
1101 |
Raphael looked at her quickly, startled and with a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. |
1102 |
Now, sit in a comfortable chair and relax. Breathe deeply and slowly, and allow your mind to wander. |
1103 |
Tonight finished Long's room. As the author of the idea of living underground I felt he deserved it. |
1104 |
But the demons hesitated. The city stood silent, waiting. Both sides ceased their battle, listening. |
1105 |
Only remote, as remote as the eyes of men on some high plateau looking down into a jungle of beasts. |
1106 |
Groan, groan, groan. We all produced our dues. Stacey counted the treasury money and looked pleased. |
1107 |
Dr. Calvin backed away. The color had not returned to her thin cheeks. She motioned the others away. |
1108 |
She missed little things. Sometimes she longed to see the stars again. Falling stars, making a wish. |
1109 |
Valium or no Valium, her face was pinched, her mouth turned down as if she had eaten something sour. |
1110 |
The following day, when he saw his captor walking stiffly into the circle of cages, he called to it. |
1111 |
He went out the door, his eyes cold with calculation, his steps so soft that no one heard him leave. |
1112 |
Interesting, he thought, as those bare toes tried to work their way under his cuff. And complicated. |
1113 |
The dead lay at rest in their boxes and thanked God they were quiet and had found everlasting peace. |
1114 |
Haynes cut the tape–he had no time for an hour of mathematical dissertation–and called in his execs. |
1115 |
And through all that haze and blindness he knew what it was that he was not supposed to think about. |
1116 |
After that I have no recollection of anything until I found myself standing by the southernmost elm. |
1117 |
Some of the little knobs were linked by slender lines of dust. His own touch had disturbed the rest. |
1118 |
His eyes were moist as he looked at us, and so were his lips and mustache. He stroked his briefcase. |
1119 |
They were all in their transparent prisons at last. A surprising coolness and peace stole over them. |
1120 |
An unexpected voice chimed in for his support. Burns for once was paying some attention to the rest. |
1121 |
Static crackled. Gary wondered if he'd left the phone on, but then he heard a loud voice behind him. |
1122 |
But he kept his lips pressed firmly shut as he walked to the chair being held for him by the zombie. |
1123 |
She waited until he'd gone out, then she walked over and stared at her own reflection in the mirror. |
1124 |
Anna stared at him hungrily, without fear, helplessly pleased at the evidence of his desire for her. |
1125 |
I could not remove the grating at the top of the shaft. It was fixed into the metal, welded therein. |
1126 |
Further compounding his problems, he could no longer traverse realms. He was stuck in the human one. |
1127 |
He was successful. That day he avoided the peddler, and the same the next, and so on until Thursday. |
1128 |
They still did not look up when a helmeted warrior tore open the entrance and poked his head inside. |
1129 |
He paused for effect. As far as Arthur was concerned there was already quite enough effect going on. |
1130 |
Horst looked so enraged that his followers saw the need of placating the chief with a little praise. |
1131 |
The Dale's breeding program was small, producing enough animals to supply its own needs but no more. |
1132 |
Once this is done, the secret words are spoken and a link is forged between the doll and the victim. |
1133 |
The officer caught the native by his scaled shoulder and headed him out the door with a rough shove. |
1134 |
The remark seemed so to affect my visitor that I suddenly became conscious of a sense of loneliness. |
1135 |
Lady Patience stood slightly more than arm's distance away from me as she spoke past me to her lady. |
1136 |
But two figures watched the captain's exit with narrowed eyes, then looked at each other and nodded. |
1137 |
It was admirable, and infuriating. He'd never had a woman stir both emotions in him so effortlessly. |
1138 |
Indeed, some of her party were doing just that at the fountain. Their faces glistened with dampness. |
1139 |
I slipped on the gauntlet, adjusting it, and making sure the false boss was in the correct position. |
1140 |
Soft, silent blackness pressed in around him as he fought to resist it, until he lost consciousness. |
1141 |
He was panting and sweaty, but there was a gleam of purpose in his eye she'd never seen the like of. |
1142 |
Bandy hastily stripped off his money belt. He jammed it down back of the seat cushion, out of sight. |
1143 |
Without difficulty, Mary Morley perceived the writing over the entrance of the gray, large building. |
1144 |
With a wave of her hands the sand shifted, burying the rune and the marks her knees had left behind. |
1145 |
In a moment he was calm again. Now the next file. Again ciphers appeared and the lettering vanished. |
1146 |
In the meadow stood the skeleton main poles and wires of the main tent, waiting for its canvas skin. |
1147 |
Her tone said, and leave me alone because I have real work to do. She turned back to her microscope. |
1148 |
Now how many years' bad luck is that for someone, he thought, wondering if he had escaped something. |
1149 |
By the time he had pried a board off the bottom of the case, his long face had a foolish expression. |
1150 |
The girl smiled and waved, though not quite happily. She didn't like so many walls or people around. |
1151 |
It wasn't a good situation. But at the moment there seemed to be nothing they could do to change it. |
1152 |
About halfway back to the vacation place, Jamie remembered he wasn't going to be getting any supper. |
1153 |
He didn't answer, just walked over to the door and down the hall. Julia followed with a heavy heart. |
1154 |
Long black hair fell free around a face to stun a man. Inside all that ugly black steel was a woman. |
1155 |
Peeper. Cautiously, she cast forth a tendril of the Wind sense that had been hers almost from birth. |
1156 |
When you fall at your sport, then I stumble and fall. I have never been seen yet beneath a new moon. |
1157 |
It had been something else, too. As far as she could understand the language, it had been enjoyable. |
1158 |
The only excuse she had was that it seemed to make him even more confused and angry than it did her. |
1159 |
Amy stood there, unable to speak, knowing all too well the speed of the rumor mill in middle school. |
1160 |
Still smiling he turned to the controls, adjusting until the water poured through the side channels. |
1161 |
Holly drew a breath to ask for clarification, then thought better of it. A mistake as it turned out. |
1162 |
Then they were both crying. Nona got up and walked away, knowing that she was no longer needed here. |
1163 |
He grinned and winked past Dalton. Smiling, Teresa bowed her head in acknowledgment of his greeting. |
1164 |
Linden did not raise her head. She did not want to see sparks gather into conflagration in his eyes. |
1165 |
When she began to cry into his mouth, he moaned into hers, squeezing his eyes shut. He did not move. |
1166 |
Gentle had gone down on his haunches and was laying his fingers on the stones that bound the mosaic. |
1167 |
He would think no more of her or of his past. He had a higher calling. One that couldn't be ignored. |
1168 |
Yet there was a feeling of anxiety resting upon all, for none knew what the night would bring forth. |
1169 |
It was overkill. Carlos loved wet work. Carlos thought plans up. Carlos popped his rocks secondhand. |
1170 |
Outside the suite Ace and I recovered our guns and we all three took the elevator down to the lobby. |
1171 |
And at Johansen's amazed questions, he launched into a description of the race of beings below them. |
1172 |
With an effort that seemed to stretch the skin of her forehead, her eyes came into focus on her son. |
1173 |
They all began to laugh at that, while Tim kept looking from one face to another, clearly mystified. |
1174 |
Sighing in contentment, she forced him to sit back on the couch so that she could straddle his hips. |
1175 |
Casey hardly waited until the last was on board before he called to the larger vessel for a towline. |
1176 |
Hesitantly, he opened her bedroom door and peered inside. Gabriel lay on the bed, as still as death. |
1177 |
Time to end the sparring, he thought. Time to show her that I don't really trust her or believe her. |
1178 |
Becky stared up at the little house that was on three floors, its front covered in Virginia creeper. |
1179 |
They were unconscious. The cabin door closed behind the cursing mobsters. A bolt grated in the lock. |
1180 |
The crowd stared at the Senator, who shrank back before their gaze. The man with the mike continued. |
1181 |
We accompanied Bernard to the door, and watched him set off down the drive, with a wave of his hand. |
1182 |
Frank shook his head disgustedly, then leaned toward his screen and became absorbed in its contents. |
1183 |
These kills were almost simultaneous. The last man was dead long before the first one hit the floor. |
1184 |
His groin jerked, and all the blood rushed back into the region, making him hard and aching for her. |
1185 |
They all hated him. She was his if he wanted her, and he did, as he had never before wanted a woman. |
1186 |
Chunks of my hair fall into my lap, and I squeeze my eyes shut. I may need that paper bag after all. |
1187 |
The audience of witches was listening intently, sensing that something dramatic was about to happen. |
1188 |
The Tiger's electric doors swung up and the three men climbed from the car. Elvis took deep breaths. |
1189 |
He captured her hands, traced tendon and vein. She had brilliant hands. He did not know what to say. |
1190 |
She gasped as realization dawned. The Destroyer had given him a key, too, and placed him in control. |
1191 |
He put his hand on the presbytery floor and discovered that the wood was actually warm to the touch. |
1192 |
For the first time the prisoner's eyes rose from the dirt. He fixed the Queen with a searching gaze. |
1193 |
Jeffrey realized he'd not eaten since the shredded wheat that morning. The cheesecake was a delight. |
1194 |
Down in the basement, there was a man who was talking about the government. At the top of his voice. |
1195 |
Jack looked around for some evidence of the fire that had cooked the meat, but he could see nothing. |
1196 |
Which is just what she does for the rest of the night. The forest is so beautiful, and so untainted. |
1197 |
And Harry almost there now, where he would be offered up for sex, where he would be changed utterly. |
1198 |
He reached higher ground and continued inland. He saw his soul waiting up ahead and moved toward it. |
1199 |
No one spoke for a moment. He could not recall ever having felt so uncomfortable in his entire life. |
1200 |
Then she'd gone home and told everyone that Granny was dead. She was seven, and the world had ended. |
1201 |
As he watched, the smoke ended in a brief fountain of sparks. Harri dropped flat, covering his ears. |
1202 |
It was late when they awoke. Dick was the first, and he looked at his watch. He gave an exclamation. |
1203 |
For ten seconds the two women stared at each other, motionless, twin ivory images carved with flame. |
1204 |
The butts of lances entered saddle boots. The crossbows were restored to their hooks on the saddles. |
1205 |
Her orders were to avoid radical arguments and to maintain her role as a dutiful establishment wife. |
1206 |
Slowly he stood up and wrapped his cloak about him and raised the hood to protect his neck and ears. |
1207 |
Another dragon caught some coal and belched a fireball. The young man swung desperately to avoid it. |
1208 |
He feared that by the time he got out and circled back to Shallows, there would be no town standing. |
1209 |
Molly's fingers moved in the shadow of her jacket, a flicker of jive. The Finn watched, then nodded. |
1210 |
The fire roared around them. Aidan made his way down the stairs through the rubble to pick up Kevin. |
1211 |
The muzzles of the machine guns trembled. The hands of the thugs holding them were shaking a little. |
1212 |
Running water was relentless and steel clanged against steel and overhead lights allowed no shadows. |
1213 |
A single stately elm graced the corner they approached. One of the city guard loitered in its shade. |
1214 |
And so that's when our men break their handcuffs and then we are treated to scenes full of violence. |
1215 |
But it was not the boat's magical movement that caused my stomach to knot up and my mouth to go dry. |
1216 |
He could never deny her anything she wanted, in part because she rarely wanted anything for herself. |
1217 |
She drummed her fingers on the box as if accompanying a thought on the piano, and then picked it up. |
1218 |
He saw pinwheels of violent color that cascaded and spun behind his eyes till he fell in the street. |
1219 |
That unexpected flash of lightning had given her an early warning. There was still time to get away. |
1220 |
He sat back in his chair, his confidence restored, and Shana sensed that her advantage was slipping. |
1221 |
The Tips was a strange world of its own, the vegetable kingdom at its most imperial and most exotic. |
1222 |
I had only glimpsed my Master, but in the glimpse all the details of his being were fixed perfectly. |
1223 |
He read it anyway, though. You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it. |
1224 |
Not far from where they lay, the weed tore suddenly asunder, and water splashed up through the rent. |
1225 |
Collins leaped to his feet. A hole was opening in the wall, and someone was forcing his way through. |
1226 |
The two guards rushed outside. Doc started to free his hands. A rush of feet thudded over the rocks. |
1227 |
He extended his arm to Granny, who gave it an odd look before remembering who she was and taking it. |
1228 |
The fog had cleared in this quarter, and there was Lotus under all sail, three cables' lengths away. |
1229 |
The knight holding her clamped a gauntleted hand across her mouth. Kat tasted blood inside her lips. |
1230 |
He turned and went off without a word, sucking his bleeding thumb. The others looked at one another. |
1231 |
He knew that no man could be very happy about flying into the face of death with his eyes wide open. |
1232 |
It had never been locked before. Kaitlyn found it extremely suspicious that it should be locked now. |
1233 |
I must get word out to one of the schools, she thought. The mating index may show what has happened. |
1234 |
With my eyes on the fire, I barely saw her climb up and sink down into the straw mattress beside me. |
1235 |
In the morning, a rider came by to say that all ambassadors were required to attend court at midday. |
1236 |
At least he knew where the ground was now. He settled the sled vertically and played his light down. |
1237 |
The decision braced him. He turned to go into the bedroom, but paused as the voice of Prescott came. |
1238 |
The fingers abruptly ceased their ministrations, and he looked back to the bed. Something was wrong. |
1239 |
Carey's face was pale. She looked unnerved, but somewhere about her mouth was the shadow of a smile. |
1240 |
At that very moment, the lookout turned his head and whistled. Then whistled again, and twice again. |
1241 |
Chance chose a poet as its champion, while coarse circumstance on its behalf conscripted a murderer. |
1242 |
Cohn, arranging Barry's discharge from hospital, expressed satisfaction with all these arrangements. |
1243 |
Sorry, had to stop to wipe my eyes. I may have to do that several times before I finish this letter. |
1244 |
He paused for his Pepsi and realized he would appreciate the day when he would be permitted a vodka. |
1245 |
When they were back in their bedroom and she was shimmying out of the tiny dress, she ran it by him. |
1246 |
Twice. Once by the virtue of a girl and the love between them. Once again because of a spinning top. |
1247 |
After several minutes a number of blocks with occult symbols on them dropped into the output hopper. |
1248 |
And they ran back across the hilltop, down the far slope, heading for shelter in the vast landscape. |
1249 |
It hurt too much to nod his head and his tongue was so dry it felt swollen enough to fill his mouth. |
1250 |
She opened the cupboard door fearfully. She looked under the bed. She was, in fact, extremely brave. |
1251 |
A lie, of course, but Rey enjoyed the instant look of fear that appeared on the face of the cyclops. |
1252 |
He looked from the bush in question to others of its kind ahead and saw what he feared and expected. |
1253 |
Liz thought they would. She thought Stark might even begin to take over her husband's face and form. |
1254 |
And she was clutching her throat as her eyes rolled back into her head and her whole body went limp. |
1255 |
After that, we dropped off an average of two lances a day, one almost every morning and every night. |
1256 |
He shook his head as he pushed his chair back and stepped away from the table. He was smiling again. |
1257 |
He paused, taking out a handkerchief to mop at a trickle of sweat running down the side of his face. |
1258 |
It was then that the first ponderous, metallic steps of the fighter robots rang out in the corridor. |
1259 |
He leaned over the front seat and fished in the glove compartment, his fingers finding a fresh pack. |
1260 |
She felt a twinge of discomfort in her bladder but pushed awareness of it into the back of her mind. |
1261 |
Sentience, Duncan thought, was fragile. But final death in the cold of space can be a slow business. |
1262 |
He rose and clapped his hands. Somewhere a door came open and a shaft of light spread into the room. |
1263 |
He had beaten down the final wall, and they fenced now with energies like flights of blazing arrows. |
1264 |
Master anticipated a profitable stay. But the man who had ridden out to greet them was full of news. |
1265 |
The, hard, sick knot of fear and unhappiness loosened in her stomach when she raised her eyes again. |
1266 |
There were more notes of this nature. One set had to do with the growing of an enormous draft horse. |
1267 |
Lucifer's face was getting redder by the moment. He was shouting now, in his irritating whiny voice. |
1268 |
The cunning man mounted his mule and cast the reins loose from the rail. He was no longer shivering. |
1269 |
Catherine shrugged and frowned. She leaned back from her guest, propping her elbows against a shelf. |
1270 |
He cowered before her as she lowered the hood, then pulled his hands away so she could see his face. |
1271 |
I held my breath as a weird creature pushed itself out of the breaking shell. A yellow, lumpy thing. |
1272 |
Most of them got the feeling that something was coming, and that they'd better hold onto their hats. |
1273 |
The plane taxied up. A man out on the nose kept it from bumping the ice too hard, using a boat hook. |
1274 |
Block did not appear to hear, and remained outside the door. Mr. Lenoir beckoned him in impatiently. |
1275 |
She raised her left hand above her head, held it in place for perhaps five seconds, then lowered it. |
1276 |
Mr. Lenoir opened his mouth to say something at last, when footsteps came to the door. It was Block. |
1277 |
Zachary squinted one eye shut and smacked the left side of his lips. He was a very animated thinker. |
1278 |
No, he decided at length. He had to believe in the book, wanted desperately to believe in something. |
1279 |
Barbara Hughes examined a brass name plate on the door post. She uttered an exclamation of surprise. |
1280 |
Wherever here was. And, wherever it was, it certainly didn't seem to be where it was supposed to be. |
1281 |
They laughed, drawing a few curious stares. The children tugged at Mary, anxious to be off shopping. |
1282 |
The tool had heft. I liked the industrial look of the bit. The motor shrieked with satisfying power. |
1283 |
Cedric had thought that eavesdropping was not good manners. Apparently grandmothers had other rules. |
1284 |
The duke crouched in his seat, his face a panorama of fear. He extended what had once been a finger. |
1285 |
His stare held for a moment and then he nodded and turned to go up the ramp. The other two followed. |
1286 |
The tall monster lurched toward me, its dripping arms reaching out in front of it, ready to grab me. |
1287 |
They waited in silence, eyes that met and burned hatred, both of them listening but hearing nothing. |
1288 |
She laughed softly as she eased his jeans down over his hips. He wasn't wearing anything underneath. |
1289 |
Charles Percy stood there with both hands in his pockets, looking ten years older and sick at heart. |
1290 |
He went indoors again. The children said good night to their aunt and Mr. Roland, and went upstairs. |
1291 |
She turned it off and carried it into the house by the antenna as she might carry a rat by the tail. |
1292 |
Mack frowned slightly, then watched with interest as the front door of the bus creaked open halfway. |
1293 |
Dawn light gave those gathered about him substance and he could read the concern on all their faces. |
1294 |
Funny how nobody wants to come right out and say it. Instead they send a frog to do a buzzard's job. |
1295 |
I stood up slowly. I turned in a full circle, checking everywhere for a sign of the hairy creatures. |
1296 |
She nodded without speaking, walking straight to the elevators, giving him a clean shot at her back. |
1297 |
Larsen had already cruised the street twice to get a good look at the house. It was like a fortress. |
1298 |
She wept into my shoulder, and I felt very protective. The price of innocence was becoming apparent. |
1299 |
I left before she could say anything more. I drove down to the courthouse, and went up to my office. |
1300 |
Then he'd told them to leave him alone in the bunker, and ordered Webber to wake him in three hours. |
1301 |
Lowering his pistol, he steps back into the laundry room, lest she glance up the stairs and see him. |
1302 |
It was certainly time he had a personal look at the woods where Remington had chased her that night. |
1303 |
Now the bronze man ached, his stomach wanted to rebel, and there was uneasiness in his mind as well. |
1304 |
The fools on the council disagreed, naturally. No one had translated through time, they pointed out. |
1305 |
Wendy picked up the phone. Calling an overseas operator, she asked about the time. Then she hung up. |
1306 |
It moved away from him, a dark presence in the periphery of his vision, remaining scornfully silent. |
1307 |
The mayor's neck reddened. Obviously he did not understand the language, but he understood the tone. |
1308 |
Talbot nodded, reached for a phone, asked the exchange for the sick bay and was through immediately. |
1309 |
Deciding he had tortured the two of them enough, Julian reached behind him and turned off the water. |
1310 |
Because I'd fired another shot in the dark, and it had hit even closer on target than the first one. |
1311 |
The owl flew lower, hooting in its desire to leave. It was caught and it knew it. The owl hated him. |
1312 |
I started writing ten years ago. I wrote for a solid year and collected nothing but rejection slips. |
1313 |
There were some shouts of support from the crowd, but there were many who were still to be won over. |
1314 |
Or perhaps it had been the lonely nights in foreign ports that had long ago stopped being glamorous. |
1315 |
A person who looks around then when talking to you, to see if there's anyone more interesting about. |
1316 |
Now I was ready for the next stage. If this all worked, it would save my life in more ways than one. |
1317 |
This wasn't a case of the cabin being bigger inside than it looked outside. It was just the reverse. |
1318 |
Approaching the nurses' station, Noah was met by a uniformed officer who attempted to turn him back. |
1319 |
Jude opened her mouth, shut it again, then decided the best thing to do with it was drink after all. |
1320 |
Elizabeth must have also seen what was coming. Her whole body stiffened, and she glanced once at me. |
1321 |
Dixon glanced quickly over his shoulder at the sonar officer. There was a pleading look in his eyes. |
1322 |
Ignoring the sweat pouring down my forehead, I watched them make their way up the hill to the lodge. |
1323 |
I depressed the button on the phone, listened for the dial tone, and called my father at his office. |
1324 |
The loud clicking sound repeated. It was followed again by the grunting noise. Link opened his eyes. |
1325 |
Yes, that was the sensible thing to do. Unfortunately it did not make him feel pleased with himself. |
1326 |
Aries reached out and lifted a corner of my torn cloak, her slim fingers light on the silken fabric. |
1327 |
He picked it up and immediately he heard a voice crackling in the receiver. He lifted it to his ear. |
1328 |
His eyes hardened for a moment as he looked at me. In fact, his mask of a smile vanished completely. |
1329 |
Gooseflesh blossomed on Gillian's arms. She had the sudden, distinct feeling that she was in danger. |
1330 |
They glanced at each other. Embarrassed, they both started to answer at once. The gist of it was no. |
1331 |
Twice he had walked in enchanted places, twice in his life he had stepped out of old familiar earth. |
1332 |
Evidently Moira had decided the same thing, for when she spoke, her voice sounded much less anxious. |
1333 |
Chris looked puzzled for a moment, then glanced to the doctors with a pleading question in her eyes. |
1334 |
From autumn to summer was a happy time. Jeremy Winslow paid attention. Look again, it might he gone. |
1335 |
And sure enough, they now saw a tiny fist on a long spring protruding from the end of the telescope. |
1336 |
But denial didn't work. The sight refused to pack its bag and leave. It stayed. Demanded to be seen. |
1337 |
They stared at it for several seconds. Dom reached out and picked up a crystallized fruit, gingerly. |
1338 |
He must have made a noise. Suddenly her eyes opened, and she was staring right at him. She screamed. |
1339 |
Unlike the dolphins, no transcendent had ever asked Lark about his wishes. Yet, he felt pretty good. |
1340 |
The word spread quickly through the terrified crowd even as, one by one, the demons began to vanish. |
1341 |
Slowly, Agamemnon's flushed, heavy features arranged themselves in a smile. It was not a joyful one. |
1342 |
She waited patiently with her eyes on the blank pad, wondering when he was going to start dictation. |
1343 |
He pulled the Chicago book from the shelf under the wall phone and flipped through its flimsy pages. |
1344 |
And in another moment these magical attendants were gone, dismissed by a wave of a small white hand. |
1345 |
For now, he decided, the most important thing was that the Newborn was going in the right direction. |
1346 |
Monk put one hand in his right pants pocket, the other hand in his left pocket, and felt for a coin. |
1347 |
And all of a sudden the door flew open, pulling the marbles to the floor and scattering them loudly. |
1348 |
The sky was shot through and through with red, bloody as a sunset, fading slowly into blue daylight. |
1349 |
At the rear of the group, Rick took four more strides and two hands burst from the dirt at his feet. |
1350 |
It was hot, as if she lay on the hearth of some furnace breathing in the stifling heat of the blast. |
1351 |
Even speculation about what might lie at this journey's end was lost in the dull blur of discomfort. |
1352 |
He knew he was far outside the city, without any very clear idea of how he had come so far, so fast. |
1353 |
I couldn't tell what she was screaming. She was pointing down toward me, waving the case and pistol. |
1354 |
The prince was an extraordinarily handsome man. The flush on his cheeks complemented his blond hair. |
1355 |
It was impossible to tell from this distance how deep the submarine sank before encountering bottom. |
1356 |
I dodged away just as the comic book slapped down on the bedspread. Then I shot back out the window. |
1357 |
Parker had it in his hand, waiting. He read it, glancing now and then at the night beyond the booth. |
1358 |
When the girl screamed, it startled them both. There seemed no reason for it. They had seen nothing. |
1359 |
Matt picked up a revolver similar to the one he'd been carrying from the floor beside the bound man. |
1360 |
I'll come back for you. He had not meant to say that. He had not even thought it before that moment. |
1361 |
They stepped inside. The suite was small, with solid black walls and a grid of glowing yellow lines. |
1362 |
The door opened quietly. It had to be his man, Walter, the only one who would enter without a knock. |
1363 |
The guard was joined by others, swinging the stocks of their rifles at the heads of those who bowed. |
1364 |
In a few minutes it became clear that the sounds were becoming closer. I began to grow apprehensive. |
1365 |
I tried not to let my face show what I felt, but the very question must have made my feelings clear. |
1366 |
The wind accelerated. Snow was driven out of the sky at a severe angle and harried along the street. |
1367 |
The meeting broke up, but ten minutes before the press conference, Daniel called them back together. |
1368 |
Describe physiological sensation of being on the point of immediate extinction, requested the voice. |
1369 |
He ducked Morgan's retaliatory punch to wag a finger at him in mock indignation from behind a chair. |
1370 |
The film clicked on. There seemed to be a fog around the picture throwing box, blurring its outline. |
1371 |
No sooner had she finished when Jack heard the thudding of booted feet coming down the hallway fast. |
1372 |
But that slamming door had to be taken off first. The way it swung, it barred the available opening. |
1373 |
There was probably something you could do with a stick, he thought. Hopefully, it might involve sex. |
1374 |
The woman set aside her cup and rose. So did the others. Pol wondered dismally what he'd said wrong. |
1375 |
Leo raised the pistol. Behind his head, a thin black noose snaked up silently from the forest floor. |
1376 |
At that point there was a dull whoosh and a boom, and I found myself sitting on the living room rug. |
1377 |
Echoing loudspeaker. Rat of fear in the back of her mind, gnawing. All the faces were strange faces. |
1378 |
He leaned against his bench, mandibles withdrawn, face slit open just enough to permit him to speak. |
1379 |
We walked over to my rig and she went in ahead of me. I waited for a minute and then went in myself. |
1380 |
The spacecraft was so far from Earth that it took seconds for her boss's answer to come back to her. |
1381 |
The words were gentle, and I did, wondering why I had been thrown out before I even knew what I was. |
1382 |
The mercenary nodded to himself. You bet you got a system anomaly, he said silently to the computer. |
1383 |
But their joy was cut short as the child refused to respond to the old woman's attempts to wake him. |
1384 |
He raised his eyebrows. Ted looked at her carefully, and then drew the pipe out of his pocket again. |
1385 |
Then my uncle's voice, so clear down the broken flue that you would have thought he spoke in my ear. |
1386 |
It was a queer way of accepting an invitation for the afternoon, but what it meant was clear enough. |
1387 |
She did as he told her, then pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. A sharp click was heard. |
1388 |
The younger woman sighed as she looked over at Abby, her whole expression one of regret and apology. |
1389 |
A pang of panic caught me when I thought that she might, but he waved us both rapidly into the room. |
1390 |
And then, with the audience clapping and cheering, he scrambled up the rope after the fleeing Ghost. |
1391 |
At length I considered what had happened. The girl had renounced her history and her psychic powers. |
1392 |
She pushed her dark, ragged bangs back out from her eyes with a tired gesture. She looked wrung out. |
1393 |
Dreams took risks, she thought. And courage. Her deepest dream was standing, waiting for her answer. |
1394 |
He did not seem to want to talk about his feat. But he looked as if he were bursting with happiness. |
1395 |
He spread his hands, beaming at them mirthlessly. Shake drew the back of his hands across his mouth. |
1396 |
The man had just crossed three centuries. The least she could do was offer him some common courtesy. |
1397 |
I let Joshua sag back onto his pillows and strode out of his tent. That was the last time I saw him. |
1398 |
I tucked myself into a tighter ball, and I tried to fall asleep too. If only I could stop shivering. |
1399 |
I shrugged and took a step toward the door. Then I let my face fall and I sank back down on the cot. |
1400 |
Then they marched him out, between two armed guards, with his hands cuffed together in front of him. |
1401 |
A faint hiss drifted down through the treetops, and a familiar darkness appeared in the woods ahead. |
1402 |
He could give her pleasure for days on end without stopping, but for him there would never be peace. |
1403 |
The piece of leather which hangs off the bottom of your shoe before you can be bothered to get it mended. |
1404 |
And she fell into despair as the sound came of his door shutting and wet tears formed on her pillow. |
1405 |
An extremely late dance program had been interrupted, evidently, and a news bulletin was being read. |
1406 |
As they neared the corner, they heard a rhythm of faint snores to their right, from the new hallway. |
1407 |
They were Death's words, formed by his control of the elements. Death was again carried by the wind. |
1408 |
The body lay face down on the carpeted floor, at right angles with the bed from which it had fallen. |
1409 |
Her heart jumped. She was remembering how it was when they were close together and her face flushed. |
1410 |
There were hurrying feet behind them and a junior wizard ran up, holding a plate covered with a lid. |
1411 |
She was no fool. This one was sharp, unusually intelligent. The sooner he was rid of her the better. |
1412 |
These things that he had feared all his life, that he had buried at the back of his mind, were real. |
1413 |
After all, had the incompetent god backed up, her story would have had an entirely different ending. |
1414 |
Mine first. I smiled. I am at the head of an army, but I know little of how to fight a great battle. |
1415 |
He finishes the bottle of Corona. It is cold and refreshing, but it does not lubricate his thoughts. |
1416 |
The tester, it turned out, had been correct. Bird and man had attacked at precisely the same moment. |
1417 |
I couldn't argue with that. His constricted Berkeley life certainly cried out for such a vivid trip. |
1418 |
The other shook her head, but she went. Tallahassee sat down on the bench before the dressing table. |
1419 |
Frank placed the notebook on the table where they all could examine it and began turning more pages. |
1420 |
He ate a little, daintily, and in a mincing manner. But he took a healthy snort from the ornate jug. |
1421 |
Kathy was smiling and at the same time crying quietly, daubing at her eyes with a yellow dish towel. |
1422 |
Fortunate was about to give him something painful to think about when she heard the noise once more. |
1423 |
A familiar question from a familiar voice. Corry found himself smiling even before he turned around. |
1424 |
I knew of a dark spirit that was very real. I wondered if Ahriman was lurking in these dreary woods. |
1425 |
Everyone glanced to where he was looking and then watched him, puzzled by what he could be thinking. |
1426 |
He held out his arms and she came into them. They held each other as tightly as ever in their lives. |
1427 |
He took the bowl, but didn't elaborate on his words. He just sat there quietly eating his breakfast. |
1428 |
Souffle slithered quietly down the slope and into the water, still watching. The end had to be near. |
1429 |
Andy was right. They had to carry the stuff back to the toy store. Give it back. Just get rid of it. |
1430 |
In the meantime their bodies served as partial cover for the defenders under and between the wagons. |
1431 |
But though we tramped at a faster pace, all of us being eager to reach the ship, we did not find it. |
1432 |
The one name brought with it the other nowadays. And each brought with it a fist to crush his heart. |
1433 |
I'd never had to spell out the parameters of a mission with my local control before. It unnerved me. |
1434 |
I am not madam, I am Anna. Now give me your waistcoat, there is a button missing. He obeyed quietly. |
1435 |
But we just stood there and stared like a couple of rubes. Ned lay motionless and stared back at us. |
1436 |
I sat down so I could closer study his altered face, hoping that the expression there might help me. |
1437 |
Horse was behind the private, shaking his head and grinning again. Told you so, the grin was saying. |
1438 |
It seemed darker. And colder. I realized that the day was fading away as the blizzard grew stronger. |
1439 |
Mindy is absolutely furious with Phoebe and feels that she's trying to sabotage the new arrangement. |
1440 |
It's where they operate on the children. Where they take from them whatever it is the Breakers need. |
1441 |
For years the engineers had worried that it would slide down in a heavy rainstorm, but it never did. |
1442 |
He stood in her doorway, looking around slowly from left to right, and his gaze swept past the tree. |
1443 |
He let her go finally. She sat up, twisting her head from side to side with a crackle of neck bones. |
1444 |
He sat down in the stone alcove to brood over the Land below and wonder what he had done to himself. |
1445 |
Sean O'Sullivan shook his head. He looked out into the streets where the chant rose to a new height. |
1446 |
His new companion looked earnestly in our hero's face, and was satisfied that what he said was true. |
1447 |
Rourke eased the body to the ground, wiping the blood from his hands on the soldier's uniform shirt. |
1448 |
The black Labrador got off the coffee table and padded to his mistress, putting his head on her lap. |
1449 |
Chunks of expensive crystal sat in the spilled drink, like miniature icebergs in a thick yellow sea. |
1450 |
The egg creatures moved their circle closer. I watched them, my throat still tight, my legs shaking. |
1451 |
Mr Saveloy's hair streamed in the wind. He bounded through the dust, waving his sword and screaming. |
1452 |
And, strangely, he also grew up to be a hunter almost as good as his brother. But in different ways. |
1453 |
Dark Sinclair eyes. Not the eyes of a killer. That at least was resolved. Homer could rest in peace. |
1454 |
The girl sat in my easy chair behind the chess table. She wasn't doing anything, just sitting there. |
1455 |
Bond let his whole body slip down the ladder of wire and lunged through and down with all his force. |
1456 |
He lost even that morsel of pride when cramps knotted his guts and the first of the real pain began. |
1457 |
I kept it up. A few teachers called my father and ratted me off. The old man told them to ignore me. |
1458 |
No answer from the somnolent lizard, lying with its four arms crossed peacefully on its green chest. |
1459 |
A snap to cover this in four hours. With luck, Michael would sleep that long. The world would sleep. |
1460 |
He turned. She saw his anguished face and slumped shoulders, and all thought of accusation vanished. |
1461 |
I started to protest, then the impact of his theory hit me and my embarrassment gave way to concern. |
1462 |
I hunched down behind the old cabinet and waited. Time dragged by. Every second seemed like an hour. |
1463 |
Although I was as concise as possible in my story, I had not finished before Mr. Somerville came in. |
1464 |
Nanny gave him a sharp look, but there was nothing but a slightly glazed innocence in Walter's eyes. |
1465 |
And dear Christ, Susannah recognized that tone of voice, recognized it very well. The bitch was shy. |
1466 |
Inside, Doc's aids could see the room was luxuriously furnished. They stepped inside with Chemistry. |
1467 |
I fell asleep at once. Aching and exhausted, I found the hard ground as welcoming as my bed at home. |
1468 |
The small mountain of clippings gradually faded. At last only five remained of the many he had read. |
1469 |
Within the flashes the circle of runes began to glow like a wheel of fire. Then it started spinning. |
1470 |
The brutish men emitted cries, shrill bleats like the whimpering of puppies thwarted in some desire. |
1471 |
Kitty pressed his head tightly against her body and stroked his hair and whispered words of comfort. |
1472 |
The pilot slumped forward over the stick, his beret sliding off his head and onto the control board. |
1473 |
He felt his heart stop. His expression was vulnerable for those few seconds, and he actually winced. |
1474 |
The door swung open to reveal a woman who was as beautiful as Kitty, but with short dark brown hair. |
1475 |
The room smelled. Scents mingled. Spilled vodka and stale chink. Stale cheese spread and cigarettes. |
1476 |
This is the only way, Terrel, Alyssa told him. The Ancient will never accept you as a man. Trust me. |
1477 |
Then came a sound like an enormous tree cracking at the base, splintering and popping as it toppled. |
1478 |
They grounded me for two weeks. No movies. No friends over. No trips to the mall. No trips anywhere. |
1479 |
The reporter stared at him with dull eyes and then went in and sat down with the cigar in his mouth. |
1480 |
Mario knew it by heart. Every detail of an area a sixth of a mile square was pressed into his brain. |
1481 |
The man approached. He walked slow, then fast. The light struck his face. He was consumed with rage. |
1482 |
A large somebody stepped out of the wall a dozen feet ahead. His appearance was vague in that light. |
1483 |
Now, as she watched the sky brawl behind them, several things were combining to make her suspicious. |
1484 |
The man fell back, by the sound of it, on to other climbers. Men were yelling all along the parapet. |
1485 |
Abruptly, the twisted figure turned from the console to face her, almost as if he had read her mind. |
1486 |
He was having to think rather fast at the moment because the situation was becoming a little urgent. |
1487 |
They spoke of an oath, something more mysterious than the Proctor's words at the acolyte initiation. |
1488 |
Rose thought about that. The woman who had spoken, her spine curved like a bow, gazed steadily back. |
1489 |
The kiss began before she knew it. Everything was very sweet. Warmth flowed between the two of them. |
1490 |
With that thought, Cassandra reached down between their bodies and took his hard cock into her palm. |
1491 |
We shook hands and neither of us said anything. Cap was not a talkative man, and I am only at times. |
1492 |
He was bent forward in his chair, staring at the floor, his big bony hands folded across each other. |
1493 |
It was a label for an event, a statement withholding judgment. He studied Piaget's wide, bland face. |
1494 |
The waters were dark and cold and our wounds began to ache, and we shivered and our teeth chattered. |
1495 |
But the thought of the natives coming in behind the globe could not be accepted so easily by Travis. |
1496 |
He knew she was right. He had known it all along. That didn't mean that he was prepared to admit it. |
1497 |
Roger straightened up, and though he was not tall by human standards, he still towered over the elf. |
1498 |
The boys were happy to be able to order pizza once more, and the drones were delighted to join them. |
1499 |
He slowed to a trot, but two of his followers sped past and converged on the leader from both sides. |
1500 |
Vermin used his knife to idly chip away large chunks of plaster from the building he leaned against. |
1501 |
Still, Mina fought on. Her body twitched and jerked. Her throat was ragged and raw from her screams. |
1502 |
A blast of wind. And something else. Stinging granules that struck Gillian's face like tiny needles. |
1503 |
I expected to see Scarlett express astonishment at this news, but instead he merely nodded his head. |
1504 |
Bran hung, listening, suddenly afraid to go on. They might glimpse his feet if he tried to swing by. |
1505 |
Lament wasn't satisfied with that, but he had to make it do, for McFarland would simply say no more. |
1506 |
Bette grinned and led them back through the kitchen. She showed them the two heavy pails of garbage. |
1507 |
She rushed out, then returned moments later. William heard her tap the needle to remove air pockets. |
1508 |
He shuddered as he sat up. His eyes darted rapidly about, trying to pierce the surrounding darkness. |
1509 |
Australia without seeing him, but there was no reason to lay all her cards before him at this stage. |
1510 |
This has been since accepted by our courts to mean death, so his father's estates were passed to me. |
1511 |
He flashed me a dirty look and made some quick adjustments on some knobs on the pommel of his sword. |
1512 |
The madman came around to face his attacker, his bleeding hands thrown up to ward off the next blow. |
1513 |
He led me into a corridor with two doors on each side and opened the first one on the right briefly. |
1514 |
The sailor surveyed the painted faces, trying to pick out someone in command. Austin waved him over. |
1515 |
Further inquiries had been made and it was found that he had among his goods a set of false weights. |
1516 |
After one more penetrating stare, she relaxed suddenly, smiling with more characteristic gentleness. |
1517 |
The yeti stood up, looked down at the cruel iron trap around one leg, and concentrated for a moment. |
1518 |
Quite suddenly I saw her. She didn't know I was there. Her companion had sent her no mental warning. |
1519 |
When he looked up at the sky, he realized it was the color of slate now, and the daylight was dying. |
1520 |
Then each one of them couldn't help noticing that the others seemed to be walking faster and faster. |
1521 |
The Duke glares but slowly turns toward the dusty desk. Behind him, another coal on the grate pings. |
1522 |
Our eyes immediately fixed upon the dozen golden chicken coops that lined one wall of the huge room. |
1523 |
Just as suddenly as they had appeared from the heart of the golden cliffs, so did the scouts vanish. |
1524 |
Though he used a horse for transportation, he might well carry a rifle and the most modern sidearms. |
1525 |
Then they had to take cover once more, as another patrol appeared from the south and rode northward. |
1526 |
They dragged the hose to drench the shingles, to wash the silver, flood the evil mercury paint away. |
1527 |
This, by the way, is the supreme use of a record like this. It makes it impossible to cheat oneself. |
1528 |
A bronze thunderbolt hit them from behind. Doc had found the passageway that led to where they were. |
1529 |
His lips came down over hers and he tasted her essence as he felt the dart of her tongue inside him. |
1530 |
I laughed much harder than I should have. Louise was getting really angry before I was able to stop. |
1531 |
In reply, he pulled once more, and despite her best efforts hauled her even further from her target. |
1532 |
They'd found more signs. Old ones. A great big grubby notice pinned to the wall, covered with signs. |
1533 |
Marco sighed and padded down the last three stairs to wait for Tonio to toss him a cold, stiff line. |
1534 |
Some of them quit crying alone and started leaning on each other, weeping like the blasted bereaved. |
1535 |
Whatever the truth, Kyle knew the droid would spot him before the lock opened, assuming it ever did. |
1536 |
Her shoulders shook with sobs. I looked away from her. She was only a slave, and slaves are nothing. |
1537 |
There were tears in her eyes after all. One spilled over to form a clear droplet on her brown cheek. |
1538 |
Clouds gathering, darkening, and those black birds of the Waste creature were flying back and forth. |
1539 |
Filch opened his mouth furiously, mouthed for a few seconds, then raked Harry's robes with his eyes. |
1540 |
She grasped the rifle barrel, but I wouldn't let go. I was pulled into a standing position over her. |
1541 |
No, said the hollow feeling inside him. No. But I never expected to have to make a choice like this. |
1542 |
The tall man looked sharply at him and uttered a deep, low chuckle that caught them all by surprise. |
1543 |
But as division chief, he had to get things done, and there could be only one chief in the division. |
1544 |
Many people were of particular help in the various difficult phases of research for Zero. Thank you. |
1545 |
Ben could find only a vaguely encouraging answer to that. Which under the circumstances wasn't much. |
1546 |
I shook my head. In a low stammering voice I explained to her why this vision frightened me so much. |
1547 |
When he had awakened, it was to bright artificial light. A hospital room. He was hooked to machines. |
1548 |
Doc came up, caught a branch, and swung out of the water. His metallic features were expressionless. |
1549 |
Previously scattered clouds, as woolly as sheep, have been herded together around the shepherd moon. |
1550 |
The expectancy of Barton's silence was pressure enough that I skimmed and rushed through to the end. |
1551 |
And finally, forgetting all formality, I crept into the corner and sat rather like an exhausted boy. |
1552 |
She sounded happy, and in the glare from outside, Will saw her face full of joy and life and energy. |
1553 |
The Slayers had best beware. With such a woman at his side he felt there was nothing he couldn't do. |
1554 |
They stood waiting even as they had been positioned when I left them. Though another had been added. |
1555 |
Ray stood up to switch it off manually, but when he pressed the button, it merely sank into the set. |
1556 |
But they'd been making tentative noises about getting a small apartment together, maybe in the fall. |
1557 |
Now he lay in bed next to Jo, watching the stars through the transparent diamond ceiling above them. |
1558 |
The long leaf sight on top of the blued barrel was at maximum extension, set for one thousand yards. |
1559 |
I kicked him under the table. Not hard. Just enough to make him stop. Mom and Watson hate that song. |
1560 |
Eve was not about to allow Quinton to denigrate her entire sex because of two or three bad examples. |
1561 |
She could not help but look past him to the place she wanted to be, demanding again to be helped up. |
1562 |
Quickening our steps, we arrived at the door of a hovel in a poorly lit alley, sinister and Semitic. |
1563 |
Several truckloads of Russians suddenly roared up to a halt and they spilled out, joining the crowd. |
1564 |
Gus was sleeping by the footstool in the living room, snoring like crazy. No insomnia problem there. |
1565 |
And that conclusion helps little at all in determining how he will face the spring and summer raids. |
1566 |
That was a time of disaster for the comet, too. The black giant crossed its path for the first time. |
1567 |
The tall, lean man finally moved. With at least an exterior calmness he took a seat behind his desk. |
1568 |
So they sat and burned a sausage to the powers of the woods, or whatever forces Karoly was engaging. |
1569 |
She sent a silent prayer to whatever god would listen that this horrible secret would end with them. |
1570 |
By the time his body toppled to the ground, the creature had already gobbled its way into his chest. |
1571 |
All three watched as the voodoo woman led the girl down into the hall and through the silent crowds. |
1572 |
Tallahassee gave an edited version of what had happened since she had been kidnapped from the villa. |
1573 |
The wizards ducked as the latest discharge crackled overhead. It was followed by a louder explosion. |
1574 |
Colin bobbed up beside him. Colin was enjoying the ride down immensely and hoped that Ford was, too. |
1575 |
Downstairs, in their apartment, they faced each other across the small expanse of their living room. |
1576 |
This time Aiken didn't dare look. But he heard a triumphant bellow and a squawk of splintering wood. |
1577 |
They went out into the hall while I finished the story. When our screaming died down, they returned. |
1578 |
They all now dived into the rest of the bundle. They were anxious to see what fresh wonders it held. |
1579 |
He was out of his seat and diving through the access hatch. She turned and called over her shoulder. |
1580 |
They waited, believing Doc's mellow, unearthly sound meant he was devising ways and means of rescue. |
1581 |
Wayne slapped her. Barb stabbed down. The blade hit the table. It stuck. It twanged. The knife held. |
1582 |
Abbess Vale was up to her paws in oatmeal. She mopped it up from the floor and set the bowl upright. |
1583 |
In the confusion of many diners, I might be able to make some changes in the contents of the dishes. |
1584 |
The guardhouse was still ten yards distant. The sounds coming through the open door suddenly ceased. |
1585 |
They were ingenious enough, for suddenly relays clicked and motors whined and the big door moved up. |
1586 |
It was a handkerchief hanging on a gorse bush. Julian ran to it. It had the initial G on it in blue. |
1587 |
Daron swung through the door, and as the door closed soundlessly behind him, he stiffened in horror. |
1588 |
Jenny shut her eyes and leaned against the wall. Think, she told herself. Don't collapse yet, think. |
1589 |
The two remained silent this time. But from tense vibrations he could tell his question struck home. |
1590 |
And now, since there was nothing to say and nothing better to do, Vanning went to work on his drink. |
1591 |
Whatever the situation, she was going to help him if she could. She began swimming toward the shore. |
1592 |
Then he did. He was prepared to strike out for whatever canyon until he dropped or they were caught. |
1593 |
I was about to follow him out of the room, when something caught my eye. It was on Louis's old desk. |
1594 |
Thor was silent. It was a grim silence that seemed to be full of something that bothered him deeply. |
1595 |
Tense sadness filled the voice of the human corporal, reporting what had happened in Lark's absence. |
1596 |
The troll looked at its club as if seriously considering the possibility of beating itself to death. |
1597 |
They had staunched the flow of blood, and the innate vitality of the barbarian was asserting itself. |
1598 |
I had then continued to look at the girl for a few moments. She looked at me, miserably, frightened. |
1599 |
They rowed to the rocks on which the wreck lay. The tide washed over them. George took a look round. |
1600 |
Bela picked a hair off his shoulder. In his dirty white suit he looked like a lily beginning to rot. |
1601 |
With a crack and a flash of light, the boat suddenly lurched forward, throwing Rena into the bottom. |
1602 |
The children jumped up to hug their mother. As she hugged them back she asked me how everything had gone. |
1603 |
As he walked, his eyes searched for a place to hide, any place at all where they might not find him. |
1604 |
Her prayers were incoherent by the time she reached his lap, her fingers numb as she opened his fly. |
1605 |
Then all the silver men moved for the door, dragging the fellow who had been in the telephone booth. |
1606 |
Anderson silently stared down at her motionless hands. She kept licking her lips, trying not to cry. |
1607 |
It was easy enough for him to treat all this lunacy as an exercise in heraldic pomp, Wallie thought. |
1608 |
Glad of the chance to do something, the badger agreed. She and Alf strode off, talking of old times. |
1609 |
His pleasure made him voluble, so Kay had little difficulty getting the details of the murder night. |
1610 |
A moment later, there was the softest of bumps as it settled on some hard surface, and came to rest. |
1611 |
If he goes to his death, then that is the ordained pattern, and we cannot change it by all the arts. |
1612 |
He looked me full in my eyes, which unnerved me so much that I had to force myself to hold his gaze. |
1613 |
There was a sort of roar behind him. It began low and then rose up the scale like something wailing. |
1614 |
He waited a long time, body rigid. Then he turned the knob and stepped boldly out into the corridor. |
1615 |
Lauren was so overjoyed that for a moment she stood there, hands together, letting out a little cry. |
1616 |
We wait here, not knowing if our loves are alive and not knowing how long we ourselves may yet live. |
1617 |
The woman screamed, fell back, and the revolver dropped to the ground. Both hands clasped her chest. |
1618 |
That as the scale of nature descends, animals become less perfect, and more capable of reproduction. |
1619 |
Ward grabbed his belt. Ward dragged him. Ward kicked him into his office. Ward kicked the door shut. |
1620 |
This was also the time of great fertility among the women. Many babies were born, and most survived. |
1621 |
Yes, he was. But most of all he was weary. Too tired to get up and move. Too tired to fight anymore. |
1622 |
This was said with complete impassivity. The questions seemed neither to surprise him, or upset him. |
1623 |
The Midden took our conjectures the same way it accepts all else, with a patient, deathless silence. |
1624 |
She dug the edge of her nail into a particularly swollen welt, Stephen almost jumping off the table. |
1625 |
Lavinia Skinner was a tall, gaunt, bony female of fifty. She had a gruff voice and an abrupt manner. |
1626 |
Here she had heard things about herself so terribly true her heart resounded like a great deep bell. |
1627 |
I then threw her to her back in the snow, that I might begin to teach her the meaning of her collar. |
1628 |
He had two reasons for risking the blood of his army so lavishly, one immediate, the other alarming. |
1629 |
He said nothing. His chest was heaving, sweat trickling down his cheeks and into his grizzled beard. |
1630 |
She squealed like a girl when a butterfly fluttered by her face and landed on a tender bud to drink. |
1631 |
The material component for this spell is a one foot long, one inch in diameter rod of pure obsidian. |
1632 |
Ruthlessly, David bent over him, placing his point neatly above the center of Rutledge's collarbone. |
1633 |
He looked at his hand. How inadequate it appeared when measured against such creatures as that worm. |
1634 |
It was time to wake him. Again, her hand passed across his forehead. He stirred and opened his eyes. |
1635 |
He turned to face Ned. His expression was cold and imperious, that of a king greeting his conqueror. |
1636 |
That was, until recently. Somehow someone had found a way to get to the witnesses. Three in one day. |
1637 |
Stoner sat still and heard the garage door swing down again. Then the car's door locks clicked open. |
1638 |
It was the hat that did it. He looked like a military refugee from an overblown operatic production. |
1639 |
I heard them bashing about in the bushes and was alert, I pushed some fronds aside and peered forth. |
1640 |
So they waited for another chance to get me, a way that wouldn't look suspicious even to a reporter. |
1641 |
He found himself in a hall. It was circular with a diameter of about a hundred feet and fairly high. |
1642 |
No, she wasn't alone, and there was no reason to be afraid. There was every reason to play the tape. |
1643 |
Doc and his own party were running. They had a start on the red terror, enough headway to get clear. |
1644 |
Ham nodded agreement, turned, and immediately stumbled over something that emitted a startled grunt. |
1645 |
Revealed to view was an office, very bare, and packing boxes for desks and a mattress in the corner. |
1646 |
The woman struggled fiercely in the grasp of the two guards. She could not, of course, free herself. |
1647 |
Whitey nodded. But aside from that there was no reaction and he went on looking at the empty bottle. |
1648 |
He looked back at her, surprised, then bent and lifted one of the remaining sacks onto his shoulder. |
1649 |
She seemed to accept this and walked silently beside him for a time, leading her horse along behind. |
1650 |
Chlorine everywhere, and the inevitable burns of both flesh and fabrics made it an even slower task. |
1651 |
She forced the sword across, then slid out to the side, sensing a presence coming fast for her back. |
1652 |
She did not look up at the great cold sky either, though she felt it beating down upon her, calling. |
1653 |
The captain had been unfortunate enough to trip and fall into the embrace of a very unfriendly bush. |
1654 |
The Administrator leaned forward even more on his throne. He was said to wager heavily on the races. |
1655 |
She loved him, but couldn't live with the idea of being nothing more than a means to an end for him. |
1656 |
Uncle Ben brought us over to them and introduced us. There were four workers, two men and two women. |
1657 |
For once, it wasn't raining. The breeze shook the sooty poplars around the wall, making them rustle. |
1658 |
She shushed him with a kiss and they moved so that she was poised above him, his hands on her waist. |
1659 |
He jumped up and examined the bite mark on his arm. Then he growled at me, turned, and trotted away. |
1660 |
Doc Savage picked the knife up, turned it in his hands. He abruptly put it under a magnifying glass. |
1661 |
The dummy raised its head. He let out an angry growl and started to thrash his arms and legs wildly. |
1662 |
He stood in the stern of the boat with the heavy automatic in his hand, its barrel pointed downward. |
1663 |
But he felt a sinking sensation. Morey wouldn't make such a boast if he felt unable to carry it out. |
1664 |
Brutus knew he had to make a decision quickly. His men watched him in silence, waiting for the word. |
1665 |
The door to his bedroom opened to show him Cassandra standing there, her brow furrowed with concern. |
1666 |
He cried out as he fell, and the flashlight flew out of his hand and clattered against a gravestone. |
1667 |
There was a slight buzzing noise from the hedgehog's stomach. He gave it a sharp pat and it stopped. |
1668 |
From her seat atop her gold and red pillow on the floor, Althea cast the stones down onto the Grace. |
1669 |
He shuddered wildly. His breath caught and he buried his face against her body, groaning helplessly. |
1670 |
Harris, still blinking sleep from his eyes, walked into the laboratory with the new box in his hand. |
1671 |
No matter how many times they went back and forth over the threshold, they kept getting the hallway. |
1672 |
For a moment, he was simply bemused by this whimsical detail. Then he remembered why he'd chosen it. |
1673 |
His body began to move on her, slow and caressing, arousing and tantalizing. Her breasts felt heavy. |
1674 |
Too downcast even to look for a more comfortable bed, Terrel curled up where he was and fell asleep. |
1675 |
The moment I hung up, I remembered the lawyer with the funny name and dug his card out of my wallet. |
1676 |
Besides the happy accident of birthplace, I had the special good fortune to be my father's daughter. |
1677 |
But now something else was happening. She'd have it in a minute. The great brow furrowed in thought. |
1678 |
Doc opened it. Inside, mechanism was operating slowly. Two large magazines held a narrow movie film. |
1679 |
Below the screen was a round button. Thinking it would cause the message to repeat, Rick pressed it. |
1680 |
Furthermore, in the front seat of the black sedan were the dark silhouettes of three uniformed cops. |
1681 |
A big dust trail moved, perhaps ten miles away, across the plain. He forced his eyes to work harder. |
1682 |
What a relief to discover that in the main, psychology is nothing more than formulated common sense. |
1683 |
Breathlessly he splashed through the shallows to the line of rocks that stretched from shore to sea. |
1684 |
Then he drained the mug, and looked up at me with an oddly stricken expression. He groped for words. |
1685 |
And, in the lead, the iron cart. Steam poured out of its funnel. Urn must have got it working again. |
1686 |
He saw her for a bare moment while the numbness closed over him. He guessed he was seeing his death. |
1687 |
She folded her hands in her lap, toying with the streaked raincoat that she'd propped over her legs. |
1688 |
The Chief led us back into one of the mess rooms, we sat down, and he told us about the power plant. |
1689 |
The sun was lowering behind the garage. He held the snapshot up close to his face to see it clearly. |
1690 |
Chambers sighed, and shifted position, and felt the sweat dribbling down. Too bad Ernie wasn't here. |
1691 |
Without its weapon, the ogre across the hall raised its arms defensively and called out a surrender. |
1692 |
Then, hearing a door downstairs slam shut, Rafferty ran to the stairs and took them three at a time. |
1693 |
That night, beside the campfire, we tried to put into perspective the situation which confronted us. |
1694 |
Dash grabbed Lauren's hand and the two of them ran back toward the ballroom to dance the night away. |
1695 |
But there was something wrong with my voice. It came out all tiny and squeaky. Little mouse squeaks. |
1696 |
A mother and a small boy walked toward him across the clean and polished tiles of the station floor. |
1697 |
She rose from the hearth and went about the house slowly, with steady steps, turning on every light. |
1698 |
Mr Bucket picked up a violin. It was in two pieces, held together by the strings. One of them broke. |
1699 |
Her emotion passed into the cat. He lifted his heavy head well up for the first time to snarl at me. |
1700 |
He took the grain cake as soon as it appeared, almost including my fingers in the first greedy bite. |
1701 |
He sounded very sure of himself so I crossed my fingers behind his back and hoped that he was right. |
1702 |
Marcy returned with Kelly's address and telephone number on a slip of paper, which she handed to me. |
1703 |
Time passed, marked off only by the slithering and crunching of the vehicle's wheels on icy roadway. |
1704 |
At least they did not share the same table, and there was nearly the width of the room between them. |
1705 |
When Roger left the room, everything settled down. The computer was sitting there humming to itself. |
1706 |
He landed, in a leap that brought pain shooting through his thigh, almost knee deep in green growth. |
1707 |
He rocked on the greasy wood. The werewolves hadn't moved, but they were watching him with interest. |
1708 |
Kind of strange for a man to do something when he danged well knew he shouldn't. Kind of suspicious. |
1709 |
He wanted to see the lorry driver to thank him, but the man had disappeared. He had no time to lose. |
1710 |
That reassured me, at least to a point where I no longer considered jumping from the moving vehicle. |
1711 |
Someone pushed aside the thick velvet curtain that served as a door, and two women entered the room. |
1712 |
The soldier nodded and retreated with noticeably greater speed than he had displayed approaching us. |
1713 |
The lifers started whispering again, and the hostess relaxed, her hand curled loosely around my arm. |
1714 |
The black people of Africa who go barefooted from their very first step leave a distinctive flat imprint. |
1715 |
He would have preferred to dispense with one of his wives. He decided to ground on one of the moons. |
1716 |
And that was when the goblin charges sent fifty tonnes of rock, ice and snow tumbling to the ground. |
1717 |
Ivan gave a little laugh, one that promised his older brother that he'd be meeting a fist very soon. |
1718 |
He did not release Banner's eyes as he thrust both his fists into the hottest coals of the campfire. |
1719 |
Rain poured from the black sky upon the empty dooryard, into the canal and among the blue mountains. |
1720 |
Vader stepped into the room, and the door slid shut behind him. He made no move to sit, no surprise. |
1721 |
He heard the waitress calling again. He got up very slowly and unlocked the door and pulled it open. |
1722 |
Gus was so embarrassed he was blushing, but Inez Scull had her back to him and didn't see the blush. |
1723 |
Abruptly, he reached outward to the immense cyclone of descending spacecraft, identifying with them. |
1724 |
His hand smoothed over her damp hair. He seemed to understand her shattered response, as she didn't. |
1725 |
He put the box back in the drawer and picked up the note. He smoothed it out and read it once again. |
1726 |
When she opened her eyes, she found him lying beside her, his eyes burning her with their intensity. |
1727 |
I could see panic in their faces, yet they played all the faster, ignoring the sweat on their brows. |
1728 |
That was what he needed to focus on. He was the only thing standing between Amanda and annihilation. |
1729 |
Their arguing was interrupted by a tremendous grating, sending sparks dancing across the windscreen. |
1730 |
By the time Jack caned halfway across the office, his visitors had begun to knock on the front door. |
1731 |
The attorney was staring out the window, lips pursed in thought. He obviously hadn't been listening. |
1732 |
She restored the top of her garment and when her gaze met his, he realized that he had been staring. |
1733 |
No words were necessary, but Marjorie spoke the simple words as if they were an oath sealed in fire. |
1734 |
Both men were sinking slowly to the floor. It was plain that they were quickly becoming unconscious. |
1735 |
Though Jesse hadn't admitted it at the time, there had been strange things happening from the start. |
1736 |
Then his mighty bronze form plugged into the tiny seaplane cockpit. The motor purred like a big cat. |
1737 |
A piece of metal clattered to the floor only yards away. The clang echoed through the entire church. |
1738 |
Ben Adams collapsed on the ground and never stopped his moaning. The sheriff jerked him to his feet. |
1739 |
Frank cried out and fell sideways and clutched at the edge of a counter, trying to stay on his feet. |
1740 |
Then the bronze man began examining the dwarf. He gave attention to the little fellow's golden skin. |
1741 |
He straightened and went to the door. She commanded herself to watch, but her eyes had closed again. |
1742 |
Perhaps this work would block the harsh realities that had so suddenly surrounded the young scholar. |
1743 |
They returned to the bathroom where the secret safe lay. Doc Savage stopped suddenly in the doorway. |
1744 |
The woman seemed to understand her question from her memory of the future. She nodded affirmatively. |
1745 |
Roarke was standing behind her, leaning back against the wall, hands dipped casually in his pockets. |
1746 |
There we could sit and look out over the rising dam. Mike's mood seemed to change, becoming pensive. |
1747 |
And she could not stand that, that broken word caught in his mouth like a gaffed and wriggling fish. |
1748 |
Mona was on her hands and knees by the car's rear bumper. Slipped when she tried to get to her feet. |
1749 |
Bob shook his head uncertainly, for he was still frightened and dizzy from swinging through the air. |
1750 |
The three in turn repeated the procedure until they were close enough to the earth to drop unharmed. |
1751 |
Me, I'd be off to the Caribbean with my one point three, sailing my own ketch and sipping rum punch. |
1752 |
Again, sweat covered them both. She ran her tongue over his neck, delighting in the hiss he let out. |
1753 |
She nestled against him almost the way she had before the Agony. Almost. The difference tore at him. |
1754 |
The impossibility of any success was like a dead weight on his shoulders, a cloud over his thinking. |
1755 |
The butterflies which had hatched in the grove lifted in a spangled spray and settled on the shrine. |
1756 |
The hall emptied. The thieves ran for the doors, the windows, for every conceivable nook and cranny. |
1757 |
Harding wasn't convinced that she was either. But he was willing to consider she was something more. |
1758 |
The fallen fence pales clicked and rattled under Micky's feet as she entered the adjoining property. |
1759 |
Without waiting for a reply he turned and stalked out of the chambers, slamming the door behind him. |
1760 |
After a time they drew apart and, for another while, stared at one another. The wind boomed outside. |
1761 |
He looked at her, dazed, and she discovered that she was returning his gaze with the same intensity. |
1762 |
And then the handle seemed to twist. His foot slipped at the same instant, and he dropped the blade. |
1763 |
He twisted his lips over the sounds and nailed the meanings down in his mind, one by one, indelibly. |
1764 |
I lay beside her and she bent over me, her lips and mouth to my body. I felt her small, warm tongue. |
1765 |
He ceded to accomplish something and find someone who understood what it was like to have that need. |
1766 |
There was a little pause. The occupant of the other car was leaning forward, looking at her closely. |
1767 |
The coyotes were still calling. He took a bearing toward the sound and tapped Roscoe with his heels. |
1768 |
The panther paced about the figurine, gradually diminished, and faded to an insubstantial gray mist. |
1769 |
Two white cops strolled in lazily, as though they had smelled the fight, and took the battlers away. |
1770 |
But my Mistress had seen me looking at the turntable and with a stab of panic I turned my eyes down. |
1771 |
She did not pause in her ascent, but her voice sounded as if she was standing beside him. Or in him. |
1772 |
Grant lifted his eyes and made a small motion of his fingers. Remember they could have us monitored. |
1773 |
He looked around and saw an old colored woman beckoning to him. He went over to see what she wanted. |
1774 |
One massive shape lashed out in a final paroxysm, shattering the right front wheel of the Conestoga. |
1775 |
The blows rained down. She hung helpless. The pain was stunning. They pounded her toward the ground. |
1776 |
Doc Savage vouchsafed no reply. Instead, he made a silent round of the pit, assembling his five men. |
1777 |
There was a sharp burning sensation in my earlobe as the moth discharged its batteries into my skin. |
1778 |
That hare could be lying up there in the forest in agony. All you have to do is to follow the blood. |
1779 |
Time to go to ground. Through the gate and into the yard, gate closed behind me, no sign of pursuit. |
1780 |
Doc nodded absently. He was clever, this unknown enemy of theirs. He had decoyed Ham by a neat ruse. |
1781 |
Marjorie was very pale. She dabbed her lips with her linen napkin, then laid it neatly on the table. |
1782 |
Instantly, the interior of the tube was a bright, glowing blue. The air itself seemed to be glowing. |
1783 |
Feathers bent, then broke. It was a painless but exasperating injury. It would unbalance her flight. |
1784 |
Step remembered giving the same speech many times when he was elders quorum president back in Vigor. |
1785 |
Conan pointed with a muscular brown arm toward the east, banded in dazzling gold by the lifting sun. |
1786 |
Another whistle blew, closer to shore. I could hear the swimmers returning. Morning swim was ending. |
1787 |
The slim Elven faces nodded as one, the keen slanted eyes casting about in undisguised apprehension. |
1788 |
I then lay on one elbow, near the fire. I regarded the beautiful slave. It is pleasant to own women. |
1789 |
It was freezing in the hallway. Winter cold settling in the old house. I hugged my knees real tight. |
1790 |
The sentry with the light was making a round to see that all the picketed vampires were in position. |
1791 |
The boy became a man. For a while he adventured on Earth, then he went into space as he had dreamed. |
1792 |
When the sun dipped beneath the horizon it would not be seen again for half a year. I would miss it. |
1793 |
Heller then got under the wheel. He did all those things Mortie had done, with a few embellishments. |
1794 |
There were other things. There were rituals, there were incantations, there was a folklore of sorts. |
1795 |
From a cutlery drawer, Tom withdrew a knife. The largest and sharpest blade in the small collection. |
1796 |
Johnny dragged his tongue over dry lips. He mopped a sudden sheen of perspiration from his forehead. |
1797 |
He picked up the cage cover and put it back in place. And to Elissa's amazement, the parrot shut up. |
1798 |
I knew what she meant. My dad would leave for work early, come home late, and even work on weekends. |
1799 |
Jails have improved. This one was warm and I think they required the cockroaches to wipe their feet. |
1800 |
The bus was unusually crowded. I stood for a while. Then two people got off, and I slid into a seat. |
1801 |
Judge Fallon entered from chambers, stood for a moment at the bench, then seated himself and nodded. |
1802 |
Some of the techs came to even more slowly than she did, bending to their tasks as though exhausted. |
1803 |
A radio squad car careened into the street with siren moaning in a way that stood one's hair on end. |
1804 |
Stoner looked into his angry eyes. Already the pain and futility of the camp were reflected in them. |
1805 |
The boyfriend came forward, moving closer to the tank, but still he hung back. He never said a word. |
1806 |
Conan knew he had made a friend and not an enemy by his action, and he felt good for having done so. |
1807 |
I slipped into my tunic and picked up my sword, in its scabbard, the belt looped about the scabbard. |
1808 |
Loren finally opened his eyes and tried to focus them on the blurred figure floating beside his bed. |
1809 |
Both men turned. It was the little girl. She had followed Norton, perhaps curious about the odd man. |
1810 |
Skulls cracked. Jaws shattered. Noses flattened. Eyes were gouged out. Teeth went flying everywhere. |
1811 |
With a smile and a shake of her head, she reached automatically for the brush on top of her dresser. |
1812 |
And there, only a dozen feet below her, she saw the form of a battered but very much alive dark elf. |
1813 |
I put some patches on my face to hide the scratch marks. I hoped I would not be permanently scarred. |
1814 |
That question forever lived with those of us who had seen the glints of genius in his piebald works. |
1815 |
He didn't answer. Jill felt his mind and knew that he was contemplating, trying to grok. She waited. |
1816 |
The voice of the emperor sounded like snoring. Perhaps it was meant to sounded like ironic laughter. |
1817 |
That made his death in a swimming pool the more incomprehensible. Especially as opportune as it was. |
1818 |
The moaning was coming from the hole, and Lonnie began to force himself through the hedge toward it. |
1819 |
The Patrician said he was talking about easy terms. They wouldn't want to know about the hard terms. |
1820 |
She couldn't have said why, but she sat down on the floor, covered her face with her hands and wept. |
1821 |
Then to superheat the air and the rising water within the compression chamber above the tunnel roof. |
1822 |
The pilot's body was a mass of bruises, and one side bore a savage burn, but he smiled nevertheless. |
1823 |
When he obeyed, she sat for a moment, bringing herself under control. Then she remembered something. |
1824 |
He waited until Fletcher had regained his balance and was being escorted back to the detention cell. |
1825 |
When he reached the entrance, he found Mulch writhing on the floor, face contorted in genuine agony. |
1826 |
William continued to look at him for a long moment. His eyes were as cold as the eyes of a basilisk. |
1827 |
The splotches on the bald man's pate grew redder, and he pulled his chin down into a glowering pout. |
1828 |
He imagined he could hear spiders pouring into the office, thumping toward the wooden washroom door. |
1829 |
Two hours later, they reached the highest part of the pass and looked down on their secluded valley. |
1830 |
Albert held out a hand which shook uncontrollably with reaction, and Nick dropped something into it. |
1831 |
And sitting at the foot of the tree, gazing down at a white duck in the grass beside her, was Peggy. |
1832 |
You'll see. If the shaman was aware of the irony in his words, there was no sign of it in his voice. |
1833 |
He glanced around hastily, dumped the ashes in the geranium pot and left, sucking on his empty pipe. |
1834 |
The gas pedal was slicing a groove in her bare foot. Only the pain, always the pain, kept her going. |
1835 |
I was walking around pretty well. The ankle barely hurt at all. Dad's a pretty good doctor, I guess. |
1836 |
The orange blast lit up Sonny's distorted face and the roar of the gunshot sounded like a fusillade. |
1837 |
She brought the sword down in one vicious swipe. He smiled as its tip sliced flesh. And he vanished. |
1838 |
The inner lids of the tiny opalescent eyes closed one by one as she abandoned herself to the caress. |
1839 |
In that Doc's reasoning could not have been more accurate had he witnessed the arrival of the enemy. |
1840 |
She ran out of the first before the second left, but by then she was sleeping too soundly to notice. |
1841 |
When she had gone inside, Julius took a deep breath and clapped Brutus on the shoulder in affection. |
1842 |
Five hours in a sensory deprivation tank, back in the prehistory of psychology, had sent men insane. |
1843 |
The renegade archbishop folded his hands complacently across his narrow waist and gave a thin smile. |
1844 |
It was possible that the controls, moved in the manner shown, would send a high voltage through him. |
1845 |
Savage felt his stomach tightening becoming worse. It was the missing enemy ship, no doubt about it. |
1846 |
They rode down fast, and heard the din of the crowd rise like the sound of storm surf to greet them. |
1847 |
As the agent had said, near the outskirts of town the paved road suddenly narrowed to a single lane. |
1848 |
She shook her head, like one emerging from a daze. She no longer trembled, and her voice was steady. |
1849 |
In the meantime the M. I. will be in there, on the bounce and swinging, on the side of our own race. |
1850 |
It seemed he had hardly shut his eyes when Angela shook him. Wearily he struggled up, with her help. |
1851 |
She was unlocking the car door, trying not to dance for joy, when Alex's voice came from behind her. |
1852 |
She stared at it, but by the time she turned back to ask what it was and how it worked, he was gone. |
1853 |
She shivered with fear, but she wasn't going to let the stupid thing make her a laughingstock twice. |
1854 |
Conan walked out without waiting for the innkeeper's reply. It had nothing to do with him. He hoped. |
1855 |
That would never happen to me. When I walked down the streets in St. Louis, everybody would know me. |
1856 |
That arm looked as though it had been savaged by one of the carrion eaters, by a hyena or a leopard. |
1857 |
Then one of the defenders grew too bold or too reckless. That rapier beak stabbed and stabbed again. |
1858 |
I control the manner in which I live my life. How history remembers me is another matter altogether. |
1859 |
Awash in contentment, he held her close in his arms, the scent of her blood arousing another hunger. |
1860 |
Conway made himself smile in return, knowing that it looked forced, and that the other knew it also. |
1861 |
The captain ducked back, sat down and began flipping switches. The heavy whine of the jets starting. |
1862 |
He could not think of any better place to understand evil than in the army. The army used guns and bombs. |
1863 |
He turned away, staring at the violent sky. Shaky relief chased the energy from her quivering limbs. |
1864 |
The scene vanished. They were back in the box. The door opened, and they stepped back into the hall. |
1865 |
His powerful gaze seemed to soften a little in the strengthening light. His smile grew a little sad. |
1866 |
But she was gazing at me now with the most heartbroken expression. Sorrow, that's what I saw in her. |
1867 |
Outside they got into the car, Black in front with the driver, Wilson and Osborne on the jump seats. |
1868 |
He sealed the last of the three envelopes, which he had just addressed, and turned again to his son. |
1869 |
After the meal most of the Adventurers had been coaxed back into the bracing cold for a little game. |
1870 |
Albert looked at me searchingly for a moment. Then he sighed, and the burst began to go on bursting. |
1871 |
She could feel herself trembling on the edge of hysteria, but she wouldn't quit until the phone did. |
1872 |
Odo shrugged as best he could for someone lying on his stomach among a cluster of broken bar chairs. |
1873 |
And when he found it, he didn't close his eyes. He stared down at the woman who had given it to him. |
1874 |
Muttering curses about ungrateful bitches and butch women, he dropped back to the rear of the group. |
1875 |
Not all on the same vector. They were headed out like thistledown scattering from a pod. Everywhere. |
1876 |
She saw a note on the table addressed to her and opened it. It was a formal resignation from Gladys. |
1877 |
I reached out for her again, but she drew back, and the laughter was gone. She glanced at her watch. |
1878 |
A deep crimson tongue was licking as far as it could reach along the slash in the animal's shoulder. |
1879 |
She sprang to her feet and paced restlessly around the lily pond before she returned to where I sat. |
1880 |
At which point it first registered on Roger that he really ought to tell his wife what had happened. |
1881 |
Abandoning the key, she fumbled with the door, jumped into the rain. She left the door open and ran. |
1882 |
Startled, Varian composed her thoughts. She must discipline herself if she wanted to control others. |
1883 |
The whites slowed, as if puzzled by attacks from two sides, and half the lances swung slowly uphill. |
1884 |
And cried out at the pain his violent movement sent sizzling into his bruised and swelling genitals. |
1885 |
Celestina expected to be taken to a waiting room, but instead the nun escorted her to surgical prep. |
1886 |
They had all guessed that he was a priest, of course. His way of speaking would have told them that. |
1887 |
To celebrate she put on the kettle for tea and treated herself to a handful of cookies from the tin. |
1888 |
And the boy knew, as he watched the gun spin away, that his first and only shot had missed the mark. |
1889 |
I nodded mutely. It was as though I was surrounded by a fog, and that fog would not lift for months. |
1890 |
A harpist lived among them, and had his home where he was content. But he had yet to find his heart. |
1891 |
He glanced over toward Jane again. She surely didn't think that was true all over the world, either. |
1892 |
She had found the fatal flaw in Cal's bank heist code. Each robbed bank became the termination node. |
1893 |
Another rock thundered by me. I forced myself to test my handholds and not be reckless in my choice. |
1894 |
Deal reached out, caught it, then gingerly dropped the sopping sack onto the floor of the dive boat. |
1895 |
Everyone was in fatigues, but several of the officers wore polished insignia and even medal ribbons. |
1896 |
She looked at Alex, looked at the bloody chunk of lead in her hand, and knew she was going to faint. |
1897 |
And with that he trotted away after his master, and left several thoughtful faces staring after him. |
1898 |
And with a startled curse dropped back to the ground, the palm of his right hand welling with blood. |
1899 |
He started to slam up the receiver. Her quick cry stopped him, just before it went down on the hook. |
1900 |
The wheel flagged a cab, while the bodyguard looked all around, and then they got in and drove away. |
1901 |
She was in love with him, so she would have him. As soon as she figured out the best way to get him. |
1902 |
There was the click of a crossbow. Some tiny sounds carry well and have considerable stopping power. |
1903 |
I glared at him, but he didn't notice, and I wondered again just what were the limits of his talent. |
1904 |
A shadowy image appeared next to the stallion, mimicking the black horse in appearance and movement. |
1905 |
Johnny understood her Viking. It was a good suggestion. She was already fleeing. He loped after her. |
1906 |
The Tibetans pounced upon the coffin case. While untying the bindings, one man dared to look upward. |
1907 |
Michael's nose was bandaged. The flesh was bruised and swollen, but the cartilage had not been torn. |
1908 |
The Prince was trying not to gape after him. He sent me a glance but I looked hastily at the ground. |
1909 |
It has been nearly four months since I wrote those words. I am so furious, I can barely hold my pen. |
1910 |
She sipped slowly, giving the stimulant time to work. Condemned woman rejects last dinner. Sips tea. |
1911 |
The cat sprang up into the spaceship. It sailed onto my chest. It sat there glaring balefully at me. |
1912 |
He went to the wall and punched the button that rolled the airlock door open. He stepped through it. |
1913 |
Thus I stood in the dark, wondering if it were such a madness as this that forced a man to thievery. |
1914 |
He was gone and away on the computer floor before Pitt thought to ask him what he was talking about. |
1915 |
His face lifted as the bishop approached, aware through its blindness that it was again in open air. |
1916 |
She didn't make any reply to that, so that there was silence for a bit. Then she looked up suddenly. |
1917 |
The optimum vantage point from which one to view people undressing in the bedroom across the street. |
1918 |
Doc lifted one hand suddenly. A faint red light had appeared on a big panel at one side of the room. |
1919 |
She began to write her report, hoping that some of the facts she put in would trip over into theory. |
1920 |
It took only the sketchiest of descriptions to make the watchmaker's eyes light up with recognition. |
1921 |
They all turned toward Faith for a moment, but she just tensed her shoulders and kept on scribbling. |
1922 |
Fortunately, body stiff, the hydra had just fallen to its side. Only three of its heads still moved. |
1923 |
So he rode west while his heart and mind yearned east, and cursed the clouds that kept him helpless. |
1924 |
The excitement died as swiftly as it had come. I shivered now. The dark promised ill instead of joy. |
1925 |
Ham stopped suddenly, opened his mouth and began to giggle. Finally he laughed loudly and violently. |
1926 |
Bugs stared at its polished surface, a sickish disturbance spreading through the pit of his stomach. |
1927 |
He smiled gently, his eyes glazed suddenly, as though he were listening to grand and majestic music. |
1928 |
Moore stared at Wayne. Wayne stared back. They held the stare. Moore ran a red. Wayne blinked first. |
1929 |
With that, he turned and plunged into the brush, leaving me little choice but to trail along behind. |
1930 |
Piggy gave up the attempt to rebuke Ralph. He polished his glass again and went back to his subject. |
1931 |
We were dancing as if we said no such things to one another. I held her tight and kissed her cheeks. |
1932 |
But she was trained for that, and a life of luxury and power awaited in return for what he demanded. |
1933 |
Green looked down, saw them pointing, and his gaze followed the direction of their extended fingers. |
1934 |
They traveled for three days from the spaceport before reaching the hills where the Ancestors lived. |
1935 |
I love you. It must seem like a banal way to begin, but is true. I still love you with all my heart. |
1936 |
Almost, she wished she could cut the flows being woven by Elayne. There had to be some other chance. |
1937 |
This couldn't be happening, she told herself. There had to be someone left alive down there, surely. |
1938 |
He looked wildly left and right. Even if he had possessed the strength to run, he had nowhere to go. |
1939 |
What an awful person, Rowan thought. But a suspicion was growing in her that this was a family call. |
1940 |
Besides, I had my own movie rolling in my head. I kept thinking of the incredible week I'd just had. |
1941 |
Any rocket vehicle sent out to intercept it would be going in the opposite direction from the comet. |
1942 |
When the story was finished, they tried to press on, asking about the hospital where he'd been born. |
1943 |
We shared a greasy handshake and he invited me to sit with him. I declined his offer of refreshment. |
1944 |
Michael had wriggled over on his left side and was staring at their preparations with a fixed glare. |
1945 |
The earth crumbled beneath his weight, but not quite enough. He sank in up to his thighs, and stuck. |
1946 |
By then no spacecraft on Earth was able to take off, primarily due to punctures in their fuel tanks. |
1947 |
But the fighter was frozen, his hands still over his face. The carpet grabbed him in a dozen places. |
1948 |
It simply disappeared and left not only empty space but the feeling of boundless loneliness as well. |
1949 |
Sandy met her at the door and greeted her warmly. Eva gave her name as Leah, with nothing behind it. |
1950 |
And then the world he knew blew up in a thousand jagged mirrors, each an image of screaming torment. |
1951 |
They went down the ladder one after the other, and Tully opened the envelope and examined the money. |
1952 |
We need some light, Fuchs said to himself. If I can set this drapery afire we can use it as a torch. |
1953 |
I waited for Luke to make fun of me. But he didn't say a word. I guess he was too worried and upset. |
1954 |
He was still trying to talk himself into staying away as he vaulted the orphanage's high stone wall. |
1955 |
A hand with hairy knuckles clamped over her mouth. I guess the elder Thaxter owned their house, too. |
1956 |
Silence. But it was a silence with an emotional quality now, and the emotion it radiated was hatred. |
1957 |
She slid from beneath the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. She was nude, and the air was cool. |
1958 |
She stepped away from him, her face still flushed, her eyes full of dreams she had to hide from him. |
1959 |
A less aristocratic dog would be hard to find, Laura thought now, a little rueful smile on her lips. |
1960 |
They shook hands ceremoniously and began effecting the trade. I seized the opportunity to interrupt. |
1961 |
First Sword had survived, and was standing a few steps up from the bottom trying to calm the people. |
1962 |
The two boys had already fallen into each other's arms. At this last, they went out in a dead faint. |
1963 |
Nicholas let Amos grip his arm while getting more comfortable, then adjusted the pillows behind him. |
1964 |
He doesn't ask if she has been in love before, nor does he volunteer such information about himself. |
1965 |
The Line was black against the sky. At its base was one small capsule, and a man leaning against it. |
1966 |
Jesus, Buchanan said. Not my head. I can't let anything happen to my head. Another concussion would. |
1967 |
Sir Nicholas looked extremely miffed, as if their little chat wasn't going at all the way he wanted. |
1968 |
She tucked the stuffed animal back in the box, closed the closet doors, and reached for the journal. |
1969 |
As soon as I had passed them they fell in about me and behind me, not coming close enough to engage. |
1970 |
When she returned to the others, she kept her gaze for a time on the glazed surface of the terminal. |
1971 |
My presence had been detected. With a yank which almost blew my hat off, the broken door burst open. |
1972 |
After thirty years and several million words there finally came a day when he couldn't write a line. |
1973 |
She didn't deny it. Her emerald eyes stared straight into his. Apparently she had overcome her fear. |
1974 |
I forced myself to walk erectly concentrating on resistance to the weariness. It helped immediately. |
1975 |
Nor were these all. In other parts of the city, men had been found dead with their eyes protuberant. |
1976 |
Sebastian stared up at her, the way people often stared when they first saw her, and shook his head. |
1977 |
Grave Digger reached down with his index finger and lifted the chicken's head from beneath the wing. |
1978 |
When he saw the village ahead, lights already twinkled in a few windows against the coming of night. |
1979 |
Children. Boys and Girls together, integrated. She thought nothing of it then. Later she remembered. |
1980 |
Even for Esme. Sooner or later, she'll come up against someone faster on the craftiness than she is. |
1981 |
Felix tossed his head and did a kind of petulant shuffle, kicking the toe of his shoe into the dirt. |
1982 |
No opportunity occurred that day, and I was required to attend more Assembly functions that evening. |
1983 |
The horse watched him from its stall, occasionally trying to eat his hair in a friendly sort of way. |
1984 |
There was dead silence in the transporter room, broken only by the humming of the transporter beams. |
1985 |
But there had been someone here. Someone he'd known. Cared for. Someone to make him stay for a time. |
1986 |
I drew a deep breath, relishing the loveliness of the smell of the spices, now stronger than before. |
1987 |
He had never before touched her outside her room. After a moment he got nervous, and Maggie did too. |
1988 |
George knew I wasn't fooling, and he knew better than to lie to me. I always caught him in his lies. |
1989 |
She started to say something, then started to chuckle, but Roger came forward and kissed her gently. |
1990 |
Ignoring the howling winds and heavy rain, he rode on, his familiar burgundy cape flying behind him. |
1991 |
She raked back her hair and stared blankly up into his face. She did not seem aware of his caresses. |
1992 |
Aardvark got the package off the table, and by the time I came back the paper was shredded all over. |
1993 |
The weird, blue illumination of the lightning showed a track leading directly toward a granite wall. |
1994 |
Again there was understanding, but with it there was a sudden return of the earlier fear and hatred. |
1995 |
Her face had already smoothed itself into sleep, her hair framing her face with a young boy's locks. |
1996 |
We got to the bridge and I offered to run the auxiliary engines while the captain got into her suit. |
1997 |
The spaceman walked to the line, crossed it, and then stepped back toward the center of the chamber. |
1998 |
Harry thought this was going a bit far. He had been to school, after all, and his marks weren't bad. |
1999 |
They followed him in gloomy silence until a turn in the canyon took them out of sight of the troops. |
2000 |
The man's eyes went blank. He turned and looked at the door, just for a moment. Then he turned back. |
2001 |
Then he folded his arms and walked slowly around the room. She could not guess what he was thinking. |
2002 |
Hugh smiled fully for the first time. It was as if he were glad, relieved to have shared his secret. |
2003 |
Parting the brush, Bay spied a ramshackle camp with a tattered, mildewed tent. Heard a moan. Voices. |
2004 |
Of course not. They must not. Fear of prison keeps them from doing more hurtful things than they do. |
2005 |
And then I was running down the slope, waving my arms and shouting, with Roscoe close upon my heels. |
2006 |
Brod had noted the bird's presence, and was evidently shrewd enough to understand what it signified. |
2007 |
He looked up at her uncomprehendingly, but she did not believe that he did not understand her words. |
2008 |
She didn't know what to say to that, so she said nothing. Her stomach growled loudly in the silence. |
2009 |
The Redeemers stepped back. No longer were their faces pale, and the cuts on their hands had sealed. |
2010 |
Dom waited until her mouth was full before he produced his final bribe. He held up the roll of maps. |
2011 |
In a huff, Gail sank back on the seat and stared out the window. A short time later, she was asleep. |
2012 |
The Latin music faded away. Here came another to the small pulpit, an elderly man, stooped with age. |
2013 |
An odd expression crossed Pancho's face. He could not determine what was going through her thoughts. |
2014 |
There were times when one needed to create one small disaster in order to forestall something worse. |
2015 |
Bernice mentally noted again that, when necessary, Martians could move swiftly and rather elegantly. |
2016 |
Long tables stretched off into darkness, where crewmen in flight must have stood to eat their meals. |
2017 |
The Cat made noises, even with the engine stopped. Little pops and sizzles, and the occasional ping. |
2018 |
The man himself was considerably grayer, fatter, sallower than the portrait. And he was not smiling. |
2019 |
There was the sound of Polly's heavy footsteps running toward the communications alcove in the hall. |
2020 |
Hissing came from assorted points in the darkness about them. It had a serpentine quality, menacing. |
2021 |
The officer paused as one of his subordinates whispered to him. He nodded once, looked toward Swift. |
2022 |
But I had seen it, racing up behind us out of the mist. I had seen someone sitting behind the wheel. |
2023 |
Coffin Ed appeared suddenly. No one had noticed him approaching from his parked car down the street. |
2024 |
Underneath it was sod that had died from lack of sunlight. There were no gaps between floor and sod. |
2025 |
Tau walked over to the waiting stretchers to see what he and his comrades might expect to encounter. |
2026 |
The looting of the barges was done at daybreak, two days later, and came off with brilliant success. |
2027 |
There was a sharp clang from the other side of the burning hulk, followed by the sound of an engine. |
2028 |
They went down the front steps and into the dark drive. Everyone felt safe with Timmy running ahead. |
2029 |
And then there was light where no light should be, touching his face on the side away from the fire. |
2030 |
Those enemies had been defeated. Doc had won out, but the loss of his father had been a severe blow. |
2031 |
Then the contact slipped, and the pleasure faded. Now Bane felt depleted. He sat heavily on the bed. |
2032 |
Victor looked away for a while, to lull the dog's suspicions, and then turned and glared hard at it. |
2033 |
A bird trilled, high on a branch. She looked up. A wren bobbed at her and fluttered to another twig. |
2034 |
Where before only columns of smoke had been visible, they now saw a ruddy glow and ascending sparks. |
2035 |
To her surprise, her reception at camp was cordial. She collected a few wary looks and that was all. |
2036 |
He stretched out his hands, waving them wildly in the air to ward off the attack he knew was coming. |
2037 |
It had seemed so simple a few hours earlier. A lot had somehow seemed so simple a few hours earlier. |
2038 |
It suddenly seemed to her that the stage was even bigger and even more distinctly empty than before. |
2039 |
He left the laser communicator set up where it was. He'd need it again after the operation was over. |
2040 |
She complied, but wondered how they could possibly have her palm print and sweat signature here in Syria. |
2041 |
No wonder he spends his time in the garden, she thought. He has to go out there just to turn around. |
2042 |
He made a small sound that might have been a grunt or merely the gift of life returning to his body. |
2043 |
Totally oblivious that I had all the evidence of absolute catastrophe around me, I went back to bed. |
2044 |
He met several people and they paid no attention to him. A few cars passed, but no one bothered him. |
2045 |
At the top, Coffin Ed stepped quickly into the pink light, his gun barrel moving from left to right. |
2046 |
Carrot had a punch like an iron bar, and he landed a couple of heavy blows on Wolfgang as he got up. |
2047 |
One star in particular seemed to beckon. Red, bright, hovering just over the horizon straight ahead. |
2048 |
This did not meet with what he considered to be a proper and dignified reception among the brethren. |
2049 |
Outside, moonlight broke through the cloud cover again, throwing a ghostly luminescence behind them. |
2050 |
He tied up the shirt in the back, sticking it into the binding fiber. He then went and cut a switch. |
2051 |
Then one day I felt the pressure, gentle and questing at first. I couldn't tell for sure who it was. |
2052 |
Doc left the cop where he lay. The fellow would revive after a time, none the worse for his slumber. |
2053 |
I will sometime see that woman again, he said to himself. And I will do something to her. In return. |
2054 |
We both do, Terrel said. Don't give up on me, my love. None of this would make any sense if you did. |
2055 |
I stood as it came near. I could see then that it was a jackal, a big one, its eyes fixed on my own. |
2056 |
She made no reply. I doubt if I've ever seen anyone who looked so completely miserable and defeated. |
2057 |
With a feeling of satisfaction, and pleasure, I then thrust the shovel deep into the mud at my feet. |
2058 |
He offered her his arm. Smiling, she hooked her arm through his and let herself be led to the table. |
2059 |
Merrick broke off for a moment, her eyebrows knitted, her mouth slightly open. Then she began again. |
2060 |
Within minutes their national origins and earlier lives were forgotten as they started talking shop. |
2061 |
Beads of sweat formed on the ridge of the chief's red nose and about the blue bags beneath his eyes. |
2062 |
He rose abruptly and stalked away across the bright and crowded quayside. The others watched him go. |
2063 |
Cream the butter with the brown sugar. Beat in the eggs, sour cream, and vanilla. Add cocoa mixture. |
2064 |
He moved on, slipped through the double doors, and his steps sounded remotely going down the stairs. |
2065 |
Tom gave a last pry, and caught the sheet of stone as it fell outward. It was perhaps an inch thick. |
2066 |
His hand felt dirty and damp in hers. She held it tightly and followed him, her heart in her throat. |
2067 |
There was a tiny rustling movement from the doorway, and the older woman stopped just short of Dana. |
2068 |
And suddenly he could feel himself being pulled. He could feel the acceleration of the tractor beam. |
2069 |
Swan looked over her shoulder. The stove was behind her, and red flames were crackling in the grate. |
2070 |
They focused, and their descent slowed. They came to land on a level plain surrounded by faint haze. |
2071 |
The Chinese servant stepped forward with downcast eyes and offered me the second glass of champagne. |
2072 |
Nevertheless, you find difficulty in talking with her. Let's jump back to the present and try again. |
2073 |
I began to read. We were halfway through the story when a doctor poked her head through the curtain. |
2074 |
A car was passing along the road he had just crossed. He stood, not moving, until it had raced away. |
2075 |
Phineas opened the front door and they went slowly down the porch steps, onto the cold, dark ground. |
2076 |
I lifted off the breathing apparatus carefully and stared into the painted eyes of the dummy inside. |
2077 |
He had a sudden vision of appearing in a circle of blue flame smack in the middle of the elven army. |
2078 |
Mort took the horse down lower, leaving a boiling wake of cloud that extended for miles behind them. |
2079 |
Auger shrieked, his body convulsed. He pitched forward onto his face and lay unmoving on the ground. |
2080 |
But it seemed to happen again, this time to my left. How long the interval between, I could not say. |
2081 |
Odo clutched it in a steel grip, squatting so that Quark could use him as a stool to get partway up. |
2082 |
Bill felt it building, too. He grinned, and the hydroponic lamps made his crooked teeth luminescent. |
2083 |
Tension grew as the two searched each other's eyes. Finally, Camber sighed and let out a tiny smile. |
2084 |
No one spoke up to correct him. They were, in fact, dying to hear what the young American would say. |
2085 |
I looked into the black water again, trying to spot the bottom. If there was one, I couldn't see it. |
2086 |
But before Joan could reply, he answered his own question. They must be picking up subliminal stuff. |
2087 |
She jumped and swung at me with her free hand. By the way she moved, I knew there was a knife in it. |
2088 |
So let it be a transistor, she told herself, and keep busy. She turned downhill toward the hospital. |
2089 |
That had been the pattern of their courtship, and marriage had simply slipped into the scheme of it. |
2090 |
But when she rose, a force more powerful than fear for herself drew her toward those mahogany doors. |
2091 |
She hopped off the bed and made for the washstand while I tried to find a more comfortable position. |
2092 |
She smiled warmly at the little gnome, patted him again on the shoulder, and turned and walked away. |
2093 |
Until she was completely wired and activated her linkage. Then she straightened up and took command. |
2094 |
Back in his own living room he felt much better. Except for a nagging headache, he felt much better. |
2095 |
Hermione looked as though she was restraining herself from rolling her eyes with extreme difficulty. |
2096 |
Ford would have to go after him. Turning quickly to the barman he asked for four packets of peanuts. |
2097 |
He dropped back into a ready position, but Honor shook her own head and removed her mouth protector. |
2098 |
He looked around the campsite. No footprints. No visible evidence. Fiske had taken time to clean up. |
2099 |
Now he could feel it coming and he had to restrain himself to keep from leaning forward expectantly. |
2100 |
Wars are the exclusive property of the men who fight, and should never injure the innocent civilian. |
2101 |
He had seen it shrink, however, and he stared at it now with a mixture of confusion and fascination. |
2102 |
She had to get a grip on herself. She couldn't let her emotions run loose. People died when she did. |
2103 |
They turned on the view screen. The huge building was burning. And the other computer was attacking. |
2104 |
Her eyes were deep blue and full of pain. It hurt him to see it and know that it was because of him. |
2105 |
Beyond the chair, in a pool of light cast upon the floor by the candles, knelt a man in black robes. |
2106 |
They did not doubt her. If there was one thing they obviously wanted, it was never to see her again. |
2107 |
She still hadn't told anyone she was going out with Gabe, and she wondered if he would say anything. |
2108 |
And there was a strange thin wire stretching from inside the darkness to the side of the stasis box. |
2109 |
Henry stared at him with the same expressionless glassy eyes with which he regarded everything else. |
2110 |
It was a nasty shot, one they took in the groin. There was no doubt where their kids went to school. |
2111 |
Having fans in useful places is a phenomenon that occurs when you least expect it, and most need it. |
2112 |
Nor did we have far to go. The path led to a row of large boulders and vanished between two of them. |
2113 |
It was almost true. With all the blood spilled this night, his was the only clean blade in the park. |
2114 |
Clouds were spread over the earth, a solid expanse, and these vapor masses swallowed the two planes. |
2115 |
I forgot. I looked in every brood box, every one, and if one got missed then I forgot forgot forgot. |
2116 |
The hand of the band's leader tightened on his crop, and his dark eyes took on a cold, steely gleam. |
2117 |
He looked up suddenly and our eyes met. It was too late to look away so I simply looked back at him. |
2118 |
Jo let him lead her. She only turned once to look down the street in the direction Stoner had taken. |
2119 |
After an hour I toted my book back to camp and, rounding up a pick and shovel, headed for the creek. |
2120 |
He had investigated the librarians. Their lives were usually short. Joining the staff was no answer. |
2121 |
Adam was nearest to the tiller, and he started undoing the lacing that held the boat cover in place. |
2122 |
He growled as she cupped his sac in her palm. Her warm hand enclosed him, squeezing him exquisitely. |
2123 |
She turned and padded hastily down the hallway, Nolan behind her. Together they entered the nursery. |
2124 |
At least while she was concentrating on that, it was easier to ignore her aching legs and shoulders. |
2125 |
Without releasing the bar, he carefully turned to face her. He hadn't liked being locked in the box. |
2126 |
The outer door looked solid. I got to it and put my hand on it to steady myself. I was totally shot. |
2127 |
It was back, the musky taint that had been strong before they came out into the cavern of the river. |
2128 |
I put aside my weapon, in its sheath, in the bottom of the longboat. I removed my sandals and tunic. |
2129 |
It was going to be a massacre. Silver Cloud had sent all the young men of the tribe to their deaths. |
2130 |
Without looking at his watch, he knew it was five minutes to one. The concert was due to start soon. |
2131 |
Erin smiled in her sleep. But as the darkness came for her again, an odd voice rang out in her head. |
2132 |
This safe is a lot better than that one was. Since he can't see the dial anyway, he closes his eyes. |
2133 |
Weird and incoherent thoughts streamed through her mind, making sense and no sense at the same time. |
2134 |
I let go of her wrists, closed the door with my elbow and slid past her. It was like the first time. |
2135 |
He closed the drapes and got slowly dressed, his mouth imitating the shape of the unearthly caldera. |
2136 |
The female put down one foot and raised the other one, bringing herself one pace closer to the male. |
2137 |
When she took a few moments to eat her lunch, Mitford approached her for a synopsis of her findings. |
2138 |
He closed his eyes. No sight, no sound. Nothing remained before him but the gaping hole of the Void. |
2139 |
She met his searching gaze with tears glistening on her lashes. He bent and kissed the wetness away. |
2140 |
The bronze man's fingers fell nervelessly from the car door. His big frame crumpled to the sidewalk. |
2141 |
He went back to the windows. Maybe it was all he wanted to know. It wasn't all I wanted to tell him. |
2142 |
The diversity of life so cherished by Bat was proceeding, in all its mundane and glorious confusion. |
2143 |
He peeped through the bushes. There was a little group of people on the lawn. Pip knew most of them. |
2144 |
Moments later the ground began to shake as a huge, echoing boom began to sound throughout the world. |
2145 |
He got a booth. He sprawled invertebrate. He ordered tea. He watched the door. He checked his watch. |
2146 |
Kelp watched him for a few seconds, then began to read the same chapter in his own copy of the book. |
2147 |
There was nothing he could do about the pain. It coursed through his body. His wounded leg was numb. |
2148 |
She regarded me, unpleasantly. She had not forgotten that I had shirked. She looked away, disgusted. |
2149 |
Angela got in first, followed by Calhoun. Before the door was closed behind them, David hit the gas. |
2150 |
The interference was off in the suite. I usually kept the sound off when I was away. I turned it on. |
2151 |
And then he was gone. At once the soft black scratchiness departed. That foremost of all, and first. |
2152 |
The men checked their watches. It was just after four in the morning, close enough, they all agreed. |
2153 |
The beast regarded Grunt, and then myself. Its lips curled back over the double ring of white fangs. |
2154 |
The great Aimee came in just then, followed closely by a man struggling to do something to her hair. |
2155 |
True. We are entering the region of telepathic carnivores. I can feel their thoughts as we progress. |
2156 |
My bare toes rocked the firing pedal forward and the world burst away from the axis of the main gun. |
2157 |
To the west, the prisoners continued to fill the wagon with the sludge from the empty settling pond. |
2158 |
Lord Dom, a bulbous creature from a mostly liquid world, was bouncing to his feet and coming at him. |
2159 |
They all waited for him to continue. Rafael sat back in his chair, stroking his beard with one hand. |
2160 |
By late afternoon, Michael and Rowan were back at the house conferring with the men around the pool. |
2161 |
Pol had been correct concerning the figure. It was, somehow, alive. It did not wish to be disturbed. |
2162 |
We explorers attained sexual relief of a more substantial sort from the young ladies of the village. |
2163 |
It was the memory of the last Owen, grinning in an armchair with a wire leading down into his brain. |
2164 |
One because he had long ago ceased feeling anything except the heavy burden of his responsibilities. |
2165 |
Panting at his effort, he returned to the room, slammed the partition shut against the bloody light. |
2166 |
The watchman became suddenly alarmed. Near him a bell was ringing noisily. It was the burglar alarm. |
2167 |
Gris took a look at her slitted, determined eyes. He looked at the hostile faces of the other women. |
2168 |
What intrigued and puzzled him was the fact that he thought he had heard the voice somewhere before. |
2169 |
A second snow figure came into view. This one was larger than the first, and moved with surer steps. |
2170 |
All at once, they both saw the funny side of the whole thing, and they burst into peals of laughter. |
2171 |
Most of that temper was spent now, and she huddled like a child on the big bed, fighting back tears. |
2172 |
Finding the site of the ambush again was probably the worst experience she had ever had in her life. |
2173 |
He checked the wardrobe of the five circus girls, augmented it and turned them over to the director. |
2174 |
This time, it came through the mirror so promptly that she had to jump aside to avoid being crushed. |
2175 |
He glared at her, but she gave him a bland look and even managed a smile. He wanted to throw things. |
2176 |
Unless therefore the Magician be first anointed with this oil, all his work will be wasted and evil. |
2177 |
That was a mistake, he thought, kneeling by the water's edge. Getting off was very surely a mistake. |
2178 |
His emotional radiation was so confused that for a long moment he could scarcely analyze it himself. |
2179 |
Then he blew out the taper and placed the bottle on the scrubbed yellow deal table and stepped back. |
2180 |
Hospitals and other emergency services are hereby warned, and invited to take necessary precautions. |
2181 |
Margaret realized she was still holding Casey's hand. She let go of it and reached for the banister. |
2182 |
Yet it was not Don who was the first to learn the truth. By the sheerest of accidents, it was Indra. |
2183 |
Valdemar closed his eyes and yelled, momentarily certain that the last instant of his life had come. |
2184 |
He could go back until he was out of sight. Ramsey thought, then try cutting across the countryside. |
2185 |
Richard was sitting on the ground just outside, his arms hooked around his knees, his hands clasped. |
2186 |
Sarah said nothing. She was looking forward. The stream was moving faster, the car picking up speed. |
2187 |
Idaho recoiled from this accusation. Slowly, the newly resolved assassin in him regained ascendancy. |
2188 |
Mason walked down the long, smelly corridor to a telephone booth which smelled of stale cigar smoke. |
2189 |
And the rock was solid again. The illusion cut off as abruptly as a storm at the slamming of a door. |
2190 |
I expected any moment somebody would lift the rock and I would come crawling out to be stamped upon. |
2191 |
I have seen nets spread for fish and the silver bodies leaping therein frantically and without hope. |
2192 |
Chris unlocked the door for the Professor. Kate got to her feet, color slowly returning to her face. |
2193 |
The members of the panel nodded their mitered heads. They had dressed ceremonially for the occasion. |
2194 |
For the past fifteen minutes I'd been looking for a way to break the news to her, but now I gave up. |
2195 |
She undid the wrist and ankle cuffs. As I rose, aching and wounded, she kicked my clothes toward me. |
2196 |
And for the first time in hours, she forgot to be afraid. Or perhaps it was for the first time ever. |
2197 |
Roi's thoughts were pleasurable too. It was very restful to make clean mental contact with a friend. |
2198 |
A plan as big as this would surely involve casualties. The question was, how many and on whose side. |
2199 |
But Ham was tumbled end over end. His head cracked a valve wheel. He was promptly knocked senseless. |
2200 |
Terrel rubbed his chin, knowing that his recent attempts at shaving had been only partly successful. |
2201 |
For the first time, Erasmus had tried to do a good deed. Serena hoped to coerce him into doing more. |
2202 |
Both men jumped, the larger producing a sword in the blink of an eye and leveling it the monk's way. |
2203 |
He smacked his lips for yes, rubbing his forehead against the back of her neck as he squeezed tight. |
2204 |
There was a wide circle of other stones. Very few of them had actually stayed on top of another one. |
2205 |
Amber let out a sound and even Jack felt the flare of energy. His brain seemed to explode with pain. |
2206 |
I was struggling with the dead man's wet, slimy jeans, trying to work them down his hips and thighs. |
2207 |
But horrid her hands seemed, knuckled and swollen, and the dust from her broom engraving every line. |
2208 |
Now Adam could actually feel the blood in his face, warming his freckles. He continued to look down. |
2209 |
He smiled grimly and stared up at the pale stars twinkling in the dark bracket of sky far above him. |
2210 |
Maybe it hadn't been. Maybe there were no shortcuts, no detours. Maybe you had to go through things. |
2211 |
He was, you might say, the first one to see the potential of shipping stuff by rail to the Outposts. |
2212 |
I brought the Flush around, then scanned my spotlight across the water and picked up the white boat. |
2213 |
Barb danced. Barb obliged horny sailors. They swarmed her. They cut in. They swarmed three per song. |
2214 |
He motioned across to the other side of the small ledge, where the next descending ladders were set. |
2215 |
Ross obeyed without question, landing with a paratrooper's practiced roll on one of the dune crests. |
2216 |
She was like a cat, Bugs thought. Perfectly relaxed, yet ready to spring instantly in any direction. |
2217 |
His two aides said nothing even though they both thought that their master had gone slightly insane. |
2218 |
And, just to be sure its letter made sense, the county cleverly let the landowner's lawyer write it. |
2219 |
Darkness dwells within even the best of us. In the worst of us, darkness not only dwells but reigns. |
2220 |
A man in common dress moved into the doorway at the top of the stairs. He held a rifle at the ready. |
2221 |
Even after all these centuries, he was no closer to being civilized. He took what he wanted. Always. |
2222 |
Yes, once he got the hang of it, flying his dragon was the most marvelous sensation he had ever had. |
2223 |
Frank bumped against one of the forklifts, stepped around the obstruction, and continued to retreat. |
2224 |
It was Gabrielle who finally broke the quiet. She rose and moved gracefully to the bench beside him. |
2225 |
Now more intensive mining began, and Federation technicians were brought in to speed up the process. |
2226 |
Maggie squirmed desperately and rolled to the floor. She landed hard. Pain shot up through her body. |
2227 |
The world is full of power and energy and a person can go far by just skimming off a tiny bit of it. |
2228 |
Then, as the jeweled teeth glittered at him, Sanders realized that he was looking into a gun barrel. |
2229 |
Most likely, if Victoria was entertaining, the visitor's car would have been parked in the driveway. |
2230 |
She let the rod trail from Pasha's chin, down her neck, down into the heart of her exposed cleavage. |
2231 |
Some murmured in support of him, others cried him down, and she waited until they were silent again. |
2232 |
Two Bears opened his eyes and stared out into the darkness, calm and distanced. Nest seized his arm. |
2233 |
He shook his head, focusing on the task at hand. He took his foil from the earl's outstretched hand. |
2234 |
Jemmy ignored that. Moving clockwise around the room, he opened every door and drawer he could find. |
2235 |
The hedge witch frowned and shook some flakes into her palm and popped a hefty pinch into her mouth. |
2236 |
The camera crew had arrived on the run and they were suddenly bathed with lights. Lord Turn groaned. |
2237 |
Meriel realized it was there. When she opened her eyes, it was with mild curiosity, not sudden fear. |
2238 |
The courtier looked almost as if he wanted to argue, but then he changed his mind and left the room. |
2239 |
The ship weighed his words for a nanosecond or two, decided no answer was called for, and made none. |
2240 |
She didn't crack a smile. She did arch an eyebrow, and the twinkle in her eyes grew more noticeable. |
2241 |
Plus, of course, a lot of dying. Pyre hoped they wouldn't have to find out too much about that part. |
2242 |
Doc's men did not return lead. The sharpshooters did not try a charge, showing they had become wary. |
2243 |
I glanced over at the door, and discovered my old mentor leaning against the frame watching me work. |
2244 |
She went a little way, watching the trees get realer as she approached them, and then looked around. |
2245 |
Her naked stomach, drum tight and round as a ripening fruit, bulged out above the tiny beaded apron. |
2246 |
The sudden shooting in the jammed room scared hell out of prisoners and cops alike. Everybody froze. |
2247 |
When the door rose again at noon the black Jaguar came out, bearing the doctor dressed for the city. |
2248 |
Sebastian sheathed his sword. His breath streamed out into the night as he considered their options. |
2249 |
The ranger let it go at that, knowing all too well that with Pony, he would never get the last word. |
2250 |
Perhaps the answer lay in the past, in those whose memories were longer than the records of mankind. |
2251 |
The tinsel scribble scoots off before them, across the satin dunes, to announce the bride's arrival. |
2252 |
They thought she was a male, hence the nickname. Attempts at gender verification were deemed unwise. |
2253 |
Hands are hooked in the back of my pants, tugging me in, hugging my pants and belt down over my ass. |
2254 |
The prisoners stumbled and staggered to the opposite goal, some of them falling over their own feet. |
2255 |
Without haste, the puppeteer tucked both heads beneath his forelegs and let his legs fold under him. |
2256 |
He lies on the couch, eyes closed and hands folded on his chest, and after a little while he sleeps. |
2257 |
The only sign of normality was the service crew unobtrusively going about it's business on his ship. |
2258 |
He stopped her with a little shake, pulling her to his side so he could see and greet the newcomers. |
2259 |
The gray otter nodded slowly. His curious eyes clouded over as he lay back peacefully and went limp. |
2260 |
The other two wandered up and inspected the result, as pieces of chaff gently drifted to the ground. |
2261 |
Her gaze, which had been focused on me, shifted suddenly. Her rifle barrel changed its aim slightly. |
2262 |
The living murmured and clasped hands, wondering if we offered hope or a deepening of their despair. |
2263 |
There was a loud, ominous crunching sound, as of stone collapsing. He forced himself not to look up. |
2264 |
Returning to the fire he fed it then settled down under his blanket, his head resting on his saddle. |
2265 |
He snatched out his own phaser and started forward, bursting free from the concealment of the ruins. |
2266 |
Warning fear tingled along his nerves. He put it down, slipped through the doorway into a stairwell. |
2267 |
His fingers started plucking then, and the ghosts shivered like a schoolgirl getting her first kiss. |
2268 |
Tim took out a card and thrust it at the policeman. Then he scurried toward the intersection beyond. |
2269 |
The steam was a dead, gray wall in front of his eyes. He cursed himself for letting it get so heavy. |
2270 |
There was another muffled gurgle as this man ceased speaking in the same abrupt manner as the first. |
2271 |
He was surprised and a little disturbed to see Aaron appear, with a troubled expression on his face. |
2272 |
The suite was locked, and his key wouldn't open the door. Jon swore softly. She must have bolted it. |
2273 |
The grief they saw on his face was not simulated. He wore it openly when he returned to his console. |
2274 |
But with this flash of intuition came more questions, questions that Hunter knew had to be answered. |
2275 |
The waitress smiled at us. It was a smile that could launch a thousand ships. We were in good hands. |
2276 |
Jamie glanced down at the floor, completely subdued. After a moment Melanie looked at him curiously. |
2277 |
Molly looked relieved. She tapped the ball through a hoop, then used the mallet to push it back out. |
2278 |
Or, you can just have your tank put you to sleep until the rest of the world has caught up with you. |
2279 |
The line began to move. Jinny opened a refrigerator case and took out a salad wrapped in cellophane. |
2280 |
And then the reward. He loved watching creatures with four digits try to flip him the middle finger. |
2281 |
I did as I was told, and I noticed there wasn't any fuss or clatter coming from the kitchen anymore. |
2282 |
She did wave at a buzzard, circling lazily under the clouds, and she was sure a tiny dot waved back. |
2283 |
Both puzzled and encouraged, she packed the book and the yarrow stalks away and set off up the path. |
2284 |
She seemed to relax a little, but her posture was still rigid, and she didn't take her eyes off him. |
2285 |
Detective Downey, by a personal search, corroborated this statement then the revolvers were lowered. |
2286 |
Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid. |
2287 |
He walked into his evening staff meeting feeling pretty good, until he saw the looks on their faces. |
2288 |
I grabbed at my control star. I pressed the top prong, that should have given him an electric shock. |
2289 |
But she moved by stages and at last reached the railing. From there, she had only a short way to go. |
2290 |
There was silence for a few minutes, and then there was a sudden sharp clap and a simultaneous jerk. |
2291 |
The words caught her by surprise, hung in the air and in her thoughts, and she knew them to be true. |
2292 |
Eventually, and in spite of knowing what the result would be if he did so, he found himself talking. |
2293 |
There was another roar of thunder but under it something else which pulsed even as the thunder died. |
2294 |
There was heavy mist now over the marsh, and when he opened the front door, the rain was relentless. |
2295 |
The girl, who had been watching them with interest, shook her head and spoke sharply to her brother. |
2296 |
Proceeding more cautiously, she eased herself onto a horizontal limb and sidled toward the open air. |
2297 |
With that, she did an impromptu dance across Hubert's scales as the dragon beat time with his wings. |
2298 |
Not far from Streakers position on the globe, a small cluster of flashing red symbols was displayed. |
2299 |
Then the thought flew out of her mind as she saw the blood dripping from the top drawer of the desk. |
2300 |
Beth turned away from Eric, opened the shopping bag, and reached into it as the brown paper rustled. |
2301 |
I opened my eyes and found I was staring at a pair of dark trousers and shoes with somebody in them. |
2302 |
Sunshine held strength, courage, and fire. She was her own person and he loved the challenge of her. |
2303 |
Telegraph scrambled to his feet. His features were flushed, his eyes protruded. He stroked his neck. |
2304 |
And then my eyes came level with the face of my assailant, and all thoughts of my own pain vanished. |
2305 |
They were in mountains. Ahead was a thickly wooded slope. The peak of the mountain had a purple hue. |
2306 |
I howl. I throw me against the door. I bark and howl. The light goes on in my head. I howl and howl. |
2307 |
Earthquake country, Curtis Wilcox said in my ear. That's earthquake country in there, so be careful. |
2308 |
Perhaps someone else has. Perhaps no one else has. In either case, we have good reason for humility. |
2309 |
Project prodded at him. He had always had a certain cold hatred which could crystallize into a spur. |
2310 |
I called the house from Fritz's back room and got no answer. I walked over and checked entry points. |
2311 |
He took her into another room, and keyed up a monitor viewer. Her breath blew out with a small moan. |
2312 |
Richards turned away sickly, nauseated. Thin, invisible fingers seemed to press against his temples. |
2313 |
She lay naked in the grass, moonlight sprinkling over her. When she reached for him, he drew her up. |
2314 |
These are only his frustrations coming out of him, and nothing more. This is not the way he will be. |
2315 |
He was just in time to see the cart rumble straight on. The road, on the other hand, curved sharply. |
2316 |
Habeas Corpus was a wise pig. He was only a few slats of ribs put together on ludicrously long legs. |
2317 |
We began to slide faster. I gasped in mouthfuls of the hot, damp air, struggling to catch my breath. |
2318 |
It was to Monk's credit that he fired his first burst above the men fighting about the tunnel mouth. |
2319 |
She reached up and put her arms around his neck, and pressed her face into his fur, unable to speak. |
2320 |
We walked along the cobbled street. The sound of our thudding sneakers echoed off the cottage walls. |
2321 |
Now the room was high with light and even the beams of the hall stood forth, heavy in their ceiling. |
2322 |
To test him the Angel suggests that his enjoyment of illusion is identical with that of the profane. |
2323 |
Jack turned toward the living room, instinctively crouching slightly and holding Davey even tighter. |
2324 |
An update on the cannon's targeting status came in just then, and Lisa had to let those thoughts go. |
2325 |
The young savage threw a beaded collar to one of the warriors near the girl. He approached the girl. |
2326 |
There was a change inside her, she thought. Awareness, understanding. And a soaring kind of triumph. |
2327 |
He followed the sound of footsteps ahead of him, barking his shin on a bench and holding in a curse. |
2328 |
As it turned out, the release came with nothing more physical than a slight trembling of the ground. |
2329 |
A wizard was the only one really meant to help with this kind of trouble with another wizard's gift. |
2330 |
Harry was still dealing with the same basic problem, still getting used to the fact of his new body. |
2331 |
A fractional turn of his head was enough to dash his annoyance like a glass thrown in the fireplace. |
2332 |
Half an hour later the machine had been rolled entirely out of the shed, on the new concrete runway. |
2333 |
Ross looked up to see Morrie back away from his periscope and climb on a box, opera glasses in hand. |
2334 |
He stirred, and added another datum. I appear also to be in a tank of fluid, and yet I do not drown. |
2335 |
Colin came to attention and saluted the officer, who responded just as snappily and then eyed Frank. |
2336 |
Go right ahead and check your ass off, he told the machine. Check yourself into a nervous breakdown. |
2337 |
After the trade schools we tried the colleges and then the high schools. There we discovered Shelia. |
2338 |
Chang nodded and, though he seemed overwhelmed by the man's effusiveness, he and Naomi kept working. |
2339 |
The crossbow quarrels sleet from the corner of the banquet hall like the briefest of thundershowers. |
2340 |
Doctor Murphy snorted and headed for the door. Reaching the threshold, he paused and wheeled around. |
2341 |
Now, in the light of day, she knew it had only been a dog barking. There were no wolves in the city. |
2342 |
It wasn't much of a chase. Trigger caught the mailman easily. The mailman was the size of a hamster. |
2343 |
Of course I hadn't. I was scarcely a mandarin or member of the imperial staff, as he knew very well. |
2344 |
She pushed back her hood and looked back at them with that belief in herself which was her heritage. |
2345 |
The old slave was waiting in the passage when they carried out the rolled carpet on their shoulders. |
2346 |
The one time they had not been able to remove an abused Sleepless child legally, they kidnapped him. |
2347 |
It was early enough that the mists snaked up from the green, softening the air, softening the light. |
2348 |
Benjamin, though, would not be bluffed. He referred to his wrist chronometer then spoke three words. |
2349 |
Obviously they needed help. Sim poked his beak cautiously into the pool. And got kicked in the tail. |
2350 |
He came over and took it from my hand. His hand was large and hairy. It was much steadier than mine. |
2351 |
And every night he listened to the recording, learning more and more until finally the Watcher came. |
2352 |
The axle scraped. The shocks creaked. The undercarriage shimmied. Two hubcaps popped off and rolled. |
2353 |
As we had agreed, he left his two aides at the hangar door and accompanied me inside all by himself. |
2354 |
The entire group gasped, though Edge seemed most intent on what she had to say and held his silence. |
2355 |
Deanna oversaw every step and stage. A loss or a victory, she was determined that it carry her mark. |
2356 |
They stood watching as Tommy scurried off across the hull, squeezed himself into it and disappeared. |
2357 |
The sages want me to play it close. Try to find out at least as much from her as she learns from me. |
2358 |
She looked down. Her eyes stopped on the orange hair of a man who raised his head and looked at her. |
2359 |
Ingra shouted questions at the new guards, and the answers she received explained what had happened. |
2360 |
Smith watched the virus hunters' truck pull away from the station, escorted by motorcycle outriders. |
2361 |
Nest hugged herself with her arms and dug the toe of her shoe into the wet earth, growing impatient. |
2362 |
Fuchsia was just below him, and he was startled to hear her voice come up jerkily through the smoke. |
2363 |
As his men fell on the soldiers, a great cry rose up. As men fell, their screams filled the morning. |
2364 |
The three pronged mirrors were speeding up. The lifeboat resumed its northern course at a fast pace. |
2365 |
Terrel didn't really understand any of this, but he knew it was the only answer he was going to get. |
2366 |
They saw their own reflection scurrying single file down the hall of a wizard's house, nothing more. |
2367 |
He tapped his fingers on the damp stonework, feeling he ought to make his position absolutely clear. |
2368 |
Whatever they had not attained today would be theirs tomorrow or the next day. Clothes. Food. Water. |
2369 |
The auctioneer indicated me, taking his attention from the figure who had recently entered the hall. |
2370 |
For the second time he flicked his wiggling fingers back and forth. Then his slit of a mouth opened. |
2371 |
I gibber some more. The blades of the helicopter rotor are spinning mere inches from a tower of ice. |
2372 |
As the beamer caught the narrowing of those rough walls the Princess slackened pace, looked puzzled. |
2373 |
I was free and I was running, but I had made it this far. I now had the chance I'd wanted all along. |
2374 |
And the privateer was now darting diagonally across the Triton's bow, picking up speed every moment. |
2375 |
That same day, he dared to visit two galleries. Neither of them had a pewter candlestick on display. |
2376 |
Dennis looked up at him, not sure if he should be glad or start swearing about the fix they were in. |
2377 |
All my sense of possession came to the fore, that she was mine and that she now dared to turn on me. |
2378 |
But Ava's face was knotted into such a serious frown that I decided to ask her what the trouble was. |
2379 |
Justen forced a sense of order into the black staff, then extended it to Gunnar, who shook his head. |
2380 |
He looked toward Scarlett, whose eyes had been fastened on the dead man with a stare of fascination. |
2381 |
Everyone should know this, and therefore it was odd to see that the big signal arms were stationary. |
2382 |
Under the appalling force of his muscular pressure, the loose ends of the bars shuddered, then bent. |
2383 |
Compassion and revenge are two sides of the same coin. Necessity dictates which way that coin falls. |
2384 |
But now he was grateful for the strength that flowed into him as she draped a charm around his neck. |
2385 |
He stood hesitantly, sensing the presence hovering around him, wanting to confront it but afraid to. |
2386 |
With misery I suddenly realized my genetic heritage was that of a type which could be caught by men. |
2387 |
People passed – laborers of the morning, an old man with a crooked stick. I barely saw these people. |
2388 |
She veered away from thinking about him. This wasn't hard. There was plenty to occupy her attention. |
2389 |
Fully twenty horse and riders are spitted on the waiting pikes. The others slow into a milling mass. |
2390 |
I decided that I should have a little chat with my moll as soon as the opportunity presented itself. |
2391 |
Next day they paddled on. Bone, not content merely to paddle and guide, chatted about this and that. |
2392 |
They piled in the stretch. They huffed hard. The windows fogged up. The stretch wiggled and bounced. |
2393 |
But only the darkness, and the memories, and the aching loneliness heard his cries or felt his rage. |
2394 |
Martin had not spoken. He was staring at Bella as she sat at the table. It came to him like a flash. |
2395 |
And as I stared at the clumps of low, tangled trees up ahead, a thought pushed its way into my head. |
2396 |
Regis motioned for it to slip back down, just a bit, and grab the rope again. The creature complied. |
2397 |
Tasting her. Kissing her. Parting her and licking her in long, hot, relishing strokes of his tongue. |
2398 |
It was my first official sitting job for Charlotte since my return, and we were both pretty excited. |
2399 |
I gasped and put my hand to my throat as though it had been skewered out of the darkness by a spear. |
2400 |
She was smiling peculiarly at him, as if she were enjoying the conflict between his hunger and fear. |
2401 |
Louie knew he'd done something wrong and he slunk out of the library with his tail between his legs. |
2402 |
Paul nodded again. I didn't know if I was making progress or not I seemed to have broken his spirit. |
2403 |
The trolls came pouring from the bridge and went scurrying up the hillside, yelping with excitement. |
2404 |
He moaned softly. But it was not a sound of pain. It was as if he were trying to talk, and couldn't. |
2405 |
Drew strained on the line. Desperate, he dragged Ray over the side, slumping with him onto the deck. |
2406 |
The last thought came as an additional bright revelation, but one that made her sit up and go still. |
2407 |
The weapon's crew yelled a hearty cheer, hoisting their banner and waving for the whole army to see. |
2408 |
A column of swirling light shot skyward from the center of the wooden circle and the ground rumbled. |
2409 |
This inner protest always immersed her in the events that had elevated her to this awful prominence. |
2410 |
On the far side of the river, the fog cleared and another torch could be seen, just a wink of light. |
2411 |
I sat down at her table and opened the envelope with my name on it. It was written in block letters. |
2412 |
The librarian would burst into the front entryway any second. And there I'd be. Trapped at the door. |
2413 |
Not witless enough, however, to realize that sooner or later the wolf pack would tear him to pieces. |
2414 |
Tallahassee tried to edge away from that heat, unaware as yet of anything else. She opened her eyes. |
2415 |
Dawn tried to explain why they had to go, while figuring out the fastest way to get the girls there. |
2416 |
Tristan laughed, happy to hear that in spite of all that had happened, Marissa was capable of humor. |
2417 |
It slammed shut on the multiple tentacles, trying to catch as many as it could, and began crunching. |
2418 |
Smoke washed over the street, the squat body of the tank barely visible through the swirling clouds. |
2419 |
And then came the barbecue shrimp, which was nothing short of fantastic, and she started in at once. |
2420 |
She buckled into the combination shoulder and lap belt. She suspected that she was going to need it. |
2421 |
He was very much weaker then. I stooped down beside him so that he wouldn't have to raise his voice. |
2422 |
I waited long minutes. I went up to the surface for air. They were still gone when I came back down. |
2423 |
More often than not, both stubborn competitors would wait too long and would plunge to their demise. |
2424 |
Her gaze did not recognize him. She stared blankly through him as if her soul had lapsed within her. |
2425 |
They stared not so much at the humans, as at the great black beast that ambled placidly behind them. |
2426 |
He looked up at me, his big blue eyes filled with tears, his lips trembling and as pale as his face. |
2427 |
The elevator door had opened. My Victim and his daughter were rising floor after floor into the sky. |
2428 |
The two rose and padded out, and he sat in deep thought for a moment before ringing for his servant. |
2429 |
Queen in the near future and thought that these limited supplies might have to last for a long time. |
2430 |
Three of the white birds clustered around her feet, their tails trailing gracefully down the stairs. |
2431 |
Her breath jammed in her throat as she heard a muffled curse and a body being dragged past her door. |
2432 |
Beyond the curving windows Terra was a verdant background streaked with white, mostly in shadow now. |
2433 |
Dane managed a weak nod, but contrived that he did not lean too heavily on his avidly helpful guide. |
2434 |
If the amphibian plane had not had retractable wheels, the landing gear would have been sheered off. |
2435 |
Then there was silence again, then a muted clang as one of the sentries shifted his weight uneasily. |
2436 |
The scout dipped as its dying drives coughed. The high whine of the gravity generator began to fall. |
2437 |
So I agreed to try the formula. I prayed that it might really allow us to travel back into the past. |
2438 |
Carrie shot Sam a look of admiration. She hadn't known her friend had it in her to be so perceptive. |
2439 |
Standing on the ledge, he watched the headlights pierce the darkness as she drove down the mountain. |
2440 |
Caleb folded the letter and put it back in his pocket. He was not sure what they were talking about. |
2441 |
Since I was finally alone, though, I was free to take a shortcut to speed up my healing. I vanished. |
2442 |
Lincoln sat up straight, and Grant saw the flash of fire. Lincoln pounded a heavy hand on the table. |
2443 |
Grace ran her tongue along the column of his throat, delighting in the way he shuddered in her arms. |
2444 |
The footman's nerve broke at last. He turned and ran in the direction from which the coach had come. |
2445 |
The room was uncomfortably quiet, until Bismarck laughed his short laugh and shrugged his shoulders. |
2446 |
Oh, the things we've put you through, dear thing. This was but the latest trial for their poor ship. |
2447 |
Around them, the fog seemed to press heavily. The mist felt very cool, and exuded a sense of danger. |
2448 |
Soil began to cry, sensing beneath this brute visage a gentle personality. It was her only recourse. |
2449 |
Just sitting there on the wall in the phone nook, lights dark, looking like a snake ready to strike. |
2450 |
Stephen would not even have known it was a woman. He saw no resemblance to the photograph of Hannah. |
2451 |
He heard a roaring, as of waters unlocked, and a far portion of the citadel burst and was scattered. |
2452 |
All the while I spoke to them in a consoling voice of the miracles I had seen in the changing world. |
2453 |
Hillary sat down. His teeth clamped down on his lower lip and he stared sullenly at his fingernails. |
2454 |
The nurse leans over him and slowly lifts his arm. Stiffly, he finally follows the tug of her hands. |
2455 |
Worse yet. We would have to have a repair crew work on the hull, and that was treacherous in battle. |
2456 |
Ham's neck reddened. His hands clenched on his sword cane. He looked as if he could have slain Monk. |
2457 |
Though Philip was slow to pick up on the changes being wrought in her, realization finally did come. |
2458 |
Human blood baptizes the alien, which stands a grotesque statue until the artery has ceased to pump. |
2459 |
Touching heels to the stallion's flanks, he rode to the front of the battle line and lifted his arm. |
2460 |
Not for you, beloved. You would want no part in what I do here tonight. So this last is not for you. |
2461 |
I also took time before answering, but in my case it was a struggle for control rather than thought. |
2462 |
Evan stuck out his hand. Then remembered Conan's crushing handshake. He tried to pull back his hand. |
2463 |
Eyes watched Jack from the backs of dark rooms, between lattices, from crawl spaces beneath porches. |
2464 |
That journey seemed to go on forever. Fear chilled me. Yet the emotion was a goad to keep me moving. |
2465 |
One of the men then was drawing her hands behind her back. He snapped her wrists in slave bracelets. |
2466 |
Rowan took a deep long breath, ignoring the sweat that clung to her face and the warmth of the lamp. |
2467 |
They fell, seemingly endlessly. Water was all around, in columns. Below was a frightening whirlpool. |
2468 |
The stoat who had been acting as driver swung his willow cane viciously at the unfortunate squirrel. |
2469 |
Gabriel regarded Delacroix for a long while, faintly amused by the man's unexpected show of courage. |
2470 |
Sitting upright the animal measured about three feet. The refrigeration box was a cube half as high. |
2471 |
Mister Spiro had warned them to look out for suspicious vehicles, and this was certainly suspicious. |
2472 |
She allowed herself to be dragged out into the street, where William took a deep breath and relaxed. |
2473 |
Warmth ringed his wrists, fingers tightened there as if to drag him out of the encroaching darkness. |
2474 |
The elders froze as they saw it was a woman wearing a long black gown, her head covered with a hood. |
2475 |
The look in her eyes when he said that, though, made him think he should have quit with a simple no. |
2476 |
For a tense moment, the only sound was the mechanical swish of the ties circling their narrow track. |
2477 |
Bram was dead. Maybe a protector could will his heart to stop. His last words were suspiciously apt. |
2478 |
The enemy had started using better drones. This time the added expense saved them from annihilation. |
2479 |
The balcony overlooked one of the inner courtyards. Mort glanced over the parapet, and then mounted. |
2480 |
Cordelia came gravely to attention, returned the salute, and slipped quietly out the apartment door. |
2481 |
I skirted a large cooking area. I could smell freshly baked bread, and the cooking of eggs and meat. |
2482 |
Dad was understanding. He simply gave me a hug, waved to Mr. Pike, then turned around and drove off. |
2483 |
Hunter suppressed the urge to kick the man in the head. Instead, he went back over to the Commander. |
2484 |
She fished in the pocket of her jeans and found the scrap of paper, and dialed the telephone number. |
2485 |
He holstered two weapons and started reloading the other two as the cavalry about him began to fire. |
2486 |
She knew she was trapped and joined my hilarity, throwing her head back and giving a delicious yell. |
2487 |
Disgusted, Carolin turned his back on one cousin he had once loved, and went to deal with the other. |
2488 |
Ignoring him, Alfred had started to walk back, and nothing was happening. The ground remained still. |
2489 |
The little act of kindness made the tears start to Ellen's eyes. But she shook her head impatiently. |
2490 |
The lorry skidded around slowly, bounced lazily off a wall, and rolled a little way down the street. |
2491 |
Crofts felt good. He would know now where to find that second man whenever it came time to kill him. |
2492 |
Persis averted her eyes from the mirror. Washed out was a very mild term for what she saw there now. |
2493 |
Although he had sensed that she would be waiting, her words were welcome reassurance, and he smiled. |
2494 |
Nicholas nodded, looked at Harry and unnecessarily adjusted the coat around his small sleeping form. |
2495 |
The phone clicked in his ear, there was a moment of silence, and then the vapid hum of an open line. |
2496 |
The last wizard in the group lagged behind his colleagues and looked around the square with disdain. |
2497 |
A minute later a couple of cuboid robots trundled along the tunnel and started to clean up the mess. |
2498 |
Having said that, the young man turned his back, walked through a curtained doorway and disappeared. |
2499 |
I followed her as long as I could. I saw a spark traveling across the great night. And then nothing. |
2500 |
He opened the bag, peered inside briefly, then poured a stream of uncut diamonds into his left palm. |
2501 |
Mark let out a giggle. I knew he was trying not to laugh at Stanley. But the giggle escaped somehow. |
2502 |
Since there were no blips, hostile or otherwise, he wondered about the reason for the course switch. |
2503 |
Harry stiffened, his eyes narrowing for a moment. Then he shook his head and gave a humorless laugh. |
2504 |
Not everything was in place, though. Not everything was ready. Everything had to be done just right. |
2505 |
An eagle soared high on the thermals with wings spread, seemingly static as it rose on the warm air. |
2506 |
It was not a scream of fear, but a riotous cry of unbridled rage. It sent a shiver through his soul. |
2507 |
I don't remember how long I stood there. When I returned to my own rooms, I began to plan my escape. |
2508 |
There was a short peculiar whistling sound, the kind of a whistle by which a man might summon a dog. |
2509 |
Claudia was brushing tears away, and Lisa just stared at the sea, not knowing exactly what she felt. |
2510 |
I know, he cut in. But if I can convince it of a few things, it will end the plague. I'm sure of it. |
2511 |
I stopped screaming when I realized I had felt nothing but a dry, feathery caress. I opened my eyes. |
2512 |
The three of them almost hit the ceiling when I hopped over the sectional and landed in their midst. |
2513 |
Gussy crawled out, scratched on face, hands and knees by the gorse prickles. He was nearly in tears. |
2514 |
The swordsman yanked away and tore the pack from his blade, then looked back to the dwarf curiously. |
2515 |
Hugh knocked the pipe's ashes out in the hallway, tucked his pipe into a pocket of his leather vest. |
2516 |
Somewhere in the distance someone was having hysterics, punctuated by an occasional worried whistle. |
2517 |
Anne Marie, however, had finally galvanized the council into action. The long wait was about to end. |
2518 |
Unnoticed, Tom pulled a handwritten note from his pocket and slipped it into Decker's jacket pocket. |
2519 |
That first try was going to be successful. He was free of the Hill system, and he wasn't going back. |
2520 |
Basset did not answer. He seemed to be deep in thought, watching the figures on the ground intently. |
2521 |
The monk in back was moaning now, struggling against his trusses. Suddenly, he began kicking wildly. |
2522 |
She was already turning on the tiny shower in the washroom off her bedroom when the ringing stopped. |
2523 |
Only her head moved as I crossed the mosaic. The place was very quiet and she pitched her voice low. |
2524 |
Another long pause ensued, during which Cecilia was compelled to smother a giggle in his shirtfront. |
2525 |
Wayne had rules. Wayne enforced said. Do not paw women. Do not hit women. Treat whores with respect. |
2526 |
He would dismount and walk into the cave, fetch the Armour and wait for the enemy he could not slay. |
2527 |
In her room, she locked the door, then dragged a chair in front of it as an added safety precaution. |
2528 |
He shakes his head, then grins back at her. They wait as the Griffin is moored to the stone bollard. |
2529 |
Five hundred physicians attending the celestial court, each carrying a silver box with golden pills. |
2530 |
Enoch Root has an old cigar box on his lap. Golden light is shining out of the crack around its lid. |
2531 |
Those that were there that day would later swear they had never seen such a display of flying, ever. |
2532 |
Apache nomads in the wide southwestern wastes of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. |
2533 |
Therefore, one may say without being presumptuous that the experience of experiences is being alive. |
2534 |
But inside his brain he saw the sand and the squatting robot and the hills with the years upon them. |
2535 |
Unheeded, her protest trailed into silence. In the chill spring wind she looked like she might weep. |
2536 |
The second Mercedes pulled up and a team of technicians got out. They were all carrying their tools. |
2537 |
I was instantly awake. I heard Lana cry out with pain. I jerked my head and felt another sharp pain. |
2538 |
Mac didn't think this young woman was capable of anything. She looked like a lost, bewildered child. |
2539 |
The cart was soon unloaded, Billy taken out and turned out to feed, and then they went in to supper. |
2540 |
Amy squeezed in with Jenna and me, furious. Jenna tried to make small talk with her. It was ignored. |
2541 |
Audrey looked pale in the blue and purple lights, her lipstick garish. She seemed ready to cry, too. |
2542 |
His voice lifted into the whine of virtuous recrimination. They stirred and began to shout him down. |
2543 |
There was a sudden clang of the judge's bar and the rope stretched before the tarns was jerked away. |
2544 |
As they approached the site of the laser beam combiner, they saw a lot of robot transporter traffic. |
2545 |
The rising sun, striking a section of balustrade, cast a long dark shadow that fell but a foot away. |
2546 |
Anne Sloane, the slim delicate mutant girl with the gift of psychokinesis, did not blink an eyelash. |
2547 |
He grabbed it and heaved it off its supports. Or tried to, at least. It was rusted solidly in place. |
2548 |
Every time his dewy tongue touched her, she shivered and he entered her waiting mouth a little more. |
2549 |
She looked at the sleeping figure and then with a pensive expression, chewed and swallowed the note. |
2550 |
I saw a gray, quilted cover over something large. Maybe it's some kind of treasure chest, I thought. |
2551 |
He ended with a shout, and the Army shouted with him, clashing their weapons in tumult and approval. |
2552 |
As the three approached, the passenger door of the taxi opened and a flood of cold air swept inward. |
2553 |
Such cruel treatment from her kindly old nanny made her hold her breath a long time. Then she cried. |
2554 |
There was a pause as everyone complied. It took a distressingly long time for them to figure it out. |
2555 |
There was no time to think, no time to protect himself from the spiraling fury rising out the abyss. |
2556 |
The flame moved toward him, hovered directly before his eyes. He closed them against the brightness. |
2557 |
With a smile on his face and lust in his heart, Alex closed the door quietly at his back. Locked it. |
2558 |
Jack is loading his magazines and you sit on his cot and take a cigar from your pocket and light it. |
2559 |
The wall around the house, in the rear, was coated with ivy vines. This foliage was thick and green. |
2560 |
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Perhaps now he would be able to formulate a plan of escape. |
2561 |
He opened it, and sat riveted in his chair as he read. This was really serious, very serious indeed. |
2562 |
It's best to be prepared for the worst, after all, and wise to learn to walk before breath runs out. |
2563 |
Colt was wiping his hands very deliberately now, looking at Kinsman with his back to the two miners. |
2564 |
With luck he could make it back to the Common before they realized they were following a dead trail. |
2565 |
The horned puppet followed them. He ran with more grace and with less noise than even the two women. |
2566 |
The lizard blinked, turned slowly and walked majestically away, with Mariel shaking the sword at it. |
2567 |
Fifteen minutes later I was still creeping, and the indicator dial hadn't jiggled half a millimeter. |
2568 |
Nathan slapped his knee and howled with laughter. None of the other four so much as cracked a smile. |
2569 |
To my terror I saw him unroll heavy furs and cast them scornfully over the rugs near the small fire. |
2570 |
There was no shortage of women wanting to share those accommodations. Astonishingly beautiful women. |
2571 |
Behind his back, however, he sifted through the dark soil. His fingers closed around a smooth stone. |
2572 |
It was a pity that all of a sudden she had no feeling for him. None at all. Even her anger was dead. |
2573 |
The phone rang five times before Bertie realized where she was. The water in the shower was running. |
2574 |
We had just reached the family room doorway when the piano began to play. A strange jumble of notes. |
2575 |
Wrapped in each other's arms, amid tangled sheets and sweaty afterglow, two lovers began to quarrel. |
2576 |
When she had finished, she tucked the small canvas package up under her skirts, and went up on deck. |
2577 |
I missed a good meal and everyone informed me that I had, and there was genuine regret in his voice. |
2578 |
Monk grinned. The grin had the effect of making his incredibly homely face very pleasant to look at. |
2579 |
Again he said nothing, but held her closer and stopped her words, and let her tears bathe them both. |
2580 |
After a moment, Doc Savage broke the circuit, and stillness came again to the vast white laboratory. |
2581 |
Too many enemies, before and behind. Matt slapped the gun out of Castro's hand, then turned and ran. |
2582 |
Her hands were on the door handle. She tried to take them off and couldn't. They would not obey her. |
2583 |
One of the bones in his forearm was broken and she could not free it from the metal garment he wore. |
2584 |
I let him have the plump center portion, keeping my fingers positioned so he couldn't take too much. |
2585 |
Jason slowly reduced the pressure of his fingers. Breathing heavily, he spoke as calmly as he could. |
2586 |
They would hate him if they caught him. They would brand him traitor. But there was no other answer. |
2587 |
Doc went directly to the house in which he had awakened from the mysterious period of senselessness. |
2588 |
A little conflagration of panic flared inside me for a moment. I clung to him a little more tightly. |
2589 |
Brian remounted his horse and started down the causeway. Jim fell in beside the large white charger. |
2590 |
And from the cut that ran darkly off to his right, just beyond John's, the sound of taunting voices. |
2591 |
He closed his eyes wearily, the blood gathering in his nose and his mouth and in his quivering eyes. |
2592 |
He was tempted to draw his own sidearm, but Harry preferred to handle this courteously, if possible. |
2593 |
He heard an amused chuckle from Ford. Angrily, tossing the menu aside, he forced himself to look up. |
2594 |
Five days later, they locked up the house and started walking to the public transportation terminal. |
2595 |
The horses were blown also. Bad riders were hard on their mounts, as surely as the reverse was true. |
2596 |
She held still, lying just as they had put her. Her eyes were wide open. She lay so for a long time. |
2597 |
The cornstalks rose above our heads. The breeze made them lean over us, as if trying to close us in. |
2598 |
They made a right, then a left. Bullhorns exhorted the crowd monotonously to move back, to disperse. |
2599 |
It was near dawn on the eighth night when I finally wandered up to Roget's door and pulled the bell. |
2600 |
Pacing there miserably around the safety of his living room, he remembered what had happened to him. |
2601 |
They excused themselves and went into the house. Stick watched them, no doubt thinking about supper. |
2602 |
Suddenly a leather loop fell about my neck. I was startled, and turned. It drew tight. I was snared. |
2603 |
Harvey saw the interfering Bitch's fire. He wanted to go. Now. Tonight. But something made him wait. |
2604 |
He stood there, staring after it, until the vehicle swerved around a corner and was gone from sight. |
2605 |
Minor points began to occupy more time as the overall fitness and readiness of the troops increased. |
2606 |
Trevelyan glanced up with a sudden consciousness and felt his pulse quicken. Nicki had just come in. |
2607 |
One of the massive hands reached in, closed around Thomas' neck and jerked him out into the passage. |
2608 |
Inspector Higgins had slashed one end of a stick of powder. In this he had stuffed an explosive cap. |
2609 |
The key was still sewn securely to her right glove. She pinched it between her thumb and forefinger. |
2610 |
I struggled from the chair onto the floor, where Taylor sat with the chemicals and measuring spoons. |
2611 |
Ralph removed the long black cheroot from between his teeth, and gave a parody of a military salute. |
2612 |
Every book I read was a twisted homage to her. Every mystery solved was my love for her in ellipses. |
2613 |
Whitaker looked down in the direction the pilot pointed and saw a small wood with dense undergrowth. |
2614 |
She giggled delightedly. She rocked forward on her knees, and burrowed her head against my shoulder. |
2615 |
The little gunman was canny, much more canny than it appeared on the surface, as it later developed. |
2616 |
Confessor had helped when Abby had feared all was lost. She wondered what would become of the woman. |
2617 |
Camilla's voice trembled, and it was barely louder than a whisper. But Amy heard her loud and clear. |
2618 |
Louis made an answer he hoped was noncommittal. He sensed the other's disappointment, or guessed it. |
2619 |
He had laughed but not in ridicule. He had thought of something one of his friends once said to him. |
2620 |
Kevin breathed out noisily then took a bite of hamburger to avoid saying anything he'd later regret. |
2621 |
Frowns. They were worried. Wondering what had happened to their envoys. Beginning to get suspicious. |
2622 |
Theo looked away and walked to the dark cabin, wishing that there was someone there waiting for him. |
2623 |
I thought it was time for me to interrupt lest Beef by his tactlessness should lose his opportunity. |
2624 |
There was a dull boom from above. Sand and rock rained down. The upper part of the tunnel collapsed. |
2625 |
But she had met the entire ordeal with a courage and strength of heart he'd not seen in a long time. |
2626 |
He heard the softly spoken command in Spanish. He heard the scratch of the dog's claws as it leaped. |
2627 |
I did not talk to Logan. In school, we avoided each other. He sat with his guy friends at lunchtime. |
2628 |
More keys were found in the morning. When Acacia announced lunch, Crane gathered his staff together. |
2629 |
Reggie and Beth look really nervous, Todd thought, edging past a display on how trash gets recycled. |
2630 |
In the quiet of the church Robyn untied the first package, and unpacked the contents onto the table. |
2631 |
She did, filling one for Simon as well, and talk went to general subjects rather than personal ones. |
2632 |
And so far too, there'd been little to show for the blood and suffering of the past hour and a half. |
2633 |
And as he stood wondering, the door burst open and something came hurtling at him like a wild beast. |
2634 |
Then I swung a single ball down with a double force. The opposite ball flung out with similar force. |
2635 |
He had been shoved out of the way, so that it was not necessary to step over him to get to the door. |
2636 |
Monk and Ham were weak. Unconsciously, they had been straining continuously with all their strength. |
2637 |
Both groups then broke into convulsive and abusive laughter, picked up their wounded, and went away. |
2638 |
Later she would question her sanity. For now, feigning a lack of fear was all she could think to do. |
2639 |
Ten minutes later they had swung round in a wide circle as if to approach the island from the north. |
2640 |
Stern swallowed again, the action becoming increasingly harder because of the dryness of his throat. |
2641 |
But something seemed to have gone out of her. She seemed a little frightened, a little apprehensive. |
2642 |
She stopped. She bit her lips. Her eyes swam in moisture. They were very big, enthralling blue eyes. |
2643 |
But there was no response from the mad woman, who had now resumed her vacant staring at the ceiling. |
2644 |
That was the best she could hope for tonight. She was damned sure she wasn't going to get any sleep. |
2645 |
The small gray man sat in a small gray office in the ship. He was looking at small gray instruments. |
2646 |
He was young enough to appreciate the compliment, but not quite old enough to receive it graciously. |
2647 |
They all put on fur cloaks and left the palace. The snow had almost stopped, and the wind was brisk. |
2648 |
He had given her the backdrop and the proscenium arch for this little drama to be fully appreciated. |
2649 |
Saturday stepped forward. Green sparks flew out to his hands as he gripped the jacket and put it on. |
2650 |
The thought finally came into clear focus. He was too surprised to keep from blurting out the words. |
2651 |
Ham was a highly skilled airman. He proved it. He got down without even wetting the wing tip floats. |
2652 |
I peered down into it. The light from our helmets was swallowed up in a well that seemed bottomless. |
2653 |
For a moment, she looked away. Her face was like a mask, from the effort of fighting down the tears. |
2654 |
Flick found the right button. The glass was one of the barriers the watchman had mentioned. It rose. |
2655 |
Kroner was silent for a moment. Suddenly he shouted into the phone, almost rupturing Paul's eardrum. |
2656 |
The three men inside heard the key turn, and in a trice Jake was at the door, pulling at the handle. |
2657 |
The moment he turned the machine on, the itch went away and the vision of the sparrows went with it. |
2658 |
Snip could hear a faint buzzing and eyed the old gentleman's ears with growing interest and respect. |
2659 |
The light grew and the morion continued. Whatever was below seemed a pale yellow with smoky patches. |
2660 |
The fallen man took told of his mouth and nose with both hands and pinched, so he could not breathe. |
2661 |
He turned to face the solid wall of advancing soldiers now slowing to close with him, weapons ready. |
2662 |
He studied her for a long time without moving or speaking, a stone face wrapped in cloak and shadow. |
2663 |
She was right. Until I dealt with Antonin, or he dealt with me, there would be no answers. I sighed. |
2664 |
The man's lips twitched, he seemed about to speak. His mouth opened and blood gushed down his chest. |
2665 |
This duty was performed, and the hammocks piped down as the last glimmering of daylight disappeared. |
2666 |
If I didn't nip in and get myself established, someone else would come along and do it over my head. |
2667 |
Deep in thought, trying to envision all requisite elements of the strategy, Dalton waggled a finger. |
2668 |
Carver turned quickly. He was holding a gold nugget in both hands. It was pulling him to the ground. |
2669 |
Without further word, Magician Murphy turned and departed. The three girls breathed sighs of relief. |
2670 |
Through it all, the bugler continued to play, although the snatches of sound came from farther away. |
2671 |
The Duke scowled, busied himself with the controls as they came into turbulent air over the crawler. |
2672 |
His parents were always scolding him for taking matters into his own hands. For being too impulsive. |
2673 |
He limped heavily on to a place where a spring bubbled through the earth to feed a trickle of brook. |
2674 |
He stumbled up the wide steps, his gown muddy and bedraggled, his mouth smeared with Barlow's blood. |
2675 |
When the voice had come on, a green panel inset in the center of the steering wheel started to glow. |
2676 |
Aidan waited until Kevin let himself in the front door, using his own key. No one came to greet him. |
2677 |
I had struck a blow that Heller would not soon forget and certainly could not possibly recover from. |
2678 |
There was no receptionist. I walked right through the empty waiting room and into the second office. |
2679 |
That's the whole point, he told himself. This is where everyone finds out if you can, including you. |
2680 |
Alison handed him a mug of black tea and placed milk and sugar on the table in matching earthenware. |
2681 |
Perhaps it was just as well that deliverance was on its way, from a completely unexpected direction. |
2682 |
As they flew across the room, Spiro was being led from the lab. He had finally managed to calm down. |
2683 |
She'd been unsure as to what would happen when the charge was purged, but Sonja never expected this. |
2684 |
As she went to get out of the car he took hold of her arm, his fingers gripping her so hard it hurt. |
2685 |
The profane being thus purified are capable of receiving the benefit of the Initiation of the Adept. |
2686 |
It felt like something tore inside her ear when the gun went off just outside the confessional door. |
2687 |
Four Rings could clearly be seen, were stiff and blue and she wished for boots such as the men wore. |
2688 |
I unlocked the door of my room, and pushed it open for her. She took my arm and we went in together. |
2689 |
Merrick stood for a long moment looking up, as though she'd found a chink in the rooftop of foliage. |
2690 |
By the second day even the most tireless of the workers had given up hope, but still they toiled on. |
2691 |
I shut the door. She walked slowly across the room, stared blankly at the wall, then turned quickly. |
2692 |
There was another long pause, but this time Mort kept the telephone screwed tightly against his ear. |
2693 |
Norman decided to take another shower. As he stepped under the spray, he made a startling discovery. |
2694 |
Red flame plunged at him from a doorway. He had all but fallen into the arms of a party of Tibetans. |
2695 |
A young woman stood behind him. She was holding a device the size of a Maxim gun, but a lot sleeker. |
2696 |
The elf maiden set her bow to furious work, hardly aiming, just firing for the mass of enemy bodies. |
2697 |
Her shout was drowned by a deafening sound that hit her like a physical blow and made her ears ring. |
2698 |
They parted that day without speaking, and he spent the evening at the betting parlor, losing money. |
2699 |
But Claire was shaking her head. Umlaut dreaded to think what that might mean, so he didn't inquire. |
2700 |
The man was looking back as he came around the angle in the trail, wondering if Doc had come closer. |
2701 |
The larder door was locked, its hoop handles wrapped in heavy chains and secured by a heavy padlock. |
2702 |
She chuckled. The sound was pleasant, and Rey was surprised at how it touched him to hear her laugh. |
2703 |
I didn't have time to think about that, though. Right then, things started happening pretty quickly. |
2704 |
He sighed himself before he left her there sleeping and crept into the living room to use the phone. |
2705 |
He waited for her to respond by offering her own first name, but she only looked at him expectantly. |
2706 |
That's the beginning of the story. The story itself can be told very simply, and in far fewer words. |
2707 |
A smell of death and foulness seemed to surround her, rising from the bodies of the horse and Rider. |
2708 |
And for the first time Powell's artificial aplomb was shaken and his hands shot forward for the map. |
2709 |
The old man sputtered, half strangled, and took the bottle from his face. He used it to point again. |
2710 |
The dragon flew slowly, only a few feet above the ground, wings sculling gracefully through the air. |
2711 |
Pleading fatigue, the Queen dismissed her ladies and ordered a hearty dinner brought to her chamber. |
2712 |
With Alyssa trembling inside his shirt once more, he began his descent into the whispering darkness. |
2713 |
So, an hour later when he heard Robyn calling to him from higher up the slope, he ignored her cries. |
2714 |
The engineer turned suddenly and departed. The clerk was abruptly stricken with a spasm of coughing. |
2715 |
Her mouth opened to cry a warning and he ducked, turning to meet the rush of feet from the darkness. |
2716 |
The headman clapped his hands sharply and the tribesmen stepped back. Hakim circled, his eyes sharp. |
2717 |
The voice like a bear coughing in the woods came on the line. Austin told his father what he needed. |
2718 |
He made a signal in the direction of where he knew the button camera was and sat down. He was tired. |
2719 |
There was bitterness in his voice. He was out to prove to his father that he could be a worthy heir. |
2720 |
There was an irregular black opening some ten feet away. Cautiously, we crept closer and peered out. |
2721 |
That did not matter. What mattered was the perception that perhaps they would not always come empty. |
2722 |
He spared the boy a friendly nod. Davina was out of sight, taking dishes into the kitchen in relays. |
2723 |
I spun around to see Mr. Dawes, his eyes narrowing as he read the inscription on his own gravestone. |
2724 |
When they were not alone together, they spent most of their time planning and scheming how to be so. |
2725 |
Evan actually flushed. He gave Harden a cold glare and went to listen to what the doctor was saying. |
2726 |
I looked at a spot beneath a birch tree some twenty yards away and visualized myself standing there. |
2727 |
Night had fallen when he awakened, and a delicious aroma of cooking reminded him he was very hungry. |
2728 |
It was not a laboratory to the eye. It was more nearly a library, with an ornate desk in the corner. |
2729 |
She had hardly taken two steps, however, when a flicker of light caught at the corner of her vision. |
2730 |
Outside, the fat moon vanished into the western horizon, like a silver coin into a drawstring purse. |
2731 |
In the rear of the plane, Habeas Corpus awakened abruptly and scrambled forward, big ears distended. |
2732 |
A piece he chose. A piece he decided was right. Because by Christ it was his work and no one else's. |
2733 |
All three stared in amazement. The infant was showing them something they had not thought of so far. |
2734 |
We passed a couple of girls jiggling along in thin summer dresses and the boy from Memphis whistled. |
2735 |
The engine started on the second try, and he pulled away from the curb and into the line of traffic. |
2736 |
Grave Digger gripped the bartender by the back of his neck and pushed his head toward the nude body. |
2737 |
Suddenly she saw her chance and struck a sharp, whipping blow that broke the skin on Sam's forehead. |
2738 |
The touch had broken the spell. The webs of air around him snapped soundlessly, and he was plunging. |
2739 |
She went back to her desk and sat down. She didn't need expression on her face to look sad, somehow. |
2740 |
They never satisfy you, the ones you make. In silence the estrangement and the resentment only grow. |
2741 |
She could hear them laughing now. They were laughing in relief, she knew, glad she was leaving them. |
2742 |
Like the confrontation with the Chairman and the victory that ensued, the food was oddly flavorless. |
2743 |
The room went dead silent. She could hear the soft ticking of someone's wristwatch, it was so quiet. |
2744 |
I helped him rise. He looked embarrassed, like a man who has shown something of which he is ashamed. |
2745 |
Electricity arcing between his claws. The two are done for. Maureen puts her hand over Penny's eyes. |
2746 |
Honey, it was like a hurricane was happening just over that house, the way those trees were blowing. |
2747 |
I felt like I was caught in a pinwheel. Our motions were far beyond what gravity coils could handle. |
2748 |
I said nothing, but put my hand on his shoulder then turned and walked back to my lonely apartments. |
2749 |
He kept digging. The sounds were getting closer. And then, he heard voices. His hands opened a hole. |
2750 |
We told you, Hermine thought smugly. You wanted to join us all along. Ever since you saw up her leg. |
2751 |
A computerized voice told him to wait a moment. Almost at once, Bugs Benet's face filled the screen. |
2752 |
He got to his feet and walked stiffly out of the cafeteria, leaving his untouched tray at the table. |
2753 |
He reached out to embrace her, wanting to weep with relief and joy, but she recoiled from his touch. |
2754 |
I tried to form a plan as we approached the city, but in truth I was not sure at all how to proceed. |
2755 |
The image froze, then disintegrated before Alex's eyes into a colored tangle of blocky video trails. |
2756 |
Somewhere in the house, he was either at play or resting until he was ready to begin the game again. |
2757 |
Dolph gave a sound that was more snort than laugh. No words were needed to say he didn't believe me. |
2758 |
At that point the cook got careless and the little pack mule took a kick at him which barely missed. |
2759 |
It was no use wondering how it was done, or for that matter why the laundry returned freshly ironed. |
2760 |
And picking it up, he let it drop on the floor upside down, so that the binding split of its weight. |
2761 |
He slowed the truck to a crawl and idled back among the huge corpses. His companions were reloading. |
2762 |
But people were listening to him. A girl in baggy shorts and a midriff top stopped hefting her rock. |
2763 |
Developers gleefully will be counting them, one by one, to prove that their land isn't worth saving. |
2764 |
And then she ran on, slipping at the top of the stairs. A glass slipper slithered across the marble. |
2765 |
Richard heard a metallic snap. He felt something brush at his neck, felt something fall at his feet. |
2766 |
And before my eyes, the shape grew denser and more vivid, and I saw the aspects of a particular man. |
2767 |
Nellie closed her eyes and willed herself to calm down, commanded her breathing to return to normal. |
2768 |
A trumpet fanfare cut through and rose above the drums. The clear, piercing notes rose into the air. |
2769 |
It was starting to sound like a pizza contest to me, but I kept my mouth shut and kept on listening. |
2770 |
The two of them were alone in the middle of the field and the Boer rifles were seeking them eagerly. |
2771 |
The bronze man kept his lenses trained on the yacht. There was, he saw, no name upon the black hull. |
2772 |
Some of the men apparently had never seen Lawn before, and wondered how he came to be giving orders. |
2773 |
The nurse's eyes were bright and wet. She reached for the hypodermic, but the doctor shook his head. |
2774 |
But first came the storm and with its howling innumerable flashes of lightning blasted over the men. |
2775 |
Indeed, this man was the only one of the first party to seize the young woman who was now conscious. |
2776 |
I left him below opening up the sofa bed while I ambled up the stairs, talking to him over the rail. |
2777 |
And again I closed and opened my hand, and in its hollow stood a man with a sad face, turned upward. |
2778 |
The sergeant sniffed and pulled out his watch. It was useful, though not an instrument of precision. |
2779 |
The instruction formed in Terrel's head, not heard but understood. There was no denying that demand. |
2780 |
There were no old people. Well, no old people who looked really old. White hair framing young faces. |
2781 |
And it scared her. It reminded her that if eagerness went too far it could become a form of suicide. |
2782 |
Not a man moved They stood staring at nothingness, their submachine guns slung over their shoulders. |
2783 |
In a minute she was home. She made a dash for the bathroom. After that, she walked into the kitchen. |
2784 |
It wouldn't open. I shut my eyes, closed out all sensations, felt for the tumblers. Clicked it open. |
2785 |
He did, tumbling with her to a spread of floor cushions while the sun died brilliantly in the ocean. |
2786 |
He shook the dice in his hand and threw a seven. He threw four more sevens, then switched to eleven. |
2787 |
No one seemed to notice her, so Winnie stood in the doorway for a few minutes and took in the scene. |
2788 |
They finished the first session in complete accord and organized cargoes for the second hour's work. |
2789 |
Nina stepped back, her gaze intense, and he wondered if she could sense the depths of his revulsion. |
2790 |
Seated in the living room, Hayden got straight to the point. She displayed a picture on her notepad. |
2791 |
The expression on their mother's face as they entered the house made up for some of the sudden hurt. |
2792 |
Janie neither looked at him nor spoke. She knew by now that a silent subject did not make good copy. |
2793 |
Her happiness wasn't something he could achieve by asking her to subordinate her desires to his own. |
2794 |
Mighty warrior, I told myself after each of those silly little raids. Terrifying women and children. |
2795 |
He had the chance to dominate me already when he took over the executive during Brendan's redaction. |
2796 |
Weakened by their own vast multitudes, they were ripe for the pestilence that came out of the north. |
2797 |
Occasionally they didn't bother with the tent, and simply left her chained to the stake, like a dog. |
2798 |
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. |
2799 |
Silence. Three robots stood facing the wall, their right hands fluttering like tethered butterflies. |
2800 |
She touches him, his arm. It's all he can do not to flick it away like an animal flicking off a fly. |
2801 |
Rob looked past the dark, heavy shapes of the living room furniture to the window. It was just dawn. |
2802 |
The Journalist had by this time found a sort of microphone. He pushed a switch and bellowed into it. |
2803 |
Even after they warned him that he must never, ever, turn off the suit while inside something solid. |
2804 |
Hedwig's large, round, amber eyes gazed at him reproachfully over the dead frog clamped in her beak. |
2805 |
Holmes had looked up when I'd come in, and now he was wandering across, a cup of coffee in his hand. |
2806 |
Pony growled and slapped a plate from her night table, hardly noticing that it crashed to the floor. |
2807 |
I've hurt myself. She said it like an accusation. They were both flushed and panting from the climb. |
2808 |
He looked very gloomy. It was peculiar with him that he looked the saddest when he was the happiest. |
2809 |
He had not once looked up at Robyn, though she had not been able to tear her own eyes from his face. |
2810 |
Doc was not under arrest. But that was simply because there happened to be no officers on the train. |
2811 |
One of the Falconers sent his bird aloft. It spiraled about, well above the dark blot of the island. |
2812 |
He hesitated and looked down among the faces to see what could be found there, but he was uncertain. |
2813 |
Ever so slowly Trevor shook his head, never looking away from the redneck's bleary, glittering eyes. |
2814 |
A quick, bright flame was spreading on the floor of the alcove. A tongue of fire darted up the wall. |
2815 |
He knew it was not going to last when the familiar padding of sandals came from one of the bedrooms. |
2816 |
One of the nicest ones in recent times was on my trip back to Dresden with my old war buddy, O'Hare. |
2817 |
Now the unicorn was a speck on the moorland. As they watched, it disappeared into the evening gloom. |
2818 |
But here was a gorgeous woman, with heaps of brown hair in big natural ringlets, American oval face. |
2819 |
She was shocked at this. Blasphemy and rebellion had never been on her agenda. He knew her thoughts. |
2820 |
Your sadness shimmered about you, flashing in your young eyes and in the softness of your new flesh. |
2821 |
He narrowly avoided careering into the side of a hundred Italian washing machines in a German lorry. |
2822 |
And after several more driving lessons, and a new clutch, she realized Julian was a hopeless driver. |
2823 |
In the hallway, Lhasa Nilsson put a hand on the doorknob and turned it. The door opened noiselessly. |
2824 |
The men flashed their torches about the boat and lifted up the folded sail. Nobody there, of course. |
2825 |
The farmers bobbed in terrified gratitude and backed out of the presence, framed between the guards. |
2826 |
The men swinging from the parachutes all laughed heartily as they fell. But they did not look happy. |
2827 |
The army of light bodies was posted in front of the horseshoe gate and seemed to wait for something. |
2828 |
The grimness was still on her face as she went under the full effects of the morphine and fell back. |
2829 |
They looked at each other, then at their soup. Sympathy was there, with a trace of contempt beneath. |
2830 |
Thus again I was made aware of how my family considered me, that a servant and not kin brought this. |
2831 |
First thing in the morning, he was going back into the mines and bring out the black obsidian skull. |
2832 |
For five days they sailed on through the calm ocean, every sail unfurled to give them maximum speed. |
2833 |
But all the blood in the world couldn't stop the horrors from coming over me when I went to my rest. |
2834 |
It'd been an eternity since he last slept with a woman. Years of bitter, aching loneliness and pain. |
2835 |
A heavy silence fell over the room as the three of them stared at the skeleton of James and the dog. |
2836 |
Then he set off on his way to that invisible world floating somewhere out in the blackness of space. |
2837 |
He removed his helmet, and then sagged as if he'd finally allowed a weight to drop on his shoulders. |
2838 |
Veil lay with his eyes half closed, listening to the crackle of the fire and waiting for his chance. |
2839 |
The man flinched and grunted under the blows, and finally began to howl, his flat nose running snot. |
2840 |
An examination disclosed the hull to be intact, although three or four bulkheads had been blown out. |
2841 |
Then his back was hard up against the wall, and he was looking into the laughing eyes of a dead man. |
2842 |
I have paid for this place. I am emptied out with the cost of it. I will not give it up for any man. |
2843 |
The band exploded through the last chorus of the song and gifted the audience with merciful silence. |
2844 |
Luis could feel the weight of the rock. It was much lighter than a rock that size would be on Earth. |
2845 |
That was the last thought she remembered. When she opened her eyes again, the room had grown darker. |
2846 |
He was disconcerted by the way she put a thumb or knuckle in her mouth, her pink lips sucking at it. |
2847 |
It worked. The Image melted while the wolf was still caught in the prolonged instant of translation. |
2848 |
Nor could Bell come up with some plausible reason. He gave up his speculations in utter frustration. |
2849 |
He had discovered a broken series of smaller ledges, like irregular steps, down which they could go. |
2850 |
The old man's head indicated a spade half stuck in the dark mound. The young man shrugged and moved. |
2851 |
Doc Savage looked at the wax likeness which he was gripping, holding a few inches off the white bed. |
2852 |
Wayne sapped him. Pete flashed him. The bulb was bright. The bulb was hot. The bulb burned his face. |
2853 |
I never spoke to either of them idly. They were too grand for that. I addressed them only in prayer. |
2854 |
He was all mixed up. Thinking of it, it seemed to him that they had been mixed up for some time now. |
2855 |
Karen had been in a daze all the way to Acre. Now, in the prison, it seemed even more unreal to her. |
2856 |
Without pausing, the bronze man walked straight ahead, and the door of the office closed behind him. |
2857 |
Nothing happened. The violent twisting motion had jammed the atomic bomb against its tight quarters. |
2858 |
We got along. It was good that we did. We were living in each other's shadow and stink every minute. |
2859 |
Other strips hung down front and back, indited with vertical rows of red and black circular symbols. |
2860 |
It seemed round, and about the size of a well, and could not be less than a hundred feet to the top. |
2861 |
She climbed onto her bed, where she'd left dinner unfinished. Although she had no appetite, she ate. |
2862 |
Feeling better, Jude turned to put her empty bowl in the dishwasher and discovered there wasn't one. |
2863 |
Babe was sitting there with her radios. She looked up with a glad smile when the door light came on. |
2864 |
Shaking her head but still smiling a little, Joyce Weldon walked back down to the front of the hall. |
2865 |
A civilian shouted to the man next to her and pointed. She was looking at something in the distance. |
2866 |
Before he could act, she had recovered herself. She stepped forward, lifting a hand to point at him. |
2867 |
He marked how deeply she breathed, with tension in every movement, the glazed appearance of her eyes. |
2868 |
I don't know how many times I heard it before I realized that it was calling my name, calling for me. |
2869 |
He crept the land engine up the lane and into the yard, where he began to shut down the steam system. |
2870 |
Then a shudder went through her. The body, vacated by spirit, keeled over. She lay dead in her blood. |
2871 |
Two of the men who had been looking after the animal jumped in too, crying to the beast to come back. |
2872 |
Then they came out of the hold of the ice, into a world they could not believe at first look existed. |
2873 |
From the mob in the tiers, dozens of men began leaping into the arena. Then hundreds. Then thousands. |
2874 |
Because to kill to eat or to protect was in the natural order of life. To kill to do a wrong was not. |
2875 |
In fact, Miami is not at all like Casablanca. For one thing, the handgun laws are much tougher there. |
2876 |
The two women slipped along the narrow alley between a cluster of houses and began to climb the path. |
2877 |
Finally, I drew out my handkerchief and wiped my face. I drew in my breath and tried to speak calmly. |
2878 |
He turned around, resealing his pants, and started at the shape staring at him through the cell door. |
2879 |
For the second time in her life, after she had been asleep for a while she felt herself being kissed. |
2880 |
Wolff studied the environment as best he could. The cylinders were all about the size of skyscrapers. |
2881 |
Solemnly they turned away from the motionless figure on the floor and set out on their investigation. |
2882 |
Then they came to where they had talked to Luke at the circus, and how he had come to them one night. |
2883 |
Necessity seen to and finished, I hurried 'round the house and climbed into the carriage with Oliver. |
2884 |
The air around them sizzled with electricity as the sky above turned dark. Erin trembled in his arms. |
2885 |
Then Deanna told her to close her eyes and drift. Kira did as she asked, wondering what would happen. |
2886 |
More than perceptibly, I realized. The ground was trembling, vibrating as if an earthquake had begun. |
2887 |
Before I could decide what to do next, this song I like came on the radio. So I turned up the volume. |
2888 |
Bond and Solitaire sat down. Bond lit a cigarette and threw the pack and his lighter on to the table. |
2889 |
The captain warned his gunner to be cautious and gave the same instructions to the second helicopter. |
2890 |
Nicholas had never seen her in this mood, and the depth of her powers of concentration impressed him. |
2891 |
The whole woods seemed full of sighs and whispers. An owl called. Jozef jumped, and laughed about it. |
2892 |
I caught a blessed breeze and soared up and away, my own silent, voiceless scream echoing in my head. |
2893 |
Juliet was furious with herself. This was exactly the kind of stunt her brother had warned her about. |
2894 |
He was not at all surprised to find it marked with a small drawing of a turtle. He was the lucky one. |
2895 |
His nostrils flared like a stallion's as he surged to his feet. The breath he drew swelled his chest. |
2896 |
Frank's lumbering bulk heading in his direction. Vinnie remained behind, keeping watch on the others. |
2897 |
I drew back my wrists. I looked about, fearfully. The boys approached more closely, closing about me. |
2898 |
The troops responded with a general murmur of acquiescence, certainly nothing approaching enthusiasm. |
2899 |
He eyed them closely. They were made of alloy, the first pair he had ever seen made of such material. |
2900 |
The soup that followed the flying fish was a fiery mulligatawny, well adapted to West Indian palates. |
2901 |
The man continued his grisly struggles for possibly thirty seconds. Then he slumped over, motionless. |
2902 |
He laughed softly. His father had been right. He'd finally gotten himself in an impossible situation. |
2903 |
She rose and pushed the cabin door open. The raft floated in the midst of void. And Cascade was gone. |
2904 |
They both laughed together. They were close enough to Nels to know that he would appreciate the joke. |
2905 |
The hooting was widespread, and many repeated Ion's gesture of clasping their hands above their head. |
2906 |
That happened when he was in the shower. He'd long since had a phone installed just outside the door. |
2907 |
Griswold Rock had not been enthusiastic about taking to the air, having admitted a fear of airplanes. |
2908 |
It was a date that every schoolchild knew, though for some its significance had become a bit blurred. |
2909 |
I halted and turned. It took me a moment to locate him, as he was back behind the stairs. I returned. |
2910 |
What I endured and learned in the process may well be another book, but that can be negotiated later. |
2911 |
Rowena said nothing, but she gazed into his handsome face and saw the fear lurking below the surface. |
2912 |
He had attempted to follow. The delivery truck blocked his way. Pat Savage dodged it by a few inches. |
2913 |
The stretch before them looked more inviting than that way over which they had just forced a passage. |
2914 |
Sean heard a low drumming of hooves as though a train passed in the distance and started to his feet. |
2915 |
Then they disabled all the other machines in the garage, making neat piles of the various components. |
2916 |
Gillian's throat still felt as if her heart was beating there. But some of the panicky feeling ebbed. |
2917 |
Astonishingly, the woman hung onto the railing by one scarred leg, a knotted cord of striated muscle. |
2918 |
Colt grinned sardonically. Not every dude has his own bodyguards following him around. Status symbol. |
2919 |
Her eyes narrowed ominously, her lips thinned, and he wondered how he had ever thought her beautiful. |
2920 |
The wind howled through the bare trees. The branches above her head shook and rattled like bony arms. |
2921 |
We watched the oars of the approaching ships. There was no hesitation or vacillation in their unison. |
2922 |
She skewed to a stop. Then she turned and stared back, expecting to correct the glitch in her memory. |
2923 |
Red ink for headlines went out of fashion years ago, even for the Blade. But this one was in red ink. |
2924 |
Berta looked extremely scared by now, and was inclined to refuse to go. Julian put his arm round her. |
2925 |
Still half asleep, I blinked my eyes open and raised myself on my pillow. I struggled to see clearly. |
2926 |
Her arms slid around him. Her hard nipples brushed his bare chest, and her heady scent enveloped him. |
2927 |
They moved quickly, silently, following Pitt. He stopped outside the hospital and paused at the door. |
2928 |
They ignored lunch, stopping only at Lily's command as she studied the recordings and made notations. |
2929 |
When a female slave is given the releaser, she knows that she may soon expect to be hooded, and bred. |
2930 |
For the gates were wide open, and beyond them the inhabitants were going peacefully about their ways. |
2931 |
They boarded their ship quickly and went immediately below to the cramped cabin beneath the aft deck. |
2932 |
John Acre ignored this, but his irate breathing was a series of noisy rushing sounds in the darkness. |
2933 |
As Carrie stood there, too stunned to speak, the door to the suite banged open and two people ran in. |
2934 |
Miss Smith raised her left hand. Unsteadily their two arms came together. The gold touched her wrist. |
2935 |
He stretched out on the sand to relax half an hour without moving a finger. He let his mind go blank. |
2936 |
A piece of cornucopia shrapnel bounced off the roof of the Turtle, which rocked on its spiked wheels. |
2937 |
It was getting late. Already the sun was down the sky, and a series of dead cities lay ahead of them. |
2938 |
She gripped his heart tighter still, feeling it swell against her hold. Still beating, still beating. |
2939 |
His breathing was labored as he inhaled the heavy warm air and exhaled an even heavier, warmer vapor. |
2940 |
Now Var believed. He fancied he could smell the scorching flesh as men spun about, smoking, and died. |
2941 |
The red blob turned itself inside out again, and dashed off to meet the still approaching white form. |
2942 |
Surreal clamped her teeth together. Screw small talk. In this place, it turned into verbal quicksand. |
2943 |
When maybe she'd had a family of her own. They were still as they had always been for her ever since. |
2944 |
I saw the fins of sharks near it, and saw their snouts pressing it, and then beginning to tear at it. |
2945 |
None of the guard had showed up in the villa. Naturally not, the Amazons would not have allowed that. |
2946 |
Of these trivial offenses, there was an incredible array of convictions. Doc Savage asked about that. |
2947 |
Gerard escorted his prisoner to a cell in darkest corner of the block, hoping he would escape notice. |
2948 |
The eyes closed and the face was gone. The bushes wiggled and whispered from something crawling fast. |
2949 |
The dog walked sadly on. It was momentarily satisfying to frustrate him, but hardly worth the effort. |
2950 |
She looked up and smiled, but it was an ingratiating smile. Pitt bowed slightly and pressed her hand. |
2951 |
He could feel sweat trickling down his cheeks like tears, could feel his shirt sticking to his back. |
2952 |
But it seemed more focused. He felt it entering his head through his own eyes and examining his soul. |
2953 |
As Doc surveyed the place, he observed the window was unlocked and open widely. He glanced out of it. |
2954 |
He searched several floors before he finally had the presence of mind to ask the House where she was. |
2955 |
At last we were settled at a round oak table, whose white painted surface had been wiped quite clean. |
2956 |
In the mirror, the fact of the cut on his jaw, gummed up and aching more badly than his rotted tooth. |
2957 |
Kai turned back to the browsing predator who hadn't paused in his voracious consumption of the grass. |
2958 |
Maybe this is yet another test. They are seeing how far my patience can be stretched before it snaps. |
2959 |
Minute scraps of paper, some of them chewed into tiny wads, were all that remained of Melinda's note. |
2960 |
The ax caught the beast transversely and the side of its head struck me sliding from the great blade. |
2961 |
Dogged, refusing to listen to himself, Rowan took a deep gulp of oxygen and plunged into the inferno. |
2962 |
The more I thought about the jewel, the more convinced I became that it had to be an object of Power. |
2963 |
Bond shook himself, then he picked up his knife and selected the thickest of the pieces of hot toast. |
2964 |
Doc was almost to the castle gate when automatic gunfire erupted from the entrance into the fortress. |
2965 |
An hour dragged past. Another. Doc worked tirelessly, with every ounce of his enormous concentration. |
2966 |
He looked up from the small battle formation he was creating from the things on the table. He smiled. |
2967 |
Soon the storm passed. They got out, righted the boat, and resumed their travel toward the mountains. |
2968 |
Understanding of his error immediately leaped into the eyes behind the goggles. The masked one moved. |
2969 |
The hill was beginning to steepen and his lorry was heavy with Danish thermostatic radiator controls. |
2970 |
On that same hour of the next day, the feast was still in progress and showed no signs of slackening. |
2971 |
He shrugged. Only a few weeks a vampire, yet it seemed like centuries since he had tasted solid food. |
2972 |
The proprietor eyed them suspiciously. He walked over to them and addressed them in guttural Chinese. |
2973 |
Hydra withdrew from the professor's unconscious and patiently orchestrated the next step in its plan. |
2974 |
Might as well be entering hell itself, she thought and had a horrible feeling that might be the case. |
2975 |
Then St. Clare's scored a most unexpected goal in the next two minutes and that made the score equal. |
2976 |
Charlie turned to thank her, but she had already closed the door and disappeared back into the house. |
2977 |
Mr. Pretty was talking loudly and Mrs. Fan cracked open her door, out of concern, to check on things. |
2978 |
She was inelegantly licking crumbs from her fingers as her great violet eyes turned in his direction. |
2979 |
With these words the man whipped out two revolvers in the twinkling of an eye, and covered the crowd. |
2980 |
Then he mounted the Kawasaki and rode away, groaning. Harry was a firm believer in natural selection. |
2981 |
Kelly looked almost ill as he paused. No one in the room did anything but breathe until he continued. |
2982 |
She looked at the future again. It hadn't changed. They were still wandering along that stupid shore. |
2983 |
Higher up a squeaky voice, moderated as best its owner knew how, greeted him from the darkness ahead. |
2984 |
He could not tell what hour of the night of life it was for himself, the boys, or the unknowing town. |
2985 |
I grinned at her weakly, then flopped back into my previous position. I was pretty frightened myself. |
2986 |
He went to the door, and let himself out, leaving the small apartment reeking of European cigarettes. |
2987 |
I remembered, and at that moment I knew that Barton was right. I had no brother. I was an only child. |
2988 |
The chant became more intense, and the drives took on solidity. They became opaque, then substantial. |
2989 |
She didn't answer immediately. She took a drink of rum from her glass, her eyes focused on the altar. |
2990 |
This remarkable and beautiful young woman needed no rescuing. She was seated calmly in Doc's library. |
2991 |
Candle flames wavered behind glass as she stepped out, pulling her uniform jacket tightly around her. |
2992 |
She let go, hurling Lark's talisman in an arc across the busy chamber, toward the center of the room. |
2993 |
She sat for a long time in the musty armchair thinking, her knees drawn up limberly against her chin. |
2994 |
He watched them explore, trying not to remember that he'd said almost the same thing twenty days ago. |
2995 |
Sitting against a tree, he was pulled back from the brink of sleep by his companion leaning over him. |
2996 |
Whatever his mind's resolve, his body knew that respite was close. His body wanted that surcease now. |
2997 |
But no other vessel appeared while they ate. Nor all the rest of that day or the morning of the next. |
2998 |
It was pitiful because they did not know what a rifle was and did not realize they were being killed. |
2999 |
I didn't intend to sell only one box. That meant going to the mills to find woods, preferably scraps. |
3000 |
All the screens on the bridge lit up to show a sky full of dazzling stars. And Hegemony dreadnoughts. |
3001 |
Kinsman nodded, and the servomotors' buzz made his forehead twinge with the beginnings of a headache. |
3002 |
And become a spectacle for every juvenile hood in the area. Vita retorted with a certain grim relish. |
3003 |
He sounded to Grant as if he were trying to convince himself of something he didn't actually believe. |
3004 |
Nicholas held out a hand to encourage and if necessary to help the boy up the high step into the cab. |
3005 |
He stood up and started back up the river bank to the edge of the forest where the two forces waited. |
3006 |
The mere comment gave Jimmy energy. He held up the cross and began to recite the liturgy of exorcism. |
3007 |
He did not need these things to believe in hysterical strength, because he had expressed it. Himself. |
3008 |
I took a slow, calming breath and tried to speak in the somber manner they would expect of a demigod. |
3009 |
Thinking of something, Johnny changed drums on his machine pistol. He put in a drum of mercy bullets. |
3010 |
With a shaking finger the woman pointed along the road that led into the hills and the desert beyond. |
3011 |
I was sitting by a brook when she came to me, her face only slightly bruised. She sat down beside me. |
3012 |
The rapidity and sureness with which their pursuers approached indicated they were following a trail. |
3013 |
He sat there staring at the thing. He found his hand shaking when he reached to punch the off switch. |
3014 |
She cleaned her teeth, and went into her father's office. She woke up his computer and wrote a story. |
3015 |
The soldiers were looking at him, especially the officer, whose armor was all gold and red and green. |
3016 |
After they'd sung all the traditional verses, Chief Hans added a few new verses to roars of laughter. |
3017 |
Tiffany stared at him, then picked up one of the most expensive wands from the display. It glittered. |
3018 |
Idaho felt perspiration run down his face around the place where he pressed a cheek against the rock. |
3019 |
The man moaned. He was waking up again. This spot, at the base of the cliffs, was no place to linger. |
3020 |
It still amazed her, this woeful place. Not in its physical particulars, but in its unpredictability. |
3021 |
He took a pop. He took six steps. He imbibed again. Pete counted steps. Pete tailed him. Pete yukked. |
3022 |
He dropped to the ground, lugging the two big cases. He limped off past the moonlit plantation house. |
3023 |
Its olfactory remains were fading, but Chan took enough sniffs to be sure he could identify it again. |
3024 |
Marissa turned away. Tristan looked up at the captain in disbelief. Bentley climbed over the railing. |
3025 |
He began to stand up straight, then flinched. He couldn't see the roof, and feared crashing his head. |
3026 |
She pushed him away, scrambled off the bed, and knelt with a curious excitement beside the old woman. |
3027 |
Slaves. In doing so we made slaves of ourselves, he thought. Slaves to tradition, slaves to our past. |
3028 |
Tuppence unrolled the little parcel and drew out a magnificent string of pearls, exquisitely matched. |
3029 |
Everyone was now down on their knees, scraping sand and heather away. Julian sat back and considered. |
3030 |
Even though he had sort of warned me in advance, I found the troll's position to be a bit unsettling. |
3031 |
Genna paused a long time before answering. For a while, Robyn wondered if she had heard the question. |
3032 |
Doc successfully smothered an impulse to shake her, and dragged her on ignominiously to the fighting. |
3033 |
And when all of these five men were dead, their bodies had seemed to become of the lightness of cork. |
3034 |
And it is all true. Goddess, it is all true. But not as he believes. What I say is not what he hears. |
3035 |
Doyle rolled back onto his feet, only to be confronted by a seven foot mass of hair and rotten flesh. |
3036 |
My mother always irons during times of disaster. Some people drink, some take drugs. My mother irons. |
3037 |
And sure enough, the dolphin with the striking markings flew into the air, giving a cry of happiness. |
3038 |
The grasp of the wraith grew tighter on my throat, and the vision in my one good eye began to darken. |
3039 |
I let go of her shoulders and found she was inside my arms, holding me. Holding me, for Guards' sake. |
3040 |
Screams like large animals being disemboweled, probably an accurate description of what was going on. |
3041 |
Jeremy began, but the cart was already moving off, with the merry jingle and tinkle of fragile items. |
3042 |
He threw the car in gear, the motor roared. At the first corner, the car was doing better than forty. |
3043 |
Doc led the way toward the stairs, at the foot of which lay the body of the man with the broken back. |
3044 |
The village did in fact contain a smithy, but the forge was cold. The smoke came from somewhere else. |
3045 |
Motor Mouth pushed off from a bunk, caught the handle of the locker, then pushed himself to the deck. |
3046 |
Then they hang up. They never have to remind me to do anything. They just have to have the last word. |
3047 |
In some secluded cove, with moonlight on the Mediterranean and soft music playing, he would nail her. |
3048 |
It could have been years before he heard his own voice speak again. That strange, hard, remote voice. |
3049 |
Every hair on his head flared with the pain, like all his human wounds had been bathed in salt water. |
3050 |
Then that small point of light which was a fixture of my hood was triggered and I could see a little. |
3051 |
I sensed someone coming forward, others perhaps about him, slapping him about the shoulders and back. |
3052 |
She drifted down further, down below the conscious, into the darkness beyond the circle of firelight. |
3053 |
His breaths coming quick and heavy, Oliver scanned the chamber for other dangers. He recognized none. |
3054 |
The Professor suddenly capitulated. He had had his little joke, and didn't want to prolong the agony. |
3055 |
We heard the sound of people coming through the dunes. The meeting of the full members had broken up. |
3056 |
Gibbering, he rushed madly at Doc. His arms were thrust straight out, but he tried to strike no blow. |
3057 |
The monster opened his mouth and made the best noise he could without a tongue. He pointed at a door. |
3058 |
There were hard lumps of muscle at the corners of his jaws. His eyes had a reddish glare behind them. |
3059 |
He looked at Granny's face. His grin stayed where it was but the rest of his face began to edge away. |
3060 |
Before that, the two young men had worked long, patiently and with determination to bring this about. |
3061 |
She tried to evade him, but he had been a trained warrior in his youth and he still kept in practice. |
3062 |
They did not even stop squawking when Richard opened their door and cradled both of them in his arms. |
3063 |
Jo's bitter smile faded. The hardness in her expression thawed. Now there was a question in her eyes. |
3064 |
When his cell door opened, he sprang up with a jerkiness that told him how thin his nerves were worn. |
3065 |
The voice of the chapter leader goes slowly around the room. Two men to a fight. No shirts. No shoes. |
3066 |
Really, there was only one real problem with machine storage after death, and that was relative time. |
3067 |
My brows rose a few millimeters. He was quite tall for a Frenchman, but painfully thin. Half starved. |
3068 |
I have been employed by your firm for the last three years. I am sure that you have no idea who I am. |
3069 |
The next instant the bronze man was alongside him. Both were being carried along. Faster than before. |
3070 |
She found herself speaking, though she was sure the creature could not begin to understand her words. |
3071 |
Pain like none she had known before blotted out her world. The sounds of battle went almost unheeded. |
3072 |
I sat down again. She didn't move. Her eyes came down millimeter by millimeter and looked at the gun. |
3073 |
He knelt and bowed and all his samurai followed him, and he cursed the ship and all who sailed in it. |
3074 |
And even then, knowing it had overtaken him, Gavin could find nothing in him that approximated grief. |
3075 |
Pete's recoil was only partly sufficient. A brown, crumbly mass struck his left foot and broke there. |
3076 |
They both understood. Merely looking and physically searching wasn't going to yield what they sought. |
3077 |
Several laughed. One of them said something about teaching her a lesson. There was muttered approval. |
3078 |
Upon one particular set of prints, Doc bestowed a great deal of attention. Then he joined the others. |
3079 |
Their footsteps echoed hollowly in the corridor but they failed to hide the sound of other footsteps. |
3080 |
She stamped past Ned and tried to slam the door of her room. It wasn't heavy enough to do a good job. |
3081 |
Kristy did a quick check and nodded. The kids were armed with towels, suntan lotion, and lunch money. |
3082 |
The glint in his eye told me he knew it was unfair and was daring me to refute it. Damned if I would. |
3083 |
I went home with my slightly lesser bale of lira. I put it in the safe. It was only four days' worth. |
3084 |
In the Captain's cabin, eleven stories above, things were now less silly but becoming more dangerous. |
3085 |
The family detested the whole idea, but part of the routine in such accidental deaths was an autopsy. |
3086 |
With that he started down the steps, haltingly, like a man who really did not care which way he went. |
3087 |
Arthur was thrashing around hopelessly two or three miles behind her, on the upward side of the hill. |
3088 |
Down these mean streets a man must walk, he thought. And along some of them he will break into a run. |
3089 |
She looked around at the circle of blank faces and felt embarrassment rise inside her like hot jelly. |
3090 |
You win some and you lose some. Sometimes the other guy eats your lunch, and sometimes you are lunch. |
3091 |
There were several similar dials, beneath various switches, doubtless one for each of the containers. |
3092 |
It was only as a short cut to the stars that the Forge had turned out to be a complete waste of time. |
3093 |
I edged along the canal bank, adjusting my eyes, watchful to see if anything broke the black surface. |
3094 |
Tiffany leaned closer and finally lowered an ear to the skinny chest to see if there was a heartbeat. |
3095 |
For the next hour four men judges viewed the paintings and sculptures, frequently jotting down notes. |
3096 |
The survivors were shouting, charging about madly, falling over the fallen forms of their companions. |
3097 |
Bruce watched Cop stretch himself and yawn baring his teeth, drawing his lips and exposing his teeth. |
3098 |
The proprietor, faced with that growl and about three hundred pounds of famed muscle, got very quiet. |
3099 |
That's when I smelled the smoke, and realized that those colors could suggest another interpretation. |
3100 |
The question came to her in her own voice, but so wispy and cold that it sent a chill down her spine. |
3101 |
It worked. Put your trust in the God, they said. And he always had. As far back as he could remember. |
3102 |
But it was not primarily the dream of sanctuary, power, or wealth that brought me here. It was Megan. |
3103 |
But I wasn't going to let that bother me. Not when there was an evening with Anna to look forward to. |
3104 |
Var didn't see the relevance. But before he could speak again, there was a bellow from the labyrinth. |
3105 |
Then there are those who like the practice simply because it feels good, and makes for excellent art. |
3106 |
Slowly I went up, and then out over the roof of the hotel, until I was hovering above the white sand. |
3107 |
The man searched the slope in front of the jacarandas and found something that made his mouth twitch. |
3108 |
Jenny looked at Che. She knew she wasn't going to touch die stuff, but he had to make his own choice. |
3109 |
The Jack guarding the prisoners gave a hoarse cry and leaped forward, grabbing at a bail of necklace. |
3110 |
Marry only stood there. I shook my head in a vain effort to clear it, then rubbed my face vigorously. |
3111 |
There were about seven hundred answers to that, and I burst out with the first one that came to mind. |
3112 |
Bitterly disappointed the boys went back to Anne. She scrambled out from under her bush as they came. |
3113 |
The man with the shotgun was trying to get around the tree which now blocked his aim. He pulled back. |
3114 |
My father walked back into the house. I saw him and my mother standing on the back porch watching me. |
3115 |
I struggled to one knee, fearful of being knocked off the branch by the snake's bucking and writhing. |
3116 |
It was perhaps better than an hour, judging from the position of the sun coming through the curtains. |
3117 |
He bought a plant in a pot as a gift. Green leaves, no flowers. Nothing remotely romantic about that. |
3118 |
Susan sat on the bed, wiping the tears from her face, smelling the old smell of charcoal and incense. |
3119 |
With a struggle, O'Hara pushed herself up from the couch. Grant heard her spoon clatter to the floor. |
3120 |
For the first time, it also occurred to him that one other organization would have similar resources. |
3121 |
The other raised a bandaged hand clumsily to his own jaw and winced as it touched the swelling there. |
3122 |
He bowed from his seated position, palms together, and then rose fluidly. He started toward the door. |
3123 |
The young woman also got out, but not peaceably. She stared about as if looking for some one to bite. |
3124 |
He clenched his hand over his face, gripping his forehead in an effort to control the pain of memory. |
3125 |
Kai needed no urging and followed her across the cliff top to the doubtful shelter of the vegetation. |
3126 |
I had only two spare wheels left. Lose two more and the next broken wheel meant abandoning one wagon. |
3127 |
Ellis seemed reluctant to leave the office, but Mason arose, signifying the interview was terminated. |
3128 |
He stared at the map, as if trying to extract information from it by the sheer intensity of his gaze. |
3129 |
Greybeard slammed the door without answering. They listened to his heavy tread descending the stairs. |
3130 |
Grant heard a groan. It didn't come from anyone on the bridge. It was a metallic, grinding complaint. |
3131 |
He continued on for more than two hours, then climbed to the crest of a low hill and stopped to rest. |
3132 |
Another Willoughby opened her mouth to speak. The senior technician shushed her with a quick gesture. |
3133 |
The candles left burning were as much illumination as stars on a clear night. There was no one there. |
3134 |
Finally, I went out and visited Larry's place. He was gone from his grove and the house seemed empty. |
3135 |
He turned to the wall of instruments once again, ignoring me for just a fraction of a second. Enough. |
3136 |
She kicked back at him, using his grip across her chest as leverage to lift both feet off the ground. |
3137 |
Aaron said nothing. He relinquished command to me at this moment completely, but he stood his ground. |
3138 |
Instead, she forced herself to go back to her cabin. Down into the darkness rather than away from it. |
3139 |
Charley put the fox down, and it pulled on ahead. They pushed through the dark, down the uneven road. |
3140 |
He was about to leave when he glanced down, beneath the counter, and his face broke into a huge grin. |
3141 |
However, it was to go down or return and she knew that she had nothing to hope for in that direction. |
3142 |
He snatched his hand away. The fierce pain made him clasp his fingers under his other arm, and groan. |
3143 |
Further questioning elicited information that the warnings seemed to have been distributed generally. |
3144 |
There was no sound from the weapon firing them, but only the eerie squeal of the missiles themselves. |
3145 |
He watched the data stream in from the blazing missile as it prepared to cross two narrow time zones. |
3146 |
Professor, Matron and nurses looked equally baffled. Then a slow smile spread across Anderson's face. |
3147 |
Very slowly Manny lowered the glasses and turned to face the tall man, who stared back at him calmly. |
3148 |
The men glanced at each other, but said nothing. They looked back at the others with hard, cold eyes. |
3149 |
We complained, but we didn't get very far, since everybody else was complaining about the same thing. |
3150 |
They landed in the plowed earth behind the blades, alive but unlikely to do any moving for some time. |
3151 |
The four chains her bed hung from creaked once as she settled down, and then all was dark and silent. |
3152 |
Joel looked away, not caring to see Hell so close, trying to ignore the sudden weakness in his knees. |
3153 |
Acknowledgments came back, some mere static sputter. Gods knew how many were following. Or who would. |
3154 |
They went back. The first man in the room where the captives should have been emitted a violent yell. |
3155 |
The second time he abandoned the idea of maps, instead concentrating on the flows of order and chaos. |
3156 |
She was a queenly beauty, yet there was in her manner an air of restrained panic, a pervading terror. |
3157 |
An uneasy silence settled over the two men as Pitt digested the enormity of the admiral's revelation. |
3158 |
Only Nikko bothered to look up as they rejoined the campsite, giving the pair of them an angry glare. |
3159 |
Naomi ignored this. She reached Dave and fell on her knees beside him, crying his name over and over. |
3160 |
And he turned and walked out and knew he would never see her in tangible form, never touch her again. |
3161 |
There was no more argument. The sampan surged away from the beach, propelled by lusty paddle strokes. |
3162 |
They got Gris into the witness box. He looked very ill at ease, squirming until his manacles rattled. |
3163 |
By the time they came in sight of the riverbed, only a small strip of sky remained clear in the west. |
3164 |
His tone was casual, but he sounded suspicious. I noticed he had not taken his hand off his crossbow. |
3165 |
The women seemed intimidated by the thicket, and avoided going any deeper than necessary to cut wood. |
3166 |
The next instant the fellow had snaked a revolver from inside his uniform coat and was menacing them. |
3167 |
Ham was a lean man. He dressed in most perfect taste. And he was one of the world's smartest lawyers. |
3168 |
I found that I could open my mouth. My voice was scratchy, coughing, as if I had not spoken in weeks. |
3169 |
And then the jockey could see the bucket and he knew what was going to happen and he started moaning. |
3170 |
Jericho resolved things when he emerged from the hall leading to the kitchen carrying a covered tray. |
3171 |
The fellow dropped his gun, spun and ran. He got out of the control room, banged the door behind him. |
3172 |
Someone took hold of her shoulders gently and spun her about, away from the maddening, irresistible gray. |
3173 |
I sagged with relief. I knew exactly what the prisoner felt when they told him he had been reprieved. |
3174 |
One of the men opened the metal door. He then stood to the side, and gestured that I might go within. |
3175 |
I'm not insane. The doctors went all over that when I was nineteen and just beginning Medic training. |
3176 |
I was feeling generous, happy even, at the final piece for my puzzle. And he looked kind of pathetic. |
3177 |
It was not until the incident with the panhandler that he ever carried the gun outside the apartment. |
3178 |
With a proud flourish, Rupert inserted a module into the display device and pressed the start button. |
3179 |
The commander waved a farewell as the supply sergeant headed off, then turned back to the front desk. |
3180 |
Such was the effect of his certainty that I half turned, expecting to see trouble close at our backs. |
3181 |
The new commander of the Guard was revealed in the doorway, and looked at the leveled weapons evenly. |
3182 |
Rick could feel a chill tingling up his spine. His intuition told him that they had hit on something. |
3183 |
Elinor had buried her head against her mother's sweater, and was peeking out with one frightened eye. |
3184 |
With infinite labor, he turned his hand to point to the furred one, still lying across the threshold. |
3185 |
She followed me in silence as we climbed higher along the rocky crest line, but Juno kept whimpering. |
3186 |
The white mare saw the shadow at the same time. She blew hard through her nose, and pawed the ground. |
3187 |
She didn't bother to answer, but he saw her shoulders lift slightly as if to shrug the question away. |
3188 |
Hilary was awake when they got back into bed and she sat up and demanded to know where they had been. |
3189 |
He felt himself being lifted effortlessly, swooped up over the railing and placed back on the ground. |
3190 |
The ensuing moments passed like hours, giving Dawson the unwanted opportunity to absorb every detail. |
3191 |
In a few depressing sentences, I brought him up to date on my assignment and Rodrick's disappearance. |
3192 |
Juan Mindoro only glowered back at his tormentor. No quiver of fear rippled his distinctive features. |
3193 |
Three teams of sturdy horses were picketed nearby, and they all helped to harness them to the wagons. |
3194 |
The people looked around to see who had said this. None of them looked down, because dogs can't talk. |
3195 |
His feeling that he ought to do something was yielding rapidly to the obvious logic of the situation. |
3196 |
She let the word trail off, but it made its impact. Slowly I became conscious of the world around me. |
3197 |
His expression told he would clamp his jaws on that cryptic statement. I returned my mug to the tray. |
3198 |
As we will burn through the Turks for attempting to keep our own fires from burning, Ibrahim thought. |
3199 |
I ran a hand up and down the door frame. It felt slimy. Just touching it made me want to take a bath. |
3200 |
Luke stared at it in amazement. Then he went to feel in his coat, which was hanging on a tree nearby. |
3201 |
Robyn gasped as she knelt beside the frail figure. An unfocused fear prevented her from touching him. |
3202 |
Now he reached out and his fingers closed firmly, and none too gently, about her arm above the elbow. |
3203 |
Just as she reached the front room, Momma called down from her room, her timing as faultless as ever. |
3204 |
Before now, he would have taken a substantial bet that it was impossible to be annoyed by this woman. |
3205 |
Tim and Mary and the children sat together on the couch, silent and unmoving, faces blank with shock. |
3206 |
Davey's exhaustion had eventually proved greater than his fear. He was sound asleep on the back seat. |
3207 |
Her loud shout made the two blackbirds flutter off their tree limb. They soared away, cawing angrily. |
3208 |
The slabs passed under his feet like a dream, like squares of movie clicking through the picture box. |
3209 |
They moved to the back of the car and gathered up several packages that had been stowed in the trunk. |
3210 |
By now everyone round the table had fallen silent, while they concentrated on what Daphne had to say. |
3211 |
He was right in the midst of them, arms folded across his burly chest a triumphant smile on his face. |
3212 |
As his wife, she had access to most of his secrets, could even have discovered this room by accident. |
3213 |
He peered over the bar and saw that things were just as he had seen them for the past couple of days. |
3214 |
I turned back to wolf-shape and licked her hand. She rumpled my fur. I slipped off into the darkness. |
3215 |
They were all but ready to take their leave when the young Daniel came in and stared at both of them. |
3216 |
Swamp dragons shot determinedly out of the wreckage like champagne corks, wings whirring frantically. |
3217 |
He hit the lava on his left side. His hip and hand took the initial impact, but his head struck also. |
3218 |
She thought. It was nice to watch her thinking. She still had her legs crossed, and still carelessly. |
3219 |
The girl in the red hat watched him over the rim of her glass. Her eyes widened, got a little glassy. |
3220 |
St. Jean opened his mouth to protest, but at that moment there was a discreet scratching at the door. |
3221 |
Bradshaw's words died. His face turned a sickly hue. His mouth opened and closed, but no sounds came. |
3222 |
Monk emitted a roar, picked up the most convenient stick. Ham grasped his hairy arm, restraining him. |
3223 |
But covering those for the most part were hides, painted as brightly as the clothing the owners wore. |
3224 |
Nothing in the shelter changed. No new noise, no vibration, no sense of having accomplished anything. |
3225 |
This time it was his turn to laugh. I could see nothing funny so I ignored him until he was finished. |
3226 |
The candle on the table had burned out. It was dark outside. I returned from the window of the cabin. |
3227 |
But she was lonely walking into her husband's tent alone, without sisters or ceremony or celebration. |
3228 |
Obviously she had been entertaining a client in the back bedroom, but now she was wailing tragically. |
3229 |
The place was dark, although wired with electric lights. Doc did his exploring by the sense of touch. |
3230 |
It was the hour of decision. I went to Roulette's chamber. For this I was dressed, and I had a knife. |
3231 |
I stepped back. I would not dispute the labor with her. I feared to approach this group of fifty men. |
3232 |
Snowy nodded his head, slowly, thoughtfully. He looked down at the glass of sarsaparilla in his hand. |
3233 |
He held her, rocking her gently, until she fell asleep. And even then he was reluctant to let her go. |
3234 |
Fire and rage consumed all his pain. The triangle and the will of the Clave splintered and fell away. |
3235 |
Laura's fingers nudged the wires aside as the eyes that rode over each finger examined the mechanism. |
3236 |
There were half a dozen of the chorus dancers in the canteen, sharing a stick of celery and giggling. |
3237 |
He reached for his wine glass. The Horde reached for their glasses too, while watching him carefully. |
3238 |
Jeff tried to be serious about it, and managed for about fifteen seconds. Then he burst out laughing. |
3239 |
He was left with his flagship, his crew and himself. They would be sufficient. He hated unwieldiness. |
3240 |
For the first time she wondered if she should continue seeing patients in this hyper emotional state. |
3241 |
The steam rising from the plastic cup of coffee left a foggy ellipse on the inside of the windshield. |
3242 |
Maria nodded sarcastically, and tried to say something belittling, but the words stuck in her throat. |
3243 |
She reached out with her good arm and touched his lips with her fingers, then turned and walked away. |
3244 |
As he turned to go, there was a faint rustling in the cells, and then all within were on their knees. |
3245 |
She turned and slipped a gun out of her bag and shot him three times through the coat he was holding. |
3246 |
I give you lots of kisses, And I give you lots of hugs, But I never give you sandwiches with bugs in. |
3247 |
And there were no bingo fields ashore if someone miscalculated and planes started running out of gas. |
3248 |
Long Tom's mouth dropped. Doc thought of everything. Eagerly, he put one of the watches on his wrist. |
3249 |
Var the Stick was that man, for he was pledged to save the empire by killing the mountain's champion. |
3250 |
Even a trained field agent would be lucky to withstand the pressure that Interpol was about to apply. |
3251 |
And I bent to the ground in thanksgiving, knowing that my prayers had been heard and my penance done. |
3252 |
A scream that echoed through the room, reverberated off the ceiling, the walls the inside of my head. |
3253 |
Which brings me now to you, my friend. I do not hope for your forgiveness. Indeed, I do not even ask. |
3254 |
Justified anger. He did not need the reproach he was receiving from the two falcons to tell him that. |
3255 |
After a while, someone raised the question of the fighting, which clearly needed to be taken care of. |
3256 |
I don't know whether I slept or not, but my eyes finally sprang open when I heard a knock at my door. |
3257 |
He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch. |
3258 |
Monk was also slipping into a bulletproof undergarment. He draped Ham's bulletproof vest over an arm. |
3259 |
He had only gone a few kilometers, though, when his suit's emergency alarm shrilled in his earphones. |
3260 |
None of this had any effect. Ham tried clucking as he were driving a horse. That did not work either. |
3261 |
Perry started after her, but was brought to a jerky halt by the failure of his hind legs to function. |
3262 |
He and Ito entered the main administration headquarters building, encountered another security guard. |
3263 |
Mick turned to Judd. His face was difficult to see the twilight. But his voice was sober with belief. |
3264 |
I should point out that music plays its part, too. Sing a poem and the effect is multiplied manifold. |
3265 |
There was every reason for the older and wiser wizards to start returning things to the proper order. |
3266 |
Monk slumped and never felt the gun club down on his head twice again, the blows murderously vicious. |
3267 |
The anachronistic reference to a supreme deity had sounded oddly fitting to the beauty of the moment. |
3268 |
It was a weird and terrible screech that made them all jump in alarm. Anne clutched Julian in fright. |
3269 |
This was a complicated thought and he puzzled over it while I chewed and swallowed. He finally spoke. |
3270 |
The road below was a dirt road. It was dusty and hot. It was long and narrow. It stretched northward. |
3271 |
A book of shadows that lets somebody change characters like I change socks. Come on. I don't need it. |
3272 |
I shrugged and moved on. All would come clear in due course. Meanwhile we had a maneuver to complete. |
3273 |
This time the lights stayed on. I waited, but the toggles stopped flipping. Damn, but that was weird. |
3274 |
He followed her. He stared at her. He saw her neck veins and cheek veins. He saw her pulse on a roar. |
3275 |
Myers did not reply. By this time they both knew that that promise had been nothing more than a ruse. |
3276 |
Christ, he thought. What lousy, miserable luck. He turned to Molly and they exchanged glances mutely. |
3277 |
The last thing he heard as his eyes closed was the clash of steel as his guards rushed into the tent. |
3278 |
Ryan decided that it was nice to give orders and have them carried out. A man could get used to this. |
3279 |
In a few seconds, she paused breathlessly to listen. The feet crunched again. She was being followed. |
3280 |
The pain in her hands and her arms was so severe this time that she had difficulty staying conscious. |
3281 |
Angus had no way to read those messages. But he could trace them because he already knew the routing. |
3282 |
Agriculture, however, came into being some ten thousand years ago and that introduced a great change. |
3283 |
Things were really getting to be very nice on Earth, because human technology hadn't stopped, either. |
3284 |
You can look at the crashing, undulating sea from the railing of a deck forever, or just for so long. |
3285 |
I pushed my chair back into place and headed for the corner of the room where I had leaned the stick. |
3286 |
There were at least a dozen men in the room. Monk, the optimist, didn't want any of them to get away. |
3287 |
Yet in spite of what she felt, her voice trailed away. He wasn't paying any attention to her refusal. |
3288 |
Furious beyond reason, I saw in the grass the discarded slave bracelets, the hood and leading chains. |
3289 |
The waitress's smile shrank by a couple of molars. Artemiss vocabulary had that effect on most people. |
3290 |
For a minute or two they just lay there, breathing in shuddering gasps. Finally though, Sylvie spoke. |
3291 |
A few curious customers crowded in behind her as she raised a paw and pointed imperiously at the bed. |
3292 |
Smith walked away. Edwards started to rise, but the girl's hand came out of the bag and took his arm. |
3293 |
I can assure you of good sport and interesting company. Please let me know if you are able to attend. |
3294 |
She did. Doc raced her madly to the opposite door, but she got through it, got it locked in his face. |
3295 |
The running footman grabbed the headstall of the near leader as the bays shied and swerved to a halt. |
3296 |
One of the men emerged now, looping a nylon rope through eyelets along the upper portion of the wall. |
3297 |
And now he had a radar contact forward. The speaker for the guard radio frequency started chattering. |
3298 |
Slowly, words penetrated her dismay. The First was speaking in a voice thick with suppressed anguish. |
3299 |
I'll bury him tomorrow. Right over in that soft patch to the left of the house. In sight of the lake. |
3300 |
My father had sired Adam and me and all fourteen of his children by the time he was the age I am now. |
3301 |
I had reread most of the introduction and was puzzling over another one of the more obscure passages. |
3302 |
She reached the lectern and looked out over the audience, her face clearly betraying her nervousness. |
3303 |
By the end of that day the children had sixteen planks of different sizes piled up. Andy was pleased. |
3304 |
Everyone climbed on board. The sampan operator pushed off and they motored out into the turbid water. |
3305 |
Eventually the landlord lurched across to them with a lighted torch, and motioned them to follow him. |
3306 |
One man yanked at the brim of his navy cap, as if anxious to get it over his eyes. The man was Shade. |
3307 |
Security Council had voted unanimously to offer substantial financial incentives to these immigrants. |
3308 |
True enough. Kari had stepped on the stick on purpose, courteously calling attention to her nearness. |
3309 |
The priest nodded sagely. When first I came, as she was sinking into the coma, I touched her spirit. |
3310 |
She shook her head. I did the same. The sting had faded, though my cheeks still felt tender to touch. |
3311 |
She shook her head. She looked off a bit, desperately biting into her lip, and then she looked at me. |
3312 |
In the lead bounded an apparition in brilliant yellow robes and a purple mask of Bron, the yak demon. |
3313 |
The ring of the phone startled her, but she kept reading, deciding it was probably for Robert anyway. |
3314 |
The world's moneyed elite had much more to say about it, of course, because they knew more big words. |
3315 |
They all walked down the gangway to the pier. They found Tim waiting for them. He had heard the news. |
3316 |
Yes, she thought, she must turn again to her messenger. She must know if what she only felt was true. |
3317 |
It was as if she'd just suddenly come into existence here on this beach. A big bang and here she was. |
3318 |
He aimed at the pile of metal drums and fired three quick shots, then ducked back behind his cabinet. |
3319 |
Wood, on taking over the camp established by Tigris, had quickly reorganized its layout and defenses. |
3320 |
She approached the light, found the torch. Her ankle began to ache where the shackle had prisoned it. |
3321 |
The deputies and policemen pulled and tore at the chaparral, and quickly discovered the hidden trail. |
3322 |
Jason realized that his secret was out in the open when a delegation of bankers invited him to lunch. |
3323 |
No man could shield himself simultaneously on every side, and he knew his death would soon claim him. |
3324 |
Suzanna was by no means certain she believed any of this, but she wanted to hear the story completed. |
3325 |
An old man, thickset and balding, stepped from a garden to the right. His face was flushed and angry. |
3326 |
A dark opening had been cut into the side. Holly ducked into the low entrance. Buddy followed her in. |
3327 |
Monk peered, trying to make out the features of the speaker. He got a slap in the face for his pains. |
3328 |
Shad snatched it away, flipped on the dome light and examined the find. His hopeful expression faded. |
3329 |
There was silence except for the muffled sounds of Carrot, outside, and the occasional buzz of a fly. |
3330 |
She was watching one tent in particular, there was someone in it that she wished to have a chat with. |
3331 |
The exterior sound monitor suddenly filled with a crackling noise of its own, and her blood ran cold. |
3332 |
They accomplished nothing at the next soup kitchen, and never located the shelter supposedly near It. |
3333 |
The count smiled and offered her his arm as they all moved toward a door on the far side of the room. |
3334 |
The four young Neanderthals, suddenly alone except for a few drifting feathers, turned to gape at me. |
3335 |
Yet the oldest guard reacted calmly, lowering his halberd and motioning his companion to do the same. |
3336 |
He wanted to ask them not to wake him, to let him sleep and leave him be, but it came out as a grunt. |
3337 |
Their main task accomplished, the enemy had surged on, bringing flame and blood and terror with them. |
3338 |
Albrecht spat the piece out into his hand and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. While he chewed. |
3339 |
He tore out one sheet of paper, then held it at arm's length like a dirty diaper, out over the floor. |
3340 |
A servant handed his shotgun to a fellow. He stepped past Daniel and put his weight against the door. |
3341 |
The house was dark, her parents not home yet. They stood on her porch and she shook his hand gravely. |
3342 |
Memory stirred. Once before he had seen just that same small wink of red and yellow through the dark. |
3343 |
He paused to sniff around the base of a rock outcropping and mark it with his scent. Then he went on. |
3344 |
Hillary sat down. His teeth clamped down on his lower lip, and he stared sullenly at his fingernails. |
3345 |
They see it and don't see it at the same time, Bibi had said. Young people are such wonderful idiots. |
3346 |
Indeed it was so. The driver dropped us off at the edge of the park and took his pay and buzzed away. |
3347 |
But no. It was the Christmas tree that was whining, whining like a pack of dogs, as it spun and spun. |
3348 |
So fast the human eye could not see it. First her hand out, then her hand an immobilized paw in pain. |
3349 |
All was darkness now and silence. The silence jarred him, but his head ached too hard to consider it. |
3350 |
I turned and pushed open the swinging door, just as tentatively as Eddie had opened the outside door. |
3351 |
Wishing that I was one tenth as sure of myself as I had acted. This was going to be a very rough one. |
3352 |
Shouts and cries broke from all about them. In the courtyard below the Gnomes began to come together. |
3353 |
All his carefully rehearsed conversational gambits were for people now on the other end of the table. |
3354 |
His dark hair awry, his jaws working strangely, Doctor Koral evidently believed he was trout casting. |
3355 |
But the devil knew how to use the torment in my mind, how to employ that hatred for his own purposes. |
3356 |
The answer to that was that the dangers might be real, and that was all that mattered to a policeman. |
3357 |
And so the moment had come. It had been so quiet, actually, with the closing of the door of her room. |
3358 |
His father gave him a push and said something sharp to him. He disappeared under the nearest caravan. |
3359 |
While wading though a deeper patch, floundering in water up to his armpits, he felt a warning shiver. |
3360 |
I looked at the mistress luxuriating in her warm bath, beautiful in the multicolored foams of beauty. |
3361 |
She could possibly have just been left in the one place, unseen by anyone, for such a period of time. |
3362 |
He hefted the sock, whirled it once or twice, and smashed the Thing on what he hoped was its kneecap. |
3363 |
I replaced both drawers, being careful not to lock the smaller one, before I continued my inspection. |
3364 |
He had to nod in agreement to that, too. Kathy had an annoying habit of spiking the guns of rhetoric. |
3365 |
He was the only one in the office. The fox and the other passengers already had destinations in mind. |
3366 |
The young king took a little breath of his own. For just a second, a shadow seemed to cross his face. |
3367 |
She would never understand. But, then, she had been involved in a struggle for survival all her life. |
3368 |
I studied the fellows in the tavern. I did not see any here who had been in the vicinity of our camp. |
3369 |
Sure enough, he found the collie standing in the guest bathroom, wagging its tail happily to see him. |
3370 |
They were about eighty yards away. They did not hurry, but moved with the fluid menace of their kind. |
3371 |
Tyrone real hungry. Tyrone eat it all. But all. Including the white stringy, thing, that hard to cut. |
3372 |
He was dozing happily now, aware only of an occasional squeaking, like that of a very cautious mouse. |
3373 |
This was his favorite expression. Also, he had a voice something like a troubled bear in a deep cave. |
3374 |
There was a series of small flops and splashes which faded as some sea creature departed in darkness. |
3375 |
When she took her own shape again, the staff appeared beside her. She hadn't been sure that it would. |
3376 |
Charlie ran down the stairs and out into the yard. His driver was dozing peacefully behind the wheel. |
3377 |
A flicker of a shadow moved in the darkness of the forest on the trail ahead and Dennis relaxed, too. |
3378 |
Now, her shoulders, muscled from carrying tubs of earth like that out of which these rosebushes grow. |
3379 |
The comm unit began to bleat at him. Taking several deep breaths he got to his feet and back on duty. |
3380 |
She put an arm on his shoulder and kissed him on the chin, spilling some of her martini on the floor. |
3381 |
Like the room, like the walls, they were milky white in color. But that appearance did not last long. |
3382 |
His hand could wait, though. There were other things to tend to first. There were other debts to pay. |
3383 |
She couldn't help herself. Much as she tried to stifle the impulse, she broke into a fit of giggling. |
3384 |
He thrust the oilskin pouch into the belt around his waist, hiding it beneath the folds of his shirt. |
3385 |
Percy Smalling was a withered collection of hide and bones who looked fully old enough for a pension. |
3386 |
Instantly his strength returned, and with it a soaring sense of hatred and a lust to cleave and kill. |
3387 |
The beast hopped two feet from the ground and landed back to its feet, breathless, then it fell dead. |
3388 |
It's strange how we feel cold. You can ignore it. And then very suddenly, you can take it personally. |
3389 |
At the railing he looked down into the street and watched Flood come out at the bottom of the stairs. |
3390 |
Heme the Hunted, god of the chased, crept through the bushes and wished fervently that gods had gods. |
3391 |
It couldn't be allowed to go on. Abruptly he placed his hand more firmly over hers and held her gaze. |
3392 |
Summer circled the well, sniffing. He paused by the top step and looked back at Bran. He wants to go. |
3393 |
Ignoring the pain in his neck, he threw off the blankets and went to the next room in search of food. |
3394 |
He strapped himself into the pilot chair, ignited the yawl's jets and slammed into full acceleration. |
3395 |
Spirit's knee came up suddenly. There was a solid contact. The man grunted and collapsed into a ball. |
3396 |
She closed her heart to the desperate plea in his voice. What he was asking her to do was impossible. |
3397 |
Finally, Victor Vail pointed at his own eyes. It was a simple gesture. But its meaning was unbounded. |
3398 |
The entries had apparently been logged chronologically, one by one, as Bernini created each new work. |
3399 |
He let his voice trail off, leaving unsaid what was already common knowledge between the two of them. |
3400 |
The faint whine of the late fall wind rattles the closed tower window, but neither woman looks to it. |
3401 |
He broke the shafts in their hands, blinded their eyes, impelled them into collision with each other. |
3402 |
Restlessly, Markov glanced at his wristwatch. Six hours to go before they rendezvous with the tanker. |
3403 |
Jeffrey stared at her in the dim light. Cars passed, filling their car briefly with their headlights. |
3404 |
The dog kept on barking, and the sour stink of the house exhaled out through the partially open door. |
3405 |
Several of the monsters were quite willing to try. White wakes appeared as the heads coursed forward. |
3406 |
Doc walked over, opened the door, and entered calmly into the room where the crouching figure lurked. |
3407 |
As he spoke, he touched the match to something he held in his hand, and threw it down upon the table. |
3408 |
I was quite surprised. There were quite a lot of people in the place, especially for early afternoon. |
3409 |
I tried to think of a tactful way of saying that this still looked pretty bottom of the barrel to me. |
3410 |
He was looking at the graceful, curving neck of an enormous creature, rising fifty feet into the air. |
3411 |
I moved nearer, calculating my words as well as the distance. I was glad that he had remained seated. |
3412 |
The detective was conscious of those strange shrewd eyes summing him up before the other spoke again. |
3413 |
It was one matter to keep dangerous secrets privy, quite another to guard craft skills to extinction. |
3414 |
On my way through secluded alleyways, I had to pause several times to recover from fits of dizziness. |
3415 |
They dipped their hands and brought sips of the water to their mouths. It tasted faintly of medicine. |
3416 |
Then the high priest handed my mistress the golden spoon and led her by the hand to the funeral slab. |
3417 |
The measure of Mindy's contrition was that she did not once pull out her pad to sketch or make notes. |
3418 |
And the big man in the center of the room looked as cruel as such a spider might be expected to look. |
3419 |
Even as I struggled out of my trousers, I wondered if Annalise had really meant anything by that nod. |
3420 |
He carefully pushed himself out from behind the cover of the foundation and in that moment he saw it. |
3421 |
To himself Emmanuel said, I am being poisoned. The vapors of her realm poison me and vitiate my will. |
3422 |
The two men stood up and started for the door. As he walked, Eddie clapped a hand on Pete's shoulder. |
3423 |
The second Russian took out a pad of paper and a pencil from his overcoat and prepared to take notes. |
3424 |
I afterward spoke to the master, who stated when he had purchased her, and the sum which he had paid. |
3425 |
Thank God they slipped shoes onto his feet before leading him away from the camp, out into the woods. |
3426 |
The black northeast wind that greeted him in the street was no more cruel than the rest of the world. |
3427 |
In the human, the male was usually the killer. She would give herself features that would disarm him. |
3428 |
Darkness gathered in Covenant like venom. It leaped instinctively toward his ring. White gold. Power. |
3429 |
Clearing her throat she stepped into the room, the children following her, bearing sacks of supplies. |
3430 |
He kicked the door in. He looked down the hall. He saw the bedroom light. He walked up and looked in. |
3431 |
That was off to my left. I peered across the gully and into the trees out there. I could see nothing. |
3432 |
But what truly filled me with joy was that he had forgiven me at last, and we were friends once more. |
3433 |
Came a strangled yell from the edge of the clearing. The hooded figure shot into view, running madly. |
3434 |
He entered his own chamber, closing the door carefully behind him so that he should not be disturbed. |
3435 |
When she does raise her head, ever so slightly, an enigmatic smile plays across her lips momentarily. |
3436 |
The ghost wavered, paused, staring in fell passivity at the old man who had hobbled into the gallery. |
3437 |
I followed him, along the hallway and into the foyer, in time to stop Carmella from opening the door. |
3438 |
She came back, battled irresolutely with herself, then sighed and slowly got into bed with the child. |
3439 |
And plumbing. What a great idea that was. It was amazing what you could do with a hole in the ground. |
3440 |
It must have been a minute before Tom Idle said anything. He sank back on his cot and just sat there. |
3441 |
The closet door slammed so hard that it jumped partially out of its track and rattled back and forth. |
3442 |
Pharaoh greeted me with a curious mixture of respect and nervousness, most alien to a king and a god. |
3443 |
The men with the guns yelled at him. They fired, but their bullets only made oil leak from the drums. |
3444 |
The late arrival peered intently at the prisoners. His mouth came open and round. His eyes flew wide. |
3445 |
Horns as long as a finger joint had shrunk to mere thorns. The beasts actually seemed to have shrunk. |
3446 |
Bug accidentally used the term information superhighway, and so we were able to administer a beating. |
3447 |
He felt a sick sense of disappointment, for he had been anticipating tomorrow with great expectation. |
3448 |
Finally, as a salve for my own nerves, I called everyone into the reception room for a staff meeting. |
3449 |
His voice. His beautiful voice could take her into dreamland. Could weave fairy tales and bring hope. |
3450 |
The world seemed to grow a little less dark, the frantic tossing of the coach to slow gradually down. |
3451 |
Arthur looked at her for a moment, in surprise, then recognized her and gestured her to come forward. |
3452 |
And she was dead tired, and quite ready to eat seconds of the delicious meal Cater prepared for her. |
3453 |
It went on for a long, uncomfortable while, a battle of wills that teetered on the brink of violence. |
3454 |
Flash walked to the hut. Flash dragged two dead men out. Flash dumped them and pissed on their heads. |
3455 |
Shana scanned the sky anxiously. So far, the elven lords had not yet traced the fleeing wizards here. |
3456 |
She dropped her head against a shaking hand and drew a deep breath and tried to get herself in order. |
3457 |
She raised her crest as the men came near and coughed loudly. The soldiers looked at her in surprise. |
3458 |
There were also those who noted that, under some circumstances, magnetism exerted a repelling effect. |
3459 |
These two who stood over his basket now did not radiate that smell. But that female in the house did. |
3460 |
Destiny murmured a goodbye to the priest, brushed back Sam's hair once more and started for the door. |
3461 |
Doc came over to the prisoner and relieved that strange paralysis by a pressure on the nerve centers. |
3462 |
When you cross realities, what you have recently eaten remains behind, for it is not of your reality. |
3463 |
Dan trumpeted cars and people out of the way and Max ducked down, holding onto the big elephant ears. |
3464 |
Mr. Hodges went in first, with the revolver extended. I had him switch on the light before I entered. |
3465 |
The creatures around us exploded into more laughter. The sick gagging sound made me feel like puking. |
3466 |
He could not look away. Not that terror froze him as it had at the window. He simply wanted to watch. |
3467 |
No radio. No com laser. The base was a third of the way around the planet, and I'd have to go myself. |
3468 |
Idaho looked out into the room, finding himself the center of attention for all of the guards' faces. |
3469 |
Before we get to the taxi, I hide my bloody hands in my pockets. The gun sticks to my trigger finger. |
3470 |
The voices in die taverns and in the wine shops told me I ought to go North to see paintings as well. |
3471 |
Sure as a gun, they told him, so I intruded the kind of question that occurs only to minds like mine. |
3472 |
You've been so kind and so loving to me that I know this letter will come as a terrible shock to you. |
3473 |
Chief Clements was an honest, stubborn man, who had learned he was wrong. He was trying to apologize. |
3474 |
It sounded a bit muffled. There was a towel hanging over one of the speakers. He took down the towel. |
3475 |
Claudius took the thing in his manacled hands, and his black eyebrows came together as he studied it. |
3476 |
Everyone on the beach then began waving at the dolphins and chanting the name to show their approval. |
3477 |
And after a long, long time that was timeless but filled with an abundance of time, he met Catherine. |
3478 |
Darius made the keel adjustment, then carved several tiny paddles and poles. He set them in the boat. |
3479 |
And the song of the Knife soared in indescribable beauty as it sang its blessing upon the holy place. |
3480 |
The sweeping trail led around the counter and through the aisle farthest from the store's front door. |
3481 |
Sobbing, she struggled closer to him, pressing herself against the car seat and drawing him over her. |
3482 |
A long silence followed, punctuated only by Monday's forlorn attempts to whistle on the step outside. |
3483 |
The cunning man's vision cleared, though it remained two dimensional. He could hear the monster roar. |
3484 |
He doubted there would be a happy ending for himself and Kara, but he could grant one to his vampire. |
3485 |
Could be interesting. Could be fatal. Well, he wouldn't worry about that. This was a large continent. |
3486 |
Ibrahim and Mahmoud turned smartly, then returned to the tunnel. They stood there facing one another. |
3487 |
The Israeli authorities have no comment as to the motive or murderer and no suspects have been named. |
3488 |
She didn't realize until she was halfway to the door that she still held her knife in her right hand. |
3489 |
They led their horses along the back of the tents and gained the cover of the gully without incident. |
3490 |
He got the contingency payment approved and stood in tine at the phones to tell the detective agency. |
3491 |
A scant few minutes later, as they peered past the mouth of their retreat, she revised her statement. |
3492 |
The egg creatures all began to chatter. I spun around in surprise. They sounded a little like chimps. |
3493 |
It sounded as if it came from a mouth that had never known the pleasures of spittle. It sounded dead. |
3494 |
The throbbing engine stopped. The sound of it died across the water. They strained their eyes to see. |
3495 |
There were two of them, riders. But not like the muffled black one who had tried to reach her before. |
3496 |
The slow paling of the attractive young woman's face was final proof that she was an espionage agent. |
3497 |
Helen Keller's brilliant career was inspired and made possible because of her blindness and deafness. |
3498 |
The vision ended, Her cold white skin was dosed beneath my lips. I kissed her now. I no longer drank. |
3499 |
Charlie smiled and removed them both from an inside pocket like a child having his prep list checked. |
3500 |
His voice was so soothing that the appearance of a question startled her. 'Well, yes,' she stammered. |
3501 |
He left only daughters, so now we have a queen. I find this less troubling than I would have thought. |
3502 |
A lot better than it was in the twentieth century, Joseph admitted. I don't remember all these trees. |
3503 |
The subject of murder was skirted with the greatest delicacy, and clearly left as a last contingency. |
3504 |
But the needle swung when the woman screamed and I watched it carefully. Her heart was still beating. |
3505 |
All that time, the girl hadn't said a word. They seldom do immediately after an experience like that. |
3506 |
Claudia smiled. That boy was obviously the ringleader. She figured he was probably the infamous John. |
3507 |
I covered my mouth with both hands and watched him reach into the head. His eyes widened in surprise. |
3508 |
Dolph saw no point in this, but didn't argue. He turned slowly, until he was facing the opposite way. |
3509 |
When it didn't come after a long while, he knelt and slowly began gathering the papers off the floor. |
3510 |
Jessica went for her backpack, opened it, and took out a saltshaker. She sprinkled salt on the leech. |
3511 |
There was no way down from the balcony. But from this perch I had a good view of all which lay below. |
3512 |
He might find it impossible to get back to the ropes and climb up to the wing and make the final cut. |
3513 |
There was a knock on the door and his steward came in with a small tray which he placed on the table. |
3514 |
He held the photo, patiently, until at last the woman's eyes flickered toward it. The doctor frowned. |
3515 |
Huck swiveled three stalks toward me in a look of surprise. It's not often I can catch her like that. |
3516 |
The stowaways could sense the tightening of the gas bags as pressure of the surrounding air lessened. |
3517 |
There is no verbal response to this. Only the lowering of three heads accompanied by triple cowering. |
3518 |
The great Roman warrior's entrance into the hall was announced with a flourish of long gold trumpets. |
3519 |
Poole twisted round in his chair, and found himself looking into the soulful eyes of a baby elephant. |
3520 |
An eerie call of a sea bird startled him. He could see a single pair of wings wheel and dip overhead. |
3521 |
A distant scream pulled him to the present. Somewhere out in the darkness another soul was suffering. |
3522 |
Cold wind rustled the branches of the trees. And, across the frozen creek, a few dry leaves scuttled. |
3523 |
The rain had stopped but the wind was sharp, and there were still occasional stinging bursts of hail. |
3524 |
Now trains were starting. Thousands of motors started unexpectedly. Hundreds were caught and injured. |
3525 |
He saw anguish move like the shadow of a summer cloud on the faces of the other men in this poolroom. |
3526 |
It didn't even take one minute. They were all feverishly anxious to leave, and no one tried to cheat. |
3527 |
Every phone call I get fills me with joy and terror since this could be the caseworker or the killer. |
3528 |
The boys thought so too. Philip wondered how the girls were getting on. They would be worried by now. |
3529 |
The Senator passed a hand in front of his eyes and nodded solemnly. Then he looked up at the monitor. |
3530 |
Clay was clay. She'd hoped there were all different sorts, and it turned out to be as common as dirt. |
3531 |
The Keepers were silent. Hugh straightened from bending over the map, regarded her with a dark frown. |
3532 |
Monk and Ham were still giving their attention to the window of the shadow. Doc slipped between them. |
3533 |
Then angrily Inge and Rena stood before me, clad in the brief, simple garments of female work slaves. |
3534 |
Lorn steps into the tower and takes several steps along the dimmer inner corridor as his eyes adjust. |
3535 |
Antonina, throughout, simply responded with a sweet smile. Until his ship was halfway to the horizon. |
3536 |
Fontaine sighs, climbs off his wooden stool, and carries the steaming soup into the back of the shop. |
3537 |
Out where the two planes had met, there was a hole in the earth which would require two days to fill. |
3538 |
With difficulty, he resisted a lunatic impulse to put his fingers in his mouth and suck at the wound. |
3539 |
He felt the invisible chains holding him disappear, as did the vision. The old woman opened her eyes. |
3540 |
I started to lift it. I had underestimated its weight from the ease with which Heller had carried it. |
3541 |
I tried to struggle to my feet. But a booted foot, that of one of the men behind me, pressed me down. |
3542 |
With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jawbone of an ass have I slain a thousand men. |
3543 |
I put my forehead against his feet, to the straps of his sandals, my hair falling across his sandals. |
3544 |
The blue liquid oozed down the front of Conan's muscle shirt. All three boys stared at it in silence. |
3545 |
The thought ended. A feeling of blankness held him for a moment. Then came a churning wave of terror. |
3546 |
Here the spine ridge of the uplands had been cut almost in two by a section of bog running well back. |
3547 |
The choleric woman turned to strike Nanny with her fan, but a skinny hand tapped her on the shoulder. |
3548 |
They bathed her, not permitting her to do anything for herself, in a bath foaming with perfumed oils. |
3549 |
Here was her son on his stallion, glancing back at her one last time and lifting his sword in salute. |
3550 |
Guess I've lived around them too long. Too late now to flee, to get back among whites and white ways. |
3551 |
When he had located the entrance as exactly as possible, he pressed once on the center of its lintel. |
3552 |
Granny gasped, and little threads of green and blue burned like marsh gas along her arm for a moment. |
3553 |
Colon couldn't hide the flicker in his eyes. The black ash in the fireplace was, by now, overflowing. |
3554 |
The whole thing was getting more and more baffling. Ham felt nerves crawling on the back of his neck. |
3555 |
He paused, looking around the circle of interested faces. He smiled himself with a certain enjoyment. |
3556 |
I had more important things to do. I had to talk to Dad about the dogs. I had to make him believe me. |
3557 |
Ms. Wolfe held up her hands to quiet everyone down. But it was Jill who took charge of the situation. |
3558 |
There was a faint tinkle, and a swish of air. After a while the cat sat up and watched with interest. |
3559 |
For all my hopes, the shock of hearing my own name unnerved me. My legs trembled as I got to my feet. |
3560 |
That was true. The girl could think of no effective answer. Except one. A gesture of verbal defiance. |
3561 |
The green elf lifted her hands to her mouth and sent a high, ringing call out into the ruined forest. |
3562 |
But the couch remained only a couch, and the wall beyond looked back at me with its great blank face. |
3563 |
He was still turning his own head to look up into the tree as he rejoined the others around the fire. |
3564 |
Fortunately, my mind was wrenched away from that unpleasant train of thought by the arrival of Guido. |
3565 |
The disguise was pretty good by now. It ought to be. She had been perfecting it for well over a year. |
3566 |
And now he was at home with the lake and the boat and the crisp Alpine light sculpting the mountains. |
3567 |
Ma Costa was setting a saucepan of milk on the iron stove and riddling the grate to stir the fire up. |
3568 |
When I returned to the hilltop with an armload of firewood, Anya showed me the answer to my question. |
3569 |
At the western edge of the Home meadow was a single monumental tree in a regular array of white dots. |
3570 |
I did not know what, sort of place the world was, but sometimes it seemed to me to be very wonderful. |
3571 |
He found the captain standing in the port, and out beyond the port stretched the redness of the land. |
3572 |
A thought came to him from one of the network officials in the control room. Mercer has been injured. |
3573 |
The older woman remained silent, her gray head bowed over the notebook, which she held in both hands. |
3574 |
Bane looked into the fearful faces of his followers and held back the laughter that raged within him. |
3575 |
He was back in a couple of minutes, having evidently seen her to the door at the end of the corridor. |
3576 |
She untied the ribbon about a scroll and searched down the parchment until she found what she sought. |
3577 |
Very distant. Time's stream flowed faster there in relationship to my present situation. Interesting. |
3578 |
But as he placed his hand on the door it opened from without, and his wife appeared on the threshold. |
3579 |
The tape was snapped into the board. But before they activated the autopilot, they had one more task. |
3580 |
If you do not remit a check within three days, we shall be forced to discontinue your water services. |
3581 |
The liquid had a penetrating, sickening smell. It was a smell such as surrounded the fallen soldiers. |
3582 |
Long Tom's eyes grew wider. There had been rumors of such a device, but he had never seen one before. |
3583 |
Fontaine gestures back, toward the simmering pot on the hotplate. Smells its bitter brew, thickening. |
3584 |
He glanced at me as I approached and then looked over my shoulder at the apparition ten steps behind. |
3585 |
Every one could feel the sharp swerve of the war giant of the seas. Men yelled. Signal bells jangled. |
3586 |
In the outside world, he said, people were visited in their houses by spirits they called television. |
3587 |
Then, before she could ask any questions, he let out a shout and hurled the stone with all his might. |
3588 |
They stood listening. Like the muffled beatings of a giant heart, the sound permeated the golden air. |
3589 |
Gaynor, our radio producer, thrusts a microphone at me and asks me to describe what we're looking at. |
3590 |
His hold tightened. They might make the dare this once, take and give what was their desire and need. |
3591 |
Yes, intelligence in the hands of ignorant children was a dangerous weapon. But Robert knew a secret. |
3592 |
They have captured Finesse, Hermine announced. They are taking her somewhere in a car. She is afraid. |
3593 |
Carly Beth stopped at the doorway and turned back to him. Her smile gave way to a puzzled expression. |
3594 |
I knelt, watching in frozen horror, fully expecting to witness the immediate demise of my two allies. |
3595 |
The master villain had been clever enough, or perhaps lucky enough, to be out of the tiny steel room. |
3596 |
He looked up at the old Oriental standing at the high counter, his face barely visible above its top. |
3597 |
The more violent captive of the two roused first. They could tell by the sudden tautness in its body. |
3598 |
Bunker looked into his wife's face. Even in the flickering shadows he could see how troubled she was. |
3599 |
Her tone indicated disbelief. It was unlike the People to so lightly surrender so great an advantage. |
3600 |
I had not seen on the skeletons themselves any sign of wounds. Each skull was entire without a break. |
3601 |
The ground heaved, then rocked, and the mists and fog had grown so much that it seemed like twilight. |
3602 |
So they won through the narrow ways meant only for techs, on major repairs, into the living quarters. |
3603 |
Silent and unmoving as the dead, the living were constrained to stare down into the eerily lit arena. |
3604 |
In a bit I knelt her before a horizontal bar, about a yard above the dirt, and tied her wrists to it. |
3605 |
She was alone in the post. Why and for how long she could not tell, but for the moment she was alone. |
3606 |
It felt good to be out in the crisp air, getting some exercise. Everything seemed so fresh and clean. |
3607 |
Already he could tell the radiation was having an effect. The vampire's facial skin was turning blue. |
3608 |
He handed the Earl some toasted bread and honey which he wolfed down, following it with watered wine. |
3609 |
His eyes flickered from me to the blade, and another flash of flame darted toward the spinning blade. |
3610 |
A few moments later, Wessex stood in one of the four small rooms on the ground floor of the premises. |
3611 |
There was a shocked silence as the Wad bounced and squashed on the floor. Then a gasp from all sides. |
3612 |
To the Riders, the rest of the world was a mosaic of stunned observers and slowly tumbling fireballs. |
3613 |
It was midnight. Between the first stroke and the last, the prayers of pious men would have no power. |
3614 |
The med said her nose was not broken. A tooth was loose, but that was all right, it would fix itself. |
3615 |
Dr. Angstrom seemed to be tangled up in a very difficult explanation. Thomas decided to help him out. |
3616 |
With that he ran out of conversation, and so did she, so he stood there watching as she ran her loom. |
3617 |
Then the rope swung back to him, the harness empty. He caught it and worked his way into the harness. |
3618 |
Taylor looked up at his wife. She was thinking too much about it, the last few months. They all were. |
3619 |
The President had other things to do in any case. He lifted his desk phone, and a secretary answered. |
3620 |
By the time the message was complete the initial S was almost illegible. But it didn't spoil the fun. |
3621 |
Then I was seized by the thought that everything I felt might be no more than the effect of the drug. |
3622 |
He fills the beaker from the bottle and drinks fully half what he has poured, wincing as he swallows. |
3623 |
Ham now divulged the information which several transatlantic telephone calls to England had gathered. |
3624 |
He started walking toward the kitchen area, barely aware of anyone else, still followed by his harem. |
3625 |
The naked blade shone with a hundred fiery highlights and a nest of inset jewels glinted in the hilt. |
3626 |
The Dastard tried to picture that liaison, and failed. He had to take it on faith. Becka seemed rapt. |
3627 |
The Doctor shot off down the butterfly tunnel of the time vortex. His voice echoed in a single shout. |
3628 |
And then there was the racist dogma that rivaled the worst armpit regions of the grim world. Of home. |
3629 |
It was just fine with me that they parked there. I could spot the place exactly for Torpedo. A setup. |
3630 |
Valerie's sister was sitting with several other tour guides and secretaries at the staff lunch table. |
3631 |
He buried his head in his hands to quiet and deaden the pounding, and then he knew what he had to do. |
3632 |
I waited for my parents and Mickey to come running in. This time, they must have heard the dogs, too. |
3633 |
The prince stood and bowed to Scaler. There was, Scaler thought, a malevolent gleam in his dark eyes. |
3634 |
The end of the last stray survivors of the demolition he had ordered on the planet Earth, he thought. |
3635 |
He takes her wrist and pulls her out the door. Martha and Zachery exchange looks, but neither speaks. |
3636 |
He turned the key around. But what was the use of thinking now about what that might have led him to. |
3637 |
Harvey admitted that he'd fallen for all of them, but there was one that impressed him in particular. |
3638 |
He pushed the diary to the side of his desk and sat considering the two grave young faces before him. |
3639 |
Kaiser was hesitant. He had the look of a little boy who was in trouble and afraid to tell the truth. |
3640 |
On Cyprus the joy of the people was boundless and around the world there was one long sigh of relief. |
3641 |
Or before those civilizations could get living representatives of themselves into interstellar space. |
3642 |
The interference lasted only a few seconds. It was followed by a short call and all was silent again. |
3643 |
Wayne locked the files up. The clerk locked the vault. Wayne got some coffee. Wayne killed some time. |
3644 |
None of those aboard the big airship spoke. There was no need for words. Each knew what he had to do. |
3645 |
Noticing the attention, the skulker abruptly turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction. |
3646 |
He couldn't stop the trembling, and when the phone rang he had to steel himself to lift the receiver. |
3647 |
Under and behind and inside everything the man took for granted, something horrible had been growing. |
3648 |
That got our thief's immediate attention, and he sat down near the tipsy fellow, hoping to hear more. |
3649 |
Biron fell upon it, rolled with it, and came up on his knees and one hand. In his other was the whip. |
3650 |
Unsteadily, his heart beginning to pick up speed as his senses became unnumbered, he got to his feet. |
3651 |
He spent the time going through his pictures of the three mining tugs. We didn't talk, but I watched. |
3652 |
The faintest murmur slipped up the walls from the courtyard, so faint I could not make out the words. |
3653 |
Justen did not answer, even when Tamra pulled her mount alongside his, though his face remained grim. |
3654 |
I was so caught up in the story it took me a few beats before I remembered that I really didn't know. |
3655 |
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, until she felt her heart beating in time with his. |
3656 |
There wasn't even an echo from below. The bowels of the house seemed to consume the shouted syllable. |
3657 |
Turning around, I saw that we were in a small chamber, something like a hangar or a narrow boathouse. |
3658 |
As the man started down the steps the two caterpillars waiting by the mailbox twitched with interest. |
3659 |
Then he wandered along, pretending to be making notes, and kept his eyes open for the public library. |
3660 |
The track was bare dirt. The meandering ruts had been made by animals driven to the city, not wheels. |
3661 |
The cat concentrated. The scene shifted. There was a young male serpent slithering contentedly along. |
3662 |
He had drawn her toward him and her left leg was now extended back, toward the stake, the chain taut. |
3663 |
Doc, for his final stage used no electricity at all. He used no tubes, bulbs nor elaborate apparatus. |
3664 |
But without death. The beast would see that he lived, tortured and agonized, until he was an old man. |
3665 |
Decker just stared. The name meant nothing to him. It had been many years since he had last heard it. |
3666 |
Jeff's eyes remained fixed on the wavelets, the slowly growing motion of the sea. He would not budge. |
3667 |
I stopped and began to sob. Chad was right. There was nothing we could do. We couldn't prove a thing. |
3668 |
I took him up again, and as I settled his head against me, his eyes opened and he knew me. He smiled. |
3669 |
He swiveled it. He dipped it. He strafed the airplane. He caught a window. He saw shotguns and vests. |
3670 |
They stood looking at each other, and the conversation seemed to have burned itself out in two lines. |
3671 |
The Korean nodded and looked around the room. There were no dissenters. Just seven inscrutable masks. |
3672 |
They were twenty yards from one of the several staircases that ran up from the garden into the house. |
3673 |
It takes an army to fight an army. But sending one scout out to locate the enemy is the sensible way. |
3674 |
Slowly we walked along the bank of the river, the mighty Nile, flowing steadily through all the eons. |
3675 |
I glanced around. I could see a paperboy on his bike halfway up the block. No one else on the street. |
3676 |
With a rising rush there was sound all around her. She pushed the inner hatch wide and found her man. |
3677 |
So I did not touch the blaster and stepped carefully over and around other bits and pieces of debris. |
3678 |
It was a famous duet. And a beautiful one. Agnes ought to know. She'd been singing it all last night. |
3679 |
Monk listened, then shook his head. It was difficult to conceive of any one moving with such silence. |
3680 |
I followed the men down the passageway. I stopped once, when they stopped, to extinguish the lantern. |
3681 |
I make some lame remark along these lines. Mark frowns at me and a cloudy look comes into Don's face. |
3682 |
She followed him, her hand at her side, hidden from view. He sat on the bed and she stood before him. |
3683 |
Silence made her look up. They were gathering around to watch her, stopping at a respectful distance. |
3684 |
Then she began walking. Her home was not much more than two kilometers distant, a little over a mile. |
3685 |
Beyond Measurement can stand. Where it is used, there will it break the tie between us and the earth. |
3686 |
He did not even suggest that she take a seat, but she drew one calmly up to the railing and sat down. |
3687 |
Not a little disgusted, Doc landed and launched a hunt afoot for the masked man. But it was too late. |
3688 |
Six bodies. Two women. He clumped past them and into the corridor that ran through officers' country. |
3689 |
I'm afraid you get used to it, I felt. It becomes just another way of seeing. Of being, she answered. |
3690 |
With these slung on his back, he mounted the silk cord. No stir, no sound of life came from the ruin. |
3691 |
Instead, she cast her arms about him and laid her mouth on his. Just for a minute. Just for a memory. |
3692 |
He met my eyes, but there was nothing in them. It was funny. Like they were painted on, or something. |
3693 |
He choked. Even speaking her name summoned up grief like a thick glutinous wave and burned his heart. |
3694 |
The fairies were silent for a moment. Hearing it from Fowl suddenly brought the reality home to them. |
3695 |
He sighed and tugged at the fringe of his mustache. Then he nodded. Very well, we would do it my way. |
3696 |
The innkeeper had arrived, clinking the two flagons of wine down on the table in a lackluster manner. |
3697 |
Then I heard her roll over to me. I could sense her lying near me, on her elbows, looking down at me. |
3698 |
When Crofts registered that barely credible scene he became sane in the blink of a thunderstruck eye. |
3699 |
His eyes picked up the gleam of the cat mask and followed that to and fro for an instant as it swung. |
3700 |
As they drew closer, Michael saw that there was a tiny barred window about five feet from the ground. |
3701 |
That may have hit me harder than it did her. Amelia had lived with Ellie, but I had lived inside her. |
3702 |
A few minutes later she felt the life stream past her. Death had the decency to leave without a word. |
3703 |
Monk took two or three stamping turns around the office, then stopped and glared dramatically at Ham. |
3704 |
She went back into the cool of the cottage and sat down in the rocking chair, staring at the doorway. |
3705 |
He raced through the night, his preternatural speed carrying him quickly to where she waited for him. |
3706 |
She dragged herself to lie by the door. Something was telling her Storm was near. She would be ready. |
3707 |
The spray of his matter cannon went miraculously close to the other ship. She was forced to veer off. |
3708 |
The room plunged into darkness. Hendricks got up and made his way past the curtain, into the kitchen. |
3709 |
Within moments, the rocks had been pulled back sufficiently to let the guards and the Doctor through. |
3710 |
I began dragging the box down the hall. Anna followed, holding the teapot as if it were made of gold. |
3711 |
She made her way over to him, squeezing between two old set pieces she recognized from their musical. |
3712 |
She was silent, then stepped forward and slipped her arms around him. For a time, they just embraced. |
3713 |
Barbarians, Michael told them haughtily, and dropped into the armchair hastily vacated by a new chum. |
3714 |
The entire third salvo fell inside the fortress. Marika sensed that that presaged a steady hammering. |
3715 |
He was always close beside her and the one who held the strap. Others came behind, three or four men. |
3716 |
Albert stood at the rear of the plane and looked forward along the large, empty tube of the fuselage. |
3717 |
He was making pointless conversation just for the pleasure of the company, and doubtless she knew it. |
3718 |
Machines who came all on their own to do even methodical tasks might be programmed for other actions. |
3719 |
Her voice was very soft and shaky. She didn't look at Riordan, but kept her gaze fixed on her cousin. |
3720 |
I laughed and set off on a lap across the pool. At least you were spared any memories of mortal life. |
3721 |
Slowly, the scene assumed its natural perspective. Again the little man fiddled with his wrist watch. |
3722 |
Running down the hall right into the cells, where he would undoubtedly find a welcoming party by now. |
3723 |
Up close, underneath its massive sheltering bulk, anyone could tell the Egg was made of native stone. |
3724 |
He struck his balled fist against his thigh to drive out the itchy, satisfied feeling in his fingers. |
3725 |
She thought he might refuse. But instead he turned his head and uttered a crooning sound to the bird. |
3726 |
So we pulled off clothes and put them where we could and curled into the cold newer linens and quilt. |
3727 |
Something bounced on the bridge beside him. He reached down to pick it up and dropped it with a yelp. |
3728 |
He could have sworn he felt the grating shudder as if the engines looming above him were starting up. |
3729 |
I started out for the bench where I had stashed my coat receipt. I drew up short after a dozen paces. |
3730 |
And now, from eating and napping, she'd recovered energy enough to begin healing her painful muscles. |
3731 |
Over the course of twelve years, his flesh and soul withered until he knew he had become transparent. |
3732 |
One guy resuscitated. One guy grabbed at the shoe. Pete kicked him. Pete bit him. Pete kept the shoe. |
3733 |
The voice was well disguised by the metal, and also by the hollow acoustics of the helmet's interior. |
3734 |
Leaving everyone else to stew in traffic, and try to remember why they moved here in the first place. |
3735 |
One Eskimo in particular rambled a short distance from the others. He floundered through a snowdrift. |
3736 |
The people only shrugged, not knowing or caring what the barbarians did or which direction they went. |
3737 |
The house was very still. Just outside, the branches of a tree brushed against the window like claws. |
3738 |
Moving carefully, the man pulled forward a silver pair of wings, hanging from a chain round his neck. |
3739 |
Suddenly Nora banged on the table. She was at the head of it. Everyone at her table stopped speaking. |
3740 |
Alex had come in in the middle of something. Seeking enlightenment, he plucked earphones from a rack. |
3741 |
Then for the first time he considered what this creature would have done to the people in the castle. |
3742 |
Again Gifford raised a hand toward the double portrait, but this time his finger indicated the youth. |
3743 |
There was a pocket of it trapped under a tread fender. He stuck his nose up into it and got a breath. |
3744 |
He dug faster, freed her shoulders. She was limp beneath his hands, but he detected a slow heartbeat. |
3745 |
With a vast quaking and heaving he pulled back until once more only his face showed through the hole. |
3746 |
The next wasn't as zealous, or as good with his blades. He fell immediately, and then there were two. |
3747 |
The road took them steadily north. They crossed two small streams, then the road led steadily upward. |
3748 |
Still stunned, Oliver nodded. Penelope agreed eagerly. She seemed to be sucking all this in joyfully. |
3749 |
The picture wavered, then disappeared in a maze of vertical lines and a wash of red, then went black. |
3750 |
Morrows threw the switch back and the view faded. He was sweating and his hands were trembling badly. |
3751 |
He picked up a paddle. He pretended there was water, and dipped the paddle where the water should be. |
3752 |
He had been certain it was going to eat him right then. But it hadn't. It had tied him up like a dog. |
3753 |
Without further words, Zak stepped onto the pale circle, and once again the world blurred around him. |
3754 |
Forester began to wish he had called the police after all, for this man knew far too much to be free. |
3755 |
Then a couple of much heavier rocks danced free from the walls of the pits and thudded into the sand. |
3756 |
Erica was confident, moving straight ahead, as if her destination was definitely in mind. And it was. |
3757 |
We had come all the way around to the place of the black smear. I stopped. I squatted and studied it. |
3758 |
Now was his time to act, and to act quickly. He raised his arms and called upon his powers to strike. |
3759 |
Inna and Rachel crouched on either side of the despairing mother seeking the source of this new pain. |
3760 |
Confusion and panic might reign on the docks at this moment, but a single goal would soon unite them. |
3761 |
On the beach from which we'd started I put her down and stretched out beside her. Soon I slept also. |
3762 |
Lifting the girl to one shoulder, Doc stepped down, bent the paper spears back and opened a trapdoor. |
3763 |
A momentary pause. Think of your answer quickly, Calvin Miller. Find a way to deceive me, if you can. |
3764 |
She nodded at the Count, who'd slowly raised his hands to the red wound that ran all around his neck. |
3765 |
We tossed our empty cups and boxes in a trash can and waited in front of the theater for our parents. |
3766 |
He glanced down at the plate of cookies she was holding in her hands, seeing them for the first time. |
3767 |
For all the good that's going to do me, he thought wryly. And for all the good that will do humanity. |
3768 |
Steve felt strange. He could hear his ears singing, very quietly. Bad wine always made his head ring. |
3769 |
He raised the wavelength adjustment slightly, then cut the microphone into circuit and spoke rapidly. |
3770 |
The old agent let out an annoyingly hearty belly laugh that followed Cover all the way down the hall. |
3771 |
Jack had probed to the roots of the man's true motivation, but he had gained nothing for his efforts. |
3772 |
Somehow, despite the distance and flickering haze, I had the sense of something probing for a way in. |
3773 |
It began with a veritable flood of suppressed information suddenly rising to the surface of her mind. |
3774 |
But there was no other way. The Indian attack planes were breaking through toward the American ships. |
3775 |
Baffled, Tuppence was forced to withdraw and hold a further consultation with Tommy outside the gate. |
3776 |
Fran shook his head. He baited a hook, cast it, and settled back scowling to wait for a fish to bite. |
3777 |
When it was fully light, Mister Wolf reined in his steaming horse and proceeded at a walk for a time. |
3778 |
The days yielded one to another. The months went by. Winter gave way to spring, and spring to summer. |
3779 |
And the bodies piled up in a huge mound of yellow feathers, like some kind of giant canary graveyard. |
3780 |
But they did not. Their vaunted warlock seemed as panicked as the rest. The survivors shifted course. |
3781 |
Finally, it was agreed that we would hold the wedding at his church in three days, on Monday morning. |
3782 |
He flipped on the switch and pressed the starter button. The engine kicked over and started right up. |
3783 |
Two laborers got out and took down a long, heavy box. Heller showed them where to put it in the ship. |
3784 |
The noise of the storm made it too difficult to speak. The girls just bailed and held on to the boat. |
3785 |
He backed slowly away and stood by the doors. He put a cigarette in his mouth but forgot to light it. |
3786 |
And in her dream Coraline saw that the sun had set and the stars were twinkling in the darkening sky. |
3787 |
The brothel keeper thought the boy was dying. He was afraid of the law. He stood before me in terror. |
3788 |
A miracle, Lord. I need a miracle. Silas had no way of knowing that hours from now, he would get one. |
3789 |
He does, but once he moves around the inner ceramic privacy screen, he stops cold in the entry foyer. |
3790 |
The speakers seemed to be growing angrier with every sentence. Soon their words were clearly audible. |
3791 |
She steadied the pearly ball on her knee, her fingers well to its bottom so as not to hide the sides. |
3792 |
The cunning man frowned in concern. When Ellie saw the gun, her mind had turned to ambush and murder. |
3793 |
Vinnie gave him a look. He despised people who wished you a nice day, a nice night or a nice weekend. |
3794 |
Me didn't have to finish. Both men were devotees of knowledge, but loved peace and civilization more. |
3795 |
Kirby tensed, certain that the witch had done something. Certain that trouble was now headed her way. |
3796 |
But perhaps, before then, she could enjoy the show of slaughter and butchery presented by the humans. |
3797 |
Tears welled up in her eyes as she clenched her hands into fists, fingernails cutting into her palms. |
3798 |
It surprised him then to glimpse a few wry smiles among the women. They all returned to their eating. |
3799 |
He twitched the reins, his current predicament almost forgotten in the tide of hereditary resentment. |
3800 |
Boats, she understood at once, although again she had no idea where this information was coming from. |
3801 |
Igor lurched through the castle corridors, dragging one foot after the other in the approved fashion. |
3802 |
The second rocket widened the hole in the White center. Justen leaned against the stones and groaned. |
3803 |
She had a drink. She took a swallow from it and gave me a cool level stare over the rim of the glass. |
3804 |
She started to protest. He looked at her, his eyes expressionless, and she swallowed and fell silent. |
3805 |
Doc's arrangement for the immediate tracing of incoming calls with the telephone company, had worked. |
3806 |
Pitt, anticipation surging through his veins, stepped inside and swung his beam around the storeroom. |
3807 |
One of the paramedics, smitten by Erin's attire, cheerfully obliged. He asked if she knew the victim. |
3808 |
Phipps put the limo into motion. The van carrying the other men and Adonis lumbered into line behind. |
3809 |
And then while Bowman was still considering his next move, Whitehead asked an extraordinary question. |
3810 |
The plane tore its runners loose from the ice, wallowed forward like a duck, splashed into the water. |
3811 |
Doc Savage, stooping swiftly, wrenched at two short sticks which were a part of the raft's structure. |
3812 |
I reassured him and hung up. If Sinclair's patent attorney thought it was a star drive, maybe it was. |
3813 |
Marissa nodded. She needed something to keep her from thinking about the horrible scene in the hotel. |
3814 |
I copied their tag number, then bought a dozen red roses for Lucy. Serendipity should not be ignored. |
3815 |
Despite his worry, he dozed and then slept deeply, not waking again until three full hours were gone. |
3816 |
In some there would be Jews and they would be fed and clothed and sheltered and sent along their way. |
3817 |
Finally he sighed, the wisdom of the ages having surrendered in the face of modern toilet technology. |
3818 |
He walked around to the back of the coach. There was another, much larger arrow high in the woodwork. |
3819 |
Doc scratched his head thoughtfully. It was not often that he made any kind of gesture when thinking. |
3820 |
The stalls booed him. He spat at them, waved his sword, and the boos became louder. The horse staled. |
3821 |
Ullman was telling his little tale well, and three pairs of eyes now betrayed an unexpected interest. |
3822 |
Then he cleaned his rifle, dried it as thoroughly as he could under the circumstances, and loaded it. |
3823 |
Jinny swallowed hard several times but managed to keep herself together. Kinsman watched her closely. |
3824 |
He returned his gaze to my face and stared for a moment. Then he plucked at the chain about his neck. |
3825 |
I heard Tom's voice. And I smelled a subtle combination of things that meant he was not too far away. |
3826 |
And in the golden light of the early sun they saw something not far off that made them shout for joy. |
3827 |
In the meantime, we amassed canned meat and grains, enough to feed twelve thousand people for a year. |
3828 |
For a seer, the truth is that all living beings are struggling to die. What stops death is awareness. |
3829 |
Slight applause for the scramble suit. And then expectant gazes at Fred, lurking within its membrane. |
3830 |
The wall at my back seemed to be melting, as if it were cast of wax and had been set too near a fire. |
3831 |
Man is but a pebble dropped in a pool. And if man is but a pebble, then all his works can be no more. |
3832 |
I only listened to this last with half an ear, as something else had momentarily caught my attention. |
3833 |
The hand closed, carefully. They all tumbled together in the palm, held by loosely clenching fingers. |
3834 |
Heller was up bright and early the following day, the viewer alarm blasting me out of a sodden sleep. |
3835 |
The site was too quiet. Never trust a workplace where absolutely nobody is standing around aimlessly. |
3836 |
Then the delight of their wild presence stayed long with him, warming him on the dark cold ride home. |
3837 |
The driver realized the man was a stranger. The fellow had the kind of face that interests policemen. |
3838 |
Doc's powerful voice interrupted what promised to be a wordy discussion of his matrimonial prospects. |
3839 |
We were separated and each thrust back to our own places, the chain line being then again strung out. |
3840 |
Fresh pain stroked Brian's head and he rocked on his feet, suddenly quite sure he was going to faint. |
3841 |
Monk shook his head in a slow, bewildered way. He reached into the car, carefully lifted a limp form. |
3842 |
Then the hook jerked my hands up over my head, jarring my wrists and shoulders, and I was motionless. |
3843 |
Holly grabbed the bag. Holly grabbed a steak knife. Holly stabbed one brick. Holly dipped one finger. |
3844 |
The Yale professors said there had been a central earth disturbance about ten thousand miles distant. |
3845 |
The stage was big and bare and empty, except for a sack which was scuttling determinedly for freedom. |
3846 |
That look of discontent, faint as it had been, was gone. Her smile no longer was either angry or sly. |
3847 |
Then he rose, with catlike tread, retraced his steps to the door from behind which he'd heard voices. |
3848 |
I stepped aside as the twins rushed the bar. She went to the couch, sat, and signaled me to join her. |
3849 |
By himself, he lay on his back thinking, waiting for someone to come. The doctor eventually returned. |
3850 |
I let her think about it. The hook was set now, and there was no way she was going to shake it loose. |
3851 |
Just brains. Sitting around, trying to decide how to outwit other brains, at other conference tables. |
3852 |
The captain of a King's ship calls himself by the name of that ship when he is on board a small boat. |
3853 |
I am at peace, he realized as he drifted off to sleep. I am at peace, and it's not all that pleasant. |
3854 |
He sensed the man's presence as they drew near the small pond located at the far reaches of the park. |
3855 |
Heat rushed out at him, not flame. He threw up his arm to protect his face and stepped into the room. |
3856 |
They chatted idly for several minutes, a dozen different conversations buzzing around the long table. |
3857 |
I really had to pay him back. Something way creepy. Maybe I could do something out here in the woods. |
3858 |
She leaned back in her chair. Her little face was thin and angular now. Her eyes had a watchful look. |
3859 |
These abilities, and skeleton animation, are performed at a level of magic use equal to the hit dice. |
3860 |
Then the billion voices ceased, instantly, as if the train had plunged in a fire storm off the earth. |
3861 |
Her father and her uncle had lost their bet. It would never last, but at that moment we were friends. |
3862 |
There were also lead bracelets fitting around their ankles, and heavy enough to keep their feet down. |
3863 |
The men waited, listening so hard that they could almost hear the gurgle of blood in their own veins. |
3864 |
An immortal has a great deal to remember. Sometimes its better to put things where they will be safe. |
3865 |
Her feet, which a moment before had been moving gracefully across the floor, tripped over themselves. |
3866 |
They all dropped through, and Ham exposed the mouth of the tunnel shaft he had discovered previously. |
3867 |
I squirmed in the ropes. I belonged to him. I began to sweat. For the first time I felt genuine fear. |
3868 |
Agnes was asleep against the table, the cape spilled out around her and the cart hugged to her chest. |
3869 |
Holly entered with Mulch in tow. The dwarf was wearing cuffs and looking extremely sorry for himself. |
3870 |
I turned instinctively, for something had stirred in me. I found myself wandering across the kitchen. |
3871 |
Doc determined these were powerful lenses. They were of the type employed in the greatest telescopes. |
3872 |
No one was in the jeep when it blew up, but soldiers throughout the area scattered, bawling warnings. |
3873 |
That night Jill cooked some potatoes in their skins, and let them go cold to take with them next day. |
3874 |
Tani had spent an earlier part of the day at the graveside of her father. Anders had taken her there. |
3875 |
Doc Savage passed out completely, and came out of it to find himself on the surface, swimming feebly. |
3876 |
He didn't consider it an unreasonable request, but they only stood there, huddled together fearfully. |
3877 |
They were standing on a very large heap of coke in the middle of a big cellar. At the end was a door. |
3878 |
The acolyte hesitated before obeying. She returned in a moment with the mug steaming on a small tray. |
3879 |
The room was completely quiet for about five seconds. Everybody looked stunned. Then Kristy spoke up. |
3880 |
The bronze man started to go on and he seemed to stagger. He tried to catch himself and all but fell. |
3881 |
No drums, no. But from the sky overhead there came a screech such as pained the ears of any listener. |
3882 |
The wild dog had stopped in the middle of a yowl. Broken it off with an almost impossible abruptness. |
3883 |
There was a bit of breeze on the roof of the Citadel. It also offered a good view of the high desert. |
3884 |
At least he was coming out of the fog of pain that filled his head, and he had bought some more time. |
3885 |
He simply did not belong in this game. He understood nothing whatever about internal politics either. |
3886 |
Tongues that repeated messages might do so to more than one person if there was urging strong enough. |
3887 |
I knew that he was jesting, but the compliment brought a blush to my cheek. Bernice also was pleased. |
3888 |
Damn, I thought, recalling the notebook and backpack I had left behind. I figured I'd be coming back. |
3889 |
She had replaced the loops of her jewelry and knelt before me, in the position of the pleasure slave. |
3890 |
He drew up sharply when he saw two figures ahead, making for the same break in the thicket as he was. |
3891 |
She slowly faded from his sight, but he could not call her back. He had already collapsed into sleep. |
3892 |
Mike sat up trying to rub the pain out of his eyes. It was several seconds before he could open them. |
3893 |
Bond got to his feet and stepped over the sprawling legs of the dead man and turned on the top light. |
3894 |
Doc shoved the unconscious one ahead, picked him up, and carried him as he leaped into the shrubbery. |
3895 |
As we made our way through the desolate and godforsaken old neighborhood, neither of us spoke a word. |
3896 |
He did so. Her legs were marvelously sleek and firm. He found her knees, and gripped just below them. |
3897 |
She screamed when she saw all the blood. Her knees buckled and she felt as if she was going to faint. |
3898 |
He was seized unceremoniously. More men came running. The little island seemed to be alive with them. |
3899 |
Will nodded to Jim and they ran quietly over to pick their way through bushes and look into the room. |
3900 |
Death looked around at the endless desert. He snapped his fingers and a large white horse trotted up. |
3901 |
The serving girl took Justen's empty mug, flipping her braid by his face as she left to get a refill. |
3902 |
He chuckled to himself as he strode out of the pentagram and began leisurely inspecting the premises. |
3903 |
He gestured at some of the sheets adorning the interior, and the cab veered dangerously to the right. |
3904 |
It wasn't until the second course appeared that Miles realized what was bothering him about the food. |
3905 |
The blow had snap and power. Boat Face's arm flailed, he wavered off balance, then toppled overboard. |
3906 |
Smith sprang to his feet, grabbed his revolver, and ran across the room to flick on the light switch. |
3907 |
Muffling a cough, he wheeled himself to the door. He moved manually, careful not to engage the motor. |
3908 |
Half an hour later as she was hooking the last eye on her dinner dress there was a knock on the door. |
3909 |
I stood and turned. I think I might have groaned as I dropped back into the seat and shook the reins. |
3910 |
In the living room, the wind blew over a lamp. All three of us jumped when it shattered on the floor. |
3911 |
Richard looked up. He felt his face creasing into a smile, hope hitting him like a blow to the chest. |
3912 |
One's to savor, he could crave the boon of a swift death. That wan hope was all that was left to him. |
3913 |
I peered through the window of the hut, studying the still darkness of the interior for some minutes. |
3914 |
A soft rain sprang up in brilliant blooms that touched all around Eden with whispers that said, Soft. |
3915 |
He lifted the edge of the blankets and slipped into the bed and Anna jerked violently away from him. |
3916 |
She couldn't help herself. She laughed. She was beginning to feel better. It must have been the food. |
3917 |
Mongols. Their horse technology was much superior to ours. When we expanded eastward we were careful. |
3918 |
Sammy glanced at the arrow, which looked too weak to penetrate cat hide. He walked before the archer. |
3919 |
The man who ducked his head a little to enter was not an islander and Persis got to her feet quickly. |
3920 |
Doc Savage said nothing for the moment. He moved to the office door and stood gazing idly through it. |
3921 |
The Tube was gone. It was sealed shut, fused over. Only a dull surface of cooling metal greeted them. |
3922 |
And then there was nothing to be done for it. The order had been given, and honor bound them to obey. |
3923 |
She thrust out an arm. Stone groaned, and a slab of roof thudded down, throwing up spray and pebbles. |
3924 |
He waited, but this time she didn't say them back. She just gave him a look full of hurtful sympathy. |
3925 |
Lucy laughed at the noise as I unbundled her. But in seconds, a loud crash came from the living room. |
3926 |
The howling echoed again, still distant. Corporal paced nervously while Hal thought about his answer. |
3927 |
My watch tour for that day was about up when Frey marched in and presented himself before my console. |
3928 |
We did not go down the long channel to Hamilton but anchored at the port nearest the sea, St. George. |
3929 |
We climbed through the little snout, I unlocked the entrance, and we got aboard without much trouble. |
3930 |
As he came to his feet, he was renewed and made whole again. The black staff fell away from his hand. |
3931 |
She answered that she wouldn't bring him a beer if his face was on fire. He hit her in the other ear. |
3932 |
A whole series of thoughts flashed through her mind as she sat frozen at the wheel staring up at him. |
3933 |
I mean, you could buy a machine to do that. They exist. And women don't buy them. Neither do gay men. |
3934 |
Ham walked back and faced Monk. The hairy chemist was grinning cheerfully. He added to his statement. |
3935 |
Brooke stopped babbling for a moment to point at a tree across the stream, then she resumed babbling. |
3936 |
Max glanced up as Laverna eased into the room through the bedroom door, gently closing it behind her. |
3937 |
But then he discovered a loose group of prisoners gathered near the sidelines, shouting and clapping. |
3938 |
The fins stared at her, eyes opening still wider as they began to realize what she was talking about. |
3939 |
In other words, I looked forward for over a year to the book you are presently holding in your hands. |
3940 |
Debera looked to her left to the farthest hearth, which had tables and chairs set invitingly near it. |
3941 |
Attached to their waist belts were intricate filter systems designed to refine clean, breathable air. |
3942 |
I turned and headed toward the place of the stairway, treading my tomb's lengthening shadow eastward. |
3943 |
He stepped through a steel door. Waiting just inside, he could hear what was said without being seen. |
3944 |
When he awoke, the Moon had swallowed up half the sky, and the braking maneuvers were about to begin. |
3945 |
I am a lone knight, surrounded by unworthy souls. And I will have to decipher the keystone on my own. |
3946 |
Deborah tilted her head to the side and squinted her eyes as if she were assessing Spencer's motives. |
3947 |
Silas felt as if his lips had just caught fire, but the air pouring into his lungs was sent from God. |
3948 |
The hair began to rise on the back of my neck. It always did when she fixed her eyes on me like that. |
3949 |
The top sergeant widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows as she pursed her lips in a silent whistle. |
3950 |
As he reached his car and fumbled for his keys, curiosity forced him to sneak one peek at the window. |
3951 |
I expectantly rounded one last corner and came to an abrupt halt. I had found the source of the odor. |
3952 |
I blinked several times. Sat up and stretched. My body felt stiff. My back ached. Every muscle ached. |
3953 |
Of course, we weren't that tired, but my mother had been the one to suggest we enjoy the guest house. |
3954 |
Shutting the door, Maurice went to the entry hall. The front door was closed, locked from the inside. |
3955 |
Worst of all, great drops of rain began to fall, plopping down on the rocks and causing great dismay. |
3956 |
George reddened, put down his cup and tried to deny it, but the older man laughed and shook his head. |
3957 |
The baby, however, laughed in delight and reached out a hand to try to grab the king's graying beard. |
3958 |
Despite his position, the queerly clad Ham was grinning as if he knew something he could not divulge. |
3959 |
Sticks and feathers were flying in every direction and they were even pulling down their tree houses. |
3960 |
The Council members stood and stretched and left the chamber to head for the alehouse or their homes. |
3961 |
Naked and cold, tied by the wrists to the corners of the bed, ankles spread to the bottom of the bed. |
3962 |
Quarrel picked up a fork with his free hand and clanged it against a glass. The big Negro hurried up. |
3963 |
Once the car was started I asked for directions to keep her talking. She gave them in a sleepy voice. |
3964 |
Faint steam began to rise from the water, and dust puffs rose off the road below as the ground shook. |
3965 |
She waited for him to answer, to say something to her, anything. Even anger would mean that he cared. |
3966 |
The bureaucrat was just as adamant not to waste good soldiers on what would be essentially a gesture. |
3967 |
Impulsively, I leaned forward. Our lips met within the mirror. Whatever she was, we had been friends. |
3968 |
When I issued forth from my chamber, it was near midmorning, so long had that drug kept me in thrall. |
3969 |
Machinery had been activated overhead, servos were coming into play and the sound was growing louder. |
3970 |
The holiday rep wilted before him and slunk back into line, wishing her uniform wasn't quite so pink. |
3971 |
A pressure hypo slammed up into the vein under her chin, and Ace fell back on to the bed, shuddering. |
3972 |
I cleared my throat and stared at the forest floor, assuring her it was only fatigue from my journey. |
3973 |
I then went to the shattered window at the rear of the cabin. I did not make my surveillance obvious. |
3974 |
I let fly and saw that my shot was true. He dropped his bow half pulled, clutched his chest and fell. |
3975 |
Hank had wanted to turn back. His son, Bill, had laughed and continued to paddle ahead in their boat. |
3976 |
Dimly she remembered the carton was no longer there. It was between the mattress and the box springs. |
3977 |
He led the way into the basement and pointed at two bales, wrapped in heavy paper and tied with wire. |
3978 |
It was a metal rod about eight inches long and two inches in diameter with a button on one end of it. |
3979 |
Howling like a crippled wolf, he raised the ax over his head with both hands and rushed on the chair. |
3980 |
His face came within an ace of crumpling up. This was the nadir, surely. They had no further to fall. |
3981 |
Momentarily their ears focused on the distant wail of fire engines that came from the hillside above. |
3982 |
When the sun had climbed past its zenith and was once again casting slight shadows, the woman halted. |
3983 |
She left, moving hurriedly out the door after exchanging a few words with the soldiers as she passed. |
3984 |
There was also the stink of his horse, sweat of panic and labor of flight and of foam from its mouth. |
3985 |
But he had gained freedom, at least for a space, and he must use that to the best advantage he could. |
3986 |
She nodded, the light sliding down her long gold hair, and sat down at his feet. Slowly the sun rose. |
3987 |
Back in his office Mason paced the floor, his head thrust slightly forward in frowning concentration. |
3988 |
The wiry man stared at the picture. He wet his lips. He reached over and put a finger on the picture. |
3989 |
Puzzled, Grant moved from the bedroom to the living room. His window looked out on the swimming pool. |
3990 |
But none of that was there. All the grackles had flown, it seemed, and the telephone lines were bare. |
3991 |
Mark took his wife's hand, but then let it go when the touch seemed to cause her some new discomfort. |
3992 |
I shot up my hand even though Kristy had said at my first club meeting that I didn't have to do that. |
3993 |
The bronze man set out through the jungle, following the natives who were returning to their village. |
3994 |
He clapped his hands together and the rosy light vanished. The bales fell to the carpet with a thump. |
3995 |
The humming became louder, and turned into words of some exotic, guttural song in a foreign language. |
3996 |
Gregory squatted down, rubbing his hands together and eyed the notch through which they were passing. |
3997 |
Solemnly, as he thought would befit a god, he conducted a laborious conference with himself in space. |
3998 |
Then everything flared white hot about him, and it felt as if a giant fist had slammed into his back. |
3999 |
He tuned in to the beginning other isolation and turned the sand green. Now he was in phase with her. |
4000 |
She made a big show of spreading her blanket and then hesitated, not sure how she would get on to it. |
4001 |
Only in very special situations, such as in costumed drama in the Game, were serfs permitted apparel. |
4002 |
For a moment I was afraid that I could never exert strength enough to draw myself to complete safety. |
4003 |
He surveyed his shining self complacently in the mirror, smiled faintly, exposing a section of teeth. |
4004 |
The kitten slid out smoothly. The cat panted a moment, then sat up and checked the small, damp baby. |
4005 |
Then they kissed in a fairly chaste fashion, insofar as camels are any judge. A decision was reached. |
4006 |
Jupiter told them about the lieutenant's journal, and showed them the page he had duplicated from it. |
4007 |
She helped Evans up. His cut was bleeding again, and his mask was red, frozen stiff against his face. |
4008 |
No, it wasn't the way she did things. He destroyed planets. He kept her around as a blunt instrument. |
4009 |
A cheer erupted from the crew and men leaped to their duties, anxious to be heading at last for home. |
4010 |
Or ever. I'd hardly endear myself to the child by expressing an honest opinion to him about Clarinda. |
4011 |
Consulting a computer printout on a clipboard, he walked down one of the aisles with Austin trailing. |
4012 |
Her eyes hurt because she had been crying. She tried to see even the edge of the drive to the stable. |
4013 |
With good reason. Now, old as she was, she was still a smasher. Her voice sliced through my memories. |
4014 |
She drew a deep breath and realized she felt at peace as she hadn't since meeting Linden on the dock. |
4015 |
To her dismay, she saw two cots set up on the porch and an old chiffonier, clearly intended for them. |
4016 |
Griff felt a shudder pass through the body so close to his. He drew a deep breath of the tainted air. |
4017 |
The girl's voice died away. With a hand that trembled violently, she replaced the telephone receiver. |
4018 |
They pushed forward more rapidly. Dust was thick on the country road, a soft pad for their footfalls. |
4019 |
He swung through, dropped. His landing was noiseless, padded by the spring of tremendous leg muscles. |
4020 |
He asked for permission to enter. She stopped pacing and whirled around, her face twisted with anger. |
4021 |
The children listened in awe. The old lady seemed beside herself, and rocked to and fro as she spoke. |
4022 |
His eyes wandered first to the door, then to the window. He had to turn slightly in his chair to see. |
4023 |
Finally, the whole remnant of the statue fell to the floor, and burst into a small pile of dark dust. |
4024 |
Artemis composed himself. He would have to present a convincing case or Butlers last chance was gone. |
4025 |
She was not. It took her longer to pass instructions to Smoke's attendants than to prepare to go out. |
4026 |
However, when he heard the two feminine titans saying how sorry they were, he rolled down one window. |
4027 |
The glowing spots on the giants seemed to grow larger, although the monsters were being carried away. |
4028 |
But the animal on which the chief was mounted seemed the speedier of the two, for he gained steadily. |
4029 |
The specter wavered, almost looking away again. If I made him nervous, my ferrets made him doubly so. |
4030 |
He has to stop this. He would like to concentrate on the matter at hand, but that is still a mystery. |
4031 |
It didn't matter. Something hit his jaw as he began to get up. The next he knew, he was in the water. |
4032 |
There was no sound of footsteps in the alley. He waited a moment and stuck his head round the corner. |
4033 |
Then he started violently and looked at his own hands. From them, he shifted his stare to his fellow. |
4034 |
It might have amused him to know he was not the only person having trouble with the Sparrow's spells. |
4035 |
From Doc's lips came a low, whizzing moan. He interspersed sharp popping noises made with his tongue. |
4036 |
Evan shook his head hard. The daydream had seemed so real. His mother's voice still sounded far away. |
4037 |
I waited until I thought all of the counselors had passed by. Then I slowly pulled myself to my feet. |
4038 |
This was more like it. If there was going to be a massacre, then it ought to be shared by both sides. |
4039 |
The aide's surface shouted stupidity, but the eyes betrayed him. They laughed at everything they saw. |
4040 |
Heller examined her leg. The ankle was a compound fracture with a splinter of bone extending from it. |
4041 |
That announcement brought another gratified hum from the grenadiers. And especially from their wives. |
4042 |
Tristan, Robyn, and Newt lay behind a fallen tree trunk. They stared in awe at the massive structure. |
4043 |
He stood up, bowed his head briefly in a gesture of politeness that was almost mocking, and was gone. |
4044 |
Down a hall and through more doors. And upstairs again, until they came out in another concrete hall. |
4045 |
I cleared my throat, so he wouldn't think he was alone and go into some soliloquy of teenage despair. |
4046 |
Scaler swallowed as he watched the lantern light dance on the ebony features of the man in the chair. |
4047 |
He ranged in a circle, alert golden eyes probing the smoky mist. He soon located one of the lookouts. |
4048 |
Ben Holiday and his companions watched them go until they were out of sight and did not speak a word. |
4049 |
The room was comfortably warm. Nevertheless, she closed her eyes and shivered against a sudden chill. |
4050 |
He withdrew his hands and I shuddered against the post, fearing only that he might again so touch me. |
4051 |
Doc Savage came up out of the chair. He seemed to have reached some kind of a conclusion, a decision. |
4052 |
But that gave him little satisfaction, for by losing the first two hands, he had lost the first game. |
4053 |
Richard walked out of the bedroom and closed the door. A key turned in the lock, then he spoke again. |
4054 |
They had their meal by the lake. It glittered at their feet, calm and blue, and looked very inviting. |
4055 |
The brown heel lifted off the ground. The toe bent and took the weight. Now the second foot had gone. |
4056 |
A moment later, a flash of white light pulsed against the night. The Sidewinder had found its target. |
4057 |
They slowed their pace to accommodate Ali, and went linked together by touch as they had in the maze. |
4058 |
George caught Anne's eye and grinned mischievously, but said nothing. Anne owned up, red in the face. |
4059 |
But Miles' fingers had jumped once more to the communications section of the console in front of him. |
4060 |
Because the only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the amount of press coverage. |
4061 |
His fingers flexed, and blue sparks crackled out from them to slither across the surface of the desk. |
4062 |
Barnabas watched her for a few minutes, then left, promising himself that he would not do this again. |
4063 |
That was the chief perplexing quandary dogging the fugitive Earthlings for three long, hellish years. |
4064 |
But the great game went on at many levels, Death knew. And often it was hard to know who was playing. |
4065 |
No duck pond, nothing but gray sky above, gray ground beneath. They were back where they had started. |
4066 |
She turned to the dog and started to whistle. A tuneless whistle, just a bunch of shrill, flat tones. |
4067 |
He got the door open and helped her out. The gravel seemed to slide away from them in all directions. |
4068 |
But there was no warning to stop as they approached. Though neither did anyone move to open the gate. |
4069 |
I made my way through the thick trees and tall weeds, the whole time thinking of how to scare Mickey. |
4070 |
The rest of us are so numb from politics now we couldn't even muster up the will to shoot him a yawn. |
4071 |
The Doctor's voice cut across the babble of accusation like a schoolmaster correcting unruly infants. |
4072 |
Kai lifted the neglected shell in gentle salute and drank the juice before he began to eat the fruit. |
4073 |
Swiftly, almost whispering, Edith told him that she had to get to the studio and do a live broadcast. |
4074 |
Obediently the griffin descended, through layers of cloud and slanting sunlight to the waiting earth. |
4075 |
Just the way the rule of noninterference with the piggies had been broken before Ender ever got here. |
4076 |
Still, the inconveniences were substantial, and she was considering putting an end to the experiment. |
4077 |
Richard Lewis is a man who has worked out a foolproof way of getting snappy answers to his questions. |
4078 |
The issue of time travel is handled as a problem in quantum physics. To me, Orion is science fiction. |
4079 |
Her glum slouch answered his question, even as his white face and rapid breathing finished asking it. |
4080 |
I gave Louis a good hard thwack between his shoulder blades, and the crab ball flew out of his mouth. |
4081 |
Monk had picked up two stout clubs en route. One in either hand, he laid about with terrific results. |
4082 |
They had been ordered not to speak to the other slaves. They disobeyed this order in fervent fashion. |
4083 |
He started, and awareness came into his eyes. He glanced around at terrified doctors and technicians. |
4084 |
I moved, and he came close to me. His eyes went round, and a single word sighed from his slack mouth. |
4085 |
And he continued to be angry at his magician for allowing Karel to prevail and put them all to sleep. |
4086 |
The turmoil under the water was increasing. More flying fish soared aloft, flopping miserably ashore. |
4087 |
The creature hissed, nodding toward the book. She opened the volume and looked at the printing in it. |
4088 |
Despite the whistle, the revelers continue to sing, waving their arms in a rough semblance of rhythm. |
4089 |
There was no more light here than in the room they'd exited, but the murk lent mystery to the images. |
4090 |
There were still sun banners in the sky at his back, giving enough light for this difficult maneuver. |
4091 |
Bush had served with his captain through too many fights to have an exaggerated idea of his strength. |
4092 |
The men pushed them forward roughly, and they stumbled over a rocky path, not seeing where they went. |
4093 |
But before the consul could answer, the door opened and Lyra came in bearing a little branch of pine. |
4094 |
There. That was surely vague. A comment that could be taken as a compliment or an insult, or neither. |
4095 |
After steaming wedges of French apple pie, Jessica excused herself, and went into the guest bathroom. |
4096 |
The captain saw the abyss ahead, but the sentence had plunged on with a horrible momentum of its own. |
4097 |
Stanton and Bob. Carlos logically. Trace it back. Track the time line. Trust the time line logically. |
4098 |
Again the cowl swung and this time it was turned to the one of the councilors who had not yet spoken. |
4099 |
Pete watched her. Barb rubbed her cheek. She looked around. She saw the wall stains. She saw the pix. |
4100 |
Smoke was rattled right down to his ankles. He had no color left, was whispering some sort of prayer. |
4101 |
And then she was gone into a netherworld of formless mist, of stars that shone from below the ground. |
4102 |
A few minutes later, Madam glanced out of the window and saw that the troops were quietly moving out. |
4103 |
At one side of the room a red light appeared. It glowed for a moment, then went out. It glowed again. |
4104 |
And the next thing he spotted was a pair of booted feet disappearing around a corner in the crawlway. |
4105 |
Jupiter didn't answer. Instead he turned and walked almost a hundred yards in the opposite direction. |
4106 |
He gaped and nearly let the pot slip from his fingers before his customary dignity reasserted itself. |
4107 |
Instead of genetic booty, the crew will find their station smashed, their colleagues killed or taken. |
4108 |
Marlene licked her lips gently. She must not allow herself to be frightened, to be anything but calm. |
4109 |
The thud of its strike against his shield nearly sent Milo off his feet. He choked at its fetid odor. |
4110 |
I had a sudden impulse to crack it open and see what was inside. But of course I would never do that. |
4111 |
The hallway was empty. The silver men had gone back into an apartment. Doc stepped out into the hall. |
4112 |
Mr. Goon did not answer. The Inspector turned to the children, and gravely shook hands with them all. |
4113 |
A victory today, Marika reflected, and she would be in a position at last to do something about that. |
4114 |
In a moment of sheer reflex, all heads and every eye followed Pitt's gesture toward the shouting man. |
4115 |
The huge striped cat stalked him for a time, then gave up and slunk off in search of less agile prey. |
4116 |
She crouched and pulled, then lay on her back and kicked up at it, then looked at him quite woefully. |
4117 |
Then he noticed the Second he had spared. He was cowering beside a post, hunched and still shivering. |
4118 |
I saw no way of getting Dagny up that climb without rendering myself almost defenseless under attack. |
4119 |
Hans Albert, still glowering from the argument with his brother, came to sit in the chair beside him. |
4120 |
Shooter looked at Mort for a long moment, then turned and reached through the open window of his car. |
4121 |
The cloud of darkness dissipated. Light returned, penetrating as the thickness of the darkness eased. |
4122 |
They went with Ivy and got changed and snatched a bite to eat. By that time the day was getting late. |
4123 |
So I told her everything, even the bits about the two girls and my feeling bad about the stable girl. |
4124 |
At half past eight, I walked into the staff meeting and took my usual place at the head of the table. |
4125 |
Twenty thousand years later, I knew, medical researchers would still be hunting along the same trail. |
4126 |
As the glasses were drained Hornblower, looking round him, saw that he was expected to reply in form. |
4127 |
The Librarian landed on his shoulders. To the orangutan's surprise, this made very little difference. |
4128 |
He replaced the earth carefully, making sure there remained no evidence of its having been disturbed. |
4129 |
The dying man closed his eyes for a while and rested. After a moment or two he started talking again. |
4130 |
Ashe was on his knees, peering northward to where the bulk of wrecked ship was embedded in the plain. |
4131 |
She went off by herself to kneel by a little stream and throw cold water against her aching forehead. |
4132 |
Ted's top five percent. But at its best, science fiction is wonderful. And it tends to be optimistic. |
4133 |
There must be a threshold of consciousness such that when you pass it you acquire godlike attributes. |
4134 |
Weaving patterns were produced by those lustrous fur bodies to draw the eyes and focus the attention. |
4135 |
Darlene picked up the phone and said hello followed by several yeses. Then she put the phone on hold. |
4136 |
She spun about and buried her face in his chest. He held her and gazed over her shoulder at the body. |
4137 |
But I knew nothing of that. I knew only that I wanted to die. Nothing but death could stop my horror. |
4138 |
After a couple of hours the baskets were full and the men returned to the boat. Var and Soil relaxed. |
4139 |
A short time later, the warriors finished their meal. Wearily, they moved to take up the Quest again. |
4140 |
Restoring what the elves had twisted was rather like untangling several skeins of madly snarled yarn. |
4141 |
Chan hurried back, paid his bill, and walked swiftly out to his rented car. He drove south once more. |
4142 |
That was true. Since Burgess could travel here only with difficulty, he was a liability to the party. |
4143 |
I spent the rest of the day exploring my valley, and the city that the metal ladies had built for me. |
4144 |
I nodded, overcome and unable for the moment to speak. With quick gestures I pleaded for her silence. |
4145 |
I kept looking him in the eye. It was a fun game. Wellington couldn't take it. He looked at the door. |
4146 |
A couple of people at the next stall were looking at Mort thoughtfully. His mind went into overdrive. |
4147 |
Killian said he couldn't tell her. He pulled one hand free and made a zipping motion across his lips. |
4148 |
The radio station had attempted several times to contact the two machines, each time without success. |
4149 |
The Scholar wet his lips nervously. His grayish tongue looked like nothing so much as a large maggot. |
4150 |
The five moved their seats and Heller took his place back on the dais. The men were close to him now. |
4151 |
Waller made a sound that was akin to a laugh, but it was bereft of humor. Obviously he wasn't amused. |
4152 |
They devoted about five minutes of frenzied search for the funnel in the sand, but did not locate it. |
4153 |
He would not fail, he was sure of it. Because even though he had no proof, he knew that he was right. |
4154 |
Barefoot we left the barge and stepped out onto the pier, walking along the left sides of the wagons. |
4155 |
The boy's father gave him that complicated shrug used by adults in a situation involving adolescents. |
4156 |
Whatever I say about cologne, the entourage will repeat to the police if he turns up choked to death. |
4157 |
He took the nose ring between his thumb and first finger and lifted it. I stood painfully on my toes. |
4158 |
Alfred walked into the room, but when he saw them all staring at him, he started backing hastily out. |
4159 |
Michelle turned and looked out through the glass to the waiting room, but Susan was not there either. |
4160 |
Night came. Doc and his friends had not found the mysterious strong man who had worn the white beard. |
4161 |
Castro, feeling himself hoisted by the armpits, reasonably anticipated dismemberment or evisceration. |
4162 |
She felt his body stiffen beneath her palm, felt the tension that pulsed through him as he drew back. |
4163 |
I cannot be a hunter if I am always waiting to be prey. And so I must hunt him before he can hunt me. |
4164 |
His face was contorted by pain. He was clutching his left thigh, and there was blood on his trousers. |
4165 |
Whether they were walking out or being carried out, everyone leaving that building was covered in it. |
4166 |
He woke to find a gourd of water being held to his mouth by a powerful tan hand. He gulped the water. |
4167 |
Timmy whined. George remembered that they must hide him, and make plans for him. She turned to Sooty. |
4168 |
She'd timed herself to match my own readiness. Somehow, she always seemed to know that exact instant. |
4169 |
And that was the end of that one. I sped ahead to the next light flash that showed the door was open. |
4170 |
Storm and Tani came out after the performance still smiling. His father looked at him in resignation. |
4171 |
He turned to make his way back to his camping place. Through the snow from above came a flying thing. |
4172 |
On the other hand, the authorities might want to keep these spies for themselves if they caught them. |
4173 |
Doc Savage and the girl were both keeping out of sight behind the steam shovel. Doc wanted to listen. |
4174 |
The ambulance driver tapped his ear, then pointed eastward, as if that was the only answer necessary. |
4175 |
I was alone, with my new Animator. While I was looking at it my wife came downstairs in her bathrobe. |
4176 |
This was not strictly the truth. Monk was rated one of the half dozen greatest chemists ever to live. |
4177 |
I did not speak further with him. The cart was pushed past the four individuals. I did not look back. |
4178 |
Navajo came down, feeling its way through stacks of angry air, and landed with a final jarring thump. |
4179 |
Doc Savage had been dozing. He came awake instantly. His trained ears told him all he needed to know. |
4180 |
The doctor was a shade paler, and his big hands tried to express what his paralyzed tongue would not. |
4181 |
The crowd stopped heading for the exit and turned toward him, some looking expectant, others puzzled. |
4182 |
Mrs. Pierce stopped at a group of computer monitors. She put her hand on the top of the first screen. |
4183 |
It was only one man who had called out, a guard perhaps, one patrolling this supposedly cleared area. |
4184 |
I brought still more food and water. The male followed me to where the containers of food were piled. |
4185 |
She burst into tears. Smith stood up, angry and embarrassed at himself, and stumped off to the forge. |
4186 |
He folded up the scythe and stuck it into its sheath behind the saddle. Then he looked at the window. |
4187 |
He showed Richard which ones to look for, where they grew and why, and put names to everything they saw. |
4188 |
He stood by himself, looking across the way to the shrine that his people had never been able to use. |
4189 |
He logged lounge time. He watched Barb. He took side seats. He looked backstage. He got candid shots. |
4190 |
Sir Arthur suddenly shouted in an agonized tone. Plainly, his brain was giving away under the strain. |
4191 |
Their captors spent much time examining their right hands and seemed puzzled when they found nothing. |
4192 |
Gunnar nodded, a faint smile on his face, a smile that faded as Justen watched. He wrinkled his brow. |
4193 |
They stared at each other, assessing the changes that the years had wrought since their last meeting. |
4194 |
I looked at this Tina. She was obviously too beautiful to free. She would be kept as a slave for men. |
4195 |
He must have sensed her determination, because he gave up that line of questioning and tried another. |
4196 |
Do not deny it, little sun. I have come here to help you. You have been waiting for me all this time. |
4197 |
Monk, listening curiously, had to get out a question that was bothering him. Out it came with a rush. |
4198 |
Finally it was sheer fatigue, and not magic, that caused his head to drop back and his eyes to close. |
4199 |
Having your dog killed must mean something different here than it means back in Texas, Tuck realized. |
4200 |
I pursed my lips to reform the question, until the general's quiet simper told me he had answered it. |
4201 |
He thought his words pitifully inept, but the mummy responded, sliding back to its original position. |
4202 |
And after we were back in the air and headed for Australia, then the pilot parachuted to his freedom. |
4203 |
The robbery of the merchant simply confirmed his viewpoint. Sealed his opinion like lead seals a jar. |
4204 |
The soldiers are silent, standing quiet and still above as the people stand below on the gravel path. |
4205 |
I went to my first support group two years ago, after I'd gone to my doctor about my insomnia, again. |
4206 |
He paused and looked directly at Shea, his hazel eyes suddenly hard as they bored into the young man. |
4207 |
My shoes pounded the grass. I kept my eyes on Elliot and the finishing line as I ran. Faster. Faster. |
4208 |
Valdez turned toward the door, where he paused and seemed about to speak, but once again turned away. |
4209 |
I looked down at my dress. It was probably wrecked. Good thing I hadn't worn the little black number. |
4210 |
Jason closed the door and bolted it, although there was probably no point, when you thought about it. |
4211 |
A phone rang in the background. One of the animal handlers watching from the sidelines ran to get it. |
4212 |
Then he remembered about the pull lights. Those stories were little more than ghost tales these days. |
4213 |
The resulting explosion was extremely satisfactory. A whole building tipped over to make a barricade. |
4214 |
She thanked him, saying that she would think carefully about what he had said. And indeed she did so. |
4215 |
Marissa stared at him in disbelief. She was beginning to wonder what kind of ally she'd come up with. |
4216 |
Wallie could not argue further, not with the contemptuous sailor listening. He rose and stalked away. |
4217 |
Far below, Seaman Phelps's hands loosened on the wreckage he had clutched. He sank beneath the water. |
4218 |
The cop kicked a couple of times and was dead. The knife must have cut his heart in half from behind. |
4219 |
I looked at him dubiously. This man was too smart to even seriously consider a mere stab in the dark. |
4220 |
Crossing the yard, he activated the opening in the rock face, then stepped out onto the narrow ledge. |
4221 |
I could almost have screamed with exasperation when I realized that he was being funny at my expense. |
4222 |
I moved farther down the row. Two black girls shrank back. I gathered they were new to their collars. |
4223 |
Arthur Tyne. Ruthless cutthroat. Not for long. He'd wish himself dead before I was finished with him. |
4224 |
Doc stared with a certain grimness into the slitted eyes of his enemy. He spoke what he was thinking. |
4225 |
But the second vision was more powerful than the first. She saw a ship, and upon it a tall, thin man. |
4226 |
The site contained four major palaces and a number of smaller ones. These opened off a central court. |
4227 |
Ariel looked dubious. They reached a wide area lined with elevator doors. She tapped a code into one. |
4228 |
Downstairs, she heard the clink of glass on glass. She moved as quickly as she dared to Frank's room. |
4229 |
They were seated at a semicircular banquette in front of a huge picture window overlooking the ocean. |
4230 |
Before he reached the path, there came a burst of blows and grunts. Sounds of a mad scuffle followed. |
4231 |
I nodded and drank out of the nice crystal glass I was holding. What was in it had a nice warm taste. |
4232 |
If she was honest, the problem wasn't that Rider might still want her, but that she still wanted him. |
4233 |
At the end of the narrow passage a door was ajar. She forced it open with her nose and looked around. |
4234 |
The little man put his hirsute hands on his hips and stared back at Charlie with undisguised disgust. |
4235 |
Albert had bent over again when Nick left him. Now he straightened slowly and took a step toward him. |
4236 |
He thought from the corner of his eye he saw Liane start to follow. Her father caught her by the arm. |
4237 |
He walked over to the window, pulled aside the curtain, stared out unseeing into the lighted streets. |
4238 |
Patiently, he spoke until his words had penetrated the drunken haze from which the man stared at him. |
4239 |
The rifle bullets began to go farther and farther amiss. The sharpshooters were baffled by the smoke. |
4240 |
He turned into the kitchen and sat under a table waiting for a handout. The cooks were like the dogs. |
4241 |
I rode over to Stacey's and spent the afternoon with her. It was nice to take a break from my search. |
4242 |
Everything was going to work out fine, after all. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing could go wrong now. |
4243 |
Now he wanted to fight. He wanted to live. He could not bear to let that voice have its way with him. |
4244 |
Mr Fox looked at his wife and she smiled. He loved her more than ever when she said things like that. |
4245 |
Grant saw them, faint and fuzzy at this distance. But the scene made a dreadful kind of sense to him. |
4246 |
The black curtain rose around the Tribunes from beneath the dais, but not for long. I didn't time it. |
4247 |
They advanced slowly until their eyes adjusted and they saw that the scene, in fact, was illuminated. |
4248 |
The tall dark figure was suddenly there, in the doorway, and then in a few strides was in the circle. |
4249 |
Jed and Sara were already at the table. They glanced up from their cereal bowls, but didn't say anything. |
4250 |
My heart was pounding. I continued to hold my breath. If I didn't, I knew I would burst out laughing. |
4251 |
The bundle rolled over, staggered upright and extended two scruffy wings. The rat stopped kicking it. |
4252 |
An elevator lifted them to the top floor. Both men now had a spray of cold sweat on their evil faces. |
4253 |
Nicole looked up at the man, watching his Adam's apple bob involuntarily at the mention of the names. |
4254 |
Women and strong men wept unashamedly, beggars and scullions howled, philosophers covered their ears. |
4255 |
A slight restless milling on the flatboats. We were very close. They could kill us all if they chose. |
4256 |
She took his good arm over her shoulder, bracing him. Somehow, they managed to get him onto his feet. |
4257 |
Cass sidled forward unobtrusively and slipped his hand beneath Amanda's blankets. Something crinkled. |
4258 |
He threw back his head and gave such a loud and mournful howl that all the children jumped violently. |
4259 |
Arnold grabbed the canteen. Before the boat could knock it again from his hand, he had taken a drink. |
4260 |
Steve tapped his lip, put his handkerchief in his pocket and stood searching the floor with his eyes. |
4261 |
In the stark silence which followed, a moment passed before she understood the point of his question. |
4262 |
As he spoke, a broad red slice appeared on his upraised arm as if drawn there by an invisible artist. |
4263 |
She knows guns, was his first thought. His second was, Someone is probably offering a reward for her. |
4264 |
He paused again. Disappointment crept into Arthur's face and snuggled down into its accustomed place. |
4265 |
I knew all about broken hearts, yes sir, I knew all about it. I burned all but the first three pages. |
4266 |
The other two filled up their glasses when he had gone, instinctively settling more closely together. |
4267 |
Nothing made any sense at all since that truck had nearly run them down on the road through Kentucky. |
4268 |
A second man emerged in the same helpless fashion. This one was older, and he had a civilian's tunic. |
4269 |
A moment ago there hadn't been any marks or cracks in its surface. Now there were. They were growing. |
4270 |
The charge around the corner came fast and silent, a handful of dark elves rushing out, swords drawn. |
4271 |
He didn't dare take up manual controls which would give him away. So instead he called up pilot mode. |
4272 |
O'Hara swung her long legs over the edge of the tank and slipped into the water with hardly a ripple. |
4273 |
I used the circular work shed as a flying buttress, leaning into the tower and squeezing it together. |
4274 |
I have seen so much, such an explosion of comprehension. And all because of a tiny, misshapen fungus. |
4275 |
I lowered the trowel carefully beside it. Then I slowly, slowly slid it under the throbbing creature. |
4276 |
But you should stop considering it some particular malice on my part that I succumbed to that effect. |
4277 |
He remounted and made his way to the public buildings near the palace to listen and to ask questions. |
4278 |
Perhaps he no longer really knew her. He had made an assumption, relied on old data, and gotten hurt. |
4279 |
As he sat on the plush divan and positioned the photo album on his lap, he felt a carnal hunger stir. |
4280 |
Looking back, she saw the tree burning, and the fire spreading laterally in fingers along the ground. |
4281 |
As the silence between them lengthened, he couldn't move toward her any more than he could move away. |
4282 |
It seemed the troops were beginning to get demoralized, but they followed when we ordered them ahead. |
4283 |
Somewhat out of sorts, she repeated her request. God still ignored her. It was as if He hadn't heard. |
4284 |
Shooting from the hip, Doc cut the flying horror almost in halves with the scarlet thread of bullets. |
4285 |
Fargo sang the coded notes. After the last note rang out, they watched the hassock. Nothing happened. |
4286 |
I rose and crossed to the stone. Gerard followed me. There, in the moss, I traced its tiny hoofmarks. |
4287 |
He suddenly pointed the weapon at the fallen side of beef, and it erupted with a soft stutter of air. |
4288 |
Within the space of three or four minutes, Doc and the others had overcome the occupants of the dory. |
4289 |
Granny advanced, holding the poker in front of her. The unicorn backed away, and pawed at the ground. |
4290 |
The waiter returned with a clear soup in which shreds of egg and some green vegetables could be seen. |
4291 |
Jones rose and lifted a bottle from a dresser drawer. He poured two glasses and handed one to Parker. |
4292 |
Beaten or not, the oarsmen could only draw their oars so rapidly. And it would not be rapidly enough. |
4293 |
Everyone laughed, and the discussion died a merciful death as the hostess invited them to the buffet. |
4294 |
A growl of immediate assent from his men and Alfred's, all of whom had won their way by battle alone. |
4295 |
Suddenly, he was at the edge. His foot struck the raised border and he felt himself falling backward. |
4296 |
But since he was completely out of his depth with an Asian, he was still making no effort to intrude. |
4297 |
Buster bounced over to him in delight. It was quite plain that he adored the plump boy who owned him. |
4298 |
He looks undignified, thought Harlan with satisfaction, undignified and unsavory. So much the better. |
4299 |
Sandals of what looked like pale leather, secured around the ankle by a thong, completed the costume. |
4300 |
There was indeed magic to this music, which could transform the blackest sorrow to the brightest joy. |
4301 |
We may only take comfort in the fact that such situations, for ill or for good, are exceedingly rare. |
4302 |
The Transcendent interrupted. Its sleek form began dissolving, folding inward toward a ball of light. |
4303 |
Richard seemed to glow around her as he hugged her in his arms, held her in his warm, loving embrace. |
4304 |
For the next minute or two, the redhead let out occasional gasps. Her brother swore under his breath. |
4305 |
The thought of the fellow whom I had seen in the restaurant briefly troubled me. Then I dismissed it. |
4306 |
But not hopelessly. She refused, flatly and completely, to admit that she might not find her way out. |
4307 |
Her eyes whitened. Then they darkened until they seemed to be all pupil. Her nostrils looked pinched. |
4308 |
I recognized the girl who handed the tankard to me. She served in my mother's quarters upon occasion. |
4309 |
Bobby laid the figure down on the bed. He ran to the closet and dragged out a bulging carton of toys. |
4310 |
The gray spot was sharper, somewhat brighter. Yet it had none of the promise of sun or even daylight. |
4311 |
I told him what had happened at Florian's and why. He started at me solemnly and shook his bald head. |
4312 |
So I breathed a sigh of relief when he finished his assigned task and put his hands back on his head. |
4313 |
Julia dropped to one knee, and her right hand flashed downward. I felt the blade enter my left thigh. |
4314 |
There was a crunching, and a section of the rock flew up, lid fashion. Doc dropped into the aperture. |
4315 |
His captors fed him once a day, and he complained bitterly over the meals, claiming he was no canary. |
4316 |
Fifty feet in from the surf and the sand wet from the ebbing tide. It might slow the war horse a bit. |
4317 |
At the elevator door to our apartment, I picked my wife up again, and carried her over the threshold. |
4318 |
William stared at the printed page. An idea crept over him. It seemed to evolve from the page itself. |
4319 |
He soon located him and began cutting his way through the struggling throng in order to confront him. |
4320 |
She sounded so piteous that I abandoned my plan and released her, though I was irritated by her fear. |
4321 |
I saw two of the wheeled models slide back down into the shaft, gone forever, the poor little devils. |
4322 |
It was all to the good, I told myself. They hadn't killed him out of hand. There might still be hope. |
4323 |
One of them was in his left hand on his chest. He'd pulled the ring and let the safety lever pop off. |
4324 |
Specifically, we were asking the Lord for thirty decisions for salvation by the end of the first day. |
4325 |
No, it wasn't a cry. It was a great sigh of relief, so sharp and sudden that it sounded like a shout. |
4326 |
He moved at the best speed he could manage, through the last twilight the dying town would ever know. |
4327 |
Chet was too groggy to talk. But being used to rough treatment in football games, he tried to sit up. |
4328 |
There was a brief silence between them, as the lights grew visibly dim with distance, and winked out. |
4329 |
Muller stood looking down for some time at this poor victim of a strange crime, then he turned to go. |
4330 |
A moment later, the men were traveling rapidly uptown in their car, with the taxicab trailing behind. |
4331 |
He was momentarily taken aback by the speed with which the bronze rider's knife appeared in his hand. |
4332 |
A loud thump sounded at the door. The youth eased himself upright as his cellmates' shouts died away. |
4333 |
And perhaps it would. Because it was now precisely twelve hours from the big bang. And counting down. |
4334 |
If the clouds appeared again and lightning struck, she would have to run away as quickly as possible. |
4335 |
A moment later, all three felt a new very warm presence behind them and heard still faster breathing. |
4336 |
Doc sent the big metal suitcases by aerial express, and took a plane himself, returned to Washington. |
4337 |
Felicia nodded, agreeing without having to say anything, her strange eyes full of thoughtful shadows. |
4338 |
Old Nathan dropped two gate bars and led the mule into the enclosure with the cows. His face was set. |
4339 |
He squeezed through the cleft entrance and climbed the slope, avoiding all the snow patches he could. |
4340 |
Two riders howled and fell from their running horses. They struck and their bodies rolled like sacks. |
4341 |
He was limping rather badly and utterly fagged when he finished the futile exploration of his domain. |
4342 |
I sighed. He had tried. He was just a clerk. He had so little authority everyone ran rings round him. |
4343 |
By the twelfth visit, Nest had stopped thinking about anything but how good this was making her feel. |
4344 |
The blue shook her head, trying to clear her muddled mind of the familiar voice that confused her so. |
4345 |
The Indian liked that. He closed his mouth slowly and winked an eye solemnly and then almost grinned. |
4346 |
There were sounds of gunfire now. They were short bursts, cover fire. Striker had definitely arrived. |
4347 |
She blew him a raspberry, then brought her arm from around her back and shoved a book into his hands. |
4348 |
I heard the door open behind us, but neither of us turned. We were too busy making major eye contact. |
4349 |
As I caught my breath I tried to put together where I was, what I was doing there. Besides surviving. |
4350 |
The bomb. Tomorrow the shuttle would be back with another one. And the day after that, still another. |
4351 |
Shooter sounded faintly amused. Well, I heard on the radio news that someone burned down your house. |
4352 |
He sat up slowly. He still was rubbing at his eyes. He didn't seem to understand what I had told him. |
4353 |
Caught off guard, he fumbled for words and reminded her that he still had half a year at the Academy. |
4354 |
I realized then that I was holding my breath. I couldn't move. I have to admit I was scared to death. |
4355 |
As he began to turn his head she seized his face, pulling him down with her behind a protruding rock. |
4356 |
Jack's face reddened slightly, and Laurie was touched. She thought he was immune to such compliments. |
4357 |
The Writer backed away, muttering his thanks and wondering if the desk sergeant actually was a robot. |
4358 |
Dana put her right hand on his knee. When she stopped at a red light, she leaned over and kissed him. |
4359 |
They gathered around the bronze man, crowding somewhat as if anxious to be first to use their knives. |
4360 |
I guess I'm just adapting to the times. There may be no place for intellectuals in the world to come. |
4361 |
The creature seemed oblivious to him. It hunched over the spit, pouring some gravy from a stone bowl. |
4362 |
He picked up the Mongol he had struck. The fellow was the only one of the three messengers now alive. |
4363 |
They dumped kerosene. They torched the jeeps. The fire burned and died. The cave contained the fumes. |
4364 |
Thankful that the place seemed deserted, he lurched into the dark shadows of the barn behind the inn. |
4365 |
It was tantalizingly fragmentary. David's skills at keeping his thoughts inside were simply too good. |
4366 |
The sergeant moved a foot tentatively. The atmosphere would have induced claustrophobia in a sardine. |
4367 |
Power, though Frost did not seem ready to rouse her talent. Perhaps she was anchorage for the shaman. |
4368 |
Men poured into the court. Yelling excitedly, they pounced on the armor. They thought Doc was inside. |
4369 |
She pushed back her long, light brown hair with one hand, a motion that made her coat open even more. |
4370 |
Legend said that any mortal man who read more than a few lines of the original copy would die insane. |
4371 |
They matched steps, going up the ramp. Elli sauntered behind, watching the performance with interest. |
4372 |
A specialist had arrived from Chicago, and was as mystified as anybody as to the cause of the deaths. |
4373 |
Slowly she slid down with her arms still encircling him, until she was on her knees hugging his legs. |
4374 |
He stopped, turned slowly round, and with bated breath listened until his lungs were nearly bursting. |
4375 |
Jefferson. The warring memories in his skull seemed enough for a wild moment or two to drive him mad. |
4376 |
He flicked the sword point upward, thrust it forward an inch or two to prick against Duncan's throat. |
4377 |
Ned flopped casually into one of the chairs facing the desk while Willy leaned up against a bookcase. |
4378 |
Tank grabbed the guy by the back of his shirt, lifted him off his feet, and threw him out the window. |
4379 |
The bronze man heaved half a dozen smoke bombs which made loud hissing noises and spewed black vapor. |
4380 |
Bergman's knife lifted higher, then down it chopped, the wide blade glinting dully in the half light. |
4381 |
Ark's men began running for safety. Monk howled at them, shot in the air, but they paid no attention. |
4382 |
Twice, Doc spiraled the big plane over the spot. He saw no one, could see no signs of recent tenancy. |
4383 |
He put the bottle down again with a thud and sat back. The gnomes glanced at each other meaningfully. |
4384 |
Thomas Worth disappeared again. There was absolutely nothing to show how or why. He just disappeared. |
4385 |
The street outside held no sign of the violent raiders. There was no trace of the bundle of clothing. |
4386 |
The generals stood like scarlet ice statues, eyes filled with the headlines, ears pounded by the din. |
4387 |
As she hesitated on the bank of the stream, Meriel heard a rhythmic crackling through the underbrush. |
4388 |
I planned to speak my mind sharply when I caught up with her, but as I saw where she stood, I paused. |
4389 |
But Jo took a small black plastic oblong from the pocket of her skirt and ran it over the open hamper. |
4390 |
I spoke aloud again. Perhaps some part of me wanted to do so, that I make very sure of what I learned. |
4391 |
It had to be unconscious, something automatic ignited by defeat. So they did not really accept defeat. |
4392 |
The proprietor seemed all right. He could not have any Chesterfield manners and run a place like this. |
4393 |
He tried the door. It was unlocked, and he opened it an inch or two. Their yellow dog started to bark. |
4394 |
Nikki was sound asleep almost instantly, but she could hear Renard twist and turn, and finally sit up. |
4395 |
I tiptoed over to the writing platform and opened the single drawer. Empty. The whole space was empty. |
4396 |
Her gaze shifted. Sunlight streamed from out of the eastern skies overhead. The new day was beginning. |
4397 |
Pete tried to talk. His throat clogged. He hocked phlegm. His dick burned. He pulled his catheter out. |
4398 |
As provided for in the terms of our contract, I am not going to renew our contract at its termination. |
4399 |
His anger. He tensed as his attention stopped circling around that answer and finally settled upon it. |
4400 |
For five days the wind howled outside. On the sixth, the thaw began, and lasted until the seventh day. |
4401 |
There was a sickening crunch as her knees changed direction. Her legs shrank and thinned and grew fur. |
4402 |
The official nodded, a gesture so commonly used that it had been retained even in Utilitarian fashion. |
4403 |
I went to bed early that night. I woke up way before dawn. I saw the pictures before I opened my eyes. |
4404 |
Alfred invoked the possibility that they were there and not here and, quite suddenly, they were there. |
4405 |
The creature who had spoken grunted some more. Then he looked about at his fellows and shook his head. |
4406 |
The sun baked down on the children, but they appeared not to mind it. Their game interested them more. |
4407 |
She looked at the man in the white tie and saw that Frank was right. The twitching had all but ceased. |
4408 |
Pol cried out his frustration. The Fire on either side of the mirror jumped and shimmered in response. |
4409 |
There was no doubt that the plane could get down safely. Whether it could take off again was doubtful. |
4410 |
Then, in an instant, there was a gust of cool air and a freshness on the meadow. The wind had changed. |
4411 |
The bronze dragon nodded. That's how it begins. Sometimes it takes a long time to find the right spot. |
4412 |
Then something actinic and mighty flashed, striking like a fist toward the heart of a great land mass. |
4413 |
Dismissed, the warriors began to file down the stairway from the gallery room and leave the main hall. |
4414 |
She was so angry I became helpless, I leaned against the wall behind us, and laughed until I was weak. |
4415 |
A muscular young man, who had come from behind the cottage to take their horses, offered a suggestion. |
4416 |
Just then the keeper came up behind me. He'd evidently been running, as he was a little out of breath. |
4417 |
She took three paces and was gone, as etiquette prescribed, out the same way by which she had entered. |
4418 |
The deadly storm of arrows had slowed now, for the archers on the slopes were running short of shafts. |
4419 |
Miss Tick sighed. It was difficult to talk to someone who paid attention all the time. It put you off. |
4420 |
I started with the middle one and worked my way up the left side and down the right, drawer by drawer. |
4421 |
The woman nodded. She called out something in French and a man answered gruffly from inside the house. |
4422 |
Taken in that light, it seemed a wonder just a quarter of the crew had fallen to devolution psychosis. |
4423 |
She naked under the heavy bed coverings and, her plans quite made up for the morning, was soon asleep. |
4424 |
Shadow pushed the door open for her, and they were hit by a blast of heat and music. They went inside. |
4425 |
Doc plunged down a passage. Yells and curses indicated the killer had been cut off from the elevators. |
4426 |
Darting into the sky, she raced above the moors and forests. She had much to do, and very little time. |
4427 |
It would have taken a close examination to show the door of this adjoining suite had been forced open. |
4428 |
Precisely half an hour later, the machine emitted a strangled squawking noise and switched itself off. |
4429 |
Monk took one look at the two occupants of the rusty steel chamber and let out a loud grunt of relief. |
4430 |
He had looked at her blankly, not comprehending, as she bit her own wrist and pressed it to his mouth. |
4431 |
Once these sleek and beautiful creatures had roamed free and deadly in the winter wastes to the north. |
4432 |
Now this guy was afraid he was going to die, too. Maybe he was having second thoughts about his cause. |
4433 |
Suddenly an arrow sped from the ship, plunging into one of the dolphins as it soared out of the water. |
4434 |
He had not gone very far from the camp before he saw a form suddenly spring from the grass before him. |
4435 |
A plume of smoke had arisen from the brush ahead. It crawled straight up the sky, flattened, darkened. |
4436 |
The triplets probably needed help watching for their relatives, anyway. They would be so hard to spot. |
4437 |
Slade remained seated. The gun muzzle looked no more angry and threatening than did the Deputy's eyes. |
4438 |
Doc straightened and whipped a glance over the place. It was the first time he had seen the apparatus. |
4439 |
He galloped off, muttering of voodoo curses and evil spirits. He couldn't understand what he had seen. |
4440 |
The uproar grew louder, the action more dizzy. Men were all over the floor. Other men came running in. |
4441 |
The girls giggled over the pictures. Alicia was very struck by them. A wicked idea came into her head. |
4442 |
He finally employed the telephone directory as a foundation on which to rest his paper while he wrote. |
4443 |
Without, the rain pattered on the stone and dripped from the capping on the walls in a steady cadence. |
4444 |
The green man had courage. A moment later his shaking fingers were wiping the object he had excavated. |
4445 |
Colon had declared his wish with a weak but unmistakable nod, his red eye never leaving Martin's face. |
4446 |
The major turned the buckle in his fingers and frowned at the jagged characters etched into the metal. |
4447 |
He stood in front of the split wiring and wood and shards of glass and triumphantly spit down upon it. |
4448 |
When he was back in his offices, though, a phone call brought welcome news that turned his day around. |
4449 |
I also knew that, coming from a small household, they were far more versatile than our slaves at home. |
4450 |
The other minute was spent discovering that the computer system already had a mental block. A big one. |
4451 |
The last of the craft moved by, dragged through the disturbed water. Sanders turned and watched it go. |
4452 |
The wind was rising, here on the edge of the forest. Bits of grass and leaves whirled through the air. |
4453 |
She had no trouble locating the shadow. Black suits were not plentiful on Lisbon streets at this hour. |
4454 |
The manner in which he snapped out the words gave a hint that the questioning was not exactly welcome. |
4455 |
Umlaut opened the door, and they stepped and slithered out to rejoin the women. And paused, surprised. |
4456 |
Levi, who let Jacob number his worries endlessly and nodded grimly at our father's direst predictions. |
4457 |
They took a security lift up two floors, and followed a dimly lit corridor for what seemed like miles. |
4458 |
He hung up. Wanting more privacy, he went to the phone booth that was near the stationer's. He dialed. |
4459 |
We said we didn't, either. I fished out some money and left it for the drinks, and we made our escape. |
4460 |
All he could do was know, and wait, which in its way was more painful than believing himself forsaken. |
4461 |
But next time, after the money was passed, he'd be asked to take note of the times they came and went. |
4462 |
The chief engineer checked his watch against the wall chronometer and took a bite out of his sandwich. |
4463 |
She was up the tree and beside him in seconds, edging out along the branch to be clear of the foliage. |
4464 |
The mathematician stared confusedly from one to the other but neither of them enlightened him further. |
4465 |
He lifted the window slowly. Halfway up, something loud and brassy began to clang inside the building. |
4466 |
The two men came swinging down, feet first, from the larger of the holes Timmy had been looking up at. |
4467 |
The dust seeped into their eyes, and they were forced to clench their lids and keep them tightly shut. |
4468 |
I put the phone down slowly and I think my hand shook a little. Driving too fast, or not enough sleep. |
4469 |
Melville hated to speak ill of the dead, but in the end that summed it up and all he could do was nod. |
4470 |
Heller swung out of the car and looked southward at the sky through the withering leaves of the trees. |
4471 |
The crackling stopped. The red dot on Ned's visor halted, and the ground shook as the vehicle dropped. |
4472 |
In rage at the puny number of their prey, nearly a third of them broke ranks and charged the campfire. |
4473 |
Suddenly he choked, could talk no further. He flung his arms around the horse's neck and leaked tears. |
4474 |
It was a pretty big turtle. About the size of a lunch box. Anne and I wondered how it got to her curb. |
4475 |
Charlie was so stunned by this suggestion that although he stopped pacing he made no attempt to reply. |
4476 |
Swan dumped his last meal. Even so, he looked shamed, as though he thought he had contributed nothing. |
4477 |
Doc quickly untied straps holding the scientist's wrists to the chair arms. He spoke rapidly, briefly. |
4478 |
Bellows looked expectantly at Susan, sipping his coffee and waiting for a response. Susan only smiled. |
4479 |
Death sat on a bollard, looking out to sea. He had decided to stop being drunk. It made his head ache. |
4480 |
Three bore no stamp. Two were invitations from local families to some festivity or other. One was not. |
4481 |
Murray put down his glass, and the click of the crystal against the wood of the table was unduly loud. |
4482 |
A low cheer rises from the score of workers and others who have lined the pier to watch the launching. |
4483 |
Monk and Ham exchanged speculative looks, wondering if their new acquaintance was touched in the head. |
4484 |
The swordsman's fists were clenched. Wallie prepared to intervene. It was fun, but very dangerous fun. |
4485 |
So I lock myself in the bathroom to try to collate what's all happened. The downstairs green bathroom. |
4486 |
I half turned, then something barreled past me, positioning itself between me and the oncoming menace. |
4487 |
They might have cut Tracy up in the van. They might have dumped her body parts in different locations. |
4488 |
And there they made discoveries which threw them into the same bewildered panic as the ship's officer. |
4489 |
He halted, opened the box, looked down at the slips of paper already in it. Then he added the new one. |
4490 |
Then the mist parted very briefly, and the rays of the full moon spilled unfiltered into the clearing. |
4491 |
Monk half turned his head toward the plane, as if hoping his agonized bellow would carry to the craft. |
4492 |
I again thrust his face into the dirt. He coughed and spit, and twisted his head to the side, gasping. |
4493 |
The light in the stone died, and the gem sank slowly to the floor, landing on the rug without a sound. |
4494 |
The taxi driver shuddered and resolved to buy some life insurance. He had never believed in insurance. |
4495 |
It was a blow he'd remember for a long time. It was sweet. It was textbook. Rust went down like a log. |
4496 |
But the voice remained, and was uttering slow words, as though each syllable exacted agonizing effort. |
4497 |
I stared at him for a long, wordless moment. Kept out of the way, my mind echoed. Until it's finished. |
4498 |
In spite of the pain, she wriggled and struggled out of the debris of the slide, crawled away from it. |
4499 |
The children listened to all this in silence. It was the most extraordinary thing they had ever heard. |
4500 |
Lars replaced the tub before he began to inspect the corner joint. Once again he gave an exultant yip. |
4501 |
Kincaid was right on line, and the first thing my dear brother would have done is to displace Kincaid. |
4502 |
Jan shook his head, then realized that the frozen hologram image was waiting for a verbal instruction. |
4503 |
Nothing happened. Icarus disappeared into the star. There was no explosion. The bomb failed to go off. |
4504 |
The Sutherland steadied to an even keel, and then heeled over again as she paid off on the other tack. |
4505 |
Something that had been knocking on Susan's attention for the past ten minutes finally used its boots. |
4506 |
I was walking silently because I was still in the heavy snow. But those were footsteps on packed snow. |
4507 |
Carson looked up. A number of blue hoses dangled from the ceiling, metal valves affixed to their ends. |
4508 |
Crofts found himself staring at Laura in a state bordering on shock as his hurt welled to the surface. |
4509 |
She could dive well too, and swim under water even longer than the boys could, much to their surprise. |
4510 |
Great, muttered Aide. I travel across the vastness of time in order to become a circus sideshow freak. |
4511 |
Two heads popped out of an upper window of the apprentice barracks, two more at the journeyman's Hold. |
4512 |
Christine didn't come again, but he could hear the soft mutter of her engine. Not coming, but waiting. |
4513 |
The hard young man's automatic dropped from his hand. He pitched forward and lay huddled on the floor. |
4514 |
Winnie lifted her fist and tapped, a soft knock that hopefully wouldn't wake anyone else on the floor. |
4515 |
There was a pause as a bottle gurgled. Villagers murmured respectfully. The voices moved out the gate. |
4516 |
Let's start with the nearest ridge and work our way along it, scanning downhill as we go, said Joseph. |
4517 |
Chet raised his head and looked at his office mate. Jack's domed forehead was wrinkled with confusion. |
4518 |
She pointed to the name of the dead man carved into the stone above the shelf on which his coffin lay. |
4519 |
The guard handed our buckets to other girls to be taken to the kitchen shed, and he then unleashed us. |
4520 |
Justen waved, and they waved back, although he wondered how Gunnar had known his brother had returned. |
4521 |
As he turned and walked through the enlarged opening leading to the passageway, Yuma felt little fear. |
4522 |
Bumble fetched my brandy and returned to serving the rest of the bar while I set my efforts to spying. |
4523 |
The representatives of the foreign powers went into action. Scores of undercover men were put to work. |
4524 |
The neat printing shrank down into fine hairlines, faint black meanderings over the pearly background. |
4525 |
Over at the edge of the field, the motor of the shabby cabin monoplane came to life. It roared loudly. |
4526 |
The slim figure of a woman was silhouetted in the window above the door. After a little it moved away. |
4527 |
He sat up and let the blanket fall off to one side of his dugout shelter. Already it was getting cold. |
4528 |
They weren't trying. They seemed to be neither following nor fleeing. And they looked harmless enough. |
4529 |
Casey was tugging at his weight belt, signaling with exaggerated jerks of his arm for a quick retreat. |
4530 |
Delia shrieked again. Horrible memories had stirred in her when she heard the demon speak Wood's name. |
4531 |
The bronze man sprang clear. He dropped his rocks and shoveled up handfuls of the fine sand underfoot. |
4532 |
They started work on the planes. It was promptly ordered stopped. They became aware of a complication. |
4533 |
Tony lurched at the phone, and the base of it shook on the rose marble. His mouth was a hard dry knot. |
4534 |
Ute jerked us to our feet and we wept with pain. Our hands, our clenched fists, remained at our sides. |
4535 |
As I limped bravely, the senator's daughter helped me to hurry with her sensible hand gripping my arm. |
4536 |
The commander held out his hand for the phone, which the chief passed him after a moment's hesitation. |
4537 |
The big dog had run up to Rick and was sniffing at him excitedly. Rick patted the furry animal's head. |
4538 |
He squinted, his eyes obediently following my gestures. Then I saw the dawn of excitement on his face. |
4539 |
The others halted. They listened. Voices were coming out of a cabin to the right, and they crept near. |
4540 |
Darius stepped forward and took the dial from the boy's flaccid hand. He turned the dial down to zero. |
4541 |
Another series of horn calls stabbed the day, and a faint rumbling, and trembling of the ground began. |
4542 |
An engine was slightly out of tune. One or more of its eighteen cylinders was not firing continuously. |
4543 |
Bruce was all warmed up and the cobwebs were being swatted away with each furious swipe of the racket. |
4544 |
He slipped the bullet into his jacket pocket and unfolded the scrap of paper that had been beneath it. |
4545 |
Obedient to a fault. They say you can judge a man's leadership ability by how well he handles animals. |
4546 |
I was out of money. Come morning they would boot me out of the wino hotel for failing to pay the rent. |
4547 |
The guard didn't look up. Tuck climbed to his feet, dusted himself off, and made his way to the beach. |
4548 |
Jo's lips pressed together even tighter. Her dark eyes flared with barely controlled anger. And guilt. |
4549 |
This 'gator was the same one which had given Johnny such a start on his arrival at this sinister spot. |
4550 |
Deirdre gave me a sleepy smile and Flora a nervous one. I added my good nights and watched them leave. |
4551 |
I found a sewing kit, and threw it in with Roxanna's booty, along with a few pounds of tea for myself. |
4552 |
The thing slid closer, seeming to exude a chill even more profound than that of the high alpine night. |
4553 |
The car was up in the hills now, beyond even the infrequent street lights of the residential sections. |
4554 |
She studied his eyes. No dilation. The swelling didn't seem to be any worse, but that told her little. |
4555 |
Crystal jerked back in the saddle. She hadn't thought her gentle mother capable of that tone of voice. |
4556 |
He spread his hands and looked down at them. A faint metallic smile showed at the corners of his lips. |
4557 |
The small man lay helplessly on the sidewalk, bellowing drunken obscenities in his huge rasping voice. |
4558 |
Rita scooted out from between them. She got to her feet and moved to the rail. Her heart was pounding. |
4559 |
A feeling of dread swept over me. Nat and Pat grew quiet. They actually stopped picking on each other. |
4560 |
Wilson's plane was different, sleek and long and black. It was a Scavenger, one of seven in the world. |
4561 |
On the heavy oaken table, the mirror lies shattered. The lamps on the wall behind her are snuffed out. |
4562 |
We admitted, rather sheepishly, that they had. Conrad clasped his hand to his brow and shook his head. |
4563 |
I stared at him. One hears of legends. They are the foundation for much careless talk and speculation. |
4564 |
Iron People to let us go with honor all the way around, and that isn't going to get anyone in trouble. |
4565 |
And they walked out of town as the sun rose above the hills and the grass burned greener on the lawns. |
4566 |
I took a torch and made the rounds of the mutant pens. Already the majority of the creatures had gone. |
4567 |
She had said worse to him. But when people got too close they hurt each other, that was the way of it. |
4568 |
Prudence flushed angrily. The other girls grinned. They liked seeing Prudence taken down a peg or two. |
4569 |
After a time Charley thought, Maybe he'll go through with it. Stick by her. The stupid son of a bitch. |
4570 |
The helmsman dialed the annunciator handle. The engineers responded at once, and again Chicago slowed. |
4571 |
They sat in silence for a few moments, alone with their thoughts, listening to the trill of the birds. |
4572 |
Arthur turned, with a sigh, back to the girl that he found it hard to say whether he was in love with. |
4573 |
The swinging cane rapped the man flatly across one ear. The man grunted once and slipped to his knees. |
4574 |
Then she caught his scent going down the corridor toward the stairs. That had to be new. She followed. |
4575 |
Beside him, his bent and withered chauffeur guided the ship gently through the upper winds and smiled. |
4576 |
He chose a small, quiet eating place and was surprised at the wide array of dish dials he was offered. |
4577 |
The metal ball was lifted high above the giant's head. Its descent would have crushed stone and metal. |
4578 |
Hour upon bloody hour the battle continued, savagely fought by both sides, with no thought of quarter. |
4579 |
Age was catching up with it. The heat of its painted sun was undoing it, image by image, tile by tile. |
4580 |
We returned to my house and quietly made our way to the side door, where Dad stored the garbage pails. |
4581 |
Now he walked forward with some confidence, passing through the opening to face once more the unknown. |
4582 |
It is never easy to see your own death close ahead, know there is no escape, and go calmly to meet it. |
4583 |
I didn't say anything, or make any movement, but for the first time in my life I wanted to kiss a man. |
4584 |
And now, with no priest to fight, he felt even more confident. I need just a little luck and patience. |
4585 |
He started to shift her off him with the end goal of getting as much distance on his side as possible. |
4586 |
Through some weird magic she couldn't explain, Jill had morphed into her best friend. It was for real. |
4587 |
The matter is not closed. Almost he wished it were. Almost he wished that God had chosen someone else. |
4588 |
The young woman was apparently piqued by Doc's refusal to answer her questions. Her voice was waspish. |
4589 |
Only a child's toy. An information slate, such as every young person had. He felt keen disappointment. |
4590 |
On all other subjects he was talkative enough and the longer we were together the more that he talked. |
4591 |
The golden egg rocked violently, and a massive crack split it lengthwise. A tiny golden beak appeared. |
4592 |
Details. He scrolled through the reports filed sometime in the early morning hours by his field techs. |
4593 |
He took the bull's scrotum in his left hand and drew it out, then with a single stroke lopped it free. |
4594 |
Two or three men attempting to connect the rod wires were knocked down by Inspector Higgins's bullets. |
4595 |
A small problem, the outfitter swore. Easy to fix. Just pinpoint the problem, and we'll make it right. |
4596 |
Monk fumbled in a cabin pocket and came up with a pair of powerful binoculars. He focused these ahead. |
4597 |
Like that, he vanished. Like that, he was gone from my arms and from my living room and from my house. |
4598 |
A fan of dense black beard sprayed across his barrel chest masking his face well up on the cheekbones. |
4599 |
This most certainly would cause them to wonder as to the origin of this transition through hyperspace. |
4600 |
His mother had always wanted him to play the violin. And he had been an indifferent scholar in school. |
4601 |
Doc had the speedboat controls now. The craft lifted its snout out of the water and knifed downstream. |
4602 |
He set the brake. He pulled Leroy up. He ripped up the tape. He ripped off skin and half his mustache. |
4603 |
Colon crossed the street and rubbed at the grime. There were dark shapes vaguely visible in the gloom. |
4604 |
By damn, he might salvage this afternoon yet. Smiling fondly, he turned with her toward the staircase. |
4605 |
Now she did take it from me and read it through. She said nothing. Words were unnecessary. Inadequate. |
4606 |
That was probably one of the more useful things I did in my life. It was also one of the more painful. |
4607 |
About the general himself, setting aside his scandalous marriage, the gentility had little ill to say. |
4608 |
They reached the other side of the bridge where the highway gradually swung back toward the northwest. |
4609 |
With what seemed to her like unceremonious haste, he then guided her across the floor to the platform. |
4610 |
They came to the wide, curving corridor which led to the entrance chamber. There were no troops in it. |
4611 |
Perhaps three minutes later a hand tried the doorknob, found it locked, and delivered a sharp rapping. |
4612 |
Their eyes locked, and for a moment Dawson believed that he could do just as his friend had requested. |
4613 |
The boy turned quietly. He gave each of his parents a crushing hug. He kissed them both several times. |
4614 |
I swerved in tight past the donkey. It was either my bump on his nose or it may have been the singing. |
4615 |
Gerard's gaze went to her breast, where the medallion of her faith had once hung. Its place was empty. |
4616 |
Harold again plunged a glowing loggerhead into his drink, sending up a hissing cloud of pungent steam. |
4617 |
Within an hour, they had became aware that someone was following them, maintaining a careful distance. |
4618 |
His head was very high and every nerve in his body seemed alert, but puzzled. He looked about himself. |
4619 |
I groaned. I couldn't cope with all this mania for looking nice. My reluctance must have provoked him. |
4620 |
She turned away to take care of Ken, who was tossing and mumbling as he began to regain consciousness. |
4621 |
Fifi was the type of character most susceptible to truth serum, so Doc began his questioning with her. |
4622 |
Finally he walked back into the kitchen and picked up a towel to help dry the dishes Nest was washing. |
4623 |
Another appeared an instant later, in another quarter, and vanished again before she could do it harm. |
4624 |
The shout came from the fighting platform. The assault had moved around to the other side of the ship. |
4625 |
We now leave the attic window open a crack every night. Peter and I often sit up there in the evening. |
4626 |
Timmy licked her all over, shocked at being scolded by George. She was too exhausted to push him away. |
4627 |
My mother was calling to me from downstairs. I was supposed to be helping with dinner. It was my turn. |
4628 |
At night there was Jesse, leaping and wailing, a kind of force of nature that had taken over her life. |
4629 |
He spoke with the Island intonation, with a thickening of the vowels and a slurring of the consonants. |
4630 |
He found his striped workout pants and rubber sandals, grabbed a clean towel, and headed for the door. |
4631 |
After what seemed an eternity of pain and darkness, he became aware of quiet shapes moving around him. |
4632 |
Reassured by the way I was gripping the shotgun, Ahmed did as he was told. He prudently stepped aside. |
4633 |
A frown crossed his Irish face. Half irritated, he walked down the wharf and addressed the first mate. |
4634 |
I loved my father, Paul thought, and knew this for truth. I should mourn him. I should feel something. |
4635 |
She stared at me a long dreary minute. Then with effort she unhooked the door and turned away from it. |
4636 |
We soon found out that they had a spear with a long, thin point and sharp edges that was sheer murder. |
4637 |
The woman put her arms slowly around Darius, embraced him, and tried to draw his head down for a kiss. |
4638 |
I leaped to my feet, whipping the sword from my sheath and stood over her, the blade raised to strike. |
4639 |
Christopher leaned back in his chair and exhaled in pained exasperation. Decker waited for his answer. |
4640 |
The man at the front of the line found his credit cards in his briefcase and was laughing with relief. |
4641 |
Five men in all cluttered the basement floor, as the bronze man reached the top of the short stairway. |
4642 |
I thought he might weep. I stared ahead at the flashing rain that rushed to meet us. The train slowed. |
4643 |
The Yokel's squawk of protest was smothered by the blast of the first mortar shell hitting the ground. |
4644 |
I took her arm to steer her back toward the way to the tree, and she was suddenly standing very close. |
4645 |
Greybeard had often acted as peacemaker in such disputes. Now he turned away, and made for the cattle. |
4646 |
Sabrina pulled more gently, but the mask didn't budge. She lowered her hands to the cheeks and pulled. |
4647 |
Perhaps I could not bring the whole ship into being, but the cabin was smaller and we had roots there. |
4648 |
She was a remarkable beauty, brown of eye and hair, features thin and aristocratic. She was very tall. |
4649 |
Possibly. I think not likely. The assailant does not appear to have been suicidal. Quite the opposite. |
4650 |
I thought that I would leave the fair tonight. There seemed little point now in remaining at the fair. |
4651 |
She went wordlessly to Cassandra and helped the princess to her feet. Blood trickled from her cut lip. |
4652 |
It was almost dark by the time he finished, and the night was black and rainy. Time to go, he thought. |
4653 |
He felt the bump. He felt tape. He pulled. Something tore loose. Said something was textured and flat. |
4654 |
As she grew older, she had stopped believing in angels. There were no such things as heavenly escorts. |
4655 |
Maguire shook his head. The child, not seeing the thing wavering on the air behind her, misunderstood. |
4656 |
Then he heard a humming. He looked, and there was a bright little hummingbird, hovering over the path. |
4657 |
Julian brushed by me on the way out, trying to look somewhat less than sinister and almost succeeding. |
4658 |
Doug almost stopped running. We're going to kill a man, he realized. Deliberately kill him. Or try to. |
4659 |
His hand made a reassuring warm spot on the middle of her back as he guided her toward the passageway. |
4660 |
He saw all of this in one prodigious glance. In his second the vision laid before him began to change. |
4661 |
Harlan was first confused, then anxious. Surely these rattling irrelevancies must be hiding something. |
4662 |
It was hard to ignore such an urgent request, but in the circumstances it seemed the best thing to do. |
4663 |
Chris hurried them all over to a fire escape that led to the street, motioning for them to follow her. |
4664 |
I then lifted up a sack I had retrieved from the concourse, on our return earlier from the slave camp. |
4665 |
It was a guttural chuckling, and the volume of the sound was enough to vibrate through the whole room. |
4666 |
Mr Sock looked up at the sound of the door opening, and then cowered back against the sausage machine. |
4667 |
The wall of the Corridor began to dissolve. They saw a large gaping black hole, and nothing beyond it. |
4668 |
I stood there for a few more moments in sheer disbelief, then turned and marched back over to the bag. |
4669 |
The three of them looked back together. There was a stirring in the water, and a vague shape appeared. |
4670 |
His head tipped slowly forward, excruciatingly slowly. He opened his eyes half way and focused on her. |
4671 |
He moved out of the small entrance chamber into a short narrow corridor and stepped nervously down it. |
4672 |
They marched me to the security officer's office and sat me in a chair that was a size too big for me. |
4673 |
Then the image disappears for the first time. The Buick and the shed are both gone, lost in the white. |
4674 |
Ashen found herself naming them, aloud and with the certainty that she was right, not merely guessing. |
4675 |
He was setting the dishes in the dishwasher when the phone rang. He hesitated, then decided to answer. |
4676 |
The big man drank out of his glass and rubbed the edge of it up and down on his lower lip. He went on. |
4677 |
The Flushing elevated tracks were not far away and a train passed on it, making much clank and rumble. |
4678 |
He opened his mouth and let out a spray of water and saliva and stale air, and then gagged and gasped. |
4679 |
When she signaled to them, they started down into the Close as if they were struggling into a furnace. |
4680 |
As the first bell rang, he decided he needed to hurry if he wanted to wash up before the evening meal. |
4681 |
But we had arrived at the old house. The afternoon sun was quite strong but the rain had thinned away. |
4682 |
Wessex accomplished little more before he retired, in a black and dangerous mood, to dress for dinner. |
4683 |
Her breath made a rushing sound. She caught the bag out of his hand, ran out of the car, and was gone. |
4684 |
He was snapping his fingers toward the door. A clerk appeared with a tweed overcoat and a homburg hat. |
4685 |
Instead of leaving, Slim fidgeted in his chair, glanced at his commander out of the corner of his eye. |
4686 |
The man and the robot waited, the man with little jerky clenching of his fists, the robot impassively. |
4687 |
Victor had also had the opportunity to ruminate over his sins ever since, thanks to his brother Denis. |
4688 |
Mrs. Ruth Angus was moving uncertainly around the house with her dusting cloth when the doorbell rang. |
4689 |
His fingers hesitated an inch from the combination board and the expression on his face grew lowering. |
4690 |
Galvanized by the incongruous desperation in his high, kind voice, the men below him started hurrying. |
4691 |
He looked around, and pointed to a gnarled fruit tree strewn round with windfalls across the clearing. |
4692 |
The sound grew. He went and woke Charley, and they stood together down by the water's edge, listening. |
4693 |
Grant fumbled with his optical fibers in his hurry to get linked. Zeb shot him an understanding smile. |
4694 |
When I had finally referred or otherwise disposed of everything, I glanced up. The ghost had vanished. |
4695 |
They passed a larger room with a rack of blasters on the wall and various storages boxes piled within. |
4696 |
Once more I tried to speak. This time, to my sudden fear, I found that I could not move even my mouth. |
4697 |
The captain glowered at me for a few moments, but when I didn't drop my return gaze, he heaved a sigh. |
4698 |
Krista Wu had died of her wounds in the night. They buried her upslope, with a handful of apple seeds. |
4699 |
Surge after surge after surge, the tractor beams held on. Roar after roar after roar, the engines bit. |
4700 |
Like the roll of the sea, the murmur of voices rose and fell in the hall of the commissioner's office. |
4701 |
He picked it up and looked it over, wondering what impulse had made him pick it up in the first place. |
4702 |
The two missiles dropped clear of their shackle points and ignited, leading the Tomcat to the targets. |
4703 |
The President kept gazing at the wording on the paper as if unwilling to accept the frightening truth. |
4704 |
Sarah gasped, alarmed by the predatory expression in the vampire's eyes, by the coldness in his voice. |
4705 |
The man swore, and the nature of his profanity indicated he had lived some of his past on a cow ranch. |
4706 |
As I leaned forward to pat the last of these cakes into shape, my cat pendant swung free into the sun. |
4707 |
He led the way out in the garden, to a spot which was visible from the door, and began to peer around. |
4708 |
He looked at her, and nodded his appreciation for her noninterference. Then he bent to his task again. |
4709 |
The last thought that Ace managed as she spun into the lunar surface was that she'd made it after all. |
4710 |
The innkeeper paused to let that strange statement pass, being perhaps more used to Conrad than I was. |
4711 |
Clarence Travers looked straight ahead at the radiator fixture on the car front and started the motor. |
4712 |
Envy for a man who's just condemned himself to death, he thought. The mace seemed heavier than worlds. |
4713 |
A young lieutenant with a beard leaned out of the wheelhouse of the patrol boat and raised a bullhorn. |
4714 |
The small brown fellow moistened his lips. The color of his skin was changing, becoming a hue of lead. |
4715 |
But nothing worked and Norman worried about that, but now he had more important things to worry about. |
4716 |
Once every hour a volcano erupts in light and flame. Once every hour a pirate ship sinks a man o' war. |
4717 |
Her voice had dropped very low, almost to a whisper, and Bran found himself leaning forward to listen. |
4718 |
Howie put his spectacles on again, bringing Fletcher's face back into focus. There was no smile on it. |
4719 |
Ham would almost have parted with an arm rather than have Monk know he had expressed fondness for him. |
4720 |
I am sending you some money, which I hope you will use to buy some cute outfits to wear on dates, etc. |
4721 |
Una looked at him in surprise. The Falconer had never questioned her about any personal matter before. |
4722 |
They're not coming, he assured himself again, and crossed his arms against the cold. At least not yet. |
4723 |
Nothing. There was no way he could look around, and there were still four hostile fighters behind him. |
4724 |
He broke off and bawled out in utter horror. There was the stamping of feet, as if he struggled madly. |
4725 |
The moonlight followed us for about six paces. By then, though, I had spotted the turnoff to the left. |
4726 |
Nathan cried out. Clarissa cried out. Verna froze. She could feel something sharp pressed to her back. |
4727 |
The News photographer held the flashbulb holder high up in his left hand, leaned down over his camera. |
4728 |
After blazing for half an hour the distant fire died out, and then all was blackness upon the prairie. |
4729 |
A cold wind came up out of the south, out of Tor, making the pennon flutter and snap like a challenge. |
4730 |
Council. As a community of scholars, our sole purpose is to seek and organize lost lore from the past. |
4731 |
Once again the handles were turned, but the doors would not open. The men began to get very impatient. |
4732 |
As he was about to leave he looked above his head and saw a row of six animal traps hanging from pegs. |
4733 |
A quarter of an hour later he heard again the click of the outside door and the swish of the curtains. |
4734 |
He shook his head nervously, then looked across the great forest and into the golden dust of twilight. |
4735 |
A shadow crossed the floor, outside her door. That meant they were now on both sides of the cell door. |
4736 |
Heller held the gun behind his back. He was trying to see through the slots of the armored windscreen. |
4737 |
Gaby was strapped to a chair on the other side of the compartment, sucking coffee from a plastic bulb. |
4738 |
She retreated. The centaur looked the same, but didn't sound the same as the one who had braced Edsel. |
4739 |
A man leaned out, looked behind, then turned swiftly and seemed to be giving directions to the driver. |
4740 |
Scores of automobiles were arriving on the bluff above. Their passengers were climbing down the bluff. |
4741 |
The boys all flattened themselves close to the bank of the deep arroyo. They spoke in hoarse whispers. |
4742 |
He started down the corridor, turned back to the next grating, and tried it. It was locked as solidly. |
4743 |
His eyes met those of the Italian. The bluster went out of the big man. He was like a pricked balloon. |
4744 |
It was a simple document, without preamble or salutation, and it made sweat break out on his forehead. |
4745 |
One developed a guide sense through practice. And this part of the ruins held no unpleasant surprises. |
4746 |
Nikki called down the stairs to say that the medical examiner had arrived. Angela went up to meet him. |
4747 |
After searching for several hours until all the debris was pulled aboard, they returned to their ship. |
4748 |
Above the village Behemoth came to his senses, shook his great head, and turned back to the mountains. |
4749 |
I went over near her and stood looking down at the orange hair. There was plenty of gray at the roots. |
4750 |
Then my eye caught a flick of movement on the viewer. A knife was being drawn through a piece of meat. |
4751 |
There was a passage leading on from the foot of the stairs, running in toward the heart of the temple. |
4752 |
He reached down through the companionway hatch and threw the switches of his radio on. He spun a dial. |
4753 |
Bush looked down the precipitous hillside that fell to the bay and could see a few figures down there. |
4754 |
The girl went through the gestures of wringing her hands, but still kept a tight grip on the hand bag. |
4755 |
She stopped now and then to rub one sweaty hand over the picture, renewing her own chemical signature. |
4756 |
Monk raced to the front entrance, and almost at once there was a violent scuffle. It subsided quickly. |
4757 |
Abruptly, the royal head was thrust through an opening in the bed curtains, the brown hair disheveled. |
4758 |
The human giggled delightedly, clapping her hands together. Holly noticed her nails, long and painted. |
4759 |
It fell into one of the two green slots in the wheel and Bond's heart lifted at the escape he had had. |
4760 |
Jake smoothed his hair back and looked up into her green eyes. The bay paled and grayed in comparison. |
4761 |
So I told her. Putting down a good finish to a driveway surface is one of the things I know how to do. |
4762 |
Nan Tester, showing herself recklessly, watched the surface of the inlet. Her pretty face was anxious. |
4763 |
From prayer towers up and down the contours of the Citadel the deacons chanted the duties of the hour. |
4764 |
Mal looked from Stacey to me with interest. She's just beginning to think that not all boys are jerks. |
4765 |
Praise be to Jupiter, the girl was still herself. I glared in return at her modishly frazzled topknot. |
4766 |
One fact became evident. At least one person in the party they were following knew where he was going. |
4767 |
The lights of distant houses, the lights on the river, were suddenly visible. The black had gone away. |
4768 |
More silence fell. His parents did not decamp. Obviously, Miles concluded, he wasn't repulsive enough. |
4769 |
I was laughing too hard to answer her, but I managed to shake my head. Then she started to laugh, too. |
4770 |
And now he refused to meet Elizabeth's eyes, as if he knew something that he did not want her to know. |
4771 |
That multitude made her giddy. Each reflection carried the imprint of a face from the inner multitude. |
4772 |
He came, seeming to rise out of the rocks themselves so close in color was his coat to their surfaces. |
4773 |
I showed it to Mr. Northrop, who read it silently. He hardly smiled at all. Just in one or two places. |
4774 |
She ladled a generous helping and the two of them sat back, side by side but at arm's length, and ate. |
4775 |
He was reminded of it suddenly and wanted to give back something of the comfort she was giving to him. |
4776 |
Lieutenant Kiley moved to a window and peeked through a crack in the shutter, down into the courtyard. |
4777 |
She heard movement in the garden. A hand touched her. Heat roared through her chest and she cried out. |
4778 |
As I stood debating my next course of action, someone slipped up behind me and put hands over my eyes. |
4779 |
Warming to his subject, he got up from the chair, leaned forward and placed his hands on Mason's desk. |
4780 |
Then he rose and put on his overcoat. He entered the commissioner's room and took up his hat and cane. |
4781 |
Hugh the Hand waited for her to continue. When it was obvious she wasn't going to, he shrugged, spoke. |
4782 |
He expressed surprise and then inquired if she planned to attend the opening of the Graham exhibition. |
4783 |
Occasionally during the night, Duncan had defied the order for silence and tried to make conversation. |
4784 |
The water was chilly but not cold, and Tarzan swam just strongly enough to keep from becoming chilled. |
4785 |
If there were, then he wasn't going to risk her finding one and getting into the palace before he did. |
4786 |
It was growing dark fast here in the trees, evening descending quickly on the rolling farmlands ahead. |
4787 |
Time passed. The sunbeams lowered, lengthened, took on a golden hue. A bit of cold crept into the air. |
4788 |
It was the only noise inside the Odium. Calliope had stopped playing and was staring up at the screen. |
4789 |
He glanced over his shoulder again as strange barred shadows flickered across the face of the pyramid. |
4790 |
Grunting under its weight, they lowered the stout frame of wooden poles into the pit where they stood. |
4791 |
She spun on her heel, mind made up. She joined the throng crowding the arcade, calling for her cousin. |
4792 |
He looked up at the stalactites hanging above him from the cave roof. Confused, he looked over at her. |
4793 |
Dragging the sheet over, he hoped he would meet his end with no less fortitude. Somehow he doubted it. |
4794 |
The horse took another shaky step forward. He stumbled, recovered with a grunt, and took a third step. |
4795 |
She fancied that there was a momentary flicker of the man's eyelashes, but he answered readily enough. |
4796 |
She picked it up and carried it back to her apartment, carefully wiping off the sand with her fingers. |
4797 |
She had not given him any explanations but he had been pleased that she had needed him for this quest. |
4798 |
The woman seemed to calm down, and although her eyes went wide with wonder, she managed a small smile. |
4799 |
Either she couldn't hear him, or had no intention of heeding him. The result was the same, either way. |
4800 |
A feeling of openness suggested that there was another cellar beyond. It stank of rot and burned wood. |
4801 |
In their midst, watching and laughing with his young queen by his side, sat a ghost in a golden crown. |
4802 |
The Procurator was on his feet with an easy gallantry that negated her first wild attempt at a curtsy. |
4803 |
The silence that followed told the shade he was correct. Smiling at his victory, he resumed his march. |
4804 |
Possibly the elven lords had cooperated that way in the past, but they certainly weren't doing so now. |
4805 |
The others showed surprise. They could see nothing to indicate that the slain man had opened the door. |
4806 |
The explosion of profanity which came out of the telephone receiver caused Cackle to wrinkle his eyes. |
4807 |
Bond glanced at the four thin shafts of light, and then he looked up again into the great African sky. |
4808 |
Again, Zeno bellowed. The second line of Knights swiveled, moved back. The third line stepped forward. |
4809 |
Something dropped on his head and landed in his lunch. It was a black iron screw, several inches long. |
4810 |
Eighteen years ago, he would have said that as a joke, Stoner remembered. Now he's completely serious. |
4811 |
I stopped. Hilda wasn't listening to me. As far as I could tell, her eyes were on the deputy director. |
4812 |
He went out and dragged the unconscious cops in. He took their own cuffs and locked them back to back. |
4813 |
Now he stroked the dull gem with the forefinger of his other hand. Fingers touched lightly on his arm. |
4814 |
It was the stuff that had been hauled up from the lake bottom by the divers. Shattered rock fragments. |
4815 |
Anya moved close to me. I could feel her shuddering. From that night onward we always slept in shifts. |
4816 |
To follow the meal there were custards and a range of fresh fruits, including delicious golden melons. |
4817 |
I had trouble cutting her bonds off. Miss Pinch was hugging me and letting out little snarling sounds. |
4818 |
We had killed it like a foot soldier slips his stiletto between the armor plates of a mounted warrior. |
4819 |
With a magician's gesture, he flipped over the photocopy and showed us his notes, printed in capitals. |
4820 |
Nervously, I stared after her. Then I picked the seven dollars off the floor and went back to my room. |
4821 |
It was the truth. My eyes were slowly getting used to the glare, allowing me to look around the place. |
4822 |
When thou didst destroy it and the good old man that didst dwell within, thou didst seal thy own fate. |
4823 |
One morning, on the return from Sanitation, he was stopped as he was about to step back into his cell. |
4824 |
As he preceded the thin man over the threshold he knew that was utterly and absolutely in their power. |
4825 |
The nearest community was less than a day's ride, so Turner retrieved his team from the royal stables. |
4826 |
I felt her tight and warm against me. Her body surged with vitality. Her beautiful arms held me tight. |
4827 |
Megan turned her gaze on Tocsin, her ancient enemy. She said no word. Then she turned her back on him. |
4828 |
Baltimore morning, with the yellow leaves beneath her feet and the faint tang of woodsmoke on the air. |
4829 |
He got to the stairs and threw the carpeted body over his shoulder and went down five steps at a time. |
4830 |
Hammond stared thoughtfully at his beautiful aide. Normally, he trusted her reactions in such matters. |
4831 |
There was a loud and fierce conference with frequent glances and gesticulations at the four strangers. |
4832 |
Buddy continued chanting out slogans to the crowd of counselors. His eyes were wide. He never blinked. |
4833 |
Rachel pointed up at the sky. The sun was setting fast, but I could see Tobias circling high overhead. |
4834 |
Parker pulled on thin latex gloves, picked up the gun, and retreated in the direction of the cruisers. |
4835 |
She walked toward her bathroom and then stood there, propped against the door, a hand across her eyes. |
4836 |
That was the Hilda I knew. There was going to be a catch to her generosity. And, of course, there was. |
4837 |
She was alone once more. He had left the water trickling from the pipe in the sink. Her mouth was dry. |
4838 |
I had hoped to avoid the subject of the Brute, but since it had come up, I decided to face it head on. |
4839 |
She was beautiful. And something else. Ethereal, a poet might have said. Spooky is good enough for me. |
4840 |
Then, after an animated conversation with the bait fishermen, they cast off and headed toward the sea. |
4841 |
The breed shivered from head to foot. The gusty sounds were too peculiar to be made by a natural wind. |
4842 |
Immediately the forest was unmarred, the village whole again, secure and peaceful in a small clearing. |
4843 |
He did that and gave me the key. I walked with him as far as the first landing and saw him on his way. |
4844 |
I could see the tiled roof of the gym in the distance. Hang in there, Mickey. Just a few more minutes. |
4845 |
Downslope to shore, then across the overgrown fence, then up. Likely enough he'd be shot as a burglar. |
4846 |
The pair began making fierce faces. An onlooker would have thought sudden death impended for somebody. |
4847 |
A faint crash came to their ears. A cloud of dust rose far down in the canyon. Doc's plane had struck. |
4848 |
His remarkable voice had a crashing volume and a penetrating vibrancy that echoed throughout the ship. |
4849 |
I had been killed by such a bear once, in another millennium. The sudden memory of it made me shudder. |
4850 |
He paused, subconsciously stripped one heavy glove from a hand to wipe the perspiration from his face. |
4851 |
Leaping back, the men stared beyond the firelight at the edges of the encroaching and uninhabited sea. |
4852 |
From then on all was quiet again and we had sighted nothing that looked like a vehicle of the prowler. |
4853 |
Her friends clustered around their mounts, swiftly field dressing the dead deer then loading the kill. |
4854 |
Nobody said anything. They all looked at Amy. They all looked at her like they wanted not to be there. |
4855 |
The others answered the teacher with scorn. Of course Bean was competent. Of course they'd follow him. |
4856 |
He did awaken, and then he wished that he had stayed in the forest and taken his chances with the elf. |
4857 |
I saw them burst through the other side of the tunnel. They split up, running in different directions. |
4858 |
In the paved kitchen yard he pulled the motorcycle up on its stand, and went in through the back door. |
4859 |
Touching my lip with my fingers I discovered that it was still dribbling blood. Perhaps she was right. |
4860 |
When the class was over, and the kids were getting ready to go home, Claudia approached Stacey and me. |
4861 |
Little ones and not so little ones. Charis began to reckon how many boys had survived the white death. |
4862 |
She turned her head so that he could see the intricate braids that extended below the back of her hat. |
4863 |
If there was, Laura liked him none the worse for it. Indeed, she preferred that to too much assurance. |
4864 |
Stacey told me what she'd read, and I nearly fainted. I just had to get a copy of the book for myself. |
4865 |
There was silence in the cabin, only broken by the noises on deck, until Gambier stirred in his chair. |
4866 |
As Doc came out of the shop, two men down the street hastily settled low in the car they were driving. |
4867 |
I turned the card over. There was a photo of a gila monster with black and white patterns on its back. |
4868 |
There was the protest of wood scraping on wood. The panel above them opened and a fireman looked down. |
4869 |
He hadn't always had the rank. The wood had seen its share of hard knocks, as had the man carrying it. |
4870 |
St. Jean bent to retrieve his drink. The crystal tumbler was dwarfed by the size of his enormous hand. |
4871 |
She didn't answer. He put a finger under her chin and forced it upward so that she had to look at him. |
4872 |
Louis sucked in some crab and clutched his throat. His face got red, then purple. He flailed his arms. |
4873 |
She noticed that the conversation had died down. Everyone understood the question behind the question. |
4874 |
Beer sloshed over the sides of the frosted mug, spilling out on the scarred wood surface of the table. |
4875 |
She nodded, fixing me with eyes that I suddenly noticed were pale yellow. Very strange. I stared back. |
4876 |
Ruth's head came around, his eyes gleamed more brilliantly blue in the darkness. You never neglect me. |
4877 |
And then he remembered where he saw her and who had taken the pictures and why she had now killed him. |
4878 |
His hand drew a small case from inside his parka. With the contents of this, he made his preparations. |
4879 |
We all settled into listening attitudes, and Callahan passed around fresh beers to them as needed 'em. |
4880 |
Silk stalked and growled. She continued yowling. Her fur sparked blue stars when she swished her tail. |
4881 |
After three blocks he braked at the side of the street again and turned to give me a hard level stare. |
4882 |
The cosmonaut spoke almost angrily back to ground command, and more urgent words burst from the radio. |
4883 |
Wordlessly they regarded one another. All four of them seemed eager to open the door and step through. |
4884 |
They reached an avenue lined with palms. In the palm shadows, it was very dark. Doc was still leading. |
4885 |
Had Mark not seen the spoor in the earth he would never have suspected that his pack had been touched. |
4886 |
It can be very dangerous to see things from somebody else's point of view without the proper training. |
4887 |
It took me a few moments to realize what she was doing, then I followed suit, scarcely daring to hope. |
4888 |
The sports director had not come up to tear my muscles and limbs apart yet. I stalked over to Madison. |
4889 |
The combination of rigid left eye and bejeweled teeth was bizarre. The man resembled a carnival freak. |
4890 |
The air whooshed out of her lungs. His eyes were filled with the hatred he no longer bothered to mask. |
4891 |
Anne looked alarmed. This was such a queer house, with queer happenings. She wished George would come. |
4892 |
Kinsey sighed, pushed his feathered hat back over his stringy hair, and kept tugging at the duct tape. |
4893 |
From out of the river where the stone had fallen there arose something which chilled and sickened her. |
4894 |
My heart had stopped beating some time before. I could only stare at him appalled as the truth dawned. |
4895 |
Griffin sank beneath the water as a weight landed on his shoulders from behind. He came up sputtering. |
4896 |
She was in love and would follow her husband. I was only her brother and it wasn't my place to object. |
4897 |
After a moment's stunned reflection, the chieftain turned from the destruction and asked the question. |
4898 |
By this time, Adam had enough of the boat cover off to stick his head out into the air above the boat. |
4899 |
Then everything began to shake. The walls, the chandelier, the ancient floorboards beneath their feet. |
4900 |
With that the Regent succeeded in convincing itself that it was perfectly in control of the situation. |
4901 |
The Nadir began to move forward in a seething furious mass, their pounding feet sounding like thunder. |
4902 |
They were still in empty land when they camped that night, but had altered their course farther south. |
4903 |
Having finished his task the man raised his head to look at her, as he picked up the bowl in one hand. |
4904 |
Running away was damn hard work, even harder than memorizing multiplication tables and state capitals. |
4905 |
The witch closed her eyes and raised her gem until it touched her forehead above and between her eyes. |
4906 |
For another five minutes, anyway. The captain led me to the evidence room and gave me back my clothes. |
4907 |
There seemed something, however, that was familiar about his speech. I could not identify what it was. |
4908 |
Edmund, the only one of the party who had read several detective stories, had meanwhile been thinking. |
4909 |
The signal vanished for agonizing seconds, then came back much clearer, though not appreciably louder. |
4910 |
There were a couple of trolls lounging just inside the entrance. Susan ignored them. They ignored her. |
4911 |
As conversations sprung up again across the room and the Doctor made for the bar, Mac's eyes met mine. |
4912 |
That was her initial reaction, as she tried to take in all of the changes and make some sense of them. |
4913 |
Peering into the darkness, Carly Beth watched them until they were nearly right in front of the shrub. |
4914 |
He sighed and produced the effect of bowing without, in fact, doing more than bend his knees slightly. |
4915 |
Father and daughter were staring after the receding bronze man when a low voice sounded at their side. |
4916 |
Before he could finish the sentence, two of the human leaders came to their own feet and drew weapons. |
4917 |
He sat looking at me, without moving. Then very slowly he moved out from under the table and stood up. |
4918 |
Eventually they got down to the coffee and were so stuffed they had to stop laughing. It was a relief. |
4919 |
Long rest, then crawled into the booth, reached up. Knocked the receiver clear. Damn. Needed a nickel. |
4920 |
From behind him came a snarl, then a growl, the staccato rustle of undergrowth violently thrust aside. |
4921 |
Four vampires swarmed onto the first cruiser, quick as Gleaners, and climbed toward the driving bench. |
4922 |
The arm arced viciously forward, slapped with flat vehemence against the stop at the end of its throw. |
4923 |
I watched him admiringly. I did hope we made it home to Yurt alive, because he would be a superb king. |
4924 |
When the first of the teams flatly refused to climb more than ten yards up a tree, I called them down. |
4925 |
The lad turned justifiably pale at these somewhat ominous recommendations. I was pleased I was not he. |
4926 |
He jumped from his seat and walked briskly to the agitated woman dog trainer, holding the sniffer dog. |
4927 |
Miles smiled, and let just such a silence stretch between them, curious to see who would flinch first. |
4928 |
There was an awkward silence. Julian shot an annoyed look at poor Jock, who could have kicked himself. |
4929 |
The other soldier heard a noise and fired a shot into the brush. Both men listened, but heard nothing. |
4930 |
To throw open the shutters was a task she fumbled over, though she was usually quick with her fingers. |
4931 |
But Rachel wailed and fell on her knees and begged her sister to take her place under the bridal veil. |
4932 |
Pitt was still daydreaming when he was interrupted by the steward telling him to fasten his seat belt. |
4933 |
He turned and looked back at the darkroom entrance. Again, Donaldson's head flicked back out of sight. |
4934 |
At this he looked suddenly so melancholy that she changed her tone, and reaching over patted his hand. |
4935 |
The staff no longer supported him. It was heavy and burdensome. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. |
4936 |
Some time during the night, he was awakened by something soft and warm squirming against his shoulder. |
4937 |
Johnny, whose geology knowledge included an understanding of such phenomena, seconded Doc's reasoning. |
4938 |
That was all he needed to say on that subject. They knew each other too well to have to enlarge on it. |
4939 |
Big Julie heard us out, listening with rapt attention. When we finished, he sighed and shook his head. |
4940 |
Junior was a hider. Junior was a watcher. Junior lit flames. Junior torched. Junior lived in his head. |
4941 |
The camera withdrew, the action flowing languidly in reverse until a point just before the explosions. |
4942 |
Leaving the precious book in Merrick's upstairs bedroom, back we went to the city of dreams once more. |
4943 |
And then there was a real silence, broken only by the swish of Lily's dress as she fled up the stairs. |
4944 |
I moved warily away from the beast. I did not think, now, I would have great difficulty in eluding it. |
4945 |
The proof came in such a way as to arouse all my foreboding, to alert all my personal warning signals. |
4946 |
Two of the swordsmen had come back and gone by him, one helping the other. The third had stayed, dead. |
4947 |
How remarkable he looks, she thought, watching the projection of the Baron against her closed eyelids. |
4948 |
I regarded him for a moment before I answered. To say the least, I had the room's undivided attention. |
4949 |
Doc Savage opened the door and looked at the girl. She was still tied, and there were still no snakes. |
4950 |
Block did not appear at lunch time. Sarah said he had asked not to be disturbed, if he did not appear. |
4951 |
They drew up in the courtyard behind the house and the proprietor and his wife came out to greet them. |
4952 |
I turned away and left him there in the moonlight, gazing after me and scratching the top of his head. |
4953 |
She held the page in both hands and studied it, perhaps reading the words herself, for her lips moved. |
4954 |
He spat in the face of a young man who tied his wrists together with thick rope. The man said nothing. |
4955 |
And that produced the fourth, and final, impression in the minds of the Constantinople men that night. |
4956 |
For a moment my blood ran cold, and I stopped my hand from going to the pistol in the back of my belt. |
4957 |
No matter. He would land and check it out. At least he'd get off this blasted ship, breathe fresh air. |
4958 |
So Burton lost immediate interest in the brain. And his mistake was compounded by his next experiment. |
4959 |
There was something roughly the size of a large camper van parked about a hundred feet above her lawn. |
4960 |
He continued to sit and ponder, as the schooner surged northward in the direction of Alligator Island. |
4961 |
For those of us who have devoted our lives to scaring people away from Florida, it was a magic moment. |
4962 |
He rose, lifting Logan to carry him to a bed. Then he permitted himself to consider the words briefly. |
4963 |
He saw her eyes reflecting shadowy doubts, but he sensed his arguments were beginning to reassure her. |
4964 |
The dead were fewer, but the stench of them hovered about the tent, and the dreadful night was coming. |
4965 |
Doc Savage waited. Nothing seemed to happen. For that matter, nothing visible had happened previously. |
4966 |
He rolled to his elbow, and saw that the fire was still burning. Then he lay down and slept once more. |
4967 |
Then her mother turned, shaking with silent sobs, and moved down the mountain and out of Lyra's sight. |
4968 |
As the other riders dismounted and tended their horses, Steve spoke quietly to Hunter from the saddle. |
4969 |
When the pace slackened again, Sara slid off her mount to walk. Soon a low voice spoke from her right. |
4970 |
She killed the rest of her tequila, and helped herself to another glass as she went on with her story. |
4971 |
Colene looked perplexed. Finally she drew a figure with seven points, but evidently wasn't sure of it. |
4972 |
The man backed away, looking as if he had discovered himself smoking cigarettes in a dynamite factory. |
4973 |
He snapped his fingers and indicated that Ina should approach us. She did so and then looked up at us. |
4974 |
She screamed for her maids and two stumbled in to her, half awake and naked, carrying small oil lamps. |
4975 |
He heard the whistle of the whip, and its cord lashed at his ankles. But this time he did not go down. |
4976 |
She had to fight back a wild impulse to scream. She was able just barely to suppress it into a gurgle. |
4977 |
I almost laughed at the way I was giving so many orders. But, hey, I was like an actor playing a part. |
4978 |
Part of that tale was new. And, as his mental pictures built in my mind, my own remembrance sharpened. |
4979 |
And landing lightly on the damp ground, he disappeared into the darkness, as silent as the rising sun. |
4980 |
I had seen the subject of that picture once before that day, in my news screen over my shaving mirror. |
4981 |
Then, as if with a surgeon's delicate lancet, the light beams started carving all three vessels apart. |
4982 |
When she looked out the window again, the sun had set. The golden band was turning richer, and darker. |
4983 |
Slowly, the smoke cloud lifted. Fresh currents of air swept through the canyon, rolling the mist away. |
4984 |
Powerful lights were illuminating the course the submarine was following. That course was a weird one. |
4985 |
A little later there was subtle clink of metal, so slight as to be almost beyond the range of hearing. |
4986 |
This was no ordinary plague. This was a plague started by magic, by a man who wanted to kill them all. |
4987 |
I selected the meal that looked as if it had the most calories and took my tray over to sit by Potter. |
4988 |
What followed turned out to be a long period of getting him and his body back into operation together. |
4989 |
He obeyed, seeing little flecks of orange drifting in across the whites. The sense of peril was acute. |
4990 |
What a city. In the spring, the river caught fire. About once a month, the Alchemists' Guild exploded. |
4991 |
The tame world lived on solar energy and was free of strife, and to Lou it was hateful in consequence. |
4992 |
My own instinct was to question this, but he had already given it as the reason for wanting the Butte. |
4993 |
Whatever stalked them would gain no help from him in its quest, and only sharp steel if it found them. |
4994 |
It had proved inordinately simple for him to fool it, lie to it, tell it his carefully doctored story. |
4995 |
The wizard bowed. A white cat that had been sleeping by the furnace woke up and watched him carefully. |
4996 |
Almost at that instant the sun appeared through broken clouds and the rain lessened, the sea settling. |
4997 |
Trembling she thrust down her dress over her hips, and stood then within it, it down about her ankles. |
4998 |
Not being seen wasn't a big problem. It was the things that she kept seeing that were more of a worry. |
4999 |
The homely chemist, seizing his pig, prepared to leap upon Ham and force fulfillment of their bargain. |
5000 |
The place was deathly still, the fog clamped tight around, cutting visibility to less than five paces. |
5001 |
Tallahassee stiffened, tense. Both cats roused, turned on the bench to stare at some point behind her. |
5002 |
Carefully, he lifted the silver visor. Carina's eyelids flickered once, as the prince stared in shock. |
5003 |
Although it made no difference, really, once one considered it. For the important pay was not in cash. |
5004 |
Beyond the archway, he heard the sounds of the closet door, saw Grant piling his clothes onto the bed. |
5005 |
They went diving out of the airlock, sprinted past the faintly moonlit plantation house and were gone. |
5006 |
On the floor was a film of colorless fluid not unlike pale, sticky molasses. It was hardly noticeable. |
5007 |
Morley, who had been eager to evacuate some time ago, now jumped all over me for wasting half a night. |
5008 |
Gritting himself against incipient vertigo, he hurried to join his companions on the lip of the cliff. |
5009 |
Miles was grinning. As he took her hand and gripped it to his arm again, he vented a sinister chuckle. |
5010 |
Without adhesive tape, the thing had to be held on by wrapping gauze around my head and under my chin. |
5011 |
We approached. The birds were gone. So were the eyes. The man was in uniform. His throat had been cut. |
5012 |
A big mechanical box behind the girl began to buzz. Doc walked around on the other side of the screen. |
5013 |
Pete gulped in fright as his light shone up into the long, scarred face of the man with the eye patch. |
5014 |
He took both her hands and kissed them reverently, and then handed her into the back of the limousine. |
5015 |
I heard no footsteps and had no warning before strong arms seized me, prying me loose from my beloved. |
5016 |
If she was going to have a conversation with a cat, she must find a topic of interest to both of them. |
5017 |
Burrows continued, stating wild facts as if he were repeating the current market prices on conch meat. |
5018 |
It was time to gather forces magical and mundane. He had arrangements to make and a baroness to trick. |
5019 |
Guns ready, the men darted to the door. That door was unlocked. It had been locked ten minutes before. |
5020 |
Government the separation between the peoples of Earth and those living in space had never been total. |
5021 |
Brian looked down at his wrist and saw that his watch had also stopped. All their watches had stopped. |
5022 |
The creature quailed as if struck a mortal blow. But it shook its head and resumed its defiant stance. |
5023 |
The boys heard her promise of revenge, and seemed content to have the matter taken out of their hands. |
5024 |
Professor Archer displayed keen understanding. Only a few scientists would have identified the device. |
5025 |
My joy took a little sag. I thought of my present relationship there. My problems were not all solved. |
5026 |
Katie was really fast. She beat me twice before the rest of our guests arrived. They all came at once. |
5027 |
Pons now returned to the body and bent to examine the hilt of the knife, looking at it from all sides. |
5028 |
Sturm and Derek immediately raised their swords, standing back to back. Steel flashed among the elves. |
5029 |
Mason held the exit door open for Boring, who smiled affably then turned and walked down the corridor. |
5030 |
Mort pulled himself together, and stepped through the barrier which was no barrier at all. It tingled. |
5031 |
The tower gave a shake. Then she stared blindly down at me, her mouth poised to start screaming again. |
5032 |
Snarks turned a deeper shade of green. The dwarf's remark seemed to render him temporarily speechless. |
5033 |
Gerry Hart didn't answer. He poured cream into the last little drop of his coffee and drank it slowly. |
5034 |
It was, of course, thoroughly soaked with the water displaced when Lars overbalanced her into the tub. |
5035 |
She stared at him silently with wide, liquid eyes, clutching the sword to her breasts with both hands. |
5036 |
There are two kinds of change that we can gather from the universe about us. One is cyclic and benign. |
5037 |
In the front raft, Leigh stood up. When the snake rose from the swirling water the magician was ready. |
5038 |
As she spoke, a broad red slice appeared on his upraised arm as if drawn there by an invisible artist. |
5039 |
But he was still tormented by nightmares that not even the strongest of sleeping potions could banish. |
5040 |
I chewed on a piece of meat and drank from the shallow, chipped bowl of clay which contained the wine. |
5041 |
Pia discovered that she was getting to like this archaic man. He was a gentleman in the classic sense. |
5042 |
Matthew followed quickly, Braddock somewhat more reluctantly. The pilot opted to remain with his ship. |
5043 |
Then I felt a gentle stirring of the humid air, and the blackness of the entrance disgorged a machine. |
5044 |
He regretted it the next moment. The Warlock turned on him the look one gives a presumptuous stranger. |
5045 |
The directors at the table stared at him. One squinted as if seeing a familiar face, then looked away. |
5046 |
She moved back to the vicinity of Morrison, still studying the stunner and turning it in various ways. |
5047 |
The Baron was not afraid of me or anything else. But he had been born to the options that power gives. |
5048 |
I had been putting on weight and picking up strength slowly. The process would have to be accelerated. |
5049 |
The state had given me two slots for field investigators, and I had not filled either one of them yet. |
5050 |
But this time I was very much in control, knew exactly what needed to be done, and proceeded to do it. |
5051 |
She heard nothing but the trickling of the stream over rocks and the sighing of the wind in the trees. |
5052 |
Surely last night had been a dream. She felt fine now. She put a hand to her neck, smiling to herself. |
5053 |
He thrashed his tail in frustration. His flukes struck the ceiling painfully. His breath came heavily. |
5054 |
There was no roof over the room where he was deposited, and grass and weeds grew from the stone floor. |
5055 |
He leaned forward and put both elbows on the table, crowding me back and away from the console screen. |
5056 |
George had pocketed the key when she had locked the door. She answered Mr. Roland in a cheerful voice. |
5057 |
A momentary stillness fell like a chill over the room, followed by an angry stir of bewildered dismay. |
5058 |
So maybe it was just her. Or maybe someone had used all three wishes and died before writing about it. |
5059 |
Again the flashy salute, which the commander was obliged to return before turning back to the company. |
5060 |
A weight lifter. Kinsman guessed. Pumps iron every day and now he wants to show off his muscles on me. |
5061 |
The guard who had spoken stood his ground, but his companion backed away looking lost without his Uzi. |
5062 |
The bishop reached into his cassock and withdrew the thing. He held it forth in his outstretched hand. |
5063 |
She hastened to sit up but fell back again with a sharp cry of pain she was not quick enough to quell. |
5064 |
Monk grew rather white around the eyes. Ham set his jaw as tightly as he could, and tried not to look. |
5065 |
This time I studied the overhanging trees, and the underbrush. But now there was a sense of emptiness. |
5066 |
A cloud of burning oil rained down. It splattered across type metal and old rocking horses and dwarfs. |
5067 |
My arms were so tired, I could barely pull myself out of the pool. I was one of the last swimmers out. |
5068 |
Now, Paul held himself in near catatonic immobility, knowing he had only his wits to meet this threat. |
5069 |
Still he had to try. The black spot grew, calling him in, and the anger rode into his veins like fire. |
5070 |
There were no steps up the platform and I felt too weak and giddy to try to haul myself up beside him. |
5071 |
I ignored him. The women had a few yards to go yet. Even Rose's sour face had begun to show some hope. |
5072 |
Verna lit a small flame above her upturned palm. The woman's eyes widened, and then filled with tears. |
5073 |
But she'd already gone deep into her own thoughts. She drank another swallow directly from the bottle. |
5074 |
He thought that he had at that moment when he had stormed out of the chamber after the fleeing sniper. |
5075 |
He ran away again, but this time not as far as the pony. He had suddenly realized he would need proof. |
5076 |
What she said was not as significant as her scent and that of the paper. It carried danger, wrongness. |
5077 |
They told it in relays, a garbled rush of words, interrupting each other and arguing over the details. |
5078 |
When he left the diner about ten minutes later, his coffee sat there, cooling like a forgotten corpse. |
5079 |
Ham was saying bitter things to himself. The ground was muddy, his immaculate attire was being ruined. |
5080 |
Then two figures leaped from the driving seat of the truck. They caught the sides of the closed sedan. |
5081 |
Brim had never seen her nipple shriveled and colorless as it was now. He heard himself gasp in dismay. |
5082 |
The name caused Merlin to sit back down, slowly. His hand dropped to the knife in the top of his boot. |
5083 |
So this is what war is like, he thought. The battles are over quickly, but the misery goes on forever. |
5084 |
In the silence that came between them, a breeze from a ventilator could be heard fingering the blinds. |
5085 |
He knelt beside Dave. The old man's eyes were shut and he was breathing in harsh, almost random gasps. |
5086 |
He rapped on the door. It slid open. He stepped through and closed it behind him without looking back. |
5087 |
And nobody hit me. They teach you in the Apparatus never to talk when you're being beaten or tortured. |
5088 |
The next morning broke dark and gloomy. The gang woke to find Zeta sitting guard at the cave entrance. |
5089 |
He returned unseen to his sleeping quarters and slipped into bed once again and stared at the ceiling. |
5090 |
We felt our way down a crude ladder into a rectangular space that was lit by a small central campfire. |
5091 |
He let the glory gallop down his throat. Then he filled it up again after locating the tequila bottle. |
5092 |
Soon a number of isolated spots were scattered above and below the dotted line on the muddy sea floor. |
5093 |
Then there was a sharp turn onto another highway, a concrete one, and that did not ease the situation. |
5094 |
He led me down the line of stalls. Horses eyed me over the half doors that kept each in its own place. |
5095 |
The eastern edge was ambiguously defined. When the view improved, you knew you were out of the valley. |
5096 |
I activated my gyroscope and reset my pedal locomotion circuits. I walked around the room on my hands. |
5097 |
Flattery wasn't screaming anymore. He stood there clutching a stanchion, glaring out of the faceplate. |
5098 |
He scratched his chin thoughtfully, making a noise like a porcupine shouldering its way through gorse. |
5099 |
Travis calling back and Josh answering the call. She tried to figure out how to take her message back. |
5100 |
I was hotly embraced by the sincerity of his words. The anguish and the pleading that lay behind them. |
5101 |
The curator was waiting in a private office. It was a Monday, and the museum was closed to the public. |
5102 |
This brought something resembling a truce. Together, the three men moved on toward the center of town. |
5103 |
My men came up between the houses and barns, looking less sure of themselves than I would have wished. |
5104 |
Doc got the hatch shut then ran to the bulkhead door admitting to the forward part of the submersible. |
5105 |
The room gradually returned to silence. Wright was slumped against his chair, as if frozen into place. |
5106 |
In another room, Dr. Spencer joined Ray looking at a monitor watching the woman watching the entrance. |
5107 |
She was in the void. If the glow she could not see failed her, she would die quicker than the thought. |
5108 |
For Doc had taken the only course which offered security to the unfortunate individuals he was aiding. |
5109 |
He reached out for the weapon. Moon shadows darkened the base of the rock like thickly roosting crows. |
5110 |
He felt her surprise and then her surrender as she leaned in to him, her arms twining around his neck. |
5111 |
Pike pushed himself up. His face was a mask of blood. His shirt was wet with it. He picked up his gun. |
5112 |
She held the door open for him. He was very aware that her fingers brushed his thigh as he passed her. |
5113 |
Daemon clamped his tongue between his teeth. Yes, he really needed to have a little chat with Surreal. |
5114 |
The flight ran smooth. A stew served drinks. She saw his gun. She played up. She asked dumb questions. |
5115 |
Then she bent forward and with some care replaced the book where she had found it, under the mattress. |
5116 |
Feeling a good deal brighter, Dahlia left the bag in her lap and began groping around for the cupcake. |
5117 |
Deacon Johnson smiled and stuck out his hand, but the doctors regarded it as if it were a rattlesnake. |
5118 |
But on the whole, especially for the higher elven lords, reality was always preferable to an illusion. |
5119 |
We struck aside more sticks from the rear of the hut and emerged into the rustling darkness behind it. |
5120 |
Becca whirled around in a huff and stomped off to her room. I grabbed my sweater and was out the door. |
5121 |
Not a nice way to treat someone who's saved your life, Grant said to himself. Sorry, my Jovian friend. |
5122 |
I sat across from Mickey, trying hard not to look at his dumb face. I was still really steamed at him. |
5123 |
He sat down, and I knelt close to him on the bare floor, and then out of me came the whole lurid tale. |
5124 |
Justen flicked the reins and walked tiredly toward the end of the stable. The gray lumbered after him. |
5125 |
When I went up to the Palace I had thought it was all over. The cases you hate most never seem to end. |
5126 |
The secret is cornmeal and brushing the fur the wrong way. The tricky part is keeping your mouth shut. |
5127 |
Ursula seemed shamed by all of this, and held me gently with her long fingers. I looked into her eyes. |
5128 |
Dance looked at me and shrugged. My guess was the football team had just endured a practice from hell. |
5129 |
I saw his big wooden hand fumble over the table of supplies. Then he grabbed a paintbrush in one hand. |
5130 |
The steersman pointed with his hook at the black, forbidding tunnel mouth in the castellated entrance. |
5131 |
The starveling waifs retreated before their strange new keepers, heading toward the rim of the Forest. |
5132 |
She pulled it by the top of the head. Then she tried stretching it out and tugging it from the cheeks. |
5133 |
Any of those ends could be gained by working out in the open, without the need for secrecy and murder. |
5134 |
Then there were more guards in the room, until it became quite crowded and I could not see the Doctor. |
5135 |
The grayness closed as the sand changed color, but altered almost immediately. Now the sand was green. |
5136 |
I was trembling now, more frightened than I had ever been in my life. She knew it, and it pleased her. |
5137 |
When finished drinking, she picked up the fish and bit into it ravenously, as she had seen sailors do. |
5138 |
I looked back down the stairs past Snarks. Hubert tipped his top hat and showed the fellow his ticket. |
5139 |
The pair of gray sewer rats had rolled on their backs. Their legs were rigid. They hadn't even kicked. |
5140 |
My left side was partly numbed by the blow, and I felt as if I had been driven a foot into the ground. |
5141 |
The old sage clambered ungracefully into the saddle, patted the gray reassuringly, and made no answer. |
5142 |
God, it's hot in here, he thought. If there were only one window open. Just one. Just one window open. |
5143 |
She still looked at the dragon, and she spoke in the language of the dragons, the words of the Making. |
5144 |
His face was flushed with excitement, and he held a huge photograph spread between his upraised hands. |
5145 |
It was full daylight now, but the shadow in the room would not let the sun's rays penetrate the gloom. |
5146 |
Thoughts come unbidden, the mind weaving its perspectives, assembling meaning from emotion and memory. |
5147 |
Fiesta was not unacquainted with manifestations of jealousy in the male breast. She recognized it now. |
5148 |
We started to walk back when we saw Briggs round the corner of the apartment building and race inside. |
5149 |
Sunlight filtered down again for a brief instant, lighting the clearing, snow sparkling like diamonds. |
5150 |
Ignoring the hint, the policeman pulled up a chair and parked himself on it as if he had been invited. |
5151 |
A wave almost overturned the boat. Rain hissed on the surface of the sphere, sent up a scalding spray. |
5152 |
The cab took off. Presently it was descending at the enclosed field of his company's central building. |
5153 |
What she had seen in the past few days made her believe that the Light had indeed forsaken this world. |
5154 |
But Random came clear, seated before a drum set, sticks in hand. He set aside the drumsticks and rose. |
5155 |
It was a motive Colene could trust. She knew about wrapping things up in this life, before leaving it. |
5156 |
Well. He turned away from the window and walked off with his driver to the car. The process had begun. |
5157 |
The receptionist motioned him in. The Legate scowled at him and this time did not ask him to sit down. |
5158 |
Sinclair finished his ouzo and left. Their muttered comments had followed him back along the quayside. |
5159 |
The dragon twisted its wings, swung its huge bulk around on a pivot of air, and bore down on the roof. |
5160 |
Jack knew there was no point in resisting them. His protestations would only amuse and encourage them. |
5161 |
He forced his eyes to the book on the copy stand and began to replicate the letters on the new vellum. |
5162 |
He faded into uncomfortable sleep. But after the darkness came, and the light again, he was no better. |
5163 |
He looked depressed. Humans had no fun. Incredible complications surrounded the most basic activities. |
5164 |
They all looked at Jordan in cold speculation, the enormity of the whole thing growing in their minds. |
5165 |
The shaking stopped. The lighting sorted itself out and the lift proceeded down in an orderly fashion. |
5166 |
The chaplain was busily putting the chess pieces back in the box, clearly in no mood for another game. |
5167 |
My captor himself had set me the work of tending the coals in the brazier, where the iron was heating. |
5168 |
He began scanning the waterfront almost as if he had heard me. Then he shrugged and went into a cabin. |
5169 |
Doc Savage stood up in the cockpit and gave a vehement nod. That seemed to be all the answer required. |
5170 |
The old man thanked the lawman kindly and shuffled on toward the skyscraper which had been designated. |
5171 |
Ahead of him, the rip neared. He dropped his hand to the rheostat which controlled the cabin pressure. |
5172 |
The dapper lawyer minced toward the door, still sparring with his cane. A broad smile was on his face. |
5173 |
She put her hand on his arm and let him lead her across the runway like a Victorian lady under escort. |
5174 |
The bug pushed the brown ball over. He began cleaning Pete's boot, adding the substance to his sphere. |
5175 |
He stepped back from the window, suddenly chilled, and went down to heat and drink a cup of chocolate. |
5176 |
He considered, and came to the conclusion that something must be very wrong with him. He must be sick. |
5177 |
She rolled away from me and stared at the wall. After a time she spoke, her words cruel with contempt. |
5178 |
Then at least you could die in the attempt. That might be preferable to letting magical war break out. |
5179 |
A death certificate. Rowan had written his own death certificate. Well, maybe that made things easier. |
5180 |
She was picking her way along as though afraid of the dark, making slow progress. One person, not two. |
5181 |
But Greybeard moved up the road. The parson was again using the dead man by his platform for his text. |
5182 |
Edward quickened his pace. He did not like this man, whose muscular arms glowed blue in the moonlight. |
5183 |
Mr. Big sat looking at him, his huge head resting against the back of the tall chair. He said nothing. |
5184 |
The attendant was talking with a tall, urbane man dressed in the uniform of an Imperial civil servant. |
5185 |
And so Oliver did not see his nemesis until the moment it hurled itself upon him from behind the tree. |
5186 |
He got them up and got them dressed. I got them out to the taxi and, in the cold dawn, packed them in. |
5187 |
No one said anything for a time. Then Valdemar, yawning, announced that he intended to get some sleep. |
5188 |
Poor commuters crowded the bus, those unable to afford a car, the Untouchables of the freeway society. |
5189 |
Surprise seeped into her, then fear. She sat up in bed. There was a taste in her mouth like cold iron. |
5190 |
Behind him men began shuffling their feet, anxious to end the long siege and enter the hated fortress. |
5191 |
The rain was starting to fall as he lifted the last piece of sod in place over his face and shoulders. |
5192 |
He walked up to the little creature and simply swatted her on the head. She fell over, and he ate her. |
5193 |
When the way was clear, the Acceptor entered, and climbed on spindly legs to its place within the web. |
5194 |
The troops were jamming the war carts up against the forward drawbridge, again to increase the impact. |
5195 |
Walsh approached the exhibits as though they were the cathedral communion plate and he the archbishop. |
5196 |
Once more, a ghostly outline moved across the glow at its head. Meanwhile the will hurled her forward. |
5197 |
He did not want to accept her certainty. But before he could speak again, she was holding the pendant. |
5198 |
If the temperature dropped and the forecast for snow proved out, both would be open by tomorrow night. |
5199 |
Now that she was on a level with the post, she saw that the dome was larger than it looked from above. |
5200 |
Stealing a fine horse, he rode from the settlement and out into the clean, sweet air of the mountains. |
5201 |
The walls of the room faded to gray, then darkened and began to close in, forming a tunnel around him. |
5202 |
A roar of rough mirth greeted these words, and the captain turned purple, thinking he sensed ridicule. |
5203 |
It was an ecstatic moment. Success with that silly child's spell was a major triumph over my handicap. |
5204 |
He hung up quickly, and wiped his brow. Then he immediately put through another call to the satellite. |
5205 |
Though he was painfully aware that this particular nose presently had no notion of where his prey was. |
5206 |
I concentrated on the message. Madison was pushing a sandwich at me. I followed it with a second Coke. |
5207 |
By some miracle, the first pay phone I found was free. I dropped the change in with trembling fingers. |
5208 |
The audience let out a cheer and applauded while the dragons interrupted their hum to bugle a welcome. |
5209 |
Antonina sat up. Her full breasts swayed gently, distracting her husband. Seeing his gaze, she smiled. |
5210 |
Hardboiled shook the leather sap down out of his sleeve and swatted the palm of a corded hand with it. |
5211 |
She reached and keyed through the translator channel, heard Tully's steady input, jabbed it out again. |
5212 |
Suddenly, Ryan understood what it was there for, and chalked up another point against the blond bitch. |
5213 |
It wasn't even so much that he was horny. Screwing was just something he could really lose himself in. |
5214 |
Major Estrada, sitting in the back seat next to him, refilled the general's gun when it was necessary. |
5215 |
You could walk into the fireplace of brown chipped stone and there were logs laid ready for the match. |
5216 |
But then they were interrupted as crew members took shelter from the rain, and they could say no more. |
5217 |
Her wrist was loosely but inescapably grasped by long, tapering fingers, and she was brought up short. |
5218 |
Luke was about to comment, but she made a quieting gesture. The attendant had arrived with their food. |
5219 |
Some jugglers, to one side, were exhibiting their astonishing talents with colored plates and torches. |
5220 |
She hoped they could not read the revulsion in the face she had so carefully schooled to be impassive. |
5221 |
Doc Savage was escorted to a neighboring room. This chamber was small, and windowless like the others. |
5222 |
As the hours passed, I was exceedingly relieved that I could not physically speak the wretched tongue. |
5223 |
I touched my face with one hand. My skin was looser than it should have been. And pebbly to the touch. |
5224 |
The monster was lying still with its flippers limp on the sand and its eyes closed. It did not answer. |
5225 |
Her eyes lurched into focus on him, flared in horror or rage as if he had threatened her with leprosy. |
5226 |
The elementary school had also been hit. The third of the building still standing was a mass of flame. |
5227 |
Antonina could not hear those exchanges, but it didn't take her long to understand what was happening. |
5228 |
The Doctor stared up at the creature his companion had become, a look of horror washing over his face. |
5229 |
There, at the limit of the light, stood a dozen or more short clay forms like the one in front of him. |
5230 |
The slender woman leaned back in her chair, crossing her ankles and folding her arms across her chest. |
5231 |
He blew his head off. He blew up the trunk. He blew out the undercarriage. He blew the spare tires up. |
5232 |
As he said that the door opened and a strong faced businessman poked his head out of the inner office. |
5233 |
She found only the faintest hairlines at the corners of her eyes yet they made her discontent extreme. |
5234 |
I was amazed that my father had even tried to interfere. It seemed that for once I had misjudged Dyan. |
5235 |
Hood spent an hour lying in bed with his kids. After that, he spent two hours making love to his wife. |
5236 |
The expression on a man's face when he has just zipped up his trousers without due care and attention. |
5237 |
The young officer was pleased by this comment and asked how much money a doctor could make in America. |
5238 |
He had quite a lot of questions about this location, but first things first. The questions could wait. |
5239 |
The pilot leaped at the gunman, swung a fist from near his heels and knocked the man flat on his back. |
5240 |
He made an absent gesture at putting the cigar in his mouth, but missed that cavity fully four inches. |
5241 |
He reached the bed and waited for a moment, leaning on the scythe, until he could get his breath back. |
5242 |
The woman heard him. She saw him. She looked right into his eyes. But she made no move to let them in. |
5243 |
The foliage swayed and the crystals near the top tinkled from the passage of air the creature exhaled. |
5244 |
Somehow he got his arms under him and braced his body off the ground, but the effort left him panting. |
5245 |
That concluded the session. I had to admit that, given the present situation, what he said made sense. |
5246 |
It took me an effort to shift mental gears. I studied the screen for a few moments, gathering my wits. |
5247 |
Stooping, he lifted the boy by his underarms, and stood him on his feet. Then he helped Kitty to rise. |
5248 |
She looked skeptical until I invited her to listen to them at work. Then she nodded her understanding. |
5249 |
But there was no time to be keenly analytical. He had to get things done and get back within the ship. |
5250 |
When he was dressed, he signed the releases. His hand was so cold that he could hardly write his name. |
5251 |
Devlin. Devlin, concentrating on opening the handcuffs with his free hand, didn't see the blow coming. |
5252 |
Bond's gun gave a single muffled grunt. A blue keyhole opened just beneath the peak of the white hair. |
5253 |
The kicking and writhing went on. Across the water through the darkness came a sharp scornful whisper. |
5254 |
He dropped down until his feet almost touched the red lava. He felt the heat coming through his shoes. |
5255 |
The humor had the desired effect as reflexive laughter broke the ice and resounding applause followed. |
5256 |
There was a short silence. Then Fatty pursed up his lips, raised his eyebrows, and scratched his head. |
5257 |
And if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses every time they took a step, Wiz thought sourly. |
5258 |
There was nothing to drink. There was nothing chasing him anymore. There was nothing to do but paddle. |
5259 |
She placed her bowl on the floor near me and then went back to the chest where the doll had been kept. |
5260 |
Watching them, Marion felt a deep pervading delight, and it was a long time before she moved on again. |
5261 |
There was a muffled sound from the direction of his belt, like someone hollering behind a closed door. |
5262 |
Monk only grinned amiably. If Ham could not think of a better comeback than that, he must be slipping. |
5263 |
The captain's steward was the only ordinary seaman in the ship who did not have to sleep in the tiers. |
5264 |
Pitt sat silent, scratching the irritating chest bandage. Might as well nibble at the bait he thought. |
5265 |
Colonel Murdock's expression could have turned sweet cream into paint remover, but he remained silent. |
5266 |
No matter how many turns and twists the boat ahead of them took, they could follow without difficulty. |
5267 |
Halfway down the block, cops in flak jackets have broken open a garage door. Voices crackle on radios. |
5268 |
Monk belted the man senseless with a hairy fist to the jaw, let the fellow fall, and leaped after Doc. |
5269 |
He threw another one. It splattered crimson across Mort's name and began to drip slowly down the wall. |
5270 |
As the world split, wanting to swallow you back willing to give up everything to lose you in darkness. |
5271 |
Without a word, Pitt inserted a thin metal shaft under the lid of the box and carefully pried it open. |
5272 |
She stole an intimate and meaningful glance at me. Rebecca's clothes. The shiver in me was relentless. |
5273 |
Clancy was holding his favorite derringer leveled at him, the bore immense when viewed from the front. |
5274 |
But no. He might be shocked. Certainly many members would be, if they found out. Better not chance it. |
5275 |
Then while he was still smiling at the thought, comedy changed swiftly and without warning to tragedy. |
5276 |
Bending over them, he wiped the blood from the shattered faces, kissed each one on the chill forehead. |
5277 |
The boy bowed gracefully to the distinguished guests, but made only a polite murmur of acknowledgment. |
5278 |
She shrugged, a pitiful gesture which touched him. How quickly the desert cut away previous attitudes. |
5279 |
He did not open it. He did not need to. He knew what was inside. Six words that spelled two lifetimes. |
5280 |
With that, he veered through the door of the place we were passing, leaving me to follow along behind. |
5281 |
Dirk shifted his weight uneasily, unsure of the correct course of action if he received such an order. |
5282 |
And that was it. The phone was dead, and four of the nation's leading labor leaders were going to die. |
5283 |
I went to her and seized her by the upper arms and threw her to her feet. She looked at me, frightened. |
5284 |
Pete nudged Bob and pointed to a bulky piece of equipment that hung on a tree near the soldiers' tent. |
5285 |
Reed nodded. He leaned slightly forward, his fingertips advancing the work sheets in Hawks' direction. |
5286 |
He laid the ragged strip of cloth over his shoulder and turned to prepare himself a meal by starlight. |
5287 |
I felt like running from the ship, as far as I might. But there seemed to be no sign of life about it. |
5288 |
With the daylight, the fire around which the warriors had been dancing, became only a smudge of smoke. |
5289 |
I looked at the rat pack. Without breaking their frozen tableau, they pleaded with me with their eyes. |
5290 |
I did not answer, but followed, keeping it in sight. That it was meant to be followed I did not doubt. |
5291 |
Death. That long descent into darkness. It was an appalling thought for a man who could live for ever. |
5292 |
Donations are half what they were only seven years ago. Fewer and fewer men are entering the seminary. |
5293 |
The restaurant is made of wood and sits on heavy teak pilings driven into the shore and the river bed. |
5294 |
The ramp began to close behind them and the ship shivered into life as engines obeyed the final order. |
5295 |
The gates would not be closed. A magic had been done, and once open, the massive portal remained open. |
5296 |
Once again, she found she liked his attitude. The region wasn't cold, but it remained a dandy pretext. |
5297 |
If I had ambitions, in fact, it was not toward respectability. I kept wanting to write funny material. |
5298 |
The word dropped off in midair as they came to the top of a steep wall of rock nine hundred feet high. |
5299 |
By high noon, all the new arrivals had been fed a decent meal and had some place to lay their blanket. |
5300 |
And suddenly, with the cynicism born of covering countless wars and tragedies, it all fell into place. |
5301 |
He drove more rapidly. They could make out a crowd, ambulances, squad cars and many policemen in blue. |
5302 |
I looked at the small men. They seemed friendly enough. Yet none of them made any move to help Janice. |
5303 |
He decided to finish his inspection. The State might have missed something. It was his ship, his life. |
5304 |
In the belly of me, though I would scarcely admit this to myself, I did not object. He was such a man. |
5305 |
He continued to concentrate on the first target, pushing his throttles full forward, picking up speed. |
5306 |
In the cut given below we see a face that might be duplicated among the old men of any part of Europe. |
5307 |
As was her unfortunate tendency, the imperious princess had not been able to resist the royal gesture. |
5308 |
That earned him a wan chuckle and, feeling a little better, he turned his attention back to the trail. |
5309 |
Leo bowed slightly. He had long black hair and a lock of it fell down over his forehead when he bowed. |
5310 |
They'd only be captured and taken to another hole, probably far worse than the one they had just left. |
5311 |
William was too exhausted to lie. I wanted to see how much seventy thousand dollars weighed,' he said. |
5312 |
That corridor didn't have a glow at the end, that pulled at him like a magnet pulls at an iron filing. |
5313 |
Johnny came hobbling back, favoring his injured chest, holding a chart in both bony hands. He pointed. |
5314 |
Also the skull was misshapen with a high dome of forehead as if to give room to a man's bulk of brain. |
5315 |
I pushed my cart over to the elevator, hit the button and waited. The doors opened and I rolled on in. |
5316 |
Pol had never seen the like. He stood stunned and incredulous, unable to think what he had done wrong. |
5317 |
It grew distant and hollow as my solid hand began to fade and vanish along with the rest of the world. |
5318 |
Weirder things have happened, his brain insisted right before he came to. None of it had been a dream. |
5319 |
She stalked back into the house and slammed the door, and only then did Joe slip between the branches. |
5320 |
Below us, the water swirled and smashed on the rocks, and the hot steam cascaded upward and around us. |
5321 |
His first night of luxury in many years shattered by a doorbell. He would have to get it disconnected. |
5322 |
Except that now he was a fugitive and branded upon him was the ultimate crime, the murder of a Squire. |
5323 |
Susan took another blank request form and, carefully placing it over her own, she headed for the desk. |
5324 |
She felt a momentary pang at the memory. Robert was the only real friend she had left from those days. |
5325 |
The speaker hesitated and moved about. Dido hoped he would step out into view, but it was a vain hope. |
5326 |
Someone spoke at her shoulder. She ignored the sound, the words. A hand shook her into accepting them. |
5327 |
He jammed her knees out. He spread her full. She pulled him in. She squeezed a fit. She shut her eyes. |
5328 |
Only then, when the mermaid had begun to feel fully at ease with him, did Cosmo's magical tests begin. |
5329 |
Of nearly a dozen men thus held, all but two were giving vent to their suffering, each in his own way. |
5330 |
I can't imagine why the Dowager insisted so much on my stealing this insignificant thing, she thought. |
5331 |
As I started to fall into the bubbling green stew, the same hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back. |
5332 |
Several minutes of dry sneezing ensued, finishing with him draped over the hatch rim, breathing hard. |
5333 |
The question was so casually put that the priest found himself momentarily unable to phrase an answer. |
5334 |
She met his gaze steadily, and it seemed all the stars concentrated their brilliant light in her eyes. |
5335 |
She used instead the staff to tap out a way ahead, hoping that she could avoid any perilous surprises. |
5336 |
Unseen hands grabbed me under the armpits and by the ankles, and the journey began to the city limits. |
5337 |
And the minister of defense swung open the big jail doors, and three people came out into the roadway. |
5338 |
When at last they were right in among the animals, the animals all stopped talking and stared at them. |
5339 |
I looked up. The audience was silent. My near accident had caused the assembled masses to gasp as one. |
5340 |
Then the bomb detonated. There was a burst of light. The planet split into two halves that flew apart. |
5341 |
She was answered by quiet assent and nods of the head. She did not acknowledge it but plowed right on. |
5342 |
Three carriages were lined up by the grain exchange, with the drivers standing by the middle carriage. |
5343 |
Just as I was in the middle of belting out a really romantic love song, the door to my room flew open. |
5344 |
Then suddenly, overborne by the strength of the personality confronting him, Frank Carter surrendered. |
5345 |
A trio of rocket grenades slammed in around us, throwing us against the crumbling sides of the crater. |
5346 |
Wayne heard gunshots due north. Call it cop familiar. Broke gambler blows town. Broke gambler unwinds. |
5347 |
The commander called the order into his mike just as the bogey ship's reply was heard on the speakers. |
5348 |
The face was reproachful, and the words seemed to blow away in the sound of the wind beyond the walls. |
5349 |
They sat over a small fire, huddled against the chill blowing in through the big gate from the street. |
5350 |
They waited. The wind stirred the branches of the pines around them, making a mournful, sighing sound. |
5351 |
From the tiny pouch, hung on strings at her belt, she produced the ring. She slipped it on her finger. |
5352 |
Officer Simmons shifted his position, and a bead of sweat rolled down his temple. He looked terrified. |
5353 |
It seemed a long walk from the lab back to his office. His secretary was in now, and noticed his mood. |
5354 |
Overhead, the domed cupola shone with a field of illuminated stars and the seven astronomical planets. |
5355 |
She kissed him. She ran down the stairs, happiness surging up in her, happiness and a kind of triumph. |
5356 |
And when Shayla's parents got divorced, her father moved out and her mother stayed in their apartment. |
5357 |
In that instant of hesitation, the dream became a nightmare. Through the gusting dirt he saw the Rake. |
5358 |
Iggy finished his cigarette, flipped the butt on the ground, and carried the lumber into the new wing. |
5359 |
I looked at the women, first one and then the other. They appeared to be sleeping. There was no death. |
5360 |
The boy fell in beside him. Hendricks strode along. The boy walked silently, clutching his teddy bear. |
5361 |
He cried out in wild exhilaration. Bach filled his brain, living triumphantly before him in cold fire. |
5362 |
Just then there was a commotion near the door. It opened, and a creature new to the group stood there. |
5363 |
The pain of their separation pierced him anew, as sharp as it had been the night she died in his arms. |
5364 |
In the dirigible control cabin, Doc found the iron mike intact. He saw the course on which it was set. |
5365 |
When Reed finished, Clay was back in uniform. They took a few seconds to get some clothes on the girl. |
5366 |
This sound which wafted with such horrible portent through the high tower room was music. Piano music. |
5367 |
A cry brought more men running as a wounded seaman was found hiding in a fold of rocks above the road. |
5368 |
She had a sweet smile on her face, too, and a calm look that made something serene out of elderliness. |
5369 |
Only two miles and they would be through the danger area, over the ridge and into Johannesburg proper. |
5370 |
They rounded a corner, and made their way back to the girls, who were now waiting impatiently for them. |
5371 |
The man seemed satisfied. He chewed the end of his ballpoint pen, then turned over the sheet of paper. |
5372 |
But just as I began to fear that I would betray myself to my mothers in a flood of tears, I was saved. |
5373 |
I didn't dare try to enter the cave. Be it man or booby trap, whatever had stopped Emil would stop me. |
5374 |
It was so clearly visible because through it streamed light as green as the frozen essence of emerald. |
5375 |
There was not much of a side canyon. And there was certainly nothing in it. Nothing unusual, at least. |
5376 |
In the flickering yellow light he saw a smile appear on her face, unmistakable this time, unambiguous. |
5377 |
The taxi driver did not like that. He and the man seemed to have quarreled before. The driver got out. |
5378 |
And we would die. That went without saying. Quite literally, it was knowledge that none of us uttered. |
5379 |
Heller looked down at his baseball shoes. They were coated with blood and fragments of bone and flesh. |
5380 |
Pure illusion. They would still die here on the shore before daybreak. But at least a moment to think. |
5381 |
There was a bright flash of light at their feet while they were still above the surface of the ground. |
5382 |
The blond girl stared at Johnny for a moment as though trying to figure out what on earth he had said. |
5383 |
Quinn was waiting out in the hall with a uniformed police officer, a checkerboard band around his cap. |
5384 |
He turned quickly to see both appraising him, paleness next to paleness, hands on knees as if to bolt. |
5385 |
If you can keep your Wits about you enough to tell her what I see, I would not mind doing such a task. |
5386 |
The years rolled on like a caterpillar tractor at Dachau, up to the penultimate day of the millennium. |
5387 |
They both laughed, pleased with their duet of the nursery song. They must have learned it as children. |
5388 |
One by one, the Aesthetics regarded each other in shocked silence, wondering what doom this portended. |
5389 |
James paused to catch his breath. The trip had been all of eleven inches and he had come at top speed. |
5390 |
Because there was no other sane course, Doc and his aides stepped out when they were ordered to do so. |
5391 |
Suddenly the dancer on the sand threw her hands before her face, and screamed. Then she pointed at me. |
5392 |
Emma thought for a moment. Well, that was awfully presumptuous of me, to think that he was unattached. |
5393 |
The man whom Ham had overcome was also gone. Evidently the dapper lawyer's assailants had rescued him. |
5394 |
They were both silent then, lost in the wonder of their dis |
This comma's misspelled
THREE quarters
The comma instead of the dot.
Точки не хватает.
Большое тебе Спасибо
апострофа нет
I believe, there's some misspelled verb. Maybe had
maybe it should be "flat" in those three cases?